The Huron Expositor, 1898-12-02, Page 31898. ree. 000000 smutted, a d LIPwards., District. , Manager. - pest why ot extra *.( long. er tilt large paper A in ades. rt hot DECEMBER 2,1898. •••• IMPORTANT NMIOES. rim) HORSE FOR BALE. --1 good delving horse, 5 years oid, tor Sale, • Apply to g.8OAflLT Winthrop. 1614x4 fl RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN at 5 per cent., pay 1- able yearly, on aret-olase farm security. Apply tole. S. HAYS, Doneinion Bank Building, Sereforth, e 1565 T 4.1;10KEINA, Dominton 'and Provincial Land eel•Saeaeyee, Member Of theAtesedatIon of Ontario Land Spryer" Dublin, Ontario. 1386452 TIOR SALE.—In the Village of lieneall, a fine brick N. dwelling and @tore combined, welt situated near centre of village Terms reasonable. Apply to ?hiss ti. CARLteLE, Hemet% 1616 NEY AT 6 PER CENT.—A large amount of JIJuseney has: been placed in my hands to lend to (Wets, in tuns and on tams to suit the borrower. Appt to J, kl. lisse, Barrister, Seaforth. 1678-tf pfeATTIE, Clerk nf the Seoond Division J " Cone), esenntv Commissioner, of Huron, Con - floor, Land, Loan and Ineuranee Agent. Funds osted and to Loan. Moe—Over Shares & none' stere, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 TaSTRAY HEIFER —Strayed from the premises of ye the undersigned, Lot 23, Concestion 2. Stenley, about the tint ot August, a Yearling Heifer. gray. Any information thenkfully received by JOHN A. efeEWEN, Box 24, Brucefleld, Ont. 1816-4 ertIMBER FOR HALE. The undersigned offers for et sale the timber on the East half of Lot 33, Con. eeesion 9 MoKilIop. Tbere le a q Iantity of good ash suitable for rile; also swine hardwood bush, which will be sold by the acre, and has appointed Ur. James Lockhart to sell the same. GEORGE HALL. 1613 STOOK FOR SAT,E. "DOR SALE.—The-underehtned hairier sale 6 Short - ✓ horn bulls, fit for seivice ; a nntnber of Short- horn cows and heifers ; a few Leicester sbearlings and ram lambs; and 2 gocd sound young woi king rearm Prices and terms to oft purchareirs. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ontario. 1607 STOCK FOR SERVICE. 11PROVED YORKSHIRE AN D C IIESTERW HITE SOARS.—The underaigned has for service on Lot 1, Conon:don 2 Tuckeismith, a thoroughbred im- proved Yorkshire and a thoroughbred Chester White Boar. Term, et slayable at tho time of service. THOMAS KERNIOK. 1616x4 "DOAR FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will „ID keep for service on Lot 26, Concession 4, Stanley, a thoroughbred Chesterwhite boar. Terme— $1, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN V. DIEHL. 1j591-tf ellaeULL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will JJ keep for service on his premises at Roxboro, thoroughbred Durham bull. Teems, 81; if paid ;adore January, 1899, or $1.25 afterwards. JOHN 157141 TO PIG BREEDERS.—The undereigned will keep j. on Lot 26, Concersion 6, L. R. S., Tookenmeth, thoroughbred CHESTER WIWI% Pio, also a thorouzh- bred YORKSHIRE PIO, A limited number of sows will be admitted to each. Terms, $1, payable at the tinie sal service, or $1.60 if char ed. Alro a few Chester White Pigs for sale. JAME8 GEHMILL. 1608-62 erfAMWORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOB, EIE11- 1, VIOL—The under signed will keep for service, at the Bruoefield Thew Faretory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, /nth registered pedigree. Tonna, al ; payable at Imo of servioe wieh privilege of re- turning it neoeteary. Alto a number of thorough- bred young Tamworth Beare and Bowe for sale. HUGH lieiGARTNEY. Brumfield. 140541 "TIAliWOR-T11 PIG FOR SERVICIa—The under- • signed hae for service on lot 82, concession 8, Meleillop, a thcro'bred Tamworth pig, to which a limited nun*eer of sows will be taken. Thi. is an extra good Wand breeders find it advantageous, to cross their berkshire sows with this breed of pig. Tennis $1, with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN .MoMILLAN 1506xtf ICON FOR SALE AND FOR glettVICE.— The • undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk- shiroahae for sale boars and SOWS in farrow. Ile will akto keep for service the stook boar, "King Lee," drehaaed from Mr. George Green'of Fairview, and winner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Tenn —111 peyable at the time of service with the privilege 'returning if necessary, if booked $L50. JAMES ORRANCE, Lot 26, Concession 5, MoKillop, Sea- orth le, 0. 1466.52 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. LIAM. 11311 SALE.—For rale, Lot 5. Concession 6, eU Hullett, near village of Kieburn, containing abeut ITO aores, all cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There are good builings, good orohard and pletty of excellent water. This i3 a splendid farm and will be bold cheap.. Immediate possession. Apply to MRS. SCHOALES, Constance P. 0. 1607 (:at EprOoMeOreityDar'eleLLrly Fo0wRne(IniyLE—For Mgrentz, In EgmonNville. A good brick house Mr.and stable and three acres of land, well planted with fruit treed. and in fitet.elass order. This is a moat coat- forteble and cenvenient Iecation for a retired farmer or market gardoner ; plenty of gocd water. It will be Hold very cheap, as the owner, Mr. H. Willert, lives in Dashwood, and does not require it. Apply to HENRY COLBERT, Egccondville, 1616x4 • pARyi IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 9, Concession 1. London road, Stanley, contain- ing about 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, balance good hardwood hush. The cleared land is underdratned and In a first-elass state of cultivation. Good frame house, frame barn and stehle and pig pen ; good bona% orator . d teee vole we1:0 16 tierce fal what and 25 ae..es seecitcl .a OW. ri la about ono and n half mike frin; Brucefield btation anal fl o miles from tlenealle It ef11 be sold cheap and on eas,Y terms. Apely on the eternises, or atidrees Brucefield P. 0. ALEX, J. ROSS. 1614-1t Snap Bargains In Real Estate and Live Stock. THIR1 Y DOLLARS an acre will buy a 181 acre farin—a first-class grain and etock farm—near the Village of Zurich. In the township of flay, County of Huron; good buildinge, geed fences, plenty of water and a most desirable place; also three thorousehbred short horn bulls and three Yorkehire boars, all fit for ;service Mee several roadster horses, all good stook, and prices right. For partictilars apply to 8. RAN - ME, Zurich P. 0. 161241 AUCTION SALES. eati BLIC AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS.—The undersigned has re- ceived instructione 10 esti by publio auction- on Lot Concession 2, L. R. S., Tuckeremith, on elondity De:ember reh, 1898, at 12 o'clock, noon, the follow- ing ; Hone s -01.e gelding rising seven years old, 1 zettling ritsine four ,years old, 1 gelding rising fl'. years old, 1 aged brood ware, Cattle Two conch cows eupeosed to- be in calf, 3 heifere three years old, .suppcsed to he in calf • 1 steer tieing two years old, 1 heifer two years old, 1 heifer one year old. Pigs — Three well-bred Chester brood sows with litter. Sheep, --Three yeelahred Ldcester ewes, 2 lambs. About ea hens. I mplemente—Two lumber wagoua, Pair bobsleighs, Phaaten buggy, double buggy, lender, mower, seed drill, cultivator, furniture waxen, sin :le plow, twin gang plow, roller, set irun hal rovm, 2 set single harness, fanning mill, htry fcrk, ni.h rope and pullei s complete ; set team harness. AltIO the household furniture coneieting cf parlor suite, chairs, tables, kitchen stove, parlur acne, bedroom suits, ard other articles too nuiner- OUR to ms neon. The above ilt pcsitively be sold, as the proprietor flee sold the farm and is going to British Columbia. Terms of -sale.—A11 sums of 98 and under, e-sh ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A di‘icouut of & cents On the dollar will be afloaed off for catth on all credit amounts. GEORGE INGEtAel, Prcprietor ; WILLIAM McCLO Y, Auc- tioneer. 1616-2 TUE ttoiN POSITO R. 1' S OK IlEADACHE Positively cured by,theS0 Little Pills. ey also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, estion and Too Hearty Eating. A per. feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsis nes , Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue' Pa' in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. PIII. 'email Dose, Small Price. Substitution , the fraud o See you get Ask for car Insist an'd d mand Carter's Litt e Liver Pills, 1)1 MAC. A l'OTION SALE OF FARM • STOCK .1 AND IMPLEMENT.—h0 undersigned has re - 0 11 ire:ructions to sell by public auction on Lot 28, Coneesbion 10, Iiibbert, pia Tuesday, December rah, 1;!.qtz. at 1 :Meek p. the following : Brood mere 7 ease old supposed tel be with foal, 1 general purpose mare 8 years old, 1 sPan finite risiag 3 years old, 1 sueking foal, 1 thoroughbred Durham cow with ealf at foot, 1 thorgughbred Durham cow in calf, one thoroughbresi Durhqn heifer 1 year old, 1 farrow cow, I hiller 2 eere old, 1 heifer 1 year old, 1 Weir 1 year (id, 1 thoroughbred Yorkshire brood filVir tO litter in DecetiTher, 0 store hogs, 16 pigs 3 months old, 60 hen. 1 lumber wake)r'pair bobsleighs, 1 combined Mae iey-liarrie seed drill, 1 Sharp hey rake, 1 land roller, 1 fanning mill, e root pulper, 1 eingle plow, 1 set iron harrows, 1 set team harness, 1 stock tack, 1 hay rack, 1 stone beet, 1 gravel box, a quan- tity efebasee ood and elm 1uniber, about 8 tons ciover hay, 300 bu bele of mangOlde, and about the seine of turnips, and other articles toe numerous to mention. Tile above will poeitively be( sold, as the proprietor has etild hie farm. Terms of fitale—All sums of $6 and under, rah; over that amount 12 months' credit will be tziren pi furnishing approved joint noted, AC di& i,ount of 6 cents on the dollar will he allowed cif for Pahl' Orl all eredit amount's,R. B. HOGGARTflePro- prietor ; WM McGLeY, auctioneer. 1615 e (SE DATE AT BOTTOM) J. Y. EGAN 26 West Richmond St. Toronto The 'billy Rupture Specialist Ill The Dominion' Long recognized by the public and pro. fessioo of the Dominion. THE LEADING, THE MOST SKILLFUL, THE MOST PROGRESSIVE, THE MOST SUCCESSFUL Authority in the treatment. of Rupture. Call and Interview Him Yon may thus know your true condition, and this at the hands of a Master in his profession. If your case is one that needs attention'he will supply Just what you need and on the mostreason. able terms. Examination and .Advice Free 1Mr. Egan is the possessor of the largest and most successful practice of any one in his line"—being the only specialist in this department in the Dotninion. His patients say they have not words to express their gratitude, and never before had instruments to pro- duce such marvelous -change in such short time. This fact alone gives un ample encouragement that his anticipations arc not mere fancies of the imagination, but'only the reward _which is sure to follow true merit Mr. Egan's ability to diagnose all forms of Rupture is one of the secrets of his flUCCC33. Over 30 Years 3xperience his long established business in Toronto is prof that He lives up to every Agreement Hia 'treatment is quick and permanent and he proteets his patients by taking only those cases that can be relieved, PROOF PO.5iTIVE That he cures when ottierS ellen fall to hold the parts in place. Dote the following letter not core vi -ice you r it represots one of hundreds now in ow possessters DKAR IR I am plietsi d to pay that tee instrutnent you fitted on me dieing your visit to Seaforth, leas held me teicu.ely aed eget/ to perform the heavieet work on my farti sith eb-olute comfort. For the •halt three menthe I heve had no trouble, whets err. My Ib- rice -re Dr. Bethune of this town, has pronounced the instruentent est adrnir tble fit and expressed the opinion that In a very Ault thee I may be enabled to dIspenee with it altogether,. I would strongly advt.:: 'sufferers with rupture to stop experimenting all ct call, sed see ou, be fitted, and then secure p rmanent relief, whirh I now have to the fullest extent after belie( a sufferer for over ten years wit this menacing tette-time MR SAMUEL B Re A MOT, Seaforth, Ontario. June 29th, 1.8117. Exeter, Come, rt Hotel, Dtaernber 6th 1898 -Gederich, Bre ish Exeh flge Hotel, December 6t eel 7th, 189S •, SEAFOR CH. QUEEN'S HeTEL Thureday (all day and evening), December 8f13 189F ; •slyth, gittiett'it lint I, December Ath, 1898 Wingnsni, Queen'. Hotel, December 10th, 1898 1C;; cardine, ttoyal Hotel, Deceniber llth and 12th 18P8. 1616-2 11 WHICH ROAD? 1••••••,..4..w.r I you could ties back to Te forks Of this ; road- 03ack the long miles you hays carried the load, Back BW the place here *ott had to da- y this tway or that through,i your Ufe to abide, Back of the sorrow and back of the cox*, 'Back tot the place Where ,the future was faft If you lstere there mew, st• elision to make, Oh, pilgrim of sorroW, wljlch road would you( take? after you'd trodden the other long traek, Supposethat again to the forks you went bac*, After you found that its pleomises fair Were bet a delusion that led to a snare; IThat the road you drat traveled with 'sighs and unrest, ' iThough dreary and rough, was most gra- ciously blessed With balm for each bruise and a charm for each ache— Oh, pilgrim of sorrow, wh ehroad would you take? —Hartford 'Religitus Herald. PERSIAN RULER'S JiiWELS. ING THE DRYDOCK. ' GE TING A WARSHIP IN AND OUT IS A DIFFICULT JOB. 9111E (ARDIGAN °VERSO LIGHTEST, NEATEST C H EAPES WARMES OVER HOE IN THE MARKET. ErrOr of a Few Inches In Calor:L- i tion May Hopelessly Ruin the '6 easel! How the Risky Undertalr. lei Carried Into lixectution. drydock is a huge basin in which a ye sel may be placed and from which the W ter can be exhautited in order to expose he hull for inspection, cleaning and re- po r. Its sides are sloping and arranged in steps like an amphitheater. Entrance is ffeoted through; a passage that can be cl sed. The big Brooklyn dook is 500 feet lot g when the caisson that oloses the en- tr nce Ls. in place, ijBO feet wide at the top an only 50 feet at the bottom and has a de th that insures,25% feet of water on be threithold, or sill, at mean high tide. t is al far more dOlicate job to put a VO -- 80 into a drydock !priverly than the nn - in thsted imaginal Upon the precision w thwhich this undertaking is carried in- to execution depends the very life a the fah p. An error of a few inches may re- sult in iniuries that will cost thousands of ch Hardt() repair, I, they do not hopelessly rt in her. The aim of the officer'in charge of this work is to get the ship in such a the water is pumped e will sink down on to arranged blocks along f the dock. The Ore - has a displacement of and her weight is all these supports, called is is about 120 tons to sltion that when t of the basin s cries' of careful' e central line n, for instance, out 10,000 ton rne on 870 of eel blocks." T a block; hence the need of evenly distrib- u Ing a Vessel's weight on these blocks. The outline of ono vested differs from a other, however, and an arrangement of b ocks that wouldexactly suit ono would b sure to wreck another. It is cuetom- a y, therefore, at naVal docks to prepare an elaborate "docking plan," in advance honever a ship is to be docked, Draw - 1 gs of the vessel herself aro carefully con- s 'tad in Odor tit ascertain the precise s ape and length of her keel, the position support her screwe (if row vessel), her rudder , if she has any. The f the task—he belongs bureau—also has rneas- ekinto which the ves- t then makes a plan in of the ship is predeter- z —to a tenth of an inch, f the struts tha he be a twin s nd her bilge keel Piker in charge the con struetio rements of the d I is going. H hich the positio ined to an Inc fact, The kee advance. On e he stone coping o indicate Where her bow and stern are o come. The greab!otstIng steel am, or caisson, hat serves s a gate to the dock is first auled out o th way. Stout tugs then d work her around grad- asin. If the vessel is a torpedo boat, perhaps de of ft dozen men will blocks are all arranged ither side of the dock on ohalk marks are placed 017,13 the ves I a ally into' ttle mall one, like copes in the ha uffice. When she is nearly in place, the aiseon is swung back across the opening. ater is the admitted to sink it until it ts On the bottelm. Subsequently, when am pumps have exhausted the water m- the baciin, -the pressure of that ent- itle against the Caisson holds it firmly in lace. ; Meantime the Officer in charge is direct- ing. the final ste s in the task of placing the ilhip. Linos have been run from the bow and stern of the vessel out to the sides of the dock and hence to huge capstans. By hering away on one of those and slackirg up another the ship can be moved forward or backward, and the right oom- 1iler Was Not Rea onsible. bination of etra,ins will, bring her to any repent article in a French magazine desired position. npoi famous diplomats rid their wives Opposite the bow and tern, on either rela• aiorlittle anecdote of how irst side of the dock, at the chalk marks prowl- Pri ce CI ens MetternA. ieh, when us - s ously left there, have been s t up portable tr1a,3 Chancellor of state, Puce slipped out stands called "battens," by earns of which of difficulty that threi4ined to be quite on can sight across the ock and tell a formidable one. whether the ship is correctl placed longi- Bti wife, the erratic Princess Melanie, tudinally. Ane her set of attena at the bad grievously offended Ythe French o °re - i head -of the dock and on t caisson give bastiador, the Count de e, lahault. by the the range for d termining if she is cen- abruptnese and discourtsy with,,which, trally situated ith,referen e to the aides, in ono of her moods of wOimsical ill; tem - In this latter 1 (miry the fficer's assist- per, she had chosen to treat him. ant5 are guided by plumm 10 adjusted at Her tongue was not' biy sharp; and the middle of 11 es that str Yoh across the some of her remarks stu g so deepl , that dock at the bo and steri and that sag the -aggrieved official went formally to her enough to alio the plummets te go an husband to complain of hior, assertirithat inch oatwo bele. the surfa .e. he could not, in his quali. y of emba dor. It is also nec sary, if th burden is to submit to Such insulting treatment. be borne as 1t1 hould be, hat the Ship Prince !Metternich was not at a1 die - shall stand u ight and rt have any concerted.' With a genially apol gotta "list" In ea she is til ed over, even shrug, but in a tone of 4c1ce expressive of slightly, to one, :ido this difficulty is over -the most gallant devot n to his consort, coma by shiftin the weights on board be- he exclainied: ; fore the pumpiet out of the water lets the "What -would you hay my dear &aunt? ship come down on her supports. From I meb the princess; I oved her; I have the sides of the ock against each side of married her, but it was Lot 1 who brOught the vool orS adjusted spars, called her upi" ' "shoies." The occupy a nearly hod- Iliac was no further 1 Cub* but if the , zontal position and are desig.ned to pre- prince's answer was •.,h quick witte4, vent tipping or 61(10V/tips when the ship and diplomatic, it war ..oainly somewhat finally rests an the iced blocke. If the hard upon h s mother -I . 4law f No BUTTONS. For Women, Misses and Childr NOTICE TO FARMERS After December the 1s1, tearket rur dress -d hogs pricet at T. R. F. CASE 181,1 you will find an unlimitOd at the highest market & CO.'S, Seaforth. POR SALE NV ALL'EMOE DEALERS. The CARDIGAN OVERSHOE C STRATFORD, ONT. Fabulous Worth of the ems In the Peacock Throne one. Who has not heard of the ersian jevrels —their glory, their numlier, their price- 1 IT less worth? When the door were Unlooked 1 and I was token l into the peacock throne room, I found Myself au oundod by a mass of wealth unequal I in the world. Nowhere are such treasu but novrhere also is there such an EMU ulation of rub- bish. I will, however,. di miss the rub- bish and refer only to the t asures. Down each side of the room werelchairs entirely covered with eheeted gold, an0 at intervals were tables of gold, milled, !I' ohuddered tO note, with the commonest Of black headed' nails, . At the far end of the room was the won- der Of the world, the p abook throne. Whether it • is one of, the s *viten thrones of the (eat Mogul and wa prought from Delhi don't knew, but it US certainly the most ostly orname t that the eye of man can lo k upon. I i spected it most care- fully. It is entirely of silver,; a great camp bed stlructure, but model d; in lovely do- t signs. It is incrusted from. end to end and from top to bottom with' diamonds. • At the biotic is a star o brilliants that make e you blink. Tile ng on which the shah sits is edged with ;precious. stones, and the pillow on which he reclines is coy - r ered with pearls. I could cep on ,writing about tile dazzling beauti s of the throne of the king of kings, but knever could get beyond declaring it to be a superb -Jewel. Some people have valued ft at £5,000,000. Its real value is between143.000,000 and £13 000,000, • 11; But, though the peacoo ' throne is the magnum opus of the Per Jan crown jew- el% it by ao means extin ishes the mag- nificence of the other trea tires. Who can attempt, however, to reco nt the number of- bejeweled arms, the yal arms, the flashing aigrets, the tray ,piled up with out and uncut stones and the bowls filled with pearls that you can r n through your !Mg rs like a handful of ce? Every one has heard of the Daria-f-Nur, or sea of !y ligh , sister diamond to t ' e Kohinoor, or mo ntain of light, Eve one has also I h of the Globe of the World, made by ' the late shah, of 75 pOU Sis of pure gold and 51,331 gems—the sea of emeralds, Per la of turquoises, India of amethyst% .Afr ca'of rubies, Englan and France of dia onds—and valued a 4947, 000. —II - lust ated Magazine. Si Your Furniture wants can be best supplied by. us. We have the etook that will piease irou and at attractive prices. We have the finut line in both • ASSORTMENT AND QUALITY. The season for tIlae looking about for Furniture is at hand. H charges, and the low piles we are soiling means a big saving. tar WE DELIVER FURNIVRE -FREE. ving no freight 1 -CT ID T3 R11'..43_3KIN a - OW Our Undoraking Department is complete and strictly up-to-date, with a i larger selection than ever before, and prices to suit every one's needs. We have I a quantity of suitable chairs to be used at funerale, which we will lend free f charge, and any orders that we are favored with all receive oar best attentioirt. Night calls promptly attended to by our undert er, Mr. B. T Holmes, Gocleir- ich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodist chnr - 1 ship is evenly balanced, the shores will press very gen*against her, but if she is not propeily balanced there is danger that - they may punchl holes in her sides. It takesabodt two or three hours to pump out the sMall granite dock at the Brooklyn yard land about five hours to empty the big tinther dock. As soon as the water is out the ship's Sides are care- fully examined.1 'Men on scaffolds that swing from hen sides scrape off the tiny snallshell-like *arnacles and the long, hairy weed that Ithey find there. This is done with a brush in which the bristles aro of wilre. Whenever, as rarely happens, the surface of a filalp is found to be corrod- ed a sand blast IS employed to clean the surfaces but thie Operation ip costly and is seldonYneeded. I ; I ; . Two or three coats of paint are then ap- plied in rapid sUceession, special composi- tIonsl being used thet dry quickly. One of these is designed to protect the plates fromcorrosion and goes next the metal. The outermost coat is intended to prevent or discourage fouling. Varibus trilling or important repairs are made while th ship is in dock;nd if any great weight are to be remov d and restored a huge der rick is brought into play. The eleanin and ;painting eau be done inside of 2 hours, and if there is a hurry eleotri lights can,Jaa. placed so as to enable me to work wider' the ship as well at nigh as by day. . . Removal, like admission, must be con ' ducted at higF tide. The dock is gradu- ally filled. The shores are taken away, and the ship is bold in place only by Moor- ing lines. I Asthe water comes in she is ) lifted off the looks. Some of, the water in the hollowl caisson that dams the en- trance is also Puinped out to float it. The , caisson is swung out of the way, and then . the shin is cantiously hauled out. i ; Sarcatie. Willie—I once knewla girl 4vho nearlyi died from ice aretun poibioning. Nellie—The: very idea I I ould nev r have dreamed of such a thing happenin , to a girl of Your acquaintano —India anon. .Tournal. • - MARRIAGE. LICENSE0 ISSUED AT THE HURO1 EXPOSITOR OFFICE; SEAFO TH, ONTARIO. P40 WITNESSES REQUIRED, A•Stipeysiition 'Abo Laird Minto. .About LOrd Minto, 4.0 was govern° general of India from II:97 to 1813, an who died soen after his return, Sir Wal Scott tells the following 4,1ous legend: "It is ver Y odd that th13fllommon peopl about Minto and the rhoghborhood wil not believe at this hour4-1825—that th first earl is deed. They think he had don something in India whih be could n answer for—that the hotijie was rebuilto o scale unusually large t give him a sui of secret apartme ste a d that he Ofte walks about the w nodo aniI crags of *int at night, with a w ite ni htoap and Ion white beard. T e Giro materna) of hi having died; onth road pwn 80 Scotian is the sole &uncle ion of 1thus absurd leg end." One would ha e .tho would have been deligh capital story. B t tip; for rank and pow r sto due appreciation e en of and white nightca 1I_____ ght that Scot ed with such ma's reveren In the way he "white change. Not jllngl ndFor Daughter. In The Pall e all Magazine Willia Archer disdisses t e real rather than th sentimental relati nship , xisting betwee America and Eng and. Ii part he wri A misleading etaphcr may do a gre t deal to beget and porpettjiate confusion 1 thought, and ma a me phor 1 sugges Is that svizioh de oribes ;England as t e "mothersountry' of Aflaerfoa. Tennyso has given it liter ry sanCtion in the li • "Gigantic Daug ter of the West," an Mr. William %Vat On, in his sonnet beg' ning "0 towerin daughter, Titan of t • west," repeats th phrae without misgi ing. Both poets gnore the flight of t and zni take a hi rical for an actual laden. The Am Moan of today is not t daughter of the E gland of today. 1 A Common complaint. He—Yes, she is livin "tinder an ass= Dame, She--rHorriblet What is it? He—The one she assioned immediate y 'after hr husband martied her.—Syracuse Herald BROADFOOT, BOX & CO., RR Lars an 0.y...we.. from the gardens of India to our brefast 11 eat and Groceries e' WILSON & McNAUOITON Would again remicd the public that !they hav;e just opened a choice line of that cannot be excelled for quality and price. Our OPHI. In Our are of the kinest BInds. _ utcheiiing 1Department We will endeavor to supply our custpmlers with the choicest meat. All kin4 of Dressed Fowl wanted. Produce taken in exchange for goods. REMEMBER THE PLACE—HORTON'S OLD STAND. TELEPHONE 14. BUS/ .ESS Roin The best place in Amer! women to secure it Dutilnet Dlochaniesi Drawing or Pont etn tem of Aa]. Business. firms begin any t Clittalogn Detroit. W ,6/1/ ea for young mem and x I:duct-Lion, Shorthand, nant hip. Thorough_ eye - I un entirn year. Stud& tits Yron. ltererptter. all 10.4. 1'. n. sek:Nceurucc. %1ijIn& MeNanotton Seaforth. ne Day's Work we give this fine Watch, Chain &Charm for selling two doz. packages of Ezqui.• site Perfume at 1,11 cents each. Send addrciss and we forward the perfume, postpnid, and our Premium List. No money required. SO the perfume among- your friend5, r6tum money, and we tend the watch. prepaid. This is a # genuine American Watch, guaranteed a ' od timepiece Mention this paper. Specialty Co to Victoria St.Toronto Saiisfied Cus mers. It is 1 our beli fi that the best advertising we can do is to satisfy our dastodie 0: -In this bac of adwriting we are most successful, for style, fit, price and workmanship, to say nothing of the satisfied feelin' s of Our efustorneS, are constantly bringing U8 new customers an4 a return 1 of -Old ones. For the Fall and Winter trade we Will still continue o satisfy, and if you want to have that satisfied feeling yori will make it a point to leave your order with is for your FaIll or jWinter Suit and Overcoat. WE SATISFY ALWA I BRIGIIT B OS., SEAFORTH Arbre' After* VPOril (1511011PhO6.ini et The Great.; inglish Berney. Sold and eeommended by all gs druggists 1 rads, Onlyreli- 101 imedici discovered. lifx es nteed to cur eS ail forms• Se W akness,, ell effects of almas or exams, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed 0iiTe41pt of price, one package_ $I, six, S5. One wilt Az tattl cure. -Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Conaway, Windsor, 0, Oro ' I Sold in Beatorth by Lumeden & Wilson. druggists. CENTRAL Hardware StoM. We have a first-class line of Cook Stoves and Heaters. Moffatt's Stove4, fitted, with steel ovens, are second to none in the !mar- ket, ' Gurney's Imperial Range is ecknowl- edged to be the hanclsonYest range and the best baker in -the market. We have a full line of Greening's 'Steel w Chains and Cattle Irons, the best fix- nre in the market. Give us a call, you will find our firices ight. Furnaces a specialty. ills 8/. IVI urdi e H RDWARE, outiter's Old Stand, Seaforth. McKillop Taxes. elfantati Donn*, collector of taxeii for the Town - able of McKillop, will be at -the Royal Hetet, Sas- forth, every Friday and Saturday efternoon tun to Ib. fourteenth day of December, for the purpose of ' receiving tax monies. All taxes remaining envied' after the date named, will be charged five percent. extra. CHARLES DODDS, Colleeiftor. 16l2 -tel Fir N. Watson, ISN20, REE We wait an -1 cloutzrnL,Erovr:Ry,cli,11,fltr di.: eaBtice-ht. Ots,enadtytoeti;rCalt.;: dress and we for %VIM! theButtene,pcespeid. and Our Premtuta gLuisit.Nored,sernihrtv hrt:BAtietz tons among your Iriends, return the money, and we :arid tAhegeheatiaitnceb, A pine re pr rciad. n guaranteed, Mention arewbo ention t11nir' v this p:71k. er • WbetiBLwiEuivntinvg. 0RN 20 Adelaide St Toronto, (int. IT -PLS P0 The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONTARIO, Is certainly entitled to a distinct position amongst the Canadian business school% It's work stands clear and above its competitors. Its graduates are eminently successful in the business world. We have been too busy of late to write advertisements, but the good work of placing pupils is still going on. Twenty or more have been placed since Our last ad. was sent out, and our space is too limited to allow us to list them here. From now 011 we hope to keep you posted in what we are doing. Write for catalogue of either department to D. MoLACHLAN & Co.. Chatham, Oct. SEA,FOR H , and Life. iralurance Agent, Houses to nt, Real Estate Agent. Dealer in the AYMOND and WHITE family and mane - teetering Sewing Machines, All kind of Smeowdienrgate.Mlachsnes repaired. Charges Agentior the ; WHITE AND OODERICH BICYCLES. First -Class Wheels in Every Respect. 134.10.1 RIG -FET. 1580.52 I , ; 3NTO'I'M S TO armers'' and Others. If you want genuine Joliette Grinders a d JoliettO Grinder Plates, call at 4.RI. CpARBELL'8, SEAFORTH Se nd D?or North of Dominion Batik. Plates 1 will' fit Maple Leaf grinder, also 1. Ma well & Son's, St. Marys. Largje line of Implements. Call and ex- amine them before buying elsewhere—It will p you. 1614-8 SHIN LES AND LUMBER FOR SALE. The znd.retgned has for sale, cheap, first and nd 1lui PINE AHD CEDAR Sununu. Also a lot cf Ilsin,oes Limns, all kinds. Shingles and lumber he seen at Rippen station. A ear, load of Pine a d Hemlock Planks' Scantlings, ole,, just reeseived, ens can be left atthe station, or with 1 JAMES 000PER, 16631f London Road. ')loo la Y d N30100 10 MOTS NOSNHO2 artempasu Merchants, Seaforth. Special Attention to Horseshoeing and General Jobbing. Goderich street, Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH iind CARRIAGE Opp. MAKER W10121 - - - Seaforth. Mc LEO D'S System Renovator —AND OTHRR— - I TESTED -REMEDIES. A specific and antidote for Impure, Weak and Im- poverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - tion of the Heart, Liver Cotritilaint, Neuralgia, Lose - of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stoma, Jaundice, 10 ney and Urinary Diseases, Si. Vitus' Dance, Female Inegularieles arid General Debility. LABORATORY—Gederich, Ootario. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Menu facturer. Sold by 3. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. tsoi-t 1 ao••••••••••••••••••••••••Mi... Something Nice In Harness Is & handsome horse, we cannot sell you the horse; but we've a splendid stock of Harness, the quality of which is unsur- passed. The largest and best stock of Horse Blankets, Plush and Waterproof Rugs, Goat Robes and Whips in town. We have also added a nice line of Trunks and Valises. Priees the lowest. M. BRODERICK, sEAFORTH. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at 41 Ana 5 per mot. per ennum. Any amount on first-els:es feral laud security. Ap- ply to 11.8. HAYS, Dominion Bank Building, Sea - forth. , 1e07 5.