The Huron Expositor, 1898-11-25, Page 71898.
the candidate
zing, but he
. The evo-
ths without
ter at the feet
and thin, short
- haw they
, isn't preju-
earn the plain
a be hie busi.
ly if they are
kl not to break,
lo VUU think 1
(•apid but very -
figure and
• yoars."
te her day. The
• She got on _
tin at -13G. He
r ikt 133
elL fur him, be -
ht times out of
der to guess a
S, because I can
and find hew
n I have to de -
m. I can tell
inanas clothing,
nau it iate't eaey
eigh. One ma-
nuch as some -
int like it, and
ntl or two be-
uaderskirts or
those little baga
s them almost
ttle while ago I
and 1 guessed
y three ef them.
ie. It took me
iainese, thoagh.
Beeton, and
he went to
tad fifteen pen.
then, But you
ea any money
-e I miesed the
wa-a'r so bad
he binineee two
sande of people.
waa. a man that
here's a woman
.as 3'17 pounds,
• other dty to a
wen, Zi weigh ?"-
a eheit, dumpy
eseven peunda,"
a. got look,
t 0 e %vermeil
ety-two at the
rnn the guesser
eat poeket and
f hii bank ac -
tire and re.
"a on children
; 1 dy have ae-
.pp"ait. Prince
LI seeser of the
• .1hirkish
z i neely and
• appeal
edssion itt
idea alma, are-
:: lieeee flo, itt
s, hundreds -ot'
ion pseple with
recea a.ihes left
f ieer officere
e Imo, in the
t..t purpose
nate eczema,
'-fife, and Dr-
s.(' speedily and
ra to mothers
Lich are accom-
riod, are quickly
,passes away -
ire reigned with
len brought rest
re -it affords la-
c:lief from the
r distress....
u suffer frorct
- blits.d,
„tug or ulcer-
? -No remedy
Frought so quick
spared painful,
al operations as
ar:w's Otiltnigut
roved itself asa •
...ere for piles:
d at all stagese-,
ee the itching.
a inetant-and ;
ear after trona ;
1t -the pain and
tumors vanish.
on. Pacific Ave. fl„
rith scald -head and •
ribed by her physze
thpurposes,but the
Ointment was bet
be baby and cored
had been the bana
ic'a of breath and
r tanding-relie1c4
5 and liver trouble
Do not think for a single
mine= that consumption will]
ever strike you a sudden blow.'
It does not come that way.
It creeps its way along.
First, you think it is a 'little
cold; nothing but a little hack-
ingcough; then a little loss in
weight ,• then a harder cough;
then the fever and the night
The suddenness comes when
you have a hemorrhage.
Better stop the disease while
k is yet creeping.
You can do it with
You first notice that you
cough less. The pressure on
tie chest is lifted. That feeling
of suffocation is removed. A
cure is hastened b y placing one of
Dr. Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral Plaster
over the Chest.,
A Beek Free.
It is on the Diseases of the
Throat and Lungs. '
WP118 as Frassfy.
If yen haTe any complaint whatever
and desire the best medical navies you
man possibly receive, write the doctor
freely. You wilt receive a prompt reply,
without east. Address.
DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Kass.
Our direct connectiona will save you
' time and money for all points,
Canadian North West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
British Colambia and California
Oar rates are the lowest. We heve them
to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR-
IST CARS for your accommodation. Cell
for further information.
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations ail
.Gouto WEsT- SPApowril.
Paiwourer IF 0 12.40 P. ht.
Passenger.... _ .. 10.12 P. M.
Mixed Train.... 9.90 A. M.
Mixed Train - ., . • .. 6.16 P. M.
%MO EAmr-
l'assenglr.. • •
Mixed Train..
7.65 A. M.
8.11 P. M.
6.20 P. M.
12.56 P. et
10.27 P. M.
10.16 A. M.
7.05 P. M
7,40 A.M.
2,65 P. M.
4.86 P.M.
We 'neon, Grey and Bruce.
tiOnre NOP4T11-
'Gourd- SouTn-
Ethel .
Loaidon, Huron and Bruce.
10.04 P. M.
0.60 A. M.
7 00
1.40 P. M.
8 05
8.66 A. M.
GOING NoRlrii- Passenger.
London, depsrt 8.15 A.M. 4.45 P.M.
Centra,lia 9.18 6.66
Exater,..- ...... ..... 9 BO 8.07
Hensalll. 9.44 6 18
Kippe ' 9.60 6.25
Bruceeld 9.68 6.83
Clint° 10.16 : 6.66
Londe boro ...... .... _10 33 ' 7.14
Blyth. .. -. ..... i ..... 10,41 7.28
Belgrai e... . - .... ...... 10 66 7 57
Wingh m arrive ...... .. 11.10 8 00
00210 Sou n- Pamenger.
Wingh in, depart,- .;.. 6.63 A.M. 3.30 P. M.
Sulgralre ........ .. 7.04 5.46
Blyth ' 7.1U 400
Loudeshoro........ - .... 7.24 4.10
Clinton- 747 4 80
Brumfield. 8 06 4.60
Kitipen 8.17 4.69
Hensall-. ........ ... - -. 8.24 ' 6.04
Exeter_ .......... _ .,.. 8.68 6.16
Centralia,.... .. ...... .... 8,50 6.26
London, (arrive) 0.50 A M. 6-20
of the Newest Goods to be had da Wings,
Feathers, Ribbons, Buckles and Hat Shapes
for the November Trade at the -
A great variety of Fashionably Trimmed
Hats, Toques and Bonnets always kept in
stack, so d the intending purchaser has no
difficulty in Selecting what is both becoming
and suitable.
Musical - Instrument
Owing to hardtimes, we. have con-
'Iudea to Rd]. Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced rice&
-..(hzgans at $'):i fwd. unwards, and
Pianos at correspondine nrices.
See us before pin uhaeing.
An Important Question.
- A certain member of the House of Repre-
sentativee was called on not long ago to dee,
liver a few remarks to a gathering of Sun-
day school, scholars and he chose determin-
ation as the theme of his discourse. Ranging
along arsong those characters in history who
made therhaelves familiar by their courage
and resolution, he logically touched upon
the career of Juliais Caesar.
" And last," h said in an oratorical flight,
Julius Caesar, lled with the spirit that
leada men on to tory and to everlasting
fame, looked to ard the wonderful capital
of his country, sitting on the seven hills and
from her throne �f beauty ruling the world.
He felt the pulse; of hie future greatneas
throbbing in his oarsing veins and from his
serried legions' front, far to the north, he
saw the path that etretohed from the
tent door of the plain commander of the
Roman soldiery to the golden steps
of the imperial structure that crowned
the Capitoline hill. Then he gave the order
to march, and the hosts swept shouting for-
ward until their course was stopped by the
rolling floods of a mighty stream rushing re-
sistlessly to the sea. Here Camr halted,
but for an instant only. In that .instant
the glorious visions of a more glorious R me
filled his ambitious being and Caesar aro sed
the Rubicon. Crossed the Rubicon," h re-
peated, to intensify bift period, and then
asked with all the orators fervor, "And
why did Caesar cross the Rubicon? I ask
you, why did Caesar crosathe Rubicon ?"
I know," piped up a small boy before
the speaker could get to his next sentence.
"He crossed it 'cause he wanted to get on
the other Side' " and there spread over the
boy's face ouchan innocent look of pleased
triumph in having helped the crater out
that it was really heartless to reprove him.
But it crippled the speech badly. •
11AGYARD'S YELI,OW ois., cures sprains, bruises,
sores, %minds, -cuts, ;frostbites, chilblains, stings of
insects, burns, scalds, contusions, etc. Price 26e.
Thrums. .
-The greatest firmness is the greatest
mercy--Lopgfellow. . .
-Early knowledge is very valuable cap,
dal with which to set, forth in life; it gives
one ari advantageous start. If the °ides-
sion of knowledge has a given value a 50, it
has a much greater value at 25. -Mrs Bur-
-Happyis that commonwealth where
the people fear the law as a tyran ; and
those persohs should be more honored who
in peace maintain the state in tranquility,
and in war defend it by their laber and
magnanimity. -Plato.
-Sulky labor and the labor of seirow are
of little worth; if you could only shed tran-
quility over the conscience and infuse joy
into the soil you would do more to.znake
the man a' thorough worker than if you
could lend him the force of aereules, er the
hundred arms of Briareus.-Wilberforce.
-There s ap electric fire in human na-
ture tending to purity,so that among human
creatures there is continually some birth of
new heroisin. The pity is that we must
wonder at it, as we should in finding a pearl
in rubbish. I have no doubt, that thousand4
of peoplenbver have heard of hearts com
pletely disietereited.-Keats.
-Life isieverywhere more strenuous an
arduous than it used to be, more hurried
and bustling, noisier. Swindlers in associ4
ated companies rum their thousands on a
scale unknown in earlier times, and scatter
despair and lunacy on their way to jall or a
leisured eompetence, asi the case may be.
The earth seems grown into a weltering
spinning chaos, full of noises, confusions,
crimes. -David Christie Murray. ,
The Medical- Profession Recom-
mended Dr. A. W. Chase's
Dr. C. M.'Harlan, writing in the A.merIcan Journal
of Health, February 10th, s tys : " Among the pro-
prietary nardloinee deservlog recognition is. Dr.
chess's Ointment, Ps a remedy for Piles, Enz.:matte
skin eruptions of all kinds, for which it has been
used with marked success, and has effected r.enark-
able cures in many obstinate casee- which seem
baffle the ekilful medical attendant,"
Wit arid Wisdom.
-He that spires when he is young may
spend when he is old.
-Carpenters should know the proper
way to square themselves wit their friends
-A man often decides that e can't afford
to marry, but when he is real1y in love hr.
marriee and doesn't care whekher he ea
afford it or not.
-Before marriage, says Mattie, a_ma
feels unworthy of his wife, and after mar
riage he tries o convince her that she mad
a great haul itt getting him.
-How many lives hoe/a been clouded h
the proud -or cowardly silence which, dis,
pelted by a candid acknowledgment of mis-,
take or mis-co duct, would have left the
bright and co tented.
-An Irish an was riding a frisky horse.
The animal pr sently got its hind foot int
one of the stir ups. 'Be jabbers,' said th
Irishman, if ye re going to get up We Um
for me to get own.'
-Mrs. Pec (reading)-' Every man get
the wife that eaven intended for him.' Mr
Peck (musing' )-`If that is true,it strength-
ens the theor that men are punished fo
their sins her on earth,'
-Tom--' So you did not propose to tha
dear girl last night as you intended to. Ah
my friend, I ein afraid you were not fire
fa her, though.'
by the divine park of love.' Dick-' I wa
fired by her
-Maid (to Irish milkman)-' Missis say
she's sure there's been a great deal of wate
in the milk lately, and that if-' Pat-' A
can yer wonde
to the cows
-An Engli
Highland fialee
erally caught
r at it, my dear? Small blarn
this thurrsty weather, poo
h gentleman, inquiring of
rman how many fish he gen
got the following reply
Sometimes ore, sometimes less than- that
and whiles fesTer, too, but generally scarce
ly more nor le
any, whateve
a single,
ife-' Did
s, and maybe none if as muc
'I dreamed last night that
nd was courting you again.'
ou propoae In the dream .
sleand-e' Ys; I proposed before 1 kne
at I was ding, and when I saw what
d done it sc4red me so that I woke up i '
earful mea,'
Father (Whose wife had presented hini
with twins)-' Tommy, you may atay a,
holme tcemerrow. Tell the teacher that yoe
brothers,' Tommy-' Would -
to say I have only one neW
n I can stay at home a day
the othFj 0110.1
tice-a ow do you always
re such delicious beef ?'„ Mrs,
lect a good honest butcher,
rs. Prentice -
him all your
I mean that 1
ing the meat.'
have two ne%y
n't it be bette
brother? Th
next week for
-Mrs. Pre
manage to ha
BywelI-'I it
and then Btin1 by him.'
' You meiu that yeti giv
trade?' Mia. Bywein-' No
stand by hiTn hile h is cut
o ey is a
One ot t e
periodiol1yj c
of the Atla t
tion other t a
land and Fr
Edward W
backed by
ed to have
projects fo wiich a scheme s
opping up n he other side
c, is a me ns jof communic
by steam oat between En -
nee. A f w years ago Sir
t in's propos 1 to run a tunn 1
t e English Shannel was heavil
a italiets, an at one time see
e chance of being put throug
444.- NI*
uid & Wear
Cures Catarrh, Hay Fe er, Ruse Fever and
al Head Colds. Gi e one bl w with the
BI wer and the Powd r is diffu ed, making
a • ure and Permanent Curs.
But hiepopular fear that it might be an
awk ard thing to have such a highway to
the nglish coast open to the French army
14 ea e of war, and the, opposition brought
t4 be r from the War Office, swamped the
u de taking. The bleat idea that has been
b ou ht to the attention of the authorities
ir London and Paris, ie to a mire a passage
f r trains without going to he cost of a
bridge or the danger of a tu nel.
1Not long ago an electric road was con,
structed Brighton, the rails ef which
were covered at high title. This, however,
made no difference to the operation of the
car, hieh was raised high on nem stilts,
and repelled by current derived front a
trolle running on it line of poles parallel to
the teack. In the new scheme forIcrossing
the cliannel, this niethod has beep copied.
It is roposed to lay rails on a tut& about
fiftee feet below water level, and convey
the ti he between Dover and Celais OD a.
tower ike structure running on them rails
in the bed of the strait. The train platform
wonli be about 500 feet long and 50 feet
wide, denied on five steel columns on each
side, nd these would be braced to and sup-
porte on a submerged platform on the series
of ra le, which would be 100 feet wide.
Stearq engines and deatemos on the train
platf rm would provide the power for ro-
tatin the train wheels on the lower plat-
form. , The estimated cost of the undertak-
ing is $70,000,000, and the line is to be com-
plete4 in five years.
A ondition That Frequently
Causes Much Suffering. . '
Mrs. enry Gifford, of Kentville, Proves
t e Value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
it This Condition.
From the Acadien, Wolfville, N, S.
Th case of Mrs. Henry Gifford, of Kent-
ville, wlio some time ago was cured of a ells-
treesi g malady through the medium of Dr.
Willi Ins' Pink Pills, is of peculiar value as
illuet ating the rapidity with which this re -
bis Medicine operates. A reprevent-
ative 1 the Acadien who called upon Mrs.
Giffoid the 'other day to elicit- information
conce ning her cure, foand her to be a very
intell geut lady, and a hearty advocate of
thceu e of Dr. Williame' Pink Pills. Upon
learn g the ebject of his call Mrs. Gifford
expre sed herself as plensed at the prospect
of ha hag an opportunity to .give publicity
to hc1 remarkable cure. "1 have told all
my fr ends about it," she said, "but have.
often elt that it was my duty to have a
state ent of my cage pnblished in the
paper . Three years lege this spring my
syste was in a badly Fun down state. In
this c mild n I was attacked by a heavy
cold, nd an enlarged tonsil of great size and
extrei el painfulness was the result. For
nine eery ionths I was unable to turn my
head nd m health became such that, I
could ot exert myself in the least. Several
physi Ift138 sere consulted, but without the
slight st bel efit. The swelling was finally
lande11 but he operation only aggravated
the tter, s my blocid was so impoverish-
ed tie the incision did not heal but devel-
oped 'tato a sunning' sore. Despondency
seize me, and at times I almost wished
that was dead1 *t lest, by a happy
ellen , I was advised (o use Dr. Williams'
Pink 11 ills. After usiag a few boxes the
swell g disappeared and perfect health and
buoy ey of spirits returned." Since that
time rs: Gifford has had implicitconfidence
in Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and has used
them f taany physical disorder of herself or
child 1.n With the same happy result.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create new
blood build up the neith
yes, and us drive
disea from/the eystai . In hundreds of
cases t ey have cared icfter all other medi-
cines had failed, tiins establishing the
claim hat they ate age marvel among the
trium ohs of modern *diced science. The
genui. : Pink Pills are sold only in boxes,
beari the full trade Mark, "Dr. -Williams'
l'ink ill for Pale Peeple." Protect your-
self t m imposition by refusing any pill
that ; oes not bear 1 he registered trade
mark i round the box. If in doubt send di-
reot o the 'Dr. Wil iams' Medicine Co.,
Brock dile Out., and th y will be mailed to
you ret. paid at 50 eon s a box or six boxes
for $2.50.
iscellaneous News Naos.
- ore than $1,000,i000 °banged hands in
New ork at the state election, which was
deoid last Tuesday,
ie Storthing has adopted a resnlution
to in educe a purely Norwegian flag, , with-
out t emblem of the'union with Sweden.
- ne London -street railway strike is at
an en', a compromise in wages having been
affect between the men and the compeny,
and • w the cars are running as usual.
--N r. Robert Plunkett, of Hamilton, is
suing Ir. Joseph Ress, �f Palmerston, for
$200 amages for injuriee alleged to have
been Ilflicted by a dog o the plaintiff last
Augu t, at Palmerston.
- Iog cholera is rem ant in Woolwich
town ip, Waterloo coun y, and Mr. W. P.
Scut ,,Deputy Minister f Agriculture, has
order d the immediate quarantine of all
hoe,s ecept fat hogs for mmediate slaugh-
ter. i
he Prince of Waas' 57th birthdays
whic was celebrated quietly at Sandring-
ham, was the occasiota e ys the Queen, of a
great many congratUlet ry telegrams and
lette , as, much with iteg rd to Ns restored
activ ty aa his birthday celebration. It is
doub ful if the Prince ev r before received
so ns ny messages on a si ilar occasion.
- he Atlantic eoppe4 mine, four miles
west Id Houghton, Mic igen, is on fire.
The ' 00 miners at Work all escaped to the
surfa e in time. The hio ths ot the shafts
.have 'been covered with timber and dirt,
and e fire will be smcit iered, which may
requ e only a few days, r may take ever -
al eke. Five hundr Id emp1oyee are
thro n out of vsork. .
- r. W. E. Rathban, of tie firm of Gor-
don Ironaides, Winiiip g, trrived in Lon-
don few days ago, with five cars of choice
eatt which will be wintered in that sec-
tion and taken back iie the spring. .Thous-
and f western cattle io,re being sold off or
win e ed in the east arid south, on account
ascarcity of fodder, ceased by the
y rains for the past two toth. The
Kant, rein has &leo rained bhousa4da of
heat and grain, wiob will never
s of
Fred W. Johnson, a colored m n, is
su g J. B. Sparrow, lessee of the Academy
of Music, Montreal, for damages. The
pb tntiff purchased two tickets or orchestra
seats ea the Aeademy, and wh n he w nt to
theatre in the evening with a olored lady,
he was refused a,dinisizion, Oveing fo his
-E. j. Beaumont, 'town solicitor for
Galt, of the legal firm of Beauntorit & Irwin,
had an experience on Saturday' night, 12th
inet , that may ca,tuat, him th joss of his
right leg. When in his bedroo ri preparing
to retire for the nigha Beaum nt accident-
ally knocked his revolver of he dressing..
table, and it was discharged, tI e all enter-
ing above the knee, shattering he bone and
knee -cap.
-Fire in the general lite e of C. A.
Stearns, at Hanover, Maasa,chuipetbs, was
discovered at 5.30 o'clock on Briday morn-
ing, lith inst., and iihortly 4f6twards a
terrific explosion occurred, wh7i blew out
the side of the building, killin four men.
Over a dozen were aujured,i priaeipally
among them being C. A. Steaans„ ehe pro-
prietor of the store, who had ane arm and
one leg broken, his shoulder ilrushed, and
considerable burns about the b/aly.
-Private Robert Thorburn, of Company
F. Thirty•first Michigan, bailie, sad home-
coming the other morning. Hie mother,
Mrs. Jane Thorburn, lives .et, Lansing,
Michigan, with another son, Dr, W. W.
Thorburn, and the young soldier sought to
su past, her. He had not announced his
co sing, thinking to make the n eeting with
hi* mother more joyous. 'Upon arriving he
went to his brother's house ai d rang the
bell. The eurnmone was tune ered by his
!nether, who was so overeorne b the unex-
pected appearance of her sou, t at ehe Bank
to the floor and died withib a, moment.
Hr heart was weak, and the o -citement of
the unexpected meeting was to much for
But by His Ready Wit Font Hundred
Lives Were SaFe
It is a beautiful story told es Lafcadio
Hearn of an old man whose gr it deed be-
longs to Japanese history. 11 *as Ham-
aguchi, and his farmhouse st o1 on the
verge of a small plateitu,over o king the
bay. The plateau, inoatly dei td to rice
eulture, was hemmed ia on th O4 sides by
thickly wooded summits, ari rom the
outer verge the land sloped dasaa to the
sea. Below were 90 thatched dwellings
and a temple. These composed the village.
One autumn eveniag Hamafmilli Gohel
was Inoking down from his balcony on
the peeparations for some m 'raymaking
In tit hamlet below. All, tl el villagers
were ut, and he would have gone with
them i had he not been feelinie Iless strong
than finial.
Suddenly there cane an zrrthquake
shook, not a very strong ono, lj3uti Hama-,
guohl, who had felt many tefore this,
theught, there was something dd in its
long, spongy motion. As th quaking
oeased, he chanced to look toward the Rea,
and there he saw the strangest possible
sight. It seemed to be running away from
the la d. ,
Ap1arently the whole -villae I had no-
fi ,
Maid i ' for the penple stool s ill in w.ons
dor e t. Only Hamaguchi (Ire* any con-
clu io is from the phenomenon alnd guessed
wh t the sea would ao next, He called
his lit le grandson, a lad of 10, the only
on of the family left with him'
' Meier, Quick! Light rne torch l''
'he child kindled a pine tor h, and the
the field,
tood ready
he lighted
t like tin -
of smoke
udy whirl.
, ran after
d calling:
old man hurried with It to
where hundreds of rice stacks
for trn sportation, One by on
them in haste, and they caug
der, sending skyward masses
that mot and mingled in °peel
Tada, astonished and terrine
' his grandfather, weeping a
-Why? Why? Why?"
Haniaguchl did not answer. 1e thought
only of. 400 lives in pisriL He etched for
the people, and in a moment only they
came swarming up from the Village like
ants. ,
And still the sea was fleeing toward the
horizon. The first party of succor arrived,
a score of agile youngPeasantsswho want-
ed to attaok the fLre at once, but Hama -
gnat, stretching out both his arms, stop-
ped them. i
"Let it burn, ladsl" he o mmanded.
"Let it be. I want the whole vil age here."
The whole village came, m there and
ehildren last of all, drawn by, Poem and
"Grandfather is mad. 1 afl afraid of
lin," sobbed little Tada. "H 'set fire to
t ie rice on purpose. I saw h1Ii do it."
"As for the rice," Bald amaguchl,
'the child tells the truth. I set fire to it.
re all the people here?"
"All are here," was the ansser. "Bub
e cannot understand this thing."
"Seel" cried the old man at the top of
so voice, pointing to the open. "Say if I
0 madl"
It was the returning sea, to ering like
a oliff and courSing swifter th4n the kite.
There was a shock, heavier thai thunder,
as the colossal swell smote th hore, with
a foam burst like a blaze of heet light-
Then a white horror of sa raved over
the village itself. It drew b k, roaring
and tearing out the land 4 it went.
TWiee, thrice, five times, it truok and
ebbed, each time with lesser purges, and
then it returned to its ancient bed and
staid there, although still raging. Of all
the homes about the bay iothlrg remained
but two straw roofs toss ng madly in the
offing. All lips were dumb u til Hama-
guohi observed gently:
"Thativas why I set to fibe rice."
_.He was now poor 'as he poOrest in all
the village,but he had 'Sad itpo lives.
Flint and teel.
, A 'visitor from ()antral ArierIca who
was in the city recently attraated a good
deal of attention about his hotel by his
dexterous' Use of a flint and steel cigar
lighter. The apparatus was peculiar. It
consisted of a length of thiok woolen cord
coiled in a hollow tiger's , toeth and two
small steel rollers fastened in la reotangu-
lar metal frame. In obtaining a light the
owner of the device held the frayed end Of
th 0 cord against a soap of fiint in the
left hand and. struck the edge flif the stone
a smart blow with mato! the rollers. A
spark or two flew out and in, a 'moment
the woolen fabric was a glowing coal. It I
WBS extinguished by merely thrusting It
into the hollow tooth.
"It's easy when you kno how, a" he
said, "but tic trick is really ery difficult
te acquire. The blow must • e struck At
one certain angle or it is ine ectual. Itt
Central Arne:rim thesapparatne is invalu-
able. One not only apt tt:41run out of
Matches, hut -the profuse perSpiration of
the body often renders them utieless. With
this little tinder kit, which nests next to
nothing and lasts forever, there is no
trouble getting fire whenever it is want -
ell /
Killed OV Most of the Boys.
1 A story is that Lord cardi an always
shot annually at le same pia at, in North-
amptonshire. The woods w r difficult
ones to beat well, being rambling and hol-
necestating the use of a large num-
ber of "tato s." hese Stops v ere always,
as is goner lly th camel Bina' bps's. But
In this partioular ear to whiolh *a are al-
ludina the ease w different
Lora Cardigan's quick eye noted thatl
instead of the small boys the stems werei
grown up men. This struck hisn Eio much
that he asked the keeper Why it Was so,'
• saying that it must come very etpensive;
The keeper is said to have replied;
"Well, you see, my lord, your londebip
shot the boys down rather close 1asi year.
7L0nd0n Telegraph.
The Art of Seeing.
Wearing for eight days a maids fitted
With inverting lenses, projecting upon no
retina erect instead of the usual inverted
images, Professor George M. Stratton of
tie University of California soon learned
to gee objects right side up, but to his aur -
p Ise everything appeared upside dow
hen he first removed the apparatUs.
naiades that seeing right side Up is
ental reetification of the visual imag
alltuaUy projected upon the retina.
iii His Proposal.
Ada (pensively)-I hope you'll. invite
0 to. the wedding vshon you get married.
Jack (boldly) -I'll invite you the first
n e, and if you don't accept,theee won't
1st any wedding. -Rival. ?,
tr.nsinoerity in a man's own heart must
ke all his enjoyments, all that Cons
ns him, unreal, so that his whole life
at seem like a merely dramatic% repres
tation.-Haw thorn e.
he cheapest bread in England: is that
d to the boardof poor guardians tit
1ding-73s/ cents for a four pound- loaf
Lillian Russ4's divorced hutoband le
0 Marry again. He probably ()distracted
he habit from Lllian.-Washingten Post.
Say, with Day reporting to HO, Where
ay usod to report to Day, ain't thingol
ixed up some wan -Burlington :(Ise)
. 3
Being neither a lecturer nor a litteratenV
guinaido naturally feels a great deal of
nxiety as to what he shall do with hie
At one time it was Mr. McKinley, then
ajoreihen congr-essmaa'then governor,
hen president, and now it is DraMelCin-
ey.-Cincinnati Commeroial Tribune. '
We are told that the shah of Persia eatt
dozen or more cucumbers at one sitting.
his may explain in a measure the in -
°Garay of life in the ahah's co ntty.;--,
ieochester Herald.
It is to bo feared that one result of no*.
rd Gould's sacrificiarms.rriage may he to
ive the former Miss Clemenons uneneis
blot notoriety as a $6,000,000 beauty's-
1. Louis Republic. ,
Hall Caine has' no further occasion to
gard tho critics. Chuck Connors pro -
ounces hineto be "a nice_ bloke and 0.
." What more can fame's cornucopia
ark Twain's speech at the peace confer-
iold for any naarif-
-The government censor would net allow
(Mee in Vienna to be published. Such la
the dread inspired abroad by Americen
profeesional humor. -Baltimore Annie-
otan. " ,
' Admiral Cervera was right to abanden
he epaulets of the admiral for the toga of
senator. He may ,be a good salior, but
knodorn navy is toe much for the limit-
meohanical genlues of Spain. --St. Louis
lobe -Democrat... i
In the fall is a good time to set isut fruit
toes provided the location is a god 0110.
Be ready to protect the trees ftom rab-
bits as soon as there has been a herd, kill-
ing frost.
j f
1 In nearly all eases healthy, vigornas
trees are more free frominsect depreda-
tions and diseaee than weak plants.
1 The quince is one of . the best shipplitig
fruits that oan be grown. It occupies I t-
ie room, for itsnakes a socrubby growth.
t can be propagated by duttingio.
At thie time by carefully gathering ,rip
nd burning the dead leaves and branches
ii the orchard insect - pests and fungens
iseases may often be held in cheek.
Blighted leaves or brenches on frit
rees should be mit off at Mice and burned,
therwise the disease seen spreads from
ranch to brauch, killing as it goes.
, In planting out berriee of any kinctdo
not put fresh manure under them, as it
naay heat and burn the roots. The better
Plan is to put tho manure on after the
ilants are set Out. -
Milan has a curiosity in a clock .whiCh
1 made entirely of bread. The make' is
a native of India, and he has devoted th e
Years of his time to the constrttotioi lot
thin curiosity; The clock is of respeota
size, and goes well. 1
• A strange cloak was Made dining tb.
lest century for a FranohMoblem n. The
dial was horizontal, and t1he figures, being
hollow, were filled with Idifferent sweets
or epioes. Thus, running his finger along
the.hand, by tasting, the lowner ould tell
the hour without a light.'
, A microscopic repeating watch la to be
One of the marvels of the French
It will weigh four grains-sthai
la to say, less than 62 ;grains, nd will
Cost $600. The same meker will show a,
atoh ultra complique With 26 c
one more than has ever been alltempd
as yet.
I A Paris surgeorelhas handed in a thein
Or the doctor's degree on 1' The Physioloigy:
of the Ballot Dancer." :In it hie adopts'
00110perilifIllUes view that all women have:
crooked legs. -Now York1Sun,
A prominent Boston Physician is tee
sponsibla for the startliug statement that
every woman has either irooked arnisOr
°peeked lege. Inqui
en t professors of gyn
forth much the same
knock kneed, bow 1
(zit or ohly partiall
itreigat arm is very
y a; ong_ the differ-
nasrics has brought
pinion. Women are,
ggod, too lean, too,
• developed, and 1 a
rare!. -Boston
Distinguished everywhere for De -
hewn!' isf Flavour, Superior Qual-
ity, 'and Nutritive Properties.
Specially grateful and comforting
to the nervous and dyspeptic.
Sold only in que.rter-pound tine,
labelled JAMES EPPS & CO.,
Limited, Homeopathic Chemists,
London, England.
EPPS'S - 0000A
-es • oe
Mise Annie Gillespie, 0ri11i, Cint., v. -rites : " 1 had
bad CM and severe cough 1irmie tinie,and could
ttot get rid of it until I used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
!nip, which quickly cured me." Price 25o.
Chaps and Chilblains
Come with the cold weather, hut can readily be
cUred by the applleation of llegyard's Yellow Oil,
the beet remedy for external and internal use ever
When the children grind their teeth, have a raven.
o s appetite, yeb don't seem to thrive, give them Dr.
L w's Worm Syrup, It will clear out every worm
w thout harming the child. Pries 260.
Impure Blood.
, Mrs. Will Varner, New Canada, N. S., writes: "1
haae uised Burdock Blood Bitters for -Headache and
Impure Blood. One bottle made a cure, I think
there is no better medicine made."
Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures
, Diarrhoea, Cramps, Voile, Cholera, sue is the safest
and most reliable remedy for children or ad11116.
Muscular Aheumatisna.
Mr. H. Wilkinson, Stratford, Ont., writes: " I ex-
perienced great relief from Muscular Rheumatism by
using two bottles of Milburn's. Rheumatism Pills.
They are a splendid remedy," Price 60e., all drug.
Thei alloted Span of life,If you do, and
are careful andowoeident all your life,
none of your children or 'dependents are
likely to suffer want, froln any fault of
yours. But are you sere? flow many
men are always careful and provident?
These are questions that must occur to
any rightminded, thinking man whose un-
timely death might 'bring untold priva-
tions to his wife and family or dependents.
To solve the question simply join the
enjoy the privIlegis of he safe and sound
insurance they p ovid.. The price of a
cheap cigar a ay s ill do it. Their
policy 'is a comfort z time of misfor-
tune airing life, and r blessing to your
loved ones after your eath-a perpetual
reminder of your kindness, love and
forethciught. ,
sGuirvainngcel$-,5aM $Slij0
The Leading Be
o, $r,so or $2,000 In -
and Ftineral Benefits
to its members.,
evolent nd Fraternal
°defy it Canada,
For further partiepars enquire of any of the
Officers.or 111cinb rs f the Order, or address
H.C.R., Ingers High Seey, Brantford.
or ERN,Sil GISISTUNG, Brantford.
A teaspoqnful of Fear's
Condition Powder in his feed.
ma es all this difference.
No woi der hat =every far-
mer who ies 't recommends
it to his eigb.11or as the best
and chea est 4ondition pow-
der made. Three pounds for
50c at
eeesse---e-s-saar-t----"-seaseal'a -
Just Arrived
Another large consignment of all kinds of
Groceries and Crockery, new select raisins,
and clean currants, new figs, new syrups
and molasses; also a fine assortment of
meals from the Tilsonburg mills -rolled
wheat, rolled oats and buckwheat flour,
flaked peas and barley, farina, and pot bar-
ley, gold dust cornmeal and graham flour,
granulated and standard oatmeal, split peas,
igreen, black and Japan teas -;also tea, duet,
flour, bran and shorts, potatoes and all kinds
of vegetables. Another lot of China and
•Crockery to hand, which will be sold very
cheap. Butter, eggs and dried apples taken
in exchange for goads; also all kinds of
poultry. A cordial invitation extended to
all to call and examine my steels.
A. G. AULT, C4tk,
f, For sale, any number of Draininz Tile; all sizes,
'from 21 inches to 8 inches, at the VirtIton Tile Yard.
Cook's Cotton ROOt .compound.
Is successfully used monthly by over
0,000Ladies. Safe effectulti. Ladiesssk
_your dmgg. 1st for 'Cooks Cities Cows-'
resod. Take no other, as all IlixtUres, pills and •
limitations are dangerous. Pedigo. Ito. 1, biker
1 box No. IS, 10 degrees stronger, $1 per box, No.
.1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 2 -tent
stamps, The Cook IfompanyWindsor. Oat
gargNos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all
, responsible Druggists in Canada, _
No. 1 and No. 2 sold:in Seaforth L▪ umsden &
!Wilson, druggists.
pealersitt first-class Furniture of all
kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering
neatly done. We also do picture frata-
tng, and a choice selection of pictures
always on hand. Curtain poles at all
prices, and put up. We ale also
Agent S for the New William's Sewing
Machine, best in the market for do-
mestic use, no travelling agents, no
high prices.
In the Undertaking Department, we buy
our goods from the best houses in Ontario,
and guarantee satisfaction in every depart-
inent of our work. We have always made
0 a point to furnieh chairs, and all other re-
quisites for funerals, FREE OF CHARGE,
Prices better than heretofore.
Arterial and cavity embalming done on
scientific principles.
P. S. Night and Sunday calls will be
attended to at Mr. Landsborough's resi-
dence, directly in the rear of the Dominsszt
H. R. Jackson
& SON.
Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac,
France; Jno. de Kuyper & Sen, Hol-
land Gin, Rotterdam, , Holland;
Booth's Tom Gin, London, England ;
Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch'Whisky, Glas-
gow, Scotland, Jamieson's Irish
Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; ,also Port
and Sherry Wine from Francs and
Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky,
Ontario; Royal Distillery Atid Davis'
Ale and Porter, Toronto.
We have opened a retail store m
connection with our wholesale bug -
business in the rear of the new Do-
, minion Bank, in Good'ld stand,
where we will sell the best, goods in
the market at bottom prices. Goods
delivered to any part of 1 the- town
TELEPHONE 11. 151841
clEillop Directory for 1898.
JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. G.
DANIEL MANLEY, Deputy -Reeve. Beechwood
WM. McGAVDT, Councillor, LeadIntry P. 0,
JOSEPH O. MORRISON, Councillor, Beachwood
JOHN S. BROWN, Councillor, Seaforth P. 0,
• JOHN 0, MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0.
DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthron P. 0.
WM. EVANS, Aosemor, Beechwood P. 0.
CHARLES DODDS, 0011sotor, &Worth P. 0.
RIOD 'POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead -
bury P . 0.
'The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
IGeo. Watt, President, Harlook P.; B.
'McLean, Kippen P. 0.; W. J. Shannon, Seey-Treas.
1130aforth P. 0.; Thomas E. Hays, Inspector of
'Lomas, Se:Wirth P. 0.
W Broadfoot, Seaforth ; John G. Grieve, Win*
throp ; George Dale, Seaforth ; Thomas E. Hays
Seaforth ; James Evans, BeechWood Thos. Garbutt,
Clinton ; Thomas Fraser, Bruceflold ; John B. M�
Lean, Kippen. •
Itobt, Smith, Harlook ; Eobt M�MlIlp.n, Seefortia
James Cumming Egmondv le ; J. W. 'Yee, Holmes-
ville P. 0.; John Govenlock and John C. Morrison.
Parties &drone bo effect Insurances or USN.
e ei other business will be promptly attended So on
'`.pplicalion to any of the abort Moors, addressed la
Weir respective post aces.