The Huron Expositor, 1898-11-18, Page 71898„ NOVEMBER 18. 1898 FO RTH stye a or else. pet with a stiff I hreadbare, and inn( cent ina.n F her fingers to Isie filthy cigar bjn the corner CIO no poseible junta]. oho has together with Ort t! globes of the I Wawa at the t• a cobweb is ineeeioue of takes pleasure ,; (fleecy as deity of flies. eea Lendon who worried were of every room women who end die rather webe were e)ni ni of eye- let ie the worat :ons 0. ;no mart, ea, LI.; Of 3/0i.,0 ;t1r,fe. Pest - rtie b-aqt. lay pi4 d. ror .r Ging raxr ,Thtd. ing far • trt e • va-o J4 then. heaps blaze, tereer glede, eous diets led bath utade t A RtaCt; (Mee &fang'. FhaY if ?seers. past Ws nave, r blast tlr ;. r bo In ' • RM. !A/1143TM Slarye, Ont. d poem was re- arye, at, the First. y tea, Mr.. id t is his due °our pressing - vvas given for aed 11)y the most curr0d in Mon- a rtni.11 house, hotel. J. Ciro- • ditioa, 35 years Ida LAsegueur, iwn-(it. The urred is a small oceu- rpt:r, his wife 1.1 widow - to the girl for ! to niurry him. kitd her and re- al he pulled and shot her turned the hang - `ugh Lis body. e te,th.i at the himself with the terrible fr are broker? fries has Ore f his victim.. ty—rtithles% whole system 'ierc will not , !'cat yearn of i rulief and at stand pre — titterers front ental period ,ertainsound,,. , remedy they [ 1 -eat beyond. iraffled) have -.e_scribe it in 'medy known r on, tint- , welli g or Gris, fahtiGgi nd as n arty' )r.gri A woes - .se too acute- xful cure. been Irrate./1 dtng, wafs dm- ttu flered; fru= and thex was, • tile lad, proe- s a la -A opu, hirty inn utes, b rerna1ning ' and Iiv ng at fOrm of heart ot. the road. m with lbeert Who bad been Om reller and riles well and I cliteaseer [nainuteseewill , rcreii—clear the i t THE .11 1 RQ EXPOS TO di ACI1C? In constant pain: when o your fept ? Is that dragging, pulling sensationwith you from morn till night? Why not put the medicine exactly on the disease ? Why t apply the cure right to the spot itself? You can do it with or•Agers alert don! Piaster. Immediately after the laster is applied, you feel warming, soothing in- fluence. Its healingremedies quickly penetrate down deep into the inflamedi tissues. Pain is quietedsoreness is re- lieved an strength imparted. No piastre was ever made like it. No plaster ever actet so quickly and thoroughly. No plaster ever - bad such conrpiete control over all kinds of pain. Placed over the chest it4 a powerftd aid to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; relieving congestion and drawing out aU inflammation. FOB eats BY ALL Dm:rode J. C. AYER CO., ' 1 . IL. ari. 7 R g / /7 • 1 . ...,.._ -a.... -. ,.... .. , ,'---__ 7.777,....7.11LIViEli i feiViii;, .....,1 ., . _ -.1,.... , Our direct connections Will save you time and money for all points, Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rates are the loweet. We have them to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR- IST CARS for your accommodation. Call for further information. Grand Trunk Railway. Trine leave follows : GOINO WEST— Passenger Passentrer.„ Mixed Train.... .. Mixed Train Gots° Emir— Paaeenger asset nger.. Mixed Train— Seaforth and Clinton station, as s SIIAFORTIL CLINTON. 12.40 r. ie. 12.65 P. 14 10.12 P. M. 10.27P. el. 9.20 A. M. 10.16 A. M. 6.15 P. M. 7.05 P. if 7,65 A. M, 7.40 A.M. 13.11 P. M. 2,66 P. M. 5.20 I'. M. 4.35 P.M. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GOING NORTH— Ethel Brussels.. .. Bluevale.. Wingham Goma Semit— e Wingham - Bluevale 7 00 Brueeele.... , 7,1e Ethel 7.28 Patteeneor. 10.0-4r. M. 10.16 10.28 10.40 Paeeenger. 0.60 A. M. Mixed. 1.40 2.10 2.46 06 Mixed. 8.66 A. M. 9.17 9.46 10.02 London, Bed.ron and Bruce. Goteo Nowt— , Pam:ewer. lendon, doped 8.16 A.M. 4.46 P.M. •Centralia.. „.. .. . . 9.18 6,55 Exeter. 910 6.07 Hensel! 9.44 6 18 Kippen ... ..... „... „ 9.60 6.26 Brumfield. .,49.58 6,113 Clinton 10.16 6.66 Londesboro [10 33 7.14 Blyth. . . 7.28 Belgreve .. .. ... 1 1056 787 Wingham arrive . .. ... — 111.10 8.00 , Gomm SOUTH— Paseenter. Wingbani, depart.... 8,6a A.M. &so P. M. Beigrave .. . ..... 7.04 8.45 Blyth, .. . 7.16 4-00 Londesboro 7.24 4.10 Clinton— . . . .... .... 7 47 4 30 Brueefield..., ........ 806 4,50 -Kippen. . . . ....... .... .. 8.17 4.59 Bengali.. ... .... 8.24 6.04 Exeter ... . .. . ..... .. .... 8,148 5.16 Ceatralie 8.50 5.25 London, (errive) 0.50 A. M. 6.20 FRESH ARRIVALS 'of the Newest Goods to be had in VVinge, Feathers', Ribbons, Buckles and Hat Shapes -for the November Trade at the NEW MILLINERY STORE. -A great variety of Fashionably Trimmed , Hats, Toques and Bonnets always kept in stook, so the intending purchaser has no -difficulty in selecting what is both becoming and imitable. MISS KINSEY, KU'S BLOCK, - - SEAFORTH. 1609 THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument EMPORIUM, ESTELISHED, 1873. Owing to hard times, we have eon - eluded to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Reduced, flees, _ • - Organs at..S2 5 te.el urwards, and Pianos at correspondieg Prices. -See us before puiehasing. SCOTT BROS. gin futon itgxpoottor. DISTRICT M.A.TTERS. I_The following items were intended for last week, but were received too late.] Hay Council. Hay council met on the 17th inst , and all the members were present. The following were appointed deputy -returning officers : Polling subdivision 1, school house No. 2, Wm. Russell ; 2, school house No. 14, B. Philips ; 3 town hall, Zurich Fred Hess ; 4, school house No. 3. Melliok ; 5, school house No. 12, B Sar - arils ; 6, Snell's office, Joseph Sne 1; 7, school house No. 3, Charles Troye . Re Hensel drain, the clerk was inetrue ed to notify R. H. Collins to proceed with the ap- peal to the official -referee at onoe. Robert R. Johnston was appointed auditor by the council, and Fred Signer was appointed as second auditor by the reeve, 'he anditort are to have the books and acco nts of treas- urer audited by the 12th of Decembe , and a statement of the receipts a d payments prepared and signed and the udito s' re- port be printed by the 26th da of ecem- ber. After passing numerous ccoun s the council adjourned until Monde, , Deoember 5th. Usborne Counc 1. The Usborne council met at he to nship hall, on the 5th inst., all the m mber being present. Orders were granted in p yment of accounts to the amount of $ 03.99. Ow- ing to the fact that during t eio 'mat few menthe several residents of the munio pality have had fowl, pork, grain, etc., stolen from their premises, a number ratepayers -waited on the council to eonsu t as Ito the best means of preventing the repetition of such disgraceful practices. he eounoil unanimously resolved to offer reward of $25, to be paid to any person eouring the arrest and conviction of any pc son en. per-, sons guilty of such crimes within the muni-' eipality. Council adjourned to meet De-. oember 3rd, at 10 o'clock a. m. An Epileptic Sufferer. A Fenlon Farmer Tells of His Remarkable Cure. At Regular Intervals He Was Subject to Fits, and Doctors Told Him the Trouble Was Incurable—Now Free From the Malady. From the Warder, Lindsay, Ont. Mr. Robert McGee, of the 9th concession of Fenlon, Victoria county, says in speaking of his euro from this terrible malady :—" I am 35 years of age and live on the old home- stead where I was born and have lived al- ways since, and whererny own little family were bolas. This part of Fenlon is known as McGee's Settlement, there are se many Of that name living in the vicinity. Never in my life did I know what a day's sickness was until March, 1895, when without any known cause and without any warn- ing I was stricken down wit an epi- leptic fit. It came on inethe nig a &wising great consternation in the househ lel, as my wife never saw anything of the k nd before, though it was my end ; as, fo myself I neither felt nor knew anything th t was go- ing on about me. After earning ut of the convulsion', which they tell ine u ually last- ed from fifteen to thirty minutes I would fall into a heavy sleep from whic I would awake with a dull, heavy feeling, and all the muscles of my body would ' be sore. This would pass away, and in a Iay or two after the attack I would be able to attend to my farm work, budstrange to ay every four .months after, as regular as clock I would be seized with a qt, which a1ways came on in the night. Various doct rs and special - bits were coesulted and I t ok 'several dif- ferent medi ines, but with ut effecting a l w cure. Sever 1 doctors said he disease was Incurable. read of Dr. Williams', Pink Pills in the tiewspapers, and was advised by friends who had experienced' cures from other seemingly incurable ailment to try them. In November, 1896, I co menced, and kept on taking them ,regul rly for a year. The dreaded period passed, and pass- ed again and again without a re tition of my trouble, and I felt that I was t last re- leased from this terrible malady. I am now in the best of health, and I att ibute my cure to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.' In con- versation with Mrs. McGee, she said that her husband's trouble was the cau e of most seriously effecting her nerves an general health, as she was always living n dread, and could never enjoy a night's est. The slightest noise would startle her, nd if it had not been for the kindness of a neighbor, who always came and stayed at he house over night, she believes she w uld have broken down altogether. She ale is thank- ful for the great change that has been wrought, and is only too glad to et others with similar afflictions know that there is a remedy for this terrible disease. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills our by going to the root of the disease. They 'enew and build up the blood, and stren then the nerves, thus driving the disease from the system. Avoid imitations by ins sting that every box you purchase is enc oiled in a wrapper bearing the full trade ark, Dr. Williams' Pink Pill for Pale eople. If your dealer does not keep them t ey will be sent post paid at 50 cents a box o six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville Ont. Some of Dickens' Char eters. When Mr. Hemy was pai ting the " Bargebuilders," an old man net ed Parera used to go and sit with him and II stories of the sea and ancedotes of Admi al Napier, whom he persisted in calling he artist's uncle. One da he suddenly asked Mr Hemy if he knew 'belles Dickens. "1 only saw him o ce," replied Mi. Hemy, " nd did not know himpersonally." "But yot have read his b oks ?" " Yes I have read them all," was he reply. " Yes, what I ave got to say a out Mr. Dickens i that he wereu't no gentl mat." " Oh," said the rtist, " I have abbeys understood th 6 Charles Dick ns was a most affable a d amiable man.' " es ; he was a nice -spoke man and smok d good cigars—but not si good as yours sir. Thank you, I will ta e another. But s ill he weren't no gentlema " hat did he do to mak 13 o you say that?' r " Well, ,e came down here making books, just se youjjhave come doWn making pic- tures, butijbe went away and at me Into one of his books, and he called me a ma- hogany -faced captain and an amphibious animal ; ' likewise my friend Joe he put in his book and called him a bottle -nosed person in a glazey hat.' Do you cell that the acts (sae gentleman ?" On another occasion Mr., Hemy came in contact with another of Dickens' characters in this neighborhood. Whilst standing on the baleony of the harbourmaster's house at Limehouse—a curioue ramehackle bit of amemseeseesaaasseassessisees dfreingith FOR THE OLD, WORN AND FEEBLE Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills, MYNWAMAWNWVMAN't Dr. • A W. Chase's butter fat, realized 81.4 month was 4.4 per mint., 4iOhnt"lere "FPkS COCOA' pounds milk to the patro The lowest 4 milk test was 3.2 per cent. Which at 18a GRATErthe COM.FORITN6 Distinguished everywhere for 10e - pounds milk . Endorsed by Dr., C. M. harlan of the American Journal of health nt.-.. NST A PATENT EDIC1NE • • • He says:—Among the pr primary medicines ris- co nized is Dr, Chase's ' 01 tment, compoemded by D . A. W. Chase Medicine q, Buffalo, N.Y., and E matison, Bates & Co., Tdronto, as a remedy for Mee, Eruptions and /teem) tic Skin Diseases for which it has been ueed with narked success an has effected remarkable eu es. t is not the practice of the Medical Professip indiscriminately to use pro- prietary medicines; but there are hundreds of physi- cians throughout this country who are using Dr. Chase's Ointment in their practice: We handed out during the last month 2,700 boxes of free samples of Dr. Cliese's Ointment, and ,the thankful results have been somethingiastoulabing. Here is what one of the cures says: Ma. 0. P. Sr. joitn,246 Shaw St., Toronto, In his letter steles: I suffered for some years from Itching Piles, at times being unable to sleep for the annoy- ance censed by them. After trying almost every remedy ;mown, I was induced to try Dr. Chase's Ointment, land can say one box entirely cured me, I cannot speak too highly of it, and have recomenended bitytoitssetvseer.al of my &lode, a1l! whom have been cured ---- picturesqueness in existence—in con- veisation with the son of " 0a,ptain .4 Parent, the latter said, er Here Males Namty Dill‘kW""ho is he ?" asked Mr. Homy. -- "Oh, haven't you read Our Mutual Friend 9' Or the doings of the Bird of Pry 2' " " Yes." Well, that's him. Nasty Dick is ,the Bird of Prey." Here he comes. Re's got another." " Another what ?" asked the artist. " You'll see presently Ha's corning to The Grapes , tei have a drink on the strength of it."' As the man drew nearer Mr, Hemy recog- nised hin-x at once, from Dickens' deseription as ' Rogue Riderhpod." " I observed," he said to me, that something was deagging in the water frem, the stern of his boat, and as he approached saw that it was the body of a man in a blue shirt." Parera shouted to Dick and asked him where he " had found it." " On the Point on the mud," was the reply. "How did you hear of it 2'' "A steamboat man past- ed the word do nt" " Whao did you make. of him 2" "A Yankee fireman." "How did he get into the water V, "Drowned, drunk." Then bending down and putting his hand to hisincOuth, Parer& asked in a whisper, " What has he got in his pooket ?" " noa't know ; had been dark I'd have run the rule over him." And with that Dielr'nade his boat fast and went up to have drink o wouldget for river. _ t of the prospeotive 5s. he recovering " it" from the • Unprofitable Adam. There is occ sion for much beating about i the bush for a swers to many questions put by wise theolo ues to timid people, but one set of men found their match in the old Scotch woman ander examination for admis- sion to church -fellowship. 4' What are the decrees of God ?" she was solemly asked., "Indeed, I ibrolv, He kens that best Him- " What kind *:), & man was Adam 2" " Ou, just like ither fouk," was the quick reply. , , The questioner nsisted on a more definite answer. " ,eel " said she, " he wee just like Jeems Madd n, ye " How so ?" • " Weel, naebo y got anything by him, and mony lost." How many young men, clarlidates for matrimony, could win a wife were they un- expectedly put under the test of the shrewd So tch girl who surprised her mistress by announcing ' Lady, I maun tell ye I am to leave year service and tee be marritt." " Is not this very sudden Mary 2" en- .quired the lady. 4 Who is the person you expect to marry ?" " It hi John Scat, mistress." "But you have known him but a, short tinie ; how can you trust a stranger ?" pet - Mated the woman, reluctant to part with a good servant. " Yes, 'tis,truea but heal ken himeel' mony years and be says he's all right,and I believe he is, for I asked him, "Did he ken the Ten COmmanclments 9' and be gave them ivery one. i I asked him could he say the Shorter Catechist*, and he had it ivory word; the I told him to grip his hands quick and hard, and then, lady, I saw he was a strong man and I'm goini to gie hini my and." • Rudvard Kiplmg's Name. Kipling got his queer first name for senti- meetatreasons. His father, when designer of decorations for a pot ry 'firm at Burslem, 1: England, attended a piinic near the village of Peudyar ,not far fro the pottery works. There he Met and i love with Mary D. McDonald, the daught r of a clergyman, whom he shortly tnarri d. Their first-born arrived while the cOupl were in Bombay, whither Kipling had go eto direct the art schools of the Madras p esidenoy. In mem- ory of the pla,pe Where hey first met, the paro ts decided to call their boy Rudyard Kipl ng. Miscellaneous ews Notes. siryounger brOther of the Hon. Clifford the has been sUeeess ul in defeating the Oppotation leader in th Northwest Assam bly, in the con titue • cy of Banff. De. Brett,' the defeated ea( didate, is a ver poplear mane and has r presented that con stit (may, for man yea s. i-Otorge Mcl) rmi , while taking th wheel off a wind ill o the picnic grounds at -Port. Burwell, 4 few days ago, fell a die- tance of 60 feet, striking on solid clay ground, breaking his arm and leg, and, it is feared, seriously injuring himself internally. The unfortunate Man has since died. —The latest use of glass is instead of gold ruse_ material for stopping decayed teeth.' It answers splendidly, and is far less conspicit- ous than the yellow metal. Of course it is not ordinary glass but is prepared by some ilea patent preemie, which renders at soft and orialleabe. Glass, too, is being eaten- siv I ' used for ehurch belle. It can be tou toned so that t ere is no risk of it Ora king, and the tone s said to be beyond eny hing yet invented, erfecasoft and son' Oro s. - 1 —Mr.. Thomas Cont gay birth to triplets week,but an hou an she ied. The children thr e weighed seven or ne Of the babes died I or .1 The deceesed ga two different ow ' ions ( I an 1 she leaves eigh th ris having died. Mr :16 er h on A str ell, of St. Thomas, n Thursday of last a half afterwards were girls, and the eight pounds each. hortly after being ..! e birth to twine on Besides her hind children, severai . Connell was about: ieband is employed ears of age, he Michigan Centre Railtvey coal dock. on is employed a motorman on the t railway. The total quantity lof milk received at St, Marys or emery for October was 962 pounds. he t tal quantity of but- ade was 36,73 p undo. The month's make of %utter waif sol for $6,983 07. The quiditity f milk requir d to make a pound of butter 'was 23.2 p unds. The average utter was p cents. Of butter at paid to, with skim milk t milk test for the the 852 ter price for e poun The net ppiee per to patrons' was 18 returned. The h of oun Oe ghe cents batter fat, realized 5t2 cents per, 100 —Rev. J.Robertson, D. De superintendent licacy1of Flavour, Superior Quill - of Presbyterian Home MissiOns in Manitoba, ity,and Nutritive Properties. British Columbia, and the Northwest, than Speciadly grateful and comfort ng whom it would be bonito thority upon such subjec does not con- cur with those who condem the Dominion Government for placing Ga ieian settlers in the Northwest. Ho says t all the for- eigners who come to Canad to take up the unsettled lands for agricult ral purposes are a distinct gain. He offe s, however e one s word of advice which is good, viz., to sur. round the foreigners who come in, so far as possible, with Canadian neighbors. —While the fast refrigerator train on the Chicago and Alton Road was speeding to- ward Glendale, just east of Kansas tiity, one day last week, the eng ne drier, Rich. A. Home), at dead in his cab his hand grasping the throttle, his lazed eyes fixed straight ahead on the trac , and a peaceful man, s ohn Vern- nd a better au- to the nervous and dyepep ie. Sold only in quarter -pound tns, labelled JAMES EPPS & Limited, Homceopathio Chemi ts, Londen, England. BREAKFAST KIPPER EPPS'S16079-26COCA Miss Annie Gillespie, Orillia, Ont., writes : • I had a bad cold iud severe cough for seine tineeand could ' not get rid f it until I used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, whl h quiokly cured me." Price 250. smile on his doff, who he In the tende ingl his firing to House th wise dead. known. —A distre nee. The fir been busy fcfr some minutes walked into the cab, oontinu- and it was net until he spoke t he discovered that his mate The cause ef deatti is not sing fatality 1ook place on the farm of Robert Couke, li ing three miles north of Embro, Oxford co nty, on Friday, 4th inst. Mr. Couke was drawing turnips, and had his little boy, aged 6 years and 5 months, out with him. li' put the boy on the wagon, and told him t4 sit sti 1 while he led the horse aloeg. The ittle fellow seems to have lost Nis balan e and fell to the ground. He was carried wards the house, but died before it was re ched. 1A. doctor was called in, and said t at deati had re- sulted from concussion of 1he bran. There were, however, no mark visible on the head. The lad had alway been stekly. —A terrible Accident h ppene Mar St. Marys Junction on Thureday el ninon of last week, in which James Brophy, of Strat- ford, lost his life. The afternoon train from London had left St. Mary e station, and was approaching the Junetien. A number of section -men, of whom Broohy was one, were working on the rails. The engineer blew his whistle, and all the men got out of the road with the exceptioo of Brophy, who was slightly deaf: He was struck by the locomotive, and the he.d was completely severed from the trunk, b'ing hurled some twelve feet to one side. 4 high wind was blowing towards the appniaching train, and it is passible that the -unfortunate man: did not her the whistle. , —,Dining at Dawson comes high. I The following is said to be a genuine bill of fare of the Regina, club cafe at Dawsbn Pity : Porter -house steak, $3,50 sirloin, $3 ;I ten- derloin, 83; beefsteak an onions,$2 ; liver and bacon, $2 ; mutton °hope, $2aI cold. roast beef, $l,50; moos $1.50; mutton, $1.50; ham, $I.50; fres eggs, three, any Style, $2 ; tem any style, w th meal order extra, $l; ham and eg s, $2; bacon and eggs, $2 ; poached eggs o n toast, 82; hot cakes and maple syrup, I 50 cents; rolled oats, 50 cents ; velvet inal, 50 cents; hot pikes with mush and coffee, $l; milk toast, 75 cents; toast or breed and butter, 25 cents; French fry potatoes, 50 (lents; fresh ,pork sausage, 81.50; pigsafeet, 150;$kid- ney on toast, $1,50 ; radishes 50 cents; spring chid:Arsine 810; italf o icken, $5; chicken or lobster salted, $3 ; Sp nish or rum omelette, $3; oysterstew, $1.SQ; corn, 50 cents; French peas, $ '• canted ruit, 50 cents; asparagus, 75 ciente Arne ca cheese, 50 cents; tomatoes; 50 co ts ; Welsl1 rabbit, $2; sardines, $1.50; clam tew, 1,5O; Ann- heuser Bosch hear, $2 per uart. —The will of the late rchbis op Walsh, of Toronto, who died J ly 31at, has been probated. His estate am unted in value to $9,581,53, of which $3,3 8.73 is In cash, $1,805 in stook, 8300 n carriages and $1,635 in personal etre to. Rev. James Walsh arid Mr. J. J. Foy re uame4 as ex- ecutors. A bequest of $1, 00 is made to the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of London diocese for the clearance of any debt on St. Peter's Ca hedral, London; $1,000 goes to the St. Jo eph'a Orphanage Asylum at Mount Hope,, London ;$500 to the Roman Ga,tholic hospital at Windsor, or to the parish priest there for parish work, and $500 is set apart for masses in London i and Toronto. John Moyl n, nephew, gets the stock ia the .Agriou tural Investment Society, of London, of which $500 is paid up. Rev. James Walsh gets the stock in the Home Savings Conipaisy, of which $1,000 is paid up. Eden 1aemahon, niece, and Jame W. M cmahon nephew, get in- surance, not elsewhere tsentioned, in the Catholic Mutual 1enefit Society. Rev. Jas. Widish gets his ch ice of bolts and similar effects, and $200 goes to s. servant, Agues Merida. The rem ue goes to the new Ar0h- bishop of Toronto for the furtherance of the Roman Catholic r ligion and the help of Remelt Catholic i stitutio s in Toronto. ,---John Echlin's barn, oi the boundary, at Nile, was burn d to tae ground early Tuesday morning of last week. Fortunately the barn was empty, and there being a small insurance the loss will not be heavy. —A very pleasant event 1 occurred at the home of Frank Woods, o Londesboro, on We nesday of last week, when his meter, An ie, was united in marriage to Bert Ly lett, by Rev. Mr. Parke. They left nex morning for the old country on their wedding trip. nergy--- ,_-_,A.WARb. -- Emily (fiL\i00191L&It.isEr) waned. listed energy ,nut be made up or the body will weaken and pirtaps perish. i, 1 For a long time priot/ to taking Dr. Ward's Blood and NerVe Pills my nerve system was greatly deringed and I was t terribly nervous, so mu h so that in my business (Linesman o , the Kingston Electric Light Co.,) my 4xtreme nervous- ness naturally made thelfollowing of my bueiness extremely baz.rdous. Before takinc DraWard's Bloc and Nerve Pills my kidneys heed been cted for some time. I had Constant s r ness and stiff - nese across my loins and the small of my back. My appetite wits variable and very poor. I also suffe -ed greatly with constant headaches. I I am glad to be able to inform you that 1r. War 's Pills completely cured me o all thc above ailments and made me la. well nan. I have found no medicine like Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills, although I have tried many different kinds. Thety acted quickly and effectually r on nill nerve system, making my nerrs stro g arid removing all indications of nerv usness. i These valuable pills al o removed all kidney and back trouble and restored to me a healthy vigorous a petite. I haVe had no headache since fve months ago and feel justified in sayiig that they are se wonderful remedy. rhey not only removed nervousness, but gave me lhealthy kidneys, removed all soreness and stiffness from my back and loins, cured me of headache 4nd gave me a good appetite, tinsequently I am highly pleased. I kn w of !to medicine that equals Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve . Pills for nervow' iness chronic headache, sore kidneys and back and loss of appe- tite. yours truly', John McCutcheon, 522 Princess St., Kingston, Qat. Allgood druggists sell' them. If they won't, we will supply you by mail on receipt of price,isoc. per box, or 5 boxes: for $2.00. The Docteir Ward Co., Limited, Torontb, Ont. 1 dhaps and Chilblains - Come ivith the ooid weather, but eau readily be red by the application of Ilagyard's Yellow 011, he beet reMedy for external and internal use ever luutde* When the children grind theft. teeth, have reran- .* • a. pus appetite, yet don't sem to thrive, give t 'em Dr, leowse Worm Syrup. It will cieer out -everyl worm without harming the ohild. Price 25o. impure Blood. Mrs, Will Varner, Now Canada, N. S., wettest " I have wed Burdook Blood Bitters for Meadaiehe and Impure Blood. One bottle made a cure, I think there Is no better medicine made." Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry 'camas Diarrhoea, Cramps, Collo, Cholera, and is the ,safest and moat reliable remedy for children or adults, Muscular Rheumatism. Mr. H. Wilkinson, Stratford, Ont., writes: I ex- perienced g eat relief from Muscular Rheumatitm by using two tattloe of Milburn's Rheumetism Pills. They are a plendid remedy." Prim 50o., all drug- gists. Jrt Arrived A. —AT----e- AULT'S STORE Another large eonsignment of all kinds of Groceried and Crockery, new select raisins, and clean currants, new figs, new syrups and molasses also a fine assortment of meals from the Tilsonburg wheat, r lied oats and buckwheat flour, flaked pe e and barley, farina and pot bar- ley, gold dusti cornmeal and graham flour, granule d and standard oatmeal, split peas, green, black arid Japan teas; also tea dust, flour, bra0 and shorts, potatoes and all kinds, of vegetahles. Another lot of China and Crockery to hand, which will be sold very cheap. Rutter, eggs and dried ap les taken in exchange for goods •' also all kinds of poultry. A cordial invitation ex nded to all to call and examine my stock. A. AULT, 4th .--eeeeeree iereneee FEFORE USIN A jteaspoonful of ear'si Condi ion Powder in his feed, make all this difference. eree--asea,V.- VV.- eeeeee MI ee. AFTER USING. No wonder that every far -i mer rho uses it recommends it to iiis neighbor as the best, and cheapest condition pow- der made. Three pounds for 50c at FEAR'S DRUG STORE SEAFORTH, W. N. Wtsort SEAFORTH, Fire and Life Insurance Agent, Houses to Rent, Real Estate Agents Dealer in the RAYMOND and WHITE family and maims facturing Sewing Machines. All kind of Sewing Machines repaired. Chatges moderate. Agent for the .. WHITE AND GODERICH BOUM First -Class Wheels in Every Respect. RIG -1:1111 158042 ri- AUCTION SALES. T)UBTAC AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE j_ TEIR Vi IA AG E OF HENSALL—Mr, Wil fan MeCloy has reee ved instructions from Mr. Gelerge Ingram to sell by publio auction in the Village of Hansen, on Tuesday, November 22nd, 1898, at :two o'clock p. ILL, the following valuable property, viz. : Part 1 consiete of 22 feet frontage on Main street, on which there is erected a frame store one storey and half high 20x62 f ct, with stone cellar full size of the building ; also stable 14 by 18 feet. Part 2 oonelste of 22 feet frontage on Main street, on which is erected trame store 17 bya24 feet, one storey and a hall high, with a kitchen And bake oven at the rear, also a good well and pump. Part 3 cool* of 22 feet frontage on Main street. Part 4 cousiete of 54 fe, t frontage on south Richmond street, on which is erected a cow ()rabic frame house 20 by 24 feet; with kitchen 16 by 20 with stone cellar, Wooditlisd 10 by 14, stabfe 8 by 20 feet. Part 5 conalstel of a ✓ ont lot on Bluhrtiond greet south, directly opf- po ite part four, one fifth of an acre, 66 by 132 feet. Th l. s par 0 the village. arms of sale —Twenty I property heeituated the centre of the bill prcent, on the day of sale, alance may remain o um age at 0 per cent. per annum for a number of re to suit purchaser. As Mr. Ingram has dia. rty will itively be sold without vagary of hie farm and pumas goirvg West, this RG1 ING A Proprietor; WILLIAM M • C Y, Auctioneer 1613-2 $- STORE, IIENSAILL Imitation Is the highest mark of commendatio We take no mart's duet in our drives. Special den for Friday and till sold: Twelve peke misses' lamed schcolsboes, 11 to 2, re 8114e price St, Friday and till gold 75e. lz, shoes. some tipped, some plat , Another twelve pale lot of those woman's butt; and lace Dongo some were te46, otheee 82 all at 98o, The dozen nen's ties, 4 -in -hand and bows, regular price 250, Friday two for 26e. One end whale eordimantle cloth, regular price $1 60, Friday and till Old 50c. Two dozen metes leether mitts:with one finger, re.. gular•priee 26ns Fridalt 10o, One bale Elea B, 18 oz,, 8 ply grain bags, $2.20 per dozen, each bag weigh one lb., and id three ply both Ond piece onl regular price 1 Gee wee uns 15o, Friday and t lOc. In Tailoring, Clothing and Dry Goods we set the psee, and in dietetic& all competitors, becaule we have no book-keeper to pay, and no bad debts to charge up to cashloustomere. We sell for cash and produce. W. A. MoKIM, Hensel]. 40 ineh apron gingham, fast color, , Fridley and till sold 7ic. tieltable grey flannel, regular price 1 soid Z.17.1111 = 1WALTON TILEYARD. Fo lsale, any Member of DrainingTile'all sizes, from ekrinches te 8 int:hell, at the Walton Tile Nard. JOH GO MACK- 1 1012x3 Cook Cotton Root Compound- 's su essfullY used monthly by over 0,000 Ladies. Smite, effectual. Ladies ask • our drnggist fin C.oelcs Cates gest Cs - id ! ake noer, as all Mixtures, pi/is and ons are dangero . Prise, No. 1, $1 likes ie ;in . 11,10 degrees s tronger,13 per box. NO. ailed en receip of price and two 8 -sent '71.Irk7mlrindsr'°ahon.1 andsoldandrecieneedbys gistr:sna. , 1 mitai box; tor. /UM resp° No. Wileo neibleD and No. 11 sold:in fleaforth by tiq' druggist*. { Lumeden 4c SIGN OF TH CIRCULAR SAW ,7) Ine GO ERICH m Boiler Works, (liSTABLISHED 113130.) CITRY$T ti -L Smoot:ea to ChrYldla ai BIM* . . *aurora of ali lLnde of Stationary }. Marine, Uprig t Et Tubular OILERS tvozsaa•tor.sa...tra,m4xeseu..-ces...m.„-m-,arv-oc.g. REE We give t',Is fate watch , -chain and chArm,for scilingtwo dor. LEVER COLLAR Ilterroes, at ten cis. each. Send ynur ad- dress and vieforward theButtorm,postpaid, and our P rein m List. No mcney s- quired. Sell the But- tons among your friends, return the money, rind we send the wattb, prepaid. A genuine American watch, gueranteed, for a few hour,' work. Mention thi.s paper wbeit LEV F BUTTON 20 Adelaide St. E. Temente, Clete KIPPEN -MAUL The Kippeu Mills are now working fun ! blast. There is now plenty of water, and Gristing and Chopping Done every day *bile you wait, and Batts - faction guaranteed. Also extra Roller Flour on hand for sale. THE SAW MILLS I Are also running 'at full lidast Any num- :bet- of loge wanted, for which the highest price in cash edit be paid. Parties having logs should call at the Mill and get specifica- tions before cutting. Custom Sawing done at all times. JOHN riteNEVIN, Kippert. .1612.3 salt ll'ano,moke Staoki!, Sheet Iron Werke, eto.s eta. Also dealers n Upright and Iforisontal Slide Valve. AniomaW eut-Off anginas a specialty. a sad pipe -diens constantly on hand Us furnished an sharinotica. G. lit Maim Godeeleit. ele HICH GRADE Furniture EMPORIUM Leatherdale Landsborough SEAFORTH, Dealers in first-class Furniture of all kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering neatly done. .We.)also do picture fram- ing, and a ehoice selection of pictures always on hand. ifurtain poles at all prices, and put up. We axe also Agents for the New William's Sewing Machine, best in the market for do- mestic use, no travelling agents, no high prices. -CTZTI).3331R,MA.IrrINTC3-- In the Undertaking Department, we buy our goods from the best houses in Ontario, and guarantee sstisfaetion in every depart- ment of our Work. We have always niade it et point to furnish chairs, and all other re- quisstes for funerals, FREE OF CHARGE. Prices better than heretofore. Arterial mid cavity embalming done on scientific principles. P. S. Night.and will nd Sunday calls wl be attended to at Mr, Landsborough's resi- dence, directly in the rear of the Dontimen Bank. Leatherdale La4dsbbrough, SEAFORTH. R. Jackson & son DIMEOT IMFORTR.5 OP Jules Robin ft Co's Brandy, Cognac, France; Ino. de Kuyper & Son, Rol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Rolland; Booth's Tom Gin, Undone England; Bulloeh 14 Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland; Jamieaon's Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port and Shorty Wine from France and Spaint Agents for Walker's Whisky, Ontario; Royal Distillery and Deeds/ Ale wed Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBL10 We have opened a retail store in connection with our wholesale busl- business in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's -old stand, where we will sell the best goods in the market at bottom prices. Goods free. lito vered any part of the town TELEPHONE 11, 1518-tf pirectory for 1898. JOHN MORRISCiN, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. — DANIEL NLIT, Deputy -Reeve, Beachwood W. MoGAVIN, Oonnoillor, Lesdbury P. 0. JOSEPH O. MORRISON, Councillor, Beechwood P0. JOHN 0. MOBIL N, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. JOHN BROWip) Counoillor. &deft P. 0, DAVID M. BOSS, Treasurer Winthrop P. 0. WM. RVANS, Asteror, Beo;hwood P. 0, CEIABLES DOD Colleolor, Ileaforth P. 0. RICHARD :POLLARD, limitary Inspector, Lead - bury P0. The Mc ' op Mutual Fire Insurtnee Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED oFeuntie. Geo. Watt, PreMdent, Harlook P.. 0, • J. B. McLean Kippen P. 0.; W. J. Shannon, 1340kredIAL, Sestorti I'. : Thomas E. Nays, Inspector of Losses, Sealorth P. 0, D1lLIOTO111. W. G. Broadloot, Seatorth ; John G. Grieve'Win* throp •, George Dale, Seafortb Thomas E.Haye Seaforth ; Janie' EVans, Beechwood ; Thos. Getbutla Clinton; Thanes Praiser, Brueelleld ; John B. Mc- Lean, Kippen, , le111111. RObi. smith, Genoa ; Rob*. McMillan, Sesta* ; James Cumming Egmoadv e; L W. Ye*, Holmes - vibe P. O.; Jahn Govenlock and John 0. "garrison, auditors , Parties Monona to died lasaraaess or Inas- rot other badness will be promptly attended io as .pplicagon to any rit the above *Mom addresett la Ibels Newlin poig Olease.