The Huron Expositor, 1898-10-21, Page 79
OCTOBER 21,1898
> use a
•, we
he pair,
d and
4 with
novet hod one of
ined over to her
rough ad teak,
1 the milk before
1. 73
Mr. Haughty
enueli and milk
first dipped iuto
a stick to ta-
le about
r Pills.
!eabert Aleikle,
7..tar Dining Hall,
questions I asked.
PrPFtlit• They
recovered, from
_a fetal attack of
Dodd's, Km,
very other earth.
• are the: only
cure Diabetee,
tred Mr. Meikle
ti's Stability.
London eerres-
Evening Poet,
eeg1and'4 rivals
rale of .pritieh
.44 Ilicks1l3eaoh
Cemmoins on
alai expenditure
.1.15 e. tiro of $575,-
r of the Exchee
stirplue of$1S,
can afford tc.
tifying London's
sutpluh for the
! at $'8,930,000,
chsa-pening the
rime; the income
haesee, whose in -
*3,500, and all
y each year are
.it $100,000,000
zed strikes and
teceumuIation in
!ad.: Sir Michael
think anything
statietica to
FO compete on
conipet "
Swears by
Laver Pals.
ye re engineer
:a -en TorentO and
del witmy woric
:h. reeking my kid-
: al I was teem-
, to try Dr.
aa-xee have core -
a tter man than
en of Mr. John
:verb raai a, acci -
wet- feaard of a
'nder. One leg
e other to the
r rt hour.
" E," 71st
.1\;`,,-w York.
vr anti other
nearrie a victim
aa loony weary
eent back to
e -t his frienda
zi.2,-ertil for two
.1, 4,n old set-
t, en missing
ick for
foto the
r gta, of
whieh a0t
: p
7;; Mr. Me-
74,:rt, by his
If }aim.
-a: any:: rie of
for be-
. ye, ceneid-
.P1 negro'
'awn- rye
.il Daley,
1. •i,c1tpaille8
athnitted hie
s I
i! • even -
\It i9f,o‘vh,
vine, in
nr.d-: wag
wtt, and- in
ti ea force
Tres de-
, mileh
iltieter, of
kr a ebove the
r lyitte on the
er re; at the
harn of Mr.
ee the cow
The mite
r-, but after
OWiff, the
rah reepon-
zel dierniee-
dames If.
iiting h s
rrenager of
'egged ti- e
behind t
about $80 1
ty atnounting
'he criminale
'ton and Ed -
ries farmers.
etecl, bat the
iadly bruised
ae uncooscie
ight police'i
If it was otty health, we
might let it cling.
But it is a eou ba One cold
no sooner pass s off before
another conies. But it's the
same old cough au the time.
And it's the same' old story,
too. There is prst the cold,
then the cough, then pneu-
monia or consumption with the
long sickness, and lite tremb-
ling in the balance.
loosens the grasp of your cough.
The congestion of the throat
and lungs is removed; all in-
flammation is subdued; the
parts are put perfectly at rest
and the cough drops away. It
has no diseased tissues on
which to hang.
Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
draws out inflammation of the
Advice Fatties r -
Remember we haV6 fildedlealDepart-
anent. If you have any complaint -what-
ever and desire the best medical advice
you can possibly obtain, write the
doctor freely. Yon will receive a
ilrOmpt reply, without cost.
• Addrese, pit. J. C. AYER,
Lowell, Mass.
Our dieect connections will save you
time and money for all points.
Canadian North West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
British Columbia and California
Our rates are the lowest. We have them
bo suit everybody a.nd PULLMAN TOUR-
IST CARS for year accomModetion. Call
for further information.
Grand Trunk R ilway.
Trains leave Seaforth and CI
follows :
Goma WEST-
Mixed Train__
Mixed Train. .. . ..
Mixed Train.... ..
ntron etationa
mu &patio.' Test the..7.
[The following items were intenited
for last week, but were received too
Port Albert.
-Mrs.Dunbar and Miss Mary Dun-
bar are visiting Mrs. Thomas Baird, in
Bruce& d, this week, -Miss Dundee is the
guest of Mrs. John John Ben-
nett, jr., left for Thessalon on Monday, to
'spend the winter. -Miss Minnie Martin, of
Chatham, is the gue t of her cousin, Mrs.
1e.43 P M. 12.65 r.
10.1e P. M. 10.27 P. M.
0.A 14. 10.15 A. M.
6.16 P It.• 7.05 Ia. M
7 55 A, M. 7.40 A.M.
t P.M, 2.55 P. ti.
5.20 P. M. 4.85 P.M.
Wellington, Grey ad Bruce.
Ethel. . ... ,. 10.04 P. hi.
Brussele., 10.16
Bluevale .. 10.28
WingErnme ..... 10.4 e
Goma SOOTII- Preeen
. .. 7.. O. e0 A
Bitievale . . . .. 7.0e
. ..... 7.1n
Ethel. 7.2:8
London, Huron arid Bruce.
1.40 e. M.
305 .
8.6 A. M.
9 J
Loudon, depart
Clinton _
Beigrave._ ......
Winghem arrlve..
Caonlo SOOTS-
Wingham, depert....
Lend eaboro
Blake. -Miss Tena
from the Isle of Ry
mained until Sunda
Montreal this week.
8.15 A.M. 4.46 P.M.
0.18 6.G5
030 6.07
9.44 6 18
9.50 6.26
9.68 6,33
0.15 6.55
033 7.14
0.41. 7.23
L1.10 8.00
• Papeeneer.
3 A.M. 8.30 P. se
.e4 4 10
747 43
Brueefield........ . . ...... 8 06 • C60
Kippen. - c 8.17 4.60
Mansell_ - 8.24 6.04
Exeter,. „ ..... .... .. i. 8,38 5,16
Centralia,. . ....... - 8.50 5.215
London, (er:rive) 9.60 e. u. 6.0
IT P',41.7427S TO
awkins wheeled over
on Friday, and re-
. -John Wiles was in
NOTES. -Rev. J. 1. Neehercock, of Stage,
preached in the Met iodist church here last
Sabbath morning.- e are glad to report
that Mr. Thome. N cholla, who has been
seriously ill for the oat week or so, is im-
proving nicely -Farmers are busy taking
up their mangolds and potatoes. The po-
tato crop is email, but the mangold crop is
very good. -A great many wells in this vi
cinity had gone dry before the late rains,
but they should beavell filled up new. -Mr.
Wm. Nicholls has purchased a handsome
top buggy.
By an item_ in your Gorrie notes of last week,
a person would be led to believe that the
Gorrie public wheel had degenerated of
late; a startling statement indeed. Now as
I am the present teacher I do -not wish to lie
under any such gross imputation especially
since it is utterly unwarranted. If your
correepOndent will take the trouble to leek
up the school records he will be sadly dis-
appointed to learn that never in the school's
history did it turn out so- many successful
echool leavieg candidates as it did
this te er, It is quite true that some who
wrote failed ; but net for one moment do I
take upoa myself the respoesibility of their.
failtire. To my certain keowledge some of
the entrance candidates whom I advised not
to write were urged by your correspondeut
to write. To corroloorite My statement his
own son was one of the number and also one
of the failures. To say the least, his stab in
the dark was entirely uncalled for and I am
quite sure it signally fails to voice public
opinion -B. H. HAMILTON.
treeeing, is poaitively reared by L
They aro easy to take and never
nnaying and die -
LOCALITIES. -There we a very large
crowd -from here attending the Clifford fair
on the 6th inst., and in point of members
and visitors was a record
town. The day -was delig
grounds were only a littIe
ehow would not be surpass
county. Among those p
James Mesidullen, M. P.,
M. P. P. shaking halide witli those „who
helped them into their high and coveted
positions. -The weather here is first-class.
In many cases the farmers have not touched
their potatoes, as they look quit; green, and
aro not ready for takinghp.-14. D. Robb,
school inspector, visited. our 'isehool last
Tuesday forenoon, and then went to No. 3
• The Canada Business College
Still leads -its contemporaries in placing
134 of our pupils were placed in choice
positions in the 10 months ending July 1st,
an average of nearly 4 per week. What
do you think of it?
It Pays to Attend the Best.
College re -opens for the fall term on
Tuesdey, September 6c.h.
Write for catalogue of either department
D. MeLACHLAN & Co. Chatham, Ont.
reake$ for that.
tful, and if - thei
tter the Clifford
d by any in the
esent Were Mr,
nil Mr. Tucker,
Musical - Instrument
school l in the afternood.-Mese.
from Hensel!, has been engaged it,i-
the boundary school for ;1899.
berry,;teacher there, will study dentistry
after Christmaa-Mr. Jacob Halliday, of
Wingnam, is buying' up all the saleable ap-
ples in this community a $1.50 per barrel.
-Thepoll here on the lebiscite question
resulted in 54 for and 521againste a preuty
close 'all ; at No. 1 school the score was 81
for and 19 against. There is. a great deal of
hope for the people up in that sub -division.
--Many of the farmers from out east peseed
through on Monday with their lambato Mr.
Ja,mete Ritchie's. They Were bought, by Mr.
W. Rush at prices ranging from 0.40 to $4
per head. . .
teach in
Ir. May-
They are the Great Feedersof our ,Bodi
The Purity of the Blood is Dependent on their
Cleansing Powers
There's a timeto all, old and young, man or
woman, when poor health brings -trouble, antty,
and burdens hard td stand up under, and one's e arts
to rid himself or herself seem only to be baffled at
every turn, and we are prone to grow discouraged.
That is not the time to give up --but the time for
action, the time to seek ont the seat of the ttoublea
and act as your best judgment and the experience of
others will help you, guarding against mistakes in
the treatment adopted for your particular ailment.
WIARTONi Otraorazo,
M a life saver to mankind I hereby state what
Dr. A. W. Chase'sK.-L. , ills did for me. For nearly
four years I was greatly troubled with Constipation
and general weakness n the Kidneys,and in my
perilous position was str ngly advised to use Chase s
Pills, and to -day I can safely and truthfully state
that they have saved my life.
are the only Combine l Kidney and Liver Pill --
What they have Ace mplished is but a
guarantee of what ft ey will do
that the day has to be lived throudh, and
that ,the circumstances which may occur,
constitute what is termed "life," Think
„that yeo are but human, and liable to error. I
Remind yourself that you cannot act beyond'
the abilities you poesess,and hat time alone
will give you the necessary xperience you.
are desirous in ohtainine, if t ou ate an ob-
server. Know that bodily eeercise, accord-
ing to circurnsto.eces of occupation is neces-
sary. Know that human jbeings require
bodily rest of about eight heirs out of each
twanty-four, and that when taking rest the
mind must be relaxed from thought, to en-
able you to commence the following day's
work of action with renewed vigor. Re-
mind yourself thet Pelf •respect is a neces-
ity, and that dignity has no value.
- News Notes.
-Mr. Greenway, who is hi the east at
resent for his ealth, atten ed the Grand's
epository at orOnto on 1 morning last
reek and boug t a leek o heavy draught
horses at $300 for the pair.
-Charles Ho enier and John
man, of Brantford, were ar ested
day night on a charge of tealin
bushels of wheat from thhe barn
Intyre. They believes to
committed num rous burgle ies in
locality of late.
-Mr. WilIiarll Malcolm, of I
LOCALITIEs. -The Lutheran congregation
celebrated their annual harvest -festival on
Sunday last, The services were largely at-
tended, and the affair wee a success tutevery
respent.-One of the pioneers of this dis-
trict, in the person of M. John Hartman,
has pissed 'away,' and was buried in the
Catholic cemetery here On SatUrday. Mr.
Hartman came here with his pal ente about
forty-five years ago, and settled , n the
ben line, about four Miles soUth of
place, and has resided there everl since.
was a'successful farmer, and made a
forta.ble home out of the solid; bush.
was about 70 years of age, an' leaves a.
grown up family t o moorn theire _loss. His
wife died about 33 yeario ago. -Mr. D. .S.
Faust recently received word that his son,
Alfred, who left here about two months ago
for the coast, has started in business on his
own account in Seattle, Washington, His
many friends hereabouts will wish him
succe:es.-Our town was well represented at
theByfield fair last' week, and all seemed
to enfiey theinselves.-Rev. Mr. Egley, of
Indiana, wee here holdieg meetings at Mr. ,
H. Eicher's.-Rev. J. Stabler, of :Crediton,'
preached last. Sunday ilternoon inithe Evan-
gelical church here, to e large congregation.
He delivered a powerful .sermon. -Mr. John
Harrah, of Crediton, was here a few daps,
visiting his brother Philip, who is sick, -
Mr. J. Fe Rickbeil -has started to ereet his
new implement building, which he expects
to have finished Ghia fall.
Parents Are Unfair to Teachers.
Owing to hard times,. we hOre con -
'luded to sail Pianos and Organ at
os -
near Lucknow,
year. Of eight
10460- measure
had a circumfer
The largest one
which had on
has some
obs picked
nearly a fo
nce of nine a
about two pounds. containedOgrain
it I,: i35
-Oh Suuday evening, abo
time, the chimney of Dr. S
deuce in Kincardine was ob
' fire, rind in a !short time the
flames. The fire brigade w
scene and sncce ded in putting out the blaze,
but not until after the roo and attic had
been badly burned and the lower story and
• contents damaged considerably by water.
The lots will o partly c vered by insur-
ance. I
-Edwardl pagoeau, a 75 -year-old farmer,
living in Dover township, near Chatham,
was struck by westbound po.ssenger train
while.driving a roes the Grand unk tracks
just `east of t e city ' limits on /Sunday.
The horses wee instantlyilled/and the
buggy demolis ed. Dagne u's collar bone
and three ribs were broken, 'his heac severe-
ly gashed, and e received this injuries
frorn which it i doubtful ifshe will recover.
He was taken t St. Joseph's hospital.
-On Thure ay, 1 October 6th, several
travellers on th main road to Foxboro, near
Belleville, wer alarmed by the sight of a
naked man, wh came out ' f a cedar swamp
about two mile, north of t at city and pur-
sited ,their vehicles, in one instance seizing
the horse by the headgear; A county con-
stable WWI sent out and arrested him. On
Saturday he , was;brought before Mayor
Johnson, of Belleville, when it was learned
that. his name hi Richard Lawson, and that
his home 18 in Toronto. He had evidently
been drinking heavily, and was sentenced
to four months in prison.
F. Bete-
ls Satur-
f E. Me-
ese also
the same
reat Corn this•
at random, the
t in length and
nd a half inches.
2 rows of corn
, and weighed
tly after church
cord7e fine resi-
erved , to be on
roof burst into
s quickly on the
"That existing methods of educatibg the
young fall short of the ideal there is scarce-
ly any question." writes Edward Bak in the
Se.ptember Ladies' Home Journal. "The
most prominent educators of the land admit
thie fact. Every effort- is undoubtedly
Made to better prevailing systems. But
the fight is singlfehanded. As teechers and
educators constantly Pay : We are alone ;
parents give UR no assistance. They do -apt
even give us the beteefit of ordinary inter-
est.' And this is true-lamentalely true.
Parents are alltoo lax about the inethodi
pursued in educating their children. Ii
hundreds of cases they do not even know
what the methods are. They know n.
about them. There is no co-operation
parent with the, teacher. However
we may be able to improve modern m
of education, the best results to our chil-
dren cannot be rea.ched until parent end
teacher shall come into closer relations than
they are at present."
f the
How to Make the Best of Life,
Start each day as if commencing a .new
- life. Forget the sorrows and anxieties of
yesterday. 15o not think too much. if at
all, of to -morrow. Remind youreelf of
pleasant circumstlinces in a casual way.
Control your min. In giving attention to
Only; one matter a, 0. !,; me. Methodise the
ou for the day, and know
work allotted to
Greatly Reduced Pric'es.
Organ,- at A9.5 id ul,wazfrds, and
Pianos a corrcs.unrio:g Lrieus.
-See us beforc puiehming.
Ask our grocer for
For TaNe and eiry,P rest andiest
promises,la several m
without mu capital, p
From there eyser and
ed British olumbia, w
ploynaent o the Govern
-One d y last week
Horn was a rested in K
of obtaining money un
One day he called on
stated that
and eolioite
Short diansi
think the
Short again
never seen
cash. This
of stock.
under the i
Mr. Short t
ed to the h
ing if Mr.
and receive
Then Mr. S
ed for havi
he was are
oan and B
stock. A
eed the m
natter ove
and the des
ave the str
before, : a no
was in pay
ater Mr.
tinence of liq
lose confide
edquarters o
orn was a
d the repl
ort decided
g collected
The man w
mbers of the party,
weeded Westward.
is companion
re they found em-
ent eailroad.
Imana named C. R.
ngsto4 ogle, charge
er fal e preencea.
. Sltort and
atiii of the
rzi�:lalk Mr.
tig be would
n- saw Mr.
elooed. The
hcem he had
250 and $50
r ten shares
found Horn
d this caused
e telegaaph-
oncipany ask-
auth rized agent,
that he: was not.
o havethim arrest -
money under false
pretences. 1 s sedated, and the
police got $280.
-Suit hali been entero 1 in theiEechequer
Court, Ottawa, against Michael \Fitzgibbon
and Frederick Sehafbeit in, &ling businese
in Montreal, for Custo
Government. It is all
May, 181M, and Februar
er 80
, say
e for
ent f
or, a
s duties due the
ged that between
, 1896 the defend-
ants imported into Ca Ada, oods to the
value o1i$59 284. There were duties to the
extent of $17,785 on the oods and the firm
paid only $15,209, leavink a ba ance due the
Government of $2,584. Prior to 1895 it is
said that the firmimorte4 $59,284 on
fraudulent invoices, ther by fo felting to the
Government double thial amo nt, or $118,-
568, and becoming lie 'le to a malty of
$200 in respect of each o the Said 'invoices,
such penalties amountin in the aggregate
to $23,200, and 'the defe4dar4ta, besides he-
comiug liable in respect to e ch of the said
iavoices to year's n iinprisonmena
How He Gov the Repute
• American
'"General, I never u,
was you came to gain
'The Great American
enlighten ps?"
The question tickled
face dissolered into w
laughing in his silent
two he said':
"Well, new, you Will
I tell you ihat that wh
work of General Grai
Just after e war clos
to take a rile with hi
hind a ho e he had;j
which he was ' very , f
down thevenue I sai . `See,here, Grant,
now that t e pipingit mes 4:4 peace have
come we njist choose fad.'
"'What are you dal Ing a, Sherman?'
he asked.
"'1 me n to say tha if we don't fix up-
on lometh ng the public will do it for us,
• and it may not be plea ant.'
" 'Well, It is pret generally known
that I am fond of ho - .s. 1 I suppose that
will 'answer for me. i Vhat nitive you in
"I fold him I had 11 ed up n nothing as
yet, but would try to s o so. Meanwhile I
asked for his help. e sai4 he would be
glad to serve me. I
"Now, what do yon ;uppoe Grant did?"
asked Sherman, withrote tied, indigna-
tion. "Why, he mase str 'OA for the
newspaper correspond nts and told them
that I bad formed the esolution to devote
the rest of Insi life to name of
a gallant for all the •oungl lad its in the
country. At the sane
to the neWspaper men
It as a personal fo,vo
what they could, to s
would dollLbtleM be o
and he wils sure I w uld
"Well, those corresp nde
any urging. The wh- e thi
ed from one end of th 'cou
er, iny first knowled
papers themselves. I
whole thing, though
Ah, he wa
rman, "I
ork of tryi
reputation he mode f
lightful ursuit of m
Ellie in C autauquan.
ion o “The Greet
adehtb�d how it
the reputation of
tame' Won't you
im.. The seamed
inkles, • and after
ay for' ininute or
bo su phised 'when
le thing Was the
Lt, but it'S a fact.
d Grait aisked me
In W shington be-
st bought and of
nd. As we spun
time he intima
hat he would t
If tbey would
read the news.
ass stance to
-Montreal °deter is stirred up by the
actions of a e oung man who lately paid
Montreal a vista He represented himself
as the son of 4, New York millionaire, and
stated he had jusb returned from the war,
where he had leen a captain in one of the
American regiments. He secured introduce
tions to a number of swell young Montreal-
ers, and as he was somewhat short of reedy
cash, although he showed a cheque for $5 -
000, he secured a number of advances, end
obtained a quantity of goods. He attended
the swell ball the other evening to the offi-
cers of the A. M. S. Whet, and was in-
troduced to Many of Montreas society
belles. It now transpires that the young
tram], who left t.he city he day after the ball,
Was a fraud, a d that the police are on his
track for obta ning money under false pre -
! -Robert umphrey, a young man who
resides a few tiles south of Waterford, die:
appeared thret wee re ago, and no trace can
be found of him. umpbrey was one of the
brightest pupils sv o ever attended Water-
ford high school. 1 e failed, at ,midsummer
in ono eubject to ob sin his eecond-class cer-
tificate. is pare ts wished him to con-
tinue at sehoo , hu he declined to do so.
One day aboc thre weeks ago he was seen
going away b the 1 ne. It was then suP•
posed that he was o ng to a neighbor's. He
did not retur . Wh n enquiries were made
it was &scene ned hit he had not been seen
by anyone fr m tl e day of his departure
from there, o information has since been
obtained as to his whereabouts. Search
parties were t work all day Sunday in t e
fields and fol. sts. ,...
4 -Late on Saturday afternoon William
Arenstrong, the 32.year-old son of Mr. John
Ar nstrong a. well known farmer on t e
ar Creek, road, near Galt, commit
ide by hanging himself with a halt
nk to a rater in his garret bedroona Ti e
ad beenradically out lof his
yohng man
mind for a nhionth, and had implor
patents either to allow him to throw
before one of he C. P. R. trains, whi
cleats to his lfarm, or go to Galt, an
himself from the high bridge into the
He had even entreated his physicia
Meldrum, td administer a quick
h pas
1 htlrl
, Dr.
On Saturday afternoon he went to his be
room, tkew halter shank over a rafter, a d
leaning himself out from the bed, allow d
himself to be slowly strangled.
Monday of 1 s week announced the dea h
. . I , ,
Montreal an ell known in 'athletic circl1••• es. ' C°1
No particula were given in the telegram jas
to e manne ii which he met his death, q
bare announcement that e e
. As he had been worki g BPch
ent railroad in British
months past. it is probIA i; liam,
life 'in a railway accide t. P°P° °
4 years ot age. and •was -f r• autter,
merlY an accoluetant in the Thompson sloo Pathan
factory in M ntreal. In March last he, ?Ift• M
with a number of others, left for the Klon-
dike o seek eir fortunes in that part of Billy,
the1 °minion The party managed to reach. Old Ge
of he ompany failed to eep is tona but got no farther. The pro. i Was a f
-.4. te1egian received in Montreal
'at Victoria,
ritish Columbiter resident of on Saturd y
of MrPVV. eyser, a for
added Sb
find the
royal hig
James p
found hi
but craz
seen this
resolved tp take no no
tinned -h s walk nnt 1 o
homeward. The woman immediately stood
before and colartesicd. The prinoe
raised hie hat and trie to pass on.
"I have a grievan e, your royal high -
ger, producing from
of 9losely written
✓ in
ts didn't n ed
g was her
try to the th-
ing from the
through the
tried to lay
ly weeg, b
e him, and I
live up to the
the most de-
" -Edward S.
Wales as Mi lo.
1 a rather g od
nes s the Pr' ace
he was tak ng
rk before 1 real
self follow&l b
looking ol
woman boore,
hat her ob ect
tory about his
f Wales. One
a walk in St.
fast when he
a well dressed
man. Haviog
and probably'
as, the prince
I her, but con -
lige(' to turn
nese," be
her hand
I have bt
was the
strong G
an the Ara
bag a ro
adam, the
In taken for
reply in a
rman amen
ashing a gl
upon hlth, the old
precious documents,
the honor to have kn
of tho royal family
Were not becoming b
not have maae such
as to take you for th
of Wales again too
and proceeded on hi
Deane G
Irish bar
now in
few are,
Grady, a
in the I
the unto
of action, "What, do
country?" "Yes,"
"and very happy I
to sell."
_Ned Lfrsaght, a co
aster of tho period 11
ourusta ems, applied
well kn wn bank°
aFftablis ment. "W
"Not o
my dela
one day,
s is pot ze first, time
e Prince of Wales!"
gruff voice, with a
. , 1
no Of deepest seer
la1y put away ' h
✓ marking, 'I ha e
11 the neensbe s
if my oyesigl t
adays I shou d
stonishing err r
e,e. " The Pri n ee
his hat, smiled
Sae zoLiowing °Logone (mourn -
servati+e wit: "I should be tnY firat, if I
could thlow my second at my Whole."
A. Good Collector.
A Liston young man tells how he #0 --
cured ila place as collector fOr a large
house ful that city. He was working fOr
for an Auburn man and used
bills,. He had a bill of $8.6fit
rich Lewiston man, and when-
ent to collect it the man nevcfr.
$3 a wee
to celiac
ever he
had the change. But he kept rightaafto
him till he worried the life nearly out of
the man. One day the Lewistenian paid
him and told him he never wanted. to aee
him again and ordered him out With strong
longue e.
Aw4eklaterthasamemansexitthnan 1
offer o $16 a week to do colleeting and;
assiatalIlt bookkeeping and added, "You're
athoeurbneatt collector know."-JKannebee
Shoved Back the T1d0.
"BIali ries Bobbie, a Dumfarlin cairter,"
went do n to Charlestown one day fin, a
load of lad, but to his dismarfound it
Was big water, and none could be got.
:After po ring out the -vials of his wrath
ion the h rbor master for allowing the tide .
to rise is wont home with his empty Cart.
Corning sick next day when it:happened
to be lOw water, he exclaimed:
"Aye, thisps something like the thing.
The best oi Olk's nano the waur o' beim
spoken to."-eheDundee People's Journal.
Irish gal its.
ts of the celebrated wits -Harry
rady, Lysaght and Keller -of the
early in tho present century are
large tneasiire forgotten. Some
however, on, reci rd. Harry Deane
leader of t e Tvii miter bar, voted
eh house of coi
lmons to support
against he wishes of his eon -
one of w soiu remonstrated in -
with him n his intended course
you mean to sell your
was the cool reply,
in to have a country
obrated wit and poet-
veryl embarrassed cir-
to Mr. La Touche, the
, for a place in his
at situation, my dear
could possibly suit you?" said his
ho felt hi
ly one, but
bat are the
La Touche,
I'll becom
Law Notes.
They Are Neeeesary Evils That ollow In
7 the Train of Marriag .
Peope-in-law are necessary evils. If
people will Marry, they mu t ubnait to
the infli don of a number of 130W rela-
tives. I S metimes this 'nine io is bitter,
soinetim sweet, and some in es it, has
very littl taste, but getter 11 it has a
When man and a womai pin hands
at the al r, they contract ai 4iiianoe not
only wit each other, but, in an indirect
way. per aps, with their reap ve fam-
ilies: Id ny do not attach nu h impor-
tance to this fact, but It is a f at never-
theless t at no amount of asp istry ern
explain way.
A yau g woman has proml to matins,
the man who appears to hea o sessed of
all the attributes that make a manly
She has long ago made h r mind,
hoWever, that John's sistere "loud"
and hi n mother, "Impossible.l' he won-
ders hew such people can ha e a son andl
brotheaalike "delir John" and after mar
riage She intends keeping th in at a disa
The wedding daresrives, and she bears
J hn'a other ,call her "dau hter," bu
her e rs it does not imp y much -1
ojily one of the forms to be gone throug
oa that 1 appy day.
The ornee the ,hanoymoo t'Ine, an
for two hole weeks tho bri e has Joh,
all to he self. No thoughts • f his relat.
tiveS On rude themselves on hat blissful
time. - _
When the oouple return to wn to tak
up thei abode in the cozy home tha
"dear ohn" has prepared, Mrs. Joh
finds herself greeted by her m ther-in-lave
and slaters -he -law, as well as by her own
mother and quiet °schoolgirl ister. The
twodetter, however, are quite overshadowl-
ed by john'slrelatives, and k ire. John re-
sents the fact in her heart.
As the daya go,by she disco ere that hei
people -law slioisy no disposi ion entirely
to reliaquish John's sooiety be ause hahaa
martiad a wife. He is still the son and
brother, although he has be onae a hue -
band, 0 d the first frown that she remem-
bers t ave seen -on his brow is caused by
a pettila t remark of hers th t she wishes
his siet r Flora would stop somewhere
else t ai with them, while h r own home
is ,shu p (hiring the tempo ary abscise
of the r st of the family.- .t -n Camero
other than th
had been kil
on the GoVelit
umbia for sotne
that be lost hi
He was about
nself in a difficulty.
two," was the reply.
?" "If you will only,
make me cashier for
runner Vac next"-
cation of th
me to tim
e would b
alike of lo
rennials a
. 0. M.,"
O recall th
he Mahdi
entary Ha
She Man,
nickna nes that were
ed upon Mr.
dictionary of
like. Besides
nd Old Man,
People's Wil-
ls° Bill, the
a fine
and di
the !Or
ind the
illiam the Wood -
Midlothian, the Old
d, t People's Will,
the ;A.ncient Senator,
avv den Bill, Prime
G., the tn1y WllhJam and the
I leman. At one time his name
Vorite theme for Christmas cha-
mong which 1110,9 be remembered
Distinguished everywhere for De-
liCacy of ' Flavour, Superior Qual-
iq, and Nutritive Properties.
Specially grateful and comforting
to the nervous and derepeptic.
Seld only in quarter -pound tins,
'else led JAMES EPPS 8e, CO.,
Lim ted, Hoinceopathic Chemist
Lon on, England,
1609 26
aucticineer, will sell by public auction in the
Allege of Dublin, at 1 &cheek, on Friday, October
8th, 1898, the following valuable Rronerey, viz ;-
Twenty-tworg-year old *teem, 10 yearliog steers, 6
Spring Naves, d yearling heifers, 6 dews, calved or
about to calve at time of sale ; 8 heifers coming
three yeers !old, to calve about tine of sale ;
thoroughbred bull calf 10 months old, with pedigree ;
sew with pig's, I bow in pig. The eteers are a
Waled lot, fit for dere <rattle or good feeders. Any
dairyman or farmer wanting good cows will find
these offered or sal to be first -clue Through -
bred ,tock. -Two tho oughbred cows from imported
Defiance, 1 through red two year old heifer, all in
ealt; a thoroughbrei bred hull coming three yeSTS•
got by D. D. Wiloon' Imported " Renton Robbin."
A breeding mare in oat to Seagram's thoraughbred
horse. Terms of s le. -Seven months' or 6 per
cent. diseount for cad). JOHN MeCONNELL,
Proprietor; JAMES JONES, Auctioneer. 1608-3
ki NTS. -The undersigned has given instruc-
tions to hada Bailey, to sell by public auction on
Lot 18, Concession -8e Ilibbert, half mile oast of Staffs
village On Tuesday, October 2atin 1a08, at I o'clock
sharp, Ihe following stock and implements, namely: ,
one good working horse 10 yesrs oId, 7 seers 3 years
old, 2 helfere in calf 3 years old, 1 heifer 8 years old
not in calf, 1 steer 2 years old, 4 heifers 2 ,years old.
s heifers 1 year old, 5 spring calves, 1 Durham bull 2
cears old; 12 well-bred owe, 1 Leicester ram, 3 ram
amine 2 ewe Iambs, 20 pigs, 1 pair bobsleighs, 1 COM -
!nod seed drill,' 1 Toronto mower and pea harvester,
Verity plow nearly new, ,13110 2 -furrow plow nearly
now, 1 miller, and a aivr other articles of use on the
farm. Terms -10 Inmate credit for all sums over $5 ;
6 pet cent. discount fdr cash on credit amounte. All
the above will he sold without reserve. HENRY S.
YEO, proprietor; C. .BA1LEY, auctioneer. 1609-2
MENTS, ETC.-Ifr. Wm. MeCloy hat been in-
etructed by Mr. W. A. Ross to sell by public relation
on Lot 84, Concession 8, McKillop, on Wednesalay,
October 26th, 1898, at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp, the
following property, viz. ; Horses. -Two breeding
mares, supposed to be in foal to an imported horse ;
1 heavy draught filly one year old. Cattle. -Thirty-
five two-year-old steers, 23 yearling stem, 1 heifer,
three years old, 2 heifers one year old, 2 ranch cows
tine supporred to be in calf ; spring. calves. Piga.-
Three sows, supposed to be in pig -, 6 pigs two
Months old. Also rs number of hens. Implements. -
One lumber wagon and box 1. hay reek, 1 binder, 1
treed' drill, 1 gang plow, 1 hay rake, 1 single plow, 1
pair bobsleighs, 1 road cart, 1 fanning mill, I set
double harness, 1 pet plow harness, 1 grindstone, to -
ether with forks, ehovels, and a lot of small
rtieles. The whole will positive be sold, ea the pr 0.
prietor has rented his farm. Terms, -All sums of
g5 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months'
eredit will be given on furnightng approved joint
notes. A discount at the rate of 6 per cent. per
minutia will be allowed far eash on credit amounts,
W. A. ROSS, Proprietor ; WM. illeCLOY, Auc-
tioneer. 1609-2
Just Arrived
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chanter 129
of the Reyleed htatates of Ontario, 1817, 'that all
persons having olefins against the Estate of John
'Troyer, the elder, late of the townsbip of Hay, its
the county of Huron, geutlemeu, deceased, who
died on or shout the SOth day of July, A. D., 1898,
are required en or before the 15th day of November.
A. D., D298, to send by post prepaid, 'Otto deliver to
the undersigned Executors of the laet will and testa-
ment of the aforesaid deviated, their names, ad-
dresses and occupations, with full particulars of
their claims and the nature of their security (if
any) held by them, duly verified by affidavit.
And notice le hither given that after the said lath.
day of Novisimber, A. D /898, the Exeoutorsavhill
proeeed to distribute the assets of the said de-
ceased anaong the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which notiee shad
have then been given as aforesaid, and the Exec-
utors will not be liable for the said assets, or any
part thereof to any person, or persona of whose
claim notice shall not have been received as
above. CHARLES TROYER, Merchant, Hills Green
P. 0., 0. J. SUTHERLAND, Conveyancer Hensel!,
Exenutors. Dated at Heiman this nth day of Oc-
tober, A. D., 1898. 1609-4
Latest Designs
Hew Millinery Store.
G. \ AULT'S Leatherdale
Another lot!. Quart GeMs at wholesalei
firtees, alsoabarrel of the Diamond Crystal
`Table•Syrup. A fine lot of icombed and eeoi
treated honey ; green, black and japan tea!
from 35c tO 40a dovai to 25e; 3 lbs. of Japan
tea for 50c; 2 lbs. of Japan tea for 25c. I
etre Still giving 21 lbs. of granulated sugar
for $1.. I am closing out balance of crookt
DR. L W'S WORM SYRUP is death te the iwotnos
every rim , gate for the child, and so nice tp take
the elail 1 en lick the spoon. Pries 25e.
All Nerves.
Many people ray they are all nerves," e4ily
startled cr upset, °roily worried and irritated. Mil -
burn's He, rt and Nerve Pille are just the rentedy
Kroh people require. They rastore perfect hirrUcmy
of the nerve centres and give new nerve fiarce to
shattered netvms systems.
Doan_'s Kidney Pills.
Are maid effective remedy known for 'elk,
painful I twice ; Dropoy, Diabetes, Bright's Di 0a118,
sedimen in she urine and kidney and IA der
el* • 0.
on gett
an awe
Fowler's Extract of 799'"
g has yet heron fund to supersede i I for
ea, Dysentery, Cholera, Crampe, Coll , L and
Coniplaint. Don't take a stibeti tete. ;lOalet
ng the genuine.
An Awful Cold:
Wit, Darlora Pine Grove, Ont., says :e-" I
crud Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrure for
Colds, Hoarseness and Sore Throat, ! I had
I eeld and could hardly speak. One belt e of
Pine Syrup cured me completely."
Health.; Run Down.
and glassware at cost pieces. Come one
all and get a good bargain; 5 lbs. bone;
fish for 25e; 3 boxes matches for 25c ;
her down again, 5e a lb. or 8 lbs for
• glober melts for stock Sc a lb. or 8 lbs,
(or 25c; a fresh lot of canned kippered
ehiakens in ate& ; a fresh lot of mixed
pickles at 10c bottle,:
"1 Las run down in health and weak, and could
not g4 anything to do me good until I tried Buidoek
elood Bitters which bae made me strong and
a TH08.1 LAWSON, Terra Nova, Ont.
Notice joOreditors.
1h98, t
and f
will p
will n
reciltore of Roderick Gray, lat of the tlown.
MeKillop in the count, nf ron, farmer,
ri, who died on the 101h dav 'M SepteMber,
0 required on or before the Sth of NoSember,
bend to either `of the undersigned It cut.
rossed to Seaforth P. 0., of the wIlI f the
&rick Gray, full partirulars of their laims
the eecuritles (if any) held by the+, duly
by affidavit, After the said dale the E eentors
oceed t') distribute the Estata of he d ceased
1litste :
A. G
the puttee entitled thereto, havi g r
tha elxime of which they shell have
ani Mice retch distributien thb E
f th
t be accountable tor aoy part
to any person of whose claim they shall
notice. Thar notice is given pur
etatute i.i that behalf.
Seaforth, October 10th, 1893.
AULT, C4tk
For peopl
road to w
We know people
not as goo
they were
cent they
the same
it's tus wo
a rainy d
For rainy
asso tine
and we c
wh have learned that the
wild have paid $2 for shoes
i as ava sell for $1.50, and
people who needed every
ad too.i, If they followed
ourse in their other buying
der they failed to make
o saving up something for
y. And that reminds na.
days we have a matchless
of _
Boots and Re-
e Staples,
save you money an theni
ed our Ota.ff of workmen,
e in a better position thOn
do cusTom -WORK and
NG on the shortest notice.
We have fncreaa
and will
ever to
Dealers in 'first-class Furniture of all
kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering
neatly done. We also do picture fram-
ing, and a choice selection of pictures
always on hand. Curtain poles at all
prices, and put up. We ate also
Agents for the New- Williams Sewing
Machine, best in the market for do-
mestic use, no travelling agents, BO
high pricea.
Rieha;IdOon Molnni$,
The a Op Mutual Elie
t#sur nc'e Company.
ot bae re-
liant tio the
Ex centers.
riVidiANINAWANiiiiiikViVilfiditii iliitY
FOR MEN AND illO_ME_NA.____k
1.Df. 'flard's ,
.. Blood 84 Bop')
Geo. eft, reslidOett, Harlot& P. O. ; .1, B.
'McLean, Kippen P. O. ; W. J. tibennon, Seay-TreMis.
Restorth P. 0, homes E. Hays, Inspector of
Losses, °nit .
W. G. wadi t, S orth ; John G. GrieVe'Win-
throp; George D le Seaforth; Thomas E. Haim,
Seaforth ; Jam Deans Beachwood ; Thros. GsrbMti
Clinton ; Thorn Fraker, Beueeffeld ; John B. lie.
Lean, KJ pen.
In the Undertaking Department, we buy
our goods from the best houses in Ontario,
and guarantee satisfaction in every depart-
ment of our work. We have always made
it a point to furnish chairs, and all other re-
quisites for funerals, FREE OE . CHARGE.
Prices better than heretofore.
Arterial and cavity embalming done on
scientific principles.
P. S. Night and. Sunday calls will be
attended to at Mr. Landshorough's resi-
dence, directly in the rear of the Domiman
Itobt. rlock ktobt. MaMiliso, fleaforth ;
Jen et Cr tW1U Egnocreaville ; J. W. Yeo'Etolutels-
vide P. .; Job Govenioek and John C. Korai-tam,
dee!toni to effeet Ineurshoee or IIMDS,
bnstnis will, be promptly attended tre oe
n to sly of the above officers, eddremed le
ettv• porn Menet.
-et oth
their re*
Sem Boiler Works.
• Su' - - 'rto Chryetal & Black,
s of &Ili kinds of Stationary
e, 'Upright & Tubular
Sat Painfit'llte
Also dealers a17
'wines. Au
see of pi
Stalks, Sheet Iron Works,
eto4 etc.
right and Horir.ontal Slide VOLVO
Cut -Off Zegines sepectaity. All
pe•fitiing constantly cm biatl
ou-shor 6 notice.
G. T. B. 8661dos, Gaul*
'j,sl qc j tstI