The Huron Expositor, 1898-10-14, Page 6OCTOBER 14 1898
"(0111i GRIEVE, v.s., honor grad ate of Ontario
ti Veterinary College. All &sea es of Domestic
animals treated. Calls promptly tended to and
°hews moderato, Veterinary Dentetry a specialty.
Office and reeidence on .Goderich street, one door
Hest of Dr. Scott'e office, Seiforth. 1112-tf
'to be idle is the barde'st of
all task* Our grandmothers
underst 'ocl this and oven hi
the r leisure moments
we e never found witP-
k in
out soine
their hands, -if,
ohly knittin
ting or eini
' ing. ,There
reasou for t
that does not ap-
pear upon, the
surface. Our
were healthy wo-
men, imbued With
a epitit of amtd-
tion and adivity
t h a t!:_would nOt
permit them to
be idle. -
If many modern
women are much
given to idleness than
ore, it is 'because Veen
nre of good health.
s from weakness aod
disease of the disti etly feminine o gaits,
who is racked with
hews aches and nerv
tive and helpful. I
GI. H.
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist, Toronto College of
Veterinary (laciest*, Honor Graduate of Ontario Vet-
erinary` Honor member of Ontario Veterin-
Medical •&ciety. 411 diseases of domestic animals
ly treated. All calls promptly attended to-
day or night. Dentistry and Surgery s specialty.
Moe and Diepengary-Dr. Campbellai old office,
Main street Seaforth. Night calls answered from the,
'Sloe. 1406-62
Barrister, _Solicitor. Conveyaneer and Notary
Public. Money to loan. Office over Pickard's Store,
formerly Mechanics' Institute, Main Street, Seaforth.
iur G. CAMERON, formerly of Carneron, Holt &
ffila Cameron, Barrister and Soliaitor, Goderioh,
gattako. Office--Ramilton street, opposite Colborne
Hotel. a 1462
ii. HATS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and
Notary Public. Solicitor for the Dominion
k. Oflioe-Cardno's bloc*, Main Street, Seeforth.
iloneyto loan. , 1226
1 M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, do,
. Office -Rooms, five doors north of Comments
lel, ground floor, next door to C. L. Pipet s.
ewelry store, Main street, fleaforth. Goderich
. ente--(emeron, liolt geed Cameron. 1216
Q COTT & MeKENZIE, Barristers, Solicitors, etc.,
)3 Clinton and Bayileld. Clinton Office, Elliott
block, lasso street. Baylield (Moe, open every
Thursday, Main street, first door west of post office.
Money to ioan. James Scott & E, EL McKenzie.
• 1698
/NARROW & PROUD/007, Barristers,
ur &a., Godericls, Ontario. J.!. fiaason, Q. 0.;
WiLi repenter/V. 186 •
rimacaom, norm a HOLMES, Barristen So-
Var Honors in Chancery, he„Godertok, Oat M. C.
0A1110111, Q. 0., nut° Sow, Dunne' Hoenig •
1G1 IfOLMEf3TED, rnooeisor to the late firm of
MoCsughey & Holmested, Barrister, Solicitor
Oonveyancer, and Hotel y Solicitor -for the Can
adien Benk of Commerce. Money to lend. Farm
for sale. Office iu Soott's Block, Main Street
1C1 W. TWEDDLE, Dentiet. Office -Over Richard-
son & Dlolnnist shoe store, corner Main and
John streets, Saaforth.
TAR. BELDEN, dentiet ; crowning, bridge work
XI and- gold plate work. Special attention given
to the preservation of the natural teeth. All work
carefully performed. Office -over Johnson Brog.'
igardware store, Seaforth. 1461
TIE. H. 8. ANDERSON, graduate of Royal College
1J of Dental Snrgeons, Ontario, D. D. 8., of TO-
ronto University. Office, Market Block, Mitchell,
Ontario. 1402
R. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. -D. 8.
Honor graduate of 'Toronto University, Den-
tist, will practice dentistry at his father's rooms in
Exeter, and at his room at Mrs. Shafer's resteurant,
Bengali, every Wednesday. 11. Kingman, L. D. 8.,
itt Zuzioh the last Thurdeday of each month.
TNR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the
ILY Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also
honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto
University. Office in the Petty block, Heiman,
Will visit Zurich every Monday, commencing- Mon-
day, lune let. 168T
"D11- AGNEW, Dentist, Clinton, will visit Zuri3h on
XV'. the second Thursday of each month. 1602
Dr. John McGinnis,
Hon, Graduate London Western University, member
Of Ontario College of Phyeiciang and gunroom
Office and Residence -Formerly °coupled by Mr. Wm.
Pickard, Victoria Street, next to the Catholic Church
eir Night Calls attended promptly. 14613x12
, —
rtn. ARMSTRONG, M. B„ Toronto, M. D. C. M.,
, Viotorige M. C. P. 8., Ontario, successor to Dr.
Milo% office lately occupied by Dr. &Boit, Bruce-
ii.LEX. BETHUNE, Y. D, Fellovr of the Royal
College "of Phygicians and Surgeons, Kingston.
ueoestor to Dr. Maoisid. Officio lately 000npled
i ;Dr. Mackid, MAI.% Street, Seaforth. Residence
-.Corner of Viciorie Square, in honse letely °coupled
by L. E. Dancey. 1127
_Late residentPhysiolan and Surgeon, Toronto Gen-
eral Hospital. Honor graduate Trinity University,
member °Me College of Physicians and Surgeons
O f Ontario. Coroner for the County of Huron.
sarOFFICE.—Same as formerly occupied lay Dr.
Smith, oppoeite Public School, Seaforth. Telephone
No, 46. N. B.—Night calls answered from office.
Goderich street, opposite Methodist church,Seaforth.
J. G. SCOTT, graduate Viatoris end Ann Arbor, and
member Ontario College of Physicians snd
Burgeons, Coroner for County of Huron.
E. MaaKAY,, honor graduate Trinity University,
gold meciallet 'Trinity Medical College. Member
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
T\ R. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, Phrician, Surgeon
J./ and Accoucheur, successor to,Dr. W, Graham,
Brussels, Ontario. Firot Class Honor Graduate of
the Universitiee of Trinity (Toronto), Queen'e (King-
ston), and of Trinity bledial College ; Fellow of
Trinity Medical College and member of the College
of Physicians and 8urgeono Ontario. Peat
Graduate Course in Detroit 513d Chicago, 1896.
Special attention paid to diseaseo of Eye, 'Ear, Nose
and Throat, and DiocaSeis of Women. Catarrah
treated oucceosfully in all its forms. Consultation
in English aud German. 1681-11
ginetioneer for the Countlee 'of Huron and Perth,
and Agent at Hensall for the Maseey-Hanis Menu-
,:soturing Company. Sales proreptly attended to,
allergen moderate and eatisfaction goarantood.
ordere by mall addreeeed to Hensel' Port Office, or
ieft at hie residence, Lot 2, Concession , 11, Tuck-
eramith, will revelve prompt attention, 1296-tf
With The BOo
Th 8 wag e xcellent work ohould be
th county of iluron.
PRICE, $1.00 PER
in every house
Copies can be had from Mr. B. R, Higgins, Bruce -
field, or Mr. David Ross, 640 Church street, Toronto.
less active and more
the stately dames of
enjoy a smaller me
-A woman who suffe
Rev. Dr. MoVicer, Principal of the Presbyterian`
collage Bey& I am profited and greatly pleased
with witiat heve read, and I intend oext Monday to
advise all our etudente to put it into their librariee
and to study it deligently as affording rich in-
struction in pastorial theology and practical godli-
nese. atoll read them a few - patience that they
may see that it is far from being dull or dry.
Mr, N. Drvadale of Wm. Drysdale t Co., Publiehere
and Booksellers, Montreal, says ev. John Res4
was a grand man, and the Nvriting of his life could
not have been pl,toed in better hands. What we
need to -day more and more are boOks of this class
'1'he reading of which tondo to the better circulation
Of the blood,and etiring onde soul. , 1665-tf
Cook's Cotton Boot' Compotati.
le successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggiet for Cook's Woe bet Com-
pound. Take no other as all Mixthres, piils and
imitations are dangerous. Prise, No. 1, $1 per
box; No.s, 10 degrees stronger, $2 per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed en receipt of price nnd two S-eent
stamps, The Cook Compaayffindoor, Ont.
ria -Nos. 1 and. 2 Hold and recommended by ail
responsible Druggists in 051134
Nn 1 and. No. 2; sold_in fienforth :by Limed= &
Wilson, druggists.
ain, and torture With
usness, cannot Way-
leness and invelidf
ar the natural resu ts of suffering of t s
de. cription. The pror invalid woman is
no at fault, save in her ignorance: or her
ow physical make up or neglect of her
wo anly health.
housands of woi
en are neglectful in
way because. th 7 shrink frorivthe em-
assing examinationa an local treat -
t insisted upon by the majority of
cure ph sicians. I Dr. R. V. Pierete, for
tty year chief ,caensultin physician to
Invalid ear InstItr,
omen, i
the n
ctly on
thy and
ous inv
r. Pierce
vi r FREE !
one -cent
mailing o
Address, D
' end Surg
. Y., has discovered a won r -
that cures alndis
the prioacy Of t
cessity et these
is great medicin
Pavorite Pressed
the delileate and
ear the burden
I pod. It makes
vigorous. It
nd inflanimati
drains. - It tra sforms wea ,
lids into 'healthy women.
s ComMou Sense Medical Ad.
For peper-covered copy send
tampal to cover customs and
/y. elloth bound 5o stamps.
. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
ens peettliar
e bonserwith-
is known as
lion. It acts
important or -
of wifehood
them strong,
eats internal
n and sto s
"Well I be 'est worldly -minded h
ennun DYING BY
Cynthy Ann with a look of horror.
to stick to it t at I won't live on theni
'tarnal bony herein' till the bones prick
through my flesh, nor drink currant -leaf tea;
ith my arms aostickin' through
clo'es, while you wimmen-follm le
p fur thet there imaginary sort o'
t as it were. Some of us'll die in
n enongh, 'n' then you'll have e
shove all the respec' you want to,
. .
" I dream last night, o' seal& at a long
table, 'n' I' jest ns sartain thet Tom is
drownded as ef I see him to the bottom o'
the ocean thel minute," said Mrs. Job Fern.
ald, wiping the teors froth her tan -colored
cheeks with her calf.° apron. " Ef it didn't
stan' to reason thet e wuz dead, thet aign
never faile, 'n' I de think we'd orter hire
respec' ernough for i the poor boy'rs mem'ry
to git him a stun, 'a' put it up in the lot
without waitin' no longer."
, ' ' Yes, it's moretn a, year now, 'n' the
Sarcy Sally hain't b n heard frum. I s'pose
likely the must ha' en lost," agreed Cynthy
Ann, the daughter of the house, not with-
out a certain grim enjoyment of the situa-
tion. 1" Stuns is dretful expensive, anyhoW,
but seed& ez we hide% ben able to give -him
any fettered, nor hev the minister, nor cook
up fern the mourners, it seems ez ef we'd
orter buy a monimeiat for him, I can't reely
item hoiv we kin do este ez the Peter Fern -
aids got one fur th ir Charles 'n' I say to
f. •
marm,Iit won't do to let them ,git ahead of
P'eaps,` Rhod , ez you
od ez proiniee Ito one
llin' to give a little out
' money towards , gittin'
ni pin' to, put off gittin'
though Seth isdread-
it -'n save all my rug
at marm takes fur but-
dreseed, a young woman
is ble face, shivered a littIe,
d. decisively. I don't
i dead," said she. " Oh,
uyipg a monument yet.
and if yoe do not hear
me, there will be reason
us, poor ez they be.
'n' Tom wuz e g
Vother, you'd be w
ov yer school-ke pi
tbe MOnimentl ' I
married for a l'wh le
ful put out Oho t
money, till, with w
ter4we shall git n
he person a
wiela a pretty, se
and shook her e
belieVe that Tom
don't talk abou
Waie another y ar
horn' him by tha t
nor go
Tom's ol
'is' hey a
" That's jest wh
Cynthy Ann " jest because he don't want
drowhded. He seems
that by haeigin' off 'n'
f' it to himself, he ken
so. That's a way some
ten in almost.
"Oh, pa, how ken you talk so bigoted ?
wful to hear him, Rhody ?"
smiled, but remained silent ; and
witshing to hear no more concern- •
adr, suddenly remembered that it
o I time, and took a hurried depar-
T e old man returned to his net -
g n the sunny side of the wood -pile
ba k door, and the two women, after
on red consultation, finally decided
e would wait another year before
t e monument, as Rhody had aug-
n fact, it would be necessary to
as he girl would contribute nothing
the fund, and pa was dretful
so e when he warn't humored. But
being a chance that ToM wasn't
as all nonsence, and 'twee treating
eful not to take a„mite o' notice of
Ain't it a
ing th a
was so
ture. •
at the
a pro
that t
do se,
as the e
dead, it
him she
his death
t pa says," interrupted
to hey it that To
ter t ink, someho
not ven ownin'
frum bein'
folks: hen"
" He wuz alwuz
preldnged use
had the imperde
in' thet it 'peare
for the sake ov
like Peter's Cha
fair 'n' equare,
kin be in the
Seth Smallidge
of the Sarcy Sa
a month ago, '
more idee of ev
or crew than no
" At that co
jest to headstrong an'
hed Mrs. Fernald, with
f the calico. apron. "
ce to say this very morn-
ezef we wonted him deadl
eVin' a. moniment fur him!
les's. But to look at thinge
het chance is there that hel
and o' the livin' ? Didn't,
ineself go to see the owners
ly lover, ter the Port more'n
they seid they hadn't no
r hearin' frum either vessel
hin' at all?"
earned moni nent agin, be
they, Rhodys?" growled a eather-beaten
old men, whose ince bore a urious resem-
blence to a wood -carving, ppearing sud-
denly in the ocrway. " 1 ut don't you
listen to 'em, dewy, fur y u 'n' I knows
that our boy ain't no more d ad than they
be. Even ef h wuz, we cou dn't afford to
git a moniment fu him, De id folks sleeps
test as well wit ot any stun vhatsoever, n'
ef their bones e a-restin in t e sea, of what
use is a stun o the land ? It carn't tell no-
body jest wh re they be. Somehow the
n this family,
or monimente.
mention of ie
year ago, n
Bence that Mut crabs has I en growin"n'
rders over to
out it. Sam
er 'where one
e place, an' it
folks. 'Twits
a' went on to
folks in this place, Ispeeially
has got a mar ellees craze
Brother Lena inder ,he 'made
When he wuz to beme five
growin'. Even the Isummer b
the Harbor poke fen at us a
Smith showed m a newspa
on 'em had ben it-writin' up 1
did sound as ef w wile, cur'u
every word of it true, too,
say that the Herrie' Point folks fur the most
part lived in little weather -b aten huts thee
were dretful poor pertection, frum wind 'n'
rain, 'Iti' wuz a pidtur er leannies 'n' poverty,
coz they're a-sayin' up money to buy them-
selves moniments to look splendid over their
grave when they wuz dead and gone. But
for y part I don't went to go about so
holler while Pro a-livin', for the sake o' cut -
tin' a d sh whine I cast anchor. Anyhow I
agree to a great moniment a -loom -
t o' the family buryin'-ground 'n' .
in, the Iold house, like a steeple
in' up o
over a ushrooms the way Peter's Charles's
" Oh, pa ! I tever thought you WUZ so
awful w rldly-mincred before," groaned Miss
Days a d weeks went on in the old mon-
otonous manner at Herring Point. The
gorgous ranks of the golden rod and asters
were Out down by the frost, and the winds
swept away the few red leaves which colored
the sides' of the sea -looking hills, to make a
clear path for the frosty march of winter.
The sea, so long asleep under the summer
sunshine, began to show once more the wild
fierceness of its nature, and drove home the
boats of the fishermen, and lashed the rocks
angrily through wild nights when only the
lamp of the light•honse over on the Ledge
shed a ray of light through the stormy dark -
Mrs. Fernald, when not attending to
her two cows and her butter -making, sat in
the, ohimney-cornen -Lend knitted blue yarn
stcnikings for the market, and Cynthy Ann,
with a zeal that never tired, while the vision
the splendid tall monument flashed be,
e her gaze, hooked rugs from early in the
ening until late into the night. Her
hooked rugs were in demand now, for Bev.
eral summer boarders had admired and pur-
chased them; and since that time nearly
every lady at the Port had been seized with
a desire to possess one as en ornament to her
,best parlor. Pa divided the time between
gossiping with his old sailor cronies at the
store a,ud silting meditatively by the fire
with hie -pipe and almanac. No Mention
was rhade of the monument, and the old
man drank his store tea in triumph, offering
no objections to the current -leaf beyerage
with- whieh his wife and daughter saw fit to
regale themselves-, save by an occasional
grunt of disapproval. I
No news came of the Sarcy Sally or tiie
fate of her crew, and as the days crept
slowly and drearily toward spring, thou h
pa still persisted in his belief that Tom w e
living, all hope died in Rhoda's heart. 13 r t
as in Herring Point parlance she and To
had not been really promised to one t'othe
she could not gratify Cynthy Ann's vile
and express her grief by wearing mourni g
germents, though it would have given her
sort of a drear satisfaction to be able to do
so. - I
" She couldn't ha' pared nothin' about
him, or [she wouldn't wear a blue bunnit to
meetin',I 'n him dead 'n gone, " said the
,peighbors with one accord, for the real state
Of the case was unknown to them,
"Pears" she's afeared o' aced& away Joe
Collins ef she should put on black ; he s al-
wuz ben a-tryin' to git her away frum Tom
since they wuz boys 'n' girle together ; 'n'
new Tom's lost, they say he's attentive to
her uz a burnble-bee is to a marigool."
0 81.2EP—NO REST.
LL d
not appreciate
cods of John G.
who. sang, "God
the man who
first nvented sleep!
But appreciation is
not mating to those
nervous tr.() bl that, -to
ther, Mr. D nal McRae,
sident of th t illustrious
Ontario: "MY glister had
for orer three months. Sh
stood this Much longer,
when death seemed limn(
American Nervine became
Wien. After taking the
Nervine sbo sllpt all nl
in fleet until perfectly__ w
no sign of ,iserkIusness."
ful niedleine, in the sog
Vensness, and t e greet es
be found, anyw erp in the
For sale bY L sden &
ave sufftred as
White, ot Mara
hip Ont., , who
e so 111 'with
quote her 1 bro-
well-know_p ro-
station of North
ot slept a night
ootid not har)
4 it wa en y
out that 80p h
the good Py-
rite des° f the
ht, and gained
II, and hal now
his is a slender -
t ceeee of aer-
firs4sulitte ta
ilson, Seaforth
[But Rhoda was little disturbed by these
remarks, Her heart was very sere because
of Tom's loss, but there were circumstances
connected with his going away which caus-
ed it to be sorer still. Why .had he not
spoken before his departure, if, as she' had
every reason to think, he really cared for
her, and wished to make her his ,wife ?
More tho,n once du ing those last daye he,
had !seemed on the point of doing so, and
then -hesitated, wit a painful doubt cloud-
ing his. brow, In truth he -had not I been
quite hidiself during his scay on shore ;
something seemed to trouble and vex him,
and he weuld remain silent and lost in
thought for almost hours while they were
togethett. Bet on the day of departure ,his
face -brightened, his manner changed, and
when they parted he said, witha great deal
of meaning in his glence andetone, "1 obeli
write to you as soon as I reech Boston,
Rhocly, and mind you answer tny letter
soon.' But the letter never ceme. Now
the buds were swelling in the April sun-
shine ; fishing -boats were rocking -on the
water ; the women gessiped with each Other
in the open doorways ; the happy ynung
people. looked foi ward to days that eVere
coming ; the sad young and old peeple re-
membered- days that were past. The , sun-
sh ne painted pictures or them, The pirds
an wind and sea sang and talked about
th m.
But Dodd's
Yet Rex'
Thousands of pe
prime of life beca
Bright's Disease and
ble. But Dodd's
th m both. They ha
of cases.
These diseases ;
mplaints are as co
Ids, But people
they are afflicted
e ten deep into
t en, Dodd's Ki
ely cure.
Thousands of
ir feet, but do
n tice one or m
t ms : shortness
memory, failing si
tite, pale 0T reddish
colored deposit, s a
ting, constipation
in the loins.
Dodd's Kidney P
They never id°,
se d
e cur
d ot
ti I the
ney' Pil
Pills will
e. .
die in the
ctors think
etes incura-
Pals cure
d thousands
er Kidney
as ordinary
realize that .
.disease has
em. Even,
s will posi-
151e a e dying on
o real e it. They
of hese syrup -
breath, loss of
t, rav nous appe-
urine with brick -
ding hen u "na-
h ervou ness, ains
ir o ly hc6e is
11 . Th y won't fail.
over to the Point, To
the suitable and sole
which the ministe
out," engraved .on i
posited on thelgreun
in the afternoon it
appropriate cerennonlie
Mrs. Fernald and]
falling into ra,Ptures
city women would ha
over a newly importe
had been' " set i
fling homeward
through the ore
column of whit
ed shorewith
ell, ef this ain'
k I ever heerd
rboard ef r11 et
'Ve ben a-buyin
'linker Mo i
ey nothin' o' the
serned poer folks]
wouth more& t
and 'n' the nets '
ether, 'n' you've b
money, 'n' d
ef wuz fool en
yer,- poor gal ; In'
with merlaeses fur
yerselves on Iniun
till yer ez lean 'n
Winter's a•comin' im
now, 'n' my flehin'
this year. I'm a -g
go out novv ; Folk
natur' ter be able t
be seventy, 'n' Seth
more backbone tha
luck ef we don't al
I tell 'yer Tom ain"
him a good deal bo teen yo
did, that never cared othin
ter stuff him with Ve see to
parson with, 'n' ter a arve
thet herein' wuz ezige d ez
know he ain't the Ind o
drownded frum A k
.nor ter give in
authin' more'n commo
Oh, pa, heir! ,y
Proverdence !" sonbe
o Rhoda everything was alive with Tom's
mornery, and one soft, lovely morning after:
ain, when a light mise lurked in thci cor-
e of, the violet, sky, as if nature were dry -
g her eyes en the airiest of handkerchiefs,
e walked up to the Fernald cottage
presented Cynthy Ann with la folde
velope whinh contained all the little
of money' which ehe had saved from
heed, saying in a choked voice that she
thought it was time to think about the
monument now.
Cynthy Ann's face became fairly rachent,
" I'm glad you've come to be so right-mind-
ed," said !she. " Pa he'e bigoted 'n' sot as'inst
it yit. But there's no need o' sayin any -
thin about it to him tell the. stun'e all
bought 'n' paid fur, 'n' ready to be sot up.
He won't hey ter do without no woeldly
comforts by no means, ez Uncle Lysainder
t us a little present o' money. It
ike Proverdeuce by mail when we
in' about the moniment t'other
'n' 1, 'n' no name to it at all.
e think about the verse, Rhody ?
r be something solemn 'n' warn-
hez jest se
come jest
wuz a -tall
day, mar
W hat do
It had ort
he', 1 s'po
, But Rh
door. Sh
Cynthy A
death fot
up, like
was all sh
fitting th
which wo
The ne
Ann, acc
brisk littl
peep in b
Pert, and
ee., .
da had already elipped out of the
was in no mood for talking to
n , She had felt assured of Tom's
ome time but consenting to the
seemed like formally giving him
reparing for his funeral. But it
could do for him now, and it was
1 the stone should be raised in his
hough s e dreaded talk it wohld
lid ehe ournfully festive scenes
Id be acted in the ' burying-
il .
t day M s. Fernald an Cynthy
smpanied by Seth Smallidge, a
fisherm n who resembled a sand-
ack clot es, drove 1 over to the
after a g eat deal of bickering and
consultati n, of w iting and doubting, and
delight and depres ion, made the purchase
of the monument. Cynthy Ann carried the
money in he toe of a Sunday stocking, an
ordinary ocket book not being considered
sufficientl nafe, and both Mrs. Fernald and
Seth aegis ed her in counting out the sum
required to complete the purchase.
" W 11, I guess Peter's Cindies's Won't
li;ok inue compared to this, but I'm dirdtp-
p'inted th t it carn't be sent home before to-
morrow," said Mrs. Fernald, as they drove
homewar toward evening.
" Ther ain't nothin' like it in the place,
but Pa'll grumble about the cost. We
sha'n't hcr r the last ef it for nobody knows
when, pa' jest so bigoted," groaned Cyn -
thy Ann a shadow clouding her shining
countena ee.
Early t e next morning the monument,
tall, shin' g, and eplendid, was hreught
s nam
n vers
n thel
as to
ver it,
e falle
' in th
long t e pith which
d. As the atupendi-
arble et hie eye, he
ath an astonishment,
he set- redest piece o'
11 abo t ! Ileeve me
sect' n nsense Here
stun z big 'n' grand
(set f r a livin' bey,
idiekil mums of sich
a -sport n' Bich a thing.
e old it use 'n' the lot
fishin' boats all hove
n 'n' s nt all Lyearnd.
's too, I'll be bound,
h fur ter ginne it I ter
unk c rrant-leaf tea
eet'ni , 'n' pinched
ad wit out no butter,
gly er. two witches.
e -by, t o, 'tis spring
n't a ount ter much
in' too old 'n' stiff ter
ez to much human
ork a teithey git ter
allid e bein't got DO
jelly- 4 ah., Et's good
terve er pay fur this,
ead, ether ; I know
about him but
how off ter the
im inter sayin'
oast beef ; n' I
a feller to git
r dretful easy ;
ano or ashore, less
tack ed him."
u do discounterance
Mrs. Fernald.
and agenan
had "picks
from *hyri
, and was der
ttle family lot
e set up with
n were out
as fashionable
into raptures
own; when pa,
stoee," came
For st
For st
For br
For be
For gi
For pr
nding by your principles.
pping pour ears to goesip.
dling a Slanderous tongue.
ng square in business dealings.
ing an iinfortunate person a lift,
stiptness in keeping your promises,
. Theatrical.
Brettee-LI never saw such a cold audience
in my life.
Light -Didn't they warm up a bit ?
Brette-Well, when they spoke of bring-
ing out the author I believe stone of the
audiences got hot.-tonkers Statesman.
The Blyth Show. "
The following is the prize list of the Blytb
fall fair -
foal, .
year old
old filly,
l513.—Heary Draught,-Teane
J F Dale, alkeld & Son.' Broo
id foal, 1st and 2nd J Shortreed
, J F Dale, James Evans.: Hors
Shortreed, Walter Taylor. Tw
gelding, T Bradnock. Two ' yea
A Junor; J Re olds.; One yea
old geldi g, C Wright, Taylor. One yea
old filly, let and 2ncl J F Dale.
General Purpos43,-Team, T Elliott, Joh
Coultes, H MeBrien Brood mare and foa
G ,Whitely, Levi Trick. Mare foal,
Wright, J Leiper. Horse foal, j Moser, 2ni
not known, Two year old gelding, W Me-
Gavan, A W Sloan. Two year old filly; W
itnee, Wright. One year old gelding, G
Steven's:6. One year old filly, R, Ferris, L
Clarrisge,-Team, T. Elliott.
Roadsters -Team, let not knoWn, J Rey-
nolds IW W'eir. Brood mare end. foal,Scoet
& Warwick. Horse foal, james Smith.
Mare foal, T Hislop, T Newsom. I Two year
old gelding, not known. Two;year obi filly,
II0 Laneing, J Ellis. One year! old gelding,
Scott Jle Warwick, M Lockhart. lOne year
old filly, Scott & Warwick, A Watt. Sin -
le driver in buggy R MoIndoo,0 Johnston.
1 I
won' hey that there
lot. I reckon I'n ,'1!
whuther or no. W
I'm hopin' that Iva
home "-with a littl
wrathful voice-"
fit, oy course, let;y
that there thing i
swoond or lose cons
set it up then, I'll 1
ez soon en I come t
use talkin'." And o
and remontraneeli of
Only caused the Old
hie determinatioe.
the minister, who:was called to the rescue,
was.vvithout avail. " Ef hey had bou 'ht a
email, reasonable stun, I
no objection ter th ir put
son, ef it would h ' given
tion, though To in't
" but that monimeet Ler
shamed the hull pleoe 1"
So the monturielat was
woodshed, placed pi ne
and covered with cello d r
of towering proudly tow
attracting the admire. ion
as Mrs. Fernald and! yet
ly anticipated, and w s 1
in the household for lon
the autumn Cynthy A. n a
were married, and Se
-worldly effects with
'Fernald cottage. As
the winter proved to
times food was scar
Seth, who never was
luck, event off te th
voyage, after the bon
ter h
n I,
be ti
'11 c
e ou
it h
t pr
dance or not,
nt put up in my
re while I live,
eave to, though
1 my boy comes
ed quiver in hie
t up ef yer think
hey my senses
of sight. I may
mese, but ef yer
uled down agin
'n' so there's no
ved. The tears
ife and .daughter
o be more set in
olemn • adviie of
ouldn't ha'
in' on it up
'em no sat
deo -
dead," he aid ;
y ! it would ha'
hauled into the
gainst the wall,
g carpet, instead
rd the sky, and
of all beholders,
y Ann had fond-
entioned no more
time. Early in
d Seth Smallidge
h clam°, bringing his
ime to dwell in the
he old man predicted,
e a hard one, and at
e in the household-.
known to have good,
Banks on a fishing
y moon was over, but
soon returned with a frozen foot, and spent
the remainder of ehe e inter by the fireside,
dozing over a pile of an fent newspapern
But toward foxing, wthen pa was attacked
with his annual peil o rehumatics, and
fortune seemed da e th n ever, another
gift of money came rysander.
" S'prisin' thet der should be so
lib'ral, fur ef he is n riches, he's got
a family ov his ow leek afterin' he's
only half brother
ter be mod'rately
Strange he don't,
sends the money,
sent any he kinder
be obleeged ter him
seems now ez efs!it -co
am a miserable fiinn
gret effort to k,eep
Lord knows Pris th
the old man from his
addle horse, J J MeLaughlio, Hat
Davis., Four colts, Scott & Warwic
Sweepstakes, Scott & Warwick. ,
Cennee-Theroughbred Darharn,-Mi
cow and calf, J Snell, M H Harrison: T o
year old heifer, let and 2nd j Snell. e
year old heifer, James Snell. Heifer c
lilt and 2od James Snell. Aged bull
rein .5t.lbert Wallace. Two. yeer old h
Shortreed. Bull calf, Albert Wallace,
An Other Registered Breed, -Best mi
John McGregor, J Denholm.
d heifer, J McGregor, $ C McGow
ear old heifer, J Denholm. ilei
't ght
nuther, 'n' used
till a spell ago.
nothin' when he
he fust time he
thet we'd orter
o hull pages. It
e frum the Lord, ef I
r, 'n' don't make no
ar o' saten. But the
nkful, anyhow," said
sick bed.
, (To be ontinued.)
You Nevlei, iv ill Be Sorry..
For living a mire 1 fe,
For always doing our blest,
For being kind te he p or.
For hearing befot dudg ne.
For thinking befe epe, king,
841,v49$ Thou
Font ye re DSO
Island, W
death by re4fruT
gill en up o die,
he hild go e to a b
He prom! ed Dr.
Heart, u ed dt
weighs 21 pounds,
day the great re
to him. It relieve
For sale hy Ltinis
am • of LIvOS.
ZotwItts, of lisy
o tit* wars* of
disease, nil wt.
rom vigoro 0 nun
()ken dearth exit -We
aith ully, lid tin A W Slonn. Wagner, o Fothergill, J
gne 'a Cd e tor
and lites Ito hi•se • Brigham. Bentley* R G McGowan, A W
edy was recommen ed Sloan, Vandervere, J Brigham, J B Tyre -
in minuted. -24. man. Spitienbergs R G MeGowan, A ,W:
en Wilson, Seaforth Sloan. Damen sweets, G Fothergill, J;
w, o
ar o
ne r
e lf, Denholm, R C McGowan. Two yis r
o d bull, John McGregor, R 0 MeGow .
ull calf, John McGregor, R C McGow .
Pest male and two females, John
arrison. Two year - oia helfens J
,-Miloh cow and calf, j Reyno s,
egn 1 I let and 2nd. One year old heif r,
do & Son, M H Harrison. Heifer cai f';
11 rrison 1st and 2ad. Steer calf, ID
Scott Son. The year old eteer, J She t-
reed, Reynolds. One year old steer, A
Sloan, 11 Harrieen. Fat steer, T R es,
M H rrison. Fat cow or heifer, ld his
How 43; M H Harrison. .
Su EP.—Cotswold,—James Potter tea
all th prizes in this class. 1 ke si
Lei esters, -Aged ram, James Snell, Jbhn
Barr. Shearing ram, James Snell, ,N Cent-
ing. am lamb, 1st and 2nd J. Buell.
Shear ing ewes, James Snell, J Sandersoh °&
Son. .Aged ewes;o. Snell, ti Sandersob &
Son. Ewe lambs, Sanderson & Son, J Biter.
Shrls ' hiredowien-Aged am, coop e Se
Son. am lambs, Cooper Son. ged,
awes, C oper & Son, A Dun an. Shear ing 1
eveesf 1'A Duncan, Cooper & S n. Ewe la bs,
let and nd Cooper & Son.
Any Other Breed Not amed,-A ed
ram, Ja es Tabb. Ram lam s, 1st and nd
J Tabb. 1 Aged ewes, let a d 2nd J es
Tabb. heading ewes, 1st a d 2nd Ja es
Tabb. Ewe lambs, James Tebb. Fat sheep,
John IC altes, Cooper & Sen.!
Incis, Yorkshire, -Aged boar, R Nichol,
W Deer, Brood .80W R Nichol, W Deer.
Boatel Jelin Potter, Vti Deer. Sow,R Niehol,
An Large reed, -Aged boar, Fie er
Bret ern H Ed arde. Brood sow, Fit er
Bret era, W Deer. Boar, W H MpOutch-
eon, Fisher Bre hers. Sow, 1st and 2nd
Fisher Bros.'
Im roved Ber shire, -Aged boar, W , -
Allister, Jamen nominee. Brood sowt ! W
McAllister, J Dbrrahce. Boor, W McAllis-
ter, Jr orrance Sow, NV MeAllieteril J
Doreen e. Pen of pigs, W McAllister; R
n -Red fall wheat, Jamen Me al-
lum, J alkeld , SOD. VVhite fall wheat J
Salkel & Son H Edwards. Red spring
wheet, ,.1. Salkel I & Son. White Fife Beefing
whe t, R G Mc -Iowan. Collection of grain,
J Sa k ld & So . Six -rowed barley, RI G
MeGteran, Salk Id & Son. White oats; A
Stafford, Salkel & Son. Black oats, John
Barr; Salkeld & Son. , Small peas, Salkeld
& Son, 11 Edwa do. Large
kSoeincii&R sGondl, G svan. Tim
McG owan.
es: -
1-4 T
ver -the foot?"
ot r a moment," says Painy
t. "Well I grness not," shivers
Peet. "To
er under his iirtath. TO FIT
"Sister Shoe bluntlyirutOr
FLti inT7n-e," eriei corny
4135t 6Lte," gags old
oint. " Who'd a thought
w ed Panch-o-toes. Are you hit,—shoe wearer.
eet tters are the genuine, Glyear welted, stamped
the sole $3.00, $4.00 and 115.00 per pair.
gees "The Slater Shoe.,"
• ; ,
peaas, 1,saieGik 011 an,
thy seed, , al -
Red clover, W
• ,
Rooes.-Lete potatoes, i,
5 13 Tyerman, Metcalf. i_larly potatoes,
F Metcalf, J G ey, W Carter. Collection
Haggitt, Di H Lansing, J
rrots, J McCallum, E Nog -
ed carrots, F Metcalf, Wan
ede turnips, W 11 Mc-
. Any other variety, W H
ollection of garden prodnee,
n, Walter Taylor. Beets,
McCrac en, J B Tyernian. Sligar
eotb, W H OCracken, Joseph Allaneon,
ng ,mangold ii/urtzels, Salkeld & Son, W
MdCracken. 1 Globe mangolds, W 11,Mc-
racken, Jamel3 McCallum. Pumpkins, A
arr, D H aiming. Squashes, Mrs J 8
owrie, W H McCracken. Red onions, IV
McCracken Walter Tayler. Yellow on.
W H McCracken.
ons, Waite Taylor,
ilver pickli onions, Joseph Allanson, W
MeCracke Potato onions, W H Mu-
racken,Wal r Taylor. White field beene,
Gr yn W [McCracken. Corn, Salkeld &
on, B Tyr Man. Citrons, Mrs T Hamil-
ton, Edwards. Watermelots, G Henry,
Ba r. Ca hage, &Reid & Son, W H Me-
Crac en. It d pickling, Salkeld & 1 $on,
Mrs S Hcs eie. Celery, Walter Taylor.
Cuc mbers, J B Tyreman, James McCallum'.
aul flowers, k Metcalf, A $tafford.
Wealthy, R 6
red, J B
Sheritt, A
loan, 11 Edlwards, Any other variety, J
Tyreman, W Sloan. Winter pears, M
ckhart, Walter Scett. Fall pears, J
Jaekson, GeOrge Henry. F Met-
es% W M'ellroy. • Collection of plums
en. I Tomatoes, A Stafford,
r. Grapes, A Jacobs, Miss
Crabs, W Weir, A Smith.
Sbortreed, A W Sloan.
.-Lumber wagon, Brunsden
leighs, Slater & Sims. Iron
Brhnsden & Son, Hamil-
m general purpose plow, C
ensden Son. Gang plow,
i3 I 13riinsden & Son. Iron bar -
lips, Slater & Sims. Single
Ferguson. Single covered
Janis, J Ferguson. Cutter,
n, Slater & Sims. Set hem
Id me, J Phillips. Set trot-
s; leter & Sims, J Phillips.
8 ewers. Wooden pump, D
Showers. Farm gate, 31
and furniture, Densteclt
work, Walter Taylor.
n & Son, Churn,`C Ham-
lor. Post hole auger, Mrs
/RE "o -Home made all wool
ise, Miss Nett. Flannel
se, Mrs Stewart. Home
like* Miss H Wise Miss
nkets, Miss H VVise, J
fie blankets, home mpun, Jen
rel * Stewart. Coverlet, home
e, Mrs E Stewart. Reg
Own, Mise Nott. Yarn
ten. Rag carpet, Miss
amilton. Stocking yarn,
T Hamilton, Mrs J Me -
boots, J Sherritt. Hand
lst and 2nd J Sherritt.
y. , Man , G McGowan, W Clark.
Fothergill,A Carr. Snow,
iderk's blu b,
BentiTeyrar7mxhins, 0- Fothergill. Duchess of
ortreed, Miss Symington,
oGowan, J Potter. Canada
rennen, A Carr. Culvert, T
! B Tyreman. Alexanders, J
ISIoen. 20 oz pippins, A W
of pot toes, Id
Grey. Field
g:rrtI enis
n, J Bar
cOr cken.
McCallum. Crock butter, 20 pounde, J
J McCallum, Mtn T Hamilton.
Ten pounds of butter in two pound mile,
Mrs IP Hamilton, A Carr. Five pounds of
butter in one pound prints, James McCal-
lum, A Carr. Dairy cheese, Miss Syming-
ton, Mrs T amilton. Extracted honey, J
13 Tyreman, W Clark, Honey in comb, W
lIartry, J B Tyreman. Home made bread,
Mrs T Ham'
biscuits, W
syrup, W
canned fruit
wine, home
win. Tonra
Howrie. P
2nd cf Grey.
J Kernick.
'it Bon. Bo
:beam sod pl
ton, Iron
,,'BrS0,14owintse:r1 tee°,3.11S'
onen buggy,
buggy, Ewan
Bilthirn:ge8nliorse a
Iron pump,
Morningstar, D
Edwards,. Stov
Bros. Coope 's
ot omu hf flA, eNwru, B41 G e Ts el.6
• E Stewart, Id,
flannel, Mists
union, Miss!
madeall wo
Nett. Uni
Kbleknailelku‘rn ,
man Mies Snedin
mede gents' boo
harntes, T Carter.
011ILDRIlh'S DBPARTMENT,—Six hemmed
handkerchirs, Mary Barr, W MeCraek-
artry. Crochet work in wool,
W Hattry. Crochet work
Hartry, Mrs W H McCracken.
in 'Myrtle Livin sten, John
IRV AND PRoVISIONS.-1-TOb butter, 50
ds, Mrs (1.1 Hamilton, A Carr, James
F*Trf• -
kine, Georg
ern Spies,
land green
ston pippin
russet, W
russet, J B
further, Ja
ton, Walter Tayl
Taylor, T Brad
allace, A Carr.
Grey, Mrs H
ede, Miss If Wi
catsup, Walter
Pickles, mixed, Mrs Nott,
ekels, any othee kind, 1st and
Basket of eggs, George Powell,
pples,-Winter a pies, Geerge
ames Potter. Fa 1 applese G
James Potter. Baldwins, G
G McGowan. King of Temp -
Fothergill, Dr ,Carder. Nerth-
W Sloan, J. Barr, Rhode Is-
tes, 3 Barr, G Fothergill.
A W Sloan. A Cern Golden
Or, 3 :13 Tyrernan. RoXboro
TYerman, A W Sloan. Seek -no-
es Potter, A W Sloan, Swaar,
r. Plaid tea
oak. Maple
°Hectic* of
wrie. Geape
e, George Tr-
aylor, W H
en. Darni on socks or stockings, Mrs
Howrie, W
Miss Meer
in cotton, N
,Pencil dra
Kelly. WO d week, W Sentry. "Plain
Gray. Dre7e doll, Miss M are, Elsie
sewing by chifd Under 8 yealrs,R 13 LaidlaW,
W Hartry.
' FINE ART .-dollection of oil paintings,
collection o 'water color paintings, figure
painting in oil, figure painting in water
color, Mrs C Cempbell, Mrs Dr Carder.
Animals in il W H MeCracken, Mrs Car-
den Anim Is water colors, Mrs Camp-
bell, Mrs Ca der. Single picture in oil, Mrs
CaMpbell; sCerdee. Single picture in
water color Mrs Canipbeli, Mrs Carder.
Creyon dra ing, "A Stafford; Mrs Carder.
peon draw ng, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Carder.
?Wells), Mr Oernpbell. Collection of pen
and ink sketchee, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs Car-
der. Painting nn pottery, Mrs Carder, Mrs
Campbell. . Painting on silk, Justin or plefeh,
Mies Symington; Mrs Carder. Painting on
glase in oil, Mies Symington, Mrs Camp -
rLANTs ANlls FLOWERS.—Collection of
feliage, pr Carder. Geraniums in bliione;Dr
Carder. . Fechias bloom, W Carter,
Urging basket,1Dr Carder. Best display
of lents in owen, Carter, Dr Carder',
UT no ennoLT ble bouquet, F Met -
A Eldef. flan bouquet Dr Carder
2nd GIrwin, Any variety of legherns, W
Wallace, J H Fisher. Houdans, ist and 2nd
W Carder. Any variety of brahmas, let and
2nd J II Fisher. Black Spanish, Iet and
2nd G Irwin. Minereas, 1st and 2nd Mrs
J }Lowrie. Hatriburgs, J 11 Fisher, W
Carter. Langshans, J H Fisher, W Taylor,
Dorkings, G Irwin, J 11 Fisher. Wpm-
dottes,lst and 2nd J H Fisher, Andalusians,
Newton Davis G Irwin. Black breasted
red gamer, lst'and 2nd 3 II Fisher. Buff
cochins, 1st and 2-nd G Irwin. Partridge
cochine, lat and 2nd G- Irwin, Bantatns, G
Irwin, J H Fisher. Poland, 1st and 2nd
W Carter. Red caps, let and 2nd W Wal-
lace. Plymouth rock, Newton Davis, H
Fisher. Collection of pigeons, Newton
Deeds. Collection of fowl, W Carter, J.
Barr. Guinea fowl, G Irwin, H Fisher.'
r etcalf. !Dahlias, W Cuming. i
• 'PECIAL PRIES.—Lady driver, single rig,
'W'Dale, Miius Hemi ton. Best merchant's
diSplay, C areiltem To harness horse to
single rig an drive round ring, W Dale, L
TaSker. ' i I , .., I.
, ' SoliooL CIfiLmtEN' ' ;COMPETITION.- yy rit-
leg by children unde 13, Joseph Bell ; by
children under 10 ye es, Myrtle Ross, Dot-
tie Cowan,
Penmen. -e-Bronz turkeys, W Walleee,
D Showers. Any ot 43r kind of turkeyse D
J Lensing, 0- Irwin. Large breed of pen,
1 et and 2nd Q Irwia Small breed of geese
R :13 Laidlaw. ' Rou n ducks G Irwin, Vi'r
Wallace. Any Othe kind of'ducks 1st and
1 1
Becausel pf , n rvousness, dyspepsia,
heart trouble et , Lots of people just
vigorousl frieocis
have to sit Ond lo
kaovne wahl 11 1 ethtell e-ei rnjhoeyamitielnYti
of a strong and r bust body. Dr. Ward's
Pills will- bri g ack health, strength,
enap, Virti. an , er'ergy to even the weak-
est and -weariest f suffering humankind,
I have half 'a gr ss of enipty bottles upOn
-Arty shelves. Ever thing my neighbors and
friends would "tel me to try 1 would o
stride:it away to the drug store and re
chase. I was in a terrible condition r m
dyspepsia ind liver troubles and was getti
worse all the time. I was so discourag
•buying one et edic tie and the other and e-
cieiving ne benefit that I wait about giving
no all bope of eve getting better, when .piy
hpaband brought fre home a box of ' D. ta
Ward's Blood and erre Pills, which he 1814
had n highly econimended to him. : i
*was sing them et once, when, to sly groat
spurpri I felt better in a vo short Urn.
8n4 itontinuad th m for abou two weeirs
MOTO article cured me entirely. I have riot
the least sign Of d pepsia or liver troubles
now, and have als gained several pounds fin
. _Signed, ANNIE E. GAUNTLEY,,
s King Street, Berlin, 00.
Dr. Ward's 131odd and Nerve Pills are Old
At 5o cents per lox, s boxee for $2.00, Lat
druggists, or mai ed on receipt of price by
The Dr. Ward Cod, 71 Victoria St., Toronto.
Book of inlet:nation free.
LADTES' WORK. -Gents' flannel shirt,Mre.
T Hamilton, Mrs E Stewart. Gents' white
`shirt, Mrs T Hamilton, Miss Nett. Gente
mitteeldise Symington, 3 Kernick. Pillow
shams, Mee E Stewart, Hies Nott. Patch
quilt in cotton, Mrs T Hamilton, Mies Sy-
mington. Patch quilt in , cloth, Mrs. T
Hamilton, Miss Nett. SiIk quilt, erazy,
Miss Symington, Miss Nett, Crecbet quilt,
Mies Symington, Mrs E Stewart. Knitted
-quilt, Miss Symington, Mrs E Stewart.
Woollen socks or stockings, MrsT Hamilton.
Mrs W If McCracken. Braiding on wool,
Dr. Carder, Miss Symington. Arasene
work, Miss Symington, Mrs 0 CarnpbelL-
Embroidery on bolting cloth, W H Me-
Craoken, Mrs C Campbell. Embroidery 011
silk or satin, Mrs E Stewart, Miss Nett.,
Kensington embroidery, Mrs C Catnpbell.
Mies- Nett. Roman embroidery, Miss Nett,
W H McCraeken. Parlor screen,Miss Notte
Sofa cushion Miss Nett, T Bradnock.
Fancy panel, 'W H. McCracken, Miss Wise,
Piano or table scarf, Miss Nett, Mrs 0
Camp_hell, Drawn work, Miss Symington, -
W Hartry. Honiton or point lace, Mies
Symington, Mrs Hamilton. Best novelty
in fancy work, Dr. Carder Mrs E Stewart.
Crochet work in silk, Mrs,C Canipball, Miss
Symington, Crochet work in cotton, Mrs
Stewart,Miss Symington. Crochet work in
wool, W 11 McCracken, Dr. Carder. Bed-
room slippers, Mrs Howie, W H blcCraeken
Fancy toilet set, Miss Wise, T Bradnock.
Footstool, Mrs Stewart, Dr Carder. Ap-
plique work, Miss Nett, Mrs Stewart.
Feeley pin cushion, Miss Nott,WH McCrac-
ken. 1;rancy Handkerchief ease, Mrs
Campbell, W H McCracken. Mouldwork,
Mee 0' Campbell, Miss Symington. Suit
of ladies' underwear, Mrs T Hamilton.
Knitted lace in cotton, Mies Nott,Miss Sy-
mington. Knitted or crochet fancy woo/
shawl, Miss Nat, Mrs. Campbell. Set
crochet table mate, Miss Wise, W Hartry.
Set table doylies, W 11 McCracken, Dr.
Carder. Battenburg lace,W H McCracken,
Mrs Howrie. Fancy glove cases, Miss Sy-
mington Mrs C Campbell. Tatting, W
Hartry, 'Mrs Campbell. Fancy netting,
W Hartryeldire Howrie. Queen Ann darn-
ing, Miss Symington, Mrs C Campbell.
Gentleman's collar and cuff ease, Mrs ffow-
rie, Dr Carder. Fancy afgan MTS. CCainp-
bell, W H McCracken. I, Tabl'e centre piece,
Mrs T Hamilton, W H McCracken, 'fable
cover, embroidered, Miss Nott, Miss Wise.
Tray cloth, MiES Nott, Mrs Campbell, Tee/
coney, Mrs. Stewart, Dr. Carder. Picture
throw, Mi88 Tena Cooper, Min Symington.
Berlin wool work,Dr Carder, W liMeCrackete
Berlin wool work, raised, Dr. Carder, Mrs
Howrie. Lamp screen, Dr. Carder, Miss
Symington. Laundry bag, Miss Nett, Miss
Wise. Shopping bag, Dn Carder, Miss
Nett. Etching on any material, Dr. Carder,
Mies Nett. Knotted bed spread, -W Hartry,
Miss Wise. Mantel drape, Mrs, Campbell,
WH McCracken. Collection ladies' work,
Miss Nott, W 11 McCracken, Mrs Campbell.
Heavy horses J Avery, 3 F Bell. Light
horses, John Knox, F MeDonagh. Cattle,
S Brown, Seatorth ; I Fisher, Benmiller.
-Pigs J C Trick, Edward Bell. Poultry, G
C dVillson. Sheep, W Coultes, W
Implements, Peter Scott, W Dore. Grain,
L Eidt, Auburn ; Ireland, Blyth.
Roots, A W Sloan, Slyth ; Robert Medd.
Dairy, Mrs T McFs,desen, Grey ; Mrs J'
Kelly, Blyth ; D E Munro, Auburn. Fruit,
and flowers, E Eleuston, Exeter. Manu-
factures, R Mtrrison Hullett ; Mrs C Rob-
ertson. Fine arts, kiss Graham, Clinton,
Ladies' Work, Mrs Shorts, Mks Ross, Au-
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All Drtig-
gists refund the money if it fails to Cure. 25c.
-Mr. James Weir, of Toronto, formerly
an old resident of Stratford, died at his
home, in the former city, after a long illness, -
He was 73 years of age, and much respected -
in Stratford. He leaves a widow and five
Mr. John N. Babcock's Experience'
with Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Sherbet Lake Onte,Oct. 10, -No resident,
of this place is getter known to the thous-
ands of tourists and eportsmett who visit us,
annually, than is Mr. John N. Babcock.
Mr. Babcock has had many thrilling ex-
periences, but the narrowest eacape he ever
had her tells of in these words
" After twenty Years of pain, caused by
Gravel and other Kidney Complaints, I am
pleamed to be able to state that 1 have been -
completely (lured hy Dodd's Kidney Pills,
During these years have spent hundreds
of dollars for doctors and remedies, but only
Dodd's Kidney Pills helped me."
--On the evening before Zurich fair Borne
faikers on their way th9re visited Hernial
and amused themselves iand made a clean
steal from some of the bdeiness men. They
operated in this wise, first two ef them
would make a small purchase after whicle
they would offer to exchange entailer bill*
tor a ten. If their offer was accepted they
would count out a five and four ones and
while the ten was being got out of the till
a one would be picked up and when the mete
chant would hand them the ten and take
-the bills off the counter he would defied a
shortage, hut the men would point out to -
him that he saw that the money was sat
right when laid down and they saw WM
pick the one up himself. .As it was a ease.
of two against one the bewildered merchant -
would give it up for a hadjob,
or 11
stop I
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Write for ea
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_Organs at
ianos at tor
See us bef