The Huron Expositor, 1898-09-30, Page 111 ,
his week win
of sawMiiiinery Wee.
atm -
aeon's trade.
to come and
note how low
t qualitiee of
ri with
b, and perfect
all the nese
material, the
for the. mOney
s Cerdinals,
eel inack.
el With -
25 cents• to a
new ecdore and
e, realty beautia
'orris. and ere.
h5c and $1.25
90e forper yard-
iety Waists,
ng of
... ...
18e, 25e, 35o;
tdrenae Linder
in a variety of
Leek of Hosiery
or article in the
a everything to
iio stook
peg, Veil -
overflowing with
c.tsir can buy,
!elect. The new
n on our tables
will be repro -
with others all
e Our opening
ailed, testifying
thy felt for the
?3« —NI e. Robert
k week received
the' death of hie.
Witighem, who
t his , ' titles in
list. --M . C. E.
t in 0,y:worth's
al Tueed ay, 27th• ef are col-
etkeLety received
a Tie k r. mezzo
te and 'releaser
at air. ' hsylor in
r. Mairi, of this
071 Monday test
f his la -other,
Iowa alter a
Itier b 'other of
ivancel iL We,
former y read -
A ane, nd. was
ery 8 e r Ices will
✓ and, and the
fel to wi ag M on -
L execel est pro-
rst tts become
e Vatican was
fer t eight ago,
IL hie assent to
seuiehed author
L'ather Gougon,
church, and ao
rite's), has been:
a railroad out-
etern and Mid-
wighborhooci of
n several most
reek passenger
.tiens were con-
nd one express
from disaster.
table barricade,
:sale. The most
items is the fact-
o bible to obtain
petetors, thougle
been 80011ring.
a -panic similar
care prevails
was the veor
era looking for
ar west hold-ups.
Clothiers, reafor h.
Business Devel
Development of any kind in a literary, artistic, or business
way, conies not, from doing things ; but from making choices.
This is reagily:descernable in -business. For ' exampl) how
' often have you seen men who, while they seemed never done " doing
things," "always busy," " always on the ump," so to speak ; yet they
never grew strong financially. These men pera sted in doing'things.
On the other hand you known men who- api$arently do no
bestir themselves greatly, and yet each year tads to their stock of know
- 1
ledge and of this world's goods. These are the men who persist i
making choices. And the difference between the tw� classes is simpl
the difference between a machine and a thinking, rational being.
To apply the foregoing, we, claim to have been making
choices or using our judgment in the selection of our clothing stock, to
which we point with reasonable pride, as containing the very best Values
that are obtainable in men's wear. . ,
And after all is said, it is not necessary even to take our
word for it ; ask any man's opinion who has dealt with us, and you will
‘, invariably get the answer : Well ! They sell goed material at fair
, 0
Success lays in the path of eve.7 Man who persists in making
choices. -
In. the following yon may exercise your gift in making
choices :--- !
-1 •
Fifty-five Soft Bodied Shirts, cu s and neck and starched,
the regular prices were $1 and $1. 5 we are clea ng the lot a 75e
1. a shirt.
We Made a large deal -in Linen
g6od turn -down point and turn-dow
and three for 25c.
°liars lately, and now ffer
all round collars at two for 25c
A very good line of Boys' Long Stockings, the small sizes
15; the larger 20c, these goods are heavy ribbed. cotton. Fine Cash-
• mere goods sell at 40c, 45c and 50c.
The Buckskin Pants still continue to be favorite with
shrewd 'buyers, and for every day use cannot be excelled for value.
• Price$L
fair day we sold more Rain Coats than on any other one'
da' in our history. The condition of the day may have had something
to do with it ; but we are inclined to believe that _the qualities and
prices had more. -
Anaong the many good values in Men's Readyniade Suits, our
own males at $10 and $ip are certainly notable values.
The • boys' *ill have a harder time wearing out our make of
School l'iantts than is the fate of most boys' pants, we, s41 these goods at
50c, 65cr and 75c!
Of course i is early to buy Underwear, butly tit is wise to
come quietly and make a selection before you 'hay the cold weather
catch y u Unprepared.
The lines o Men's Fedora Hats at 75c, 950 -and $1.50 are on
the mo e every day.
Where quality is, there will satisfaction ix] found also,
• quality is the main recomendation of our Ordered Clothing Depart-
ment. A fine Black Worsted
• Grey Worsted Suit at $15, to or
$13.50, to order.
uit at 816.50. A West of England's
er. A fine Canadian Tweed Suit at
We are showing Gallisheels and. Bannockburn -Scotch
Tweeds at $18 a suit, to order. .
Healtb is a consideration at all seasons, so that to those who
have driving to do a fur Coat is a health essential, and thereforeit is not
out of season to talk Fur Coat.
think' it over and when you have reached a decision as to
'buying. 1 We are sure that our values will interest you I
• On the wrong side of the Street, in
the -Strong Block.
For Manitoba anall We
anadian Pacific
'tern Points
The dire
this year.°
ety's gron
Every prep
day, but th
the previo
out the ent
the effect
was a good
the most of
the gate re
result,. the
year's tran
weather an
speed an4
be called
or unfevor
next year t
and that fo
more. On
right. Th
with foal,
Dale. Foe
year old fil
eorge Dal
oris Dale.
14 al roe,.
ow, Chri•
( Ross (Bl
old filly, R
year old
One year o
Chris Dale.
Heavy dr
W Dale, R
or gelding,
Team, Tb
horse, W
foal, J G
James Carl
old filly or
son.' Two
2nd J W
Team, Ja
Single driv
last show,
James Co
, Ja
Ceif ewa
cell, gicka
four anted
Jae Broadf
Thos ' Hill
heifet, Bro
G El-Ciess
G E Cress ell,. Jas A teheson. Two ear
old steer, " Dale, Jae Mtcheson. One ear
olds steer, E Cresswel !let and 2nd. , Fat
steer, W tale, Fat * w or heifer, John
Campbell, Dale.- St er calf, G E Cerise.,
well, Wm larnochan.
Same Leicester., Aged ram, G en4
hale, J Sne 1. Shearling tam, J Snell, 0 Pen1
hale. Re' lamb, Jam 0 Snell 1st and 2nd,
• Pair of e es, must hve raised lambs iti
1898, Jas eel' let and nd. Pair of shear
ling ewes, as Snell let nd 2nd. Pair ewe
lambs, Ja es Snell, G'Penhale. Beet, pen,
ram, ewe, heeding ewe, and ewe lamb, Jae
do ns,—Pair of ewes, must have
raised lam s in 1898, 0 E Cresswell. Pale
shearling wes, G E Cresswell. Pair ewe
Iambs, Jr Cresswell let and and,
Shropsh res' —Aged ram, J Cooper & Son,
Ram lam , JCooper & Son let and and.
Pair ewes, having raised lambs in 1898, J
Cooper & on, A. Dunkin. Pair shearling
ewes, A 1 unkin, J Cooper & Son. • Pair
ewe lambs Jail Snell, J Cooper & Son. Pair
fat sheep, ny breed, G Penhale 1st and
PIGS,— erkshire,—Aged boar, W. Mc-
Allister, aa. Dorranee. Boar under one
year, Jae Dorrance, W McAllister. [sect
sow, must ave littered in 1898, one or nore
of her litt r to show with her, W. Itle Ills-
' ter, Jae raceme. Sow sander one
•W. Alliste , Jas Dorrance. I *
Torkshi e,—Boar under one year,
G Pen -
hale. Ag d sow, must have litteredin 1898,
oda or mor of her litter to be shown With
her, let nd 2nd, G. E. Creswell. . ,Sow
upder one year, let and 2nd, 0. E. tress-
, weCtenter hite,—Aged boar, James Gem-
mell, J In ter. • Aged sow, must, have lit-
tered in 1 98, must have one or mere of her
litter to b shown with her, James Gemmell,
J Foster. • Sow under one year, James Gem-
mell, J'Fo ter. Boar under one year, 1st
' and 2nd J mes Gemmell,
POULTR .—Pair light brahmas,
G. Irwin.
'Pair dar brahmas, 1st and and Ca Irwin.
Pair Ply, outh rock, IJohn Ward, ADunc D.
Pair whit Plymout rock, John Ward. P ir
game, G Irwin. Pair white leghorns, H
Willis. air black Spanish, G Irwin. P ir
dorkins, st and 2nd G Irwin. Pair b n -
tams, G rwin, H Willis. Pair geeae, G
Irwin. 'air pekin ducks, to Irwin: air
brown duk-, 1st and 2nd Sproat Broth re.
Collectio of pigeons, H. Willis. Collect„on
of eingin birds, 0 Irwin. Pair dark br h.
ma chick,G Irwin. Pair Plymouth r ck
chicks, Jilin Ward. Pair Plymouth r ek
chicks, w ite, John Ward. Pair white 1 g -
horn chic a,
II Willis. Paiablack spa ish
chicks, t Irwin. Pair dorkin chicks G
Irwin. 'air bantam chicks, H Willy. air
turkey c icks, G Irwin. Pair goeliegs, 0 -
Irwin. , Pair pekin ducklings, °6 Ir in.
Pair bro ri ducklingo, 0 Irwin. a
e Seaforth Show.
tors of the Tuckeremith Branch
Society struck hard luck egain
he show was held on the sooi-
do, in Seaforth, on . Friday.
ration had been made for a good
weather spoiled it all A driz-
ing rain, which Gem °need on
afternoon, continued through -
re day, and every per on knows
this, has upon a shoW. There
urn out of excellent tock, and
the prizes were taken up, but
eipts were very light, and, as a
ociety will be behind on this
°aeons. On account df the wet
the heavy tack, the trials of
ther special attractions had to
ff. The failure, however, was
as no person can prevent bad
ble weather. • We hopp that by
ood hall,
em once
e aooiety will have a
good year will put them all
following is the hat of the
Heavy Draught, —Brood mare
F Dale, James Carling, George
, J F Dale, George Dale. Two
y, Innis & Horton, J F Dale,
• One year oWflly, J F Dale,
• Two year old • gelding, Robert
ne year old geldiig, 1st and and
tune will smile on t
▪ Team, Jo�
th), ohn Mc
B McLean, W
elding, W M
d gelding, Oedr
Team, Robert
eynolds, John
e r old filly W
e in. One ear
a nochan. wo
Gavin, 0 Trick,
e Stephenson,
uker, W Dale.
ught team, sil r meal),. j F
--Three yea . old filly or gelding,
B McLean. I Twd year i old filly
James Sterling, H . Buchanan.
mac Elliott. $ingts carriage
,—Brood mare accoMpanied by
oMichaoel, J W Waevtiek, Foal,
ng, J G McMichael. ' Three year
gelding, W Delis, Robert • Wile
year old filly or geldieg, let 1and
arwiok. Orie year old filly or
rock Brothers, James Smith*.
es , Reynolds, Thomas Elliott,
:r, Thomas Elliott, A Johnston.
Durhains, — Cow calved since
obt Chartists, James. Broadloot,
en. Two yeer old heifer, James
mea Broadfoot. One year old
es Broadfoot, Robert Chartere.
Elcoat Brothers, H °rich. Bull
Brothers let and 2nd. Herd of
8 and one bull, Robert Charters,
•,—Cow calved since last show,
lot and 2nd. Two year, old
k Brothers. Heifer calf, Bock
Bull calf, Brock Brothers.
attle,—Cow calved since last
4iteheson, Jelin Campbell, Wm
Two year ! old heifer, James'
st and 2nd. One year old heifer,
ell, Jas Aitqheson. Heifer lealf,
• All information regarding same cheerfully given
• at the Office of
gent for DominiOn Express, C. P. R. Telegraph and' Canada
Accident Insurance Company, SEAFORTH.
from defendants. The latter claimed an ki-
dem ity ainst Jas. Steep, Clintonawho is
in the thi d line of defence. The -evidence
adduced owed the caee to be badly tangled
and it ; as with di clay t at it was
etrsightoned out. For • each side many
witty sees testified, an(l, as e e testimony
was lengthy in each C11,8 , slow progress was
mad� His Lorehip reeerved judgment.,
--.1 re. James Scott, West Wawanosh,
cefully away last Saturday morn -
had been in declining health for
years, and was 84 years of age.
& Wieeman. dry geoids mer -
pass d pe
ing. 1 She
abode five
chalets, of'Clinton,1hav dissolved 1partner-
shipL The business wi I be conducted by
Mr. ,Wiseiaan, and it is reobable Mr. Gilroy
will go out west.
—A ce sun of the , town of Wingham
proving t ey have eeffi
another 1 censed betel,
have gran ed a lice,*
-Thorrias GundrY, of
appoint° ] bailiff f
Coutt for
Joh p Kn
day,, Mr.
vine ma
make at
were not
to have c- nt
W. Hill's, th
day of last
a dietetic,
scalp woend
; the couxty
ient population for
the commissioners
the Dineley house.
Goderich, has been
he First Division
f Huron, to fill the
calmed by he resignation of
ndon cheese market, last Satur-
onnolly sold 860 cheese of Holmes -
at 8e, and 45 of Constance
ac. Brumfield offered 75, which
e nor* to 'announce the death of _
ronyn, son bf P. Cronyn, of the
ne Godeeichltownship. Deceased
out west in July, and is supposed
acted typhoid fever.
aul Maedel while assisting at Mr.
eshing in'Colborne on Wednen-
eek, fell down a straw echute,
f 22 feet, sustaining a severe
fracturing four Obi and die -
least ng is thoulder. 1
-4 s4,rioua accider
John Cla k, er., as hesi
Alibi rn tI,e other day
e *
r 1
in se
ter P
of E
of hii
get h
ered with
of h
er t
of J
's ha
ed ;
14 y
t happened to Mr.
as going home from
His horse taking
ome objeot Ma the road opposite
's threw him lout of his rig. He
y got his erre broken, the bones
through the flesh.!
eath of Mies Lizzie Nelson, (laugh-
. R. Nelson, ief London, formerly
took place in that city on Sep -
h, at the age of 22 year, Con-
es the eauselof death, she having
that dread disease several months
her day while cuttingcorn on the
mes Cartwei
,Amos, hM
d drawn int
g that two fi geri were severely
e did not lyse either, but one
be stiff.
turday mornieg, September 17th,
by, step -son of Archiba'ld Me -
concession 16, Morris died
ars. Deceased had only been in
ays althougl he had been both -
Huron Notes. •
—Mr. McComb, of Exeter, had s me
twenty f wl stolen from his stable the other
rahani, formerly of Brussels'has
formed a partnership, with Dr. Turnbull, of
nd Mrs. Thos. 0. Cooper, of Clin-
ton, last riday, celebrated the 66th anniver-
sary of t eir marriage.
4 -The ther 4ay William Work, who re-
sider; 1 miles north of Brussels, had, the
minfortu e to lien out of an apple tree and
break tw of his rib's.
—Mr. ohn S. McKinnon, one of Blyth's
most pro ressive young business men,
accept a osition in the wholesale millineryinery
• establish ent of his uncle, in Toronto.
—At t e Stratford assizes last week, the
• case of ouisa Catharine Eckensweiller vs.
R. Coyl , et, al., occupied the attention of
the eour. The ease ie brought by Mrs. H.
Eokene eiller, of Clifton, against M. H.
Patters() , of Toronto, and Robert Coyle,
of Colbo e, to recover the sum Of $943.40,
the bat co of an account due the plaintiff.
The tro ble arises out of transactions in
1892, w • en the plaintiff's huaban4 ie alleged
to have • urchased large quantitie of apples
ht, ullett, one
• the misfortune to
the machine; the
heumetiem or some tinie. En-
ofthe. heert *as said to be the
teaching coati hardly be called a
rpeob lme 0 soh
.1s are concerned. The Brussels
ve professio , at least as far as
echo I be rd has just engaged Mr, Philip
Washer, f Belmore, at a year. Mr.
Washer olds a second-class certificate, has
taught f years and is married man. He
is certain' on the, road to wealth.
In co
For parei
IS Of Speed
nection with the Tuckeremith
'tura' Society, to be held at
AY �oT. 4th, 1898,
encing at o'clock shtrp.
ulars, nee 5th page of thisissue.
T. E. HAYS, Secretary.
bad aceid
out driv
of Mr, E
other rig.
board, h'
ground a
the home
of marri
J. Rozell
Nettie M
A. C. Ti
and who
public se
pelled to
throat, s
room pre
an ivory
of Kipp
• and star
last wee
was look
• very gre
der upon
and his
faster an
mains or
torn fro
• coming
of Gode
the doe
not com:
any info
. G. Emigh, of Blyth; met with a,
nt one evening recently. He was
g and while passing the residence
ward Watson, collided *ith an.
He was thrown over the dash -
head and shoulders striking the,
d he wai badly shaken 'up gen-
Tuesday morining of last , week at
of the bride, Brussels, the bonds
ge were Belem ized between Will,
of Paw Paw,j Michigan, and Mies
y, second da ghter of Mr!. M. A.
in the preeen e of the i mediate
of the contra ting partie . Rese'
n, of Walton, performed the
Lucy Stevens, daughter of Mr.
events, of the base line, Hullett,l
taught acceptably in the Blyth
ool for some time, has been corns
resign owing to an affection of the
metimes known as preachers' sore
efore. leaving the pupils of her
ented her with a nice toilet set and
ouvenir book.
Toronto Star makes the following
to a son of Mr. Robert MeMordie,
n : Varsity'champion athlete
alf back, MeMordie, will leave for'
this week, to take a situation
1cMordie meta down to 1 Varity
, began practising football, and
d upon as core of the brig test
on the team. His absence wil be
tly felt. I ,
e Mr. Hicks of Holmesville,- was
rab-apples thother day, the lad,
which he es standing, tur ed,
eacent to thee ground was ra her
lees dignified than that vhici he
ndulges in. is finger by e, me
other got cau ht and the nein wars
it, produci g a very panful
nt not as eerie s as it might bela
onday evenin • of last week, after
ome from echo 1, David Buchanan,
ich, aged abo t 10 years, we t to
to get a bagf of Chips. He did
home before dt;rk, and his parentsrted to searoh for
nxious and s
is companion, et young son of airy
ng,wae questioied,but told so any
stories that it was impossible t get
=thin from him. Early Tue dsy
several parties started dra ging
the har, or, and between 10 and 11 o' lock
at night the body was found in the slip to
the south of the is1andJ of
• •
Wan at SiLec tracks and the peel rooms got t e Most ri
of the money. 'Bott ' has a wife a d •two se
children, and was a prominent me ber a in
ht IS Methodist thurch, and elves, uatiloore- pe
As eetly, an dicer in the Wa kerville m- A
pany of the Essex Fusiliers. c
ted by the firm. It is believed that the th
i'Vriten, Printed r Lithigr
itarCall and see our sa lea,
BM-IA.3r Oxiiir
• —The Grand Trunk Railway this year fo
carried 76,809 people into Toronto for the T
aphed. • exhibition, as against 53,228 last year, or an
iecrease for this year of 23,581. To the
London fair, the Grand Trunk carried• !
3,301 passengers this year, an wallet
2,664 last' year, or an increcuse this par
of 9,637. It seems to be a good yea rt for
—Rev W J MOCaughan of St. Andrew's
best being very tast ly attired in cream
lust e and cream satin She was attended
by hr sister. . Mr. La.e was aasisted in the
cere ony' by his broth r.
— he annual meetin of the Hilton Rifle
Mao iation was hel • in the Clarendon
Ho 1, Clinton, on riday evening latit,
whe the following o eers were chosen
Pres dent, Captain Combs ; vice president,
J. J hnston • treasurer, N. Robson ; secre-
tary Dr, Bruce • executive, Captain Mc -
Tag art, D. Macpherson, E. Hovey, W. G.
Doh rty, B. J. Gibbin a It was decided to
hold' the annual mate , with the new Lee -
Enfield rifle, some tim during October.
—On Wednesday of rust week, just before
noon, a pretty weddi g was celebrated at
the esidence of Wm. MeClymont, Goderich,
his aughter, Linda A , and Frank T. Hale,
of Guelph, iseing the contracting parties.
The nuptial knot wee tied by Rev. Wm.
Ood in, ot Victoria street Methodist church,
and he bride wategiven away by her father.,
The bride was assistediby Miss Maud, sister
of the groom, and Miss Edith, eistrsr of the
brid , the groom's best men being the bricle'et
brother, Robert J. MeClymonto, and Johnl
:Newell. ,
—Mr. Wm. Sweet, V. S, of Exeter, re-
eeived the sad intelligence fast week of the
death of his mother, Mrs. Richard Sweet,
who died in Morden, Manitoba, 012 the 7th
hist., after a prolonged illness from internal
cancer. The deceased was well and favor-
ably known both in Exeter and in the town-
ahip of Stephen, in which township she re -
aided for Many year* and her many old
friends will 'hear witia regret of her death.
She was 76 years and months old.
—One evening recently Coulter; Brothers
moved their threshingmachine to the farm
owned by Dr. Chisho , in Turnberry, oc-
cupied by George Brophy. John Coulter
came into Wingham or some machine re:
quisites, and returning during the night;
ow a man leaving the.barn, but supposing
it was Mr. Brophy, he thought ,nothing of
it and went to bed. On going out to 04
peril in the morning, he found the 'separator
'wrecked. Two pulleys had been broken off!,
land the rubber carriers had been cut to
pieces, completely disabling the machinea
Of course, it is not known positively who
the perpetrator was, but it would be difficult
to conceive of a more contemptible act;
causing delay and loss, to the threshers. The
carriers alone cost $40, while the replacing
of the broken parte will be equally costly,
—Last week we pee brief notice of the
death of • Mr. James , Somerville, of Luck.
now. ' The deceased Was one of the oldeet
settlers in the Huron 'tract, and was one of
the leading politicians of hie day. Mi.
Somerville was bern I in Dumferline Soot -
land, on the 31st of January, ;182'5. ;Ire
came to Canada in 1841 and ten years later
came to Wawanosh township. 1He was a
staunch Reformer and a life long friend and
admirer Of . the Hon. Edward Blake, and in
1872, he unsucaessfully contested West
Huron in the Liberal i intereste against Mi.
Thomas Farrow. In al382, however, he was
elected member of ,Parliatnent for West
Bruce over Col. Scott, , of Kincardine, by
nearly 1000 majority, but after spending
some thee° years in the House of Commonat
he reeigned his position in favor of ',Mt.
Blake. In 1849 he Iwas married to Mins
Mary Bennett, of Dundas, by whom he had
'eight children, five of whom, together With
Mrs. Somerville, still survive him.I
In about 12 fe
—On Mon ay morning of last wee an
interesting remony as performed in the
Roman Catholic °lure , Brussels, by Rev.
Father McCabe, of eaforth, when Miss
Catharine Ryan, of W Item, and John Lane,
of McKillop, were u ited in the bonds of
holy matrimony. At 9 o'clock the oran
pealed forth the str ins of the wedding
march, t.o0 the murk° of which th contract-
ing per ies marched p the isle and , knelt
at the Roar. The bride was °eking her
— Albert E. Lyons, caretaker o the Ber-
lin postoffice, was sentenced to twoyears en
the penitentiary, for stealing money lettere,
--Hon. Alfred Evanturel, speaker of the
Ontario Legislature, has been very ill with
pneumonia, but is now better, although!st41
confined to hie home,
— The sample boxes of Canadian fruit, re-
cently - sent from the St. Lawrence,have
reached their destination, viz, th ports of
Bristol, Liverpool, and London, and ors be-
ing opened the contents were fou in each
instance to be in excellent condition.
—Frank McQuillan, a well-known stone-
mason and farmer, of Guelph townebip, fell
from the top of a silo while wor
Friday morning, and received sue
that he died about an hour after
• —Heavy rain and an electric st
over Manitoba one day last
Franklin, Wm. Blac of Minned
W. Nicholson, a farm hand at Maodonaltl,
were killed by lig tning: At the latter
place W. J. Cooper w seriously hurt. and
six horses killed.
—Rev. Father Sedden, of the athohe
Immigration Society, of London, England,
who was bringing o er a party of Youpg
children on the Allan liner Numidian, died
on the way across. The remains will he in-
terred at Quebec. The deceased priest had
been coming ito Can
past 15 yeArs, au
--Robert Scott, a
tario who settled in London 60 yearst ago,
died 'Sunday afternoon, at the ripe age of
91. Mr. Scott was probably the best knoin
carpenter in the western part of the prriv-
ince, and operated One of the first plaint%
mills erecter' in this part of the eountiy.
Of Mr. Scott's large family, only one sen
ing en at
ar srn p.assod
e ss.;
da every year foe the
wets universally ee-
ioneer of Western 6n-
an1 one daughter survive iin.
—Mr. James.E. Wallace, junior mathe-
matical master at the Ottawa Collegiate
stitute, has disappeared mysteriously.
August last he was married to a Perth lad
A couple of weeks after the wedding
started for a short outing on a bicycle, and
has not been heard of since. Fears of foul
play are entertained. Mr. Wallace has
been on the Ottawa Collegiate staff for '15
. . • •
Presbyterian ch roh, Toronto, is a much
.ought after man. On Sunday laet a'depu-
tation from a wealthy church in Chicago
was in the city to hear him preach, and sub-
sequently an offor was rnade to him to ae;
cept the minirti yl of the Chicago church.
This is the third deputation Mr.McCaughan
has had from Chicago.
—Ernest Elbourne, fifteen years alai Bon
o George Ellepurne, of Ottawa, died Friday
afternoon, while undergoing an operation
for ingrowing tee nails. The operation,
welch was being conducted by Drs. Baptie
and Cook, was completed, when deceased
s arted to vomit. Death resulted from ae-
pbyxiation. Deceased was under the Willi-
eace of chlerolorati
'—Considerable intetlest is manifested in
Parry Sound over the arrest of Messrs. Geo.
Ewart and Kenneth D. MeLeme, publishers
aad- proprietors of the Burk's Falls Beacon,
ea a charge of orim nal libel, preferred by
Ilia Honour Judge McCurry.
' —A public marriage took place in the ex
hibition building of i the North Waterloo
Agricultural Society, at Berlin, on Tuesday
night of last week, in connection with a con -
Ma. The contracting parties were Mr.
Ciarnelius Figures end Miss Mary Jane
Youngblut. For being so married they were
rewarded byt donations of household furni-
tame from diker nt merchants and dealers.
1—What mighthave proved a much more
serious accident occurred. at the bridge, in
the rear of •the waterworks' pump -house,
Chatham, on Friday lasts Mr. G. A. 'Mc-
Crea was crossing the bridge with a trac-
tion engine drawing a water tank. About
the centre of the bridge the floor broke, let-
ting the engine and water tank through.
They dropped about 12 or '14 feet into the
water below. Mr. McCrea, who was run-
ning the engine, also went down. He was
unable to jump, and w,as badly hurt about
his hips,and his lege Were badly scratched.
The tonbers of the bridge were found to
have a rotten.
o— m. P. Clay, of uelph, grocery ener-
chanteended his life o Monday by shooting
himself. The deceas d had no apparent
reason for committing the deed. Ifie daugh-
ter Maggie, on returning to the store short-
ly after one o'clock, missed her father, 1 but
thought she heard him upsteire. Later she
heard something fall, but believing it to
have been a box, paid no attention to it at
the time. About 140 she went upstairs to
tell her father to go to dinner, and was
startled at finding him lying dead on
the floor, with a revolver in his hernia and
his head in a pool of blood. A physician
was summoned, and pronounced death al-
most instantaneous. Mr. Clay was formerly
engaged in business at Galt, but he sold out
to his sons two years! ago.
—The city of St. Catharines and the ad
joining municipality of Merritton were visit-
ed on Monday afternoon last by 4 terrific
tornado, which spread destruction in its
fide and laid low the principal part of
erritton. In St. Catharines, trees were
uprooted, roofs taken off, and streees ren-
dered impassable, but no lives were lst.'
In Merritton, however, nearly every build-
ing in the path of the tornado was swept
away or partially dismantled. Four persona
were killed outright, and many more or less
seriously injured. One of the injured can
not recover. In Guelph the same afternoon,
nwel' of the new brick skating rink, which
le being built by Mr. A. B. Petrie, was
—Much surprise was caused last week
by the arrest of Nicholas Bott, of Walker-
ville, one of the best known men in- Wied-
sor, on the charge of embezzling $800 film
hie emloyers,Hiram Walker & Sons,Welk-
erville. Bott was disoharged by Walkers
over a month ago, but the defalcation only
came to light recently. Bott went to Chi
cago where he was arrested and brought
back to Windor. He ple
charge, and was sentenced
the central prison by Ma
Boa had been in Walkers'
and was head el the shipp
He obtained the money by
to the ground.
thur Castle, a farm laborer at St.
Th mas, 22 years of age, was arrested last
week at the farm of John Williams, mek&
SiOil 10, London townshi, on a charge of
thaeatening to shoot Williams and hid lam-
flyrCastle has been engaged by Williams
fo several months, and his conduct of late
been of such a nature that Williams be-
lieyes him to be insane and dangerous) to be
at !large, Several times, it is alleged, he
h made threats, and when he threatened
to put an end to the whole family, Williams
deeided to have him locked up. On being
taken to jail, Castle told Detective Ward
that in old London, where he belonged,
people thought nothing of killing a m it and
burying him under the flagstone walk .4 He
alert threatened to get even with Will ams.
+-At 5 o'clock on Tuesday afterneon of
last week, the first message over the Cana-
dian Pacific Railway Company's new prams -
continental copper teleoraph •. wire, was
flashed from Montreal to Vancouverj. The
line passers via Vattdreuil-and the shot line
to Ottaw, and thence by the main lane to
• the coast. The aotual distance covered is
about 2,900 miles, conetituting probably the
• longest direct land line circuit forl daily
wdrk in the world, To pass across this im
mense distance signals only occupy o e -fifth
of a second. Cand& now only nee th
Pacific cable to Make her telegraphi
• menicatien one of the foremost i
w rld.
The fargest gold robbery reporte
this British Columbia mines for a lon
conies from Lillooe. Superintendent
McLEAN BROS., Publishers.
$1 a Year in Advance.
m two years, and, leaving Canada, mare
at Detroit and Laming. He also de -
ted hie wives at these places,and, i eturn-
to Canada, married a woman at Mmi-
, whom he deserted last spring -at North
gueta, Maine. Then he again returned to
• ad, was arrested at Portage la Prairie,
• theft, and identified as being wanted in
route, where Sarah Ryan tharged him
wi h bigamy. The pruioner pleaded guilty
to all the charges, and wrui sentenced to five
ye re in the penitentiary,
Inspector A. E. Ja4s, V. 8,11 'it'll
en aged in stamping out hog cholera in
C leton county. Altogether he ham slaught-
er d 35 hogs, and hes : quarantined 157
cot ere. Sincethe hog cholera waa first dis-
co ered, over 350 hogs have died. The
gr ater number of these are not more than
fo r miles -out of Ottawa. • All the piggeries
II er quarantine will be kept so until the
d' eased hogs are killed off. The piggeries
w be disinfected and thoroughly cleansed.
e hogs which are being killed will be cres-
• ted. The inspector says that the state
these piggeries was mostimwholesome
• that such should not be allowed to
t at or near any city.
Archibald Leitch, aged 16 yearn, son of
M , David Leitch, of South Branch, one of
th best known farmers of Stormont county,
lost his right arm while operating an ensil-
age °utter. His hand was caught in the
k '
nives which drew it in nearly to the
elbow before his brother got the machine
stopped. The brother'who is only 18 years
of ego, then, with great presence of mind,
ti d a bandage around the stump, stopping
th flow of blood, and drove the s
injured boy
toICornwall, a distance of five miles, where
th doctors at the general hoepital found it
to amputate the arm dear the
el ow.
At the Great Nerthern exhibition, at
Cellingwood„ last week, an accident oceurred
which may result in the lou of two lives.
Ix the second heat of the free-forall run -
n g race, a young man, whose identity is
naknewn, attempted to cress the track, and
w4s struck down by the leading horse and
te ribly mangled, The jockey, a led named
B llwood, was pitched on his head, and was
piked up senseless. The doctor in attend -
a e
e reports that the unknown :boy is still
n conscious and very badly injured, both
o head and body. He thinks however, he
hs a chance to recover. Of iellwood he is
ant so sure, as he has a nasty scalp wound,
and depressed concussion of the brain. Hes
also is unconscious.
Perth Note.
the—rMeil;gut.inSingElmlicietntbe' of
for Winnipeg early last spring, and haeas
familyfor43Winnipeg, on Tuesday afternoon of kat
w k. Two of Mrs. Elliott's daughter* left
done so well that all the rest have followed.
B Mrs. Elliott's removal the Methodist
church will lose a valued member of the
c ngregation. as the Sabbath school and
Epworth League lost valued and active
embers in her daughters.
—St. Joseph's church, Stratford, was on
'Weer last the scene of a pretty wedding,
tlie principals being Mr. Richard MeDer-
ott, of Boone, Iowa, formerly of Stratford,
aid Mies Agnes Collins, daughter of Mr.
J mem Collins, of North Easthope, The
cremony, which took place at 8 o'clock,
as performed by Rev, Father Fogarty, in
ttie presence of a large nuniber of friends
a d relatives of 'the contracting partiee.
41 ter the ceremony the bridal party drove
to the reosidence of the brides parents,
here a wedding breakfast was served. Mr.
aid Mre. McDermott left on the 4.20 train
ii the afternoon for Boone, Iowa, where
ey will reside.
—At the annual meeting ot the Women's
hrietian Temperance Ussion,held on Thurs-
y evening of last week, in Mitchell, the
following officers were elected: President,
Wire, J. S. Coppia ; let viceptesident, Mrs.
Holme.; 24 vice-president, Mrs. Bradley;
recording secretary, Mrs, A. Dent; corress, •
pending secretary, Mrs. Lester; treasurere
Mrs. Caution; superintendent osystematic
giving, Mrs. A. Dent; evangelistic, Mrs. F.
A. Campbell; mothers' meeting, Mr..
Holmes; scientific instruction, Mrs. French;
!sailors and lumbermen Mrs. J. A. Wil-
liams; press department, Mrs. H. J. Hurl -
—Mims Hattie Woods Scott, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. Charles Seat, of Stratford, and
Mr. Wm. C. Scott, assistant superintendent
of the Gotta Perch& Rubber Company, of
Toronto, were married at 2 o'clock, on
Wednesday, September 21st, at the resi
dence of the bride's father. Rey. M. L.
Leitch officiated, The wedding was a pretty
but quiet one, their being no bridemmaid mar
groomsman, and only a few guests were
present. After partaking of a well appoint-
ed wedding dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Scott left
on the 4.20 train, for New York end other
eastern points. They will reside at•Park-
ed guilty to the
18 moutha in-
strate Bartlett.
mploy 17 yeers,
pg department.
claiming to need
of the Golden Cache mine, states thet 800
minces of gold amalgam was stolen o Sun
dee, night lat. This was the result of
three weeks' clean-up at the mines, nd re-
presented nearly 0.0,000, which the share-
helders will lose. , The provincial superin-
tendent of police has taken the mettAM in
h aid, and officers have been sent up to the
mine, but it is lea ed the gold will Ter be
re overed.
—Friday afternoon the fire alarm was
sounded for a fire in Mr, Alex. Griffiths'
residence, in Welland, but it was subdued
without flee apparatus,a quantity of cloth-
, etc., being burned. The fire was caused
a natural gas explosion, the cause being
elective pipe. Mr. Griffiths, who entered
e room with a light, was blown twine the-
nce his whiskers burned off; and hle head
d bands badly hurned. Harry Griffiths,
o was assisting, was also burned, but not
ri—°InnalYthe police court in Toronto a few
diiy. ago, Henry O'Brien, a former Canadian
sac Railway foreman, was proven' guilty
o marrying two Women on the same day,
In the same city, nd keeping two separate
hbuseholds for several years- also , in the
name city. Thia a feat few men are cred-
ited with. Further, it was shown that one
woman, Sarah Ryan, was married to him by
a Catholic priest a few home before his
arriage to Nettie. Graham, at at Which a
nt oler man resi'ded. By a
• coincideoee, eachwoman bore a
c on the same day, and exactly eleven
after marriage with O'Brien. The
mated bath wives after living with
it to pay oustonui duties oisn whiskey ex- latter
—Rain last Friday prevented the North
Perth fall fair from being one of ;the most
successful in the history of the eat °elation.
Nearly all the classes were full, pecially
was this so in the live stock. Thee was an
exceptionally good showing of hores, while
the poultry, vegetables and root e I and fine
arts compared favorably with the exhibits
oi any previous year. Notwithstanding the
fact that rain fell off and on all the after-
noon, there was a very good attendance.
Owing to the wet track the speediagevents,
which promised to be more than usually in-
teresting, had to be called off. Though the
attendance was not large, it is not expected
that the association will be much behind.
—On Wednesday, September 14th, death
removed Mrs. Murray, relict of the late
Witham Murray, of Avonton, aged 68 years
and 6 months. Mrs. Murray had. been in
poor health for some time, With her par-
ents she left Peebleshire, Scotland, in 1840,
and located on lot 14, concession 3, 1)OW1:110#
Here she married her late husband, and
subsequently removed to lot 14,concession 6,
where she lived up to the time of her death.
She was one of the best known resi-
dents of Downie, where she was respected
and admired by a large circle of friends.
She was a faithful adherent of the Prefilter
terian church. Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne,
of Stratford is a sister of the deceased.
A family of fivesono and daughters are left
to mourn her death.
—Mr. Wm, Mason, a pioneer of Wallace
township, died eas his residence, on the 2nd
concession, on Monday morning rif last
week. Mr. Marion had not been well for
over a year, and had been unable to do any
work on the farm shim last fall. The de..
e,eased was a native of the county of Kil-
dare, Ireland, where he was born ;66 years
ago. Be came to Canada in 184, and thee
family first settled in the township of Wel-
lesley. Mr. Mason moved into ,Wrillace
1855, &year before the land in that toel,
ship was put on the market. He took tlee
crown deed of the present homestead, where
he has since lived, and by his industry, OM
verted it from the original forest late awe
cultivated and valuable farm. He waa ere
ried in March, 1863, to Mary J, Hawahor
of the township of Mornington'who •
vives him. Their family consueteide of
sons and one daughter.