The Huron Expositor, 1898-09-16, Page 88
Wilson's Cash Grocery
Field and Garden Seeds.—We have Evans & Co's.
saw log mangold seed, Golden Tankard and Long
Red marigold seed.. Imported Short White carrot and
the best varieties of Swedish turnip seed at the low -
eat prices. Our stook of Teas was never better than
it is now. Our 26o Japan is the best in the market.
Give us a call and we will guarantee to please you
and for less money thin you can buy from any ped-
lar. Our stock of Grandes is No. 1 quality. Our
prices are as low as any one in the trade, and as we
give a 6 per cent. cash discount to cash • customers
on all purchases of $1 and over, except flour and
- a gar, it will pay you! b give us a oaU. Good
:shire in Dinner, Tea an Toilet Sets, and a good ae-
oortment to select from. The highest prices paid
for all kinds of trade.
ILSON, Seaforth.
Bank of Commerce Brock.
CAPITAL (Pard Up),
Main street, Seaforth.
A general banking business transacted. ' Farmers'
Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same at
lowest rates.
Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received, and
Interest allowed at highest current rates. Interest
added toprincipal twice each year—at the end of
- June and December. No notice of withdrawl is
squired for the whole or any portion of a deposit.
R. S. HAS °S, W. K. PE>?RCE,
Solicitor Agent.
Fall Term, Opens Sept, 1st.
One of the largest and most successful
n. Graduates
school,�]j in the Domini
emineifttly successful.
Write for beautiful catal
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
Don't Blame t e -Cook •
But Ring Up T64. No. 8, •
Or call in person 'and give her a chance 1 We're
always near the top when it coulee to quality. Re-
member It don't pay to trifle with cheap vinegar
and spices thin time of the year.
Is something vile aro always out of. It never set's -
flee, and we do "uot want our customers money un-
less we can satisfy them. Don't forget: the place !
Grocers P -Butchers,
Fine Tailoring.
We beg to notify the public that we have engaged
the services of Mr. Harry Speare (who is so well and
popularly known in Seaforth in oonnec ion ith Eine
tailoring) as cutter and manager of •ur Tailoring
Department. Oar stock of Clothe and Tweeds is now
complete, and will be found up-to-date in every
particular. Readymade Clothing stock room is
filled to its utmost capacity. We cordially invite in-
spection before buying to both our ,Ordered and
Readymade Departments of Clothing.
Wm.Pickard & Co:
Grand Trunk Railway
The travelling public has come to regard
the ticket agent as sort of a bureau of in.
formation, an often propound to him- per-
plexing questions, which he is supposed to
intelligently answer.
W. Somerville, Agent.
CommercialHotelBuilding, Seaforth, Ont
urn 'Exposit .
THE SALT TO Use. --Coleman'$ salt works;
of Seaforth, are earning an enviable repute -
tine -for their table and dairy salt. At the
Toronto Industrial Exhibition, creamery
butter salted with Coleman's butter salt,
received fi ve prizes, three- firsts and two
seconds, out of a total of six given, three
firsts and three seconds. The competition
was open to the world, and such a sweep is,
we believe, without a precedent. This is °a
practical test of the excellentcuring quali-
ties of this salt, and should ensure it the
favor of dairymen generally.
A est a veas t'D, Paine WINNER.—Miss
Louise Sperling, daughter of F. G. Sperling,
ot Wingham, formerly of Seeferth, was a
successful prize winner in the fancy work
department at the Toronto exhibition.
Among other prizes the Globe makes special
reference to two. It says:: " Mies Louise
Spading, of Wingham, gets a first' prize for
a pretty handkerchief case made of bolting
cloth over yellow silk, embroidered with
violets." Again : " A beautifuipiece of
ivory embroidery, whieh•.is'lone, of course,
on fine silk canvas, with embroidery in
cream sink and drawnwork, has won a first
prize tor WAS Lau ee L. Spading, of Wing=
ham." Miss �.parling also got second prize
for handmade underclothing.
DEATH a'i MR. DAVID MWiclsay.—Mr.
i)avid M alrray, youngest son of Mrs. John
f I Murray, of Seaforth, died on Saturday after-
, noon last. The sad event was not unexpected.
Ile had not been in robust health for a year
and a half, and unmistakable : symptoms of
consumption became manifest early lastspring
and the disease developedvery rapidly. He
Iwas only la years of age and was a bright,
I promising -young man who was a universal
favorite with all who knew him. His death
is a specially severe bereavement to his
mother, as this is the second ;son who has
died within(two years. The sincerest sym-
pathy of many friends will be extended to
her and the ' bereaved brother and sisters.
The deceased was "call boy " in the Sea -
forth fire brigade and the rnem:ber`s paid a last
tribute of respect to his memory by attend-
ing the funeral in a body and marching to
the cemetery. The funeral took !place on
_Monday afternoon and was largely intended.
Da .tTlr OP •M1t. RODI:RICIC Gni y.—sir.
Roderick Grey, of the 2nd conoessicin of Mc-
Killop, near Seaforth, died On Saturday
feet. Mr. Grey had been] in failing health
for about three years, having suffered from
an attack ot paralysis, and for some months
he had been confined to his residence most
of the time. His death, therefore, was not
unexpected, and in his case it was a relief.
He was born at Mill of Towie,ljarish of
Fyvie; Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in the l
year 1533. He earns to Canada ith the I
other members of his family in. 1 47, and
settled in the county of Oxford, near Wood- I
stock. He remained there for twenty-seven
years and came to Huron in 1873, settling
on the farm in -McKillop, where he ijemained
until his death. He leaves a widow and
Iamily of three sons and one daughter. Mr.
Grey was one of nature's noblemen ad few
men are held in higher 'esteem for their
sterling worth and integrity. In hie own
unostentatious way he was never weary in
well doing and lived the profession which he
made before his fellows. He was aid elder
of the Fleet Presbyterian church, Seaforth,
for nineteen years, and always took a morlt
active interest in the affairs of that congre-
gation. In temporal matters he was indus-
trious and well doing, and was one of the
best and most succesef ul • fanners ' in the
county, and whatever he'undertook he tried
to carry out to a best of his ability. He
will be muoh. And long missed in the com-
munity where he had lived so long -and was
so highly•respeoted. ,
• .'
COUNCIL MEETING, —The regular monthly
meeting of council was held on Monday
night last. The flitter of the pitting!
of a town eloe.k ifloe tower of the;
town hall was laid `a over until next
year, or until such time ail the
necessary funds can ' be raised to plass'a
clock with illuminated dials in the tawee.
The mayor was instructed to sign a requiajas.
tion from the new local telephone company
for two telephones, one for the waterworke
and one for the town hall, to cost the town
at the rate of 60 cents a month each, pay -1
meat to start as soon as the Bell telephone
contract ceases. Accounts to the amount
of $665.03 were passed for payment,and'.
council adjourned to meet again at the caa1l.
of the mayor. - •
ACarN SUcQEssFCL.—Two rinks from the
Seaforth bowling club attended the tourna;-
front at Gorderich on Thursday and Friday
last, and were again suocesaful in winning
honors for themselves and the club; The
rinks . were made up as follows : NO. 1,—
James McMichael, Retry Jeffrey, l John.
Weir, E. C. Coleman, skip ; No. 2,—;W. 0.
Reid, Geo. E Henderson, Harry S,peare, R,
S. Hays, skip: These two rinks beet out
all the other rinks at the tournament, and
had to play off for first and second prizes.
Hays' rink won the first prizeand Cole-
man's the second. The.first prize rink got
a hand satchel for each member,' and the
second prize rink,a fishing rod- for each,
With one or two exceptions, the Players at
this tournament were different frpm those
who took part in the Walkervillp tpurna-
ment,thus showing that the good. players
are all through the club, and are not con-
fined to an exhibition few..
again this year well and worthily represent-
ed at the Industrial Exhibition, at Toronto,
especially in the stock lie. Our exhibi-
tors, however, were not as successful in car-
rying off big premiums as they have been in
some former years. We notice that Berry
& _Geiger, of Hensel!, were au`cceseful in
carrying off first and diploma for their shire
stallion ;• Mr, Peter McGregor,' of ruce-
field, also took a good place fora eavy
stallion which he recently -imported ; Mr.
Thomas Russell, of Riverside ',Far , Us-
borne,got several prizes for his thoroii hbred
Shorthorns, as did also Mr. B. W. mith,
of Hay, while Mr.' Wm. McAllis er, 4f
Stanley, was well to the front wi
Berkshire pigs. We. have made mention of
other prize winners in other parts of this
issue. On the whole, Huron, has . held her
own this year. She doesnot often -take a
back seat with any tithe pounty in the
province, and she has de onstrated l#y her
record this year that she is still able tls hold
her own with the beet: .
WANTED. -Two hundred .tubs of
' lately
• aid o
' w th
no of the service to
mei led, in the inters
blip. -t --Mr. Jacob, MoGe
eek in Toronto, takih
n oying the hoepit li
i nds. While away
plendid specimen 1
ut f rem the soil of
he prizes very hi h
eft on Thursday o
on the'receipt of
g the serious illness
Friday, Mrs: George
eb started en the see
Mr. Wm. MoNaug
a ith, who is a brother -in -
M or .—The Women's F
Saoie y of our church int
a nu 1 thank offering mee
n.xt, at 2,30 p. m. A go
b ing prepared for the
a. die a ce room, after .whi
w 11 ' : served • in the ba e
C tta e," the residence o
w s : : ain the scene of w
o edneeday last, whe
d ug ter, Miss Marion, wa
ri ge to Mr. James Scott, o
n pti:1 knot was tied at 6.3
R v. k r, Shaw, assisted by
Muld ew, brother of the bti
e ce f the immediate relati
tr cting . parties nd a fe
n : w1 wedded cm le left th
Mr. ecott's beauti ul home
t e aitland, where thei
.w ph they .may pend a
w dd=d life.
Dairy Butter, 14c. Mao 60 oases eggs weekly] G.E.
Saxe, W Ingham. 1 1 -til,
hand No. 14 four knife cylinder epsilage o ttor, a
splendid worker, nearly new, can be sold cheap.
Apply to O. C. WIaisos, Seaforth. 1(}00.1
PEOPLE wishing to get cash
est price for their poultry, ghoul�
Case & Co.'s butcher shop, Carrot
Millinery opening days, Fri
day, 23rd and 24th of September.
vite the ladies' of geaforth• and stir
to inspect our displa
H. Willis, Boots and
and the high -
call at R. F.
hael's Blo k Sea -
1 8.4
day and atur-
We eordia ly in-
ounding c untry
., Soa-
O W.
Sea -
05 -1
William Pickard &1
WANTED, 4.Apply
Shoes, Carmichael's Bloc
HAVE your watch neak,l-y re aired at C. A.
Humber & Son, Seafprth. A 1 wor warranted.
1 05-1 ..
Do you want a genua e bar ain on alstove
of any kind ? ll so, ome al d pie from our large
stook while there is grcati a sortment of •bothnnew
and second-hand to choose from, and prices away
down. Old 01108 to en in 'e chap e. S. Mullett &
Co., Seaforth. 1+160_ 1
'Good driving horse avant d immetliatly
in exchange for ins lem Ants Tho nas Brow , Sea -
forth, 1 05x1
WANTEri.—A loca ag nt for an ole line
Life Assurance Company. plendid commieqion to
the right man. Address Box 368, Stratford, 11605.1
There is none li e the sunlight stove
polish. Try' a sample 1 ar, only .$e or two for 6o.
S. Mullett & Co., Seafort., 1803.1
Every lady in Sea crib and vicinity are
cordially invited to inspe•t the display of mjilinory
at the Pentecost store, Friday and Saturda Sep.
tember 23 and 24. 1806.11
" THE GAME. Pito Bare.—The Elm -Te-
cumseh lacrosse teen have entered a protest
in conneetion with t e ( match played with
the Beavers, in To onto; two weeks ago,
ing by that eans
to gain on the field.
obi the fact th t one
e vers by the r feree,
ion, have been disal-
time. taken fo ,rest
ould have given • thg
the score. Thee reas-
ast, flimsy, and o not
an the
tor of
ice in
t con•
s have
ed the
, with
t will
with the hope of, peon'
what they were unable
The protest is based
goal allowed to th,e I
should, in their ops
lowed, and that },h
after this garnet K
sufficient time to tie
ons arc, to say the 1
display -a very sportsmanlike spirit
part of the Tecurnsf;hs. Any speet
the game will- readily admit that the
ere had the best of the game, and, a
have now defeated the Tecumsehs t
succession, the city chaps should re
tent that t
rallied to t
necessary f
bright hop
ey are not the only, 1
he friends of the Beave
eir arid, and have subscri
nds to defend the prates
s that the cause of rig
EC;rroe e, ILLS NOTr:s.—In referring to the
call extended to the Rev,' W. J. el rk, of
London, b• Erskine church, Toron o, the
London A vertiser thus sumo u • Mr:
Clark's qua ifications as a minister, end;as
that gentle; an is well known to . m ny lin
-this vicinit ', it ay be of interest o aur •
readers : ".I t is no matter for surp ;ise Ito
Mr. Clark'. con rogation to learn t cit hie
eerviceswould be eagerly welcome else-
where., Giftedwithi an unusual po ver'bf
natural eloquen4e, sane in his jud meats
and utterances ; a tireless reader and stropg
thinker, possessed of the saving gift qf com-
mon sense ; thoroughly courageous a d not
afraid to stand ,gyp in his free pulpit, when
necessary, against any passing cur entof
opinion ; broad and tolerant in his views,
and rightly esteemed by -men and wo en of
every class and creed, Mr. Clark ad s dis-
tinction to the pulpit of Canada."—A eases.
Tom end Frank Jackson were on a w eeling
tour last week to visit friends near L ndon.
—Mr. Wm. McDougall has purchasl:d the
buildings on the old Collins property, and is
having them removed. They .have eon in
a dangerous condition for s long ti
s lest
t the
s the
t ap-
epeaking of mail matters in our no
week, we neglected to mention abo
egistered letterserviceof Seaforth,
tistributing office of this lvicinity.
pears that the morning mall is the or
leaving Seaforth which takes register
terse Consequently, al registered
brought in by the different stages an
carriers is kept over till's the next me
thus entailing a delay of nearly twenf
hours, as well as risk ff om burglars
the letters are lying overnight in th
We believe the postofflce_ authoritie
need a hint of the true condition c
d let -
d mail
y -four
s only
f this
e the matter .I
f the business .
spent most of
in the sights
of relatives
was presented
black them,
is native land,
.—Mr. Daid
set -'week for
telegr*m _�►n-
f his brother,
Brown, hie sir-
e sad errand,
n,, of Tucker -
of Mr. Peter
gn Missionary
holding the r
on Mond
programme a
hering,. in t e
refreehmen e
ent.—" Whi e
re. Muldre
Ing festiviti s
her young; t
united in ma
xboro. T e
p. m. by te
t e Rev. J. .
th s
farM re
pe son's.
, in the pre
s Of the co
friends. e
eame night r
the' batiks' f
many frien s
ng and hap y
FORTH SHWA .--As we ave previous y
al Society ill hold th a annual sho
count of the burning o their agrieul-
new one er eted sine they will this
nly hold an o t -door ex bit, and have a
y's show. This, ho ever, promises
one of the st ever h Id here, provid-
he weather is favora le. Seaforth
ntre of one of the bee aridenost pros -
stock districts in the Dominion, and
splay of stock of all k'n de at the show
-t• his the, list of spe al attradtioes,
s speeding in the ring, bicycle On -
etc„ is larger and m
of people. We ope
fore and is suri)to b
the society will have
time shows. 1 A goo
ill be a greatl aid in
e ere sure this Will
ndsome silver medal
inty of the Cenadian
for the best heavy draught team at
ow is now shown in Lemsdon 8z, Wil -
window. 1t should be seen by all
who own a team of which they are
and think better than any other
re varied than
ing out e large
hat -before next
to hold isne of
turn-. otit this
e forthcoming.
contributed ley
Bank of ,Com-
fer h have this year laid down considerable
ne plank sidevvalk. In doing SO we think
th y have made a mistake. The , experience
of ther places, situated as Scafoeth is, goes
to rove that grenolithic is mneh1the cheap-
er, to say‘nothirig of the differe 'ce in ap-
ri rance.!` On this subject, Prey ncial Road
gr und and rain; and heat fro the au ,
ea not help but decay re idly. A pla k
wa Iv properly conitructed will last efi e
years, then repairs e minence, - At the end
of fteen years the alk hap cost as mueh
for repaire as it cost in the firat place, there-
for the average life of a plank welk is seven
ye re. The best material for sidewalks is
art Mal , stone. The first cost of this is
ne rly three times that of plank. Pla k
av rages about five cents per square foot ;
art, &jai stone, 12 cents per square feet.
The latter when properly laid, will last' a
century. 'It has been on some Toronto
str eta now for thirtY years, and is appar-
ent y as good as evee."
tOM MANILA.. -11, r. AleXander Stewart,
of his town, has rec ived a letter f. om his'
thi d son, Charles, ho is membe of the
telegraph corps of the nierica army
and is located at Al rinibe. lis letter was
wrttten before the engageni t between the
Anierican end S anish force which resulted
in the capture o Manila by the Americans.
ex t
1 graph operator
had a good situa ion in eeilway office in
aul, Minnesota,. ife gay; 'up this situation
oin the American arra end he dd,es
seem tci regret having one so. At the
e he wrote he Was enc niped near the
and was engage with, his company in
ending telegraph mes f r the use of
any fighting, except in S If defence. e
was enjoying the best of health when e
wrete. The journey to Ma ila. wee tedi tis
and. unpleatiant, but he enj yed it in ma y
wa s. He likes the appeal. nee of the ci y,
an speaks of the climate as being v ry
most of th time, w ile the land seems to be
enormous) producei tro al fruits of 11
kinds bein in abuii ance. On the who e,
he seems o be vet fave ably impres ed
well please with hi surro dings.
TRAVELT ERS.—Th folio ing parties w re
ticketed to distant arts ti is week by _ r.
Trunk : re. Mc onalcl and daught r,
ren, to De reit, the were eccompanied by
to Clevela d, Ohio, o visit, friends, and or
Rankin, t Montreal, co bining busin se
with pleas re ; Mrs Clem lit King, retu n -
visit to friends th re ; JOhn and Charles
Aberhardt to Buff lo, on ' holiday trip ;
Mrs. Gem, e laird, who is here visiting
her lathe Mr. ndre Govenlock, of
Dakota ; Wm. Whelan, to Detroit. '
The following pet ons were ticketed thie;'
David Mo re, of Eg ondville, to Sa.ult Ste.
melt in Clinton on he 13t
moderater, Rev. C. letchei+,
illness. Ie was ag eed, n
clerk, seconded by r. Mc P
to Mr. Fletcher the styomGp dt
merit in his case an its e r
hie health , will soo be '
The estimate of exp nditu
year was siabmitted and t
to }visit, the augmented cha
Anderson and R. Htnders
P. McEwan, elder, to vi
Union church ; Mesers. J.
1,1r Muir, ministers,1 and .
and Corbett, the vi iting t
visit Bayfield and ethan
Henderson and W. M. le
as possible and Co r port t
Stewart reported on behal
on the superintencie ce of et
ti ed to the authori ies of
a tudent of the 2nd ye
co rse. The clerk as instr
his Prepbytery
inst. IA aim-
ating that the
ing to serious'
motion of the
y of the Ptes-
est hope that
'rely restored.
or the ensuing
reasurer auth-
the usual way.
ere appointed
m• inisters, end
Leeburn and
McDonald and
cid, elder, to
tin, ministers,
Grand Bend
e made as soon
e clerk. Mr.
the committee
dents, recom-
ox College as'
✓ preparatory
cted to certify
Mr. A heson accordingly. With regard to
the co stion of teniperance and the plebis-
cite about . to be taken, the Presbytery
adopted the 5th and 6th recommendations of
the Geioeral Assembly on this question as its
deliverance and recommended that said re-
comme dations be read by our mini ters
from t e pulpit bell* the vote ie taken.
The following are the recommendations :
(5th) " The Assembly desires to renew de-
liverances ef past years on the subject of
tempeeance declaring the general traffie in
intexic,ating drink to be contrary to the
Word of God and to the spirit of the
Christian religion, that total prohibition is
the true goal of all efficient temperancalegis-
lation and that the church of Chriet can
make no compromise with a traffic that is
in such deadly 'antagoniinn to all hUman
happiness, all social virtues and all religious
life." (6thr " That in view of the rip.
proaching lebiscite the recommendation of
people are hereby earnestly exhorted use
their utmost endeavors. in every lawful way
to carry the plebiscite in favor of pro ibi-
bion by an overwhelming majority, and hue
free the church from one of ite dead iest
foes, our land from untold misery and c ime
and our modern civilization from its d rest
reproach and shame."
Loom. BRIEFS. —We notice that Mr. T. R.
F. Case, of this town, is abeut opening a
meat store in Clinton. Mr. Case is a:live
busineee man and a liestler and will give the
people of Clinton a meat service, the super-.
ior of which they have never enjoyed before.
-s-Willo M. Logan, banker, of McGregor,
Manitoba, an old Seaforth boy, i was
married at Motherwell in the county
of Perth, on the 31st ult., to Miss Margaret,
daughter of Mr. Will am :Sterritt,I of
Motherwell. Mr. John Forbes; of Seaforth,
officiated as groomsman on the happy OM -
has sold th farm in Gre which he p rch-
ased this last spring to Mt. S. Farlick. The
farm ciente na fifty acres nd is on the 2th
concession of Grey and ft r. McCallum bold
it for $2,175. He made nice sum b the
traneaction.—Mr. Thos. tephene now has
his family comfortably loc ted in the Qu en's
hotel, having returned from Berlin last
week.—Miss Ada Cline, Youngest daug ter
ing friends in town, gave a beautiful so o in
the Presbyterian church on Sabbath ele ing.
Miss Cline is an accomplished vocalist and
possesses the gift of her family in thisres et.
—Mrs. Thos. Richardson returned hom on
Monday after a pleaeant visit with fri nds
on the Thames road, Usborne.—Dr. M.
Prendergast and his sieter, Ells, are op nd-
ing this week with 1r. and Mrs. W.Pren er-
gast, Toronto.—Mis es Reid, 011ie Wil son
and Florence Whi ley have each obta ned
good situations as m 'liners. Miss Wil son
pee to Berlin and iss Reid to Sudbur
The Many friends f Rev. Colin Fleto
pastor of the Tha es road Presbyte
church, Usborpe, wi I regret to learn of
continued illnees. e is troubled wit
affection of the sto aoh, and although
proving he is etill co fined to his reside
It will be the since wish of all that
genie,' and popular pastor may soon be
stored to health and to his congregatio
Mr. ;David McDon Id, of Detroit, BO
Rev. Dr. McDonald, is spending a coup
weeks' holidays at t e manse.—Next
bath will ben- " Flewer Sunday" in
Presbyterian Aural, Each Sunday eo
scholar ia expected te attend the service
to bring a bouquet of flowers ; these fie
will afterwardebe presented to the inm
of some charitable institution. A rep
sermon to young people will be preache
formerly Miss Elliott, daughter of the
with her three children, are just now v
ing friends in this vicinity. Dr. John
has been a medical miesionary in China
re -
e of
ab -
sit -
the past nine Years and he and Mrs. J hn-
withfriends in the United States and Canada,
and they return to China shortly to res
their duties there.—There was a severe f
on Saturday and Sunday nights last.
gave the eneilage corn and potatoes ano ber
scorehing.—Mr. W. W. Hoffman is b sily
with his family to Manitou, Manitoba, vii ere
engaged packing up preparatory to rem° ing
he has secured a situation with a large ter-
cantde firm. Mr: Hoffman has bee in
busines in Seaforth for 27 years and our
and wil
cess 1 in
Willson and child, of Detroit, are visiting
Willsoe.—During the absence of .Mr. Chas.
Aetzel'a family in Toronto last week, some
r persona broke into their residence
street, but eothing has been missed.
. Johnson basin. his garden a peabh
eh would put to shame Many a o e
h more favored climate than ou s.
This ye r this tree was laden with fine lar e
than those usually t d
he peach belt. Peach g
e is not a success in this; y,
Johnson seems to have Solved t e
ew days at the home of er fa h r,
who 1h d
it ate k
he W in-
tik tily
f -the plebiscite vote in Sear rth
iott, Edwar Cash, O. CI Wil eon,
generally will regret the removal of
and Mrs. Hoffman- from our midst,
unite with us in wishing them ewe -
their new home.—Mrs. and the
liver, of Goderich, are visiting Mrs.
011 Joh
tree wh
in a mo
but Mr.
spent 4'
Mr. Murdo McLeod last week
She real' rned home op Tuesday a
compa ed by her da ghter, Lydia
been il
of idle
have le
Wm. ql
hey, t
has se
here for son'
motion of
esse factory
r 8 cents an
time with
he lungs.—
have sold t
shipped it o
;turning office
s will be t ,e same RS at, the
al election.--e-Mrs. Bogie land
Carney, of Goderich, vieited
re James McNamara of Ha
week.—Mr. 4ohn Beattie, assignee,
eeded in finally winding up 1 the
gaged buyingsnd shipping apples.
—Mr. illiam Copp, of Goderich street, is
a most ccessful fruit grower, in which- he
takes a eat interest, and has some remarkab-
ly fine urns and pears in his garclen.—Mr.
Jas. I Eddie , one of the oldest merchants
of Seaf the b t who has been out of busi-
ness fir om• time, leaves next tweek for
Currey Minn sota, where he takes a posi-
many e rs ag did business in Herptithey.
If he lik s the country he intends emoving
there ple mane tly. Mr. Laidlaw hosts
• frie de her who will wish h m every
ronto an But: lo.—Miss Elliott, of,' London,
is vieitin ngleside, the guest` of, Miss
Nettie ilso .—The 33rd Battalion band
will star to se enade the town this (Feiday)
night, to raise funds for the purpese of Jiro -
curing new in trumente. As the band has
given firs -clas satiefaction this summer,
everybod Ow Id help them to secure some
K• ilrop, et ith a painful accident on
Tuesday est. She was standing on a box
and in st ppi g off she fell and broke her
arm at th wri t.—Mr. Adam Grey, an old
time resi ent nd business man of Seaforth,
but now f Da ota, was here this week at-
tending he. uneral of his brother, Mr.
Roderick rey Mr. Grey's numeroue old
friends he e wi 1 be pleased to see hies look-
ing so well.— ord was received here last
week of he eerious illness of Mr. Peter
Moore, of Port Finley, Algoma, and former-
ly of Tuc ers ith. We are now :terry to
learn of b r. M ore'S death. The sad event
occurred n th 8th inst. He was only, ill a
few days, infla mation of the bowele being
the cause: Mr Janice' Reid, who is now
here, had tea t Mr. Moore's residence' the
EPTEMBER 16, 1898.
clay before he left, there nd he was then,
apparently, enjoying the be t of health. --
There will be a meeting o th Astronomical
Society in the council ch m r, town hall,
on Thursday evening ne t nd inst., et
nine °Nock: There is e non arable and i -
portant business to transact, o all the me -
fail.—Miss hate Russell, of oderieh, spent
Sunday in Seaforth, wit he friend, Miss
Laura Kehos—Mn. Char es rmetrong, of
-Hamilton, was in town t is week, attending
the wedding of his sister M' 's Emma Arm-
etrong.—Mr. John Merida is n w residing in
—Mr. Isaac Miller is s rio sly ill.—Mrs
• Hutton, who has been re idin herefor some
time, intends removing to foronto.—Me.
John Gilchrist, Who has een laid up for a
few days, is recovering—fMady of our read-
ers in this county will regret to learn of the
death of Mr. Thomas Greenway, •jr., df
Crystal City, Manitoba, eldest eon of the
Premier of Manitoba. He died of typhol
fever. He was manager ief We father's far ,
at Cryetal City.—Sheriff ITho peon, of Port
Arthur, was here . this Wee' visiting hit
mother, Mrs. M. Thomps n, f John street.
—Mr. Wm. Copp, of Seaf rth; has laet
spring's pulletts which h ve been layhig eggs
for the past three weeks They are of tne
White Leghorn breed. f arly of our read-
ers can beat this we woul li e to hear froth
them.—Mr. John E. Har ing of Stratford,
and Master -in -Chancery, in the county Of
Perth, has been appointed j nior judge Of
the county of Victoria nd ill reside in
Lindsay. Mr. Harding 0.9 any friend's in
EAST END NOTES. —Nt mb re of the peo-
ple from this, vicinity are attending the
Western Fair, at Londop du ing this week.
—The Plebiscite meeting hel in the school
house in section No. 5, s n t very largely
attended, but those who did ttend received
some valuable pointers on! the question. An-
other meeting is to be held on the evenin
of September 19the—Mr. John Sproat a .
the Misses Sproat, of Auche hey, 'spent a
pleasant time last week tray lling through
Eastern Ontario.—Mr. vim, MeNaughton
is absent in Algoma.. He we t to visit his
brother-in-law, Mr. Pete NT ore, formerly
of Tuckeremith. Mr. Mo re' many friends
here will be sorry to I ar of his death,
which occurred last week
NOTES.—The recent fro ts
corn very badly.---bleas
and George Middleton at n
trial Fair, Toronto, last wee,
be a meeting of the plebianite
division No. 3; at Zion ne t
ing, at 8 p. m. A full tte
ave seared the
ed the Indus -
,—There will
committee of
aturday even -
dance is re-
Chiselhu st
NOTTS.—At Mr. WM. Ni0
a art of a set of harness as
w eat stack. This is r the
-find, and how it came the e
chasing' the threshing ma hin
Martin, pastor o the Pr eb
here, is spending a few w eks
Several of the yo ng folk i
went to London Fair thi
Donald Brintnel and dw
threshed for Mr. Albert Rye
here, 285 bushels of wheat) ip
forty minutes. his is 4et
found in: his
an urinsual
and are out
—Revi Mr.
in Tormito.--
rd Ryck an
man, of; ear
1 one hour and
good th esh-
hood. 0011.,_oFfleill3han of Th ;nee
pie:1El.: wRheit
Road, its still ser ously HD-- r. Meek k
of the Thames Riad. chutch the papt two
Sabbaths. Mr. klaokay hi bo h earnest and
speaken—Most f the farm rs have. pm-
ing had an enjoy ble and pro • table e.—
Kay and wife haye returned to thei hemp
in Detroit aftet Visiting feiends here and in
Clinton —Many who didl, not find it con-
venient to get to the Indlustrial ex lb tion
are doit4; the next best thing, that is ta ing
in the Western fair this week —The ars.
Jones and Hall, who for the ast fe vire
have conducted a successful and e te sive
businesa in the mercantile lin in Win hel-
sea, have sold out to Mese s. Cou h and
Roy, of Mitchell. Mr. Jdne is not e joy-
ing the best of health and p rposes re ov-
ing to Exeter. Mr. Jones nd M . all
and their families will e reatly mraed
both in the villege and th 6 tire neighbOr-
stable, which adds mach to tilte appeara.nce
of his premises.—The ijaz ew000i family,
gave the second of their series of concerts
at Farquhar `on Thursda evening, which
was a decided' Success, and was also highly
appreciated -by all [present The family,
wlith the valued assistance of Mr. Herb.
Cook, render one of the! be t veried con-
certs in Ontario. The aniiert iners are : Mr.
Edward HazIewood„ hum,ori fi ; Miss Tillie
wood, soprano .soloist, end Mr. Herbert
Cook, athletic` performer. Miss Epplett
was the guest of Mrs. N. '13, °ups on Sun-
' day last.—Harvey Robinaon pent SaturdaY
and Sunday in Dublin,— le Annie Davis
the Christian soldier froni frica, gave an
excellent address in the Me bodist church
here on Sunday evening lest, en missionary
work ; and on Monday eveni g he delivered
an eloquent lecture on hie t vele through
Africa as a mounted police.
D. S. FAUST begs to an ou ee that he has
his millioery department conple 0 for fall trade.
Miss Tilly Faust, tbe manager, has awed no time ha
selecting the beet and late' et les, and will en-
deavor to give satisfaction, T e o ening days wilt
be on fair days, the 2Ist an 22 d of this month.
The ladies' aro invited to call rind examine the stock.
No trouble to show the go de My stock is well
flannelettes, weeds, silks, ribb ns, laces, oottonades,
shirting's, and all goods found in a general store.
THE FAIR.—The direct:ore of Ha Agrie
cultural Society are leaving arable undon to meke
the approaching Fah., to be helo h re on th 21st and
22nd of this month, the most, true essful ver held
year than usual, and in addition the reg lar prize
list a splendid progmmme of opec al attra tions hal
been arranged for the second billy/ There will be a
military drill and fancy ntarches b , Professor Hagan
and his dompany of 28. Dieser* 13 Itiwin & Morrison,
also been engagerft an4 will gi `e a exhiblOon such
as hae never been seen in thee parte beim. . These
see them without extra charge. Make a mark of it,
performances will take place tho open ir on the
. grounds, so that every person I will have a hence to
and do not fail to oome to Zutich on the lirow day.
We will make it worth your while, to d ye many
Timms ABOUT US. -14s. Nichola 117e5i.olh-
ert, with her two youngest, children, has re-
turned home after a pleasent three onthe
visit with friends in North Dakot —Our
village was well represented at the oronto
and London Fairs. Sonic remark d that
what they were unable tie see at To onto or
London, they will see at the World'e Fair at
Zurich next week, and ' they were about
right.—Mre Dan. McCormick, the genial
and obliging proprietor of the Conimereial
hotel, was made the happy parent of a
boencing baby boy a few daye ago, and now
Da . feels a thousand dollar's richer than he
di a week ago.—The Hido Medicine Com -
pa y have been givieg concerts in Greib's
ha 1 during the past week,—Mr. Fred Hess
has a large lot ot elters under way, ,a
short time will ha e a great display i
arerooMe. They are dandies—Our
ante are making ginat preperatione fo
ir neXt week, and =any of the bus
reuses Will be neat decorated for th
o men, are out in a directions, packinif ap-
ples.—Mrs Fred ibler returned eine
from Landon hospital last Wednesday. The
many friends of Mrsi Kibler will regre to
1 ern that ehe is not much improve in
health. -'-Rev, A, Y Heist, of this village,
chaoge ,Pulpits next, Sabbath. Mr. 'Litt. will
ace' church here, in
an, and in the evening
reach in the after oon
d in
reach en the Evan
ie English. He wii
ip the church on the i ourteenth comes ion.
Pletion. When finished it will be a fine
striecture and a credit to the congrega ion.
Exeter. 1
TIRIEFS. —Mrs, Richard Sweet, of Millen,
Manitoba, formerly of this place, die at
Norden; on Wedne day, the 7th inst.', ged
74 years: She was a daughter of the late
George Westcott, Brucefield, and a sister of
Mrs. 'Young, Egmondville.—Win. son of
Mr. Charles Dinney, Stephen, die af St.
Paul, 'Minnesota, on Tuesday the 13th et.
r. Re Nelson, of this plaec., died a her
parents home in London on7eSunday ast,
from consumption, , aged 22 years — on't
ferget te come to the South Huron all ow
Which will be held here on Monday sand
Tuesday next.Hundreds of peo le from
Exeter and vicinity attended the Weetern
fair at London this week.—The bar of , Mr.
Alfred Granville, on the 5th con easier' of
, tephen, was burned to the ground,toge,ther
ith the contents, on Tuesday noon last.
ii7hilst the threshers were away at; droner
hildren, were seen in the neig bar rood
e Wind was in the wrong directio to
etch from sparks from the engite. , he
arm as rented by Mr. George B. Glen-
ille, ho lost his dwelling by fire recently;
' Cromarty.
xhibition have returned home and all : ex-
ress themselves highly pleased ith ' th
tip. Among those who visited the fair
ere : Mr. Hoggarth, the Misses et ren;
r. Bell, Mr. Alea. Miller, Mr. Maleolm
rs. Richard Hog arth and Mies Mary
last Week, being the last of the sewn.
The top and trimmings wereepurchased at
the Taronto Exhibition last year, havinel the
I teat Style and improvements. Mr. ge-
atiglaton, teacher at Staffa, was the pur-
e seer. Mr. W./Naughton is now the pos-
sessor of one of the finent buggieeile in the ,
township and one which reflects gr at c edit
011 the builder.—Mr. F. L. Hamilton, whd
Was on the sick list with inflamrnatio , is
able to be around eosin—Quite a nu ben
around here are attending the Lon do I Ex-
hibition.- A small party of the -you g people
of this village spent laat Friday pic icing at
Grand Bend. They report. having had an
excellent time, as the weather as very
CHANGE OF Do ORS.—Dr. Coo er, evho
has done a vety ler' e medical Rise ise 'here
fer several years ha disposed of his Prac-
tise to .0r. Wate're, of Niagara Fells, who
has already taken u hie residence wit urs.
Dr. Cooper will still continue to res de ere.
Dr. Waters is an etive, agreeablifs y ung
man who comes we 1 recommended, an4 we
beapeak for him as liberal a patrcinage as
was extended to his predecessor.
ISTOTEL—A feW of the young people -pic-
nicked at, Gocietich last SaturdaY and re-
port an enjoyable t me.—Mrs. Ilepry Tay,
Ior, of Kansa*, la inner residentl of this
place i at preee visiting frieeds and
neighbot here,—M a. Wm. MeIntesh is at
tondon t is week isiting friends land at-
tending he exbibiti n.—The pienie for the -
Hays' e,V1 ode on Sat rday afternoon E.
Cooper, T. D. hae iepoeed of his pracitice
here to Mr. Witte s, D., for erly of
he tem erance fore s will be held n Thars-
ay eve ng, Seate ber 22nd, in he tem-
perance all, Const nee. Enthuai stic ead-
eind Ha ilton, of ondesboro, and others.
John Me that, M. P. will also d liver an
address in fever of prohibition (Nod
Music i I be provided, and the eve ing will
he mad interesting ae possible. An op-
portuni will be given for the kieg of
4uestio or the raising of objection to Pro-
hibition to which Mr Mcblillan w'll reply.
;Proceed ge will com ence at 7:3 and all
St Pen,
Noee4 —Miss Smi h, of Force , is the
r the henefi of his health, hail re -
He 1 eerrie with him
rom her are taking in the London
eek.—.a.r. Johe Cooper, Of How
iag large quantities o fall apples
user picking and dra ving to the station' for
ehipment.—Me.' and Mrs. Frank Upshall
re on a visit to the former's brother land
thee friend*, a Po t Elgin.—Me. James
doper and Mr. D. . McLea.n. Who have
1 een spending a thee weeks' holidey among
riends in Alg ma, have returned home,
'quires, with his d ughter, Mrsi. Ricker,
be have been visiti g friends at Bright,
rantford and Toren') 0, have returned tonne.
Mra John C. M llis, of Seaforth,' is
11. ether's horne in the illage.—Mrs. Shaffer,
f this village, le not n very goo health.
ecovery.-111 isfr Jack on, of Ripley, is the
ewe, of her aunt, Mi a E. Crawford, lem-
on road.—Mre. Wi liam Moore, of this
village is vending- a 'six weeks' visit With
friends in Toronto.—Miss Linda Coop r is
visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. John Cooper, of Howick.
he best
fair this
ere hay -
are 'now
wits performed in St. James' church, Sea-
oeth, on Wednesday morning, when one of
car most prosperou young farmers' Mr,
ohn Malone, ,youn est son of Mr. 'John
alone, of this towns ip, e.nd Miss Minna
Armstrong, of Suet( d, were made man
and wife. Th inte esting ceremony was
McCabe, and wee witnessed by a large um -
performed at ni e o'c ock by Rev. Plther
ber of the friends of the young cou le. Af-
ter the ceremony the bridal party rove to
the residence of Mr. Oterge Sills, eafOrth,
brother-in-law of the bride where a sqmp-
tuous wedding breakfast was `served. Mr.
and Mrs.4Malone left on the afternoon tesin
for Detroit and after a pleasant tour they
*ill return and 'take up, their residence. on
the homesteed in this towpship. host of
friends will Unite in wishing Mr. and ;Wu.
Malone all possible happiness and proaperity
in the future.
A -VERY Se DDEle DEATH. —Mr. Jahn
teeming, anoId and highly respected resi-
dent of the S2th concession of MeKillep,
passed awa e mudipdr wlyaslasata,tyitgeekoe
night in his
are glad. to be able to announce, at ,
this early date, that our -04.
stock is complete and open for-, t.
purchases have been la.rge 4,pc
Varied, and our selections have
been made in the most careful
bility and close prices being the
uppermost `thing in our minda,
section or department has been
neglected, and no class of cue—
tomers slighted, so we feel Tole
justifi'sed in the belief that Our .
friends and the public in gen..
eral will be well pleased with
our store keeping this seasonfl
roost Trominent things at present ,
are the new press Goodst
Velvets and Trimmings ; the -
new styles and colorings an.
Jackets and Jacket Cloths, and
the new Millinery. In these: -
particular lines our assortment .
is away beyond that of ether
Wei expect to do a very brisk trade in
all classes of Dry Goods during
the Fall and Winter months,.
and we have mak every pre-
paration for it. We have al-
most an unlimited assortment.
to pick from, and better value _
for your money has seldom if -
ever been offered in' Seaforth,
than we are prepared to give
you NOW and henceforth.
Millinery Opening-
iriday and Saturday, -
SiTtemblr 23 and girt,
Dry Goods Go.
ties Greatest Coght,
Dry Goods Store.
make his appearance in the meaning at thee
• I time, his daughter went to hip loom.
to s e what was keeping him. She :was bor.
rifi to find that ber fathee was dead. In -
yes 'gation showed that he had been dead
for ome time. He appeared as if he hail e
ele away, and was lying quite composed,.
and had evidently departed without a pea*
or a struggle. He had been a resident, of
Mc illop for thirty-four years, and was -
mu h and deservedly respected by all whO
kne him. His wife died. some years ago,.
and he spent most of his einte with his twin
dau liters, Mrs. Richard ROWDOOLI and Mrs. -
Kis ter. He leaves a family of two sone
and three daughters. Heart disease ie 840-
pos d to have been the cause of death.
wail 68 years of age.
'EMS. —Miss Nellie McPherson, of
nia is home on a visit to her parents.— e -
25t harvest home dinner of the Boston
Me hodist church was held last Wednesday.
It as a decided success, Proceeds, $80.—
Re , J. E. Holmes, wile preached oh the
Sa ath two very acceptable sermons, re-
tur ed home on Thursday,—Mr. Thorns&
St' son and Miss Mary Galbraith, of Ba
fiel , visited friends here last week.—
A. neon has secured a situaticn in J. R.
Yo ng & Oo's. dry goods house, London. --
Mr Richard Knott and Mr. Wesley 'Me -
Cu in, of Thorndale, visited at Mr. A.
wh has been troubled in his mind for 'sev-
ers, months, was taken to the insane toy-
linn London, last Monday; for treiternent.—
son Miss S. Afaehlan, Alice Wilson, W. J.
Wi on and several others, are attendWf.
the fair in London this weele—Mr. Semneli
Ha Iton ts going to build a barn this fan. to
replace the one that was burned by I/
a few weeks ago.—Telessre. J. AL ID
lia, s and 0. a Wilson wheeled oven to
He eall and visited friends there last Satter -
day —Mr, A. McLaughlin, of Sylvan, re-
tur ing officer for North Middlesex, IVO
aro ncr posting up proclamations ef
opinet isfaeiirtai,awsthwieehekw.ill be taken on the '29th
ins —Mr. George Shenk attended the Tore