The Huron Expositor, 1898-09-16, Page 7RTH,„ ing no ng about about of tent supply tamed, and resent when h, is avoidod. hed by plate as to allow :on is further he purpose. and timber tnd Sudbury clear not a s table are pd. Captaiai ham herds in , 16 of the ung. tends con- te. neat board • in keeping Lloy had 102' art, Dawson's radian, which of al bushel in Life. mares pres- _often a dis- the worth of - can ebe no - real and any tiny acron- irt the forest., ion from the from us the - tare, in her language of -has been but srotony with -,reWth.io any ely;analogue& to tell when. ati4 becornea y ;when man that realized" ,c1 ba idealized mself models - ...lie child, in the, most per - ingenuity of tr•et keeps ta :s Work, and,. mind, its in - a modify its - F the plate. toe high so the distance idence. The compass, and neer mouy �e wae,1 which it Christianity ek of the re - the ideah at good may Christ ; every ,sorrow at hie e, end eiery ,vely by what iat the coat,. No ideal can ke his effort& <nate to ita • fled. to grow s long as he t ;era not; walk eelow step by d is beyond Men he to- - "irg, with the dvanee ; they Lying. 1They esl, but they ell etored fur ,o have j large hey want to- -wers at once, .tbraltar is teare. it8 ittring rtunate is he ,e beet advan- ide in South an preser- r, it into one ean be kept ut either food hht after it tuch diesatia- tea eeriie front that ehort- - te the fact ,)le water -ater that de - Short ld be net 'only to. Fi the water, i3 not veelt erne rancid. ire the year to soil with ot fell. tin- tio-els front get of loss. ,spreed thin- e, and with - no toss- of :hieh manure by having its t..er and be "fella on the s. the soil ail ,e it will do with fertil- near barn - a coutinuous Ilea 59 teng &I no more. datel that is el vegetables - d of noxioue ef most farm - )ugh Manure ie soii to the of it, would A' Pottery - new hobby. • e her handi- ie clay to the enthusiastic the onething is study, and hung in the , eacy of hob - SEPTEMBER 16., 1898 Old Sit LooKs • Poor clothes cannot make you look old. Even pale cheeks won't do it. Your -household cares may be heavy and disappoint ments may be deep, but they cannot make you look old. One thing does it and never fails. It is impossible to look young with the color of seventy years in your hair. permanently p stpones the tell-tale signs o age. Used according to directions it gradually brings back the color of youth. At fifty your hair may look as it did at fifteen. It thickens the hair also; stops it froni falling out; and cleanses the scalp - from dandruff. Shall we send you our book on the Hair and its Diseases? The Bost Advt.'s. FPIND. Lf you do not obtain all the bene- fits you expeeted from the use of the Vigor, write the doctor about it. Probably there is sorne dculty with yont• general :ystemwhich •teaml:ees61.11N,i etnovAlwetbdd j. Our direct connections will save you time and money for alI points; Canadian North West THE HURON EXPOSITOR. - . Shade for Poultry. . During summer the owls, both young and old, must be providel with pLenty, of shade. If confined in yards where there are no trees, or large weeds, elreltere of gome kind roust he arranged. An old ptece of muslin spread over pout1s will serve the purpose, )ut does not in an way compare with the comfert afforded b nice branching trees. I Almost any kind of fruit trees p a u h apple, cherry, or plum,ill give suffi ie fv ehade after twO or three yeti's. Still, no matter how proyided, fowls nuBt have shade in summer just as they , int have shelter in winter, and unless; they get it, 'disease in some form Will almost certainly visit the flock. Do not, though, carry the idea to extremes; a d keep the fowla , where no ray of sun can itutch them. They need some sun ; in fact it is only durin the midday that fowls suffer from the hea . It ie then they will hunt the shady nooks aid there remain until evening, when the will again come out in searoh of food. Commonplace Mon the Safe t. The deeper and wider truth that. u der - lies all cases is that mho.t we call ge ni is a. freak of nature, and that we should e pout to find it combined with exeesses or d fects of character rendering a man unfit tJo e in lifelong partnership with a woman. It is not always that these moral flaws inbrilli- ant men carry them in the direction of in- constancy in leve, though such has been the use in a sadly large number of instances. But all that has been eat41 so fan is Mere- ly negative. Supposing all its data and reasoning correct, it only showe what ,are the safest- classes of men ,to avoid marrying. But so, for that matter, does a row of buoys only ehow the mariner where not to go. , If the mariner will sail far miough from that row of buoys hewillfind enother row, etad the water between is 'iwhere there are no e. 1 mines. . Of course, it cannot be said in fair argu- ment that no genius, limited circle gerdue or exceptionally brilliant man, ever made a desirable husband. It would be horribly severe to deal thus universally with :the cream of our intellectual life and condem them all to dwell apart, like so many lon stars. But, for safety, the class of men to. choose item is the class of industrious medi- ocrity. 'ea, the hard-working business man ---the per ou who deals in his everyday life with materials aud facts, rather than with fan- cies and with ideas -is much more likely to make a woman happy in the close core- panionshipof matrimony than the •man of bream, the man who keeps himself in a strain and gets nervous a,nd irritable. The stale men are the plain men -the merchants the mechanics, the farmers. Some of tem may at, be all that they should. But the average man is the safe man. He may be dissipated at times, he may be a literdictatorial when he is suc- cessful, he ma , have an exaggerated opinion of his owe imp rtance and that of his class, but he is More amenisble to reformation un- der the gala° pressure of a wifely will. • TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Iirciiio Quinine Tablets. All Drug- gists refund the oney if it fails to Lure. 26e. 158136 ----• , Conscience Beats the Tempter. Via Toronto or Chicagel, • British Columbia and Califernis points. Our rates are the lowest,. We lhave them to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR- IST CARS for your accommodation. Call • for further information. - o Grand. Trunk Rail -Way. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows : COM W881`--- SPAIMHTII. „Pawnee 12.4a p. • Paesenwer.... 10.1e in M. Mixed Train.. , Eeen A. At. Mixed Train ...... • - 6.15 P. M. GotNe EAST— Paseenger. 7.55 A. M. Passenger.. .. 8,1, P. M. -Mixed Train__ , 6.20 P. AI. CLINTON 12,66 P.M 10.27 P. M. 10.15 A. M. 7.06 P. M' 7.40 A.M. 2.56 P. M. ,4.136 P.M. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GOING NORTH. - Ethel. Brussels.. Bluevale.. Wintrham GOING Sou-ru- - ,Wingharn ,Bluevale Brussels.... ...... Ethel.. Passenger. 10 04 r. m. 10.16 10.28 10.43 Paseeneer. ft 50 A. M. 700 7.16 7.28 Mixed. 1.40p. M. 2.10 2 46 3 06 Mixed, 8.65 A. 911 9.46 10.02 London, Huron and Bruce .0-011ffirNO2T11— PrPteenger. London, depart 8.16 A M. if 45 P.M. Centralia 9.18 6,66 Exeter , 9 SO 807 Hensel'. 9.44 8 18 Klppen 9.60 6.25 Bruc,efield 9.6S 6.83 Clinton.. .. .... ..... .... 10.16 6.66 Londeebone ....... .... .. 10 33 7.14 Blyth. _ 10.41 7.23 Belgrave... .. ... ...... 10 66 7 87 Wingham arrive ...... .. 11.10 8 00 GOING SOUTII— •Passenger. Wingham, depart.... 6.63 A.M. 3.80 r. it. Beigreve 7.04 5.46 Blyth •. 7.18 • 400 •Londeeboro 7.24 4.10 Clinton 7 47 4 110 3:trued:told 8 06 4.60 8.17 4.59 8.24 6.04 8,58 6.16 8.50 6.26 9.60 A. M. 6.20 Kippen, . Bengali- ..... ....... .... Exet,er . ,Ceatralia .London. (arrive) IT P'.A:Y-S TO The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONTARIO, Still leads its contemporaries in placing TOPIN- 134,of our pupils were placed in choice positions in the 10 months ending July 1st, an average of nearly 4 per week. What -do you think of it? It Pays to Attend the Best. College re -opens for the fall term on Tuesday, September 6th. Write for catalogue of eitber department . D. McLA.CHLAN & Go. Chatham, Ort 1 •A lady,' while giving the finishing touches to a tablespread for a dinner party, heard, ehe patter' of naked feet upo the staira. i Surmising that her little daug ter was prob- ably bent upon plundering th desert, tshe hid herself behind the curtains and watched the proceedings. The child, in her night- dress, cameinto the room, climbed upon a chair and helped herself deliberately to a fine peach and went off with her booty. The mother felt very sad, and began to consider how she shOuld ounish her little girl. Pre- sently she again heard the same patter lof feet, and hid herself as before. The child clambered into the chair, replaced the fruit, triumpharttly ejaculating, "That one on you, Mr. Devil.'" and trotted off to bed. • ' , • FOR internal or external use IIAGYARD'S YEL- LOW 016 errenot be excelled as a pain relieving and soothing remedy tor all pain. , \--. • • Of Kingsville, CURED OF ITCHING PILES STANDING M. vicini years 'soul so int ulcer by m relief. had s Dr. C third first The o wouldnot be without it for $5o a he be rePlaced. Mr. Wigle is a weal known in the community in -which in over 1svo years fence he was afflict may% been troubled since. I0 F'23 YEARS T. Wigle, better known to every one In the y as " Uncle Mik ,'• was troubled for oairet•23. ith !telling piles. At times he was so badi ho have to quit wo k, The s irr tenon became nse with constant rubbing that they becirne ted and would bleed, Heehad been treated ny physicians, but found nothing that gave him Reading in the paper the cure pf a friend who ffered In a like manner, and- een cured, by se's Ointment, he procured a oat. After the pPlicationho got such relief at he had the mfortable night's sleep he had," njoyed in years. e box made a complete mire, and he says he if it could not y lamer, well resles. It le d, a d he bas Physicians fail to mak when Dr. Chase's Oi gave Immediate Relief Ore tment vey,p nect and sva,s a to Legi the, alty was wid was liam witb a je• been Firs He i resi take bet eers. and Edna, elder daught We Sanford,,, of Hamilton.' -Nine cases of yellow few d by the board of healt issippi. One case has erford, et small fi ervalley. The board reg es rather serious. Mrs. Gray, of Detroit, Ma gie Dunmore; is spend1 two with .Miss Ereda Den p whi e the rest of the family at Cirand Bend. -4Melville church, Bruits muCh the better for its new The next consideration of th ation will require to be ew church or the e ent one to accommodate hip. Dr. T. L. Thomson, w exits a few months ag a good medical practic for his brothers, Willi own, as he has an op e agricultural ventur sday last. While cleaning windo se, in Berlin, a few ney, an employee at the the second story onto the sustaining very serious about the head. „ --Albert Lowden, a f found dead, hanging from Sketty'e, barn, near Par morning of last week. Hi floor, and it was evident stiicide, He was a single of age, and not mentally b -.Mrs. A. E. Richards° with a painful accident grounds one evening last walking up, the stairs in t when she slipped and fell; just above the ankle. -The boiler in a brickye F. W. Enteicken, on the 11 Zorra., neai Tavistock, ble week, aed instantly kil named Aiklens, nineteen y building was blxdly dam workman was slightly inju -S. -B. L'male, of Brus' accident la t week that m seriously. He was lathin etore and laid the little la pleader he wt der he forgot a utting his het and then a merchant. , He was con - d with several insuran companies, erved as reeve of Waterl nvillage, and he first mayor when We eeloceeleecenne n. He was elected f ,.the Ontario haure in 1867, as a Li al, awl held eat until his appointmen, to theahriev- about a dozen years ago.' Mr, Springer wice married; his second wife was the W- of D. Bowman, of amilton. He very genial man, and d ring his Par- ntary career was pers ally! popular all the members who co Id appreciate e andknjoy a good storv. Ir. Thomas Gundry, of oderich, has appointed bailiff of the Goderich or Division Court of the co nty of Huron. supplying the place left %recant by the nation 9f Mr. John Kn marriage has been arr ed and will • I giplace in October, in Lon o, , England, een Ceptain E. T. Tudoe Royal Engin- r bf the Hon. port Min Wa -W8, atio Didn't Matter. A Kilmarnock maki tells an experience he had on board a pleas re steamer the other day. At the dinner ltable the ceptetie pre sided, and, of cOurse,i began with presumab ly a grace. He wail heard to say "Oh, Lord," a few! inarticulate , seunds followed and then cleaily enough "Amen?" A Yan- kee was amoog the diners, and after they had finished eating the American welked Up to the captain and said " You gave greee, captain, but I guess I didn't hear a word. you said !" "Well," said the captain, "that deesn't matter -I wasn't speaking to you!" • Illustrate It. A little boy was advised by his father' to use illuetratione in his converse whenever they should emir to him.- "Fbr, contin- ued thef-parent, '"their is no more forcible way of oonveying or impressing your mean- ing." Shortly after the boy was being lec- tured on generosity. "It'e better to give than to,receive, Jaheny-far better." "Il- lustrate it papa. I -think I shall understand it better." A Little Philosophy. "A disappointment sometimes means a higher appointment," is a pleasant reading of the unfortunate side of life. There is much truth in the philosophy.To say that we often learn much by onadisappointments and failures would sound trite, only that there are always plenty of new peeple • learning these lessons, and the same old philoaophy which haft helped others may help them. It takes some time and numerous experi- ements before we find nut just the proper !way to treatourselves, and exactly the road in which it is best we should go. , If we knew beforehand what to do in order to have a,successful life, and were as wise at the beginning, as we expect to be at the end of it, we should not need iife's lessons, and there would be no need for is to be here at all. So, as our experiences are meant to teach us, it is wisest to take eagh knock -down calmly, and with the, thoteght, "Well at ,least I know how not to do it next time .I" WORMS cannot exist either in children or adielte when DR. LOW'S WORN' SYRUP is used, ere. Ali dealers. News Notes. greg 8, L pre ber for ing sen go so Tu ho Ro --The Prince of Wales has made his first attempt to walk since he iejured his knee six weeks ago. -Mr. Charlie Jones, of Mitchell, left last week for Carberry, Manitoba, to help Mr. W. G, Murphy to get settled and his base, nese opened. - elediss Mabel 'Davis, of Mitchell, left last Week for Toronto to • take charge of the department assigned to her in the Gladstone public school, Parkdale., 2 -Mr. Charles Dodds, who has been for some time in Dakota, and out to the Pacthe coast, has returned to Brussels, where he has secured a good p.osition. - -Mr. R. E. Kinsman, formerly a mer- chant in Staffa, was renewing old acquaint- ances there last week. It is ten year8 since Mr, Kinsman left here and went to Hamil- ton to live. --There are tvventy-seven case o of sreall- pox on Pup -in -Bay Island, Ohio. I One death has occurred from the disease, and one patient has escaped from the pestrhouse and reached the mainland by way of Sandusky. -The Saratoga express, on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad, struck le Trey and Cohoes trolley car at the latter place. Six- teen persons were killed and abcut. twenty injured. -Moses Springer, late „sheriff of Water- loo, who died at Berlin last week, was a son ada olu- Avid Springer, who was shot by the rebels near Poughkeepsie, and whose property wale' con- fiscated. Moses was born in Waterloo township, in 1824, and was 'at first sur - of Benjamin Springer, who came, to Ca with his mother at the close of the re tionary war, and a grand -son of MIMI a rallaaalaalplaa LIQUORS DRUG HABITS ' PERMANENTLY CURED - -Without publicity or loss of time frrfm business, by a purely vegetable, harmless hometreatment. Immediate results. Normal appetite. Calm sleep and clear brain. No injections or bad aftereffects'. Indisputable testimony sent sealed. kddres oi RE DIXON CliRE,CO. 40 Park A e., Mentreal. top of a at ing'the la it fell off, tooth. -Wm. Peskin, gene agent Northwes Transportati Comp his leg br ten by jumpin rom a tached to runaway horsle in Ce few days go. The driv 'r jumped, Mr. Askin in the rig Witij t mean ing the an mal, 80 he jump, wit the above re -Mr. Scott Fishe, the committed suicide by s iotiog London, one evening'ently. ilbeen suffering from cont ption, recently returned from maica, had gone on a fruitless ) arch f Mr. Fishe was a mem r of t Opera Co moony. • -Jatnes B. Campbell, St. Vi his arm t ken off in e reshin while woijking on the fa of Jo bell, near Meaford. Th inn had ished thr shing, and w closing maehinerr for the • ni . Cam helping tO;rernove the g • edit, wh arm caught in the cylin4 , and in, mashing it up to the) bow. -It is understood the William J. Hammond, l in Barrie jail, on Sept+ murder olf his wife, Kat hurst, hair been before It is probable that the1 to take i s course, as crime an the evidence f lead to t e conclusion t calling f r executive el • -Mr. . H. Combo Thursda , lst inst. I:I est as ell as one of business men' of that to career of 40 or 45 year fullest c nfidenee and r commun ty. A wife, t son are 1 ft to mourn t band an father. -Mot er Maglate Loretto onvent, Stra Jerred Wellesley position in Stratfor , Mother Stanislaus, of Chicago Illinois. The 1 and mu h loved in G90 ,both o which plebe mother uperior. 1 • -Dr. and Mrs. W years have been reside that town for Nashvill day, 2ud inst., where t a good position in a e 1 As a mark of the high Wood was held amon• ie the town, a complit given to him at the nesday night, at which • profess' nal and busin showed their respect b large d ning hall was cupied the head of brief s eeches were to the uest of the evjei hi,s departure. A p e oecasion, after supper eve been re- feem Oewood, develoPed at e miles 'east of rds the situ- ormerly Miss g a week or of Mitchell,, re rusticating s, look very ress ot paintr Melville eon - he ere tion of ension of the the lar e mem', left and, is own th and H ing for They at the aye ago, hotel, f avemen nj uries, m labor beam in , on T 'feet wer y a d an, fort ght. of Toro the e I eek. r e mainakin g d owned ith cone up one •'a yet ra of a •ed, an ed. Is, met ht have the ceili ing ax using. •ut the and it the reading of complimetary adelretut t?ey T. S. Ford, and the presentation of e. ha d - some gold -headed cane by Dr. J. W. 0 11. Di. Woad reepOnded to the many cetu 11- mentiepaid to hire in language full of feel g and appreciation, and accepted all thole d wishes expressed 4for himself and 'Ad Wood with a serise of the deepest gratitu e. The gathering separated at mid -night, raf r Spending two pleasant hours together, a d It is safe to may tha no gathering was' e er dispersed with a de per sense of regret at the separation and departure of a fell w bitizen, than was ti at one. itchell ow do - re, has ssie, to ,hem in left on Wolper Arthur 11 from below, chiefly , -Jennie Batter ill, an insane woman, about 50 years of age, choked herself to death at the Lou on Insane Asylum, pn Wednesday • night, August 31st. This' is the second °mitre ce of the kind within the past few weeks. The first one, it Will be remembered, set fire to her clothing a d died from her injur ga. The seciond was, if possible, more delberate, and was carried into effect with des ' rate determination. -Queen Wilhem.na, of Holland, will re- tain the present Oft inet. The Queen -D w- ager granted an audience to a commit ee formed for the purpose of offering it te mony of the people's love at the dose of the regency. The burgomaster of •Amaterd m has presented 300,000 florins for phil n- thropy, and the Queen has announced or intention of founcling a hospital for c n- sumptives with'a pertion of the fund, i nd devhting the remainder to the Dutch E et Indies. -Colin McIntyre, of Port Stanley, tnd Miss King, of Londbn, had a perilous ht, nd inst. 2 T i r, was Patrick ursday on the liberate years • to, met hibition he was uikl ing, her leg by Mr. tenon of day last ng men e. The another perience on Friday went for a row on about six miles th were thrown into night their cries we saving crew wentnn were fod four ir n had beeclinging to the boat for over four hours, and were in it very exhausted coniclii- tion when rescued. x- ey ate Erie, and when ut skiff upset and they he water. About mid - :c heard, and the Itfe- o their rescue. They ilea from shore. They -Dr. awl Mrs, Ifurilsurt, Mr. and Mrs.} Morter, of Mit- F. A. Campbell, a y chell, who returne home recently 1 rotii a trip up the lakes, e.ent three days at M ni- towanidg with M and Mrs. Watson nd Mr. and Mrs. Beat ie, formerly of Mitchell. They report havin& had a delightful time on the island fishing, eating and enjoying Ithe scenery. The do tor and Mr. Camphell bought block o 500 acres of landso pleased ere they with the country there and its future pros eta They report toth Mr. Beattie and M. Watson doing well • -One evening 1 tely, Miss Ethel W bb, A. T. C. M., grad te end gold medalist, of at.aham Hodsdon, tel3or, with ae resulted g of his •on the In mov- xe, and juring 8. for the nee had aggy at- tralia, leaving of uid- e cam elle to 5. ell-knol,Let basso, imself in He had and only Where he health. e Savoy Toronto,. and W. gave a recital,in th' town hall, Brussels), to it fair sized audien e. The programme was varied, demisting f humorous and dramatic reedings,• solos an perform+d her •p seconded by Mr. voice. "A vocal d ' le. The of the La spatch fr 9th, says tunate week for count, of the rai day since last Fri the province stooling and stacking he.ve i been de eyed, but, as far as can be leaened, the grain has suffered no damage. Theifirok came Wednesday night, t to do any harm. The not yet been establi hed. ing has been done, an the t yet been fixed. amed James Chamber of a threshing machi rge Cookman, on t 1, Wellington count eath. The decease ' law of Mr. Cookma4 going i to the mow° from the band ter's platfor4i, when l he struck his head on it beam, hich canoed him to stagger and fall back in o the cylinder feet Ont. The ma- chine sjas in motion at the time, and the unfortunate man was dragged into it. He was ter machin -Te pital, the capi felting exe ber 15th, eugh, t Graven- uncil a Ottawa, will le allowed • atrocity of the the. man's guilt it is not a ease ency. class I auspices -Ad Weber one duet. Miss ebb rt well, and was bly odsdon, who has a fine et was rendered in rst- concert was under the lies' Aid Society. m Manitoba, dated Sep - This has been an u for- arvest operations o4 an - which has fallen very ay night. In all parts of TOBACCO -aa EART, a occasional lig it good deal tely and feel AVE you been smok- rundyourhsart tinge of pain A,,te you short of breath, nerves inged, seam - ins and needles hrough your a fingers? a, box or two of eart and Nerve t cured before 0 ti* serious. at Mr. John adonis, Ont., tionof going arm Better take Milburn's Pills an.d g things beco Here's ev James, of C hi4 to say about theim :1 "I havw had serion- heare. trouble for four years; ffilaTlfied by excessive use of tobacco. At times my heart would be and then seemed to. stop commence again with unna 'This unhealthy actio caused shortness of breath debility. I tried many spent a great deal of moiley but could not get any help. Last November, howevell I read of $ man afflicted like myself, tiling cured by Mill;urn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I went to Roper's drug store and bought a hox. When I had finished taking it 1 Witif• so much better I bought another box and this completed the onre My 1:leat has not bothered me since, and 1 trongly recommend all sufferer* from heart and nerve trouble, caused by excessive use of tobacco, to give MilburnPs Heart and Nerve Pills a fair and faithlul trial." Price 50c. it box or 3 box s for 81.25, all druggists. T. Milburn ee Co.i Toronto, Ont. LAXA-LIVER PILLS cure donstipetion, Biliousness and Dyspepsia. Price 25c. very rapidly sting only to ural rapidity. of ray heart weakness and edicines and Sakairailminaladi emsamma • -M. B. Markin, of Buffed+, and Constable Macken, of Lewiston, were drowned in the wiston, Sunday men were in a y ventured up red the boiling Niagara river, opposite Le afternoon, 4th inst. The small raw boat, and foolish the river until they eneoun ly frost of, the seaso bet wee too slig wheat tUarket h Very little thres standards have n cent, had machine n Camp - just fin - down the bell was n his left as 4rawn itt ase of ution r the -A farmer into the mouth the faren of Ge concession of,Pe wets maogled to wee a b other -in fell e at 2nd and who was 'ibly mangled when liken out of the , and, depth resulted mmediately. ders for heating the new city hos- ondon, were receiVed last week, and, athey involve the expenditure of e of considerable *pee- k Was awarded to a ative learned hie trade t the Rowland, aod of wheri the ys : "The centract r the tilating goes to M r. 4boaeph whose repntation f r this the nast is a guarantee that ne.": in the e past 11 of s - of e net& rigs f e had on hand. M is art-wrighting and carpent r- d, so has an acqua ntance will be of value to him. Ile farm, we understand, and els. some $.12,000, a at ice. wb s tocre, e -The wo Davis London News s heating and von W. Chambers, class of work in the work will be wel and skilfully do • -Janes Walker, who has been carriage business in Bruesele for th • twelve years, sold out to D. Ewan, the w known blacksmith, and Walter Innis, Morrie. The new firm have taken pose a on, and will have Mr. Walker with th f r Month. Mr. Walker will disposetIn worke1 at the ing iri Scotia vieth tpols tha will lease hi move to Betts -Friday n:ght, August! 26th, Dennis oward died, at his home irt Bruits° s, aged 0 years. H was born in the county of lare, Irelan , and came, to Capada 60 ears ego. After working on publie works r some time, he purchased lot 31, conces- ion 10, Grey, where he eesided Until be rent to Brussels a couple of years ago, her , in conjunction with his ibrother imoi and sister Mary, he pure ased a ease was a member of the Roman, Cat o- ouse;.nd lot from William, Cameran. e- lic cherch. The funeral took place on M n- ay, interment being made at Eeafor h. Iass for the dead was celebrated in the oman Catholic church, a large cpngre te- tion being p esent. Rev. Father McCe. e, of Seeforth, o_onducted the Service. Clinton, died on as one of the old - e most succeseful , and during his had enjoyed the • ect of the entire ee daughters and a loss of it good bus - lady superior at d, has been train- ee, Toronto. Her as been given to Loretto Academy, ter is much known •hand Hamilton, in ahe was formerly el, who for some el of Mitchell, left Tennessee, on Fri- dnetor has secured ege in that city. teem in which Dr. is fellow citizens of ntarv supper was pal hotel, op Wed. altthe clergymen, s men of the place • their presence. The 1 ed. The m yor ()c - e table, anlall the hly complin entary ng, and regretful at ing feature of the d been served, was , 11 No th pr Pp flo els fie go fa ti st EC ap P. Lc Ce et wi fr a of so SO ?if Wo th Trying If Sick. A Yeritted r eord-1.016 pereons cured in no month by Dr. hase'e Fanthem. Remedies. All d ai- rs eell and recommend em. , .41, • 1 a it 1 In, 1 driving marethree years 21d. Oattle. ve su cows, ppose o e n - olds, spring calves, 8 breeding ewes, $ steers 8 and 4 years old. Pigs -Two thoroughbred brood tows to litter in October. Implcments.-Tssv wagons, 1 dolib'e seated carriage, 1 cart, 1 open boggle, 1 buckboard, 2 hay reeks, 1 set bobeleighs 1 cutter, 1 turnip pulper, 2 plows, 1 double mouldboard plow, 2set iron harrov. s, 1 disk herrow, f fanning mill, 1 two mould- board gang plow, I throe mouklboard gang plow, 1 truck for binder, 1 Sharp hay rake, 1 iron roller, 1 pet weleh ecales, 1 binder, Massey -Berrie make, hest Hatbox dee), almost new ;1 big Brantford _mower, 1 pea harvee'er, 1 fanning mill, 1 graes seed sower, 12 dozen grain bags, 2 double set of harm se, 2 Bin& pets harness, hoot, forke, etc'. A lot of cedar and black ash rails. A large quantity of roote, potatoes, carrots, msinrolds, turnIpe, eta. About 200 cedar post. Positively no reeerve. ire the proprietor has rented his farm and is retidng from businese. Terane.-All sums of $5 end under, oesh ; over that amount 12 months' credit will, bo given on furnish- ing approved pint notes. A diecount of 6 cents on the dollar %sill be allowed Inc cash on all credit amounts. THOMAS GOVENLOCK, Pr prietor ; WM. McCLOY, Auctioneer, 1602 4 ter ot the rapids, wnere yaw overturned oast quiem ei REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ARM FOR sale his , 6 Conce ) west quarter ainw 26 lendid road, wishing village oellent frame it-elass benk A orchard m le well 'ation. It I tiou, 9 miles loon convenient ply to JOHN 0. SALE. -The un1 excellenfarm of farof' radon 12. Hay, corrp of Lcd 6, Con Acme Thle is an one and a quar af Daehwo dwelling. wit brim l; never fa with ,choice va fencedand is i Is 6 mikes from Zu from Exeter s !Term, es YOELKER., °reigned offers n 25 scree, being L4 iring 100 acres, en .811100 13, Hay, cot nxccI1cnt farm On e miles north fit] . On the farm Is 1 kitchen attache( ling well of mita I Mee of l fruit. TI high lartate offal I ,h, 11 from How non ; churches au . For ; partleub .reprieter', Dashwol 1601-4 , lARMS Ft1R SALE OR '1'' ' Tuckersinith, being Lots ,neession. Lot 2 being all It 13 there is 4 Isrge fra Ilar, heated with furnace ; I one stabline underneath, .in ndmill to pump water ; larre sme driving shed• lanplerne d woodshed. It i'r well,fen ultivaon, being well wa oti il. It ha a mile and a hair tyfield road. Thi.. is a ch Id or rented on reasonable ILLIAA1 ABERHART on ,aforth P. 0. BEN E—Ferme 2and 13 ou the 3 eded to great e house, with 8, r e frame barn. wi well handy, wi stone .plit p0i t Mae ; work ish ed and in it good eta read and a good el rom Seeforth on t ice plaice and will terms. Apply the premises, or 16014 AUCTION SALES. — 7 NRESER V ED AUOTIO ..) STOCK AND 114PLE cCloy has Medved instruct oveniock to sell by pubic A assion 3 McKillop, on Tuesday, 398, at 1 o'clock, sharp, the fob ,ock and implemenfs, v orates 5 3 care old, 1 brown ward oro 9 years old, 1 brood mare spring•colt, nice driver ; 1 SALE I • NTS. -Mr. eris front et one -on September wieg Valuable z •I -Horses 6 yearre in foal, delving mare OF FAI Willi Mr. Theis Lot 27, CI 20 f -Two 1 el 1, 1 brp 9 years ol 4 y 0 CE1VORAL Hardware Store, We are to the front with a complete line a GRANITEWARE. See our Pre- • serving Kettles, the best in the mar- ket. We are sole agents for the celebrated Thor- old Cement for laying floors and walks; it cannot be surpassed. Also a, full stock a Portland Cement. Try us for Machine Oil. Ravetroughing and Furnace Work specialty. Give us a call, prices right. rd 00 e. th tie ;' op te Fay he be to, to if im ai 110- th, nu ay wn d; are Sint & Murdie Counter's Old. Stand, Seafortli. W. N. ilifatson, SEAOORTH, Fire and Life Ins ra ce Agent, Houses to Rent, Real Estate Agent. Dealer in the RAYMOND and Vu1TE family and manu- facturing SewingMachinee. All kind of Sewing Machines repaired. Charges moderate. I Agent for the . 4* WRITE AN tIBEHICII BICYCLES. First -Class Whels in\Every Respect. EZICVS -. EIGIIT 1580-62 6.feenfseA/t4(90434.11 ' e‘se,eelrelo`rigeteVre•eAftree, • 87 to $V3 asee,aqe, Ire leaeure ' •-esee hours; any one can do the iYork. We weeet•rebo.ble familine in every locality to belie us manufactnre Clat. d en s Toque', Gaunt, - t, lets arid Bicycle' Le ginge tor tbe trade, e're. toe a. nett! procctifi. No enn vaseeing or ex - 4', porta:tee required.. Steady work, good < pee, whole or spar time,. Write today. 1fr hfidr04. 'ME CO- PERATIvE KIN NITTG ,' 1,3, Go.. 15 Levier loon . Toronto. lkfkitPAA.AeteisltiViNk60.41:AN4140V • Cucumbers, MelonS, Betvare ! • You may lime an attack of Cramps and Diarr oea fter eating them. Just keep on hand bottl of r. Fowler'e Extract of Wild Strawberry hd yon're • z - ie. It eures cramps, Colic, Diaireires, Dysentery nd all towel omplaiute. • Grand Remedy for Co4ths. " 1, have used Hagyard's Pectoral 13a1eam and ound it a grand remedy for coughs and colds, and ighly recommend it," 0. M. DOHERTY, Camilla, Mario. 011-41-411. A MAN of irreguler habits will find one of MIL - BURN'S STERLING HE ADACEIE POWDERS taken In the morning clear his head, steady his 1 nerves and put him In shape for his day's work. Price 10 and 25 mints. • Sores Healed. TT NRESERVED AUCTION SALE 'OP FARM STOCK AND IMPLEME William IdeOloe• hes received inotreetions FARM, T&-Mr. from Mr. THERE AE GOLD IV1I1TES RIGHT AT HOME, For people who have learned that the road to wealth is RIGHT BUYING. We know people whp have paid $2 for shons not as good a we sell for $1.50, and • they were pe4le who needed every cent they had too. If they followed the same couzlse in their other buying it's no wonder they failed to melte headway in s ving up Something for a rainy day. lAnd that reminds *id For rainy daYs we have it ma.tchNss • assortment of Long Boots and /0- liable pttaples, and we can s ve you money on tl4rn too. We have increased our staff of, worker*, e and will be i a better position thatt ever to do CUSTOM WORK and REPAIRING on the shortest refine. Richardson & McInnis, WHITNEY'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. George E. Greenslade to sell by public at ctiore on Lot 28 Cencession 4, Hay, on Friday, le ptember 80th, 1898, at 1 o'clock p. m., ,harp, the following farm et oe and implements :-Ilorses.-Orte general purpose gelding 7 years old, 1 isged horee, 1 carrisge gelding 2 years old. Cattle -Five milk cows., sup- posed to be in calf ; 5 hi ifere: doming 8 years old, eupposed to be in zelf •, 2 steers rielng 2 years old. 1 heifer ris'ng 2 years old, 4 apring calves, 1 thorough- bred bull ealf. Pigs. -One brood bow'to litter in October ;13 store Ors. Fowl.'-Abeut 70 puri bred barred Plymouth Recite and Mack Hamburg bona. Implereents.-One lumber wagon, $ inch the, ;new •, 1 pair of bobsleighs, 1 single cutter, 1 top buggy. I. Pattereon binder, 1 Noxon mower, now : 1 hay rake, I land roller. 1 Noxon seed .drill, new ; 2 phew's, 1 " two -furrow gang plow, 1 fanning Mill, 1 road , cart, 1 ea team harness, 1 set stride harness, 1 Wagon box, 1 hey rack, 1 set iron harrowe, 1 potato digger, 1 potato hiller, buffalo robe, suear kettle, Retuning wheel and reel, Democrat wagon, crostent saw, wheelbarrow, grain cradle, 2 large milk cans, 8 dozen grain huge. A number of ceder posts and - stakes. About 16 tons of timothy bay, if not previously sold. Al .0 a lot of Other articles too numerous to roen'ion. Also the farm, being Lot 28, Concession 4, Hay, containing 100 scree There is crewed a comfortable low dwelling house ; frame barn 40x80 • 11. aorta and a half of fruit treee. The loll is clay foam. A never failing epring creee runs through the farm. The farm is In excellent con- dition either ter pasture or crop. ' 'There are 7 acres of fall wheat sown and about 40 acres in grates. Terms of sale -All spms of, 85 and under,,cash ; over tnat amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing npproved joint -notes A diecoulat of 6 per 'cent, will be allowed far cash on alli credit amounts. Positively no reserve, as the proprietor m is giving up farming Terme of Oslo of farmade knciwu on of sale. GEORGE E. GREENSLADE, Proprieto ; WM. McGLOY, Auctioneer. 1604xtd ' . i pfLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK kj AND IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. Thomas Censeron has rea hod instruclious from -Mr. Wm. L Mc- Laren to pelt by nubile auction on Lot 19, Conces- sion 13, Ribbed, on Wednesday, September 214, 1898, at 1 o'clock p. M., the bellowing properly, viz :-Horses.--Two agrieuleural Ineree 7 years old, with foe! ; 1 agricultural mare 7 Years old, 1 rigtionl- tural mare 2 years old, 1 egriculturel sucking colt, 1 driving horse, aged ,• 1 general purpose mere, steed ; 1 driving colt 3 years old. Cattle --Four ranch cows, ar pposed to be in eau ; 2 springers, 1 farrow cow, 1 fat cow, 2 store 2 years old, 2 steers 1 year old. 1 heifer 1 year o.d., 6 spring -ogres, 2 opals due to calf let of Oetober. Pg. -One hoer 1 year old, 1 boar 4 months old, 1 sow, with Fitter at foot ; 8 store hogs. All pure bred improved York- shire pis. One fat hog. , Implemente.-One lumber wagon, 1 pair bobsleighs, 1 cutter, 1 ton buggy, 1 road cert, 1 sock end ; hay rack. 2 general purpoee plows, nearly new ; A. gang slow, new •, 1 set barrowe, 1 realer, 1 land roller, new - 1 seed drill, new ; 1 spring tooth otetivator, new; l'enower, new ; 1 old mower, I sulk hay rake, new ; 1 pea harvester, 1 binder, 1 fanning mill, 1 set double harness, 1 set pl rw harness, 1 i Oct single haarneae, 1 cutting box, 1 r rot pulper, ; vrhippletreee, neck - yokes, horse cotters, MO .sap, buckets, 1 (mean ery cu fit, gravel box, forks, °hovel, grain bar. Also 60 tons: of first-clees timothy hey, 2/ acres of min - golds, 2i acres of turnip. Houeehead furniture and other articles too numerous to mention. 'l Every- thing must be sold as the. pro lector has Oven up farming. Terms. -AR sums of $5 and under, cash ; over that amount 12 month credit will be given on furnishing approved pint notes. A diseount of 5 per cent. will be allowed ,for cash on credit atnounta. WM. L. McLAREN;, Proprietor ; THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer. , -1604-2 ' r Sores and ulcers of the worst kind pre readily healed by Burdoak Bleed Bitters. Take lit intern- ally end apply it ext:ernally, sccording to ldirections, and etre how quickly a cure will be made.: Martyr to Heart Trouble. Mrs. Selina E. Core, Amberet, N. S., says " At times I suffered intensely from palpitation and flat' tering of my heart. I was weak and my nerves 'mattered. 'Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have regulated my heart, toned my nerves and built up my health.' 1 Doan Cures a Manitoba Man. m . Alexander Framer, or Miami, Mat., writes I innot refrain from r000mmendlngDoIns Kidney Pilb to any person troubled with kidney 'disorder, for 1 believe if they could cure me they Imeuld cure an one." 1 • Weak Kidneys. ICH CRAIN urniture EMPORIUM herdale Landsborough SEAFORTHI Deale kinds neatl mg, a alAray prices Agen Mach mestie high 15 Itt our go and g ment It a p pia Prices Art scient P. attert e denee Bank. in first-class Furniture of 01 n latest designs. Upholstering done. We also do picture ,fram- a choice selection of pictures on hand. Curtain poles at all • and put up. We ale also for the New William's Sewing e, best in the market for do- use, no travelling agents, no ices. Always , Cured by Dom* kidney Pills. Mr. 1. Patterson, Croft St., Alp. herst, N. S.,1 makes the following statement 1" Having been tron- bled for s Me time with distreSs- ing backa hs and weak kidneys, I decided to try Doan's Kidney Pills. Th y a.cted promptly and effectively in removing the trouble with whic 1 was afflicted, and re- stored me o my old-time form. it is a pleasure for me to recommend then' to o hers." Doan's Wiley Pills are the most effective. 11erndy in the world for Bright's D sease, Diabetes, Dropsy,' Backache,I Gravel, Sediment in the Urine, an4 all kinds of Kidney and UrinaryT oubles. Price 50c. a biox or s boxe, for $1.25. The Doan Kidney gill , Co., Toronto, Ont. Remember the name, "Doan's," and refus4 ll °thefts. 1 JD Mill 'T..46...3ECI2T G- o Undertaking Department, we buy from the best houses in Ontario, rantee satisfaction in every depart our work. We have always made t to furnish chairs, and all other re - for funerals, FREE OF CHARGE. ter than heretofore. • ial aud cavity embalming done on e principles. • INight and Sunday calls will be d to at Mr. Landsborough's resi- ireetly in the rear of the Domini -ex atherdale •& Landsborough, SEAFORTH. As I able t 1,000 and ge Plums for Sale. amen extensive grower of p4nrs, 1 will be supply such in great variety. Probably askete for sale of cleole fruit. Come along your supply. C. HOARE, Huron Central Fruit Vann • Lot 26, Concession '2, laulIett. ••1662-5 •"; 10.'NOTHING:1:‘. SUCCEEDStln Irx, LIKE 4'4 SUCCESS,,ici ..(1".b.1-. iN (ON :NE, S. CLA.IFl RIVER) SARNIA,ONTARICI Great Camp Knights of the Maccabeet for Michigan, Port Huron, Michigan, April. 6th, 1 97. Mr. A. S. Ninnto, Sarnia, Ont. Dea lir:— IIgives me great pleasure te embrace this o • portunity of expressing my entire sati f etion with the stenographer (Misit HatGillispie) you recommend to me a little ver a year ago. She is now one of our value • assistants, correct and rapid in her steno raphie writing and gives unmistak- abl e idenee of careful and efficient trait:d- ing rom what I have learned of your sch o and the students who have graduated fro 1 it I can confidently recommend it te all c titemplating the study of the art, Wi h kind regards 1 remain, respectfully - yo rs THOMAS regards, great record kee e Mis Gillspie is still in the -employ of the Mace bees and receiving a good 'salary. •Stu ents may enter at any time. A. S. NIMMO, Proprietor, GODERICH Stearn • Boiler Works, • ESTABLISHED 1880.) 1 A CIIRYST A.L Cirryetal & Black, XarrafrActuti of all kinds of Stationary ' Ma 0,' Upright & Tubular O:ILEp SIGN 4 CIRCULAR C - OF THE SAW ti7it eale ensoirteke Stacks, Sheet 'roe Works, '• etc., ete. Also ;Ateliers 'itrteht and Horizontal Slide Valve nein . Autorue c Cut -131 Engines a speciellty. All sae il le. pips Sad nipe-fitting conotangy ow band Tettnni 1 urn isia tit shay t notice. 7nrea-4)nortre I. T. R. Asatims. Ileellerfoo;\_ —7"---1--.÷7,--1 ---------7= rhel McKillop Mutual Fire ! Insurance Company. FiiI.Rid , AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED 017101.8.11. Sea. 'Fate, President, Herlock P. O. ; ./. 13. Atol.elan, Eippenl P. O. ; w. J. abennon, Secy.-Treas. feeatortn p 0.,.4 Thomas E. Hays, inspector of Losses, Ifileefcirtb P. O. l 1 inesorces. W. 0.113roadfciot, Seatorth ; John 0. Grieve, Win- , tbrop e Georgeole, Seafortb ; Thorns . Hays, Seafortia ' JAIlltpe Evane, Beechwood '• Thos,filtarbutt, Clintm e ; ThOusea Fraser, Brueetleld; John B. Mo. Loan, Kittepe* I 1) , messes, • Rost, Ihnierle, ilerloca ; gobt. McMillee., Sea:forret ; Jam 00mMing, Egmondville ; J. W. Yeo, Holmes - vibe P . ; fan Govenlock and John C. itoneison, stuff n. to effect Insurances er tivae• rat buslnssl will be promptly attended to ow any of the above ofilosn, idd,ISN4 II e re.psc$lvs post aloes. I rnim4 !4, Money ko Loa Any amount of money to loan on go rtv, at 5 per ceut, per annum. St yments made to snit borrower, satisf a teed, charge* low. At officer Friday it day Saturtlav.• - • A13XLr1t COSENS, • McDonald Block Vfizigharn. • faxes, pro - let leans, 1011:gUsr- rnooa end