The Huron Expositor, 1898-09-16, Page 47
-P�EMBER- 16,1898,
4 E
NEW ADVERTISEME*TS. du*o's, and bull what are believed to be that p blie officehi . not al*ays a
1� founding. a i rrOed th re ;on a flat of*hia father, the late 19r.,tTkilin Cd1W, r i -
the �est public uildin in the' wo rid for paying party debt a, From o' thle et&ndpol it� oar, only bal t t -sips runni g, at the line. Wrilied to Marshfield, Wiscon' in, on AD
Zr The-figurle between the parenthee is, er each the ii�ion�y, had to get. along on V4C00 per
0 of par service �ho Pienniler might ha-* In 1858 hw- 06 in of dayi—Mrs. John McDonald, of Godoriell, 6
ne, deno tft_ the page of the pi�. per o a which th ughl t the drug busine
advertisement Will be found. annu R and nev�r g r cent from been a le put his hand riin a man wfth� the late TfioC Smith which, he conti 3uad visiting her parents, Mt. and Mrs,-- Ab. a t hi
f On Was
roll provinc o ot atgartion t foofr the thavil cl lims superior to t 08 i-� ion ardl
Advertising &A a Humbug—Gratz ae ionald (1) �il biade%;�-. intereel in Garalner.–Mr. John G lie
a of t. new librai e was also .18 ilt, th 'sh
worN -he perfort-4ed in connection therewith, ar, bu
from the i tandpoint- of, merit apld th Clinton-, 410. of MRGarvs & Cc nbe. week*,. but we- hope soon to a bial are's
Book Supplies- -Lunidden & Wi
The Season%Change—Bright, Birn�- A, ad abogy 4
which cost him his life. It is no wonder fit ness for: the pla ie,, it wo i1d have been -fin. ��A quiet adding was performed a the again,�Mrl. R. L. Stewart resi
I Notice to Creditors H. J 'D. Coo� Lo (6
that i9ome of thel best men � in the ODUntry sisibi -for the P a ter t6i to better, agil home. of ht 8i*yth, Wingham, on ositien as science master in ;' A14x _' no
F Sale—Jobn Kemp (6) j'A SaturdA
Agent Wanted life, is t be praiew 9igdassh,,o 1, before the holidayi,i and in -
Residence for —Box 866 Stratford (8) cand t boi induced to enter publi 0. Etc
f an.. as in line with day�Qeyenlng Im t week, wi*n Mr. A If red 0 it to- s6xnee_Xt#13
-�-W. H. Shaw (5) at tbas been as i ti
Telegraphy whe a that rewards ard', so meagr I I i ervice reform.�'. 1'relind, cc btor of the London ffel' lit to dying medicineLwheo c !age 09040
d MI the soili rincip'em of civi fi
Horse Wanted—Thomm Brown (6)
m I a are open to them, w
Was d in tirer holy bonds of wf Orson W =cut buildiV94,-
r V I
MillinfiryL oponinir—D. S. Fiust (8 uc bett6r fie in th Alo - to in ordbeber,—Mr, Robert J
The Fair at Zurich (8y fina eial *orld. It is as th t S' laill The!,jedlior of i he Cliam, News -Record: M r a. 7M. F83 tht, by the Rev. Mr. kieed, married last week to Mitis Ma or -five weeks, i
an . of near Atwood.—Miss ally returned
tist a are Incra eo,impetem
To Teaehen—A. Hodgert (6� draws a sal�vy 0 )r*
Millinery Opening- sit Penteipst's Van Horn'? pre id " t of ithe Canadi P hei- he a a 6hance to get a bran new suit i pastor 0
all way )t
fic P A; very q�iet ireddirig took place the from �*wooid, wheie she wAn vOlting h�r
Got YoirStoves—r2ils multott,toa. 1 11 n make himselt I ah respectable for thie business
a we know, fKom a Don't Blame $he Cook-Beattle r 6 men,, a inton,o Mrs. George HuO n.�Ur Than*$ ling to _tske-
-Pickard cationtl that N r. Hay anagerJ of the for on'ce in his lif(. Hie oonfreer of Ale ;g- Willinerr Openinir—W r load of
evenin .I r2bd,,w,he Wiligham a ped, sl� u -lon.
C eA a her daug �ter., Walker, of P ,
(8) 3ep o Weii-
Fine Tailoxing,-Wni. Pickard C( (8) Graod Tr4nk R1611wV, me as per New 'Offers him a new'; ll"� JJacksonills Mrs. te n -was married to M P hogs from this station 6 milto OU OOL
un in, rece:l`01P:r1i OMe .0, M 0 ff
G. T. R.-W.Somorville (8) Majority for
ann�m. #ow do then i salaries: oTipare �beet),ithawill pr lso a CUtAlion.— The-cerei iony --neeiday.�The-prices the Bluevlii,le lax Coln,
Girl Wanted -Mrs. W. a. Wit its (8 f a' re one statem i Uraith, Notice --- Scott & Mackenzie (a) witij thoa0i of cabinet niii isters�the average 'leading editorial in iis las performed, Rev. A. Stewart, ii the pany paid to the farmers for� 1"t.4ears filitit
t issuel truej And - proVince �of Q
-0 A. Humber k; Son (8)
Watches Repaired of which the DOMiDilD is $7, and remence of the- i ediate friends o the were $7,2D rr ton for flirst-class ax, -
a new suit of loth is, pluji the hat, (Jack- politics for the'
3riltr4eting, pa for second -clam and smaller pri a for poor -
X otice to Contractors -W. Weightr %an (6) for thepr�vinee $4,000?, And will nybody so n,s bef,
Dou"t Proscram.tinate-11 t also) if he will Orbve the truth: of: ocontend tiat Vail gortle, Mr . Hilys,
(5y �The Is el. pment of live hogs ever er qualitly.
Notice to Cr, ditors-T). two statementa. ' A I Us ba ielapires now., -on the 12tb b*
Farm to ften� and Dr. 0conh I ktekba A harAer or occu- ni tw hat and ne* linto took -p ace Oki Tueadd of ndastrifil EXI
MciN ade �from"6 it a 7 is the boots and socks.
Siao of, Farm Ste k-Justuili Parish 6) py positic us o Igreatep �eaponsibil ty than t Week ;L cl3thes without boots, w uldn'6 look well. 168 V.when, tiv car �oaAs war an
does Sir Wl id Laurier, Mr. rdy% Or in theJarmers?" wagonl 13russ"48. OLY� %q week - Miss 'M
It don't inatter 86 much a let t a DhATt. and:
But ro the on to
-Scott, -and M
A numlier of first-class farms
Any of thl judg a of the superior e urts the Nlilw Era is cute it syment represented over for sale iia
1)6 r bets exoepp he cars. The Drager,
Morris on&Grey, on essy terms. Also �Iiy amount
nre thing.
it has a s six hundred hogs, and while oading was Cuuheon and
of tuoney to ]ban on firm seadrity-it fi 1*r cent, wit th
'Oome in. and test thern o ther abome atatement.
going ion the gat @ring of farmerle Dfams terms of repAyall to sult th boridwe�. App W
ly to
Pa eing iLnd Cdxd P ng.- The fiRbtinge4itdr of he Godia r�� was so great at the.yard as to, intdrfere with F. 13. SCOW..0russels.
rieb Ste ford,
SEAFORTH, FRI AY, Sel t. 16th Alacm6 hatli�teristing and ver animat.- Wiltse
! this ordinary traffib: Cante)on Wallis and n' on.
D m1ust be dead. Tile ad or &I cohVilans 'fo 140TIM021 September llth� - idir. Arairr T. Den -is
189S i8cusilion place in the ethadiBt Elliott & Mitchell were the shippers. g for two line
the past t �,wetka,have lot contained any� stronp of the 5th lin�, Morri's lict oftim
nIng -Died ilil Louisville dntucky "rya -PLE ARTMENT. others whose us
ference this week, dur -its acting in, late m. Armatrougi died ve suddenlyi, AL
ii ario.
South 0 t reference � to the �G rits 110; Governments;' ThursdAf,'Au not 2rAh, 189, Henrietta, f 79 , yeava.
Toronto. The isoussion %rose a the re- of apopjoet", at the Tipp, age � o I
Mr.. Gartow', 'or' F, Thi yotingeelp`dauThe, of thelate'Joseph and
TIve Ontario Liberals D rawn the first, prt-of the Culffillmittee on Disci' ne. -It She and her hiftsband were among the fit*t as Itlifigo �Ants,� full width,, regular 12'jz, foc- %J, best English Prin*
P makes us 1 fail lonei?me. L Mary qi�ith, lW Is, i!egular.10c,,for-71d--,'HeaNikt Gottionade Ynade
-bloo(t in the election courts. The protest P, xid i vifte of Francis Holloway, settlere.ofi that part of Morrii lWordwas,
a', formerly of Wmighallm.- I Deceased was born in lig, �t �rou w
seems th t ROM& Yeirs ago (�onfernce a&kd, sacred coliumns weiii desecrated received her -is on Mond& -huddep
1 the been finaft d",
entwed a-ainst Mr. Charles der, the gent' Mote a Louth, Lincoltishire, an OAober death oil bOrs. Leishms If at. It a for 2,' bek t, Indigo Shirting, regular, 1!2�1p- Ebr 10c! ; Union Table Linn, liaw
iscipline the following man, or the sermon was'40secrite* by dp-' n, 60100 tell, the ra as on h to Forieigu'Office.
of, in -ial colunins oft the Star, 9t, , 1$70,oand remove& with er paren, bar. Washing i and had 16 on-A�e finish -221 nen-Tbwelling, " plarMcfor 8je.
t4manwho.,defeated Hon. Jo u Dryden, te"rp etst16 9 :she fiisheo xogulf.6 300for c 18 inch, Are i. rieg A BITALL F0
pearin it; the edito the United,$tates about 11 years ago,�,where
;South Ontario, -at the March elections, was hich evei way you like to take. it. Thin line, we*ohe went into. the house, w*o
The, general rules are to be un4'ersto-A� i she was ms�rried on,J)u a 17tb, 1891, tf Mr. v -slued At $32,0(
y Ind, won't'do,'11t. Star, inshe was foond shortly afor b -neighbor
you, fit i twush Up.1
tried'on Monday and Tuesday last. There as forbidding neglect of duties of DRESS, C OODS&
Sermons,*re very good in: P&06;Vht� F- J- S. Hdllowe`y� 8031�, of Mr- John Hollo' daughter, i;yiog dead on the oar. She w4i 1
rudent con, not. indulaina I uir 1 way, of Wingbam,
'ip ey
were some one hundred and I hirty chargs IT*P they In ke half such ; r ma"t :01
49 % MR the widow of the late Thomas 'I Leish h be
tempers or- Voras, the buying, se ling, ort eadlag an' -The other- day, Rim;Switzeri of God -rich rea.J; Am C
all, and the first twelve t ken up were I - y ne us and c6l
your rodticts, even former at Ethel, and 'Nas a vister 41 f dbsig the 13ritish C
in, 6litical editor's brain tes�ter We�areiselliog'.=an Ii sina,ig ha
using intoxicating liquorri-01015 ab�versil township, met.yvith, a slight aoeident, mhich w" I -
1, Y�ork. 'Mr. Ch
dancing, playing at games of chancei on. qqite sore for sl diya ir,re
proven, and, without continu �ng L the trial, if these I L atter do sai'or str6a y of romane made him feel Dr. MbK�lvey, of this pl tk el at Yalue.
troubled, with heart dialease. :Her mother
-the judges, on the second da3"L voided the elouraging lotteries, attending thleiakres, he was in Varna driving along the t reet, horse races,, eireusels, dincing partiesi pat- Ih r . efefrring to R. L. iddEeton, the died somawhat similarly, settle 30t iyes.4
&nd leading a horse-b� the aide of, the r g ak GOLD FR64
electiou�wl�h costs of trial on Mr. Calder, egg, opt the way to Brussels with hdr hd*. RIBBONS
ionizing ds�cingachools, taking such o4ter Woodstock fake rai way r oter, who, i ame time, hen, the loose h �R-osalie h" arri
and some eight or ten persons, Who were Ora' gob band. Nlls. Leishman 1eavi6l. one son to,
-amusements as are obviously of a misleading islauspected, has at �easlh f' liv"W wives, frightoned, ut its foot. through the w ieel, F. S. -Sao guay'], Alolskal!v
mourn bar lose. In'!aH cohdiraj qtl ;'er offlin i k:a Dawson. Who b
ne o -Last week,l a;
proven to have takeir bribes, as well as o or questionable moral tendency, and &3 acts swung the 9u,ggy. arou4id, and caused
he Dundas B�n+ as Middleton sold the 50 acre farm on the 6d of the 12
of disobedience to the order And discipline of-� upset,� throwing Ban violently out. Both lion dell
oven f ailty of are ing
or two who had been pr bfib
cams to be a balf-m lid A concession, Grey, one miliii South of Btiossel
voting the church."
4r ge4, u,", of"Beftba so horses! then ran awaij, but did no nore of that
cry an agencs, were disqualifie I from I for Dainean McCallum, td SA i B' F -Wick 1-W N IS UITS
ge than -to itlj4re t a utly axles. This addidolin caused quite an animated His mind runs to dong th, tip a as a loigger dama h b
at any eledtion for a period o' eight y6ars. Isoale than, other peo)le. la the mat- of Edsti Wawanosh, for $1,9 cashi � Th4
son of inton, h d
discussion, ai.the time w as. finally ter of g6ttin -Mr. James How widence showed bribery to be very but I' g married he 'to to ha new proprietor takes pojeisession this, falL atu a -an Dnday,. 81) T for The a vO narrow escape from having his leg bin ken Y lcarried and has since been attached, to'the taken three or four ive and M. McCallum goes �o 8014forth. to rq4
wide spread, and the prices o votes ranged cmd Of. being the other da. . He was taking his hos a to -every' banh
y side -W. T. Scott and � Gidelon Pt*ri'e ro&
content.wLth one. 1 8 tri i willi tA' 'a and a horn fly tinetfic 4 mal len's 811, bol.I&re r whetdeal, and:
lea of the church. At the presenit Con. 0 Place pastuf toinlen Ties, aesorted color, 2for25p-,
3 fo' 266.
from to dollars to five, mostly the latter ru turneil home this �week firom 'their Ilopir ot.
ference meeting' tbe�re.� was a'strong I' eling atl Woodstock. It ight , Olt be. a bad idea, he put an end to the tormentor by catei ment, bree m oi
'09 the Chloodonian $.ames 14 Uncle Sam' do
sum, hile others were given coal, flour, at' should be be found uilty, ilistesod. of sen#- it between his pildmis, but the OW,,OQO bushels'
bers that thia. note of i ' him to to th iBoston,, or, Laboiil,.
main,last com-peiting at
Frorh the facts revealed t th rial, it is no manifeated-almong mem ng a pe itentisg,,, to senton0e. ened the horse whileili kicked and a led been ma<3.0
fr Day, L 8cotb W
interpre6ation -of he rules should'be ex- him to live with all his dela 3diwives st,the. off. taking 5 firaW in heay. weigh.
swonder Mr. Dryden w d featedl Mr. Mr.- Howson, was'struck below ithe throwing, wianing over i $100,�! and Perri. Go M. the crol us to_.Wood& olk his PU Bamd time." knee,"but fortunately the- horse was too
nged, and ace rdiDgly Dr. blilhi, of
winning about, an equal 86m. Mr. Forrie
William Smith, ex -M. F., m y tba
k close at the time; to inflict more than a �bad roDEs Rm
stars that he too wals not difc ualifiedl, The Guelph, submitte the following amend! i going to. remain here for wslilk,Lor-so, wheni, 1
The Toronto Indulistrial kai v;� which cloo0d bruise� I
he will likely return to �Ostqq, �.to a so
problibilities now are that M Dr�d n will ment on Friday last, seems to hi've -been the most -Mr. David Ikaeom, of the 12th conCes- t grpon,
I war c9rre. d
The for ic as athletic instructor at, Harvard 911lego,,
wer I going rules shall be understood in of Hulletti "d a narrow escape from has been restore
be elected by a lorger majoritY than be e succeissfutever held, that if �. if attendance a I
whece he has been the palt ye04-,It is sa!4
as enjoining upon imembers. of AQ church losing Mi bam,,, thirteen hundred bushels NN rmy- He is 41
had before, The. Mail has been sqliLealing.. of people and gate Oceipft ednt for an' that John McCrea has purthased the olO
whatever isrequirad in the Holy Seri pt�ures, ot threshed grain, etc, by fire a few - 'a 8 ROger homentead, and ivilli :move out tip was Nsitiissedjl
almost dally for the past four 'months be- and forbidding whktever is contrary to the lease. Thursday se�ma t i, have been the ago. [The. threshers
;ad*just completed Patig In tble,J�p
real. Brussels. -Our fain this yeai is . to.. be tb�
cause Mr. Drydeir continued his seat in the spirit and letter the
largest day, the attendancq, 3i n'g placed at their work', and were preparing to go ai vay, " beat of the season, ' and!! everyose intends 'Y&TAL PXPLu
when It was noticed the rodwas- on fvre. E G forty gallons bf
Cabinet without a W Mr. Gurney, of Toronto, se6o'dedt by 0 ST R Seaforth
at in. th a House, a n 185,000. The total a drhiasii)� receipts of the ere been any Wind at the time the conning to it. It is now !Icon-sidered to. b�
M c fiursday nigh� exceeded thO80 building would have been lo�t without' odds, in $orth g oce
indications now are that t -a fol. fair up to T Had t� the by, all Auron.. T66
ini star of 'Chi'an ellor Rarwash, also submitted th
a nrigbr!iour, and
rene*i ac0aintancen.-Mr. were lost. �.Aa doabti but as it was, by great �,,exertior a on :be better thawever.-Thel excitement over tell do spondl the Ointer in
Agriculture will have a seat in t he House lowing as -an amendment to the amendment: of' last year by $23,000; a sixtir, which affrds speeding in the ring thti year! promises- to.
sooner Lhan the Madl will like. general' a slight iqdication"of tbali t�nnend one au
,V.el cross These ruleig are to be intbrpret- d- - the part of bh'e men, the flames were ex 8&ul herladd was Jin.01inton n Tu bxplosionj tha'b
ter Ze �: the piesen 'the plebiscite vote has not and'i is not -likely, Imt ir atten=; �e �eting�of Presbytlory,ait esd#
e d in harmony with the teachi6gs of the ceps which -has eharac t tinguilihed before they had caused mor�e �ti lading the Huron, Prebytery, as 11apsied.
je� 0 h( here 'is not n. I
petition against Mr. Dryden �A bl' ;to T* 4 -George. Thriller- im-
with New Testam exhibition. Some i traffic in the to reach boiling point. eve pet �ative. eldler ot Carmel Ppeabyterian
out, which' call for the con- damage thou, a few bunches of shingles did, the petiti -pxrty
oner. Who the name life, in thcf tern ran4e, as in tul, rieTIlao wee his trip, to the 41d'
aeration of our w6l. life to the service df r. rian congregation drawn, with� costs On city during the we IK so given by the repair, The fire is supposed to have hi rch� CILL mel PAesbyte
0`9-- : the old Scott act times, - nd the hotel and ;cc at ed USA I -ft
fact that on Monday, the air Vincent and Clitnis A—
will be the next ? Christ, and which ' ake the Christian law of oet care of Tor- inate4 fr4m a spark from the smokestat
11 hold a Jobike "' rvice on Sabbath, Oeto bouse, the ilatbr
I onto carried 200,000�pea day !Iquor interests seem as if - they were TAssits Ol bGss ffiggins du
truthi.purity, ti-tioe, and charity supreme Plot, On -After. 'an illness that has laste telb ei 2nd, when the communion will be at&- the �mitoniehme.
9_0�0;000, and on Thursday even increased ing to allow the ale Ora to give th!?1r' 'th ir, 0 in Brudefield.-,W. and Nim ifortnea them
in the hearts of alli0hriatiano." el I Bed at the
No One,Man Power. mber. years,. and. most of which time's een, views through the ballot ithout any advice To 11 lof Maltol ilt near Tlronto,i, *ore. morning service, It in desired
'brought ovitir th
'Both these amendments were oubll helplem. Nattie Eatella,,efdest daught(r of -at all; the eommunicants who are itat
For an Independent 'paor the Tbronto or instructions from t om.,-The arfiountr VW tin heir unclel"lli, Mi. XQhn, Tomber
John Dwrance, of the 6bh, God( rih iv� 3g, who have, in the past 50 heW, sons n the
d -tb the discipline committee to report on. required for school purl oses . for 1898, is 0 'd n.r ald. 4 -Miss Smith. of UIS years,
le a that ie,
Telegram seems to7 be surprisbigly interest COMM,tte Hurom No! e 3. townsbip, passeii peacefully home to her $1,200, being the lowest. I , ofiBra de tified with the old church congregation
in the political situatio in East W on, The a refused to adopt them an& etern4reward on Saturday, A or years, as is also rt pton, and Mrs.
io according 1 t
ellingt _Wingbani, 8 Do&latio to a ugust 111111. it od ervilte and the present -co, reg iscience hurt Iii
the county rate, being $� $0.-L -4t the voterh", f- re ;hl ho, guests r. 9 st thw age of 9-1 years. For the tj rat el lven &I L eek I
in its L epr�e- a just ta, an, isl!4,30T. a villago'. In' t * elin ch was duty.
ceptio'n of this report that the d -Mim IM. A. Miller, ol Goderich. town- rve the communion togethe
-the %de vacautl re unfavorably. '.-It was. on the re- ce�su k eree in ensall, to
constituon4 m ported list court tEthel, I tvireek, the Liberals in ew Ili th ted Me
ars of her life she was as rugged and so-
e added 16 votes and struct off*. .141 'a r on ibat
sentation in the' tario Legisi b iscussion nd the'
ship, wholrecently had a es, tive aa most children, but spinal disi see, zeiger says tiAt
C01 ract remove at 11avitations- will be -sent I
took place. The adypeates of the chi Tories added 1. It lboli a as if the Tory I I
�Of -Mr. ig. The ange
e� ibers to that in- tent, who re now me to asi
lamented death and complication of other, ailmenh so party had abandcined .11'ant' HilroiTu - ur
from oW,;l bar lo�ps! by a (Ah 6n, physician
it:hh' d'or-h"at Ion. ar 0
gued 'that the, objectionable note lays er� of other congregations. On the Mon. Houaud,� Bel
Telegram has got it into :as can ex�ected. -for t a Tli . nsall
ls �impro��g as well 45ectild her that she became a cripple re, sportsmen are anxiously - waiting, h a
er A young Oaugbt Y e
&Y while er
down prohibitions which the 'ospels and The oth almost constant care. During her 115th to show up. It is said there 6ve been 3onlile c,4 0 perstions-I r t, eteason %nd Is prepi 6red'-
I - 0 R. MML.1 cider iiiiii hes following two public freelit, totil
J. - M, Gibson 'is t be on the -7- ' �'irl`ng , meetings will be
Villiam Ford, of EX ong yea tydl -and Basra.
�or teachings of Christ do not susti in ; that Ofl der north, Nas ra of suffering she never complai ngd, i some who could not wail it so', longk A fine wdoe stb] 11 108'Id in the church, -one in the atternoon *nlil.
riding as the Liberal di ate. In this pil jelly, etic. Large mW Ity, i
once a a a '11) ed and fell it I - Mnd a tree and
the rules are n6t enforced by the church mbing on -a f mg lietion wo"uld do such a lot of good., t ra r Coaie- early In the day- is in
I be di--- ilth wonderfu
so wi cl 0 on the contrary, bore herr al �Y� Lillc.:P; )n� in the evening. At -the former it
event it fears that Mr. Gib the ground, dialocatin he I patience and sikntity g -ace, halt, Henpal 16T ;en ot have an interisting est. The bul
q� 9
a bo4.- )f I lea t history tvIm
feated, as it says the Reforme a of the rid authorities that members of the church -Henr! Willis, son. of Q )rgel Willis, of was a model of reiignation, foi the st �loiighed the
the 4ormation of congrega.
ie -
parents havf the to ?.at 1gorville, 50 years ago,- and the steo 3S he would -bo Im
-play cards and dance, d attend_:F, later, who went to the fici supposed to be,
i y Iff-E too indepen do C t in the Span- hole cc untryside. .� The Brucelle 4 M* air v
ing are dent to eupport an out an' n I . I 0alled t i c prom tly;ally
i-Americau-war, has c a thr' ugh all incere sympathy of all in theb, bereave- us In oidir, I ie, al tle a d boiler work, dour,and ts growth, ebsoges and a vaneements -since
good he ay be, where- theatres and no instance whi�er:);�IhieEel have �fs R. B. Hi cxs, Brucefilld. Notary Public! d
sider,_ no matter how wood he L 101LW imill 4 or laul g, Ill. and ftax ul work. Ukrui&�
i ht and is n ant. t�k 111ad I 1e:t. Attheavening meetLing
OW on hi's way liome. Conveyancer, ire tint Life agent. Any 8 1 1 t 0 o � n engLne repairs. No* en. '
: 777
a will be de Llivered by eminent minis -
been disciplined for their -conduotAeii1g on q; a -if a good local man is sale ted be is isure- Miss 'Chute, organifilt of No' -James Stacey, of the lake road, Stephen amount of mofiey to loan 16t 6' er cenX1, on first-claiws � a ha n Ire -Tho Empress
I r ill street d 94.4 mil =achinery a speci Ity.
record, that, therefore, . these ptioblibitiop 6hip, loot everything by fire on Satur farm security. Also a litria' 17ne]
to be elected as there is a lar e majority of ce0t ad. a- �owri Z�Vste I Be
amount of p ;tr: and tAl Chia Rd4
iMatbodiat church, Goderic] , has a( oispTj Us Jrl., Hensill Engine ;tino ented speakers. -31rs. 8wan�10`111'
in Ashe Ile colege for' Jay morning last. Mr. Stacey funds at 5 per cent. At home evepf morning in& VoikA, in I sallk i iW3.3 at ghter, Miss Swan, Are this weak vit'iting Liberal votes in the riding. he Telegram 'are obsolete, and not being enflDroed ire lucrative position in Ashe was in the Wednesday of. each week. 84yerali ocl farws�'for;
YC w e r
useless and agra orth �avolins. iwamp at the' time, while Mrs. Stacey was sals. Lo 0, Wax Arrested.
numbers have en
omen at Asheville, li tives and t iends in Loud
-vating.- Also, thak the Ion, ad i#4iton, It p
does not seem to know how things 'are, ke
Davin busy at household duties. The fire !� wall DE;kTIL Otr A PIwNxgR.,Aooither of 11�ur_, �eavi re daily u in the past wee tio a stjletto�
keeps man eople fro a, formerlylof Clintoit, was near there. -Miss Hicks w6 w'"
y young p tn joi
worked in the Reform ranks. There is no 11113,14 mEkrrie'd last week to J. J.11.11err, of Oode- �oticed by Joseph MeDonald, who was on's honored pioneers has passed from thiw atten t exhibiffin tUndon.-Rev. 1W. pe idiVg the past week' the guest of!mft. wakingfroni't
the church, and even drives them td� other -has retillimed to London, a6con. of the steamer
ich Mr. Gibson or any other rich, Rev. Mr. Godwin,,'o:f Goderich, per. fining at this time., He gpve the life full of years. We refer to the deathi of. 1 was i, i Exeter on Wedn�s4ay uneston,
means by wh formitig the care
r. mony, whi� took pla a i am ied by the -Misses Mary and Lucy
churches where the discipline is more',,libe- Mr. John McCowan, of the.!Zad concession, tt ding to u. wh ing two hearts, �eat and stabbed he
16� procured the an Ital � Ani
c Ent before assistance could person can be forced on the Liberals'as their t k
i stable, house of grain and a large ethe residence of the groom.� 8 se a of Stanley, near here. netold.-Mr. James White was mulleettl1v
-further, that matters of this kind moudwark 86 a horerelk, to his having r
fell, got 'up ag,
a y on Wl sl caadi�ate. There is no one man power in., liantity of wood were destroyed, ooly a orined a maeriag i c arepibuy between r. a a
should be left to the conscience of th -The other day Thos. $lap'ley, of Clin- 0 cefully awa idneelday im red on Sabbath last, from his or
art of the ho usehold farniturp )ein ni me. to be able to Attend Ca teamer uncor
a nail whicl passed through a had been ill for abou , & year' and Rodge Pro6kor, )f Exeter,' pr rimal
the Liberal- party. If Mr. "ibson is,the a in- ton, stepped on mall g 9. r inter, li�ud
from but we!* the
it was urged his boot and, clean throu h! he first ti!ne in man months.
Liberal nominee in East Welli ng0n, he will dividual, On the other side the fleshy part aved The fire sta�rted in the stable evere but patient sufferi r. He ad i Miss, 'da � able, of the same �Vil- y
of his foot, necessitating iu gioal opera.. own cause, and a high wind I r was in Toronto last week Consciousness,
us c oi a of a Liber'al that those proscribed praebices are evil, the, good p6ge of- 85, ye& 0. Mr kpcow-an,, Duan, of cotland, and his �wo twlpreflis w" c'A
be so as the unanimo h lead tim. lowing at the time soon ignited everyhing was born in the Highlan, �s of Sc tlatid. lie eices e isses Dena, of near Sarnia4i, t-,rs,-Mr. Edward Reith, wh re re she expil
eriou i one came to Canada over hiNIf a4ko a 104y a' era ie last week vi�siting Mrs.
-l;ed an a:Rd ci�nly evil, ais one member put. it, -Prior to his leaving"fd�r ngland, Mr, a visit from Adanitoba, has retolivneld
convention properly constitu d,, cbm- dontiguous. The lose will be a a' wixe
go Swann.-
down,to hell, land that amy loosening of the to Mr; Stacey, as he carried 3e wife of ad
posed of delegates a6lected by! the indiid ual D�rry, who has been in the ein plo of Tay- no inisuran and shortly after settW Yin sta ley, 1 on the. r. A. Riterett, jeweller, of London* sqn� of Fra is
G. Petty, pdrl� picker.. made &'b�isi_
and King �ol
restric�tions would have alowerin tendency, lor & Son' of Clinton, for a umber of -Geo. Pepper, f Wingham: had an aw- f "where h r. Chrintppher Eacrett, of Victevibi Il!*rk
Liberals of the'riding. This: is the only iM I L f 9 1 years, a qontiaued to li�e 114til his egg tll-iF a the northern parts of Hu1ron 1837. 8he ww
-ld bell the a 0 all to have Wiel presented with a gold elided no by on �rm i
and t at itshou ca iul fright Friday last. His breechloading d th Of course, tiie cc antry Was thelliall piad R-rui this week. -Mrs. Wilson, of Tor- Farm, was very recently happily uaktod% in
way in which a Liberal canqidate can 'be tl a firm. millau of Baval
he rul!�efl instead 6 'ifle had be;u lent and returned loaded, narriage to a 14.ndon townsbip.16AY."41V
the members live up to t Oil b; h,.but by dint of industr and good ntoi W 4) was here visiting her aunt, Mrs. -4 -24 1854. Thl
selected. We have no knowlIedg -George R. Buchau&n, o G derich, who Friday evening George fancied- he ail w a m�nagement, Mr. McCowan, sco )Biade for ial. Su� daud returned to Toron a rles Manna has returned h a fr'
8 of wliat abrogating rules that all ishouild observe, h _,h $
0' E'eo t intend to M �ijng tin g her pare AiAduhem i
the Liberals f Nyetlin#on *),a in the ranks of the A lerinan troops at little rust on the gun, and took it down to himself and family a conffortabld home d -Miss Leaver, of Mies ate at Walk rtot. - Im
I ouri-, has been vile
In our�,vietw, those do h " I ft three deplandent Von han Aelati airing the aboliti 11,of Santiago, bis been appointed 'a member of clean it, holding it wit the butt to th� floor ov an, of Kintail. was here thie weak I -
Mr- Gibson in com- ves And friends in this neighborhoo Ru whe!
rgu�._ tl e staff oft tha department tud will, remain and the muzzle pointing upwards; Su(. umstance. He Wasi a 'man� ot J. Headetson, of Carmel churbli,
the restriebiona had the best� of the it �Istaeblle ci v ng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Duch
do, and we do not k at I dolphr
- " 19 - fo of desires a constituency othr han that which iq Cuba. ly there was an explosion; part 6f thell rim. at rlin character, strict integrilty, And- es�n, of' St. Andrew's
ment, but the trities ha& the, most votes and- re- nd Re�' Act
While riding a bicycleba heisquare in of George's bat was blown off and a hole I siJecteE by every person who knew him. sinated in 188-�
he has always represents nd hich may hur�h,� kip c angea duties oil
Pon, e: c w w -both amendme to were voted down, and, the 0 1 SaYfield. Slwaltor bf
yet be vacated for him. B e do know 6'r)derich the other da, Mrs. E mail wa& ru"n male in, the ceiling large enough t Aie was kind and obligir g as a neigbb�or, th . ev aing last. � Trarn pa � on the Lon on doxxENci_,%-G on Thursday., 86p"ber cempres was a
rules against dancing,.card playing, -theatre into by a buggy and throWL fri ini her wheal, man's fi8t throagli. . To add to his fri pu t a med to feel it a, pleasure to do any oiLdi oni tueadij a I -e are reporte to 15tb, the law tiffice of Affters, 6cott &JUCKenije, will
what is known to many Liberals, and that ght the and seen
I t6mpere,'etc., still recei a of the at m near the concussion put� the lamp out. For some g person a -I ave
going, iadulgiug in sinfu ving a fractur d servin good turn.-� He lea a] 'y this should 06.n- Ile o en daily untilafu 1 06-1
is, that it would be largely in the inter6sts 1 - . 141 up a bugi rther notice.
a oulder, time after Ge i` age partne 'nue it �M ill I *V_e
rerna�in, �rzk was led I o meditate on h d r and a family of six da cad tc e ife consequence -S _NcE adopting the cash eyst*m, wa h -Aheavy 11
of the Liberal party, and of the province� at i i -Mr. InniF, of Stanle'y, whose -barn been receiving mui
what might bky� happened -had the muzzle te;a and -three sons to cherish the mem y home trivelli4 wil t ke the ti? -to 3h encol,"Weme0. Thiii iublic -and lightniog,.
'k n -d th . oughtful husband rm t precau lize th4t thelan Jim to thq'Ir aA.
lar or that r. Gibson sho *0 destroyed by fire, a fo�,,tnight ago, has inclined an inch: nearer hie'body�. An )ther of! a ind a ire begitoing tores,
uld be -retained * ' u heir selve84 an I lood may be spilled, day Tnornipg, t
M Nantage-one price
M r.'JK`)i a h Norr's is visiting his 9 war s, and see what you can save, 1606.1
his prevent position i Editorial Notes, an'd Com ent�- h. 4 to pull down the walls, lut will have case of, 11 Didn'd know it was 4oaded. It w�rtby father &nd no credit, Call at P. A�
n the Government aud g cater built. Mr. A. Can (lon, of Clinton was an exceed' 1 1, M cmDHNr. s0,Yd and Mri. Murdock. -Mr. burned to the
that he should have a. seat in the Legi The Toironto World says The boy - liv- 9 -A Very sad to. ra F, �Ows. --�-Oii
iing to ill health, D4 Q.
has the contract. -The folla�giLiyc Opersons fro M_ Huron Ment occurred neaIr herc on Tuesday mo, dstue, of Seaor�h, formerl lea. -with a ekv3
iDl� in Olitario is better off than the boy liv- n- V of E he Opaird has
ture, as there s not anothor man iii the -.Mrs, James Sc been obliged to give no. the b his
I * -w ai wil
I , JnL any t Ott, A e6t, Wawanoshl county obtained prizes at- the Toronto air : Ing, which has sin6e res Ited in the death &III in this v llake last we�k, feeling im.
ng o hjr province -of the Dominion." away . I ra,,tice of his profession here and hsw�
last n the running race, "St. Iveg," owne i by d look ng i m, 11 , die.
Legisilature who can 611 poeiiUon as Pe �n .pre �eld Lin health. _'Messrs.
of one of the most rea i ded real dents of the Bealas, were c(
well as fie can. RecognieiDg this fact it js i That is so;, and the World might have said ing ; she had been. in dechnin I g health for H. F.:Gordon, Wingham-,. took 3rd prizeA township of Tuckeranift. 4b�ut eiiht illis.aud Wbiiesupped. a carload ofb a' 1 on �d of it to Dr.. Pallaster, of Guelph. tur_ not known.
i �g r. Sheppard""s. tay of seven" yeari, hii
&tout five years, and was 84 earsof age, he Dow & Colqnhoun, of ftibbort. let for o'clock, Mr. John Walker, of rom thlel stati -Mother P. -t
in any other country in the world ; and the a' '-Ind con on on Tuesday last.- r.
--poasibte that the Liberals of East W'elling_ `1 i I as made many friends who will filnft� rely . . . . .
drovi h ri,
01 tario boy mally makes good use o is team to of C ledoini Mother Supe
I III f :his I' leaves one daughter, Fannill, And two sons, year-old Clydesdale stallion, " MeMiciiing," cession, R S. out eorg" Phapmalp win P e at to hear of his intended depaiv ford, died on f
�on may feel disposed, to do 'their par y and i oppol,tunitieg, a, Charles and Samuel, ta'mourn her loes.� and 4th with" Right of W Flame, hitch them to,the"machirel wi ill& r ei ure.
nd can hold his own with. ay " in which 111he k isi ing elatives. -Rlev.
g j�im as he boys of any other cc Step -love Beffiie hitching err an Mrs. "err, Who have bisen option,
their coutitry a service b I -Mr * Win. Dearingp,,, hen, hal; class ; Also 3rd for yearling, stallion ; 'Peter was going to out �aa had a large and successful pt*dtioe - , -
y gelectin untry in the 1world. 4onsur
and, wherever,he may locate he has this, beat
purchasod the propertki�LL in I Keter, owned b McGregor, of Brucefield, Aa for two�year- up, be had solbe fixing to:do to 'he machipe,' Irom -home for �a Athens IGO
a have
their candidate. Should th'y do so, we ven- Y he past few Week a- N 7is es -of 0 for his future snoom. The Toronto Mail of Monday commiencefif the late Mary MeNaughtob. Mi. Dearina old Clydesdale stallion,- "Prince of the and while thus engaged � some Aber bories Ourned. Mr. illian Chapman and I Ir. pal Dr.
n - iaster conaes.
tare to say that it will be with the fall co vViV build a new house on the property anA Border "--; Messrs. Berry & Geiger, He sall, highly He .1amily, being
came past, startling his G -am, i0d causing in" c
its 'leading editorial thus: 11 It is impos b e Di I ot 0 ay, ave an vipit i 5 a graduate of MoGill College and will, -no
approval of the Liberals of the Eii I rerilre from the farm t* bell ome a oitizen.of secured first prize, and also diploma for them to become urieeitis Totheit, son and aug Slake, of the to believe that the daily exhibibion of epi a 0 t u p Rod, 69 iter-in-laiv, Mr. 4ad gain &large share of practi4.- -age of aigh
riding as a whale, and that if they sell ct Exeter. beat stallion any age in the class. for their caught hold ofethe lines, ind jus as he did Mrs. John D. Diek.--Miss: Mary Br -o -'n. leptic incoherence' I lei era. Jame Thomson, Fred Geminhird.
ily home in
him they will elect him made by the organ can, Hannah Brawn, who has been a Efiglish Shire stallion, "Kilburn," als.) let so', one of his hor�.es kickid', an, being too �bo :wals;1 here foi- e&, era) weeks iBlit ng J�rtfiur Ellie, a nd Misses Al. Whiddoill, Even the T
1ong and highly respected resident of Ex- prize for " Rakerfield " in the heavy draught near, he, was hit on the ibdmii a w, as tt a r friends,!fia's returne Windsor. -Mr.
gram need not feel -any uneasiness on i is eter, has disposed of h E- 1, r 1er andilvirs. Rathwell took' in Toronto
a isure the honest element among the Lib er h se.and premises class ; Thom. Skinner, Mitchell, lst for two., taken to the hou sent
or Is on this Globe matter,". We might ale and medi I aid ItIcAtoril coaimetaia!ltraveller, of Tbrau- f as A ght year's -ago
Hen 1 t week. -Last week the last oUthe
score. in that tow to Mr. y Hooper, and year-old carriage stallion ; Henry Smith� for, but despite every 0 i.tabl( iremedy, � his !ozas here this w( ek visitisig his relativ der, . coming b
0 er, w i �re a a will f a W.� -1
renark that Wwould be as well for. the: will move to Wr xe )�xeter, 3rd for fat steer, one r old ;! continued to grow worse until W ed nee 01'ay ndsome new b Campers and cottagers in Mr. Jeweitt?a year
Mlil to give its attentions to its own r yea J. Millar a lik rick or iseven
Question of. Salari P tY.1 side with her br OAer. 3rd for fatateer, two years old Thom".. �m 9 rove left for home. Mir. Kemp, ' ife �nd my and was I
A Wearc.verV shre thict when "the Russell, 4thfbr pairof fat cattle an' orning, whed he quietly pages away.� -Re dwell.ingiis now rooed,� and presents a'gOnd W1 to
honesti -On Sanday morning, t a 4th inst., the f tm ily, of Sesf�jrth Mr. wife! and
8 co lar lement amodg the, Libeiala y, age. was quite conscious untii near t lmelt. eara6ce.-Mim ran� Ross, who haib;en
i lug among the fi rat to cotnl� and rx of the
about the -want ad vice,� frame house ofAlex. Johi ston, Goderich, Walker v ita russeliforthe astfew.'moiths,. 11 h'
A god many peopl 0 4P f 6mily
to leave. This hat been.
they will not seek it -from the Mail an vas 45 years Of Lge, Was 4n- set
hikh salaries paid to publi and publip p i r e. wi a damage by fire to the , extent ol $700. married. He was a quiel, iffidu visiting her sister, Mrs'. W, B. McLe Lint ed rious, g6od "a-
a i A r in a m for camping and a I MY4 evale. -man, and was ho d in he arge -number ibave, TO
otlicials. But when h' fire st ted from thel kitchen Istove, Blu, hig6est conttactor J )r the new -village Irk'
we come to compare I living Our
I while ihe aj6rityof the mambers of the BRrrFs. -The By hiug for a 63j edthelake breezes and been Vuck racted tonstiv
these' salaries with the remuneration which Fifty million bushels of wheat is r mpabbyof6ebommunity esteem by all who knew i1n. is- as& 16 are win good rain to pu, the
ad o � b3n tted.-The dredge arrived,bereIUAt
to fa nil�y were t church. is with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bosman and sudden death i's a severe )6reav 3tnent to his ground in"!good oha )a for digging. pikad to be.
banking and other busineEis corporations to 1�e Manitoba's c a- gl chant, we. from Southampton and- hambegun ontribution to the filioni While Master Percy 8 dth, son of Mi,,. family, of Morris, in the lose of their daugh. welatives and friends, an has e Lit ell, hardware mer I V aining days
t !in El'. M C 0 4 Is re -
pay their officialai we find that the salaries That is a yellow harvest worth h. lof the G. T. R , at Wingliam 1; to be here thirtX days and A ul' do,
al grnary. John Smit ter Ida, a b , lit girl of sixteen, by con- over the whole neighborhood. a few dav ago for trip in the interests of 0
was walkin Ion, I . C)n derable work in that tim
miny Yukons. We 7 thake 'a greal fusi 9. stilts on need r4g h-ItVaar norr tolearn th
of the servants of the public are, small in to�y of last gumption. ins Boaman was ill for more PATL'KS.-Misses Vince it and Cummi ig, his halt
old discoyaries f om ar.-Children's -day services w delegates from Austraia' a, the t leen Smith. has gone to Ridjetotwo for
we9k, he had the misfor a all fr than aye ill I :te J. A. Malcolm, of the maple rove dair as
comparison. The Stratford Bea about the g' ti K L
con. bri g8 in ` the Klondik ! 0 .4 theinter. -Mine Corbett, of Corbett,;was
in the a thi I )in and the result was th one of hi . sarmo be held in the Presbyterian chur-.h on Sun. WomensChriatian Teniterance'lJoionep'n. decided: tc discoati"ue retailing milk, o1w tig,
this matter home very pointedly add elsewhere, but, �as weal producers,,i wag broken above the elbos r a gii I at at the rectory last week. -M rs. JDr.)
day, September 25Lh. The children will Ivention in Toronto, dell rered gospel t+n. to thebas iness not i being lange enough to
8 �ai i )ury is visiting at Toronto and London.
11h 3 gold minescannot
lowing remarks: -commende -to compare. .-During the severe a; rm of Sunday lead the singing, and Rev. W. J. W h lice addresses urch make: it pt;rfitable ff r the time and 6xp'
with Canada's wheat fields, wlifle in thei morning, 4thiinst., lightn I ii g struck one of in the P esbyt 3rian ch es -_ lar number from here to,6k in ton; don In . Rnglim
The crythatis frequently �a pastor, will preach a serrlion suitpbl:a I 1AL '"here wO! a
i8ed" abcut latter the gold is mich more easily and Mi. SAwitzer's barns,lin Goderich tcwn� )� the' here on Monday evening connected! therewil h. r.: Malcolm fair 1he, Misries Sh4�ppard, of Torouto are there VXcl it L
young. -The Misses Ramsay, of Guelp , are fair, but not large sudien(N llla� those who very aktan'tive to bt siness, land accomm
tile uests of Dr. C. Sheppard. I mor,6 U*UA1 t
Judges being too large, hae its r,efut and JV'tb&", sLipplied good
the salaries paid to cabinet ministers and surelywom. Many who risk lye andiprop-* ship, shatte ing- the zabli and otherwise visiting at Mr. Lachlin Fraser's, in' Mo , rria. failed to be present missed a ri -re treat, is ing, d
�tion in e milk,
rty'in climbing the mountains and running' dai aging the building. The arn being full of -Mrs. Thomas Coultas was very ill th� lat. both addresses were &men g �the best f he Ve only regret that the field we 'Inoret USUAI t
,o a no
the Much larger allowances ma n id 'on the routes to the Yukon, seem ha, and straw makes it a v c nder that igni� 0
ocou I in finanial th rapi 8 ter park of laeb week, but is now recoveking. kind ever delivered here Th iy are b, th enough for- his busix eon, as it wax very c Hay., self than tot�l
pying positiodi of trug to forget this groat trath.� ti�i di
d not take place.' Rev.�W. T. Went will exchange pulpits clever and accompliihed � &dies, and r'67ur villagers to get their sup Comvom.-At a meeting of the Hay Padua-
stitutions. for instance the case Of ar, a, venient fo, thocoln=0
Oronbyatekha, the head of �he --Mrs. JoIn Williams, f Clintonit met *itb-Rev. W. T. Hall, of Belgrave, inext credit to the country andi hi�,h from hi you arrang
Ile- y to w m. Miss Bell-, from near Brufft-e6e
t is not often Z_t a-i-mau'voluntarily re-, wit h a painful accident ci I I It �ld on the Sth inst., the motion of Ang- a
a �- a, yeail�y the house, Abi
Order iof Foresters. He receive the 6 her night, sids-1 Sabbath. In tb 'was thia eek visiti�g her parents, Mr.: a ui t 11 it referring to raising a slecial tat ;of
morning Mr. Halli will they belong. -Meolsis. Al exosend ir Mustard
� D. L$4 0) on assessment
�io ��as signs a position�in the public service which t1ii ing a broken thigh. hen a storm preach 'a tempera�ncq sermou.-Th Ross, Thomas Getr mill , 6nd Willi�m Mrst. - P., D. Bell, �of near ere. -K Of Ray swamp drains
salary of $10,000, and a feA days a firs an. Robert rs
voted $5,000, as a gratuity for work!in c01111- yields him the snug salary of $1,600 a 'year .1 carie rin she joko�t of bed to lower a'win-� nual meeting of the shareholders of the Forest, all of this a ch eredti�ig U1 q tihart an teris are in London this Le amended by making the sum $190*0 tcrlals and p
v inity,, are d daug
dow, and in sp-rne unaccountable manne
nection With the erection of the. r; in -1 Blaevale Flax Me' a large wila, in whic to IlAore" eir weekvieltin M lady will bu
temple I nufacturing Company was fodder xquhart's sisters.�Mir. Ties everal same due the township under'
in and the duties �of which are no(- b any!1 jur herself thus. As ab( is in, for a s�kbt Toronto. The secretary receives $6,000 a d 0 3d very deli-� held on i Saturday afternoon last, in the,For. corn. A silo will soo be OC aside ed as em, in. i I offat, 6, - yth., he a parch"ed thee Pi 01 edingis of "Ditches and Watercourses
means onerous, 4nd"c nsequently thd- reelig- cat).health and up in years serious resnits, esterls' :halt. All the former directors ' ere tial an accessory to a fa' a as a gratis V0 r- :-Venlent and
the other officers arc paid on a scale equLil ry,", 4tor first e�rected by Mr. Urquhart, and 1: 4a
nation of Mr. Preston, provincial librarian, are feared. WI A d" were ordered to be Placed on 'the
to that of a provi,n I 'bi t minister. re-elected excepting Mr. Richard John ton, Messrs. Cantelon an Mit ell lreghippi�g moved it,a�, few hundred yards furtheroai't, coll, ator's roll with 7 per oeat added. The on $7.50-a.,
cis 0 'n --James H. Combe, one!'of the oldest ilesi-,* I
The people out �f whose pot �'etl these sal- 0121211,3ions considerable comment. who was replaced by Mr. Thomas Ste art. large quantities o applex,froni-tils station. and put an additionito the building, An4 his u P131111Y ful
Referri ng dents cler c was instructed to 'send a copy of -*
ame a constitute t of Clidto, departad this lifd' on ale of ticketE for the Loio do ing in good a for carryi' in )t (in to 'the head of thb unicipality of tooln and�. ti
Thursday, ist ins SL&S 9
aries eome are the s 48 to �he matter, the Toronto Telograrn says : . This year's flax will likely be much ore -The a n exhibi- now every# hape large body of voters. How is it then,tb t " I b wai hard for,.- W. T. R.- Preston to be a t. A abrere attack of peoft-able than last year' bhe condi inns tion, at this station was n)t lie rl� so large !on extensively this branch of business. --4T a Han 11 to the effect that the corporation of ter than tbal
surr mer cholera having met in the day prev- in ces ' to growing and preparing flax is last. �PeZple A as friends of Mr. John'Gilchrist, of Seafo Hensall have an engineer's rep6rt for ike ore long 141,
8 sary ot
these people are willing to pay speoh, lar a inere official when the whole bent of his this year i In have gi
,I, ioui, his already enfeeblq� , con'atitation o else they land formerl of the London road, n Py for a �cc
sums for work in connection with a"n insur. nature i have been very favorable this year, while a surfeit of shows RtToronbo, Y r dr.�in ige of certain lands on the south sW
t' Is p6litics,"and while lie was cou d not, stand the filiock and in face of all for te I shown.' amended by the engineer,
&nee society, while - begri dgiD half de
ca a last yeal they were jilst the opposite.-Wiss are saving themselve�s Heneall, will regret to learn",of his prese t of cientre road 3ny object
lied bc�o,7oTa_4ive service by memories of thal could be done he -,,radua ly, sank to his Lucy Coultas returned to her situatio i in, Mr. A. T, Scobt is visiting friends in :041
amount to the meh who dire!ct the work tf his remarkab�fbo Wat- seribus, Mullion, and.will hope for his recov- l0t�� in concession 2 Only contains 6q aqr4p
a provin, eluccess ib Ontario in the lonj rest. Mr. Com�bo was It a only son of ay old ery.-Mrs in and t
ce or a Dominion? Premier Laurier Dominion electionis of 1891. The fine,) re'- the la!te Rev., Alexander Combe, of Eaton"a'store, Toronto, on Tueid *_ re, ford this week. -Rev, Mr.. Carriers a' WiOiaw'Cald well, of Hay tow i- and t 100 as -stated in said report, - And
receives $8,000 per annurn, and is expected tirqmen o r (Dr.) Sil'ider and her two li�tle sons, h rie Mrs. Carriere, of Gr6nd Bond, were here ship, bad the misfortune, a few days ag a, that ay council cannot pass a by-law uA Tbse of 11c.
t f Al .: Preston e6ables a zealous Wakefield, Ell ]an d is born in the: and Merrill, returned home to Lake 0 Mr. Muir and to glan attid '880
to ay-outofthi%,tnumerousisuiii,�lforL)uljl�o anj able soldier to givetothe serviceofa Od thisweekealling on Rev bhe ti;ip of,on� of her fingers out o t, til ti liave reeeiyed an amended copy of-
cityl of Dtlbl Fr , get
18341' Michigab, o owing 0 a& y Ing ludwnr,
an charitable grants an ciitertainirig, paity the talents whi6h he could not give to 'u I -
in, i His- early life' n Moiaday.-LMr. Charles aer, other friends.-Mral. Adans, daugbter of t b v bar of the fence fallb ig said a gineer's report. A contract to dig a f
was Ispent in Wa=neeld and Lewis and be 1� B.'A has acce nifesou, Who he a been here on 9, :a e 46r on the top of a tn
th p a rosi ion on a teste r. a n c.. 0 ditdi nder 141 Redmond Award" was let to ense book
while the late Ifou. 0. F. Fiazer,'! 'Nho sup- thel country in ati. official career. A vacan- camo to this countiry in 106. While iu� ing -for son d%, Wok lcidg!U
criatended the erection of U. allio Pat- cy in the plao [ I 1 leave a to 'd for her Pall sh 3 wa James Blair, f mTha n a Hartnell for $1.5a a rod. - Altir
e 0 staff'of a Ilingwood, Collegiat4 I visit ie weeks
ut Of provincial librarian has Toronto be was advi ad to' Vast to seei: titute, at a gal Dakaa. Will ccom _�iiear CiAntra show tbrit i'
c(me N
liament buildings, in addition to his regulir also enabled the:�Hon. A ary of $550, -Mr. H6nry home in North Ste I d �rnlrly_ of the "Lond6n pull' counts the council d3our
S. Hardy toshow the town the late Wm. ilttenhinry wa' � I - 4:
Collie, who came home to attend the futters-1 panied by Miss Jessie Ja i onj who r I vsr
fn es in oad 0 ere, woliq the village ou *4- ad un
24c Clottobor 3rd, at ee�
1 sit
if e 9
0. W r
,6 IC of