The Huron Expositor, 1898-09-09, Page 6V_. AIL if -ILI U A son iiiiinlor shot Im to her cheeks. i It win' it
v is'Kii1ro, XAA X AW, on, ter v;, yett ix eve se Ba. bley's brief ongalge-
t e.
Niagara Sir Odor go Ba
hit i. you would under. ailid that it -ii
begun sua 01111cle(l. IGAIMI-stiO04
jul didn't fb.ol )hsit the or a e. fl j
V. $.,he or graduate of Ontilvio T UAL Ulu meat had
16 PW 11 --Nod
eae. All distaws of Poinestle. d girl was r H . ..... still almornent, the recollection overpovirerl- ndwt sh
Veterinary Coll mptly 01 ended to me at wit; &-t A Merl Ing her. Tri Eno incidents in that *u I , k 1,ouess ng or k 11 oes.
fro in ac
arklimals treated. Calls pv, and To take Gedr a away fro
ar, Pund, ease
iri 3 ikre
-Y a syeoi<y. n PoItims dif Bright's DIS episode camr, bsI c, as though borne an th;
cb;sr#vxmoderate. VoitewitaryDatitstl
traditioriol osecoiatio o see him In ried The difference betWeen bt prig
otoce,sail rolder-ce on Oiderich street, one door, no
likla,that, : sorb of ho pleas is Podd's KidnCY Pilli. Stormy winds, or stamped Upon the #erY
vast of Dr. Scott"i office, 8, aforth, to a girl w face of the mparill Mia -side before he : Luck� Pair of 44(Blaterziihops 112( a
th ng to all! of uni, y t] low. He 18* net
ur thpt -is j, st 22i�
H. 411111315y ab ady enough-, not a 1110illgh Of fifthgelf n tho diver- air of common ;hoz;,
e 41y it is not onl� on stage
G Not a day passes o which th
ortunel -this iffience. renresoirited h a
V. t comp3to it L__ siono Are creaNd opp d
0110. an 7 way) t e -death of
vatorinary Surgeon and De nitak, Toronto -Collige of .1 -spapers do not record th
new aucture Mrs. Barboi ir was r4 tit the illed letter and -all !d one
CoMpete with wha�? asid Isabel Julian, Ppen
one or more
veterinary dentists, Honor praduate of Ontario VoI persons from Bright's lower dnd of tbe long gallery -wi a pUin. vl':th ible sigtiatu
iberot Ontario Voiotia-
artuary College, Honor Mal in d 3torml aed all3elItS. 'Now, . r,
=04inalswet - Already. its victims nUm- tive"Isabel,' and the girl, smilin fa�ntlyab a r'esj?ons Mka 101 tain
his V, ilin he sealed III l
y. All dis am all domievile anim M. wi I you qot top -me,j,49t what it Disease. I
0li87, I tiCe.
fully treated. � All cal B`protoptlY Sitell,484 60 her 'oompa urried, is win-, U -raa ff
isig ad 1�tvger so7cialty. wi a the Bi ibleys were all no aft -aid 'of? Of ber hundreds of thousands. i pay down i t L'Iarge iI e, oi fil" .1; 110 The
oilay or 'night. Dent ow ealoriI within
dows of the little Mill h her
r er. -w DVY just what it is,
office and Dispensary J r; Catimpbel 'I office, QO irA Misi Crofts -had no t9rtun.e of ber by day the awful total grows 0 gra ed a ed letter ell you kn
ut r( Ily at e was p
ommon s
valn. 0root Seatorth.. Nitht callsanswered from the ov n b 4, lady, okndii ag' I No class is safe from this des cousin was, diso vered 4igholy the c h6es JnZy F7e good ones under the finish
4 ku )w the a )ry, t h in in tho� way in.. whii 3h er. 1but how dic) ZOU k, %low
- - I ar and intemperanceg h all'' We were watching the.6torm, so id IeI
thi i e' aaaeent took T)ls cc S�r Gbo, Bath- A so cl.dI Airreef- t"lebtellsexactly
not bel,-throw-ing ide herieloakand
le3-,, -inamerica, as YOU and xt leather they'rol, its %.!ar pecularities or faults.
LR( A:L om peofile in the world persist.An know, the r miseries and fatalities, a ae-
�()(AyearNVelted. $�oq F4. )o and $5,00 per pair.
in in to 0 e S. There are n Ni two yearn Xgo, at d he was intz a� man -eat is as they, went im I res onsible for as y I And, talkilul platitudes,' ood Ma-
us 1k. ri-ed tick in-place e 0 r Bright' Dis- HIE.
h rf re als -V YOU Ali
LORANI 0 stl a du 3 4 to Miss Crc f ts. bli ca4so of winds - ha e- been caused by go yot , irctla xo SI qde ' plou. I Men wl o me at In that the girl eve ir,:� hou olise But, I kh �.%ATER sHoE.
T oht of accept -
Deer and �. Notary -e irb e wit Ye4 there is a way o porience of thio locality' I hinkli kel Fogs*
r. Co
IV" ai h a al tj
Lomaci I or licTizres:)rt o the old-fashlon!d
Mone to loan 0 nice Over Pickard's Store, y III f. r6� sting
Oarrister; Sollolto hen E c disoidemol inj hinI but she (lid it, Vhe engagg
tormerly Mechanics' Ins 46% sestortb., waI a� vgry brief o is. I ver a poor � m a it of draWing its poisoned fan ', and to keep up- too the riX three do, 91
i528 i6lent reme lies 0 at =k and tnd the he young Mali, as' ho spoke, so?
ta young periai: n was nkful to be i e. ma ing it as harmless as. a sunimer T �0 ed up,
Ole Od I e to mporqry
tle v
tle so It was a is, sur 6dicine,_:6c)dd8 irritated suddia eft yp.0 I ,
I you.
lief, i Ig r ne '21 g Th b� That great m �I� by the expre ion of dis-
I eriy of Camerdn, Holt& 01 'r�o tKe !ntire )ytitt m a offer ; is
G CAMERON torn I cc eii the'r'enewa of Sir! eorl e may hich he, eld u miss Ju w's coun
Mou t
Zrinie sud'Sollillior oodisrich, grea Q.f h r ney Pills, has cured thousa�ds 0
siregi, ' polJ6 Colborne M6de m sci !vI Be - t, ILS belie, e yo t, inow'-the
Office-Hamutot e hi Ls dis&vered reme 9 Wrd
OF f 'Wors
1462- c irled 6istaill *Ully- .0 iro t cases. It never fails to LUS SOLE- WCALL GENT FOR
nfinite "Se old fhashio y Sul erior :o the I gh his 1en il, Yoxi need
lrugs; I oting 1 0 onal Firibliley, and ti
-hat do) their work by prom I a )up Lord'Ha r- idui hopeless as the.. case may een� Abut tbosei
Conveyancer and intural ;lrocessoiia o 7 excretibn and see cc $ . I I ep
5 ILAYS A, Sir George I unelf In -hne dilem- tfely shield your ove advaril
Yould you w
Froyfi, Lady Laura Frasolir to Mis I �athl
ireta;y- VubliI 001 0160f for the Dominion :ion 'and gently coirecting all -circula y In 1* ul o wdf for an i11I t kay' herself %Wy in Moclise's -sight- wbeo�,she. Intended to renew tbat-foolish eb
b, is not� to be a a ft ow
-s. from the fatal grip 6f this 'purs -I t * M aor, Pulvolirtork, Esiex.
Ek dDoils blo: ok, Main 01861, 111infOrth flaturbances.. Whe on on 11111, hope ell; at 1,#*
1235 1 a man feels genera y not jump at this bad told bier tale , Sir- George is
Zwy to loark. th t th American girl wil .-that their patting
t of sorts, when I at nig it, fluanki ol—Bright's Disease? the ,Y,,OrT MARY, -I really c ihno -e as 10 xio Zymw
loseo sleep possible, 'an
11 iche* and w --- 0 t tell 4 i Mill- are he in, or ought to thankfig &a I
hill e gits up bei 1itb a b ad Becood. hance. offered her', 1noll so sho ld* I
bin Frank Maclise, will:be home, but, ticular ci� Pt ins went no further.'
10 te in his th J th rtiorning,- when he a: V Kidn, 0 ly a
80110110w, NOtsfyi, I , n ME lise, with &�iiiix- usi Dod ay Pills, the onl you olio:, car ng for thin par a in that thi
X. B98T, Barrister asked * put i
Miss Bat
Offloo-Roome, Are ' re.norikofoommerbla n of co roe it you are trd6bled I on account of the fact: I hat In aU7 I were ati; to' h1ely, it happened, w
Joel, no L11 mi�-i= r hen iis tu Is Ot hmuserneitt and ir+at4tion, 'to moo a
r door to 0. Papot 9 els d Tie all A Fly, cure on. car*, for this disease. - I ' as moo
ground n 1, -folly, y w a uned as she expressed - it later, by jisi:'�
Glen e.6 on ougiit to dis"miss it froin
Driii, Main stree , Soisforth. Goderich ppetit 1. is 'his - food ii wi at I dan do, to explai, I ari4us matters to jetber, walked 1111 p -and down, pauhing no
oor at distres mind. as Frank writeaL Moat positively ngi�isbed beauty of the gi I ateact Im, W ken work coin ies. -bard and recreati It M so Croft revent. it he hiarriage tak- our
Holt and Cameron. a. and and to Idok 15 or tha, in the Ocene sti Ir con
I ibility., that I in the t r- that he in very certain' tiI bulk
p I possil Is.' the Feeling of a: de�t ling would in- th M, wholly- uncosiI ith wb' she bad so long dreaded,
an umpola, nan, thpugh' I in, if r Icti I force to t,befori e �d 1w
Solicitors. etc., y not believe it, is� a prettr silZk. m ]Exactly,,' rett rned I bel;1'and as Miss rent 'of - w t�r falling 46 IS her eyes there ducei to -rex -ew t4p ei Lgagemefit. ted i ini
Miss Crofts cisiou of an unexp- 6 pe her own
SCOITT McKENZIE. a of i and ( I -
B tristers, tba fa ependence Of MOW
can It up is girtwas no bepter satis-' UP 21 to). a 6med at a lose. She lOOLk*d at the s0iiI
ton and- Ctintim office, 411lott Ike git; pears that t a were a
c is o I, the road tc cansumpt oij, neriv in t ki
,Or)fte had abooluely dt nediSir George's was somethiuR exhile rath ig i tot,' v no the bill -
block, issao street. open i every
ay II Oftl3c, - )rostrafion, imillaria, ot� s6me serious bl. Which I 'war tbeim inA e a pe of the do"Ager UnI Ureature at her side, t6nderingJrha�-.!
Thursday, Main (,treeb, rat oor west of post-onice. second offer, do 2t yoi think4 the family who: had she follows 1 0 is impulse within fied �ith the affs r thab we !I wers,
liSeRse in (ages iI description a m in U d o6se. . Frank in T,
Jame cc $enzie. we re rater over inxio her,'W'ould have like to.rUsh out into the must say shown , r so or large, fair-bi red a ich a one eoula have foun n
money, 19, loisma. hotild -ad y Bathley e I
A598 III aCottce to Dr. PierciI Gbld ve,11 JnLAJ d on one. stillin the Pyre sea. �'Jt mi� he eorge to ven h k of an instaI
edica. Disc )lve ry. IttsthebeFitmedicme thic -0 pears that dau ghter,,who, eated in on Opon corrl, ge, e t; in
You are spoiling tl!ik� t k th at rm it elf, )r to stan
Due d4ri Ig of t reat ledges of rqc ting ge8i, wer) driviog leis u, ou ktiiow,� Miss,,
wea ;.omach ittipaired,dileestibli ne�vi the re y :0on M, A"oW a PRO�Droqr, shrnasem: 0011C it is the gre -blod doming' 8 rm:, I carps on, fteo" the -En
ve self j is' glipe girl said, w4b
d ilig)rd( ed.liver at I this conversation. - 'No V t is 't likelL o the right If It face alight,'wit eres
r Barbour who,waa*vik I'll ,obupiutooneo'tho30 mountain villa ins We bad never see -n
Utaria J. 2. GA=QW. C.; Viet r, 4nd feel bell net �before a three day t as their. bar L - d lioeI
1, gan t wt, OLA
aker, md P fier, flesh-bufliller and nerve th,-ee sliall evet go over gamic road agai v, i h �he tragedy th seemed to bp in with some Amoricallk frie . 8; of ;; Miss he lit6l( village, and d she smiled and ItZ O�b her,
ftouDroot. one w entered- t :bud,
u III per cent b Iadjej fell ill,;and'of the
nic. it c of all cases of an do let us -enjoy ours il! es. the 'el ments themselve She was rather Crof�s ; then O'be of t 'whic Isabel's head drooped the tear *J%
scent of the billy road, b, sweep
lTrIkoin do- onSumptildii broutbitisi lingering coughs that on t I who1q, tho omething so exciv eplurse be could not save them, 4nd he the pes.,eful b vd gathered beneath her lashes
Ing pwar , cur, a finally to, were
nAxinto*, HOLT I H( 0m, :01 rictidedi'lanhed .4 clise Be FlaoI
j licho I Chancery, 6 'Out M. U. and ki dred ailinents, Thousands have - i
u an � will relieve In v it I on'& f uturb oc. Ing n ria re oppos d it If to the calm of seems to considei it h a duty e seei thent 4- DD)kLmT Hotm strech of - tream and quiet vmile entlq�ing gning to fall, and she slowly kiped i theits
CAN== ptinir e�s is
tified to ts 'inatvclous meTits. It
C A on, in regari . to c a I ain things about the ittle lace, and gave her thou to an Bae as,farasPiris. JVyot are ro*dy�to the Wotto., 'I a sly. How mortifying and surloyiAgths,
rnodc Fizientific medicine that aids Ina a (rofte whi(h seer Ini atic&I ,� IF or ene ge . c impulse which arried 'the away start with your 1 lothe and It is, a neces, i;
eac r to the late 'firm of' Ld n nature, Eind that has sto Dd L�dy IB ey W&B, so her daughte de- v hole thing had been and yet-yif tl)� TED once out gol
HO y n t
Medicine dealers instanceii-she was repree ;ed is belologi 3_g froi . h riself, for as time ent on all began ear :for her beal,h to goi, Wh try.. to clared, allm aye More or less ruffied by y- v bat a strange eornbinat
moctilighey & yoIme liked, Barristoir, Solicitor e test for t y year rermi
ly religibus in ver 0 kri of ci
Solicitor toy the CAD in and! w �11 to I el it nits it talk in com u oaln find phiLng demil and ob be- viva it 'that at th' noment bir
Fstioet, and Nof ry good fall iiI -nerim, nPossi6le to takiI in . rank on your way YO
conve, Money to lend. Farm it* i Presented as him either stArgeles, q in. odu te irongest Sdi&DL Bank 6f Commerce. Dr.-PieriI Pellets a every r, sena a lot-, k4n Ito objl et iet, well In on was e result of her in.
ain Street Ica f was a 30 T e. u
for sale, Office in scott's Block., ed but sh 3 111 151 cc way with M*cliss, who,
Julian' grated ter pos esta, tol Bia) to
'thi; gall nd de- repl ti on of the nime 'Miss May Voic, evari4lielex rnalsymbolsicAthe titable parting 'with Maid as I He' faeiI
dI t As most re narka 41 its Vitz, you
-te 0 go I Pon t 1k, e as soon as rprIalng. ere, but td -try Argelds first. 4 w4i h t fico, tered, a thlo
I min(a t eta upo, a her �ear. It is on ihom, often catch hi th ei nd 4ich i am bent down as she and' Mist, Ba
bur ill feelings or moments: of i in from hi liette ro', he i*geema to have Miss Be ey tri to ma e or un ere n
T H: tP sil bee Lme Lady Bath C ;esentrrent a ;ood on tb�e brow of I I e All
DEN.Tis rRy.
I am Dif her if I Il al ip 3dularly, ld come back to reflect upon ourselves. Isabel b me readian in his� tastos.' He spends or 3 on] dal. - on juat bo -
ver heard W cc I luld scarcely see t
id them, Mvclise and his !aunt talking d gle
Miia Ji lian, g] a d a. was irritfilted beyond'expression with herself hi -3 time roaming rou oil &A studying- the 1: ';ever i nI t imimma dear," Mary alI 0 no
Denubt. - OfiI, ebard- y LUCY Lir.LiF.. gii so id vely she Is . . . . . . D
W. TWEDDLIK, Over RI I 1 son 0; moiknis. shoo store,- corner Mairk'and ve,v a' 1 socially for the rt she was playie aILLL ady it nal these Ameri. 1111111, a VI comfor 46
iet life— �Most I ins one, g, and al bives, or reading alc d,d wit Is said, -finalli ble �ther, and et she knew that ho 111110I qt
ho must lie Viet ent ternln�peop o V ce, yo�i know we saw Fr&
streets, 3 aaforth. akii g. 8he i a a g A wh bad road a seemed tio, her to be Of IYOt Ne -pli$ht( at con- cans, w nk MalclaI -1 tere ; she know bbw it might feel
to ke k so long 'v forever.
tl3t �register, and awe:
t d -al, and'ti ied to hick ja little' a2d hat any of ths BathI t niought ep Ffan ith�� em. on ar
gr ek on the h6te who k, Ilovire I In.
11 sequence w
jl.R BELDEN, d crowning, bridge work be Anvkoy.,!A�
PIStaL Worill. Special alitention give' di' on at 13,51 a life tox IiI or didn't think of Miss Clrofts. The whole Will
en I at buld te dlelighte�.\to go," M. ise ho I sot I well off not being tow thie season B mayi nd him" here? That Whetier it'wae-i]n the huntiiig-fiellI is ma;d gold that voi vnu -31
L z.ii one -o' -is jh m nite ob c t . in it, and tki til thi g teemed to the girl. DOW aim )ly un- Such a crush of people eve -where I If, i 4tte
Clkhe preservation. of the zatural teeth. All work said. In f the barege villages om Is y4I I am sure. roo r in Purel domestic m "t
-Office--over Johnson Bros.' it not.? I har,e always meant to lies ne- qv its li tely a e as bee a what suppi Imie
y he
�P at,,h
easefully performed. pleasant ih so far aa she had allowed I laclise were not for My mornu Ig rid I don'tkno riage being; war ley"Is friends a Is nd by this tit is, the car al, r tha 4he
it e
pon r quei
awdware store. Soaforth ould )pi. Sheh a,voce to I p somewhat impbsed.upon and kuppos- what I would do, My &Ila Meg 0 on th
thing 0 the t,)W;p yc u pe, le w call PR 14 t e tdpof, t e ill, the driver turned for v always equal em.eirgioney... show.
1, Roat College �will - like lea ikich. vi ae i tilie ladies o a lig it. B e di ed that this was one requiring -if 0 JI(A
You IrN-IL H. S. it, I tbi4,." said- ilawill enough: itX ab just fy ing--iupposiqk they were compel -led o stay 28th, and if yOu see 'Prank tell him he
h, it. in 119 of in t �kls hotel two
r, that.. The -40 =Q
Julian,- She o ed furtively af him I Om her. af erber father's d nger, w6ul it be really must be back in ime", What b :1 to f ulties. She looked in the direc of
IJ of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, D. S.. of To- it aye Isbell,; ansi rerg 4,101a = I
runic Ualveitsity. 01noe, I larket Eli laphes, -and.tben added,,,, gc ing x Pon! the at age; I Was merely as iible'for harto maint in sure Cr6diton girls! will be h ire st �ying, with us- 'am y in bfiefest m inosyllabliI car- I ise and her mother for:aU iljkiktan�, ana
)ok, Mitobell, under erA P�111 her cc 4 thel
i zae tit ? and wairs youi affee 4onate r"10
11"2 smiling, -a 't help wondering, Ai. a natto ir of � exped iency, in spite of I er wit tout betraying t, hi her ide'll All ri. q e stop andAb ) two ladies Aeseend. But t en back at Isabel, thibbil
MaclisePtbovi c me to, rriistake you f6r to Lchet's anxietv- tiblic, who thatwaZ done, w at would ho, � have With to bib ier'put in..0 LAz A F. tj 0 0 an'every-day one. Al- Will you let Ole take y
R. A. R. KINS! ccurr6nce w," to yourhoeutwet =*Y
o on 'UnIvem.1y, Dan- ti in her kin
u AN L, D, S., D. D. S. he long sine;, �y inch ideii. :the ht , to Jbink of er? The girl was
ciii Fervafti abandc I a r a not a special pop4sork fut pil- Dw ?" she said,
Honor graduate to 110 Igh it iva d t tbodgh;'momiI
lit Froili, Mis Bathley, Of Argole,,tork- days gI rj hs wffi- re
D k
be don ther's rooms In III and aslie assiated the- �ge mily circle not a aidustomed to anyth ng mysterious or
Hat, will pmot! his is They -i laagh Some member of St., - ec fa I ,,�Visitot a were 'constantly malting i'mistent torkes,11,and after t ti
10 1. 1- 1 ages,
loth e a lar, IMF' babli in her IiW She d
f e later, to Lady Lau. : Fraser!
t I r welf up tt lie 'she tarnforma-mmal. IthinkI undetistand
Rzeter. mind at his room at a roo �fbei carriage a. I all I that cI re. Sbafer's restaurant, ittle 1& #11 M ly de-ellpedl imaginative itjlil�ed this ill, and
day. H. Kingman,
was thsI e
at Zurich the last u a of each month UrRing to rk�- subject, nevi i,, ense of decef w was� .0 two they ere I i fedl, 4t please I
per 3
tberneelvAn tvn
Th r dad .13 t i1faotoe all the papers, etc. This is lihe most forlorn
ght! of these
We Iii't o� i�rprised, bliss -Julian, a
1� 4 are," said Mrs, Barbour, laughing, turil ens of the Efiglish a make fbo�a of
Hensall, every Wednes facly� it she tj - D]iARICST LAURA,—Thanks' so much for
ion Put ho
round and expliain Nro Ala I h, ndsome apechn 1, my so q�icklj "suming he' part you as,- bE t still nervous, I w) u d rather bear v on ily � o d, IF he ould go � I ! but sort�of place, but mammia likes the weather fall, faii h red 3 3uo
.!I If OnlJ aw i. a the,cOme ess t n't uudefBtond me n "said $-or
lr%R, F.1 A. SELLERY, Depti t, graduate of the siRned. t0i me talk W6rdiaworth than 0 0 about! flies. alre i I a peculiar fascin tion in hi pres- and the climate, and .�re 81�e going on tO ri a Youthful rep loduetion of the od ith heightened color, PoThaps Yo# win
U� Royal College of Denta I S�rgeons, Toronto, also She blushed I= think," she Czofte in this wall
lit;tle) I iarritz, think tortun6, inI week. We IOok :o the mot r; lbut M
if Dentistry, Toronto enco old affected the gi in spite of erself, B f aelise had een liter.
bonor graduate- ofDepartment ( I that
the -Petty block, Henall. said, - loolking 0..'h i In very yo We will fo&et h.r a i Maeli as. aud:i h, i was forced to a4mit th un er any bavd just mise.ed Frank, but think he and Itlietntoo, R-6 ac 111 1 his face bad come -a
u.niversity. - Office in
hb woul ha" the a may be at Lourdes. It in hok which edmf d to�burtk itself into Is this 30th of3m.e,
Will visit zatlok mm encing Mon- tt otilght inuel about that. You see I Iva a 8 Is 3 1 .1 dilcurnstances a I wel'- America�
i every Mon day, com Reaven know has e and 411 of. oth,' a- lAte in the afterno�n of
1687 at -no 4-11 to slog fo'r him at a
th W It td
day, June lat. no long'pnough. To bel in wit th' ewere cort, e 1: thi i adventu e ano the 1 oiffiI ey on y, a a or 3 frorrI here, and I w Ien he tur'ned upon ber. t iat year, two ladies in a floe open c
yed I at hav4 am go- very a giTnW
'Our direct
f irmed p&rt of what may W called the *6-
ar felt 'too Hl to come a 411 IA- werp 1)1a.,ed in oat I cordial y, enjoying ing lover witill Anamni this'. afternoon. - I )on't look st4rtled or confumed," he *,aid,
aid -Mr . Bal bbill frit George a sentirri tal ra; tares, n
Clinton,!wfll v ait Zuri�h on ti e con'ort-r(Om. with nfe,
AGNEW, Pantist e it was to ery on breaking he en ;ai geme IS well en"'Ough wonit forget to give rank Maclise yo i, I amplect- ot tAe scene which in ronewea
nth, 1692 &1 mp tr 10 y. is
the seI Thursday 4 it each m gotiler a bore is $30 anio ba I pq u e apsi is we
a even ng, or a us 1 find him. Pei 'There �re
wild tales Which lrs. I rine b ought Ito us to I n; th t day even, message if Th
his h ed y aunt I and ailYiuHyde Park, London. lAay;l
7— Pa- aiall tireso 0, aclise, i Aff6etiona, �ely, etc., i ramer and -her cousin Mine Bathley had-
ve rthel. -so,' said IMacl ise, I am I tr of her Lord Hi rdourt terr Dr ove� the, f a-( I si6n being el In LOX � tbley abd her dau Quafflan,
from tim4
ikerilp, to though no U Lo, p rivenoutfor the so t, hiI you again y i ter, pecial purpos
casibility I f tl e en igement beink -e- lool t) ti I at t 0 stand- M ILRY REATRidE RkTHLYY. 011117,
I Wi Lr
al1ittle half-artical to Vii TOM,
hengrin. a been t h -b gia m
newed; aind &Ito gethei she is mg 1he window i rith her 3ressed aging t�e final result, of Frank M'slelise's
on M. y;
-a. Y reates aga,i at tt e sash, at Id h3r che4k n('w and' Btitigh 1061urr
."That is in ust kno r t incubus n the Eir 11 W hile this lett er wail behik pilrilned, Frank j)urney.
Dr. John h1cGihn, iss .9 at Is r a d oas of her hands upon the 4.
Maclise, I.&m one of those unfortunate be Maclise o1sery d tba the Ole of this irl; the laid down up6n t is aid "I is own Maclise and IsabI Julii%,tk *iI 'slowly pac- ads and tried to compose her face'and Of course, you like hir," Lady lAurs,
London Western Univiirsity, member' thing
Iffoor. Graduate ings who desire always to do and, be a in the wide billy 810 e
before him hushei I and ife while he spoI thou ht*
ond Surgeons. tho, i ,hts, hich of coi xse re. 1�arlbour P .
at Ontario College of Ph3 sicians P. �w every was roe saying, complacently �eaokgh that, 0 U t TA t e 8 A0 3 t) I E
officer and Reddenct—Forme ly occupied by Mr. wm. ea -Act o Cc] ut w fich ra [in 4 direc- C tight to be satEeient, but I �really e�*t felt bo suit veryb6qy -M
thej what, they are �ot;. It il!li ley and the grotto of Lor They hi Mg al ou, verything a e
tathom,* 6 in that fran is of; r speech
Ot, sic d he added, tritel, cous not
.,Straet, nex 1, to this c�tholia Church a diestrzior nimelty-so much A for a'cha' 911 -don 1bliss nina � whltn
pickwol Vlotori 6 1 1 ought to bef your I Julian tior i rery nearly &kin to: Isa, a owb. He I - III u lion at d mio b, as the ladies' aidva'! e , I low we fancied that liss Ctofts was much a IST CAR -for *on
jWNt0;tc&Ijs atiendedpromptly� 1463x12 whi h illi, 11 volve sometfiinig, requirin Iul as a 2eces. t, - 11 ;
a but YOUL know Ali is Crofts doon't se4III wam! � nelined at one Mon ent to vish that he ch all imposai lacognizilng M-aclise I oydenish y6ungoman. for further�
y )nn ger o wl a
Y. ha& ievet undertaken t iis quoi r miser 64
That is why, pIEirhapa he me a,diWiinct perk onaliq aI Something, it appearied to ISM& 1. was aelight; an D,
new faci It -7 and'
NIL ARMSTR NG IL B., Torozlto,� M. D. 0. M., I forget plat on of a A n exca on of d e Oh, I think," said Af BAbly, care-
(Irand T
brol -.e o I rtter suddenly, and turned to sh int the very atmosphere abput h r, hich o"ry t f
88 Y, it was becasein.
X_ C, P. S., 0 ntario. suei g up Batbley er f ancei but, 0 it f -Onf 9 ear a
D -Victor* 0 Noessor ib Dr. 8 is your ftiend She; I as been Ito' us a bur nj a fo irm 'Onf ion of 'hand-shakin
Ellett, Bruce- the ons dera ion of1irg.. -4rbour's ivrqps, ki vi�ratirkg between Alaclise, Mal b l 2 we lid by Dr -1 ad of Mythi a my other1and, if on' DR ef V ng BI is he rd M&O in a
zwoti, office lately occup -at reature who 1.nighta� on , e y thii e a lit 9 ise, like one, I never believed a i
ny girl -1who w"! mot
as of
aven 6ug her ace from jMac 0;
�Iiae`s thoughtful timedevelo int6 a terribl 3 reality. 'could not a r t 0 bT 61barked-them each with a consel us
eldOntario. earer, Mspent ILM, a I ng.. f )oI could have accepted George. Alt I cm
pray let me preI j- ell you, my dear, is that a46 is sinI
il P very
inotbetion of it. "Harriet," qhe said, in an W W I forg A her laid the 6ther's nearness, � ngly, � with t
B.* L. P. and S. MiS� Jtdie n, aire6bly with thiE fran k -eyed, delight- I WXNr—
D E, COOPM M. altered tone, 6are train' of thought' Lirk th�El othe'r's Min and .........
physic An,, surffI on ure you are warm colilly, Mis Drofte &Ve ever
I Ac. ful rl' Most beitiful.creature tbat Ili
sne 11 V Ila e, which: vi what Isabel oat A� eadieA was thap Mal_ o
enough? Re will thf yet I aide tdll a ek6nim I
membor this �e Iong They tiI react Led as; 'elo enk lo��d in a Ig silence seerneill s een, and I am not takin grank�o wo�ra for 'Mixed Train_
clouaber, Cou"AnceSL 011 1 wo hours later, Ism) p Ath a' silk aud;rchil' y hi gh. t p in the rr oun nd seem: noI l6v i. e a ly -Bath ey held her iti; she is cultivated and socom lish I
ta od to, lool fur w soarf clise should 5 intiI words t feeling f
-lined cloak, a
plish anc
Mrs., Parbour was sure she was warm ho ve (onfrouted ti e a b h id- t her I ead, abel, ai A the eyea o e
A LZX. BIKTRUNIC., M Was picing a which he had a r.-adyiehown h,;r Z
Follow Of'1111114 !toy&) Me a d e latige wit, 1 rAvr--
tied oosely abou hh��. 41 t�ol f th girl _�ere well-bred—andanorpban. 'Itcertain 'WSW
college% of Phy0clans i ad Surgeons. Kinggton--
enI The cartiage rattled down the t illv m,rab;e nerve and 'at f! 30swasiou, Isiz: ce cov, ii ed gallery with aclise, whene'e tLey in a hundred trifling ]but! -still important _IM1
fiWoesior to Dr. Whokid. Offict lately occupied liftsid dorinlIj to IvIaclise. a queer kind -of CoMpliCatich, land a res"
andlout pf the little town, curving about a wg�s, and yet to discuss cornrionplaces with
orW Residence nc thii g appeared to ht e been altered :or, cou enjoy the spectael ot ttle storm as n p(asible that she bad heard 3n I knew that Fra�ik'musb boelapdrately
Illy Dr. Mackid, street Seat : Oad. it bee
jaiel occupied roAd which pt eased against the abrupt ste eps ge Den itions. The house 1, L rreg4larly dotted' his weight of eriliotion in the very air about
-.0omer of Victoria Squars.. A �oas�_ unt -oubled spectators. Instead ot any sun- t b ?, But h 3 iad pronounced the name ii love was because he could, not feel for Bib
llyl at the right, e prospect to the left the I a'd threshol set A-illiancy, there had come 4 wonderful them was utterly impossible. To Maiclise it
by L. X..DSDCWY.L be ng alout allrihowed. a
ds: clEerly,indwiIhnotracoof embarrass ent instant that th
ere was the slight -eat danger
pale amber and gray oiffulg�nce, i which had be un to matter, lie
wswift des ravinI water -falls, 'i nd Which belonged to a reote cionbur'y. The' 9 vI littiek indeed 0 b, , to�; as Croi
irregularly br. dged causewa a. Mists of ita seeriftlng even- odd. that be- shmild be,
J. BURROWS, -y eq uaro�l where they directed thtir 4'eoe in!the walks
wiI across, the counn L�� athle and her aughter wero� 're-
D -R. the sile ice of hich our -y,. dividing Y. e�agagedtoiNlirss0roitshimai-If. Therawals.
Isabelwas aimiliaLr with the lower P Which he Lingisted upon �he yowag gi PS
Late resident 1`111 siclan and surge'an, Toronto Gen- j re-. btok6 almost rudely, ai I he oarria I el 6t- and scattering rain III �ut in no way g it now c trryin)r onviction to Jsa a beotiful kind of Poetical justice -in
TT -1--i*- neiI havina holid— in hei -A U or Lf 111: takitiV as a relief om-Athe ktiend4nee un n 2 MY
ead Hospital, Honor adu bw Ir vy �L L. AM -F V Y one putping an en to th 3 t tr n u o a ng 111113101 OnIpPlaeu. )III and us It seemopul. To L �,ingthe sa iter of their des
lyalciAnsl mad Suvgeons idea bf the tinies. I s4y
saamberpt tho'Callege of P Basciue country, b4t these ..acenes, t]4 flagg,ing and unce bain lw� a of bell. i �Pusin. -He bad a�ger eral
of Ontario_ ��oroner I Ifitron. ow er i watq. But Isabel I14'aredthats elikI her 4
her t at ael' 6 aad con ived to dr& '!'her n ade the anzende licizorable to -r -all the� raffv
or � he C%unty of their' wild pi aturesqueness, the gray bl, I at d luDimpressiv ver�jute which seemed. the enebetterthan io the noondayr' i- perv�jadirig stillness and, p -a 'fulness of th 40wo Boom -
r 71 C�F III occupied )y Dr. 1:, 1 1 a - h f4 , ce e one a Lde i ;ad toI: 0 urmur -didn't I ?� It was hard work toms; e lbZr
a,me an fori aiii x-th.' Telephone greein heights doMiLliatink the brekkel of v6t- ialso to have belobged Fe for many c . e.. a- Eyroidees country whic ltImed the setting IF, rgi,e tri uc
Public Soho, III SeaJo, ne could ' not introd . e1 you a -e that she bad any right" to ac him. -
Z101h "p -red m Office. to er, andl in no for 6bese daily hours of 6114arlionship, t ut it
X. B ley larkI were Wholly ne;v ci des. is like seein:g one's excited fa
ffo� 46. ht calla a aw.e und e tho othei i time. don't know *.by III t comise -helped matters� Mlon know
1880 'direept contragt to the cou Iricb, curv� Mrs. Barbour %nd were soon cozily 03le's flights of,imagination, for iristance- the time had sine g(ne by for him to u I t mi YOu now tl 14t I t iat Frank bad discoviiiiI. She Was min
id i, i, buti t
ze or make 6ne !ooc dig- ypu
al of, personal ha
Ing gyracously about the 8ay 'of Biscay, so �ablishood in h Isabel wilkEld, take form orillustration',: Maelise said, as� anal� V0 nown �t fro im.the L t day.' rofte when be �eceived a letter fr6m. you
DRS. S`, 0 Q T T & �m_ed t; include all that is ruggpd, and ab throgh the ro( 0 that .9he' had not they . tpod a moment looying out -up I on the! tinctions. When Isab,-I iiinihingly quoted
se )MsteiI 'On the whoils, '. am in e - t i that t is very day they went up � to that MoUrk
tbe same time is so full -of rural simplicitV. i; Bradshaw to -him h,,i % ras rather�apt to be ondoul, B
ex perienced say tl i ing siI no arl like an ad,. I turni It, and consel.ous or a mournfil little e I enezallV 1)ehave as cir at c'5 Ok t Lin Village. As you enclosed the I photo -
t imp9saible as, y1riture in I annq.yed; and the Afte -no)u 'I wheo he -had All,
was alm to keep the s' cia their left Spain. "And really ' -thal a on Nor
0 rain: Irip nei nI ene Les req George for, ho
n I z ire e raph. Labe bad . Julian'. L 'her
Goderich streel, opposite ]dLe;hodist 0 urch,seatorth ',ese " eDt wfiict; Isabel was air H r a. I not &'b 'bee � ableto talk abou& tbe7storm 'upon the 0. or Yj to proclaim aloud uti- new her, of course, -at
sionate I In e 6 k e said 4 1 Barbou'r, aid I written to
I "i bitions w �& ch onci
i , is fortunate that our a
she feft it its proper pitch, when natira moulatain, and to look kiri io;ahy' and dispas- aye
SLwhich from ime
coMpanion. If (ins oI III dissociatel cannot be. carried on in a whirlwin ' said tnent's and fielin
Iffadnate Viet ria and ),tin Arbor, sjud tol In e name, YOU see.
J. G. SCOTT, I'L 1' and -the lemI were so completely in'bar: ionately at the girli gutie beside hiM, ' 11il I
member Qatar�o College of Physicians -ud fr m the Bathley affair,' he milgh beI the girl, smiling. She was wishing t ' bring i rack oukr bre" a while' we' confront the . ......
mony, ind the object df, her indj' :eemed to have been 1!�- a other intellectual There was a paut-e in the conversation
Surgeons. . Coroner for younty of, Huron. gnatio; k a 'good compapy in ee of I
i the c Dn�,erristion *round to somethi g per. yrorlc .11with i;nfli 6hing dompootiI i eyes -h&
3 Trinity ValiverSity, bileadw"hile the :)bjeI this: 6 ridescer d - phaie of his existence. B t Isabel"s -entire while the Fraser carriage T , ep
0. MAcKAY, hogor graduati man w -ho' face looked to the girl capabl of som il, at least to..� open andj ps. Iva could not have isaidl,how rfaid. art jof t
the way t make ul L I . -
id modall st College. Merubbr very finerntuition about the things which attiiude was one of tedm 'qua elusiveness.
ity M(dical n criti pne luxurious stream of peo-ple—a balt while, Via
t , n clea er, b lliouifefjI
Trin -cis hiLd t ur iv 1�ttle stmll; these I large figares of or "It y, but obe new that during the ext
o I thil 11 1
Ont&rio.' she III for -most. She had been framing, i The �kirl felt only the iserywhich she bad the Princess III WaliI drove by4 dig �enai
&Uego of ysicions an, alout the own, his f, �� t 8% P a sloemink Ito i I " 1I r she III ticted herself alyth_.
1483 1 ape h seemed a I' e way of doing IS quiett and PIE, Ing:
v . She
tows amiably right and left.
various'speeches intended to bring about a whken echoes ewrywheile, brought upon herseli - -ous that .0;01 h— I
Hoolhad a nack- .3 XA i: 1_ Ty --!-Was! epinicl, 'wit. ("11'. id Af
In I
Phy8ician, Surgeon
and Acc(luchour, sucI
to Dr.. W. Graham,
asI Ox.twio. First Class
UniversItit,19 of Trinity Colon,to,),
Honor Gradpato c?f
Queen's (King-
), and of �Trinity Mealal
0011I ; Fellow of
iity Miidic4l Callege and m
uLber of the College
Physiciams 1; and Surgoo na
of Ontario. Post
duate 0 so in Detroit
cial miteotuion paid to dioaajos
�and' Chicalzo, 1896.
of Eve, gar, Nose
Taroat, and Diseases [ofi
IiVonitm Cacarrah
ted eucce�itfully in all,its!forms..
aglish aud Utraiun. �
Itionber for the Countlee
c f -Huron and Perth
- Ageat at ITI for th
Massoy-Harria Mstia
Iuring Coropany. Sale
l,omptly attended to
rges mozl�rzte.'.aud refaction:
.I by maIll addressed to
Heneall'Post Office, 0
at his re$ldence, Lot 2,
Coneeallon 11, Tuak
nith, will acelve promv 6
Attentio D, 12964f
Vit Th
r,his prost exrellent work a"
ould be In every hous
�he 4ounty III Huron.
KICE)��$1-00 -?ER
"oples I 1)4�1 had frem Mr.
B. R. figkins, Broce
4, or Mr. Dlikid Rose, r,40 Qhur:h
treet, Toronto
Rev. Dr.
I ft a Preabyteriar
lege, says I arn proll
ed and please
h what i ha#e read',. and I �nbeod
vI lolonday t(
'ise 11 0 d tato pu;
a our Ill U
it intoltheir librarie
I to study t d2ligently
as affokdInF rich in
ictiou in pa tQrfal theolog r
and practical god-li
9. 1 sboll r them a V
w passages that the)
V see that it a far,from be:
rig dull or dry,.
Er. N. Drvad le of Wm. Drysdale
& Co., 1�ubllsher
L Bookeeller blontreal, says
-.—Rev. John Ros
is grandg d the w
3 anc
itlng of his lifecotil,
have be n '�-i ced ii�_' b
tter hands. What w
d to-�ay mo�oii and more
to books of this clam
t readiax of i4hich tends to
the better,,oirculatto
he blood,an6atiring one's
Catt oil
61 oot Calyound
adles ,.
by over
etual. Ladies ask
I Takern
ggist for
k -s Cettom Itoot Cosw
Mixtures, pill@ and
itations ar
x No. 2, 10
e ' ees, a tro
Prioe, No,. 1, 91 per
box. No.
r, $3 per
r 2 " mai-led
n ecei o i
r cm and two S-eent
lmpg,�S. ITI.hei
a 0
anyoWindmor, Ont.
ly-Nos. t an
so an.
recommended by all
poa.�sotlo D.
I and Nn. 21
Soldla Sea
trth :by Lumodon &
Da, druggis
100 E Up al, ac se a surong pro er V .7 k, %I _
ea;ch day made ib mor;and, more imp* i W''lingbain Arrive"
discussion of Sir George Bathley, which aje Gf no ened III receim.ed just e� eye and the fluffy, chesWut- bair, th ivor ossible r manner. It may have been for. it ia fortunate that it is -not too late to -
spa 0 a C 00INGiskiUm—
should include some of her special Polits of fiI they had started oa tho drive, at were exceedingly for her to look Maclise b Say Z the face tun, to acci eut resent bier,'-' sai I Lady Laura with �a suid.
view; but instead of uttering any of these, w iieh h3'n w dec ided ;a read� a-ittin nd say to him : ',I anw th girl
9 011 lowly iii. the frainewor� of red silk scarf, 3 Ou 0me to Miss Bathley of her brother. Tbel eu excess Of energy. An bo,
If a' one: �'u A 'tilis Jsl to
tin ' face and rich Iii that she -spoke aim t aI
she looked t Maclise with a smilb, and tl e low storke wa I of'a hirch- search of -to whom on c4mei tho She the etad,, is it, of Bathley"a affair ?
yard, which Ma ing on 'Marn,
Maililise brought his eyes around to moet dowager and clise were walk
said iol& ng -her hands with a little f9pah �Otl 46 oldenough 'to attrac tt ntion 'of might set your cousin ree. Go back'to the' ill A of them,, a4d Isabel Said- very f c o you remember the fright we were in last
hers. 9 jus!:
t the the Prase ra a tell them your I nk
she had wben particularly happy or pfea ied the cuf-ibus, and n facl, )eloD in(, to the, Batilileys and ly
with thing's a All the same," he skid, I would not be winter
ill "the teenth ozen. When you see her tonight," said: M*ty
boub her histdry of tpe.,vilIage i he Willniable for the whirl wind you missI is fully accomplish W c urse'l hope vou all know I 31"Pverl
know. it
4.t,l; hank to ��e hunish heart thai in me lives.,;,- tu ry f3ee here, Miss Julian, look at tUt thin At times, when soirket�in' d I I Bathley, &just tell me, if you Ple
Tmight have been I& result of all his ivr ' exth of mist goirig up the moulitahi-side was �'on her very I pay it woI almost as whose bide you consider the ap,
11 Mel 3 responded ciui6kly reffeWoris and th -, letters'', ie ha been read- Maelis if had 'driy�n' he tp-,be thade. Frank rather amuses me, London. XATAV_*�
in 9, but Macli8c oeRain y brouh ht back to
Vbat painter c;uld give ark i4ea of It" bril- asthough e him e
i13g a utterance away.; and al hen their a �ETTING 0' a f vir
F m 0 hote 'an expr must say, he is in suph a condition, l:i,
or the meanesb fliower that bl3ws.' an oy ? Now it I o8ea Iforce in sprei'd gain D
I larger ciatiOn Wale full of ex,11"qu site delight, W 41 1� t ous indignation against the famil*, and
th ession aird monn.r which little now it has gathered a
impress d Mrs. BEtrbou aid Aliss Julian as,
Imbel, I ooked at kim lack: Ity again, a new lease could she so ol to it? eclares he will not 'have her 'bothered-'
grtitefully. once of life and cruelly pub an T11
'I suppose preoccu I , , ut with any of them she doesv�t core to re-
-fashio, 6d very mor
one ought to feel old g. He wai It, �pie# Ilovi a a k,tbat' n i: I g 'A i tt wa. Barb ur,
ad ;la he -,ago friankly and 4
ii2 quoti 3g Wordsworth, but my. Uther at d oborvant; Wiat ip, !he ans*ered wl at They strained their gaze forward match. h decided her tolay
w to saidl to him half alt rarid� m, and 3 ly before Maolise, an I !,to beg him to
(The End.)
brought ipe up to be very fond of his p' ing 'it. The Aallery overlooked One of the .-clea, -
EIVU11110d'c * k to listen - ifou a ilew remark; say good -by to her and fpIr'Jvoo'r,since f rtAier
ry�' she U mountain roads, whose `Perspedivti, dimly
wien M Julian rnadel Big ['eyes fIpil-' azso�iation -was impoll i bl The idA of his
'11 YOT ts a' Pne.
0 r friend Miss Ceofts ir t a EI , was a sort Of valley lariI 'with green-, 1 0 CURE A COLD IN ON E DAY
cultilv tef gi lat the storm. TeturnitIg to
koLzxativeBromo QuinineTablots. All DrW
rile a'
r rl?' said Maiclise, i at, h e r sud- lo wed the girl 3earchinigly, even as they this moment lushed by Enipla the warm friend of
ok thioir: places at the its, le in the lonel"
)ir tfily opposite was a bold ' hill -side,
di ' -room. and-
denly. y st tiresome Afliss Cr6fts was a social �ii- g sU refxmd the money I it fails to ;Ure. 26c
sbe made light jest on ru y
Isabel �lushed furiously, and returned to eat -led 'and f urrowed, here and ther dense- sabel-coulA- n( 113 Of with The 0="a,
ab6ut the table d hote, i! j i
pr condition of mind. I Do you ere ha been 70 TIL
her torm I rerdant, and yqt showing gre t bare calm; and if -if there ha a ebaiiae, 40HA
When they yet irned tp for anything else, what' P0 sibility of,sueb a
mean,' able said, 'is - a-bfj a girl likely- to be the sitting-ro9m I rown patches, which contribuued reluctant N
Give UsClean Fairs. its
trearna of sand and 1pebble to th down- In moments
c6mpanio' able. for -Sik�eorge Bathllpy,' the radiance oE U e day i hid sudd�ulv d[I bee be' no
P thing could t r
rted, the solern a heig to of the bills when she was away him, and was The Amerlean Agriculturist, in a loading PUPIU.
It was�'Maelise's, tu -to look con P about iar d rush of the -water. one f these
rb fused, tl e to p wi ere' Ill idl piercing the queer thih el litorial recently, says 134 -of our pupil
pool 'bus in the U
'Came,' he said, y oppmed to fiec�sr bogether in
but he )[aughea. od w -of the tender mist tiaill was suddenly-daught, . her
,�q sunshine which dinced about the' strelts,, and!scattere mind, it occurred to 18'beli with so i "Give useleaufairs Letnot tboagri-
I Triat i d loosel� to the �ind. 4 methi�ng
humiI a rather bard' I oor an, avamgeolf nei
,0 and Maclise, wild knew t e chara�.terisfics; irresistibly ludicrous in the aiiggestion, that As age' advances, vitality retreats.- QId biltnral fair, whether local, coanty�, dial
III never went in for anything �oli�, I � I Elow easy to be figurAtive," laughed t lict or. state, be Wrined into a school of do yOu, think Of
of the country iery -woI declared th t;, ai, I , the p6sition was a simoly r.idiculous kind`of people 'n 1, lthernselves tired, listli6
know; billt-be, is a good-natured ereaturd." is.a.lisel "watebin nytbing of this kind v ce. That?a just what some of the soicalliI
great storm.was 4 Ming. 9 enianglement. Fancy -if uoh a thing were dyspepti an lacZ-ing in strength. st It, Pays to
IT must have been! to Niagara, and I sup- Vey
Mrs. Barbour shuddered. 'What an aw. The -Maelise retu ing to Lonaon' lose inte e'st �n Itbe active,affairs of jlf�, a gyrieultural exhibitions are. They, "teem college re-opel
e question a* thought of
6se aii to wh er �hey log ally. one ei
ful description !' she said, smilinF. St. ould try to riI at or ce, or I Of in �e easily rhetorical, for enga ed to . the terrible 81 ' rof tia herself and In v ith devices to Swindle the unwary, that� Tueed**, &pteni
ecid 6 1� to:' c Kit ple, on that'suNect.' .9 eit e become chronic !c
iners. bur eiling their friends, or ey
t waE perplex- My dear,"sbe said itory Wiitiil for:cStMI
I' know if,,' Persisted the iyouna man ; remain h I - PIA. pe many to distrust reputable exhib
erefoOtienight," I he girl shrank siiIddeuly, and thl crim. ilince o Mrs. Barbour, . 1 .1 (Idealers,and tbusinjure the material
ing, es Jeciall Mrs. . I who was openly talkative in' may,. by usl D Ward's Blood 4nd
P _� as Barbour was too. tb6 subject,
itlid to be yomforballe away 'they oo' -or fe Nerve. Ililis g r i teresto of the whole exhibitiou. Bat rob -
WE" AND WEARY WPMEN 0iribi A RKAL, much- of ap inv- uld say any jbl;� ;made bright, che
thing on earth qry,
apli he Ithy, as witness the follipw- g people of their money by fake a emes
Drn her maid' Ii yard
FRiKNP IN SOUTH AMI!RICAN NERVINL fr aqd various smaIR tiecessi. they liked of me after that, : What sort of
if unimportant compared to the robbery of
ti a; but MEile E took the burdeniof decks- a person do you suppose that Miss Bathley ing intere tink;example. The words" of
E R11A1 S he was a old tbI w� it nocence that is boldly p.ermitted at many II -1
some one SiT George's sisth Id consider ojha�e lived many years calkr
ule, t ut ii�n uPon KnI with the authorit of ins f ire. Impure or outright immoral
d 2`ks sale that In his acquailIbance. anciI Fancy for a mcl wisdom. �v th 'thern. Why not profit Vva
for inst sitch sk. thing
a th �o are n6
ge -W -can, sen I a in them' by ti actions" are allowed at' too many fairfl-
0�, enger 0 r to r- Mont
blany a -youth can trace his fall into sinful
8 littlifty women The. gc lI he said, deGis ve [Y-1 a i That is 41 great -8 E A
ilgi,,l h4a mani 0 loosenoe," Mrs. Barbour 41(
I N ays to suth influences as an agriouiltural-
111,1111. �t.rocng nd, I isn't afraid of the journey even if it d6es answered. But the fact Vvas thaitMadise I
ys, - 7�SE WORDS Fire and IAfe 34
noble p ally, 1 as! stc)rm; and- MrIii. Barlibufs rWd perhaips and 'the older lad be very 'best of f i.r." Many a girl has been enticed . AMR
y t is paths of virtne afte In Rent, Fteat FAk
ftre, - nientall3r I don -,p b lievel it friends, and it was _ug sibie for her n g- . man -more r witnessi.- tho�
they oan be brought over. tPog T t in
lind morally; but; It b- do right-thinki litter of immodest women in some In RAYMO" anif
U1 h.'�'hlel his neighbors, especially Idway
Is true, neverthel"s, would be safe for us to venture bac in that to realize Isabel's' pvlt�ing i away from her 15 c1c , nd I In recommen-alnin
that a large per- Open carriage.' Ittra a Dr. s de show. To thus mar the purityof ruth,�
such good fortune as I seemed to be almos Ward's 13 lood d Nerve Pills, and hielpl!n
of the wo a wrong, that all the I done in, othdr� Sewing Mae] 3
centage Two hours late , oneof �be, Cbara�teriaiic daily laid at her feet.1 to bring t4w e: ore the public, I feel tbatl
mell of. thel country naodersite.
6, vopt dovn ll aimn truly elpi n neiglibors.
tna of the c u tr3 . Ih � rections by a fair can never oompensate,
Crvous. 'St Dr Pon th,� a ow fe and , * y Both,my f r- W ` cc the Agent flew
suffer from n But there is nbi matter to h wife apid 1,myse V used these Pills nd e eertainI eentitnetits of,
III and general de- little place, driving away lrom, i4 Ei� ry'sem- y y0i
I onged a i truggle, a ad sabel, walking'uo derived a e froin 'them. We are t is great people in denouncing each z4alms-
prol rived gireat e, ef
b"ity. They dLag blinpeofthe sorng-time brill vi�hi�ch 8 ll� 31) POINUT down kbove t poaoeful: gr ting il�hg, ii andlik m.anyotb'rs
v existence, larld each' a the MDrnipg .80 9 f ill adjuncts, and in demanding th*lb tllw WHITE AND
a, d me 11 y is bE d made ottO 0' ee, , the n e of c an 1 '15
y of, pain acid sudering. T Is Was failt to-seo. 'A MAGIOA� Ll rK-SAV11R.�' Lourdes that day,, 4-ecided that thi� modioine 14Y Wir! held to a strictly moral stairikdoitd-
out a,"w` and ars
itsd son, ot w bd fire harl ood was thin and. I=- t4 drag First-class W,
m 2i -h t
in, ted iln the litple The most pronounced symptoms of hour must et d it. poverish; Rod y *Ife was iserable
iwith Illss Alinle I -latter beO lig
Sackville, i N. B. , She , suffered terrt)ly sa[6a. Mrs, Barbour� Isabel and heart disease are! pi�lpl ati-on or fluttering etieral od brililught on by d3rspe= fluepcesenoug 8 Work
fro . in I ill estion and rk(� Maclise * If. any one of no wb are �on-lookers whild itbi ity,
Dill rvousnesm. She Was had resigned thenisehles tc the lact that i to Of . be heart, shoittress of breatb,.-weak. or used an�kblds fraedicine,butnot wn -young and old, without so in' t130
InflAlo'lloet . by some. onp, somehow, r1to r I i . I � ulso, -8- otbei ng spell's at night, the comedie 6r dra or tro6gedion per4 ln I ra Insuch iniqu I ity. All our e __ 9 ag
gu ar.
ywsouth Aniericark Nerviiie. Of eoi)rse, It as goI back to Angdles tha night was Jimpogoi. at' a re Ion licia t. The brain mar�, ps, of a 0 GCd a; the Dr. Wardlis BI
ila life ire bein Played, ; On d Stan an e el I a.
llk,- I entatives ubscrib-
P bopi g against b6p(--anotller pat t bl3,, and the older lady was talking coqU t I ., correspondents, and � a
11 cine. tit she had taken only one bottle Ott- ge fco ested CiLusin h adacheiiii dizzi-, on some big vau age -to 4 -and as th 7�rs very t�uly, pro
ied] atly to the ouug man, wffile Isabel s nes.9 *e 11 ol Iq a ort wherilaver,.the sarerequestedto report to us in �tly
wben b system bilivin to take on he it is various dra atis Pere .w 4proach Sigli,ed, U &'Idl CLARIC, Victoria �t., a y objeetional
earliest year�, and after'Usng in thbAvIX hea -u,d ing frog fa
licalth w hoking- io3t,- fascinated by flutters, � he# ieI 01 features at the -one
d1g,ased, and I I I f P" 11 v�4 il, ent their differ t entrain �s -it wers, aud,
three b of completely cur d. th ) fary of the te peat '&& it- f I 1� ef2coe, ont. I ay attend. Let us create a sentlInsAt
nlu$t ken. ou e t 4refully sebeme4 Any#mount oi m
at les the wtis 80 111911 des ia�ed above ta r. Ine 0 re I Aho. circumstanou a lik pproi Dr 7 . Waktdf I
No we In ber convicton th �'ab erted mic uar6 efore the Ireart Is t e oniv rp edy !o-Vered -11 puriO the
gheiljs strang a ainst such nastiness that sha, porty, *AS per cani
yet dig(
that thcre� I in Aj#firi-. bmel. he grandeur 11 palw I re lef In 3D -MIu- out ivents u )on. the 0 aching with cen is od and Nerve Pills are s;ld f ra. One method will quickly put 0. StOP P&yments made W
eln N�rvllk s no rL edy likef South whIch . 9d
f he hill -sides was wl IL lVP I at SO' A boxes for at t
a S F � I them, what, , fine sped�acl. for moralists, 11J ox
oetainly more impressi4o under the lash- - ute and cure 0 u tely.--�S. drug'Ist or I iled� ion receipt of by t all these evills. Le the people whoi doiet- anteed, t-hugeg low
would be ! 'sabel, ra�kO with her miser'-' Tb e r. ar 7r Victoria St, lito. I a prove of- each things keep.away frmu the all dv Satuiday.
For sale by Lumaden! I Wilml:w, Seaforth Ing% of thewind mindfraLl, and I in spite of For'sale- by.Lum�dorik & ea!orth able reflectiops, ariI least to acquit Ok Of trolil-0041, I f 0
B0 focm��tou free.
i In the fair that _ountenalaces them.