The Huron Expositor, 1898-09-09, Page 4T 4 EMP R 99 1899j! SEpT--r JAVRON EX T� 4MENTS, enforced a waim a member of Cou Matti stld� $880 will m &ke a very appreel ible differanoe NEW ADVERTISE nless there Is a strong pablic on. villified' 9 at rat, alpil practically Die d it;� T6 -only, Way illi preached itl6n, I t eve, J that paper, as Ciiituadia 'Order of Foresters, d by re� In our tax rate on these oy-la win, and will timent behin n - whic Agr The 4u -e between tho pa An�hesls, r� a members of the Co 6 /Attel de4 provide for the sinking fifad without raising V - shown by it In#, hat taken a ques t one, 4anotft the Me '0! the ap" on 11lich ItLchhe the strength of the sentiment behir d'it catill us ( J ply . : WO if I I , marching to the ce story, and the rate above that of other are, Fie he Wirt A i: iadvedlimmentwil be found, I different to altoge er.1 in a a be ascertained, I by' the vo 9 recorded in Major W ell says he po Watioa i Daw. g the simple but toile n ' fat oral any, better sales 61 dabootur have 'been this rt. -M, X its favor, It IS doubly to be deired, there. *on in sixte thousi id, a 4� inclu to ib a ;ervi f 'The fun. made as far as our observ�tio goeg.ps W. the order at the gray Card of Thanks -M Speare (5) o.r -a t*r, rs, Older Kill -John Thirsk (fi� ninorsrog i, abou twen ;housand, He oral w a yery large one, -or Mr. John Callander, Of nd sth, of B1, fore, thal- those voting , for it, do so at'"Tty former' arm for Sale -R., Flughas (6) D. he ly of Clinthn, has been oblig 0 on' I - aft everything orAerl Wing t4 ill re. intelligently. The voters for probibi- y a] peaceable. Fores to being In the pro ' sio oft Toad -Ud-43 Darmnoe (5 revel or -hat Wsa ko4uay, 6' ratt ood floral ributes evinced I on ywting bet rit $eye, �s 11011 the OW in Which hoalth,W retire from the posi tiont if they b it� to be: a success wn, with impa y, of Lorkton, Xoney bo#�Vrs. R. P, Wlklte streets maosd X, anT Cre the does seed was hold, aas� met it. by Court for Robison, Little inrm for Sal". Wilwin (6) anust not 00 a that their duty im a a steaim� d1way,,operatet several miles Hopwarth, No. 1,224,jllinoin Foresters, be-' in whose employ he has been for the Paso :rU(justrial Fatir 'tht Rome D000rAtion-4. Winter (1) tie Previous to his leaving a n, ber etl othe.", it's P ourge of von. ing,es e isily pretty, twelve yosrs. bit Auction Sol". E. Oprentlade (51 done when th y deposit their b and 'a -ve bee �b his former also 'helped V Olearinir Auction 841e-:-W� L.i Mcr.,Area (6) Itruction I the mi It" The Major came David. Watson, of Morris, while surprise Was sprung UpOa,him� co'! (sy Chil000t Pap, Ille never slept drivin ver to J resh KoFAul That Is simply t a first #eli. The more im. folio Zeman, heads th ors ae busy Irall Buolness--E, )ut by the sokion's churell, on 4 ire- w employees. Seven 9601 Another'Chtnies.-A 0 Ault 5 "portapt, action ust come Thi as, it, t . h bi 0-:0L S, house mfin the :oime he Went in last fall cent 8 day, met with 4 very unfort nate of differetib departments, whole. : PS are far frA SuaP4 in Stoves, DO. —(3) ullItt & Co (6) gMr. Oal- The Zueleftr ,tit, (a) law will not enforce itself and the authori. until h6 re�ched Sk �guay �1 out. H r as while opposite Mr. Wm. Shot- sale establishment, paid a. vial 14 XDTF SUL r t rig th ander's residence, and, after !the usual pro. vidni MArAv 91" Sproat used a tent He s&3 a the D blo psetti fr ties can not ie�forco ii� unless they art Yukow is dice'm. His horse at thisl ve and axe t t kit both sides of rig haim 26ups 14 into the liminaries, asked his acceptatics-of A pume no Cho Xew?olaphona (18) an f) rl clu and ry seven throwing :t Blcyclt�xrpstr#-G. X. BAlk th people backed up k1low that the Yukotj are of gt�ildcontafning $100, ab a islight token of by ee wb -behf,by his former of, wof Ted, ro ild be intoler. road. No. sortiout injurfeit ora inflicted ry enjoyab a V they have bell ad! them the #ill iport and able at ti 8, Inel'aakin 0, marially, Major however., the esteem in which he is by tb my W find fiympsthy ust *W openly and fear prairie ti di4 blastj Bo Is, of West Wawanosh. aft . pr an' it rieno e firm through ill,health. Mr. ayS� b vin Urtio'bedip a Yukov. distri! ti. His does not spar -was takiin complet0ty by filteher's Cal lamely mantfest�d. Any -vo inter in of looks, d ted this life! on Ab gust I Callander, Who I L I L L . Is - no fear, a shor age of pr viisiol lildfiring the com- 24 th. The deceased was a yo rig Mai I of surprise, expressed his heartfelt thakike for facivedi to e�pj Via v inely, Mp4thy.of th her t ion the h Womb 11w o `NE ps(Ilple arid thh; suppor 8 he experioneei ime i -Mr. George Boyle, son of Mrs. W. follow-emplo tire � ant from the Zug yees on his r im ter* io Iiii aoervice of th F votez agnans, I der of the p The r-Apid SLEAFORTH, FRIDAY, S�pt. 9bh, 18.98 prepairied to do t�is; had bWttr 'I winter, "large' numb r i of cattle and .214 yearo of age, had an efxempl ry chars Aer, the kind y rem"a lessant, times bor. sho cibilbition as a robibitory law unenforced �heep will: be slaughter he Yukon and at a Ma i an esteemed ',friend of all with ent d aring the eZt dee,&,de� with t a an- we that they fi pr recent shov Co ti eq to Dawson over I os. alemen W of w w all W lom'h a had an ac4uai�tmince, t h in to testee or evi1it! indifffere tly enforced, wDuld be a Liberal nVention Postponed. IN of _Ur, J. B. Hoover,.of Wes Wawa all though f6reed by Illness to retire:: r6m the �Coxne in and the 1;' the above st�temenz. mth o�, )e a green APV greatietr detrime i to temperance and mor. w io in 2 years of;age, accomplished a roat,, service of the firm, he woul& ever'look back )yabld change A At the request of Sir Wt frid Laurier the I We are sorry to i iotiq'o in t our remarks -he long d- ality than no w at all. We Would, in ot roks work the other. day. lie P tied with pleasure to the many haypyl, years, ing t I � ' in j"he West Huron Reform Convention, called for pf two weeks ago, it ient,tt Goderich. har- at d bou ad � a quarter of an *are of (at a, I ml i a and shor . I - . spent with the ruct 611, th ti be very ch batter off I we ar Monday, SeptAmbor 12th, , now, boi contra t, are no -j pla".1111 to the Go0e. SeV01) 1lours. If (.�is can be beaten by .,ny- boybd 'that t rien ship -'and g'oodf b;.;i-i4t M U -than with a prohibitory kw�on oil - I I !e low, S JLV _L Mr. HDover or a e a in, the county uld shi engendered during tbat! tinic would be - has been. postponed, and duci notion will. be rich Signal. It may i they ii xhibit: malice, -whom to engage w -hem, statute book'which is not enforced, jat leas ii a t ra 'rhe 310mars. spr, will be held. hear from an misting an life itself. He �tbanked them ben JL el best English Frioto, given. as to the data w 'We are surpri"d a this, a i we tbouight, Be$t Ind i ro Prints, full width, ralar for 9 an rigidly as our prevent 'laws are, 14" 1 1. -M earn. Jonesi & Halls hav dispost d of for the kindly references to Mrs. Callender a, 0econd Mill of by hey were 4; at ierhma other. Mav(est Cottonade made, reitular 28e not -moral suppol -t alone that wit belr6 I t, I omplimentar r their i ouer&l star bunifiess, in Wincheiflea, andfamily, and,afterspen ing aptesmant in light grcun(�8, regular 10c for 71c e jAg cons"Ideriably M The Plebiscite and P1 ollibition. quired,- either, but MAt-brial on prk, N41 *tee; However, such as I ley are,: we to Mej ere. Couch Rd - Mr� Jones will hour, the deputation retired. Mr. Callon for 22c ; b6at Tridigo Shirting, regul 121c for 10c Union Table Linen, t.evious, year#. ro )Je 14 Oeir briek speak reside in Exetr, hile iin HiLlIs has on r ti in f M`tfie fl am toy, W&S' gu1sr 1�, for S.. ch re en we in re 91 lebiscite- person who is nc t piepAred to pu his b and #ot see, u, on maturer a( oideration,'that bras p Om ish regular POe, for 22je 18 in a Li t turno at moupation he will- on the redZielli, 0 t The'vote oit -the: prohibi 11 3 t de)ided wit in 0 rl�h� salary ff- -the procitle -we can &I r them even to please the $ignal. io Messrs. Cana i and 'Roy come from the firm.1 _j�rfougiirlg and, -1 tt f th montil. into his pockets year after ye& - and a o' By the- vote. then cast v�,ill Im decided tribute a coast bly larger sn to the We may sq, that they were not !laspired all, herb the(.,, we held in high es too n &a RRESI� GOODSO Uen the latest wbt 1 8 and,,bu t eeting of *16cWrj by malice, as'Tay Ex#osl R h4alcortain. ra JL Bxeter," whether or not the -traff a in intDXia%t rig revenue than te is doing n6w: Jagniall Colln of Winglam, the mob should �y no r #a , 1 � j . Albert Fo I rd, We ire selling many lines in a reat ariety of desfigns and colorr oat in sN. .0 onto cherish fee ago ot 'malice TnAVFLTJRS,-Mr, and Mrs. liquors will be continued, as it has bee n in vote for prohibition. We should not- I Ooug 0 a, as 08, here, a e discuss ad attA ds the Igual or 1e harbor con. Mr. Ti .*K. McCallum, Mrs. Douglas, ise their real valu!, Saurday the past, or whether we shall have a law oh vote for it in the. bope-'or expects, either towArds the 4ye a, a sinall basket of, ttussian apr cots n th Hatti& arid EIsie McCallum' Slr John, i - 10th inst.,'-st 7;30 0 0 litrary, t bears them t aken' rom a tree in big own garden. The rigg, � Win, Mrs.' thostatutebook forbidding the �minufac- tion that it is not going to coo us any J. Westoiott, � �r, a�d b f as perfectly rlpe,� a4d was fulir as George Snell, and Fr4nk Luio, are r at the nothing tgood'will, _Aod, we think that f nit 11 R1300 NS tare, importation and sale- �I then 11(fuo rs thing. Wle notice that certain advocaes 0, strairied inter. I ciou � as the bestpeaeb� i It had always our rema,rIcs; without an Industrial Fair, in Toro to, thi i week. nadian climate within the confines of the'Domini n, Thin prohibitio4 are ubligbing, long columns 0. ipposed that the� C�, LAB6yt DAY SPORTS 1-100i May I"t, In a arter off in �-i 8. AI protation, will bear Lie outiI In the rtatemept. 11 c6l�rs, q� lk and s ;tin. is, perhaps, ode of the most -impo aifit and fig4res tryling to prove the great pecuni rl rigorous for th14 fruit, but this ap. Bu Oased -from Ms, I 'Early in the morning a very,, heavy... rain far reaching imaties that has eror b %bor Day, sports were held in this village? 'Pon sub. benefits the p;ople wilt romp from EL pro ' t what the nal 11111ems -to t ly in not the case. I 100L, ME keenlyis I �`�eorel Wma , )a other evening, as Mrs. John Dayl, ITS 1�it Which he oceup t e impathil ion tha �, I a E( a S STJ iis appe�rance, and tbel races _wqe mitted to the people of thisl country.� Its tory law, if one s passed. The"Jigures may of Goderich town' ship, was driving hone b made John k i y kicker in tills Refo 111h ran 11, It den in hich -a I rtance from a odiad ati� moral, as well be all right in a wense, but in anotAier: and a way a � the Baflold road, she narrowly as. postponed, and several o the e4ri 60 w bee -vA mpo k. and tries ti a ur4ay and konday, "4gular $1,50. )prove ti at wh4 i it he V��& t, b- cap' provokin, were. to have come, were sto 1p d on that 7 for unty Court of T as financial stand �t I ed anacciderlb, cl�eto the so An o, 10 over very practical I time, they are misleading account. At noon- the day� b toame clea�, bing the Reform Goveram; of W a a tions c f some boys. - just as she was ps ising kf Hi's Ho g estimated.. This b= it belboolves That a prohibitory law,'eaforeed, -will ult4 I beneath the railroad firidge, the boys who, and the races were announced. i o take Place! Tyleil 0 ars,� 3 for 26�e. Pure �ilk'Ties, aasort,d zol6rq, 2 for 4,5c. -e in fr' professed to be a leadi porter, he was .1 1 .Lin�n 0 Il- -Th 'the people to approach It W tiIi due'! dellber- mat,ely result in material gain to tile people, I were io�e pelted the horse with gtones,sud 'ab four� P. m. The followtuir at Lrted In thO form erly 3eorge Hen#1 only acting the part of the andid' friend, it was wi'h the greatest difficulty that sh, three minute'diass: Irish th&t be"has had Aii atiori, and to thoroughly upddr nd , the can not, we tilink, be truthfully denied CottL Well, perhkps so, but.it"d to seem to us drie, St. Mary's; Luev Clay, teter $jtULtionL, in order that the �may e ablc� to BUt"in tLhe Meantime, the d irect resulb wit prevein te4 the horse from upsettivg the rig d hasbeen remo, as. In the first ill ice, tberi that - to jive comfort and en -A circumstance so rare and unusual K 1russels ; Negro Jack, Edward ommen�srry, 0011 Ith the o*ovv 9 to -..oak Torot2to to St. A4i( -u -mrs, Hugh cast an intelligent and die, hasion to vote, be peounia�ry to _�,urieb,' The race resulted as fo lows:!Irish' to cause a little talk at the time ocourred at i - n- remarks that we may r lake on the sub. will be a vpry serious dersugement of.. thi ones enatilles, by carpink ani unnecessary the home of Mr. Thomas Crisp, a few even- (410, lot; Lucy C�ay, 2no; egro J'ack, weeks 9 -go to criticism ofone's friends at d imost critical 3rd ;.time, 2,56J, e2,49,f, he, 13.30� class Udy bad ject, therefore -will bb with a view to far. various busines Interests of thei coul#tr3 logo since, Mrs. Crisp was eatertainifig a directly andrerrotely dependllt few la6y friends, and among those phaient resulted an follows w Bonnie cer, Dr.111on.' not b6c 5 . time when true friet �dship Is most 1 needed, there took worse. I thering this -end.- i LeD, us, first, th6, 00 upolli thi dermon, Glencoe, lot; Dells' B 11, Ri4nean I I Ed. term in not the way th tt friedship is�, U natty happej"d 0 be seven ladies, each of whom ination on Fr! p was-th1p only daughter of the family, all I all gper te, ce there wflt� b I L �-Mr. F. Oliver, o'der whether or not -ohibit�ry law., triffic -, in the second pis Bell, London, 2nd; Mar NN Manifested or is Most bonei, ,ial oil ButitheSig. berry, Zurich, 3rd-; M lba, T. z the,,jss ot revenue; which W)II have,10thi wereralated. AcIr6uhistance like thi I W. Hawk� aditchelt, ban a vie ell as that proposed, is no essary. e e �f his bouie i _eL Up by nal seems 16 think i ifferentV, and that is shaw, Exeter, 4th; time 2,29�,, In mea�time, to be mad di-edt tax& exceedingly rare. oid There is no doubt of this fact,, that, under. W The most, peculiar part -Mr. C. Wallis, of Clinton, has disposed the 2.20'elam Kink Stanton, 0 tied/ �y T. � good AiZe ind 0-1 I rii;' his Tom the lawe " we now have them I tion or in i0me ( ther such way; It 3d, in, th4 gree. I Mutdo6k, H nsall, won ist 140� wl here we 4isa H CORNER Seaforthe- Tb e tv of the 8igaI defence of W kicking 11(litor iof his butchering business to T. R. F.* "ittoe T STOOY th a ird placelvill be -the expen4es (if enforce - - , I a n r�ncb has f th Applesby, R. Porter, Stratfind nd� provi ce, the caame�bf temp( do &Oompany, of Seaforthi who take poweiv P. M.L t is, however, where i b stat a that he was a gmon thrown down by cl ment, which wil, not be a I I faiirly satisfactory pr ight item,,' I $ion in about a fortniRht. They have teat. —Miss Cyordori, ogress, Eiery person 2,39, 2:�8. At two simply following in the f� )t tops f d. 4 with the addition to these will be, no doubt, some d'the store Ili the Whitehead block. (cou, junior :lacrosse club crossed i am rA Will admit,Lthat,` during , the past tw6nty from, Wingh e, and d lately by Mr. McCool with tWusiea, in- ar and tim Lafontaine, Macken� Exeter! juniorm, and, afte �igs, left iour statilor'l last week with a ba, 'h of ber in all directions, r r 6 ry warm y beta W -n years, a great change' for tU better bag form of,compenattion'to those whose propi, W� tested game, eeulted in favor of F x star 37 for tille bi allow In. Toronto. As yo lion 10 Mr, James Davidson, who yo yo other great, men. Perhaps I q w �umente, and are fltting it up as an u a are erbies may b' endere'd valueless thro,#g4 was,b6t at by four,'goals to two. There was excellent McAlliibir is a ways & 5601119 competitor In ha a severe attack of inflaimation of the taken plice in the social habits of the peo -date shop., This business off his hands will ming 1IM6 week hege Will not aware 'that an hose a ased combination dbi layed on both vides, which the way f me uring, the. red tickets, o bo, Is is, we are pleased to may, recovering ple as they, Felaite to the liqt or traffic. lu.� the operation�, o�' the law. T rm enable Mr. Wallis to evote .. himself still wore broken., nd w�e failed t6ore vigorously to the purchase of stool: for., would have been a& will. be George Du after fat public offices, a � P yea n t�,e a credit to -�ny senio club oubt tU no 4xception.� AIr ndab and his sister, U Aggle oxicatfrig liquors are now;�uiah lose gener- very heavy repo Reibilities. Now are the aimem Cc 6 r, n Monday, hbipped a ggzo d Allie,kilave been away tpkiug in the A to ex,361, I ally use ople pr�pa�.e tov',sh-6ulder the'e obl" to:impresO Dtilleris with t.66r, great!; import- sh.pm� at. to � ho bill. -Mr. John McNiv fail atToronto.-W. August Drager, � &a. Prairiej arrived in a p 'd, and the resultpnt evils are -corres- PC 1911- Bnn�Fs.-Several from: G�derich, Wing- a640 will spend the ninceaud rartyusefulnessid an e, hile Mr. Thomas Mitqhell, of 6ar h -odhl pondinglyL logo nOW than, tv�eaty, or even ten -tion and resoo6ibilifies that t'h' low' ham a4d Kincardine camie in on the earl ham ' on b ley for the past few we 'a co panted by his wtfe and child, who tivesi.' Mine q7 �IAY Wes g)ing to work. one da a y in T tent to enable them to bag It e game they train to witnesn �he races, ])at, on account 'A Ing t a rat] I da � in good -repair, has Ift for Vancouver a short time ago, have arxlv.� C is �cdgad aroun reap the direc� moral and socW Nnefits, as, ne I a contact with a treacherous hog be- it� ijho�ed the cim years ago, The traffi d by sought, theyonaled and cht� ed at �he lead- 16 of the �eavy rai 1, they re larned home.on a. in gi d conditfon, and all John w a ad at their destilostion. iss Minnie D,�an- r. much greater restrictions d is kept be Lttr and indirect sidvanta, es, wh ich �ing to Mr, John Faep a. The hog the next train, There:wer about 50q pj� n IPeouniary 0. 0 in, a ood.lilow.of water to make thi is dam t visit *ith n h&v g a p, eman cro of theit party,and abuge I and! vilided I it e horses, and Mr.' Mitchell IlAd to IDDS le preisent to witness 0. Hl at u ual.,�--Mr.; Thomas McKay nice- i.perat' i w th ri coo in theoven. 11 - would flow to"them through the i is her aunt and cousins at Fort Albert,-"N�iss in choo c. than 4t ever wits before, All this it there till the aiiimal left, In the even. I il 1- 00 staremg the t I limembers f that party I om t hey bad y reeove ing I OM big reeen, accident, b qt Ma is McEwen has been visiting friends in has had L& correspondinAly beneficial in, Of tile act- It hey are, then t W In heAnd his hired man unde�took to drive frig. -NI r. Wm. Cline, of Be aforth, took in thriving village 'Of ,�ey #h6ald 1 the sports here on Monda, 7 -Mr. eorge I I ipreviously fawned upon arid exto led and I Word was ban is 0 Oil a abl to, attend to his routine of Clil ton and (4oderich.-MrS. .1 Pan 3all, indui fluenee u- on the habits and morals of 6e vote for prol4bition on the h of, J,hi t 'ome, but were beaten. 4 r ypung ri P irecommeuded. If tile Sig[ E. Henderson, of Seafort.h, ted an start.er 0. is in ghbora ave done good me i - Rush City, Minnesota, t friends I t rain out as!enet They mionth ; Wthe; can p 'Ova that ve t to Mr. John Fe an, T next morn helping in with his on the Lea3b4iry line this w people. There is le� or consume, are not, they sh6uld nlos� at tho races to the satisfact n of the pub. . I gentletrien t);Fhpm t ref isre eighbors ga%ered 6 ielp drivq the 11, - -Robert S. Mc] li�q vote� against it, a;s, -by "OtiDg� a 1 116 riDue -1 a Iny y sloe. were ples-ied to again meet her. -Fall wheat drunkeine a i-becornig I 1, a ma home. ' ey. a qui lie. --Don't forget to coff to the South a v 5 in this localit prominent; assuredly '3111, ave indicatod Vh� b d a time, tome dry Central Busines ad actd in th Ow Beat number from is bout completed for this season, 1, a m�anner m Huron fall show, the best ir �the eo ty, on 9 sow it, th y axe si I - Dg is a the traMe and its results are look A o the within an inch of getting ca lit ed,upon by ply deceiving the ' ithoril I socured A Aood hen pe%a Monday and Tuenday, T i lay evin rig, attended t Lle' Job Stimore is very low at tie of writ. lie s it a" establif �� in thnit direc� t thipy mauag at� , on use 41;� the people with less favor car b year, ;vho are askin' t em for their advice, in b� �edlto get. biml home. r: Toronto iaenefA coptiom gathc ri at�' ucefield. I a 11 and n07 h are entertained for ire - I his � y -ii, r 20th, -Messris. 'Murray & :)o., of the Exe. rig WJ11fal temperance habits a (I tempr an art f traitors to� to M, ;on a pre7dent for the coticlact OV I 'Its Own agap shot the animal immediste - ly. ate h ch ce e ea vad A, whila cthe! �rua her enter-tain no Bra' pis covi -We to stayinj, with his sister, Ira. -rance P ter fotindry,. are doing a roishing business 9 who went, ditor,'but n *ISO. e learn Wim legal repreannits, ives I this I it wal ;,an enjoys Thi� id� ihe pogibion as W a view it., fall manufacturing t wir celebrated I one.- r. etot.: Janry' ell', gn the C& der farm, near ;-.ea-- :secured -situativ Such as IhIat is Honor Judge Doy of Gods ich, --be .1 forth. -ai before. 'All A prohibition law' carried by a vote ploughs. -Mr. - Fran k Snell, of 'Sarnia, rant, for the �Rst ays,bas not principle'is are more in favor ow than they perance. to, , es B this reild6r d judgment at Clinton, the thee, 0' will joying em assist :his father at the Le - n I ]I in- 'a be Ub. ' a Saturd ever wei we think will Ju oil No"es. -ace n�rcia very, __john Blliughl IV, we have indi%6ed,, ty voters who are w II.- day, it i it case that may be set as a: P be admi �tcdeveu b � the most extreme pro- —Mr. I Mr. William Hedden, who I lbeen assists islet Mr. ant as bis lifting Potato T. Russell, of Usbur fe, 1hipped ten dent'. John Snider, of Brucefleld, `0' broight wroxeter. hibiti nlst. In view of these adujitto�d_ ing to agnume the re ponsibilities, financiall mring tile Dppe give I t and received ant in; that livery for the pasf year, i"t t timo ago w y- jead of the roughb�e 1, U) the 'Toronto wit �o garnishee the wagon of Wal�air 8, Van, - 1 ashor light shi ek 6f,411 itrc kO, which, was th employes, in the I a im,'in)r. for the. Payment of a icicle. eaus ofjlayin�� �itn amid 0 for a few duys, -ri fact4t, ilj may be asked and ir, Asked, why and oterwise, %()uld be a beneit an'( Xhilof present packing applen tor Ar IR S. Lang. BOErs -A large social gathering was IS i I i -Mr. Wm, Atkinson is bu �7 utting corn helt at the rem dene ble6sing to 'the 1people. -If-not carried ill- M r. J. W. R as I e of M, John (X'iboon g a ILITe i1% not leava well enough alone � If we are do, hill, 'C I , Bruas� and Swaiii, who worke� out., had psid.a, eitain y Brc 0, of Wi1ndsor during t6 late y on the occasion of bin having mose& zi D , y are Dn a vii it to re t ives in Ypiii. for the 1armers with the U b c corn bar- ISO Mar the ladle par. ing zo well under existing laws, why not tt in ay, it is 4�lrn ost dertain to prove A! aamoOn of money In the wheel and ret urn4 so okllkd )nl re, �. ialfour,-Mij� int4 his now b6nme, A splendid time was 6nti and! orthvil e, 11ilichi it i. VeAter, which is doing ex 11 n; work,- the fiqy stuff on e'd it, The Judge eld that a minor a I di i failure and a car! e. The vote, therefore,, atie Adhie so of t a indnes, has again ro- -,the iniversal rople'as. continue on -in the same way? In rpply to hfeserC 11, Smith and Thoma Russ6ll are verdict of the young rely burning i Mr. T. A. McLauchlin, o' Brussels, has:' Ing fr home was responsible,.and that ff; urned to Ise ol it Ointon.-Mr. Job,- -Mr John if L !v. imposes upoi endot s resp n,, cide to Sav It te. Marie,) Q a wrio, where, h bic c' was a necessity., The decision will a this it may be s4id, that, as restrictive and a the pe m attending bhe Toronto exhibition with their .0 main )1ed, Unerwoo while A a tlie fore' part of -the weil� lie rize citUe. -The recent -he �vy n# have cNevin spe itory laws jibilitiek vilege a a a Of a U lie Holloic I. E xeter.-The Hindo' ovel t th It use of Mr. Henry - WilleW a, $Qrwrlitaz; weel t earl put'the road in a sloppy ci dit 0 last, took- suddenly ill. with partially prohib have qready f bouid riot �akeg eba %I 'ly have it most importan P -in on a b Cc th hl's*br)th ra : &turd:V 0 met, -Mr H. of tbo Brussels Pobt�, Robb- visited school edicive at �mp kn 'Ing in our hatt il)fl &tin ot the. bowels. -As ugumi� -In ecto done so uuch, in' it not a fair and reasonable lightly xercied. �ttended 'the General Co farence Of tp N ilipw econclusion that these laws, extend 0. rey, a sho t time ago. At th uring! every ght thisl1w1eek.-On Tuesda# griedt, many from here are taking in the iez- W" W ed to ab. Methodist church held Toronto list of the inspec6lon h complimented IN -Ir Kippen. i0li r. j4tnen I i tar, IT 111� WfT11 lings of the deope5t reg�e the village, visit solute prohibition, will do I bib tion at Toronto again this year. -44 11; respented work a great deal. fe, t a again open- I I -v iveek, art on !the success f the school at th NOT11,9.-Oar irain market I With Mr. Hi -over has t ken pl as in Wnxtter ishopi. Re.. Dr. and-sorro" that' we leakil of the death�of -Willie,! son f Mr. facob Lon , �Of: I road. t turn: eemn t us, is a reas- 9 middxir�merexaminations and also o �the ed for anotber season a wor or tie, Bayfielc' gre more good. Thhr, it a f the yur, week, wheri -C 'ranbrook, had th misforillo in. thij Bby n exchange of busin� Mr. John raig, �1. P. P. for East Wellink c a- to fall C ff a,' w6rk of the -school generally. M r. otz, chaoing of lines of gr X t was stand. in 4 in a neigh -I who I ohn ban takenlacebetw en Mr. ThomatHerap- -The onable, and fair deduction* lo make. 'The -of peaiii tha W present, &I in the ame Moffat� itoil, which took gilace at his residence, I hill �nd Mr. Robert Gibsonm-MW J tire mak' laws we now have are not absolaterl' ell- n so' spoke inD who for many yeors has Well filled 13rucaileld- boring bar and blef 41, arm. i, Ing larlil t ntrain. AeadamesCalder an( i �k his positinn at the stiore-houm ., is y �Fergne, on Tueedlay I 'no to' k hisle, I ar who again at R. 13. HT 0'T so Brucefleild, Notary Public Giboon has gone to Vancouver, British xhibitiion th ast. As is 1, wn eZI113 4 fl�rced, but still they do good a prohibi-; A rec nt bu;h fire, yp�r Granbmok, were prozent, expres ant, Ariy sed themselves as I in i post, and farmers who: bri g t eir grs.in nveyocer, �1 an J tife Idauriance - 49 lumbia.-Dr. SMale has reuro 1h Muds are 1i Cc) our readers , Mr. oraik haSL been seriously ill I urned down quite� a pieceof light �'bus 1 94 high satitfled with whait they saw John will fin(I him the rig t m n in the ountlof Mn �e loa I at 5 per cent., ors first- t6ry law might not be absoh toly enfarced,� class frO41 a p for stweral rweeks�, and for that ricason was the farm of Mr. Fischer, arid , dest 0 1 1 a he fit s,�, cu r I ty, 1! too a, limit-edl amount of private business tri' to New York.-T.he A �geloc'whoffo e§6 b4t still it would, of necessity, do cor.re8- ard of the pupils. The premises. a in right Place The frequent shows a of late fu do! J 5 d M hotne' 7, every morning and Map�@e Was entered P d , uring the abeencei of terest of the I nioe avenuO of evergreens flom the a deroad ood shape, and need but little to be rove a bene�cia_l eOect W avro ;AC week. Seybral good greater good than. the partial Rlev.. Mr. Anderso-m-Mr. Thoma,& Oib. Von to au -pondfn ;;; irinV- the sea- to cot crops r Ire seat'di dn:; farm@ fbr the ble to--i�ke hi� to the-farmIgate. 9 :iom- 'have p ;Fa plete in every respect. Forty,five pil Pilo and pas, turtle, and oew life 9pp ri to be W was in ensal lawa w, DOL have. There is this to be �81011 Of the-Legishture He was a na�tiv� Of 1�. Morrow, or., OF the Nil� M, son I on business last Frid; the fl ith quite L serious accider, 9 et were present. bandi- r, R. P. TEIVT�PEJtAN�- X AD Pms&-rD reland, fifty-fiv, apringing uP ion evOry c. Macdonald;, jr. F. � V4 Dixon left for court reportIng said, bo, ever.' Our present aws have been el �ekr'8 of age, and ll�s been on Orid On Sunday, August 28th, a assix Bell left bete on. Monday for tee n, Simeoe: U. P,ji of %V Ingham will deriver an addreiS dut a on Monday--mocnin marrioil on I gr�duall�. year'by year, bee Mingl tip�itor and proprietor of the 'Fergi im, News. last we6k. She fell throu'gh the tra %P00! o'e-lock, Bennie, daughter of the late H�nry county � whOre h8 parposei bei!f1ei for some on the! plebim its on Thurad'sy evening, Ro rt Black took in the -Caledonian games Slims Rae Davis, more re. into the cel.ar, badly bruisil 9 d f Ethel, passed away, age( is &6s(stln L 9 tembel' eek. -Del McDonaI4.m. took place At tilie, , - --; . her face, an Keys,, ars, weeks.' M�. Bell rutting in 15th. �be meeting will be hot sentl.me�mt - �, ecord for ove', thirty years' :Re was� ateictivel, and in this way p blic y as 4 r. Harry th at oknow last *1 bherwise, i ijuring, She h4 i been ailing or over a yei nery in a grl b to is�u ch arch. The chair will be P., 'f Wingbamo ad Rev, Mr., t e 1 1894, and -Mr. George SWallow, of C Ir. ant machi f�r he Pirobyte of re"o- linto Ill a consequence, her death Wall I has be�-n educated to uphold the law. Iqjs elec, ed, to th �egislatiure ' n not unexect- Hunt, who lis, buildi, g a lit gri t mill in taken fit eigh 6"clock sharpo Dr. Macdori' Bru aeIs. addressed & m t'L rge gri a allots of the Gold ee Ing i avo# large nuni possible, therefore, that the step from QUT 99 6 ell ree,d, d. Mine Keys was well known in t to- that villuge. Mr. unt goes a Ong- way aid neiids no omme at from; us, an he I* - "t, I - in in March IE at. The w ter of this en Wi4adotte e f bar, I pro ibition �on Tuesdayightli-S breaw"t t hich bega, laying a is d sk t highly- esteeme4 by ood material, in prder that he may have C present laws to fall probibiti on ma be - too joyed the pleasur � of being t five u id a half months cality, and ws Mon K1 maie of ihel,�blest. (batem in the House of Com-� i8fit for L,-, P old. This �s about a fortni ilt betteri th I lVers an her large circle of friends, Her death *" for work acciomplpilliedo' 'All friends of mono, 0d h i long bie� e -me great a stride to be safe or, sacce-tof ul, but in ',the Le�iglattirol,for four years, an(i in this 9009 1 barevul ko e t nper%n that, of course, ik; somt-thiDg- that the people the averag ' fo I I of th a ver a 'to Mr. Hunt here will 46ah.ljim evejy sue' IV' ce [ work. We remain for 0 r Wye ndotte , , jign� -v peaceful one, being quite rei cess progress rtv a close inti�aqy sprung up betwee I -Mr. J� H. idder, q well- go.' 'T lie funeral took place on the Tue A' ,00d' �prinlling from- �heroi will be large aWingham. ay in his oaterprise.___� f turo out of the elector, Tows's PoruLATio,,c_`Some time rnto Mitchell I must jud" n twitie manufi eturer J Doon, Wat�,r- aftern go for tbernselves. If none vote th7two. He - Wlas a most genial, whole-, ![now con. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of M es- this patt have been t king in' the big. how of the south r iog, thiefriefids and oppon. &go, all i I a -After underp a e ine, io�jnion-i t ents'of probib ion aro alike'cordially- invit, 9- ds and tieady-mac e cloti � g stock of the Rev. Mr. McRae, the decease sso 0 for pr(,Nbition exec I pt those ho are willirig died man,�of g Idd ability and sound judi loo county, last *4 ek puii ased - thp- dry worth, took the service, in the ab@en' of -t Torionto, and all h ve th petition was presented to the zo i oil'. I ask that a. census of the town be t4en Improvements, tit, and a tru 'I ib d's pm Or. was good, -The Min es ho have ed t 16�pr me e A er '00 4 , I I I , iri c r to' ascertain whether there was 'Stafia WM ro-opo to carry, out ailtt uphold 111, law is me A in every sense of e 4 .' e'id Goderic'h, �%t Mrs. family are deeply sympailli- been spending A fivej w of among -N 7T!" !Alex. Rose had the mis rfe carried by such it vote, tha the term. it eath is a' disinct los; to 73 W for- suff tent Fopulation to allow the fifth hotall 28th., crowaied-. and i b e the best con to on the dollA zied HovVick, h ive wvl,th in their b�reavement. friends in le rovaidtthome. tune -to lose a �orse last, �ek. The animAI'l lice! me be nig granted. The'petition, signed morning and d the Legisla ure,- Of which he was Cdk B. D. C"xiiant, B. A., of & _AL 1�uiet iwedding tdok place at the r'emi- Mrs. M�cIvor and two'Idau h j�e�, of Clinton was 6 work, and au ccumbecl to the intmo by i he� - rwhar, evidenc6 that public sentiima t is prepare e of the iderich, has e m t riled froIll the Military c1bool, London, dence 6f Mr. ID, McConnell,. o' is license inspector and chairman of the olt -popular an4 useful members. f Blyth,J on who hove been - guegis a for it, �vith a grade A cert fie hich f1iome of Mr. he,at -The fol owing are some of those from licei me board was duly forwarded. The par for the, ate,,. qu I' :(Is Wedsmisday afternoon, August 31st. 'His James McDougall, speindilog sipitiassint visit, Bra Oeld h are attending the Toronitq tbis prttti 6im to act a drill it strueb Collegi. Lici tenan t -Governor granted permission for But, aside from'this view f the case, we for an ppon At the third daught�r, Miss Lily, wis uoiteA` in returned home uring the 1 we�k� fair is el the zensus taking, arid Willism Robrtoon -Mr. John Ze k: John and Alexander -trict and is lilgh spite the good The Officials i a ttment s Lieutenant think all will admit, that d n the Yukon, �'Ito and or the hoiv bonds of matrimony, to Mr. tlan- Balfoui, of the village,i arld � Mr. James Ken t, John pyd la- Peter'McGregor, Joh�i� was In The Conserviiative Chesney, of Tuckeramith, �are �on a trip to Pat bury, M 9. Ratteribury end childre 1 Captain in Lho Milit! chard i1orrin to tedzensue enumerator. He On- 4#eated with inent young ar- law# we have, and despite t e. beneficial rem papers have recently 9 n, a Wp�(,A M e ishe in work on Wednesday of last weie *9 - 'Le ch is ex ibiting Mr. been i1dustrousli engaged circulating stories obn ad J its Driv�r of, mer of 111ullett, by F the Waoitoba, and the Northwest,' Mrs. David Me. bert NJ r h New Yor :,w witl the following result was just at -4 �h.t suits vhey have had in deervasing the drink- 1�oc es er the 'ves Ward $ ore i isitin'g in Brue,; presence of only Immediate rela i Moore, of Toronto. who has been the guest Gre 41,,4 e I .. - - 96 a impor eolt theefti. -Miss Spal war 2, 429; ward 3, 547; ward 8� ing habits of the peopl. , there io yet,,much regard rig t e w long doing's and fr, 'I I -day be aladmin. Oels and ',,icinit e pRot eek. and fci�rido. Mimi Yoting, of , Londe9b r6, of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, R. of, istrati4a of the� I 0madian Theywere Dn a wh iing t( i r. The -f AMI'll was bridesmaid, and Mjr. Webb McColl Detroit, I i isiting -at the home toN 2.301, This is 141 more than wAs:ref -The Ror"n that can be done. There is'still an imminse 'in th ell, Melliv,fd'r the pot two weekspha,�e returned G orge H& t.-Krn., (Dr.) Elliott, a under the latus W11 pl, ms�d wit i thiii home ii!ii r Klon sere brotber' of the bride ass�sted the groom, he' po d by the assessor, and in sufficientlar inn' ject of- thil, W home. -- Mr. Alex. hlarti tion of Rev. Mr. ellitat the guest of Mrk the ranting of the additionail. license. beld a �gyrsind- P amount ofevU and misery resulting, from dilke. �he ob as; cours: of bet Oit, in at The uni6d States. bride was the recipieI many Asefut and Martin, of Execer, in ##!e"n'Aing a few weeks A. T. ... Cott. -Ma ter Eson of M r. Job In wbich, the to brin reproach qpon the � Dominion Gov� I -On Mo' day last, as r the traffi.c. Many of our brighterat and beat I ll r I larg ist family reported consists of 11 M �� Oohn Can elon, beauti6l�presents. Vile- happy - couple lef t with his cousin, M foar,.of -this vil. Kaiser' had a ver narrow escape rained r'by t who appointed I frc n t intellects are blighted and them. The -late of the Nile, was com ng (10$7 stairs, �4-e by 1by the. �our p, m. train I for 4 short honey. lage.-Mins Elsie m, a lest of 1. to the perici th 0 er Kettleton last L week starlit �sath on day, last. He was in!thli of alcoholic admini�trator is,now in this :6m �heans slipped, and lliag forw P I Al OYD REsiDNIT GONE' longest I dittanoe, use Thousaud� coun ti� 0 ard moon trip -to Toronto and other points. entertained a number of her "young friends act'Of olimbin u tie wheel of - w uAies, a, stimulants, 8 of try, , H truck 6a, ily on a chair corner of tho sgo� Pati argon, one of the oldest and most, re - our best boys. an d you ng m n are I ad as tr it is n on the subject, and -Aritong the sue6ossful students at the to -an evening's entertainment,' loaded' rose a the st -ay hag be(i ir terIviliewed I . when, with gravel, when, the ho a t drove frm eat out a gash just above 4 1 right, eye, and recent �xaminations nofie7 in more d ta' spee �.ecl residents of Alis locality, died he Maor �Valsh is sufficiently, well kuolwn by oser ng needless to,14"7, all spent 4 good dme,-Mr. ting, 46 wits thro' agon -0 tion of capturinj uthis traffic, and. be oime moral and ust.nOw h carries f very 1) Ily discolored of n under' the w resi once of hie oon,;Frank, Patterson, the peolple 'of Canada for t6em to place the isage. -Ong . ratulations tharr'Mr. A. Martin, ho and Mrs. Thomas Forsyth spent Sabbath wheet passing, lailmost, over him, -Everyone tori4 streett on Friday of last week, afteIr dent howevori, physical wrecks, who but f r this, would, n builb b obtained the second P.1dward- Blake sch ar. last with friends in the Queen City, -Mr. was pOmplathing of the great heat las� ver�' ribort illness, he having had a paral�tie looks on their 1 utimost;confidehce in any statements he may -A bea. tiful Monarch t teshe , &Y,,,Illematics and Classics at the Tor - Wm, Markle, aceompanicid by bin sister week,�� but we. had a fl e ra a Mouda itteed b#A not co, all likelihood, become valu ble citizens and he Macph racin Vlovey Co�pan� v ra a Y raclrn� strolce a few days before is death. Ur. that was re y shi d to the I w At a ornaments to society. . It is alao true were ke, Major 'almh said Clinton onto ity Matriculation Examination. Mis. Pecover, and son, of Woodstock' � lug, Ibich has cooled the atmosphere verY Pat4erson was biwa in Morb4iittle, Roxhor- Speaking of fie tranpactfoa of th liclui �rial , Ex! Mr. Martin in a son of Reir. Mr. Martin", of guests at the home of Mr. abd Mrs. R. much4' , The reeept On tendered Mr. an(!, 1tigh school boar millions of d,ollars a.re wors than wasted in e leasing b.i )n ironto, The o0inimen 41 work, Exeter,' He has not been so many years in McIlis the past, week. -Everybody says � ant Mrs. �uir, on Tupsd�y evening, passed i.off ough'ahire, Scotland, on September 5,th, ur- preparing as i in 1854, settUng U4 Ouse U Ou Iti olweriag� leto, was done many of'the successful stud. week was a scorcher. We take W for very easantly. Tp t bl hich were fir&V in) Bleahei alcoho'lic liquors', which, if t t f I of a portio of the water front -at Dawson h as rig, oa ,es, ov 182 and came to Canada n6bert, Stodde;rt to Mapdon a ents m township, Oxford iooun�y, -W moster to fill Pons f t a d, I Iiiijor Walsh Paid th t it was".' by the well known ainter, of th firm, J. -in: the city institutes, and de e ves grantedi they were speaking the tru ngregatioa,� esignation of I Wo eatly the trade donetcler competition, and leasisifto the Fi6her. th. - prepared by the I di igence.- wheic be resided on a farm for upwardi, of ald.,'kr sti� credit for erseveriog dili a Mrs. (fte.) Acheson roturned home on were !,Oery test f 11 1 and commerce- of the country. Now, all high 'at bidder for thirty thou e arranged, arid fairly 2() ttlaera were more - sand Aars a M r. . K+edy o Win ham, ho he but bt ineyone more valuable he w uld Tuebda, H sme from Blenheim town. r. - P After spending a pleasant isit groan6d under he Ioad of good thing '"ra. a a �, anyf who ea It could only be used:for out four forsakes tho ranks of t& 484he 4� ship 0 Morris townshir, in 1$74, and remid- al this and very much more is still trup, riot. y ro, The have ohtai led the sixtif general profici cy among friends. -Farmers of lite hay been Afte r ireshments, t months in theyel wo ant] Macdofiald wai paying 0 r part5,king o he peopl, Oit is highly I d of hio bboice was Mine L. lackwell, cholarbil . The one he has gained in ad i kOre on a farm some three years. sy gettih in fall wheat a large led . rob, where short -adl t1hat be stood fir r in. hand three y�iars withstanding the greatly' improved condi- good Price ficit it. The lease will b to a 'y hte i of Mr. Geoi go Bla 3k well of W Ing. a considen blo sum In cas He oterwards conducted botch At Bluevale, t e. Pei rig clergymen pres, and iWitigham, for a number of Years, I -le He is a Jee ad. The 1happy cou ple hai r6 t versity, provided he at, music b a c oir, u 'a ytry sticomfu tion 9'f affairs during the !past favir years. able on a,mon0i's notice, but no no ug acreage is sown inAhii district this ress I etu tied from f roe tu4ioi i.st the trai We notice a ni(;e ireen abide on the early a been giveri beda use the bargain w ;sue m. Oder the lead!4 if, therefo�e, we oould-,g(,t a law that; would a heir seeddiog to idhav�'I�take uptheir islitain; ro t-ol"s bonor eta was 1� married in Secitland 53 years- 4L to perce torrent goo ment. As 0 reek- ;iesideride I -T a E run of lot week asi ra : visiting at the hot "Port Elgin hfigI got stop or even ptibly item this done to the govern gels oil, nding each year, wheat sown, -Mi is Sboldicia, of Toronto, is er6hi of Mr. a lelon, formed a very eal� Miss - Margaiet Taylor who predeceased leas charge4, whih have been m do, th- e of Mr. Elam Butt.- tertai ng and prof table program I T"re he taugbt me. A � him Jtw e -Mr. George Walkey,;� 1)f ?ordwich Bm�psle stands iwell to the' front an fa - as Miss Relte, U I .� 0 Ye7s, Ig.. Him family consisted of a.- had invited anyone ho bad, ends addre of, welcome, was lso rew 'The 1%wit of we waste, misery an4 loss, would it Major said he r)m 1, DO Digh pallaill in visiting among friends addre d by M sevenboys d Is six of whom are i rhile ieturiviOg f Li@to,i ur ficifineisl credit is concerned, if the 're- at Seaforth and Mitchell.,,4-Mro Peter,Seott, Foithet ngbam, and headed to Mr Muir' 'Society held A not be a grAnd thing! Surely, therefore, a charge against any o�.fieial to cothhe nd 1 1 ob lotyg ago, bad th, misf�l t livjz�q, vlz,, Frank, ingliam.; John, Glon. Vale wil. over'& critirion. The t tal amount of money rt Of the wedk, dropped in on r. M lirs pulpit during th 1pleasaitt at d- ake it,but no one 1had come forward, ; I is horse run aws F, to have ant sale of our de feeligali rii plied. Mr. M;thezi, mo" : Araby and Walter, Blue I Of I b tit rem may be take as of Brussels, whilio on his way t4o Exeter dar- who v�ry J M ra. Neil ,no person will may but that lirohibition is m t re- Ing the fore pa who occupied More than 00, he hald a in on he' banic and bteaking his colla: needed, and that it would be a good thing He also ulred.was "_ 200 zliam'j Windsor, And Mrs, Peter Fowler,,of 004 lt� provide for matui Ing his old friendo T, blellis, renewing old summe ver ably p!rfortnecf thi dutie's o0l he rather tooi werer passed and enforced. eting heldMN, Dawoon 1 ad his back hurt,-, at wel a, rn4l in. ebenturep $20,0 0�61 the Ronald ho us, friendship and spending a lithe Bitievile rdid. Two sons, Amdrowt it the Uw recently, att abort time in chairmika. -lira. Ba rd is at present tiki in ended by four thousInd, and j aries. i � 4 i died: four' g is nd the , 200 w k t � .-,. i years ago, arid Rob but 'Tone on Turnberry social chat of theovents of bygone dayie ert died th dream,givert by t) There is no d' ubt A prohibitory notide that it any oil I a holiday visiting friends at Lucknow ang 9 e had an charges I --7-;Mesers. Jabkoon, Tisda star and treat �w aty yearl agO, much as -sem of rig into to m - on 4rs, some 25 year& we are Kincardine, 'W1* ago, His daughter, Mrs. John platforna at a mass me I L I i� im to akd lit, linton, ac( For lair, it emforced, woul Ae tKe Ma Taggart,: of -Mr. 'ohn Jamieson, with hi�; e�tmon. died in Manitoba two years a d be ffective and im- , . I I jor desired h �Oetl an invi- idewalks grading, at Oar old d �go. Mr, Scott, I - -go, We. and it i would be inves eas know, is one of the �bus Wife and son, arrived. here this week 0" Air !Patterson was s, strong supporter 'of tigat I the- red'ttiltlon of mensely beineficial. Bu� t e great qaestion d, -but t%tion to compete in a b6% [it g tournament ore 7 pe, cent, interest, In- the nov1v is�ue Bruosels.-Monday, last *as observed an spend few holiday*, withN friend$ here. there was�nblt a single response to t is invi- tten up b the WaMers, it the 'Li6eral party, but be ly re- :the society y-, W�lkervfllp, he b la calls for per cent., and,,ten era Labor Day. No new thing i abor da in general is: Will it be enforced That ricists with tation. w fr4itied from taking an active part in anv:of c against Or Friday ad. Satur( 145t week, and ere A�k d for 6he $22,200 at th4t r tio. our Gertic MISrile, the past thAJ people themselves. It would be much two clerko,iu Mr. Faweebtle office , %naM r. - t) be riot ern -Bak partic pated inb M i$ of the best here vfe e six ol�sr I a a follows 'Con ed. week, was thei gOest of LLea bury. the 4impaigns. The funerat the Fa tl. re her icousia, Mrs to us. it should not be tried, than that wee i puepended both of for two r nks in W st�ern Ont L.io, i M1 or for the better thar ration', I A800 ati)P, SP,300` Bro er Andrew Bell, - r. and ]Kiss � Muldrew, Oi NOTE" 910 Pealetery on 8sturday afternoon, weeks, Mid in the intery vendered and so &I desir d some -This sad liews'of I lie des �h rig the thunderstorm on SunH 10gely attended by the many old relati it should be tried an -d prove a failure. This ,pecifi3 6arge to be made, b of Mr. John timeon, 2,611 ; atario Mutual Egrilond-ville, dropped in on Mr. and Mrs. day morning Ila' t the fi -tie new batik barn f. -Tbe'ne w' bs tkt, no 6i3e Henderson,- Ili Cleveland, 01, o" was received and ferlds. of deceased. His five sons and roker ara, 415 ; Central T' Can da R, Mellis for a short visit the !fore part f Mr. Jo�n M urisy wq!s struck by on the 3rd coac is any, aind the w reli a Wingbair last weel , Da nased was a son oan and y 0 lightning! gran being the case, none should vote for it who would mak ere avings Comliany,-822,400. d -son, Mr.john Patt by li be thii week. -Mr, Robert Mal"ii, during the and fot4llv consumed with till its coatentg� ghtning on can not do so, con6cientiougly, and who, Iter that/ said the Malor 'I paid no o Mr. Hender3on, c the Bluevaje ender of he Confeder tion� Life was worth, acted as pall� ersoo, of Molos- -of ii ac- week, was busy, with a numberof nen stor. which inoludo dL the mons crops and bearers. Mr. Thorn" ast end n enu no ri id 0 d Nwe rtli t ng wan ze r inNorit t a I o a t u 0 r charges, -and,` he said. there r ad, and was well known Winaham many. SMith, of Wroxeter, ;as tention to of $5,550 i0sued awa� having voted for it, are not pmpared - to do pted,,an four deben urox ' never was 9�b any mineril meet mg. r his ensilage corn and filling up his other j%r oleo fr Present at Oe strange to say I Ing any re funot at tool p ace to Wing. them4 t iereby realizi g the sum of $1, [00 mardage (if Mr. and Patterson. in 'The lightning N h in cemetery on San ley of 141 t week, Rev, the corporation in the way of a ptemix Scotlando sod eattenoe The r sident, T Ing of V e, Ab<iat the $a any way on th'e their arhare towards bearing the expense and IuUon adopted reflecting in. silo foir anothar'season's ftioding.-Mr. Wm, time a bolt struck a arge elm tree in a fie, odium of having it enforced, It will not be officials. The Klondike Nu ett" he-asi(j Perrie conduatir McAllister, of Stanley, whose name is well. on thez farm �)f M!, Irvine, splitting jp� synitiat d he funeral. ISO", apim.zere 99 )g thelf iarall servi hisre action in igorest from $1,554 to known in all parts" by of the community is extended to for the breeding of good through the middle,e ad throwing fraigniq Inciting *wd,, Ge reaved friends.