The Huron Expositor, 1898-08-05, Page 8_0 77 4wr, I r X -V . . - - HURO AGUOX re shot Ralsing-4he oducationil standard 113 n "a Oash Orocery soldiers, officers eapecialk. who __.will *not been their headquarters at the Imlo-4 of 67 �yearx of married life. We to- Udi6�bv t he butintends returbing in the Win, down a few houili Wfors. have passed hun. prove the remedy. Only a unite4,:Vroteat MISS IAAUTlw� Dixo& Mr. and Mrag Neil Ross, of near ry favorably of Manitoba A to
a annoupoll cloaring past tw we 11
of ilipels-ko ve anold mind Garden fteds.-We. have Evans.& co's, dreds being carAid and limping to the has- of the teachers, backed by their reAblve not all inipinery. Thwgoods mustbasold A drbolow Christian Endeavor toolety"'have changed BrOofield.—Mr. and Mrs. -Ricker and fam, por4iiii-the erops,,ax good.—Mrs, Polls saw log �mzrgjld seed, Golden Uukard and Lo pAtal witb arms and -leis bullot-riddled. Dr. to teach for less than a fair minimum salary, mill th save carrying over the dock. Miss �Xartla, thei -spent a day's outing among friends in 'this week renewing AW. Mangold gftd, ImporW 0135 - r night of tileetiv g* from Wedu Short White Carrot an day to ily acquaintane" Me bast'varleill ot Swedish turnip, seed at the low- 5h the desired Dr. I Sabbath, immediately after the evol ing nor. Zurichlost week.—The Miosex Mary and 'former 'home, near Chiselhurst.—M King!syo he'd rather be shot dead thin will accomp 4 oelbytiod. eat priOlib. -Our Stock of Teas wai never better than to safer like some be has hibd to care for� James McGeoch, of Bay, City, Michigan, F. A. EDWARDS has decided to conduct vice. Sunday, Anguar, 70, will bej) com. Carrie Mollie are spending a mouth's visit McKay is visiting rela It it noW. Our wejapan is -the be3t In the market. Yintarday was a pretty sight, Lieutenant formerly an esteemed resident of this violn- life business oa the Cash plan ; an the cash b ties aad 4 "" creltion.—Rev. W. Muir purpose "-afflng among friends in Hol township.—Mis' Give us A, ealland wt- will guarantee to, � plow you and no other can a',nitrobans do j1pago to I Iq olin. 4 Tuckersmith and Egiziondvil Hobson rode into our linos with his six mar- ity, in spendin some days with relatives asda,6a the 20W of,August,, and will Annie Papplot of -Totouto, was, for and for less money thin you can buy Itol any pod- tomers. Wis well known every v -for-ca" I&Mra, J. ar.�, Our a few Ran, of Exeter, was in the Vill stock of Gr000des is No. 1 quality. our iXiuley, of Sonys, Ontario, its losses, txtria expense to book-keeping, atel th1l occupy' hisown pulpit the first Sabbath of days t,he'Vost week, visiting among friends bath &at, aqompa a 6 iner, with our' Amerl6au bond playing here. ---Mrs, 71C nied by M, pribes aze, at low so any, one In the trade, and " we Yankee Doodle. The.' Spaniards traded and her dangbter, are visiting at -the resil We
must conis all$ offte profitAill ft buylef for 006 Septembfi..�"Mr. Samuel Votls�j, of London; here. -Mr. Frank Taylor, who Is branchin atid Wiling lot Can 0100, sel a lower n v at give SL6. per cens. cash discount )to cash customers Hobson and. marines for Spanish officers donee of Mr. D. Stevenson, Mrs. MoKin. 07 lot W" here last week, calling on friends and- out for himself, has rented, for a term �7 kr.'Arobn Mdrray, druggist, OIL Ali 13urchas" of $1 and ove�, except flour and fog can" I Fantisville. where she had b*een visiWo
sugar�� ftwill pay, you to givet us & "U. that we held -of theirs, We shook hands ley's brothei.-On Monday evening next, % - Col a ana arranglug for the lease of his farm on the years, the, 100 more farm of Mr. Gibben-?, on of New Q004 We We will hareaciiah andwore'dit Price. M formerly of �Heueall, ROCOMPAnied value in Otever. Too, andToilet-S. to, and a good ". with Hobson. are under' Gon6r4l likwu social will be hold on the beautiful seethe goo"04-Judge the vikluso� .A.9dwards. Llondoaroad.�-Thestsiem thresher is now the,'Huron road, near Alms. As Frank in a Ll d The highest ptlocs paid inMes Mg Wheeler, who is encamped one block from do of ldr.,, John Sproat at the brick SaYfield, in 1101ttrPrilit to select frem. i d his sisters, M' the good tiller of the soil and knows- well how Bell, ton" on a be haar& on all sides. The to manage things, be can not fail both , laab.-Mr, Robe for all Ill trade. In full opoiation and th shrill, notes of 'a us. RoosevolVa riders &to al4o encamped graord The affair will be under the-auspioes W R. R. -J. Stanbury, wife whistle a& were in the villagri
oft AIRTING to make WE
Q LSON, Seaforth. with,us, bat the volunteers, we follows, are ll� Ladies' Aid society of our church, and daugh*, t rb Bell, jr.., bf 'Wi grain, is turning out fairly wsll'.-!�bdr. John his calling asucesso.-Rev. Moses Goorgax Hensi machine shops has 'been Ire arned to Toronto last Sat.
Back of Commerce Block. only a bAcking for the regulars. Cuba is and no pains will be spared to make it one 111 -day, after a pleasant visit here. --r . G. Bparrow threshed for Mr., Hugh� a warm counti McGregor. Danielill missionary of Persia,coadneWd thei filling , number of orders for cery, almost too warm for we of the most pleasant gatherings of the Stanburp B. A,, of B. B. 06ler ma Tor. upwards of 700 bushels of 11; *heat on services in St. Andrews' church last Sab- Rev. Profeshor`BU a rgess, M. A� I 'Of it is now 130 degrees hot slid no wind. seamossi onto, ' is me i�r 4 mouth',$ vacation. Goo. Thursday of last week, Mr. � McGregor has bath, ving the pastor, Rev. S. Acheson,- a wax I War! War I Give m&Michigss- every time. Palm trees, Elwood, of Hemall, has opened a -arber h tTnivOrbity, London, will 0 , preach 40 still quite a quantity to thres -Mr.George light rialsbath's- work, land the people two Poul's church, Hensall, on gab cacti, mulberriia, c000nnuts, grow in abund- shop in the shop next A. T. �Cameri:;O' bar-' Turner intends leavilig for the' bath ty, IL00AL Bzl -Mr. George Carden has old o,3untr rood sermono.-�Misi Florence Chrysler. of on 'the subject of missions. In the Cloth�ng Trde once.- The valleys and mountailla are '1111026 shop. -Mr. and Mrs, Elwood, and with fit cattle very a Ord
t completed a new verand can, Mr, Orabalm, 0yf Wraefieldi the past few days, has been A- error in statiag that he would ah In front of daughter, of Honeall, spent Sunday :at the Stanley, also gain green. We reported to Admiral Sampson his neat and comfortable residence on Gods. is be having varchaved guest at the home of Mrs. George Thomp- Sabbath evening, o -that Ey who ooallf� the other day and sailed between the Oro- Albion. -The gairden party, unde t4 aus, quite a number, wh ch, toge - London road,-Mr.and Mrs. J. Weis- rich street west. -Mr. John C. Steele, who 1W ten We li In stock a coul anortmenil of alseip in g have at ded then will have an op Compal1y B, is'&lIwell.- We all wall a eup" Isn't ii _on and No York, a swell fleet it li, plasm of the Methodist church, ant b of'his own feeding, will make 9 or lo a romarskably gcod line 6f all wool tweed, In both hall been here for' several weeks, car miller, of H 1111 it part of this week ity of doing so this Sabbath -0
to t�) left on Set- dayvening, oii the grou W -Mai and lfght soades, made up in men's yousbal be home the 4th.11 lial last for Manitoba, where be will r, -The Alex. Murdock aperst will meet with Mrs. m. B ai "of, the village.;, 'r hop gentlemen test Sabbath urd ads of 1 Dr. loads. We hope these th
tell The groan bo_v#'and4Lb1ldreW* suits. The XoWg &J open the winter. -Mr. Andrew Calder is pard, won a sudoes, dw�isre with* the iuccess which eir enterprise do. dry weather still continues and this is a friends' in Exe SUS for suit; the youths' about S4 boi-al So well lighted up- with electricity. Musical serves. tor. -Mrs. Aloorehonoll having his house, on the corner, of Jam busy Week with farmers, with the oat and Sa ebildriWe 12.' These suits we goarantse, to give as _ginswi Michi and vocal $elections were given, by the gAn, is at pressl 16ptchm wesi are made by themoetnoted WMERN ONTARIO VETS. -A meeting of. and Church streets. raised, and a foundation pea crop. The harve" in this part will be Wig her brother, Mr. H. J. Glass misters, recitations b Miss Rita 8tan- D. 0o9k- Chiselhurst.1 pretty well wound up this week it the dry' Constable R. . Bullard, of this Allilill 1 ' 4Ljftftr - The fa4
-Mr. J�hu Brintnell m weather holds out. -Mr. George T. McKay, Saturday evening last, in co jill to show our clothing to any person calilng. Thursday of last week. The presiden funeral of Kin mother, left for the went' w at with an
Dr.. pliance ast Saturday. evening. Av he was Caral manufacturers. Our men's suitilill, at the Western Ontario Veterinary Associati6st �Iaced under it. -Mr. James Leatherlind, bury, and music by the Lass bi�nd�---:Tbe 41l $to sic worlA beaters. We shall beou)ytoo' was held in Wiagham, on Wednesday and.. of Minnesota- who was home ttending the Glass sisters gave a concert in the �o ' n hall accident 11 of the 2nd concession of Tuokersmitb, last telegram he received from m Gibb, of St. Marys, occu 014 �riday evening, before a faifly� large Berlin, Arestd- tied the chair...� skain on onday. -During the past 'cou lom Friday bad a very successful barn 6
returning it Wm. Pickard Oo. IQ Wednesd�71s session was ta en up with th ple audieuce.-Mr. Geo. McKenzie, of kinear. all, abbU't a mile and a one George -ellington, on the charge -of ei of weeks busineas has been. e4b�emely dull quarter west of C hurst Thebuilding is of large size, heavy r5aimot havin itt d -an Al ne
A his horse shied commi e usual routine business. The election of 01i dine, has taken a position lie naleal with on a
U town, owing to the farmers' all beinl' .1 and well put together. Mr. McKay is one SEAFORTH. core was left over until the December as F. A. Edwards, at some object on e side bf � the -road, nam:9 Bedford, at Bloomin a. bny with the harv*b6t.-Miss th gdale, !t�j P11
At Thursday's session there was a throwing him out a the bugg and injoring Of the bandy men of e, day, bei6g not rom here on Alon. datock is the' eat at the residence of him severely. Mr. unican cTavish 'was day'
attendance, and all took an Activ Do all !i a L prisoner was taken away f
1 ul Thessalon. only a good farmer, but can turn his hand morning to appear on the clitzge Fall I-er-13D Own, Sept.- list. la� p Mr. A. You g. -The, Beaver acrosse team on his way to Home I ow his will to the mechanical line also. an'To interested art in the proceedin PNTMXAr�-Mr. and Mrs. Jose and bap. He is doing made. Mrs, John Latta, of London, goes to Georgetown ou Friday 0 next week ph. Harris, pened along about the time of the whole work himself, from - the, cement Many instructive and well prepared pil the accident formerly of TuCkermnlitil, was in to play with the tea� of, that town. Shoul& of Petrolia, are visiting at Mr. W. Miller's,, and brought home the horse a foundation to the top of the ro the I Of. NJ r. and neigh-b6rhood this week visiting were relad on subjectsf interest to the ro, the boys win this me Thessalon. nd buggy. McKay id sure to have a, complete barn ,tell they *ill be at the fexjiontj�� the following gentlemen: t Axle of the buggy waw badly beat- but no friendse-,51iss 'May Humton was in Olin. top of the bunch in tle senior championship further damage was done t Cite' horse or when finished. be
ea orth ;. Campbell, Berlin; Wilson, ton this week spending a few d series of the CA, A. -Mr. H(Aurn, teller Winthrop AYA w—#— U
r n, who was coming friends. --Quit'e a number - from the village �waj holidaying COURECTIO.-In the MoKillop4.eln's of from Hesisall with his horse and buggy gave' attended the funeral of the late Mr. JAn STRATFORD, ONTARIO� I in; Qa r, Kirkton; Fortune, Wing- in the Dominion Bank, is buggy.' Air. MeNorto
hem Clark,'Stratford ; Gibb, St. Maryp; Constance. One of thb largest and most succeLrof ul at preent.-Mi. and Mrs. Alex. Wilson last week a il* t mistake was made In aill, as -The farmers of Troyer,
Wagner, Tavistook, and Elliott, Milford.\ Y. Mr. Brintnell a ride bon *pent 0, couple o days bbis week runt' ti i�g th v ara-bly kno ad
schools in the Dominion, Graduate# The next meeting will be held in Stratford loa IV at Mr. Norgs.-Mr. m vill was well and fav wal
Miller was manager at one -this icinit W Jamieson happened -Mrs. Henry Pyles, who was visiting are now cutting their oats and here.
eminently successful. at Bayfield. -Cu. eman's foundri, has closef time O a ohs 'hilrvest wil soon be over again. f th TJ with an accident on Thursday evening last., Mrs. (Rev.) Waddell h rid
In December, and the following gentle tr will On erse factory here. Mr.111iller -The masons
lDg in peas at Mr. Write for beautiful catalogue, men down for a time,� but we u -the factory, but was just I finis -are now building the walls of the Pree While engaged in draw a% retu ea home., ly h- Mr. J. C. 80semau has been s in t were appointed to prepare apers for that be temporary ano that, 4t will shortly be by' Fisher's, he fell off the pend4 It torked in
g an appi scaffold in the barn,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52 meeting: Drs. G forth -enticesbip to rian chu L 6 Wilson, running again in our genial maker, to rch here and it will soon be oom. week with relatives and
Elliott, Campbell, Hutchings and Clark, fall blast. We, d like Mr. F Millson. ald struck�his head and sli To iNo� doubt our citizens pleted. oulder on the beth. -Mr, Henry Fair,
r tow b
ra In,
U on 11i. F& r, -was in'tbe village this to see-, any idld factories i I - floor. He will be laid up for some time.- g son of the e
n,� Rev generally, and one family cli'cle in �artiou. I Rev.
IMr. Smith, of'Bayfield, cond ser- 14r, will be pleased to Ill Mr. WM. Codk had the misfortu week uctea 0 r of him success, Crowarty. no to fall renewing acquaintauvea,--pr. and iDOMINION BANK. Tim HARVEM-The harvest in this violu. vices 1 'Be off a hay stack, breaking his arm.,oAfr. u St. Thor
an' all u roh on Sabbath last. which reflectg W.
Pauline, of Wingbam, who were visiting credit on the patience and TBS.
ity is now gettingpretty well through and �-Mrs. McDona, an ies McDonald woze &kill of our Mr. Millson, No -:-Cromarty has this week become John McGregor, cheese maker, Moleavrgrth,
a good many farmers have threshed their enjoying,,the la r Air. and Mrs. Samuel Raunle, of the town. Gil
CAPITAL<Paid Up), 1500,060. ',�b cl!ele at Bayfluld for a issessed of a now blacksmith, who is said was home for a vioit,,jost . week. -Mr. ""O ship of Rev -Mr po
fall wheat. The weather has been W ek.-Mr. A. to ei -Mies Naimith, MeGavin and arents, and $1:giO0,0(jo. -favorable f6v days last alipse all COT Paulinele ff.,, Ingram, _petitors. sister, bf Leadbury, were the brother, daughter of Dr. asmith, of Milvertou, is g9esto of Miss Lottle McCully on Sun- this r. . R Mon for the'saving of the grain crops. The Crop, managor for the 0ectric light company, in her Rennie, - merchant on vi returned home on
around this, vil- day. -Mr. HirA Fisher finished cub, Air, ywas al BRANOH, Higgins, of 'Exeter, was oat viewhag the Devi ton3, Hamilton b however-, will not -yield nearly so well ;a in Toronto this 1week purchasing another 4 ,'OTES,—One evening last week while Mr. this week visiting in and
who re. a n,- fal he attempted to climb a fence ad in contly retUrned from Jamaica, Main, street, Sesfbrth. froit in July did much more dama$e than Re' liminatiorill Cromirty school, Where -he -had Itlelpated earlier in the season'. The new boiler for the electric liaht tatio lage.-The vandidates for. the entrance ex- ting his harvest on Tuesday last. was at v. 'George Lockhart, wil� and little is, thin year, Mire. Cook, of Winthrop, is 4isrsding a few been for a trip in the int no! doing his foot slip a fe Ageneralbanking businen transacted. Farmers' 1ppozed at the time.,. And this, with daughter, 6f Southern Indiana, a ped when i�_v rails --have passed without any failtli Mr. weeks with her aon in the village. -Ming- - erefsts of health- ect9d, and advances mal on && ith *r.,Lockhart's parents, in 1111 perous me at -the extremely dry weath Ili h has'suc- few da w a most pro Flossie McGregor returned home on Monday Ewen. -Mr. James Petty and- his n ]Is spending fr�ni tile bottom, Canal h, * to fall I break. Anthony Allen, one of th open �04e Notes con
sin$ three bf his ribs. t last week here with Mr. George o
ceeded it, has had t4o 7JeeZectleof making MoKillop, and other friends in thi Z will be laid u f and genii] farmers of th a vicinity. I or a 10bh 1 concession, after'hpendiDg her ohda a in Toronto.- class, y sol timer but We hope' Soo his ptirchased the farm SAVINOS DEPARTMEtjir. many of our farmers feel, somewhat, blue, -Rev. John Clark, pastor of Ca�an avenue n to hear � o has belongingl to Mr. The subject for the League meeting SAgday Miss Crovadale and Miss B. Petty, returned redovsry.-Mr� Hartley Millman, I. Goo. frm, a pleasant. 1)"wolts of One'Dollar and upward@ received, and rob, Toronto, I and well The early iown fall wheat was not so much Presbyterian cho. George Stacey, of the 12t hornleon'tuesday evening h cotc6saioll.-Mr. evening will be "The blessedneE4 anU-14- nI yield - fairly known' to many in Seaforth* ano vicinity, man, of 4ondon, and Mrs. John'Rice, and Mien Mary -Allen, ards of giving" to be taken by Mine Busy '[P UP the lake. -Mrs-. Rowlie, of St.. Interest allowed ai, highest cutrent rates affected by the front and wil b6llor and another young
�z � Ci Michigan, added to ill and is of go Pages through Exeter for Bayfiold whose spent Sunday with frien4o in London town- Wheatley. 0111144 twice each yezr-st the and of we ad sample, but the late. was married at Giencoe on Thursday of last has been spending the past eqn1red for the whole or any portion of a deposit. week or so here, the guest . of the Affe"t- . . . . . .
June and'DecemVer. No notice of withdrawl is wheat will not be much more thau two- week, to Miss 'Alexindrina Sutherland, th6y tend' to stop Mir a f6w dai.-Mr, ship. -Mr. and Mrs. W. E. 119kpith have R. Sutherland, of ssill.-Mr. thirds of a crop, while the quality is in- daughter of Rev. W. Jolill arrot has g,)ne to Mr. Aichardl Jones', returned from a sojourn in Hbn HodgiDs,baving returned with Miss Myt*t, 2 064orne, to run the farm asl� Mr. Jones is 'Johs� Mallraith has moved his.s R. S. ITAYS, W. K. PEARCE, erior. In many places fully one-quarter of Strathburn. - Mr.! Clark's many h iends here hoe business Bluevale. Who was visiting ati St. Clair. -MV -8,,41 Solicitor Agent. -KQTA. the oats will be useless, the frost having going threshing. into the now and co DIED IN DA —Mrs. Ann Jone Sheffer visa this week'visiting he' destrove will join with us ih wishing -him i 11 possible mmodious' apartment a, relict, r broth Ames Hannan, of Shipka..
Cited in connection with, his dwell.; d it in, the first place and the happiness in th�j future. -Measr s. Sills & lately ore' Of the late Wns. Jones, -a former resident of MT- J droualit having aided the frost in the bad ing, on West street, -Her many friends will Murdie have the iiontract of pu ting Ureenway. thin place, died at ille'llome of her dalugh. Grand Trunk Railway in a I South Mits Bertie Doble. of Mitchell, left by -Mr. ITEMS. -Rev. J. W. Baird, B. eased to learn that bliss Milly Allen is Dakota, on July 23rd. Dece work. Pea's have been almost entirely des- bath room. in the Commercial h tel. ter, Mrs. Wm, Heit, at Brad -ley,
troyed,and in many places are hardly worth George A.- De the early train on Tuesday -of last ar" of Glencoe, w 9 calling nodriced 1%at Sabbath asocial at the pa .!ti1v improving in he
rson- ltb. - Mr. Jose aaed, who had
11 week cubting� Potatoes, also, promise a small on old friend w age,. Corbett, on e day evenin Spear h a in town this week. We*are T only been ill a few days-, d reached the -for her contemplated visit to Germany
General Rail wa A 8t e had a good plowing bee � on his new As
, Steamship, 'Tel,6- yield. The tops were frozen down in many in Yecaipt'of a copy',, of each of t thre 91;12.�� Mrs. W. J. wnillalonLtind.iirls,.,�acteg(o�M- farm on Tueeday last. -Mrs, She was one of wherehe ilitendo to take' a d,vanaill Crftk
good old age of- 75 years.
i8arah Hog -
graph, Express and Fire In an Francidpo, California 'd by Miss Sadie Mo ug in, of daughter, Elizabeti surance places, and the subsequent drought has al- leading 8 panie, t here garth and the pioneers of this section and suffered 9,11 course Toronto, and- form1 I f SeaforWt Air. sped ee at B&yfiel�.-Mr. W. A.� Tuckeramith. -The Misses Crawfo, 0 m does not soon come, the n*golds and tur dergaist, B. A., of -to visit Mr. thomas Stinson� week spending a ferw'days with friends in the.'warden nd -chair of Trinity thurch expect
ost entirely stopped the growth.. If rain sent us by Air. Wm. Tren JP dailies, last Saturday are thin the privations of a pioneer's life. She was in In U11100. The evening before nAgency. g
nips wi rd, of e�'in and a d woman ands, true mother. and *ill presented herith�,% handsome bi 11 also suffer. -Fa9ture", also, are Prendegast has u FrauciLco for b field and begol6vingly remembered by a valuable ble and few win the eld
Jr bee Wilson W :e7l kom here to Bay Toronto,' who have been, spending a many in gold.pen. earlyall the choir- becoming very bare. Tnere has been an about, a month, o a visit, to his bro this vicinity, who will extend to the bereaved and &number of , oth r friends Went ther, Varna' last we k and r6t6rned home on weeks with their uncle, Air. Goo. -Leary, of Of 1111 ki W., Somerville, Agent abundance -of moisture east and south of ty for Monday.-Myrt. e Wileon visited friends in the 12th coneesbion, returned-: home this family and friends�r heartfelt sympathy. e west of
who has been a resident - of that 4 station, to see her off on Tnesday-,mornin Since 1888 Mrs. Jb e had been living with 9- Commercial HoteX Building. this, in the'neighborhood of Stratford and about fifteen years. The w ather �here London and Exeter last week. -Mrs.,1 0. H. week. -Mr. E. Spears ban also�' *returned to -A pr the inan
_�tty wedding -was cel6brsit�d At. the same city, her children i4 Dakota, and during her Rostock ash tt- scare Ee but here and north of this there -has delightfully cool, and has beeen - all s4mine Wilson returned 'home from Grand Beu� after spending &� few weeks; or Ime ago, when WU&4" secure Ali beexto' rain for a mouth. although it is very dry, and Mr. Pr last'Monday where she has ation, with his brother, Joe. - short risidened there had Made many warm fift The -a e ender- been dlampirl$ vae es Davie, h daughter of Mr. Henry Sabloti friends uer BEATTIE BROS got says they,'�do not expect an for a Week or two. of Mitchell, is the guest of Miss McKaig ' whose, sYmPlstbY will unite with w . f 8'3 as married to Mr. Adem Mentz, f E cto y rain before Our first shipmens of beautiful apanese berand perhaps December. -Mr. and this week. -The Misses Sta y that of"her old� Ontario friends foi as China just ti hand, at Fear's. Drug store, $eaforth, of Toronto, whi mourn those Zorra. The ceremony took p Cow6 in and see ft. orms. 0 vange see At the- Gtoceries Butcherg, Mrs. Andrew Graber, of Stretford*, spent have returned home after spending a few her dernise. The re lical church, Monday with relatives in town. -Mr. Me. BAuN Bu days with their aunt, Mrs. Sinsol n A. Miller. id td rest in Brid.ley. R124 -,was performed by 43"now
Rev. -S, R. Kneel " 'n�, unele of gem An PrIms suitable to all. Alillan, age . ut of the Tor' -Mro-. Harry Spears and Matter Bert, if NoTBs.-Mr, A. MeRwen, of Berh no
f Just received a -dainty line of opal and onto Globe,. has der star - RNED.-During the heavy than principal Of the bride. Miss Maliuds,'St-einacher; of So _98, at C. A. Humber m, on Friday morning last, the barn Roat n, Jewelort Seaforth. - n ass of seven And $1
was ils this %ttended the bride, and Mr.� �W ,
--SE:AFORTH. TEL. NO. 8 1-599-1 been in town this week in the interests of of Mr. Robert Miller, of Sunshine, Speare'i brother, Air. Joseph. Spears. -Mr. our school, had a were one. Henry Mentz w- � his paper.. -'Mr. Hugh Robb has had a tele- struck- by, Seaforth, are holidaying at the 'home of Mr. PUP year, and six of thei Set HEAbACHE CURED WHE-�%- -lightning and burned !.to the as roomsman. The bride.. Up-t)-Ldato shoppers - will dowell to 1watch'thig Have you a headache, pain or ,yDF'UG's FAIL.- phoneplaced in his grocery store. -Miss and Mrs. Fred Lpxton, of Eden, spent Sun. oe*Rful--ODIY . twO Pupils from Bluevale is an estimable young lady and is quite pop. trouble with your ground. The I;Arn contained all Mi. 'school passed the public Be a in space for the. next year. 'we win have. snaps to tell eyes?, To read at nieht Is an unpleasant feelin Hallie Coleman I et aDy where elie to town. eyes get tired. nurse in a Hamilton hospi- Mil- day with Mr. aud.Mr. Wm. Butler. -Miss hool le v 9 eX- -Ular in the community, Tkere wer.6 njany.- You about that you can't ler'wh4y and this seasou'll crop of falf wheat, This week we have opene amina PA
W. W. Stoker, optician, at Mr. 1.97 tal, and daughter of Mrs. Robert Coleman, Luxton is the guest of her cousin, Mist, Me. tiOn.-Mise West returned home to gues pric
upscrate of:dlnnor tea Fear's dnig store, seaforth, o%n make you happy bY which �ias destroyed, together with to present. a.num- Dougall, ibis week. -Mrs. John Baker, of a V al zow,
and toilet sets, these are to izo, at prices tLhat wil recently of f3eaforbh, had the misfortune to bar of implements, includin ib rider. months with hpr brother, Rev. W. J I not fittl Woodstock last week, after visiting e er
Pg YOU With a pair of glassea. Examinations break her arm the other day while bicycl London, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Spears, of West. allow them to stay long. We also have scoured the free. 1599-1 ing. Eighteen pigs and five or six o3verie' 4' :�e=Yr for the famous D. blend of tea in pa2kagej -Mrs a o per- Lucan, are vsiting friends in and around 75c I say Moore about It again. AYMMUR CALF ]FOR SALE. - T. W. Duncan, Mr. Will Du -Mr. James Robertson and Mr. Harry now
-For axle a Dean ished ip the flames. Although there w Dimeut each tho'llnighbred Ayr*Wre calf. Thomas Hlli, and Miss Nellie, of Guelph, are on a vi Cromarty and Hensall,-A number of the - bad & flax pulling be Pi er, Our But�her Shop t de is, Increasing dally. sit to some insurance in the Howick Mutual, Mr. ociety people of Croma . week. -M im Ad& Harrington, of -Gli mondville. 1699XI old Beafotth friends. -Mr. and Mra. W.- D. rty and vicinity ut. elpb, is WhY ? Because it's the excellence of cur weats and rgel,_ and glasses Miller's4osa will be very heavy, as be will visiting her aunt, Mrs. John the Prow -Pt attention W our custdmere want@. EYES -tested free of cha Bright were enjoying the lake breezes at have slothing left from his semsony t1lended the lawn tennis New a now 1598 prescribed onli where they are requIred. a work, at Staft, last Mon- Fowler,, jr., of DALir, the 1. Bayfield for a few -days last week and this. day eveniag.-The many riends of M'r the Bluevale road, and also friends at optician and jeweller, Seafoxth. -We regret'to leal that Mr. C. : E. St. Collson rge Martin will be pleased ;to bear that Londeaboro.-Mrs. John Nicholson and -large G
HAVE made a special study of the human Clair Simpson has been confined to his room NoTZS. he is recovering nicely from his, accident. children, of Chicago, are spend'119 the surn- su�
eye. If your eyes are weak or your sight poor, it is . for a feiv- d"s through illness. -Oa h 8 re.. -Miss Green, o, f trouto, Ul s -pend- mer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rsbert JmPOyt&Dt to have thFm c-Mr.efullY 'examined. No turn from Maxwell, of the Bluevale road. -Air -R. R"Q u
Rot charge for teaVnX. DAL7, the optiol - Ifa&-inac. last week, Dr. i,g the summer with her friend, hfi�a Stir Brussels. Sestorth. an and Jawellcr, stopped Off at NA Finlay, Algonla, t ling. -Mrs. McDonagh and children have Kee, of Molesworbb, WATT]5RS., Splaci.AL, _p 15699-1 spect a farm he has there and to in- returned from Woodatock.-A coo A number of first-class was� visitin her invi" nts, W,,,,, rices in, a few -different lines Of call on ShOlD farins for :ale in brother, Mr. George Macdonald, last -week. DISTRICT oesat PAr is about to open up at Smith's tri . Morris and Gray, on easy terms. Also any 4m,vals, T's, Seaforth. 99-1 -A 16 some of the numerous old Huronibes who of money to.loaD on farm security at .5 per con mount —Farmers are having their wheat threshed,
are locatod in that viciniby. number from here attended the fu I' % wito and it is proving a good crop.. -Mr. Wm. r load of kiln dried basswood pieces for Among those deral of terms of repayment to suit the b3ri $1, dc COLAIA Oer. Apply to tilvered. Sealorth. Ott the lateiss Sprung, Hullett, on Siturday F. B. ScoTr, Brumels, Messer h4 A* —Afr. Alex. MaKinnon, of 15932 'whorn he visited were Mr. Geovg�' P 1678-tt a returned * from a visit to his lasb.--Mr. Will Sallows was the guoit of daugliter,, Mr. fra. Barclay,. of Ypsilan te, ZirATION--W. W.�- Mr. A. Halliday,,uf Belgrave, a 006 is —Jndge Masson held a court last Mic
Tuakeramita, met with a veky painful a X� 61ARGE FOR EXAMIA -formerly of Hullett, and -Mr. George .,ey, NOTE
Stokes, Optician graduate of the Toronto and Chiongoi formerly of Tuckerstnith, both of whom pie of Tuesday, a hi an. Miss Cora Meiser, who accons. cident'at the station here on Saturday last, Optical Collexes, is at Air. drug store,� days last week. a the appeal, of E. � H. Thomas 1. V. Fe%r's have fine farini3. He brought with against his ease from the result; of which be will be laid up Boalortb, unfil August 13;h. If Y�u bave a pair,of him a sament, and, after heari Panielhim will remain there a nionth.— n g sample of oats from the farm of the former, Miss Kerr, of Drumbo, was visiting'her for some time. It seems he was loading glasses and they do not give you @%,Ijfac" on, conye the'evidence on both sides, d'eaded that the and h%ve them obi and a sample of wheat heads from the farm Crediton. uncle, Mr. John Gardiner, last week. Miss council bad dealt handsomely �Y the appal- Kerr is o some cattle, and while tying a bull in the 1 of the latter. We have nothing in the RALLY DAY.—The' Y n a bicycle tour, afid h' RY0 IbUSY fldseek
cling reopLo a, At lant, wbe as viaied Icar, the animal became. infuriated 11nd turn. is they reduced his assessment several towns in the cours ad on him, goring couutY of Huron this year that will an. liance of the German Evangelical Ohurch, $1 ty.—Miss Me. him severely.- Mr. Me. DBATI1 oF RIGHAD STEWART. —After a proach them in quality.—Mr. Peter.Dill h' of this place, will hold their a-annal rally POOO at court Of revision, and confirmed Mordie, of Hensall, is visiting her uncle Kinuou4had several ribs -broken, and was engthened illness,. born with true Christian the assessment, with costs against the leased the residence of Mrs. Wffi. Spr9ab, on on Sunday next, morning and eyening. &P- Mr. Joseph Smillie, of Morrie.—A. J. badly bruised,- but he was fortunate in'es. p�tieace and resignatio:n, Mr. Richard Stew 11811ant.—Joseph Frain, of the � 3rd conces- over, the notorious forger, wall in the village Qoderich street.—Mr. 1. V. Fear has leased Intyeresting addresses will be delivered by slon, Grey, passed quietly &'W* ay to the last week MIA10,111 fr f111 �_ceping with his life, as he miglit easily have Art, of Eg'mod Ville., died on Monday aftev- the residence of Mr. W. M. Gray,,at the Rev J. 0. Litt and Rev. Sauer, of 1 Dash. great beyond on Friday night. having come to the Wingham been killed. His injuries were dressed by illooll. He bad reached the A ood old age -of head of John street.' He had races. M r. Conover it out of prison now, —The friends of Mr. J-. wooii, also an English address by thO Rev. been plowing the day before, nd went to body knows for how long. 'He at one is Ow good usual, but when they went to a' time kept a hotel in Bluevale, and after- Dr. M--Giunis, and he was taken home, We nearly eighty one, and wort down by the C. Smith, formerly of thi t r. Ehnes, a young mau who will start for bed �as but no
hope he will soon be around again, and weight of years and the infir' will be all
mities of age., the pleased to learn that he has secur the mission field in Africa, in a few' days. him next mort wards
fetl none the wors.e'for his haking up. last -call came an quietly and peacefully as position in connection with a ban ing The programme will be interspersed b _king there Was no response, in Wingham. y and and, on: examination,- it was found that he Tilly,Mccrae, daught4s of e sleep to a'tired child. Born in Scotland, tution in Ottawa and intends ren�bvin Insti. apecib,l singing by the choir and th me - - 0 —Misses Lizzie
from 6 Is was dead having as it wer' Rev. M r. Me.
Toronto to that city,_Aiiss Bastedo of To. quartette. THE Bo1%(iFRs AT LOND3N. 18176 he was early in life put to learn the 9 I e slept away. —Three rinks All will be Cfte, f CrWnbrook, are visiting at Mr 0 trade of a weave' made welcome. He was one of the earliest settlers of Grey, George Hudson-. Soon after th of our bowlers took part in the Western r, which occupation,he foi- ronto, and Mrs. Pinkham, of Hamilton, are 0 eir pl,rrivai being' a man over So ears of age. Ontario Bowlizilig Association tournament at ]Owed till coMing'to Ontario in 1843. III guests at the residence of Mr. Charles y He raifie� here, Miss Liv/de was taken very ill, but 1839 he marted Christina Thompso Witl9ham. a large family. who are scattered all over has 'now recovered --.-John London, lat week, and, although they aid n, who Clarksom—The follow
not carry off the fir8t prize, they stood well through nearly sixty yeor of lije,s persons were . WOTBS.—The horse races, held h' the continent; one son, Lo and Henry Old (Country 1214 journey tialceted this week by in erb on renzo, and two Chambers,w -ho were drowned in Shoal Lake, W -Somerville, up, Wednesday and Thurda daughter@, Mrs. Ja e of b 4fek, Mee Slemp,� Morris, and Manitoba, on July 24th, were nephews of 'Rachel Row, Grey, still re: aide � in this local- up in the front rank defe%ting som proved a true helper to him. After e town"G. T. R. agent : Air. Matt. Irving, to were largely attended. TyheofWleas the ather Awas Mr. -John Gardiner, of this place, and. had beat rinks there, a;�ong -thein t to Ontario he resided in the � townshti -Buffalo, ; H R. _Ja'ekson and daugb ter, to fine.—Alr� Brene.,h, of Clinton, ity.—Biuissels council are asking for offers he famous E15quesing till 1853, when he moved to the Mackinac Island ; David Leacb, of Chisel- sli- Pur' for $22,200 of debentures, at ! 4 per cenb,, Sometimes visited here.—The rink of Dr. Biggart, of Toronto.- In the h 14i 9 to Eureka, southl, Dakota.—misq chased the Worth End bakery from Mr. T. football team, which is composed partly of were tied for the prizA r-esided ti1l 1883. Having by industry our -a
C0110011tiOn 111314tCh tA� of the Seaforth rinks he t Wingham �fownship of Alorris in this coun y, where
as so four handsome ail-, hurst, Sanderson.—Mr. Thomas Dodds h running for twenty years
Minnie Hicks has gone to loronto, where A good chance ver eapo, which they brought home with to Mr. L. J. asued t6ktake e has secured a good j position.—Miet, sides, of Toronto, in the Winghans park al�d.thrift acquired bufficient of this world sh but his butchering business ld for an investment. Thy are -Bluevale boys, will play against the..River- goods to -keep bim in comfort the" Williams. --:-Mr. Thomas Headers up outstanding debentures -our -4
falling due.— pext Monday -evening, instead.of fi'-t Fri' bu�elwess
them, tfie tie to be played off on the green remainder Minnie Donovan has retumed from a three brick residence, on O"I "' Report has it that J. D,' R d
man and W. K of his days, and having been John street, is nearly onald is again day m had been advertised. Th rsRiver' Is d
here. The winning rilaks were skip ed able to settle weeks' visit with her sister' in Wingham,
E� C. Cole ' I by most of a large family i -homes —Next Sunday, at 3 p. in., lAlajor Southall completed.—Rev. Mi. Stobo, of North Bav proprietor of the Ronald engine works, bav�- sides are the champions, of Tolreonto an The 'D. Peare ang were a comfort,able I D a property in Morris will hold a meeting at the �alvation Army bath. d composed as follows.. James AleMichael, of their own, he sold his preached. in the Baptist church last Sat' purchaseil them this week 'from Mr. bave-been for fivp years ing the game is For.. F. Holmested, J. 8. -:Rob�erta. and E. C. his wife and their youngest barracks. All will be, made —Rev. D . Perrie ccoupied the pulp ' likely to be inteiesting.
and, with Thomas, and that he will at once set t so
welcome and of tlye it bein Coleman, skip W. 0. Reid James Scott, daughter, came to reh resbyterian church last S running.—The funeral As many as can ide in Egmondville. none of Thomas Taylor� should h' qnda 0
DuAng his fifteen M188 t 6 opportunity after enjoying a Month's holiday,,. 0 _y, will 9o:to see the home t-elim win,_we 9 0 est settlers, passed -hope. n is
wys, and W. K. Pearce, skip. The years of residence there, of heario this glfteil man. — The firemen are practising for the toutna ur one of Grey's earli He sold he lived a quiet li
varied by working at Sentinel, last Thizrsd tie was played off at the green here on f!l Pilot oupd, Manitoba 'a his was farm,a year or two. ago to of thr ugh . Bruseelu him to be idle, of Seaforth, Crouyn has been en aged as tea for Tuesdacy afternoo, and the contest was a his old trade, as it seemed imponsible for I I , Brantford on August 17th.—Miss Mary Turnbull, and was real ing a Hensa
says Mr. John Cardno 0
close and exciting one, but Mr. Pearce's Iu politics h'e was a Ontario, paid 9 ell idi the Ben the time -of his death Goderich at rink won by a ecor binel 1friendly call On room No. 3 in the public Echool.—Aneer --Conductors Quirk IRFS. —Thursday last was xcel- ob. t game of football is expected to baplay- graqe Y 'in August Sth, at 5. on this line of r4il way, ior iniany years McAllister and brother, of hathel, are here u e ch ardno, who has %.numbeir a farms in this ad on the Recreation Park on Monday, � have e of 18 f3hots to i5 teligion Presby. Monday last. Ile is a son of Mr. Alex, len and Fit7gerald, who have beeh conductors' s, rved here as a civic holiday.—The
, so 'taunch Liberal, and in Loc,i,L Bit
that the members of his rink are ow terian, consistent in his profession and qver C Mi8ses
richer by a beautiful silve c faithful in ibis attendance on the means of M Up. seotion, and the visit here as psrtl .30 p. M. been transferred to the Londony Huron and and by' his death the community that connection and partl The game w 4aiting their aunt, Mre. WM.. Buchanan. losevan honest s +t. W, 17 A y t spend a short ill be -A
J>VX AT ZAVTrA Caring CINzen. To the VIE.Ir, with relatives, the ?Vles e Ingham football leam.: win- MU allpenzy and Cox, . of the Rev. R. weir, of Mar�haville, preached two in 'the Stratford Bea. Londesborough.)Y-Al the following letter fro "O. -We take bereaved widow and daughter, who watched �rs. Cardno, of ners of the Maitland league for 18971 §uthampton branch, 'he excellent sermons in Carmel Presbyterian ir. Geor e H � ve taken their f and con of last week. It as written by Mr. over his declining years, and tenderly'eared the ColliDgwood Collegiate I ill, Of the� ViVeraides, of Toronto, champions of the placip.-The Ronald foundry has been work- church on Sabbath last.-Migg Effie Me. vn
ere city league for five succes in during the past week, clock.,to
a friends. Bive seasot_ ebting an. engine Bert Johnson who, egg ng his mother and 'h to y"p, It -for-several years, was for him during hiA protracted illn , the- visiti h CaUghan, of'"ericb, who was yinitin i Therein a large number Of visitors ia town shape. ---7A goodly num er -of BruWsel. Misses Johnston, of the London roa ban compositor in TAE EXPOSITOR office. Mr kindly dympathy ',of the entire community is While in Bayfield on Mondo� last iteg it 7 thle i Mr. W. just now. attended the Winghain races last week. returned home. Ivg burin
- extendeA, in- `61his, the hour of their 4he eald
Johnson was a native of D. Bright, who is an I expert fit sherman, -The following- officers of St. John's lod W a in the village part oflast week and -this" We are August, 3
Goderich where his mad Mrs. C mother resided until a few years ago when affliction, Owftrd, of Stephen
miration.of the town. -it weighed about e caught a �ike which was the lenvy -and ad. A. F. & A. M.,' were install d by P. visiting her brother,- Mr. Robert Fulton, she removed to Manistee, Alichigan, where -E(, Brucefteld. 10-NDVITLP, NoBs.�_Mrs, John Taylor, ten pounds and measured 33 Barnard, of Wroxeter: A. Codsley, P. M, and friends in the adjoining -county,_On herson Bert, also lived and worked as a R. B. HIGGINS, Brucefield, Notary P Monday last, Mr. W. E. Hoggarth, of Ridgetown, is a inches. -Miss jublic George Halliday, W. M.; Peter J. Bishop, .pending some time with Jean McDermid, of Cleveland hopi
printer until, he enlisted in the American Conveyancer, Fire anl Life lesuranoe agent. I Any non of army. He is. now serving in m§nse,-Milss tal) is amount of money to loan at 5 at coat., on fire S. W. ; G. F. Blair, J. W. ; James Fox, Mr, Benjamin Htgarth, of thii -If 1: a e, her siste�, Mra. Shaw, at the. spending her holidays at the home of her farm security. Also a limite a class treasurer; J. 'A. Creighton, :secretary; . d from here per express - and the following is an ecxtract;fror Santiago May Bently, of Clinton, was a guest last father, Mr. Angus McDi mount . f private shippe to a an Is. with We Ballantyne has lbeen engaged WednesUy Of each week, Several good gue, a p -air, h class tarred bition at Toronto, ad for landed in7Cuba, July ist, at small town 'holidaying with relatives and friends in NO James Ballantyne, rocks for the-exhi F McLeod, are for the next' eat as teacher in the Beams- 1571 S. ; Silas Jackson, J. S. ; !Goo. which he has written. home- " When we and her daughter. Miss Effie _.& ir for J. Cameron, J. D. . Of bi&
a a letter week Of Miss Flora Porter.—Mrs. D. Clark —Miss Ja' irmid,j Huron road. f undo at 5 per cent. At holme every in r Ing sod Wr�hb. Champlain; John Howitt, S. D. ; man in Fer
along the coast, little did we think that we ville public school.—Milss -nie TBS.—Miss Jessie Jamieson, aebow.- Dunlop, which he received a good rice.—Mills Me had to get right up and march with only three Detroit this week.—Much is be' �n Clarkil panied by her sister, Mrs J- G- ; J. Y. S. Kirk, of Walkerton, who has Wg said and formerly of Seafortb, and sister of Mrs. 1. Adams, Tyler.�Thio week bouriereststa,rting 4t 8 O'clock that eve written about the small remuneration paid ohn Stephen I Dakota, is at present visiting a will about see all the harvest Cut,. and next past week or so visiting Cen here for tZe" a province. 8, was married I in Calumet, 6 the !par- er brother, allid, Id The me'
robing order and ental home.—Mrs. James Thomson I and week will have it in'the barns the earliest �hei gue t of Mrs. - Neela6�' here on i. I pretty tired in heavy me ii 1 the public school teachers in thi Michigan, on the 19th of July,�to C031150 w,b 1, Sn -
wading thro While we X1 r. "Ince A I 0"" �
regret to ass bright, earnest Allan, of the Calu on record. ea
ugh rivers I Moilids, I for St. Th "spite?1d
swamps* etc., for Met Post office force. The a left e held I
11 I WZ children, of Moosej&w, Manitoba, ar�ived loni hre she intends twenty-one miles, and reaching the. suburbs I young people doing good work, as many !n6uy friends 6f the young lady here will Aere she will stay with r BLOCK, -
of Santiago the following morning at day I 00 paid, we believe the blame is join us in extending to Mrs. Allan the most here last Friday, n ret,�rns visiting relistives before returning home.— e
are poorly her parents until Mr. Thousso Kippen. i Mina Mary Hagen left here on S&turd&v T-1hu
I mainly their own, and that the remedy be from the Klondike, where be has gone o PLOWS AND GANG PLoW*s.r--The under- mo#fii, light ; then through shrapnel balls and bul _arty congratulations and sincerest w ng last for Detroit, where she inteacfa Au reata ;Pith themselves. for her future hapW* ishes I 11 -_1 a prospecting tour.—Mr.T. W. Higgins, of
ts b the millions and such7 &-roar I never While they are will- iness. —The � filped has on hand a few skimming: ploWs and gang spending a few weeks with her brother, first annual was a uron county Womans' shot through the neok me will always find cheap buyers, - who wiil Terriperanee are spending a few weeks rusticating at the afgle, w ing to sell their Aervices so cheaply, conven Toronto with Masters Larratt and Dou$las, of plows and plow castings always, On hand. Plow - sisted by r. A fellow who resting near they tion of th plows, which will be sold t a bargain. A full line, Peter He an. 'Her sister, Miss me- The .and another Union will be held in the-, t6wa rePz1r'n9 "Pect'll T. AlsiLms, XIp?en. IL iss. Hantir, *ill ta, e The
t ou h the foot. homestead, Bayfield road. —Mr. John during her virit. be w Bell and hire. —Miss Elli, of Green River brass ullets. I have lots of an finished cutting all his grain on the" T
Robert Elgie, who were paying. a three: brother- Mr 1 A.'M&loC1m._Mrx the Spaniards use vices of a well tried, capable teacher, for not, at which it is expected there will be a w (t , is Visiting her
even be willing to dispense with the ser- - Of Wingham, on the 25th and 216th 'of Aug- old NOTES—Mrs. Andre 15982 _ her dressmaking business harge, of
them I took one who is untried, but who is willing to large attendance of delega 29th Of July. This is almost unprecedented weeks' visit to e during t
from a Spanish �it in which �lso lay hun- work &r lean PaY. Thus the tea and a Most in the hito ach of their brotheis � -h
g of dead I people ran the ry of this lo , the C. dred Spaniarda, with a guard irstereating gathering.—The Broadfoot & I cality.--Mrs. Rod- former at Mr. Be Ue4th, of Now Yoik, who has been VU. To the =
ui Blair!,s and the lat. iting here with her sister for some Inn tiv
our soldiers watching them. As we have no eriok McLeod, of Clinton, ii'this week. re- ter at Mr. Robeft Blair's, all of Algams, re- V
of risk of a bad yeol work for their children Box factory v�aa shut down on Monday and I' UL. —Mrs. J. Me.— turned home last week, They speak highly Rate It* -
initing AWMm011ations whatever Leannot 'of the profession. do on Tuesdak to permit of stock taking, newing 614 r time re.
and a good teacher is, perhaps, 'driv i acquaintances in the vill burnedhomethe - d of slab week. -M4 McFA MW of
however, the B. Thompson was in Brunner# of I -W write wAil, later. We &reOn the lee -ward side, best. of We have, Torontothis week at- Mrs O'Neil and Mrs. Foster, of Clinton. of the 0ountry and the grind ippearance of Undlet Mr. George Bunch.—Mr, hu, gor last Myers. row Double
pay, poor preach,"' is not the motto of our ter,�Alrs. izi, werethaguebfsof Mrs. P. McGre the abundant crops of all kind�._�Mr. H b Laramie droogi!t, of Dot - A�d of a mountain one mile out3ide of Santiago. reasons for knowing that "Poor tending the funeral of her sis etsforth, in Visiting her
"= not yet captured but we are plac . Ing teachers, in this vicinity at least week. —Mrs. avid Baird I acoompanis, by McIntosh and Mr. James Miller had U roit, is in the vd. DrY Goods CO. Z -a hills end, geli an both tie I.; ry on tl; her son from St. Paul, is 4 Present vial Ing Isge this weoV visiting his mot Ad'. ady public and private examinations at Mrs. Balrd's, in the village.—Mrs privilege of pending an enjoyable After- and friendoo"Min Jennie Buchijign, Albow to bhell them out.4 Yes, war is a terri testify to - —Dr. Hackney has purchased �Dr. fff- noon'$ visit the other day wit b4i rei
ble thing, I hav T�Alkod 9ver hibadreds of ths 0XJPAble work being done b y of strong's practice and private Arm. ball and dj%ughter, of London, are 'olid". couple* of daughter of Mr. Wall BuchgUant ofeand dry also Ar our our miserably paid prin iWS - assistants. Fullar h the oldest settlers in Huron,"who have lape, who.has been in Carberry - his vil. :Gre4Wt Cash re idence in h of t tork. lug wit friends in this vicinity.—Ths i GI journeyed hand Ilk" hand together, sharing -with.her brother, William, for family, musi"I entertaitill have one another's Joys and bur the doil for the lo Past two YeArtis home spending' thweam Dy Goods Store.I