The Huron Expositor, 1898-07-29, Page 87 1�,
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JULY 18918*
T, -a
Buchanan, of
ical an re -Which Lawyers abit and Killor Gode- Colorado; Rev. A. K., of �-Strathroy Mrs.. Caradoes—Rev. D.
Wallf" any econom d- a - an wr� in eay they.know more about making roads than'
y aqkwo*Iedged.-1 W1111. effi tout me"it
J 1 aid Hay bf Lexdbury; Mrs. William Arm- the government commissioner does -and thit, is apendin
eve- era ;f part of big vacation vrt
Wilson't OaSh GroCefwy luu during 0 will tend to encourage the, volunteer m Xich, and I-Aw Holmestel
who it sapplying for Mr, Shaw gh Cm bell, oonsequently, thdy have nothing to learn parehts�- r -and Mrs. Alex, BU
-may be �equired to place Wgre, in.London 9-viling.—Mr. 4 �Q. Mollie, strong, df Brussols; Mrs. Hug amp
as well receivod lastSabbath and meat, and which
Iwo.—We have Ivans,&- CO!1. Thompson, o
holiosyst w ffam fifm Perhaps they do, but their work th" village, and with relatives 'a
-saw log, xnangold need,, Golden Tankard and lAng - given good Promise I of - usefulness, in his the country in a proper st4to of defence. He df V 1nz E:kroarop.4taff, happened with of Hullett; Mrs. Fred f Gods
Field and Garden
P 4014 ierA. Importea short White caftt Ine was galled also promises to ad cate -the. vale of the rather a painful mishap the othor evenib rich; Mrs. Wilf. Smith, of IYulfbavillo; dbkiv not show it. Au engineer directed- in this viefifty. � Y1 r. 0. C. Petty
ted ma , Ind chosen professiou.�—Mrs- MoG VO g. t.L� place.
thabed varieties of-fiwediv 14'tbe low- h o to actual. settlers on easy He had just -Anished shaving himself, and Misses H. Jr,,�and Belle, of Walton. the making of the road in the firm having had a, pleasant run from
h,turnip- geed a Crown land
y telogriam- to Lucknow on Tuesday on &a; d to legal. wks about to spely some of th
qui posal e by b0at, the end of last
atookot T r than It is 'te 'bl this official never used a G�derioh,
death of her grand4daughts term$, 41
CA. prices. 0 eas im nava bette soothing
alio to get a measure passe
unt, of the
cAllister, of
the market. 00 Wrpxeter shovel in his life, sad still, all the 'pathmas. Mr. and Mrs. John M
Give us a 04 and We -will suann
fore made on un- bal *hen in mietskehe pi k b
tee to plesea you Mrs, -Spindler.—Mr. 2bomas $test and, his i Ahe a"essments heret9 in 0 e up a ot
since, p
_ed preseut.--!-Our ini b lic sold, p
and for bmwoney, than y i can buy Ram any p - outed Crown lands, alud, for the more tle conts car 0 od bid rubbed PERSONAL& — Miss, Mabyl Tucker, Of ters who have been in the t1ownshi lage� spent part of last week and thU
ou son are holidaying liefe at I -mile
-0" dy his "mis. I
of - !p*eee collection of sion4esident taxes, and on consideralle before he ndticeO, Parr line
ter. Our dock "It" is No. - I qualityi Our Hamilton, it mpeoding the summer at Look. have not made two a of read equal to their sons, on the
morican cousins arel receiving the usualtre prices mom low at sny,oub.,In the trade,- and m we old g0svol road, and still they will tell Wednead morning, Messrs. W J
interfere in a family to secure Increased harbor accommodation -take. His face in considerably .�iirned - and tlpy the Poi;4- of her college friend, the
give a 5 per oat. ossh dlieount, tn cubteustomers war of those'who, &
w better than professional i the ea
4=.s1I-putqh&ft_1Of*1 and over, except flourand -The noble Cuban does got appear on the Eastern ed, and it wilL be some tin e bef6re it
�3uaenluft will w ve us a as the gu eat AM w a roa, Moore, Ag
d Hall " and Ogle X hnston
squabble cost of Like Huron, the lack blister M&F 8mak, of Whitby, was youthat).they nio d should be made, and
you to rl 11 Good ).the generosity of his lib. of which had been no din trous'to life ana will have- resumed its' natural appe Alms Smale last week. engineers ho gie Kerr land Luie left -
0 good as- Ole to appreciat4 Dboar, Tes and.Tot ot Sda, and a for Wingham, wher6t e in
b4hest. prices pald� erators andnble Sam is just beginning to property from. year oys r, We. may may, It is lucky it, was no worse. -We iihdaritAdd tend
aortwout to welect-from. T
Auring the two days al tfie ram th"L W1
realize this truth of history, that man of that Mr. Dickson was looted by a' large that Mr. Alex. Winter, who hi a been as4. et r. Kippen.
tor all kinds Of $048.
C. WILSON; Seafortli. --Spanish zblood -make ver differenf allies majority on this occasion Indeed, he was 1 sistant In,, Mr. C. W. Papst's 1 st%tio very' &existing the Giant 'family at th I
_y in _Mfl. James Fftzgerald and so' NJ) GANG PLow-s.-The' under. . oft
r defeated, and was considered one of store for i reatmany years, has I leaned th� concerts, to be held those two eve
Of Azglo Saxons, John Bull found that out neve of oadon. 'st week '-visiting rs. af
PF skimming plows and gang
John. Jarrott.
1374 B=k of 00mineroi Block. It. Stewart w to MOM:ahon� who wasi here for
to his cost years ago..�Mr- he the strong men of that di �y in politics.' y to be vacated by 1 Mt. J; of at a bargain. A full line. Min
FftzgeTaId's *tot,her,. M re, go, always on hand. Plow weeks visiting, the guest of Mrs,
has been confined. to bad for the past three Smith, aed will not up in buisini,se for him� of Exeter, -svd- friends at Kippen and Hills, to XMIS, Hippon. 1598.2
IN LvcK AGAiN.-Th i steamer Roanoke, oung in`4n of goo
self. Mr. Winter is a y land Mrs. Robert Bel). jr., returned -
11 Gnen.--7Xr'9dwIn Jones 9nd � Miss Alias
wex, W X I months, is very low at present and to all
)n I badly needed in this to London on Monday ost -Mr.
last much longer. -The direct from the Yuko Id country arrived business ability, Is well kno,
appearance cannot . �n aw we nAt gunda last with Mr. Jam6s part. Why does not the weather clerk send Arnold will move into his fin
and fiad with liked, and should do well in whatever lino, Jarrott fine mew. acontinued, beat and drought, are affecting at Seattle on the 20th i
it" paseen era many r Jarrott;. o I f HIM Green.
in this, locality. pturaW miners who he may embark. -Messers. I - is week- or
In the Chythinff 'Trade Robb Brothers, t6 rain on tfi-a unjusi as well Pastures Bell's block the end of ib
everything injuriously
a aid root crops are suffering -%,cry much for nexb..-Rev. Mr. Millyard, - ok
had gold have carried on a successful groceryi
Even people's tempers are being severer ust iralued).at ovbr, $3000 000 who
thresh- Rre ched with much acceptanoi. in�
ak a n'. business here for many yei edisposedo e1hurst.1
tried by the almost intolerable heat and The report says 'Ambng the h the want of good drenching. -The
%ra, bay Chis
Wo, havet In.dook a complete assortment Of sizes In gore in Ic n, n
was Wi of their stock and, business to J. W ITaxs.-Messrs. Donald Brintuell and Ing whistle is now sounding I the f�ur Methodist church on Sabbath I
a remarikably good line of all wool tweed. In both dust. on the Roanoke, thresh-' quarters. The
dark arid 11 suadea, made ul� in mon's, Youth$', anaisno, ' who, with StM000 McCabe, lately of Toronto. Mk1%cCabe,.1s Edward 1� isses Batch,
yokwan have started out fallwheatyield will belar and evening.--,Tbe Mi
the guexta
boye'and ewodren!s sulk. The -.Men'@ sixes $01 At DEAT11- OF MRS. JAMES LEATHERLAND therichest. man on' board." Mr.7 1310a
about U boys'. $8 said to Iii a live business 'man, aid we hope' Ing with their -now outfit. They are hum- behind the expectations- of the trait, are this week
for him a prosperous busibess sult; the ysuttW -goo D, an ok a few weeks ago, both in quality -The yoong men
r7 tler and are giving d satisfactio d outlo Henry Cook.
t� These Suits we Su"0011" to give Mrs. James Leatherlaud mined peacefully in a son of" Mrs. Sloan, of th caieer in Be
le by the most noted away at her residence qn John street,' early town said is ma old Sdaforth boy. This in forth. We have not learned I vishat the will, no. doubt, get a good season's work.- and quantity, -Mr. Alex. McMurtrie is, village are tiking quite an Arst-olm Wear,,and are mac
Bed a I a e are rac
onadian manufactureris ur men'$ suits, at W Monday morning last; Mrs. Leatherland his second trip to the 'Klondike. He - Messrs. Robb intend engaging n, but we
49 and $10 are world-baktors. We aball be only too or the past few days. - receiving. "the
,0 Mr. Alvin Workman has: been indispo, add' kit h n to his dwelling -house baseball, and tid
turned a 11 a ill remain �Vill Vanhorne'vis-' Mr. Patterson, of the Heneall. 'planing and chslleng�s.- jbx-
any yestre
had been in delicate health for in bout a year a 'o and brought a lar are glad to learn that they will a
plessed to show our cloWng to any person calling. itea acquain vicinity of Staft mills, is over -seeing the work. Mr. Patter- are now busily engaged ande
been" confined to sum of money with im. He should at 'in town.-Thuisday niext,
kk and for some months has e farmers of this vicinity son knows how to turn out good work.
her residence most of the time. She ivas 63 in civilization now beon.pro3laimW 'a civic holiday. for Sea- last Sabbath. _iTh verygood.�M.Iea Gibson, of B-
WFP4, -Pickard & o.
years -of age. -Mrs.,Leithiirland's maiden forth, -by Mayor Gunn. AlIthe of9res and have been busily engaged drawing in their Rev. Mr. Henderson of Hensall, was chat- is visiting Misg Ettie Ballantine, 4f. lul
en o
krs� J. C. Stoneman has be
-$EAFORTH. n A A �To' d � she was a Oun NB)&, STATION' Mr. Phillip�, other business places will be -closed on that fall wheat, for the past few days. ting with friends in this vilIage during the.
&me was my 7 sen GENT. -
of week or so with her pa ute,
native of the couAt, routenao, aud'was of Stratford has bee appointed agent bf day. -Mrs. J. C. Greig and her end, NJ Is. week. -Miss Majazie Dowzer, of Clinton, past
i'enjoying it pleasant visit Mrs.. Robinson, of Lambeth.
born near Grand Trunk Kirkton. was for a few da3V Lambeth. o-niosto
Kiugs�DL.' S e was married 6 the Rali way at -Seaforth. It Admiri of Montreal, with their children,
Miss NOTES. -Mrs. Rowland Oaties, of London., at the home of Mr. Joseph Upshall.--:-wbtr. lake continue illie order of the day G
uccess Mr. Leatherlai�d ty y are ago last March, has, evidently, tak th %Grand Trunk have been , visiting in Goderich.
Robert Kettle spent a couple of *days last Bend and Bay.field being:. the . fa "d
and has resided-' Sedlorth about thirty authorities p. good while' to make up .their Maggie Wilspn is visiting friends in Toron- and hire."Wrn. Atkey, Wiarton, are visiting
loing one -of Sea- minds, " it! is four months or over since to. -Miss Mkgie Barr 113 visitm her sister, this we- k at Mrs. R. Fleteher's. -William week'in. London. Mr. Kettle was on - the, resorts, with St. Joseph, however,
years, Mr. Lea
look out for a good driver. -Mr. Oumo,re pushing forward ss�a place of intere
forth's eldest citizens.. She had a family of Mr. Bethune was suspended. It is putting Mrs. (Rev.) Neil McPherson, W! Hamilton H&zI.w`cod took a change for the worsev on
livin e it mildly to �say that the busine
g, th as e
six, but' are now 89 commun -Miss Lizzie Thompson bag go:nb to Camp- during the t, week, thieshed 40 acr a of the lake. -Mr. Adaxh Delchert,*ho )lad
only three Friday last. All hope that 'his reco�ery fall wheat, Eom the stook. Mr. Cudniore is collar bone broken recently, owing. to
03, now a � ident ity here is disapp6iuted at the' bellfdrd- to spend her holidaybi with her m
res result. They ay be speedy, -Miss Vera Hazle'woocl -is
eldest being her son Jam
sale of a wagow on, which be was ri
of Minnesota ; John, of:'Port Huron, and did h'o, e until the last that Mr.,, Bethune -brother and:other friends there. Mr. John convaleacing..-William Elliott b adopting the Matiitoba' system, Mr. Dina'
Miss Leatherland at home. She was a con' would te re -instated and, used almost every McTavish spent a few days of last week via- bike. -The* race between W. Miller and dale, the vetiaran thresher, did the work.- breaking down, suffers .a
Thin sobool does first-class work in every d ting
Mrs. (Rev.) McKibbin and niece are visi while going around in unable
sistent member of the. Methodist church, a- legitimate means to that end, but he ha Ring friendi in and around St. mud, Charles Petit took pIa6e on Saturday even
ronage. paren
epartment.-and eajoys'& large pat with rs., MeKibbiu's' to, Mr and work.--m-Rev. W. E. Kerr preached in
had return with him Miss Iva Haight of last, on the race track. Charles Petit
faithful wife and a devoted, loving, mother kicked againEt the pricks and the authori-
Commerci4l t gracle, B
Canada. -Studenvs can enter
-iftonebetter m
and I' wery respect a most estimable lady,' ties were inexoratle. Mr. ethune has IrnZe his bike with a stand and start, while
the highes Union, who will visit for a tim� with 'her Mrs. R. Mellis.-Mise Hannah Ivison, who Rev. Millyard' church, in Uinton, on
who Porter'm Hill, bath laist, morning . and eve
At any time. Catalogue free. was beloved an4 respected b all w/ ho' been a faithful servant to -the company and uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mi Miller ran a foot race. W. Miller won has been with her sister, at red -'reoentl
for' som'e'time, is at present visiti followingnotice appea
Ing among
knew her. The sinebreat symply of 6,11 he has- been shamefully treated by the Grand The first load of new wheat wai delivered by thirty feet. -M r.. Robert Copeland is-im- in thj
W. J. R14LIOTT, Principal. 4441 52 -Last week Mr. John B. Me- 10don Free Press, regarding the
will be extended to the severely bereaved Trunk authorities. Mr. Phillips is, we be- in town, at Ogilvie's mills, oi� Thursday proving nicely. -A number from -here at. friends here. fur
daughter, M. Ira. H. Me- of Mr. Alber
am ion games Lean presented his t Eacrett, of Washigton, a,
husband and familv. The remains were in- lieve, a good man, and under other morning, by Mr. Hugh Campbell, of Hul- tended the Caledon' in St. Marys
It tested 40 pounds on Thursday last...! --The wife of Joseph latoris,
w son of Mr. Christopher Baoratt, of'V
aTitlandbank cemetery. on stances we wduld gladly * elcome him lett, he Gregor, with a beautiful $75 bicycle. M
terred in the M ar Constance. lotoda,
trust to the . bushel, and brou Notean this week aleo presented his sou, J. Park farm, near Sexmith A'yer
Tuesday. - r p im y
DOMINION BANK thetown, but we he will ght q8 cents 11, 1rirk h presented fif with a fine baby
..p am
-imshel.-Miss 'Wilson and Miss Florence boy.
faithful an official and assatisfactory to the W. McLean, with one of the silent steeds. ple ant event took 'WillUfs.
big barn this Eacrett's residenc6l Dundas stree
Mr. G. McKay intends raising
CAPITA). (Paid, -UP), S-1,5010,000. TWEI TY pounds of Redpath's extra*. stand- pi�trons of the company here as his prede. Wilson, of Toronto, are visitingmt the resi
week. Tuesday evening last, being the marris V
ard Grauul" Sugar for $1, at A. YouNos.Sea- censor, although we musli say that the mau- dexice of Mr. James Elder, V.S. Mr James Gome.
R;� r
v,509,000. foruL his.4ately-returned -brother, Albert
ner in which the present Grand'Trunk eid, son of Mr. James Relk o)T SWafortls, Norw. -Miss Alice McLaughlin is v
BINDER Or Washington, 71,
to miss oan A
Virixm-A ton or two to sell at authorities seem to treat their subdr4inates returned Thursday morning from the Ing friends in Tieswater this week.�Mr. Londesbor
SEAFORTA reasonable pri6ia. - Johnson Bros., Seaforth. 1579 does not ch encouragement for well- Klondike. daughter of Mr. William Campbell, secoo
Herman Evans, son of Mr. John -Evans, Of 6ATHERINGS. -;-the usual eacramentaLser.
$eaforth. WA doing on thiveiripuart. Gorrie, hs returned fiom Owen Soitnd; vicbs of both Methodist a urches- will be concession of Hay, north of Exeter_
main street N`TZD.�Butter not lower, 12c ;-cash efor best dairy tub3. G. E. King, winghaw 1597-tf ublin. -held in Constance the first Sunday in AuZUbt. happy couple left the next -day -on them
Ageneral banking business transacted. Farmers' D where he has been attending the Collegiate
where they will
lWe Notes'olloctedx and advances made on same at SITUATIOJ� WA-TTED.--L-Wanted by a mid- DA111 OF 0. L. 8011MIM-The many NOTES. -Mr. Jacob Weber has made 9YAeu- Inatitute.-Mis Helen Gunne,of Paikhill,l -A heavy rain would be much7 welco-med. train for the far west,
dle aged lady. ft with the best wishes
e�perience4� and thoroughly compe- side. They Is
lowest rous. friends of Mr. 0. L. Schmidt, a formei iive improvements in his hotel p�operty here is violiting friends in Gorrie.-Mr. Thomas The whole country is taking on a golden ish" , -
-a in some simi their many friends for a happy futaro,"'
tent, a situation. a housekeeper or larly
SApt(A.DEPARTMENT. do teacher ih the Collegiate �nstitute here, and since he assumed possemion. Mr. Weber Hutchison,of Howick, has returned from huefrom*the fields of wheat. There is a
responsible position of tTuot, accustomed to all kin
Mr. and Mrs. A. bent, of Mit,
of housework and sewing4 References can be fur- brother of Mr. J. L.,Smih, of thin town, (�rtable hos. Niagara Falls, where he has been a phell,
will,h&Ve one of the moist dom ttending larger acreage than for many years this
Deposits olne Dollar ancl upwards received, and, nished it requiked.' Address or apply toTuP Ex- will regret to learn of hi's death, which oc- tleries in this -part of the countr here this week visiting relatives. khs-
Interest af and will, the -Collegiate Institute. -Mt. White, of the season. --..:The hum of the thresher wm heard
Aowed at highest curftnt rates. interest posToR ofilej, s6 ortb. Craig and Man Reid, dressmakers are tn- -one
added to rippolpal Awice each Yost -at the end of d at the residence pf his brother in we are sure, be liberallv patroniied by the Anglo-American - hotel, is having a well in our midlat this week. -Rev. W. J. An.
A fticELEss DiscovERY.-I'Sokk and a week or so holidaying with
J"e and 4cember. -No *notice of wibhdrawl is -Stratford, early Tuesday morning. After travelling public, for whose comfort he is bored on his premises. -Mks. Win. Doig has drew's sister and two nephews and 'a niece JOYIS9
equired for pe whole or any portlon of & deposIL Swav, is an infallible, painless and non-poisonous r1elatives and friends 14, the
remedy for the cure of cancer, oartilaginous-ulcers, e visi ing
-leaving Sesforth . Mr. Schmidf went to such a careful caterer. -Terrefice Lannie returned from the Province of Quebec. at t here from Coldwater. -Miss AYS, W. X. PEARCE, eta., sore throat and a v40ety of skin diseases. It Picton, where he c6atracted o lievere 6old, diedon Monday last, at his hon in Logan, Stauley..-Mra. R. J. Eacratt the -guest 0
Mr. Dqig remained to look after the inter- Minnie Andrews returned from Coldwater
oitor Agent. curescancer In any pirt of the bodywherethe a In 'go and ulti Mrs. Murdock. -The annual Sabbath school
which settled od-bi P matelY and his funeral ook place t4e following eats of the Canadian Order of F6reaters.- last week. -Mies Arna Woods spent a few
liquid can reach it. Send for circular giving in developed into consumption. Alth gh he Wednesday to the Oatholid c0adtery.-On Miss Mamie Watts, of Tilsonburg, in visit- ic of Carniel Presbyterian church, waa
Ou days last *eek with her brother,Dr. Woods, Eeld at Bay4ld on Thursday las
struotions how to use'tho liquid. gold at 60 cents
had been r ti ter th past year he -was in gg a tn a
t. The
per, pint and 80 cents per, had pint bottle, 11cLsOD'S 'In e radaylastavery serious a�cidenthap- ing at t*e- home of her sister, Mrs. illis of Mitichell. -Misses Ma is nd E in
attendance w" large and -the weather most,
Libratory, Goderi3h, Ontario. gold in Seafarth at unable to ravages of - th ene
Gr=d Trunk Raft se:y tte is dihease d to Joe Williams, sop of James Wil- Doim--,.Mihs H. J. McLaughlin, fell from her Tipliug. of Cleveland, Ohil�, are visiting at
T. S. Roburts. 1589-tf Mr. Schmidt was a clever and co bicyclei,!* q6. Friday evening, injuring h -Rev. Professor BurS4�w, M. A.,'
ing a arii, for Joseph -H. Cole has favorable.
nocientiou; riams. While shingl' ffrey's at present. -T.'
A BAUGAIX.-For sale onelightbrand upflis and a Murphy he missed bin footing w separator from Hamilton and preac
Tow. 6nd fell 52 shoulder.. of Weitern University, liondOp, min
Ticket Agency. new teacher and his many former received a ne
I our in St. P&ul's
n his c,6iving other way. f HennalL tit Sabbath
and spring phaeton, made by William Gray & Bone, wide circle of friends will. deep y in feet, breaking his arm and re purposes going into threshing right a - - e - vening, August 7th. A trat is in
early death. Deceased iias -F-Wew :bonsta 'nee. Mr. R. Bell has returned home from Owen
Chatham, at half price. Reid & Wilson, Sesforth. born torserioue injuries, although his �eaae is' not
for those Hamburg 38 years ago, his father being the considered critical., TES. Min Nell" Medd had chhrge of Sound. -M
iss Lou Onimette returned h me
it is ".V ate War" No - ir le
q3ted the Railway R
BmLiN WooL SALE. -Having decided to late Rev. Win. Schmidt, the first Canadian the Epworth League meeting Sunday even- from London last week. -Misses Lu#on
will be settle4 this week and regular pas- reduce my stock -of Berlin wools and,ZeTpb 8, 1 will ministerlin the Evangelical church confer- -Job n Parr, of Mitchell, the man who, offer during'Auruit the entire stock at nar, price. Morris. The subject was " temperance." Mr., "d Leffer, of London are the guests of
short time ago, attempted to urn' hill 11OWMAX
ion in George Johnston. -Work on the 'Methodist
senger ro06 Again restored next week. ence. He received his early educati . ert Rogerson will lead the meeting buildings in that town, on w1lich.
Wool that was 10alan ounce, will now be sold at 5c; NOTES. -The Misses Annie land Maggie next
kdi6t' requiring Berlin *4ol now is the schools of New Hamburg �nd Berlin
per ounce. la church is rushing now. Five men are at
I Agen are home on a'visit from.St. Thomas, my evening. -Mr. Charli
yourchance. Mai; Dorrince, Sepf or om, Toronto $und e Rogers, of was an insurance of founa
th� 1598x2
and graduated in cl� 6re they bad been for sore,' time. -Fall Toronto, is visiting at M D. McG work uttingin the joists for the $Ij500, has been
w r. regor a.
. O'.merville, Agent. BusiN7 first taught in on Monday lam aten,064
ESS CliANGE. disposed of University in 1882. He MissIds Britton is pendin secon floors and brickl&-yers resumed work guilty, mud was
a ew eeks nt A ry. it
our "Peery and crockery �busiaess in wheat is mostly all harvepted no*. -The and out 0 five years
Seaforth to Mr.,. Pioton high school and then in' Harriston, , in the'Kingston pe 'to tis
QDTPM 1! arys
ercial Hotel Building. dry, warm weather continup's, 'and rain visiting with friends in St last week- and will go rikbb along *1-tb,
J, W.McOabe, we desire to thank our customers for where he remained ten �years. From Hat. -What may -prove to be an intereatins
would do a great deal of good J now. -Win. W6odstoek.-Misa Cammer, 46A nd6n, is further delay.
tbei tronage in the pait, and would r000mmend I - -i
ston he came to Seaforth, I wing here fo thing for Perth is, the talk of starting a
abe to them as a zhorough business man. ri ei r
Vlaj Michie, or., has been laid up w�ith feloBs on the guest of Miss Lottis Coo .-Misses
and hope they will give to him as liberal a Satronapre Picton again. The remains were taken to i industry in Ellice, in the neigborhoo,
BE.,1A"%TT'1E- 8ROS his baud, and is still suffeking severely, Pearl and Edith Gidley-,-of Blyth�'are spend- -Hensaff.
as they gave to the old firm. RoBB BROS. 169$4 Berlin for interment. Ga&s mill' Experts have pronounced it
sed by a doctor daily. ing their holidays with M iss B II& McCully,
GOOD SER-�'A.IiT WARTED. -Wanted at The wounds are,dres M ins Laura
LOCAL BRIE]�J!_._Tho weather during the good place for such, and capitalists
G; ceries Butchers, -Mr. George Parker went tb Manitoulin of Mount Pleasant farm.
past week has been.most. favorable for bar- ing to take hold -of it.
Once a good gencral servant girl. MRS. S. Dimsm, ANoTnER FOR THE BEAVERS. --A gome in Island on Tuesday, with a car! load - of bug- Snell, of Bluevale, is calling
Seaforth. 1598X1 oA 1er school- vesting, and the farmers in this section are
the senior championship of the C. L. A. was gies. W6 wish him good luc�'. -Threbbing -mates in the 'Village. -Miss Bella'Farnham
RT H. TEL. NO. 8 FRuim J.4,,Rs at the old price at -A. Young's, getting their fine crops well saved. -The
S EA -r W� played on the recreation grounds here on
0 commence in t.h -Thoo. entertained a number of her young friends Messrs. Willis and White shipped a car
Fr Tocum- Russell is quite poorly.-Thd dust on the on Friday last. -Mrs. Weir, of Strathroy,
Sea' rth. They hav 62 a 'gross aj� the will soon is 160ality.
factory. 1699-1 iday afternoon last, between the load of- hogsf om. this station on Tuesday
Up-to-date p d6 -well to r
-hoppers will watch this seh-Hims, of Toronto, and the Beavers, of
rbad is, something terrible.
to tell FOR SALE. -Several. houses in Seaforth and Mrs. Mann, of St. Thomas,are guests of last. -Trade is somewhat qfilet in the vil-
space for �he pext year. We will have snaps
Seaforth. Although the day wag a hot one.,
N' e w
)wn for sale cheap, from $500 to $1,400. Apply to JA,NiEE; Mrs. McCully this week. -Mr. and'Miss
you.about that you can't get any where else in U
I his wee' t the farmers being
a good crowd on the grounds to age ri ki pwing 0
This week wo-)�mve opehed up a crate. of dinner, tea L. HILLORA-11. Cook, Mr. Ray and Miss Cummer !spent
Blyt]4. all so b�sfly engaged harvesting. -Mr. Rob -
and tollet sea the home team demonstrate to the city Sunday last with friends in Walton 11 Mr
sets; these are to go at prices that will not
allow them t 'taylong. Wealso,have securedthe- SEAFORT11 YkLL 8_11OW.-On account of boys how a winning game of lacrosse was NoTEs.-The sound of the -threshing ma- Geqr e McCully, tailor, Blyth, un- ert J. Carlile, of the firm of Found & Car -
Q8 spears, I lile, of Ripley, spent part of last week and
V;epoy. fof the famous D. blend of tea in packages 9
the burning of their building, the Tucker- played. As the Teaurnselis bad defeated ebine breaks the stillness of :ithe mornin
say 4bout It again. 9 day at, his home here.
amiTh Branch Agricultural Society had pur- St. Catharines by 8 to 0 only a week before, kqw.-Mr. and Mre. William Coloton and this with his pareilts and frienas here. -Mr.
Our Butaber- Shop trade is increasing daily,
posed dispensing with a fall show here this fndst people were a little dubious as to the children, of Winiiiiieg, are on three weeks' Win. Hudson, of Tuckeramith, brought- in
Why ? Beda�se itle the excellence of out meats and
the prornp� �;tt;Atjon to our customers wants. year, and were negotiating with the Clint9n result, but after the ball had be'eli faced off, visit to friends here. -Mr. John & WeKin- ]EURS Green. this i *eek to Messrs. Cook Bros., of the
em. Inge the Muskoka dis- NOTEs.-Mr. Charles Latta al of Hensall flouring mills,, the first load of new
1598 society towards amalgamabing' with th , th" ' -looked cheerful, and the crowd felt non left on Monday for prinei 4 rrz v a /s,
However, the society has deemed it desir- hppefuk The Beavers started in with a trict, to spend his summer! holidays. -A the Alvinston public school, was re.n�win wheat. The wheat was good - I
dkid plump,
9 Art
able to hold a show on their own acco�nt, rush and. a determination to win, and in one number of the sports too and of two kinds, the " Model" variety
kin the Wingliam old acquaintances in this neighborhood Id-ur-
and have selected Friday, September 23rd, t_q testing 63J pounds, and the "Dawson
-minute Brierly bad scored. Hatcher Hied races this 'week. -Mr. James Wilson, of ing the st week. -Mr.' Robert Cochrane,
UTJO VIN 8 t, was visiting iriends in town this of Bel olden Chaff 59 pounds to the bushel,-
-hore, as the day on whieh it will be held. Lack- next in 7 minute . During the third game Gal levialle College, arrived home last week
in a suitable building or the '�ndoor di Mrs. Yuil), ofBrussels, who was visiting at
9 Is- two of the players got into" a. skirmish and week. -Mr. John Habkirk, - of Toronto, is to spend his vacation under the par6ntal
play, the society will dispense w�th that de- Mr. John Woods', has returned home. -
were sent to the fence, but in 9 minutes -visiting his parents at presen't.-The ladies roof. -Miss Maggie McAllister, who.bas
DI TRICT MATTERS. partment this year, but will offerliberal Jack scored another. The next game was of the Presbyterian church ELre holding a Mrs. E. Sheffer ;�ho has successfully ear-'
been residing in' Goderich during the: past WE
prizes for horse&, cattle, etc., while numer- tied on a confectidtiery and restaurant baii-
short, and was 6 -cored by Johnson in half a lawn social on the beautiful: lawn of Mr. few months'with ber'siscer, Mrs.- Boswell, We are busy this ous other attractions such as farmers' speed minute; the next was scored by Jack in 4� John Buie, this (Friday) evening. A pleas- returned home I t wee'k.-Mr'. and Mrs.' P -e -es here for a number of years, and who,by
TO Thursday next contests, will make, good day's pleasure. minutes. At this juncture the Tecumseh7 ant time is expected. -Mr. BI McKenzie, of Hugh Love, of Satellphen, are visiting. friends etrizt attention to business, coupled with
is civic holiday in Seaforth, we are desirous By next year the society expects Lio have Fms' made a change irk their team, and the Clinton, occupied the pulpit f the Metho- in this vicinity. -Mr. and Mrs. John McAl- good management, obliging manner, and 1-
-that our e one of the finest exhibition buildings in this play as the longest of the match, Brown dist church last Sunday. A Jew, from lister, of Hen choice stock, has done a arg! snare of busi-
ployees maybe able to have a w sall spent Sunday with their
parb, of the country, and will then give a Jackson scoring in 23 minutes. Jack scored Judea will occupy the same pulpit next 'non William. ness-here, has gold out to r. George E.
holida ju popa and Mrs. Ed. Shafer, 'of
-mon with the rest of their full and extended prize list. In the mean- t Greenslade, of
he next goal in I minute Here the visit- Sunda�, assisted by his son 'Bernie, who is Hensall, called on -friends here on Sund Hay, wh sion
fellow citjippa, To acoomplish this we will time, keep in mind September 23rd as the org scored,their only goal'in half a minute. aweet singer. He will alsoll give a lecture laat.-Mr. Win. Blair, formerly of. my We wish
about the middle of September,
bavetogOQ press with TuE ExposiToR date of the Seaforth show. The next two -were scored I Dr the Beavers on the following Monday- evening. -Mr.' bat who haore-cently been working.f M Mr. Greendade,in. advance'all success in the
or r.
one day Owlier than usual. In. this it by Jack and Brown JacksoD, in 6-.� and I Wm. Harris, baker for the Misses Watson, Alex. McBeath, severed his connection with business he will assume so soon.-Misis Jen -
would aid i espond- minute. Alth 0 -ugh the score stood 6 to I in left for Simcoe ou Monday. I He has been Mr. MoBeath last week for the purpose
.11 very much if our corr PAsTon APPRECIATED._ The, many friends 1 of nie Murray, who has been keeping hduee for our
-in Wingliam, for several
Of Rev. Mr. Galloway and family,formerly 0' favor of the Beavers, the game was an in. laid aside on account of ill health -Miss goin her brother John,
f g thresbing.-Mr. Alex, Forrest started
ents., one -a d all, will take tote of this and
W, pleased to learn that they excellent lacrosse Delemarer, who has reside& with Dr. Tait his new Peerless thresher on Friday last, on Fear,,,
Seaforth, will -be teresting one, and some returned libme,on Wednesday, her
forward p4fir couiributions 4t least one day have been appreciaUid by their congregation, was played. The Beavers defence was &I. for the past six monthij left for her home in the farm of Mr. Wm-. Jarrott, William having this week taken unto him
earlier tho:q usual. Please remember this in Leamington. The Post of that -town con, most impregnable, while the home was very Montreal on Thursday.-Misi Mary Heffron, says it is a hummer.-Threshi I ii self a wife in the porson of Miss HelenMe-
g is now gen
Dou all, of Wingham. We unite with their 7 hint. tains the following paragraph . A very effective and seldom lost aii, chance to score'. of Detroit, who has been Visiting'. friends eral.-About forty sheep, Wh ch were run- 9, :01d Co Im ir
was gi 7tr an I
'Very many friends in wishitig�_ them long
pleasant and promptu reception This puts the Beavers in' good shame for here for the past ve weeks, ' returned to ning at largo on the town linei nearhis�vil�
Fo 13 'i� Rev. Mr. Galloway and his family last M winning the pennant. that city on Thursday morniiig. one eveni and continubd-happ Dess through life. -Mies
]age, were impounded ug last
;css IAE,�.-Some of the bi
g day evening, previous to their leavin- Garden, of Parkhill, is visitingthe Mi
Chicago firips bad an illustration of the g week, and now we understand 19ga pi�o-
Dick.-Mr. James Petty, accompanie& by
Leamiugtow Mr. Elliott wa's called to the ceedings are pending
value of advertising recently. During the. O Thomas -.McNilillau, -and Miss
of chair and then called Rev. Mt. Galloway, his neices, Miss E. Croyadale
Rix days pf !'�he stetotyper,7 'strike. none of Hullet, left bere on Wednesday on HARTLE113's big hardware 41ways the
the paper's were. published; and Messrs. Mra. and Miss Galloway to the platform. a trip to the old country for bi cheapest. Biggest stock, best goods, loweet prices, Petty left hereon Tuesday for 9, trip. up the
a health -
The only up-to-date hardware in Ztirich tbat: carries
loses Lydia and Letitia Camp�ell, of .�ad
Siegel, Cpppep & Co., who employ 3,000 and presented a beautiful water pitcher to M lakes to Daluth.-Miss Bell, sister of Mrs. T
'th I 6ff two-thirds Mrs. Galloway and a handso a -gold headed' &-first-class stock. Anothor atock of binder twine A Low RATE. -The county rate of this R. Hunt, and who resides with her, return- hands, say, - eir business fe-1 kxe, Michigan, are a
cane to Mr. Galloway and a mbeautiful gold pending their 'vacation to hand. Try our, machine oil and charved mitts, township, and proportionately of' all ed thii week -from SO Marie, where he 'floul Ce
through beina unable to advertise. Frank' at their uwAe's, Mr. John Campbell, of Me. we keep 'the best. All kinds plows, 810 other municipalities, has been. reduced she had been on a vift
, , "I , , cash ;
watch to Miss Galloway by the for the past mouth
congrega. ts.26c,ciLsh. G,tourprice.op eavetroughs, at
boot depiwtrnent reports a 50 per cent. &11- Killop.-�Mrs. James Weir and Miss We"
tion. Mr. Galloway made a feeling and it, Wartlelb's, the hardware king of:Zarich, 1697-2 rapidly. This year the amount is 92,297.25; or so. -MissAtkinsou, of London, is visit-
ing off in tj�de for the same reason. The and Mr. F. G. Neelin are at Lilly Dale
appropriate reply, expressive of the warm BRiFFs.-Mr. Pogeon of Point Edward, lu 1888 it was $3,165-74 in,, 1878 W. w" ing her uncle, 11r. Robert Hasliett.'m--Mrs.
newspaper wl this week attending the annual i;piritualistic
vertisement is a power to
$3,613.66 and in 1868, thirty 'years ago -,it J. W. Ortwein, has been spending the past
feelings the fftMil� has toward the congrega- has been here visiting his rother-in-law,
Do you use it sufficieutly� convention being hel& there. -M r.. William week or so with relatives in New Hamburg,
boom busl4paq.
was $5,269.69. The latter years d
not "in
tion and regretting the, separation. Mrs. Xk F. Seigner.-Mr. Orvill Ehnes has re -
There are m good many business men who Ament has teams on the road drawing t I -hool grants or anything except, Baden and Waterloo. -Master Abe Ches-
would have' ess cause to c6�nplain -of du Galloway was also the recipient o his elude the so
d from a visit to Port Huron and
n of many staves from his factory at Brucefleld, t for county purposes. ney, second son of Mr. J. H. Chesney, V.S.,
be tiful silver and other presents from the Pdint Edward. He made bbe trip 'on his
would ad- la
time& and Plow business if the Works here. -Mr. Harry Campbell is home dies of the congregation. bicycle. -Picnic parties-PaW through here ; THE. DAMAGE By FROM -Estimating the of this village, has been somewhat u fortun-
vertise more liberally and do it in the right from Chicago on a visit to his parents and n ea injury done by the frost of the 100
h of Jul ate of late, and
way and then do whaVthey promise too in n a in' Grand Bend and other y
town. -Mrs. Megarey, has so that misfortunes very often do, not,- come
points on the lake shore.---�Xew
their adve tisemejits. IN THE DA.ys,olF AurLD LANG BY potatoes
Mr. disposed of her bakery and confectionery will amount to $40,000. Many farmers sin fri ther f rie rly every day to at $100 to 100 acres, in MoKill6p, the to has rovedthe old adage postmaster, of this town, and green iipples are coming U town freely.
Samuel Dicke Is handed, Only a couple of weeks ago
business to a gentleman from Clinton. -Miss think the loss will greatly exceed this ea. he ad a couple of teeth knocked out while
it w1ll"i
has shown us an ancient document in the Violet Case returned home Mr. R. L. Peine anA famil� leave) next 96te, &no perhaps
vN %RTs.-During the past timl f 40e -,tAke di- experimenting . with a well 'windlass, the
To Dm_ ,T P_ Friday last
shape of a printed address, issued by his from an extended visit to week'for London,- where Mr. Peine has
weak the foll9wirig parties havebeen ticket- New York -and rear, and igdirect loss as for Iiiinitakice, the handle of which struck him on the mogth.'
She was acc -Mr. J. 'Yet on hand
father, the late Mr. James Dickson. This Philadelphia. rented a hotel. A . Williams and 0 alf owa�aouut- of This week, while riding on a bicycle, he had
ed to disfa�f -parts by Mr. Wm. Somerville, ompanied by Dr. Campbell have returne& h
fl w of milk has failed one h
address is directed to " The Independent Miss Powell, of Philadelphia. W. G. ome.
town agent -. Mrs. Jamies
Grand ru,pk injury to the- pastures by. Irbst, f6ll�-ivedby the.misfortune to collidewith a
away they visited the cities 'of Quebec a -boy who Electors of. the United Counties of Huron Willis and little daughter are on a visit to nd drought. was running across . the street, and was
Weir aL daughter to ew York staW,;
a most enjoyable
n Willis' brother, Mr. A. J. Willson, in 7 PERSONAU-The following which41t taken thrown from the bio5 cle on his head with
Tockeramith, Mrs. eal and had e
Miss Alb6rf-;IV T)oble, organist of Trin'ty
a d Bruce," and is dated Montr tim
ddress was issued Detroit. -Mr. John Landaboro
ugh has rent -
May -25th, 1863. This a Faust and Rickbe I have'do0e a big busi
0 Y; Thomas Whelan, to
church, Mf�chelj, to London, England, en from a recent issue of N1 ng to pat,
We ue
the Markham,' Econ. such force that he was picked u
route t erman Olt the�general election succeeding Mr ness this year In farm impl6ments and ma uncon
Dick. ed his house in Egmondville to agentleman chinery, and have given g6od satisfaction
&st term in Parliament. He had -a from Geor h ist refers to former managei`of . the scious, and in which state he remained for
getown, who takes possession on -cheese fact�ryl
Fargo, P*ota; Mrs. W. G. Willis, Sea n a t e fa Wintiftop and his numeroue sornq time.-M,ro. George Howden., of Onan-
are 'agen to for the
friends in McKillop, where he was very. pop- daga, in visiting his sister, Mrs. Win. Chan-
rge epreseiiting the same An ust lot. -A young child of M.r. Thomas Deering harvestin machi;ery, Fluery's
forth, to'p6troit; Mr. and Mrs. T. Pringle, constituency, r to riners. They
territory which is now represented by no
G. 9pott met with a painful ac 9
to Milwaayae, Wisconsin; Will Irving,, to cident one ular, will he a man. Miss McKelvie, of the same ace, is
'be pleased to learn that on'"!
h. fewer. than twelve persons. and in addition day recently. The child plows, and the implementsi of tbe,� Mann 01 With at a
ew Yoric ; Harold Cherry, to C icago; who in only a lit�, Manufacturing Company, of Brockville.- tinues to�hold his own. and that he is as -also visiting Mrs. Chapman. and other friends.
to that, the townships of Biddulph and Mc. tle over -6 year old, fell o't
Mrs. Tfiomas Grieve, of MaKillop, to Down- u of the up-stsirs
Gfllivray were part of th? county of Huron. win Conrad Dabus was up before magistrate popular and- successful at the Box Grove �Miss M. Phalen mud Miss S, Way, both of
dow to the ground, a distance of about
factory, near Toronto, as he vias at Win -J Stratford; Miss- Fitzgerald,of GrandRapids,
ingtou, Vichigaii, W visit relatives; Mr. In conducting his camp Fr6d Hess on a charge of noo'-support of his
George Wee, to. Detroit. aign� Mr. Dickson sixteen feet. As a result its collar bone was
family. He pleaded for mercy and,was let throp: " Our cheese factory. has been Michigan, and Miss Dorsey,. Of Seaforth,
bad to travel on horieback, ae-buggies were broken, and it was only a iracle that the
-The following persons were ti-,keted making rapid advancement of late mud in 'weie all guests this 'iWeek of Mrs. A. A.
few if2 those days, and the roads were not child was not killed. off on suspended sentence.
vvee�� �,V V.. J. Macdonald, .0. P. R. Harry Willis has
this -Mr now 6ing rush' business. Mr. Win. Goetz, of the Commercial hotel. -Dr. Sol- Comiderable 8
ticket; &` of in su�h a state that they could be much gone. quite exteniively iuld the wholesale -
g it: Alex. Kerr, McKillo to H. Miller, the man
used.i There are not many to� )cry, dentist, attended "a conceit held at
u acturer, receives great
-the fore to. manufabture of leather leggings, and has Walton.
n i - praise for the superior quality of cheese he Grand Bend on Monday evening last. The
Miami, 1404tolis, Miss Kerr to
�ay who voted for Mr. Dicksoxi at this else. several hands emploved steaaily in this line DEATH. - 0 -
peg and ipfprn ; Mr. J. H. Kerr, to - n Wedueod filast week, Thoo. turns out, It has been tented and fouluad to -talent'was made up of residents who are
toria, trj�js� ()olumbia ; Mr. J. Wa cKibbin, an old, we nq
ugh and tion. 'We do not remember who was Mr. of work. We trust'Mr. Willis will find it M 1 0 ��vn mud highly be cheese of � the very highest grade�,. At camping there during the mid -summer
Dickson's opponen'
Miss W4 ' h, to t at this election. In or- a remunerative line, an his enterprise de. esteemed resident of Walton, a
4&,, $t. Polyearpe, Quebic. mid good-bye the last regular title this cheese rou
lit e programme was an excellent
b months. Th
der [to give our reaJers an' idea of the serves success. -Three rinks of our bowlers to earth and earthly concerns. Imceased eight better r= one. -Th contract for the drain on the south
burning political questions of those days, we are in London this
cents per lb., which
MON.PV4AX NOTES. -Mr. Editor, your quo�te it paral#sph or two from Mr. the county of Antrim, Ireland, its excellent qual't side of King. street. -includiogthe digging,
week attending a bowl- was born in
EG mends Y. The
Dick- Ing tournament. -Mayor Gunn was in Ter- and some 55 years ago, in. the green isle, SATuTE LAisoR. -It would be well if laying of tile and filling, awardek-
Egirnondville'ocribe does not always perhaps son's �ddresa. He says: With was
I re#ard
eir meeting this week, to
write wis d in marriagw to Miss Jane Me. many of 'the pathmasters, of McKillop'Iffould th& council, at th
onto thin week, -Dr. Clark,' of Stratford,. was unite by
nor does he always write to reprosenta6ion by population, if re-elect. was the guest of Dr. Gibb over Sund Cl his now bereft parbn Shortly after Robert Bullmrd and A. Ryckman, of thin
foolish tbin.$* wis ay. OY study the' excellent and instructive report
el but the printer makes ed, I will, an heretofore, invariably vote for Mrs. James Scott, or., of Roxboro, returned they came to Canada. ir first home
e experience men
m. say V?Q that principle, whenever, from her tri n ay last. was i$a the Goshen line, Stanley 'township, r. Persons driving on the northern gravel and gave #dodostisfaction with their share
hi The
pi things at times. For the adoption of o Mr. Campbell, Provincial Road Instruc- village, and, they ar d
tten aexample, ip, gr notes of IWv weekewe were and by whomsoever introduced. I consider 0 her w y ome she a ded the Provin. afterwards removing to M Kfliopl where r6ad, from Seaforth. to Walton will not n
that 'the carrying of this measure is the cial show at Win
made to 9*y -0elf ontent for self control, bu Es McFA UL
_Vpeg eed of the drain last summer, &long the north
yed her, they spent 9-0 years,. moving into Walton 10 to be convinced of this 1act, as they will side of King street, they will no doubt agailf
onbt phq fault is in our ponr writing. -
no d most likely means of securing justice to visit ver� much,
�ta ung has re. years ago. - Mr.MaKibbin was a healthy,in. have ocular and actual demonstration of i t
Wks. Day,144 Paird, of S�. Paul, find her Upper Canada. Ism strongly opposed to, turned big
year give good servioe.-Miss Cairno-
ome, after having, spent several dustriou man who had many friends, The The gravel it hosped up in the contro Of the 6han, of Egmdndvflle, who was the gues
youngest 4�6, M t
ilton, arrived in the village further increase of the Provincial debt, 11 in Blenheim. -The pres. cause of his decease was Dry Goods Coo
on Friday li*4� 6a vial 0 0 rien 8. ro an 0 si so are so a u at s
�Iwill lose no opportunity of advocating 9 As wo or threseilm Of
I fo Mr. T.
cut very warm, dry weatheri iis ripening the which he had been sufferi at times for tually dange Swan.oL this village,return�ad home Tuesdiyi'
Vol. Ontario al"Out rous in many r 111
the most rigid economy . in the 'public ex. grain v4
f They inte mainhig in 3ry rapidly, m%si 119 sL
_y farmers having 'the past year. His ag
a. month a 6p e was 75 years and 2 vehicles to go. on either the
, i relatives and friends. -The pe�nditure, and,I nth decidedly averse,,to the their oats cut. already. istre or 'a ea -Rev. Richard Weir,otMarthaville, who in
Rain is much need- months. In addition to Mrs. McKibbin I the'roads, thus making travel on them' well known here, having raided, ne4r here
trustees aro kfving our 'cemetery put in practice, so frequently resorted to by former- ed. On Monday a heavy shower passed to there are five eons and seven; daughters liv-
shape at prW very tedious and'unpleavant. If the work for in V-1#Ws Greates� Cask
ut 4nd as it is free to all an a Wisfiuistrationx, of spendipg public money th
e south and e4t, but we did not have any ling. The children. are: Alexander, of env years,.wifto occupy the pulpit of
"butions from an who without the previous knowledge and consent he -There was not a lawyer in town on Idaho; James,. of Gaylord, Michigan; An. -ti
burying place contri twere properly done, and done at the proper Carmel 'Presbyterian church on
me, the roads would,
now be at their biet., moMat-and evsWmg, Rev. J. S. Hender.
have relatlygo laterred there will be State- of Parliament." He als6promises to support, Wednesday -last, and still it did not rain. drew of Wallawburg; Dr. 84, of Amethyst,
Many of the pathmasters, when, spoken to, goo
the "Star, proadhon that Sabbath in Dry 000ds tore