The Huron Expositor, 1898-07-22, Page 67
11 1 INN
......... �7.
very-, Vutig,, -46, a us
'I"66"'Otboift"do needs But you its Wardrop dan!b - be judged obligations
oaf radnatef of, On rio -1 *104yo, t!
A tM- LZ LION Oui way twget an understamding of Iiis - 'a, of - ani - given -6 much, tbat' T
age I'llad
'Ing, , ard �'him 4 -3 t
'tandpoint. It is the on- bemuse its
anhuk 4"18L we growv ave"deA to and - %rht U�Oji the -Aub; from tke common a He won't use
that T 11 -A-spoolail siswer, Wardrop bhoseflf tued', His shitie ject
be& 10A &*Swetoe an Godarich otraell, a n s, 6410 cy; _of health. There 0XV00ted he*always does. I think myself BIA DOMS, KIdney Pill$ vri� kevo, cl n upon the
keery fflaho6 fell av
X"totDr. SooWs a is for too much new-'
toce, Sollforth. hell come.'
Yet R.enew Lite. stra0geri sitting on the offiffio-s hairi and he too long?, and seems too shlWpIc
Ashioned *p d see,' was all I Esid, *and we parted', biiidwhim -0 1 pleashut go6d.ld' . Thai old
zu without further speech concerning the mat -
among mothers.,
er man rose somewhat hurriedly rom his sesto
-yyoungwoman- Thousands' of die, ih the
a. H. yalass him better to use. a
should have ex- ter. I think I mentioned before that there d the look'he "it upon�wa' top was at
U , a and &Dtlet.40routo "a"
Veterinary d- at cause doctors I once inquiring and wixtild ;, i seemed to er.
a plained to her the was much loyalty towards Wardrop in the prime of life be think "
ontili* Honor OnAu"s of Ontario Vat. office and we would have felt * .1 . -Bright's Dis p0re ill and polish
ftlOWY Coll 110nor-member-of Ontaft Vteds. supreme ece*- it eacri egious ease and Diabete� inqua- minutely ask for,help even be re he spoke.
k to have mad his priva
All dbeasse of dowao animah sity of eeping te affairs the z subject ble. But Doddys
aKidney Pi'lls'cure My name Is Glover, �ir�O he maid, k Win. up a previous
Mully lrewC : AD oalls prompft Afteaf herself pure and of our common, talk.' Thus he had left his
dod to them botp, They ha Glover, hnd I come from, -a- see called POWL
"y or nighL ADon#siry'and Surgery wholesome and mark on us. There was nothing ui�re loath-. VO ured th; ftindsi
in tb t'
-Dr. 06211Pbowlt Avanfoot, a upper ard of Lanark -
7 free from some to him than -the vulgar and personal of cases. Paid by tile, wakt
Night CON 4,11sworw Dow the ness and dis:aakse- shire. Maybe e have.hear tell of the
gossip which is the food of certain journals These diseases and of by th�
in, a womanly way. I other lXidney place F
and their promoter . But I sontetinids -complaints a instead
re as common as ordinary Yes.' sivid Wardrop, Z kit 'w it' 'well.
Her general health, hef future happiness, thought he carried his ]?rejudice against colds. But people - do* her good looks, her physical'strength, her n't reallz' We114 Mr. Glover, what can 1 0 for you,T
e, that
LEGA14 capability as a wife alid mother, and the gossip of every kind rather far. hed sNme ffie actual
they are affic 'I've just been telling this y ong gentlet
journeyed to Brighton by the two ted' till the disease has
ea strength of generations to come
msn,' said Glover then, I that in farming
are dependent upon this. o'clock train, though it cost me first-61ass -eaten deep into the system.: Even leather, hard' and
JAMES L -KILLORAN down in $vxex, at a Place Cab Rayleigh.
world will destroy the a were living d
Conveyon fare. Mrs. Deanne and Roddi' then, Do d's Kidney Pills w'
$1 Nothing, in the
Bardster, Solicitor. III posi Maybe ye ken that too ? I' t far from
oer,, and itotiry good 1poks,wholesomeness, the amiability, smooth surfa=4 Vi th
at a boardiDg-house in the, Old Steine ; but ti-�ely cure,
Public. Money to loan. Offtee over Plakud's Stores and the -usefulness of a woman quicker -I did not know whether Waldrop was there
rs of the delicate and important 6r at an -hotel. Yen answered ardrop p mptlylp 4 1
lotmerly Reohaalos, Insiltule, X&W Street, Reaforth, than disor& Thousands of pook are dy
2628 organs that. bear the burdens of maternity,. know Rayleigh well. So you ar one of the
It was, the afternoon of a most perfect their feet, hut do not realize it. They 8
cotch farmers who have been trying to
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is th6 June day -and it did not surprise me that -one or more of these symp� lick a living out of the Essex wastes. I
beat of all �pdicines for women who are 'H "PO'"T'SH
ailing in this way. they were"not indoors. They were
It makes a woman able to . toms - shortness of breath, loss of doubt you haven't aucoeede&ver
strong and healthy where a woman most tell me at'the honse, h well
WAP 02 Falz owever, that they No, that Pte imot answere th; old
needs health and strength. It relieves had goue on the pear to hear the concert, memory, failing sight� raven app;.- ds
painj soothes inflammation, heals ulcera- rection explicit enough for tite, pale or reddish uri ric man. I I ve dune my beat, o, ing early Ri. W1
AXIM SOM, Barrister, ft. Pollopor for X*1 which Was di ne, with b LL1*9 SCkLE LOGAL'AGENT FOR SEAPORT140
4Pf tion and gives rest and tone, to the tortured me. eel', but.
sojes Bank, Clinton. 011im-Elliott lo2k, andlate. Ih
colored deposit, scalding when unna- we had such i terrible iast year,
oftton. onc -money to loan on mortgage. nerves. It cures all the ills and pains too As I walked along the
sea'front, the ting, constipation, nervousness, pains we Were completely burned up. n.
6Ttable i The Preparation of Salads.
commonly considered an uncomf
fresh salt -lad ere was pay no Attention to them en wind filled me with, an in -
X. HAU, Barrister,,, Sollolsor, 0onvoyanow and heritatice of womankind, 'It ha -4 been used in hardly a bWe of corn on the, �plape last When a housekeeper feels herself mls- ever. Hawas det6rmined to destroy U -M
Public. Solicitor for the Dominion for. over thirty years with -an unbroken describable exhilaration. The� hot rays of the loins. 'Their only hope is barvest,-andl badua the ' te, seemed to
the sun were tempered by, t DoM's Kidney Pills. They wher withal to
ek.1toMwaye-.0ardno's block, Main Btmt, SWoOX Ord of success. More of it has been sold -hat delicious won't fail. tress of the-salsd question she has secom- rats, and the next y h IOU M
They never do. plished muck but there re 3h aPpositi6n- that, a gun Poinlia
breeze, and I did not wonder 6,t the great pay my rent.' e placed the
�40"7 to 1080. HU than of an the other medicines for ii -
Women Welt?' said Wardrop inqtifi�n mains before- bar 10 - so(
combined. It is the discovery of Dr. R. V throng of folks on the front. I hav ly deh. sperfelotlydielightful viets -of possibilities, 6 ra:k r one ed.,
a never in I could see, to hearthe *I hot sto be- through the hole w old e it f -om
f 9 where the play of her tast And invention
Pierce, for thirty years chief consultinj fancied Brighton as -a holida place, but ore
-T IL B=2i Barrister, solicit", Notam to
to north ofoommercia, physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur- Y to
Pe at my friend and so we went in,and lie committed himself to: the other. At the Uatial hour the food- -
gromd door, nox door to 0. 1& Papd o' gital Instit te, at Buffalo, N, V. He will Wardrop was very fond of it, gan' &,re ark. will never 'exhaust itself, and where pleasant w" nd the dog; were kent
and said it 0 placed as a lure,&
the d or was shut. I havens come to -day,
sloya, XsIn $Worlh. Goderldhi always did him good, both Physically and MO.", rdiop, to surprises will never - come to an end. out, but tb A
an wer, without charge, all let- All a plat did not so T&
I - While we were left a moment in the borrow money off You,' he said; � ceeed.
&me=, Rol and Cameron. t4rs from ailing womefi. mentally. The pier Was inconveniently waiting-room,,I tried cer. the delimte meats and all fish b ltte againstthe rats could observe the
a a,in to suggest bliat tain m'ingling of 'dignity and e;@ at- salads ; so do many fruits, note, e old and sagicon,
tho Crowded and it was some considerable time, Ihould remain where wan, while, he went Ugh I Will act deny th 6" 1 a
Three years airo." writes Mrs. J. 1T. Messim ,6for. I' headf one of them-
AIRMW a PROXIII)FOOT, B"Iftbom Sonalbors,
94 Vanderbilt Avienue. -N-'ew York, N. Y,, "the found my friends. I caught eight upstairs. In $0,ir" cheese, oysters, eggef shrimps, peering out At hole after hole- and from u
GW*d* Oftboxio. J. I. Guszov. Q. 0.; dba 6'
G 4egr'x,
Lf It, I can never forget. how he looked needm� -it. Whs;t I've come 0ou( is to see. crabaland saraineg; and when the combin. the manger for the put
WJG pJanyon. h s in this city said there was no of Roddie first, amushig himself at the rail- dex
�!ure F11 -unless i wouldgo to a h at me -what compelling power was in his Whether you would be a lnde4�'! to low U
have an ope and D p recono
rme ospital i go at the far end, w4tching some sports sad, piercing eyes. ppoe of
ration perforinw. I could not walk ation of these with vegetables, or with each noitring, but none of them descendeo.. Hir.
in the water, and his father was not far off. great and crying ev'il' that Us 5een the other ji 'taken into, consideration, and 'the ing waited to no purpose for half in hour
&KMIt. IX04 4i HOLM=, Barmiden So. across the room. I took- Dr. Pierce's Favorite 'I tell ye, David, I will not go a. foot ruin of many a poor bard -up era besides
Holbors In Cliamory, 8w,.Qodsd*,, out m. 0. Prescription and after three bottles I could They all gave me hedrty welcome. I had old aritbmetf6l. rule of 11 permutation" an. he bt in the dogs, and in a few minu cum. Pmv How. Duvor Nown work, walk and ride.". ithout you. I feel that I cannot trust me.' tea
not seen Mrs. Deane for some timei and I Plied, one is convinced that there is no e�d IAN were again feeding'In perei�b
IL Lot that be sufficient fot you.' Ali, WhaVs that,?' asked Ward harmony -
They seemed to be aware that their "feby,
o fetch us, I growing inte'�est Anything in fisture -onnected with the
HOLNUM, successor to %be late- Arm of and speedily cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant much younger. learned afterwards that followed him meekly upstair. at salads may be made of chicken, tur- W" c
Torpid -liver and constipation are surely thought she looked different, somehow, and mTeewhen P; With to the calad subject..
EF ., McCaughey &',HolmedW o -the Sister came t
presence of
Solicitor Pellets. They never gripe. They regillate, it was-bec4use she We were of an abuse always roused his, Be the
eon rnI`11
adlwo Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farm kiy,%mb, milk. veal, sweetbreads, hem, d
Conveyancer, and Nobu y iWeltor for the can no. longer. wore widow's ushered into a large and pleasant room fore he uttered another --mi
tone up and invigorate the liver, stomach weeds. word� -the old � Ogg.
an t9nkai; and tell it not in Gath") delicate
which smelt of fresh flowers, of which many took out &r Well.Worn
for ode. Office in scott's Block, KWn a and bowels. No substitute urged by iner.. - Wardrop was in greabspiritg. Isawthat okit-bo k, I
ce were about. in young pork, Turkey and chicken should be One LAXA-LIVElt PILL every night for Abirty
nary dealers is as good. he had completely thrown� off the a which he extracted so 0 small pieC42 of torn or shredded into pieces an inch long or days irrakes -scomplete wire of biliousness and- con.
tress of- Wardrop, with his jaw firmly set
DENTISTRY. ar- less, and a third as broad, the other meats
walked printed paper, folded in t a miaid" atipation. Thatls-j4pt to be.oured.
25 London lifpi and I hated myself for the -er- traight across to the bed. I pitied Brand tain letters. One of thee
rand on wh a he ded- to the
cui-iDto smoll dce. The next step after
ich I h5 d come. But I had to atthat moment, and trembled- for.what Wardrop, and asked him to read 'Which preparing the meat is- to mainate it that
DAVID LYALUS LOVE STORY deliver it, and I took the opportunity when might happen, 'Bub I had no 'need. As 'he did Aloud, with a curious, stern I k 5
W. TWEDDLE DeDillst. offloo--�er luchmA.
don, oome and on Noble4se, Obbge.
F. eon & Xol� shoe Mm Deane walked over to Roddie'a side Wardrop's eyeE fell is to moisten it with a mixture two: parts I -
-70ha #tree* sniorilL ]BY THE ArTHau, oF TH and left on, oji the face of the man his Here �Oy, let Me have a Son."
oil, one part vinegkr, then salt to taste.
who had so cruelly wronged him, they Having bad copaid Can!t nohow, mister.
I have something to say arable '.tperience This should be done in the mornijig, the Vdge work will vex softened, and his mouth took on a mobile of over thirty ye Why not I You�'ve got them I h
BE=rX, dentist; orolonini, which
you, sir,' I began boldiv. are in the.p Ulm:
-work. special abolition given .'s . riva "Doing bowl, then stood in cool place. An hour -1 YOU a minute age ory, them loud A .
DATIO gold4late I could curve.
to the preserva 'on of the natural tooth. Ali work keep it from you I would, but it concerns a - clam of same of the largest farmaril'. thh' solithern before serving any masrinate not absorbed by be heard to
here as you desire,' he said, in a counties, and pone i the city- hall."
ssftfully performed. Offloe-over Johmn Bno., dying man., siderable the meat should be drained off, the, finely
B&Mw4re store, Sesforth.
X. Who is he V low voice, and not tifigently. What do. amount of invented Capin Yes, but that was down Vother block,
1, Am prepared out celery added, and lightly mi1xe
I shall never forget how his lightni ricul 644 with. th
THE CAREER OF THE DiUkE. you wish to say to me ?, to assist farmers and d with ye know, where I hollered."
IL H. S. AN-DnSON, graduate of Royal College Ing walked away to the windo from, te meat, with eno What does that matter ? Come nowi
glance flashed upon me. I think he guessed w, and-, there temporary financial aid in any. a ras ugh mayounaiseor other.
of Dental Snigeons, Ontario, D. D. &. of To- WouldWb it ?I stood ; but in ick dressing to moisten th askedWardrop, his face the truth even then. the stillness I could not 950 upwards at, a very low rate e Mass. It no folAing, hand me out a pwpez:.
coal'o University- 0200, Market Block, Mitchell, reflecting the glow o intercAt should then be heaped on a in W-1
n mine. 'But if you Gilbert Brand.' avoid hearing what Passed. There�, can be u On note of hand alone,, a platter, covered' hurry."
1402 nd i manner with enough dreosing to entirely mask it Couldn1 -sell you no paper in this, here
90 fifty, I'll give the hundred. Tush, its Well, what move V Living no harm in setting it down, -since th6re ara� or r6pa easy -sad mat' f to
Y, Don- no �r dying, he u rY 1;0 and garnished with capers, stoned olives", block, mister, cos it belongs to
T-tA. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. thing ! HeIl pay it bacick every penDY, Well,' said Wardi when he pickle -;slices, . little celery tops, or fresh He's just up to de furder end now,
yment Ratio
A S. rahly. none alive now to whom t would give clients."
JJ Honor graduate of Toronto UnIversh L im
f i. 9 ��
if he's the right adrt;,:as somehow I hiuk 'He wishes to see you,, I an$ had slowly read out this in r'st and lettuce begits. Sliced poiat4may t does not now concern me,' he said ha Pain. he pros- -tempting advertisement .1 �; be added ineet He has no peace for his desire. He [applied, I to the meat and celery, making the propor. it 11WON't
wered simp-1
he is. We'll g and, interview him in the -ly. 'I am dying, Wardrop;' said t
n, in a wonderfull olear, strong surpose,
October. He -ould begizi tb
-eight. hours. I said I voice. to this philanthropic And who is Limpy, 1K o a morning. This is the twenty-seventh of will not live forty trate ma'
edn y Hi Kin
Way 0 each on session yev, 1 could not die 11 ividual does be bave'this enpeci PMY ? And why
at Zwloh L�e wiuld bring the message, bu without making. P tion ne4bird of each.
8�,Pples, �0.8 us other kids agreed to lot hill
-L�yes, we did. Ifthere You feared rigtlyi, not e in him last Michael cote and
R. IF. A. SEALLERY, Dentist, graduate of 'the parer Toy on earth than was ours that be said and though, have pity on me, at th Yi see, its a good onon"'court of
bo h IP" bO' Pay Peaches. Thliylare served singly or in corn- -the offices all along
Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. &!so
D his voice was low a laot.' my rent, then I borrowed- An' the poorhap is that
pped hext August., would not come. ray peace with you. I did you the worst 'said th Ad man, bo, rowed zC50 orangeg, gi: ape fruib, banauab,
t I feared You Jon out of your difficulty 91 &1 block ?11
1545-18 and we'll see UP ca] e The finite most used for salads are
And we did wrong one man can do to a " h r ; but fro Apr! hav
upb day in the great Synod Han at I knew by its tenseness a
honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto Adui g . "that7all t 'You had but small Pity on her," said 9, monfli"ago to buy- seed anbhO ;e5O bon bination on leftuce leiLves, with mayonnaise lame he can't"geft round li
hat was harshest in hi ketherest of us
UnfversitY. Office in the Potty block, Homeall, burgh,when we rsaw Richard GemmeNllryden roused. m was Wardrop, and his voice now sounded strai "d P tatOeB for* or, other thick dressing. "A very popular so we agreed,that the first one caught selFn�
'Why should I'see A- the planting. 1'ie paid som ustalmenta salad
W-10 vNit Zudoh every 31onday,,commencing a. him ? I have ed and harsh and cold. ' But it is :not to back and also th'o in Is One cOmposed of shaved celery and on his beat should be lit on
No go up to receive his diploma at the hands of spared him again and again when a word of a
day,, June let. 1587 th teresto bl-u I d ae hrashelL
me You mast sue for for ed sour �apple, with mayonnaise.
_giveness. Have think I understaid it, for he sas now
a Principal, I have -yet to find it. And mine or a turn of MY' little fing
see ?"
ID AGNEW-, Dentist, Clinton, -111 yisit. Zu on er'wOuld you made your peace with Him whose law I owe him X-250, and th if that Fish should be baked for salad,and served Yes, I do'see. So you new.
IA on Wardropla, other side, her sweet, worn have crushed him. But for me' he would; you broke V at I dinna, pay on lettuce lea': abos hav
_LV.�' the second Thursday of each month. 15912 6 traiii6gured, Bat the Duke's wife - of not have had bread to eat. Can any mo of brotherhood among y
the'll ut in the b&illffg., �,es with mayonnaise, or it' may 1k sort
- re am not a craven hi ourdelves V
Jp V
her gratitude my pen is too feeble and 'in. beaskeaof methan that? Ih ound to try to suppose he has a bill of as -be mixed rith diced potatoes. A whole Weil, wVra
Avc 10139 left sneak in at the end with 'a few whining -stock Vaoid Wardrop iuquiriUgl a -me, iiii
adequate to write. him to Go a on your fish, boiled, chilled in the ice box, goin, t look Cub for 4 lit-
MEDICA1. -masked tle cove wh&V I
ould so leave prayers. 1*111 take my Wmayonnaise' and win yhow, you bet our
In a flourishing midland town there is a him,atill., Ay," answered the old man he sail it both delight The
deserts from ke comes Limpy now, bet 101ton-
Wn garnished
Maker, bub I beg you to forgive me, was his only aectirity.' eye and Palate at a summer ffiniier,, ate Sue
boy to have h
substahtialdoctoes house with a roomy I Answerea not�i4f, for indeed I knew' -no drop, us you hope to be forgiven.' luncheon or tea. kind friende�"
d I -tti The ge
Dr. John McGinnis, surgery attachdd, and every sign I wa glad When he released Hush said Wardrop sternly. My p Would you rAin 0 in e ee all the Nuts, sueb as eliesnuts an atleman bought two paper,$ from
of words to say.
perity without and within. sometim apers, Dver said a English wal-
Ron. Graduate London Western Universis es to me from his pitiles Mr. Glover 0,sai in, "'ild Went On hia Way down, town,
yo member a stare and walked away, ar rop,- and I nuts, muat b
e boiled and oled for uie ine, town, wondering how in e"
Any men in butm
Of Ontario C0118P of Physicians and Surgeonk hthethiongontof sight of nesa, I have tried'to forgive you all these in the affair. They may be mixed with fruits, wouldefuse, to sell their wares in order to
Office. and Residence-Formerb occupied by Mi. wm. Came -two hard -worked London journalists ited salad.
that happy and comfortable home there Pressing throng forgiveness is nothing. As God is my wit. saw by his face that he was muc interef 00
years, It was hardest when I stood by her Willingl Potitoes, lettuce or sweetbreads, or even ive a weak, balting.b
rothe.r a chance in
on a flying visitt which never failed to. make came back. I feared to look at him, and deathbed.' T., and with*ihe in& ner of One with other meats and vegetables, though
Pickard Victoria Strea. next to the Catholic Church no all. It was ab ut half an hour before he
Mrbllg4 calls atUuded promptly. 145842 a gree�t oasis in their lives. And if they ke t on ahead. with Roddie, leaving him to t e responsi- not so advantageously.
Who is gla to be relieved of clear field,,.
IL ARMSTRONG, X. B., Toronto, K. 11� 0. U., sOmetfines forgot and addressed the han Wan' t to tell you that she left, me very bility, poor old Glover em b
M. m 1,. Ontario, suocmwr d- follow with 121ra. Diane. Presenbly he call- P I d is pocket- -Sliced hard-boiled'eiga on abed of sh
D red -
to Dr. some doctor as the Duke and his wife as ed me back. sOon-in a little more than a month. I book, and Wrdrop I d out t -e precious ed lettuce,dofted with n&e
X11100, office lately o by I)r. EWA. Bruce- the D ahess, nobody except the initiated 'I have just b would have married her if I could, and if documefits on his turbiums; is a nice The Secret of Suecess.�
table. MMT
were any the wiser. 13dt often there is !a we c eentelling Mrs. Deatie that she would, but she hated me, and -never Just look here, David,' a combination. -for a light pretty alad; for One day, in fl�ckleberry time. when little for"
E- COOM M. P. and S. e em for a o ent French dreusing should be. used. laughter that is akin to tears, and it is ab- You have knocked that lable ploy on the she taken the irrevocable step -than she r Of shredded 'lettuce and slid And halt a ft�an -other boyawere gtarting w
au'b stay over Sunday, as we thought. sougbt to hide the fact. No soon r bad bad studied th ai �he, after he
this a
solutely necessary at these times to keep up head. We'll go back, to the Old Steine, eu Paying this nacrupulous onions
&(L, PhY'dci&n, BUTjoun -and Ac. This
h e. poor man has be
th tb*J7-
or, Conattance, nsi a constant stream Palle
of railleiv 1�at there gretted it she loved you, and you only, all scoundrel at the rate of a hund 'ad per cent. aloe or with eggs and cottage cheese added aid
)no rarely grows tifed, whether Una 7o ather b
cup of tea, and go up by the five for-qtyet 9 erries, Johnny's pa in tslklug with klm should be a scandalous breakd;wn all round 'five.' the time, and it was that that killed her. Do you see how The
they suck. the
BICTHUE X. D., Feliowotthe Royal which no Scotch peraGn can thole. came to the oftice th&.t day long ago to tr interest is Indeed it is well to bear in mind that a That lie acould tell him how to pick 9,01 he'd come on
Uege- of FiTifollilmand Surgeo In tb at 'All right, air,' I answered mechanically, charged monthl d Of touch of onion flavor is a ahead. y 7 to Dr. RaOlUd. Oflice lately occupied any a magic- touch. to
he mean by this rapid decision, and why did my punis ht and day. I have d sort of "thing than b all he aisasters ote of emphasis then stick tait till lured
who rejoices in the curious name of War' 4)i W ab d conscience an year'y- There are more peop ruined by m " First find your bush," said J01113DYs' Va# Ali and
home you will find a fair -faced lirble lad bab inwarly sore ainazed. L F h di awful weight nig ha this salad, like the n
A2 to tell you, for it was on my
Zy Dr. 11sakid. X%41� Street. Semonn, Reeld
ed which in a m6lody. sati8fies the ear. You've Picked it Let those go cbsalug Mixed
-Omer of TAe�ofls.squan, in howle ence dr,)p Lyall Bryden. Aud thaz hment, Wardrop. Whatever m which can overtake hu
lately ocoup! ward. is our re- be wish me to go with him I? The trin AY manit .. The next
1127 was almosb await me where I am going, don't think I've move on the board will he tha 03ut who will
en'Pry ; we had one end of bhe got off here.' this villain Insearch of better -bushes; but it's picki
will seize the whole stocK of t f ag tent,
DR. F. J. Pullma. entirely to ourselves, and might WORSE THAN YELLOW I He 0opped there for ant"of anrm an'd I my son- own
have talked to our hearts' - content. breath' and turn the tenant out to die in T I k to
w f 00
Bat lela FEVER.
0 buehes doesn't count like lekilll; ed
LA1&rWd0))tPhY81o1an and S=eon Toronto Gen- 0 NINE ENE31y I our speech was &light indeed. . Wardro saw Wardrop get down upon his - knees. or to go to the work -house, hichever he
011W 1105FItal. Honor graduate sy univsrsity, Then I turned about and atole away, for the y
'never spoke at all till we bad passea ma t Kidne' DeadUeat And JOhhneLyf
ebween dear me,' I said ugh.
of Ontario. Coroner for tho'County of *H chief coming back, Lyall u
imember of the College of Physicians and Surgeons When is the rest that passed in that room was b od
Croydon. y Disease Man's u'd 9 he Vv4u told: and sQr0 -eno
'ha he no re- d
r CiA -is he lying?' he asked then. 'At When Wardrop came Is the An touch the It tkere chased
Aff"OFFIC.E.-I-Same as to wetly occupied byDr The question -wan put to me by. Ja these two and their God. dre a ? -all a
% ' Where re no law By 8ticking to'bis bush �j.hlle
Smith,'Oppoollie Public Sabool, $eatorth. Telophon; Girdlestone, one of the chaps yv %ne of the hospitals ?I downstairs I saw moxtey-lender K Iftbel-
NO. 46� S. B-Nigbt call# ansWered from aimee. ho had be its Only 4jure. around
iiI the officli before I en bhat he had been weeping. In me itch of other �pieking, �twus as his I&tb Brunei*
came to ]London, and No at a nursing-home in Devon It was' quite Wardrop shook hi h d or sidid 1�
who was mucli esteeme- shire dark as we walked through the streets, and ea For, while All the others looked,rie wor.kedi BluelvAl-
d by Wardrop, Place,'I answered. None. The law can' came out ahead. mcl soon
t'toue him. What ToRo,,;To., July 18th-,, Yellow fever And Johnny r�colNcted this when he becime aa.
though his qualities were solid rather than when we came to the Mall again. Wardrop we do want badly is some. n V� legislation and Vow
'DRS. SCOTT & M-acKAY, brilliant. It Was the mouth of -Jane, and same curt amallPoi combined do not- kill a And first Of all he la!d him on&
We'll go home rst.' he said then, in the asked if we could. extend our walk a little on this very Point.' Th' 8 many peo-
Wardrop,who p' Way ; so I to my paper azolvin, and inthe park. e pr as could do ple as Kidney Disease does," was the as. sowhil aBluoyal
AND SURGEONS, his holiday referred'tather to distriute left him.undisturbed, as I knew he desired. I One little sin, something towards. obviatin this crying seAion of a prominent Toronto physicia e the brilliant trifiers failed, with an their
avid -how vast are its evil if they would decline t 'insert each ecently. n brains and psh.
e ner I . Wise, steady-gpivg vo
lihn. It was something from �,,,,emte a as these he ag sertiob is fully bo I ,
t one time, had ravages ! Y t let no man say the - sin skilfully worded advert r; n by sticking to hie
Goderich street, OPP0830 Methodist chui-ob,Seaforth a through the year, than to take y one hope was that he would ]act ask me D
a long. spell a to ace
gone do bu.h."
Victoria and Ani escaper, even here. Some men's sins go which are nothing less than t rue out by facts,
t u J aps
SCOTT, graduate m Arbor, and Brighton tc�*,F'end a week With his boyvvn to which=k yet it he diO� I knew before to judgmentt and some follow af to catc� andwere it"not - that there is a means
member Ontario College of Physicians %nd, I had thought of him a good deal in his could not refuse. ter. the unwary. Well, my frie d,'. he* said ' ]of
God forgive me my stony heart.' turning to checking and curing Kidney'disease the HOW to Enj
Surgeons. Coroner for County of Huron. absence wondering whether he would come
cKAY, boy h a do you want number of its victims weig
We drove home in bandsom, and War- You are glad you went V .1 be trebled.
r graduate- Trinity Univ baok an' engaged man. Eighteen. Months drop changed his clothes. me to do ?
ersityj 'the old nian'r ',wha ok cychug.
Rego of Physicians and -Surgeons, OnUrio. was rather Yes it i But the use -of Do4ds �Lidney Pills keeps If you nt to enjoy ey.chn.g you mumb,
old medallab linity Medical College. Member ad passed since that memorable Christmas sarpriaed at this, for as a rule he Was care a porne small compensation to If You could expose this a �undkel,i not abuse iwta is a good plan to go on the
Ix (T
in Nae- low compared with its f4me-r- height. Ki
no hast body can help me now, becau e I am ruined.
ve, when we had stood together by the less about conventional attire. me permitted 'to bear the cup of cold water said the death -rate fro Oe of " eA1, when You7are hungry And
1488 - . me for what fthave suffered that God 'has the old man, ' it micht th Implaint quite princi
deathbed of hi pi 'help there. '
k to build uP another home It Dodds Kidney Pills were
H. KALBFLEISCH, a to sees Dor Wife, bat he seemed We'd better go, then ; are, you r�ady ? to these two at the last, but it has riven my But it would be som drink when you are dry A cycle nde of.
Physician, Surgeon We'll walk, if You like.' used in every 20 miles will create an Appetite and thii2t.
D*Iand Accoucheur, successor to Dr, W. Grah,n,, or to force now ti heart, David, e satisfa tion to me if case of Kidney Disease, there Woul4 be no
es Oh that men could know he could be prevented fro that will do
-for himself. As for me, ' You wish me to go, then VI starri r ining others. deaths from justice to Any food. or drink.
Aels, Oatario. First Claqq Honor Graduate of I was glad of his delay ; it 4 0 mered. and.feel the blessedness of the, Christian I've often heard of I .
the Universities of Trinity (Toronto),'Quee f course ; bbab is why I brought you. I you m although you - Deny ths irst *ad appetite b extending
n's (XiDg WAS not sweet to ;I ife, its compelling power in A that makes dinna k tho -h that
W -of me to contemplate the 3ir, t th
ston), and of Trinity Meoial College; Fello day 'when the old YOU must 90 in -in with me to the man's for righteousnegs and lasting peace papermaybe you would dra in your the ride, as someyliaw foolishly do, to ft
one of Ontario. Po Mo_ en ine, and I though folks)- atten. Thought in Work. - mileo, and even frt,her� and instead -feel,;
Trinity Medical College mad ale Surre;YBtreet chambers would know him no very bedside, lad, and stay there, to keeP You have taught me,'
uiber of the College
'of Physiciaus and Sbrge at 'ri
rep in. Detroit Ing of
me from saying sir,'I said quietl tion to sic iniquity as this." The faculty to read the thought of fit for a meat and a drink the chanc,
Graduate Con what I ought not. T y -
and Chicago, 1896. '1 6houldn't think he'd be back till devil will be at my elb he 6ligiOn such as yours, lived
-Special -Attentloit paid 0 diseases of Eye; Ea Alon- ow, from day to Where did yi u say
omem r, Nose - y lace was, Mr. through his work is intuition, The are that there will be more and Throat, and Disesies of W tarrah id, and day, is a compelling -power i on like, oom- Glover ?' he askeo dhal
treated ouct, d I power ca about one ght w lelling others to salva;tion. very much to take a run 0 n -and see it if �geni P e ais
you'll need to help me to 6 him. as I should lik., to,ex ress a thought by a visit to a doctor.
day 4ow,l answered, it being Dav fy "our
in Engligh German; 1581-tf pept, Hast Us.
-ess" o'clodk on Satarday afternoon. 'I'm ex- the way up, IJA b were brbught up b I might.'
hilly in &llits foraw. Consultation saying with Saul all nobl.
ing a ire every minute saying whether 0 mine enein�
thou-tound me In) togo own.' Y. u' godly There are many great. thoughts which'are
word, and we d nevyeorustrayed far from th'e"door of Ye will be welcome re ied the farmer ,never expressed by an Adeqate action.
took my hat -without a fo an
Ti It: j
t hours W' ugh the sweet m. That i a privilege for ferven*. ' It is very -easy -got at. Ray- The thinker bag not ment4l fore enough
saia Girdl stone, tmusingly. spring dusk ; along the I lei�h is the station, and the e al
wh ch you may thank G10 -Can t
UCTIONEERS. klonday that's forty-eigb %lked awiy together thro the Kingdo
don your knees.
'I0 might be Mall, where the
too lat4.,. Place is 'not a to bring Mi stron
WM- M"CLOY" id bhe Lord"s prayer for over mile from it. Once 11 could aye offered to manifestation, feeling$ in
sweet sinell of the lilacs �and hawthoras in I b We RaL f rty
0 proper
ye ra, David, and there is one of its peti- P in my Own 19, but that,11 tive power to see through his po have iuiui-
MO never be again. or atte t
AMMOneeffor the Oonnpeg of Huron and Perth, FO en Park came floating to us on the a of which I have had, no understanding When will You come V a expressi
What for V the Gre- drive you u 8tillY those who to
to, had a' wh lit in di m
and Agent at Heneall for the Hauey.Hurig Man r-:�for the fellow who wan 9 opera- gentle wind ; then up Regent Street, from n it to -night., Saturday afternOO aid W&rdrop, Which underliNis lacern Net
Acturing Company. Sales Promptly attended U. him. tte's awfully ill- ts to see ng his thoug
charges, moderate and satisfaction seriou ich, with the closing of b
gumnieed. tion day be he shops, the fine motives
orders by mall addressed to-Honnall pod 0 or mishappen
throng had slackened, an round 'by. the ve tb se- eff-orts. The Painter's rude,.
t fore yesterday. It, hasn't been What is it ?I and meantime, if
vague figures
air was
a prompkaftension. 12wif can understand what
ry raje'and clear for a London night, and God not melted my heart this nig It is ju It possible that grand objects he ban longed to express.
will receiv Who is- he V I asked, with interest ve a them that brespass against � us:" &8 he calls himal
successful,and he May P09 Out any moment Langham, to Devonshire Place Forgive us our trespasses, as we for. papers with me, I w: will show- to thos
lett at Mi residence, Lot 2, Conosegion 11!!;�ck d so Y ill lea e
gi ill Ou
anybody I know V. The v Red I I ee r. Tomlinson, a who
... .... ..... .. it seemed to my stirred i I take him in hand be in get a fri lit.; Aad the writers the
ptrange stillnees seemed to brood upon the
way. The gloom 86m6what h htened on the Uncouth Is,
said -Girdlestone withagood deal of re. 6ity- or
nguage tell to thme who 'Or
TIRE INTA It was as if its hurrying feet were lit, David, .9 )ukhts though clothed in
You've heard of him -Gilbert Brand,' Inagination that a* I should myself have been a Cast&
etraint in his v worn and anxious face of t i re Bn the
oice. r old man, Vfffies -all that the.� writer
ad1led,its many bands folded XII. who at the close of a ha
Poo ad betweo
Does he want to', ee Wardrop ?1 1 Aske for't in pieparation �ha rorking, self. 'longed to sE d could not.
he Sabbath day,
suppose he wants to make his peace., take the initiaive. It was I who- 'knocked One day a respectably dressed, eld' him in the face. low the urface are few and arely met.
pose so. No man C1. Wardr p left me to A LAST REsouRGZ. denying life SAW nothing b t ruin taring be But those with intuition enough . to read told in
fe erly As it happened, then days were d reads only what it neim
man -,alled at the office and asked to see
Woth T]611e Book his' blestup It more keenly at the door of the numing-home, and in a
JL JUIL our chief, Lyall., than I did - quired of the Pleasant wom i . ext tW( Geneially he
rayal of ext t .;vorl
b an who opened Wardrop. He happened to be out at I very full and busy, and' Saturday came On the outside, So jbo
n Unch me who would appeal
This most e�qllent work should ba in eve 9 ight lb&o in vestigatb the cas which bad thus how to express what they feel ; foe if
n tJje county of lHurov. ry houge beggID Ofe ofthe old follows I
flee fiin�s, a distance, I to d him to show him in, bee d they
despise proper expression, their thought it.
r! had to go,, before him. He id not. however,
to go answered, 'But if You are Mr. W hat he might Wait until Wardrqp re. forget his
the nurain -hoone last n 'He is very ill, and sinking fast,, she com he had dro t i Part of the people "Must learn
they sent from tilluut offering any oppor unity to War. to the greater
ut Brand w" my friend once, -and whe " it whether we could see Gilbert Brand. at the time, Atli as the boy said wi
we, and ardrop 80 t DE
and she Paused, looking inquiringly turned. promie6 to
That was all ight, but elf may be despised by th
Wardrop nfrom one to the other. 90 Ou to the farm,
0 fell upon him as he noon we left Fenchurch b at together. do. To ou of the rii ht, anxious
- tirely by the expression. Ana moat people The wary vigils
$1.00 P '00py. -different matter. The moment my eye and' about -four O'clock on Saturday after Ole who judge an.;
JCP6 I shouldn)t like to asa 'This is Mr. Wardrop,1 said, with a came within the door, I Raw that he was a
him, Jack ; and thaVis a facUl
Scotchman, and I could almost have told that our motive be pure an rag How often
Higglay. Bru Well, if You won't, how You suppose they compt aj�d how unwelcome theyar
Copies ean'be bad from Mr. B A r own conscience it is 11 hours that d 4 like days,
r. tol. an from hiA general appeaiance that he belong. d our thought be
AeW or M Dsvid.R000, 640 Church street, Toron I c he bluntly asked. Poor Briiid' right. To the, looker on or hearer some. A sYstern robbed bY sleeplessness
(To be Contin ed.) .'
Rev. Dr. Novi said to me last night he had a lot OA his ed to the farming class. thing more is needed.
air, Principal Of the Presbyteris WRAK AND WgARy VVO We MAY act from natural rest cannot.. be igorous and' WA
Monday to.
are at fault and
'You are not Mr. Wardrop.) h but our act must always be lovely. stron Tb
CDa8ge, 9hY4 I am profited and greatly mind he could only tell to Wardrop, and e aid, e n
advise all our students to put -nursin him came out to looking at me'keenly. MERVINIL
with what I have read, and I intend next the Sister Who is 9 FRINNO IN GOUTH AMR 10Ar We May speak out of kindness, but
and to study It dejjgentiy as atiording rich swered my name is speech must be kind or '
in- Lyall R RAPS he -was a our motive may�be
cy 1c, but so red
struction)n pastorial theology ana Practical g but if you can wait & few minutes, I am me deratood. Nervo Pills are the remedy that c
It -into their librarle the passage and bigged me to try and Oh no, -'I an our Inust be built up. Dr. lVar&S-Bli3odand
suade Wardrop to come. . per. .111 L I
odli Not that, size had sure ha 0 u
IQ"& Isbell read them a lew paggagell th&b th that Mr. Wardrop won't b
0 long; he has, ag there are no 10 only gone- out to lunch., .4 -
may see that It to far from being dull or dry. cy' but she said his whole talk in his half- el!" he Ithv women. The Bcluair and S EtM;MA TEMPLE.
the faintest idea of the story, mind I th'11; n1uhne headwaters of a little �tream may be MIS
said that in
X. Dryedate, of Wm, DrWale Cc nta pure and sweet and abundant.'
ro tons mome nas many Wo- tream flowg into Bight throu h
and Bookeellers, Alontreal, 8: -Rev. J�ohij Ros's w" of Wardrop. a6d some. Oh, I CiA wait,' he said %uietly. I'm the 0
of his life strong and HERE IS WHAT SHE SAyS:
wavagrandman.and the w tin body he called Peggy., no' in a hurry. Time i no, nd muct and refuse, it win te
9 oould t at much of rubbagp a
A h&vb been pinced In bette Before I could think of anything 2% ule "Yelcally 'is scorned by those travellers wilo
to an object ta me now. Things have got see T ey are mentall 90 At last, after eight months of physic;tZI
Dftu D01Y More and more are books ot this Class say,
9, bad that naething-ma ters much.j a d morally; but Ft back to the source to prove cannot weakness and nervous prostration,-
ThA read, I h"dai What we Wardrop's wire was brought -in to me ts purity and
Jr Of wbfob tends to the better olroulAti may -
of the blo�d.kud stiring oneg soul. on Ing that he would not be up till So am to hear that,.7 Is true xle*ertheless, beauty.
rry t at a large per. by over eXertion and Want of rest,,,dnrj1lg
Monday, And answered which time I suffered gieatly on a
night r first; train on I especially A C ntage of the �6-� CcoUntf
sking , as I hear You are a Scotchme,ii the $battered cadition of
me to go down. RELIEVES IN 30 MINUT98. ntry mynerves�andfor,
byyour tongue ]EL en of the cou RAGYARDIS YELLOW OIL cures was unAble
ave to find any relief, I have,
You'd- been long ffer f nervous. rains, brulilog
London V wh
catch the two,, rom @ore@ wounds, cuts, frostbites, chilb I e (Dr. Ward's Blood and i
said Girdletone, and
(look's 00ttOt 1906t CMpollail A MA016'A-4LIFC. 8 eneral d#. fou'ne-d" a medicin
Suggeatively ; and supposing Wardrop was SAVER. b Y. hey. drag inseels, burns, scalds, contusions, etc. ", st'ngs Of Nerve Pills) t. it, three
Is successfull The 'I di'mia live in Lond, It tba
y used monthly Most pronounced symptom louat all,, a weary if, Price 25c, lnc�ntbs snade =y-
9 Of Bwered, existence and each day is, .1 �0-,II,
bl over heart disease are palpitation or flut but down in Essex. I've a farm A :day of pain an(l s' built up my pbrsieal system And mad m&
safe, effectual. ud willing to come, he could iasily get back tering e an- nerves strong, removed all nervous troubles
Bask to -night.' of the heart u ering. This was strong and we 1. They removed despon.'
-s CON011 ftd Irregular p 84ckville dency, and in consequence of taking yo
e1your dra t for Coth collfilm I shortness ot breath, weak there.' thie case With lilss A Ble Patterson, of -Friendly With the Dogs.
reast Take no oi er as all mixtures, pi u1se, smothering gells at nigh'Dt, I N' B; She suffered
I don't like the job Jack, I tell, you Oh,1 I said - with interest. from ludi valuable Pills I I
a and frankly, but I suppose he brain re you
-gelns Iii region of heart. terribly ur
estlon and ne vousness, ook forward to the futum
b0X;1f0.9,10de rees stronger,ss per box. No. its got to t congested, heada. one of the Scoteh-colony who are trying Influencef hopefully. I have to thank your g
gerotle, FrI40, No. per le d&me. canslng Z Sbe Vran gentleman who lived some years since
But mind, I'm not ehes, drz in Renfrewshire W48 accustomed, reaticure,
I or 3, =&Bed on geelp - of price and two at 'less or vertigo. by some on somehow, to try after his for nervousnessand bodily Weakness for my -
'ill sure that he'll IEL short, whenever the the English farmers like hoping ag , Of course, It was
_t make is living where to South American Nervin
Ths, Cook COMPAny1windsor 0 beart flutters aches or Palpltaten. it In feed his dogain their Present good health wid strength.
come. Put iourse Shooting excursions, to
lf in his Place that is ailed V aingt bo r patent
But she had t kert only one bottle the food baing placed in a long Wwe
diseased, and' If life is valued 'Yes, you've said it,' be a when her syste Yours truly,
W49 OIL 1 and 9 sold and recommeded Sy iff treatment medicine. kennels,
Zesponalble, 1?ruggUts in Canads,. Ildst be taken. Dr. Agnew,s Cure for, the newered, with a trough.
Children Hear Rl beg,,j On one occasion, when h6 had St.
health of earliest ear to take on the
remedy Yet discovered &In mournfulness. I've done my best, -EXXA TP,)&pLE, Hastings, OnU!
ry fo r Is -the only cert ' Signed
XG. I and No. 2 sold In Seatorth by Lumad will alwag f three bottles she wns , and after usin tended to them as usual I
QU & utes, aIve rellef -in so m1n, but I've failed." looked iuto-the
Wilson, druggids. letel Dr. Ward's Blood and Perve Pillsare a
nd cure a so utely.-28. NO Wonder she I t Y curer. kennel through a, hole in the door and as OUT
'And what do you want to see Mr. War- ael"Tler onviction at so cents per box, 5 bo
that there n
CASTORIA For'eale by LU' o reraz like Soucth Amerl. somewat astnished, not at perceiving d xes for $2.00l at r% I
nrop about?, I asked
maden & Wits
C&UtiOUbly, can Nervine. -29. a Tclll�ugSlsts. -or Wailed on recelpt of Trice by for my number Of rats there. but at seeing he r. Ward CO, 7y Victoria st,
on' Seaforth- Chief had been so continually taken advant, them in the trough, quietly and fearlessly parbskin
For 'sale by Lumedu Book of information free
Wilsops Seaforth Of the bread and milk with, the dogs, whiof