The Huron Expositor, 1898-06-24, Page 8.4
mod 0 -01intob on SaurdA
as a tu "her of our villagers, '04
had come Over. �wlth the rill am during the past five years. And the right band w", out.11001 sy num
""Wilsidn's '04sh Grocery. imoignilll Er6' Instead of At bbinge'as, have a, sore . Auger f6r some' the f
the result ? an ors� tended uneral of the'late'
m his bgother, Frank, who died mttv Nat is ld nt. rn.,, am .4
s,ve ite donor intended it to"be, a pleasant 0 molt of &'-very simple see 0 ka,
Field and Gi se.;�L_78 Evans & Co!v. suddenly in that city on FriAill Sy � t i. a r�a! p tre 0 e pnn t v1 a 1 t n Hirtnil come I for t r machinery. re IMcKsig and hisdaughter, Miss
arden. - 0 e have - 't thank our old, friend, r. ;1: vlal There we C
U -11:1111i one durIl weal 0 1 x -1
le Hills in attending the wedding of for the citiz er
llft=saw log meogold seed, Goldso Teakard and Long Je log ibe warm - urf r. Still has an- mever&l carloads of machinery in the prooes- wh6 died on Sabbath last, it
tiably -of Varna, for a proven Red kinaill ill Imported Short Whitt carrot and her cousin,Aliss, Whetstone, of Nissoul where an hour or two could be profi Thoma's Ward, t of t on the road- We expe9t mowers, �rsl and ticiflairly sad funeral and the farp,
the Swedish turnip reed at the low- obade trail some very nice green peas, v( tire, a -real otheir butcher 61 sion, including binders,
set prices. Our stock of Tess was never better thin this week. -Uri. Rodger,' of Kirkton, is to get meat ve cheap this qummer with other minor machines. -No. 6 1 company, _thb-sym athy of all. -The frie
Is the beat in the market. by the way, would be none the luxury at thin season -of the year. -The r James hite will'regret to I
It Is now. Out 25c Japia d* a few four wagons ru ag
open 11 days' this week with her esutifol Q%een, )eciai train on earn
Give us a oall and we will guarantee to ill Win, Aickle, of this. village.- worse for a little judicious pruning, -We Calitits, of Esther, the B from the irillage. 33rd battalion, left on a *I
plesse you fsthe , Tuesday afternoon last for Carlinles heights, continues seriously ill, -Tire dwSlijill
hkos plow in Cardno4 hall this (FdOay)
and for lesoo money thaA you can buy hom any pod Miss Muldrow at- find it anything but an inviting- spot, from t4
I qualit Our Miss M9ria% Manson and oca
'Captin H. Tor.,Rafice was in Mr. James Benthron 'but now o
10. Our stock of Grocitioles Ii No. tended the Endeavor covention" St Wing- an "tiatio point of view. The grass in Only Those who -mine it will miss a rare Dublin. where they, will put in their al drill- of at Rodgerville, longow d and o
pri 0 0. - 0'and aa we t ellenin twelve days.
ni. SJ unit to
give a 5 r ceow IL d= sah Customers ham, as delegates. from our socle Y. on Tues- out when from very shame's sake it Cannot musi!CSI treat. -Mr. Robert Logan intends THE FIRST. -preparations for, the success- command. -Mr. T. W. Hawksha*, of the Mr. James Stewart and occupied b
T ogulveauo hasse of $1 and ovel, exeept -flou be left sny longer; the fence that surrounds moving his family to Manitoba in a couple ful celebration dfDominion Day are* about Commercial' has been confined; to ibis room MCC- oil, ivas eftnek by g d Y.
r and day and Wednesday. -Miss Jessie MC- n U
I. Good Ile no at- of weeks. -The Seaforth company of volill
Dougall has taken a situation in the photo it is allowed to go to docility, wh London Harpers have been Ii tni
di i under command of completed. Th�. for a, few da, a diariag the past �, eek with of the recent storms. tnin
valuewit wainiterp.&ieayosund*TooPeiivgo,tua�ssus eialgood so- studio of Mr. Henderson in town. -Mr. Goo tempt -seems to be made to improve tha,, tt CaptsinI A. Wil- procured to fur ish music for the occasion,
fortment to select from. Trio highest prices paid thin -�l r. A. r Rollins on S-aturday tuill did no barnmn, rt son, 60001apanied -by the band of the 33rd and quinsey. V11
for all kinds of tirade. Hills has been off duty several days on so: band stand, -which in sadly in need of re every possible, is being done to
illob, left on Til to arfOrm their last ptireffissed by auction the gre4n. store- Ing up the face boards, in the got
in fact the whole outfit in any. batti make the day suctiess. - Invitations have
C. WILSON, Seaforth. count.of a disabled knee, but to all appear- psirs, and I to the town authoritiesio annual drill in damp at Endon.-�-The house at the G. T. R; and the residence of tearijig off a row of shingles adjo
ances will soon be around again. -Lieuten- thing but oreditab a been sent to Messrs. B. O'Connell, Dr.
IT14 Buill of Comment Blok. Drumider James and speaks very little for thiir sense -- of the strawberry season will soon close. There Bethune, W. . Davis, T. H. Race, . F Mr. John Dauncey, on Main- stri0t.-Wm.- It was ceftaiil a narrow
Here they have a nice has been a good crop ;of very fine berries Ballantyne, license inspector foi South, will -be. a gra)mq concert in Coxw
Young, and Privates To:nand Frank Jack- beautiful in nature. Alsolaren, M " N. C.. Monteith, W. C' Huron, spent last Saturday evill in town. on the evening of July 12th, und-
son, went into camp at London on Tueed plot of ground gvew to them in the centre this year, and other small fruits promise an and
i Moscrip K. Erb, M. P,,, ti� speak on
wax War I we my in asked of them abilindaut yield. -Althotill there has been a -Several from here attended that London auspices of the mixed quartette l
la�t. We blope the boys will have "pleavant of the town, and all that the grounds d ring -the af ternoon.: goo ro A weather and a good time. -Mrs. Neigh, of is t1kiat they keep it' in decetit she
1049- do as not been any frost to 'do iujury.-We Exeter people will go to Graddpnd on fooM forward to,. -Mr. A. Bi.h`CPUfi
.pe, and Cod deal of cool weather this season, there races this week. -A large ipajoriby' of the d gramme and time can be
In the Clothin' T his
9 1 dians, ham been spending a few days t still they confess their inability t* do so '—hise I
week with her niece, Miss Addie Stevenson. Is there anything more humiliating to a notice that Mr. Ed. blill an lold Bea- .-Phise irst. Dominion Day and enjoy the bree" of lake the village on Wednesday on
—We were- much pleased on Tuesday morn- spirited' le than to have such a slar cast forthitej hat been appointed pbstmaster at NOTES _Rel�. Mr. artin su&Mr.' R. S. Huron, whilat others go to Godorioh to Lucinow to attend a a -ale of thoro'bre
we have In stock a complete assortm- -ant of ilil in
I on
aremankably good Uneotallwool twecd,laboth Ing, while at the station to may a parting upon tbe!:Ogy the sluggishness- of their Exeter. We congratulate our old friend Laut of Exe r, 'held an entertainment in spend the day. -The crops are in a splendid tle.-Mr. James i Comworth,of the Ce
ful, efficient and 'obliging day ni Heaman, contractor, is 1putting up a new. Mrs. Williamo-ow
dren's suits. The Usn's 1440,0 1 trow not. his good fortune, and,we are sure he will the etbodist church of this place on Tues- condition in this vicinity. -Mr. !George, hot4l, is having improvements made, f4w
irk and 11 9 suades, made up in morl Yoqths', word to newly wedded -friends, that we did municipal representatives ? k
and a Interior of isbouse.-
bF 11 at We With a very little "expendibure each year make a faith b of last Weak. The programme
not see a particle of rice thrown. Ay spot, offloial.-Three rinks 'from the Seaforth lasted ®lan our and a half, and consisted
y T brick Methodist church at St. Johns, in'
�7 suit; this youthe'about $4, boys' 93 tinues very seriously ilL
& * 'a 14W to 91VS'
lo df 12. The". suits we guaran heartily congratulate those present on their Ili rk could be made a pral Om X London township.. -Willie, yotil son of
made by the wool noted w is'rany citizen could show strangers to
first -cum wear, and an good sense and consideration for the com- hie howlirig club went to Goderieh on Tuesday of s6ago, reoi ations and baud, music Ir
Owadian manufacturers. Out niien's aill 16, f to play a match with the Goderioh club, mud pramaphoup,, ed- a good- Mr. Win. Creech, is seriously ill at Orement. LeiAlbury.
ort of, others. with a feeling of- pride, but as at "present nd was listen
$8 and $10 art world beaten. We oball be only too reproso - t y r. George Wrea, Jr., - visited Mrilill CCUtchean, pleal to show our clothing to any person calling. coaduote& in a mark of h 0 the downed the County Towners' b two Illy number.
66 Same t
LAcRosst. -The Beaver lacrosse team town. Will our. mblecf wisdom " rise shiDits.-The annual bowling tournament, acquain ance in Logan last Saturday. He Varna. Mrs. T. Davidson bave been around.
& 00. went to St. Catharines on Friday last to to al sense of their oblige, I reaorts that rope � are looking splendid in
i er the auspices of the Sel club, wil for help or an aged unmarried
Wm. ickard 1. r mai I ura, -TID11;ESS. be held on the jureen are on Wednesda that township. -Mr. Win. Gorby, of ffen- NoTFs.-On Sunday last, the Ril Mr. thw'Section who br*d the Wisfortune
sy a match in the senior series with the will tell. 0 0, yo Iv I Burton, of Varna, preached a very eIoquent an
SEAFORTH. t. KiVs team. The game resulted in a and Thursday, V 3th and 14th. �Mr. sell, a t S'ad with aevaintances here. arm broken some time ago. Thev
J Ke so principal of the Ni 'Pon
whvill� high The picnic and practical sermon' to the members of
vicWiy for the St. Catharines .-boys' by 11beN in Keefe a grove last Fri nioe Aum 0
FAREwrxL -On SundAy last Rev. S. schoo?,*was in town this week. Mr� Keys day was a gill success. The weather was court Varna, No. 264, Canadian %der of f money. Thliessre
SUCCeSS score of four go&% to two. Wtenitis commended for their kindnexiiii( of
i Bond, wbo,hae been pastor of the Methodist teed,
Wins is an old Stanley boy, and, in aco6r4ance all -that could be desired, and it was I I Foresters, in the Methodist chul
known that Sb, Catharines is one of the - Sir Mr. Will Rae wboiss mucloill
1 church here for the past Area years, and op Y here.
with his oustom, himself and bl?%! Keys attended fr�ni far and near. -Mr. John The church was packed to the verit, door, hie third
strongest teams in the league, , Toronto U- niverflifty, And that they " who in moving this year to Ridgetown, term a
have niiver been defeated on their own have c.orne to Canada to -spend theo,summer Wren.visite acquaintances in Listowel last and win, beautifully decorated with* #owers homi at present. Ope o weleorao,*1M.
preached bin farewell sermons to large con- Woh t
grqunds, the showini of *the Beavers was gragat . ions. On Wednesday eve holidays. -Miss Maud Fowler, daughter of week... for the 6ccasion.-Mrs. A C. Campbell, who with -al B. A. attsiehed lo his name bye -And -
remarkably good d by the news- n'ng 6' Mr. John Fowler, of Goderich street, who has"been visiting friends at Waltdp, re bye.-Vegetati6n and crops in general look
tan JU Fins t* usl social was hold in the base
congregs, io
opponents all has been attending Bishop Straehan 'Col. turned home on Thursdaf la#L-Pie# well for whiefi- alth t
per reportill they gave their c ice to
Turnberry. tp eve h to be traly
Pal meat of the church to give the members an loge, Toronto, is home for the h9lidayt; Bayflold are the order of the d4y.-Firmerm, thail to the Giver
STRATFORD,, ON�ARIO. they wanted. -July let will be a regular
.-which pr�migal Me%nald's latest frAosk in a bad 0"
opportunity of bidding Mr. Bond and family Mr. J. L. Smith, who has been in the NOTES.- ev- Mr., Cain is announced to have started cutting hey,J
lacrosse festival here. -The big match of the � . mar -
This school does first-class work in every salon. The occasion was - taken advantage fill, the pu pit at the Methodist church
day will be between St. Catharines andthe cantile business here for a great i many an abundant crop.-m-What/might havii; been
department and enjoys a laige patronage. of by the congregation to present their pan- Bluevale ext' Lord's Day, Morning and Jim Aces not speedily reform we are 4n"
? last
Aling out, with the view dent' bap'peied one dai, he will come to an- untimely end.
te a.
A Cbmmer Beavers, while a game in the intermediate years, is of of re- a serious acci
oial Schoolof the' tor with an, addressi expressing their ap. evening. - r, John Kerr, of Willingham, will -Findlay
Stujbigheat grad
series will be played between tfie Stratford movill to Ne;r Rarnbu here he will week. Mr. A. Foote, of the postoffice store, McIntosh has purchased iv-*
none better in Canada ante can enter preciation of - his iii work and loving team engine for
There will mtart4 general store. %ile' we 8611 be occupy the uloit at Ebenezer, 2ad concon- out assisting Mr. Usim -, peddler ig
team and the Junior Beavers i Alth" use on the farm. What With this And two
at any time. Catalogue free. administrations amongst them and their sion of Mor it, at 2 30 next'Smbbatb.--4ofin was
be no ill of any person oing away fto
01 very horry to lose so good a citizen al so oring !ggs and butter, and while -
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-62 beatmishes for his future happiness and and Robert Mosorove *ere in Brussels -on returning or three windmills, he should now bair# a*gZ�,kt
I - competnt a business man as Mr. Smith, we -1 . I
home on that di Of amusement J, home in the evening with a hill load, the
prosperity. Mrs. Bond was also presented Saturday a nding the funeral of the late the power he reuires.-W.m. Drag -dr is
there will he pli;nty of of It here. Just still can heartily recommend him to the peo- I double tree broke, causing the hor4ep
with an address and made the recipient of t Pearsoa,,sr,� 9f Grey to getting SUOtber engine for threshing purl
at home, people, and help the sports along. However,, thel
ple of Now Hamburg, So one well worthy of 9 Start suddenly to run.
toneDhip pIddlar was equal to the emergency; and season - a noticed a fine -herd of Vitemi
DOMINION BNK, a hafidebme secretary and bookcase com- their confidence 'Sul' stronage.-le, not rareorg 1119idl WiDghSm, I, , gaie poses and will nnke things hum this torning
bined. Several 'selections of music were I W�th Ja Casemnie for the ba, vest.
often falls to the lot of a ticket agent to with the assistance of Mr. Foote, suco ss Alex.Gardinst. ion Ae
SpEciAL Sugar Sale at Guril Senforth. rendered and short addresses were delivered mem, Came ore has just erected a I In
ticket three bridal parties out on he 'same in stopping the horses before any serious
CAPITAL (Paid Up), $1,500,000. Ono hundred pound of Itedgath's No. I Gr#nW&Wd. -,.by pro'noinenit membirs of the- church. A mdnt house 22x36 feet, and a hog l6x2 the Leadbury line. Air. Gardiner is 'not
REST, st,5010,000. Sugar for $5. This offer goo for tan days B B. train, bot such was Mr. W. Somerville's ex- damage was done. -Mr. R. MCC601, of Ua
mostpleamant evening was brought to a feet. -Rob rt Leathorn im making prepmrs- only one of the lending agriculturalists of
Aose by the ladies serving refreshments. erience, on Tuesday morning. -Mrs. Ill of a "'bqg ten 2Ox4O rine'ton, an old Varna boy, bas sold out
onto tions for th erection f McKillop, but of the county -of Huroill
line, of London, has been A s"r in that village, and spent
SEAFORTH BR'ANOH,, FRAMES AND PraruREs. - Headers NW14 her
oto studio 13 the place to get Picture Frames -at During their stay here Mr. Bond and family brother, Mr. Josiah Hewi feet. The ig industry seem a increasl SaV my Frowfar and near eme veports of he vie..
pb tit"Of thin town, . and Sunday in Varna. He retarne On ions and evil propensities of those waiiii
Main street, Seaforth. reasonable prices. Call. .1593-1 have endeared themselves to the congregs- and her mother, at Walton. -Master Frank 'ng, Monday last to wind up the businear.-4he
tion, and they will not only be missed by andipundlings who are being dumped * upon.
ECIGS AND BEEs.-Eggs from the follow.
general banking business transacted.. Farmen, Bills, son of Mr. G. A. Bills, � ban returned Royal Templars of Tam erguee- will h Id a our moil from England, and after
to, Black Min- the people of theii own, church, but b a end his strawberry festival on.t a lawn of Mr. ohn all., those
Sale Notes collected, and advances made on; same at ing varleiles of thoroughbred poul home from Sandwich College,, to's B&AIeld. ?a I
oil scoring from 93 to 95 ; White Rocks, 92J to 94 1 r circle of other friends, all of Ao'm of them who babave
lowest rat'". summer vacati6n.-Mr. James MulTeu, wb6 PRIVATE b a'rd for mumm y even, right should
White Legborns 93 to 941 ; Buff Cochins Bantle, real WIS y erjaests,-gpod be treated ccordingly. Strange, 'the
beauties. Eggill per 13. Also beekeepers' on ree location, res nable rates, Apply. to :85 M. Erwin, Ing, June 28bb. EVerybody will be
MILMr; and Mri.-Bond and family man has acted as teller in the Bank of Comme o Johnson, Bayfield road, on Tuend
SAVINGS DEPARTKENT. p- blessings wherever they may be laboring i - I - , rel- little girls of thin cl M uslial WJ I
plieson hand,such as hives, comb, foundation and here for 9, couple of years past., ban received Bayfield. 11093-1 come.
f Deposits-ofORa Dollar and ti the cause of the Master. They leave next turn out very
pwards received, and sniokers. B8es waX waill WX. HARTILY, Bea. well.-Tlil new
eing transferred to: the ATTENTi N !--If you warli'milli
interest allowed, at highest current rates. Interest f orth. 1589 -ti week for Ridget9wri. a promition, and in b of Mr. Daniel Manley, to "hip councillor,.
added to principal twice each year -at theendof Chatham branch. His place here, will be before Iffisi Shaw, the millinery at -11i Visirtin's,
atting to
June and December. No notice of withdrawl is To THE LAIDIES.-MRS. LEvi SmITH, Sea. 'taken by Mr. leaves. Bps lal values in, children's hats, Miss and Mr. John O'Laughlin are i gi
Kirkpatrick, of Guelph. -A have a fiished appea;kance.-.'31,r.'Pr.indivj*Ue,
th, Is prepared nto M%Ytln, yn Id. 1593-1 PLANTS Fop. SALE. -Cabbage, Cauiiiflo�ver
re6,.ulred for the whole o� any portion of a deposit. for as usual to do up bair I TfiE CAmERow BANQET. -The - banquet convention f -ir South Huron, to organize'for
switchce,etc. Forialean woortment cf switches,
all colors, also steil switches. Residence corner BLows.�Mr. and Mrs who is doing business for thi Coroorle t#%,
R. HAYS, I W. K. PE ARCE, tendered to bin Honor, Lieutqnant-Governor the plebiscite ca pai a' J� will be held in Mills, (ii Miss and Tomatd plants of the beat vaileties for Oile.
Solicitor Agenb. of Market and Jarvis streeto. Also for sale a second- Cameron, at the British Exchange Hotel, Annie Erwin), drove up from Lambeth for Apply to D. Stewart, LonJon Road, Hensall. company, of Stratford, has been. ARAM OW
Carmel chu.rbb, Her salf, on Moiodiy, 4th
hand baby carriage. 16921 Godiirich' on Wednesday evening last -was ju a few days Ilast week. -Messrs. H W' Er- 159VItf. therounds. r. rindiville: in a worm.
a very pleasant and succes out b!arted Irishman and ai*_ays a W.elcomc�
I ly- at� 12 o'clock nooid'.-The gross �re- At
V A PRIcELEss DiscovERY.-I'Sosk and sfulafftill Ab ts at the Godfrey band concert at Gode. wtu and J4mes Young attended, the Bill JUST arrived another car of ceMerill jL180
Grand Tr k Raftsk one�hundred gentlemen from various,parts bath Scho Siore visitor.
Swab" It 'an infallible, painless and non-poisonous ceig �l Convention %C Wingham this f Beachville lime, at the old stand.
UP rio I on Monday evening last, -amounted � to ohaorui,61 just, weal of the station. R. CuDMOR, lien -
remedy -4or the core of cancer, c3rtilaginous ulcers, of the county surrounded the fes week.-Mqssro. Wail Osmond, Neil Cam-
tive board. 8973. Of this amount the company re -
I Ball.
etc., soill throat and a variety of skin diaesses. cron, Ed. Reid, Richard Elliott, Win.
H6meseekers Exc6sion's to Manitoba, cures cancer in any IAmong the guesta, also, were many Cone ceived 75 per cent. -Mr. Cook, of Osbawa, Par-
part of the body where the er, Win meron, and Albert.Woods are THE undereigned has leased th
d a
Worth Dakota, etc., via Chicago, or boat to liquid iban reil it.' Send for circular giving In. serval who had come to do honor to will deliver an 'address in Cardno's hall, iml- k the a
-their old and sturdy political opponenti. f July ce ebratiou,
at camp
Dufuth. structl6no how to use the liquid. Sold at 65' cents ) ;in undon.-James Whitten is now from the Cou-nell for the 12th o
mediately af ter evening 'church service on
per 1$t and So cents per hi pint bottle. MaLifft'll a:�,` andwilllesse it topartles desiring to erect Ill
visiting hi daughter in Ionia, Michigan.
L 'der the auspices � of
�S Th bai was occupied by Mr. W. Proud- Sabbath evening next, un booths or refreshment stainds fvr that day &I very
br�a C r
;t His house here can be secured by thl reasonable mtes. W.i.MILLLAR,
Dominion Day Rate J Godeil Ontail Sold in Soafotth at - MP
Robe 9. foot, of Godericb, President of the West the -emperance,
1589-tt Royal Templars of T -Miss maker,
Single fard-June.30th to July 2nd. Fair Huron Reform Ageociation, and the vice wanting to pass the 9 Hans
t ummer here by apply
WX MAKE a specialty of fine watch, clock Mary Bennoch, of Stratford, is at present
and third -lung 30th to July 4th. stationery by Mayor Holmes, of Clinton, vice presi Ing to F. . Edwards. -Rev'. S. L. Smith
and J-�welry repairing at 0. W. Pspet's dent viii it the residell of. Mr. . Alex. Wil- Lob'AL BRIEFS.-The'12th of July cile-
mud Jewelry bou3e, dcaforth. W. R. Counter, man- of the association. A feature of the even. son. -Mr. John McMillin, M. P., and Mr. wheeled o London Tuesday, and at. bration, to be held here this year, is erill
-Stshlit) Lines ager of jewelry department. 1691-2 Ing was the presentation, by the chairman, tended Syr od there. -The largest picnic of
M. Y. McLean atteni 'the banquet to Ing rangemen and
; the attention of Llo�e 0
d Do-. an the Bea on so far - was held on Friday* lost, the,
FoIt ropes, forks, rakes, etc for haying, of an address to Mr. Cameron, to which he Lieuten
White Star," Beaver an I t -Governor Cameron, at Goderich r. friends, and a strong committee is And Asortment
ui. Piloes right. S. Mullett & Co., Swilifortio. when six 0 seven public schools in Stanley has been engaged for some
minion ill made -an eloquent And feqling reply and in on Wednesday.eveniug, from this district.
4-i time past in 11oer-
which he recounted some of the reminiscences so fectiug arrangements to make it a suoeemi.�
1593 had their ual outing, There were a]
NEw goods juil hand this week. -If of his political experiences and cocoludiug by some Babb h school picnickers from' Hen- Our council had a nice stretch of new pine
ta, see
W. Somervilte, Ageril. you want anyll in (tea, dinner or toilet se exprersing his determihation,if spared, when Constance. sall.-The &in on Monday sooiled the army
our goods and prices �: Toilet sets, from :idawa)k laid, on the a
ou h side of kain
bommercial Hotel Building. dinneuill from $5 up; hands -,me cli "'50 up; his ofliial career -is -ended, to return to NoTEs.-The Sabbath school anniversary venic com lately. Several were here from
tea al 0 treet last week, and are this- week - pill
at 15. Ron BROS., Boxforth. 1592-2 Goderich and spend the remainder of his life services last Sabbath, conducted by Rev. derioh, linton and Be I . 9 0
aforth, and they down a nice stretch of gravel - sidews14 on 0
WANTED. -One hundred tubs of dairy there. The alance of'. the vveining was J. E. J. Millyard, were very appropriate. wedt to th town hall, and in the eveniag,, Richmond street north. -Mrs. James Stith -
handled. G. E. KiNa, Winghim. IC92-tt n and in the evening very band yla
butter weeklv, 13c. All kinds farm produce spent by addresses in response to-4he com. The afternoon was particularly 'interes(iog bad an ice ream festival. The�Clinton 'army erland was in Oxford county this w'ek,
prehensive toast list, in which almost every d several selections. -We -are visiting relatives. -The crops never looked
to the childre
WE are headquarters for ,washin ma- interest was duly honored, and many ex- practical advice was vivcn to the young pleased t earn that Mr. k. B. Smith -,'our better than they do at the' present time, Jand
The " Knoll, 11 The
obines and wriagers. Lader" cil songs were sung. The proceedibize 'people from the text "Is the young man young t6w sinan, and son of the incumbent V
DISTRICT MATTERS. and 11 Dowswill," all soill on trial to anyone lesvirg a es promise of an abundant
their name at S. Mullett & Seaforth. 1593-1 were kept up until an early hour in t5e Absalom safe." -Miss Minnie Muir, of Clin. of Trinity church, was ordained to the barvest.-The granolithic 'walk, aid �his summcr
morning, and even then many seemed loth ton, spent a few days of last week with her Denconate n June 11th, having passed a week in front of G. C. P tt 'a and Will
You can get something handsome i aunt,,Mrs. G. Stephenaon.-Mrs. T. Andrew,, most credi�able examination at Huron Col-
n to say farewell. Mr. Cameron -leaves God- ? . -
THE LAST OF TILE IkAC.E.-Mr. Isaac Me- chins, crockery or glassware, suitable for wedding or M cCloy's brick blockil is a cre7it �Iikd t�l the -
Mrs. J. Alillson and Miss Schoales spent a loge, and obtained the gold medal for elO- village, those gentlemen and th4 couficil,
Gavin, of M`bKillop, near Leadbury, had a birthdii)t prefent-1, at the popular grocery, Ron erich for his new residence on Monday next,
valuable mare die last'Week. This mare he BRos., Seafor.h. 1592-2 and will be given a hearby reception on his few days at Goderich and attended the Dan cution.* M r. Smith vil continue to dffi ciate
who, by assistance as to cost, -.encour*ged
purchased a,couple of years ago at the auc- INSPECTION OF MEAT.—All animals, the ar ival in the North est. Godfrey band concerb.-Misses Lottie Cook in the Middleton paribh,- to which he was tbe putting in of this walk. The work1was
tioA sale of Mr. S. Dickson, . postmaster, of meat of'whioh Is offered for sale by us ar-�' I �,ict d and Ida Britton were at ingham as del-' appointed'by the Bishop in January last.. done by Air. R. Cudm6re, and is equal to,
bb, agates to the Sunday school �and Christian I —a- . - T11
Seaforth. She was the last survivor of a by our genial Veterinary Surgeon, for. H. Gi 0 LocAL BuiErs. Goods
'Bill BRos., seaforth - On Monday morill
bredd of horses, the mother and progenitor before being slaughtered. Endeavor convention on Tuesday and Wed. if not surpasses, anything we have seen in
1691, tf last, aE Mi. Sam. Chesney was driving into i Port Albert. this line.�Mil Guy Rose was in Luellilinow
of which was purchased over forty years PURSE FoUND.-Found an the 2 town and leading a horse behind his buggy, WAFTIN�S.—A tt dd this week, attendin a sale of thoroug�bred
ad con- p e y we Ing took plac,
agobythelate, Mr. James Dickson, regis-' oe3aion, Tiickeremith, a purse contstill a ii of the horse he was7leadin got. its hind legs Jil at t! ence of ' r. James Stevenson, on cattle. -Mr. T. glurdock returned 4ome., til of the county of Huron, fr6m Mr. moil The owner can have the same by proving to a hole,in the floor of the Silver Creek Bluevale. Wednesday, Jt1ne 1 th. Him eldest daugh. from Woodstock this week, where he I ba&
Daniel Sararil of the township of Hay arty and P3,YiDg for this advertloement, ROBIM bridge, scratebi g and injuring them con. 'NoTEs.-Dr. and Mrs. West, of Wood-. ter, Miss f ily, was nited in the holy bonds been attending the race$. He had him luck Such as'
I Bw,, 2nd Conceimlon, Tuokeremith. , 1690.4 n rd!)
near Zurich. Thig- mare was a great favor- siderably. - This will likely be a bill for the stock, visited over Sunday with Rev. W.- of wedloc L to M . R. McWhinney, of there with his pel stallion, "King
ite withAr. Dickson, and lived to a good HARD and soft wood and slabs delifdred county to pay. -Mr. Wm. Rutledge is big on 4. and Miss West at the manse. -Rev. W. Orewe. T ie brid was assisted by her St%ut011 he having broken his hofobles
any part of the town. S. Mullett & Co., Seaf;orth.
old -ago and died in his possession. Her 1593.1 the fern getting just now. Last week he J. West will preach a special sermon for the cousin, Mii Is Lizzie tevenson, and Mr. W. when he had a good position in the kill
brought to town another fine lot, taken children of the -congregation, in the Prel McWhinney til ad a
progeny were numerous, and they were all a, PIANO - Fon SALE.-P;auo bv a noted like service for the and was sure of winnibill but owil tol the
splendid Type or norse nesh., being nardy, from a woods in Tuck ith this time. terian church next Sabbath morn' Ing. =Mro. room. The bride and bridesmaid were bobb,
eram W He Piques
gainer waker atless than half price. J. L. Smith, Sem- mishap, he was compleiely thrown 0# of
ally. serviceable, and many of them forth.' Some of the specimens he had meaRu '_ d
1693-1 the race.-�-Mll F.
r Frank Scott was visiting her sister Mill eco ingly arrayed in cream, a R. 'Beattie, merdhant
Bch arried
handsome animals. We understand that GASOLINE and coal oil stoves, screen doors f rom 5 feet 4 as to 5 feet 6 inches in White, of Glenallen, this week. �-Miss Mary bogumets of rosee. There were t(en" taylor, attended the cone "od Wbite Or
-five art given b ga
r1y. y
Mr. Shrarus raised her, but where her ppe- and windows. 8'. Mullett _& Co., Sesforth. 1603-1 length. Billy says 'he is bound to keep Collie is st:sdily improving, -Several of our atiests pil and all spent a. most enjoy. fray's band, in Goderich, on Mond
ay even-
decessors, came from we do not know. REINIOVAL_* goifig on at the Gold- Tuckersmith ahead of Stanley. These fems residents ttended the Harold Jarvis con. Azle time. Our ver beat wishes folf6w the Ing lae.t.-Mr. R. Cudmore has bee s4ard- I White Ducks
on Lion Store. some lines selling japidly. Eve were for Mr. Wil -Freeman.-Dr. J. S. cert in Wingbarn last Friday evening. -Mr. young peor
is to their new honfe.-A garden e,4 the contract for Mr. Eacrett's fine Wck'
thing sacy1flordtq save expen3e of moviDg. J."T Hogg, who recently passed his di al -ex- & d�rclling, to be erected this summer in H-en-
'CARBEnny, Wiss. -The 0 larberry football me te J. Messer, of Hamilton, sp?nt Sunday party, unch ir the auspices of the Christian Fancy Organdies
1698-1 amination, has gone. to a place �called Kear. with his father, Mr #all, and AIr.A.Paterson, ar' .,, has tlil con.
Smith* S6aforth.
team, Champions of Manitolimi who are on a ANv-AY-Whelre ? Why, to Henderson's William blesser.-One Endeavor a�ooiety, was held at Mr. Quaid's
tour -of the province, added filniother to their photo studio, Seaforth. where you get first ney, in the district of Parry Sound. Dr. hundred. and twenty-five people left this residence, On Thursdky evening of last We . A. tract for the wood work. -A number of our
'class H,
unbroken sail of victories when they de- work. He is reliable, and turns out nothing but the slog - The procee villagers report having spent a v Swiss Spot Mu-slins
very fil work. oufdis a clever,'reliable young ni and *4tation for the model farm, last Monday. ery a
n grounds 1528-1 make his mark wherever he locates. LWhile ileorge, Nelson and Miss Suean ant eveninowas spent by those -nd. able time at the home of Mr. r
ieated We Hurons on thesecreatio do amounted to $7. A very pl 2as.
who atte::
-Mr. Alex. Robertson, ex -M. P. P. for lKing'were out driving on Sunday evening, id. -Mrs. Rice has gone to visit, her Light Ground Prints
here on Tuesday last, by a score of bil 0 Mordie, of " Anna Trebor,"
North Waterloo, par- evening -ou klo�dil
goals to'one. The game throughout went JUNE WEDDING�On Wednesday morn, was in town on Monday. 'itheir horse ran away and upset them. The onto in 'Brunner this week. -A football last. -Mrs. A.- A. Goetz, of the
mostly Carberry's wa�. They -were in great ing two of our popular oung business men He was on his way home from Grey, where buggy was badly smashed and Miss Kill match will �e played between Port Albert Commercial. Hotel, returned ho I a on f Fri -
vy good
be had spent Sunday with Mr. Peter Me. 'knee was severly injured. -Miss Mary and Nile oul Saturday evauing.-Aliss Tans day evening last, after spending a week or
folim aud p1t ball, w-hi14, the Hurons took unto themselves allded responsibilities Donald an old friend. -The council have Schoale Fancy Giughams
sh6wed decided )aok of practice. During V
by joining the rauka of the benedicts. At a. of Wingham, visited at Mr. Hawkins spent Saturday and 8unday at lil so at'her former home, in Stratford.LMIrill
th' first half Caill - laYed with the commenced the
0 work of laying down new George Macdonald's this week. -Mr. A. home in the' Port. -Miss Annie Cunninghurn W. C. D"i entertained a number �f her
an early hour, the residene -a of Mrs. Joseph New Grenadims
plank sidewalks, and that is where they are
ited at Mr. Boles, in Belfast, last week I friends on Friday - -evening last. 'Miss
wind and soored tN�W goa1s. This seemed Collie, of Egmondville, was all astir on ae. McElwen, Rev. W. J. and Miss Went, Mrs. via
making a mistake. They should h up Henderson, Mrs. George Mae
to waken u� the Hurons and during the count of the marriage of her dau 16dgers) of Brussels, was in the vi,l,lagg
ghter, donald, Mr. The Misses Mary Dunbar and L. Cunning this Black Delaims
next half they made it conAdorably hotter the old ones and make them do this and -Mrs. R. N. Duff and Miss Polly Duff ham atten4d Chrill Endeavor Conven- 'vill renewing acquaintances. -Mrs Me.
Bella, to NJ r. John Beattie, for
of the firm of year, and get themselves in shape to lay -*enb to Goderioh on Monday -to. hear- tion in Win�'hharn on,
for their opponents, although each side
Beattie Brothers, of this town. The care -
Tuesday. Arter, of Brussels, is visiting her siste; MTN,
scored a goal. The old i8eaforth boys on down only granolithic after this. Fancy Delames
mony was Performed by It will Lieutbuant Dan Godfrey's band.-Misi�
Rev. Ne I Shaw, R. W. Fulton.. -Shipping continues bri
the visiting -team showed up in good style, pay during the lives of the present rate- Susie Collie, who has resided in Mich' otir station, altho ok at
only the near relatives of the - b Ida and
!h grain is not coming in
i Kirkton.
sustaining fully their good bringing up on groom. being present. Mr. and M Beattie sit rreely as I u wing to the &6
0 k Gloves
t did
the, football field. week on a business trip to the 'old country. week. Nom. Mr. Arthur Doupe held i. jirt
leftontheearly morning train on a short
rices. -
bee on Wednesday of lastweek, and in Ing -
wedding tour. -The same morni g, Mr
I - - tam this week, attendinj the coutlity'l Sab. Rid Gloves
-About one hundred from here went to Rev. J. S. Henderson was in
payers. -Mr. W. W. Thomson leaves next for nearly two years, returned home
TT AvrRheiATr.D. -The Goderich on Monday last to hear Lieutenant. an n exciting game of base ball was bath school and Christian Endeavor couven-
recent issue of the Welland Tribune refers to bliss Flora McDonald, daughter of Mr. TBS. d
ev Ly 01
following from a Peter Dill, grocer, of this town, as married Dan Godfkey's band, and all were a p rent- a( to ween the Kirkton ShamLockm
-Miss Tillie Simmons is home tion. J. -W. Ortwein, Will Ston4man,
to a for' 0 1 delighted. -While cleaning his bicycle F t tenth Brigade, which resultec' in
P a No P1
mer assistant to Rev. Dr. McDonald, Lewis McDonald,'�f Walton. The.cere- from Lgindon, where she has been a 0 our Lace Mitts
th a I
J. C, Stoneml Miss Hackett, Mini Ella
L other day, Andrew Archibald, non of pending victory for the Fourteenth Brigade by" a; McPherson and Miss R. Smallsoombe at.
the set few months. -Mrs. McCor�mick, of
and Mr. Wilson's many' friends -in Seaforth mony'was petforill in St. James' church, Mr. James -Archibald, got his finger- caught score of 10 to 10. -Bert Taylor spent Thurs-'
and vicinity will be glad to know- that he is by Rev. Father M-�Cabe, in the presence 6f Lon on, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. tended as, representatives from here.l'-Alr. e m-S-flk Laces
Between the chain and t Cr a
thoroughly appr ated by his" congregation only the immediate relatives.- he sproket wheel A-� day in Mitchell. -Mr. a'
a Mr. James Bolton, of the boundarv.-Mr. Robt Eller- nd Mrs. J- COD -i Robert B. Rose was in WoQdstoek and'lother
and Miss
at Drumr Will. The Tribune says ; Neville acted as4i�groomeman, injuring it badly. -Major Anderson and his stable and daughter Anna, i of Leadbury,
Minnie MoDonald,'eister of the bride, acted staff have re ington -had the misforGne to sprain places last week, purchasing horsill' Rev. Val Laces
11 On Friday evening last a 'very pleasant ril all the grass i and weeds on Saturds, laiil number- his foot spent Tuesday of last weak �risiting at- Mr. C. L. Mills is in L
of our young ondon this week, attend-:,
After the cremony thb bill -from the sides of -Main street, and have ut folks attended the Thames road R. Fietcher'i.-Mr. Samuel Shier returned Ing the Synod. -Dr. - 41lery, d4ritist,
and happy 'gatherin I's h�ld in the school as bridesmaid. y
g it in a neat and tidy condition. -Jr picnic, i� home from Winnipeg on Saturday last. -The ts..
room of the Dr ond Hill Presbyterian a] party want to Mr. McDonald's residence- Mr. T. Hunkin's woods, on Friday last, and spent Sabbath last with hk1paren in Kin.
Worts, of Toronto, is the guest of hersister, Presby'terianichuroh picnic, held in Mr. Will
anniversary o veilings
church, ig honor of the fift) f in town, where a wedding breakfast was report a pleasant time. -Mr. James Hack- cardine. -Mr. A. Joynb, ot Seaforth, W.�as in
r Mrs. T. R. F. Case. -Last week, a young Wiseiiiii irove on Monday last, wail a the village on Sabbat
the pastorate of the Rev. James Wilson. served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Dill took ne Thames road, sold a valuable five ye h last 148
1he gatheriag, bad bat. one object, aud that man from Wingham hired a wheel from Mr. ar grand success.' The E isitibg his Embroidiar* s'
i a xeter choir furnished brother George. -Mrs. Hunt ;4vurnell from.
the morning train for Hamilton d Niagara George Baldwin, and forgot to return it. Zmare to a Mitchell. buyer recently, re* the mill '�nd a number of prominent
was to bestow showers of congratulations Falls. ' We unite with the I
very many
LILPon the reverend gentleman for the success ceiving therefor the surn of $ London this week, where she went to - meet
young couples in wishing mare wassired by Glamnick. It . certainly her diaghter's -children.
friends of both the Mr. Baldwin got wind of his game, how- - 2-25. This speakers were present. -Da Ventilated Corsets
he had 'attaiii in the fulfilment of �bis them all happiness and prosperity in their ever, and after a hot chase of about fifty has his barn vid Hazlewood -Mr. W ' H I Rey.
early ready, to raise. -One Of nold's, carpenter, has been suffbr'ing Irom a
pays to raise good stock.-Mesers. Edward
duties, and in remembrance of the occasion. wedded life. miles, got the wheel, while the thief took to the grandest days ever recorided in the
aniel Brintnell, of near
lie was presented by the members of his the woods. -Mrs. W. Blackwell and Ryckman and D tory of Kirkton will take place on Ju severe attack of lumbag New Ties
little o. -The annual
daughter, of San Francisco, Califor i Chiselhurst, have purchased from Mr. IY Ist- strawberry iocial of St. P�ulls chur�.'h wes
congregation with a purse containing three nia, are SIM- A base ball t
W11AT ABOUT OUR PARK ? Ealt! Horton, one of Ro bill'
d bert Bell's (Henmall) first- ournament, a foot
tOurna- held on the grounds of Mr. G. C. Pe:
-Mr. r. visiting her parents, Mr. ity, of, Belts
$10 and one $20 gold pieces. Rev. Mr. - and Mrs. Alex meat and numerous other prize sports wi
r .4,
-In your paper m cou le of weeks class engines, and a new McClooky (Semi&) this yillage, on Tues -da evening Is t and -
p ago, 1. Davidson;, -A very successful promenad take place.---�Miss Lititia b6nd Miss Eliza
-claxis out- Hail of was very well atten and a very social
Radcliffe, of St. Catharines, and "Rev. Mr. ticed a brief callin
is e' They now have a first
Crawford, of Clifton, . who were present, no g on our tolwa fathers concert, tinder the auspices of the Women's fi,�arator. pei�t Sunday with day,
and, bein e.�Perienced thresherm and and enjoyable time was spent by all, not.
des of the Auxiliary of St. Thomas, church, was held friends in thelvillaill number fronrbere
added much to overfio' to have the grass cut, on the - 01 St � Marys a Coiiar6s and Cuff&
wing the enjoyment streets, which seems steady, u
to have- had, the de- ref fellowsi they should com- withstanding the fact that the, d'
of the evening. A short rogramme was in the skating rink, on Friday evening last. CS attended the itoot 611 match at Anderson
presented, and ice cream an cake comple, rril a large patronage. Robert Dalrym on chanced to be decidedly cold. Sailor Hat
sired effect, at least on some of the streets, There was a,good Stbendance,and all seemed Saturday evening.
ted ple This !is the
the bill in providing for the inner man. We but whether they intend to carry on the to thoroughly enjo themselves. The will Cake c arge of the engine. It is need- second year that the west -her clerk Ill1as not
favored the good people of - St. Pa�ls, but
trust that Mr. Wilso good work allover the town, is an open �band was in' atteadance.-The Carberry less tr6 speak of his skill as an engineer. Whitewear
n will remain with us question. However, we must be thankful football team, which Rxeter. i i
-byear they will be more�ortun-
0 be many times again ad highly honored." played here on Tues- we hope nex
RIEFS.-T4e Parkhill and Exeter la;- &to in respe
for small f Vora. Seeing the item in ques- day, played a game in St. Paul an route to Dashwood. B in th
tion has drawn their attention to this mat -
Crosse clubs crossed sticks here on Friday gannon, is visiting her brother,
EGMO14DvILLE NOTEs.-One of those hap- tail th-)Ught a few words through the isme tion with the match was that no less than' BRIEFS. -Our citi ' zens are -doing their afternoon last for the pennant. The game McKol princ!pal of our public, a CO.- par
Ontario, and a peculiar incident in conneo Shirt Waists andf
)y events whi�h cause such pleasant inter- statute labor thin week by repairing the
'01 resulted in a e6ore� of 6 to 0 Miss Aggie Buchanan was receill in V;
in of the' asols.
part in the sidewalks. -Mrs. Graham and grauddaugh. Exeter team. - -,Sb. Marys and Exeter 6- Guelph, visiting her brother, Mr. John Ba -
eat in a neighborhood, occurred in the till appeal to. their sense of- tidiness, and match. On the Carberry team were Messrs. tor, of Alaia, Craip are -visitin at Mr. F. cronse tea
I channel in favor of Victoria Square might five old Beaforth boys took favor
v 8
lage on Tuesday morning last, when Miss thus remove at once the stigma that resta W. A. and John Fairley and Heber Mor. Ball
of our 9 me will play the-assoeistion match, chanan, of tbg Agricultural -Col
-The Young People's Association legls staff.
here on Tuesday next. 'A close game in ex.
Bells. Collie, one most eatimable upon their shoulders anent this matter. rison, 'while Messrs. W. D. and C. A. will hold a Miss Vine, Kerr was also in Guelph lat the
Picnic in union with the Zurich pected, as both teams are in good condition.
AT and popular youll ladies; was united in There in no question about it that when this Stewart, none of Mr. Alex. Stewart, played Society on Thurad same time. -Professor 41! Cline, of i Wing
The Young People's
marrxa*e to Mr. John Beattie, a p property was deeded to the town, it was on the St. Paul tea -Mrs. Elam Butt and daughter, !Martha, of ham, will give the popuW cantata,
The Carberry boys strawberry f
fully expected that it would be improved won the :ar.'_;hieh was m Queen' 0 TAI
y�oung business man of Seaforth. The mar- eativ 01 entioned Kippen, visite4 friends here -O�t -Siaturday Esther assisted by 35 voice$, !in the
riage ceremony was per game by a score of 5 goals to 2. - last week. will be held on Mr. Wm nel t. he xe r od
formed by the Rev. from time to time, so that in a few years it Rev. Dr - 8 I's lea -T E te I
odish church, in this village. on
lawn on Tuesday evening June 28th. Tea of Foresters, atten , divine service at the of July twelfth. Mine Me
and Mrs. McDonald were 'in Tor ye, Independent-OrdAir Moth
M u
a Faul,- the talented and' trained xi�ger,
Mrs. Beattie took the early mornmg train weather. this town, to The annual picnic of our public school was Of
DAS Saniforth, takes the p
r art of Queen jEather.
Well, air, I will leave it to you Mr. Ogle Cooper, of Clinton. -We omitted held at Grand Bead on Friday last. The tor, Rev. Charles, Smith. There were
spending a few days or any other citizen to say 'if the council to notice among the other successful -a This will afford a rich Ireal to the' in
Mr. Shaw, at 6.30, in the. presence of the would be a pleasant spot for all who wished oronto tiois week attending the marriage of will be served.from six to eight o'clool Main street church last Sunda when the evening UL
embersofthe householdony. Mill tospendanhour or to Alring the hot Miss Nettie -Clark, formerly of
for the east, and afte very able sermon was delivered by the Ei
with relatives abroad, will return and settle have done their duty in stu. day was fine and there was a large turnout number of visiting brethren from
surrmud. unic
this respect. We dents at the University a ams., the name of Of the citizen' loving, as well as being an enchani
is and surrounding farmers. Ing lodges. The procession numbered over- throughout. -Mr. James Beverl f
down to the more exacting responsibilities of all know that the park is not a very ex- Mr. w. j. Elliott, so Zg soen�
i life in their comfortable home in this village,
aeAd yo a ra ture Dry Goods
n of Mr. Wm. Elliott, Rigs had to be hired from Zurich and Cred. one handred.-J'aines Horney and si of me-erobant, one of our well-li ;d 10
tensive one, and if the council can% keep it of this -town. He was awarded his degree i
to which their many friends will be pla� in shape, then I almost despair of their be- itOn to convey pionioers -to the Bend. In Leadbury,
tte ded the fanoml of the �Iste amiltablished business men, mistuted b'
a Ho
t with a very painful &CCi_ :eY on Sunday last. -Mr. Robinson, late of the firm - of Zaifte and
to welcome them back with loving wishes for Ing able to ll th streets of t a w of Bachelor of Scientific Agricultu-r -Mr. the forenoon the usual sports were held for Walter H.
h to n Ed. Hinchley we Mr.
I and happy wedded life. -Mr. Donald clean, as your item of t week suggested. Mond�y. He was adjusting an old a programme consisting of Bin bad beeni appointed postmaster Robinson, who is favorably known Jiere is
lea the scholars And in the afterado Cash
recita- at
61111199 ter', in the
Men, of Syracuse, New York, paid a I venture to say that the council have n mower, when his hand came in contact with tioas and dialo, lace of Mr. Davi&Joh making airivagemente to add und6rtaiing 4
dent on n there wag Ed. Christie
Van Ot Exe C4 s Greate, -
V no,
by the scholars. - The dooeased.-Mr.
Aying.visit to relatives here on Wednesday spent five dollarel'on improvements on this the knife, and the top of'the first finger of Glass favol gues in. Travel is h1ving a to him promb line of business. -Mi" Maggfe
at and added to the front Put in bin new building on Miin
an pl"ame
Mulmy, Who Was visiting friends �ere, Ill Dry,
Goods Store.