The Huron Expositor, 1898-06-17, Page 87
17 7
17, .1
TIM Hu ist-121
f *fiit bled here last Sunday, the ObJeeb b
d country. Tft
ly filled ilk the si?bto of our, nice 11111414 village, all rip M -01160i attend divine service in the Motba
-dad w fik the tears'": 1 0 1 �
Iry hlob,.whou, proper 'a w4th tb itartell of homaj,feeling !thankful to the tOf_ church. The Rev. Mr, r proadled
7,6 9 U0
Ur t th inention, entities doleptes to
at ag so r �hilping them in 4OZOO1100t sermon, and t -good advoligivft
Wilson -?a Da, be one-third besif in c, an acoommod I
the 26th recluosd rate home, which will
be hold in our church on Rabbath, hour in. the ad 5out on )i& �Of
Field and Garden aseds1;-We hx�e KYAW& (WIL and C. P, R. thc _U10, w] 61M.— but of their difficulty tit tl*b, ijelleat season should not soon be n b thosi k
y � has taken th�f single fare. Both the G. T ey a"- -Ing lot
saw log margold seed, Golden Tankard and Long of JuDo.—Mr. John RAR4 eLS d
h LV* te f Mmil6on, and morning. . Soldont h"L' Mar look and bas boon kept very were privile ad to hear it Atm.
Yftd iniogOld aft:d. Imported: Sh an id thin privilege. The first d 'tal
job of-gmveHing'Maia'cgitreet.--�Urge sum. IWO
On White culd and Un -L* n via- ig fildios been togethsr�in a blacksmi* it! the cirriagO Bust
the bept isvistles; of Swedish turnip seedl,-st the low. ns -':F 'will be devoted to S MIN Nettie, of B. ho have bee 001, atkong is veiting In Luoknow.—The Raw.
passed through Tu sy, June 01stj atim ab,3 o'clock in the busy,
edprioes. Our stock of To" was never better than �i bars of harvesting machines John S. Fisher returned last week fraft
-the vJIl&V on Tuesday 1 ; . L Such beouti- day school Interest*, the first session dom, trx, treet for* shop before at one
itianow. Our26oJaps&1is,,-thebe&tJn the markeL ant 4rued to their ro- morning.' Chatham, llars, be bad been atte ins
t two weeks, have, ad
'designed aiid c6istrieted articles must menoing # 9 oWook a. in. The second SY1 p" a mill and we will guarantee to plow you fully,
V* to risu, a their former London Conference of the Methodist church,
phlow loft on a trip
and for Jen-mon*y tWm you awur liamany pecl- nth to, jiskiL
tond.Ivery in drud bin Weduesday, to 'Obrbti&u Endeavor
quallt i '73urom in 60"Wit am,. Mr. Fisher -is t6 be stationed at Lambstb,,a. lar. Our stock of Graostin is No. I Our ft ' worth League interests. Ali 8 day soboo MIN EM01A 1! Varna, XOTZS, P&rt.L
of this past on the farm at liast. 6 anay, 0
t village about six mile south-east
prices we a low a any one In the tmdo, and id a fly g vWt home NoTm—The house whibli Mr. B. Higgins to Hainiota"o Jdanitoba.-he 11ardin
We IM .0 f Lonaox-,
give a 5 per oent. cash dbmnt' to cash custaine" however, that much more in, bou Ut than is and young peoples societies are enti
�Y.—Mr. James Wilson, Of d811111106l' Owriihased from'Mr. Thom4 Ward, air the under the auspices of th4 WomaW4 Foreign, The Am
I both people are exceedingly let.
on all puiabsess, of It and over, MePt fiour And rsall� necessary, on account of tre, lack of mud delegates. - The ular junior. garden, Thursda east side of the village. has been re -modelled Miseionaiy S�ciety, was ["a dicided ounce".
4, win u to KIT* VW
%WY Toilet 8.4, 1 was given at. and, . larke, -of Up-'
a ealL Good care in using, and,proper weather protect. which Francisco before Michigan, Is visiting �M�. Jobs, Stiphebi, t in getting so good a man.
Lud a good w �A large be f - hOrs'will andgreatir improvi4 in �.bppehranos. In —Mears. Oates and
=in Dina. 10,000 people, will be given Wedn6adoy tbla'*sek.� in r rom,
N. T.
sortmefill taoelfts m. Tho highest pit(:*@ ipald ion. efected dov,sp ast 01atchoes. longer he and his esteemed wife remain it -t-
t�o Goderioh oA ugon�a -night to bear addition, &�vsry nest fence,�" been est Sunday I
for all kinds -of trade afternoon by 7,5 of the Wingham juniors. _ - 4 - iter, spent place, the more highly they are respeate&
gg n Alsir. McDonald of Exi
roy as
Eilitebaub Dan Godf lebrated band to front the property. M Hi I bas —Mr. -
Seaforkh. LACROSSZ,�Th* ISCrO11106084011 was Open- During the three years they have been ju-
WILSC)K' he recent
MR. GZOPAZ MOIR.—Many of —The lidiia! of the omen's 'Auxiliary. of now one of the most desira,51is riopertles In, Sunday at Mr. 8 w! a r's. —T- Gorris they have won the, respect of
Bank of Oomment Block. ad bare on Frid&TL I&ft on the recreation DEATH OF d.—Mr. Henry
1374 a promen, be isvem in the rains bais' done a lot of
groun learn of the death St. Thomas' church are olding the village, and he evidentl Mr. Higgins classes, and have been popular ith all de.
do, The match wall bitween the our readers will regret to Straffon,'of Cromwell. chigan, is tilnew-
-of of Mr. George Moir, whioh took place at, rink this future success of our toww.
Etiles, of Georgetown, and the �Zeaysrs, ado concert in 'the skating a in thil vicinity.—Mr'. M. nomination$. We join their many �frien&
Wai I ;Seaforth being the first match in the series,' Ottawa, iti the Convalescent Home there, evening.—,Mr. 'Hax Of . Vie- has, now taken f and we wiish Ing acquaintance
all possession, in wishing them'prosperity in their ner
toria, British &OSiumimnlial t to Fletcher &M, Miss Eliza spent a Q couple of
for this ;;Zr obampionship of the Canadian- ohneTueend@a last. Mr. Moir was a native of son �f the U him:overy success. d field of lab".
I Robert Ftohei&.—A gian
t t w of mokiiiop,, t, at prese days at Mr.
Larosse Association. There was a sood at 0 p of Usborne,where his relatives Mr. James Hestia, day I
In the Cl�thlnotp Trde b the - old homes6ead, visi'dill his a looked for here o i the first of July.
tandance of. spectators And considerable still reside. For many years he was. prin. ant 'a Exeter. I liu;nley-
interseb was manifested in the. miLtch. cipal of the St. Marys public. school, and brother and sister. ThIsl- letter s'ellusAnting There will be games, of all kinds, aid &W a
N&M.—'Mr*. and Mrs. J41in Jarrot and
on football bournament.—.*rs. E. . Shiir ITzms. —The bountiful showers have 00
successful teacher. - He 'hiM'Of his father's ill# WAS 001 0 pg r. Georgetowp send* out a first-clau team. was a 1post I 1jide, were last week visiti M
W6. have in stock a complete switment-611 sizes in red daughter, A Joseph ab hot and everytfiing in
a r
is way oiaid he reosivs the ' agraM Mary- spent a week with 'her ' te -M
loned teaching for the newspaper buqi- tl James Fitzgerald, of Londoul.—Mis agur'02buinul
a rommalimbly good Hoe of ail wool kirew, in both They are fine, athletic looking young fel- allani duty this There is every prospect of
dark and light soades, made up in metes, youthe Iowa -and put up a good game. In fact - neon, and forome yea . ra wm, editor and announcing his death'-ot a s W time, and Blair, win the quesb of' Miss Alice Jarrot 'Weir, of,Devizes.—It ia= ant
The Men's slses*all it vest.
boysand children's sults. week to chronicle the de4th of Mrs. Hanley. —Mr. Matthew Clarke in the owner of
$4.75 per sull; the yGutbal about 14; boys' they gave the Beavers all the plalin the' publisher of - It tor Reflector. For left for home soon afe , f on Sunday last.—Mr. Danie F4mer, who
il, and.d i not
-is xec' a Sb. Marysceme- Clarke in now the proud possessor of a loll
ti.! sacK several yea at he was organiser for the Hd is looking we be'States and a young son, born on the 4th inst. jgr_
chfldnW* $2� Thas 'sults we guarantee togive wanted. The match resulted in in much Deceased was in her 91it year. Her re
iod to- be:"-'
A er b * a rts, retumed,,home erb interred in to,
Ant -claw weer, and are made by the most noted team bavigg won three goals in the time &I- Conservative e wall a olorer w t c ange from what . ii, last week look- main* w
Spailing was tried at I heuattei se other a
Canadian manufacturers. Our mou'll sults, at ft salons ab tery. - A large number 0 friends and rels- and i daughter.—School section No.* 10,
I lotted. Tge referee, however, decided that ani a fluent, �tffiot* public spoikei, and Ing ba, e and hearty.
So and $10 are world boaters. We aball be Only t49 annu%1 pica
there should be half an hones further playt was well Mi�; thr"oeug-hout the province, Goderioh on Weduesdi 6y, for setting'fire to tions followed the remaltis to their last rest- -Lumley, ntend holding their
pleased to show our clothing to any poison callin I L &&forth, and place.—Mrs. Joseph -eir spent Sunday in Mr. James Glenn's woods on the 24ili ig
in order tq play off the tie. This George- having in recent years taken &.prominent, the agricultural buildi mgm -in
Cromarty asrelath
y found him It He has not yet visiting vex in a village. June. An ex t programme is being
town refusiDd to1gree to, and the- Beavers part in many political campaigns. He was the ju
WM. Pickard m, and has beau senten chichibeld Scott PicNib.—T ion' of school 7ovidledy th*e enterprising Migik
&-COO* i having Hued up -and put the ball through a genial,' companionable mai cod.- r, he � annual p ic or�
-throughout the returned home fromiM nitoba on' Satur. seoti�n No. 5, Hibbert, will W held in Mr. There will be readings, recitations,
SEAFORT11.1 thit stakes, tho match was loven to -them. numerous old friends Londae�oricf-
oo u-ntry who will.' dearly, regret to learn of day. -M-rs. ]Knox, of f A rpurhey, has pur- hn� t riday,� June 24th. ff, swiuOing, races, " well as vocal and
On's of the Uiorgeto" players was dia- l no, Vs bush n Fj
t I f. JO a al no of musicol recitations, GATHERisas.—The E worth League pur-
chased the Me7er co,t Th ,"v. j. W instrumental, music. Music will be furn
abled near the, close of the last game, having his death. He w4s fi by -nine years of age, ?ro rami 'on p
poses holding a wn so
Victoria E e and a ad I ensall, Croin.
Z^; A e M I Tispensed, with; i
Merit Wins Success. 'been run int�cby another player during a and leaves a widow and family of four, two ol iq�;a r. Charles etc., wl e pro. )y talented people from 'H
t ge irlte. Andrews' lawn, on the nin ' -of Fridayi
daughters, a son -of Mri lis 'ander Stewart, of gramme of races and a game of1football will, arty, Stift and Chiselhurab. Come
tussel forthelball. The match was a very sons and two July let. Eve thing in excellent shape,
interesting one this to%n, who baB b"�en -employed in St., unde itad, be substitui;d . theiefor. have time..
throughotit and the -specta- we Val
A111 will be made welcome. It will ll� a gals, and all that is desirable make the affair a
-remind our Paul for some time, be# taken a good posi-
torn seemed to feel that they had got full THE GANTATA.—We again complete success, in, a We,
ne evening
tion in theL United big iime If you
value for their moo readers of the Cantata of Esthei, the beau- States signal corps, and day and you will miss a —Frank J. Carlin, of Chicago, who ape
ey. - I i want to see 5W prime , and we believe Ut
ne Islands.—The don't attend this. picnic. a week at his home in Stratford, returned
—A game in the intermediate series was tiful Queen, to be Cardno's bell, is going to the Phfl�li I
iven in. P, their will be that in y if the weather
STRATFORD, ONTARIO.. played on the recreation grounds on Wed- Worth, on Frilay evening next. This. friends of Hon. M. 0. 131morou, Lieutenant
% or. to the Windy City the other day to resume.
proves- favorable.' The mmittee have
need between the Mitchell team promises to be the musical event of the Governor of he Northwest Territories, will.. Walton.
This school does first-class work in, every sy evening, ranged with the Benmi er, friends, for the his position of purser on the large steamer
ban net in Godericb, an
an ta —"'he Ladies' erected Manitou,plying between hicag TO-
depaktment and enjoys large patronal.e. and the Junior Beavers. The game was a season. This cantata will be given under ter inhimata, q ANOTHER GARDEN PARTY. strawberries.. - A boothL will be o and Mack -
little, too one
aided to be very ixeiting, the the- direction of Mr. George W. Clinej Sea- Weduesday'eveninff next.
A Odinmercial School of the highest Guild of St. George's church i�altoi in- where ice-croarn, ban=4, oranges and lem. -inac Island. Mr. Carlin says a large 1DU-
time Mitchell players being just fast enough to. fortlia old favorite.
ad&. 8 or He. -will be procured. - The groundg-gre senger business is looked for on the likes
none better -in Can tudents can-ent tend holding & garden social oil he evening
of onade can
afford the juniors a chance of showing what have Qn the platform a chorus of -over one Dublbi- this kind. this season.
'Gatalogue free. of June 24th, at the rimidence M r. H. most suitable for a gathering of
at any time.
good,lacrosse. they can play. The result bujidred'vioicim' all dressed in Oriental Cos- d drum Last, but not by my me %ne least, the, Clin-
t DomlwroN DAY.—Dul inlai annual Do- Hamilton. - The Brussels fife an
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444 52
wae4 -goals to 0 in favor theunior Beavers. turns. They avebeen in training for sev- minion day li W be held in Me- band will be one of the ton bran band will be in
celebr4tio att4otions. A A
aoral weeki, and many now voices are. in the Kenus's grove on -Frlid , July let. A programme will be given M,wilmh Mrs, and
most - enjoyable'time is anticipated. —Rev.
LADiFs' BzLTs, eather, silk and plush, choruses which are being brought out for the large and interesting prol mine ot sports, the Misses Sage will take part. Mr. McKay, of God6rich, suported the pul-
DO with silver and Stings, at all prices from loo first time, The cantata Itself in the most
consisting in &can, git of the PresbyterieA church here last
I ainly of li�rs and foot r
upw&rJ@. 0. W. PAPar; Seaforth. 15921 popular one that has ever been written, and
d A-7 neing; footba I games, platform
Constance. t abbath, Rev, M H milltonbeirig in at
EGGS AND BEES.—Eggs from the follow -
CAPITAL (Paid Up), $1,5002,000. and wheii well rendered, as it will be this speaking and many othe amusements ball tendance at tile r6ene I Aaembl Mon-
- time, hag never failed to delight and in- red. NoTEs.—Rev. Edwin Millyard will con -
Ing varieties of thoroughbred poultry: Black Min drawn t
REST,* $1,50011000. cross, scoring from 93 to 93 ; White Rocks, 921 to 94, been prepared, and a live time is asau trea4.—Rev. J. W. lef �uesday
White Legborn% 93 to 911 ; Muff Coalline Bents, 1WJ straeb all who have listened to It. It is de- A large dancing -p duct the Sunday school annivers'ry services f *p te bo
latforml hits been erected a r rough. to attend a meet -
morning 0
serving of the largest house seen in Sea. here on Sunday, Jane'19th. At 2:30 p. in.,
beautles. Eggs,, $1, per 13. Also beekeepers' *up.. I t
SEAFORTH BRANOK and a first-class orchestril will be in attend Ing -of the 41ood TempUrs.—Miss Andrews
ti ion
plies on handilelluch, as hives, Omb, foundation and forth for a long time, and we are sure it will &nee. Entries to foo, be o; the address will be foc the p rents and loi Bluevalo Tuesday,
Main street, Seafofth. smokers. Bee wax wante4-. W . HARTay, flea- and Miss Pearl lefb
be'patronized as largely as its merits do- to Staff&, Sa,lem, S itch children, and at 7 p.'m. for the oung peo- 'theyintend stayi�lz �some time with
fo ello me,
forth. 1trat where
Ageneralbankinz business transacted. F serve gmondville'and any %mateur club ple.—Mr. E. L. Farnham is at Peterboro,
erW To THE . It would be well, therefore, for all. F Extra.- Values
LAIDIES.—Mrs. LEVI SmiTyr, Sea. their uncle.—Mris. J. Bt I intends goiug'to
sale Notes collected, and advances made on samie at who desire good seats, to call at Mr. Fear's tbin week attending the Grand Lodge of
forth, is prjeared " vaual to do up hair Into not included above. Ent4es to be ren-firAd Toronto to visitt her da9l Itter, at' the Abbey,
lowest- rates.
et es, A number of t":od Trao
and secure them at once. The costumes, Independent Order oft Good Tom are.—Mr.
switches, For sale an aesortment c f switch not later than J live 22A before her iomg homellor vacation.—Mm
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. all colon.. also stemless switches; Mesidence corner the choruses and all combined will I form an prominent speakers 0,r in. Leitch, er., is sick. in Martin
of Warket and Jai vis streets. Xso( or sale a second- entertainment long to be remembered by all r and Misses Stackhouse! of Westfield, were,
DepositaotOne-Dollarand upwards recolved,and band baby carriage. 15921 part during the afterno eturbed last week fro Tor to her
visiting -at Win. Bri,,"! in's on Sunday.—
ud. Let no one miss it who can at home h6re,-�Miss Entme f Port -
Interest allowed at highest current rates.' ]Interest k. -e
who atte 6 Pic ,d At th Pe ple's
added to incipal twicp each year -at the end of FOR engagement and wedding rings, call all be present. er's Hill, is villiting Miss Ide, Br tton this Mr. T. W. Palmer willibave his tailor shop 0
June and lblecember. No- notice -of withdrawl is at C. W. Paps0i stationery and Jewe ry houne, Sea. tue 'th. above Mr. W. G. On mette's store.—Mr.
week.—Delegates for the League and San -
forth W. R. Counter, manager of Jewlry depart. and Mrs. Jeffery atte d 3d a wedding in
- required for the whcle or any portion ofA deposit. ment. 1 FoO'T.BALL.—The football match adver- ANOTHER BIG DjuiiN. A o?ecial meeting , I
oal have been ,appointed o attend
of Council wasl held a�b, Xn,,,,,,h&ll, Bruce ('&y "all Wingham lost WedneLdlas �—Miss M. Ag-
gbain next
Solicitor Agent. n p
R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, REssixa.—To introduce in tised for Tuesday afternoon between the field the Convention at Win I �ek. nev ay or
Seaforththe R. Willis Glycerine Oil Shoo Droning, Rangers, of Berlin, and the Hurone,failed to
considering the rer.drt the Engineer on were the guests of Dr. 4guew 4ast
we will sell a large siza 25c b3ttle for l5c on Satur.
se, the all
day only. R. WaLis, Cady�s Block, C40L 1692-1
materialize—cau R ijere defaulted. Grand Rend. The excursi :n to Guelpb on Friday was well Staff -.4. �T
NEw SHOE D s *6 r t urpose of r, Mies J. Ti I Mr. J. A e
the Broadfoot lcreeki�dr wrk.' Bu
After the Hurons bad given them a home
A PRimEss DiscovERY."I-11 Soak 'and bers of -the Council, #nd' bout .100 asseaBid
NoTEs.—On Saturday, June �lth, the patronized fioni this �igbborhood. There
4t. fter the reading Maccabees held their annual picnic in Boo- were 170 tickets sold this stationo and
Return Fare game, it was rather an unsportsmanlike
28 Swab" is a -i Infallible, parolees and non-polsonous owners, were 1prese t
ramtdy for the cuie of cancer, cartilaginous ulcers, f e report, a. large senberry's grove.' The Bees �ere not there *ere lt400 persoos on the train when
liment, simply because they -were
etc., sove throaO and a variety of skin diseases. It epirip,
triokforthe Rang*ers not to return' the -bonsideration
Good for -60 days and
majorityof ose a all d forbilliefitwere very well represented as the weatpier was it reached Guelph.
cures a asmatisfied with it an
nt of the body where the afraid of the e b r, be n he first
socer in any p.
liquid can reach it. fiend for circular giving In-, r ul Had I e t anal 'vor of having the unfavorable., .."'T programme in t4e atter-
structions how to use the liquid. Hold at 6-3 cents time that the Berlin players had done this scheme proceeded *ib 'The estimated noon was inter ted by a lengthy � shower.
Homeseekers Excursion@ from all stations. In On.
w plot and SO cents ptr half pint bottle. NoLsOD'S the boys would probably have -overlooked Chisel4urst.
tArio, to Winnipeg, Portage La Prairie and Brandon. cost of the work is �1 3.95; length of —The concert, en by the Glass� family, Also certain points in Minnesota and North Dakota, t!sbratory, Gcderic-b, Ontario. Sold in Seao?th at it, but a second offence by any selfreaDect NOTES.—the' masons have the found& -
J. S. Robtrts. 1589-tf digging, five miles ; *I of bottom- from in the Mace& all, in the eveni Wax Ladies'fast black hosiery -in filie or
via.-Ohicago and St. Paul. I . tione of Mr. Thomasi Smale's new 'barns
o Wn oet at outlet. The well attended.", 'The piogramme co isted of
Ing club is, to say the least,, shabby. This four faeb at da heavy make—'sizes 8J, 911 --two pair-, head to t�n
Ratione and a
WE'AIAKE a specialty of fine watob, clock practically gives the ch4m�pionship to the Cogneil decided to ado 1 the report, plans, mulic, -singing� reci cin completed. —Several -of the youth and 101,
Going datea—June 28th, July'llth and 19th. and J�Jyelry repairing r at 0. W. P&petp a stationery beauty 'of this vie
urons, but they would much rather have specifications, etc., an detructed ihe Clerk ini y Were the invited for 25c,
Cut rates t3 Montreal, Toronto, Wfndsor, e�to., :n4 jewelry hou3e, Seaforth. W. R. Counter, man. Mr.;'.Gowan, from Usborne, had hi so ool
won it on the field than through the default- guests of Miss Pybus a evening last week.
stIll in forae. ger of Jewelry department. 169L-2 to prepare
a by-law ' 6dce with the picnic- in Spackman's �grove on t6e same
-111 of their o onents.—On Tuesday, the A party of relations tad -fes' 4'tairiless black hosiery) fine
WE have just received a very pretty line pp provisio M�n Ipal Drainage Act, and. Mrs. gimon CarhObell, of
C berry team, champions of Manitoba, we k with Mr. 'and ra. Jacob Latta.—A
of ladlear Dcngala Kid Oxford@, patant tipped and
to provide for the �ay_Mr- e imported kind—sizes 81, P, 91, three
faced with soles newed on by band, regular. $1.50 n of the work, F q�h and, Mr. al�d Mrs. GilfiIa,,i, of
g calrry g picnic in connection w th a--hool section No
W. Somerville, Agent. I I try conclusions with the Hurons. This Ing n &r r sr.
and for borrowin the nde necessary for e rkton,ure.enjoying a, few pairs for 50c. Ali
goods butthoprice will be $1.26. W. H. WiLms, I I be an excellent game and there should 7, Hibbert, and school section No. 10 Tuck -
Commercial Hotel Building. opposite Exp:s1tor Offloe, Seatorth. 1592-1 its iompletion, and an It the same at the by, the lake shore. They have one f Wre
be a very large turn out to see the chain- ersmith, in to be held in Keefe's gcove Qn
next meeting of Colin i which will be hel Mr. Breun�r has Children s 'staitiless black hosic
d Spackmn's cottages.—,
NE eek. If afternoon. All are cordially invited. 1
you want anything in tea 'J O'cloc completed a fine new ball.
W goods just to hand this 'w pions of Ontario and the Manitobans battle at Kyle's hall, on 3rd at 2 k, Friday fine or. heavy, plain or ribbed,
dinner or toilet sets, see We are pleased to see another qf our our goods and prices : Toilet sets, from OL.60 up for the honors f9r Canada.. Among the for provisional ado ti
Carberry players -hre three old -Seafortb Chiselhurst boys well to the front the 'sizes; pricesi-8c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 18cj
dinner sct�, trcin 85 up ; handsome chins tea set p inat #5. RoBB BRos., Sefortb. 1592-2 boys, Messrs. W. 1A. and John Fairley, Worns
person of J : S. Wren, �bo passed his third" 20c per pair.
13a id NOTES.—OsWing to the heavy rai a the year examination at Ithe recent exarfiina�
A, GOOD TimE !—The Ladies' of the sons of Mr. John F irlay, formerly grocery
ra. Redinond. of past few days, the ground is very wet, 81) much tions at Torgnto Universit .—A heav ladies' silk
DISTRICT MATTERS* Wcmen's'Auxiliaryof St. Thomas church,purpose merchant of this town, and Mr. Hebei BRiEZES.—Mr and y Y Splendid assortment f
boldingapromenade concert on FAday even!nx. Morrison, a one tme star player in the 14arlette, Michigan, ar �the guests of Mrs. io that the land could not be ploughed�—The thunderstorm passed �ver ihis section last
June 17tb, in the kkating rink. Admission, 10 cents. Tk e Huron team will be Redmond's parents, weather turned cool on Tuesday even- by rain w oloves and mittS in blacks, creams and Hurons ranks. Saturday, accompanie ad bail.
COUNCIL -Council met on Mon. Band lfi� attendance. Refreshments. Doors open and Mrs. George
nd the rains may be over for 9, t
eveni , lasti ia.we at 7-30. 159-9.1 picked from he following : Murray, Aber- Parke. They are ta Ing a driving trip.— Ing R e-- It has made the hay a 2d spring crops look fancy sbades. We sell a good gloye at
day ing The following by- a
were.,passed :/waering Main street; grant- SATURDAY SrFCIAL. — Men's hart, McKinley, Payne, J. A. Jackson, ff. Mr. E. Routlege, of St., homas, was home Fall wheat has made a very rapic wth much better, but has somewhat damaged- 25c per pair.
Ing the Mach Calf Laced Boots and Gaiters, cola to M. Jackson,- McLean, Wren, Morriaor� this week.—Wm. Higqins retur��d from SA have all the other crops. - Jame 11 i9. the heavy crops of 'ail wheat.—William
I%QIn titute $100; wateri e, made by the
BID ng L Shoe Co,, regular price 88; Saturday next, Dickson, B6thune, Hill, MeMordie, Geary, Dakota this week.—J. ploughing down a fine crop of clover. The
erlch streets ; to bor. you Miller runs a car- allp -
Worth. Main d Moore, of iTene heeled through this Our assortment of kid gloves was.
ly $?.25 a-val!r. cash only. R. Wiiws, Csd*la D. Wilson'and Whitely. ryall daily from the -Riyer hotel, jUyfield field will be sown in fall wheat. —8 set week. —
tow WOW to eetl current expenses. on 1692-1 never more complete than i is this
D� I The Block, Seafarth. tute village to Staff& one evening I
to the Hotel Clareud6n, Clinton. — Th�' labor is being perfo=d this week An
sum of $1,000 'was �laeed to thl credit of 11 it is Miss Graham, -who he, I beeii'visiting at Mr.
—bne -hundred tubs of dairy r. sea is a beauty, but
WANTED. I'd John Shepherd's for tie past three son. Our 81 glove
th�e pubh-e school board. TEs , property btitter weekly; 180. All kinds farm produce LOCAL BRIEFS.—Mr. Burrows, of -LaTn- sebooner Kolfage, Cal4in McDonald, was the same old I might well be erm- months,
committee was instructed to walt on Mr. handled. G'E. Hisa, Wingh9m. IE92-tf , both, was here this week V;SitiDg his -Son, in port last week with cargo of lui�ber for �ed stupid labor in fact many roads are we sell a fair quality as low as60ca,
61de 'has returned home to Montreal.—Mr., W.
worse instaad 61 better.—Mr., Marshali, 8th
AleX. Davidson in reference to carrying off James Donaldson, and f�mbero for the piers;
CHEAP Bicy LEs.—On hand a fe'w second- Dr. Burrows.—Mr. M. McKAY, of Tucker- Wood, who has been visiting his parents pair.
Of- the water from his stables pait the eat- hand wheels at �rom Si to 920. All in good repair. emith, recently ieceived a, letter from his —The steam yacht, Ea e, towed a load 6f line, is ill at 'prekent.—Some orch d are and acquaintances Ili this vicinity for the
tle yards-, and to have the yards put. inpro- GEORGR BALbwiN Seaforth. 1692-1 lumber for J. Donalds from odericb, o dama d by t4e cater ne P Ladies' ald misses' Summer ve
brother, George, who, with another brother n j piller. They d -to past� week, has returnt id to icton,wherehe
re of theClinton
per condition. - The mayor, reeve and coun- WE have an exceptionally good stock ol and ;rother-in-law, left last spring for the Wednesday.—Thp me a be 100 ed afte� —wild -mustard is ge tillg holds a position as book-keeper.—A few of with or wihu,, ileev-es, Shaped, JiLill:
ere'appoi: -o kinds. W 11- Klondike. This letter was written n the
cillors Willis and Darwin u oted a boys' shoes In fla , medium ainA coar. -slorsh 0 brass band' and a nu ber of friends. were bad in so . me places now.—A large nu ber our young folks� who b ad wheeled some die- or bb P
WILL18, OP0081to Xpositor Office, So ri ed, in cream or While, :extrL&
committee to investigate the powers given 15th of May, and the party had then over lwt� Thursday fo� a boat sail. They attended the'l convention at 11 On tance on Saturday lag , got caught i -i the
to municipalities to have meat sold within YOU can 9 t something handsome in reached Lake Bennet. The trip was a hard enjoyed Avery much, +�d discoursed some Wednesday, to -organize for the plebi cite- thunderstorm, and e erienced some dfffi, value, two for, 25c.
the municipality inspected, and report at 'bin&, crock
ery o glanwaro, suitable foi weddin or one- but the various members of the party sweet nine' Fi hi �ntinues to be very 7 A good many intend taking in the e our- culty in gettin hom —We are sorry to
birthdzy 'prefient at the po7pular grocery. OBB f . . 08 !ight.—Thlee'Salvis 'n"'�, aiou to Guelph on the 920bb, of June.— here e amount BR0. 881for! Otion my purpose hold. There ig a good assortment ok'sbir.t
the next meeting. Accounts to th h. 11592.2 were enjoying good health, and were bound d t to t t Mrs. ug eDonald is not re.
ing a big picnic on IN �onda next, on the are some pretty fine, fields of wheat an covenog ail speedi-I a 9ped for.—One day wr-. in such materials as prin.t,
of $855 were passed for payment. INSPECTiON F WEA.—All animals, -the to push on,, and have, no doubt, ere thi# ortb, Clin- some as poor onas tooAu this locality
meat of which is c ered for sale by us, are ins reikehed their destination. Mr. McKay a grounds of th Id Z. eaf J last week, an r., n Robinson was as.
MATRIMONIAL. — Ano by our genial terinary Surgeon, Dr. pected person who makes this trip aya ton and G era and .others,* are Kelly was at Guelph on Friday aind organdy, flat colots and choice-
ther of Seaf6rth' G. H. Gibb, that ny last.— M: sisting Air. Donald, Mt Kinno
de- I n to put a cross
before being slaug tered. BRATTIS BROS., seaforth. invited. The Clinton 4rmy band is to be Watson has the masons building unde his bull in the stable, thg animal became -5 and 1. 5 W-1
6 Idee ri. a h'
young bachelors has assumed the pleasures serves to make money.—Mr. A B. McLean ft patterns, at 50c- 75c, $1, 1.2 0.
1591 tf barn. Garnis brothers- have the job a do
responsibilities of the benedicb.� Mr. of Tuokramith, and r. Win. Murdock, of present, and'a pleasai ous and a"ttacked Mr. obinson, and h i -
and L nt I time is expected. a, in each.
t arriage Stanley, returned last week f om their trip attemptib to get oi
'oft btcNamara was united in in PURSE FouN .—Found on the 2ad con4 good work.
r a� of the way, slipped
009616n, Tuckerem ill, a purse containing a sum of MA
on Tuesday last, in Goderich, by Rev. to- the- old country. They 'took four. car and fell tut John aj�owed his agil There is also quite a range of %dies
money. The own r can have the same by in ILPP n ity by
Father West,to, Miss Charlotte Oarney r1arty and pxyiAg for Me arivertinemenb. Zoonvnil leads of fat cattle to Glas Dw. They had a -Zurich. quickly crawling intd one of the stabIcs Wrappers in
MONVER REPAIRING. The undersigned print and muslin matbrials,
receiving an ju but
of Colbarne'� fairest daughters. The mar' i., 2nd Concession, Tw-keremith. 1590-4 good voyage ad the good for. would remind all waoting mowers repaired, to have full size, good patterns, and iticely
tri both ways, SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS.—It iSLwith pI as- without serious in
ry badly excit
riage wai� witnessed by a oodly. number of LAwx MowEits.—Ther� is nothing more tune to a ke a goto we notice that at the recout exam a*
9 market for their eat- them in good time, in order to avoid the rush in the ure was ve eo.
the frienas, of the contracting parties. After trying to the temper than to have to work with a tle, and are both well satisfied wit busy eta on. 4,11 kinds of njower repabluir will re. It
h their tions at Toronto U iversity, Mi ton made, At from 95.cup to S2.50,each.
dull and otit of rellair lawn m6wer. GEORGE BAtD. celve the beat attention. Akood stock of A. BO
plows on
the important ceremony, the happy couple ii, Seaforth, sbarpeas RLd rpalrs them and guar. both from a business and pleasure hnd, and plow repairing in h1l Its branches attend. Buchana passed with first-class hon-ra, Usb�=e. Orstoek of parasols
drove to the residence of Mr. Michael Car- a toes satisfaction'. 1692-1 'rip -poin During their absence they ed � to, &no on thort notio and small prOfit4. T standing at the head of his class in mod rn is
staZd t. I-arge and,
ey, of, Colborne, brother of the bride, were kind en ugh to remember THE Exposi. HELL19, Hippen.
159L.2 '. languages, which comprise English,Germ n, —One of the old- the assortl&nt varied Th re ate m
MEDAL LOST.—Lost on the road between 0 DEATH OF MRS. KEiDY.
where they were met by jaulnerous invited eat, if act the oldest, i esident' of this
morth and McGregor's bridge. Dear C -notanoe, d sent us a liberal supply of old FOOTBALL.—The Kippen Shamrocka met French, Spanish and Italian, and took ' e town- god ones with nobby handles at $1,
by TOR,, q:n
tort? gold
George Brown @cholarabip, amount 1.25 and L50 eacb, and something ex- W
guests. - After congratulations and a sump- w of the North ioad and Roxboro, a ska country papers, -which were duly appreci- on Tuesday evening and elected a full staff Hon. ship passed peacefulij to h:r reward on
repast, the evening as pleasantly rnedal. The !Hnd6r -will be waitably. rewardea by ated.—There have been several hot and san- of officers, m follows : Honorary presiden to sixty dollars. , Informati has been e. Tuesday of last weer. � We refer to the
leavivg the same a Tim EXPOSITOR, On'lem, Sestorth. tra from $2 up to 3.50
and socicibly spent. The bride was the re- guinary conflicts between the junior foot Mr. T. N. Forsyth ; pr4sident, Mr. J.. B ceived that George E. Ion death of Mrs. Elizabet'i Keddy,. relict of the eacb.
Buchanan, B.
acipient of many costly -and useful presents, ball,clubs known aR the "Squares'! and the four ; captain. T. Brownlee ; secretary- who passed his first year's examination in late Robert Keddy. 4 rched the
'W'e bave just opene& a case of ladiiei?'
showbig the eteem in which she is held b y Tim PR6ms OF BuTTER MAKING.—At "Paradise Alleys." Thelaat, which took treasurer, D. S. Bell ; Qaging committee, law, kt Oagoode Hall a few weeks ago, W th good age'of 88 years i nd 6 months. r The
numerous, friends. THE Exposi(TOR anites place on Wednesday, resulted in a victo deceased, a
the annual moting of South Perth rY S. P. McMordie, T. Doi'g, J. McKay. After- honors, has also taken o. so ome time %I o, slipped and fell, fiUminfr corset, the
holarship &Mon it- very best cotzet we
of Mr. and Mrs. a e Ing to fracturing the neck 9f %e thigh bone, fro
with the many friends Firmers' for the Squares -by one goal to none.—Mr. the election of ffi er * th committee met fortp', dollars. -Both these young g mw
iin could. find to sell at 50c per pair.
McNamara, in wishing them a long, happy titute theril was an interesting discussi
on H. B. Adams, of Brantford, an old Seaforth and decided that the Shamrocks ente� for which time she has been gradually fail
on the relaf`v tiemen Eire', sons of our worthy townsmi 6n, Ing$
and prosperous married life. profits of dairying and beef- lad, was in town last week visiting. his the Crawford cup and that the club'.bold a, Dr. Bucha�an, and he has reason to be and never rallied fr in the shook 'until Fiill raLDC're of tieS, Collan
ing. 4. ummii)g up -the debate, the mother and sister, Mrs. B. Adams
fee d cuffs,.
t park prou death ended her sufferi go. She was a na.
W)d Mrs. mono er ronic *in d of their brilliant record.
president,'k W. Johnston, made a point. W. H. Cline.—Mrs. J. B. Seacord, of Varna tive of England, and as bom at Lund, belts, handIerchiefs, viiiiigs, nibbons,. THE FAwxFm1 E,(cvRSrOx.—The excur. whi ber6, on the - first ESTIN
ch is dei ving of the consider
of July. The INTER G.-GATAERINGS. —blessrs. J erabraideriep, and a plendid stoek
_p many of th Of
sion under the aus ices of the West Huron ation of is staying in town this week, a guest at the drawing card will be a football match, or Deichert, of Zurich, and Casper Wal r Yorkshire, in 1809 ; w married to Robert
f:e at farmers in this county who
Farmers' Institute, to the Experimental Crip house. Mrs. Seacord likes Seaforth, probably matches, as the Shamrocks intend of the Brownson I Keddy, who died 29 y bladk arld cream laces at very low
perai4t in Ing steers for expors, in pref. ine, were at Goderich t is re ago. -and smigrat..
Farm at Guelph, on Friday and if she disposes ot her residen ad to Canada in 1830, oettling - grat in the
�as�, was well ce in putting up the Queen's 'cup won b'
y them on week as jarymen at quarter seegions.—M prices.
erence to kee Ing cows and supplying milk. Varna, will come here to reside permanent- May 20h 1896, in Exe township of Hope, wh6re nine of her ten
atmnize�L and the excursionists. report The Mitchell: ec' team are Nicho
p ter.' Any laaDeiaherb and three children, I ft,
having had a most enjo� order says: "Mr. Johiton ly.—Ou Tuesday'morning, as Mr. Thomas &t I children were - born. . I -Iii 1853 she moved
able and. profitable adduced fro' the figures and arguments Govenlock w" turning on Main street, op- iberby to enter. There will also. be a last Tuesday for Cavalier, Worth Dako a,
Were selling Ameriati pritsi said.
with her husband and family� went, siettling
da hey received every advanced by 'he different sides in the de. posite the Commercial hotel, with a horse' compete. A collectionill bd taken up- for —Mrs. Lena Geiger also left on Tuesday or to be fast in color, gqod strong clqth in
-V at the! farm. where t number of sports in wbioh the children may where they will remain about three mon,, a.
attention from Professor Mills an& his staff, bate that it cost just about as much to the township of Usb[orne, on the farm
and were mo9b hospitab] entertaiq'ed. The and covered buggy, he happened to cramp the purpose of a-.rarding' prizei to tho,
where she has just died� At that time there checks and other patterns, at 5c 'per -
duce one pound of butter as three pounlar se Hamilton, Dakota.—Mr. Jonathan Mer er
excursion train congiste7 of the rig rather short, and the horsei a competing. Th
n cars, young ere will ga and has returned home with his race bore school, yard.
beef, and that the former at prevailing also be -dwin was not such a thing asi a church or
d Goven- other amusements, and a. restaLurant will be He took in the Guelph and. Stratford rac, w.
itll well filled. There 'were 1,09' tickets prices will not a profib of two cents more to
one ot frightened, and before Mr. and but few roads had �een ut travellers
loci g
sold at the various stations, as follows: could
get proper control over ir,'the on th'� ground, from which had generally to gui( y Extra nice quality wide pru, good
50; Blyth, 1710; Londeaboro, ngaged in rig, which was standing in front of the body and enjoy me every- Ly
Goderich, 289 ; Clinton. 180; Seaforth, 71 Mr. Johnston,- when I was e grocery the delicacies of the season. '06 - Iting trip for a few. weeks. That he m —tieeio- Mrs.Keddy wa
the producer than the latter. "Now," said buggy collided with Mr. Ai Young's -will be served .—Mr. M. Zeller has ione to Berlin on a v s. blaze " out in the -Is I themselise b the
liO; raising beef -ther co an afternoon of sport right have a pleasan an amiable a' washers, allitabie- for shirt waists, vrrap-
e was no one neerned in . t time is the wish :is nd kiu4 disposition., a good
EraefiZd, 24; Ki store door, breaking a abaft of the wagon of I fe and mother, slid ho heart was, in her pers, etc., in choice p
ippen,. 3:-)-,'; Dablins 19- the manufacture of those three pouinds of at home. Football practice every Tuesday num W1
erous friends.—Mr. Ludwig Horao att�rns af 10,c per
left fo �40 ` household. She bore hq' illness wit
We have no, repDrt. from !Nnsallp. Exeter or produce except the animal and Myself. and wrecking the -top of. Mr. Govenlock's and Saturday evenings it 6. 30 p. in.
j! mono, who about a year ago r Wa r. h loving Yard.
ndebt. Since I started to send my cream to the but. orses were kepb from run.. patience, land I h
n t a ca�m security of faith
Centralia. For these figures we are I buggy. Both NOTEs.—The Sabbath schools' bf this 100 county, with the intention of making 'a in her Savi
damage was place intend holding their annual union pie. future home with one of his brotherej fo on
ed to the kindness of 'Mr. Jam andl no further
r a merits 0assed to her eternal
Craig. of ter factory, there are concerned in the man- n'ng away'.
the Seaorth station. The morning was wet ufact=6 of every done.—Some Mod friend has sent us an in. nid at Bayfleld on Tuesday next.
rest. The family consists of four sons and We sell all the popular mak s -of
pound. of butter sixteen Should the arrangement did not suit him, and I b
and tunpr6mising, but the afternoon was fair meni-with sixteen viiation to atte*,d the "Fifth annualcom- the day be isvorable'a good four daughters, viz, : ohn,_ in Brandon SU'Dixter gooda, such as cotton crepons,,
teams, besides. the men time is looked week returned to his o1:1 home. He walked
and -*ery pleasant. mencersent exeidises of the z department of
for.—Mr. James Cooper has had a fine new from Kippen to his former home on the Manitoba ; Ralph, sue eful farm�.r in Us' organdies, jawns, sp piquS.-
borne; William, in N ot muslis
employed in the factory. And after each dental surgery�',,Detroit College of - Medi. windmill. erected fo anorno, Britiih Oolum- diieks, etc., at.very close prices.
d of butter has contributed its share to r sup
plying water from town linevFwhere he- had* lived for in& lly bia, ; Walter, oceuping t
EG'XGXD%-JLTE XOTE,�.— the a cine, which ta�es place on the 16th of his now Well. Mr. Cooper will now be able years. When he arrived there he found the be homes ad Mrs.
ME D.'Moore, "our upport of sixteen or �twenty men and June, and wbi&promises to be a ver Horney, Usborne Mrs. [Down, Io�x
capable pathniaster, is havini our sidewalks their families, I have in my returns two terest Y in- to havv a sufficiency at all times.—Mr. old house had been burned, a
Ing affair. We notice the names of no James C, McLean, of th' ud there Was
nab You should'see the fancy dress goods
w 20d 'concession of no place for him.- He is nearly 80 wife of David, CobbI'di k
years of ic and Susanna,
a's he in a -gb pounds of boef.!'
put in repair this week. Fe'�' men can m4ko cents more than I formerly got for three fewer than eleven Ontarioans in the senior Tackeremith, in not at at home.
money and time go farther, od Present enjoying his age and very deaf, and it is almost a mir- Ir.
we are Showing at 15c, "Oe and 2 5, car
practical rhechanic. There is some grum bili clue, and, R6 the generality of - Ontariols- usual good health. We hope Mr. McLean sole how he made his way so -far by himself. pet Yad, as well as the silks that
sons, they take a high place, one being will soon hav are
Huron Conn.
George Brown is making extensive improve- A
going out at 25e per yarct
ty Sabbath Sob
at therexPra, hour of work to beput in. —Mis. COUNTy CONVEN"ON.—The a a change for the better.—A Poor old man, he is now looking for aoo,�er Gom� another secretary, a third, treai- large number from this 1 part took in the home.—Mr. Joseph I has returned fr
ooland Christian Endeavor urer, ana a fourth valedictoriau.-86' eentz HAPPENINGS.—Mr. John Hunt,
Monts toher residence byllaving it movedand me- excursion to Guelph and enjoyed a good' took a car
laced on a stone fo in on farmers are complaining that the recent time.—Mr R. B. McLealn er, who lives n load of horses to Manitooe, this week.—Mr. We have Just now a large assortment
convention will be held at winghs, & visiting trip to his.daught
left here.on gat- Kalamazoo, 3diehiagn.—Mr. Glass and a Robert Pe
undation.—Rev. Mr. June 21st and 22ad.. The. progra heavy rains have lodged the fall wheat rkins, son of Mr. James Perkins
Cowart, of Clinton, preached excellent ser- urday last with his cattle for the old coun. five daughters gave a concert in the to n of this village, obtained t6 degree of B. A
which are now distributed, are the best yet of table linens, napkins, towels, quilts,
where it was very thick and of rank growth, try market. All wish
sy evening, The singing d last week. lace! curtaina, curtain matetials, dup
was exchanging with the Rev. Mr. S aw. able conv ying was the be9b ever he-4rd here, d sliocess.—Mim Mabel. ICAmpbe q
ention. 71 dlitiontothe tcWics 'likely to got up again. We fancy, ark a & � I,&, We congratulate Robert on h- er-
mom in our church on Sabbath last. He presented, and ever thin Points to a Profit. and as the stalks are green and soft it is not passage, a good in MiF- McLean a safil hall last Tuead
n a et nd fe return, pla T
was much admired by all. The a al daughter of
-programme, the Rev. J. Wt,. Rai, of ever, that the injury in this way will be Mr. R. MeMor Mr. -.J. - B. 04mpbiI4 of our vil. q
ne of our citizens made a risky wager on the how- with pockets Hued with I *k arpet oil cloths, &c.
b�e yellow dust
don doing Ricuto of our publia school I jab la$e,
the other day, no -less than the forfeiture of Toronto will deliver an addrese on Wed- —Mr.'and Mrs. N. businewo on Friday I — has "nwd from Nis V
fou die was in Lon
nd not to be serious. hid
his -earn if the Spaniards are not successful need 'evening, subject, Weakr Lights. A number of Urand Bend on Friday lost.
Bowman, -of Plum Control Manitoba, are Ro a am I& TiZer W a kyliere A pm Falls,
tending the Coll
Id, a egiate
had bean t
&ins and Brueefie big turnout, and every person had a spi 'n. Institutoo.—Mears. Haloiltoln and ; Snell,
W. J. Wilson, of HA11111ton, is visiting with Mrs. Bowman's uncle, Mr W. who were attending the Meeting at Hansen did time. The jubilee bran band wasin tea
in the present war. There is little doubt The aiev y I T Ii rs from
at the services of Dr. Gibb with his clipp- always appreciated by a Hurop audience, W. Hoffman, this week.—Miss MoMich'sel, on Thursday evening I" 0116M Wheeled to Man6hoster on Friday. WMEM
one had an unpleas- attendance and added not a Ii
ers will be called into requisition at no als- and will -give of his practical talks- of Hullett-i is 'ape
riding a f
e ew days at the Itt e to be —Mr- Robert And li� moved Into w
Pat town It was ne ry room-AnAw nort
to Mrs. P. J. MCK�,V, Of Woodstock, has a home of Mr. James Michael. — Mrs... line, while returning home, their bux broke, to hire ri§P Dash, 'so"
taut day and as th forfeit is to be
i�ge on the pleasure of the occasion.
ton reputation as an enthusiast in a a 'the Montreal
a tanner some unique specimens of leather. Domin Me b Bid of
Pickard's uncle, Mr., Morphy, of London, and as it was I from Howell and to h6wMt- Took intend
may be looked for.—Mrs. Thos. Hills was work, and, in addition toi giving an 2, o'clock let n lit, thin con W ving into the
and her cousin, Miss Ballard, of New York looked a little unple Sal the scholars to the B=T� Zs MCFAM
talren very sick =a on junior wo *vin at tfel be A-V_",1ftW bY'Mr. R. A�dmisoou._A-n aff(v
on Saturday last and waa ssaut� A v us - t
ik on Wednesday, she State, who spent Iasi week in town, left for- conclusion t chilaren's day in connecti Ion w th is WU I to at a bra#oh of the Stand.
Afined to bed for several days, but at will also alldtass - a mass rase hat there was one ram:fy, .7-d 'the Evangelical Sunds
_y school will bi h Id ard Wank, at
t of the their res"Oti homes Iasi Saturday.—Mr., that to have the bull repa�;d or ArrittoN opened in our
ing ive
present writing -it recovering nicely and we Wingliarn children on Tuesd walk home, On July 10th.—Mr. Win. Nevin, of E Dry a7ternoon. James
0Y Arm trdpg. of Detroit dental ool. one of xe r, midst.. It would be a g convenience to
will soon -U around again.— Our village smithe soon grouged
One of Those who are inte via
-hope riding to travel by rail lege, W" * iti friends here,
ding a few holidays ka his home day;z r.
is a n sat re
oving in from his peaceful slumber;, while some 1,5 Joseph Our
single tickets and ask the B. McLeon, of Rippent via
flower I ladi has - sweet 1 Peas al- should buy only It Pigoon, Miq beip— eskb'
OUr here.—in era. 82achter, o on �hg _ g- are oompany.
ready in full blacm.—Tbe late Mightful -et4tion agent for a standard certificate, itois patiently waited �or his services. been liars attending to busin on to be beld
rob an in conu he" number of
and Andrew A ibald, jr., of Tuckersmitb, After some 3 hours' Of Waiting and taking tion With his fat
hW6 estate.—Mr. and
the meuaiiri it-aw Mecca Order ""in, Seeforth's Greatest Cash Dry Goods tore
t d
h am