The Huron Expositor, 1898-05-06, Page 81:
marohantabI6 'I leautleo. Mr. Maosvcy,o1 Liver- ford,- former editoi of the Expr rnp Is' G. A. Green left for Port Arthur on Zon- Rev.) weonald, of Varnia,—Mr.-
sick Hat for a week or two, but to sow 3461d -ot. noond,
ood Mrs-
"im- I' - or Alford.; ;irhiere he &v. He'is going to *work ou- dredge uti
Wilsonas Dash Grocery proving M. Ailderson, of and a podr y1old of fruit that Is t 06.1 England, was, a guest of Mr. D D ollig to locate in Cam U 0. Sbaffer is now_ -turning hi&m;tte ontOfWt--:,.1
ity, Michigan, is -spending some market.. 00 the as purah9sed. a printing ou re are is
This, take the province over, re I on this, week.—At a meeting Of tflt.-w4h thr season'i John A. Hawkins has gone to growing.During the pliat fevi daystle ted
OMoney, anField and Gavdan sftd&—W6 have Evans & Ca'a. Marine C qlarge sum Sou h Hiron, License Commissioners. hold a great many in the vicinity who aro sick, work with MT. McLare of Goderich, for out some *pIum, trees, Mr. Shaffermud
weeks with relsivives in theillAge.—Daring resents a Vol any
-tat gild seed, Golden Tankard anii Lon
the -summor.—Mr. Luh:e Ing is visiting his be into busineox.—Mr. Robert 8
Red 6,
tiet.d, Imported Short WhIto caviot the past week our street has been enlivened in thin vicinity wbo'have tried thb op. in on* -a -granted to and not at all doing well.—Miss L.'Peter millie, wb -
atiday last, licenses - wer 6
-the ' er hotel and the Elliott houser Bay. man, Olt Bd in the vicinity' of 100i family in the Pork ---R. J.' DeLong has always makes a point to study th
the beat variet' ea orliimillsh turnip wed at ttm low- by a steady stream -'of teams, beari of thqir trees,; are satisfied on this poi t 9
ent prices. our ttock of Teas was never better than, to srket. n field! for the full year,' and to the Queen's out his license to sell liquor. We interests in stock breedin received -,iia
it1snQW. OUr264JaPan lathe bebtlia the market. In The rate anamice wilftavrai;'O dollotbegriiii4gethe time and trilli ex-. i burg,, where shiii will remain foi a couple of taken g, has
Give uaac%ll ikrtd we ikill guarAntee, to. plow you live n short, rations till harvest.—The saiy Brown, of Go f had a- temperance.. hotel bore during the other good pi frobi X -r
neasill It w6uld be a good' hing for six mouths. Mrs. J. R. Jackson, of mouthe.—Mr. rrie,, owner a Joseph Cairuesvf
itel, *herei was. up on. Friday with a past year.—Mrs. Wm. McBride has come to Camhollie. - 4r. " gtiailli always keepoll
mud for Ita money tt*n yon can buy from any ped- -Many friends in thin village of Miss For- r(i would bring additional wealth t the Torono, or ierly of Seaforth, in the guest -the ho
be no exception
gone] country if anVouiapmet1iie it. A a uple. a eng of Mel the hotel promises her son, for a few months.—Mion best and this pig wi
roceries is No. I quality. Out a and Mine Agnes Huniiton,-of Tacker- r. an it re4vating reside with
Jar. Out stock at G ro. Harry Geib.—Mrs. J.r 0.
Alfred Whiteman left hu;r
last weeklor
d e
pricia we so low as any one In the trade, and as we TE is Li2zie Stevenson wheeled to Goderich and
4 U cash customers smith, very much regret their continued ill. of dollars and a day -'a work lor two Mon thin Week'attending the re.—This Springliank choose lactory.
giVej, & 5r per cent. 6" diwoun F ence ol
us=. I Both these Young ladies are suffaidug twice or three - times during the . a- "on of the Women't oral expected to comin 'Windy Cit.*, Chicago, to
on -All purcham of $1. and ovef, ex-3opt Bout and 11261 nVou"to pers,116no in ten returned ow Saturday. ta:'ke -his place
machine shop. Mr.Wiliteman,
'm It will v ve call; Good from ulmonary ailmenta, which it. is hoped would be oulficietib to save `6 fruft in a 'a delegate fr6m, Ze dove. The butter fa,3tories are expeoted to - is a fair AM. - WHI
jar, a 6aboro. of the many good boys that have left tbio-
Laycannit'Tollet S b, and a good ma- Pie
in Dioneto sized orchard. s '- ee'lcuof"tohe Pre-ias terian church here.—A atirt about the name time. Lond
L! will di with advancing sumirner.— moderately If 11 'a orth
ent to aelFet from. Tne highest prices paid Mr.Aisappear Io,doubC got to the top.
He w 111
of those' 'interested in athletic GATHEnxima.—The quarterly services of Part-
Charleswor-th has lately disposed of while keeping -an orchard and devotin the a ting Ilk
r trade.
fo all kindAGt+
land to iti sukely it, will pav wcll to.
votwe tow" held in Hawkshaw'a hotel on many friends hery w -i be pl
a drivei to. Mr. David Hills,, of Hib- !k`UCkeiSMith.. the Methodist eharch were held last Sunday eased t*
C. WILSON, Seaforth. n1c hear of his welfare -young men
bert.—A large number of very fine export, to it thin much attention. 'Those wh Ave a sdayevening last, whelk quite. a good WEST END 4ous. —Mr. Ed. Walters Iol)t morning and were well attended. Quite a . to
umber from.0oustance were present,, We Ing out
Usk of ownievoit Block a Valuable horil I" ' village on the Sabbath jrm
cattle have passed into town during the not seen bovF the work is done, can pr( aura at nasuce Of influential citizens was pros- t week., While being led n
fro th
week through idur village, and owners. of ut e bullotines issued 1 y . the Depart- en The prealent feeling of the niesting' to water it slipped and broke its log and 81111 'exP1!ct1&!l Mr. Medd to take charge of the 6thei'varte should not make a reerftttft
oull of our- village square. on sarneof the choice onesJustly walked with meht of Agri ulture,- full pirticulars, i6 that wai for the purchasing Of ground and form- the animal: bad to be de- service in the evenin
W. ar Wax 'Var, I in track. Messrs. Robert It could not Ili not, g, but for somof reason Wn D&Y, it looks bad besidu. It that satisfied air, as much an to "y, Beat from these instructions theyean do it"t lem-L T g a race 0 %-The Clydesdale aWlion, Dalmair, he did not come, so Mr. Webb kindly con.
Dick, Willi have the tendency of learning our boys
.61 leg am 'ro 0 y r —Rev, j., W
t selves. Th,) matter should ne eat ;Hawksb1:%00n3. d W. R`utledge died this sented to take charge of R. E. Jackson - were appointed -a 00M. whilr . have a great regard for -tire- ssbbe tj
In the Clothing Trade ths if you can." ad, as our orchards and their product i are Owwoenyke is rbuts on the .1.,ondon Andrews will preach in Auburn next S n* brA
coming of mote value and of greater im. mi tee to examine suitible, the hallite.
THE Samez OF CooKiliG.—In the Globe be sit" and Road. Thb. hone was a valuable one, and day.,—Owing to the inclemency of
especial y. to rtain the probable cost of mobs and will be & heavy loss to Mr., Rutltidge.—Mr. weather there were not many* at loque
We have In dw-k a complete aMbItineal of sizes in of Monday last we notice the following : portands to,the oountry,' a ramarskablv s6od Hoe of all wool twood. to both 19 A Very interesting event on Friday after. this province,. every. year. to raRorb at an adjourned meet to be J. E. Ball, who has been neriously in Mopday last. The subject for -the meeilug, . —The death occurred on Thursday
dark and 111biw silades, made up in mata'aJ, yautbC was be 1111 the CommeroW hotel on -on the 9th will be 66 Taking thingsotient- Ing Of last week, at the residence of
noon l"t the closing exercises of the for the past month, in now recovering.—Min
boyeand - lldren!s. suits. Tha Maift, SIAN "a at . appointed to A%0d Haines, in Stratfordi, of
LACIRMB ;NOM Will o ning next.—The Goderich, Star Of last H. Dick, of Morris. is visiting her sister, ly." Min Ellie Lyon. being ]& -
SLIJ111 Po about "At ;'boys' 03 ; Toronto School of"Cookery at the Y. W. C. . * - L unbar dilM
-it suit; the youtw JUG to give A., 18 Ehn, . here this season." The Beavers wilUl a k says: "The Coleman machine works, Mrs. W. C. Landsborough.—A larg quan- take the subjeot—We expect in the nt*r garet -D 0 a, BeitiVe Of London
childroWe ft Thus oulto wo- gusirm street. In the absence of the Ireland
.-by strong toxin I* the field and an they arne orth, have under construction a not "Of .11 be laid add, a h
where She was bom eig tiy
Arstalsap wear.and an ma& !he mod Mo Minister of Education rri i I Kirkland, tity of *boat from - this neighborhood was future the corner stone wi
9 Ill ut
C men'i ouitest -hints' for mom aoturing
m of Blyth' Jgo _UJU Dunbar came to thie"GO
owaffisa manufacturers. Oil of the Normal School, occurer the chair. in thi senior owles of ther "Canadian La brick froth marketed last week.—Some of the farmers dinner given.—Mr. T. Crawford natty
$8 and. 410,we world beaters. We shall be tion,iVel6ok confidentlyf or *Omawrd U o'sand. Each brick will -be treated to a of this inotion an spraying their frui
pinned to show out clothing to any pers2n Addresew were delivered to the pupils by Anlicein it trees and his three men, have completed j, some thirty-three years-ago,and madeha.
Ing the ohorliplonship banner waive h t P Bann of 40 tons, and winnot have to -be 1 ham with numerous relai-i-vei and frUndiz
the chairman and also by Mrs. Mitchell, a this -week. foundation of 'T. H. CoWn house, ith whom abg
Pupil the end of thib-sesson. of heir k -burned. Whether the machines -will John Stevenson is off work this- week-, b In Stratford and'Downio. wi
At a meeting of
& 00. 'teacher of domestic science. Eight
The -held in T6ron on, Dashwod& well M was &,general favorite.
Wm. Pickaed
iazdantive of the 10. L. A. be rought to t6wn or the send, taken to
Abe we hope he will
were awarded graduatiou diplomim
.9,WORTH. - silver modal was, won by Miss. Nettie Wil- Wednesday of last. week, the to Ing -forth, our -informant was not in ak pool- Etw— wife Ii improving ll ly.— he 0;
schedule for the senior serious was-Ift 0 ted:.- ti to say. Sand bricks, will be s, great SA,%v MILL -Buimm—On Monday night
aughter of Mr. D. H. Willert?a saw mill. about three has done some good war on e nort
son." Min Wilson is a 0
Mr. June 4—Elme of Toronto, at StA C' bar- a sity, and -no doubt make a handsome its.—Min a 1 11- was visit -
D. Wilson, of this town. Her many friends miles went of this village, was destroyed' by Of the villogs.—M'so
inu, Orangeville at Georgetown'; Jinkni near -or wall for a dwelling."—Mr. Peter Ing friends in Blyth -on Sunday.—Mr. John A few 0
8 io&d fire. A large quantity of lumber: wiki 41so Houm
Merit Wins' Succes I here win units with 'us in congratulating Georgetown it Seaforth; June 17--S th D II'llas removed his stook &ozone' tb ao been Asid,- of Clinton, !pent Sundity with his
S hir on her Success. burned. This in the se
oond time it h
at St. Catharines; Jime 18—Georgeto, at t the store recently occupied by Richard- cousin, Mr.. George Moon.
Elms; June 25—Elme at Orangeville n & McInnis.—The annual Sunday school burned down, having been burned about a-'
AN Impo=AwT PuRcifAss.—The Lacknow ly year ago. It will be a heavy low to Mr.
-C&tbarines at Seaforth, Geor t0L convention and rural deanery most' f the
Sentinel of last week says : 19 Mr.R.J. Cam- at orth M 0 Ivurron, Willert, as there was no "' trance. Inoen- OW06 Last St
Vale Jnly-32--Seaf . . Church of Englaud,in the Deanery of
orou, of Lucknow, returnedhome on Wed- Vil e ;- uly 16 St. - Catharines at Ime ; will be held inWmgham on TuandiLy and Wed. diariam is supposed to be the cause, a's they BRzEn.--m-The Is around here are
neaday night from a trip to Seaforth and had not been working in the mill for several pleased to se ra Beaver again. ". She
J - 22—Elms at Seaforth July t. neaday next. —On Wedu d last Mr. A. e M' C lutlean
t Georgetown e STRATFORD, ONTARIO. vicinity, in connection with the sale of his had been employed I the woollen rain in
This school does first-class work in every patent pump. While'absent,L Mr. Cameron CA so a Into Young. who ays for the"Ngi vi 11 in this days -
at Georgetown; August a at town, paid out over $2,500 for wheat alone. Berlin. She looks heVe "and bearty.—M.
department'and enjoys a large patron o. sucoeede4 in selling the right tomanufacture
St. Oath MOMS. Daniel Henheifer bought a quantityof bay
A Commercial School of - the highest gral ' 22 r h- at
e, the pump in 37 townships to S. R. Hinchl arinee - August T bls is one Olt the largest days on record,
ey Georgetown; August 20—George n at and looks an if there is stilli NOTE& —Min . Kate . Russell returned I from Mr. George Edighoffer. Mr. Renheifer M
none better in Canada. Students can enter &Co., ofSeaf6rtb, 'H has also sold an. e
at an, St. Ctharines,Oran Ville at Elmo 6 —On Thursday afternoon oh Seaforth mar;- home from Saginaw, Michigan, oil M6nday. says that it is the first hay his horses hae
tiother township to Mr. David Glenn, of.
4444.52 Dungannon r4eaforth An at L I— ket, wheat took an upwardAmp from $1 to Miss Russeil saw the parade on the streets own Henry Kalbfieiach
—Mr. and Mrs. W liam, Jones, of an. the men were leaving for to be trained in on the sick list. M -ay she have a speedy I*r The re -
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. This pump has been working St. Cjithm7rinex at Oran for some time in the Well at the Rp _gevills; m r 3 .03.
--Seaforth at Elyns. The Beavers wig also Point Edward, are spending a few days at for Cuba. 'It was a gr6st.crow- d, and many recovery.—Mr. Wm. Linderfield, agent,
Hotel stables audio, we- , believe, a marvel of
have a team in the intermediate series.1 The the residence of Mrs.. -Moran. felt mad to see so many going away to help Hensall, made a visit through heie.--m-The
the pumpkind, not onlyi, for the ease with en ar,6 biusy working in their gardenN
DORTINION BANK. following teams will compass the inteidmodi- in the war.—Spring ia very backward so wOul
which it works, I but for the volume of water rtrot- A line
ate league in the- Huron - Goderich.
:which it throws. We hope our -enterprising far.--rA good many are done seeding. Some
Jr US is low land is rather wet yet to worL.,—A Ulromsrt7
ford, St. Marys, Sealorth IL, Mitchell, See- SUMMER V srro .—There more de-
CAPITAL(Paid Up), $1,500,000. friends, the Messrs. E[inchley, will find it a
REST, retary, R. E. Jack heavy rain fell on Monday eveniog.—M NEws Nogs war news a causing
rs .—The
$1,500.000. Klondike investment. son, Seaforth. maud for hotel and boarding accommodation
John Moiklejobn died In Molesworth on s, good deal of excitement, especially for Our Owl
this season than ever before, especially CA R -P E
Saturday last. -,-A few families are moving farmer when wheat goes up to Z
SEAFORTH: BRANOH, To PouLTuy FANcrEm.—John Ward THE MzoHANi& INSTITUTE.—The i nuual ram American cities upon the At .1.00 per -
0 into Canada at present. bushel.—Crops are looking fine in this lo-
86aforth. has eggs to sell for hatching, from Barred, t.. Some persons have arrived already
meeting of the Mechanics' Institut I was Cam —0
Main: street, Seaforth. lull and While P'symouth Books, warranted and others are expected soon. calft especially fall wheat.—The. fine
t 1 Pure' hild, in the reading roomi on Monday even -
Mr. wod won more prizes -with these Ikeng at the
A n ralbaift business transacted. Farmers bat guron poultry show than si ing 'last, when reports ivere receive(. from Tuz NEW ELzvAToP--Geuez%1 Manager i3ayffeld. weatter has been very favorable for the sick Salelog collected, and advances made on same at -4- and we are glad to' hear they are all on a
sPly eggs. the treasurer and secretary. Althoug the
py other breeder of
mouth RockL $1.50 for 15 1580-8x4 Hays, General Superintendent Yr' H. Me- YOU WANT SEEDS.—M&Dgold, carr Will e
Guigan and E. ff. Fitzhugh tend- turnip and garden sieds, at F. A. EDWARD111, Bay- fair way to reoovery.—The beautiful moon-
EdIGS AND BErs.—Egge from the 'follow. finances of the Institute are not in us ur- e on field. 1583-1 light nighte entice our young folks out foe
SAVIXG8 n. eDt of the middle 4livision, arr1v8t2shr.n,'
ENT. ingvarluldesof thoroughbred poultry: Black Mi ishing a condition as could be -desir the
scoring from 93 to 93 ; White Rocks 921 to'94 - Monday night on a special train to meet SATiuAcnoN. —There in a great deal of their evening walks.
De':)dtg of One Dolt- p ards recelved, &#d repori f the secretary showed 6onal vely
=1 Leghons. I)$ to 911; Buff Coctilue iante, real
interst. allowed at highest our t rates. Inter"k I that, judiring from ille number Oaks Mr.. Alex. MoD. . Allan upoll negotiations nalisfaction when you need your boots or sho" re -
beauties. Egga, $I per is. Also beekeepers' @up. Of
added to ptincipat twice each ar—st the end of poiddi -Trunk and the alred, In having the work done PYMPUY ; JAMES
December. No, a f withdrawl Is plisson hand,such as hives.- comb,, foundatio issued, ang the attendance at the ng between the Gra ct Lumley -
_a and 0-9 CNG, Bayfield, the now Bboemaker makes
June and smokers. Been wax wantei. WM. HAnTRY, Elevator -Company. They made a careful a 1 NoTE&-- -Mrs.L. Fyfe is slowly recover- Demaid Ini .mad(
- r i notade a good specialty ef being prompt. Try him and see. 15864 I
required for the whole or posit. room. the institute is doing, good r
of the grounds.and finally closed up -
The following offioeraL were elected: si- survey Nzw dressmaking and millinery busi- lng from her recent fall and Is agam able -to
R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCES The "Daisy" and the Buttereu on termsas to the site and building, tracks 0 dent, Rev. Dr. *oDonald ; trelasur ten.—Min Martin has secured the services at ula be up'aud use her crutches.—Tlie fruitful
etc.,, accepts Shaw. of Toronto. an expert millim
Solicitor Agent. - are the leading churns. you canhave no on 'a ble to the Elevator Cam' Pr nd dres& rain descended Monday evening and Tuies-
Holmeated ; secretary and librarian, M.. 'pony.
from Jomaoi Baas.. Soxforth. 25MI of hate,
Moore; board of inknagerneub. Rev. Work will now go on an quickly as the Gov- maker. A full oasply of , the latest styles d&3 for the benefit of the flocks and herds —and—
HANqNG moved across the street on the ms- tram t QL bonnets add mill nery trimming. Alt orders- will th at are again picking their . a
Grand Trunk Railway Hodgin Elliott, J. Craig, ant dredges out the channel in Iron 'receive careful attention. Prices reasonable. Min will gtu . An -d nei
coiner of Main and John streets, In the store lately
B a' the Is, and it is important that the build- MARTIN, Bayfield. .1685-1 Horton brought his large herd of
occupied by Richardson & McInnis, where I will be den, . B Gunn ind J. j., DarwiA. A Ing ai Ou I Mr. Henry A very i
glad to see all my old customers and as many now vote of receiving gra on ay an
Reduced fares still -in force to Mon' th:lklls was iondered to fr. 019ore, all Id be ready for in by WAmNGs.—Mr. Thom. Kin as opened cattle to his stock farm, on M d I t.—
treal a a August. The company -and corporation are tines will favor me with a call. You will find 9 h
-class goods In groceries an
Toronto, -Windsor, etc. also Pacific Coast nothing but first d dry the libr ri and searetark, for. his eirip and his store a with 'a stock Of flour and Mr. and- Mrs.- Joseph Speare, of Cromarty, Here, Are, - Some
urging the Government to proceed - with fee& ain town- last were visiting here on Sabbath last.—Mr.
Points. ftecial through train from Strat- goods. -. Highest priae paid for all klads of produce. attention t, the library and for the dee .—Mr. gJohn Eason arrived in
A call solicited. P. DiLL, Seaforth. 1588.1 interest he has -taken in the ings I bioln! their part of the work, which should have week, after passing the. winter at. Nairn..— I and Mrs. Geokge Belt, of the post office, -at-
ford to - Winnipeg, iiay 3rd, with free
nning V 116. From the iecr. bben done long ago. The dredge'is -tended the funeral of his stepfather Mr
WAR booms everything story Avi
leepingear attached ru ia.' Egeo -is report we go the upon Their is general.dissatisfaction here over
Chicago and St. Paul. Rigbeot prtceo cash or. -trade jo*r produce. G. E. acts regarding the num Vol the ground and every necessary appliance the way m which the foreman, who has' Slea, of Exeter, on Wednesday
Kwa, Wingham. Moore. Thomas Slavin and George Kerslake
1586-tf umes in the library, he books -issued, to. : ready for orders to proceed. of— -
charge of the harbor improvements, is car. I
aATTEND to - the spraying of your fruit Total number of b6ke in library, 65001, inenoed thin summer's contract of haul-
DOMMON AND BENVER I rying on the work. At Alonday's council' ?am
trees! You can get a spramotor outfit and the best classified as follows —biography, 400 fio- Brucefteld meeting the following resolution Was milk to the Winchelses creamery on
passed: Ing,
imSorbed copper suilphate, blue stone, pls green histor7,, 659; miseellan ous, 11. R' Hioams, Bruce
Steamship Linea, eekly sailing via., Mon. tion, 1,472,, field, Notary Public Moved by R. Stanbury, seconded by James M4 let.—Miss Nellie Hind, of Elimville, We hew.
an all other ueceessripis, at Joiasox Bans , ges- &IL literZture, 276; poetr and Cdnvoyzcer, Fire ani Life leou Thomson, that after bearing the grievances
j?eriodi rance. agent. Any r
-Liver-pool. fbrth. '1
treal and Q%ebee for 415; c who has been visiting he cousin, Miss 19.
F':. IWrite or call on the (trams, 96; rel lit rature, 301 ; amount of money to load at 5 ger cent., on first-clase of the working claw of our village, in which Kerslake, of the bolundary, returned home
SEED roTAToBs.—A. YOUNG, Seafortb gious i a farm security. Also a Hir-ite amount of private
I ' science and art, .5"; travels. -35.9; 'for- tdildeat5per cent. At home every morning and on lamtmeek.—.Mr. Matthew V. Miller, of the
will have a eir load cf esed potatoes from the they re being ignored in the constructi On, r P clesio
W. Somerville, Agent. Georgian Biy Dirtrict in a few days. There will be ence, 519. Darint the year 13,277 Vol so Wednesday of each week. Several good fame for of th:harbor, and that nearly alI at work ll!niudary, is very ill.,
the foll,winz varletieu Beauty of klebron, Rose were issued, of w ich 6,085 were booki of 1571 are outsiders, we, as a council, call' your at-
Comnlerciil Hotel Building. and American Wonder. 1586-1 fiction; 1,921 of tralvels, the lowest Wi CANADA IS NEUTRAL.—We bave not pro- tention to the matter and . hereby authorize
Fimp. LEcTuRE.—Mr. T. H. R%'ee, editor poet , 39,@. There I ing room clulmed our neutrality and are Prepared to
ry di is supphe the olerk to write John MoMillanj M. P..
W4 easy prlots'l See our 10 yards A number of first-clase farms for sale in
with two daily and t;n eekly papers, Jknd b ON r e& as'
of the Mitchell Recorder, will deliver a lecture i comers with of
concerning the same.—The Salvation Army
The town ball, on Ttkpsday eening, May loth, 1898, eig lengths of Moraque printe ; also sateens also a Morris and Grey, on eaay terms. Also any amount
at 8 o'clock V. m. Subjzot,—" The Flower Garden." The4 e band is to be here about the middle of money to loan on farm eecurity at ri per cent, with
htmonthly magazines and reviews., beautiful range of British laces from lo per yard up. 'Marla
Ali are Irv'ited. total membershi terms of repayment to sdlt the b 3nower. Apply to It may be only a length of Hem Uarpet;A
1580-1 p% for" the year was 48, Try ui; for a suit of clothes, tailor made; no fit, no of thin month.—John Falconer :left last
'cover ' stair, hall or bed -
made up as follows,- -farmers, 36; ladies, vals. A larzo assortment of tweeds. andeummer week for Winnipeg, where be will spend . S. Scorr, Brauels. you may need to
sultings just received. Mixed paints are now in room ; here is a riot of prices for fatrquali-
TuRNips IC= Cows.—The following, 29 ; youths, 30 meet aics, 53 other m M' stock, call.and got samp'e. A?pleton's , 1 NoTEs.—Messirs. Green & MUlinpeice,
DISTRICT MATTERS. famOU3 ton the summer.—Johnnie McLeod has, gone to I fare
t - bers, 100. England's favoritt beverage, udlau eylon. W)a Goderich to work at 2arriage painting.— Owner8 light plant, have disw
which we take from the Berlin Telegraph of our electrice ties in very nice patterns. Prices
yard -10-., I29c 15o, 18c,.20a and 25c.
wing person of last week, no doubt refers to the cattle of Feer Nae Foe." Quality first. W- ScOrr & Co., Mr. Ed. Rutledge, of St. Thomas, was home: olved partner8hi and Mr. Mainpeice % is *S Alf
BruceffelI. 1585-1 T %AvpjLEP —The follo a have Mr. Robert Snowden, of the Sauble line, LOCAL BRIEFS.—Rev. N. Shaw, B. A.,'of for a few days this week., now the owner.— armers are about throttih
been ticketed through this week to distant Stanley, and of which we made mention at TIIAT CATTLE YARD.—MR. tDrroR,I with their seeding &ad are now buoy market.
points, by R. J. Macdonald, C. P. R. the time. Mr. Snowden had the misfortune Egulondville, preachlo the anniversary r- noticed in your last issue a complaint made
mono in Corbett P ab terian church on Ing their surplus wheat.—John Ament is
;Feu tO lose six ve 'valuable cattle and, we by some one calling himself a "Citizen," Hffls Green.
ry be -
At these figuiesitiareally astbiablog; How of,
it Sabbath next. Th olrylbett church is on now comfortably quartered as laudlbrd and
Alelville Mitchell, to Vancouver,
about a fence that Mr. R. Graham put up BAD BOYS.—There are a number of boys host of the American hotel. —Brussels is gd. the V
Columbia; Archibald Scott, to Mor- lieve, the fatality ceased so soon as he quit the town line betwee - Stephen and No il- slue we c carcAy a Pat
ris, Manitoba ; Mr. Bell, of Londeaboro, to feeding turni a. The Telegraph says A expressly for ibe b6nefit of the farmers. A or young men aroi4nd this villige who are Ing to have a celebration on 24th May, con. give you; a
livray townships and b is under tbeast6r. torn but looksaworth much more - money.
aup in,, ani 0 Pro- at we in the habit of behaving the f b as ball match, 3 -minute trott or Some 30 or more in'Tapestry and Unions at -
'h' M it b Mr. Bell is prospect- peculiar case was brought 'before the 'Ciffien commenced by saying th ale In 01 a
D ate of Rev. Mr 0, r -1 r', of Grand Bend. )'n selves in a,
ate, and should vincial Board of Health on Tuesday ffom re I are
4ug for a suittible place to loe al trav211 being trampled upon." I do not think manner not -creditable to t&mEelves or local named race and farmers trot or these prices.' Plices per yard -25c, 30o,,
A - comMerof ar who was here I b pace,
be be satisfied with the country, will take Zurich. The farmers there claim tha; their week and who travel all over there is a single person, in'the village who e a other people. They are, also, pace, t9gether with all other kinds of foot
-Ontario, 35c, 46c, 45end -50e.
about a dozen young would vote opIdle"nougtho to know better. If they -b
farmers from his fat cattle and other stock were dyiny Irom speaking of business o a friend, said th V for the removal of the fence,, A big time expected. Wessro.
excepting himself, as it is'not only a benifib not respect for themselves h6,uld h&sve rRauctl1toagn. & Fitzpaterick have. removed
localit to Dauphin. eating tyrnips. When the turnipswere fed Seaforth isby all odds I the beat and briskest
ovince. to business men bat to the citizens gener- respect for their parentLa athey a n their general stock and gone west.
to the animals the cows died, but when 'not business town for its si e in the -Pr nd frie who
RO.Wons FaR SE&FoRTH —We are glad to fed the animals, lived. The board believed Air.- George Baldwin Ilds removed his bicyote ally,' as it keeps pigs, and. cattle that are are. among the most rospeetable and peace. The assessment roll - shows real property,
find in the honor liats of McGill Univercity that this was unprecedented, for although getting weighed from spoiling their gardens. loving people in this vicinity, and who $266,815 ; personal, $32,800 ; income, $3,200; Here we some really choice -pat, -
Anyway the animals are only in he yard I am sure, feel ve $302 815 - dogs, 53; population, 1067
emporium one door a6uth from its form r
the names of two ex -students of Seaforth's animals might die for the want for turnips, location. i wo terns, and colorings in Tapestry, Wool and,
Collegiate. Institute. Miss Harriet Brooks none in all the realm of history had been He has also I purchased the livet ry keenly the dis- total, 0 J, Our business of Messrs. apst andtumeden about An he *r until they are shipped. . I do -ace brought upon them if they ly knew cattle, 92; sheep,' 11 ; hogsi 52 ; horses, 116. Bruesele Carpets. These figures may seam
received the degree of B. A., with firsirank known to die because of them. Experi- not think, therefore, the so called swin sons behave them a at time. 1, —Abotit 30 Odfellowo - visited Mont"a, low for good Car. to; but realli good. Car.
Wilson and how has the sole -bicycle livery I a fro1w their solve On pe
oxious as your car- These young men are particularly annoy lodge, Wroxeter, Monday night and assisted Pets are here at some of there ric".
honors: in mathematics and natural phil-. ments were tried by the officers of the the tow Mr. Bal6vin understands r, yard " will prove so obn'
them in the degree work.—A meeting will Prices per Tard 50e, 60c, 656, 75c, 80c an
osophy, and the Anne Molson gold medal. board on gaines pigs, bat none died." about a bic ale and a is a general favor responde ' nt seems to.think. Z He seems to be at the Sabbath services in the churches, *an d;
one of those chronic growlers who are
its with thy publi as 850,
Miss Elizabeth A. Brooks alsopaRsed her ie is sure to do especially at the Thursday evening: Drayer be held to discuss the street and sewer bv-
secioncl. year successfully with firif rank gen- DEATIT Of A ST,.LLiiox. —We are sorry to. business.—Mr.- George Beattie left towia never satisfied with anything that does "not meeting in the Presbyterian aw by local assessment,. on Friday I lt
des- Council church. 'They eral, standing. We have Once more to con- learn of the d ' eath -'of the valuable Cly Friday last for Owen Bound. He will a biing grist to his own,mill. are have -even been known . to follow ladies on in town hall. Voting next Monday.—
gratuUte those clever young ladies on their dale Stallion' "Dalmuir", the not likely to interfere, as they have more their way home from the Meeting gild ann6y week we bed a fire. a people were going -to
rope on the C. P. R.'steatner, Manitoba i
du * AN
marked success. They do 'ore#it alike to Mi John Rutledge, of Tucks mith y r sense. OTHER ClTIZEN. lzr! the summer.—Mr. Step] en came Ille making insulting remarks. and dinner on Friday, the alarm of fire was given
—We are glad to learn that: Mr. using language as little creditable to them and the house of Mrs. A. Cood won found to re
themselves and to the institution which tledge was travelling this horse' imseli ly NOTES. Never bete have we bad tell a razigeof
having a serious runs way on Thursday of
they received their early training. and was on his route when he. died Tues. last week. Whil James C. R6s, 'son of r. i the finer makes and grades a —W
is dri ring along Goderich amen Ross, of as their conduct is. It is to be hoped tha* be on fire. The engine was at once on hand f Wo —W.
t ol, Arm- -
an ten minutes, a in idd V yva -00'n
day last. He called at his noon at nd at street, one of th the London toad,. who has been seriously ill this hint will have the effect of stopping the and was ploying in less th to
emp;. elvet Carpets.. J,
es c %me unfastened from to I .
0 uying a now Ct this springo
before t e e was saved, Ou
I I rc pal
-Yon. thing was wrong r. amb had pulled it before a mag 00. VrDn
nlnN near Kippen. at "'7* be able to jet around. only, being damaged to the extent of $1 i sh I see our Nev
for some time, is now go far recovered as td annoyance in future. It it does not, . the
TiTE: BowLERs.—The annual meet* f Mr James Cooper's, on the Lando Road, the bit, but orse know th with the result that the hous'
the Seaforuh bowling, club was held o The horse ate his noon meal —Mr. Hugh, MeCart- next thing will be a aiimmons tterno.
day. evenin 0- f last week,' when the follow- as usual. In the afternoon he started off, 0 W 'pe yard -85c, 90c, 95c, :$I, -SLI10),
. g into the aid walk d- a most into Drs. Scott: ney, of this place, has disposed. of two more istrate, with all the unpleasantness and ex- MrsGood has since sold the lot for $125 and
cars were - elected for. this year: making one or two calls, by the way, and of his celebrated T-amworth pigs. One was posure that'such action will entaill, as the has the house yet to sell. —Charles Bartliff and $l., B.
RcgeiodlEe nt, JameaL rest- when he arrivedL at Mr. Robert Smilliels,the & Mackay's office, wh re it wu captured Jobld to Air. Thornks Geminill, of Stanley,` people are determined that the nuisance has sold his farm, north half lot 27,
McMichael; vice -p andthe harness made jecure.—An interest- conces. dent, W. K. Pearce; secretary-tre animal commenced to show signs of distress ther to Mr. Conrad Faso, of Hay; Must StOp.—SUFFERER. sion 5, Morris, to James Duncan, for $2;5W.' Ty.
asurer, . iug game of football *as played between 'an h
Alex. Wilson ; managing committee, F. and rapidly row worse and died - I n a air I u r %i . Mr. McCartney is au'ardent very low price.% This is the farm on which
.Ro1mureA, W, Q, Reid, F. 0. G. Miuty two hours, Dr, Molutgall,91 BrY4 n on Saturda mwortb, and ;,he kee the barn was burnt Va to '171 ty.1 --a
9 Ift Sbout juvenile clubs of -the to y last, ladmirer of the Tai
qe1leldiwal whelk the Unique do ate thn ParrAllim Do about 3 -weeks aeo.
-r- 9
laptly Bxeter.
"u 0 1 Pone but- the best. Wing- Lincleums, in di6rent widths.
and R. S. 111ye; skips, 3. Weir, W. K. pr in attendance but could do-nothing —James Hunt, of
Alley toam. by a soore of four goals to one,— ham, has bam appointed overseer of this NoTEs.—Mr. Thomas Friendship, Wing. Kippen.
Fearce, W.' Pickard, A. Wilson, E.. C. to gave the allimaPs life. Gas on the stomach Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Scott are on a visit
This is Mr. Rutled first to Toronto this week.—A-team of horse ii1ection of the G. T. R. He has moved his ham, was in town last' week attending the 1
Coleman, R.. S. Hays, W. D. Bright. The was the cause. " e fe
a I KICKED. IM11 A HoRsE.—W -el very
usual matches for the McMichael nel Flan. season with him, and he was on a ffects to the village, and will reside in the funeral of his father-in-law, Mr. William Ybur
Is first attached to a wagon, ai id belonging to Mr. sorry to mention that Mr. William CLud
house recently vacated by Mr. Rundle, be. Slee.—Mr. James Butt, Kippen, visited
I nging to Mr. Brock.
n an caps will be held during the season, round, and had excellent prospects for a M. Klinkha more, during last week, met -with 8,F5,54M
mmer, of Dubliti, ran away on
ig the annual bonspiel wilt be held, prob- large patronage, as the hdree was much ad. Alonday. A fittle son of.Mr. Klinkham. —Graham Brothers, Exeter relatiyea on Monday- last.—Mr.
to "eked by one
unpleasant accident by being ki
ably in July. f Stanley, shipped two fine car- loads of fat wbehip, was bete PAINS.
CURAL .431.
77 mired by the farming community. Mr. Frank Lewis, London
merps was in the A
and was thrown out
of the horses in his stable, -which has caused
a ttle from here on Wednesday. Malcolm' this. week purchasing milch cows, for his
Rutledge,with commendable pluck and enter- but was not hurt. The horses continued to V7B, 1E
Mr. Cudmore to keep his bed for some dL
prise, left on Wednesday for Toronto, where r cEwenv also shipped a carload. They dairy near Thoindale.—Mesers. Curtin and
A NEw PosT OrnOx.—We are pleased uu towards home, bA i rare stopped before .1 11
erg a Mr. Cudmore was in the act ol -a Ing file the
6r the bone show is now in progress, and before any serious damage wi a done.—The fi destined for the British Market. Willie shipped two cars of fat cattle from rt k* Gar tock of Laces Curtains gives
to learn that the now ost office ixow ,ned rat driv r out of the stable, whe buyer wonderful scope, for we' Qve -them -
rebraing another football mate r.-IMeEwen goes in charge of' them, Gold. this station on Monday Stephen the
in Irishtown will have a daily mailde tvery he returns he intends yu h of the 'isc ason will be -played eather horses, one of tubelmn kpiacakeelng-. from the cheapest to the but., in -large,-
home and will, have im. on the route of on the recreation grolu ids on Wednesday rkLI Society held a striking Mr. Cudmore with great force ;U1 rices you -win, be
h w n!-Grahanl accompanying him as far an and Usborne Agricultu
after July Ist. The name of the ee a
Of6 I "Dalmuir" at once. This enterprise will, quantities. At these
tr assist in caring for the cattle meeting of the directors at the Commercial
St. Cplumiban, Perth county. The mail is Rut. evening next, when the Clinton Collegiate the hip bone, knocking him against the wall, please4 to see. the extra value we A
track is
we i y Institute team will en4 'avor to capture the and stunning him for the time. Had thel you. Friges per pair -30c, 40o, 56e,775C fiR,
delivered only Tuesday and Friday at pres- are sure,,.be appreciated b Mr. lot nn, o&, If e ito loaded on board the ship.— hotel on Saturday --last.—The race
ledge's patrons. We hope he will have Hough cup mmunion will be held in the Presby. in good condition and a great many hones
14, N E
ent. M r. Philip G. Carlin has been op. which has.b5n in the possession blow hit him in other parts but just wh?re and 95c.
better luck with his new purchase. to lall church on Sabbath. Mir Shaw, of are being speeded d'aily.—The Goderich it ha
pointed postmaster and he also -intends of the ColleRiate team 1`6 a number of years. gened, it 4s hard to tell 'what might' -
E ondville, will conduct the preparato Dramatic CompAny ho, ad Gfdley"a have een the results. Mr. Cadmore feels
opening a general. store in connection with —Mr. T. R.. F. Case as had a Rag new ve engagi
TP -EF, Sipiunxa. The second visit of the fence erected at hi a vices on Friday, at 2:30 p. m.—An opera house for the purpose of h --------- OL
the office about M&y 15Lh. We. sincerely s., r sidence, on James' 6`9 " thankful for his very narrow escape- from
au ton as e 0
spraying ont6 t sent out by the Ontario Do- street, and t* I f the Kennard property will concert oil the night of May 24th. This
On the
-ongratulmte Mr. Carlin on his appointment the grounds nicely im#roved.— bo'held on Wednesdayi May lith.—Mrs. company -comes highly recommended. lance was These are the popular prices slowsdays#-,
serious, injury. Medical again
lome partment of Agriculture was made to this Mr. Coin. Murphy, w a as been conductor soon inattendauce aud on close examinati'
and hope -be May loug enjoy his new I
now bein erected secti Monday last, and the exhibition R a became indisposed on Tuesday and Messrs. George and Andrew Stewart have it was found that no serious injury had been and, we have bought doubly large in -then,
1!1 qn. of the Brussela stage far sonteitime, has re.
.9 was v4n In the orchard of Mr. Robert turned to his old PI F ry. The
hot daughter Liz:zie arrived home from Lon- taken possession of the Exeter grist milL—
acq ill orbei'live inflicted and that a few days rest would-- be Pri(m so as to give the people th
Govinlobk, a mile north of Seaforth. do on Wednesday morning to wait on her. Mr. J. A. Williams, of Zurich, was in town a greatest.
WumtT D*,mvzrus.—Th present big The patrons of this popul a tablishment will be flicient to restore him to his possi e choice. Prices per pair—$I, $1.25,
h gentlemau in charge seems to thoroughly on
t We 4ust she will soon recover. on Monday on Vusiness in epullection with usual &a- 81
activity on understand his business, and thok 'great glad. to see Coll'agenit, fa earound the premi- tivity. $1.50, $1.75., $2 and $2 50.
of grain has caused gr6at
the sale of the Exeter grist milf.—John Mo.
see and tollave him wait at" them.—The recent NOTES. —The wheat boom, of the past few
ularly of L&kelet.
aforth market, and for a w 4 k Past pains to show those present the proper rains have had Nevin, of Kipon, and Donald Burns, of
i 4,t k the d4liveries of grain, partic R stimul4ting Affect on veg- T
methods -of mixmg the various days ban caused consideirable activit
ingredients e y
-wheat, bave been. extremely large. .Seldom, Hensall, werd'in town on Saturday on bad-
tation slid all mature haq assumed its spring BrARKS.—We have a new pro- also among
qeorge Turnbull re- -,prie r9within the walls of our hateln good supply of the golden stuff in
if ever has more wheat been marketed Out The barrel to which the pump is attached turned from Buffalo * ontract of the carpente work of Mr. The bulk of our curtains at these
garb once agai .—Mr rie ness.—Mes ro. James Jeekell & Son have
and of applying the solution to the trees on our market'aad those
re- had a
Ow- the c- r
.4 4, on I Tuesday where he Mr. ir wu left last Tuesday fat- Manitoba, store. They have now got almostall cisgrt v,
in one week than has beev delivered. durm holds about forty and this is suffic- purchased a couple of -car oade of horejes and and W. J. Carling's new dwel ing on aron
are piptures- of art in the curtain line. , boy
the past week. Wednesday, howeveri was in'suceessor here is a Mr. - McKenzie, ed out - ind no doubt the into will be the
ient to spray about fifteen- large trees. He b p=d them to the old country. He says a street.—Mr. Well.iDgtozi A. Westoott has
the banner day. We are informed, on good t e time of Gorrie, but recently of Blue- been coufl erg. Among some of our corneiin white and tus"ll, and the-asoort-
was very careful tospray the whole tree, he get them easier nd cheap tied .108, heaviest
to his home for a few days :
authority, that on that. day more whe&tL Was er there vale. A great many are through seeding holders of L ment given you an extra:ohoice. Prices per
ring - i i
wheat, and who are delive t
"the trunk as wi6JII as the limbs, and thor- than he call here.—Mr. Archibald Hislop, here, and all will finish this first week of through filuets.—Mr, S. C. Hersey, London, are MessrL John Sounders, Andre pair—$245., $3, $3.5,0, $4, $4.50 and$5.
boight on the market her6 than on any one oughly saturated. them with the spray. was in,town this week on busineei.—Mrs. -Ben
J 1,* w
M. P. P. for East Hu was in town on May, a thing that has not occurred for and Robert Thompson. It takes t round
day for twenty years, and that the deliver- 9
Judging from the remarks of some of -those Monda last. Mr Hislop James W. Creech is visiting her mother
Ica of wheat alone on that day totalled resent, the mistake which -many make who seems to bear his some years.—The Wn.-Hoo Remedy Com- ab.: dollar to make the. wheat boom. Some $9,855
nearly seven thonaand bushels. This means so 6 Zurich this week.—Mr. James W. Creech
honors and his big majoti y graceNny. He pany, led, by Prof a r- Douglas, are holding
Si- $5,000 were paid for wheat deliverd
gave tried the experiment is in not thor- is one of the fortunate fe*,who. has the contract of the street Watering at
has not been forth in the temperance hall here this at the station on Frid and Saturday last.
95 cents per day. —Dr. J. A. Rollins was xT return
a lot of money and the farmers who held oughly drenching the whole -tree, as the subjected to the annoys. as fi a protest. There are abrile ladies in the com- -and reversible Cretonnes, Catain
their wheat should be all smiles. — week. Single
A —Mr. John Balfour is now s t*
'ad *all on Friday last on busitiege in con. par Ing S new Tapestries, Curtain and Sash Netting
P. 6 eri TO.
insects to be destroyed will germinate on While working in Colem Is stave factory pany, and an entertainment is given each - driver.—Mr. John Mellip, of Seaforth, Ins Art,
Mr. J
ligation with the county council.—Mr. Sateens, Muslin Draperies, -etc., an immense, Oweu
. the trunks as well as on the limbs and on Tuesday morning, ohn Kerr bad They may be all right. 'So far o, ymg vial e on' hi
q 1 7 EanoNwraxE Nofts.—The Rev. bir. Car- L leaves. This was the second application Thomas Hartnell io'confined to his home week, mad ff to his ham Is rangi to choose from at
first finger on
the misfortune' to have the t] ekapoo's that were here two years --through illness.
n our DOL
ag kr concerned, we know that they were of the Court ofForest
rier, of Grand B lend, will ireach 1 given these trees, but any whq have not yet his right band badly torn and out by a a w. -bike.—Mr. John Moffatt, who is.& ember
ere, of this place, and' Able
church on Sabbath 6Xf'.—Mfg.L (Rev.) Shaw sprayed should do so at' ofice before the —Mr. F. F. Loosemore, 4ho has been- teller a frau4. Thus far we have- not heard of a who by his recent illness in
now disabled State
in in Toronto this week, as a delegat at- buds formse it is. better to do it now than in the Dominion Bank fo bout a year past, at Is lone who was benefitted by their Port Albert. from followingbis occupation in farm work, MEMM
plication is -place
tending thei general meeting of th' Won en!o not to do it at all. A. thorough ap has been moved to Bellevi le, ariA. h MeliciAes.—There were some 'Harriston C1L5rG8--Wb are to have a -now entitles him to $500 his policy,
I =,eln Missionary 800iety.-rThe prosent now and another later on *ill -save the fruit here has been taken by r. Hepburn, of PEN
N .1 , ; M
e of wheat must be a pi gentle en! in the vicinity last week in con- stagis driver, in the person of Peter Hamlin Moffatt a few days ago Orneceived a check for
I - the
pric ea*dut on many orchards. A goodly number of Uxbridge.—To-night is th night of the big nection with'the pork packing establish-! formerly of Dungannon. —Henry Hawking that amount. This is only on of
assurance to thbae farmers and buyers who farmers witnessed this operation and all minstrel show by the h e the many Zs MCFAUL
a key-i club, Yon ment ich -they contemplate erecting in was in Port Albert on Sunday. He is now ways one has for maki n for the
have a goodly quantiby in store, but to the seemed -to manifeet'a lively interest in the -will be sorry if you mls it. -4 -The annual U19 FrOVISIO
the a vin fe Yen
th Skating Rink Ano- Wair in oing to -be a success. --Mr. George vi
toilers Wh9 work for small pay, and have to- work. Bat there were not nearly as many meeting of the Seafor that to . From what we can -.bear ta in Kincardine. Miss Ethel Walden' misfortunes of tide 11 —Xi.john MaNi
3 sitey relatives here this An !low shipp*
-'buy flour ana bread at pregint prices, where present as there- should have been. It has ciation was held on Mon week. —bliss ing several car IOS& of lumber
ay -evening last,
May lo t his old mare, Mag the other Mary Stevenion returned to London with to Broadfoot & Boii, Seaforth.--- -Many f
A J17
au Ag
A 7
. V- no work Which a farn er can do on his farm trout fishing, season o1x med on Monday. te
does the compensation come in? ra justice been demonstrated beyond any doubt that when the old offiefters'wer re-elected.—Tbe day. 8 e was a good- animali a'ud left her her sister M " d.—Mr. Bowles spent Sun, I this part'attended the funeral of:Mri Wi.l.
to the worker it. looks as though matters -
man r a dollar. The colt which she day with his relatives in Belfast.—Mr. and, son, of Fansville, on, Monday last..- irt
,'should be evened up when such booms take will pay better than to spray his fruit trees. Mr. W. D. Bright was ol e of the first on OMPMY,
place.—M e
been on the It simply means th difference between a deck and brought home a ne string of the well - owls r, of Clir. -, guests of Mrs. H. J. Blake this week. -a -Mr.' "spending a pleasant visit with her cousin, Soxforth's Greatiist C448h- Dry Goods Store
iss C. A. Porter has left bell* d KeIr is a nice one, and l doing 1 Mrs. James Durnin and children are the William Blair, of the village, last week Was
on —Mr. Cheote