The Huron Expositor, 1898-03-18, Page 4ISITOR TIRE HURON EXPO Powell, the Comserva- :NtW ADVERTISEMENTS. e�idently, willing to admit the truth. Some Apologize to those whom they maligned'. the matter, as they approved of the Govern- in jority 9f 9 for hl�- .4 w -that way. of the Reforme'M ho were induced. by the Bab no ; they are not built They mentIchems. ti a candidate. Or The figure between the parentbedli, aft -or each . i. * a. - 4. -
on e, denotes th Ps o f the p4oar on which the Milrepiresentations of the N6ws'aiid other are now as MUMAS mic The results show mdr 6 W! From the annual report of the Minister of NOWS f ti2e Week. 4, 4 tc" that remarkably few ndsta'kes have been
Sprin,3 189:8 mi0lar pafers to vote against Mr. Hardy's made by the depaty-raturning officers and Ron. A. G. Blair, for the yei New Things at Featecos Railways,the ar V# (5) RS. MATELL DEAD.—Mrm. Robert Government, will now have time to reflect, that as a body they hive performed their endii3g June 30th last, it in shown that M atoll, whose stag- n%M6 was Oharlotto Worth Tavestigatin M Kin on & Co. (5) duties faithfully, efti railway cbmplet Now (Sooda—W. upontheirfolly. While we do not admit that clentlJo and inipartially. there were 10,687 miles of Be rons, who had been ill at the Hotel Har- Spring—E. McFaul Co. ^(8) there are -any conflicting interests in the ad In Canada, an increase during the year Of rin ton,Port Huron, for the past few weeke, A contempo�ra ry puts- the position very 300 miles. The number of miles of road in is e do Plow Shoea—Robert Willis (5) Cabinet or the party "'to reconcile, or tersely w .550. OTED PHY81011A* PIssss. A,4y, —Sir in
Sale of Bioyoles—G.F. Emerson (5) hen it says: The extreme temper- operation was 16 na Extensive, Stock Sale -:-W. Tourney (5) that Mr. H is 11 compelled to pursue a &nee people were down'on the Hardy Gov- 'The Government expenditure on Ca I than Ri hard Quain, Bar Physician Extraord-' aray railways prior to an� since Confederation tes resident of the Gen. Giving -up Business—J. B. Thompson (5) course that his own conscience warns him is ernment becauseib would not move faster ina, y to Her M &jog was $Igo -,944,518, which includes $2510OOt-, arm Medical Council, and editor of the a More Com—John MeNevin. (5) iot right," indeed we know the very ban- in the direction of prohibition, while th 000 to the Canadian Pacific Railway. This Die Bicycles ---S. Mullett & Co. (8) IN ionary of M_edic ne, is dead. He was own on it because it had was charged to capital to Besides, trary is the case, we are free to say that liquor interest was d accoun d. bori1i October 30, 18 6, and was a Builders—B. Mullett & Co. (8) moved too fast. follow of the News might ha tble there were $16,390,-88.7,paid in - h for
BAR Pails—S. M g -Ilett &.Co. (8) ve said a great deal more sev4ml learned -ooie ids, and the author of railways, making in all a total of sub,ides to ni�t�erous medical scientific worke. House to Rent—Stark Bros. (8 commendatory of Mr. Hardy's ohmmeter The recount in*the South' Perth election 335,405. This doea n6t include Gov. IPiano Tun X S. Roberts (8) HELP FRom GvmApy.—The Berlin and still be within'the truth.. It would has railways. A sum of $69,522,382 resulted in increasing the majotit of ern ent, Farm for 831ae�—W.'H. Woods (5) y M foreign office has i4struitted the inspired Farm for Sale—M. Morrison (5) have been more to the point, however, Mr. Monteith, the Conservative . candidate, has been expended on Government lines for preso to deny emphiticall that Germany" n 19 A number of ballots were Slothfulnest—Grei & acdonald (1) and more to its credit too, if the from five to ten.. mainte'ance and operation which makes in will help Spain in �,ase of war with the Watches, etc—[21,J. F. Daly (8) all a toral expenditure of $208,857,78$. News had *van it" readers this insight into Un ed States, and has instructed these .91 markedwith the cross after Mr. Monteith's Fiat. GroceTies—[Q—P. Dill (8) That it does not pay Canada to operate now1paperB to point out that the Unite' d the Premieea chamober before, instead a of name in Mr. Frame's compartment of th railways in shown from the fact thmt wbil Decorative Art—Mims Arnoldi (8) Stat�s is an excellen � customer of Gertmany, tances, Milk Routes—& H. Green (5) afterthe el getions. -tut, in some ins ballot. The mistake occurred through an the working expenses of these roads amount- and that Spain,siuc6 the Carolinas squabble erro r in the printing of the ballots. Some ad to $69,5V2,382 the revenue received has r1opeatedly shown unfriendliness G 4ve to er man re are many more Conservative: deputy -returning officers, but were counts The gross earnings on Canadian railways d Auction Sale—Thom" Cameron (5) newspapes and politicians who, if they D HOF SPANIs BuLL-FronTEn.—The by the Judge, which accountw for the in- r the last year were $52,358,276, an in. Free Lecture (5) a Spanis bull -fighter, Freseuelo WaIlPaper—J. Graves (8) n deatlkbed repentance Ia commendable. of theme ballots ward thrown out by,th�- rea6hed only $61,196,803. TS NE Readymade Boots—S. G. Rathwell (8) And the fo deat of th -FOR crease in Mr. Monteiths majority. would. but speak out their minds As the crease of $1,807,707, -and the- working ex- has t mporarily all ed the war fever in Plows—T. Mellis (a) News does, would be forced to do- an peases.aggregated $35,168,665, an increase Madrid. The deep& oh descriptions of the On the occasion of the recent Provincial' of $126,000� The freight traffic amounted b t the street of the row a Waiti no 0 equal amount -of justice to Ontario's Prom- minations the eturning officer for the to 25,300.331 tong, an increase for the year c agar: st�ongly reminiscent of house of death ier and to the Go rn t f hich fie in county of Ruesell. was unable' to reach the of 1,033,506 tons. thehi torical accounts of the grief of the pit" The t*tal miles run by trisins was 45,780, the head. ve ` ce of. nomination owing to the severe Franc people at th 'a death of Mirabeau BRAFORTH, FRIDAY, Mavah 18th. 1898 851, an increase of 1,280,249. The acci- d - h storm and blocked rqads and the tile6tion urin t a great Revolution. And the same dent returns show that -seven passengers honor will -be paid io the toreador that- We are passing into stock, f6i thg Spring trade, some of the newest things had consequently to Good 'be postponed. The were killed. A 0 and st Huron Eleotion and it a nomination took place last Friday and the During the last year Mr. Blair made a w 8, 7he W, a id then to the patriot. T the foi- in English, French German diodd k�oodsf and the range is not excelled west udke boo a strong efforb to bring the expenditures on Lesson. in th best Aell_ ei;�ar is grotesqpe� The Spaniards, defy competition.. We are anxious that
Ogilvie's K14 r11 it of of Toronto, while in price *6 election takes place act sea themselves. ing one of the year, but a book—free for all too -day. 'There in a, big course cani the Intercolonial within the receipts, but, lady who contemplates buyfokkd Spring Dress would call and inspect our The re-count in est Hawn before the fight going on. B GEORGE MULLER DEAD. -,-George Muller, every oth- parties are Puttinq, notwithstanding Wig, thellet loss on this the philanthropist, is dead. He'wam born- dress goods stock, and whether 4 who ask—that exoells itl in real merit, be- made -or not we will bow you out the --closed on Monday, re- I
ana anty judge, which forth their beat offorts to win the seat year's operation was $59,940. The earnings in Prussia in 1805, and was the founder of door as smilingly and appreciate yo *18it just as much as th ugh yur c cause treating effectively of a subject of the result is &waited with intense I 'terest- 0 sulted in giving a. majority of two in favor, were $2.866,028 and the working ex more lasting im nonsen the Orphanage at Bristol. At the and Of amouned to $50. portance to the people of In 1894 the constituenci.elected an air sueeee rphans numbered 291; and Mr. Liberal $2,925,968.
of Mr. Back, the Conservative While Mr. BI in Without anyone h ava West Huron, therefore, well as South tionally popular man and as he has retired gross arnings were less by $91,612. this Prov7' in the Ann, ial Report of the by over 800 majority but he WAS- An MOP- reducing the expenditure b $86,858, the Mullei wrote.—" aOntario I altural College and Experi- been personally lied to for an t g b t report also deals with the canals. On mental Farm at Guelph. Where one man time. m:,ftb4 ium of mp!44l blas boo g van Huron, has gone Conservative. It PON. here in a new candidate in the field this Th:
Isible, that In' either or both cases, alieniation in or a 01 L the Sault Ste. Marie canal the total move- r will wft rich in the now f smons 'gold mines phaus, at the result of myer Vehreteens and 7 et* from the Liberal ranks wi meat of fi "ghl was 4,577,399 tons, carried to el Iorbh almost itA weight in in 5,136.ves the number of lockages be. "od "only be tamPor- of the Yukon district of ads, a hundred A fat steer is w sale aryw A majority of two is not a very large SPAI is -READY. —During the course of gold in the Klondike country. If some of ing 3,0492. Of wheat', 19.312,877 bushels majorit, may acquire a compete if not- a great an inte view on Thursday, Colonel Reinlein We claim. to, have the largest #iige of Velveteener and Laces in t9w, anti , but'it in large enough to give Mr. our Huron feeders had a few of t6ir Mon. and. of other grain 6,056,940 bushels w deal more,by sticking to a farm in Ontario. "O de Seq er, th 8Tau'1'!& M;1 it-ary attache at are anxious to -compare prioes. Wd ar% here for the express purpose of doing me. so Back the meat in the meanti There are The wealth of matter in a report is -of ina sterm there they would have a surer Ivan carried ; 1,797,708 barrels of flour, also Washin ton Li soon war is de- business, and will not be undersolC by. iUy person in the trade. Oar stock of 2,492,905 tons of iron 'ore and 30,233,800 over a hundred jeod Liberals in West Huron clared, lar' ' and well cot y ondike gold feet. board measure of I -amber. The total go uipped fleet of Valeuciences and Silk'Laces is pakiti a calculable value to the atry. of profit than if the owned a KI rs z, i rly attractive. c mselves every time I private immediately begin hostilities they Agriculture is 'out greatest industry and mine. We notice the statementthat William traffic at this point, accommodated by the against he Americanvoninter6e. Spain has think as of thia A ult. Theiie are they who, the information given tl ereabout by this N.Niobolson has i ust returned o nco two canals, the American and Canadian, t rem ined idle minqe the first misunder. no '13 tons, an iner ini Ninety good steamers lie in'the being la]red into a false security, by the amounted to 17,256,42 e"C O' r
publication I Of standin a. urned weakness of the Conservative can. of the Oata io Department of with $110,000, the proceeds of a her'd of -2,288,938 tons, carried in 18,577 vessels, an pros harbors A Bracelons and Valencia, ready to r St le Depart nt. Agriculture, Tor6uto, is p -to -date and re- cattle sold at Dawson ciby,this after deduct. increase of 593 tons. dida", failed.- to come ou:t-,a'ud record their 111,� and we have friends, The quantity of wheat mail and do executio, Ibout $20,000 expenses on the trail- He carried- was 63,463,876 bushels, an increase powerfll' liable. The report is, moreover, well-Allus- Cott ones, who will assist us, if not vote# on election day, thinking it was not trated, and for ra Government blue-�ook, Nod!the cattle at a dollar a pouul, live of 17,372;109, and of othergrain 27,715,265, with me 3, with money Mon Pug, stock Of 1COttOD, on,ad6j ind Shirtings is larger than eier, and we 'd M'sary. They should, and we have no ht. Captain Cates has just sold a ship an increase of 19,173,055. : Of lumber the 'th th Spanish Government, trust peace will pass our word that our Cottont 4� at 1291c'beats anything in tke trade. ne W � ; but 1, in com
wi written in a most interesting style. The IOVOf lumber at'Skaguay for $280 a thous. total was 658,640,0W feet, board measure, a doubt Will,, profit by� experience and at the will be reserved," Ontario Agricultural College is begihning to and. He says when the mail arrives there do-arease of 52,14li344. YmF. i Tnu Bowifty.—The Bowery Mis- next election, we venture the predictions the liue'is a mile long and a place on it halt feel the full cumulative force of nearly a It in shown that of the total freight si I d h use, conducted by the Chris- n 0 0 a t that there will not be many Liberal votes way up Ia worth $10. What an agreeable carried by the canals �aud railways of the ian Her n1fat'0105 Bowery, New York, was quarter of a century's existence,, th Past place to live in State of New York the! burned a one o'clock Sunday last. Of the left unpolled in the riding. Our Lin e n Drt "nt Z, . 1� irroportion carried year having been the moit successful in its kV the canals has stead 41ecressed from 150 I' IAnother Picularity of this contest was, y um tee, eleven were suff6cated before Ithat the Come' 24 yeaLrahistory. Proof oi this is found in It is gratifying to notice that trade be. 68.9 per cent. in 1859 and 47.0 per cent. in they rea had the fire esespes. Mauy others rvativ"e candidate did not hold We import- all our Towellingpi fable Linens and Naplins dreit froia anypublie meetings and posi the f*,,.t that of the studf at now in atten- tween 'Janada and England is increasing in 1869 to 8.5 per cent. in 1896.� 'The - luantity were Rev rely burned� on the hot iron lad- treland, and cansho you a ran, j6i' tively refused
of grain carried to t�de water on the New d d. : The lodgers lo,;t these goods not caried by the smallei� IYork State canals was 753,039 tons during ongirigs-1which consisted most houses. to discuss the publiG issues on a public plat- dance over 95 percent car ae on the expres much grater ratio than the trade between er' �?i descende al
t England and other countries. I their form4*. Whether it was thit he d recommendation of ex-stdents. Presiden For instance, the year, while the quantity, carried by the id not likely of Itheir clothes lonly,'for the prices of M ills, in accounting for tI s pleasing feature the exports to Canada for February latt railways -was 3,864,760 tons. the ho were a I- 20 and 25 centtr. The pub] know anything about the ic questions show an increase of 23 per cent. upon the The death of the Hon- Theodore Davis, loss of uilig, was considerably lessened by the of the college's prosperity says: or that, he did not consider it worth his 0 figures for the same no th last year. For hief Justice of British Columbia, leaves a fact that here were no women in the build- Amen The great majority (f those who have Our Clothing Depa' while to discuss them, we do not know. vacancy on the Beach for which there is a ing, the I d1giog house �being for male accom. been with us long enough to get a fairly the first two months of the year the increase f a This was, no doubt, partly what threw the i thorough knowledgd o general scramble among those prominent modation only. and apprenticeship, are iving a good ac BACI[� UP BRITAU.—The 'We have- no hesitation in E course Of study was 17 per cent. The exports to all other politicians, who are also barristers of note. JAPAN WILL iayilig that any'boy ol man. or young .mau fe-,,
Reformers off their guard and made them untries decreased I per cent. in one month The salary,is about $7,000.� The lawyers Herald cc respondent I leArns on unquestion couA of themselves at me and abroad. co qu mit for Spring, can save if 10-ast' 20 per �ent, 'by dealng with us. feel sure the election was so sife for their on t6 Pacific Coast, who 1 are cap9ble of iring a E at &,party to the candidate that they did nof 'need to go out more Our clothing is all slirunk befoie bei4g made up. That is one reason our and 2 par cent, in the other. Imports from filling the position, are now making nenotiatio s ow going on between Britain They have gone back to rk with an in- able muth rity th icrease farm h Russi d liking for they are -push- Canada to England decreased 1 per cent. money at the owin to the Yukon Clothing gives such good satisfactlofi, ce
to vote. They.- no doubt, thought that no Ing to the front as tical progressive .9 and at St. Petersburg, and also that during the first month'and increased 28 per boom, and it kely that any of them ir pr&c" is not,, 'them they constituency in this intelli at Ontario and men and, wherever find Iliance xists between England ge cent. during the second one. F a appoint ro, Meat a in this enlightened nineteenth century would rease in impor ads of th lege at Guelph. countries the ine in allotber will accept, In that case th while no
are warrfi fri and Japan they have m definite understand-
, and re ac IS -S. ing, al
ts for the first may go to an Eastern man. t The na boro, WPCOME WITH THE C1W D TO GUN.0 . P., of Gu "At the present tim, ry bed in the resi- month was 4 per cent.. and for the second Hon Duncan C.'Fraser, M. ting in harmony. A high be so foolish as to elect as their representa- ys diplomati- official said !,to the correspondent: n
lalti- dence is occupied and 2'7 tudents are lodg- month 2 per cent. The increased exports N S., has been mentioned, in this conne ody tive in Parliament a man who either would'.Ang out side, most of them in the lmmedia6 say positively that' Japan will to Canada occur largeli in'goods affected by ti;n. Mr. Fraser is nextl in order for 'on m% ear, Britain against Russia, and neighborhood of. the college. The total back up immediate danger of wak is pait, unless not or could not discuss the vital issues be- the, new preferential tarifE The articles' of tfolio,from No or va. Scotia, but there is not if Britain maintains a firm attitude all
number on the roll in 189i was 275-212 in import in which increases are visible during. likely to be a vacancy in the Cabinet from fore the country and on which he was solicit the regular cqurse, and 63 in the special the last two months are: Oxen, r some time, and It is said Russia is r solved to fight -at once. In view Iing their sulTrages, before the people whom' 6125,000; that district fo dairy course, -the great m3jority being On- wheat and fl*, $450,000; fish, 24330,000. ke the Cqief Justiceship of Brit t superiority at sea, and e very beat class. wn grea, he was asking to send him. to Par%Cmeut. tario farmers' song of th that be would ta Li B C4 t1h tThere was a decrease in timber of $175,000. in quetion if it were offered to him. They find out now, however, that,they were As an outcorrfe of the tuberculosis agita- her possession of all the available coal in -the eastem po ts, Ru;siaill probably. take a mistaken, A majority 6f two is ot a very' ton, the Hon. John Dr5 den, Ministe The Dundas' Banner remarks "There The annual meeting of th 1 ess 11 i It I ; I - conciliatory tone for the present. r Oi
e Canadian Pr
large majority, but it s% were old men h polls in North Oxfo Association was held here I�st week. The as well- dings. Two in North a 0 pri cipally of th ructed t f,' Mr. Kennard made many warm friend!j, and Intelligence of any constituency that they provide for the manufacture of tuberculin in ward 9, copy of this resolution to the 011141tk: Was a most kin editors and proprietors- of the newspapers MCKWOP. I d and obliging citizen. Up
ys little for the Agriculture, decided abol t a year ago to a t rd gpociati'n is compose e that the clerk is hereby iust as in ot�eir eri
would, under any circumstances, even by ho the college. The necessary apparatus was' Oxford who vo d 84 re- TnE CommIL.—Council met in man of the board of license comissiotio'kall'i to his illness he always acted at dep ,tcthwere aged 92 and of the towns and country � istricts of the Jones, �4ty re- a The following changes! were made in the —a ma4 ,o spectivel. Waterloo counted one Province. A'number of pa)ers were read. larch i turning officer at7 all the elections in his
Bmaill a majority, elect such a man rdered at once, and th6-bactericlogist, Mr. Y. hall, Leadb 'y, on Mo6day,the 14th N for the current year - e, polling division, and, it was his Wentworth Accounts for shove - al de- who woulb �rea'u them thus contempuously, F. C. Hariison, soon got t] iings in shape to aged 83. But orth members all of pathma,sters stillbolds One paper was on " Otta-fa Correspond- present. vision 'p
4wir-1 1 light. to meet all his old friendes' oc enc,$) another on " The Daily Press and ling snow o gravel ro�d repairing bridge, 11, John C Wood Do,ti-ad of R these ind one iiIho is evidently so I The f were' the palm in old Uncle Adath Misener who Foreign Affairs," and a t , ird on "Book and charity ere paid lamotinting to $13.50. bairm; division 43, Win. Laudborough,�. j fn� Occasions. In politics he was serva- ittle fited for , commence work. int 14 doses on Ir stead of John Robb ; divigion 57, J�h� tive, but was not at all the position to which he asp"es, and that, sent out about the' end of last May, and walked to the p Ils and'is over -100. �here Notices." Libel law is a 9 anding subject A by-law - s passed 'appointing the same prejudiced, and dur- big Ion term of office at the too, in op' are thers over Strong instead of George Strong divi4ort
position to one of the ableat men since that time the demand 11 0 in North Wentworth.who for discussion, and it rn�us& be admit- pound-keepe s as last year, except Edward polling as incre:s so 9
58, Win In voted, but they are looked upon as young ted that the association has one some good Driscol, Lea lbury insVead of George Hearn. J. Hudson instead of H. ForIsth, I booth we do not tbink he ever eh16-ked the in Oafario; a man who has always been a ra idly that it 'was. fount] necessary to o r p
credit", fid1lows by the side of our centenarian. work in getting the law: a ended in the The same encev ewers and pathmasters division 65, Frank Upshallinstead of,tt slightest partiz n sp, to either his ftiends ,to his constittincy and who has left an additional incubator and, add a room the Good for the old " boys wherever they are. interest of newpaer me . The assoei- as last year were appoined. The Upsball division 79-, Michael Keefe,liftj or those oppos&ed to him politically., He ? . I I X Reeve a Ia - upon the statute book of his laboratorv. They have rgo mark With these ad ditions,it i party pluck in them than stead of R. Doig ; division 83, Win. bj�oti was upwar of 72 cars of age,. and leaves . . . . .
s,iti oped ation is in favor of an insolv ney bill for the nd John S. Brow were authorized to have I instead of Joseph Robinson divi-4ioii '86� quite a large It is said thalt Mr Beck received to be able to supply what is required in the lots of the younger men Provi We may also Dominion. The ineetingw s 'held in the Roxboro bridge repaired as it was damaged family to mourn the loss of a Michael Williams, or., instead . of the golio Conservative vote of the riding. !,Province. say that there wpre old men at the polls in Railway Committee room f the House of by the flood, and the Ae'eve was. authorized P. Koat loving and kind father. The funeral taks, South Huron. sr. ; lot No. 1, concession 110 ind place to -day (Friday).—Miss L. Somer Mr. Robert Carmichael, of Commons. In the &fterno to have Grie,e's bridge and Roxboro bridge 'ng Perhaps he did; but w ash i Mrs. Edgar, ould -he sorry to The,work in the departu ient of field ex. Seaforth) voted for the Liberal candidate, wife of the Speaker of th p int d lot NO. 1, concession 192 were tak ? House of Com- a (I with two coat4of paint before next of Im Michigan, is visiting at
thi�k so inearily of the Conservatives of 'periments is growing in importance from although he is verging on four scor'e,yearg ; mon-, entertained the part to tea in the "Mae 113g. Grieve's bride waa 'painted from roa division 70 and addeA to' Maple t, the residence ot M. The experirrents with varie- aforth, voted about three 5 ebars ago by the county, ti James Paterson. West Huron 0 to believe Ahey woiild vote : year to year. Mr. Thomas Darwin, also of Se Speaker's apartments. n the evening a %but it division 73. Three hundred feet of st� ou�h he is 89, and.still is all off. A solidly for any man ho is afraid to def -h F pipe,'now' lying at Herisall'station, ive 9 the same way, &It b uquet was giveu in the ussell House. wa passed taking part end ties of wheat, oats, barley, pms, corn, tur bale and hearty and Ir. Daniel Zellar, of of lot 11, concession 11 from school section the principles he prof6 Mr. Robert Holmes, 'of tile- Clinton N purchased. from their manufacturer, Mr, ew Was or elected No. 6' and p acing it in section No 8 I k Hullett. sses.� If they did nips, mangiolde,lpotatoe rrots, green fod. Zurich, both vo;ed and worked for theLib. Era, and Mayor of Clinton, * th, of London, for $100, this anv+hi all being about 12 per cent. less the the I I - -L . -
vote solidlyforhim it onlyshows to what ders, grasses, clovers, mixtures of grain, etc., eral candidate, and he is 84, and hopes to re- president of the association for thin year. COullcil a(Ijot rned to meet in Jones' b thd COUNCI .—Hullett council met in HiWo length blind partisanship Will lea some corded another vote or two ye article could be purchased elsewhere. fi� hall, Tuesday., March 15tb. The comn*`tt�-e d have been carried on systematically and per. t. All praise Leadbury, on Monday, the 30th May, at I next meeting of -council will be ]let 4 people who, in other respects, are intelligent, to these noble old -patriots long may they, Ottawa is going to have a; ow music hall. o'clock p. ni, as, a Co rt of Revision. appointed at last meeting to exambio the I n w Its sistently 0 ell defined liaes for seven or be spared. will be built duting the .0 honest.and well n�eaning. it ear by Ottawa Dixon's -hotel, Brucefield, on April 25th� ab Walla,;e bridge, reported- t&t the bo 'tc. eightL years, on plots in diff �rerit parts of a 10 o'clock. were- properly fixed and the d go now capitalists. The proposal iilto erect a large uite Wroieter. satisfactory. The amount still ne thecoa- 1 This WestRurodelectioV isano fift -acre field, and under cli matic conditions THE DOMINION PARLIAMENT. building in a central part ofi the city. -The
therstriking y tractor was, ordered to be padd. The tender illuscrationof how necessary it is sometimes which varied with the years. Hence the hall will have a seating ca acity of from 3.—Quite a flatter of excite. A, klarch 15th, 1898. 1,200 to 1,50q, will pi obabl haire a me y OTTAW nt. was occasioned in town on- Brucefleld. of Lockhart & Comp - and Tuesda any� forii,the tupply -of I that people should be piotected from th6 results now begin to indicate very clearly I J?Wi JL' The Yukon rail last, owing to the depirture from B. R. H'Tooms, Brucefield, Notary 6 Elm plank was accepted, said Plank to be w�y� bill, which has been large gallery., our corn- Conveynacer, Fire and Life lostirance agent. evil results of their own actions -and goes to which varieties are beat a pted. to the soil the an MUD delivered am follows: 2 OW feet at, Lei
da ity foFMi mitobs of Mr. Robert Thynne bject of disussion for the past fiv e amount of money to loan at 6 per cent., or show the crying need for a Ia and family, to ether wth Mips Kate Martin, t 1,200 feet. at Brigham's. 1*200 feet at R. Iw which would and climate of th college farm ; and the co- weeks in the House of Commons, received The Battle of the Ballots. Mr. Rob6rt ae, Mr. ryce Young and Mr. funds At 6 per cenb. Ferris, 1,0200 feet at Snell's suil 1 200 farm secuiriby. Also a limited amqunt of prioto make �ersonal canvassing an offense suffici- operative experiments throughout the Prov- its second reading on Thursday night. This At home every morning ktid Wednesday of each week. Several g od farwm foi! WEST ELGE-T.1 John Ireland T!iey have th 0 Lashame's. Several tenders -also re- a - very beat ent, to void an ele4ion, and which would'al- ince, carried on simultaneously by th Col. 8r�ctically ends the matter in so far as the n connect -ion ceived for the building I were their futur -of th Wakerburn e n I with the West wishes of a ho t of friends for a ommons is concerned. The bill was carried Elgin election will take �IaCce Wore Mr. welfare in t NOTES.—Mr. and Mrs. Win. Scott paij James Hill's for $7255 being -t
Praire Province.—Mesers. a bri
to remain on the voters' list, to 'go to'the Airection of theexperimentalist, Mr. C/." A. Senate will now hav 3arnard shipped a car -of Oat- accepted one- Mr. William M601i and so require every mn, who allows his name' lege Experimental Union (largely under t he by a large majority and the old ladies of the Justiee Maclennan- of tb 0 visittofriends in Blake last weeki—W. he
e a chance to wrestle peal, at Toronto,, on 'Sat, rday next. At in, .—Mre. John Hamilton was cott is this -week visiting 1*' others interviewed the c [aballo t�h iaisn wce aAndrew 8 Whether or not they will pass it O-nald 14acnish, Liberal oderich on Friday last to attend polls and deposite his ballot under penalty Zavitz,) go to show that the varieties which with it, ouncil regarding the the re-coant -Mr. D called to G Robert Beattie, at Beamaville.—Mr. Rolit destitute ireurnstances of being disfranchised- have done best at the colle is now's subject of considerable' interest. f Tomas -Martin the'next election je, give the best and Mr. J. D. MeDiarmi4, Conservative: the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Harries.-- Pollo6k, of Stanley, left here on Tuem4atl and wife,who, they say are at Oresent mainly if he f iled to do so. It is a pity our poli- results all over the'provin� wbre declared a tie, but leaVe to appeal was Messrs. Hamilton and Sanderson shipped. a for Manitoba, taking with him a car 10844 depending on the neighbors fot sapp This discus on received new -life a week ort, and ticians can not be granted on several of the allotsp and on car of fat stackand implements.—Mr. Robert M6Z it will be necessary to ge brough to In this way some excelle t foreign varie- Thursdai last. —Mrs. &nee liks returned from a visit to t some ssist - e see the need ag� by the acti n of the American Senate in this account Sheriff Brown, the returning Robert M doch *met -with a somewhat peculiar Aq from tle township or a se have them sent to ilive tock on
paising an act forbidding the transhi 'r In additil being a check i me of such a law. -ties have been in,14-roduced, tested, and die- at officer, has not cast the deciding ballot. friend� in BI h. i.' Cornwall dent on -Friday -of lag I of freight at Fort Wrangel on the ikine Pathmast Ao bribery and corrup rt y of Tor- t week. He was iiii- the House of Refuge. would wipe tributed throughout the Province—varieties ers will be onto, Mrs. Ha lewood, of Clifford, and Mri. gaE en'the anhiiiiLj &Ppointed at the next meeting on Saturday, I - ain cleaning a horse, wh
river, unless the Canadian Government will WEST iiuno�. out the mere party which yield f rom. six to ling, of in am, crushed him a ainst the side of the AM April 16th, at Ma ight bushels p4er rant certain other impossible concessions. were the guests of 9 Airs. Thomas Gibson, r., a W C fracturing his c Ilar bone. Dr. tio�L 10it 6chine and Spar
vti g Judge Masson, on Monday afternoon last, would stimulate a spirit of independence acre more than any vad ti. In order to a better understanding of the i delivered a lengthy judgm�nt on the dia- ud -Mrs. .0 tee previously I L Armstt4b subject we may state puted ballots in the West Hu Hazlewood I t wee being Away, it was - 9
among our representatives which would be grown.' In oats and barle alone the varie- that this proposed ron election. ever in the history some time before the Yukon railway starts in Canadian He ditimllowed three ballot of. ice cut in fracture could be reduced. We are pleased Zurich. in materially ro 'my that Robert is now doing well, dqd &bout 150. miles, up the Stikine river, some four with a cross on ack as to Mssrs. John Deichert an beneficial to the public and,' ties intfodu6ed'and distr uted by the ex territory, with a single
raise stroke, and much take the pond as. this yeai. '�en. i`beginn, 9 to realize its the standing of our ublic periment station have, rout, and allo ed two ballots a short time will be able to resume vi�tk, p wit in the past four 22 miles of which at the well as the f The farmers are, in John Weslob have dissolved partnership in mouth are in i wl' with lines on in addition to the cross. value.�Thomas Rae has removed to a etc _Mr. 'John' McKenziels- auction gal the bliksmithing business, Mr. Wesloh or ;five years, paid to the Province a good American territory. The river is shallow Two re 64 joh I has bought the shop Air. Phil Si
deal more than the entire cost of: the cc and there are bars upon it which prevent ballots marked with blue and one with a in his own blo,,k.—Delvotees of the bicycle Wedneadsy' last, was well attended. Evbiy- ppel. has A Better O'Dimon bf: Him Now. deep -laden ocean craft from passing up the red pencil are' allowed, and the ballot are showing a Ii vely int�prest in the new thing off6red for sale was readily purchodd Mhop.—On with im- been using as a pump
lege for the last ten years. portabione for 1898 at good figures. Monday a river, and it will be necessary to tranship at 't the number nearly all torn off is also allow- b Mr. me' TheTorontoNews, which isanoff-shoot as- exhibited y our Ia will mdvro corn rcial traveller hired ng rompT. an American port, Fort Wrangel, to lighten dealers. to' Zurich, but I ed. The result of all is to leave Mr. Beek into'the village as soon ss -possible. and Will ve Murdock, Hefis&U to ri of the Mail and Emkire �nd is practically vessels with two of a majority. make. his future residence here.—Qui6b j from deep-dmught to smaller in the r. Garrow filed when on the road 4out a mile -and a half river itself, or to use for a part of the ocean an appeal against the rej,ection of three number of the cellars -in the village were from Hensall,one Of the front wheels -sudden-' under the same manageMent, has a better Editorial Notes an Oominentis. I Ucker'6 In'ith. opinion of Premier Hardy now than it pro- trip light. draugh c vessels t hat can ballots marked for him, and againsVfour flooded with water during the freshet la8b ly came off and caused the horse to become
Mr. Gallagher, the M.P. elect for Fron COUNCIL.—An adj ' ned meetinf of the '—Everything a frightened and ran away badly damaging the th� A' er. The On It* Pass UP ballots allowed for Mr. Bbek. Mr. Sunday mornin femed to have before the recent elections- lot argued that, I 9. t, Drewab Hays
1v Court of Revisi)n, u our rt tenac, has whiskers three feet long, enerally on bel�al Beek, ade nt buggy. The horse freed itself and will
�4 drainage by-Ia was ran to It says: The under the circumstaupeeoss,1 the action of the will appeal g f of Mr. a Sprost a creek indicates an earl spring, but we
so that the whole matter will come 'before Brue I held at Dixon's hall, predict, as the nest late member for Frontona had what some American Senate will render this new ri -of weather Dr hets Zurich before being captured. It sustidned efield, on arch 15th. Only one ap- sometimes make mistakes.—Mr. Wkot way use and urged upon the
The task of reconciling conflicting inter- would call a less if built, the court in Toronto. Cott several scratches from coming in contact ests in the Cabinet and within the party- is long tong e. The people Government the advisability of abandoning peal was before the court, viz.t from James has received another car load of corn. Quf with a barb wJre fe�i The traveller SOUTH ce. at by a clerical old veteran is bound to see that the waiia escaped uninjured and returned o Hensall 'one that Hon. Mr. Hardy?s temperment un- Of that constituency hi made a bad ex. Sproat'- on the round th
the scheme or adopting some other -route The South Perth re-count was conclud4l 6rror the engin ere had reversed the as. of all are supplied.—Mrs. David Rouatt ,Ia fit@ him to perform. He is an excellent a+ change, we are afraid. Thb Government maintained,t at Stratford on Monday and secured another rjgI;—Nfr.NX.8chwaIM: hat no act 4
ministrator in any posit -ion where a delic ilia Honor Judge. sessments on th east and west halve& of lot at ant visiting her brother, Mr. Jos4h a few days ago.1oll rking ate the American Senate I'? law until it is ap. Barron counted Mr. XaIso4 Monteith in as 4, con a ion 4, t Ono Of his good wo Mr. Faracomb, the an. O' of Toronto.-�-Mr. George, Forresl horses. —Architect Mr. P balancing of iighteousness and expediency The London Advertiserl says: Huron proved of by Congress and ratified by the member of the Local Legislature fot South c a a ip r4e's a Xleesn, eCer Eisenbach h,u gineer, wa pre at at th cou d ybi is not required. Rd is personally a clean has; invariably ent able, Lfberal repres6nta- ut a dozen ti Goderich.—Mrg. Win, cot President. This bill, therefore, is not oper. Perth by ten of a Maj ity Abo npleted the plans of the parsonage for mat Wednesday,, The,!ourb authorizedthe clerk to chang severe atlack of Ia; grippe.-�-Mr. J&Ihm, ha -1 their annual h man, and, we believe, one who des�ises ative until this is done and it is more trian ballots were in dial that hei had ma a the error complained of, Plewen is again a 6 o be aroud after Ilev' Father Valentine. --L' and whose intelligence rebels tives to the Legislature. No o6e will be Paz �here were three a a OP ion compartments in the ballot, the top one of the assessments, and th us correct the error. Swa# has already disposed of two car-loadi 1 he town hall he
probable it will never get this fir. But, the Farmere Institute
: which sh'uld contain.Mr. V 0, the Afte'r closing he court re. There was y!Z 'risl' d ti of subterfuges and more missed in gain _ bIS than Mr. even if it does, the Treaty of Washington gathering in t
ag at �he the now As
&me a nam compromises with what he believes to be kd Lean. of revision, the of Oiachiner to farmers in tfiis vicinity. a fair crowcj, present. A session
guarantees to Canada the free navigation of next Mr.' Monteith's name, and the lowest -o n. evening
gat fo general business. In the Jim 4oes not say much, but Mr. Hard is a sincere man, and the Stikine- river and that this also includes Mr. M' By a mists. a of the printer council y 'he gets that 'Was also,held., with 86 g
y oscrip's.
the )tition Ood attendance,, And
u of George McGon- julit1the same.—Mr. Alex. Mustard 0"01h'. our jubilee bran band greatly ehl,1-veaed the course that his own conscience warns him is I the transhipment of goods and passengers the top compartment conta, ned the follow nigle and others making for the removal of men�-ed plowing On Monday, March i0h.! Proceedings,—Messrs. Faus , t and Riekbi for such art one to be compelled to pursue a Notwithstanding the unlimited and No matter of
gar abuse heaped upon the deputy�returniug at American ports on the river, and that Ing words :-11 Frame—G orge Frame of their lots from school el in section No. 2 to A no, of Mr. Usher, of cement fame, v4s have got in 'a tot of not the 'righti one is as a consuming fire the United States Government will not the Township of Downi farm&." �hen school section No. plement. officers in the recent election by the farming im
his bones, and no man of that 9 the clerk was in- herel this week, attending to business, �fi ecured the wareroom where G. n Mail dar6 to attempt to enforce legislation f was pri�ted " Monteit and below the structed to notify all t9e interested . arties th, in They have a a vie ty ever succeeded in leading a political 'party and some other Conservative papers,accusi violation 'of its solemn trea p . —There is a very 'a ave a ommod- ug line inte I ded to separate e two names ap- that the petition will be considered at the holel in the road just opposite Dixon's hotdli 10118 Place. 'We 6agrat ty. In any P Ia ngerous Itzmau used to live, and
for any length of time. It was the posses- them of.partizanship and wo'rae,in the recounts event, if trouble is likely this peared "�, Nelson Mo meeting of the counefl. Mr. Farneomb h h u1ste the new firm to arise from ntei-
American leiialation, and 14he Government the'Townahip of Dowuie, rmer." Of t sion of similaT characteristics that made which have thus far taken lace before O we,hould be attended"tofat once.Z: n their enterprise. r j Will am the he will desire to avoid a conflict with American disputed ballots twelve had the cross m near arn-with feelin - sadne;; bf has built a shed or roof here he receives once to make an examin. a A� Ipolitics distasteful to'Sir John Thompson,
county judges, with scarcely an eke atio, th o
n and survey Of the Broadfoot creek 0 )f Mr. Th as J. Kennard, whidh 18 9, great improvement the grain, which &in, and reporb there as Pon.
-elections the News could not �lonserva- the railway to an ocean port in British J�ccurred on Wednesday 4nd convenience to thifarmers in' loadin
and eventually killed him. ePtion, authorities, theYr can, if necesmary, extend as possible to the name Monteith," but dr
Before the the number of votes cast.for the inside Mr. Frame's compirtment. These sible. The-followi n li�gOlutiOu Was Passed %�� 16th.. Mr. K:
say'anything too mean or 8 canard had too 6ad of IN] r. tive candidates have been redue"d thus Columbia, and will ask Parliament this see- ballots were counted for Mr. Monteith, unanimousy in the opinion of been II f hnd unloading.—Mr John Kibler, wlio has
sion for authority to do so - Thus, in any but wereiven by the ret&ning officer to this coun if 1, ve the, and, while it was ktipwl Neu in Hensal showing that the depu ty- returning Li Hardy. Now, however that it kupwo he officers ot a to aged hotel in the village of tha Moll is at home at presen event, the work need not be Mr. Frame. This changed iMr. Monteit -1 is"getting ready to go to C t, and frustrated by he W40 veryweak, it was notAhQ h's Egmondvill is -cessark for the public con e tem messenger was so near. avalier,- Nort, r. eek. there was fa;voritism at all, e Unite ve, as formerly. -we're8pedtfully request the' nar was one of the pioneer me I t -ole States, which seems to majority to ten instead of is firmly entrenched in*his,,position for an- 'in their decisions favored their oppenents, if hostile legislation on the part of th d a th -Oakota, next w
which we do not venience, an� a
other four years it has nothing to gain for be envious of Can. , This case will -also be -appealed to Toronto. board of license c Daithissioners to gran believe. In view of these fa,ts, one would ada's rich heritage in t t such Bra mfield,.having settled here 45 years agoi Peter Zehr son of'Dr,.Zahr South 14' ast-
of The re-count in this 'city resulted in a properly made tiope, left last its -hi k OTTAWA license, providin� applicstion is legally and and has resided contin ever sine he Yukon country. party by misrepresenting him and 'is, naturally f n those papers would now The House Laeems to have taken this view a suitable person. Also- Dur ng the long period of ua'l� aweek for Worthington, X his reside a hei� iiiesota, no a
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