The Huron Expositor, 1898-02-18, Page 8f FFIRRV, A,qrocery morning the house was noticed to be all, in" tended to her husband, family, aged mother, we "fail mure'd that his recent purchase wil error, no r had'Ireversed thela's'"Is. Mespre. McGee are railway biidge iuspecb� Pre Oash flames, and the inmates barely escaped onlysixterand all her relatives. The re. prove to. be -a profitable one. —A � large sleigh merits othnot'h'netabt and west haIves of . lot 4, ors iind:bave donb well under Uncle! Sam,-, pittitions for r concession 4;H. .8. T -of the Bluevale Prel�y- interred in the Maitlandbank load we atou.Monday night to hea he engineer ;6s not The annual meeting without saving a single article except those mains Were nt to Cli To Encourage Cash Trade. t. now wks, pro. terian congregation w a held �on Friday, worn. in 'the peaceful slumbers of the nigh cemot6ry on Wednesday. Mr. aardy. —The political caldron is. present at the co rt, bub a letter nearing the boiling point - and both parties duced from him -9 atinj Wehavedeeldedto glvea6per c6ut. cash dis- djourned Sprh t�,!Iuslnesq.. In this almost naked condition on a cold ,P that the above error evening. of last week, . but as the evening had been ma4e. The court was -a was, wet the attendance was rather small. wintry morning they wero forbed th seek are marchalling . their hosts foi the !ray. countAo, all purchases of $1 or over worth otgoods, LooAL BRIEFS.—M.r. Harkness, horme except sugar and 11-ur alone. Those who psycash shelter at the house of Mr. Byron Mason. dealer, shipped a fine carload of horses from We notice that a great deal of the allimos. until March 15th after whi3h the council- nab Thb reports of the different schemes of the his will be for geneial business. The tender of j. Me. church were read and the Sunday school 'or iunta promptly every month, t which is about half a mile from the place of this stationlast week, to the' London, Eug. "ity displayed in former . years is being dill. " . I abyg%=tageto cash customers. we havenow the fire.- Their feet were. badly frozen dur- land, markeb.—On Thu i week pelled and people aie more disposed to. dis. Nevin for thetimber r . ired for repairing and Christian Endeavor choirs san very rts, was soc nanci- in stock a full line of new Raisins, Currants, reels, raday of last I Nuts, etc, for the Christmas trade, We have a 1h,g the retreat, and are jiow iums the pros and cons of both parties good culve epted, or cedar at $13 per nicely; The congregation did well beifig cared for Mr. George Turnbull shipped a mixed car. c - 41. A A I fL-"00.A A . 4, h 0� h01421t . Z;a goodstockofnew season Te . choice Miles, 0114 by r. W hyte. cause or the fire in load of horse& and cattle * to Glasgow. —The naturadly. hin Is it should be. UL UIS u nis DUSIne S .8 in a I)etter position to, all kinds of Groceries, as any one In town. A large rl v 'F;fZer J unknown. A petition y $1,500, and "puma" a" ias e;;nt;id from Samuel paying all expenses a of Crockery,best Granite thaw of I at week pretty nearly did for the ity i1je dry goods wants of- th- and well selcetf d stock Broadfoot and th rteen others, praTing that have a balance on hand of sixty.o.ne dollars. Stipp, Tes, sets, from .76 up; best Granite Toilet. Sets, sloiahing and on Saturdav a number of 13avAeld. J) tf­iLthe 1,13roadfoot. Ureek Do pened, fter the business was over th y -at. any Uwe in Mi e CO pan e. frem $110 up ; a Dice lot of new Dinner Sets of the UNION MEETI-N-0. —On account of the cold Wheeled vehicles were to be seen on the —The tadies' widened, straightened and, otherwise im- spent a social half hour over sandwiches an past! *e are trying to better it "bestquallij,,sudnobblest pi Call, and see A NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT. d them. The highest pried paid for produce: Wanted stormy night there were not Ra many pre3- street#. However, the snow of this week Aid of the Methodist church, of this.place, proved, from the poitat where, it enters the coffee. IIa JIM 0 try t make it nearer what good butter. egge� putatoes and dioasedlowl. Will ent at the union meeting of Young People's has patched matters up.—Mr. C.. A., will hold a novel entert i ent"in th form Societies and Sabbath School Workers of Ale all the Vine, and pr tees for a good article. the B&yfiel,d rive , up as far as. lot 3, conoes- pay good rri Migithy, of the Ayr branch of the Bank of sion 6, H. R. S., a distance of about four. of a sandwich social, at the residence of Mr. e- 0. WILSON, S"forth, Seaforth, held inthe Presbyterian church, Commerce, spent Sunday with friends- in Drvoclale. James Switzer, 6th concession,- Goderich a n miles. As the p tition contained a major. - paiE�, tOJI9, for thi3 Spri'g's trade on Tuesday aS expected, The town.—Mr. & McFaul is having extensi7 CLIPS. —The oyster supper, held at Mr. township, F id eveni 25th inst, ity;of those i sted, who w havd,bho�.rnade with t Bank of Commerce Block. evening, on ri ay ngo , in in ater ould be ibene his end in There will be good time for all. The Joe Rau's Wb Tuesday night, %v&3 a great m63ting was addressed by Rev. 'Mr. Hen- improvements made in the 4 terior of h fitted by said draining, the council deemed d raon, of Hensall, president of the County, store. —Mrs. Wm. Pickard is on a- visit to proceeds will be in aid of the f and for the it ant the prayer of said peti- stiocess, tind- wound up with a successful de. vielill #or month-, past we . havq...- mpedient to gr Union of Endeavor Societies, and Rev. relatives in Exeter.—A sleigh load from chursh shed. beetl4pldfinincr for -the trade that Clearing Sale. -1 bate.—Miss Laura Horner, a; well-known ti no and as soon as practicable in the is - James Hamilton, of Wingham, president of town, who went to hear Premier Hardy, ab dress maker of our villagoi ha's gone to the 'Samples by the,, jua 11 ing, an engineer will be procured to ex- sp and'. the Sabbath School As3ociatiov. The ob. Clinton, on Monday night, had rather -an �il States to start a milline!y shop. We wish Our semi-annual clearing sale to now on. It pre- Constance. aniine'and report upon the condition of the hun&A( have been the younUlady success in her enterprise.— sentsasplandid opportimiky for buyers to secure ject of the speakers was to encourage and unpleasant experience on the way home. one caef ally sessousiblewinter goods at extremely low prices. enthuse those engaged in these departments Shortly after leaving Clinton thev were u- NOTES. —An at home will be hold in said strear ad adjoining. A petition overiip Ips Mr. av&, ra. Horner were the guests of and qualities compar-- Xen!& Fur Coats, and Capi, and Ladies' even- -"as also present from George MeGonnigle ning.— Capes, and smaller furs, are moving out F"' C4*10, of Christian w ric and if this were not done set, and the horses started for home witfi. the Methodist church on Wednesda Mr. and Mrs. Rau last Saturday eve i -h 6rders placed that ensue rapi Some splendid bargains are being cifered in me s, it was'not due to lack of earnestness and out them. Fortunately, however, they ing, February 23rd, at - 7 V. in. efresh, and five other r tepayeri in school section Politics are the talk of the day.—The Snow. unl�. h ments will be served and a good programme number 2, askin to have their lands separ. us 0 Nst stock of Spring D Youths', Boyb' and Children's Overcoats and 8 impressiveness *,on the, part of those who wereabletocatch the animals, and t us don brothers have p.archased aBrantford ry Alan in Prints Dress Goods and Host f w^nnl &nA trinNn "sm Will ated from -echo I section number 2,1 and GonAg 11 efnra h a 'a" 11VL 0) ku) trll. The *-atfe ii belng put very' dee Ladlele ii;A gave tine addresses. The choir, composed of saved themselves an in goratiog A11L. windmill which is giving excellent satisfae- into I � added to -school a, 3etion number 9 ; laid I over fi I members of the different ch�irches, led the Some of the pants bf the rig, how. be rendered by talent from Seaforth, Clin- t1on. —One ev 6ing all we cari: to obtai Children's Cloth Coate. we. cot isitr invite all to ening last vmek, while Mr. A. occu We #0 Iton, Londeeboro, ' Blyth and Alm;.—Miss for consideration at next meeting which'wi call dud examine for themselves our special offers. singing, and a quartetto in which were Mrs. ever, were unfortunate. Mr. .F. W. Twed- Murray was returning home from the for 6dt d&stomers the right styles Bright, Mrs. Walter Willis, and Messrs. dle had his right arm badly bruised ; J. L. Bella, Schoales left on Tuesday for Wolseley" be held at imus hotel, Brucefieldo on "bibest dfy goods 'values to pleas N. W. T., with her uncle, Mr. Robinson, March 15th, at ti u o'clock. Browason Line with some be a of clover an4 ifi seed od his sleigh, he was so an ortunate'as r W. G. autl W. H. Willis, gave much - Killoran was c'ut on the head, and James Wm. -Pickard & Oo. ure to the audience. Scott was in*ured in the ribs.—The seers. who has been visiting friends in this vicin- be hh44 Wid. the undisputed: name to losel a bag of seed. However, a neighbor G01. -ment of the Lord's Supiper will be dispensed ity for some time.—Mrs. Win. Snell has re- C1 iselh urst. coming along the road after Mr. Murray that W14 �sto.rd has for reliable and SEAFORTH. COUNCIL DoiNos.—The council had its re. at the close of the morning service in the turned from Harriston, where she spent a EMS—Mr. '1homas who was so found I the bag of seed and returned it to hig6l dIA44 good will more fbAn I 1. I 8 Ow severely injured i ;ome time ago gular meeting on Monday -evening. Presbyte an church on Sunday next. The mourn with members of her fa i y, 0 ing is -doing fair. the oWner.—On Thursday last, Mr. Thomas everil maintained the coming, ly well. —Mr. Go rge MoTaRgart was a dele. Snowden lost's, two-year-old steer. It was Grand TrunkRailway to the illness of ]Slayer Scott, Reeve Beattie pro aratory service, this (Friday) afternoon, reside __there.—Mr. George King, of Wing- fham a few days h seas presided. A rebate of 1.00 in taxes was wilrbe n.onducted by Rev. Mr. Penton t ere this week with te at the Roval Templa of Temperance smothered to death in a straw stack.—Mr. n his �rr ther, J. W. King. granted to each of the remen. The fire Sbratford.—Miss Maggie Wilson has been ristriot nwetir�g at Goderich. Ile is now ames H. Pollock has been laid up with a AD and water committee lire empowered to spend' the pasb week or so ab Rev. r. District Herald.—Th 0 t' Govern e u. o�ay a ment sore foot, being so unfortunate as.to give purbhase grate bare the new boil e -r at in Usborne ZARLY1. SEWING. AGENCY. Matchers, Thames Road, .—Mrs. has appointed'Mr. Peter dep Dashwood. uty his foot a severe cu ' t with au axe, while on- 5'teaMShip T ICKET 7 Th John B. Henderson, of the Huron Road, the -water works. election of Alex. game warden for,Ontario.� - Maj derson gaged in cutting wood, but his many friends or An NOTES.—Mr. H. Eilber, the Conservative Broadfoot as chief of the fire -brigade was West," w&A in Oxford county Isab week, at- andi he are the ri' t en in the right nlace gr� glad. to man h; ar-ritivorl a aln —Lfv—A num- candidate in the coming election, held a very 6 confirmed by the. council. The following tending the funeral of her mother. :-The Royal Templars of Temperan 1 Xany�,,-P�biople 'like to get their saccessful meeting in Mosee-z hall on Mon- ce I in- Etue, of Michigan, who had been visiting polling places *ere selected for the n� her of young eeople attended a carnival in tend holding a oper meeting in a short Mr. Charles Sreenen, has returned home.— Spritidt8giving done early. Many. day night, the large and spacious hall being comi eat, a Through tickets to all points East, W provincial election: No. . 1, at E. Cash Exeter, on Monday night.' Some of the time.—Mesers. eorge MeTuggitrt and Will Mrs. M. Westlake is at preseat visiting her ring ftlled to its utmost capacity. Mi. McMillian, of Worth and South.. Shortest routes quick store; No. 2, sample room, Queen's hotel; boy ,U �'*ring lines are a1ready.- a took part in the races, but didn't b Pypue were th deleg(xtes to the Royal daughter, Mrs. Snowden.' ca b ipoke in behalf of Mr. M. Y. time. Write or 11 on No. 3, 0. C. Willson's a -tore; No. 4, James anything home with them. Miss Tens Wil opeh� d it.0, an of Hulletbo Templar of Temperance Grand' Councill t d thse early buyers McLean, the Liberal candidate; —Miss Mary Thompson a store; No. 5, town hall. Rev. son is on a visit to London friends.—The St. Thomas this -week. This is one of the wiltibliA here A-1 values Shettler left on, Tuesday for Californ in Em--� he a was appou - -\ W. Somerville, Agent.. Mr. Hodgen ited Collegiate In. following were ticketed through to t best Councils in f he district, and are solemn- Londesboro. broigeileb, Oottons, . tShp-e We happened to be w er.—A tings where she ill reside with her broth ly liVingup to i�g�Ly our, weekly ti J. Macdonald tie rules and stitute rustee for the eusaing term. A west this week by Mr. R. by-laws of the GATHERLIMS.-Zpworth League was held number from- here -attended the Hardy Shilri and all staple dry goods (Successor to H. A. Strong & Bro.) motion was'passed authorizing the council C. P. R. ticket agent : Charles Ward, to Iorder. on Monday evening as usual; subject r1of5mR, wh eeting in Exeter on Tuesday. —With deep Telegraph and Express Building. to purchase a mattress and one good horse, Edmonton Mrs. Chris. Dale. Mrs. in The h6W, Prints are in. They're On us, God's unfailing prom blanket for each room in the look up. The\' -O'Rourke and Mrs. Flynn,- Dublin. for. regret, we this week chronicle th ises," taken by Miss Gke Carrie Howson. The children of the junior an ever before and you. re.Broderick, ibeloved wife. of Mr.Ambrose enwaV. 5,1 , I ary s;klutation saw. of $10 was franted to the hospital for Glastion and Milton, North Dakota.—The M League formed the choir. This was the beat ENTER AT ANY TIME. are *0 ee them, No we were doij Broderick, and daughter of Mr. D. Liven. TES. -The Id Methodist' church was meeting held this. year. ­m -The quarterly Sao- sick children, in Toronto. A number of ac. regular meeting of the Collegiate Institute good, of Iffay. The 'sad event occurred on sold by' public ction by Rev. G. H. Tho counts were passed for' payment and council Literary Society was held in the assembly u want to buy -now or. that we were In - ramental services of thb Londeaboro, circuit, 10 Saturday night. Her remains were interred The lam seats, at etc. 9 b ft were held in Kinburn church on Sunday, adjourned, to meet. at the call of the mayor. room of the school, on Wednesday afternoon son. The lam eve, not,.,, roug. vertisement, I in the GoLhen Line cem ag -W- 6th inst., and on Monday following the heartfly, -and etery. She leaves a &bout -$2.0. The church was bo lit by of last week. Mr. Robertson acted as critic shusband &'rid one child to mourn her loss, for the meeting, and the following interest- J. Wilson for $46.—The Farmers' Inatibu quarterly official board met for the trangae. PRESE-NTATio,x.—Oa, onday evening of to wise Piano who have the sympathy of the community this last week the membeo of the fire. brigade ing programme was carried out meeting held in Huron hall, Tuesday, Feb. tion of business in connection with the STRATFORD, ONTARIO, in their mad bereavement. Do you suppose for assembled in the brigade room to do honor duet, r. and Miss MeMann ; debate, re. ruary 8th, was J well attended. The ad- church the greater part of the board were ros, presen pl will fmd One, of the largest and most successful to their fellow membdr and treasurer, r. solved that Canada has a brighter - future dresses wake all �ntereating and drew oat a -e t, The finances were a little behind. Ho ; hns B chools in the Dominion, Write for new George A. Sills. Mr. Sills bas long been an than the United States," affirmative, -lively and pro table discussion. Leadb 9 ury. Mr. J. An invitation was given to Rev. J. W. And. i� rubbers, (lutr I you haveo -s active member of the brigade and the boys Messrs. Sanders, Lawrence and Dow iber. W. Drummou( proved himself a most Bic., bargains in heaivi- rews to remain with us another year, sub. na W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-592 showed their appreciation of his service by negative, Messrs.. Gerry, Buchanan and Mons). All kinds of overalides and winter goods,' efficient chairmxa and capable president. je3t seeig that to the stationing committee. —Thomas OT IMPORTERS, presenting him with a handsome con i been confined to his bed ch. so. Kemp. . The decision was given in favor of cheapest in t9wn. W. H. Wils, opposite Expoe. There were som, ithing over 26 subscribers to Lawson, who haf sa� is an A& compauled by the following address: "We the negative, violin solo, Miss E. Pickard. itor Office. Seatorth. 1576.1 the institute se, ured. A number of our av for some time, is not able to get out yet. they h --e a] r e brigade leading farmers were present land said We hope soon to"hear of his recovery.—Mis election (W A the members of the Seaforth fi —On Monday evening, Rev. Mr. Taylor, of MATRIBIO-NIAL.-:-A, joyous event 'took it desire. to express our sincere thank you St. Marys, delivered, an Titereating address place at the residence of Mr. John Rae on' was the beat meetiug they had attended. ,:�CLMTON. a to eing' the mar. Addis Crisp lins been visiting friends at SeSsion speeel as treasurer of our brigade. During the past on in the school room of St. Wednesday of last week, b Mr.Thomas Stinson and his daughter Mary, Belgrave. —Miss Jennie McKenzie is viefting dike news, 4 years in which you have held this office,, Thomas church. The attendance was good riageof Mr.Rae's-oldest daughter, Miss of Bayfield, visited friends here lastmeek.�-- her sister at BeIgrave.—Mrs. James Mode. DISTR310T MATTERS. your efficipacy, the readiness * and will- and the lecturer delighted all with his witty Me to Mr. Wiflism. H. Boseenborry, of Mr. C. H. Wilson put up nearly six tons of land and children, of Manitoba, who ad gounty oni i tad, an& ggie t6ined to strengthen that opin. yoA ingness with which you have performed remarks and pleasing ancedotes.—Mrs. ZurUh. Rev. P. Sluagrave performed the fine ice last wee] .—Mr. Sol Pollock, jr., h8s been ion. The h4ii.gbp tt' visiting friends here, reW ain- tleman then in -a few fi. Writings J any part of your work, the uniform kindness Moyle, of Cincinnati, Ohio, is visiting her -ceremony, in the presence of a small number rented Mr. Dan Elagan's farm for a term Of ton on Saturday, where she intends staying Words ex0irt*804 his sense of pleasure i the alone anythiv SOUTH HURON and firmness with which you have treated sister, Mrs. C. Clarkson. —The. hockey team of relatives and intimate friends. Mr. R. seven years.—M so S. McLachl an visited entlemah, iho klect-ors of South Huro about a week and then she will startfor her n had dike oraze 'is have won our eateem. and good will, and went to Goderich on Tuesday night for a A. McKee, and Miss'Mary E. Rae acted as his parents on ti e 18th' concession last Set- home. for their,t4o�tgontative and uiged hein. t PUBLIC MEETINGS. have been' creditable to yotirself and profit- friendly game. The result was a tie, each witnesses.. Miss Rae was one of our most urday. your tialk P he worthly deft� ry in t12e support hi ed Ale to the brigade. As - a token of. our side scoring four goals. -Mr. W. Westoott, amiable young ladies, and we wish her and coming eIoq610#,— Mr. Robert Paterson, values out Of. M. Y. :MOLEAN, respect and pood will we ask you to so of this town, who is at present working in her husband many years of prosperity and Rensall. cept worm h W 0 IS S11f. p leant for the precentorBhip of reply -to these st The Liberal candidate for South Huron, and this couch. We trust that 'as 'often as you St. Marys is -inaking quite a reputation happiness.. AccrDENT.-Oa �Saturdey evening last, ti�rian chure I oado very a Noirm.-Mr. James Bell has been selected NoTEs.-The big thaw left the r drivin I out west to a I P it will remind icy, an& rather bare in "some places. -A was - to in r g and as Dr. Macdiarmi4 9 of mied 10 Sabbath others, will address the electors at the fol- � insayiave occasion to use it, there as a singer. Th St.,Marys Jouriial of were addreEse E you of the men who served under you mud a recent date has a clippin' from the Detroit as a juror at the coming assize court at see a patient, he. Wet with a very serious evening. oof� are no thre lowing times and places politi e in Gosman's Friday, February 18 -Dixon's eBruce- with you, and we trust also, that you may Free Press which commelts thusly on Mr. Goderich.-Mr. Malcolm McKee had the accident which might have cofit him his ple and not field'L you and Westoott as a singer: M n Weatcott is the sQhool on Saturday evenin Both life, all thr6ugh't for that $'if ch namely eers, Jo n Mil- - last long be spared to use it. We wish misfortune to hurt his foot the other day. I he reckles's, fool-harqy. ler, J. . AUilbolm -an vjietht e'rdidates add -eased the e ectars an the com- d Robert Paterson, Monday, February 21st -At Cardno's yours peace, happiness aud'promperity in Possessor of the most remarkable soprano As Mae. is an industrious chap we trust he a driving of a drunken young man, ac jr., and 66 questions of the day. The attendance was bob, egation is called upon to Hall, Seaforth. the future." Mr. Sills responded in a few voice ever heard in this city. It can hardl will soon be all right again. -A birthday oodpanied by two other young men. bUge or any Mr. Thomas Code occup-ed the It AP* m ake chol4byfellot on Sabbath firt.-On Tuesday, February '->->rid- Nomination at words, thankingall forthe kindly recogni. be called a falsetto as its characteristic I's party in the interest of the EpworthLaague peais that when the doctor was nearing the who would a chair, and the rder was the beat that WednesdO, i4hing of this week a -ver Iffensaill, and at Town RaH, Zurich, at night. tion of their good fellowship. After this purity of tone -and volume. He was will be held at the, Walton Methodist church, first mile west of the villa e, he heard a rig mppy eveU io6k plac�-at the residence could be desired. -A large number of elec- h th peace Of' -Moser's Hall, the pipe of peace was produced and while one of the attractions. at an amateur on Tuesday evening, February 22nd. Re. rate o sp Wednesday, February 23rd coming at a furious 11 eed, and at tore went to Bry asels on Friday last, to heat Mrs.- Georib %dr, of this villa a which grat ly" Daahwood. the smoke curled up a card contest was held, ministral show in St. Marys this week. freshinents and music will be in order, and h once with all possible caution 'he drew out oecai -ge, 0 ify his Mr. W itney. A goodhower ofnow fell Dion h0i $Au ter, Alias Mbella, was. the Wh 1 gh To people Thursday, February 24th -Town Hall, withW. Pa3neandA. Boxssleaders. At -We deeTly re ret to. learn of the death of an'all round . good time is anticipated. on Monday eve ing of this week. -Council as far do he could to the side of the road, united in 46laige to. Mr. Robert Dalrymple, :F1 , I M and shouted out -a warning to the ! I forth arid th't ICrediton. the conclusion of the conte�t, Mr. Box's side Mr. Char ea Whitney, of Woodstock, -0 met on Monday nd paced dogs on the free approach- of Mooed Jkw' Northwest Tern'tory, Friday, February 25th -Maccabees' Hall, had won by 14 to and a former well known resident of this Zurich. list. This will 3e good. news to some. -A Ing party. Although they heard his voice, pros erou:s hmer there, and wlio fo forth to stay, rinerly the driver did not apparently endeavor to resi ed n fieke 'raud tend. town. Up to the time of going to press we NOTES.---�Division court was held here laib large number wi at to Exeter on Tuesday, �f in ,he townshi: of Tuck- -to build how, Saturday, February 26th -At Shipka, at have not been able to learn further particu. check his speed, but crashed into the doe. Try DiLL, Seafortb, for groceries, nothing Tuesday, Judge Doyle presiding. There this week to heir Mr. Hardy on the polit Tt.e marriage. ceremony was per. - I I- , tor's buggy. with such force that the cross- orpmith. Xal4e� for thei 2 o'clock in the afteriioon. but the beat kept In stock, and all kind of f Jars then that the sad evenb took Olace on arm pro. were a few interesting cases on the docket. cal questi'ons of he da Tuesday of next y. fo6iied bj he, Rev. 3 S. Henderson and - Each of the above meetings, except 'du7e taken. 1575-1 Tuesday from appendicitis. -Themeetings of bar wal snapped, tug and "harness broken le we pre L -Quite a number from her6 went to Exeter week wilt be nomination day. -A good Was witne6iod by only a few relatives ot the - ppop Shipka, commences at 7:30 p. in. CORSET BRGA1XS. -YOU aboul - the the Literary and Debating club have been and the. buggy generally wrecked. The 0ontr ard Of thorU1 see last Tuesday to hear Mr. Hardy, the Prem- many are goingoff to Manitoba in a irties, -the happy eo;u?l& so I pf rig b fair treatinerl Ladies are cordiallv invited. Corset we have at a greFit deal - less than the ]regular postponed until after the elections are over. few horse becoming freed from the and, zice. W. W. HOFFMAN, Seaforth. 1676-1 ier of. Ontario."' All were pleased and well days now.-M7r. Joseph Smith had a very choosing t�� bo irery quietly wedded. he Mr.. Eilber, the Conservative candidate, P The next meeting will be held on Tuesday springing wildly with'fright, drew the doe- bride A choice selection of prints, flannelette, e March 8th. -Mr. Norman McLeod satisfied to hear that the affairs of our Pro. successful wood bee on hursday of last tor, in his attempt to was dh� of our most estimable young goods, lit he missed by a -very large or any one in his behalf, will be made wel- hold him, over the shirtiDp, cotton, o9ttonades vince never were in better condition. -Mr week and gave bhe young people a party at ladies arid diem goods, just veninth-tirsday morning for Ottawa where he dash baard, head foremost, with such force come. and lefton At the end of any so arrive. Call In and examine rio, trouble to show David Levigood, from Detroit, paid hi; night'. -A gramaphone concert was held in circle of iWidilds and relatives. Mr. and will spend a few days listening -to the flow of brother-in-law, Adam S. Faust, a visit a- shine on Min 1day evening. -One of our that in falling he broke his arm at the wrist. Mr. Dalry ifit� will very shortly leave for to 'have a b goods, at DiLL's, 86aforth. 1576.1 Sun Ti. is an old saying that nothing is, so bad he lu BEAT T -11F, RECOitD.-Mr. James Robb, tlloqjence at the Legislative-fialls of the AV WANTED.-.B4tter,. dried apples and poul- few days ago. -We have.. good sleighing young men will )e married next week to their home the'Northwest, and the beat, ay. mallager of the Came packing house, infor ominion.-Mrs. Charles Powell, of Phil&- a but what it might be worse, and fortunately wishes of thOli 6ry many friends- will fol. take up -a -0 Ina try;. higbebt,prit-cs; largest! stock of dry goods, again.-IAst Tuesday evening the Conserve. Wawanosh youl g lady. :ua that the record for killing the largest groceries, b6ts and Eliges to' select from. 0. E delphis, who has been spendinq the past in this case it is the doctor's left wris that '-Mile Hemphill, of Wroxeter, 'ate low them.�,,, number of hogs in one day by them at their Wingh3m. 156T-tf cou le of months at her mother a, Mrs. F. tive candid , Mr. R. Eilber, had his poli is injured, so that, although suffering much- w s6me thd, p tical meeting in the town hall -here. Mr. ho was We '011168b of Mrs. Kerr, at the par- ,factory wa's broken on Tuesday last. From Case's. Maple Hall, left on Wednesday for Belmore. pain from it, he is yet able to attend s I - 41.90 DO ,I H-wizu. decided to give up 'business in McMillian, son of Mr. John McMillan, our onage, for, C, pait few weeks, returned ten o'clock in the morning until sb< at night Seaforth, I NOR offer mv, stock for mile for her home. She was accompanied by bar OBITUARY.- r. George, S. InTles, of the' to his practice. In fact, the v ry same We So days, member in the House of Commiono, repre� home 6utdo`d are pleased to see We bave about a 7-1 hogaiere killed,dressed and split. This beginning Siutrday, February 19th. Everything sister, Miss Violet Case, who will spend township of Car ick, died at his ome, near night, as he meb with his injary,ohe, with that James=&Zi�h must be cleared out, and my prices will interest any sented Mir. M. Y. McLean, the Reform can. , ur is recovering m*oel Gat may work was done by, only three men, Messrs. some time visitinA friends,. in Philadelphia Belmore, on Sa5urday, the 5th inst. H great pluck, after his . wrist was set, got a from his ret�iit serious illness.�4- --r. &N, who are In need of a supply of fine groceries. J. so ork. - r. Hayden illiams, of didate. There was a good attendance and 0 1 J � M F. Hayward, Charles Bates and Ja es Me- cRozizit, seaforth. 75-1 and New Y felt slightly indi iposed the rev driver and went out to the patient he was Mrs T 15 both spoke on the affairs of the province tious Satur- h . . Sha*V "! fioar Varna, visited frionds Astrachan-. utl Namara, and is considered by those compet. e the Bank of Cominerce, spent Suiday at his p o 'his way 67rat to see. er; Ient to jud vy rubbers, (lumber- home in Goderiah . -Mr. Wm. Marlton,. the and both had a good hearing, the best of day butn'o one i Luticipated th his illness LocAL BRIEFS. -Th Miss this iw�h 'ii Mrs. Sharp was formerly 0. I ity, ge as unusu4lly fast work. Mena). All kinds of overshoes and winter order prevailing tbroughout.-A. S. Faust, was more then slight attack of la grippe. snow storm of this M - W414rtley, eldest daughter of XD qual cheapce,t In town. food- renowned ship builder, of Goderiob, visited week has renewed the sleighiv which was. $7 ; two No. I W. H. WILLIS, opposite Xpog. our undertaker, last Tuesday, buried hi6 On- the following Wednesday the doctor was P.6y. A.agfi lla�bley..-Mrxii Paterson, of' tor Office, Seaforth. 1575-1 goes getting very bare in many p sees. Tim DEAD-Locic RRo=,�.­The dead- Seaforth last Friday. --w-Reeve Beattie _ in and to report hi a -�-'Large Isister-in-law, Mrs. Broderick, south of called a obliged is Brucefieldi I in the village this week 'a conditi n serious, ph d a ek patient's conditi via Ilook which has existed in the council for D.TLL's, 8 aforth, for teas, coffees and to Peterborough next week as delegate to the Dashwood, in the Goshen Line Cemetery. quantities of grain, pork, wood an tion 01, a canned good& pen eumonia hav- - iting re , rV.1 Mr. D. Urquhart was im, A large range XeJ some meetings -back., over the elec 1575-1 lade dent Order of Foresters high court, continiie to be brought - into- mark i.-Mj Mr. Norman Buchanan was home over ig set in. Mr. In lis was a native of Rbx- 188 Goderich pitt of. this week. ate Board, when away he will visit the bulls and bears Jennie Murray,who is in Winglis keeping $5.50, $6.b% inember of the Collegiate Inatit DENTAL NOTIcE.-I wish to draw the at' unday.-Mr. Ed.. Bos"'llberry attended boroaghabire, Scot and He emigrated to of havia in in in even- was broken at the eeting on Mond tention of thd public to the Impor6ance the Ast, posting himself fully on grai house for her brother John, 'is h JW their childreWs teeth look 9 tho Berlin horse races lastweek. -Mr. M.Y. Canada 'in 1857 and siarted business as a me thh, $10 ing last, by the election of Rev. . after in regard to Irregu. marketn.-Mr. E. Hamiltun, who moved week 9 ending a few days.-Mr.J. )rtwein, Wrox.eter. Hod- laritles. Parents are responsible for the appearence from here to Buffalo, a short time ago, has McLean, Liberal candidate for South Huron, blacksmith in GI mmorris the following year. Our own make Boy-fi genera mei gens. The retiring trustee is Mr. D. John- of their ebildron,,to a very great extent and anv will hold his meeting in the town hall here He was united in marriage to Mis reliant, -left here this , veek for a Ellen, EW-0ZRrA116Ik4T,-N.6thing in the,way of and 7-5c. p r based Mayor Scott?s seed store. We Michigan and Wisconsin, where hel intends e ti �atronized -in Wioxeter, son, who Im for a number of eerg been & deformity wh%tever should be rectined if possibli. a C next Tuesday evening, the 22ad. A big da;ughter of the late James Smith, of Glen- board, I ban frregular sliodw, I teeth, ard It Is something that can be easily over- and also combining business ith pleasure ce t was lgiul cloatis Vests valued and efficient memberof the Theceisnomore glaring deformity t welcome Mr. hamilton back toto n. morris. She eAtered into her rest eight " n those tates. like a school qo�' rt. . This fee t time ected, -as a great interest is taken 5iting his sisters residing i and while Mr. HodgenB will make a pruden is ex years al if taken in time. I acknowledge the lack of in the eleeptiou, and everybody` anxious to ;o, after la short but severe' illness. in evidence . last Friday night, w = iancl valued memiber, the willing and effioi- at in parents In this particui form of dentle- In 1865, dec e bought the farm on which 'te of a to le down pour of rain and whils away. -w -Quite a large number, from' 3fen!s weaT foli try IS due laigely to the Indifference of dentists. Brussels. I hear him. here and surrounding country drove d6w' Xshy roadc' ihei school house was paAed- entAervices rendered by Mr. Johnson,dur- he died an a the time of hir, decease n to owned three hun red acres. Notwithstand. to attend t Part ts who would care to have their chfidrene NOTES. -Last week, F. S. Scott sul what e dootmN bee the children perfo d ing all. the years he has been in office Exeter on Tuesday aftethoon, he P Will teeth straightened, are very often discoursge&by to th be missed by his colleagues of the board.-,' the dentist, because be either is known as the Batem Tuckersnuth.. Reform' h * I meeting held in Drew does not care to be an farm, near Ethel iog the disagree ble state of the roads the po Itics, 0 hear them sl6pl . A partition. was to)Mrmoa;(" being lot 18, concession Gre BIG bargains in heavy rubbers, (lumber hall, and which was addj�essed by the Hon. 0 bothered with the work, or tacks the ability to do It. Y. nor ownea - funeral, which t ok place on Monday after- en s�r More often the latter. My success , greatl I �` i J �,the seating capacity of the- WE RAVE ArnrovFD�-By DEATir.-On Jannuary 24h, In the past. with bZgTr. MeKilvey, to Thomas Earl, of mem). AU kinds of overshoes and winter goods, A. S. Hardy, Premier of Ontario . Mr. M. Y. ONB a number of most difficult cases, has been EUOh On to chea est in town, W. H. Wirs, opposite �Expos noon, was very rgely, attended by frie�ads d so ool, �hd At was all required. The rgaret Ross, relict of the late Georg for $5,000. -Polities are ell the rage cquaintauc Presbyterian in religion, McLean, M.P.P. Mr. A. JBishop, ex -M. P. 01 e warrant wy continuln and a- - uain sue a. Wa it. In the future I shell Itor 8fuce, Seaforth. performanc-4, 4Ad singiog of the children Ste rt, and mother of Mrs. Black and make a speciality of 9 branch -of deutlotty and now in East Huron. Mr. Whitney was Liberal in poli ce, consistent in life and P., and Mr. Hutchins, M.P.P., for North and older schd'blei were excellent, and great MONEY BACE any person consulting me will get my ve best ad. hear as announced on Friday of last week A a Middlesex. Themeeting, Inotwithatanding credit is dud.3168potton and his ladyas- Mrs, John B. Henderson, of Tuckeramith, PERSONAL.--�-,Mr. R. C. Brampton, of Red character, a tru and; sympathic friei vice, and most careful atte 7. ution. G. Deer, Alberta, and Mr. John Brumpton, of died at the residence of her i'on in Zorra and about five or six hundred people were kind, obliging oighbor, he will be much the very stormy state of the weather, was D. D. L., Seaforth. 1575.1 sistant foe 06 hianner in wh i; h the pro- Oxford Deceased was born in Lan- very largely attended and much enthusiasm Walker, eat many think he St. Thoinas, who have been visiting At the miseel by those ho knew him. Deceased -gramme wasi6rriod out, A play in mine arkehire, Scotland, aind was $7 years of age did not come up to the expectations and, in home of tbeirketer, Mrs. John W. leaves a family of -hree sons and six d. -Miss Lammie is this week in acts, called iP The Irish voter," W. -Fven, at * time of. her death. In 18,54, they &T Homm-The At Home, given by th' or Davis Toronto, Detroit, visiting her'brother Andrew, and ing al Society, on Thursday evening thy of much OREN & e not to be classed with either Rose left on Tuesday afternoon for to mourn his 10 a. They have the heartfelt b the older beholars, and elicited emigrated to Canada and the follow' Horticultur who'spoke hear- litat summer. where they intend purchasing goods gymp� friends there. -Miss Murray, of Willow The candi. before -t on .1 tire community. prause,as thei �kuhtioua at times wer-e laugT: j 7 yearlsettled in Zoirrii - whqre she continued of last. week, in te Oddfellows' Hall, dates. are in the south of the riding this Mr,,-133ruinpton returns to the Northweat. Grove, near London,'who is visiting her able in the eitibdie. �jr. - Ellis, -.of Mount. to ri�s�de until the time of her death. She Mr. Gann, X. M. I 00) was a very successful affair. week. -The ouncil has selected Ale ES END NOTES. -Quarterly services aunt, Mrs. Gavin Ross, of the London road, Forint, coml,6;..; I `Ii t 11 was oue of the pioneer residents of the the president of the society, acted as Lachlan to fill the posaft-O."4 held by John were hold in Turner's church last 0 an -day, luevale. Hay, was in the village this week. visitini V130f is , enlivened,'the nigbt'&4 41. ly enl count and was m(*t high esteemed and chairman. A good programme was provided for the last two years as caretaker by Rev. B., Clement, of Clinton. 0 *rtainmetit i with some weft rendereii, -Tho anni- Mocic TRIAL.-Th6 Orange hall was friiends;-Quite a number of our Villagers -On the iWrong Side If Irish and Dut-A Amp. The Gorrie orches. respected. Two sons and six daughters and a short intermitision �f rtioCat property. t--a-ant officer, fi vereary service at Turner's church will be crowded on W duesday evening given. when each of last attended the 6,nn1versary services held in Strons survive" her. Mr. tewart died some So one might chat with him neighbor. Violin Mr. Wright was not an held on Sunday, February 27th, at the tra, under of Mr. Robert, tor, etc. re week, when the mock, trial came off. the Presbyterian church, ' t Hills Green, on appli �e a years agoi. solos were given by Miss Moore and Mr. for the position. usual hour, 2;30 p. m. Special music, is priso as M . Pet�r King whd - Wass 1 c. Sabbath last, and the tea -meeting on the Ashton, and flig W-roxeter quartette added, SEAFORTH-1; by Mr. Hale ; a one eye w Harry Cline being 'or w much to the 016ds4re of the evening. Mr. pre &red and everything will be d cused of atealin anA ho seempd following Monday evening, and report the y ke t e occasion one. of interest, Rev. to feel his tu nly. The co sel I or ervices on the Sabbath as conductd by 6hairman, and filled the, NOTF--,. - Mrs. Samuel recitation b Miss Begaie Young ; vocal solo to me it, disgra ekret Alex Chesney, of Cartwright, Manitoba, is spend-, by Mr. Walter -Willis and a paper prepared Brucefteld. B. Clement, of Clinton; will preach. -The the defendant w 9 Mr�l- A. McEwen f I r Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Goderich, as edif bill in a cap Ai itianner ndeed. B. it. HIGGWs, Brucefield, Notsry Public NOTES.- il", Atei. Mauro and Mr. 8 t ng aome. weeks with her father, Mr. wil. by Miss Tytler, on 69 have 'i e in and instructive, F nveyancer, Fire ani Life lasurance agent. Any �pworth League of Turner's church the prosecution r . John McCrac as well as eloquentr; ton debate 4h- Dr. Macklin d lia-in Bickle, of this village. She is accom. their Culture," Was read by Mrs. Kirkman. amount of money to loan at 5 per cent.,, on first-class issued a topic card for the next 9 months. judge was Mr. Robe�t G. C ore e ffliver�ed. The tea-mOeting was the best was Mr. an Cr#, panied by two of her Aildren �Wv are Although the object of the meeting was not farm security. Also a limited sm3uni of private -A number of children in thi b Ward, of MlId.11, at 15elmore on Wedv. a vicinity foreman of the 'ury,!'Mr. Ir E a 9 tcher, TJd ever held in connection with that 'congre* n a W -t0 , on the subject, 11 Re. funds at 5,per cent. At home every morning and have been-suffer'ing with scarlet fever, �but the clerk of the ourt was Duff. T e gation.-A number of our sk;ti recently s= 'Chmit an organist in our church, to solicit membership for the society, we Wednesday of each week. that Ihioe�lal Federation would bene- wi Appli- J. e e d cations for the position are being received think many resent enjoyed themselves so we are pleased to note ithat they are all able lawyers did ver we indee*d and so d.d attended the Seaforth &Z EX te ri much, as we I as receiving useful hints in nks, and fib Cauadao"'�`bf h* ur boys had the this week and next, but only from members NOTES. -Mrs. Delgaty and children have In, an � 'It. . . to be out age, d no new cases are rea the witnesses bul some imes their evidwim at� the latter mentioned place witnessed a Jr ieh; of our own congregation. A trial of two flower culture, that they could not but wish returned home after a two weeks' absence, ported. Mrs. G. Crich is visiting relatives -was extremely e(nflicting.' The jqlge's d 3. negative Masi Od came oat, victorious, " is� very exciting race betweem contestants to belong to such a society. in Goderich.-A numWr of the West End. i Sabbatba will be iven, and the successful visiting friends �in and around Mitehell. nearly alwai ithd base wt en Wroxeter com- i cisiod was that t he. -prisoner was not 'I of that village, Clinton and Seefortb, but in 9 - Mr. Xetchen is ul I y petes with nelk-libqringito wns in any li caudidate-will. be required to lead the singing A. P. having completed h era spent a very pleasant eveninli at the t] a which Mr. ONeil, of Exeter# was an easy nef' and the good news was greeted loudly fy work in con`ndcti`11 with the Farmers' Inati. residen tit* and play on Sabbwtbs and at the weekly erayer DEATH OF MRS. WH�LiAm'A' ce of Mr. VV. C. Landaborough on heretofore sorro, ving friends of the youp victor. -Mrs. W. C. Davis entertai compe I ion., debatug soolety in the, ! is ome agai 9 ned a 'hborhood *ho will >f MeKillopo It is with feeling of deep regret that we this 'y neig meeting. -Alias Lizzie Neelins ITG'Iliso-,�.- 'tube h n. -Mr. Muir conducted Tuesday evening last. man. The next - meoting of the literar number of her young friends on Thursday g&uu services in the Presbyterian church, Blake, BOARD OF HEALTIL-A meeting of the society will be on Saturday eve tlet for a A6 0te pn the single tax or 'Was a guest last week at the residence of week chronicle the death of Mrs. William Be ning of thlis evening of last week. -Mr. J. J. O'Brien, of bbath afternoon. -Mrs. (Dr.) Armstrong, - board of health� was held in Kyle's hall, on week, and inatead of �a debate the eveniig Goderich, was in the village this week vi t. her uncl�, Mr. James Cumming, A this vi- Aitchison, which took place. at her home Mi For IMP the silver queibiot wil,11find those here who. e.-S� in of Fullerton, was here this week visiting the 15th inst. D. McIntosh, V. S., of will be devoted to &,musical and liter4y ing his father-in-law, Mr. A. McPherson.- veral of our young peo Hallett, on Monday. It was well known friends.-][Cev. Joseph Edge, of Goderich, Brumfield, was- re -appointed chairman for entertainment. Next week at the regql�r On Tuesday morning last. a very larg shipped a eat Idid of oatmeal last week.-,- ff ple attended will take it up;; -Uessro. Gib.son & Barmard g; tive members of the, meeting -of the At a meetia� rociety a mock election will gathering assembled at the depot to do bon. ep U�,,td ac din.g. We should say those good people an affection of the he Pr b rteriall , 0 Mr. Mrs, George Strong's wooden wed. �'health for some time, having suffered from bath. -Mr. William Simpson, who has been seconded by JAn Shepherd, and carried be held. The C:)nservative candidate, Mt.. 11 h Christian Endeavor Me D-therring on Monday. nigkt in honor -9f that the deceased had been in delicate preached in the Methodist church laet Sab- the current year. Moved by G. T. McKay, and art, but no immediate working a farm in Algoma for Mr. Must,%rd, or to Hon. A. S. Hardy, Premier of On- willneed enlarged accomod%tion to makei dangeras anticipalted That this board recognizes that in -the in- John -McCracken; Reforin Society, held�',,' 00' LI y it was decided to, until a few days be- during the past summer, returned here last. candidate, Mr. tario, who WAS passing through here on his The 0auadian -ill the elogan� terestofthshealth of the inhabitanto of W. J. Duff; P�oh work w e for a year on trial. u patient sufferer and passed peacefully a Articles were Oklmi up by the pastor as a use of t articles of furniture fore her; death. She had always been a week. -Two, large ileigh loads of youn ibition candidate, Mir. way to Exeter 0 address a political meet which were being moved southard o this muniei edule A, (section Will Bailey Eq al Rights candidate, Mr. ing there in Dre' 'a hall,:and so enthusiastic The all Monday evening from town. way people went to Clinton to spend 'a -socilal 113) of the sabot! ate. Tho ti augh- to enjoy them. -Mm D AIQy theY live trusting- in her Savidur ZdiycabhhRe's1s1b act be strictIT en. 'William Fraser. Only two of the can4i- were our village a and friends who had. as 4gular meeting last Bab. Una to the heart long She was a d evening with the Christi -sit -Endeavor of forced, and that all -parties batheveni Clark spent ter of the late John M'e-*Kenzie and was born interests 'be -dates cad be else d. sembled-- from t surrounding cou t t ng t�ucb enjoyed, there being -on Willis church on Tuesday evening. an exdellent i ary' Yuk Gold -Miss illie Oliver,. of Clinton, Is that early hour in the morning ead by Miss M Mil "rX each Week Nova Scotis. When about two had a very pleasant time. -Many Will regret provisions of the same." 0 go Or of the .Wroxetef,� obA a few days with frienda in Tackersinith. in Pictou, They enjoined to acquaint themselves with 4the NOTES. iii a I 1, the te ler, on the years of age she, with her parents, came to to learn of the serious* illne'Es of Mrs'. Tay ne awo of sear, visiting at her grandfatheen, Mr. JAn seized the Opportunity of even only a few 'RNED OUT. -We learn from the follow- McKillop. She was married to her now Prbte Ailrbh.-The political meet. Yukon letina, of a severe type has been reported to urge -so -M`r. J mes Gray's sale on Thurs. imoments to presenb an address of welcome lor. As she is somewhat up in years, very- the board. All precautions have been taken B last. wee had a very large atteno. to and 'confidence in the administration Ina, a ress the two candidates, Imted -dipping from tbeKi-llarney,-1N1anitoU, sorrowing husband 28 years ago. Her fam- slight hopes are en ay Of ing c d of dd th prevent the spread of the disease, and so ance. The bidding was lively a -the honorable gentleman. Guide, of the burnirig of the residence , of iby'�onsists of five, four sons and one daugh- Her daughter, Miss Lizzie, nd prices The address was Money, was largely at- nd at*& 11 Air. 0. Vowjer, -0-1 near that place, 1t. ter four of which surive her, is also very ill, far no other cases have occurred. The see. were good. ' Th cows sold' brought from read by tended. The*14' 6 ave such a forceful in March and viz.: Wilson, --with a severe attack of pleurisy. our worthy reeve, Mr. A and Mrs Fowler are now on a visit to On. of bryadale; Robert, of Bar River, Algoma emypathy is felt for Much rotary wag ;nsti,Lieted to notify all school $30 to $48 each. Mr. W. J. Duff has been Urquh rti on behalf of the Reformers, speech, in favd�Molitee Iffard- 'Inverampnt train leaves and I neigh. the family, in their trustees to iave all school wells properly' appointed issue of marriage license"L.-ReV. W a that Mr. Dieki0od and Mr. 211oney could week daY. 'For tario, au� their many friends in the and I Isabella and David wbo are at home' double affliction.-Mr.� S as a high tribute to the respect, worth i borhood of SeafoAh will regret t cott has disposed oX cleaned out during vacation. ' lWepayers W. J. Went turned from Toronto last and statesman-like abilit of o learn of She iwas a consistent member of the Presby- most of his carload of corn and he Ot Well efface �ffoct 'on the audience. formation regard their loss. The Guide says On Tuesday antioi. y the Premlor. teriau church and was Much respected b y Lp t are requested to report any matter in week.-Remem r the political meeting in The honorable. gentleman replied in to a es getting another car very soon. --M r'. a most which the public 1ealth is at stake,, to the the Foreater's h 11 on Monday next, iti'the happy and able manner e pressing his ap. One of Wi4itikin's former well-known. morming Inst, the inmates of Mr. 0. Fowler's all who knew her, being aluays a friend 0 'Thomas Fraser recently made quite a large board or any of its members. a d Mrs.. Fred McCracken; Preciation of the honor thexy had conferred residence, at Hallett, had to make a hur. the needy, an o .4 evening.- bliging neighbori. a tender 1 purchase of thoroughbred sheep, numberilyg meeting of the council was of Brussels' a a was fAittled at Portage Is 'Pmirie, rried retrqat. from the upstair windo*s. Mr. mother and a loving wife. Her ever 3els,; a; nb Sunday at Mr. John uponhim,an th6 confidence expressed in roendeendtnesday j, 6� week. tit, Joseph P, R. Ticket* We an co 'Youbill, so� `WM'g- don L real. a very high m, formerly,', In James A- Cline & Co.��'Jst Aswan, M r. Wa 9 e r's Sproat's Creek Drainage Only Leech's.-Messr . Alex. and Samuel M6.. Opinion of the electors of the three Huroii hardwae storl to Miss Jennie d the house WAHL being occupied by Mr. her a host of friends so that she will not noted barrister, of Mont I S. Yubill. of -der ani twenty. They were purchased from the held at Kyle's hall, OD February 15th, at 10 Gardiners.-Mi a Marion Gregory, of Wing- his administration, and assuring them Chat A. Fowler and family are visiting in the � east thoughtful and unselfish disposition won for celebrated flock of Mt. Greenshield's the o'clock, as'a - art of revision, under the ham, visited o er- Sunday at Mr. Joseph he had. always entertained be oney Or t lit -formerly f London, 9 A. AlUiTior and wife and a young English- only be missed in her home but 'in the en., enterprime is commendable and as he has bad one appeal. was presented, viz. by James Goe, of Battle Creek, Michigan, visited and that his contact with them in the' Wyatt, Of W 11 l� n,3n named Smith. 4 o'clock in the tire community. The sympathy!of all is ex. -very gocd success along this line in the past, Sproat, on the ground that by a clerical their -mother in I he viUage last week. Th' I meetings he was addressing throughout the Ontario. a p law w M I..... .....