The Huron Expositor, 1898-01-21, Page 1I - . . I , -. 1�1 - . I I - - , I � � , . . � I - -7-w----!�'�7-,—,���-'-...-�-"I -" `1 ' ' - G""FFM5FX� , h&flow . I : - I I . ; . . - . - , I . . , ; , A -r� . I I � 4-%* -;W ---1f-170 — — . �r — — ��� , I? A%L rus =� , ary% Find i 111rasual pric enty of roo, I with frei, ning up)j� a] ,ind- bar,,ain, , a all d ' IL eparl � I I - � L I 11 I � �Iantle Stfi% � � Tweed an, �.ular pric� cl ,. leared ou �' Mantles i. a been frot . out- at on, ,, . � black an( . I been fron ' ame' of th( go � one price I - - . � �, of. Jacket � not a lot ol st,yles, bui ts- These �e, stock in a �me soonek . -1 . � - � 1* � 1no1q.R., . Z!� erwear, our .. -Januar.y, . I Fine Wool lack. For - - � - I '� inch.sk , ....... 350. d Dress � ....... ��, Shaker ai ...... 100, � . ains. -r ..s, re- � ale-.95c - $4 -75, � -41.10. - . Dargmin, .dkv, Jan- ) x t w e e'%-. 0S.1 ts 7 �d in Cox, �g, "ith of' I ,W council � and wa- I substan- � Cooaomy lie hearty- lat toads, . . Eord, who - r praise il. mniber of . , Owing Zo- �tion3 are on. Mr. Ifully at. cea were bemissed i�hoir with-. lrs. W. �1� guests, , �`, of this 6hool in- � er8tand . a Mer- . , years, r gage ia , I ,1 to re. I . mencincr . C7 . ik.-The- - - . on our � i ek, and I skatera- L I . w wndid . enjoy I I list of . ,'ing and * mis& I ; Auma, i I Jarness. i Frank . I xeter ; I � A ch, - , �WR-­ - - � .,3, re- � � �4anau, , � Ill ge, �. S - - �j -- � - � - 1rie ds, � � .r n 1, , , 1. I esident ? . . " . 1� 4 rrinized ., . . - I � � uesday -- L' oung� Z , � J , . - �, 111, was- ­. ,, - -. , � 6anan, - I ,� . . t Waal � !U 1: v wed- ' ', � I � - i -nee in — I . i r I - I The . I . I � I. iss G. �, ., � I I , � -f t ; � -A ra. , 1 1 JIDr of I 1, who n and state- �� con- 1111111- -Mr. � i spent, ,Nlrs. rail- ccon'l- visit- �Mlw­ .1. o — , . I I . . . � THIRTIETH YEAR. : � . , McLEAN BROS., 1, Fublisliers. I I . WHOLE ' NUMBER, 1,571. 1 - I , FRIDAY, JANUARY ' ,,,!-19 1898, " 1 $1 a Yearfii Ad�ance. I - � � I .. . - � .. I A NEW TOWN IN AN OLD the very soil -that once was soaked red ing medicine at Queen's -survive. Some Quite a lob came ,from the Ottawa valley, a ion and had only been sick a week. She Robertson, Peter Fowler, �W; J. Currie, . . . . i I .. ! 11 I . . I with the blood of Christian men, concerns time ago he was stricken with apoplexy, from Iroquois, and from Point Levis, Que- was 33 years of age and leaves to mo Andrew Fox and John Mu.- ey ; auditors, T . . diott. Immedi- I � DISTRICT. , I himself less with the awful drama than but he rallied, and seemed to re3over his bee, three of the greatest districts east of demise, besides the sorrowing husband. a John McLean anti H. B. Kk I I � Under the above head a correspondent in, wi ket or the price of prime usual health, but last week was taken with Kingston. Strange to say, this year hay is five year-old daughter and the baby. � ately after the annual meet"ur, a meeting . I I steern. . a second stroke,frorn� which be never rallied. being shipped from Kingston market to . -For the litilf-year ending with December of the directors wa8 beld, when' William - � i the Toronto Globe of Saturday last i the . . . 2 Igives . I : . . � following concise and interesting hirstory of But the"cene changes, and. with it the The deceased was a Conservative in politics; these three laceo, thus opening up a mark- 31st, there were reoorded with W. Coates, Robertsoi� was appointed seletary-treasurer - . � - title of the land. The sanguinary conflict� in religion a Roman Catholic. ot for local Sealers and farmers throughout registrar, of Clinton, 21 births, 11 marriages of the society and a committee appointed to . .. T U� RITY the Huron district in the early days, to- �. . FU , . � gether with a graphic description of the on the Plains of Abraham had changed the -Mr. Michael Quinn, a resident of King- the locality. If it were not for this market and 21 deaths.. see if arrangements could ndl� be made for . I -1 - I M del . I new city of St. Joseph, being built by Mr. destinies of half a continent. France fiad ston since 1832, died last week, aged 83 hay would be selling at five dollars a ton, at -Gideon Perrie, of Grey, and champion , the running of an excursion � to the � I o I , -weight athlete of the world, has as- Farm in the course of a few onths. 0 � . � - � Narciase Contine, 'of which , many of our lost�her grip in North America. Soon the years. He was a fellow -workman with the the very highest, and only the finest quality heavy . . r �' �- I readers have heard so much. The narrator Huron country, Which, after the conclusion late Hon. Alexander Mackenzie in building would command -this price. sumed t4e position of instructor of heavy- -A haripy,event took pls�ce at the resi. � I - I - I I � I writes : ot the struggle just described, had fallen the Martello towers in Kingston. -The coal firms along the Canadian shore weight athf4ics in Howard College, Boston. dence of r. W. A. Johns I Wingharn, on I Z I a . - � - -Edna, the little eight-year-old daughter Wednesday evening of last %veek, it being ; ,� � �, The traveller Journeyi northward on back into the unbroken solitude of the -The first session of the fifth Legislature are up in arms against the Ontario Govern . ed on ment's bill for the better observation of the of Mr. Robert Aikens, of Wingham, died on the celebration of the marriake of his sister, I . .. the London, Huron .t r ng a ort � I CLOTHING � w , B nee Railway tra- meval wilderness, began to be invaded of the Province of Quebec was prorogu h illness Miss So his, Margaret Jdhns, to Mr. ,I verses one of the richest tracts of agricul- Eyri3tout Britona, J3cotsmen, Englishmen Saturday afternoon by Lieutenant -Governor Lord's Day. They claim that if vessels Monday of last week, after a , ` Ch of *ingham. The I I he west. Chsiipleau, with the usual foriaalities. The cannot coal on one side of the river they *11 of inflammation of the bowels. v %. . - tural and in Canada. Eveg square foot of and Irishmen. The vast plains to t . - wi . William Wastings, ., E . . � . the soil of this portion of Huron is under ward that were known as the Indian terri. House sat 45 days. simply cross over to the other, and that -B. T. Ford & Co., who have carried On bride was assisted by her sis6r, Miss Alice ' � ., - . cultivation ; and all along the Hue of the tori;;, had pasped into the hands of the -James' Thompson, founder and head would mean a kreat loss of business to a general store in Woodham for sonie time, J. JohnA, of Toronto. The groom Was ably I r I . - every I - I I railway, at intervals of from ten to twelve Hudson Bay Company, who were . of the wholesale grocery firm of Thompson, Windsor, Amher8tburg and otherplaces. have dissolved partnership, Mr. R. S. Ford supported by his brot4er, M'r. David Hast - SALE - I I - miles, prosperous towns have grown into ex- where be i i to feel the keen -competi- Colville and Company, Quebec and Winni. -The Governor-General has approved the oing out. His place will be taken by his ings, of Turnber . The nutptial knot wax I � ginning - I ry r � I -home, Winnipeg, intmentof Hon. Francois L 11 frother, A. J. Ford. . tied by the Rev. James ]%'-amilton in the - I appo angelier as - I istence, each with its own particular indus- tion of the-Nortbweat Company. Sault Ste. rg, dropped dead at his _ . � tries. From this region, too, come thous- !darie became a great fort or'trading post- , awat Saturday night. a judge for the Superior Court for Montreal, -John Crooks, adn of W. Crooks, of presence of the immediate �elatives of the � � � I f -At Marthaville, near Forest, while hay. in place of Mr. Justice Jette, who has re-- Goderich township, Who in employed by, contracting parties. . I ands of barrels of the finest apples or the indeed, it had been such under French rule . signed. Mr. Jette has been appointed Smallman & Ingram, London, was 'in the -The annual meeting of t e Stephen and . I I British market. Indeed, Huron county -and trappers on their way thither from in a tooth extracted, Mrs. Joseph Quinlan, i . : DAYSM . may, as a whole, be term6d a veritable the Huron country bivouaoed on the pretty died unde�r the influence uf chloroform. Lieuteuent-Governor of Quebec, and will city hall at the time of tbe recent disaster, Usborne Agricultural Society was held in - .1 I .1 � garden.- Less than a generation since the little bay, and on the exact.8pot where to. She leaves a husband and three small assume office immediately after Lieutenant- bat escaped by reason of being in the � gal- the tcwn hall, Exeter, on Widneisday of last I . . whole distr I iot was, comparatively, an un- day a new town is rising up. children. - � Governor Chapleau proropues the Legisla- lery. week. The - different repOrts ., presented � . broken wilderness. Still again, however, the title of these -Mr. Benjamin Kloepfer, coal merchant, ture. , I -The Chilicothe, Montana, firnes, of De- Would indicate the society tq ' be in a healthy . I :1 I I i 0 tion. - Weaftward, a long level and extremely lands changed hands ; and from this point of G el h, and a brother of C. Kloepfer, M. -Xin John Garry, secretary of the Wil- comber 25th, announces the wedding of financial ondi The foJowing officers I u TJ&nuary 10th of pneumonia, being soncarbid6 works, St. Catharines, died last Will Watson and Miss Wood, of that city. were elected: .President-, Vy. .D. Sanders; � �, . fertile plateau fringes the shore of Lake begins the story of the Canada Company of P. I die . . a ra ioe president, W. G. Bizoett; second, . Huron, growing somewhat rocky as it ap- John Gait, and of Dr. Dunlop, poet, dream- sick only a few days. He was widely known week of pneumonia after an illness of only a Mr. Watson is a former Clintonian, being fi t V, � -, I - proaobee the Bruce eninsula. iThe soil is er and backwoodsman. Galt's famous road, and highly respected. � few days. Mr. Garry came to St. Cathar- son'of Joseph Watmon and cousin of R. James Ballant n ; directors X Christie, R. a rich clay loam, any the proxiinity ot the Out, through the forest from G�elph to God- -Grip has been playing sad havoc 'with I ines a, few years ago from Hamilton, where Holmes. . Coates, John 1 1 . e, Sii;�- �tanlake, D. I . erich, was the first colonizing influence. Brantford city officials. The city clerk, tlie he had filled the position of treasurer of the -While Mr. Rube Grigg, of Clinton, was Molnnia,J.MoNe i 0 i n, , P.Madge.,PMe. I I Saturda lakeso t6mpers the severity of the winters . Dundaa cotton Lviills for 25 years, Thb re. splitting wood in Colborne last week, the Taggart, H. Jone � udi. ra, 1W. J.. Carling, - i I that peach culture has been shown to be Both he and Dunlop' early recognized the assistatib city clerk, the city engineer and y I--&- y i- value of this lake -washed strin of the Huron the chief of the fire denart ent have been mains will be taken to Hamilton for inter- axe passed through the block easier than he F. Coates. i . -4 � : I I : . routtible. It is here, on the snore of t e . ; ; . I prepared foe, and entering his foot just . . . fake, at a point 2OL miles south of Goderich conotry, and the future town of Goderich off d t for a week, ment. Was -Mr. Win. Ferguson, of Morris, -went to : - I - q � . I � " was soon on paper in -the company's- t,ffices. -1%ig fire occurred in Toronto on Thurs- -A bank barn on William Jackson's above the iust&e inflicted an ugly "wound, Wingham on Monday Afteracion last, driv- � I � I ; and 20 miles north of Parkhill, Naroisse - The ownership of that portion of the I ract � a doctor. 91 - I - I - day evening of last week when the Domin- farm, near Everton, was struck by lightning which had to titched up by the ing his horse attached to- a ' utter. When �. - Contine, an enterprising 3 . . . � ' - I I JAN U ARD NT hich we are directly interested r'was ion Paper Box Factory was completely during the storm on Wednesday evening of -The Goderich townshi council held its on Victoria street, opposite 'alwarts' hotel, � Canadian, has commenced the herculean 10 w I . � . . I The warehouse was also occup. last week and burned to the ground. Most first meeting on Monday oflast week, and one of the hold -back straps b!, ke, which &I- .� - ity. soon again transferred. In 1827-I quote destroyed. , I A . task of building a 01 - was taken out before the the officers of last y' re -Appointed,. � ; Rather less than ei ht months ago the the Lizars sisters -an old Belgian noble- ied by the Toronto electrical works. The of the live stock , ear were i lowed the cutter to play du ,the horse's I I . � . L I I 9 . - I . ­ � 7 ite of St. Joseph -as the new town has man, the Baron de Tayle, made an arran I - � ,%(e - origin of the flre is a mystery. fire reached them, but eight head of cattle viz : Assessor, F. McCartney, salary $60 ; heels and it ran away. In 1 front of Mr. ; . � . � . � . I I been prettily named -was known as John- ment with the Canada Compan ) Y -Prof. Ellis sent word last week that he and the bulk of the season's crops went to collector,L. Anderson, salary $70'; auditors, John Mowat's residence it rai full force into -1t . . . � 1 202 & 29� 1894S a r lands in the found no poison in Paul Fink's stomach. Mr. "lies with the building. The loss will be J R. Holmes and G. Holland, salary -$5 �� 0. ston's Corners, and, contained one or two he was to have a choice of thei 11 a orhade tree, the jar breaking the animars � very heavy. e;ch. L ! log housis and a postoffice, boasting a week- Huron tract. To insure a right judgment, Fink died very suddenly in Waterloo, a I ' back. It was at once knockod on the head � ; . ' 1� - I Z he 6rought out Ca,ptaiu (then Lieutenant) ,ihorb time ago. The coroner's jury will re- - -While cutting feed a'short time ago on -Mr. Joseph Davis, teller at O'Neil's and killed. . ­ # I ly mail for the convenience of the farmers .1 . . I . ; � I I . . . � EEENEW� along the Aux Sauble line. ,To. Bayfield, R.N., whose name, 11 dear to Can- turn a verdict of "death from natural the farm of Mr. John McWhirter, near bank, in Exeter, narrowly 'escaped seriotis St. Joseph's Romdn Catholic church, 7 day the - - - L . : - - . . L I � , 66 adian science,"is known still as an authority causes." Walter's Fill@, thirteen miles from Owen on Thursday last. He was about to Clinton, was the scene of a *eddii* early . - Corners " is a hive of industry. The old from Huron toGampe. Bayfield made a survey -Mrs. Mary Mullen, rolect of the late Sound, Mr. W. J. Clark, aged 32 was in- =d the stairway at the rear of Monday morning of last weel� and was wit- I , I -. � L log dwellings, some of which have atood, L the . � . - . at . 11 I 3 � Some one has aptly said that the con- h nee the earliest settlement of the of the lake and of the rivers running into it Mr. James Mullen, an ex -Alderman of Ham- antly killed. The knife of & cutter building, and owing to their icy condition, nessed by quite a fe,w. Tse contracting I . . Ser �ps, al I . I J, . istrict�by the French, -have been torn ') bottom, a distance of LLL - tent which is merely an indolent I cruising about in his surveying schooner,the ilton. died last week at her residence in 0aught on something and broke, a piece of it slipped and fell to the parties were W. Taylor, who resides just �: I ., I � I � Gulnare, and, under pressure of Jiffioulies, Hamilton. She had been a resident of that striking Mr. Clark on the head. Decomed about 25 feet, sustaining injuries to his back south of Clinton, on the London road, and . - . I acquiescence in one's lot, is so down sad replaced by a dozen handsome, -. � I . . � � � � L � it modern ones. Tall factory chimneys are be. taking to canoe and bateau, making his way city for 79 years.' Four children survive leaves a widow, whose parents reside at To. and otherwise a bad shaking up. Miss M. McCaughey, only da4ghter of Mrs. I ­ I I . � - ---- LL � .; questionably a virtue, that . . much af ter the mamner of Dunlop with In- her. ronto Junction, and four children. -The Grey Orange District lodge met in McCaughey, gravel road, Huwett. -Rev. T. - . , . . � . ginning to darken the air with smoke, and -1 � ... �. i I seems better suited to the irra- diane and haH-breeds, and as a result of big , -John Cameron, the well-known lawyer -Mr. Samuel Davies, one of Brant's old. Brussels on Tuesday, January 11. Officers Welit performed th'e ceremon� Z the gulls that used to regard this quiet ., while Miss A- . ; . Charles I r4i; I � tional animals than to men. � - labors made charts, which were in use upon of Strathroy, died suddenly last week. He eat and most respected pioneers,Mpawd were elected for 1898 " follows: Tessie Kelly, Morris, aLad A McCaughey, , - -1. - . J I coast as their own especial territory are giv ' I *L � i ' the lakes until 1884, and which are still bad not been feeling well for a day or two, away at his late L residence, near ohawk Case. No.252,DistrictMaeter; W.R.Mooney Hallett, performed the dutiei�- ot bridesmaid - i I The content, On the other hand, which the place a wide berth. I ., , ..V . i �.. �. -1 � . , - . L , � - �� -- --. � i i is an acitive enjoyment of ` inint before describing the embryo city of looked upon as authorities. His minute in- but did not consider it anything serious church, last week at the age of 85 yeare. No.- 774, deputy master; Robert Barr' and groomoman respectively. 1, - - our spection of the company's coast line resulted until noon the day of his deathi when he Mr..Davies had been enjoying good health No. 621, obaplain; M. M. Cardiff, N(L 774, � *1 - I � � � - . I , i . . ; St. Joseph, it may -be well to refer to the L _, _Thomas Rey,nolds, of �ddijson, New I I 1. . 1�1 j re- - � lot, -cannot be too highly � in his advice to the Baron to purchase exi went to bed, and gradually grew worse. until a few days previous to his death, secretary; John Oakley, -No. 252, treasurer; I I - , 11 early associations of the place. Mr.Contino York, brother of James Rey#.olds, Hallett, ; I it-' t ­- - - commended toL sively upon the lower coast. The pres-' -One of the most highly ted and when old age and its infirmities seemed W. Smith and W. Holt. auditors. � , -_ bas a clear title the land by right of -ten . Lrespeo who has been visiting at his bld home, re- I'll - - I '.] Those -words—active enjoyment—are purchase ; but it was not always thus. ent village of Bayfield, ten miles north of prominent 'hysicians of Ha iltou, Dr. settling mbre heavily upon him. He will be -Wingham sports are into the, game early. turned on Wednesday of la�t week. He . � I - 11 � -9 in . I . . I . the town of St. Jose very much missed in the Mohawk vicinity, They have already organized a baseball club . -1 � i the cope. stone, so to speak, of Long years before. the first intrepid Jesuit _ph, was the first town Georie MeWalim Shaw, passod away Satur. came over to see his mother, *hom he bad � I I � � Father set foot in this magnificent site selected by th6 Baron. The little ham- day ast after an illness from pneumonia having reeided there for the past fifty years. with the -following officers.' Hon. presider'l, L: � - � . m wilder- . . - not seen for fifteen years. 8, is 94 yes" I I . � , our business building. let of Bayfield consi.sted of lumbermen's lasting only a few days. He was in- his 48th -A serious railway accident occurred on A. H. Musgrove; Hon. vice president, H. I � - - � 11 - - � � - ness, the Huron county was disputed coil. . of age, ban never used glasses her life, can . � � . � I � � As one season follows another, it calls Here Iroquois and Huroa� met in a death shantiev, log huts at up for the Baron's year and leaves a widow and four -children. the Grand Trunk, Railway. At the bridge, 0. Bell; president, James A. Cline; vice read any kind of print# an k,, it a pair of . � L L I I I i .- - - I � - � � : L . I . men, who at once Cgan taking out timber -A wedding was solemnized on January 12 near Granton, last week, a freight train was president, George. A. Newton; secretary, L . � for constant work, the clearmig struggle ; here, centuries before Champlain - stockings for him. while he home This : took aii e i th from the estate. - But the work seems ,to at "Aston Place," Owen Sound, the residence flagged and a flagman sent to warn the fol- Alexander Alderson; treasurer, H. B. I - - . 7 � I I I '. . . - out of one line of goods to malre 1, 8 in e 6' ht, was breathed the I is something unusual f4 a nion her age, . - 1.,-.,- , 11 , gi have been ill-advised, for in 1836, the of Mr.Samuel lJoyd, when Miss Jennie, 'the lowing freight train but the latber was com., Elliott. - I - , I ;;; 11 - room for another. awful war sont ot tie Huron brave : ' 0 of the fat, dark, little Baron's death,year second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, and ing at too swift a � rate to stop. The engineer -The death. of Mrs. John Gillespie, of and the public will be glad to A"know that she � i - , I . ']� � . I "the use of all - � � I places which t, e sun' floods with his light,and the enjoys the beat of health, hsx� . 7 - , Thus it is that f uturity sa;le—or our the moon illumin logo were lying rotting. The buildings con- Mr. Win, Coulter,local cashier of the Canad. and fireman jumped in time to save their Exeter, took place on Friday, 7th. inst., -. I &tea with her paley torch ; . ' ' her faculties and bids fair to see the,century ,- I . - I '. semi-annual sale—meaus the places where verdu L �e waves in the breeze, siated only of his store and a few huts ; and ian Pacific Railway, were united in mar- lives.,, and fortunately no one was hurt. after is long illness. Mrs. Gillespie's nisidien � . ,. �. .1 . ark. I -4 . � I I where runs the limpid stream and t in the year' following, the rebellion year, riagb. I Thrf;� cattle cars were badly smashed and name was Barker. Deceased with her hus. in . I �----, I he t9r- -Mr. Hugh Spackman f I . I clearing up of odd lots of od . , 4 E-xeter, meb � I .1 I 90 but fifteen able-bodied men could be found -Mr. John W. Vaughan, the well-known an engine and tender are completely wreck� band, had been residents of Exeter for many - - . ­- � � - rent leaps ; take witne3s, 0 earth, and ye � with an experience the other �iqht which he ,_r -- ­. I � . - new stuff left over from -the �va- I I - - � 11 - .1 heavens, that we are ready, eve!yone, to for the defence of their country. temperance lecturer and organizer of the ed. years. Mrs. Gillespie has been a sufferer I ; . - I � . son's" business. I Naroiae Contine, the present owner of a -Royibl Templars of Temperance in the Cana- -George A. Lee, M.C.4. br I akeman, met for Years, of a general decline, but the past would not care to have. mr.eated. It Main I .. - � , . . - while tilling a lamp with alcoliol at his home .1 , - I I I . I -. Futurity sale was so nsmed because it claim we snatch froin our enemies shall tea- Portion of this historic soil, and the pr6joc- than Northweeb, died at his residence last with a horrible 'death balf a mile went of months she was confined to her bed. for heating purposes, he aecid'ently spilt %, . i� . �-- -� - m 1� tor of the St. Joiseph enterprise, is in many week aged 57 years. Heart failure was the Tilsonburg last Friday morning by falling -On Monday eveninp of last week, a very I �- I had so repeatedly- made good tifiY to g' valor. The scalps ' ' quantity of the spirits on 'the carpet and .... 1. IL -1 I- - . I m - respects a remarkable man. He in but 27 cause of death. from the top of car. He was not missed pleasant time,was spent at the home of Mr. - �-- . . . . we tear from their pfostmse heads will orns, I when lighting the,lamp thk imflammable 1-4 1 1 . , faithful customers of m -For the first time in the history of Lon- till the train had reached St. Thomas. In and Mrs. R.A. Roberton, Goderich, when.& . ,� I I I I any ment our huts. iOur ,door lintels, we Years of age, and was born Within L stone. fluid ignited &act threatened -,,� serious blaze. -'I-,- -1 ­- ) 00 . throw of the town site, but has travelled don, a woman will iit at the School Board. the meantime seven trains had run over the number of the members of Auburn Home 11 1. ­ I I .. - buyers of clothing who had not shaR redden with tthe bl d of our pris- Mr. Spackman spread a blahket over the � - - _ L � ; -'.I extensively tbroughomt Canada and the 'After many ballots had been taken at the body, cutting it into fragments. Pieces of Circle assembled and presented Mrs. Rober- e� as - ­ k - I I - I I previously been such. oners. Timid in captivity, as feeble in United States. During the days of the council Meeting the Mayor's casting vote ap. the body were found scattered along the ton with a handsome clock, showing their blaz but it w with conside�able difficulty ' . . -. . . L I I - 1 .7. that, he extinguished the flamos. Theblauk- ,-. ­ - . Thu,q, we ireasonvd, that a sale made on c6mliat, we shall cauae them to parish by - r � slow torturings ; and when life has fled Baron de Tuyle's regime, Mr. Contine's ted Mrs. ]EI.A. Boomer a school -trustee. track for a distance of nearly &quarter of a esteem toward her. .. - ­- e I ; � . - . et was totally desuroyed while the carpeb .11 01 - I I .1 4-'Uturitv day meant other sales �1- Ven innova I L, L . . I Moir mutilated frames we shall burn thim grandfather came from Quebec to Goderich tion was fought bitterly by seg,- mile. Deoease& was 25 years of age and a -A meeting was held in Clinton- for the I . ' ' L � L . 1-1 - , I ., was considerably- damaged I I -, . to follow on other days, :and up and scatter their ashes to the four win4la entirely by water, apd, was thus the first eral of the aldermen, . son of Mr. John;Lee" of Kingamill. He was pufpose of forming a curling club. The - . - 1� ­­ � I t - � L I � 01 * officers were elected : Patron@,- -The residence of James �'MoNair, 15th , L L . - - French settler' -in the region. , -A new oil field promises to be opened at married but had no children. lowtn J . . r - 3 . - - � from that the name came to of heaven." - anion, Grey, was the ceitre of attrac. T;- . M ., I Point Edward. A test well has been put -Last week Mr. Henry S. M&wIan, of W. W. farran, James Fair, or., W. Doh- cOnce . L - L - ' soon to The French-Canadian colony thus begun, I -- �4- - I � But the a�lreaay bloody stage was � . -,--. - . . stick, until now everybody gradually expanded, until the whole die- down, and oil struck at a depth of five hun. Dawn Oil Field, was found dead in one of erty ;_president, John Ransford ; vice-presi- tion on Wednesday evening & last week for . - .1 - . I , feel the t tread of Champlain, who, practical. trict became thoroughly Canadianized. In. dred and forty-five feet. A company has is own oil tanks. The recent rains; caused dent, Dr. Shaw ; secretary -treasurer, W. about . 100 uests invited t6 witness the __-- I I ) I knows that futurity day has as he was devout, was at work in the new - marriage of C-8 Matyo the e�-Ieemed daugh. - I �. I . - . F come to stay, and also that it 49 deed. the traveller along the Aux Sauble been formed, and they intend sinking more th.6-bil tanks to'float, and Mr. Mawlan got Jackson ; auditors, G. D. MoTaggart, H. R. - .-- world winning souls for Heaven and a I . ­ . L I � -1 �.- - � may be -relied upon to give just line finds himself in a portion of old Quebec' wells at once. This is the first oil found in an auger d -roceeded to bore a hole in Combo ; managing committee, J. P. Tisdallo ter of the host and hostess,to - John McNabb, ,�: ­ L p � 8"' ' I � -L -1 I � . colony for France;" and from this date be- . a well known young FentlemAn of the 13tik . � : transplated into the soil of Ontario: The that Ticinity. the bottom of the tank. He was found W. E. Brydo�e, Dr. Shaw and H.B.Combe; % � . I L . . - L . _ . as the announcement runs— gins the story of the Huron missions. It is concession. At 6 o clock, Pigs M "I ­ I � : a story of toil, discomfort and discourage- manners and custoons of the Canadian babi. -The death of Mrs. F rances Snelgrove, shortly afterward, annhyxiated, and beyond inspector, John Johnston. � I '. argery - - '- L � . � _ a .; val 'aid. -A h Stra,chan rendered a,, beatftiful wedding ­ a . ­ . I ­ : � ues that may be had an taut remain here almost unchanged. The widow of the late Abram Snelgrove,occurred medical Mr. ilawlan'a aged mother wedding took place, at the , �- ­ 1� i I menb ; a tale of terribie epizedes. a _ ­ L � � appy A concession, - .� 4� these days only. farms, as in Quebec, for the most part, at the residence of Mr. Charles Brink, West still survive*. -The family are considered home of Mrs. Fisher, Maitlanc march and the bridal' coupli ttended by � .... The year 1615 saw Champlain, accompan- * Miss Maggie McNair, miet& of the bride, ',�X- 4 '� uning book from Oxford, last; week, after a brief illness.. bho r in . - . o - - The re,,qon for holding it on two Satur- iedby two Franciscan Friars, Wiling 'labor- rarely excod 33 acres, ru � ichest * -Dawn township. He leaves Colborne, on Wednesday evening of last and Peter McNabb, brother�rof the groom,, ... I '- ; I , A � ays is, that while our towns- ioublY up the Ottawa towaril lake Nipis- . each side of the road in long line, the houses Deceased waa for many years a highly re. a wife and two sons, and three daughters to week, when her daughter, Mine Martha . . �� ­- - . . - , ; . o close together as to give the ap 00 Spected resident of jTngeraoll, au4f at the mourn his loss. Fisher, became the wife of Dr. James -were ushered in, and the ii�npressive core- � 1. I I . n1, across which the sinewy arms of his mony rformed �yRev. D.'B. McRae, 'Of I L � ne a' i ' a ' r ity. - 0 -year. -A somewhat serious socidenb occurred Henry Dutton, formerly of East Wawasoah. Pe, - . .1 . - ,people may learn of it in o an cof th? approach to a great; ci Re"T"a"o time of her deabh was in her 65to ­ - �- I ; I � . In 3ilots propellail him to the French 8 num. Cranbrook. I .1 - - - � day's notice, it takes some four I a thrifty and a law-abidi% people, sal �x- -Mr. 13enjainan S. Burkholdei,the oldest inthe mouldingshopof the LondonlMaohiue'k The wedding was witnessed by a larg -- � . I - River. After braving the rapids and toiling I tremely hoepit&W, and with the growt4l of "hool �aacher In Waterloo county, died in Tool Company, by which the foreman, Atr. bar of guests, and the bride, being an ex- -Th& other ev-ening an X.mes Lynn, of - - I . L - I - I - ­or.fiveto acquaint our -country over the,portages of the Frensh, the party , St. Josopk will come now prosperity to Straeburg laeb week, aged 83. Mr. Burk- Johlb Todd and a pattern maker, Mr. .Ernie 'oeedingly popular young lady, was the re- Grey, was driving over the i'ailwAy crossing .. . I .,.- I . - friends. coasted the shore of Georgian Bay and them. I holder ouee was a journalist, and *a 1&35 Ta l injurim Alarge sipient of many tokens of good will. Rev. at Bras"Is, on the way- home*ard the clevior I 7 1- I . eventually found theswelves in Huron I connecting the orhiffletree done horse witit . - . We are looking for two good clearing The town site lies in tko towashif of lased the firob newspaper in Waterloo ladle ooakaining 1,500 pounds of molten iron Mr. Olivant.performed the ceremony. � I 11 L 11 county, whither Father Le Caren had pre- Hay, and directly on the bank of the sko, oousty, oalli it thi Morning Star. He haA just -been filled from the cupola, and was -Friday afternoon, Mn. T. Kelly and the doubletree came off, sq'on lettin the I I. �. L � . - ,w-,�3. The oft" - . L - L I . . dais. Our :reputation for straight -a- eded them. In this manner was establish- . "It " y tongue of the sleigh do f -., - business dealing is well known, ed the first Huron outpost of i6a ,church, which at this point presenta a ibeer cliff 40 taught sci,601 or over twent years. about to be swung oub on the, crane, when Um W.. F. Vanstone, of Brussels, and Mrs. stimnipted to run away but, dould, be held by I I ­ L . Ce t * i S I - �. . perty of feet in height, with -a flue sandy beach cir. -Mr. Peter, Appel, of Wilmot n re, T*dd notioed something wrong and ordered Hamilbon and Miss Kelly, representin L L -4. and the country bee%=* bko pro c i -- � and it does not pay to depar. France. . sling about a natural bay. In the emb the father of Mr. Herman Appel, of New Hara- it1to be removed. Before his ordev could be George's church, Walton, alled at the tome the driver until the sleigh ' Id run agaluab . L..- � - . from the straight and narrow thriving village of Hensall. on the 1.,ondon, burg, died at his residence last week. The oarried out, however, there was am explosion of Roy. G. J. Aboyo of Brussels, atid in. them when they would pe off again. , � , . . - - . Pierre Margry, a Frenah writer, in an This was continued until . AmenVa Wax .L I path of good values, fair treat- article on Louis Joliet, Gleseribes how the Huron & Bruce Railway. is ten miles die- deceased was 72 years old, having bom born and the fiery 111aid was scattered ia all di. formally presented him with a fine astra. reached where the irightenod animals were - - � , - - I I . I 1. -dly takea . tant.. Grand Bend; a summer reserb on 61to in Bay". Germany, In the year 1826. In rection& Todd, who bad thrown kimwlf on ohan overcoat as a memento of the high ­ i ­ � m_ant to our customers, and Ltbe country was first forau _pooesmon stopp6& It was then ameeiiained that one . � - � of in the name of the King of France by lake shore, is ten miles south, and Bayfleld 1846 h* came to Canada with his parentia� bhe floor to prevent his face and eyes, from esteem in whiW he is held by the two con- - . � -. Simon Francois d'Aursons, Sisur de Saint and Goderich, on the lake shore, an tea who mad* Wilmot Centre their home. - bein , VU4 I . of the horses had, in some oysterious min. I same dealing to all. . ge, Montreal . , and its 50 ,,% burned. was successful In this gregstions in his charge. broke a hin& leg vaid there wa,quo, I I . . I � -- Our pric6s will be found on another' Lumon. Faithful to thoix promise were mid twenty miles north, respectively. If a -IAY*la Colle his oulders, back and sides were burned, -The many friends of the family will re. mer, . - f this issue, and it will thefew Frenchmen and Indiana who on circle, with its centro at St. Joseph and 6 sleeping inmates had a narrow escape from and he will be laid tip for a week. Yates, gret the anexpected death of Mrs. Gibson' recourse but to kill it to pw; itout of misery. I � A-- - , - � .. page 0 that memorable day swore, with- shouts of radius of twenty miles, were drawn, it destruction by *e one morning last week. who is a brother of the proprietor, oUo (se* Thompson) wife of Mr. J. W. Gibsoul -Mrs. Blue, relict of 10he late Donald' .. L w .1� pay you if you need anything 61 Vive le Rol," allegianse to the " Most would enclose one of the richest agrioulturial eived a number of burns. of the Hums roa4. Goderich, and oldest Blue, died at the home oz. her son-iawlaw, I - to All the imnatm were gotton out without r'c ,. I districts in the Province, a distriob dit'b" " . . - Cibima" Blanchot, quite a celebrate dZ 11 �� Z a b i the fire did serious damage 41 ,fliter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thempsom Mr. John Moffatt, Blyth, �a Tuesday after- J I I , � in the way of winter clothing Christian King of France and Navarre." y u 7 last week she caught cold aid pueu- noon, llth inst., at five o't*ock. The cause � L " and Wwas. It is Mr. I C Zdi u The total logo will ekaracter in his day, has juO passed away . I look up the price- of what you The establishment of the mission, though with thriving vill to the a II& be about f ! I � I I � Contine's stupendeas plan to make his sit at Athabaska. He took part in the rebel. moms and inflammation developed, and of death was heatt fail4re, Which has I , i � I I ; meed, and then look us up, and in itself i�� task that might well have ap-, y $5,000. The orilon of the fire in not, known. .1 "� . F- lion of 187T, and was one of the fou-nders of ,deepibe ever.* care and tke beat medical skill troubled her seriously fa� the past four, f i � not only an ideal suminer resort, bab a mau- -Mr. Clark, of the Kingston malt -house, � I c l you will be much the gainer. paled a less enthusiastis body of men, was In 'a Canadies in Monweal. When ake died on Wednesday of last week. months. Deceased was in Y3he 96th year of- i . . : � . : . the least arduous of the undertaking. The uf"turing point and a supply sentry for all is ohi i 40 " bitshe of barley to Glas- the InsLili t t- . I- ! Ipplag , i this territory. 7 this inabitato was condemned by the churah, -The annual meeting of the Law Library her age. 'Her zight and forAulties were per- i � We havit to offer no goods of inflated maintenanee of. the widely-seattere(I post Sow, Beetland. If Old Country distillers. , i . If it reali2m what its promober hapse, St. Blaacheb refused to reeigni and was tionof the counby washeld in thecourt feat and she never used � I I " and. C goner-. assogig, , pectscles, being - � - . I , values, but have goods that were became a constant perplexity, completely and broveri f lanadian barleyv suitable ' ;1 ­ - isolated, as they were, froin the civilization Joseph will bescuas not only the shief sity Jos tho parposen 'f their business the palmy ally re wded as an atheist or nubOliever- house, Goderich, on Wednesday of last week able at, all times to kead t%fe smallest print. . I . . I . lao . of the Huron country, but of all northwest- ,ja , of old g I Mrs. Blue was bordon tke Is�vnd ofArrin,Scot-i ,- L � -ught close and for cash. During t1ke last few yew-#, on amount of in. at whisk the following offi .. I - ; . of Quebec. But what the Fathers lacked for �:el Bay of Quinte farmers � ; ' yL . firmit care were elected; land,:aud came to'Canada tynth her *husbalkd I . . . - . d 4 ern Ontf�rio. y, he lived with the Sisters of the President, Judge btassoa; vice. president, F.- � . � . There oo many specials that we will in numbers and strength they supplied with nay cow* &&am . 849, setfUD4 - -- . 4 , . . —0 Saawd HeaA6 who took good cam of - him, H91mosted; searetary-treasurer, W. Proud. and family -in 1 ,. in Megautie I - - � ; - - . , I ' . :; "t be able to mention, which that intense religiam fervor which has (� Caaacl& ,��-Ckarlea Meskakewamedong, of South- wk1ok caus9d him to 88Y, '4110 MASS are foot; libraciam, D. MoDom1d; auditors, E. countYr Quebec- In 185&; they removed 1W I I I � ampton, died January IM on the Ssugeeu I - � . I L � - , I � will appear marked ,on our made their story the most wonderful in the M6. bobter than 66 priest&" Aboub six months C�%Wron and R. C. Hays; coxeinitW, Judge Ostario, settlin in Huroi� w.tifship. Timy . annals of tho new world ; and if the -ex- -Shipments of Northvyost wheat by Fort Indian Reserve at the ripe age of 106 ye 0. if to 0 to . I counters on these days. of their lives I William aggregated 17,600,000 baskele I in He was one of tko few survivors of the war agoi however, he agreed to be recoisciled to Day e, R. N. -I^wis and & C. Hays. travelled by r: won pound and walke& � - . . . I ample set by the gentle piety the priest of the villago. He confessed for in- froin there to Huron t4wmhip, carrying � our atiprition is agam' parti-eularly failed to accomplish what had beau antici- i 1897. , -of 1812. Ho was with Tecurnseb, during -The annual meeMag of Turnberry d their proy-' ionS With B� h I . � y - i e the first tAwe in fifty year* sad died M kiat Loyal Orange lodge was held -! a tin. Seven yearo 9 I t themselves to blame. I -Two Hainifton shoo dealm were litned %hat war, and was at' Qu enston 10 the th, has since - I " 10, � . ire e quoted, on p,ted, ,hey had no I raigilts, when Sir Isaac Brock was killed. peace,with the church, leaving his property, Orange hall, Wingham, on Tuesday of last ag� deceased came � The heroic souls never for an instant flinch- $1 each for keeping their stores open after wovbh about $2,000, to the nuns Who had week. The following officers resided with Mr. and M*. Moffatt. 3 11 pq,*,e 5 of this paper. ed from the self-imposed task. As the 7 o'clock in Christmas'week. Anotheir asso -Miss Georgie Hall, of Simcoe, was were elected , I 4 . - cared for him in his last day& . for the ensuing year: W. M., Jol h -The, annual tneet* of Holmosville i - I dreaded Iroquois became more trouble- will be appmled. awakened at &a early hbur one morning last . - le '- i ­* ........... . some, and the raids into the Huron country -In 1897 two thousand four hundred week and discovered that the house was I . Golley; D. M., John Casemore; chaplain, r Brauch Upper Canada 3ible Society was 11 - I ­ � Huron -Notes. . H. SWwart; R. S., H. G., Lee; F. S., Wil- held in St. John'j4 churob, an Friday night i - I more frequent, the seat of the mission was homesteads were taken up in Manitoba and filled with oo4d gas, and that her sister,Ella, . x I WE HAVE ONE PRICE TO ALL from time to time changed ; but. never a I the Territories, compared with sixteen bun- was unoouscioas from the effects of breath- -Harland Bros., of Clinton, have their Ham Owemore; treasurer, Thomas Abraham; of last week, The Rov�'- Mr. Hall, of Bel- - .1 . . . I D. of C., R. J. MoMath; lecturer, J. T. grave, the societ-i's age , gave a very M- ; thought of relinquishing the hopeless . task � dred in 1896. ) ing it while asleep. Dr. Stanton, after hard stores lighted by acetylene gas. � I - MONEY BACK IF WANTED. . i . .. � occurred to them. - The Northwest Elev�tor Company's ele- work, restored the young woman to consci. - Mr. Sam Torran-* is home from Mani. Brydges. teresting addrejW on th work. The new I 1, 11 - -The annual meeting of the Loyal Orange officen are -. President S. 8turdy ; vioe. i , I ..-f .................... �... At last came the final blow that not only I va,tor at Cypress River'was burned last ousness, but she is very ill. tab& on a visit to- his friends around Har. Distrist lodge of the district of Mbrrix was presidents, Rev. Mr. E eat- and Rev: G. W. - I - . , . . �, wiped away the mission forever, but marked ' week with six or seven thousand bushels- of -William- Calligham, of Lindsay, who lock. - . I I ; . - ry 11. 7 .1 I the beginning of the bloody extermination I wheat. Itwas-partly insured. was arrested is the Township of Emily for -The.Hullett registration returns for the held at Blyth'os Tuesday, Janua Andrews 'L secretary -t - surer, F. 0. Elford; I . I I 0 yeas ending December 319b, 1897, were 58. Much impo �� . of the Hurons by the o-terpowering force of . -General Booth; of the Salvation Army, having in his possession a whiskey sitill, .rtant business was transacted trustees, Messrs. 0. W lianix, A� Osbaldes. I - I., after which the following officers were ton, T. C. Pickard collectors, -Huron 4 . I., � GREIG & MA CDO N'"ALD the Iroquois. Over a thousand Iroquois arrived in New York on January 15th. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one births, 23 marriages and 29 deaths. - I � L .1 e . � I I . I - expects to begin aCanadiantour at SL month's imprisonment at hard labor and to -A. McFarlane, of HolmeavilL, has elected for the ensui � year : W. M., road, Misses Sturdy a ' Mrs. McLeod ; cut , � L i n � I %, � braves were on the war path, and one set 1; D. M,. � . :: tlement after another was captured, and I John's, Now Brunewick,,on the 17th. pay a fips of $100, and for a further terin of boon engaged as cheese -maker in the Bruce. James Russel . Ferguson; chap. lime, Mines Proctor -Gardner ; 11th and ; I . . . - - I ; CLOTHIERS. L ions, MisCues Riz-hardson and . i burned, its Huron defenders and it4v brave i -Mrs. Sternamam, realizing the terrible six months if the fine is not paid. field factory for next season. lain, Rov. T.L E. Higley; R. S., H. McCrea; 9th ooncess 7 . � .� . r - � I . I I I I - I 1. -.. : - �uf, I pbsition in which she now stando, gave her -Gordon Baker, sr., Cornwall, ex -tress. -44i779 tons of merchandise were shipped F. S., A. Leisman; treasurer, R. McCom- Courtioe ;. Haron ro&&east, Misses Osbal,41- ` I - i I - mon fate. "Bribe ! I - I Street�, in the Fathers meeting a com . , D. of C., F. Johnston;- lecturer, M. eston, and, Huller � i .. T On the Wrong Side of the I : urer of Osaabr6ok, who was, recently tried by the Grand Trunk Railway from Goderieh P aitland concession, . . ; . the 'Apostle of the Hurons,' bound to a � two boys, aged 8 and 10 years, respectively, - M-, 4 � Strong Block. stake, was scorched from head to' foot ; his I into the keeping of Mrs. Chipman, mother on a charge of embezvlement,7,and on which station during 1897, 21718. � - Misses Willianis and ipaithwaite. I 11 ; . , . - - ONT. lower lip was out away ana a heated iron '- of her first husband. I . . the jury disagreed, was last, week before -On a recent Sunday the corkgregation of -On Friday, 7th inst., Joseph Kellner, a -The annual lae(tying of the Stanley . � . � , � I . . . . �. SEAFORTH, - h, kxe�er, con- pioneer of Grey township, having come there branch agricultural sokety was held at Mrs. I ; � thrust down his throat. A collar of red-hot i -:-The three-year-old daughter of a section Hill �Campbeil, J. P., on a charge of forgery. Main street Methodist chure - � 1; � � I . 4 � I . . : i . i T 4 -- - - hatchets wbre next hung around his neck ; ' foreman near Upsella station, Manitoba,was The alleged crime consisted in antedatin tributed $150 to minions. 41 years ago, paid natuWs debt andapassed E. EllioCVO hotel, Baylield, on Wednesday, i . � . ' . v . - � and in travesty of the rite of baptism ket ' bum � ed to death, bet clothing becoming' receipts. He was committed for trial, M -Mrs. Henry James, sr., of Brussels,' away in his. Oth year. Deceased W a born January l2th. The 1011o*ing officers were - � . � � I ; . � I Z . . and broke a at Ranover, Germany, January let, 1819, elected fov 1898 : William Townsend, presi. 4 . . - � ' '- I ignit�ed by t e upsetting of a -stove. admitted to bail. fell on tbettreet the other day - i ' tlesful of boiling water were Poured over h I I and came to this eoantry when quite a young dent; Robert Snowdep, Ist vice-president ; -- I 4 . � I.. . -Rev. R. C.Tibb,of Toronto, well known -Last year the Canada Hay Company small bone is her left arm. 1; ... I his head. Not flinching under thi . I of'Tuckergmith, the man. Mrs. Kellner and ten children our- David Mitfa�ghton,f 2nd vice-president; � the Iroquois, enraged, cut strips or nesh . throughout the west, has been appointed to paid over $4,000 in duty on hay shipped -Mr. George Dale, ive. Mr. Kellner was a quite, straight- Joseph � -111' I i lompan I Iliam Burns as see- into the United States, despioe the scarcity other day, sold to Mr. Ephriam Butt, a. fine v Wild, Johq McNauThton, John Y, �� I X I - � A eciden t A y I from his limbs, scalped him, tore out his : succeed the late Rev. Wi . _ It I . q I " ary of the Presbyterian aged and infirm of the product throughout Ontario. So' far - heavy -draught colt, for which he received forward man, who won the respect of all. Jobnstoni.Qeoige Ba�es, Davi Tuff, Rich- I a . . I � � - heart, devoured it and drank his blood � ret, , Aers' fund. ,this season or since the Dingley tariff went $110. .. � He was a Presbyterian in; religion and a ard Pen.balej Thoxhas Cameron, John t , � �: . Lallemant, physically unable to manifesi I mini - I R S � I -James Carter,of Clinton, did some good Liberal in politics. Woods, Donald Galbkaith, directors ; H.W. . I , Accident and Plate Glass. the same fortitude, had strip of bark, 1 -Last Friday, John Kelly died at his into effect in the United States,the company . 4 4 I ; Kpored a single ton across the work the other day, in splitting up, suitable -The annual meetinv of the Turnberry Erwin, tiebrefity ; J Xlorgan,. treasurer ; f - -4 ; 6vith pitch, bound to his naked, residence in Kingston. The deceased was have not e I . it I I I smeared 1 gricultural society.was hold in the council W. H. Woods and A� wmWds, audit- i - . . I When he was border. The same condition of affairs may for stove?use, three cords of wood in 11 a - � . - in Ireland 68 years ago. I Chamber, Wingham on Wednesday after- ore. Thd past year' buisinem has beca & �. An accident policy costs little. Are body and set fire to. Half roasted, he was born !� I � flung into confineinent, tortured a whole 23 years of age he settled in Kingston. be found generally in Canada,-, hay ex orts hours. , I * . A - you insured ? � I night, and finally killed with the hatchet of Forty yea s ago he entered on his duties in falling off Considerable hay is Cing -The death of Mrs. James Draper, noon of last week. The following officers most successful one. �. Tha auditors, W. H. i � , ! I V ie Vale, and daughter of and directors were electod for the ensuing Woods- and R A. E words, examined the i . - I I the post-owee, and served faithfully till last shipped from Kingston into the reat ha formerly Mias Sad � oe ,I �� i:_ ;7 1 , V, 11 an Iroquois,whc C year - books and f0aiid the. correct, the receipts . I I � , had grown tired of his pro ov his owin districts of Quebec. A year the late John Vale, of Exeter, took place in , I i - � 9 q I . ,1 � I I December, when he retired, to enj . pre'qi� President, John Currie ; lot vice ing Ranald J. Macdonald, tracted pastime." the Huron rannvation. Three.sons-Rev. Father 91 ble hay from Detroit, Mich., on Sunday, December 26th. ent,John Moffatt ; 2ad vice-president, forthe yesi bei 70-30, and the ex. - I ntario received con idera . § t : Thus ends the beroic story of penses SU5,49, leay.. 9 a balance oii hand �i . . I � 1 ;�rii;', IN n . , . ­ q � ; ' and the � ocese of ,Ki ,,ston; Rev. Father Quebec province, there Mug a deficiency all The cire4metances surrounding her death Amos Tipling ; directors, Wm. Deans, F. G. ;; . . C. P. R. Telegraph and Canada Accident -mission. The,talb is an old one, - through this province on account of drought. are extremely sad. She had given birth to Sparling, James Angus, John Gray, Wm. of $4.84, V . i � � I - - N J. V. Kelly,study. '. . . John Kelly, Boston; a : . . I . s faer, whose crois fatten on c . . L : p - I Insurance Company Agent. i I J : : - - I - 11 - i u � I � 1. " � I 91 t � I . � I ­ � , I � � I I I i 2 . � � - . . I i 13 I z �- --* � - 11 I . � ­ -- - . I . I �! " . i . , I . 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