The Huron Expositor, 1898-01-14, Page 8I t L 8 THE HURON EXPOSITOR JANU..Lklt 1 909 c�arge, the RuahCi�y Post says: Thban-; !ially pulled into the yard at the post office, this week, to have a part of a thumb taken a very tasty and inviting nianner by Mrs. there being on the p!operty a large Supily W i I s o nt- Oash Groce Dodson and her aissistan" of mineral, which is of valuable service ry niveraary and reception held at the Metho- here it quieted d6wn, and we Itope all off while playing i�ith .-some machinery.— The remainder Emp Yn a evening was r. Doig has an opportunity home �was reaohed.—Good ice Miss Shepherd, head milliner in W.Piokard of th opent'-in parlor games,. dist church on last Mouday* evening was went safe till . when utilized. N f 'To Encourage Cash Trade. and' amusing of selling the same at a good figure and for highly successful, and the very large com,t formed early-bn on ponds this winter.7 and & Co.'s left for her home in Elora this music, recitations, - songs the pany in attendance thoroughly enjoyed it. business was'lively or some' days, but the week, to spend. a few weeks'. holidays. —A stories. The preselifs received were numer- that purpse he was at Toronto daring We have. de6ded to give a 5 per cont. cash dia- onsistin out: a minerAl land deed. count to sit purebases, of $1. or over worth of go The exercises of the evening were begun thaw on We es a put al stop to it. —Mrs. petition has been circulated and largely. ous, useful and handsome, a g of week, taking e. Those who ods, d- except sugar and ft.ur %Ion pay ouh With an interesting literary and musical' Richardson, a kerton, has been open ed by the business men of the town, silverware, chins, fare0iture,etc,, showing in 'Fes k Railway authori-, a maiked degree t 06nstance. The Shf) or M accounts. prow h4 esteem in which the �ptly every month,,fhis will be I latel' the guest of her aun as Ing the Grand Trun, programme, consisting of the following well Ing some t 7 t, a big advanta%e to cash cu t IV have now a Mrs. S. Carnoo au.'� ties to re-establish Mr. 'John Edmonds in newly wedded couple were held by their LEAviNG Us.—The many friends here- in stock a fulf line of new R:=rsbutr uts, reels, given numbers: First, a, 80nR by Cle co Ill regre to his former position at the freight shed. The numerous friends not only in Essex county abouts of Mr. A b Nuts, eta.,. for the Cbristmu. trade, We have a egation, rexta neatly given address bV H -ram. Fisher wi good stock pf new season Tem, choice Coffee, and fir. E. H. WallaceL next %Lsong in which all Y.'M. C, A. MEETIN(4.—At a company could not make a more. popular alone but in other counties throughoult the learn that he purposes leaving this neigh- all kinds of Groceries, SsL any one in town. A special c THIRT, """ ' - d again, then response by Mr. Pari -ib, meeting called for last Wedneod move than to comply with the prayer of- the provin a. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace will tvom- borhood shortly and moving to a farm a few joine ay evening and well select- d suwk of CrockeM beat Granite I Sets, the new pastor, in happily chosen words; to discuss the futu;!e course of the assooia. petition.—Harkness Bros., Of Toronto, who mence house -keeping shortly on the farm miles from Toronto., For a number of years we do dild, overy laiiuiary�' Fin it Tea Stts, from $1.76 up; beat Granite Toilet - Wallace recently purchased in a eat f t WHOLE I frem $1 b(i up ; a rilee lot ef new - Dinner Sets of the then a quartette, consisting of Mr. and Mre. tion, mecessitateil by the expiration have been buying horads in this vicinty for which Mr. Mr. Fisher has been an esteemed re id of o sdVan a4 to mah- e unlitsual p - -' best quality, and nobbiest patterail. C-.11 and see I ur White, Mrs.. J. D. Markham and Mr. of -the leaso 4f the rooms this a week or so past, shipped a fine carload Rochester townshp. this violult ad his departure from I them. The highcatpice paid for predace. Wanted sacrifices, 80�As to get plenty ofoola and Mrs. Stowe presid month, there were on nt— from Seaforth, on - -Saturdoy last, to the ill Te's'y"a a blank that will be hard Ing at ly seven peese midst w Igood buttr. eggs, potatoes and dretat d fowl. Will Ochwachheim, pay gocd 1 rices for a pod article. the organ. Next a recitation well gi five.being members of the board. While it London England market. Mr. Trotter, of Moncrieff. to. fill, but while serry to lose him all will forandstaft each se,'LSOn WiCh fresh. von by C. WILSON, Seaforth. bliss Beryl Rice, and to conclude, a second is difficult to conceive of this being a true BraudQrds also tuying up a carload at is new new, goods. ITzms.—The farmers are busily onliaged, wish him increased prosperAy in It' umber by the quartette. Later in the indication of the disposition of the pu present Q will likely ship on Saturday.— in teaming their logs to' the mill. Is home. His father havin farm kiven him a Bank of Oommem Blook. blie at ust no* ive're learlibLy up" all work, -D. D. Wilson's men were busy . during h M Pod of oAnto, he has de. evening, dainty refreshments ere served large towards the association and its Sir. with deep regret that we this week chron- in the 1 borlic cial time indulged in, and all report such an apparent Aiack of interest scarcely aided tn0% pr4pert the stoibi and yo I find' b and a so the forepart of the week hauling ice from iole the death of Mr. Menzie, of the 12th pose of his over argalus. warrants the boar4l entering into further 6- the Egilloadville will dam, but the January concession. —Quite a number of our young move to Ontario's metropolis. well worth Yoai buying in 1alI depart� . . . . . . Clearing Sale. agooatime. tons. d meeting in therefore arm on a NoTns.—At the meeting of the ligat* A full �oar thaw, which culminated in -a rain st people attended church here Sunday ven. municipal men�ts. —The C. 0. F.'�At the regular meeting of Court called for next Wdnesday evening hen Weduesday� ut a stop to operations.' iag. The meeting was- conducted by Mr. council of Hullett, on -Monday, Mr. J. - F. our4aml-aanual clearing sale is now on. It Pro- Flower f or t, C adi Ord ?V 'the mook parli a. Smith, of the township of Logan. for buyers 60 secure a7 as an an 'Or Ot For- definite aoti6n. must be taken.6.1n the regular wee y sitting al Staples, merohantr of this village, was seau a splendid opi-ortunity w pliem restore, the following offloors were installed e7and went was.held on Tuesday evening, when ted assessor for the townehip.—Rev. 7'l The 1a9t' seasonabie winter goods at cxtrerftelY 10' meanwhile the board in open to roe, iv pain lur 0011* -for 1898: C. D., George Dunean; P. C. R. one the advisability of placing an export duty Nwa Fur Coate, and Capi, and Wlet! I 9 respectfully consiqer any communicati on spent a few days at his father's last -Kays Capce, and smaller fum wo movir, discussed. Next WintbroP, g out rapidly- James Beattie; 0. L R., W. G. McClellan relating guiding -on saw logs was thoroughly Wia. week.—Miss Nellie Medd, who has been V. 0. thereto,which may.assist in le. of the Mant ea. i Some splendid bargains are being deired In men R., L. Melville; Treasurer,'W. Bolster; its dicielon at tba� meotivi, This -meeting uesday night, the Government will intro. NOTES.—Mr. Ross, of near here, spending her Christmas -holidays with her le Overcoats and Suits. lannels, Press Goods and Hosiery. R. &'L C. H. Broadfoot; F. S. W. -Hartroy; will also be holding an auction sale of live. ay. duce a measure provid week, to at- Also in Print@, El open tb any friends who in Ing for the furtherance next. Mr. parents, leavesJor Ottawa this We have -1vided our M n e Siock The kniferii be' deep into Ladleeand S. W., of national disputes Wednesday William of the settlemput and Mrs. N.Andrew, ing.put very E. Latimer; J. W., J. W- BsAttie; desire to be present. tend the Normal.—Mr. Midiews Clotft (,oat& We cordial iPh at n a McCloy, the If 18"It" &IltD S. B., J. Twiss; J, B., J.T. Edwards; Chap- arbitration.—A sawing mat the Qaee well-Anown auctioneer, of Hen- have been spending a few days at Eliniville. into three loW do follom call aed, examine for themselves our special offers. lain, D. Stephenson; Physi6ian, Dr. Ci. hotel on Mouday last, between James Dann sall, will yield the hammer on that At $2 50 Childre a's I'weed and YARNERS INSTITUTEs. —Meetings of ithe —Miss Ethel Andrew in visiting at Exeter. McKay.; Aujitor, J. 0. Rose; Trustees, South Huron Farmere' Institute will be and John Engler, created considerable in- ion.—Mr. Edmund and the isses Mar. Messrs. Mack and Ernest Best spent Navy Serge Ueelers, . regular prioes- hursda a John C. Thompson, John R. McDougall, D. held at Exeter, on IT , 020th inst., I ad terest. Eachontestant was to saw a cord ifoon, of Stanley, were the guests this,week a literary meeting of the $3.26 fo Wrn. Pickard- & Go. Stephenson. of wood on,3e in two with a buck -saw. of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rose, of McKillop, �_Unday here. -!-Th 4.60, All to be .�leared out at Brueefiqld on th6 following day. Those Epworth League of Christian Endeavor is -on a�t $ ,i�. 5 0, SFA -FORTH. Dann defeated his opponent -by a few sticks, :are next 'Tuesd�y. The cuttin he pile in one hour and 11 minutes. Walton-� At $3.26, b1i bliT La' ies? Mantles fil who will address the Exeter meet!� the programme for Hooxzy NorEs.—A hockey match will Messrs. D. Z. Gibson, B. S. A.9 Willow weekly and Sunday evening services are Iviednes.day night, we were visited by —At the last regular well attended. - and AT ANY TIMS be played on the skating rink on Saturday Grove ; T. H. Mason, Staffordville ; R., B. OFFicxRs ELECTED. "i6j, that ave There have been four new black Zeen from� lightning and thundero followed by a regular mefting of Court Walton, No. 172, the fol. members added this last week. t a be clea;-ed evenins between two picked teame from Moloan, Kippen ad Alex. $4 to 86, 50j, 6 at one Mustard, deluge of rain, which threatened our sleigh-, lowing officers were eleetqd for thii term, tow. The game will be called at 7 o'clock Brucefield. The i6cefield meeting will be sharp. The band 'will be in attendance, addressed by Messrs. Gibson and Ing, -but during the night the weather took W. J. Smith, C. R.; W.'J. Stafford, V.C.R.; unifoim pricei 03,25 eadh Mason a turn colder, -undoubtedly saving it.—Mr. DrYodale. go 11ack and and there will be a good two hours skating and Henry Smith Hay, and D. McInnis, J. W. Morrison, F. S.; John McDonald,. R. At $5,2151 &II our La' h S.; Robert Mowbray, Chap.; George Smith, —Last week., Mr. Q. Campbell had wwards.—On Mond:% the team goes to Thsme@ Ftoa,d. Charles Whitehead, of Helena, Montana, NOTES. aft colored VaIidegj that h 'from Listowel toplay a sch u e same witk 'the practical farmers and the subjects allotted here on a visit to b ry successful bee hauling brick I from ri . STRATFORD. ONTARIO. al in sister, Mrs. John Low- Tress.; Dr. Armstrong, Conductor; John $6.75 to 110i comprii so of the ery, of this town.—Miss Mary Roach, of Fo8te?e bribk yard, near Zurich. We un- ing to them are all live subjects among farmers, One of the largest and -1noet sicoessful team of that town.—On Friday even' Smith, proposed for C. ­D.; A 'as McQuaig, est and - most st� lish !goods we line her friend, Miss Sadie Sr. W.; John ennoti a next, the 21st, Listowel and Sestorth ;4fl Brussels, is visit* Jr. John Me. derstand that Mr.. Campbell intends, to 110bbi such as the feeding lof cattle, the growing of schools in the Dominion. Write for new Donovan, this iie­eTr, Gavin, Sr. B.; George Cand Jr. B. �Paild a handsome residence during the com- have, all M010d down to bne rice, play.& championship game in the rink here, —Miss Maggie Kehoe eiroula". corn, eta. The day� meetings will commence ler, and it will be a good one. The game will who is now living in Toleds, Ohio, in home ing summer. —Dame rumor spe LK0 at one o'clock at e"h' law ' d * the even- ake of a i�ed- 4"A W. Ji ELLIOTT, Principal. on a visit. She ca,me principally. to attend Ing in the near future, in which one of our start at eight o'clock sharp and the baud will be held" at '7n:30,'whOu pro'e. TumbenT. Ing meetings Tbere's taree months IT will be in attendance. ticaladdresses will be given by those who themarriage of her ousin, Miss Libbie prominentyoungmen takes the.,prinoipal Donovan, to Mr. John Dalton, of Wingham. y happy event took Place ..part. --�Mios Annie Campbell has gone on aim weather to conio. This is n t a lot of have spoken'- during the day and in addition Christmas Day, when James Henry Came- Cotwom MkETING.—The first f A despatch from Winnirg says: 11 RO- sittendied visit to Bayfield.—Mr. and Mrs. last seas on, but of U106ting 0 a good progmmme of music, eta., will be � I more, of the Wioohsm junction, and Miss I a es, Wt, AND the new council was hold in the council furnished. Meetings of the Best Huron rts from Roseland state t at Mr. W. . A.. M. J. ` Ransom, at Lower Winglia R% W. Turner have returned from a br stylish, , up�Aate gar nts These in, gar h labor on Monday morning last. The Farmer) -Institute *ill be hold In the town r1yers, of that place, has been U*sslng , since were visit to Mrs.Turner's sister in Goderich.—A gar united in marr iage. The happy couple will -prices shonlds�if our e tire stock in this village FTRE INSURANUE cambers took the necessary declarations of hall Gorrie, on Tuesday, 18th inst., and in Christmas night, and it is feared he has met number of the young people of field.— re-appoin town hall, Brusijels, on � the following with some mishap. Mr. Myers was form- attended the entertainment at few daytw,; and A office. W-111. -Elliott was ted clerk the take up their residence near Wiarton. 1,14hose wh con �e -soonest - and treasurer ­'J. 0. Rose and Win. Somer- Saturday. Both afternoon and evenin ses, Orly editor of The Gkidetone Age, - this Rev. Maxworthy, of Tesswater, delivered' Mr. Henry Mayow) who has �Petyin the get -Ust dholee. AGENCY. ille were appointed auditors. The follow- sions will be held at each plai the Province, and went to Roasland ever v; year two* eloquent addresses in the Methodist ploy of Snowden Brdo. for the Owt 26 r church,Bluavale,last Sabbath. —Commander ow a appointed to strike the where he became connected' with one years, has returned to Port H�rua on busi- IIng committee wa meetinis will 136-addreened by eminent and Booth Tucker, of New York, received A' and Mine omervi I le, Agent . practictil agriculturalists on live agrioultdral ar Stevens anuairy ta' standing committees for the year, and to re 0 the city papers." The Mr. Myers referred donation of $5,000 a few days -ago, in aid ness. Z ties , Minnie ee If Muccessor to H. A. Strong & Bro.) Srt at next meeting: The mayor, reeve, subjects. to in this paragraph'wag a former emp oy the social reform branch of the f - FAther Murray, who havi bee& visiting for. 3 in THE Exrosrron office and his relatives alvation the past three weeks with their friends and in �puty-reeve, &ad Win. Ament- and J. Dar. —0 Vl-�Pu�g Fur is. Telegraph and Express Building. Arm Win. The time for thet collector's roll Was reside in Stratford.—Mr. Ed. Steet,- of this y relatives at Centralia, returned home last extended to February Ist. Orderowere A 250th &,;NIVL —The Pan Presb. town, is now & registered pharmaceutical week.—Mro. Felien, who has been visiting terian, council, atIte meeting in Glasgow, in -has re- Men Ten T rwear, our, 'a fine Wo drawn on the treasurer foru two hundred chemist, havifig graduated with honors, re-- Howick. friends and relatives in this -village, ollen T 1896, urged upon the churches of the al- Some one has api dollars for the fire brigade, And fifty dollars ceiving the title Doctor of Pharmaceutics, I ADDREss AND PnxszsTATfoN.­rOn' her turned home to Felieu,.Michivan.—One day regul-ir 90c and $1 1-i-nes, r anuar, liance the. pro tent whiel griety of celebrating in a suit- from the MichiganBoard of Pharm from among us, Miss Rebecca last week, while Mr. Charles Cleve was an- 75C each. for the chief of the brigade. Dr. McKay I - - Was appointed medical health ofiioeri The able manner t a 260ih anniversary of -,the aho succeeded in passing the Detroit Cal- McNair, who has been our worthy and painsm gaged in testing a powerful steam' boiler, DISTRI()T WA rTEW. completion of the Weettainster standards. plojion occurred, . inflicting many 80ecial lines - of blei 2s '.Fine Wool appointment of the 'various town offi ' lege of Medicine's examinations, taking taking teacher for the past few years in an ex core Since then many of i Wese cl�Purcheo have Union School seot46n No. 10, Howick and wounds, Wt none ofthern serious.—A few Box, seamless Mid fdsf - biac �Pjr was left until 'next meeting. The council out of a possible 100 marks. There were 71 � k. F held most interesting and , enthusiastic trid the examination and only 20 passed, Wallace, was madoi the recipient of a hand. days ago$ . SOM(� unknown person entered a Januar seems bet RoYAL, TF,,-aPL&aa.—At. the last regular then adjourned to meet on Tuesday evening 'Of , two for 2bes meetings, highly appreciative' the, West- h through tiond anili next. nearly all of who 'in were two year students some set of chins dishes by the people of ones owned by Mr. R. Snowden, =Ing of the - J�pyal Tomplers of Tempe Minster Assembl 0— y and its grand and lasting from Ann Harbor University. This is the hei section on the 27th ult., at a large fare- one of the -back windows. The burglars The -coutent, -on I of thial town,the. followinj officers were Ru work a Pres. -s dids li. . The Ge4raf Assembly -of th' installed - S. C.,, Noble Clu ; P. S. 0i, iTAwA-ys.—On Thursday I t of lost first time in the history of the college that well party given her at Mr. James Edgaes. broke into Lthe safe but were disappointedDres U0 ila­'Cana�da, at its last meetingo an SCUM. n terian church James, i;attie ; V. C.. Mrs. Oluff ; ChaPla" week, as Mr. Ben. Price and w a were out a three months' student has succeeded in The parting gift was accompanied by an: to find that the cash had been removed. in warmly recommended Preabyteries and sea. lot� vanno Brown and Navy bteho SerAa, 4-6 inch.9 AIrs. Smith; R. S., L. Williams; A. 9.0 H. driving,. their horse took fright at the or graduating. address ejcprming the high esteem in whiahL my sions to take suitable measures to commem. the people of the and in turning the corner at the Royal hotel Miss McNair was held by Hams - F. S., 0. Stdarling ; Treasurer, S &It..pure wooloregular 50).c commende .1drussels .1 1Z , .� Wil orate this quarter millennium, anniversary. section, and of their appreciation of her as -0 Worl —W Miss st&rte(l to run &Way, upsetting the cutter Black and g fJ4 Trott - Herald, J. 1; o; Guard Several Presbyteries have recently worthily Leadbum Colore,4 -ancyFi#ured Dress icholl AQinel,, & Dilling; Organist'Idiss and throwing the occupants out. Mr. Price a teacher and as a; friend. Miss McNair LocAL- BuiEFs.—The, new council took Go honored that famous Aeaembly. The loyal NoTEs. —It has been announced that Rev. ods,'regular, 15e....[ ..... tlie* cope, was not hurt but Mrs. Price was consider- made a short but - very a ropriate reply, their seats on Monday last and ap nted Extra heavy Wide Twill Shaker our busine D eir kindness in W. H. McCracken- and J. T. . ar am on will preach a ia ser* thanking the peopl p S Ck i ater. ably bruised and shaken up and bad to be and progrgsaive Presbytery of Huron -ban Mr. MeCutche one Flannel, pink stripes, x0ecial. ...... so arrangements. won . t snseaso fol kf bed its commemorative to the Orangemen at the _Uethodis presenting to her this beautiffil gift.' auditors; I). Stewart as assessor, and Bell CorLxaLkT9 ELooKuy.im.—On Thursday of carried into the hotel. The horse was gn" Sabbath, January 23rd, 'the minister of church, a mile east o1rWmithrop, on Sunday Goiry as a member of the� board* of h sto . d be itgotany farther.—On Fri- ealth. lat'week, the Collegiate 'Institute hookey each charge in the ffrosbytery will (as far as evening, January l6th,'serviae to commence There are no other changes in the officers." Zetland. Two 11 rno -F. Coleman's team, of club was organized for the season with the So n, M T. ible) preach on, the subject to -his peo- at 7 o'clock. On the following Monday On Monday nIght,Reeve Kerr celebraW the follo rrel colts took w lively scoot -up Main JoTTmGs.—Mr. Martin's hay ress has room for ,Ing offioers -.. Hollorary president, 0. a, zud on thefollowIng Monday -evening, a evening, he will deliver a lecture at the 15th anniversary of his marriage at his resilv street. When in front of Dick's hotel the been operating at Mr. GodkWo alFweek,as C6mforteri B4 t. Schmidt; honorary vice president, R. E. H meeting of the Proobitery �will be hold same place. A- silver collection will be And inti a came out of the neckyoke and stuck he has bought over fifty tons of hay from dence. A -number of his relatives Thus it - is. that I Jackson.; president, H. 84 RoberWon; vice V01 the First Presbyterian church, Beaforth, taken up at the close. As Mr. McCutcheon road. Fred Twiss wh6- was driv- mate friends' were on hand and spent a few, Heavy WaddiuzfitteA Coi#fortterpf re. pre, den� Si G. Stcne; as tain, All Bond; Into the to which the bli are cordiall invitqd. is an able speaker, if the night is fine, a full him. It will be shipped to Montreal.—M r. hours in an enjoyable manner. J.R. Grant I air gular price s -ale... clearing ul u wil preside� i!he Rev. house is assured.—A surprise party, com- Ing them, was thrown out and the horses Dr. Donafd of Winnipe and A. Kayand wife,of Strat- Fr or treasurer,. Norman Hoffmar ; com Me and Mrs. Godkin spent' Sunday at th t at . mrs. Hammett, Hill, Neal; MIAL- made off up the street at a lively gait The on Ife of Larger size, sat new stuff tee assecired pole and dashboard of the cutter wale Princital MoVicar, D.D., L.L.D., of Mon of pare a from Staffs, Walton and daugbter'e, Mrs. David Holmes. Mr.Jameo ford, an4 V W. h. Kerr and W. as goods, re L lar $1.75 agerR.C.Cheswright. Theclubb POW to, drove to th residence of Mr. Casemore and family, of Virden, Manitoba, Hensall,'was here in attendance. —Thomag �d broken but further than' that no serious- re- treal I as been secured to give an extend d oth visiting under the parental roof at pres. Jsinuary7 sale. ..... . 8012S busk. the -new, rink for practicing.purposes am address- on 11 The Distinctive. Features eoaf Win. 12t1h, a few eveniongs ago and had Are ver E. Grimolby, of th' 'lace, died Sale wai intend to make all the teams -hustle before oulto followed. ent and intend spending the remainder of Our Annual Afid-Wi itter iB �ha season its-otit. 0— the Confession of, Faith. Short addresses an enjoyable time. Mrs. Smith, in her winter visiting their numerous relatives in suddenly of appendicitis, leaving a. wife and : argam go re ALL those indebted to the undersigned will also be given by Rev.- A. McLean, usual It p ad nial- manner, made her horse fair held on' Day, will be -hela on El; sturday, ion- by Is &I a —George Irwin spent four children.—The 1 ' filithftil C book account, *,ill please call apdoettle atonce. clerk of the. Piesbytery. on the Influence nests feefyntirefy at home.—Mine Minnie Turnberry andMorris. - Thursday of last week Was adecided sixecess. 'Ugly 22nd. Sunday at Mr.Godkin's, or.*—Mrs. Pattison W&A for ]i at next week. UTH BRANCH AGR1CULTUp_A_L We mad bave money to meet our liabilities. X. of the standards on divil and Religious Vandas has commenced taking lessom in bn TS 46f I Theattendanceof both buyers and sellers � of Wingham, and Miss Pattison, of Kincar- 'rth- 157ax2 Liberty Rev. P. Musgrave on 11 En and music and intends going to Seaforth once �9oairry.­The winual me t' f th Tuck. CLuFF h SONs- sG1tL fl were verl arge, and a goodly number� 'M dine, visited at George Burke's on Monday. previouily, eismith Branoh Agri=tUrpl %ooiety W," WANTRD. —Butter, dried apples. and poul'. and the Weitminstir Assembly Er ad each week daring thiP winter for, that pur- changed anda and at good figures, "asotwd Wle try; highest pWces; largest stock of dry goods, by Rev. J. A. Anderson, B. "14he pose.—Mr. Edward Drager, Who was n�v- -he handsome price of I 0 held on Wednesday-, when the business of rwe team selling for t Outlook of Presbyterianism." The Monday erely hurt some time ago, is i " Hodge0s I$r .Juttrityol A., a George Casemore and Miss Delia, of Blue- ING riep, booto and bhoes to select from. G_ F_ vale, entertained a host of their friends and o improving id ys, being a heavy draft team. The next will. the past year was wound up. and the follow winghsin. 1567-tf evening meeting promises to be of marked slowly. relatives during the Christmas hol to follow: Ing officers and directors appointed for next be the first Monday in February.—F.' S., NoTicE. —Accounts ifor 1897 - a interest and value, and it would be well' o— including Mr.. George Burke and fami hat re now ly, of DREOT, IkPOMERS., e President, Robert Wilson; vie-pre5l- ready. and we would ask our oustointim to favor us this place. Scott was away at Goderich hat week tak- from t with a settlement before lab of February, as we corn. ing an auction sale for Mr. Tbo - i 14 to Tdeaurt, W.G., Broadfoot ; secretary-treasureri that every congiegationin the Presbytery was Gndr*.' �OL I stick, Hays; dir6ctors,—SeaforA' George. nieuce stock -taking on that date. RoBoar WILLIS, were largely represented in the attendance. NoTus.—Our new council met on Monday of that place.—Everyone is looking for the' knows # Lower, Winghazn C.ady's Block, Seafarth. 150-2 1 WiRiam Winter ; Hullett. W evening.— r. a M and Mrs. 7 Howard A-lexauder announcement of theelections. East Huton rrivecl here on Tuesda, -from Wi Rian, e9obert Smith ; McKillop, W. Me: CROKINGrz. —A'nother lot of those ou. LocAL; BRIEFS. —Mr. ffenry Cresswell, of NOTES.—Mr. and Mrs. William Austin will give a good account of itself by electIng -coins to A srlor full afts boards.0 175o each, just to band. nmPeg, are paying Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell a pointed at next meetWg, to )�PebeI4 in Cox. Intosh, ames Smithj, John G. Grieve rest bxrgaine In all sorts of ranizy Go3ds. It yau Kansas City, arrived bete on Saturday. He and will spend a couple If months visiting A. Hislop as next M. P. P.�David tEr- worth's hall on Moiiday �Ven may be M. -week's visit.—Miss Rebecca Cameron has, i0g, 7th tr Mr and -Mrs. George King returned to Toronto after spending Christ- on the 2ad line, February at 7.30 p4 new couual� U ibe -al Call At XXODU It WILSGX'��, Sftf31th.. 1570-1 Kiends gn hlond�y. Morris, -to William Turvey, for $4,000, a has now entered UPou thei work .and vw Tuckeramith, G. W. McKay, R. E. Jack want a ku table prevent for birthday or wedding, intends spending a few w!eeks at the home their friends, rington has sold his farm n"Acin ; auditors, P.- Johnson, J. 0. Rose. ' At of his brother, Mr. G. E. Cromwell, of Eg- visited Beaforth mas with her parenti, Mr. and Mrs. John, values tw their first meeting the directors will make KELsty's 0. K. Orson Oil of Comfort for CHuRcH NoTEs.—The re -opening of the very good figure.—At the annual wee Of ov­% that h- -'I mondville.-:41r. and Mrs. Gjll�s i ting hope that the year j41 mark good substau. arrangement -for the rebuilding of�their hall. colde, coughs, ratarrh 4rou , ec Sold by all pie, or., Catholic church will be held on Sunday, Cameron.—Mr. James Carr, jr., spent his heme days the tial progress coupled, *t�h jud clous economy ruggi Price 26o p d d lats. "r PcepareA and sol father and mother of the Messrs. Gillespie, holidays with friends in the country. —Miss', the Grey Branch Agricultural Society, of this town, are here from� Michigan. In the mornin seivice'will be held when . following officers were elected: President, and that the conue *ill roe Ive the h art by Uzoites KniG, Blyth, Okitario. 1570xl Con g M. Montgomery, of Listowel, who spent MO= for lid. REucs.—Mx. J. J. Hugill, They are staying with their daughter, Mrs. Bishop 0 or, of London, will officiate, Christmas with friends hero, has returned. William Pollard: vice president; James support of the ratepayers in all that ten days * A of this town, has shown us two interesting John McMillan, of McKillop.—In our and in the evening he will deliver a lecture. Speir; directors, John Brown, J. D. War- to the !true interests of the v, lage. all WXDDEDAT ST AAms'. —Tuesd&V morn —Mr. Frank Carruthers has returned to bin eaple M, In the repairing Roe, it is indeed creditable home in Berlin, after visiting his parents rick, Peter Scott, William McCracken, Loc -&L Buipma.—Mr. John rawford,-who, nof,6 books, which were used by his father at the this town, w notice ?f the lacrosse club concert last week, omittod mention of the MA be&n the present century. Mr. ire Inadvertently to them. It has cost th9m $700, and it now Robert Nichol, Amos Smith, John McKin- boa Very effiraiently led the ser St. James' ciurob, in In nin f res wedding, it being here. -Mr. George Irwin has returned from Itl!e' �w 11's fatober was a school tea -,her and one fancy drill of a number,6f young; girls, ua- stands'equal in rance to any place of W. B. Wilkinsolif James Cardiff Carmel Presbyterian church I Jir 1, number of' the marriage Of I ibbio Donovan, &Z Ira gi a. Carberry, Manitoba.—Mips Sarah Green in non. home from Niagara, after an absence of ix h tion 0 ng.w If t i a boo S is an algebra used. by him in daughter of -Mr. David Donovan,of Seifortho ier the iuition of Mrs. - J. Keating. 'They versary services of the Presbyterian church A h k worship in our —The annual anni. auditors, W. Straillan, Fi S. Scott.. years, has tendere reel an exercise , I the other hr showed a degree of proficieno, hich was weeks.—Quite a number Of our young peo- JP ciations an e ATe the school, while to Mr. John Dalton, of Winghain, mail v w other increased book which was used for working out prob- creditable to themselves �and painstaking will be hold on Sunday, when the Rev. clerk on the London Huron and -Bruco� Is drove out two miles the other side of now being redet t t e !I ition. RL instructor.—The annual meeting of superintendent of the Delmore,on Friday evening, and danced the Crawf6rd vat 4*0 Our lems. Thebooksare oer iiinetj yearsold Railway. - The ceremouy was performed at the James Henderson, flensa& _,y pleasantly au faithfully A_ but are still in an excellent state of preser- members of the South 'Huron Agricultural Northwest missions,' will preach, bth - C110prix'o MILL —Having now in running tended to his dutito ana "Iser . - lbutAness nine o'clock, by Rev. Father McCabe, while S - t old year out and the new year in. vation and the writing is still clear'and dis opie '11 b mornin and evening. � In the - follow' order a large Cogswell chop wl a held 'at Dixon's hotel, Ing T. with large t 0— kinds of grain, soisuft. �pnly bemis", high masa was sung by Rev. Father Me. andl amprepared to chop X much appreciated. Adwillnot. ftad it 40i tinct, while the execution is very next and Bru:celeld, on Wednesday n6xt,' 'the l9th Monda evening he will deliver his lecture, by thecougregatio Give It a trial,' Also choice clover and timoth at also by the choir fram the Ewen, of St. Augustine., The bride was Kippen. a. nod with comprehenaive,which shows that even am -far waited on by her sister, Miss Minnie Dono- inst.—The annual meeting of the MoKillop entitle "Missionary Life in the Gold Fields' wanted. D. URWHAST, Ifeaull oatmeal. Mil whom he was a fa rite,_ -Mrs. W back as: that time many of our teachers were Mutual Fird Insurance . Company will be Of Bri 1i Columbia." STOCK-TKING SALE.—For the next -two 2670x1l A�'T. am, - of Bo tr iLnd van, while Mr. M. J. Dalton, weeks before stock-toking, I will give discount on,all wmanville w're the uest* inont -to 0: fully up to the mark in both cyriography and -of Berlin, heldin the town hall, Beaforth, on January DEATa.—We regret to have to chronicle last week of M Willis;L C, Boats and Shoes. In addition to th 1well, of this, performed the duties of Aroomeman., Dar Dry Goodg, r. - the death of Mr. Robert &Morrison, one of village. Mr. Tom in 4011001 111- inathematice 21st. The business to be brought before Wroxeter. &boys I offur 50 pieces of Print good patterns at cous Of special prices. One hundred sulls of U80115 Unger. the early settlers of the township of . Us. spector,Tom, of Gods Our pric4o 'foill ing the service, Rosewick a Man was sung the: meeting will be the reports of the var- GATnFRi.NGs.—The - anniversary services at 10 pew cent, off regular prices. Twenty -fire borne, which event occurred at his residence that Mr. John Pope, who car�ied, on mor. tsold by & fall choir, and excellent solos were iou . a officers and the appointing of three . in the Presbyterian church, on Sabbath last, woar, hNN !a undrstand 140L]> D1CW' DEAD.—The horse rendered by Miss Maggie McQuaid and Mr. Bien's Frieze Meters. to go without profit. Twent directors for McKillop. Our hockey. club were Y' on Tuesda, January 4th, after a some which was associated with the early J. F. Daly. After the ceremony, the wed. well attended, and the sermons preach. five heavy Tweed Suit% at $6 each A lot of Boys' what chant tailoring here for a nuir ber 4 yearel, Page went to Stratford on Thursday of last week and Youthie Suits and Overcoats, at clearing severe, al bough not days of Seaforth, has passed ove'r--t( , ad morning and evening, by Dr. Somerville, t very lengthy illness. and who left here last fall, � to eniag pay -you the ding Party drove to the bride's hom6i when In Footwear, stock Is. complete a line -of man s 4 Mr. Morrison was a native of Scot-landi and business in Dasbwond-j has d,41cided -in the Wi� le d at the respectable and suffered defeat at the hands of the of Owen Bound, were listened to with ivrapt Bo-okle Felts, at lip a pair. A large range,of, to to. H ppy p 'Iture ' r I aL w2ding breakfast was served and, a re- Classic C!�y players to the't call rated to this county over 40 years ago. turn to Uensat.l, and, iriteucW, comilleneing 31 -yea a. ick was raisedby ception held. The young couple )of( on. the to one. no uue Of six goals attention. The social on the Md . an's and Boys' Socks and Rublien. very ohea?, 9 look, up t! 0r.a!g..Ca(rfuo and wheA. Cardno bold three o'clock train that afternoon -for wever, the score is not a proper, Ing following was also very successful. The This is a -genuine Fala to reduce stock and ins He was a man possessed of strong personal basitiets shortly in Ran blook.—Tht. indication of the game played by - our boys, room for now tpring &colt. Give u3 a call. JA1128 character, and was well versed in history as -first carnival of the oeAsolInt his bakery to -late Alonza 8trong, Dick went Chicago, where they will spend a week --- or night's entertainment was made up of t n we 14 held on our, too and for a time conveyed thetaff of life so. On their retu and with a little more practice at shocting speeches by CAN,,two, Ganeial store, Nippon. well as in -matters er sininito church and rink, on Thursday ev VM ra they will take up their resident ministers, -music by a itb, a ehibg of t week ai& to our citizens. Later on he, was sold to the residence in W , ingham. The wedding gif to rent story to tell. —We quartette by the Misses Brawn. and Messro� Mri AIex..Mqnte n Mon ay state. In politics go was eformer and in there was a large attendance 0 both iliiei; We ha-ve loffieli were varied and costly. Their I Press J t 11 late Win. Habkirk, of McKillop, and a -bout to the bride notice in the Washiii to i Weekly Gibson, and a lecture by Dr. Somerville, on last, met with a very unpleasant accident, religion a Presby1eriall, The funeral, to 'and spectators. The ied, was -in a seventeen years ago was purehased by Mr. Pi that Mr. A. R She&, 0 Blake, has won the " Sights and mpressions of old London. - which proved a very narrow escape train MeTaggart's cemetery, on Thursday, fth b_� condition, and all present see ad to epjo cy- ffered by the Alonzo 0. Bliss was very lar -list nea Somer - oro, to be put on them all possible happiness. I The night's entertainmient'was much en-- having his leg b oken. ' Mr. Monteith was inst.,j pli attended, testifying. the carnivall. The 1011dWing h the Ville, of RoA many friends will units with us in wishing first prize r Ja , 0 engaged in cleaning out the stables and was to the respect felt lor -the decease the retired list. But be was a great piece of ny, of Washingt to the general hanced by Mr. Copeland, of Toronto, with d and oym- the prize winneralor coal -k enines, s -sting stuff and during all -those years was as. agent who sold most f their med' using a boat for the purpose, when by some pathy for his family. and May gritty EGRON i Lcharaoter. c. time, Mi DVILLa 101ne, his grimaphone, and some excellent. selec. r"llg ; Ladieb' NoTzs.—Last week Mr. Our Native Herbs/1 I L Canada daring the means his foot got between the wall and ANNUALMEETiso.—Theannual meeti aS Many &L colt. Dick was known by nearly David Hayes moved his family to - Seaforth, tione were rendered. The receipts for the ngof Effie Chapman; ent character ''CoStame nine, Jame&. everyone and by his, shuffling off is removed ast year. We con rat late Mr. Shes, on two days were the boat, giving his foota painful squeeze. Carmel church was held on Thursday 0 John Brown gents, comic,00 having purchased the residence on something -over $90.�Mi vening win iving -ratoli.—On s will come to a, Frank an aasociation of early Seaforth, and the near the saw mill, from Mr. frobh proof a the les Fortunately no bones were . broken, but he last.The basement of the church was full to Johnston ; boy's coniid uni the, flats, fact L that Huron Lottie Brawn was in Wingbam on &bbath wunters closing of e, unique chapter in the history of the f1ront in whatever last.—There will be an election for the will be confined to the house or a time. the doors and the liveliest interest waa taken Peart two-- mile race, won three Friday night. or early New Year' Mr. Monteith feels thankful for his fortan- in the proceedin a. The reports of the differ. ti nioning, usiness they engage in.—Mr. Andrew reeveship of the village, or, account of the mes in succession, George 0 eil Exeter - r Your **nio ro some of a Pattullo, M. P. P. for .. outh Oxford, and resignation of Mr. 8. B. Sanders.' The ate escape.—Our winter for the past two ent auxiliaries a Anected a e one mle, George Ste pD h a n person broke in the, door gowed, that the congregation boy's race, weeks has been one of the choicest and is has its forces well organized. and presented It I on SWICS OF SCOTLAN.D. —The elected VOW' a h n-houae, and stole two very fine Mr. bl. Y. McLean, Sou h Huron, delivered candidates are Mr. Thomas 'Hemphill and 0 int barrell race. i3ear 0 geese. ge Stephenson, for 1898, of Lady Narin Camp, Som of Scot- hu both pleasant and houlthsome for young and record of faithful work and encour One of them was particularly vala- addresses at, a meeti g of the Young Mr Jo A. Barnard. The council is as ag pro- Clinton. The judges Were il old.—Large quantities of brick have been ir 1D able and she would not have taken ten del. Liberal club, of North Toronto, on Friday folfows : Messrs. McKelvey, Bray, RuW land -were installed by Past Chief John Gil- 19 9 � gress. The managers re ra rt -note7the fact and G. F. Ainold. of Hangall. for it, To make matters vorse, a num. eZetiIna —T' - council 0 and A. R. lespia, on Wednesday evening of last week, i 11 g of last week. he.county erford and Hazlewood. assing through our village daring the past that the congregation tad outgrown -the Bell, of Luesiu.--wThe I how. g otice,mblich re scatteted in as folos -. J. P. C., 'Alexander B her of hens fiew ou% and w' et for the Janua0y session on the Jaw weeks, which indicates that our farmers seat' of the church and suggest roadfoot; a I.nf capacity 7 ------ all directions, some of them being lost an. 25th inst.—Miss Chief, A. W hla�iel Thomson, ­ Of are still prospering and that con tractors and ad a p Ian of enlar� - we tlipped from the ar WIR HAVE 0 Stobie Chieftai R.Common gement. It was decided fers to.the marriage a tirely in the snow. Mrs. Petrfi;-who is one Mitchell, was the guest d! her brother, Mr. Elibbert. mechanics will be busy the coming summer. uebanaii, MONZYBA Recordinq Secretary, J. Rankin; Finance of our most kind-hearted citizens, feels just- W. W. Thomson, this week..—Rev. Mr. A HAPry -EvENT.—The principal actor —Wood I to tecure the services of a competent archi. sonof in. - uchanan, of this village, S R. Aitcheson; Treasurer,Thomas a now coming in to our village teat before an* change is made, Mr. W 1, ecre�aryj J. While it is and will be read with in ri unoyed at such treatment, Lowe, of Wingham, preached in St.Thomas mentioned in the following paragraph from freely, and our wood yards are getting in manifest�some way of increasing the accom. in t at b�y his I enu Itichardson; Chaplainj James McMichael; and it is! to be regretted that our usually his section, he being forme 4y A resident Marshall, J. Habkirk ; Staitdard BearerW church on Sunday last, 'ev. Mr.. Hodg6s the Comber Herald, refers to a son of Mr. their year's sap y.—Our village bl6k- odation is necessary, it is-boped that some at Hay : "A quiet w-eddingoo solemnize&, 'S . . well-ordorW village should be the scene- of supplying for Mr. Lowe Wingham. —Miss William Wallace, a former resident of this smiths have been Vept busy. lately, keeping way may be suggested ehat will not destro in 'the Wellood church Wednesday, -P4yne ; Senior Guard, R. Steele; Junior tie-,- Esq., Royal Oak Farm,'Tilbury West, was M r. Willis, rch he afternoon, when Miss Ju,11a ton stiolipettY thievery.—Mr. and, Mrs. a guest of Mrs, township: The home of . X. Dodson, the horses sure footed,. with sharp shoes.-:: the present beauty of the chu -.rd, John Lowery; Piper, John Beat Wm. Mills, of Stratford, is tlill y Bal. 8, -of Now York, in Sinclair, of Tucketsmith, who treasarerar T young, Douglas, of Hamilton, spent sev6ral days -of Arch. Scott —Miss Stero itatement for the year showed that eat daughter of Mr. .1. w. Physician, Dr. McKay Trustees,. W. 17e their honeymoon, last week. the guests of is visiting at Dr. Beth�ne's.—Mr. James the scene of a happy event on Wednesday Eu�rtooes, the coming sum mer, buildi the total ce * to f" ewton, was� he camp proposeff having an at home ougall, eveninj 29th, when his eldest ric residence, ban- daring the week, ng a 2,,42.9,,"' re 'p rain all sources -Were united in inarriage to Mr. W latityne, D. Moore and James. McMichael. Mr; and Mrs.- W McD of this village. Bergin, forme I of th' _ ;, December with which fterJAYiDg All expenses be It of Wellwo T wn, has been ap. hulth knot wasmi Mrs. Douglas,)io;merly, Miss Annie Dauby, f the Milner- daughter, Nellie .Gertrude, 'was united in the assistance of his neighbors, been d leaves a balance of $77-00. . The- amount tied by Rev. Z C. Cot*L' Th age t ad. Th O�' ks ; or the holy bond of matrimoay *to Mr. John Ing brick ai t a sufficient quan. given to the schemes of the c4u e ne, sary. Reased to Walker Wagon Vor in ny, of Walk, ad his now 0 wjy wed. oa the evening of Burns' birthday - ann:iver, has many friends here, who were p _pointed traveZifin to raw- roll this year I Wrong welcome her back und ded-couple will t k -their a the er iuch aus.piiious con- Orville, his territory bei ;Fa t ontari&_ Wallace a prosperous young farmer of the tity home.—Mr. G. T. 1. 'nL1 tT, b& leg e I ito � residence int as ern YcKay,. of Tucker. was $880.00. The report of the session stat. Wellwood,' 0 y 'Milhe township. There were about seve ahead; farm. The ditions.—Stay thy,hand, Friqnd Morris I Mr. Be forme I sgent for the nty swith, who purposes raisinghts barne and ed that twenty-nine had united with the AxrRr,ex&Tr.D.—The Mr. Parish referred Our Agricultural Society is too van' " in Was 1� xpr tenders congr�atul siated Messrs. oleman, of this own and in a live relatives and friends present to witness the putting stabling underneatfi,'is busy getting church during the year, and noted with G., to in the following paragraph is a f 9 I r is well ormer re- an institution to be handled in Wall a ;ruth- andnergetio now I emplo ore .a rison, of London, is the guest of Mirg, man and �is be leiltiful and impressive ceremony,. which material on hand. It would seem that pleasure the fact that the attendance, both 1 hirray.— v. W. B. X4rr, of this Village,, sident of thii I y s county and known to less manner. Imagine, it yon can, what will find that they have see red in him an w" performed by Rev. A., T. Coulter, M. better times "are approaching.—Mrs. Thomas at week day and Sabbath services, had accompanied by Mrs. Kerri was in .Brussils. u 8 tnany of our readers4 In speaking of his scrubby runto our domestic animals would excellent salesman, and gentleman who A., pastor of the Presbyterian church, At McDonald, of London, has been spendin a never been larger, more regular or devout. -this week,attending the crya removal from Bellafield congregation, the soon degenerate to, what miserable veget. will have the full confidence of their� cas. six o'clock the bridal party elitered the pleas nt visit at the parental ho tal Boissevain, Manitoba, Globe says Mr.i. ables and insipid fruits would be 0 me of Ir. The congregation this year celebrates the of his brothe imuivermary TM dished up tomers,—The second annual exhibition' of. parlors, which were beautifully decorated John Anderson, of Stanley,and Amon other illftieth anniversar r a Marriaxe, who n ditor of' Y Of its organization. This the Brugs J. Parish- and family were agreeably our- to us, what rude vehicles and machinery we the Huron -Poultry and ]Vat Stock Associia. with out flowers,. holly and evergreens, to the friends. —The spech I meet' Wit h are should make it a year of special interest a d eI6 Post.—M-ro. R. prised an, entertained byy the ellafield con. 6 Inge 1a who, would have to use, and lost, bat not least, tion will be held in Goderich, on January enchanting strains of Mendelsohn's wedding now being held in 9 Methodist church special work.—Cox. recently returkta f, 0 th a r in t. Louis, Aeldent AS gre ation, on Thursday evening, September we would have none of those lovely fancy 25, 96 aud:7.—The Hen. M. F. Hackett, march played b where she had been spending :of y Prof.. G. D. Ainslie, of from night to night, are being larfely at., THE COUNOIL.—The newly 'appointed SOL , when Mr. Smith read an address wish- articles which the ladies delight so much to Grand President of the O.M. B. A., has a Leamington, an took their places under a tended and great interest seems to mani- I Months with her daughter, f Ing Mr. Parish and family God speed and at fabria%td. All this p- council met for the first time, in Coxworth's and much more would d Dr. McGinnis, of this town, his bell of evergreens and holly and beneath fested by thoae from 'a distance, who take 11'all, on Monday last. All the members is in Clinton thiri week visiting AMIdeut the same time regretting to loose one who result but for the- keen comfetition and daughter-in-law,—We tin er son sad t Weal Deputy for the county of Huron, a this the interesting ceremony was per. a share of the work. This is very encourag- wereresent with the exception of Mr. W. that Mr. Robert Mal, 'alri.- I , to state- on, . arenj was con- has been so- faithf al and done so much by wdnifican prizes of our faits. postF of importance in this &no.-iati formed. The bi ide was gowned 'in a travel. ingto, the pator and his people.—Mias .R�Hodgifis- After being duly sworn in,the fined to his An his. conetant work and prayers, at the close Spare the venerable institution, even at the -1 throwing upoij the a ntoo some of the ling suit of gray cloth and carried a bouquet Jane Mulholland, during the week, visited council proceeded to make'the follow- room through Illness for aum. Ing a ber of weeks, has recovOred of which Kra. John Clark and Mrs Robert cost 6f $500.—A lady and child had a lively duties of the head of associatiou.—Mr. of white carnations. She was assisted by her sister, Mrs. Duncan, of Clinion. m -Farm- intments for the. present year: Ulerk,w: cel t9e0i Squires, on; behalf of the congregation, pre- experience on our street on Tuesday even. Win. Govenlo0k, son of Mr. Robert Goven, her mister, Emma J. Dodson, who carried ors are now making use. of the good sleighing D. Cooke; assesoor, R. Bouthron; con James Murray and Mt. John peat se ted sta- Weduesda in Ki '00 I Lr.q ypen, w a 1r. Parish with a puree of $40-00. Ing. It appears they had been to town,and lock of McKillop, who bas for some time ink carnations. The groom was assisted b getting home gravel for statute labor. ble, Robert Bullard; medical health inspect. James M: lib N and Mr. Parish replied with all affectionate fare- when returning across the railroad track, hold the position of mathemati.-al i Z_ his brother, Mr. James Wallace. After y — T. Jame teacher in ?, This appears to be a' reform in the right or, Dr. Maodiarmid; board of health,' Dr. I J1 'I s Red and, rail- I on bohalf of his wife and family. The the horse became frightened at an eukino, the Ingersoll high school, has received a t e ceremony was over and the new] direction, whioh.saves the poor horses duri- Ferguson, John Scott and William Stn WAY Agent at Leeds, North Da to, Aceom- Wei ladies of the congregation then spread a but the lady held Pla ki y the 1i and I il r y hot summer days.—Mr. Will Baal ry ins 0- panied- by hi sent, visit- sat Which M_ 0 1 to nee, a in % appointment in the London Co'lle ' to wedded couple hadL received the congratula. Ing the ism man tor; Win. ]Buchanan; v wife, is herd at ingurfino p ASL - enjoyed by soon- ulled it up. The bew, however, Inotitute.—A little soa� of Mr. 1ReP1jn&iry tions of those prosent, the guests partook 'of Doig, of Tackeramith, who is a pro rty., aqditors, Hobert c 4 ID his -brother and sisters, an renewin All," And of his juduction into his new startes several times on the way down,, Patterson, or,, end Louis g 9 and Nickle WNPIP unfortunatt enough one day Acquaintances in this hist6rmer i . I the. wedding Aupper.which was prepared ku owner in Algoina,'appear, to b ru it ld; treasurer and collector to be ap. many friends ar on�e, 1 His pleased to see ii 'A dn Of I me FUTI Sat