The Huron Expositor, 1897-11-05, Page 3CARTERS Itwas.the trial of 'a member of one of lutlrn iexuuudn ,. 1JZLII,C, v� c� iCueu imp e. I >B>ft1T3'Ia, Clark *f the Second Division I think so, " said Albert Gerard -Thiers, �(3onntpCommisioaer, of Huron Con- NorlQlk's foremost families. The ae•- QlTF1BUTI0<d OF SAMPLES- ' ; use a} �, , Loan and insurance .Agent, k Z;ds Cendant was a woman and was char ed the tenor, who once riang far old Cete= iiisow ADS. . to Loan, OMOG-over airs k WITTLE g king of the Zulr:a. Mr. Gerard. +Halnsttne�s�tort�. 1 with #orgery and complicity in pension Of Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills, wayo, 4 fraud. As the proceedings drew to a The Universai Mediellne for all Kid- Thiers several years ago bore the Teu- } I ANS Ate" BMER WA14TED: wanted a lim• LIVE� close all the pity erawdsd into the reef Troubles, at J. S. Roberts tonic cognomen of Th6?ss and had it�1 sh. . 11 ited qu*Dtity of good white Beaus; also a c:3nrtroomwill, Residentsfrom GhentandDrug Store. changedtoThiers. His fame spread, and wee � - t1 � ���h p��� The•highesthccash ese ®aloe� balers from the wharfs sat together his middle name was wedded to his sur- a, �, paid lot ravel u� all seasons+. °T, �. fire one bench, and the bailiff, rept to FOR SEVEN D AYS ONLY name with a hyphen. Cog 0 CO„ Safoith• _ 15�H dos! so good a chance, manifested his, "I am more French than German," - � - FRF �, I+'OR TH 1 ASKING da® continued, and my vocal method is I , -' A, HEI ER. --strayed frcm Lot % Concss• authority by calling out "order" and = $� 1.skin 8, Tuakatsmitb, cn ar shoal the Bast of himself Makin more noise than all the not at all German. Many people im- &Ftewber, a heifer riaing two years. she was of g agine that a German vocalist is a mas- color. ADy person giving information ,batSICK H ADAGNE people 3n the court.- an fo her recoyfry aill be suitably r�warded. _ Th la 11 ter of the guttural, and that is one rea- s� Iotd a st witness was a negress, port- Gi h CAMPBELL, 8eatorth P. ct. MGM, i son why I had my name changed. I have Positively cursed by thel?� Iy and very black. Her voice was sin- s - Cr �,y YARD. -Casae into the premises of the Little Pills. � gularly mellow.and sweet. The govern- I uc prejudice against the German meth- ' Undersign ed, at Staffs Hotel, a black egad f ment was Questioning her about the , aid, only I prefer the French method of She has been in the vicinity for some time. They also relieve )stress from Dyspepsia, singing. Pg3ple who were introduced to swe.rae owner can have the unie by proving property lttdi�estiori and Too Beaty Eating, Aper- death of her husband, and her teetimo- 'Hj 5!_ - aid paylpg ehargca- FRANCIS CARLIN, . a, a ny was directly against the defendant. me used to ask if I was German. As I 151;7x4 fact named for Dizziness, Nausea, Oncost. speak French and not German, I con- y The courtroom was consequently very AP+TBD HELP. Rellabte men in every local- ness, Bad Tastein th Mouth, Coated Tongue quiet and still. ' eluded to change my frame to Thiers. ity, Ictal or ttavellir,, to intreducce a new pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They "gore say your husband died in Nor- ` My wife is an American, but she has ,-�a "co7tgy and Inesp our show cards tacked rep on lived long in Parte that she speaks fences and bridges throughout town mud Regulate the Bowels Purely Vegetable, folk?" snarled the district attorney. - sin Steady employment- >✓ommissioa or "Yessah. ►• t French tike a native and has' nothing E s 65 per month and Qxpenus, and money de-: S1 all Pills , 1 8i'ltall Do"* e: „ � German ,in her appearance or manners." --W" l � in any bank when ctarUd- For particulars - �ni;7J Price. '{Yore were With him? son , THE WORLD MEDICAL ELECTRIC Cori-r�_ <�•` � Yessah. Right dere with him when "Did you sing in French to Sing . N Kft PANT, Lozdon, Ontario, Canada- 16WBG Substitution 6A died." Ceteway(�7„ f cs „ "No; I sang in English. The Old '1{3TI TO TRESPASSERS.—Persons are hereby Tell Cas about it. notified that treeing, shooting, esu,, on the fraud f the clay. ":1"'member, sah, he got up -through Zulu was in captivity when I sites him gd , on i;onran on 11, and Lots 27 to Bot on the nigh He said he was too wa'.m 1 . , in Africa. I was singing in Cape Colony If,soo , qn 12, Hibbert, 9011 sores, is f riotly prohibit, , g y- in my boyhood days with an English *4, Andz3 no hounds allowed to run thro gh this See TGLi e Carter S, lug down Bore with me and, de little r pity. Parties found trespassin will ba - rose- Claud. `I'ze too wain,' ' ' ' opera company, and after it stranded f he said. Ill go . � according �, taw, W. H. sTO�IEIaArr, , , � visited the dethroned African monarch. _ IWx4 to de winduh and lie down dere. He. -��� for Carter's, gen'ally got up nights anyhow when he The English inapt him guarded at a . g�,sy CATTLE. --Strayed from the premises of was too soot u Di farmhouse, but allowed him privileges. file subacriber Lot 18, Concession 2 McKillop a 4tlLIUG HOB68, fd. a red atter, with a Uttle white ; and a heifer spotted Insist and C�emand "I don't know how long he had been � I can several operatic airs for him, ,but red and white, both coming two years old. The a lyiu by de winduh 'fore I heard a J, S. Roberts, the well-known Drugs tet 'o the id not please him, and in despair United States stsar bsabeen away since last spring, and the hatter , ti this town has the reputation of offering to I tried 'Old Dog Tray.' He liked it, abouttwo weeks: Any information thankfully re. Carters Little le Liver Pills. rus le. I gene ally keeps a lamp burnin patrons those goods only which are known jlable in all parer Asad, and vAll be rewarded: `JOHN O'sULLIVAN= ni to. I hears him say, ` P g y and when told the story he said a dog ma tie on Sworth P. O. U68-4 g y Ole Oman. I to produce satisfactory results. started. up, and he says, `Ole 'oman, get Learning of the marvelous worth of Dr. vas faithful and wished ed to sing it EAGHER WANTED -For School Section Ido. 9 up.' And I jumped up an says, 'Ole Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills, as evidenced again. Then he embarrassed me eaceed- Grey ; male or female. holding aeconl or thin p , ' b the endorsement of cured. patients and ingly by presenting me with two of his 9 certificate for the year 1893- Applications will T h i� K pen Mills. ! man. He ears, What? y 'et hi heat curretl be g ter fiatd by >f the ye sr., until Alovember 12th. ¢ `I jumped rep and went to him at de druggists, Mr. Roberts made arrangements wives. ` Each was u> .ore than ria fast in g Teachers can state salary and erectile ovem testimonials h. _ with the Hobts Remedy Co.; to gide, abaci- height and black as the ace of spades. I r and Deoembelr- secretary -Treasurer, HARTWELL SPEIRAN. windnh, and he was like he Was strng- 1559 8 gin. I says, s, `Hone ,what's de matter?'' utely free of charge, to every person in this declined his royal offer, although he de- ►oslt, 1 y y vicinity who may be intereated,an opportun- Blared the wives would not be missed." d de las' wa'dhe acid `I don't know ' f Il ;­ iffs of irm- r 1, ___ _ *�11&0 . tv . - - 01.111 s I a t o nr u n u n muumnmttutijluan •t__M____-" m. -t t _==_^ -- - L _ :--��-=_ __ = == t., -ttt�—„t-�t—�t - .-,tt t•t-,=-�-t,tt—,tttt, t:.�tt��t t, : t•tt A'Vege►abiePrellarationfor As- similating t41efood andReguia- Itsng the Stam=hs andBa;vets of ii s i' Pro*: ,'CSD4gesiion,Clieerful- Si sS%1!-alest contains i.eithcr lutrl,'Morphine icor I►'Tm?sal. EiT N.k ARC 0'Z` I C . ;W cPcI�Z�Y•.ii'NU�1'l��e 1'unr/1 , Scej' erx.d • . ,modsitsV1- ..faiae Send . �Js�• �1'� - - �}�`xaT' Aperfect Remedy forConstipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diafrhdea, Wort s,Convutsions,Feverish- i css andLo3� OF SLEER Tac simile Signature of - V- ��� NEW 'YORK - I �`, v , �, , t '.` ' PAV TrwiwE I IL P. - I SIGNATURE11 r ©F . a-14-44 2 .0 # � I WX IS O HE - . WVRAPP Fr.4R I T : .1 I 1; i 1 EVERY 1! L :BOTT=-' - �� I A1,,Tfl.R11 I ::: . "I'll I . . Castoria is put rep In one -size bottles only. It • Is not sold is bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell yon anything else on the 'plea or promise that It is "just as goods' and "will answer every par - J N M H EVI N "� sty to teat the speedy cure o a pose."' Ste that you get 0•A -fl -T -C!•& -I -d. ROE, Agent 3U Private fends tO loan atloweat I said, 'Lord have mercy, what's de nay disease and allied troubles. -N<< Fork CommerctaL �s ice. rates of ,crest in Sitans to stiff Has pleasure in intimating to his atrons matter wid yon?' And after I said Bat he , Dr. Hobbs asserts that he has discovered EX�►Cf' COF�Y OF 41iRAlzF�ER.fl• p erred in his S areae Kidney Pills that DINING AND FEEDING.e-s�i�'i� er}ag5 .� boi'rowe`1ra.' Lt9ans can be Com- and the public g@nerally, that the Kipp®n didn t say no mo . G@n men,.he died a r P �rrapp°r' 1,fli pletetl and money _advancek. d Mille were b@veru better shape to give' right oft. I said : `Lord Jesus, my has- will positively cure that most insidious and American Table manner* Not so ©pen to common of all complaints which is wrecking 5�0 wit n tvFo da s. . 1 to R. entire satisfaction n band gone. What tint I gwine to do?' 1 Criticism as Formerly, r , men. and women by the score. daily, viz. No one was with me but dat child. I Ali 9 pP y Kidney Disease, except when@ tumors and It has been conceded that the degree ;i, bot}() S. Hays, Barrister,ac.,seaior h. G a t i n g a' d O h o p p i n g went out and hollered some said 1 q g surgical _ P pep y o'clock at night Bey heard me holler. I ulcera have formed, re mrtn sur cal o era- o! civilization a o le has reached ma Than are now. Work done while you ation. be accurately measured by its dietary. went out and hollered for some one to For one week from the date of this publi- Now, some one has said that "the■ iosc tool wait, if you will wait long enough. (rive come, fo' my husband was dead. ` cation, J. S. Roberts, will give away. American feeds, the Englishman de- ri i e - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. us a trial, we will guarantee you satisfac- Washington Post. " ood s'' r v - 1,s.c s tion.° FREE OF OHARtaE yours, the Frenchman dines. In viewNew _,aclllnc- OUSE AND MILL FOR SALE.—For sale or to JOHN M EVIN, Kippen Mills. to any parson who will ca for a sample box of this Statement one wonders What the :titre his H rent or exchange for other property, a new 1566•tf Windsor Castle Treasures. of Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pille. English have been doing through the - brick house on J;Mae r+treet. one doer wast of Hr. D. Those marvelous treasuries, the Old uu�u.s..■rss�.....e.ws�.i.....�.r....... g With each box will be found a little book centuries to have advanced so little. We t zz — fy D, WilaoWs. A good supply of hard and soft water • Of, .� e in the kitchen ; a good stone cellar and cement ons- . - and silver pantries, which lie close to- on the functions of the Kidneys, giving just do not pretend to answer for them,. but _ Of, that tarn ; agoad arohsrd and stable ; also the Seaforth gather fit the northeast corner o! Wind- such information as is desired or needs by P '' Full stock Of new dress good S, f 1ne lines ICC Cider and Jelly Mill. All vein be Bald on easy terms, WMN tr Wal err would Say for ourselves, We have been AS' the proprietor intends going west. Apply to nor castle, at the foot of the Prince of those suffering from weak kidneys and unin- .hewing our way through forests, pia . a J€iHN KLfiNE,oathaptamiseS'. 1667x4 THE RELIABLE Wales' tower, were until recent y@ars Ary diffieliltiea. rY dress trimmings and ribbons, splendid Stock O very Sequently visited . by the queen, No one who is affected by Kidney Diseases veering in ev@ry direction, in eve ESIDEI4CE IN . BRUCEFIELD FOR SALE.-- Upholsterer d Mattress Maker, who, with her housewifely love o1 de- and allied troubles, should neglect this great sense -ample apology for. feeding in- A: RFor sale the frame dwelling hones and lot near AF RTH ONT. never considered it beneath her op rtunity. It is offered to enable you to ' stead of dining. underwear, best as$Ortment Of laI dE$� perfect _j� .� tree railway elation in Brea afield. The house con- SE , tail, n v jus of the merits cf the Remedy. You But, of course, it Was 8 Frenchman tains ten rooms.; a atone cellar -,and hard and soft parlor Furniture . r@ aired orad recovered. dignity to mak© intimate aognaintanee do not have to take any one's opinion bat who made the declaration, and, o! r i —t j� it water in the house ; else`s good ,stable. There is a y y g fitting i n g ac kat s. �.1, - quarter stns o! land, Apply to ALES. MUSTARD, Carpets sewed and laid ;also cleaned ,With the vast quantity o! articles in the your own. It will coat you only the Askin course, he made it long ago, when, mor- �nles- j . Brucefleld. - 1516-tt and renovate at reasonable prices. precious metals, which have either been renal tits to herself or form a he- FOR FREE SAMPLES, CALL ON tifying though it be, honesty compels >J�St opened—n$w mllilne'ry goods 1n ht8e : ns to acknowledge that we map have `` OUSE FOR BALE, Fit TO RENT Mr. John Shop at M. Robertson's Ofd �itary ppanaga to her state. Even - f i LandeborCugh,willl sellor rent his finenew Stand, Main Street.een guilty, Times, however, and con- ' flowers Bathers ornaments etc., at �-��-- _ residence in Eggiondvlile, which was built last sum• lately her majesty has visited her pan- J. , S. Roberts,RO be rt S, DrU gg �.� t. ditions have changed, and not, even the y mar. This is in every respect a first-class house, WOOD WILL B ' TAX FOR wont;. tries in her wheel chair, and the present most bigoted Frenohmau will refuse to .with good brick and wellfinished, bard and soft 1522 arrangement of the multitude of objects SEAFORTH, ONT. admit that when the American has �� water combined coal or wood furnace, cement floor In carr, and every modern convenience. Apply to therein has been made entirely with her �.---• reached the dining point he will have rMME O113M.A:P d�SA 8�'ORF�� 7: -JOHN LANDSBOROUGH, Seatorth. 1628 tf PLAN114G MILLI Isonal approval. Apart from•the in- Bicycle Proverbs.terest which necessar.l attaches to ar-more to dine upon than any other man �/j' '��`y A -soft saddle turneth away wrath. The in the world. `The culture of man in W, W: HO �FMA.L� . ARM IN ALGOMA FOR BALE. -For sole thetieles which are in daily and intimate bumped child dreads the flyer. The novice America will demand all the art in his T South East quarter of section F., township of A N - . Laird, containing 160 acres. There are fort) acres MAIM T., FORTH: use by the queen, the plate at Windsor and his saddle are soon parted. He who ,, cuisine that France by study has evoly- - OARDNQ'S BL00$, BEAFQRTK. etearzd sod tree from stumps and under crop. Com- castle is acknowledged the finest coffee- sups with the scorcher needs a high gear, ed, with the added merit of honesty in . furtable log buildings. The balance is wentimbered. The undetslQriediw�Onld ba to say to the pubHo tion in the world and . is more than It's a poor cyclometer that wont re inter his food, the disguises incident to pov- A ant for Butte Patterns and Publications. L .It within four miles of • Eehobsy railway station, g g and six miles of Cha ylroeperous village of Port i e ierally, that they Ave their mill running nowfullworthy of consideration. double up hall. It's an ill wind that blows g FindLy. Tlasis a good lot, and will be sold cheap, VIAS',, every day as all day, and are prepare out of a uncture in your tyre. Its the arty of material not being a necessity. and on easy terms. Apply to WILLIAM SIMPSON do custom work on tie shortest notice, and gain The two s0 called pantries -which in man without a cyclometer that has ridden There is no department of supply in on the premises, -or to ALEX. '.MUSTARD, Bruce- sntee satisfaction. It kinds of reality are strong rooms of the most ap the greatest distance of all. No man can which we have not the advantage, and P. ” field. 1546-tf PINE LUMBER BOTH DRESSED AND roved and well arranged kind -are p hasten the passing year, but any good rider we Are learning to use our materials as It is poor economy to buy cheap Tea, and use tiwee as 1711aOh, -5.-.e,-. - - FARMER.S' ATTENTION.—Why pay 6k n w6 per UNDRESSED, MOULDINGS OF ALL separated from one another by the plate can mate a century run. Despise not t rapidly as we have been obliged to cent. interest these hard times Y I am pr deanin rooms, which are furnished' da, of small things ; its the little eproeket learn all other things. -Ella Morris z and not get half as much satisfaction as from a good one. gored to Iend mcney at 6 per cent. on really $ret- KINDS, DO RS, SASH, BLINDS, g y class farm security, a to 50 pet cant. of the selling LATH ANDS INGLES, BOTH PI1�E with all kinds of itnown appliances for that makes the wheel go round. Take heed Kretsclunar in Woman's Home Com- j value; straight loans; interest and princiPal in ap- the adequate polishing and burnishing of the beginner from before, the schorcher fi ` � , �' menta to suit borrower. Apply to A. CosENs, >Qret AND BRITIS COLUMBIA CEDAR, anion. - door south of Jackson's store, Egmondville, And everything kept in a first-class Planning Mill of every kind o! rare and delicate gold- from behind, but who shall escape the p 1604tf bloomer girl? What Wrestlers Bhonld Eat. always in stock, belzt workmen kept, and best work smith s work. All the royal plate is car- g 0— The Japanese wrestlers are a race o! y; done. Plans furnish�d and estimates given_ Please rigid to these rooms in rotation and Food Peculial'1tieB FAR'1t FOR SALE.—Far sale, Lot it, conceieion Ye us a call when y u want anythiog in our line. the often weigh from 14 to 24 8, Hallett, containing 100 acres, about 85 acres cleaned, Whether III use Or not, and Cite giants; y $ of which are under oultivatian, the balance being N, CLUFF SONS, Seaforth. Dr. Sophie Upper, the En fish food stone. At the Imperial hotel in Tokyo timber and pasture. The land is well uuderdrained system employed forgiving it out and P PPe g � 1614.1 yr. epegialist, says in speaking. of the peculiar- a3th tile, and in a good state of cultivation, A good , receiving it back forme ample and re- ities of various foods that blanched almonds once they brought their champion wren. CEYLON TEA 411 I brick house and a large bank barn with stone stab- sponsible work for the yeomen of the ive the 'higher nerve or brain and muscle ,ler to my room. Ho wad} prodigious in _# &1f ` ling; about 1.0 miles from 8eafo,th and 8 from Clin pantries and their assistants, many of oo� no heat or waste. Walnuts give nerve size and as fat and fair; as a baby. He lt3 a OOC� OYl® and sure. �0 please. i ton, and within two miles and 'a halt from Constance F. O. -It ie one of the best equipped farina in the u whomareveritable Slants among men, or brain food •muscle heat and waste. Pine -woe a Hercules in strength, but looked .• g - county and will be sola cheap, as the owners are go- i . R.!Jack§on al, the weights that have to be moved kernels give heat and stay. They.serve as like an overgrown chernbaoff �Correggia 25o 40e 506 and 60c.Ing west- Apply on the premises, or address Con-' grapes What do -you eat?" I in Lead Packages, 7 ? stance P. O. McGREGOIt BROTHERS. 156) -is + are very often enormous. -Collier's a substitute for bread. Green water ra ea �+ Weekly are blood purifying, but of little food value. "Rice, nothing but rice." Blue grapes are feeding and blood purifying, .,may eat eat m@at?" FROM ALL LEASING GROCER. & ' SON' - A Train of Blackguards. too rich for those who suffer from the liver ; „ . . STACK FOR SALE. D1xEaT IMpO$TE of "Meat is weakening. Beef is 74 per In many of the great cities of Europe tomatoes, higher nerve or brain food and cent water. -Rice ie 80 per cent food: I 9 Jules Robe Co's Brandy, Cognac, whenever a great festival is about to waste ; no heat. They are thinning and I(i9 FOR SALE AND. FOR BERYICE —The Ji o, de Kuyper k Son; Hol- stimulating. Juicy. fruits, give more or less ate lean beefsteak once and my strength +' P undaraigneii, breeiie� of Large English Berk• France ; golland • take place all the questionable and sus- the highs r nerve or brain, and some few, left me. The other man ate rice andI 1 TONIC - AIN s+tihlras has lot sale boars and aowe in farrow. He will land Gin Rotterdam, ' ioious characters are "urged" by the muscle food no waste ; no heat. Apples threw me down. " IN /A 11,.111139Lee = 'n London En land ; P SLOAN'S also keep for service the stock boar, Booth a Ton Gin, � g lice to take a -few days airing in the supply 1 the hi her nerve and muscle food M courier said : "This wrestler l8 archmed from Hr. George Green, of FaiwieW, Bulloch S'6 .'a Scotch Whisky, Glas- po 1;P Y g r _ � WNW and winner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Term and to disappear for time g y. the champion of Japan. No one can n —;1 payable at the time of service with the privilege goo, Sco land; Ireland Jamies;alae Pot m their accustomed haunts. This is b ghest nerve or brain food, supply heat end throw him. "-Pearson's Weekly. i. tfreturnin if necessary, if booked ;1.60. JAIL Whisky, u , Cures Scrofula, Pimp -les, Ulcera, Abscesses, = ORRANCE, Lot 26, Coneesaton 6, Mckillop, sea- and Sherr Win@ from France and found preferable to putting them under waste, but are not muscle feeding. - Blotches and 'all other disor- arih P. O. 1465 62 P Ag uta for Walker's Whisk • She Supervises a Farm. Boils, I Spain, Y' lock and key. dens arising from impure blood. Z /+s Z_� � I 11 n Ontario ; yal Distillery and Davis' Ju Petersburg and Moscow and in Vi- Anvil and Hammer. spite of being college bred the abil- Ale and Porter, Toronto. onus those who do not leave of their ity to earn a living in the most bassi- More curative power in Sloan'! Indian Tonic �3 STOCK FOR SERVICE. Last eve I paused beside a blacksmith's door, g than in all other medicines ootnbined, _ own accord on being thus pressed are And heard the cavil ring the vesper chime : nesslike manner has been proved ' -by Michael Dillon, of Richmond Hill, writes Y a L� ��% Li C shipped off by the police in a special Then looking In I saw upon the floor M wife bought a bottle of BLOAN'S OAR FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned wits To T/7 in and Japan has recently adopted old hammers worn with beating years of time. Mlas L�nIIa T. Hayes Of LOuisvllle. she y g C Concession Tuck- - train, P y p "c - , r j".; z -x- ' ' ,`, " :- - , ` - • �;,,i_ + is now taking personal supervision of INDIAN TONIC from your agent when he — B keep for,eerviee-,on Lot 3l, Concessia 4, " How man anvils have you had ? said I, mal tv�iosc ersmith, a tlioron�iibred Cheater white Boar, We have opened a retail store in the game exeellent custom. y ll her father's farm of 200 acres. She is was here. She has been in very bad health is all ore remits, d from uv George & Sone, Crompton. eon hay with our wholesale busi- '• To wear and batter all these hammers so T. for several years, and has been treated by pp payable Cr time of n, the new Do- Now, Whenever a popular pageant is .I Just one," said he; then said, with twinkling eye, devoting Cline and money to the level - I {fJr Dilddlesex County. Teims-$1, p y business Irl the rear of take lac® the Soshi-no-no.{ The anvil wears the hammere cut, you know." /� different doctors, and has taken a number of service, with: privilege of Ieturning it necessary , about to p opment of a special breed o1 pigs for different patent medicines, but she thinks .1 )1640-tf minion Bank, a Goods old stand, axds," may be seen = the specially cured hams of which there JOHN w. ROIiTLEDGE. And so, I thought, the anvil of God's word, . -- where we will sell the best goods in st "train a ay into For ages skeptic blows have beat upon ; is a growing demand in the state. - The one bottle of your tnedothe has done hes -- a undersigned will the marks at bottom prices. Gonda steaming away into the country with more goad than all `the ether medicines she ERV•ICE , h g . n and sus ted Yet, though the noise of filling blows was hef;,rd, o r fattened on sterilized milk, .� LZLS FOR S its freight of know PeC 1 are "�i has ever taken. and she wants you to .send 1aykc I _ kee9 p for service at John MoNevin's mills, Kip• delivered tO any part of the town Tile anvil le unharmed—the hammers gone. pigs e, the thoroughbred Durham bull, "8silor Lad." I malBfaCtOTB. I pp�� free. I JoilN CLIFFORD, D.D. meal and apples and are brought up to her another bottle of your medicine. 3his bull waft purebased from Mr. D. D. `Milson, and 1513-tf •—� Mrs. R. W. Wilson, Of Fergus, says, is frcm II> parted stuck. terms, tI.60. MCNEVIN 8 uniform w@fight, ills hams are Cured 'Ills tiv11t}le SIcIiAY. 1624x4t•f TELEPHONE 1• Then She Fainted. Havin us one bottle of your Tonic, Niece (showing the wedding presents Foot Weariness. on the farm. The young woman is mak- 1 t . s I would like auPoiher, as I find it gives great; ion Nvili Ir.: � —r- � �) c ERii8HII1E BOAR FOR SERVICE.—The under- DOD�B gpc3pH�DaNE• ;O Uncle Tom)—I wanted you to see hour keel many when she had any jug a complete success of her venture results. Would you. kindly send one bottle ill t,l �,� of Sloan'! Indian Tonic, for which you will B signed will keep for service on Lot 10, Cances f `rcgt2itcd them all, dear Uncle Tom, so that you P u r� The Gre�t English Renoledy'. 'h { situ 7, Stvnley, the two thoroughbred Berkshire StxPackagea Guaranteed to won't send a duplicate. Duplicate wed- work to do that involved a great deal of Bright valet. "_ �� ;, ,,, l find ii,closed i:00 slid oblige. its, Worms "boars; First prize (4121), then nninz yearling standingon her feet in one, place, she was Valet (to officer's fiancee) -'MY lien- �_ __ -t;�� th-e 6 . • at boars: Fir and London ; Stirling Pride (4971), aged promptly; and permanently w resents are very annoying,' log Merrit VPiltao, of Belmont, writes, ereas�s cure an forms of Nervous ding p the gainer by folding a piece of carpet or tenant has sent me to bring you thin Please find inclosed post office or -der for 6 months. Terms i.00 gayable at time ai so Also with the privilege of returning it neeeesary. j Weakruaa,Emisssmis,sperm- fallow• rug and placing it on the floor under her bouquet o1 forest flowers, plucked by TRADE I�IARIC. $1.0(1, for which send one bottle of Sloan's )stock o4 all ages for cafe. �Y}I. 91oALLISTEit, Qfoy,a,Impotenayandafi Uncle Tom-H'm. What's this? feEt. It has taken the bu1.siness men a long his own hands Indian Tonic: icVe think it an excellent; barna P. O. g 1569-tf e�ectaof Abuse orXtremes, Niece --'That's papa's check for E500. time to learn just what a great many of the Fiancee -Oh, how poetic} And how medicine. - ��., - -- -- - -- afcntad Worry, emceasiuo use Igp't it lovely? grand mothers and aunties of this world . A?JwORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER- ,.. ,� OfTobacoo, orlumor Sttmu I intended to send knew very long ago -namely, that people long it must have tilken to gather them! PtOFMFTa RS,. 'VICE --The und: r --izaed spill keep for service, Be ore an A , r• tants, iohi' soon lead to In- UIIGle TOITI--Very. who stand in one lace for ,any length of Valet -Indeed, miss, it took me now- • a! the BruocBold f�ioe1e Factory, a thoroughbred .f ova• Price $�., 6 for $�• All Dealers Or aadrelss Tamworth Boar, p4th registered godigrer Terme, �,-„Ifyy, I„ pity, f`onaumpfion and an early pr you the same thing, but rather than time would save a great portion of their foot ly three hours.-Fliegende B tter. 1 ppaayable at t rue of service with privilege of re• Has been preyed d over 85 years in thousands of goy you With a duplicate present I'll and leg weariness if they arranged for some- o Hamilton, 3uraing if neeeesary. ciao s number of thorough cases; is the Ont Reliable und Eoneat Mcdto{na send £100. -London Answers fhb soft on the floor. One sensible man the northern parte o1 China there fThe'` Sloan Medic n,ef Co., ii tiMi�°E�$ bred youpgg TaniworUh Basra and Saws for sale. hit for wood's Phosphodlue; it g g are man vii es which are, almost de- - ° 3 J”, fd y 1iJQ T.TNEY. BrBe'T, d. 1406-tf °t0'i' Ask man_ spread a thick coating of tan bark on y lag es he offers some wo'thless medicine in place of this, Good Advise to Follow. the floor of his warehouse ; another used meted in winter, the inhabitants going adwORTE PIS' FOR SERVICE.—The under• inclose price in 1 tter, and we will send b�rtee g eaWditet; and found it a great advantage. south, where they live by begging. signed has for servile on lot 82, i onceaeion 3, mall. Price, one package, ii; els, fib. Somebody gives "the k less, anti- where these substances cannot be.: intro- THE McKillop, a thcrdbred Tamworth pig, to which a more; advice: Drink less, The form r alar guilds and literally '�1 y please, sty wilt ou e5 `Pamphlets free to any acidness, " breathe ���� n McKillop, a tr of sows will be taken. Thi. is an �'i1�ho Wood Company, more; eat less, Chew more; Tide Tests, dueed With safety or covenience, a light y eg CANADIAN V1' COMMERCE files newt= eztra cod i and breeders find it advantagsous to Windsor, out., Canada. Walk more; Clothe less, bathe more; platfoam of rather thin boards for the men Compel shopkeepers to help them by 1 ly 111 I,rice eo - g p g �p !�,,��'p��'�Q snore their berkshire sows with this breed of pig. and everywhere in Can rk more• waste less, give to stand on has been found of great value in threatening to cense_ a riot in front of CA im 1867. �1C0ng a boo@l fit-; Tema $1, with privilege of tetnrning ii necessary. Sold in Seaf rth ty ,Worry leas, work � ;the Savin of strength. In offices where their stores, which Chinese merchants iiBiitia�++•+ I e. �iu1' clotbink' Jelin AloM LLAr1 16o6Xtf oda by all r@ap(nsible druggeata. more; write less, read more; preach g Men are constantly on their feet, thick abhor. HEAD OFFIQEs TORONT©. a little more tll&H less, practice more." jmani.11a matting is helpful in avoiding that . It�yt {ij(ay87tCE1OARS Felt SERVICE -7110 undefsigned Kill :extreme@ weariness to which active people The oddest shaped County among the keep for service on the London Road, a mile T Beet of newarimbl• Fasters. @cub set. Wear) loose shoes with a $, 000 which go to make up the separate �ApITAL tPAlD UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - '6ff000AW i and half south of Brucefleld, a yoang Chesterwhite R, OVER �.J . ar boar, and an aged Durco Jersey boar both from im• R As fasters the sect of Jaina; in India, - W I,o0Q,00 of return- la Fasts of thick insole of felt ntag recommended when tlivisiona o! the.various states is War= RES•T ported stock. Terms—$l,.with privilege floors are extremely hard and unyielding !> en county, Tenn. It lies in the cents ing if necessary. WM. R. SUILLIE. 1567x4 Having rem ved into the store formerly are far ahead o1 all siva COni]riOn, - B. E. WALKER, GNNRRAL bfa>y ALMA• .occuppied by b r. J. Downey, in the Cady from 80 to 40 days are vel A little at to some of what appears of the state and is "'near a perfect cir- -- IG FOR SERVICE.—The The undersigned hra on his Block, oppose the Commercial Hotel, I and once a year they are said to abstain- to be the minor details of life will often- ale as any division of land could be. SEAFORTH-BRANQH■ premises SnVICE.Seid, a thoroughbred Chester y g p from food for 75 days I Gimes repay the painstaking employer in in- Bn81neoo Tranw�• FArMeW Notes discotmted, Drafts jOti1C8' white Pig, to which a limited number of sows will now pur se car in a full and tom fete creased usefulness and the ability to accom- A (lenei'al Bfi`akla$ and the rind Cites is that your C beadmitted. This,ia one of tha best pigs of his ine of akin of one pliah a greater amount of labor. �n�, payable at all pointe in CJanads Bfernlndnt, sire. C .vcarlIi C11laillie8g breed in the country, and is from the herd of �����' ��J$, Blankets, - --(�Yeat Brit8lnr FT'aH�/ the most euccesetul breeder Rua prize winners. P � A United B �C 11Si Cita 1�1nd of Terms—One dollar per sow, payable at iiia time of BAN D�PARTM�NTe J of service, with the privilege of returning it ntcoeasaty: Doctors Recommend MARRIAGE I_IOENSIES sA�INc3s - the best 11I1es GEORGE HILL, Brucefleld, Proprietor. 1667-4 And everythi, handled a the trade. o f Ask your grocer ip><• sad current rates of interest this eek a large consignment of Deposits Of X1.00 and npwarii8 race=vim, cry is tineceIled: i_ `_ = BLANKE , GOAT ROBES AND ISSUED AT - . ` _ allowed. JWIn�reiat added to the principal at the end of May and 1�Tnyeira- is the ,-arae to alL GO LOWAY' ROBES, 1 Cattle afid Sheep For Sale. Which we are ow of @ring at astonishingly ly TWE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, - , ber in each yeas• s. - . Special attention given tQ the collection Of Ooltimerelai Paper and ti'I 11 A feir choicely bred Leicester shearling and ram low prices. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. LL isms. ;Also 8 $hortharn bulla, trom s to 18 months C t✓Y E-� 1V T Ei�• _. ffiAre'lesf Notes►. �[,DRRT, aY# Rel, sag old. The beet lot ever offered by mi Prices and O D R 1 O K -• 3 �', HOLIdE'sTED,olicltor, k10terms right. I may just say that the first prize and M.a f Lead Packets Only RE U td;Ed?, lPures` and BOSt silver medal buil ; also soverad other prize winhe /� RT u . '5c, 40c, 50C and We. :� WITNESSES � �®Ir TA�110 A0d a0lr`f r at Toronto this year are descandantfl of my E A ® P7 . �ORTFE# .Apply to DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ontario. , 1555•tt . I i_. - • " Wim:. _..— . _ __ _ �_'x - _ - - __. -.-- v- • f -.