The Huron Expositor, 1897-10-08, Page 8'ER'8118970
r. McCaughan, open. THB
s�orting evence: Running long jump rj now home on furlough. Mr. McGillivray, of silrer.�—The Rev. M the Fred McCracken, of Brussels, b Sunday cake, accompanied by a very kindly -worded
J,Wlson' -Gash Grocery re. Win. Messer and flatteriv Miss -Dirstein, of
t S G. Lynch, A. Bond; running long jump sr., gave an interesting account of thi degrading new pastor of Sb.Andrew's church, Toronto, at Mr. John Gardiners.—M g address.—
Now to the time for pickle wnMng, and to have p I recently from Ireland, is. to deliver so it attending her mobher, who is ill at her Zurich, has been spending the past week
I W. Aberharb, D. Wilson; running hop ate and deplorable condition occupied by women and
1ocdttuccc@syau wuatusts tha best Vi d and jump jr., R. Altzel, G. Lynch',- running in China and, the; beneficial influence exert- lecture in Willis 6hurch, Clinton, on Tues. home near Winitham. —Mr. Win. Jewett, of with her sister, Mrs. JI%Me=s Moore.—
sing the Brussels, shipped a car load of apples from Mr. T. J. Berry cng
sou the Preot Vinegar, the best and hop stop and jump �r., D. Wilson, A. Ham. ad by the Chriablaureligion in raising them day evening next, his subject b Which Ma des
c9eTa Inelthe market, and the highest of with his flue river n
mett; standing long jump jr., B. Bond, G. to the sphere in Which they should occupy, "Royeklftaadard." Mr.M004sughaniethe here this weili. for a Sarnia buyer. That six first prives
pure- gpicee, ; just what youL -requite to ensure sna- nch; standini long jump or.,A.Hammetb, and thus improving their condition and ea- rhoot popular preacher in Toronto and draws will likely be all the apples sold here this he purchased from a farmer near London, at
ow— Our stock of groceries Is well assorted and I there, and at
i, Dried. Fruit, now T. Gerry; at irg hop step. and. jump jr. bli their characters. His address was iihmenoi congregations, and if he is " good 411 ; quite a contrast when compared with tle time of the exhibition
up-ta-dat* with new season, Tem
go ng
CUf*Ld Cod Fish, etc. Ali goods guanuteed to givO B. Bond, G. Lynch; standing hop stop and listened to most attentively, and will, no 0, iectu�or as preacher he will, be wall worth ast. year's shipments.—Mr. L and Mrs. Mitchell be got lot and a special, prize of a
86itUfACtIon or meney returned. We have so me the- best assortment of Mantlefe
special bargains in Dinner, L Tos, and TolletLSfi@. See or., A. Bund,A, Hammett;patting the doubt, have a beneficial inflaonce in stimu. bearin �—Mr. Thomas E.. Hays, treasurer Richard Jobnoton,attended Gorrie: fall fair handsome rug for the best turnout.—Rev.
'um oting ate -0. L. M ro
them before buying. The higbeet price paid for all, shot! W. Aberbmrt, A. Bond; standing hig1k rest in these unfortunate poo. of the . okeramith Branch Agricultural last Saturday. 'ills conducted the Harvest Home ported into this section i's that shown he
sh at service in St. Pauls - at -son. d
Butter, egp and fowl kurch, on Sabbath this sea B! L
kiRds of gooa produce. jump, A. Bond, D... 'Wilson, ; running h and a desire in the minds of *So ie is now ready to he nY'u
and paying h tj frect from the rulkw-
w"kd. ow at sea- a cash,
C. WILSON, Seaforth. jump, W. Aberhart, A. Hammett; bicyc a t* a to extend to them the -at their recent sh Vlold Wroxeter.: evenirig'last. There was a good attendan
amen the church was handsomely and suitably
r1koe, half, mile,, jr., R. Johnson, B. Bond; fito Of the pol. He was tendered a -forth —Mrs. Pletcher, of Roads NoTEs.—Mr. Brent Hwilewood returned and position to quo B Oie lowest Mgatig
1 1*14 Bank of 0ornmerce Block. bicycle race or., W. Aborhart, W.Picksid hem i of thanirs. The church' choir Usgrne, will address the 6 Million to his studies at Trinity Medical College, decorated by the ladies for the occasion.— in the trade. With styles right,
slow bicycle raw, 50L yards, A. Hammett, also gave a number* f ppropriate and well Band in-thobasoment'of he Presbyterian toronto, on Monday last.—An exhibition Mrs. G. Mitchell,- of London, formerly of right, and th beat assortmen t
o a
icking the football, D. Wilson Kate MO- test of some new light was given in the Mft � II& 8 u"Its and- OvercoAts in great B. Bond ; k rendered. anthems. on the whole, the 3hurch, on -Thursday next.--7Miss Haneall, was in the village this week, re- wonder the tie bi t
n acqatitances.—Thefriendo ofMr. way. Values these are bringin
-number'and variety. H. Welsh; 100 yard race, D. Wilson, A. meetmig'was a very pleasant and successful Caughey, of Ingersoll, in visiting at Mr. Z house of Mr. John B. Vogt on Saturday nOwl 9 u I Hammett and W. Aberhart ; 220yard race one. The Thankoffering collection amount. Molmested's. —Mr. George Vale, of the S. B. Humeston will be sorry. to learn that Ai
evenin! last, in, the -ordnance of a number of Black rough cloth Mantles
leap f;_
I a he in quite poorly this week, being confined six hu
ftceirplsy� an Important p-Att in our Clothing Do- G.. Lynch, B. Bond frog race, A. ad to the very nice sum of $67. Huron Roadj Tucks' ith, recently sold a end They all expressed themselves as ttftL
partment. Never before have we offered such In- mWett and D,, Wilson, W. Hays and H. fine drai lit foal for the bandabine Bum Of highly pleased with it.—Mr. O.W.Andrews, to be&, and Will hope to soon see him in the good material, maid trimmed, $3.50. -7
$ Mr. Dale know' of better* health. —Rev. J. S.
duc�ementa in'the way of valum ni styles. Nothing Cline; quarter vdle race, or., D. Wilson, M. LocAL Baan.�—Mr. William J. Elliott 100. a the kind of horses gopular agent for the C.P.R. Compa�y. enjoynient
but up-to-dat&, reliable goods. kept In I at t lie place, was recently offered a like* nt ; ades
-ske a p0jotion at the ivory buttons, cuffs, a -;4,
Me depart- Scott ; 100 yards race j B. Bond,G.Lynch; left on Monday to T to raise.—Min Webster, who has been Henderson was, in Toronto the first part of Tweed 14 8) bro," sh s -open in -'a, position for the important town of Arthur,
moat. Our lane e best evi- dribbling the fbot-oball. S. - Hill, F. Jackson di �.the past month at Mr. S. Dickson this week, attending the Knox college. open erviceadg,
-and steady trade Is th Agricultural College, Guelph, and his broth. —Mr.. Andrew Lammie, druggist, of meat, $5.00.
donee of pleased customers. three-legged race, W.. Pickard and T.Gor er, returnel to her home -in Belleville, 'this b declined.—Thi continued, dry weather ing.
ry- Mr. John Elliott, left for Toronto, to
'race, D. (Friday)- morning.—Min Bella, Patterson is ut Deticit, and formerly of Hen6iai. in I n* the
S. Hill And F. Jackson; half.mile pursue his second year's studies at Trinity in St, Tbm is having a detremental effect on the turnip
Wilson, M. Scott - 220 yard ram, ex-pu as this week, attending the crop of this neighborhood. —Mr. Oeorge village this week,viniting his mother.—Mrs. Black Nig a; ead Mantles, throe
Wm- Pickard & Co. Pi!al Medical College.—Mr James Reid re. provincial Endeavor convention, as a dele. Robinson and her daughter, Min Robinson, buttons, siast -oRar, wide MIh-ta
A. Satherland,J. Dorsey; half mile race, jr. Muir returned from Manitoba, on Sattirdaq�,
turned home from Algoma on Saturday. gate from. ry M&
-RT H the society of the Presbyterian last, He was with a threshing going out -*he were the guests of Mrs. Sheffer, return- narrow Russia Braid around collpi! SEAF0 G. Lynch,B. Bond; obiiable ram, 8 HiU,A. He has been working b ear,
Hammett; relay race, F. Jackson, T.Gerry, n his farm there n church..—We had a refreshing shower 6f' there and reports that* branch of farming *as ad this week to their home 1 n- Columbus, down front, 8P64 ial. value at $5.50.
M. I all summer.—Me. John Routledge, of .—Rev. J. S. Henderson deliviied his
1p G.- Buchanan and A. McLean, form 3 % ram on Wednesday night, and the only Ohio
Ynok"eromith, returned from a two weeks' nearly over. Wheat on the farms his am-
STEANSHIE sermon to -the children on Sabbath Black
Soot%S. Hill, R. Johnson and G. Lynch, fault -we have to find was that there was P1 Frieze i'ackets, six larg
visit to Algoma on Friday lost. He brought 4yer threshed turned out from 6 to 23 annual a butt
not enough of it.—Mr. Wm. Brine, *L,To- builiele per acre.—Mr. and Mrs. Brethour morning last, illustrating his bec b the Voliet cellar, MN, lined h
AND form 2; 1.V yard race, open,A. Sutherland, with him' a car load of stock steers.— y roughout;;
J. Dorsey; or. cbampiomhip, D. Wilson; jr. route, is visiting at his home in-Rarpurhey. C n a age Ofa numberof candles. ge attendance
Mr. Thomas E. Hays and Mr. 3 h lime i for good share of prizes at the
championship, B., Bond. 0 n Few' —Mr. John Uluff, son of Mr. Noble Cluff, was large and the sermon interesting. In Black and I?
FIRE. INSURANCE fall shows in the neighbormig towns' last- awn Beaver Use
lerretnmedfrom -Manitoba on Thursday an
met With-& painful accident at his father's the evening, he preached the ninth anniver- incheolon t
-hot week.—Mr. J. S. Welsh, of week.—Mr. John Gibson, of lasitland-Brae,' 9,. over collar, cuft. frot t
OBITuAny.—he lady referred to in the t1ht of I planing mill - on Thursday morning. He has excavations completed for a new resi-i nary sermon of his pastor&te here. The and back trimm6d with brAid
CY, town, the well 'known pump manufae. S oo.
A GFiN following, which we Cake from was working at one of the machines, when dence,shortly to be erected near the villagol church was orowded.—There waa. no service
the Ottawa turer, had a couple of very, nioely finished his the knives
correspondence of the Toronto Globe, was hand came in contact with I in the Methodist church here oit Sabbath 0hildrealn Riefe
W. Somervitte, Agent. pumps at the Bayfield show and of course rs, navy, 1114erheaA
the wife of a brother. of Mr. M. Y. McLean and two fingers were ta:ken off. Mr. last, owing tothe church re -opening plaid, lined throahout, si
Zen three to f,
hogotprizea for them.—Two�car leads Exeter' ExroarroR. The Globe says :—"The of Cluff is rather unfortunate, as it is not long at Chiselhurat.—Work is proceed- ink and serviaeable,.83.35 to $C50.
(Successor to H. A. Strong & Bro.) of THE stock steers arrived here on Saturday night CtyI
Telegraph and Express Building. news of the death of Mrs. Alexander Mae- Ago since he met with a similar accident. AccIDEINTALLY DRowNED.-0n Monday Ing, well on oir new drains, although Mr.
from Algoma. They were for Mr. peter
loan, wife of ex-obld. Maclean, was heard forenoon last, James William, the two Sipple, one of the contractors, owing to his. Brown
McKay, of Tuakeramith, and were purebas. Cove b Cloth Mantles, do i& -
with ptofound regret on Saturday by many TuokOrsniith. fatber's do4that Zurich, has not been, work -
car old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frank- bresated, turn own collart six large 1
ed and shipped here by his brother Dan. He
Carlades Go m me friends. Maclean had beeii suffering
ra. ith, and NEXT Saturday only, October 9, 'man's Tin Kernick, of lot - 22, concession 5 Us. ing -for the past week.—There was a very. battens, cuffs, WwM an
took them to bin tarin in Tackerem I . d servic=
from the'After -affecto of Is grippe since Sep. intends selling them b plain rubbom "a 7, 8, 9 and 10, wide Me. for 25 borne, whilat playin in the yard wandered; ood attendance atAhe auction salt of the
tember lat. Her death Wan not altogether y auction sale on Mon-' wont& . The chosp cash shoo otbro, W. H. WmLtai down to the Saubfe river, which runs farm stock and implements of the 'late John coat, $6.00.
day. —Mr. John
Routledge and Mr.' Peter Carmlobsols block. Latta, of Tuckeromith L
unexpected, &8 hope of her recovery was McKay, of Tackeramith, have each sold .155&2 through the farm, and fell in and was on Saturday last, Brown itud bl k mixed Tweed Mantl
given uLlast week. The late Mrs. Malean D � I
WEST EN ' N(ViES.—Miss Annie, of Mit- drowned. He had been gone so'me time and the prices realized were very 0011 On shield front
and shipped two young thoroughbred bulls he hi gh dollar, $mail b
was a rgehearted, generonswoman. In chell, a been engaged as teacher of No. before being found by his anxious parentA.' the *hole.—Three of our manulacturers cuffs, $8 00.
STRATFORD, ONTA farmers near Port Finlay, Algoma. - The
6, Broodfdot's schoof, for next year. Miss, The funeral took place on Wednesday after. open
all movements for the alleviation of distress 0 1 the past week at Chicago, namely,
Twelve, of ourduisnU have t*en situations with. or other philanthropic work Mrs. Maclean eople.of thab new country are;very wisely, Aitcheson, the present teacher, having re.
neon lost 0 the Exeter cemetery and was Masora. George McEwen, Henry Cook and
in the last tow week& Two applications are now in. going in for'tho' raising of good oattle.—The The beat tinif to buy a 'coat in now
And two situations are being kold until. two of our was always willing to held, and many in the farm of the 1&je John gued.—Mrs. G. Crich is visiting friends in largely attended. Roliert Bell, jr. Fi I to gless ben
Latta, on the 12th 51 when the stock il i at its t, andbefor
studoxis graduats. CausdWs leadinic Commercial ' city who have been acquainted with her Detroit -this week.—Messrs. G. Layton and DEATH. —The eldest son of L Mr. and Mrs. havit-within the �aatmweieelabe'en put *into
SchooL Five mate teachers; board low; excels know of her valuable assistance.. She leaves concession of Tackeramith, was , noil by A. Townsend returned from Manitoba on Sidney Wilson, of the 6th' concession, Us. it* Messrs. Carlite, Fong and Millsies choleest garmen t i are gone.
post ion in
ampgtitors In vnioug ways. Enter now If possible, Six son auction on Satu'rday last, for the sum Of Moud& looking hale and hearty, having borne, died on Sunday last, after a few block,. and Mr. A. Murild'ek's, greatly -add.
a and one daughter to mourn bar loon,
sree ifroulam $5,160, "to Mr. Slavin, of Usborne. The These prices Lre for brand new open -a months in the weste—Mr. days' illness, from brain fever, and was ing 009%
W. T. ELLIOTT, Principa 444"2 besides her husband. Of the none Mr. John farm contains loo mores, but b a ut thre- to �the appearance of the same.—Mr. first-class qaith
the buildings Cligri, Hawke'o of this village, conducted service at_ a, And thefre low enougi
Maclean, the eldest, is a well known Mon- ei Crich, who has been employed with -buried in the Elimville cemetery on Monday to make it worth your while buying here itt
treal journalist; Mr. Donald Maclean is are not very good. —Recent sales of farms in Harland Brothers, has retarned home. afternoon last. He was aged 9 years. Soxmith on Sabbath afternoon last.—Mso, An Y'On MU& -Of 1L
in this vicinity show that land is coining into Preference o any where else.
journalism in Ottawa ; Mr. Robert Maclean FritE.—The brick dwellint wood abed Alice Coldwell, Mine *abel Coldwell and
more actiie demand, and that farms are T ver occu
and Mr. Harry are connected with the Can- bringing-muoh better prices than formerly. X01T281 and driving house 'of Mr. ornas Rowe, Miss McCall took advantage of the chea OSL.
adian Granite Camnlany ;Captain Alexander one mile south of this village, in Stephen- excursion to, Detroit on Saturday last. —
Maclean in A, D.A'to Geri6ral Ganco - a W's notice with pleasure that Mr. W. 0. Couwam DoINGs.—At the last meeting of gan, YOU"
ign. I MoTagoart, son of Mr. MoTit cil, after hearinj the raper township, werf totally destroyed by fire on Wm. White it in Detroit this week, vini Special H Ba again, have
DISTRICT MA rTERS, and Mr. Thomas Maclean is an electrician in 9 t t Tuesday morning about 11 o'clock. Ha. his brother Samuel. and sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Ladi ow Much A
spected postmaster at Ohiselturst in, this of Mr. Isbiater' in reference to a McEwen. vin es' *Plain and Ribbed Cashmerd,
Rumford Falls. The only daughter in Mims county, has been appointed principal mothe. Campbell drain, it was resolved that Mr. Is. caught from a defective chimney, the firge McLeod.�Mr. P. Triggerson has moved in- Hose. all qualit ice, a met f t
ClaraMaclean." ravet -
matical. manter in the Technical school at bitter be instructed to have a sink pub in had a good start before being noticed. to his now home on the west aide of the lamples at prices little more t JIUOUA"? BIT
FooTBALL.—At a meeting of the Weatem Toronto. This inotitutionisfor theeduca. immediately on the north side of Campbell's Scarcely anything in the buildings ere railway traik, and lately occupied by, Mr. regular. ban
:Football Association-, at Berlin, the follow- LOUNGES, first -clan, at reduced prices all saved. -All the occupants' wearing apparel W. J. very- 141(
ing schedule of ismes, in the Rough cup next week. Leaftesdale h Landeborough. 1556 1 tion of engineers, mechanics, eta.., and as fence, Campbell to maintain the name in fu- and everything in the buildings, except
the classes are conducted at ht, this on- turs- as per award. The reeve was instruct- Came just:,tc;
series, was drawn up for the Jall season : Ili what was in the parlor, was comourned.
Szr.Ds !" Sms I Simms I" A splendid gagement will not interfere withg the other ad to have the Morris portion of the CloakeV Bwaeld.
I—Seaforth vs. Kincardine, October 30th stockof home grown Timothy Seed. Also goolf There was a heavy wind blowing at the A' 't Is "'t"
businen in which Mr. MeTaggart has been drain cleaned out at his earliest convenience. with tu�
and November 6th. 2—Berlin. high school sampie of Fail Bye. Parson's Golden Ohaff Wheat, time. The lose Will be in the neighborhood THit SHow.—There was a lafte turn out -Hodgens Bros
engaged for several enre.—Mrs. M. Jordan Mr. Code was instructed. to bavp ditch on IWAYis Toord
vs. Agricultural College, October 30th and Red Clawson? and other leading varieties, bosh y of $2,000. The premises were occupied by at the show held here on Friday last. The
wholesale and retail, at Boorr's Mammoth Seed and left on Tuesday for Buffalo, where her centre side road, concession 7, repaired no -
November 6th. 3 --Winners of 1 v. win, Feed Store. We. invite you to call and examine our his son, Henry. weather was delightful and it was a real mhut we
--ners of 2, November 13th and 20th. Junior Mr. and Mrs. Rowe, or.,
stock before buying. an we are confident that we 0-M mother and other relatives reside. She t ve a roper outlet. After "g had also lived on the farm nine pleasure to be on the grounds. 4 T he show as To
on a very sad mission, having receive on ound gi accounts for township werrsm.,*e e the death' competition—Seaforth v. Woodstock, 0J. iftveyou satisfaction. both In quality sed price. ooun;il wife, last June. The lose will was, On the whole, one of t
"our and Feed department always complete. R. 0. Adjourned to meet again on October
Monday a telegram arinounoing the sudden f their son's
tober 16th and 23rd. Ali ties, are home and is the Scorr, Sestorth, Ontario. death (if bar sitter.—Mr. R. Mercer, who 25th. very a - erious to Mr. Henry Rowe on the here. In the indoor department there was
home pmes, and the first game on has been in the jewelry business here for contents, as well as Mr. Rowe, sr., on his a very fine collection of ladies' work, while Mine Bars Johnstd I nbas returned to Ambichi- ffme or
grounds of the club first mentioned. To THE FRONT.—The new' Williams Saw- some years, and who went on a visit to the Brussels. dwelling and other outbuildings, there being the grain, roots And vegetables were fully gan, 'to nesume he duties as teacber.—Miss,.. buil
Ing Machine. Best in the market; no travellin up to the mark. There wai also a wonder -
no insurance. Kitty Hickey w: the uest of -Mr. Howard. have to efiel
CHRYsAsTHEnum CuLTuam—The regular agents ; prices at $6 emall sum over firsk oost. CA11f old country a few weeks ago, has secured a NOTF.S.—At the revision of the voters' fully nice dai 1'6y of fruit, considering th
and we our machines before you buy. Leatherdale good situation in Liverpool, and intends n- list for Morris, the Liberals added 16 names fact that appi:: are inch a failure on Sunday last. . r. David Leechour well.
r6sher,. has purchased lot 40, W4
there.—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur andstruckoff 13, and the Conservatives Kippen. part this season. The outdoor show was in
monthly meeting.of the HOrtiOUItUrAl 80 Lmdaborough. �hill known th stwk a
ciet was held in the council chamber, on :,OVERS of mu ic ma beem.
nds erecting.a, ctesse,
Water street., andlinte -1 suit
y enjoy a rare treat Forbes returned on Monday from a few days' added .10 and struck off 4, leaving 6 gain for NOTES.—The -dust on the highways was excess of any hold in late years. In hones of
factory thereon He hw� &be emplayea
Wednesday, evening last, and was well At- at the Church dund Concert in cardno's visit among friends in Lucknow. They took the Lib�erala of 15 votes or about 25 in the never po Abu x-there'an was excellent show. The, Mr. Is aran
Hall, on
tended. The special feature of the evening, Monday eveningnext—Madame Wan, Min rr�eeb ndaut, and pedestriano,whether 'all, closed rael D' as cheese maker. B0*-
om' in the show at Brussels on Friday, on their riding.-�-John McCullou WM. Fourpoirs of hev
iper on chrysanthemum cultu a,- by Captain Robson, Rev. H. Tan000k, Mrs G=Miu
wasaps gb, who -for some richer poor, are sharing alike.—Mrs. judges of sheep and pigs also had their
Johnson and Mr. Millar. a waytherp, and at which Mr. Forbes of these. are enterprising young
Mi, J161n Finch. Mr. Finch has a very re. all noted a in actail years resided here,working an a shoo -maker, Cooper, Mrs. James Cooper, and Mr. David hands full as t&se classes were largely re. men, axi& one 41611ay.
their line. General admission, -15 and 25 cent d will, no doubt pr4?lve successful in A 9 air va.
a in ge on horses. —As Mr. John Ward, pasb94 to his long home on, Wednesday Cooper, who had been paying a
sudoetsful in. the growing of then fl Wars, reserved seats, 26 and 86 centr. man of seate wiN two months' presented and embraced an fine animals as dertskiag.—Mills Lo ;h, of near E
of this town, was returiing from Brussels xoter fx�
and his remarks on the subject of thei. cul- W. X Counter. - 1656.1 morning. The -fun r I was on Thur day to visit with the family of Mr. Benjamin Blair, could have been sien at any show in -the ro- he ;uest 'of Mr. -Peter D
ture were very interesting, and co ad . Show on Frida evening, his her" jogging Bluevalb oemetery.—The rate for Brussels of Algoma, all returned home last week,feel- vince. The com . petition in cattie was not �t present t uraink suits made to Or&
ELOCUTION CLASS.—Mins Ella 0. Fisheri along quite leisurely, a young . man with his so jr.—Miss Sarah Howard met with a
much valuable, and useful infoiniationj of Goderleb, teacher of Elocu was str�ok at the council on Monday night, ing much better for their viib.—Mr. John keen, , but the I excellent rathor that formel
to b3 all. ture, Intends re-organidog her clan here about the to on re. were severa tIon and Pbydc&l on" beat girl who was driving behind him turned severe accident one day last week. I
whiah was attentively listened . and is ibe same as last year, 2* cop MoNeviniacted as jud roes at the snimbIlli The horsee,sheepand swine were, 'that she was coming down stairs when the and 20.00.
fink Saturday In October. Thom who belonged to Out and passed, driving right in front of Mr. the dollar. The council have made all Mitchell show. The leire0entorbso know'where however, the main attractions of the out.
He illustrated )iis address by specimens. the ohm before as well as any otbers dealroui of be. Ward on'the r tripped and fel breaking three. of bar n
oad. As he did so he turned FU coming members will kindly communicate with Mim taxes payable on or befor� December 14th, to get a good man. —Mra. Frank Mann, of door department. The trials of speed, al. hoid fever is r ging in this neighbor -
round and in a sneering manner said to Mr.' and there will be added though not
AcCIDENT AT THz HOUSE OF RFXU Fisher at their eavilest convenience. 16544 to all unpaid at this village, is at present not enjoying the very, exe,
iting, eaused lots of fun p a suits made to
Arsoott Ward, " Now, old fellow, you'll have to that date, 5 per cent. Some five six have a Vero, st.-
Harris iwbo comes. from Stephen, ]NEW designs in bed -room suites beat of health. —Many in this neighborhood and the crowd kept up well until they were
and side" take our dust for a while." This impertin- tack of it.—The ch ir have decidese
d to hold
-]net a sad death at the House of Refug a on boards to hand this week. Leatherdals 51 . formerly
Land#. will be sorry to learn of the death of Mr. finished, although it was nearly dark. The their practice every Friday evening, instead
borough. once riled genial John, and as he keeps a
Thursday eveni6g, of last eek. He -had
Constance. David McLennan, of tratford, on Saturday list of successful competitors will be found
horse ihat does not require him to take the last. Mr. McLennan, a few years agoi was on the 7th page of this issue. The directors of Tuesdayj as heretofore. All lood siug..
but one log. It is supposed tha he wc nt to HOUSE TO RNT.—To rent,the pleasantly dust from any perxon,- he turned out And HARVEST HOME DiNNxR.—The harvest ere -Are cordially invited to atten Xeu!s readyma&
the closet on the te-cond story, from the - situated residence west of E i ordville, at present' a prominent grain dealer of this-plaae.—The of this society will meet at EllioVo hotel, at
hallway of which there is a- window. Occupied by Mrs. Berges -l. Tre housi is comfortable there was quite a lively spurt for a few me. home services in connection with the Metho- old saying has it, that it is an ill wind that I o'clock on -Saturday, the loth inst., to pay and 610-0.
and has all neoessaTyconveniduces. Thereishallan menta.' But the young man's whip persua., dist church will W held on Sunday,. loth —John A. Reeves, the Mitchell lightnif.,
Whether the window was up or wheth)r he sore of land. Well planted with fruit and don't blow somebody good. the diy weather out the prise money.
orna- and
raised it is not known-.- At all eVen;SL he mental trees. -This to. one of $he. me sion was of no avail. Mr. Ward took the October, morning. service at 10,30 a. in. I is a boon to our village smitho in the way DzAft OF A ItzsrxeTED REsipsxT.—We tod agent, v�hose � preliminary trial
at pleasantly
situated residences in the district. Apply, onthe lead'in less time than it taken to tell it, evening at 6.30 p. M., Lthe latter to be con. place a few weeks Ajo before Police Magio-
dropped from the window to the grc and. premises to Was. auLnus. of. tire settirg.—Many from this district 'have thin record the death of one of
a 1555x3 and he did not make any less dust than ha dueted by Rev. P. Musgrave in connection trate O'Loane, of Stratford, and who WKS His ood leg Was broken above the ne took in the services at Chiselbutsb on Sib- the most highly respect;ed residents Odd pant $114 1.,
and UNDERTAKING.--r-In the undertaking de. coulo help either. It is never safe to cro,W with his of the haw Iken ted by Judt-
is. jaw and nose broken. Dr. f own congregation here. On Mon' batil and on Monday evening. . The tow9ship of Stanley, in the person of Mr, up for trial, was convic
was ro Partment we guarantee the best goods in this line too oudly till one gets out of the woods.' day evening the dinner will be served from services Woods, Friday, of -forging the 'nairne 61
in attendance, bat th( old 25 per cent lefs than has ever Won ven in Seaforth. —Mr! f the Sabbath were greatly appreciated.- Edmond Westlake,who sad away on Fri- b. -t
man, whose a a was 83, died in three. � i ith, six to eight o'clock, after which -a good o 8 &nry Lawrence, Logan towns,W) 'o a. cent tiesat
a r -1 urs We have always made, it a point to'r, rnish chairs at Be f F, Johh Smith, of Tuckeram -left pFogramme of speeches and music will b Miss Maggie Blair, daughter of Mr. Bdnja�- day of laat week. Mr ;estlake had been : �$ Fif CY
the acci t.' The deceased- as a funerals free of charge, and all other requisites Wo. a otth station on Friday last for Liver. a note and of uttering the same. a after- 260 vies for
load� others may follow it no indlined. Leatherdale po Min Blair, of Algoma, is now making a visit ill for about two years with some nervous
Methodist and Rev. Mr.- Millyard, of -1,1in- 01. f He was ticketed through on the Do. given- wards pleaded guilty of forging the' names-
Landabornugh. with her grandmother, Mrs. Win.' Co affection, cauad,.it is supposed, by an in -
of Wilham and'John Squire to notes and
1656-1 minion. line steamer, I- Scotsman," by their oper.
ton, ofliciated at the funeral to the Hou se of POULTRY, Batter and. Eggs wanted a the agent, W. Somerville.—Mr. and Mri. Robt. —The shows are now over for another sea' - which he reddivei some yesire ago. Mr. uttering tbern lso. He wine sentenced to'- Rubber 00ads at I
Refuge, cemetery on Saturday. South End produce and grocery store. Bzvins Ashfield. son, and everybody has settled down 170yatlake was in the prime of life, and for
Dickson and daughter, Mrs. K to the Central Prison for ne year.
elly, return- NOTES.—The draught still continues an basin many years took an active inter -eat in pub -seams,
BROS., Seaf orth. d —Mr. Ricker is now -getting —The services in the Lu�ther&u -church
ad home to Detnc4 on Saturday last, after a th and is getting very dry.—Mt. N. his s1d`i"gaa'n' cutters ready.�Cattle ard lie affairs, And especially in everything cal�
d, of ap for cash. ncession Brodhagen, on Sunday 96th ult., were of a
'culated to advance the interests of agricu-
F-.Qx -ALOMA.—Mr, James Rei this WOOD for sale che Leather- t ree months' visit with relatives in God ro
p The balance of t1b
very interesting and profitable nature, The I
'town, who has spent most of the summ, In . e & Landeb-irough.. 15 dlo -�Mr. F. C. G. MinbY, had an suctio cattle and weather, and fori the want of the refreshing turs. He was and prosperous
del rb!ur,12th i West Wawanosh, beginning to suffer by jhe continued dry
erich and McK 0, a progressive
the township of Laird# Algoma, return on who has been appointed to -the position of ments last W farmer church was very tastefully. sm4appropriate- decorated - for the occasion. Several
Saturday last and brought with him me THE PuzLic ScgooL.—At -a meeting of eek.--�-The trees in -the =. grass. and leaves his family in comfortable 1 -and
manager of the Bank of Commerce here, in are beginning to put on their fall dress. circumstances. He was an obih y
0 ing neigh- children, crowng&!' th flowers
samples of the fruits * of the earth as 0- the public- school board, held in the council IIUCOftsiOn to Mr. M. Morris, has taken The maples �re beginning to assume a pretty her, a good citizen and an hoi o le and up. I
duced-in that country. Among these room, on- Tuesday evening last, the, teach- charge of this branch. Prior to -leaving appearance. Hens&H. fdrwaid baskets of fruis, flowers, eto., and Heavy-� wool SOX al
right man and was much end deservedly re.
ples are apples- grown on the farm of Mr. era' monthly reports showed the average at, Walkerville, his last station, Mr.Minty was 0 ENoxwEsopt SAL19--Oue 16 H. P., Abel gpected in the community where he had so laid them 04 the altar. Rev. Mr. Laugholz..., tilat formf
bolin Gordon, formerly of MoKillop; pot&.-. tendanco1o, be as follows in the respective presented by the citizens with a leather arm Porbible two 14 H. P., Whites; 13 H. P., Sawyer. of Philpaburg,presohed in the morning. In,.
d. The the
en Blyth. one 12 H. P. Waterous * and several 25C a
departu! to : Mr. MaFaulls, 27 ; Miss A- chair, a iet 4—Chambers' Encyclopedia, and 'the ee=hand sympathy of all will be ex evening,11ev. Mr. Lingholz and thepas-
toes grown on the farm of Mr. Charles 1�eid, Watson long lived and he will be much misee
and the seed of which Mr. Reid t k 0 )f Stationary Enginev. Ill horo bly tended to the tor 6f the churchi'.. Rev. Mr. Weigandg.
39 .; M i-8 Cowan'a, 41 ; Miss El- THE SHow.—The annual fall show
oOJ rom a standard dictionary and stand.—Mr. and rebuilt, and good so new- for work. These Enugineg bereaved family on account of their irrepar.
Mr. ScotVs seed store,. Seafortb, and p at- der's, 39 Miss Killeran's, 47 ; Mrs. Camp- Morris Branch Agricultural Society was will be sold on -reasonable prqached missioua;4-oermons. Theermonar-
Miq. John:Wya�t, of McKillop, adjoining terms. Cider Mschisery� able ose. The remains were interred in .1 . I t ad them on the 22nd of June ears of sp ing bell'i, 44 ; Miss B. Wataoie, 5o held here on Tuesday and Wednesday. -We make a complete line of Hydraulic and Screw B were all etoquenb,'Zinteresting and profit- -i
; Mrs- the'town, took in the excursion to Detroit, Coulter's, 66. The tota Presses of apy size ; also Jelly Evaporators, aid cemetery on Saturday, and the
wheat grown on the farm of our old f nd, I average attendance Blyth shcw, is always a big drawing card latest AYfi able. A large sum was collected for Mi#-
eshe on Friday last.—We regret to learn f the improved debign. irlok and Mill respect In which the-` deceased was held wax
Mr. William Murray, and thr fall for the mouth was 353, while there were noon, James street, and this year the crowd was larger than work promptly atten ed to, — Bar adenice . no. amply manifested by the large number who alone.
wheat grew arles Reid's farm. 410 names on the roll. Mina Elder, who h serious illnessf Mrs. Fa ed Coff 9;
ii� on Mr. Ch as and hope soon to hear of her recovery. —Mr. ever. The show was held on the new.ahow Holted. Ronan Bnu. Jr. attended to pay a last tribute of espect to -Thursday morning, 23rd ult., M.-ra. Ed --
The samples are all first class and g) to taught the fourth department for several and Mrs. Thomas Greig, and two children, grounds and everything was convenient for LOCAL Ward Cox died &b the home of her son -ba.
9ma can BRImps.—The swamp fires are still one who was endeared to them all. t OUT regulaT I
show that Alg produce as fine ft nit, years, t�nderedher resignation, to take of Pickering, were visiting at Mr. J. C. both exhibitors and apesetaton. Tuesday law, Mr. John Baird, Stratford, at th
roots and grain as any country in th; effect at the close -of ther present year. The night gh 'rain had fallen to lay the roen� in. this section, there b�ing no rain to me bNeek, Vl�
world. there is a fine following: scale of salaries were adopted for Greig's this week.—Mr. R.Ay Dunlop left on OnOu 0 00 them. —Considerable . grain is being vanad age of 87 years. The eceased wt ---
Mr. Reid says rop Friday last for Detroit, where he intends to dust,and although it was a little cold on brought intq market and mills, with ready Drysdale. I born inelmoley., Yorkshilre, England, and, -e wet
of everything there this y ear. next year, viz Divi Stewart, Wednesday it was still pleasant, and there.
.aboub .. and boy
siOn NO- 1, $700 NO -- reside for a time.—Robert A. demand affil the highest market prices. The - On Friday morning of last
2, $350 ; No. 3, $300 ; No. 4 $300 - No. Wan no dust. The indoor show was a 00od 6R,-TTUARY. together with bar bulaband, who died
te,6 yes ago, emigrated to Canada im
land being so hard and dry that the farmers week the life of Mr. Edmund Westlake de- fur e0ats, I
5. $275 ; No. 6,6275 ; No. 7 j2dO ; No. 8 one in every particular, -the oJilous n
youngest sonof Mr. Alex. Stewart, has eigh rs
gone toToronto to Attend the C6 Turn Comm 18-52, settling inFullarton township, jat--
HARVEST SERVICES AND CO'NCERT.—I he $300, and the secretary was instructed to ercial building being full of exhibiCs, all'of an ex. cannot plow it, they are filling in the time parted, at the age Of - fi'fty-QiX years, after a
annual harvest thanksgiving services in ascertain from th.Q present teachers whether College there.—Mr. D. D. Wilson has collent chij�racter. 'L The outdoor show -even teaming out grain.—The millinery openings lingering illness of about three years from south of Mitchell, where she iuntilia, Mitts., heii
largely d
urchased the butter of the Londeaboro and on Friday and Saturday last, were an incurable disease. Over forty years ago short time ago, whewshe removed to, Strat
connection with St. Thomas church Wil be or not they will engage for next icar at excelled the, indo9r. The exhibit of horses, attended, and the displays very attractive. the deseamed came with, his parents
held on Sunda -next., at 11 . M'L, 3 p. m. 'these salaries, and t orb to the board -at 9taffa creameries for shipment to the Ontario to this ford to live with er son -in law. The de --
g. � re mining particularly in the heavy draught class,was
and 7 p., m. Rev. Rural Dean Ridley, Of district, near Rat Portage.—The —Mr. and Mrs. David Clark were in Exeter country from Devonshire, En$land, to St. ceased lady was one of the eldest settlers JA
its next meetin The Ecale of salaries very ne, while there was a good - showing Our reputatiOxi
Galt, will officiate at each service.' regular quarterly meeting of the Huron Fullarton to'wiushly where she was 1 well
�pe .1 adopted for next year is, on the whole, $16o, Medical Association will be held at the of cattle. Sheep and. swine were plentiful this week visiting Mrs. John � Taylor, their, Thomas, where they iemained for a short
adopted daughter, and her husband known. Her kindness and amiability had goodo, W1
music has been prepared by -the choir, ii d less than is being paid this year. , It is poo- —Mr. time and afterwards moved up to Lot 11,1J.
in the evening the service will be princi vain friendso Th
House of Refuge, � Clinton, on Wednesday and oftlod quality and so it was with all
sible,.ars that unless the attenda the o ; James Clark has this week moved into the R. E., Saable line, Stanley, and lived -there ad for her a wide circle of ly elkoral. nce In- next the 13th inst. A number of interest- er classes Taking it altogether Of a handsome new brick house, which he until We 26th of December, 1881, when h ya-11�4 consists of three none 'and 1
Rev. Mr. Ridley is one creases materially during the next three Blyth show was one of the most successful a *o dough., sig Lea -to
best preachers in the diocese and thie is... are? 6n the programm ters.
ing papers e.—The
months; the vacancy caused by the retire- of the season. The exhibits were fully up purchased some time ago from Mr Thomas married Miss Elizabeth Smith, of the 14th
first visit to Seaforth. trustees of the West End school, Tucker- t put h�
Qn the follow Welsh,—The' demand for the nevt Presby. concession of Hay township, and settled,on
ng mept of Miss E Ider will, not be filled. to those of any show in the county, while
Monda evening there will be. a Mai Cal smith, have engaged as their teache r for terian Book of Praise has been so great the' farm where he rei d [until his death. Live Stook9arkets.
ntertainment in Cardno-'s hall, next year, Miss Annie, trom the spectators would easily out number ide
under he -near Mitchell. ihat Mr. James Butherland,of the post o&ce He leaves behind . him a sorro wing widow MONTRZAI� Octo, r 25th.—The butchers,
r THii DEBATI-N-C CLuB.�A meeting for the They pay her those at any other show. A fail list of thq
a.Uspices of. the church. This promises t be a sidary of $225.—Mr. P. book 9tore, has had to ordered largely three and. family )f one daughter anid two sons to were present in lar numbers, buz trade in
PlUrpose of re -organizing the literary and de- Hickey met, with a painful accident on M6n-. prize winners Will be published �next weeki, W.-RHAVE
one of the principal musical and lit�r ry li
�ating olub for the comi different times.—Th6- many friends of Mr. mourn the loss of a kind husband and loving cattle was slow au lie prices of the best- GN
ing season was held day evening. He was working at Mr. Graves' i James White,. the well known- horse buyer, father, &Is hi best price psi& -
in t o an aged mother, two brothers
a e ble foot Bluevale. and for many years a retired' resident of and two sisters. to mourn his demise. Mr. this afternoon was rx BA�
9 C pq b for -a few ood
After routine bubiness had been disposed Of, and fell a considerable distance bruis ng
best local talent, several from diata c new building, when he missed MONEY
Ovents of the season, as in addition to he he conneii chamber on Monday evening cattle were easier. he-,
NOTES. The 'annual tea -meeting of our village, will regret to learn of his pres- Westlake took an active part in public- af. Manitoba steers; tty od stock sola at.
who have never appeared before a Seafo th two sets of carLdidates were drafted to cou- and otherwise in
He wil jurin his lef b arm a a Ebenezer church, Morria,'was held on Mon ant and willhope soon to see him fairs. In politics he was a staunch Liberal from Sic to.3jc�, .. men dry cows and
audiencerwill be present. Te n ea . of test the election, on the red and blue tick -
those who are to take part in this a t shoulder. I be unable to work for day evening. Rev. Dr. Pascoe, of Wing- the onjojrm�nt of his usually good and in religion a member of the Church of rough - young cattl6- from 2c to 3a per lb
eta;a- eta.; The tollowing is the list of the nom- some time, as the injury, althoiigh not 4 m- ham ; Rev. Dr. Ken�hedy, 'of Wroxeter 'Quite a large number of England. The funeral was the leaner beasts and hardlooking bulls sold
ment- will be found I in auother column. inees: Red ticket,—President, W. R.
Ba- gerous, is very painfu r. Thomas Ste n
_ph- Rev. W. J. West, and the pastor, Rev. D. our . agere attended the church opening the Canitdian Order of Fore ters, the deceas- at from lie to 2c per lb. Calns less t1an a
kar ;. lat vice president, R. -J. Macdonald ; ens, of Berlin, was in e 1 4
litx this week. —The Rogers, gLve addresses. The choir supplied services hold at Chiselhurst on Sabbath last red being a faithful member of the Rose of mouth old sold at from 82 50 to $7 each and,
RFOYE-NING 0 EXPROISES.—The reo g 2�nd -vice president, A. Cosens ; secretary- new Book of Praise we' Vill
-executive com- terian. church,in this town,for the first time A large calves "at from - $5 to S1,0 dw&. CL01
exercises in c unection with the Colpleegnii te trea urer, W. D. Maclean a used in the Presby- the musical part of the programme.—Mr. and also the tea meeting. held on the follow. Sharon court, No. 56, Bayfield. the older
Institute were held on Friday last. A W mittee, C. Sparliag, R. C. Cheawright; H. on Sabbath last.—Mi John Collie, station master, had a very ing Monday evening, and reportj�he at. number attended, as well as -a number of Shippers. bought nearly 150 sheep here to.
of the preliminary sports were held on t e Speare. Blue 84 Ewing returned last young assistant one day last week, in the tendance so large on - Sabbath thatiibrflow I the -brethren'from neighbo arta. The day, paying. 3a per lb. Lambs are also a.
tie-ket,—President, B. B. - week from a three Weeks' holiday, and oc- person of his grandson, Gordon Stewart, meetings had to be held, -Oj� the Wrong Si&
at the tea I pall -bearers- were Messrs. Whidde, trifle lower in pria, selling at from -4c to -
school grounds on Wednesday afternoon of Gunn ;- lat vice president, W. McLachlan; cupied"her accustomed position as organist ring eo
last week, but 4he majority took place n 2nd vice president, James Irwin ; secretary- i who climbed to the very top of the- ladder at standing room in the aisles and on the steps t a6hn Fraser, John Watson, and Thomas 4a per lb. Heavy fat hogs tell at from *e
n the Presbyterian eharch last Sabbath.—
the recreation gr6unds on Friday. afterno . treasurer, J.. ]Etankin ; executive co the switch light to "clean grandpwa lamps," and stairways was at a premium. Every- I Caimerou, of Bayfield, And Messrs. R. W. to 5Jc per lb, light hogs bring abou I t 610
mmit- Mr, D. Rose, who spent the summer in Dr- before he was missed from the house.— thi g that could have been 'deiired was at. I Turner and W. A. Talot, of Drysdale. - On lb for feed boge stor I a hogs sell at I
A fair sizect crowd was present to see t a tee, J. L. Killoran, Mi. St Wight Bid
one, B. A., F. F. Beldens dental office here, returned to To -
students indulge Mi physical achieverne is Loosemore. Nearly all Bluevale attended Wingham fair tained, including the entire� Wi t f I Sunday afternoon a lar of over to 5je per lb.
Mr. James Wittson was elect- iping on 0 go rocession.
and the keenest rivalry existed a routo this week to resume his studies at last week, and a good number went to hear the cost of what we Inv term the new one hundred And fifty veh les followed the ToRo4o, October 6th.—The market mong t a ed honorary president. The election will be the Dental College there.—Carl, the little Bengo h t �TWQ
competitors. The senior champions p held on M6nday utm a - 1119hi. -Messrs. Joseph and church, together with a nice L balance to the remains to Bayfield uemetery, where the
Wile 1, �Iay �Yas a dull one, with no material chsngd�-,
medal was won by Douglas 18th in8t., in the son of Dr. Belden, of this town, was knock. Robert illis and Charles Frazer, of the gocd.�Mii. Boies, of Oshawa, is visiting were met by a large ciowd of people, to Pay M prices ; If Anything, common cattle wpa.
on he council chamberb"Zit'lle" various candidates ad down and run over by a bicyclist in Clin- first line of Morris, have gone to Toronto to at Mr. R. Warriug'x.�Mr. Morris, of Chi- a last tiibate Of L respect to , a departed -eaker. The demaba�for 'ship ttle
Ing score
d the highest number of 0 n aria already on the war path, a close contest ton the other day. He received a few w Ping
the different events, while A. Ram W. may be expected. Whoever may be eleeb. study Lt the university. The two. former caffo_ also spout part �of last week and this brother and worth citizen. The deepe6b was easy, and prices -ringed fro�i- 3le to
a close second. B. Bond carried scratches rind bruises, bat was not ear an
iously are first year men but the latter, if he p ivr. Wal-rings.—Trade in improving in sympathy of the neighborhood is extended per pound.. A shademore wax reported 11
tee ad, the staff of officeto is sure to be a good hurt.—Mr. S. A� Dickson w
as successful in as his ex&Tqlna ion, a i a -anoes, bu
'ow mar obe,and the coming season will undoubtedly ti will have a B. A, in the our villisire, and our 4usiness men are to the to tho'bereaved widow and f mily and other n o a or two'inst t 4ic Was
junior championship by. a narr ning passin -hey are all clever young men and front wirh finie stodko and Amiling ooun- relatives. the top price. In butcher cattle there
over George Lynch. In the eve his supplemental examination on T
be the beat in the history of the club, Aft see-onyyear work at thd Toronto University. they will get honors at all their ex- tensuces.—The Rev. H. Irvine, of St. Norm.—Mrs. Lindsay and son, of Gode-" a poor market ; the besttuff here sold at
dnies h those interested should make it a point to —Mr. James Armstrong, who is studying oprig.
entertainment was given in�Cardnols h We he
The programme was a most, pleasing a become members aminaptions.—Mr. James Timmmiie, of To. Thomas, formerly of this Tillap, Wan here a rich to.wiphip, were the guests of Mrs. Rob- from 3J.c to 31c, but the quality that reach- -before eleotion night, and dentistry in Detroit, is home On a visit.— ronto, was in the village I t' Ag
..and the various selections were thorough be on hand to cast their ballots. COM as week. Mr. few days ago renewing acquaintances and art Orr, last Sunday.—The many friends of ad the latter figure was small ; mediumstuff,
The Provifici rch
appre Timmins n t ro general stores, preaching chu e -opening services at Mr. Thomas Snowden are glad`to learn that sold at 210 to 3jo #er pound, and common
ciated The following is the ILI Inspector of Insurauce M
pame wn
gTame Pia"no solo, Miss F. Johnson; vo I THANic 8 was in*to on Wednesday. He in- one at Whitby aamrdte o"ther at Ayr.—Mrs. Chiselhurst.—Mr. William Bawden, who re. I he is slowly reeover�in at 46 to 21c per pound. All but the boot -
o ering Mae Johl g from typhoid fever, Aaddeat
solo, W. R&Y8 -lineelloole,Miss, D.Dal OFFERING MEETING.—The Thank- spected. the books of Mr- Shannon, Secre- James Stewart and son Gordon, who has recently purchased M rk
iliary rs.'GilehrisVe farm, is lso that Mr. is improving from ar cattfe waslow of sale. Export bulls are
;vie ting of the Seaforth Aux tary of the McKillop Com any., and of Mr. been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mtn. this'week havirig a portion of it nearest to serious attack of rheumatic fever.--�-Mr. not much enquired for just now, And.;
recitationMi8ses E.Neelinpiano duet,
net,, I a of the Womens Foreign Missiouary Society Cameron, Secretary of the aborne and Hib. John Collie, since June last, returned to
Weir and G.Pickai ;instrumental quaret was held in V A
the Piesbyterian church, on berbCompany, and highly complimented their home in Stoney Mountain, Manito the village surveyed into - village, park and Thomas Penhale and son Matthew, of St. ara nominal ; stock bulls are &be dUL
miss B. Daly, Miss Mr. J. Dal Monday evening last. This meeting was ba, pasture lot@. -.;.Mr. Wm. Chapman recently; Thomas, and Mr. Win. 6co';Z, of -few good milk cows are wanted at from $2X An- aceident
and Mr.8tewart.Duriqg theeveuing both ge Blan- P61
the priz open to all, both ladies and gentlemen, a;ud utleMen on the neat and - careful this week.—Mr. and Mrs. Finnell and Mr. returned from a pleasant visit with his shard, attended the funeral of the late Mr. to $36, and occasionally $40 each. Stockers
manner in which they kept their 1300ka.—A and Mrs. Finlay, of Howick, were su to at -brother an- d relatives, near Caledonia, the Westlake.—Quite a number of o I are worth from 21p to 3,1c - pound. Lambs; YOU
ra an ur poop 0
-while those having obtained scholastic &Is
badges won. at the sports wete presen whether mem of the auxiliary or not.- �H&Milton conWknporary remarks: "St. the post office store -this week.—Mum Aggie former returning with him, and is now bere attended the fair held in Bayfield lait IFri: are worth !from Sle to to per pound, The,r large attendance.
The chair oial's Presbyterian church, Hamilton, had Smillie, of Morris; i� a
inction Wmre presented with the diplomai ttending Seaforth spending a few weeks.—Rev. Mr. Waddell, day, and report having had a good time.— sheep sell slowly tit 3c to Sic per pound. A
was occupied by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Me the leasure of welcoming back their pas- Collegiate Institat R"Id .
pbtained o4 the recent departmental examin, Donald. Thal e.—There was no service- of this place, and pastor of the Kippen, By -all aocounte, we are to have a fair close few choice calves ift ell at from 113 to 7
rincipal feature of the meet: tor cv Ndil McPherson, with hid bride,at in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath i Chiselhurst, add Hills Green circuit of the at. hand next year. Mr. Continie, our enter. each. For hogs prices are eaker, and he
e r wa
returns were issued. P.
In X T*I%T P
atioutt and L Aosenames wer6publish dasthe 1 9 an a dress by Rev. Donald Me- a reception on the 23rd of Septembei. The. evening. Rev. W. J. West �resched at Methodist church,vas on Tuesday evening pr4ing city -builder, has purchased a lot for beat price Was SLIC; though 510 Was paid for
_of the The following is a Gillivray, who, for several years, Wan Min. Ladies' Association expressed their con- Elione:ier.—Miss Gordon, of Orangeville is last at the social sold At JW&
prize Winners in the various sionary in Ronan, China, and %vho is just gratulAtioga hold at Chiselhurst, pre th" t' *no. The good people
a purl of St. contract stuff ; thick fat
in, the gift of a beautiful CAGO visiting Mro. Joseph Pugh.—Mr. 'and Rre. tented with a handsome five-stary frui' heavy hogs -16t 5o; solr�j and stags unchiiig�
t Joseph always try to'keep up to the mark.
thris 34 arded
be a Goo