The Huron Expositor, 1897-06-11, Page 80 4., 0_-Ap�k
HE Hun
ape or TV, Ing emplary.obaraeter; Industrious habits abdi Shaffer, moving his btiildi�j, The way was held in Dash�l d this- 4eek.—Last
Wilson's Oiash Grocery matters in sh I t k' art In th e able time In their lodge, room on Mondity 'idly, these ritlemen go -about their work Ii-cleir Sunday wit co im in ow Catholic OUR DRIEss
jubilee procession on'thee =znd!, and from evening last, that'being the regulsr tneeting bid hit -life n spared would undoubt
'there a. good' turnout.—This
Mangold sad, Turnip Seed obeap this year. There piesent appearances they will send ul� a night Labor being ended, coffee and Oaks have become. a prosperous and leading citi- � proof t atthey,are masters7,of their busi- church. was
Is no wholeftle oombina price on, oeal this year, so well-drillid and neatly dressed contingefit. were * introati6ed, and a social hour which ien. His genial disposition and �thorou h: noss.— r. James Cooper has rented a. farm section was visited;!1y 'a hea�y rain last
kly, was enjoyed.— uprightness of character -secured him t1e, in Mo for the purpose of giving him Sundayi accompauQ -by -so*e hail and GOODS SALE
we M son now d and turnip seed at 10o a lb. —M]r. A. Cosens, who, has' been attendilng passed all too quio
ullatz", of the best varieties, bou )m'for pasturing purpones.—In the heavy thunder. Lightning -struck the
of the most re" le
tWro0=r1*B"viZ &; Co., one the sohoi�l 'of Adegogy. has returned and Although it rainea here heavily and almost respect ofall with whom hev,came in contact more r i
geed houses of Canadw,including his celebrated saw- is Spend w with his brother,M r. incessantIT from Sunday afternoon until and made Min it universal favorite. His absene of Rev. Mi; Waddell trom his pul. chimney on Thom&' Holden's' house and
Sys 4 Is an example of how Nve
seed. Give us a A. Neens, of this village.—We notice by Monday night, we learn that there was, no early death is a sad bereavement to )jig pit lam Sabbathi on account of attending ran down the chimnoi and stov'e i on to
and monarch turnt pipes ate
er nue, r. -CQ1emauj of H Ila Green, the floor and out thr4ough the,*all. 07,
young widow,his mother an e' V,
t I�you cannot do better. in Wrocerles, we om do the report of the Toronto University exam- rain out and south of Stratford.—Mine d oth r rilstives. Couf M Mrs.. prices for good goods dowli bti .9
241 well, or better, than any, house In town. Our uc I a
Tesajost now are extra, good value. out Bourbon inatious that two of -our young men, Memers. Lizzie Beianoch, of Stratford, who taught a The -Nigh respect in which he was hold was bond ted the services here with acceptance. Holden and children were in, the hQuse at
real value. WO never sold drelm
1plead of fine. rossW Coffee Is s000fid to none, and John Jackson aud7 "mes McKinley h kindergarten x6litol here a couple of years abundantly manifested by the very large —The chil4ren ate aakin very much for the the time but no oble was hiirt. It also
ave so cheap, never sold such e
we have the best brand of Canned Vqfetabloa put sudoessfully passed theii,finals and g ago has been left &'legacy of -$5,000 by a number of people, some of whom came, return of su' struck two trees nes'r J. WaltA house, on Ood
radust- Varner.. 0
In Outads. There has been a drop In the price UOPI A. ano -i cau, for will Pit
ee ofB. grand rom
Blecultw-roome here If you want to get the I no. - We congratu- uncle, w o died redentlyin Galt. f considerable distances, who attended she Babylon line, I one tree ght fire So little money, and it
ull be ed with the degr d b
It of IL � Ali kinds of produce taken at late our young friends on their woll-earne, ody, to bity now, even if they
Nlin B an f 'ends here will unite his funeral.' �' The remains were interred' Constance. and burned. -A n er of lour. citiiens
N ss. -An ioteresti "me is be- we want to make them up tiU the,
market price. Cm& for eggs. honors, -as - both have shown themselves with w r�ttfuiatiug heron her good Egmondville, cemetery. re at Dashwood. tl�, week, a�.tending the
G. WILSON, Seaf-orth. good students, Mr: Jackson having com- fortano.�-The first baseball match ofthe Ing p spared for the mon-n"OrtlEryo CtZrary meet.- Sunday school Pon. There's nothing the niatter -
Bank of Oommem BlooL pleted the cour . as in three years, or one . lose sesson will take place in the iscreation SEAFORTH'S JUBILEE DkmoNsTRATION.--A Ing of the Epworth League on Tuesday even. With 1,
+.16&.% +16. .1 4.. 9&_ +S- I 1 -Mr 8 11 8 V6 Al— 1�6.. Oods. It is not a case �df a In+
k", and
We have Jag I received anotber large assortment of
veade up aothint. Amongst them w3l be found
Memo rmwe and, startling bargalos. We would call
aw spoolai, atilontion of buyers to a Xma's Bull,
wbich we 91114 i sell at -84. The price seems small.
-but we claim it coutalos as good ololb as three
iquarteim of the Sults made to order for SM. Also
very special fines, at St -76. $8 and S& 150 Men%
Youtha!, Boys' and Children'& Suits, odd sizes, to be
cleare4 sit 26 per ceaL less than tl%elr value. 100
Mon's Tweed Pants, speolal value. at St, to be clear -
ad at No ; 30 Halo Proof Coate, at I off value. 001
saw Inapeat.
Wrn. Pickard& Co.
W. Somerville, Agent. -
(Successor to H. A. Strong & Bro.)
Telegraph and Express Building.
Every Student duT Friend I
Our -work ne.Ter fails to interest the
students, because it's thorough, practic ,
up-to-date. Our graduates, ALWAYS RE-
coxm&-;D our school 'and induce others to
come. We satisfied them and we can
HAvF. IT. Write for new ciroulars. -
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52
Grand: Jubilee
Celebration -
JUNE 22nd, 189T.
Consisting of Cie followiDg events
FORENOON --r- tromen's display at 9 a. w.,,, mon-
ster street procession at 10 a. m., inoludl6jr Town
06unciL Firemen. Volunteers, Schools bothlin town
and country, Societies and Athletic Clubs, headed
by the 83rd Battalion Band, which will proceed to
thb Recreation Grounds, where patriotic songs, r
speeches, and fancy drills will be given.- AFTER- I
NOON SPORTS. -In the Recreation Grounds an at. a
tractive _programm,%,,sItin of Relay Ram, Tug
ofWar,Fancylitcyc RidigLotball and IAoros" t
Kaktobes,,and Athletic Sports. will be given. EVZN_
WG. -In the eveniW a Grand Concert % ill be, held
In Cardno's Opera House, the whole to conclude
with a Promenade Concert and, display of beautiful I
Firew9rks In tho Recreation Grounds. For details
and ffill particulars - of the da 'a proceedings, see
large posters and pin rammes. K. �. SCOTT, Mayor, I
Chairman Managing Wommittes ; JOHIN WEIR. See-, 3
rotary Managing GDmmittee. f
am" UAW. a W" cbv anvvu� 0 UL W W U pwaaman"AW 00 lug xv, AD 0 001100M.— 0J. W. 11110rewm
bermsen Clinton and Seafdrth. It will be a forth, on June 22nd, Me been issued and has on attending Conference, and the mor- N4ns.-7H'tation a - ant Hey4 and wife stuff we want to get rid of but
AN, OLD RESIDENT. -Mr. Edward Cash, good game, and all should turn out and on; presents to the patriotic and pl4asure-loving vice I t Sunday -was conducted by- Mr. colebratedi the fifth! anniversaty of their goods that have not been int th 'AL --Z
of this town, - who in �one of the oldest�busi- courage ' the boys.—Mr., Harry Beattie, of �publie such a list of attractions as has never Wm. on, of Londeaboro. -Min Lily Mar- marriage on Monday alvening of; this week, over two weeks, selling for jX *X.L_
ness'nion in the county, and who I still this town, has passed his , final examination before been presented by any town in one tin ca a from Toronto last'week number I of their friends- as* half Tegular prices. i 0
to visit when a large 0
bale and hearty and in -harnew, cait make a at the Toronto Law School, standing Wall day. Spam will not to commenoli her nds and attend the marriage- of her 1 sembled, to do honor to the oocasion.—Rovs.
bout which but few can do. He lia's lived u in the list. We congratulate our young with the fraud display by the firemen in broth this week. Walker and Tremble-sittended I�ondon con. C
under,four monarch#. He remembers die. d on his success.—It has now rained for the ear yr morning and enumerate the ference last week and" his Dr' Laird and otton Hoslery -
tinctly of - the oornation of Quoin Victoria, twenty successive Sundays. Just about many novel features that will be presented ;he�;_;;mding their
Gome. bride, of Detroit, . ari
whose Diamond Jubilee wall be celebrated time the weather clerk was dropplu In a, from then on till the jubilee concert, -AKS. Monda honeymooi.—Two w ddings, t Dyed by Hermsdarf, is &be
Fro Oi 'NO !iHERN 81'A — y of this ook place olutily
ty week being court day here, AndA very wet color; it will Act crock nor tnm_sr"�,. J,
in a few days; also the repeal of the corn dry day or two. —The Victoria bicyrefe club onads concert and magnificent ist here on Wednesday i of this 4eek.
laws; the abolition of slavery in the British of this town, has purchased a handsome fireworks at night. We would just ki
to day, n unusually large number ut t Mary Lair4 was uulte4 in mairi4e to 'Ivy but holds. its color to t
Dominions; the Irish Disestablishment bill ; silver cup to be compoted,for in a series he he
of Jog the memory of the public generally, gross r part of the -day in town. Campbell, prosperouq young fe'rimer of the
—The import our Cotton Hosiery d' A ---
the Reform bill; tlfe'Indian: mutiny; the road raoss to be hola during the season, the though, by reminding them of th3 football 3rd conces a J _4Ay, and, Miss Paulin& the German manufaetu
o a - west or has been vorr wet for a 4onsider- rers
rimean war and other stiring events which person obtaining the highest number of match between the far famous Hurons, of well" P a
able Ime, aid- the gi�wth of vegot&tion is Aine640 Alsi.'MoAlliii�r, of the 2nd con- - , . 1w. - .
have long since become historiel.. There are teat the close winning the cup. The Seaforth, and the champions of the St.clair is offer values you'll not getl,
in a ow.�Dr. Williams, of Lisle, 1 Simeoe cession. The h 'k t is all fast dye.L IfLere is 'A
several others in town also, who are older rmt, ram will be hold on the Queen's Jubilee peninsula the tugof war. between teams a, )rmer, Ot was'Ued by Rev. I
10o'un, D. B.-�MeRaeand t4 ttter by AeV.- James bargain -for this week: ML -
who practiced modioine for a short Law
than -he and who ate� still halidand hearty. and will add materially to the long list of from the townships of Tackeremith,Stanis : tirpe in our village, and who was Walker. Cotton Hos6, Hermadorf dye,
Among the number 'are Mr. John Hinder- attractions that has alreadi been prepared McKillop, and Hallett ; the baseball matcK general
faVo its, shook hands with many of his old, heelandtoe, good value at 2S
son and Mr. Frankl Scott. We hope to forthat day. The distance will be ten the monster ]parade, oto., ate. There will JL)ash! ood.
have all these *orthymen -long with us. miles,and the race will end on the recreation be two bonds here all day and sport for the acq#ntances t�his week. The breeze in the I i
g of the are not -- —Mr. CENTS.
nort must agree with the doctor. BRIEF .—At the ss�ji-annual meeting of
grounds, just previous to the startin housands. � You will miss, it if you Hen ife are the guests of the Young Poo 19
�F' I �sociation��on Thurs-
�y Day and his wi 'Plea, W, 0�
Fitom AFAR. -Mr. R. B. 8 cott, of Har, afternoon sports. �,-Mrs. J. C. Greig is on a n Seaforth to do honor . to Her. Majel'tfs his thar-in-)A�w, Mr. Wm. Dane. day evening, May 27th
i . the follow�
purhey, has had the pleasure of a ten day's visit to friends W*' Toronto.—A convention iamond jubilee. Arrangements have been ng officers
visit from Mr. Black,1 of Peebles, Scotland. of the Patrons of Haet Huron has been made so that those having bicycles or :par- 0 were. clectedfor the #nsuing * tei� : Presi- From Half a.Dime Up.
Mr. Black in i son of I the -late Mr. Wm. called to meet at Brussels, on Friday, the celsiAich they desire stored, can have dent, John - Penn ; .�iics-presid "0, Mary - . . . . . . . . ----- 11
Farquhar. Shetler ; recording seit�tar�, TO 8 11; Ladies' Summer Underwear froil it -may Be a
. I as 'no
Black, of the firm of Messrs. William and- 1�th inst., to consider the propriety of nom- them placed :in the ' 'kit* rink, where P INT.ERs Dr. Ransom of Claremont, correspoddingsecretat' '- Lizzie Vuentheir.
' 7 9 half a dollar, with every price routine t�_
Robert Black, of 'Beyroute, Paleatine, ivating a candidate to contest the ridiu2 in responsible parties will care for them. Min esota, visited at Mr. 'John Dancau*s treasurer, John W* enweder �-' org
with,whom Mr. Scott was for 11 years a the Patron interests in the next Provincial last week. The doctor in six feet, 2 inches Fanny Buell -; librari" Anist, We believe our values in'th"s -dealersiu.
clerk and manager. Mr. Black has been eAeotions.—We "a sorry to learn that Mr. 1,J.acob Miller.—Mr.
Stanley. i. !ght, weighs 240 pounds, and is L& Mil. J. Kellerman� was in don las4 are the laest in this section. 4, -Week, ar.
visiting all the principal cities in the States, Sadlier, who has been in the grocery busi. week. —
BAIRVS CEMETERY. -A meetin of the I on ire, but although so weAlthy does not M r. H.. Hall "' of Loud our Vest at two for 250, 'a not
o 2. townshiib, was in upon thir,
Us ees of Baird's cemetery was at anywhere near the price. it is"
both north and sou�h, and coming from ness here for some time, tends leaving tr t
lield on lea an idle life, as. he to spending only one the village on Monday: , The Sunday school nection --v
en� we are
Chicago here., He was much impressed town shortly. He has leased a store in 8th inst., in the house of Mr. Joseph Me- wee in Canada, hurrying back to his prac. convention Of the we 1(ieru disoict of the value. For shildr la tion. Im
fine land surrounding Seaforth and, London and intends taking 'up his abode in* Cully', secretary- treasurer. At the meeting tice He likes Canada well. . He was Evangelical, associatio� �s being -in the
with the I - some very -fine qualities
-with the appearance'�f.prosperity aqd Icon-' that city. —Mh &no, h"Id POO*
i� Brent, -of Sault Ste. M ae. da that are mucIr finer and -,ve -.�eiebr.
I a Dash -
Mr. Joseph Jacobs was appointed caretaker jimpanied by his sister,, Mrs. Haven, of X vangelical church tbio -Tweek. CD'Ished than the ordinary makim.
tentment of every one. Mr. Black left or., is visiting at her sisiter"s, Mrs. Robert Lo. I
Friday afternoon -for Toronto, going down gan.—Mr. William Logan, of Carberr of the burial grounds. -As the law now W ster, South Dakota. They left last wood flourm;illo, whiJ4. hive W�n' closed -ado about
Y9 stands, all persons wishing, to inter in any I - . I Z
W dnesday for Niagara Falls, taking in down.for a considerable time in,1 order to
the rapids to Montreal, and sailed on the Manitoba, is at resent into sn, visiting his burial ground must present the caretaker the Rights therefor.& couple of -days. They havenew mochinery Out in, Ommenced Welfs FurniAings.
steamship Vancouyer:for Liverpool. faimily and- o&er friends.—Miss Gray, with a permit from the re ayt and has
iistrar of, deaths, sep'rate there, the doctor going home and work again on Mon( This is'! now one
4 -
daughter of Mr. Adam Gray, of Dakota, a before interment is to be a lowed. his sister. to'.New York city, where she will �'6f` the best -mills in. thei county And Mr. We� offerthis week two extra Uro* sovereign.
0. Ta;ilor, of ChiC.L former much respected resident of Seaforth, in this department that are V
A LECTURE. —R(,v.-, 0 -be joined by her husband, and together Eidb deserves;,: the, b I t ipport of the for -a 00TRa
ago, will deliver a lec�ure under the aus. is now visiting at the residence of her ir y au ngs I you ivo Ve
pices o mperen6e Morris., OUnT buyi Uld a& �ni few peopli
the� willi visit his relativ6s. there and in farmer of the's'arr as_ well
Nel1w Jersey,—Mr. Will Ward of the boun- as of the citizips of noin 0
f the Womens'lChristian Te uncle, Mr. Roderick Gray, McKillop, and
Vnion, of this Own, I in the Presbyterian she intends spending the summer here.----; D 9 �wo cun. t your f urnishWgs.
NoT.Es.—The wet- weather holds out well. d 4y 'and Miss Fannie Stephenson, of
heart of
church, 8 a sh Jnade fr A
e evening of Thurs- We are sorry o learn that Mr. Hannah, of —John Cook had eep drowned in the Fine unlaundered Shirts 'or
to el, were hap) 'I d last Wednes- view -of tj
eaforth, on t gly. marrie U L onde ,boro good, strong cottoji, pUre
day next, the 17th init., and in, the Meth. North Main'street, who is a very old man, creek last week. This is the creek that is da We join air mapy friends in wish. fronts, put together to I columonly
odist. church on Fridi"y evening, -the 18th is confined to his Tesideitee by illness.—Our so much talked about as not bein all ITEMS. -One niot it t
&e th e9k Oome one ast sism
to �eep in am joy iatkd prompgrity through which viei
inst. The London Free Press says Mr. old friend Mr. Charles Eberhart, of Hib h and will have to be looked r in a lif was mean enough to lodk drove of sheep 13 to 161, 351c�,each, or
for $1. imi, 16 the
enolays. We think it is all right, how. in the school yard, and!, these caused great
Taylor �1' ranks among'the leading platfofm bert, was in town on Wednesday last, and few
speakers of this continent." The Mitchell paid his twenty-fourth annual- subscription ever, in an ordinary season. .. Why &III this 'Wroxeter., damage to the flo*er b�de. A me4ting was kind of %
Aivocaie says Mr. ! Taylor "I spoke to to TuE EXPOSITOR. We hope he may Iva expense of a surveyor if it can be settled called to i�nvesti�gate.—Mi Fine Colored Cambric Shirts, all NiZ41q,
ouses in M NOTE9.�-Mr. John Dobie and wife of 198 R. Cr4wford is nian or mc
crowded h tchelf. His address to pay for twenty-four more year's. These otherwise.—Frost in this locality on Toes. seriously ill, as is also fast colors, with or without collars
Uegley, have been visiting frie4do in this ts. S. WoOdman.—
on 'That Boy of Yoilr%' held his vast ;are the kind of friends who have made THE day morning, of this week.—St&tate labor vi inity latel Last week a, beast bepame unman attached, cipital goods t.o wor, The ir8t at d
an' Y. --The performances of the ageable speoM
audiente. spell -bo d for two hours and i EXPOSITOR what it is, and we are pleased to will soon have its inning%ahgain.-4ohn while being tak�n to the slaughtor house, regular value 90c -ad $1, triofism 11,
should be J 6 ildren and the address by Mr. F ser, bargain at 50 cents.
heard to be fully appreciated.` lay it has a goodly number of them.—The Russell is iu Brussels now wi D. War.; f ra thus causing a little ex
The press in other pl es , where Mr. Taylor Ind6pendent Order o.eig,n missionary of Anowl, were much citement.—tev.. Mr. true to oil
of Foresters of this wick.—A good many zeattle are suftiring joys Andrew' -8 has sold: his h6r4e to Mr Tamb.
RP04 IS, equ w d by those attending the meetinf.Of and faith',
n� e Mission Band on Wednesday of Is -is at, noing. con- real
Uhodist church, weather.-�Mr. 0 t ference at London� only
his lectu ea. on Sunday next io the A lin.—Rev. Mr. Andre�
has lectured ak in ally compliment. 'to n will have i1eir annw4,1 �church parade with sore eyes owi it to the bold, wet te'
ary terms of A. C le, is the happy man ek.—Another victory was won b the His place wasP.'suppiied
roS,, loyalty_ A
when the annual sermon will be preached byo now, as twins arrived on Sunday last,- roxeter football club y on Sunda:y morning by Mr. Medd, ,of Kin -
on Saturday
Rev. Mr. Bond.—Miss Minnie M. Williams Some talk about going to Seaforth o' last burn, who delivered a fd,'roible sermon, and , HL be�
RZXEM�BER the W Ion Mills when you n 292ud. hen a, game was played with Atwood, one
have wool to sell, or wan to buy good and c p will give a private Shakespearian Recital in A very good place to go. 0 in the evening by Mr. vens.—M--,r. S G.
wollon goods, Sesforth. -the' crack teams of the league; score 1 to a thatcome.,
1 1 the Oddfellows' hall in this town on Satur. Plummer, of�Qlinton,-i:tts
Is of boarders can day evening, at 8 o'clock.—The Megarey Blyth., '-�Fho is.very'liick, and *-ill .eon- forth
To BoARDmLs.—A c 0 Mr. !G. F. Gibson, of Blyth, paid the A] r. Laury,, sking the'"place of OLINTON. do to
t wu a flying visit o�, his Wheel last Satur.
Ind excellent acoommodat in a private h9u*9 In property in this town, which was offererd for 'duct the - school .,he reco
*dp'rable wooa com- ay.—Mehers. John a�d Joe Barnard wheel. / vOrs.—The
town, by -applying at Tus EXPOSITOR OtUCO. 1516-tf sale by auction on Wednesday, was not BRiEFs. —There is consi ;, until 'have
to town,at present. we do not seem to reg�rd L the byilaw., but Well, yD11
FtFRxr,ru_uE PoLis —Mr. Beldeii, 'for- d to Ingersoll the *early part of this week. co I MeTaggart 'and Mrs. Caves of La
H,__-LEATI1ERDALE & vold, the upset price not 4aving been real- Ing in still keep the grass dowO."Mry Cat I
LIANDBBOROUGH, SeafOrth. merly photographer of Win h was in The incessant rains are a leading t b6l, is _Wo4 11
yayd and 1
-1 ised.—Mr. R. Spears, of London, was in Ism, Optic Of P house. who were visiting their BiAter Mrs.
1589 town on Saturday.—Mis Covens spent 4onvereation here just now.—Mr. W.X. getting along, �ery well *ith his new the' street,
NO PEDLARS NEK6� APPLY. -We don't 'town this week, visiting his brotheri Mr. and attending ilie'luneral.—Mr. WilliaiL
equire any pedlats through the country selling our �-Harry Speare.—The lacrosse club were to Sunday at her home.—The Canadian For. Hazlewood is touring.theL province on his Elder, jr., who is attending the Univiri*` maiting th
oods, as our furniture has, a gool reputatjon, and 1avt; gone to Stratford -on Wednesday to- eaters held thei� monthly meeting on Tues. theel.—Thomas Hemphill -shipped two cars ]BaYfl!� L �Id. a I t Toronto, is home spending the -summir monumenl T
ells every time. Satisfaction guaranteed and prioes day evening.—.Rev. Mr. Higley preached a 0 grain -Hemlock umber is now BREESY ITEAfs.-Mr.!� and Mrs. I'Thom
ight at BitoADrom, Box a Co.%, Porter's old tand, compete with the team of that city, but a h!ut week. 08 vacation with his PaLrefats.-Mr.' Comk
eaforth. 16&7 tewn could not be gotten together. -The sermon to the Canadian Foresters on Sun. ;ietng.s ipped in here' as a car arrived last Abram, of Wawanosh, 'were gutqtg of t This 1.8 a
I heiL� formerly assistant minister of Hensall
day eveiming.-Rev. Mr. Rigsby wa's absent eek for the local markets. --..:Bills are out d liter, Mrs. P. Meta
FARMERS who want- to deal direct with many friends of Mrs. M. Hurley, of, this � tosli, of P -e River cuit, and who has been attending the V help, and z
',be manufacturer should-takb their wool to the Wool- 'town, will - be pleased to hear of her con� aul were accompAnied by varsity at Toronto, was in the villap ft
h Sunday
on Sanday, attending the annual Conference inouncing the horeeL fair here on June 10th. Thev
meeting at London. His 18�it was sup. Mr. Ralph Hodgson and wife, � of Wing- William Abram, aLlho we can I
on Mill, Soaforth. Mr. and MrB�.,
tinued improved health, after her late as. Du -of Wa- Wednesday,. renewing o14--acquaintanboc-
Fh.kE. plied in the morning by bfr-' ilea Jenkin% ham, hav to -give evA-
---rWe give you free, freight charges, vere illness. -Messrs. M. McPhee and P. te, been visiting relatives! here. - -A wanosh.-�-Mr,[' K. Mont ' 9,01mery, -of South- The many friends of Mr. William Wh1W
en you buy m hampton, a f6rmer'reeid0t of Bay4eld� and sides will be eased to learn that U�
moking obarges and pediar's charges wh Mulcahy have returned from a trip Sjmql the eveningservice was dispensed with. ovem u a on foot to celebrate'! Dominion
as on i1n street, sea- �Mr. Matthew Floody the purchaser day here with sports of all kinds. Mr. F. H. Lee, also of Southampton, were feel' a
ourgoodeat our wareroW to the was
orth Portier's old stand. ROADFooT, Box Co. old country. -The new granolitbic pave- V, t better.-Mrg, A. iOr, the 22nd
f Ote house and lot that was offered for at the Albion NAP
L 0
h i 5,11
ment on Main street is now in use.-Mija !Sunday. They,.were4:on their dock Kas been spending the post week Vr aintain.
b, auc
1637 In
sal on, on_ the corner of Dinsley way to Saruia.�Rev.' K J. P1 affa. -Mr. to
THE oldest and m i reliable Place to sell Grant ind Miss Sterritt, of Georgetown Blake, Oaten � akri#ed so with relativeaL at St
r trade your wool is at tal. wollen. Mill, Seatorth. �are visiting at Mr. C. W. Papst's.-We ar i andl Comb's streets. The price was $261, home from —conference. Tuesday qvening. L Most progi
a Walker, son of Rev. MT. Walker, lately if
whi�h was indeed very cheap. -Mr. John DOTS, -Mr. W, J.- Douglas and Mr. R. He has been a0pointed -to Belgrolye and Canada -1
Nix= DAis.-Forthe next 90 days you 'sorry to learn that Mrs. Thomas Murph JV, Mills was the visiting layman of the Metho- L, McLinchey returned on Alonday last Lfrom Rev. M r. . Shaw, of Bel aVL Hensal,l, is relieving agent here, during t1w -
gr e, to cotne here. absence of Mr. Louis Harold at Winnipeg, Ing place,
an buy all goods at f mctor� prices, thereby saving of this town, has been laid up for some time distl church of this circuit at London this an extended trip through Middlesex county, -We were pleased to, se6 the name f 4. . G. Tici
reight charges And cost of padkiD,-, at our %are- ivith severe illness, but trust she will soon P WEDDINGS. -A very bappy eve -at foo -k in the
00n1s, MAin Street Portles old ot&nd, Seaforth. - recover her wonted sirength again. -LA yet -Mf. Dobie, of, Chesley, call6d on being entertainedwhile away by Mr. Rob- Stanbury, (standing tlir4) in the li6 of sue- place at the residence of Mr. William 1(011�,
ROADFOOT, Box & C.61. 1537 Nettie Ewing is home from New York on - a ds in town last week. ert Niohol. . Wer understand that,, theyare cessful clindidatee in'Osg�ode Hall ��elx r their pro�
I 4.L: 1-. 1 1 , amin- of this villaze on TucEd af ter- - - Ug - -----
Y� ing seriot ing in that die- ations. George's many friends 0,
—OOL.--ror - thirt I years throu all Asit.—The officers and teachers. of 8 11 be Marl-tt t
ED TREIR followilig chaDges in Tariffs, we ha t. . . 1 . : trict, and hope that their visi -We refer to the. marriage of his 'eldo*
PASS ExA-xs.—The ve -made Seatorth tf�s) wool Usborne. t proved en- pleased to 'hear of his sacce6s. —As
Thomas' church have decided to change Zhilton daughter, Mist [Jessie, to Mr. Joseph YoIi o
markot. When selling bring your wool with or r your
stadenta from this county have succe se, where plu their Sunday school to the morning during tirely satisfactory. —Mrs. John Douglas re. and Seaforth are � holdink Jubilee one of HedealFs most enterprising or other al
"fully without your grain, to No. Warehou P ONAL.-Mr. John Jarrott,of London 6lebra-
passed their OrOntO are always sure to get t un- tufted on Saturday from a visit at her home tions on the P-nd,, Goderibli on July� let and ch'auts. The ceremony was performed't
examination at T . 6 highestprioe. JAMPS the summer months commencing next S form�orly of Kippen, has been laid up with' "I
'University. There may be others, but if so, BmTrm, seatorth. 1537x4 V near London.—Miss, Margaret' Esler is the Ora YOU may �a
e mem- ca.—Mrs. John Jarrobt and daughter, nkemen are to meet here �-n July Rev. J. S. Henderson, in the presence OtAl.
day at 9:30 o'clock. —Anumber of th sciatf spending her -summer vacation at her home. 12th th
we have not been able to recognize their 'NEw designs in ch�ap 'bed roomisuits. bers of Fidelity lodge, Independent Order of Alice, have returned to Loxidon after opend- 0 citizens committee has de4ide 2.2n(l,
names in the list : Fourth year and B. A. LE-ATURRVALZ & LANDSHOR0 U1011, Soxforth. 539-1 d to lar*e number of the relatives, The bridia.
I . Messrs. A. MeTaggart, 'J. Esler and D. b i
degree,—G-. E. Buchanan, Zurich ; J. A. Oddfellows, attended the district meeting "39 a week vVi-th Mrs. Richard Jonesi'of old no demonstration 4a Dominicia Day. maid was Idiss Louie, sister of the bride. Our prices for I
SONS OF SCCOTLAtfD. —All meMbere are re- in Exeter this 4ownshipi Manson -wheeled out to Seaforth on Satur- Our citizens wil -. linton
on Tuesday evening. Whilethere day last, returning in the "wee smal I be able 4o take in t while the groom was -supported by lis not the 10i
Jackson, Egmondville, Third year,—W. J. quested to join in the prooesislow Tuesday m AccIDETNT.-At the or Seaforth on the 22n4 and' God " ich On brother, bir. John Case. The bride wia-
orning, they.were most hospitably entertained by barn raising of -Mr. , er
Elder, Hensall.; J. M. McKinley, Egmond- June 22. Kemb6rs having bad I gas will plesee return Wm. Fisher, of the 3rd conneession, on ours."—Mr; Wellington Fee has recently the let and expect a godd turnout 'on the are ni-A W]
them. By order.. the Exeter brethred.' Mr. 'and Mrs. James handsomely Attired, and was given aws,
villa, and W. AT. Martin, Exeter. Second Beattie and Miss Ada attended the Friday, last, ��vo very painful 4ocidents oc. sold a very fine horse to- Mr. Hayter it a 12th.—The boy are prajotising baq bidl. her father. After the happy young
yew FOR SALE, bar wedding s we intere�
i ji,
Dunville, on Wed each evening and mpill -soon be giving. exhlb- bad been warmly- cbmgratulated, all -jot,
jiin,4 year old hoise,'cheap, good 6 -and Mrs. George Parke 01'
�-,�J. L. Hoag, McKillop, T. A. Rua- g
sell, Usborne ; S. P. McMordie, Kippen. well bred, drive single or double huness, good road. of Dr. E. T. Kellam, in' ourred. A large stick of timber fell on Mr; are I I riends 6ar Toronto. -A very alone.
Wm. Kernick and broke a sma)l bo�e in his tion games. The officers" Of
ster, kind disposition. E. N. Lzwls, Goderich. nesday.-Rev. Mr. Cosens, of"Fordwich,and - "I the clib are: down to a most sumptuous repast, and a
taken enjoyable time was open —1*. - . 7suits
Mr. C., Garrow, of Goderich,, has- 639-1 Mrs. Cosens were in town this' week, visit- leg, while Mr.- John Perkins was struck on at the residence Of Captain, L. Da�mart; 4ecretary, John several hours spent in social in t6reourse) the.
-third clams honors and passed his L. L. B. sets, ing friends. -Mrs. (Dr.) Smith,of Hamilt , the I head by a falli . ng scantling, mat on Umpire, bridal party were driven to the� dil S4.5% 5.5
Fi--, E stock of' new shirt waists, Wailt, on ing a � Mr. Eglei6n Esler, on tt� Bronson line, Jowett; treasurer, K. -Moorhouse;
degree belts very painful wound. I Wednesday evening of last week, the event F. Keegan.
,eollarsand cuffs to 'choose from as w.,K. and Miss Annie are in , town, visiting where they took the 5 o'clock train for'Dm- 1 -00, =4
HoFirmAN's, Seatorib. bein# the christening of his youngest son. 9
1639-1 frieuds.-The return match between the troitand Chioagb, followed by the beet large valul
Services were conducted by Rev. S. Ache.
A41ENDED VoTEas' LisTs AcT.-The at- LoST.-A silver broach bangle, with short aple Leafs and Unions, local junior foot Brucefteld. I I Elensaa wishes of a host of their- friends 'wlto -had 31e)AS PhAts at
a. -Mr. Jol Ouglas
tention of clerks of municipalities is direct- chain attached, on Saturday evening, 6th inst., be- b 11 teams, was played on Wednesday even- DIED IN TILE NORTH-WEST.-Tbe, sad in. son, of Kippe seph A. D amembled at the station 'to see themv.1,
_e tween Harpurheyand the Post Office. The finder 'expected home next week, and, if all signs k," while
ed to the following amendment made to th LOCAL BRiFFs.-Mr. David Follic 2.7.5 aud 11
will greatly oblige by leaving it at resulting in favor of the Maple Leafs telligence resolied here a low days ago of operating -the edging sa�r,'!n Mr. R. "Bells The, bride was made the reciplent 4*1
Saw Mi palits at,
hold,true, he will not return alone.
Voters' Lists Act, during the recent session Offlos, Seaforth. the Expo"'Toa b one goal to none. -Jubilee services will the death of Mrs. Wm. Mustard, who pass- BOYS
bf the 04xtariG' Legislature. It is to -be 11 On Friday f9renoon last, 6d the number of very valuable presents.
UNDERTAKING' b held in St. -,Thomas' church on Sunday ed away on the 3id inst., at her h misfortune to get his h Still another of those joyous eventA f3weaters
In the undertaking de- ome and 4everely ciqt, ne-
found in the omnibus law bill amendiiig the Partment, we buyourgoods-;from the best under morning, JuneFWth. Manitoba. Mrs. Mustard was the Ijentra&aL. cossitating the outti ca in our vill
ng in,' of a uum�ber of
statutes, and is chapter 14, section 36: bo�Lrgs thp-same aftemoft, 1.50 �and I
taking augplY houses in Ontario, and we -are bound daughter of Mrs. Peter NOTES. -Mr. Rogers, of Toronto, is visit. He we's putting,
h, of th stitches. Jn some pao e em
Section 3 of the Ontario IT6ters' Lists Act, to bring a on', a reduction in prices. We have a so -,McTavis =name train th a ontb�vk: Bathing . Dm1w,
I king,
PERSOISTAL. Millroad, near here. She was about 3 Charles Huston. -Mrs. Jackson, of while the Faw was runningoo, -dro bridal trip to Chicago. We a`W Y
.1889, is amended by adding thereto the &I- secured the bervices of Mr. M. Robertson to &mist us -The manv friends --of IN'Tiss ing Mr. nd in ,wing he e "far *z, Bathing Suit$ I
In this department of ourmork. LEATnHRDALZ Jean MeDermid, daughEer. of Air. Angus years -of age and was a victim of consump- ��London, is visiting Mrs.- Richard Handford. away his hand he brought,, it into contact 'the marriage of Mr. Rob
ert � P. Boll, of
'lowing -Sub-section 9 a. In townships, LANDSBOROUQU, Seaforth. i 1639-1 McDermid, of the Huron road, will be pleased lion. The deceased had a lar e circle o The Centralia shippers shipped a large with the siw.-Rev. Mr.' Wil Stanley, and formerly oi Heimall, w eiliilmerTies a;
also, uce me 'I of Hegon, of 4ort a part -
towns and villages the Clerk shall As I -am' gi-ving up business in Seaforth, I to learn that she his recently graduated frien in thi vi inity who I si as in ner in the firm of Patterson & Bell, to Mki-
opposite the name of each tate .1, Is a C rell number of hogs Tuesday. -Mr. and Mrs. Lambton, and fq r nsail, Sunshade Stm,
person, a iotend'for the b ce oft I e
such person's occupation by inserting the my stock of grooerle his month to slaughter from the Farrand training i school, Harper sympathize.with' the afflicted -4amily an 1 �ohn Colwill are visiting relatives '�t Arva the, -village thier X, 4..wing 011d ac. Mary Ann Workman, second d i`u hterW
8i fine china and chrystalware, . friends. and London. -.Mrs. Wm. Colwill has pur. quaintanc�s.-Mrs. J. 10. k9ttio the lite Mr. John . I 5rl—Iner
Hospital, of Detroit, having passed a ver a Vuckez,
me in a column for that purpose." everythi g must. go. W. 7SADLYUR, Opera Blo:3k neman haiii been Workman, of
Grooery,n creditable examination, graduating wiZ chased a fine - new parlor suit, besides a visiting her parents at Lambeth.- mith. -'The care was verforme-&-a-t the Sv=mer Shilto
1538-2 Nift F'. 8
honors. The training quantity of other furniture. * Something Bell, jr., intends, starti�ng. to *build hiad" new residence of
RwTuRE FRARING. -Bring on your pic- in- connection with Varna. bew.-The Epwqrth Leag brick 4lock right away. -Thb fieavy ral' of of MWilliai; Bell, better gn
this hos 'is Of high standing, and we PERSONAM.-Mrs. Munahaw returned t ue will spend
THF, 'POST OEFIGE SAV1_N(,S BANK'. -The tures any time this month. ! Lk�#HZRVALE & LANDS- tal villa e,'fatker of the groom. The brides -
4he 292nd of June at the Bend. -Mr. Del- the p0t week have demonstirated hcjw�'bad- ms' was' Mir's Maggie Workman sister 4r
rate of intereat allowed in the post office BDROUGH, Seaforth. .1 predict'lor Miss McDermi4 a successfu her home in Win h in Tuesda T .1
savings bank is to be reduced on the I st of future in h - a e i last gaty and Miss Mary Colwill are the ly we ore in need of good the bride, while the groom was supported ]ROY -15 and AtenI
BusixEss.-Come I er profession wh' h h ntends accompanie c drains.---tMrs.
Goi-.,w OUT OF n and d by Vis7 McDonald.-] re.
July next to 3 per cent. For the last few ge
t dinner sets, tea sets, five o'clock tea sets, practising in Detroit. 8 ays via he ap- 3 Bell. A Jar' at 2-5e2-0
v- chocolate' sets, toilet sets, and all obber lines at able young lady and her many friends will ingber 61d friends in and around Varna. by, a coat relatives ca
years the expenses connect6d with the Go he a most eatim- Har delegates for the International Epworth Laing has'recent by his brother, Mr. Th
ris,- of McKillop, spent a -few d fi�ly iniproving t QM
e ftecn-
ernment savings banks has raised the cost your own prices as no reasonable offer will be re- be glad to� hear of her s League convention to be held in Torov to. -A pearance of her e of psint.. number of the f the contractis*
phonogra Dt4er
H. adley RodgervilIe,"Her eased the ceremony, And sittWr
fused on aljything. W. SADJAIR Opera Block ee arr Line, is visitin tialia church oil M
Mrs. W kei. of the P ph 3oncert will be given in Con. Doan, of parties witn
of the mondy obtained through those insti- Grocery' friends, in Seaforth. -NI rs. E. Wanless ww onday evenin 'Jun' Majesty's mail carrier of the Chiselh�irst, congratulations bad been heartily extended
tutions to about I per . cent., whereas 'the 95 e
SEWING MACHIxEs.-Buy the new Wil- MAARTE-D AT -Du.NvILLE.-On' Wediies. visitingher sister, Mrs. Turnbull,. of M- 14th, and at Eden on Tuesday evening, June Lumleyand Hurondale,ro4e, has a�lffiae to -the.happy couple and a bountiful repat-,
e. 1� h, &okh
Goveimment has been a�le to borrow money lilm's sewing machine, second to none for domestia day Dr. E. T. Kellam, of Niagara Falls, Killop, last. week. t The concert will commence at eight showing of strawberries.' -Mr. Ortwein.4" one had been partaked of, the bridal party weM ade to 101
for its purposes in England at a net coat of use, and away down- !a prioe. LicATARRI o'clo k
a little over 3 per cent. LAND8BOROUOU, Seaforth. 1AL11 & and a former Seaforth boy, and Miss Mary c Everybody come. and hear, of our pathmaaters, his *I�es4y m; 4-e a driven to the stationt where a large number -
1539 -1
The reduction noW tile wonSerfmui machine. good th bildreVa
optin "On esent to extend cl
9 spring@. son, former- streets, on
SPECIAT, June sale of inattresse3 and wire "I pastor of the Sea'forth Methodist church
anikounced is made- with a view of ad C daughter of Rev. W. Ca Kippe et�rt - in the way "of improvini� our Of their friinds were nr thsir
the rate of interest paid to the altered co forth. y MONVERS AND -Ind, we hope his gocUl a"mpIe.,,-,wiI1. -c gratulations, in Which we join.
were Wingham. not only be followed but beaten.
1539-1 united -in marriage. The wedding cere- T. MHU18, KIPPOD, is now ready for all kinds o -I-M r. eo. -Clothing I
dition of the money market
Wjas in fhe
machinery repairing. Parties wanting mowers re ERious AcciDENT.=A serious accident
a- -0 mony was performed in the I church at four Acheson,'of Goderich Vi a I ge Stephen. 3
e the bus ned on Friday last, at the raisi is way out-. toNisit hit vli- IN THE SOUTIr.-Mrs. Hodgens, of ther.
d , paired will do well to bring them In Vefor this week on h* :
D.nATu OF & -RELATIVE.-Mr. and Mrs. LOCAL BRr'E'Fs.-Mr. J. L. Killoran, bari o'clock in the afternoon,,' by the bri e a season. -All work trusted will receive stric h a�pSe ng of tives, Mr. and Mrs'. James r in, of Seaforth, has been appointed a father, and was a -most brilliant affair, both attention.. A good stock of plows on band, and a] Mr. T. Haugh's barn, in which two k aul lear 16th concession, who died on the 4th inst'; -
last week to, tile funeral of X econd band plows at uthers, at.-Mis's Mima toni hw,has ey. De-
Renry Watson, of this town, were called Notary Public. -Mr. T. 0. Kemp has leased the church and the parsonage -being profuse- Elow repairing. A few a m�n, Messrs. J. Weir and W. Carr young Chiselbur waff�buried on Sunday a,, Brinsl
r. - argain. Also one, Tod road scraper. A,, ne�rly lost their lives. The formbr, been here 'visiting her siste as re
WaCson's the Irwin elevator in Clinton and has a ly and tastily decorated with flowers. A tur'ued 'ceased had. been ill. for some time Of Wna
brother in the township of Hibbert. The "ply of twine wil on hand' in good goo though
I me seriously hurt, received a gash on the home to Toronto.-.- ess' m Willis jand sumption� She leaves a sorrowing busba.&
deceased leaves an invalid wife and a famil grain buyer on that ina r-kei, purchasing for large number of juests were present at the b5ottoin.prices. T. MULIS. 15891 MON]Rk B-�
y rdiner head by falling on the edge of &-plank. The White shipped from this sifa� a few 4ayi and eight young children to mourn her lost.
of grown up children to mourn the loss of tile Seaforth mill. -Air. Robert - Ga ceremony, while the- church and street NOTES. -The Com. n,ion services --of St. r load of hogs. -Mr,
C tre'asurer of the So�th Hdron Farmers' In- were crowded with citizens of Dynville. injury of Carruthers is much more serious,as ago a cal Iliam Cook, -The marriage of Mr. H. Wing, merchant.
a kind huaband and father, besides two Andrew's .6hurch, Sabbath, were. well i who has been in poor he� ......
i stitute, informs us that we were in error The bride was' assisted by three bride's 0 at t is feared his spine is injured, but the full past, left this wee k io %Ith i8 some time Shipka, and Miss Lydia Ritz of lNew Hr -TA-
-brothers and oae sister. The remains were attended by good cingregations. The
biterred in the Methodist cemetery at Sa- last week in aayiDg that the receipts-froln maids and two maids- of' honor, while the vices on Friday, - conducted by Rev. Mr. extent -of his injury -is not at present known. Weak! the hospital burg, took place at Now HoLburg -on
the excursion amounted to $140 ; th groom was supported by three young men. at London. Rev. D. Bach&A'a' inst. The happy couple arrived 4
of Lmn4k 2ad
lem, of which church he was i faithful e exact It was thought at first his back was broken,
'o is� here at present! visitin, hii their fiture home lasb week. We t
amount is $114,48. -Rev. Mr. Bond, pastor At the Qpnelusion of the service a w Graham, f Bayfield, and on Sabbath by the TIF
edding e Jparents, Mr.
member. The funeral procession, consisting pastor, and again on the Monday by- Rev, but' fortunately, such is not Th and Mrsi A. Buchanan.- our A 0
of the Methodist church in this town, was reception w,as-held in the ,,�ldent was caused by the raising of Ini J) smes L 2ongratulations,-A unio
a i Uqng, n plem
parsonage, and, Mr. Muir, of Brucefield, were all of & hig�i pur- commission merchant, of, W the Methodist 8abb&th schools of Shl
line� plate and placing the rafters thereon
of over one hundred carriages, showed the unanimously elected president of the Lon. at seven o'clock, Dr. and Mrs. Kellam left, order. Ten new members were received id. formerly of Tuckeramith, way' fn this vilIage Greenway and Grand Bend will heta -at.
esteem in 'which deceased was held. The don conference. It is a well merited honor, on a tour through I the Eaist.* The wedding I before it was ready to receive them, thi �unipeg, 4nd be Pkk
bereaved family have the sympatby Of the and we beg to congratulate our worthy presents received by. the bride were excep. to full membership, which leaves great roon� cau4ing plate and rafters to fall the rafter: and neighborhood t1us we& visiting fis the latter place on the Ilth of 'June.-Xr* -yrong
community in which they live. Mr. Wat- for encouragement for pa tor and oongre� relatives and friends, who we" 011 the
townsman on this mark of -the esteem and tionally varied and of a be utiful and cost- coming'to the ground and -the plate in, its r pleaseif, to Richard Birry of Xhiva, has now reoovOr-
son was 66 yeara of age. gation. Mr. James ot
ed fr 18f
s held by his breth. pa Fo will conduct the descent, bringingthe two young men with om his rerepent illness. -The walls of'
confidence in which he i ly nature. The young cou le are both well services for two Sabbaths following, in t see him again, looking so hale, ad he t3w
Mr. Richardson, of
EG3fON-DvrLLr, NoT-zs--A1r. C. L. Papab, �_qul v it, with the result stated. It is a- mystery na, occupied fine new brick school at Dashwood Art ,
ren of the conference. -It is, Re evident iinown in Seaforth, and their very -man.. absence of the pastor. -St. Andrew's Rev. church rapidly progressing upward. Already a.
pulpit of Carmel Pres
S' how so few escaped injury, as it is the worst rian
of Kincardine, was in the villag� last week bath school are moving -in the way (of hay. on Sabbath last, and will con�i us to d" has been placed around the
that the members of the liuron county friends here will unite in wishing them all the �
council are not sports. Last Friday after. the happineps possible obtainable in- thi accident that has happened in this's -_,-o new fence 8FAF0
eetion RI
in Is anic, 'and for that purposf for 8 y*
iy their annual A- - 6 ifer . , ;
during the absence of the pasth who lea' The buildin is to be completed
aking a call on relatives. -Mr. W. Elliott noon the council adjourned for an hour to -World. pi ome time. Both young men are doing �es -and At Or
will hold a mebting on Friday evening in this week, accompanied by kr Louis H`
is having a cenient wall built under his resi- perinit the members to attend the base ball ---------- 0 as well as can be expected. 4r. occupation at the, commencement of iU'
dence, which will add materially tot its match between the Varsiky and Goderich DM' the church, to consider and make arrange. old, to attend the Generil, 'Assembly 1 -at' school ter
m in Augdat. It will- be nOW-
tTIT OF MR. JAMES COLKMANN.-Mr. ments for the same. All Babbath seboo THE
comfort and durability. -7 -Mrs. Richardson, teams. After they returned, an animated James Coleman, of T The friends of
innipeg. - 1 4 r. JaMos Eary to engage another teacher in adAitiOu
on, of Exeter, recent! p asier to the two already employed, as the sohooy,�
N ave mentioned in these columns on and Mrs. -Morgan and Miss, Bishop, all 0 NoTEs.-Rev. E, Schuelke has gone
o and merchant at Rodk;,erville, o has begn will open with thre6 rooms. -Misses Riums-
manse! for some days. -On Saturday last, members as to whether it was a baae*ball former occasions, passed 'aw&v
f Tilbury Ceentre, has been a guest at the discussion arose between balf a dozen of the ness we b- uckersmith, whose ill- workers will make a point �to attend.�-Mrl Zurich. Bonthr' 0stm 464(ert A
on Sunday Usborne, visited Mr. and hIrs. T. "orsytl 'Waterloo where the conference of :-the so seriously ill of late, will b pleased to and Lizzie Ratz attended the m AcCident
4bl.even young hopefuls from our school went match or a lacrw4e match, some contending I
out to Sproat's school to try conclusions at
last, at the residence of his 'mother during the week. -The hesvy rain of San Lutheran church is being held. Mrr'F; learn thai he is now a be�ter, &�d their aunt, Miss L. Ratz, At New Hamburgr-
that it was the one and some the other. At Robert Goleman, 5th concession of Tucker. day last was the heaviest drench of the sea, Hesswent as layman. -Rev. J. Strempfer, will hope for hi's complet recovery. r last wieek.-:-The recent heavy rains bAW Am
h A
football with the ifiusele of that neighbor- length the matter was refeired to the senior smith. Mr. Coleman bad. been sick since sonj -bringing all farm work to a stand still former -pastor of the Luthern church here Mesam.- J.' C. Sto�emau and accide
ood, and after a fierce struggle, so they member for Division No. 5, -and he gave as about February last, and for the past si J. Suth&- hindered the farmers with. their 'work I W_
X for some days. -Rev. Mr.- Acheson, and but wh; now resides in Toledo, has been' land attended the district in ting - of tfie much that not got, -nbb
say, won a glorious victory of 3 to" zero.- his verdict that it was a base bail match.- weeks or more be bad been confined to be I a few hav4 throuffi-
d. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bell left h"ere oql here On a visit. -Rev. Henry Holtzman, of Independent Order' of Oddfilll we held sowing peas' T d potato -
Miss Laura Porter returned on -Monday Mr. Jame*s Reid, of this town,' left here on His disease, which was incurable, was of a Tuesda he corn an
y. The two former to' afteud th ' New Hamburg, has been here visiting his Exeter on Tuesday even' 1 -is , as repro- planting has been kept back C
from a visit, to relatives and friends in Kin- Tuesday for his farm in Algoma, near Port particularly painful nature, and he was a General Assembly at Winnipeg, while Mrlsi brother, Gabriel. -Rev. George Finkbeinet, sentativesof Hensall lad e. arge nu� work has now begun in earnest -and it arabria
cardine.-Miss Sarah Stewart was' under Finlay. Mr. Reid took with him- a horse severe sufferer, and in his case death was a Bell visitp, with friends at - Chicago and t.� of Millverton, has been here visiting his ber of the brethren' also at n'; d and cog., 'much needed, as the roads have TeguWly
the doctor -'a care for a few days last week, and wagon and other articles. He drove happy relief. He was the thil d S
r son of the Paul. -'Mr. and Mrs. James McKees, of brothe'P, F. Kibler. -John Eidt, of Philips. ferred the initiatory d-egree o 1 develof0d
i candid& a many bad Awes this spring.
but is now improving.,. -Mrs. Burgess and from here to Owen Sound, at which -place he late Francis Colernau, of Tuckersmith. He V, arna, during the week, visited with M
zman.- pres First an
was a young man, being not yet thirty and Mrs. Ricker, of the village. -Mrs. Geo.1 Adam �Lemeirwebe�, of near Tavisto,dk, has
daughter, Miss Elsie, who have been spend- hitended. taking the boab.-A deputation r.1 burg, has been the guest of G. Holt lented by the &aforth lod,
ing several months visiting relatives; have from the Ancient Order of - Foresters' Court, years of age. He had -been miarried about Thompson, or., second degrees. were conferred the cIril -Perth Will require $40,0W for the GOV-
again resumed housc is visiting with her daugh-! -been .�ere i *W hi Mrs. H. d M trunieub of the county this yes r Rawd
en er.
-but no family. ter, Mrs. Flucker, of Blyth. -Messrs. Me -1 B d -Mr. Wetleifer, of near Tavistook, Charles Latta both'publie sch total value of the county lands
)keeping in their pleas- in this town, went to Br -asels on Monday two yeare,and leaves a widow visi ing is mother, ton - lodge. --Mr. Samuel Lot
ant home -ust west of the village.� Miss evening to pay the brethren of that town a For the p teache L.'s low gr
J ast two years he had charge of Kav and Kennedy, of Tackeramith, whol hasbe�uwith:hib friend, Mr. who were herb att ndinL -3, i place
urgess seeins delighted- with her trip to fraternal visit. -The brethren of Britannia the Brucefield' cheese fac H., Well' in London d by the council's equalization
tor He was a make a specialty of movinj buildings, last -They Were all 9'a their way to attend th; funeral of 'their father, the late ohn. tta"Ll mittee j1A,:
Bheldon, Dakota. -Our teaohers are getting Masonic Lodge spent,& pleasant, and profit- particularly fine Youtag man, being of ex. week (lid some very active work for Mi.; annu-11 Sunday� �vchool convention as g at M285,640 -the sam
which., returned home last week, as &I also Mzs�-, Tear.
4 1