The Huron Expositor, 1897-04-30, Page 8-_1 4 Olt APRIL 30 'OY EXPOS ffol'R 8 TiR HUR v—e a am Q I realiz� the paltry results of her efforts, she Messrs. 0. Trott and J. F. Daly.; Many give the. names, of all the boner gradhateo at friend from Leadbuq, $9 - Willie Go U. Institute, —The farmers; this v --wl)- r. Frank Ewing, son of have been much retarded t6i* �'Jseeding- CLOT would mure�y iAe a strike.—The - Mines were ihe regrets expressed during the even- the t7niveMUoi of - Toronto,Queen's And Me. look, � 25 cents. - . �F W been young Mon -class d -third Mr. George Ewing, of this . town - who has operations On -account of ;th wit -,.weather. A. G. and M. J. Getamill, who -have 0 -the Iona of theme two Gill,all the first classi second an a lonirthened v1sit among friends in they were only exceeded by the sincere class teachers, the Hat oi doctors, lawyers, �b -for the 1) making 14U een praetising in Dakota sot Some, 'however, Aave� �be n Owing to Unusually lar e -b this Biant-f-drd a4. Hamilton, returned home mud hear�y wishes for -the future prosperity dentists, and, not least noteworthy eithttr,' �coiiple of years., has now located in Sopkaue, favorably, and withthe old 4 g, U I .w dry y 119. h to the Agricultiral Washington state. We - notice by days they wlll� moon comple 6d..' an- -Vp. Clothing, which we ri]?,:— appiness o those who ave gone in last week,. much plowed with their t i and b f the boys. '. �.,l SrT0, ere compelled to in rder to secure close It in reported that our hotel keeper, Mr. College -and won high places in the honor Spokene-Review that'tho doetorls. -services other seuon�s crop. -o James (Ioleman, is sibout to retire from the THE MXDXOAL Ass001AT10X.--T];e Irejular lists. There in no other Institute in a town Were oall9d in requisition at a� - ba;d railway - inside prices, we find -we are curtii1ed. for room -to show our large atook. We purp idithat the building will in fu- meeting df th Huron - Medical Association -as small as Sesfeirth that can produce such a smash-up which occurred near that 'jplace. Keep the range of,-everythl-a 0" 24 earance of 'a I I bas'!:Nvan Goode'yQu, fi g making a cl arge portion at ture se&&% a private residence.—We Was held at the House of- Refu e Clinton, list Of 'successful pupilej and some towns� an We, w: ish our y6un prosperit DiABOLICAL ACT.=On I ridwjr�: eening, I I . g friend all ' T In A nd- here. Few gie regret to note the c6titinued and serious ill- ou Tuesday last. There was a large a6tonda 46'r-ste -an Berlin"And-Cobourg. have not one- his for western home.—The Ecten property : SNAP BARGAIN PRICIRS. The about two miles east of tUis �lace�.' A most the variety to select from ew ne4of Mr. James. Coleman, cheesemaker, &ace of the medical men of the county-pres. half as many. - It in, the chairman omid,. an in Harpurhey, was sold recently.. to M r daing attempt was made fo Aerfl the fouo-wing will give you an' idea of wbab Win who in at present at his mother's resideng for about the uniformly -good qu ant. Theprosident, Dr. McKay, of Sea- institution of which we have just �ause' to Alex. Neilaris,. of Boxborongb,. nightxpresmf due.here i 10,00 o!,elook, by alities -few be found, on oui bargain tables: Men!x in and will' -he trap near khisn ill Mr. Coleman -be aided, and in a nest opening ad-- feel proud, and one which has oonf6rred in. $150. Mr.. Noilano has moved you - the"'all-roud kqs, forth, pro placing ties across t k I a su�g a man,; good v. . e . Suits worth 37f, $9 -,and $12, will go for orini; VWu*6T nearly . all 1 suff w"- r iro drug not forth the great advanta calcidable benefite.lipoxi the people of the residein the house.—Mr. and Mrs.. James, ner that had it not been Ae ot d t me turnover,, -cash buying and coh $59 $6.75 and $8.75. - Boy's Suite worth $4, saiatical, through the body generally. Ing -to the profession, and . through them to town and contiguous municipalities, as Pringle, Jr., of Stratford, were posts this I I 45 and rt, for $3.75 -and $5. Child- would havi. resulted in die W�ok - of 'enables tit to crowd-pdoes, for the public generally, from these�. associations many a young man mud young woman has this week at the- residence of Mr. and Mrs�, 0 1 a re the train afid the loss- of Ima lives. The rem a Suits, Niorth $2, $2,75* and $4 to be ties down to the lowest said the Meetings held under them, in which been enabled, through its agency, to acquire J. H. Broadfoot. —Min. Campbell, of Spot- diabolical a' of quali dt-was disoo d in the nick r�d -at %.40. $2 an $92.85. Man's, Wzmisa, B .—The Ingersoll Chron- - Vora ele qivo� the'; followmig particulars of the practitioners can confer with each other, ex- an -education which -will make life 'easier land,:couhin of Mr. John. Me -Millan, M. P., -time by Mr. B. Scotto *,ho succeeded in What. you ba� here in. good d Childreres Oda- Pants, evata I and and corresponding redactions., Ask to munap of Air. W. M. Gove'nlook, change experiencen, get new -ideas and on. and more pleasant for them and which � will is visiting friends in town this,- week.—The an at removing the obstruction,4s, i ihort time be- don't pay too much for it. its. MOR of Mr. Robert Goveralock of Me. lar4ed views on matters appertainm*g to inake them abler and more useful, men and many friends throughout this county of Mr. fore the train wAl due'. R. Detectives we our $1.50 All Wool MeWs Sit their profession. Dr. Shaw, of Cliaton,gave viomen, and which, but for it, they would and Mrs. Alex. Ross, will � be pleased to Ross and Elliott *ere so �011 the'sceike, and I . , , ne 0 to r 0 ra. 0 . an Intoresting7pa r f roid tumors not -have been able to obtain. The annual learn that,they arrived safe . 11 at their, Mon. �fo Wm. Fickard & 00. t of t I town Tuesda , at one after ocourihg the,coun r 6`o6uple of On O'bloc p. m.. a very interesting event oc- and Dr. Sloan, oeSeaforthli"read an inter- cost of the institution ranges from five i6 tana home,after. a most enjoyable journey, d succeeded on Su in arresting six thousand dollars and in made up- as fol. Mrs. Ron bei delighted with the i ays tramps, Tod in th I ft the lookup. sh qurr at the'residence of Mr. iiiii Mrs. J. 00ting-and instructive paRer on "Appon In con three styli -ash Grocery -tiob-?' Both paperselicited a lengthy and lows, h b the -official figures of aloUg-thil'Teflowatone river and Witson's 0 A. Youngp, of Glencoe, when their eldest OteJer Their names are aa� Stewart and dauqhter',.XIissennie May, was united in InZaetiv—s discussion, which was partici- 1895 13tudoewunts' fees, *1,463 Governmeht' pointA en koute. Preston. They were g i ed, - before We have extra good vatue Juld noW In Tea. Our pated in by nearl tit' pres- granti- $1,077 county grant, $02,057 ; town marriage. with.Mr. W...M. GovWock, B.A., Requires Rosso, -Gibson a ughlin on CA-ylon bl&2k,. siul uneelerawt Japan Toa, at 25o pat mod', are the bed we ever hood for the money. We Mathomatical Masterih the Ingersoll , 001- ent. Several inte atiLgf 6 �f the m. grant, $1,500. In the eare year the county' Crorciartir. Monday,. �ad were sent t 0: o to stand 0, to fact.' tim bid black, and green: Tea in the matkok logiats Inititate. The ceremony was Sol- mates of the H ge are- -shown, grant, which is distributed in proportion Nzws.-Se"eding in in'fuli blast the -tie fine their trial 0 t a an Th re U. strong It its An- acknowledged that sak retail them for 50a per POU*d. L The but q*11y I emnized by the Rev. Mr. Ron, Prembyteri'an thoroughly considered and inc�oaed. Votes tne work done, was as follows to the several' days. Mrs. Janet Lai in ikproving circumstantial evi 4-ve carried off the palm, for� th of; ag at' them an Pipan Tewfoi 35c per POUU(t"L bat Japsa oUting 1, 6 � ad - 3 0 orgyman of Glencoe, in the pr of thanks were tendered to Dr. Shaw, ear- institutions in the county : Ssaforth,$%059; slowlY.t--:Mr. Duncan Mall �12 able to thay werei me in that n�ght. or at esence of a i6st Millinery t1rieectionh Or nods for We guarantee orreturn. oft.012i4ir. - I canned voXet- large number: of relatives mud friends. The Wn Of the House of Refuge, and to Mr. bert Hoggarth a 4 Goderich, $1,780, and Clinton., $1,650. be around again. -Mr. Ro Each day since the opeaa ables we have the celebrated Dilht Brand, IN6 pack. bride was tastefully attired 'in -a I crealp* French, the manager, for the kind, atten- had a lively time L ith a mg cari They are' the te3t. 'A ftffl line of Choino froalk BaYS Id' room has beenrowded withcustonis always on hand, at the lowest oub pries. colored and was supported by her tion shown -to the meeting,� and for their which he has in his possession, and the re- WAFTING$.-MTv, Lve, itation to hold th ent meeting 1:0CAL ri. Is 0 Beign ri"nest'null made Maple Syrup, 9ft per gallon. The COUNIII# = Young wir;7tbe bride's Inv .- Bal[EFS.-Mr. James MaDoAalds, sult might have been worse -'had help not and the Easter rush nearlYetaptiod. as elected last week Ao represent I has -returned home, a. islUng her daugh. emhightut pVice paid for all kinds, of prolude. Ca* for he we a so a ve to hold- all the who w n' been on hand -We understand that Mr. tgr -M Z . Clarke, of illinery. brother anisted the groom. After the t re.. It s I re 01 re. - W. Emu Of tLrimm6d mi W� have setings of the Associatioi- hereafter at the erness aounty in the Nova Scotia leglil � I 41 Will Kerslake has securedL a it' here, re - couple had been duly pronounced man and r 'On in a Seaforth, who has,�been gaged eixtra. skilled help, and,b. 10. WILSON, Seaforth. wife, the happy pair, with the guests, gat House of Refuge. This will be. alike In the ture, is an uncle of Mr. R. J. Macdonald, of flour and need store in Seafoknim - We wish _7 cen rned: this week.-�-Miss,: in* h lat'e'prinei- time this paper reaches you, the Bank of, Oommorm Block. down to am' elegant wedding breakfast. interebts f the ame6ciation and for the bene. thin town. The Nova Scotia M. P. P- I him uo in his new un I of All Saints H4 fit of the inmates of the H�.use of Refuge. an enthouiastic Liberal and the only fault )8PAI'LIZansai Q After doing jostice to the tempting vando, is an amiable y id is highly re- of Ready. Trimmed Hats will oung man, at aglifler of Re ' 8 L S' 'th in- home for beautiful The next meeting will be hold on the second we can find with his worthy nephew is, that kd viewing the numerous 'and spected by all who make his acquaintance. the summer. le'r fri�jT,1158 Caples, of complete. All through the roe to the bride, th - ortd the Tuesday in July. heas not yet become imbued with the a- a company ese GI Missouri, -.in iting,' at the stockwill be kep y Exp Oders. great truths of the -same political faith.- .04gowy Copy couple�.to the Grand Trunk station, J'so t fresh bL th wamid showers of rice and good wish- A VETERAN. -It is, perhaps, not gener- During the storm of Friday, afternoon last', Tinuberry. rectory. -The an�ual. 'Jest meeting of of w�w goods. This week we resi ere satisfactoiy. CELD. es,.they boarded the train for their faturo ally known that we have W this town a re. S._WW L Trinity church waii conso ope. od New Hats, New Flowers, SCALE OF RATES RELDU the dence of Mr. John Walker, Mill GATman-w Yeo, or., is home in Ingersoll. Road, Tuckersmitb, was struck by light, ing-olowly from an 'attack if p e Mr David MeXsaght=4 was, eleetlea;peo'. Flowers, Spected resident, who has, in days gone by, sp; plWo ward Ribb�nm, New Trimmin- _d Ingo causing a severe The best medium for sending Money in distinguished himself in the British army. "I shook. The fluid, This disease is becoming i at in en and Mr. �Doa d Galbraith go, an you. letters bv Mo to place in the however, tollowed the lightning rods I to the Canada. -Farmers in this viciiity received was appoinled cler,gyn' n1- " dei2 ; Mr. in our Show � Room the any WrRE.­BaTbedj� Barbless, Oiled and Sergeant. Joseph Herbert, who has resided ,is a war very world.. TRequ' pplication ground, doing no further damage than t i r flax seed on Tuesday. AA flax gro' John Tippetmand. Mr. Win;, iott were Ap- est things in The s ire, -no - W, n; no a Annealed, Galvanized. Ram & WmsoN, Seatortb. in Seaforth for several years, is in his 78th hen. 3fillinery. waiting and no writing by purchasers. year, and rejoices. in - the aime birthday as knocking off a few shingles.and in one place ing is a new industry for the people of pointed aideamen,. and,*.. E. Smith tyle slightly splintering the ridge board. -Among Turnberry, t I elected lay reprei�iitativ was attractiveness of our MiJlinery is, We isuppl stamps at cost -furnish at&- BicYOLES.-A few more CAe:veland Masse Queen Victoria, mud is one f the oldest -per- hey will not Into A very to t4e Synod.-, .9 vants of Her Majesty in Oin arlo, having en. a re steep on the eta in tionery and wrive brief correspondence Harris. and Stoor�er Bicycles left yeti Z& whee the military change cently gazetted, we rb.­w-Mr. AiG, of Glen- Already preparations *re ng made for ing trade fro' all parts of ther county. taken in exchsng�p. S. mumin & co., sesiorth. notice that Mr. A. W. Forister, of Clinton farro as on the B. line agnll spending the: summer hohda a ere. Messrs. dmail your letters free, e_-�cept the listed in the 20th regiment on July 6bbi W ad conces- an stamps has � been appointed second lieutenant of To. sion, 5,onday, solicitin St -ley and Robeits, of fPa 111,1iiends Of 1837. He held all the subo dinate positions g for the minister's Agent, WE are the 0 talion,in place -of salary. week, W. SOMERVILLE$ gents for the new William's in the regime , and in t 7 company, 33rd Huron bat' Rev. S.'L. Smith,,were in to last .nt year 1862 he and secured a cottage. from "wing mawne.Liloes very low,call before you buy. -Miss Grace Me- Marks, for g Telegraph and Expresi Building, Seaforth. & , as Riven his discharge, h ding -the rank 'John Beacom, resigned. in 583.1 w =TURRa=11 NDOBOROUGH, 80&fOftb. ,I of St�rgesmt. He exhibits ul ok part in a a certin Ingersoll, on Wroxeter. the season.-w-.­Jamo�- Do4aldso ,has ordered P A:ruiz lineipf Parkes', English. ditchingi riday. evening last. r. P. Dill has th a new Leonard engine, One of the newest HEADS WtN M WSMESS I and garden spadek RIRD WILSOZI, Seaforth. ride five gooa canduot'badges, awarded 01 SpAt0s.-A subscription list for 0 designs, and especially iotende a for r MILE cured- a position in a dry goods store'si � unin HnsleffaF 15�s_l 911ra at different periods daiii term of . n -India famine fund has been opened at Mr. 9 9 his itchell.- r' Charles Diivson, an ern electric light motors, ai�dvill sooir u have it LEATHERDA1114 & LAwDsBowuGH to,' the service, Sergeant Herberi w on duty Rae's store, for the next two Weeks. Those in place for the electric light. aid, ployee in 0 mill, met with an unfor. n By I - should avail themselves of the, The greatest stock, the best goo front so usual with now. oods and better prices. with the 20th regiment at the 6oronation of I mpathy tit on riday afternoon last. opportunity to contribute. -Mr. Robert the beat vallues we have ever had it', A Wimokovon, Seaforth. ift-1 Queen Victoria, in London Tower, in the He was working in one of the upper stories Bipek represented Hawick carip LZATHiRDAhs tunate accile BUILDEIRS ATrENTioN.-Consult your own year 1838. Thi army and navy veterans of with only a dim li I ght, when he made a mis. of Wrox- Ladies' and Children?i Cashmere Kasai, STRATFORD, ONTAPJO, Interests and got Prices from us, for your hardware, Toronto have under conside�ation the advis- -A' vi oter at the annual meeting of the Sj)i)s of PRESENTATION. -'ery pl -,iaing event 0. a. MULLN" & CIO., i are now on. our counters. Our 461 savetroughing, fuinsce work, et ability of holding a celebration of their own a �ep and fill ten feet into a 'bin, . breaking Scotland held in torouto last week. -Mr.. took place VVednesday 4vening, April 21sto Our badness is to fill heads with practical Sworth. 15884 -his right leg at the ankle. -We notice by! a Edward Hazlewood I a few nee knowledge. , The leading Commercial BicycLt on June 22ad, one of � the chief teatures of was -hoifie for- at the reside of'Mr. Cook, when mere Hosiery is brovSht direct ��W. B. .the best, warranted not to which will be the parade, headed - b three' wlarge;gathering of t Olt, recent issue of the Roseland Miner, that� a days latel.7-4he parties who ldft'h6re for he metal iern and -adl the makers in 'England. school in Canada to -day ; nine beautiful gum, come early and avoid,, the ru*.- R e pay so: 51lege'rooms'excellent teachers, mo, . derate SON, SeaforW am & Wit.. men who took part in the coremonieayof Her Huron boy-, in -the' person of Mr. W. Me- Rat Portage a abort time ago, repoit that h6reats of the Presbyte;ian. 0011 $ 1533-1 - . Queen, formerly of Brucefield, boa been ap- grege't"'i" wholesale, house! a profit, and are se rates, enter at any time, circulars free. Majest�'s coronation, namely, Peter Sh standing room can scarcely be had ther6, this place,met t6gether;Jor the pu wy amount of fir$t.e op. I rpose of for left Money, th�n , lees farifiture polish pointed.clork and treasurer of the city of :presenting his -daughtej��i ML2 better goods, 444,4.52 for ale, at 10o to bottle. Xt.#,TmsRaALs a iaxps. pard, of Niagara Falls ; Sergeant Maj owing to the tiumbek of nien already on the ise ottie with a ever, r W. . ELLIOTT, Principal. E�Doslaud, British Columbia, at a salary: of scene. purse coAtainin BOROUGH, Sworth." 1533-1 hubbord Of- Paris, and SergeautJ6seph g thirty'dollars - The pres� before. These' vlues are iight_.:;t1:y_ 1 $120 per mouth. We congratulate our you atl REPATRS.-Afull line, chespeat Herbert, Of Seaforth. Sergeant Herbert is ng entation was accompanied I neatl them. fri9nd -on his preferment and we - can assure Stevhen. worded and highly cot�plime re and b_est. Rxm Wumx, deaforth. 158d_1 still hale and hearty, and -can get round n address, Ladies' Bla* Cashmere Hose all w Tulhe Kippe-n Sto Blay' Butter and Dried Ap. the good peorle of the Golden City that NoTn,4. ed on behalf of thd con by fall fashioned) sizes 81, more actively, and seems to enjoy life with -Mr. Martene, of Sharon, is 01 ation. job St 1 9, 20 91I Why am to Paddlers for Half Price' as much relish PA most men twe;:Iyiofi.%,e they have me ected an efficient and honest m4k reparations for the erection of a bests. Richard Anderoon, 104 them to G. E. KW. G, Wingham. and got full years his junior. That official. -Mr. George Chesney, of this twn, ib"rgicli hoase.-Farmers a Hirant Proctor, Williao, Riar and &Yolhn Ladies' BIpek Cashmere Hose., an wool, value for them. G,� Z. XMG, Wilighaln. he may recently purchased from Mr. Robert now re busy i with .King. Miss Cook has #resided at the organ full fashioned$ regular W S EE D 8 1 spared to enjoy his well earned honors, is Charters, Of the Mill road,�� Tackeramith, a. seedmi .�The recent frosts. have. injured for. a number of years, and all sizes RRESH PArx!r'. -Decorate Your homes, the earnest wish of a large circle of frionds. the fall w'heo very much, and it is - feared cheerfully pure lud and oil, new shadOL RXID & Wnsom, Ses. steer, sixteen months old, i which weighed there will be but a light crop. -Miss 1. - W., and efficiently has - obw fulfille that office Ladies' all Wool -ribbed Cashmere How The season for Mauiold -Seed is now on. fordL 258SIL over- 1,000 pounds. This steer is a product of Morrison, teacher in school section No. 6, that the congregationfolt it tieir.dut to Ladies? Plain 14 as We have in stock a arg,e supply of the TALP COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE CwqcERT.- Mr.Charters'fine hard of thoroughbreds an B A C haters Hose, P4CTURE frataiii done on the shortest d spent EM ter holidays at London and Glen- �Ive some token of thek appre m seamless, full spliced- heel an Steele & Brigg's, Improved Mum -moth Man- notide, and curtain poit put up any place In town. The concert in Cardnols"hal in the kind to breed for profit. -Mr. C. W- dale. ames Stauley was called upon o take the d toe, gold. Also Turnip and Carrot Seed. Price LRATEmsama & LASsHoabuaa, sestorth. isss-1 evening last, under th 6f the Pa at, has now got the new on hi- f 1 -11 chair; The id4ress W" read automatic' ankles, fashioned, 40o e auspices I store' OBITUARY. -After a long and pain a � I value Rev. Mr. and qualty the best. Collegia rotd'stand, with 'Musgrave. Aprogramme of ape es and mu. DAIST CRUAws, lowest. prices, stock com. te Institute, "was a success In an hopes to be back in his new, Clara, youngest daughter of Mr. Rich - P1818. RXID & WILSox. Seatortb. 2u&l every respect. The people of the everything bright andmew, in a few weeks. ard Glanville, passed - away on Friday lost. Bid followed. Aft -or partaking a bountiful Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose, spliced JAMZS CANNING, Kippen. AT 8 - Almost a year agor she contracted a cold tqa, provided b M `Co0k,.e heel, and -extra uality THE City Wall town showed their appreciation of A meeting of the Huron Atedical An 00i sole., Paper House, you can re" h --returned 1.624 Window- Shadip, complete for 20c : Wall Paper the efforts of - the teachers and ation was held at the House of Refuge, which developed intot consumpt.,ion, and -all. I home fee t�ey IAdleie Extra F' Cashmere Hose tBourysie of roll; SO: inch Ingrain for Igo, blendd ling hid spent a pleasant - - 1 pupils of - the Institute to cater to their Clinton, on Tuesday last.-Mes evening. double he me full Iasi' border 4 match for be per yard ; Wall Mouldings to T_ RX. that medical aid could do, proved of o el and sole, WiLda Match Any PAPSY. for Ii cents Per foot Up. Romem. amusement and pleasure by turnin oublin Case & Co. are killing on an average, one sve, I il, - Miss Glanville was a bright young loned, special value -we carry the i argeab stock of Aittotto Wall large numbers and the hall was fille her. The hundredbogsper week at iheir packing womani years of age, and will be much Zur2ch. PAf"rs the )Owestiprices, and workmanship the prbgramme was a lengthy one mud was ad.* house. Thic represents a To money, - missed.by best. Iror proof, calt and inspect, r her friends and sorrowing rela- "Biaimn.-Odr village has gg i 'ne life Hanging and preparing wall@. free of itch- mpathy of the neigh- since it was iucorpora�'ed ai a pi)lics village. charge. 'Paper Hanging,'Painting. Kalsomining and First, all iQ5 w4k.-On Monday, two gentlemen borh6od in this their firs B DiMwT xAwlmm. given on Paper sonmirably sustained throughout. The'objeet Mr'Fred. Davis�moved his family to M of the entertainme: twas three fold. tives, wh4 have the my Hod Decorating. Orders i� from. the town and country to direct a t family afflio ion. A lot of good pine sidowalk hxre already gens the attention of the people' to the were here from Niebouri township, a dim. gomptlY attended to, and satisfa9tiork gujiranteed. importance of the good work being done tauce of 45 mile Daring the whole of' her illness she bore er been built,wdich are w�OrOdit to the town. TEw Xisowic Smoic=.-A very pleasant 01 a, delivering a horse to Mr. bufferings With a chriatian spirit, and died Rev. E. Schnelke and vri& have returned OLINTON. ,into ffhminir a Specialty. JAMM GRAvss, Main by the Inatitute4; . 2nd as a concluding John -MeMann. This will give some idea social evening was spent in the lodge rooms Sirseb, opposite Johii. .1538-1 Of trusting in her Saviour. The remains were hquie -from a visiting tkip td Ta istock and of Britannia Masonic lodge on Friday; e,vdn. FAximE in Se' function of the literary anciet of the 'Inati. the area of oountr over which Mr.MeMann interred in the Exeter cemetery on 8 cond-Hand Cook' Stoves. tutewhich - does business.- unday. other -places. -Rev. Y. ited has been doing sucbgood work dur H-si, to the new ing laat,when the members and a Am one hl�ing name to exchange, 9104toffice Inspector Hob. __0 happy couple and Inv -guests. A number of on now one. now pastor of the Eva� invited friends gathered there to smoke a if' lie time. XULLEi7 & Co., Leading Stove Depot, irk number of handsome and u t Ing. the past fall and winter, and last but k waff in town, this week, in reference to, ��gelical arch, will eaforth. 16334 iict least.,- to secure funds to * enable the girls the matter of increased accommodat Blake. preach his first, serniqui next S � SY9 at 10. were recen social pipe with friends. -The early part of the ion at red by the bride, wfiieh went tii WE. HA o clock a. in ., in the Qerman I guage, and evening was en o ably spent in -card play vE exbra,�good value in Lace Car. to establish a lawn tennis - court and appar. the postoffloe. The town authorities de' kOTES.-Things are bo show the high esteem in which she was hold sire oming in the gli I at 7 Q'elock p. m,, in 6he Rng Zat when light refreshmen thim, Muslin Curtainhig, Art Muslin@, $&teens and atus and a base bill out -fit.- We have no that the entire block be used neiklxborhood of. -Blake * thi� li language- bv her many friends. The occasion I ing and social to r as - an office, -l' WW CfOtOneB- W. W. XOF�iAN, Sehfo th. were. fully ac. rite the Postmaster-. 4 J. Bachler am year. Mossrs We understand there! wilr e English were served, followed by a short musical doubt but all three objects and it was decided to w J Keen su building new n;ade more memorable in' the afternoon. Lmp. FoR SALE. -F. Gutteridge, Seaforb:i, oomplished. The followi preaching over nin _bjM programme. We are must ng was the- Y Sund,*y ev6. in future. the double bapitismal service, when . tVj� _'. _pro- General to enquire as to whether he would houses, and Messrs. J. Howard, R Alle , E -Rev. D. ff. Braund, avre the lodge has on hand a fuH stock of Acton and St. Mary's gramme : Part let,-Seli3etion by the Daly allow suflicient rental to w J. Johnston and R. Johnston are in! .,bad the church full feel gratified at the success of the affair and lime. Also a full stock of cement. Prim right. arran proving children of Editor Bradwin and W. EmiSk, -SundA , both in the mornitil � nd even. those present are certainly indebted to orebestra; Solo, "Beauty's Eyes," by Mr. thin were donbt would give ample room d lsbott of Blyth, received their and enlarging their outbuil ings4-hlesars, Ing . , wben Ke farew, rite, wiheresi�", them for an evening moat pleasantly FGR EVAIN'S Imp J.. Mullen; Recitation, "Many ways of say- and would be a great improvement H. Sieck!,Wr and J. 86hwartzentrooper are "I 8ermcm8- Grandpa Emigh is to be' congraulated. grted Mammoth Saw -log in and will undoubtly look forward to rit- Mangold Seed, A. YOUXG's is the place to at them Lg Yen, by -Miss C. Case; Solo, "The Oresout crowded state ot the office. -Go er. "lowly improving. -The wet weather is He moved to his nowe -field at St. Jacobs reception of about 2)(*.gaests was helaid tU, fresh. Idat Tuesda: Macaj annWa ne 9 ast Tryst, 'Alias T. 84phens;- Solo by ich street, w- thur & , o. , ff 'Hen- evening, and wits spent in social vh&to xt smoker. 1638-1 est of Main street, has be in delaying the seffing very much, and our #011t. $45-00 BICYCLE. -'The Cre3 Mr. W. G. Willis; Mandolin Selection, by Bail have opened a baik here. t will be a and t - cent Special," a beastly condition all spring, and if he Young men have plenty of time to exerci e ifreali convenionte.-Our buteners have 21ping the right fantastic,. , Mr.#AA AFTzn Tirmp YEARs.-A despatch. from d - Joseph Hagan, A. t i1out on the matrim fully guaranteed ; besto any wheal in the market f their steed I urray sal i Messrs. Daly and Trott;' Tableau, 1%n street committee don't get a 'move On an s.-Mesers. Mrs. or Artist's Reverie." Part 2nd, -Piano. Solo, hav Wild and started their usual r4aads aga n. -Mr. C_ vain* ;'OvOn 48MIDIOUtAl stores can't equal it. Call a it 6xed up, it will- be our painful dut W. Dunn passed through town ea accompanied tlo- good Arinhes vf" Eau Clair, Wisconsin, dated April 24th, and inspect at LuxaDgN�l & y unbappy root Wever has bought F. 8 egner's old their many friends the In- rve 1� � ul 1 1! cup in store for those who 'Selections, "Peak Sisters of dividual in the mud. -The Literary and disagreeable weather, they appeared n will always behAri brings tidiugs of a somewhat romantic J"Ar- b Miss Florence Johnson ; Solo by Mr. W. to� chronicle the loin of some intly, and notwithstanding the mud and dwelling, and as d -of joy ria A TR&tT is IR' . Beattie as near the ge which took place there, and in which a, C happiness. "Joy' Alaska;" Solo, atholic church wh h h urohased comia opera. Gilbert and Sullivan's Opera "King of the Mi ht Dee Debating club will hold an open medting in happy as a honeymoon par p :Seaforth lady was an -active participant. It a. Pinafore," wHh 4 S&LO F. P out. splendid soloists, etc 31r. 0. Sparli says XrV W. B, Curtis, a merchant of wifi be given here oniva Y w the town hall on MoRday evining next, eipertl preparing to - build 7 -10th. The entertsjumeii okii)g Tack arg. a new two 4 Brussel& -Shell Lake a . dower,. and Mrs, Bell M - is highly spoken. of by those who have Ladies Double n4nartette , Solo, "O'Rielly when the subject under discussion will be, t9ry fnicklihouse. WI MCKMOD NoTzs.-The members �ef star" or been Western fortunate enough to see the production. Went Against It 11 by Mr. W. Hays; In. " Resolved that -the Dominion Government CHEjasn FAoToRy.LTheWthr Tod 0, Indepeadettf Order ofOddfallows at.., Plan of 0 'Tison, of Seaforth, Ontario, a widow, met eass as roseg Drug ato�q-popwar prices, 26o and strumental Selection by the Daly. Orchestia; would be justified in submitting a 'probibi. Manufa0turin; C liere after thirty years' separation, and were 86o. toned divine service on Sand IMMA t. - 0 1538-2. Tubleaup "Gipsy Sc;ne." Every number mpany hae t9eiJr fac. B. R. HIGGINS� rneral Are ani life insur- married in the Galloway House parlors, on t tion plebiscite to the people." The affirrna- tory fixed up Uft 6rat class- style and intend Mee igen. so ry n ni ht they held an AMOMS in RIGHT Ridycles, �Isdiea` and Genva, in ;he jpro$ramme was well rendered and tive will be upheld by Ravda. Dr. McDonald to stairt 0 t I& ' d 11O.VooDwayancer, emmisdoner this: morning, by Rev. F. M. Haight, a now and p000nct-hand perations on . the 10th of May. for taking affidaviz. km"jf privet -6, tu Ide on - ant room when the room was:oomfor4my -clergyman sumatle tires, from 45 up. the' audience showed their apfreciation, by' and S. Bond, and Messrs. John Beattie or Methodist The couple left im. wards, at PAPsys inre soie. They have nine milk routes in conne -igago an good firm property, &1 5 per comi. d , I seemed to enjoy 2533-1 ction aL frequetif encore. The 4Pep, Sisters 6f and James Leatherlaud, while the other At hom every, Sporn Wednei dai of sub. Elediately,for Shell Lake. They were en. To Tyjz front wi.tb the factory this year, while last year week. oche has moved big, string of horses ent- Uhl with new lines of Alaska" and the "Ladies' Double'Quarttate" side will be championed by Messrs. � W. to the track. they had only six, and would like if patrons He him seven in the gaged to be married thirty years ago, but goods for the spring Arads, at reduced Prices. created much mirth, while the tableaux Baker James Watson, R. J. Macdonald -A GoO'DHOA�E.-Mr. C. L. Mason has James OLe various circumstances kept t4ern spart." LZATHMMAM & LAND)WOROU01f. would send 0'eir milk as early an ible Ary gives - UFO possession of 40 'imervice thii year, the were perfect and charming. I r. im posal t v as a splen- and J. Irving. M B. B. Gu will Act &a in his ponessiono for Queen's hotJ ibis wiek. He ded x4A 2,5W RoLLs of wall -Pape�, slightly dia entertatiment throughout, and reflected chairman and the public is cordially invited. -so they can he" enough cheese- in May for impprted Clydoodalo" stallion 'CHAmP-1d1;8ECw.- A damaged by water. going at 29, So, 4c and bo per credit on all who took part in it; and cannot on By evening, a shipment and not hold them until June L"80die know -yet, *.here he jwIll. IW%tO$ w II611its"O wn to bn§_L�j rneeting of the Beaver iner.osse club was roll, at PAn't's Fire ale. Mond May 10th, a meeting areready. Everything -is put in good: shape Rover." This horse`� won Ist prim and looking -around bef6re'settling do fai Bruoefield show tl held on Tuesday evening to discuss the ad WF, I to have the result of creating renewed in- of the club will be held for the purpose of for the -coming season in order to sustain weepstakes at LL the Now William!s Sewing terest smon illoso.-On Monday Afternoon the tesm 4' Machines, which are second to none on the market our people in the affairs of the wind the xffaim for' this seaso and jig aid by com -tent , judge isabi-lity of the clab entering, the senior for domestic purpe Institute.' he chair was occupied by Mr. John their t reputation of turnin bgst�horse 1 01, ivv Thdmam Williamsan, of Grey, ran 1qwAy_1A#& V. I tht see, and as we have no agents on 11clurpavish, of Yarmouth to 3yer oxhi d there. 'Wo hope remintoth late jam and series of the 0. L. A. It will be remember. the read, via can an!i will,� ell at a small margin over , M. Y. McLean, M. P. P., who in th wnohip' me. 1 a WindOW7�6f..Iatiiil coat. e course father of Mrs. E. McFaul, of this town, 'Mr. IM"On. will havet a good at won with to Leatherdsle h Lsalsborougb. 1539-1 jeweCr and smashed It ed that two years ago the Beavers won the I of the evening gave some particulars regard. died on. Thursday night of last week, after hirn.. d * *a, anadamaged'the goods championship'in this series and Apparently NEW WAM PArXUS.---!-1f you want to see in (Jentraha. tho the work and progress of the Instit the Newest Americtu. Des- ute. only a week's illness. Deceased was born Afcl)ouga� 1, of Luck- 'the window. either horses nor up the twos in'WAII Papers. with- He first explained the modus JOTTINGS.--4owslaugh's .0ho is now, is .only drawback at the . present time 1 15 out a doubt LumsDnN h WILBON have the -best assort. operandi to be in Scotland, and came to this countr visiting at Mr. William Scott'o.- damaged. The damages to the s®d WE the lack of funds, of which, on accounb,. of adopted to secure the establishment of a about 65 yeanago, and wait one of the 10TI'r still run .-Quarterly Miss *Do er, of Cli4!ton, few amount to probably $50 or went. Another lot to "d to -day. Call and e ning �on sAedule tilmPepIng, MI a apex �ing a a ife a 0 in is Who held on raing wz the long itrips to ba taken, considerable tire -the maples and prices. 1683-80 High School or Collegiate Institute 'and esit settlers in that section. Hi w di d met 9 Sunday dais with Min All at Mr. Alexander, are busy these days, and this makes -th ilton on He way 25-- up, and pu traced up the progress made and work don e ' business me the fol. RQ88'.-Re Ifflaa I required. The prospects for a team are WINDOW Pollen from' . t 0 tw9 years .. ago. e was 92 Years of a d next, and th ating on IV. Mr. to good,, but without outside financial aid - the in town free of charge. L"therdalle & up by. the . Seaforth Instita quiet in town. -Mrs. John Roddid4 U4d@bor. te. It was 'first leaves a family Of four sons and 6' go lowing Thursday evening. --Smith's choose the Synod w Club is unable to compete again this ough. ve dalk hich 'met on Tuesda r in Paris hasbeenKir an win -ter, passed to nee U, May, &a& the ith A�v. Mr. A �uir.-Mr' long bon year. Im-i established as a High School on the 12th ters.-Mr. William Ballantyme, Lice factory opens' for business on. the .3ra of spent Sunday wi At this meeting a oommittee was appointed SoDA FouriAm-' tanday., at theips, skgo of For sale at a bargain, of January, 1879. It'then started ih a very Prompacta are bright for. a good Faoh7 has sold th on wbic years, an .,v I%& - pupils spector, although improving,is still confined 9pert h he d was buri4M on Wednesday.. 2be, to canvas the towit with ariew to getting a lint cost SM, yffli fell for $76, cish. intending modest way. with 50 and two teach. to -his residence. -There iezn seamon!s output. -A- couple of tramRs made has been residing 1640 91 of Hamil- bereaved husband and famil ow a daily sta r. I pott have the 4 sufficient guarantee. warrant them ente p can inspect the same. and learn &It ere. It - continued to grow and praiper tendauce of over 85 - apils in the it lively around the village one day. last ton'. Mr.. Fach made 0 Pr:,!= 'by A P1110 t C. A. NAiRms General until 1888 when 4ny improvements on pithy f many do. She leaves tw* ing the seniors. Sh Id they be unable to cl! had 2W )upile on1he department of th4 cot, the he p4ace but owing to�fsilin L10 Grocery Store k nrrlor week. -A n frien se=m the neceseaq 1532-2 it D x3lic sch umber of Royal Templars Visit. health is ire Jasaes'l of Tor -onto, and A bi- bt, they will probably n veii-. %Ongo 11TAINI Now *ad Cheap in R&rl*rL roll and a staff of three teachers. n that trustees are cousi oring. the propriety of ad Mr. Job Evane on Wednesday iitg to rcsidoI4 Spaf�r, 1. 0- Michigan - and three dan ghters Mrs Bml-L ear J'L* I ar enter some intermediate series. Suites, Couches, Xxtension Tables it� -*&-a raised from the status of a engaging an additional teselier for a couple �'ing last to, show their sympathy with him 1,Auchlin was. vi4itiur 1; fttfids in! nd' ound lantye, of Branob-Z Eddie, of WireSpriageand Mattresis . ieatherdgle � h School to that of a Collegiate Insti- of mbnthe to eggs Mrs.. in his prolonged filmon. T f � S. a & 9 �e ladies served Brucefield -during Easter lidays. Va a, an 1 1 borouEh. Coulter 'until the d M rs. MorTimon of Mich ja� Sovmu HtRo-.; Lxcr.,-,ms.-A meeting of tulte. It now has a staff of five teachers, all refroshments,and the evening was spent in i Awl Ay -Miss Annie ]Elliott, ofi. Biyvfiel4,- as r ru-jh of little folks drop off. -On Tamed 'it A few of qr orn were present at the the License Commissionerts for South Huron WANTRD--Egge 10 cents ; the balance of specialists, and is one of the best equi�ped nin when returning from Clinton with music, gamesi etc. Before separatingi an dais with Al Higgins. funeml. PPles ; we are, head-RU11kriers ter Ale - was The your dried a for clover instibutions Of the kind - -in the Province, Ot Mon Of thin town nheld at Hensall on Fridaylaat... and timothy Dead. ko. Xxxq, Winghs' Zv'eo :er medial gentle address of kij*d appreciation and synipathy Gregor left -here this week the old To. object of the meeting was to consider ap.� outside of th& cities. Every pupil under 18 who, were attending the meeting of the was read to I Mr. Evans, who -with dee country, taking two car'loads of h a I raes said SToxE Lima. -John UD- t Pass the entrance exai ination, with medical association, Dr. McGinnie to be the finest To 'thail ever plications for liquor licenses. It was a lftcTuRr. Framing'ja speciality th 'mus t feeling, replied in his usual happy voin, ang by good judgeb Foote, the old re- posed at one time: that under the new li. to their homes V16%sed t liable lime burner of thin place, hse,�400 bushel At next two -week@. LZATICIRDAM &LANDS sirious ae i. hat they lift Bruceflield , Mr. Robert cCartney 'fresh stone l[Wo. selling at ISO which ther public are quite familiar. Pupils with what might have been a all repaired cense act, one hotel would haveto be cut, off sesforth, or over may be admitted On joint recom- dent. When coming out of Clinton the goes &I . ong with him.-Menera. Hunter iI mussast of varns. Jous Foois. had cheered and helpe:1 a sick brother. Jo a bushqP a in Seaforth. This w6uld have been the, ease To j1eARDZW. mendation of the principal and,public school horses had to be stopped -suddenly to let ut andWilliamGrs� !_of.�.LondonRo do intend AN-NIV=8AAY6XRv,10=. S ailing on the same bo*4L pe in M -A ouple of boarders can ictor. Very few take, advantage of some. children who were playing on -thw bad the act come into force at once, but And excellent acoommodation in a prlv"e - h its provisions in: this respect' do not come town. by Ap*ing- at Tms *xPosiTox Onse to this provision , M ith ca 1'8 --Mr- will- be held in the Bayfield Road Oface. 1515 -ti any farniers' sons- and re'ad, out of the way. When starting again A FINE AN ames'Paterson,j Of M a Lawn XxAll--Mr. James Horton has de- terian church on Sabbath May 23rd, it into force until the commencement of the nothers, who c;� not allord the time for a full one of- the horses got excited and- co sold his ale L st&l. livered last week to V. R. F., C we & Co., ing - J muleac- valuable importedOlydend the 44th rury ',of -the opening W= er Gfianis in 6e Anderson," to a gentleman from of.Sesfor'. y fine lbado Of fat hogs tj;e' church amIlIve 3aext license - year, so that the hotel keepers FAXZ .-On -W,ednesday evening, .-course, I P might come in and it -for three ed to back up. . Dr. Ke getting out lion," J ' bh, twoi ver ' ' for divine sem4ce. will have a year to pr4are for the change. months uy in -e winter Inionths; or at of the carriage hurriedly to take. the animal near Tavisitook; readvi at_&. good figure. I He also- delivei ed to Mr. S. Henderson, . The &;7. .number of the membeo of the Huron foot ther times d * 1, - ng therefor the hand.- Of Hensall, will pro&& A$ Licensex were issued to all who held them ball club and " Biaver lacrosse club 0 Uri I thc� year,� and take., up by the -head, caught his foot on the door some sum -of $1,000. The removal of so Valtv James Johnston, of the Bauble line, near the usual. hours, morning and evensin . Bayfield one, of -his ybung.short hism balls. $. arithmetic, 606k, eeping, botany, chemis- and fell forward on the hard road. At able a borne from thise3tion of I i e llwi last year, with the exception of the hotels and other friends 1 e �tert#imod Messrs. try, etc- No application of ibis -kind has first it was feared he was seriously injured, try will pron, . A seri I ons Ion t the - Coun- a superilrattimal. o the farmers, BATY tox-mooting will Wholdn the thurck- Exeter. An application for license for the ingstone at a supper �but furtherthea a bad shaking up and a. an he was One of the-b"t stock hormes,in t e for which an at Egmondrille and at Devon, south Of T. J. Stephens sadl Dr,' 1J, W, Liv, ever been refused by the education depart Mr. Johnston hu secured hotel at Elimville; *bich has not jet the Qweezei hotel. ment. Thin provision shouK be more wide. few'bruisex , he was none the worse for ids surro Leadl Interesting iterary sad mado, been li- Both theme young. men are al;�U' unding district. t to leave ceased for some years, was not granted. ly known. The eourse of study is divided unpleasant experience. -The annual meeting cal programme ban *fisen prepared. W*�' town, and this occasibn was taken ad WEDDING BUT i -A Aessant mind Spp Dix. t go, of to have van- into four stages, a Occasion called forms.� At. the end of the members of the Seaforth public lib. are Ing "pbsed of at a gobd ffa p ten ay after. 'mind, and that this' importanta Th* ication for a license for Mr. now very dear "d inter- hope all interested will bear thi ent, faces the exam- rary will be held in the reading room on Among,those shipped from 140 noOno April 21st, at tw'o o'clock, a an opportunity of express- of the first year the stud be' d* fi to eating event,took I , 11 on'4 jie* hotel at Brucefield was granted. Ing in a manner the f esteen, in Heneall. on U. 'the remi. celebration will be :successful boycmud., There will than be one hotel license To i which they' inatiob of form L This includes reading, Monday neift at 3.30 f. m; -The Rev. Mr. day was-thi herd � reared and fed by the demos of Mr. -and ra.. the riding than last . year� 88. in were hold by these clubs and bY their -geography, book keeping, mwing and Bradley. of:Mitchell is expected to preach Hae ney. Jones, preceding once. friends, They have �oth been cond ar k 9 ZMITs tars of 4bletios here, and not - best and tlierefore realized a good price.- was united in marriage to Phili a ent suppor tie "d DOWay. in -the me the student in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath brothers. They were - ainou the Leadbury, when their. only dsu' hier Ruth. Vasmy- M. -Th rr takes an ALU the subjects re P Marroy, meeting of St. Johies church, Varas, Mo EGMONDVILL Shajw oly will they be Thissod there, but in acial quired for .4 morning amid evening.-�Wext Sunday even. School has re -opened with a good attend. a much respected and promisinj y ung remi- held in the church on Wednesday attended the meeting of Synod at Paris this circles an well, and the very third class - tesoher's c a 6. In the 0.1 erbific Ing the Rev. S. Bond proposes to pieach & &nee, and Mr.' Hackney, our teacher is dint of Tuckeramith. -. The ha beauti. best wishes of th" year the at' last. The finanoes of the church maw -am: week. -Our tea;ehers returned to duty on a �ost of friends *111 adent-takes he work re. -sermoa in the Methodist church on the duty looking viiry much invigorated after hii'ten fallyecorated with. eyergreene to go with Mr. Stephens quired for matricul�t I natural shape. Af r all- liabilities were paid Monday, refreshed -by their. holiday ion into a nyuniversit F season. W Windsor, where he has a yonition, and Of 'citizens in relation to the prohibition days' rdereation.-Mr. Matthew Thompson' flowers. ', Rev. Parkeo� of Clinton, was 11 I &BY. Medical school,"'the mchqo � of W I & balance on hand. Messrs. wook. Such breathing spells are a. great blessin with Dr, to practial traffic and the coming plebiscite vote. recently purchased fr6m Alp J. Acheson, of tied - the binding knot', in the oe of 90 Loganand James Armstrong were appol4- g to . LivinSet'611's i the States, where ; science,, and the work -require I for a the teaching fraternity, but to the , pupils he Purposes going shortly'to IwAte. The: class teacher's' o&re sorry to learn that Mr. J. Exeteri a fine b It rang go' -invited posts. of Wal. ed church wardens for the onsuing the necessity or benefit of suoh a lengthen. oerfi S. Porter, �f Miss AlUD the final year Egmondville, was prostrated by attack of smoothly that th9se w1io3gave' ridden Ili it ton, played the wedding march as the Mr. John McNaughton was Appa Or on thin 00088104 Was put up - in the of the course the student can do the work paralysis on Tuesday.--�-Mrs. Win.Johnston, TI Le bride delegai* to the 8 mod d eon rMs. ed vacation at Easter is very questionable. hOstp1doilhostess' best style, and no greater my it mkust be rolling on' ball -bearings. This principals took theii, . places - M an -Miss Bessie Gemmill, teacher if2 school compliment could be . paid the tasteful and of the pan course of the first year at the of MoKillop, late of Seaforth, is, we bear, rig being saampli furnisfied with all the wore -s, becoming go*ii, Of cream and Stinion and FraX . Weakest sideamen. University and iltuorecluce hill attendance seriously ill. -Mr. Thomas Stephens haa latest appliances will surely cause Mr. point Isei, and carried a it not - Bitim.-Miss Grace Torrance- spat seetion No. 4. Stanley-, spent Easter week at abimidant menu than the thorough manner at college to three years saying a good deal astar the parental home, near this village. -Ur in which those around the- tables leased the Queen's hotel to Mr. M. P Thompson to be - arcell, no. less attractive in . the Tires and white hyacinth. Aggis Easter helidays miting friends horo.-Jft� enjoyed of sxpe�i6 and reftiving'threel times as much in the early days a resident of Sesiforth, but future than he has been in the -14ise Murray, of Algoma, si ter of, the groom L Thoms, one of our aged residentso was taken' this part of the programme. After the tz. direct teaching as- he Woul ast. and Mtv. HarnwoU spent their' Eas ill on Good Friday, but at present bles had, been cleared, Mr. G 4 get at an more re tor cently of Stratford, and he. will M. Love, of Brussels, in spending a few. was bridesmaid, andwore a gown f pink days at Kincardine. -Beatty BrM10"s very E. Jackson college. In this Year also is done the 4% tak writing he is improving nicely, and �we hope took the chair, and the towta customary an e POBBOUiOn on Monday. Mr. Stephens weeks with her cousins, the Mines 8 sarge and point lace, a soon. to see him on his feet again.-Sevoist such an occasion were boa' for' first CIA" 1eachers' ce tificate. Th im- u . med a bouquet moved their house, on Chu rh stree a has not definitely settled what he is oiny to InOns.-Mrs. W. J. Vance, who has been of tulips. Little Cora, bite was aid of the roof, and M putting -a stone fou ond;ed o in neabi and wit hesi called, 16 in Ingo an sufferin severely from tha effects of a honor and wore a drug of! Palo u4p, and under it. Mr. Logan, of Brucefield, has T - Poor - Man's C ollege." The i Min Dolly Fair, of ClEton, is this week a owned late laden with hen fruit. The present ried success of our Collegiate Instijut� has been I bealingland, Is now recovering nicely. - a basket of flo*ers. Jam migh, contract for'� -the carpenter work, "d - W. well marked in all th guest at the -manse.-Rev. P; agrave rthe ppabing the work ra =idl one horse rigs daily pass through the TIT- a' 'y Nas been well, do, but is th k' f *mg to ;awl rtily drunk and i"titutiola is, in fact, what it To the pro pril 4 me Was ple"mmy Mu cap. how.-eyer, scarcely.* tends to encourage Mr. D. McDoul A. an increase a he follo holidays at- him ome,- close of the ceremony a "a Lfro g� 886 courses for, th 111, Wh'ft8p:It his Easter of Blyth, asm-t6d the b y W. 6 tal r wing 'sub. Monday to' groopu Y' -.Mr B. ia supply, and did, Biddy id ausic d to wishu to a knowledge t 0 n t Sum, oar popuJar is by Put 10 Yom- It woul be too tedious 0' ion m;ker,, Ncriptions to the India eje, implement faminib fund';A r"W1110 Ilk studies in the Goderich Collel#ate,� md happy oJenner w#A patoken by the #whing We agricultural t ate, I LY, slaughte Boys an v to t my every prac ej a01, 1 w I msn% .001joe -WPA to Jae 12041A. vhs%�! lidada-viftefte - U Min *"ad