The Huron Expositor, 1897-04-02, Page 87 . big III vil I. y-- 4: it, Pos E 8 R_ HURON IT WR -AP RIL was performed by Rev. leading from, the edifice seem eloquent -with 1 their awnings iia shape.—Rev. Mr. M McGee no core jIn r, to our -village,—R. McMurray perform,ber dolnestio duties *,until Pride Ellio pastor 0 rmoni as moved 'from the Sauble line to the irfeen she Was stricken down. ai Tly Witson's 0ash rocery L memories obe. ot pod,'Oia church conclusion of for us to give even a comprehensive id -a we cannot . x1al kior the rsnUed sugar, a& Last Sunday evening his subject Was house opposite D. Leitchs.,—M. Dupee has sank till Tuesday morning, wl d the riewly-married ooupl -the fDnd- memories which linger around entitled, .11 Work and Idleness," which moved to. A. W. Stalker's house, on the farewell to earth, just five minutes before for 11,for thin reason that It oosts-more monei. If you the ceremon Joseph of Andrew's if by -gone days. It in lm omsible ins is giving a, series 'of as o dutiiig It lid gradual SP R ion she be Was can get It at Oat pri2e, tAkt It and to sure to oo and the some ad gui net down to a th9se old haunts lor Mr. Shannon, and. as' &ttentiv6ly listened to by a large oongroga. Bauble linei—John Warnaley has moved to the arrival of bar zone- from Palmerston, here for your other groosriesher* you m rely on ously epsrad lun6he.on, after which helo a at these interesting photos what a tion. ' On'neit Sunday he will take an -his the house vacated by Mr. 'Dupee.—Samuel who had been sent for.- Her - end was gvtlilug the besk goodt at the lo*est prices. We eumlitu make a speciality of fto Tess and will Dr., andhirs. I!homp3on wepe driven to ple" to him must be the many happy sitlije"et, "Gambolin ":--Mr. Fred. Franki,of Moore has moved to a house owned by Afro. peace. She leaves a husband and three VXtee better vetto than YOU c#A set from sar Denfield, wl a] 6 they took the evening time ioh they recall.' Is it any wonder Guelph, spent Sun.14 in town, the guest of Seller. -S. MoEwan. has moved to the" sons and two daughters to mourn her' do. MILLINE, IL I Pedlsr We setall a the bed gr'O* of new "Ps train for G o -d mfoh their future home. We then at he prizes the pictures of scenes rio Mrs. Mu Goderich street. -The Col-, house vacated by S. Moore. -Thomas Barn-.' Wee.' The funeral took place to the Exeter 2tar at 35a rray, or lbii, equal, to any UP be had at any heartily joi 11 1wishing the, you couple dear him, and: which be has not seen in literary society held their side has moved to the house vacated by J. ' ce metery on Wednesday— press, dowt pay more but coms'And tryOurbed Richard Hill was a J Tsy,througb -kin Sweet on Wed - tall at 1 life.."g forty nsuYoung Hymn. C Ion and lndi&'T#&. We to prosperous by ng years ? final tee in for this season on Wednesday Wamoley. united in marriage to t g try afternoon %eficed, goods *o can buys 03P Sao. The programme was a good ne need last. We tender congratulatio ns. sy our BroakfiAt, Coom at 17o per 1b. We. have the FRom -We are prone to complain and interest was added to the t b fined, canned goods %be. celebrated' DOW Brand at EG IONDVMLZ NoTxs.-We uAderstand 9 Blyth. 0 soim.e price as pithy address f roni Mr. D. D. WMefies olnq. lbse )that, and after Infort6t goods of our lot an it in this Canada of ours. ,"k for thatn'theyarietheboat. InCrookeiYandO a that Mr. -John Reinke has purclitisedfrom DEATiz OF AN OLD RNSIDBST.—On Taos- Lakelet. were Bub we have many advantages and* enjoy 'Society purposes giving an entertainwient in we have some vary fine goodt at r -light price@, no many co 0110 0 mud ' blessinks w Mrs William Chesney that beautiful'farm the near futurs.­44rewell, the man charg- day, there passed from thin . POINTS.,_There is' a great rush to our M hich are trouble to ohbw good& See them and compare prime, AZZ month of this village. Mr.. Reinke gnat beyondo one of Blyth's earliest settlers burg these days. - The farmers are gett elI kinds. -of. produce taken in exdharigo for koods, 1111ILDOW111 11i I otberoountries, while we 1w= 'ad with -raising and passing two $2 Do6fit- FRIDAY and and the highest price paid for the now 2 sores 0 gran property, wit in the person of Mr. James Coulton. Of in enough chop to do during the ap !ng SJLT ad pado. Cash are not subjec to the-pl&guex and posti- ion notes, was on Saturday sentenced to'five ring late oiqy. he roa(I between. a eg ratulate e%r Mr. Cdalton ban not. had good -by Jidge worIC. The harrows and plows are gotting. tot am, ms which any 1!uP one y favored Ion, dl Kingston penitentiary, our J ly old friend on his we heald, one disease leading to another. Do- fixed and everything has a thriving hum.- seaforth. i d lands are heir Wet& a the follo*ing k it I and 3r4. i c. wiLsoK afe t rity =- -A young son of Mr. :Robert Ii ud wel 2n ro APR Bank of e4ftmorce Block. extracts from a .&to letter written by IL u in so d 0, d - il, -and French fall from a fence the other V 'And - ce"ad win 77 years of age, and he leaves a Quite a number of the farmers are making 0 broke his aw r only aniither proof that farming can be large grown up family to mourn the lose of Maple syrup. The weather has not been former in now sojourning ul.-Our Sonial friend, M. made to pay when intelligence, industry purcellf of Str&tfo in town y a father. His remains were taken v le thus ter. Mi.. John G on r4ay, of J thriftere brought to bear upon 1b. Roman Catholic church, and from thence to lot Aeputy reeve of our t .wnsbip, h4x 40 6rica. _,S and renewing old so tances. - Time" deals We have arranged to make our dim. peaking of South y th Mrs. Chesney, we are pleased to learn, in- b nd in Morris. The friends an tapped. -Three you'u of the in t a OL Aires, Argentina Re- rd,w" ' onto the OrYing lZrou ubli -quain he 9 &t They have renderposti. tolids 0ofWn lightly with him. -Mrs. Fox, mother of, the men, Of 8 og'sales the abm I t d relativ L and J. Na 116 'beipl p i Amer g to the village to remidep as ture i If s but we have worsel than no VIL, rrison an Sates woul For mm, 1routan", to be all] famous violinist, in visiting her sister,'Mrs. that -locusts, d we have them badly too. North Main street. Comm r EMIL as a suitable residence can be procured., John A. Ament, iunity in thei reavement. r, got a term of three months in have o possibly 0'" take 3ir. Shaw -intends using -a wbeel' Gmmaios.-Miss Ritchie,of Wingham, fo a, tf he a I jail g oats from Mr. J. Oit- it a like blue ruin for the 4 ' during the coming summer, having traied was'a visitor; in - town on Mondky.-- -Miss iii a 1dren Just now it Agh"eld. at, docent, inoflonsive resident of B and Chi country, for, r9tten Government in so OYS him, driver for one with Mr. S. Mullett, of Maud Russell, of Wipghamf was 'visiting ick. ey were tried and convicted at busy plunde the country that it msl:n NoTEs.—Mr., tek jr., 1.2th The newest shapes $oaforth.-Muoh deserved interest is being friends in town on Sti -Mr. John Ms - Walkerton limb week. It jAL hard lines for and. the nom One dep bminess In which. no ejectual t to fight the plytte. The. me --ifisted throughout the . countryL has;sold his farm to Mr. Tiffin. nday. trimintaga-m fact the brighteg artment Of'OUr IS46L in the concession, .1 we 1"I particularly aftong to a 0100h. g 7, UT toadymaide locusts com in countless millions,, and f Clinton, was in town on Sunday.- -the youq mon but perhaps at the end of and beit that a ey, provincial plebiscite on prohibition. The -Mr. P!iter We hbA rented Mr. W T. mind tsg4, Here is. to be found a very laro usortmeni In Mr. John Knox has riante& his farm in Hul- their ter' ' to their homes, t they leave mig y I could procu 'y oure 'rotrstW sadford whether g fruit or vegetables. They alt'lihs. different sizesi OtMea's, 6ths' and Boys' ht little, campaign will at least be educastive in be Gardner's houso, 12th concension.-Th fall lett for the term of seven years, to Mr. wiser and better boys- alm6i with a little Speeb end p to it, ft hi fl of we cal'e where I they li Wheat in this vicinity has -survivede the f McKillop.-Mit. 0. W. more re . epee Isy thei eggs, &ad,& hundred tirias as half of moral reform, but will it be educe Robert Beattief o t for the laws of the land.-Tbe Pri= Kusilt conal4ered) cannot be then manufacture. With 60f tive enough to pull prohibitionists out -of winter frosts and looks well. 0. bounda;ry adhool question has been settled, beaten in Ontuip. People not 14palaw many hopperm a to hatched, which eat what Andrews, C. P. R. agent at Wroxeter, o the party rut, so that they Will' poll their- -There, will be m thiiiigs to look, i cupied the pulpit of the Methodist church, 'which pa jromwtv. Mr. Renwick -will be trustee, no change at besides Oat pleas& call and inspect for yArselves, and be the flying lo id ts have left. Next yetar vote in support of; principle every time. on Sunday kit. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tay. convinced of th0ruth of- our amirtlins. S6.trouble being made. -Th efundiddkif goods we th will to crime in all probability. It a East 'Huron prouldtion fittereat you a lite to show our goods. Money ir -The roads are still very bad, and lor, left for Portage I& Prairie, on Tuesday. examinations were held on Thursday and "the: new ityles of ul", let ue* the nasty TEs. not entirely satisfactory. is wi an 1: PIS# Paso experience. makes us skeptical of such No good results. How much will a, good Grit Alets and Banc, 00. bmts givet in ur elothom, in your bad even, mud is eve4wh re. -Mise Jessie Gille4pie, -Mr. Alf. Robinson is, in Lucknow this Fridsy, 25th and 26th ult. These papers nets. h were an- the.* always are, a g test,, WM. Pickard or Tory prohibitionist's vote be worth to who has been in the Northwest with er weak. and sometimes your food. and whenever ood fair the cause if his party candidate . should sister for the P' b year, returned honfe on an, Yon PU it your h ad on ai2ything you am d pupils who have been regular in their Our display of new chance be wet goods man. -We are sorry Friday, looking'welli which shows that life Stwphen. likely an not feel a nasty wriggling locust.' attendance should have had no difficult in ring Term, Ap! I Dress Trimmings wilt be well wortir rees.. spi to note the illness of Miss Minnie Pearson, in the Prairie Province ag with h'r.- They have a now every year . for sev- ITEms. -On Saturday, 17th ult., death seeing. - Then there's' passing them. -r-The special servjde ave the new PAft___A who has been under.the doetor's. care. since Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Speare left on Fiida* f r two weeks with -good Blooms, the now-,' oral years, fo I think, and every year the. carried off another of Stephen's pioneers, in Dean going Cin 0 the death of her grandfather, bome four sole, the r now, for -Brampton. Mrs. Speare went to attend --Isaa6 Gowdy got a supply . of Silks plague has Khiva. and the fancy jand is, ni-ana ' more widespread. It in the person of Air. Florence Barry, of results. _p n iu- sure y go* ither ruin this country or weeks ago. She had been his constant at- the funeral -of her. mother who reAded He bad been ailing for & few days, yet his piow fixings fror the Teeswater loandry terials. for Waists a- d kirt$__all Ing tandaut during his sickness and the confine- is there. -Miss Jessie Park leaves th week- the other day. Farmers wanting them bring about greait change in it" illness was not considered to be of a serious new and not at all expe ment seems to have been too much for her naive. for Brantford. She has been visiting fri: _ML onds STRATFORD, OXT.41 10, nature,buton Saturday morning he was know where to go. r. Joseph Mahood is strength. Where does all the - now furnit. in and around Cromarty for some found dead fti'bed, he b ' d a mamrhoth barn next There will also We stime.- preparing to uil Wim-vr9G.-4A11 kinds of weaving done. having just ad Cansidafaleadipgcommerci school. This "ZIRW OA.LDBR, urego9 Loadoof it are carted through Mr.Will Bell, Ciornsity"i vet,'took a, trip exp'r' A Carpet weaving 1peclaity. IKRZ A when Mrs. Barry ent6red the room. Th summer. When erected it will be one of of new, Gloves, Hord and Under,--. a Chuich, ftmo this village by both Beaforth firms. Wonder to Toronto last week, leaving on ThurndaY remains were interred in Alount Carniel r, new L an Edibroiderioof is the beat time of. the year to 'enter college. West of Presby adville. I - the largest barris in this vicinity. Five of our recent students secured - situx- 2529x2 if they are giving it away. -Miss Graham's and returning on Saturday. a e—, cbmetery' to which they were followed by a Ibb s, Belts, uOkles, and a tions in one week. Catalogues free. BICYCLE SH.. Room open all day and singing class on Monday. evenings, in the large concourse of neighbors and friends on Zurleh. al r other fancy thin during the eveit a . Entrance through the store church, is so far beilg largely attended.- un W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4"4'52' during the dov, a d by side door In the evenin -Master Lome Porter intends taking a Howick. Monday. Mr. Barry was 75.yeare of age, Bnnirs.-A meeting of the directors of that we caet mentio here. 9& MULUTT & Co. GATHERING9.—Mr. L. Jackson has been anda native of Ireland, from which be emi- the Hay Branch Agricultural society was course in the Stratford Commercial college, tri them all, and find that A. on the nick list these last few days'. ]If, grated to Canada many years ago.- He held in the town hall' , Zurich, last Weduen. The opening days will 1e a and will leave to begin his studies in a few good; Youxo'a Coffee to a bed. Fresh Buckwheat Flour seems as if he had taken a relapse of Is leaves a widow and family of - foui sons and d afternoon. The prize'list was revised time t see fust wh:'ut 'new thin Express Orders. days. -Mr. John Elliott returned from To - and Pure Now X... Syrup, at A. Yo n in four daughters, most of whom or grown up. uNo'8, Sesforth. .-Mr. John Gregg' an the days of the fair fixed for the 22nd are being shon. r store ronto last week, wherie he had been attend- grippe is youngest to stpresentiquite ill with brenohitie.-- -Mr. They have the sympathy of the ommunity and 23rd of September next. -Mr. Conrad have on its new SPA ng. dre4M it in $1,000 To D"at low rate, on good town ing his first session at the University. The best medium for sendin# mo ey Giles, who was paralysed a few weeks ago, in their -sudden bereave'nient. ise Clars Heiser, from, Dashwood, moved to our town the pvWill be farm propert First mortgage. Apply at THis Mail to any R*ee. In the Or your$ to tX-6 lietteks. by Xpmrrox OFFICE 1528-2 a few days ago. -Our village trustee& are F in now ablq to go around, although h: has Glenville, of the Ilth concession is at pres in the:, disipl d see what *,6. -no entirely lost his speech. -A great mazy -of ant very lowwith conou Itiop.-Miss e an world. , kequire no appMation Loc,iL BRIEFs.-March sneaked out as busy arranging matt,6ra. BICYCLE e. g done on the shortent im Their first act have to sell. waitingand no writing by urchamero. E? -Mauter George Duncan our farmers are having their- chop ping done I notice and L 4nietli as a la:mb. W., Morrison 496a recove We supply st4imps at coat-f4rnish at&- war aranteed by the Sestorth Bicycle re, from a severe was to make a water course at the went Repair Shop. S. ULLEM W Co. 1520.1 left on Monday for Toronto, where he ex- at Lakelet. It coats them four centO per attack of Is, grippe, and was able to resu 'me end to take away the surface water. Last rJ!3M:M tionery and write brief correppondence Facts to get a situation. George is a steady, batia Th ey intend getting enough. chopped her duties as teacher of Khiva school on Tuesday two large cisterns were let, one to er. and mail your letters free, the HATS REvoi.) ED.—IAdie wisbink Hate industrious boy and should do well. -Mr. to t them for the most of the summ; Monde -The remmins.of Mrs.McCallOn, of P. Sippel and one to H. Randaill and they. done over will req's rrfect adistaotion by leavi 4a. E. MCFAU 0 6 Shepard of Godetich, spent last - week Winter han.given us another tell, and we he I t ere iii rre!d in Mount stamps. their orders at rrance's Fani Store, = t concession, w are busy at work. -Messrs. Elias and Moses W. SOMERVILLE Agent, forth. 1528-4 with his'd ht'* M a. W. W. Thomhon. hope some of those who are making maple Carmel on Tuend all$ er, I ey. Weideman, who have been here visking Telemph, and Expro* BuIldine&i4eafortb. BICYCLES.-, otbbr shipment of Cleve- Quite a number enjoyed an excellent night's sugar will also do so. -Some of our nbigh- their sick father, Mr. Henry Weideman Dry GoDIS land Bicyclet just ived. There are also more on skating on the. rink on Friday last. The ice bors haye tapped between 400 and" 500 Gb*ie. have -returned to their home near Pigeon, the road, slong w bi , moire Rgagey-Harris and Storm. was in splendid condition, That will prob. maple trees. av are. These ate i o ad wheels NOTEs.-Mr. Nichof9is moving into M Michigan.-RoberbLarmer got the contract and we want you to r. he Kippen Store come-sadinspeo or yours;h ably be the last of the season, although last Mr. S. MULLR" &Co., D.. Sandersoit's new house, opposite for carrying the mail between here and He. Greatest Cash! DO 'd 8 hardware. 1529-1 year there was skating on the rink in XOMS. Matthew Sharpen s. -Mr. Robert Mutch in Saill.-Mr..Davi. nell bought the 100 acre Seaforth'v Goodi tw April. -Miss Taylor, of Sarnia, who has NOTEs.---bliso Annie Budd has returned moving into thii -house 'that Mr. Nichols farm owned.by the late, Henry Prang, for KID GLd-Nvvrmzi Just to hand another a. House OleanihgAmoo--. _ sortment of thosee no French makes. Alao . Coma t the past month at the residence of to her -home, on the 3rd line, after an cic. vacates, just south of theMethodist churob. is, open 'the slim of 3, which is very ch, aving to his been40tifine )me in )a is very Mr. F. Kibleibas a new awning in Shirt Waldo. and FrAppen. W! W. RorrxAN. Mr. S. Dickson, returned home on Satur. to dad visit to frien do at the Nile. -Mrs. J. f --IA gnpj prevalent in and I n Is, near to hind. As usu4lwe ground I esp of are to mperate use of intoxicating rOnC Ville for sevor-al months Dugh illubmi. 1629-1 dsiy.-The into Gorri pur. his shoe shop, which makes quite an Im- Mr. G. C. Patty, H. Sellars, of the 3rd line, invited a f w of e.---uur village trustees have the front with a large stock of vivall paper, RMS STED.-Either for the pur­ liquors has caused more misery in the world her I our wor h reeve jWil TENDE bought direct from the manufa4urers. Also ady friends to a met bee on Wednimads, chased a lot,wh ch they 'urpose convertin provement in its appearance. -The mi'llin- y P 9 or lease, I qr one or more years, of tbe Sea- than war, at least that is the decision the torprising pork packing a fan line of Roberfames prepw*d paints on forth Recreation lorounds, teriders to be in ftba' afternoon of last week. -Mr. B.' Ferro* -has into a cbwt ih -pleasure ground, Where the summer era have opened their spring stock. They debating club came Wet their meeting on retu' week having the fence re d to A -be 'held. We trust that the hands of the d - igued on or before Monday even. Med to Wiarton, after an extende sports will all haie a good range or ladies'- head, wear haiid, which am the best. Pric4s'right. d u Xoud ,v even he promises Ing, . April 291,4 out side of t i he r lie. tender not ing last. Nelt Monday even. visit under the parental roof, on the 3rd authorities will prevent the young men arld the latest styles.. -Mr. Wickens, from- naceswily amp d. T"Moli=nyv based from r. R. JAMS (YAMN% Kippe Presiden ng is expected that addresses will be line. -Henry Sellars, of the 3rd live is and boye,from playing football and baseball near Ingersoll, and Mine Melins Hay, of the pure reon, w0t; n dsafortk 152D-2 the post office, in orde th 15M givIn.by Mr. A. H. Ingram, On r a electricity on our streeti in futurp. Now that a ground BabYlonlinelast edneadeyjoined hands visiting his brother in Clinton thi&week.- erection of his fine, two SMWS, ftrwi A chpice. lot of extra re- and by Mr. R.C. Cheswright on magnetism. Mr. John Mason a:ud wife, of Eas_ t Wa;..wan. has been procured where the young can, -an- -in holy matrimon! We wish the young b I k fil lined Timoft Be "I and choice ri-ciesced Clol er amid adjoining which Mr. -Provincial Inspector Seath visited the Sold, grown on th i farm of Mr. jWn Uliolimll,of Co osh, were:risiting under the Par 441 enLt&l joy themselves, it is only right for &he' b couple a long and happy life. -A few day's orect, sino Tuckersinith, is f0i sale at A. Yovxala Store sea ther,-Mr. R. B. R s, of 'hooger tho 3rd Bauer, jr., had his cattle load Ilegiote Institute list week. -The special on the 3rA fine. --James Bowman, of rooft lie to strictly prohibit, the playing Jul) ago; while Henry vi rcen forth. i6i .i collection taken up in the Presbyterian shipped a line, had a wood bee on M. onday, and. Jii h of fin Mao games on' our streets. -Mr. George Nash in the barnyard,. whefe he has a wen and a WOOD WA ity vf cord church on a recqnt Sunday, in aid of . the Ireland had one on Tuesday. as moved into thi house formerly occupied* fence. around it, a two year old teer ump- Oran from xeter. of our*111taw 'Brie Apply Imi. OrGi unted to overeighty fl M. A VTOW. a d 4b Zurl wood -wanted as r gin mission fund amo attended.the concert h 1' 004, a h , t DISTRICT by Mr. Lucas. -While Mr. J. R. williams ediover the fenci) onto the well oor. Mr- week, and report it as v modistay to J. spxciAT. 1627-2 dollars, and for the home mission over nine w I in his factory Bauer saw the steer floaing in the well., as managing a eircu. or saw a, 4D .100 dollars. -Mr. Fred. 1 Bethune has returned Tadkeremith. Monday, him left hand came in contact with which was filled. with water within two do t a very bad state a SNEDS, BE e seed man of the attendance was n WHATTHEYEAT nvROSST.-%-_%-k salft nds 06 to art and others an home from Toronto, where he was attending th koiL_ -.-Mr. W. 800forth !& a a GOOD ftoox.-Mr.;Johri Aikenhead, of ulit to ]I the saw, which out the top of hishumb off. feet of, the top. The steer had one front We to call-ind examine his stock of needs, the London road, TyAolreramith, has Very mfich regret thiew, McQueen, a former Hitron boy, Itut who is i'1111tiOn the medical sehool. -Mr. A. T. Miller, of pur- eek toh UY 9 will pay au to do 1ob leg over a too" before for this town scantling and Mr. Bauer held '01i -ossland, that we v d best docks chamed -from John JAvery, London Road the Ldea"th, of Mrs. John 3ww in R 3ritish Cofiiinbia, send a One I f- the I Chicago, is visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. of him, by the horns until assistance -came, us the following exact copy of af bill of fare W.M. Counter. -The Langdon Dramatic one of him bull$, at' a reasonable' fii' Leadoury. ,urred at her home here on Fridaylso grain, clover and Provinie. we in a devote out f0me when tied around him and a sughtor f)f Mrs. Lolmi found in one of the restauraits there on a atten a aded - trade. 116, in Cardno-'s hall on Thurs. horseropas were Mrs. 'White was a d as. - company played This bull is by Royal Don, No. 64,717 the NoTEs.-Mrs. Martin and Mine Minnie hitched to it and . ih6 animal pulled mie, at this * Il V.1 40"t and her dthat, we can give y satisfaction th in quality and' day Friday and Sat rd nights last. The out, not much the worse for: its 'experience. March M The meal served mak., have been price. R. G. ac Seaforth. 2527-2 dsm, by Queral Booth, No. 54,353 ; both Martin have returned from Stratford,where company is a, fairly Ukol imported and selected by W. J, the had been visiting relatives and friends.. thetic nature and genii all that one could with for, but I$ is apt to o7 one, but the. at. B19fus, d jdi o rospect o TO BOA -RD sition iniA take away one?a appetite at the f -A cou le of boarders can tandance each night *as anything Elmhurst farm, the veteran orthorn a r6grs t of friends. t4 ba, find excellent woo modation ja private house In bu t an- Sh t to hear of the illness of a. littla for her a wh?, dining off baked sermon, etc. The ori couraging.-Miss Buchanan, of Arantford, seen,from. Rolm been in ill7health for quite length of t-tm onal Brusftli!i. town, by sp breeder of the day. It will be -of Mr. Wm. McKay. -An item in'THz plyinUs ExrosiTPR Office. 1516-tt' 9 remidn as follows: Dinner.-­Mill, ' of fliur, as been givei and formerly of Seaforth, is the guest of this that Mr. Atkenhesd NOT1:i--W`- H. Kerr, of the Brussels is a firm ExPosrrou two weeks ag i i which the best medi sbeliever Of giving the names PoJit, THE VERDI 1, and that is in the theory that the best is alwaya the of the missionary collectors at Bethel so- andon Friday last Ak lea soup; Fidh,­Bak, Soup, Oxtaill ser;non Mrs. G. E. Henderson. -Mr. Hugh paid TIDronto and G nelph a flyigg visit unable to cure, that A. YouNG h this beat B Japan To% in the Steph- Rutryf­Mkeronia i, cheese, BEOW beef market, 1529-1 enson has been confined to the house for the cheapest and most profitable. pointment an Miss Berths Hadkivell, shoutd last week. -A meeting of tha vestries of St. passed peacefully away. The funeral Roass,_Roaft beef, pork dressing; Vega- -past week or so with a severe attack of I& - have read'Miss Bells, Hackwell.-Wd re t George's church, Waltvnji and St. Johns, vies -was hold in Carmel PrftbywrW tables, -Steam potato, mush teip - Des. rippe. -The following from the Kin to learn that Mrs. Ras. in on Brussels, ws6s held set week, when they do. church, of which deeesined'W" a A deliberate and gotoil IiVL colisistelil AirMUFTED the nick Ore big refers to a former teacher in on 'cided to ask the Bishok to have Rev. J. and mit6h, re8peeted member, erte,-Cream pie, Kocoauut pudd!09. iruit gremeditated Zmpt suicideL was made r MATRINIONIAL,-Mig' It is hoped she will soon be all right &gain. and wime icift Col- a Emma Robirmon, Abbey appointed the incumbent, and the ducted by, the pastor, Rev! Tea and coffee. a fourteen ye6r old Harpurhey boy on legiate Institute and the friends of Mr.Pope sister of Wm. Robinson, of Seaforth, . was -There is a considerable quantity of cord. S. Hendetal 0 Bishop has given his consent the Rev.'M. edne,adaY- T 0 young lad came down her, will unite with us in wishing him unit wood piled up here,drying for Seaforth next misted by Rev. 1 Sorg. *;a ell and Kerg, ad in the holy bonds of matrimony, at -RD IN THE 'WEST. -A partidularly mad town and puichs, Anderaono. formerly chosen,, ot being able The spacioui -church was crowded and 04 DI M!iqed a box of Sure Death further hon,)rs in his chosen profession. The her father"s residence, in MeKillopp on winter. -Mrs. McEwen, of the post office death took place in Seattle, V -as ton to Rate," "d 'i'4uantit The Senate -of the Un d qt, but cortege to the Ro hin y of figs, w Whig sayqit store, is getting in & nice assortment of to 00010. Mr. Abbov in still a ztu dgery illi i cemetery vai iversity March 10th, tu Mr George A. Little will be ordained. in une. I t e ' a hich he state, on Monday, Februar its. mixed has in n h meantime very largely nom V 8ih, *.hz I ad Frederick -J. Pope, M. A., spriligand summer goods, and the beat of attended, iMtif up and then ate a sufficient qu youngest son of M John Little. - The Antity dies during the week. eatee in w H.. Chadbourne,, of that ity, and to cause death." Before the poison h it is her prices are always right. -We sup;. he will attend him stu hich i6ed was lieldi and ad had son of John L. Pope, Elginburg, for the bride was ably assisted by her i6ister hiiiinie, In thedoee gV1rter of Mrq, A. MeDtald, of time to do its ;ioik. however, he seemed to Royal scholarship given by Her Majesty's and Min Grace Little, &6 don the 5KInpathy felt for her iton, -George# t:64 0 t sister of the r PON some of the people could licit help being Lon and fill the pulpit hereon Sun com daT.-A number of our young people are ter, Maggie, in their, an& b h, passed away. The I deemed repent of his r4 commiesioners for the exhibition- of 1851. while Messrs. Edward Conwa ames interested in the unlawful proceeding of the. ereavtoiest, act and confessed what Wy had only been. married about he had done to some of the I hbo The schalarsh' two awaggerin West again this spring. Among those. nex& ra, who p represents $750 per annum, E. Morrison acted as memen. After -168. James Sparks has -been spending tis groo bullies at Carson City, the oin four yeairs, but w&s a auftar r froik that im mediately ap'Plled emetics. no was then and mav be held for one, two or three years. the wedding ceremon was ovor all eat dbwn other 'da They are Thoilliave gone- from this neighborhood are certainly easily Win. t few weeks with relael ea fit it did its pan at a d& n anything on p a Mrs. Robinson, of Lambeth isvi it4 h dresiot digeasf Consumption, and,L I brought to Pt6es, office*end.the stomach, It in given as ah aid to research, successful to a sumptuous sprea!a. When all had done pleased w1*0 can see charms i obb, Crawford, Robert M-cArter, Jame nstal worklcar ing-her off in the early1loom student* usually taking an a a level with &-dog fight in a western T. Nail6r, F. Slice, Win. McDougall, son, Edward, and dau hter, Mrs. ry j Pump used, t us saving ner man the floor was clear.. city. - his life. What xtended course justice to the in f womanhood. The occasion is. the.more could have so ourec in German universit' Thomas Brown,,Robart Brown and Th6max Stoneman.- as r I a boy of that age of toft. Only such -students ad and Kinney Bros. hMdIed the bow Some of our'residents are engaged- in mak- M te Lesc Colwell. 1" 4 for melancholy on account of the death of. their life, in a myster' but undoubtedly he w as are likel to benefit cience by thbir dis- the young o ing maple syruj. Although it a he Ritchie. A number more are talking of 'Mr. Wm. Calwall has, been quite ill Au P in y ille, who tripped the light o4y child, a little boy of t earo, from see how 661isil cove are given orde fsir the past I -tictil to wee sma) core of the P of Is a years, T. PAthiari had t 0, WO IT 'he was * and since death the scholarship. Mr. fant" Is nic t Ethel and vicinity. -The It' I Cheapest way o getting syru week.- h the same disease. The. little follow -preceded w t1D on Thursday was f%irly at nd 9 -her into the spirit world by about life the 1 -0 aRois delivered a -very interesting lecture in firends" made him a present of- another, asso near he in all probability prize P0712aa already distinguisheI himself in morning, when all departed to their homes, bay it in the store. tended. -Rev. J. fortune lately to lose k horse his thott more. cherniial research and may be depended on wishing the newly married couple all hap. Melville church last week', on what he had which was certainly,li ve kind twelve hours. The sincerest sythpathy of to bring to lighC hitherto undiscovered pi name end prosperity. The 'bride was ry the friends of Mrs. McDonald ;N11II be ex. seen during him vacation last summer.. The Smith and Miss Sheffer *orb in ad, -- THE BEAV]&R AE40R(;ANIZlCD._A meet- truths secreted in nature." -Mrs. W. Rob- made the recipient of a large numb r of God tended, to her in this her do'ubloi bereave- NOTES.-Mr.Thompson MeIntos lee%ure is entitled:, "Clifton Springs and last we n pond- wed in h left last an w.it'Down respeo ertson, of Oakville, wlio has been a useful and costly di gpresents. tib th ing for the pu o of re-orga izing the ing the winter with her daughter, week for Manitoba, where he will Watkin's Glon,"abd was well w 'of be. bills tendered Beaver lacrosse club for the com* Mrs. T. seek his them P al he .thom. The. 1-6 -Mr. G. Little and his bridt Ig heard. -The Rovda. S. and J.-- arches' i C dn' -' dining ball on , Tues- Bruceffeld. - hi fortune. A PASTGR GALLED. -We notice at p . was hold' u ag 0 8 Ing season' F. Coleral6n, returned her home in Oak. t settled in their comfortable home. I . bevel in . Z t, made 1j;m. _h er go R err have been on the nick list thiewee day evej k,_ were both only vwo, but. were raised mad. Mr. Ramsay. of MountForest, ?as# 2ing last, nd'the attendance show. villa, on Thursday. -Mr. James Hogg, of B. R. HIcoixs, general fire and life insur. FARM SOL'D.,-Mr. Dancin McCallum has man passid by Faiewall f6r'a fie ind a ten. He but are now reported "i accept. MoKillop, has returned from his at all h6 ad the call extended to him by Knox church, ad clearly that lacroarse is still a prime fav- Trinity ce agent notary blio conve, anc=misdofter sold his farm on the 14th concession of Mc. McLachlan has sold on _T pry -in g the offl- he' d to S on for taking affidavi &ta oft. fint Yom orite in sportink, c rcles, and the enthusiasm t m rov n is Medical Collnge. Atrl a inpterestgin h fine was sentenced by t 'Ottawa. The former, astor of thA congre- cent. Killop,-to Mr. Michael Rolland, his neigh. Cl d dale stalliont Scotian a Stam, " t the penitentiary at Egston, but- iw n w take waek, *hen bein ved there by t1is 02 to accept a 1 at. Wednesday of gatou was Rev. Mr. Tallautyne, who re- d"Played at th In ing augurs well for the care of the 'Varsity Association football mortgage on good farm prope At home every morning and rty, at 6 per bor, for $5;5W. The farm contains Jo K. Baker, of Gray, who ilF, 0 coming season. The following very efficient club, Tgronto, we notice the n Mao - of week. g convey signed the pastorate I"d acres and is a first clan farm and has on it a charge of him. -A fo t b 11 te in he: an she and hi guerd, he rofessor Messrs. S. A. Dickson as vice-presidsent,and 0 a a 0 be riff a and ardent lacr4sae admirers were eletted NOTES. -Mr. Thom Roan, of 'Wingbam, brick house and bank be orginized for- ship in Knox College, Toronto. Bev. Mr. J. McKinley, captain. rn. ThimgvgM r. .1897 in Brussels and it -In the list of those promises train near Brighton wheik Huron to be a strong one. They are trying WSA runlims Ramsey, the new pastor, "is -a formir -who subscribed to the India famine fund at visiting his farma. Mr. lum. form at 40 miles and Although the gaara to fil the varioils offices : Honorary presi- spent a few days recently Rolland three fine c boy, bing a. native of Exeter, and for mer- denti Dr. -MCKV ;I honorary vice in 11 have a circuit with several townsf so as t an hou-;., do in this vicinfty.---!- tends retiring from far. ming and wi take jumped after him'Farowell ese"ps , a d in 60 iof Lon. dent, W. oral years was the esteemed pastor, reeiddriti DaIrs church, McKillop, recently publi 4h. Mr. Snall, of Ex ter,, has rented M -r. Robert Wilson presi Willis mother -and other frien Dix. an: auction sale on the 6th of April; tart in the Waste V vlee-president,_'j'Ab. Davidson secretaryn ad,.;& subscription of fifty cents from Mr. at rn association &nice dark; "dat last accounts a ndt boon," desboro and Hullett c6rigregation% which on't now hotel ::d in. having it furnished,, CUPID'S ARRows.-A son, of Seaforth, paid Brussels visit eaptur,4 he eve %us to ac - charges, he reoigne& a fe treasurer, W. Jj, Sutherland captain, P. Robert Smith, jr., was omitted. Sinc4 then very pretty T nt hal e i ad no littU. w years agq leah Rev P Musgrave has also received twenty and will soon be in readiness to accommo. ding. took pi at the residence of Mrs. B. this week. J. N. Kendall, who was interest here, connected as it. in with his cept a call from the congregation N#hich he coihniittee,-O. Neil, G. Bod,' ac "fu J date the. trivelling )public. -Mr.. Pschs Bolton, east 0 mpr6yin formor visit here, and his- a I etions th five cents from Master Willie Govenlock for I f Win&hrop, on Tuesday the ad sick last week, is slowly i -now leaves for Ott*w. In selectfng r. I In H. se a on, J. Bell and A. Bethune. W. any friends will regiatto learn that there 23rd ult., when her daughter, Ellen C.f ch led to his senten was appoin ei as Co. -t -u Malcolm of wbi Rams#yy, the Ottawi peot)le have i H. Willis t I the club represent. the fund. -Miss Luln Duncan, who . h was .0 # 1; Made no- is as yet no improvement in.hia health. Mr.' united in mariiage .to Mr.' Samuel Gliddon, the Mapl been a guest a;t Mr. A. Ygung's for a in EL6118a In. le Grove dairy, has now detae. The will fin a, good outh fitt ad 'Up WI N d' in him ative at the C. L,. A. meeting in Toronto on Kennard also continues 'very poorly. -A of near Clinton. The ceremony was per. hands delivery wago V11i 0111118 Good Friday, Past, left on Tuesday for Brantford, where priesialier., an energetic pastor and i6n earn- and it was decided to support collection in aid of the HURRAH for lits and conven., Mr. R. E. Jackson ifor the presidency of the she will visi i0fterers from formed at th `ae o'clock by Rev. Mr. West. IP in all the! dern finproveme' h t friendej prior to her de p!r the New Harness Sh 0 i ant and indefatigable worker in the aster's Hedginte Block, Zuefles old stand. Ihave u, home in ;Lynchburg, Virgl ienees. for his businii vineyard. C. L. A. The 1p oapects for the com* It was made W ture for her ine in India, will be taken up next Bab!Dath man, amakted by Rev. Mr. Allen, of. Bran. direct from Toronto for cub. and I am ba nd to BrOWUF & C iug see- morning in thE Presbyterian church. -Mise 'solo, and was witiiessead by, a I large number sell lower than the lowest. Mme early n4 avoid son are very br -Hear ex -Sergeant-Major Schoof give his lark, and plilied And letters& 'and from present ap. ----------- s not, -4 gener- Pearance-4 the B avers will have an excellent rtained a number of her led of the friends of' the bridal patty. The the rusbi Carriage t1inualog a specialty. H. A entertaining lecture on Southern Afri' Marks elite y by Moors. Beverle and friends on JACOBIXI DUll, y Robt. Johnston, w 'he field. on's Raid. And see his ally conceded theory team to pub on ti the Boers, and James Saturday afternogn of last week. bride was one of the prettiest and. most that horsesare kiven to As vet it is im- 0 wasliere spendi tb lection -of c4ricsities. Rev. as- now -got P and SEEDS, SEEDS SUNDS !-Come to 6a. wintei'months with his sist homesickness, but the following article possible to say *bait leagues will be formed I es er, Mrs.13C., onderful col -Mr. Downp the new tiiil r, hi opillar young ladies of thh township comfortably mottled in th` house just east on thi appeare- in theL Detroi a occasion looked charming in a hand- New Cash Store. Hensail, for all kinds of nice clean Stonemanfleft-Lbere a few dia a ago for To choice leads. We have everything in of r. ., t the goo 4W eslify the -Sbnpoon a al some creation of blue. She, was assisted b line, onto. R heard him will a no" trip George Turk Of Winnipeg, says All which d Ikviening but we would' like to ee an interesting Y and will dispose of them at right pricebi Our y last, explodes thfo theory. seri an of games 4.0 the ummer, when it t t he of Mrs. Hugh McCartnq *ill be morry to Miss Martha Currie, of Brussels, while Mr. made clothing Is alI new dock, and the d6th, make Coed mad Na*s of Thursda tho a who Of M r.. ore many fri6nde, a i Zu and. proves that. at least'llorses, fro MILY be expectedi r g th Seaforth team excels as an entertainer. He leaves Win y- London last week. -'Mr.. -W`. R. Hod n*,L around that Ul' Llearn that Abe is laid up,.-havi.ng receivid a J. W. Pickett, Of ChAtOrk, acted as grooms and price are all up-to-date. We can give you was elio in London this w6ek. here pine in distant places for the amiliar will come oul on top. as usual. g with the good wishes of all the pe I a one 01,1e, sevire fall, fracturing 41om of her ribs and Blue Berge Suit for $3 60. Goo man., The wedding march was pla d Halifax Two BAD J NE,1wS. -Word, IfX re t r. John Nopper, otherwise injuring It hopehowever, emon ustanteed, for 46.60 aded -here tf or., died er elf y Cit ad wearers sure fits, flain Fine the. doeth;O f M#6 Pesiren, Vife of MT. J. IL scenes and c of their old 1, eaforth Ccture in the Methodist church, on il yed by , one lo:ker od wearer, lit or home. The 9th, a 8 p. ni.-M a ;e Miss A. D. Hays. After the car T 'ad 70p, =80a Y78 : A 'a h o r t ago to BoyHooDls H -ppy D S. -Mr. W. J. that ifiwill not prove serious land that he many were the congratulations showered to, wool S;;iA Tweed Sultp, fait .5o. Pearen of Nelson Manitob who removog. Gray Bros., wagon manufacture Y in Stratford last Friday evening,. of is SP.50. Fin; at 254 Shai anon, Of Mc4illopf hAs sh wu us -three gri at the age of 75 years. will b be able to be 0 gn around again. upon the happy couple by the. assembled , We have 6 Dies line of Bergen and Warateds to my, from boul and 256 Cass avenue, Mr. Nopper this vidinity Blue and Blaok. Give us a call when In t' Prairie Provin -nare photographs which het received from Mr. wiTr well remembered friends. A most sumptuous and tempting No 4bit i i a L the high-spirited, intelligent animal by the older resi. number of ye trouble to show goods. * Our 97 pi -ce . Dinner Set s, arm ago. Mrs. Pearen had five Nathaniel Lealili, of Belfast, Ireland, a dents of Seaforth as one, of its prominent wedding supper was then'served. The pr lead in poor health fo - about t) years. It was put in the firm's %rn, at as witligilt,8till take. the ree school chum of h* They B I I at 08-60. In fact we r are photographs. d. onto to the bride were exceedingly, varied, cannot be beaten for Crockery, Glmware and China. business men, being engaged in.the found severe attack Of typhoid lever last 140ri 673 Trumbull aenue, and given the beat of of the exterior a F the ample business here upward of twenty years ago. In the evening reseption for rub eat In weakened her constitutionj re ierhng d interior oi ry LADIES, get your 0ons before the and costly. Our dock of groperies -are the newest and t rush of spring house Ole Ing 9, and get your t3wn. Remember the spot. OAs t best church nd extllorl of the Temple school He removid with Mr. and Mrs. Gliddon was held it's Now Cash cars. Bu it grew melancholy. he at his family to St Print@ and Dr6n QOO a A. Store. H6118011. Z S. CAM, my prey to la',grippe, this trou of treatment had no effect. It tiiok ratford the resi. its, i house in the c6uniy *of Arariagfi, Ireland, about 14 years ago. -On.- Thursday evenin 1521-1 art Campbell where a food without perce gow assortmeaL He '"4& dence of 'Mr. Rob ble relish, and grew t'bl the scones of Mi finally took bar &way. ]!or maiden mawl thinner. It made several-ati Shannon's boyhood days, next, the Drunkard's Home, before ang WArM_ GS.-Goorge[ friends had assembled, A;'d a went BRuws.-With the. beautiful weather of W" Mary Orummett, #nd the had reatha tempts. to re& host of and we can easily imagine the many happy after Conversion,) Peck left last mrack enjoyable time w spent. the past week the roads are now almost dry, Ilections of I Sal- for Dakota. George , inli be missed in the and the farmers are already her 47th year. A faiQly bf five b6ys Ant -ded last reco le P83twhich will crowd vatin Army barracks. Officers' ploughlin out of the stable, and finally sucoee will be given' in the - Xonday. It broke the big, window ',of the from Lon- brass band, as he was'& leading Player.-- one girl are left, with -her hus barn, jumped clear through,and mysterious his memory " hei sits and looks on the old don, tratford and Clint will take part. lands. A large number of our, vifli famili Miss Mary Howard 4rirlvied home lastweek Centraha. mourn their great loss. Mr. Pearen &r scenes. !How vividly. will appear The proceeds will go towards paying for the IL d N -n th have a ran, y purchased tickets to - ly disappeared. Gray Bros. say th a g wl one been Peculiarly unforiunSt4ftri a 110178 the companiins of his Oyhood; the joys from Chatham. -Thomas King wax at Clin- CLIcKs.-Miss Airnold, of togriph, which was officers' quarters. -The- pork business must Gorrie, in Via. the wonderful ainema he homesick. Cox&Gra, who sold the and petty sorrowt which make last -week, baking* for his brother,'who iting Violet HodgillS.-C. . Vail and wife be exibibited under the auspices of the to le B an iccident, I at up the life be looking up, an Messrs. Beattie Brothers was i a. follows, I "'-Thomas Sti`ISOI 48 recovering from a r ugu "I le , y mare to Gray Bros., may they boUghLt it of every boy ;. ai well " the pranks and a fo g bro on, and lay in .Utrdblll hoopitA &+, 1.1a, on an hill w1fe L in. his recent illness, and in able to attend to sister at Newbury. -W. R. Elliott left last Thursday and Friday, April 8th and 9 his family were laid up with typh iiorth, games played with thoxe'who are now map- -Mrs. W. Acheson,, of Goderich and erwri!4 with a numbe. . of other horses at S have commenced buying nd packina are attending the wedding of th former's odge, of Exeter, at th6t villa r six weeks. Th oid fsy0f', Ontario. &rated never again to meet* in thin world. her daughter, Mrs. J. 0. Greig. I is visiting his barbering business again. -Mr. Thomns week on a visit to his brother at St. Paul Messrs. John Willis of Rodgerville, and -The fire Clarke, who has been our obliging mail if and now the death of him wife leaves The school house i's a roughcast building two brigade were called out shortly of r- and a business trip to Winnipeg. -T # White, of Sk. Mar he 8, shipped another car dslate indeedo His oldest son is 21 A H.,krj,y Fvs-n.-The gentlemay ter seven- rier for the past four months, has decided quarterly review service 4 me"- storys high, with,the teacher's residence be- O cloek on Tuesday even- but their -the Sund load of hogs a few 3eys ago, for 111 ser- to remain in Bayfield, and pursue - his tride Teroo of sge and the vo. years. school on* Sunday last was largely a of the,Went,E ungest 8 tioned in the tollohig paragraph wKeh WeL low and the school above, an exterior stair vices Were not required. scene of the of painting and paper h 6tteiride12.1 Mrs. Win. -Vilder Of Our Pearit0s old frienife in this 'vicinity take from an Ailsa Craig despatch of V,riday leading to it. It vas erected in 1-812 and fire was the singing. We wish and was conducted by Rev. W. H. Buttr- ny of our r0'aders. villagep - was in Goderich the end of last last, is well known to Ma house 'of 1r. James Irwin.. on it was here thait Mr. S hanfion's &ther I the Mi. Clarke oumems. -Last week, in Charles A temperance bloating, under the ausp pathize deeply with lif in in his Msuv He is a nephew of M E John ThoMP00112, .6f West boundary.of the town, nes ices week, visiting her ,rand mother, Mrs. Miar. r the Cook's bush, Goderich township, Arthur of the severe afflietionis, and trust that the Is taught here Mr! Shannon was bom and railwaV track. The fire was pworth League, was held in the ray, who in quite 11 -Mr. A. Dent, of the has more hopeful times intoreor hunk wen of Hensall. Tur Ex r,omTon extenolo its since he left it,. everything appears as of done..:' -The horse attached to btended. The' programme was an inter. Mitchell, was in-tLh this town. and Untifl recautly was a rekdent caused by the Evans and Gus Catling sawed 16 cords of church on Tuesday evening, and was Well 'firm of Dent & Thompson, barristerm, of t to school and although it is 40 years explosion of a lamp little dama a was wood in eight hours and fifty minutes. Mr. 8, has to Doctor and Mrs. Thorpoon, a village thin beat wis glarke's Cook timed them, and with his son split, ek, kl the old, The hedges Are as familiar as. of yore bake y awaLy on eating one.. Besides quaftettes, rec, itations. spending'a few -days with his siste J. L and joins with their many friends do rULnlqi,ng past the elic morning wagon ran 'Wednesday piled and measured the wood. - This. is fast etc., Rev. W. j. - r, If. Be Ads Lindsay and Waddell, of erimall, gave meet the Thompson,;,, -of Womb Zor.rA, IN and the roa, 101 are but was stopped befori much dam. work, and hard to beat. -Spring - has open- a practical address oi the license ques ion, re Congratulations which will -be showetid up. Sutherland. -Mr. W. C. Davis, to as old friends. qually familiar is the 0 from a rigiduring a runsway. a nig wch church which atan 4 a short distance from street this week.. The snow plow has presented to the Local Legislature.- having his west shop, lately used is a tit Oro- ently. Mia Lindsay was a on them.. The fQl sthe deg#, age was done. Dust Wag'flyiDg n Main ad or at least the way peop a are -movAng as ti quirements o( his. extendinir bushiesm, in ()a - Tuesday afternoon, a happy event been ;Tould indicate such. -Mr. -reons present signed the room, nicely fitted up for grimery, and her head having co James McGee, Seventy pe the school. 'A's. is. oustomary in old country laid aside, and it will soon be in order to took place at the Lvnn farm,East Wilkams, places, the gravey ivife and family into 0 t me d surrounds the church, unearth th re from' pledge roll.' -It is our painful duty to re. will have an. arch cut between him pri 0 pole. the occasion being the marriage of 11-` Al iss and a, eater carb.-Mr. Win. Moran- BlYtk. Mr. MiGee he telephone ving purch ad Ena, youngest . da:tkghter of ti ea off -valuable propert on the a ur er. and sh( 'Wife of T. homes Essery, at the t age of 53 chart are bound to have nest and 4 om!. The Le -late thou.gh ma -y new mounds are nOW Of TlIE Exr that cord the death of 8ussin Eisery, beloved shop and the one he in fittiug -up. 0 The sk-ull- wais frac OSITOR staff, has been laid ) was badly brqimed about the 1i there, it looke qu-it familiar, while the old. for a couple of weeks with I& quaire frioni Mr. to young couple had purchased their -McArthiqr, to Dr. Thompson, of Godierich .-A W _- Clarke, and has also seellred the mail years. Thdugh she had been sufferin f modons stores. -We are pleased to see Mr. riage license during the:d and were iron gate in front o th6 church and -the lane grippe in or sur0ign.Of spring, the merchants are get. I carrying jjij stage route. We welcome some years fio 'ble to - J. P _. Marshall in our village this week,i iter 1. marriect at the end of the mouth. M diabetes, she was a t a' r. , k 'Al' v n 0 1 k a are 8, 1wh 4;.n 0 ubie t aIU riv lulptelein.rci, anf all wh xh bition 6 A 61's r In ill Im 41 lit re will f urchase if I inin W-4 we ** vft 0 before dimp, duoef and van Big AN South Main Ift. LIQU09. in accorUnce i Veense Aet. Ful rooding of -the Bol she dlbWct of Soi worwe note`4 101 100.. At 10 eclica for the sold -of Div 11uran, fox I.E0V&! .1wenso, are. Albert inThs Uwnthip A b-atatwbow, 011q.00 for tht It r - John De tralla; Wifilain V1 said; Wullm U-1 tows t* 4= Sol fown.ship tavem town Uvern 4% -11 4siverns 0: - viol orp."m 6 -named -signed At I A b6ird. Sealortli BALLANZYNX 1E X. B. The Alm APRIL 28rdumt, IMP011 IM RNNT_--T0 I j Conoliaticia ploughed Up I gra6culd IDWS A14 Ikd quantilr quabitity at trot VI'T the ftbest R I ATO Ye pad It Vol, Sent FA" pwWZXh Yesm 1f let IOU Use of a tum V1 , apply *a the -,P"l 4*601110 10 by be -41110] WADDILU IfeM aft"mruysooq* -TTMMZRV=; U - IAW STO Win. U001" 1b" I minUtratcual Us i to sell'by pummo gavil ateres In A Two warea sbft I ing 6 yvers ame A posed -to be In 4AR ingglyeaftiold6it ultor, 1 74104- .9 .—MIA or, I single is"Gon, 1- is, Dvi, ' 1 AIUX14 1 , 'up -kettli and Other WAne Ume ii IL S., able h 3ftft, A movi Swap And won gminsf the balsince' .eft . Torme-101114 , 6,61110vada* A mmaw i v111 be vaaim* The, , balance -me, 011111. peirwmaw Inuat OooMT47 -1 You are Al; Vur i" i 1-2 %)Pofdte