The Huron Expositor, 1897-03-12, Page 877 --ova % o; mo 7 0, THE HURON SIT R MARCH 12, 1897, 0 which' a - famished by the choir of the and the readings okeelleaL Mr. Blvir partioular.11-We and was always ready to assist every, deserv- number from this vicinity attended the *0 -Road Presbyterian church was made a model chairman, and the audience n ro ery am lease to note the steady improve-.: ing person, wt or y iigbl.,T- ap raoisteho and was not'al in showing their applause. Ar e, well r derbd and I OW -betantial aid. I WiISO iS OaSh G C the school ot, in every ason, of thexans --P, -R Lo applied to him, either -for faneral, of Mr. George Walk ; on Mouds Thameo 'montv Rth bit Mr. A. Calder since his counsel or more aii 10 passed last. -Mrs. (Rev.)'Aeb 91 in Mr.' A We cannot g1VO26 lbs. of good guaranteed, a is-not,onjoying her health, having the pe ormars showed-bT i a manner awkins' comic songs were as fumy as, for *Mor the n that it costs more money. IMU return in he hospital at Toronto. -Misses away full of yeari and sajol the love of usual as-, been poorly for some days. -Mr. Andrew whi:3)h hey expressed themselves that they -ever and he is always welcome. Mr. Black, can get it at that price, take it and be sure to Come M Me ougal and Minnie Cumming, his,kfudred and th hi b at respect avid , 1 E3 C711`7 a it. a Bell, or., has been nursing a sore h"d for !pare nO palao in tha training of themselves teacher, ard all concerned are to be cograt. bre for your other groolories,where yoii can rely Ott all who know im. Dwed 1 pricec Of t ill 6. 'returned on' Saturds last teem usical line. The proceeds amount- ulated on the success of the programme, get 9K e g a weeK or more, blood poisoning . being the in the iii of e Test and Ooffft, and will from a wee 'visit to the leading mirunery LocAL Bp of the- trouble 'Mr. Bell in unable to account M a is for ad to $1.45, which is to be'Bent to the India -which consisted- of vocal and instrumental -ou can got. from, AnY establish g ums.-A full report SISLUS t Z A'118 t in of Toronto. These youn Our stock ii now pretty complete, traeu rolief fund. music, recitatiois, dmlogues, readings, ad- ek Pedlar.: We ire a best grade oi new Japan ladies, as, I lual, will itions in speech �delivpred b Mr; Thomas Gibson, its cause, hub by rompt medical tres, to be had A any - occupy Pon he is pl� dressel etc. The pro4ods amounted to and the assortifieut of the folloWing A 8�w per 1b., to any Mr. Pick a during the present amen, M. P. P., in the 7A c now getting ttor.-Mr. Win. Ivisoa come and try ourbeat Gorrie. $20.-Mesers. Duff ad Stewart, of Blue- lines will be found very attractive. ioes, don't pay but is not well at present, having a heavy dose 11 be found on the seventh p�ge ! Vo"unlr Hyson. Oey out will be fully prepared to do weeks &so wi all -Ion and India Tea. We retail at and no d of cold and I's geipre.-Mr. John Mellia-0 of NoT*s.-Mr. MIm. Tait spent Sunday vale, have the contract of building the new 50% and they are the finest goods we can buy, try the lividsom in feminine headgear. What of this issue. It will repay permml.-Miss a f his father, My. under the parental roof -in our'town.-Mr. bridge known ai Armstrolng's bridge, west MILLINERY our Breakfast Cocoa, at 170por III. Wehave the possibilities for illn immense increase in am. Taylor, of barnia, is a guest at the real. Seaforth, visited t a home fiaest canned goods the celebrated Delhi Brand at I n Sabbath Issf -Mossro. James Tait is putting up wind mills in the E914tem of Sunshine. 'The contractors agred to do VEILINGS same price aevother, and after iniferior goods, ask for PlOyMent w uld be doyb1opod if the mascu- deuce of Mr. S. Dicksoln.m-Mr. Will Irwin, T. Mellis, o thm 4hey are the bwL In Oro line f the community should take who has been at his home, near Alma, for Cooper & Son, who have in the neighbor- townships, Province of Quebec. Will is a the work for $630. -Miss B. 'Agen, is visit. RIBBONS TM okery and Glassware rt�ioul; at St. Aguatine, in Went Wawau(A '10 no t 0 ration and contortion semi- some time, recuperating after 4 -:severe at- hooa of. some fifty iambs have a number of hustler He left falf the east Monday.. h we bsve� some -very One goods at right y1l I I in -)ve, has engaged LACES tral toLeho goods. See them and oampare CeAm owes in their ek, nine of 'them morning. -Mr. James Tait, of Rthel, spent thfa week. -William L change fair joOds, annually. tsok of typhoid fever, left on Monday for, profitable EMBROIDE: alikinds, of producetaken in, ex . 0 — I . and the Ifthestprice paid for the bad Sood&- Cash Diluth, irhere he in engaged " operator on mother lailinba. Who can a few days with his parents here last week. with Mr. A. Gardiner, in McKillop, for for Ago, SouTH H N Coifsilim.-A meet- a railway.-The.-Lit6rary and Debating club- 'we a ttar record ?,-Mr. Orbwein, of Mr. George Hazlew;�d and - his wife and seven months. He starts on Monday next. INSERTIONS arth. h argon C..WILSON, Seaf log of the 8 Huron Conservative Asso- eld an interesting, debate on 34onday even- eneall, condudied the services in the family 4e nioving to Manitoba. hey left -.;;.-The funeral of the late Thomas And TRIMMINGS PRI t chnich Sabbath. Mr. on Tueoday.-Mrs. Pollook bas been Lill for on Thurad ' of last week was very lirgely oistion, an ituted for local purposes, ing last, on the respective benifits derived -Mathodis WAR I Bank of 0aiminerce, Mock. aging and ihe Ortwein in not only a good merchanto bat some time.,Mr. Morreh has moved into attended. -Mrs. Watson in somewhat bet. FANCYSILKS held in on Tual last, for the. by man from the steam a' ing press. Next Monday evening an he known how to preadi also _'Lar quan- the nor�h end of the building, occupied 'by ter now. -At the auction sale held on Wil. FANCY DRESSES e so ton of ra. In the absence of the printi Spring Term, ApPiLl 13t. programme- will be Is -pond Mr. R.�Ross.-Mr. Beswitherick has moved liant Hanna's farm on Friday last stock presid6at, r. John Torrance, of Stanley, unettally interesting tities of ioe have been going from I -PARASOUS WAS _Inov to thel chair, when tfii furnishea. �Mr.Norman Mc1Aod has prom- to the village of Exeter. -m -The Gleanerk, into the building vacated` by Mr. Morron. sold , high but the implements went.ch"P. 'W ar� open t th under the auspices of the Royal Tomplars �Mm.Allison is confined to -her bad by an The crowd wa large. James Stre 6OLLARS & C election of 'Mom was proceeded with,as ised an address on free silver for at even- tton, was follows 'dent, J. A. Williams, Zuriol ing,.and as it in a subject in which he in ce, an holding forth here this attack of lagri SHIRT WAISTS of Temperan ppe.-Mrs, Horton.and tam. auctioneer. vice presid N J*hR- MoNaughton, Varna rucularly interel and to which he has week in the Methodist church. Their objest ily have move&mto Mr. Morris' housel Cavoted a pod deal of reou rate and put new life into the Main street 2nd vioe,,P Hunter. Enter; 3rd vice: study, a most inter is to Brucefleld. MUSLINS t -Mr. Win. James !Rent Ban- TRATFORD. ONTAX0, Dr. Botha Seafafth; organizer -in -chief, asting and profitable address may be ex- work. My purpose windink no this day with his mother, in our village. He B. R. Hrmngs,, neral-firel'ind life insur- Poult" -gq BLOUSE MATERIALS rested in (Friday) evening. -Mr. ShaffiF has been had beon inAttendancie at the funeral of his ance =k no6W 112hio oapave namlindoner ,gnotl o i - - Can&ds�s leading commercial school. This L. K. Exeter; treas., T. B. Car- pected.-A meetini those �inte r to go 4: on he in th6, Y. U., C. drs. Dow� of Hibbirt.-Mrs. Win. for g isfildevic. t Call before disp ar li Exete way., Mi J. White, Exeter. temperance was. laying ir b is the beat time to entoer, college. a good supply of the 000ling &lm 'or on gbibd larva prope;r, at 6 per a=$. of the ve A sister, L duce Iv days. We refer to the large quan- and 'in were.appointed for each sub- rooms on Monday evening to discuss th; for Ja Dane is seriously ill again. -Mr. Blow hab TO a evory morning and Woodsy of each AN IMMENSE OF Five of our recent ols secured situi- Sul -erg AV n I now before the On- tity of Lee laid in. secured thei brickwork of the Moleoworth week. &*;g and si' -iiii in one week, Catalogues free. division in the ri rangements newliquor license act tion. Ad Kz -The return checker match made for bh dream tario Legislature. T4e bill was thoroughly Presbyterian church. We congratulate the - C11 SEA W. J. LLIOTT, Principal. .4444.,32 rough organiz& E0 RS were ple' of Uolesworth on their choice, as Mr. deliv by - Thomas E. Ham Sea- discussed and several amendments were between Clinton and the home playeris was forth T III Zurich ; T. B. Car- ted thereto - which will be forwarded low is an excellent- wor�man.-Mr, Cheill played hors n Friday evening,' the 5th ;South Main oft NOTES.-Consid6rable sinkndis in reported ins 1he Kippen Store. ling, T. c allain, John Dauncey and E. 't'niCe Government. -The mild weathpir this r McLaughlin, bliss,Eht Jane MoLugh. The following is the result around the village, * Mrs. Baynbam, Mrill. - MRY DESCRIPTIO", and Mini Alice'and Uly cLaughlin, Spackman, xeti J. E. McDonell, Han- weelic has played havoc with the sleigbing BRUCEF]ERLD CLINTON DRAm x Bowslau h and -Mr. Delgaty bein undeirr IMPU 11 dM McIlveen, Stanley. and many wheeled Vehicles have made their 9 accompanied by some friabdo, have gone to au an i Snider .... 3 Bruce .... 2- 1 ew goods have just psoned into- stock, medical treatment. �-Tbomas Halod & e Will given of ther There in still plenty of snow 'McKililo to * it relatives and acquaint- Shirtings, Gingharns, appearance, Murdook..4 Taylor. , I I "R new C liome places, but in others the roal an 03emieMorton,, a little daughter of - Due notic Mine opening. ottonades, Co. shipped another, car load of horses to, date of the Mi ry Denims, Prints all makes from 50 UP. Tim R �Ey MATcH.-The nott weather in I Manitoba on Monday last, They, have paid Mr. Georgia Ho'rton, of this village, its suffer. MDermott5 Wilson...1 bare. -Mrs. Thompson, of Spsirling street, id not re ent a large crowd from witness- WDougll.3 Hoover. ., 2 1 eveningo out over $50,000 for horses within the pan' . JAMES VANNEN, inrill hereon Friday even- while rettimmig home the other ing from &a attack of bronchitis. r Grant. . 3 Cook ..... 3 M3=3 AUX FOR SM fifteen months. -Rev. C. C. Koine preached Kippell g last, wean Lisiowel and -Seaforth, for slipped and fell, injuring her wrist severely. - in with great acceptance on Sunday last,in the E. MCFAUL concession 7, 1�Aflhi -Miss Eva Pa3bloy, of Sarnia, isvisiting Wae. 1534 when the ms lined up all the available I absence of.Rov,. W. H. Butt, who'was is 9 3 Of Ribel 61 1i friend in town at presint.-Mr. James -of space was ken and people were perched up NoTEs.-The debating society held a' very cleared; free aching in the Hennall circuit in the in, Men Aikenhead, of God­- NoTEs.-Mr. Ja 4mined And Ion" n wh te would give. them a good Ole ar Cowan ban bought out the milk business of Pre' of the 'Eductional' Society, intere�ting and inEtructive meeting on Dry Goods x mess n orich, spent a few days recently visiting ood�m v Mrs. Ireland. fie will take terests -The sr vie players. Ifthe weather hadn1 Thursday evening of last week, and, not- 60 seves aeodi Spring Dyeing. Gleaners, a revival team of the Royal Teal friends here.-Mials Fraser, of Toronto, who *ad - riM a on the attendance, it did on 2th of April, in future ... 0 ly terms.' A about the 1 and, will lars. are'advertined to hold meetings next withstanding the bad condition of the roads a be u conduct it in connection with his form on I 'ha a tinting relatives here forthe past ompwyl ver Lance was pre two weeks, left-bn Wedn* da tovinither We're re t ndary of the town. -The d the ice, w ic was in a very sloppy condi. in Smith's hall. y large and* sent, and A good time to dye. &dy, tion. prev6 ting anything like good com- I - . listei Seaforth's Greatest Cash Dry Goods Stol he north boa eal weak Your coat, suit, drew, gloves, curtains, between Mi. Fred. Davis and Mr. Chatfieldi _�ed attentively to the discussion of the LAOK brother,. MrJ John Fraser. a.. P., of Pet - resolution, Rasolved that the red man bap P bination. I The players worked 'all the Corttanbe. rolio.-Rev. Archibald MoDiarmid' , of Na - almost anything can be left with Cal of Guelph, for Mr. Davis' jewelry store, has t nay harderin consequence and some brilliant sufferqA more at the hands of the white man fallen through and he has moved the stock A comPLETE new stock of fine hoes. it d his nephewei Mears James and Mrs. Whitesides was in Sesforth, her &dWs Leading Dyers and CifiPers. rushes we a made, while the entire game in NOth America than than the negro has." pier, vist a ro The biggest and bad value ever shown in Sesforth, Hugh MeDiarmid, of Stanley, during this er home, this week. -Mr. Carling, of E y ex, The way in which the subject was handled Ith &-clulm and fixturei to his store in Mitchell. -Mr. _dPw,r1lZ And good R. PARKER & CO., TORONTO. was citing. Beaforth scored at the cheap cash store Carmichael's Bloof, 4 doois gether w Monday ran staind 16 gent, the fi:st John Way, of Stratford, has opened out a prt week. -The return match between the ter, waA in the village on W. SOMERVILLE, A Listowel shortly afterwards "nth of Weir's Royal Hotel, W. H. Wims. Seib illv�d conclusively that we have some good ut al Clinton and Brucefield checker clubw was old acqusintances.-The Man fri U -apply to SAI Tieing t e � h aeore. Seaforth led --o boot and shoe store in the premises lately forth. 1526-1 I debating jalbut in this neighborhood. After Tel"ph. and EVrew Building, Saidorth. chLF Is. N s. -The Epworth' League of Christiwa a very ablo--and lengthy diodussion' the and agai Lial tied, following with an- vacated by Meson. Richardson & McI played in Brucefield on Friday evening,and Mr. William Dinnins of L=Lel aresulted in favor of the home team.-Mr.G. been working here for some time for -An article by G. F. Belden, D. D. S., of other vill h gave them the let I - 0 Eade.&vor are holding very interesting OIL SALE ON ad. The next 'ud 8, Messrs. S. Cleave, R. Turner, and Munroe had the misfi6rtane to lose a valuable Robert Paterson, -sr., of the Hentall two went 0 Seaforth, and when the whistle this town, on 11 Local Anaesthel .&P- meetings. The delegates appointed to at- Cason, gave their decision in favor of F Ead willism or driver lastweek. The animal was found dead mills, will regret to iearn that he is very i pears in the February number of the Odin- tend the Seaforth convention on Tues r blew for alf time the count was 4 tor 3 in the negative. -On Monday of last week ou in the stable it having in some way got entan- owing to serious throat trouble, wich tains to zooms b favor of � aforth. After play was resumed toblast the Detroit Dental College Journal, 16th inet., are Meagre. Medd, =, respecte4, townsman, Mr.George Edighoffer, gled in the halter, breaking its neck.�The the &st medical skill thus far has well undet co in expected to fo been -Un. the home) team had the game mostl all A diao;aaion llow, and wil Clark, Robert Rogerson, and Misses I*"' started for DAshwood,, to engage in the issummof1m DISTRICT MATTERS. annual meeting of the Brueifield branch of able to cure. -Mr. E. ReMorran was in sheft, ft, A Agoo, their owqlwy and succeeded in adying 4 undoubtedly result in good to the profession Farnham, Mar McCully, Ids Britton, boot and shoe business. We are sorry more goa�'a to V their score, while Listowel and the public at large, as there is go much Charlotte C111316ri.-The revival meetings to theBri.tish and foreign Bible Society will be village the first of theveek visiting be odd cbosP;A`ls loose Mr. Edighoffer as a -itizen. and df e held in the Presbyterian church on Wed- tivea. We believe�he -intends ongag Houn OF REFuc.,E NoTFs.-Death claim- were unsi to again do- the necessary, thus demand for that, kind of thing at preRent.- cloned last week, with quite a number recommend him to'the people of Dashwood ad another of the inmates in the person of Mrs. E. 1 J. Hicks, of Harpurhey, has re- converts. -The Good Templare held a very as � nesday evening of next week. Addresses business in Chicagol Sloan,. of Chic leaving §baforth the victors by 8 goals to an honest, energetic and industrious ARM 1'011 SA Henry Schwartz, from C rediton. turned from a lengthened. visit to Toronto will be given by Messrs. Baird-, Fothering. as in the village last week, spe d' d F "Uti lots ZZ He was the List, wel boys are good players and interesting meeting lust week. Preparations young man, and his many friends in this ham, Thompson and Rev. W. Hair. The or so with his friend, Mr. W. "B'norgit!"ol 12. Un led on Mond * and Georgetown. -The Huron promotion D. ;3wnti about 66 yeara of 4ge, and d ay, put up a ery strong gal but the trouble were made 'for the visiting lodges, after vicihity join in wishing hi.n that. success to March Ist. Tuesday, another deith took was th examination in public schools will be held meeting commencing at 7.30 o'clock, iid on hip way up to Blyth his former home. -about 18 Acres or gi �they ran up against a team that which it wav decided to hold' a spelling which he is justly entitled. --,--The social furnished by the Mr. Thomas McGie " of Kippen, passe all in &.1,0dAtate place in the person of Miss Mary Adams, was at ger than they were'. on the 25th and 26th inst. Teacheis are match. Brother R. Proctor and sister suitable music will be got; event of the season occurred on Monday and 1will fenced., whdise home was pl�reyiously at Belmore. Her requested to send in orders for their Papers Fishet were ap, 3inted captains. After evetillin f last week, when Mr. and Mrs. church choir. As usual a collectio will be through here this week on his way on, good fralhe Nbutil taken up to aid in supplying the world with er mont age was 20 years. The latest arrivals ae Triri, I ted Olevelaud ana Massey Harris at once.. -Mrs. John Higgins, of Geo_rge-� quite a lot of goo(fospelling on both sideli o Manitoba to spend the summ. r m nt. by a furnace. with t John unn, of "The Toplar,"� Bronson the word of God. -Mr. Hugh and Miss This is the seventh or eighth trip that 3tr rood bshx' barn' James Brown, fro ' in Ashield ; Mrs. Char- Bicycles ave arrived d are lanexhibition ats. town,'is the guest of Mrs. Emma Hicks, of Brother Prot ctor came off victorious. line, Stanley, entertamied & number . of exth,Aisid4wolas" one and U izabth Crooks, MULLM Co., Seaforth. 1526-1 Bella Aikenhead, are visiting friends 'in McGregor has made in this way.. -We �out­bulldjol A! lotte, and Mignon J Harpurhey.-The first thunder of this year their friends and treated them to a dancing Turnberry this iweek.-_Mr. Barclay, of' -pleased toee Mr. -S. B. H ston able Iboi (mother and two daughteill from Morris NF, -%v right stock of boots and shoes for Was heard early Tuesday morning and was Ba3rfleld. party. It is hardly -necessary for us'to aa, nine barn township, making 65 inmates in the House spring N sr at the * cheap cash shoe store. Car- followed by rain and dense mist. -Our good y London, was here on Tuesday looking after, o out a rittle this week, after his long con -I Orchards, Ubj is vicinity send that Mr. and Mrs. Dunn fully maintained some business for his company. -Mr. Muif i.- JoysA tel. W. A mjNiBER of immers in th Cement to the house. ­M. D. friend, Mr. James McMichael, of Goderich Urqub at the present tiine. Henry Bone, who mich"I's took 4 dean south of Royal Ho ... I V. A. EDWARDs to vi H. WILLI Sesiorth. 1626-1 to Wm. Rennie for theIr'seeds. their hi h tation as generous and 1hos- went through a critical operation, is stree� went, celebrated his 74th birthday On keeps Win. Rennie's packet garden seeds for sale.and attended Presbytery meeting at Clinton on has been abipping considerable, oatmeal'VE hod at Ow, d F and -and will Drr!.s ly Tuesday last. The hearty wish of his will procure hort notice *A;. other seeds to- pitable goateapnud hostess,, by their kind Tuesday. -Mrs. McFarlane, of Wisconsin, spent th -bave t] 11 th, rapid progress towards recovery, Stevenson, former on a late. -Mr. Ric"rd Wright, who f Lindeal having started dress -making In cannep - and genial manner made every person feel soon be around again- There has been a many friends is, that he may live in good quired. Uave your orders eariv. A. EDWARDS. spent part of last week, visiting at Maple past month in Detroit and Toledo to R. IL Knos� 2. tion witli Miss Dormnee's Fanoy Shop. will be visit thoroughly at home, and, as a conse unce good, supply of first-class ice safel housed pleased W meet all who may desire work neatly and health' and happiness to celebrate man WAi-mixG%-Thdre has been very good Lawn Farm, the residence of Mr. James sons, returfied home a few days Z&L XST a moat enjoyable time waspent Sl rel, Paterson. y for use this coming summer. prompt, tdove 1625A more li;.e events.- Mrs. D. D. Wilson or- fishing here lately, but Sunday and Monday Wright has also returnee from V-141 red A ant. - The guests included the ent�re Tart 12._�ome new and second hand rived home' from Sootland, where she had the ice broke up and the fishermen haA daughter, Mrs. McLaughlin, of Gor Lairds IV ana Hand association, as well an a numi-, kinds bf A PLEASAINT GATirERNG,�Despite the single a�d two fur -row plows. Farmen canbuy 'been spending the winter with friends, on great trouble getting their nfrl AU us. As it was We believe our council intend very somf apaf theme at theirownprices. Hatate.ofT. T. her of other invited guests. The musIc wag very disagreeable weather and bad state of COLHMAi, Tuesdiiy last.. Mr. Wilson went as far as several were lost.-Mr.4jainea Donaldson I sinking" the tanks for fire protectinn-' has rti 1626-1 by LA-RoE 13 inch Straw Cutter for Sale. --B. the roads quite a number responded to the Tokonto to meet her.�Miss Stevenson, of the man around here these times. He has believing that delays are dangerous and �ppl 10, 13 furnished by th� Mesers' Taylor, assisted �o ARDr.Rs.-,i couple of boarders can Messro.1 H. Darrow, &;d W. Black. Mr. 1111ell, & son's latest. Has been used, a short time. invitation of the members of the Chriall Clinton, who had been the -nest of Mrs. M. fifteen men working at the mill, soiiie hands Also one small 2nd band 8 tnob box, st the FUnsall -.Miss Maggie Johnston, of Londog) 16W Alah J:dne Ouse In Me er,j a professional floor manager, of -Tor. yo� ent woommodation in a private h 0 1 erian .P Ing at Tua Eiroaroa, Office. -The concert by -the y [d sa, TM eirrililluate; W4 PIy -1 ill Endea;,or society of the 'Presbyt Y. McLean for several days, left for home working at night. Implement Shop. W. ELonz, SLIesman. 1526 been visiting friends' in Rodgery 1515-tf onto, was present and introduced a number throu met, with� church, to be present with them at their. on Monday. -Miss Emma Johnston, who Seraphic band at the town hall on Thursday HensaIL-Mr. Robert Bon bank barti, Mi" Of *w dances,. and waii on the whole the what good meeting . on Tuesday evening last. The GRA, D stock- of spring shoes for -for the past two weeks evening�last week, was fairly well attended. Loc -AL BmEFS.-Trade is some his furniture lil has been at home an accident while moving TAW IAdies man, our priess always a little invur village this week, Owing to the thaw right man in the right place. The dancing -y good. -Mr. chair was taken by the pastor, Rev. Dr. lower tb; the lowest. The cheap cash shoe store visiting her parents in Seaforth, returned' 'The music andingmig were vex fewdays ago to the houee he rented froft was kept up without ceasing till d and consequent breaking up of the roads. a B ock, W. H. WiLms, Seaforth. 1526-1 back to Hamilton to fulfil hef duties in one M. -Ross. was at Stratford this week oil ay light hain J969A McDonald, and after the. regular meeting C Mr. E. Rannie has improved the appearance Mr. Logan. He was standing in the alew-L 1wdes from admol business. was (fawning ip the eastern sky, when, had been held, light refreshments were - 370N, 7forget we have a few hundred hal of tbehospita.19 there. -Miss Nettie John- when th6 driver -gave the hones - -a tou;�k atatim after thanking Mr. and Mrs. Dunh for the and convenience of his store by the erection from Eblib Bay I tastefully served. A short but pleasing made bucl left. which we are selling at oe ston, of the Buffalo hospital, is at preSeDt I with the -whip, causing thein'to give a -sull. kind manner in which they had entertain- of a neat and substantial stairway to his Thereig 0001MA musical programine was then carried out. PrIce off, achice made oam; also kettles, pans, 41ad visiting her parents in Seiforth.-Mr. M.J. 'Wroxeter. den spring, which threw Mr. Bonthron ant' spiles rock bottom prices. S. MuLLm & Co., new millinery rooms above the store ad the entire company, the guests dispersed .-Mr. k vicinity, Avialft vi The time was most sociably and enjoyably Seafo Best, who has been spending the Winter with such orce that he was coM;leZl NoT.Es.-J. -W. Scott, of the roronto to their homes, all thinking that even then J.' P. Marshall is having some improve farm i*"Uob spent by a6ll present, and the only regret Wj,, have a few I i with friends here, left on Saturday foe hill News staff, was here on busifiess last week, morning came too sopn., of hi's stunned. -Educational -sermons ere de- within 14 Ab�n 4*10' -0-class buggies left ments made- this week- to the . fronts end toko lose ot i that many who would liked to have which willsell at c-, home in Manitoba. His brothers John and mily have left here to was dAt.MoLauxblin & Britut. -Mrs. Waldon and fa livered in the Mthodist church on, a v stores, occupied by Mr. J. W. Ortwein an partic- ret Como attended were unable to do so, ford m4 FI first servecL Estate of T. morning qLud evening last. Rev. ularly was this so with those who reside in T. C Seaforth. Andrew, who had� also been spending the join Mr. Waldon in Manitoba. The latter broKUlop. G. F. Arnold. -Oar newly organized -fire lettor t� ROBBI OL AN winter here, returned to the west on Tues. is located at Trahe brigade tested, on Wednesday noon last, the Kerr, pastor, occupied the pulpit a Ontario. me. -Mr. Ab. Paulin has the country. day. John took With him a load of horses, MUNICIPAL XoTES.-A meeting of the morning and th Rev. Mr. M4t-C, of Cenm had a bad attack of inflam tion of the hand engiue lately purchased by, o e. k a 11 OF' NIX. WALKER.—m r. among which was Mr. E. A. Best's bla- b tralia, in the, evening. The attendance was F, oWls.-Mr. W. R. Thompgoa is shipping council.will be held on the 15th inst., when oil, when it was found to work ver JLF y well, COUNCIL.--A'he regular meeting of council Geor� Walker,- of the Mill Road, Tucker. trottiug mare. -Alias Elliott, who bat been pouudkeepers, fenceviewers and pathmasters _C In, aple block a right along from'- this point. considering it had. not been in good and t a mermons' well delivere&--�-% -structionk fmwill,,be appointed to take office the first of use for som a was held on Monday evening. The tender smithll passed pacefully away to the better visiting at Ma"ple Rall,the residence of Mrs Rev. J. S. enderson, of Carmel Presby. auction vii L at V,� They are manufactured at the saw mill here, time, and required, some slight repairs. A terian of P. Keating for plank at $14.70, and scant- land n. Friday last. Mr. Walker's depart- F. Case, has been called to her home in To. -The Misses Lang & Lennox, miffiners, 1 May� All interested parties will take churc delvered a very interesting; *vl -oub mil n Xondkyj, Xxv notic'�, and those wanting office should good stream of evateras easily thrown over oy ng ling &6 $12.70 per thousand, was accepted. are �s sudden and -unexpected. He retir- ronto, owing to sickness in her home.-Ap are moving into the store in the Goften' H dgins' hotel, which is the highest MA&T ve sermon t men on Sabbath a aRp!y,-The assessor is on his rounde frame harp, this 16110�61 The tender of Wesley Beattie, for supplying ad ?J�eqt on the previous night, apparently will be seen by reference to the report of the i and is last. - to block, lately vacatdd by Mr. Robert Ross. uilding on our Main street, and we �reCG'U­ One heavy drau usua choral U 11 gravel at $3.88 per cord for screened, and in hb state of health. In fact, be council- proceedings, the town couhe raisink the assessment of those who were Pu -Mr. G. Davidson was severely injured in fident that, with a little practice, our new per cord for unscreened, was accept- seem d to be unusually cheerful. On Fri- pose during the coming summer to extend lower than the average. He meets man Tea -to 0 ` One*4 the finger and heid,while shoeing a h y fire brigade will be found able to nian our orge old'one car-- the granolithic sidewalk, laid down on the grumbler,- every man claiming he ha3 a ad- The petition f David Johnson and da orniug he4id not make his app the other day. -'The many friends of Mr. A. new fire protector to godd advantage. -Miao SAD AccIDENT.-As Min Ullian Aitilty, bu* ; Ono 4rivin breakf9st, but west side of Main stre'et,as far north as Mr. mfl&�dowa others, asking tha;t the granolithic sidewalk ance �t the usual hour poorer farm than his neighbor and to. be L. Gibson are pleased to bear of 'his rec G. Morrison, of Londn,� formerly of Hen- only daughter of Wm. Ainley, of this p Four be continued as far north as J. L. Smith's noth g was thought of that -he property overy highly assessed,'even.if only . half. of what as it was fre J. L. Smith's store holders helferneW gS from his lafe severe illness. Sail, is, here visiting friends. -Mr. J. W. was going to retire Saturday evenm Aw . . #.- h a vld,four it rs,' Ortwein is this w tried to put out the hanging lamp 1 61167" 1 calf. store, was granted provided the name of quen y late in the tofaboon before he would in front of whose promises it is I id will the owner would ask a buyer. All may procured for the, peti ge Aboutseven o'clock, however, he pay one-third of the cost. It is fihe inten. j, look for the beat assessment roll ever made eek --fittingap his new mil - Scott, Brothers was t linery rooms above his store. -Mr. and M it oat, when it exploded and eirielo Oadigroo, tion, and the street iommittee was i;�atruclt: calle his grandson, who slept in the same tion 'of the council to make these permanent Drvsdal6. in -the township. ra. - in of Us -PIO 1 Honda her in flames. Her night dras and un or - ed to proceed with the construction of the room with him, to get up. Again about improvements. piece by piece, and we m0l NOTES.—It is to be. regretted that the AJD�F6-R INDIA. In response to the ap- 'John Dodds left this station on same at as early a date in the summer as ice okadale, afteLnoon last for their home in Bro clothing were all ablaze when her father a4 pea Musgrave, the following Manitoba, A number of their relatives and brother rushed to her rescue, and -after ." blel ne 'clock he was heard to walk across expect before very long to see granolithic has again broken up on the'lake as our b� Rev. P. A., possible. The sum of $1,000 was placed to uthe oor, and it was thought That he was walks on both sides of Main street. -The fishermen wpie just beginning. to take in sums have been paid to him by the part' !as putting Out thout the credit of the public school board. friends assembled at the station to see them bard fight succeeded in The the getting up. When it drew near dinner Bayfield stage came in on wheels on- Wed. some large catches of fish, Mr. Robert Tur. named to, aid the suffering and tilirving Tt off. -A number of our' villagers wero in flames, but not 'before she wa"s __U natite9i oi India, from DO �hurch, MoKil. amount 7 -in" free use of the council chamber was granted tim howe or, and he had not come down nesday.-Miss Nettie Wilson has been con- ner takinp, 39 dozens from 11 nets, one Goderich this week, att nding the ip� burned. from the effects of which the 4i lop �, M r.. George Murdi6, $1 ; Mrs. James ring log approied to the Horticultural society for holding stai 1, his son wet to waken him.' At first fined to the house through an attack of I& morning. -Mr. Robert Okr,'1*13 wearing an I afeizes, some ai and others as wit. early Thursday morning. Mr. inlealow a r tent, theirmeetings. The auditors' report was he t ought he Was at ill asleep, bat on draw- grippe. -The Sons of Scotland pur Lockh.trt, 50c ; Mr. John Campbell, 50c.;. :asr an A ,pose hold- unusually happy smile these times, which is i got his hands badly bumt. Mr. A er an _�Iesses in Mrs. D AJLU" 13 1piano case. The received and the abstract ordered to be pub: ing loser to the bed he noticed that the iug au entertainment in Cardno's hall, on Mr.'Alex. Kerr, or., $1 ; Mrs. George Rob. -pristor; accounted for by the presence of a bouncing tter suit was po�stponed until fall, owin family have the entire sympat ba 9 lished. Accountato.-the amountof $209.33 Ndta'l spark had fled. Mr. Walker. was the evening of April 6th. -The flax mill kirk', 82�; Mr. Robert Campbell, $1 ; Mr by girl. -Mr. Nelson Contine, vho ; L Miss t the alleged illness of on' a of the principals whole village in - this their sad afflictioaki Beattie, $1 C. Be%ttie, $1 K At mplars of Tem- ]Cloy-laasbilewlor werw.passed for payment. The council lyi I his natural position, with one hand 4ere was offered for sale by auction on Wed- purchased Mr Sutton's sawmill, has moved to the case.-Thepleaner 'of fire was 'BTW in Audr� w a. working under The alarm iven and the an then adjourned. und r the side of his face, and had, appar- nesday, bat was not sold. -The heavy rain Mr. John Beattie, 81 ;,Mrs. H. F. Render.; ep it to Lake View and will soon be prepared Sympathizers, - $t.50 ; Mr. Win. the auspices of the Royal Te was taken out, but happily was not ii�e e tl I b away without a pang or a of Tuesday night flooded a number of cellars to turx�-out lumber. -Mr. A. R. She&, of son, 50c perance, have been successful in re-orgauiz Nons.---4he . horse fair was held W no n sell byial -A it was a remarkably beaceful in town. -Mr. Jame's Scott, of Scott Broth Scott $1 Mr. George Lockhart, $1, ; Mrs. berk On SWarda FoR INDa�s RF.LiFF.—The concert- in Blake, is introducing a new medicinenown ing a local lodge here. - -square Thursday of last week and was a succesi M. sbai -death. He was 82 years of lors, leaves in day or so for the west. He so "Our Native Herbs" into this vicinity Considerable nd; Oleassnt E. Murdie, $2 Miss Bell& Murdie, $1 Mr. Wue IN Oardno's kall on Wednesd timber is still being delivered at the station the crowd far exceeding au,-,%ing that wall ­Dnege 6 ay -eveniu for ge�land although enjoying good health and will in all probability go as far as Rossland and is meeting with good success. -Snow. the purpose of raising funds to aid in re John Kerr, $1 Mr. P. Kerr, 50c Two yards for hipment in the near f titure. -Miss expected. A large numbnOf horses chango parPoom" In lieving the starving natives of India, was, &b101 to be about until the time of his death, before he retur'ne.-The spring sessioji of den brothers passed-Chrough this village' Frienos, $2. From Cavan church, Win- snare, I year V Alice and Miss Annie Bell and brother ad hands. The next willbe held ou the st he ad beL troubled occasionally for the the High Court of Justice is bein held in la thropl,": Mr. Thomas Dodds, jr., 50b Two Three Is V01111,10 9 at week,- on their way to Hensall, with a �kjldh well attended, the hall being full. Whiie William left this depot on Wednesday, to of April. -The largest sale hold for years t -'1;*%1JhWid the laudable object for which the entertain- pas�;t 3 -ear or so with weak spells, caused by Goderich this week, Chief Justice Armour Fri6nds, $8 ; Mrs. S. -Murchie, 50c Mr. well tatted bull for Mr. Smith, cattle dealer, to rising iokv *M - UL h i ur( presi in attend the weddi of Miss Broadfoot, of East Huron will be the aale of the C'sta fail -, and it was, no doubt, in one .-At a meeting ot the executive Thomas Dodds, or., $1 ; Mrs. P. " Dodd meat was gotten up, no doubt, induced ell,; Hi was & finw animal and weighed in the Brucefield. -Mr. C. Clauson, our old as- the late Robt. Brown, near Cranbookwhi& Also 1 bra6d Am many to b6 present, still,we are sure that, Ot h t he passed away. But -the of the t�est Huron Reform Association, neighborhood of twenty hundred. We hope 50c ; Mrs. John Grieve, 81 ; Mrs. T. Dodds, e pain u and sbmA Alio ith quite a f ;I taken place on Wedii.asday next.-Entl fea Sabbath school class 38a Mr. Renry Me. Wagon, I *et r: were its peaceful and Aatural as if held in Goder'ich Saturday last it was de- 'soon to hear of him being tabliehed saddler, met no one present could regret having coe. replaced by one a ar in ate. binder, 1,� ceident on Sat day af moon last. Ile was for the pacing stake for three In paom I will be glad to learn waiting at the del noticed that owned in the Countyof Huron by th�e' Brus. PI a a pgle pi on Was versatil- Friday, May 219t.�Master Harry th the many numbers given there Urn soloa and recitations were well received, the RY MEETIN4r..—At a meet. �tbo �nnm CHxEsi3 FACTO ving Park Association 0" OW at Ur. Edmund Werstlake, is again filling horse tied there wao very restless, and pull- sale Dri' gramme was a In cided to hold a *Reform convention in Dun- equall as good. -Al Intosh; 50c ; Miss Nettie Henderson, $1 )Ot _� The pro n excelleit one and in �Ieep, showing that he had never suffered he ing. Air. Walker was the second gann Mr. Adam Dodds, $1 ; Mr. Arch. Somer ity enough to please U tastes. The, vocal' son lof the late John Walker, of Twyneh6lm Scott, son of Dr. J. G. Scott, celebrated the vaoant chair. -Mr. T. Snowden pad a Ville, $1. ing so hard on hi hat lie threatened Monday: next. All horsemen should rebpou z fah, Kirbadbriifitshire- Scotland, and his tenth birthday on Tuesday, 9th inst., by flying vialt to the Worth, for the purpose of to break it and gat away, and in order to A matched race is also a born on the 12th of January, 1815. He r a party to a nuidber of his little boy ing oi the Winthrop cheese factok _poken of betwesm - - gi ng held on A comic, songs thoroughly enjoyed and the securing a view of the Beumiller nurser pievent this he was in the act of passing- the Smith & McLarell's "Barney," and F. proprie U I 4 i� instrumentals much appreciated, The e to Ca' ad in 1838, preceding the.other frv1 He intends setting out soon t large p a Um# IT ie a. They all had a big time. -Mr. W. ap the 5th inst., the company rented the fac. snap on the tie strap through'the bit Scott's pacing mare, to take place 'liere A tableaux and the fancy drill an club swing 01 bers of his family 1�y one - K. Pearce, of the Dominion Bank, wishes and shade tree plantation. tor to F. MillsOn, at $3 per ton of cheese itmi M -vear. He set at jump -The farm in Alorri&- 0 t noi A A ich to ack�owledge the receipt of the following J when the horse made i6 sudden room on May 24th. rare particularly good and reflected much tile" on the farm on the Mill Road,on mUe during the, se on, he to buy the whey F ingv Wh wards, and in so doing tore the - an known as the &ObertL'Thompsou farm, was per annomill I I)m credit on the young ladies he ontiuued to reaide until the ti for the India relief fund : Agnes Har- at the:same price, if over a sertain amount an right Mil who took part, me of his sums roug r. au3oja)s finger, seem ing mounft. se th h M Cl auction last Taso WX. illem, Y. in e - t -was then, of course, a dense vey, $5 ; Infant, class, Presbyterian Sund of cheese is made. Its is also to make the well as on their instructor, Mr. James d h 'I ay Cromarty. offered for sale 16y public: u a cou a of a Ot sold.-Brassels and Robb. We have not learned what amount eness school, $1.25. We regret to learn of the Bicyc%Es. -lAdies' and Gentlemen, The cheese and pay for milk hauling for 21 cents very ba'dly and pull*g o t I but was u but it is now one of the finest 6otdi of his finger, ho thait it wilT be soine h �ve �en lately besieged by drove -was realized, but i u�djgin* from the crowd an most fertile firms irk the Province. Mr. serious illness of Mrs, S. Cluff, of Tucker- Hyslop," The Crescent," The Perfect The per pound, and furnish all materials. The Jty r we 6 10 B #0 arnes, " The Brantford buy a little time before h the a Iker's-family consisted of five brothers smith, 6ast of the red tavern, and formerl reliagle wheel, number a will be able to use his fewer than seren in town. Ahere will be considerable of a surpl patrons are to haul the cheese. A THE IURI Us. y Its the cheapest. Profit by the experience of others an hand again. -Mr. McCloy has this week Saturday. -:-T, he attendance at theente;rit;sik;--�­ The greatest of praine is due Mr. James four sisters, of whom Mr. John' W- of Seaforth. been con of -milk routes *ere let from five alker, Mrs. Cluff haa- fined who have experimented! Write or call at LUMSDI mills to d into -at the dwelling which he purchaved ment given by Margair Stual Blacir,_' Robb, as it was principally through his th eldeatf the family, is now the only to bed for about six weeks with an attack of & WILsoN'o, Sestorth. 1626-1 one cent per gallon. The patrous appointed move Saddkry, ;u'l iver. r. Walker wai twice married, ]pleurisv, buu s now improving slightly.- F. Millson, secretary and salesman. The from Mr. Paterson, we t of the post office, under the an pices of the band, was not till instrumentality that the entertainment was INTERMENT. -The remains oii and previously oocupied'3 as a parsonage.- to the mark "that is considered as a p Miss Ella a. R. Brydges and daughter, of Grant, company are to have the profits on the gotten up, and our citizens owe him so debt an bad a family of four by the first wife - hir aying Whyte, of Mitchell, who died in the'hospita� Mr. Robert Bouthron has moved into the house.. of gmt�tude for providing such a pleasant W, ie a insurance on Michigan, sist�er and niece of Mrs. Thomas w di d bout -forty-five years ago. The atDetroit,'were interred in the cemetery whey and pa the dheesel and dwelling owned by Logan, on the 'ening's entertainment, while the dee -8 U :PT ev and a half Patton, who have. been here on a visit for here on Thursday of last week. Howick. nd wife dind about a year secretary anyealesman's salary and all ex. interest he has displayed in the sufferings Sgi. The family surviving are Mr. John sometime,left on Tuesday for their home. ellses. Atafuture meeting the patrons and juat va P AmmvFmAny.-The tea meeting or jubi� P north-west aide of the tra If you'lailh on* of a st.%rving nation is most commendable. �Miss Ainley, of Brussels, who was so se- will appoint a treasurer and authorize some -There died at himX 'Your harnass.of e w Iker, who lives on the homestead, and lee, given under the management,of the' cated by Mr. McCloy. -Mr. Daniel Kydd, Dim) r.,q MissouRr. MI, Hugh McCartney, -of Brucefield. - The verely *burned by the explosion of a -lam person to inourehe ch age. A circular was wto has been learning blacksmithing with home, near Salt Springs, Saline countyp Ilor br, m p in AMV -ople of the Presbyterian congregation, of -to WXLJ� otoer two daughters, Mrs. Rbbert McCart. her home on Saturday night, that she died read, r6questing factories to aRk the Gov. Mr. J. R. Hobkirk, for the past year or no, Missouri, �on Februsrf 26th, James NOTES.—On Sabbath, next n and Mrs. J Ome hursday morning, was gromarty, Monday even celebrating the eminent to appoint a cheese, inspector, to left this week for Brussels, where he intends one of the old time residenti of He it you W%"* ohn B. McLean, died a early a niece of Mr. 'twenty-fifth anniversai7ol'the pastorate of engaging at the same trade. He is a pains- township. - Mr the anniversary services of our church will be lye ra ago. The last time Mi. Walker was John Laird, of this town. settle all disputes between 'buyers and sell. Bl6ir lived in this to suite. or z,,nnv it t�4 held. At 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. Rev. J. B. f Rev.Mr.Scott,Was a graudoucoess: Although taking and good apprentice, and we Wish between shal *lad curta ro n home was about two weeks ago, when —0 a I, but no action was taken. Last me the years 1:856 and 1866, wh the weather looked unfavorable ro n - I 31allen, of Fergas, will. preach. On Mon- for, a time "0 'a him the success -he merits! -Mr. Thomas J. lontallo. he' went t Visit Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ross,- of mike was satisfactory, the prices ranging wlih his family, he movedo Missourio W, day evening the usual tea meeting will take t Lori Road, Kippen. atfUvthe people crowded together, apd il* Berry and Mr. Robert Beh, who have youvut la .1 ver been returned to Huron county in 1879, and old friends. His from 61c to 9 11-16c per pound for the VOU "To *Iabolco. place in;the basement, to be followed by an deith removes the ast of the first settlers GENTLEMEN' from this township will find thouah -there has not been a tea meeting cheese. returned mained in Howiek till 1883, when be agolla -all A, inthe old country with horses, held lere. for some time, the people of the —0 home -on Monday. They met with very Go' a. entertainment in the audience room of the on, the Mill Road. They were a noble -the nioest and biggest solortment of shoes,, (and moved to Missouri. He VAS in his church, the chief features of which will be aim than the other stores), atthe congregation have lost none of their old zeal good markets, but had a: somewhat rough year. and energy inmaking an oce ion like thi the o�ean both -ways. ohea, cash shoe store Carmichael Block, 4 doom as worthy lot of men and. their count 'Prices always lower Moms. passage across short addresses 4y the neighboring minis. owles them much, while their memory 21 'soulof Weir's Hotel, W. H. Wma, Seaforth. *AR a pleasing one. After d -Mr. Thomas Bone, jr., has gone -Mrs. GilobrisVs farm Was not by -Goo e Harper, of Carringford, 4thwl oing amp 0 =ice NOTES. term, good music and a lecture by Rev. J. B. 10�g be cherished. Mr. Walker w", in 1526-1 sold rg y respe to the good things tastefully and nti. on a holiday, trip to friends in Lou iddlult Mullen, of Fergus, hb is said to be a in eta, a don and auction on Saturday -last, the b of Mrs. George Davidson and Mrs.' The U140 of were od to the Dan the sick not, being anything like. up to value Skinner, died on Tuesday, February The subject of sh sterl�ng. Kip -an- Methodist church, will be, held at served in Simon A.* Miller'a hall th -ople, list,this week. Mrs. Richal Armstrong, this fine farm, but it�*ill no doubt soon be at the ripe age o ad very enteffaini7 sCker. leader of men. He was NoTus.-A social in connection with the fully provided by the ladies, and which' Woodstock. -Tho 3rd line is on the W_ wd, genial, and possessed -that wd high sense of honor 'whiel -in whic , fifty the leiture "Rambles in Great h h in the tome of Mr. Win. Ivison, in Kippen, on all repaired to the church, where alfreages Mrs. Thomas Warwick or., Robert Souch� sol -I by rivate sale, '" Mrs. Gilch t in. from England to Toianto, and . from thaw let esty 92 years. Deceas Britain."-Macter Win. Burgard left on opp confidence. rig He was for nearl. Tuesday evening, March 16th. A good were doliver;od by Revs. Messrs. Hefiderson, bfii. McVeigh, William Sellars, William P=rmx Frida of last week ior Nova Scotia, where rs an elder in the 8racefield tends retiring froni'far me' ming. -Mrs. M. Ell. he moved to Fullerton, where be lived Presbyterian program in being prepared and a hearty Fletcher, Mills, Grant, of St. Marys, and R�utledge, and Louie ArmstrOng are all Iaid wood was in London recently visiting the past thirty-seven, years. Mr., H& for he will take a course as a machinist in the a reh, and was -a cloaq friend and confidant invitation is extended to all who wish to Hamilton, of Motherwell. The 'chair was up. -Don McKenzie, .4th line, left for Bin. friends. -Mrs. T. Swan'll, of Usborne, in was the oldest mait "in the-, ownship Robb engine works. Willie is one of our of he revered pasto" of that congregation, spend a pleasant evening. A small admis- vecupied by Mr. Scott, the pastor, in an scorth, Manitoba, last Monday mo Fallarton, and kept quite a "d rning having the iattrior of her dwelling here mart up to' beat boys ; stescly and industrious, and we. th late Rev. JA� Ross. He ban also oc- sion fee,will be charged. -Mr. Win. Moore able and efficient manner. A ter a couple of where he ex _pecta toi secure:&,' position as nicely re -painted and d bespeak for him success in his chosen on )led man ortant municipal and, pub- is still confined to.hishome, he bei papere , and intends few days before his dl g very addresses were delivered -the chair was teacher. We wish him success. -Willie, soon moving into it. -We are pleased to -The marriage celebrAtiqu. e of Mr. P#,, positiow Mough he was not a- seeker poorly from er sipelas in his head.n He is -taken by Mr. Fletcher, has been, state feasion.-Mr. D. Stevenson was taken. seri. Ii ly, � t ip � I, I while a deep, feeling son of Richard Mitchell, 3rd I'm' ously ill one day last week, but we are af� a that Hr. Robert Bell, jr., our enter.� Bu a, of Logan, to Alm' Dann of Hib f -M t w honors of that -kind. He was al6a a now under melical treatment and we hope and neatly worded address was read, by Rev. quite ill with inflammation of the lungs but prising manufacturer, is recovering n pleased to note that he is able to be about firdi and life !on Liberal in polities, and soon to hear of his recovery. icely h2rather & trzgic end- on Monday .9 -Alr. John Mr.Renderson,sign6don behalf of t6 congfe. is improving nicel Mr. F. Emb�ry from his- recent very serious illness 7wo again. -Inspector Robb gave his decision an now.- and was last week. . The marriage, which took: xo manyyears was chairman o his town- MoNevin was called to his home at the, gat -ion, complimenting Mr. Scott on his long 'd 91 Jessie Woodrow. are slightly in. thin -week able to go about &'little. We at Itisht6"'during the d amid the - f"Zo 'Prop to the legality of our annual school meeting a :) associatio�n, and up to the time of his Nile last week, having received the sad and, est Is -as pastor of the congre., ad le'" asurer for tidin of his mother's death. raeovered.-The festivities and earn Win eJpoa d with Is grippe�.-The annual school hap inci el was; or! Monday last. He sets aside each of the de,� ih occupied the positi.on of tre 9.8 -Mr. Them" hoposolonto see hinifully gationforso manyVears. Mr. Scott, al- an ertainment was held in the Township Hisses Dick, of. the township of Hay, very celebrated in a live y and memy four charges as frivolouq and vexatiouEr. and th� riding association. He always took & 'McKay, on going to hi rvyi T -a cow stable the hough taken by auTrise, made S very Hol, on Wednesday. evening, and was pleasantly entertained; a number of their McKenna 63nfirms, without reserve the elect -ion of Aek p interest other morn* a hall Dublin, 4 the in every good movement cal ing..'W" surptised to find one Of I y P ad& young friends from the village on Thar atrustee, closing his re ort with the follow. oti to elevate and improve his fellow his f a Lying dead in! the stall. Mr. ot good value for their mon --Miss Alice H. Blateliford. re- istumbled on we touchin repl. -Mr. cott is -a man that latgely attended. To say that the audi- At au earl IL' y our a oung man ing remarks I cannot see any grounlo, -ilirill He in McKay cannot account for a is t evening last. I desire -$a ine co, speaks tom, t a heart, and the manner in e g, Fortune on leaving the I -whatever, for complaint, and Ibelieve the an w short,a useful man in fit in an way -which he expressed himself conveyed to the tidg it mildly, �as a dollar's steps and was foun& in an unconscious, *011, 4Z fun turned home last week from visiting in St. 11y) id "16'aves behind it good name and unless a little over-feeding.-WheeK III People his heartfelt thanks for their kind. wi� giVen f9r 10 cents. The hWr wortz of PU Ime or music was Marys and elsewhere. -Mrs. Hamilton, of dition. at theottom of the stairway A (i ting was conducted in accordance with. a thy record. He was a true friend, now taken the place, of runners. -A hill neon to hiri in. his pastorate. The mull fine. The dialogues given in tip-top style London, in the peat of Mrs. H. Arn a thrd fro �h, soe 'a '01 his v 0, 'is�, 0 0 ts IL UN I)IOU 5 ath U t n UHA al