The Huron Expositor, 1897-02-26, Page 4"M
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4 0 '189
-0 States and Oat If Um lot# ! on MWmfiftk� Oxford Mine ; James VvEwa%
NEW A.DVFRTISRMEM. h" they have petitioned Pr*Wdent Cleve- people hold ton thou 8 .:of tip sio., donC thk *4 sm so, U 01MVP mind hm obtained forhim innuttoy more then DmYton, -
, 4. Yale As
irr ont
Sir ()hwles Tupper proposed �and mtdll each otbWby4*h bills-. and - b M. Barrel, St. Catharines. the subj�e
In t United- stitalm-1 fikwd Oil this moon se - thi r6s4s get
laiid to "to the law. cumulated wasitlib the. fall s to give by an illusory Federal tive takffi hiuA, Wfougf, - 9w, we takeii by eacilk waft practioK4 w
0 Tbo fall and Anow Propose
per oent. of the tivailies, holds more p.,.; gard
Ar The ftu-e be*woea the Woutbeels, after each ought to put an � end to -the' , the. two co)mtr* some Aiw dair mw bit rect reffults.-In tobly .2;
PiLt-rons 10 per eent. w k1ul idif it , before the, next spring,; slid 69410tulftt
rq tun
-dwtm the Pago of the paper on wbleh th had imi4oned that the non-int�ercotlrso,. 1he investigate the proceedings at this and t,
0 Tik"e who
X=MeZtWfll1)4 four'l. "ri(i to -much - Ind it wiu, pod- for travel as soon as the exi#409 agitation. Archbishop Langevin landed In . &bsolute
a factor arty of all kin I - 6 _
were dead sad would vai'longer be rotdo Jry, and,in Abis. way avoiding 'the will not. for a moment set his opinion - evil end which their tall-twistiors! and our boundary schooL is Gorrie, on the
mesa pate forsak--johik Taylor 4) will, judging from the evenly distriburad. ioads agaiinst Mr 33)pdiels on a point of this blazers have long been seeking to brinc Mairch.-The farmor4 are taking away their
AMU= We Of YAM StOck-M. illiam (1). in Canadian pplitios an evid6vice of the expansion of the necessity of placing now gravel on the
C[eneral *"Mnit--J�obu Watt �11 it is sad to contemplate that at hogs these days. They are t en
remarks of Grand President Mallory at the, opermi�ions of the Government, in conform- just as soolit " they get smooth and good in kind. about. getjt
-D. W Pon 1)
Tandem Wanted )ike
ran'k Ifillson (1) �e growth of the Province, Mr. Greenway has Intimated that the the elose'of the nifieteelith �intury, with for them. We wish the oats wo,
Xft Routes -1h mesting of the Grand Aimsociation being it with t] , the m1pring, to remain a nuisance on them Mr Al
Irg 19% U - 2- A,--- .3 4 -Up +lk.+. "I�" +^ , -11 M" 11116.1 is to a end recent settlement may beimproved in the North America from the polu ocean to walk* up, that the farmers might get il�.
klywo 0 reourb a W r En wffood�humor.-,�Rev �&-nd Mrs. St-elwaoit,
H45tije to Ftent-3binee MeMlebael (1) hold in Toronto, this week, have to undeceive ka, 1�;je license set, so an' to do away interest of the minority; at any rate he the Gulf of Mexico In the hands of 9-
Retnoval—Harry, )cafe. (6) Confe4eration we had only 1,447 miles of the a eln
themselves. Mr, Mallory said: The prin- ilway, whereas at the present date there with th necessity of both parties to the is wining to listen to reason. lish-speaking people, a maii cannot ship nore, passed through here on Ta
UnkRoutes--RI Firtuson (5) ral on t9eir w to' the Sunday school eon
gap ]PAD& bio. --S. M 1111lett &Co. (8) oiples of Patronism, are not dead. inde- . . ktion in the province, 6, 542 mileii P�!��ep .ontract appearing before the We an know how dIfficult it Is to con- a bale of hay or a package of factory ven
the am in opera
]Bull foX/8e"lee-?AoXev1n A; McKay (1) pendence has obtained a hold npon and to aid in th'e coustructionof these rpil. is licenses or a' magistrate and mak- struct a system for the,0,oInt use of Prot— goods from one shore of, the Niagara tion at Forlwich,,The Rarri8ton dramatia
public mind which no infiuence can destroy. clubgave their play, 11 Shaun Aroon 11 in
$6 AA9, iff
lution of p&rtn*nWp_V&nFgmond sows (1) ways the Province of Ontario has given I ing'the OqureA affidavide, before a license estant and Catholic children. When the river to the other wlfhovt having to idi�y �ight. is stry go
50 S&P PAD". Mullett & Co. (5) Discouragement and temporary revereeis are 864. In 1872 Ontario and Quebec can be t d This, we are sure, In & question of I mixed education" wim up settle with a custom officer, i and that now Cl 6rd, on Fr It * f " I,
Cftwoe�_Malilnuon & Co. (5) sometimes necessary to strengthen and gtber-baA'only 2,716 post offices ; now obangelrhasn%e;ill be appreciated by the inlreland, Cardinal Newman, In the labor I . tself Is to be embargoed as wen ami bat if a little of the sma4kiDg' an six, - fir
Drams Fabria—Gilroy Wiseman (6) he indulged in were witheld, it would be ma
establish men of eneigy and principle. T Ontario alone has 3,138. In 1872 the num. young lea, especially those of them who Discourses 'on University Education, Its produets. The poet sings of the meek- ne
ald (1) rent standard will again eirime from defeat. bar of letters forwardea through the post -as president of the eyed har ! binger whom heaven sent on more pffective.-The race in, the cliffora
Pontein late matrimony. which he delivered lit e.
IR , for Spilug-R. Willis (5) Oar shattered legionx, made win by expert offices of Ontario and Quebec was 25 5W 000 Catholic University of IrelauA In 1852, 'earth long ago:- rink on Friday ing , was won by M
r bid Eachren, of Clifford. -Oar L 0. 0, T, led"
Au Ban7 (11' vice and stranothened by reverses, win T A d.. t I_ cl..�. The vi w Premier and him good lad; —mi. an far as to sav that it waA a virtual A -.1 4 —411 1 —.-A
Not* Barlion 4 -Mu (8) YWQA U U a V fair to come as popular in social its as impossibility. "As'there'are many per- wav "es V AVX A".Y A WAV drove to Redgrave last Saturday night so
again marshall at- the sound of the bugle, warded through the offices 73,650,000 let- r One She strikes a utilversal'pedee through sea
and 'stronger do. term Mr. H dy has long been politically. assisted At the open meeting . there. -31r,
and with greater energy y gave a rsce�tion
Samuel Johnston of the 9th mmsion, h4
term�nation to battle for the rights publie schools, tain. that religion should not be intro -
of the be; an increase of 1,170 day la"6, week Mrs. Hard
Between '1872 and 1895 there has sons 0 be found," he said, "who main-- and land.
in the ; aker�s chambers in the Psrliament� The relations between ibese two Christ -
manes of Canada. 2,936 teachers and 11,522 scholars. A pro- duced, at all into a course of education, I a sp�Lu of fine young horses killed on the -0,'
building It was a mosti brilliant - afflair.- Ian communities j ust now -savor more of P.
she *00 portionste increase h '" taken place in the R. track lost Monday. They had wanw
I envy, hatired and inalice. Indeed, to dO- dared on the track. etting across the.
It was a ndad by nearly sill of the mem-_ so (there an many too who think a com-
The London Advertiser talks -right on the 0n0Y-'grAnt1, both Governmental and mu. ' 1�� promise may be effected between such as
th It of berm, wi out tespect of politics and by an cattle gnstdo. One irai killed linstantlyo
deipaitc which are given for a supper would and such as would not Introduce rL
question of postage on newspapers when i,t 10 immense number of citizens.of Wronto. It the other destroyed by one of 'the tro4ig
FR -MAY, Feb. 26th, 18 educational pqrposes. Mr.Hareourt further is said are were, 4bout two thousand' Itt viz., by Introducing a cortain portion spipe &nsidlans and treat them as pow, hands. -We believe Mr. Burnetti. black-
9FAFORTH, 97 says : The Advertisees contention in re- sketched the i iortasom made in the . prants and nothing beyond it; and by a certain mean-spirited colonists who cling to the
People P ent . It was, 'of course, not a smitli, has disposeit of, his businew to a Mr..-
gard to the imposition of newspaper postage for the care of the poor and 'the afifteted, full dram affair. If it, had been,. it in quite portion they mean just as much as they Old -W-&ld Instead of being loyal to the Russell, of Mount Fo�"L-The saw mill
and -the grest strides made in the operitions 0 Catholics and Protestants to hold New Is deemedby soni6 Amdrii*w; -to be.
A Modest Request. is that the reduction oi the price of news- ranningvery'day. There, are a great
possible at some of the pie's repre.
papers ban been much greater in amount set on foot for the aid and Instruction of the sentitiv 11 would not have Cen P;ment as in common. In this way they hope, on a note of true Americariisni, just as cer logo in the grd'now.-Mr. Wily
of not tain dancing dervishes in Canada make
The good people of British Columbia evi. than the postage, and that the publio'has farmer and the imppovement of the sori- I finders and that *'good many of,them a e.- the one hand to avoid the odium teacher -at o. li, spent Tuesday night
Bueraffy. He also point- . , -while on the it appear th t lo al B tj subjects
dently believe that if they domot "k they received value for the consideration extend. cultural intere to )t ,o d of thatnecessary garment for teaching religion at all, a to be y A sh
? as
In any case the car lug I'the number of inmates not me our pedagogue.
no 8
n I u 028
ad out that in 187 other they equally avoid any show of we must hate the Antivican nation With
win not receive, and they seem determined ad tio publishers. ry alit Pull rose occasions, in vulgar par.
in the public institutions of the Province, 11 contrariety between contmty system sensible peo-
r of newspapers free or not is a simple matter anee, 'law 011111111 S' of all our hearts. It is time the
that if they do not receive, it will not be fo 11 1 3 h ' er Coat." However, of state policy. The burden or benefit' is such as asylums, eta., was 1,812. In 1896,_ i anco;i 1 religion and any unseemly controversy ple on both sides of the I line had an inn -
t Ira y weie not particularly distinguish
lack of making. We have all heard a, great spread very e.renly over the hole com-' the num
�er had lmi�roased to 4,749. The 'it was the othrs ol the Party -as all had I Ingo. As one of the -sensible sort, A..SocrAL GATHvaniq.-Ou Friday even-
costof maiiitaining theme inmate ' a in 1876 able 'rb day go tome Les who, however they mg3r Cleveland )w a 'chance to distinguish ing last several cutter loads of yo
deal about the proposed Crow's Xest Pan munity. donned t air "beeb Sun between part ting &o -
was $368,046, whereas in 1896 it' was differ, will gain nothing by disputing. I n ple from near Clinton, together with-
recentlyand the great -necessity for sample of thespian- Perhap's t may e interesting to movie to himself by vetoe�lng the ew bill, which
il$796,590., This is but A
describe he Sort of function a'ree4tion*io. respect thei'motives, of such persons too is neither more:nor less than an outragO ndinber from this township, assembled at
its immediate construction,and the propriety
THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. did work being done by the Government, The boo so stands at the door of the 'recep- much," the eminent man went on, "not on civilization. the residence of Mr. James Armstrong,
of the Dominion Government bonasing the and. the -munificent manner in which the
tion rootr and receives the guests as they to give my best attention to- the expedi- The Mining 'Boom. the Breifison line, ::�hem Y spent a AiOA
enterprise very liberally if it is not entirely (trom out own Correspondent.) money of the people in expended for these are anuou aced and shaken hands with'thein ent which they propose; 0aee - iLnd char- The minin 'boom InTBrItIsh Columbia ovijoyatlb time. amasem�nta
897. laudable objects. Had the inmates of these he hours on this occasion 9.
built by the Government. But, before this institutions not been provided for in this as they pi me in. T ity, which are the . -objects they profess, shows signs of subsiding. Toroito has consisted of *muei 01 recitations and
project has assumek even tangible shape, The Legislature has now got fairly settlid b th Gove the great majority were froi i half . past four to seven. The are of too heavenly a nature not -to give- a been in weather-offim phrase the am of the usual games. We might mention that
way 51 e rnment, o Rossland the recitation by Mr. John Campbell -via'
another of greater proportion& is Put on the down to work, the seyeral standing com- woulAave,to be cared-for'and kept by the guests cot is avid go at �leasure duripg the sort of dignity even to those whd pursue greatest distutbance, next t
and he pro, itself. Pergons from N'ancbuver and Vic- excellent, fairly bringing down the house.
mitiees of the session have been appointed manicipailities. This burden, theii, to the prescribei hours. None ate seated, and all them by impossible roads;'
carpet. If the Crew's Nest Paw road is stand amund -conversing listening to. c4aeds to show why the roads. are impos- toria say comparatively little Interest has He is a whole host in himself. About n
IF refreshments. 1 sible. been taken at those places. How many of oclock all sat down to a sumptuous repast
extent of nearly a million -dollars annually
built, while it. will aid Roseland and other and -each has commenced its morning sit- music' at d partaking o
han'been removed from the.shoalders of the When th)y get tired of this they are at i. prepared by the ladies of the housey
a C eal Mr. aurler hm certainly seefired. a the 3iihies launched i� Toronto are pay -
portions. of the southern part of the province, tinge. The public accounts and the esti- m. ni i itiee and assumed by the Govern- liberty to.denart without any formal leave when amplej notice had been done the colu.'
w - year's expenditure, n Catholic parents ng ii n and how in me m ne on
it is almost certain t9 injure e Westmin- mates for the current ment. As it is in this matter, so it is in re- great deal for Roma ii es any re
other We are sure that any taking. A b Ars. Hardy'B reception the leoFge,� and children In Manitoba, therestoration paper'remains to be leen. According to pany again repaired to the parlor, when ths,
Bon perusing the admirable speech of the 'roo s curl _ li f in
ister� Vancouver, Victoria, . and hai,4 been brought down ; the Proincial spect, to many others. me were continually crowded, the guests of the former distinctively Catholic ss- all accomuts ome o.. s eats "float- 61 8 were renewed, lasting unil the "wao.'
9 wben all 'betook themselves
carry- Treasurer has delivereil his budget speech Per' seemed ta thoroughly enjoy themselves. tem smaTfious
prominent bities of the - province, by Provincial Treasurer, could not fail to be The tim I e 'thus em t waste - d by by Federal legislation being, as Mr., Ing" ha" -been perf?rmed.- Companies
and the discussion which always follows is ployed is no at a million. Aollars have. . been home, affer having spent a most delightfut
ing the trade from the -great mining camps struck with the conviction that the Govern. Blake says, out of the question; and no
any vnean6 as.)% social feeling is cultivated doubt if Arcbbls*hop Langevin and'Mr. put on, the'market leli, aftpr giving evening.
-this discus. ment is not only administrimig the finances
ast. The project now is well under WSY,L How long
past them to the e betwe e'n individuals which is useful in many the com- bunches of stock to guinea-pig presidents
to construct another road from Burrard sion will last it is � at present impossible of the Province judiciously and economical-, ways.
sy. This depends almost entirely. ly, but that they are doing a gra;nd and a promise might be made still fairer and and directors and to booming brokers
inlet on the Pacifie coast, through to the to i
n the pposition. If they intend noble work in a humanitarian sense. more generous to Catholics. That at any and Ming the prospectors, original own-
upo i winm. —A rare treat is in store for Blue.
eastern� boundary of British Columbia, a commencing to make'Oheir record for the The Opposition critic again this year was rate Is the on1y cours ' e left for the arch- ere -and advertising b.ills, etc., have not vale. * Mr. J. W. B;ngough, of Toronto, so
-OUR OTTAWA LETTER. bishop. It -is no use pitching, IntQ Mr. real&d enough h. cash to buy a
distance of over four hundred miles. This coming elections, it is possible they may de- Mr. Matheson, who represents one of the
widely and favorably ku6wu* as the GloWs
niffl, much I
road, it is estimated, will cost at least sire to indicate to the,yeople what their IAnarks. Mr. Matheson is not a - pleasant Laurier for, declining' to undertake the stamp- nuch ss to sinl, a shaft cartoonist, and author of, the book poems.
Policy is to be by moving amendments to speakek, and he had not a fruitful theme to Impossible. It would be more to the point and develop the mine 1prQperly. In such
of dollars. A deputa- Motley verses grave And -guy," and the:
twentymoons large the motion for the House to go into i0om- deal with,and coming so soon after the clear [From Our Own Correspondent] to pitch into Tupper et. al. for making cas�s, and their namel is legion, the Out- A ". I ,
believe that . complete relief could be had- siders who werel induced to part with Caleb Jenkin!s letters, will givei one f, "his
tion waitei on the Government a few days mittee of Supply. Should this be the ease, cut, plain and explicit sentences -of the ular entertainments'in the Foresteri"
-of Provincial Treasurer, his jerky and discon Ottawa, Feb. - 22. -The meeting of through the Federal Parliament. They their nioney 9 have �ecn Ileeeed. The POP
ago to urge the 'necessity for 'Government the debate may be protracted for a couple Blake hall on Friday evening, March - 5th. Mr.
aid to carry out this immense scheme. Of weeks, for every such amendment moved nected style was not in his f%vor. However, Parliament has been put off to the 25th did not really think so, for as Mr. amount of lying donelhas been prodigi Bengough will appear under the auspices 4
will have to be discussed more or less. Thus in so far as his matter was concerned, eon-, repituds us, they made no attempt In their ous. In many 1 the so-called
prox., partly on account of the demoral Inst rb Douglas,, Canadian Order of Fored-
course, the Government have not yet Prom- bill (3ither to -deprive Manitoba of the mine has not been alnZlnei at all, but Cou
far., however, the Opposition have shown a sideribg the meagre material -he. bad on Ized condition in which three or four of , era, and the.ball mhould� and, likely wA
ised aid to either of the colossal enterprises, very docile and bl lisposition, but which to construct a pyramid of com- power of taxing Catholics for Public merely a clabn 0n �J'ne hill -tide 'into �o I f peaces, A 4
provision for the main- which a pick has never been driven and be packed to ther d9ors. 3 Spenoei
%just be the calm befori the 'storm. plaints,he did.not do so badly. He took the the departments have been lQft by the fire schools or to mak %� - -----
but tremendous pressure is being brought this i -Sep- wh h Brantford, in vial MR at Mr. Ma- ui
oldground that the surplus left 'in the 'in thewestern block. The and once 8 _P
tenance of arate schools out of Fed le. �iobably con"Ins - no more gold I .......
to bear to induce them to do so, ancl unless, It is o hinted that the Patrons are Mail S, on the -first line of Mortis
annous to show themselves this session and Treasury by John Sandfield had been dissi. To say that Mr. Dupont than is to be founq, if you dig deep Womas Stewart will give' a box' �Wtwdl At
Empir6 makes out, by the.way� that the eral resources. intended to introduce an. amendment for enough, in the :r�avineq in ft�sedale or the
they are -well backed up b represents
that they will not only try to establish a pated, that a huge debt had'been incurred, fire in q�esflon' could havo been easily his home Pit Wedu4dai evening Marodkk--
tives from the older provinces, they will be record on their own account, _�hut that they and that deficit after deficit showed that the support of Separate schools out . of dip at the King s subway. Quota -
3rd, for the benefitf the Methodist chureb..
a 8.0 uni ta xtin de the, revenues from i3erthin Dominion lands 4ons of stock were w"_
-to them- Theme In with'the reguUr opposition, the Government are at their wi 'end for e guished-if the hydrants just outol published which Pilkie of
forced to make large grants a -Mrs.,Tbomaii
amounts tonothiDg; had Tupper and his, everybody knew to be false, to -be three, here I bw�ek
anim this way try to corner the Gvern- ways suit meanoto meet the requirements of the block in the Government grounds had _�isit
roads may be required in the interests of as ing her sister, Win*
mout and embarrass their supporters. ' This the Province, and still they have not the colleagues consideredthat practicable they six or ten times the actual price accepted
tore who not been.frozen �nd that Mr. Tarte was Mauer. -Over one hundrid and fifty peg.
the mining districts and the knecula latter, however, is hardly probable, as the -courage to resort to direct taxation to meet I would hardly have omitted so obvious an by the inside mau1ju Lators. Many -who
to blame for not having discovered that expedient from th6 bill as they prepared wery pretty well clea ed out by the real pie mponded to the invitations sent out by
are mainly interested in them, as.,well as to present leader of the Opposition has never the annually recurring deficits., but that
Mrs. Moffatt, of Morris to be Present at
But tried to conceal his animosity to the Patrons t1ey -will. very shortly be forded to do ob,and they were frozen, In his elaborate reiport it. ��i estate boom have Inve$ted'their last cop-
the numerous townb in the province' the wedding of her only d
Augh 'r'. Mili
and his contempt for them both individuall that when this time comes the L people will on the fire ct All the same, every fair per in these mines oti the, principle of Agnes, to Mr. George Olver, of% Wednesdii
they should*be y the departmental archite -min'ded man
if this is the cue, surely Monde, that the make or break, and
amd'as a party, and it is not likely that rise up'in their -might and hurl them from with Le bt�eak it will be in
to carry theni out themselves. Even sup- overtures for an anialgatra tion will pro=1 power,. - Mr. 'L Matheson evidently forgot says-t.he Government hydrants Xere all must allow, evening of last week. Rev. Mr. Anderma,
constitution as Interpreted in the Mani- the cake of most of t4em. It Is said that Prembyteriali minister in' Wroxeter, madi*
posing these roads should be unde taken by from that quarter, while. it is eltually im. theilt this bogy of direct taxation has been right - the trouble was with 'the Oity toba and New Brunswick - � cases has de- poor people havq p their good - The bride's Mich .- wx4i
h . be 8 to them one. dress' w
brane w held holdup beforethe people annually for the hydrants. The Mail pretiend0i that Its cor- prived Roman Catholics of educational raise money There will
the Government, oz.ohould be largely sub- probable that the olive' -bo a crop of law exceedingly becoming to her, w made
the e hich they supposed with "0 suits- If the outsider; who have been , 41 or
are oat bythe Patro leader.' _However, put ten years and that it. has not material- respondent knows better than the arehl- Privileg 8 w -good, old country silk, with stop" in
sidized by -them, there nine chances to done tip' ' have enough left to go to laW. ch mauje, to a - ot;
Government is sufficiently strong to resist imed'yet and is not likely to. He, also for-. reason they were possessed of for all time.
anging into Of ntect and -insists on what lawyers call the
one they would never be used, as there is uch combinations as we have indicated got to mention that the deficits, is he calls No matter whether Separate schools we Dr. Selwyn. who is Only a geologist of colors. It was trimmed -,with wide, eream,
constructive responsibility of Mr. Tarte
no real assurance that the great mining, and the only difference� it would make them, could very quickly be stopped did - In themselves good , or bad in a country. forty years' pxperl b been utterly lace and had been carefully preserved for
lboom, will not be dead before that time.
It' would be that in the event of such the Government feel disposed to I place back It is a wonder it does not accuse him like this, 14 is most unfoitunate that 46 squelched by the, u -=uthed fellows in
any years, for it was tho wedding go
cent.,of Ithe population should have on Toronto strest, ho, being profes- W -A
coalition the proceedings would be upon the municipalities only a small pro- outright -of flrl�g the block in order to Per of her. mother,who,-Iike m4nyScotch ls�Aiw
would not be the first time in- the history of
rendered a good deal more interesting, and portion of the burdens of which they have ground for I believing that public faith sional boomers; kno more -about th0 has the pleasant habit f Is lig, thin"go
destroy the liveg of the Tory blerks. Irt
this and other countries that such a thing exciting, than if the two factions ran in relieved them, but they do not feel disposed ,
has not been honorably kept. mining resources of he country than
Ra mov
diterent channels, while the session would has Tarte on the brain. for future emions. MiN -has occurred. to do so, but grefer trying by the exercise of i[J. S. Immigration Bill. he does. Many of th se were real estate as bridesmaid, were white, dotted muJiff .41
The iepl fact' of the matter is, that the conomy in a m too ver pink, with a pink olik collar.. Mr." 1
also be considerably prolonged. Thus far a inistratidin I- meet the dif- Ministers will be read�r_ with their mea- 'It Is sald in the papers that. a "bitter boomers, and when the mining boom ex- the leader of the Patrons has been unusually ficulty without in any way impairing the he- rid, wat
country is not i a p sition either to under- suresan'the 25th, and, as Mr. Laurlei feeling exists in the Niagara peninsula plodes, will turn to booming something peter Moffatt, brother . of,,,' t b e
in 0
Luiet, and seems to be taking Ptock. public service or depriving the people of any jai- else. Their profound conviction is that beat man. After the ceremon everyone
has to g� to Engla;nd in June. Parlia- Over the enforcement of the new im
take the construction of any more railway a it is &-mistake to work for 4 living when sat down to 'supper, and Wie tables must,
On Thundaylaetthe Provindial Treasurer privileges and advantages they are at pres-
gration bill passed by Congress.." There
t mistake here. The bill. has not lying Is so eas.y, and, in Toronto, so really and truly have emitted m others& or to bonus them to any material extent.' I delivered his annual , finane-1 statement. ent ia the 1 enjoyment of.* The Treasurer ment will probably be prorogued by July is some
M Harcourtas he invariab does,made sh6wedinhi8 remarkshow Well they ar I or 15. The Q;iebec members on 'Both
-is time we were haying a rest from this sort been signed yet by the President and in profitable. All you have to do is' to adver- groane beheath the bountiful- leads read
be a, very plain, candid and satis actory expQ- succeeding in this way. Howe"veri the Op, ce, any criticism upon them. After supper Mrs.
of thing. Millions of dollars have en sides will be away much of the time as ay 6ase, does not take effect tin July tise , in the papers, denoun sition of the finances of the Province. The position are in duty -bound to criticize, and
Of your boom as a, dastardly attempt to changed her wedding dress for a hanomolue
v aign in that province as provide
practically, thrown away in this way by the revenue, he said, was almost stationary, and the fact that their criticisms � are weak and ihe Pro'incial eamp' d by Section 9. It is a miser-
able measure. Canadians residiiig ati. rim down the unparalleled natural wealth one of black milk, and she and her husband
Some contradictory is not so much due to their I Ire points like Windsor, Clifton, Port Fx1e, I of our Young but growing ountry, dis- led the finat met in, the dance. From then
late Government,,' and it is to be hoped that varied very little from . year to year. s a ady in progress.
i there might be a small increase in one fault as to their misfortune. For, whatever at
illnotcommit a similar yearf The Local Elections tribute favors judiciously amongst re- th b* kitchen
this Government w - etc were n to be allowed to do Aill fie o'clock next morning, 6 Ig
direction and a decream� in another, and so niay be the weak spot in the armor of the'
The Provincial campaign in Ontarlp -day work in the States; that is, we not spectable:dgure-heads and open an office was novei empty of 4ancers. Altho, h mistake. The expenditure. of these large on year by year, but in the aggregate there Government, it is not their financial man- Baring announcements in the win- manj people were present, the 4arT)eUTonee,
allowed -I Ito come regularly or with
sums of -public money create &.,,temporary is little difference. This being the case it is agement. On this they are 'almost unassail. will' not take place till -next yeak. Llb- I tO
babi By into the United States by land dow. The large porportion of gobemouchis was not uncomfortably crowded-. he bride -
th6 duty of the Government to out their able. �rals are warned by Mr. Alexander Smith, I or r for the purpose of engaging in and otlter gullible persons In that essent- received a very arge number of premants,,
boom to be followed by greater: depression
ent according to their cloth, Ao to Quite a number of bills of more or less the organizer that the 'assessment ro and vailualile. Mr. i
thanexisted before the expenditure was garm Ils any mechanical' trade or -manual labor tally provinciat city ensures you a nice some of them beautiful
speak, and to make the. expenditures corre. tance, public and private, have &I
for this will form the basis of the for wages or salary, returning from titne income for.awhRe;. and when they are and Mrs. Olver will begin housekeepi
im year ng in
made, and what is more still, every -dollar spend as far " possible with the revenue a' , reSy been introduced. Among these is'
used at to time to a foreign country. Further 'tired of being robbed in mines or new Bruseelsi This- we& a ood earty, old
that is spent in this way is simply addin This they had done as far one by the Premier providing for t r9duc- voters' list the el�ctlons. Manhood
g to their disposal. he
and. t r0rou
"it shall be unlawful for any person, towns or "desirible, suburban homes," fashioned wedding. ghlyenjoyed,
wj -the burdens J partnership, I company or corporation give them a brief rest and theno come at by 911 those present.
of the people, which are already a iible, although on account of the in- tion of councillors in towns. In� towns of franchise preva�ils; every one who is 21
ce Pooll demands from all 'sections of the four thousand and under the number is to
too many. Canada has done more to, aid years old and a British subject is entitled knowingly to employ any alien coming them again with a brand-new "fake."
Province for increased and improved service be reduced to a Mayor and six councillors,
railwayathan any other country in the world in the various departments, it is -sometimes all to be elected by a general vote of the to vote provided he has resided In the into'the United States" in the manner. But You. must always: be patriotic;' Wingham.
each particular fake- m, ust have for Its
of its equal in population, and it is now time hard to do. However, he' could say that� people, thus doing away with the"jeeve and Province -for nine months and in the par- described. Such aliens also debarred
develop�nent of some part HAT
from working on public works of the &vowed end th� W OTHERS 'SAT. -The following no
since 1891 the expeinditure had gradually de-, deputy, as these are not now required under tioular municipaloty since Feb. 15, 1897 fict is from the Galt Reformer of last weak. -
a halt was called. If additionil. railways
creased at the rate of one hundred thoZaand the County Councils Act. In townshi United States Governmei�t. The ot of our matchless, unprecedented and
are needed, let them be built by those who 1?8 Temporary! absence does not disqualify. - splendiferous national � heritage, 19 even Pvev- David Portia, of winghawo occupied
dollars a year, altho*ugh a considerable out-, not divided into wards the number -will e restricting the Immigration of
to the pulpit of Knox church on Sunday, at
Enfranchis e'd Indians may vote without illitera* and -physically utifit persons are though your secret purpose be to ski]
require them. If business demands them, lay has been made during that time On C&Pi- Teduced to a reeve 'and four councillors, all both services. Mr. Parris delivered. two
year a
ivate enterpriO will furnish the money tal account. There has been year by to be elected bv a eeneral vote. In town. a property qualification, -and - nou-enfran- right enbugh, I suppose; bub those strik- Buffalo for prudence sak when you have
Pr able and �Io%ueint discourses. He Is a fluent
diminution in receipts from ships divided into ink at Canadians w1io, are neither phsic-. made your little pot.
conal wards, it -will be about chised Indians, not residing on ndian
If moneyeavinot be A convincing speaker an
for their construction. liquor licenses, but this will be partly made the same as now, the reeve to be elected by ally unfit nor illiterate are small and This is the, seamy side of the -mining sm.
Po to he wishes to bn'ng out in a manner
got in.this way, it is the very best possible reserves,,if assessed fqr $200 in cities and mean. Railroad men and sailors are ex- boom. - On the -other hand, a number of in
up in the future from receipts from licenses general vote, and �the four councillors by
towngorfor$100in villagesand town- empted from the operation of these bons-Ilde, paying mineg have% been opened so clear and simple. that they ot fail to
be understood.
evidence that they are not really needed. of brewers and distillers, the courts baving the electors of their respective wards,.the "Not a few have just come of clauses. and are being worked, and the Investors
The Government should not put another recently decided that the province has deputy reeves being done away with. This ships. FArrHFuL BE, Fvj(,.E;s. R-Ecoc�_xizEl). -A
age," says Brother Smith, "or are neaxly In them ari tolerably sure to reap a good
Complaints have long beon made ofthe
power to collect such"licenses. The receipts bill seems to mee ith general app�pvil ,ial meeting
cent of public money in railway enterprises spe4 of the town council was
inin& Is all 4 gamble; you may
on duties have al ave much opposi of age (then, too, there are hijreA men and enforcement of- the Alien Labor"Act return. M
from succen so been some it is not likely tot
for many years to come, and the representa- held on Monday evening lost to consider the
The next bill in importance is ori6 the others) who have never voted and who (which the iiew b supersedes in- part) strike it rich or you - may not, the odds
what smaller the past year than the year ke gnation of John Dickson, Esq., resi
tiYes should back them ap if they arrive at previous. The receipts this year from this Minister of Educationj settilig ay. not be aware -of their right to vote, by Mr. Do Barry at Buffalo. His forte being that you*jll not. Hence as a gen-
aparb some who retires from that office' owing to ill-
rred. thing more money is
such a determination. source were one hundred and fifty-two thou- six small townships in Algoma and the Which has been confe upon them by has been the hunting down of C eral lost in booms health, after an incumbency, of twenty.
the Provincial Government." Liberals crossing the line under contract to work. like the present one than is ever taken
sand dollars. We have received thus far in Rainy River district, the proceeds from the
years. Mr. Dickson is a h hl espected
should see that all such are enrolled '-by Speaking of Do Barry's action an. Ameri� out of the region boomed.
9,11 since 1892 by way of succession duties, sales bf hich are to be applied, towards in -
citizen of the town, where 2 ar rese
Editorial Notes and Comments. the assessor now. ecan official told me the other day that
$648,000, and oar -act has been in force only ereasl g the endowment to Toronto Univer- The Crow' Nest ra". for a quarter of a century. The resignation
Mr. Whitney and h lends profess to the information resulting in the arrest of
five years. The $152,000 received last yea�r lity. nOwing tohe decrease in the' rates of is fr
A rumor has been in circulation for some Meanwhile there Is some doubt whether w&o accepted by the council,- and the follow�
was derived from 99 estates. Of these 99 interest on University endowment funds, believe they will win. Every Opposition, contract mechanics and laborers entering
the Crow's Nest Pass railway, hem resolution, moved by councillor Robbitti
days to the effect that an effort is being estates -24 were from the- county of York, that institution is short of funds with of con r*oe, believes that. Instead of pursu- from Canada was in almost every in-
Ing Roman Catholics and trying to. erl - stance supplied from Toronto and other Will be begun
Lethbirldke to Aossland, and seconded by reeve Gregory,, was unan.
made to get Clarke Wallace to take the (including Toronto), 9 from the county of which to carry on its work in a manner as P this year. The question is, Is Rossland a imously adopted That this ;council -do.
Wentworth, and 6 from each of the counties ehicient as has been thel cue in the pie Separate schools, the,j Tories under Canadl— centers.. De, Barry -of himself
leadersh in the' Ontario Legislature. mining camp, here to -day but gone to- skes to place on record its appreciation Of
of Brant, Middlesex, Northumberland and uti4ess -increased funds are provpi"de'! the could not possibly know that John Smith
Ike so many mining camps in the long and.faithful serviie'es of John Wick.
to from . some - source, had oom fro
Durham. In six important counties, not- �nd -the friends Catholic VOGe. There is to be no more Or William BrOW11 a m To -
Therein not much danger of his doing so morrow, I
the States, Iseadville for one, or has it son,'Esq., who has held the office of tre"-
Self preservation is one of Mr. Wallace's speak of thenewer districts, among them, of the University throughout the country Margaret Sheppardism, no more furious ronto under siontract to work tn Buffaloi come to stay? If It is likely to be a per. urer of thin municipality for a period of 2D
prominent characteristics, , and he is not, 11aldiman, Halton, Norfolk, Peterborough, have made a demand upon the Government Onslaughts
on Catholic charities or on Depew or Batavia. American employers
therefore, likely to take hold of a forlorn Prince Edward and Prescott and - Russell to supply this'.arinual . shortage, which. the� French In Eastern Ontario. Notwith- with a strike on their' hands have been.� nt Inditution. a railway through the: years. Mr.Dickson, by his stefling integrity
I mountains may be desirable. Then who and uprightness of Aameter, as iudWarA'
hope. -At-apy rate, Mr. Whitney, the threwasnota single estate during 'the amounts tb about twenty thousand dollars standing that he delivered us from brass in the habit of employing Canadians to'
should build the road? To give the work himself to all classes 'of ther community, and
present leader of the Opposition, is a.; better year which paid duty. Altogether 3,000 a year. The Government have thus far re- money and wooden shoes, King William take the place of American la;1xir, and, -egret that h' has been and an than Mr.Wallace,and has.. wills " d. to an independent company which, no we 1. eL
were probated, and 1,421 letters of 4 - sisted the pressure for a money &Tpropri- is to be a back mat and the contrariwise, Canadian employers have
-ministration were granted during 1896. The- ation, but as they are ric a they Protestant horse to the knaeker's yard. brought men from the States to supplant matter how we bind It down, is. sure to throu h ill health to relingish the respon-
a clean record. Our Conservative friends I
would surely not make the mistake of number of dutiable estat turn it over ultimately to the Canadian 8 guties of treasurer,. ut trust that
es reported was propose to set apart these lande 'named and This, at least, is the present programme. Canadian hands on strike. My Informant
may te
swapping the stronger for the -weaker. 86, or one out of every 51 estates. The to allow them to be disposed of for the Impartial observers think the Govern- says that the affiliated labor unions on Rwille, would merely be enabling that relief -from business cares nd to
companyto get, a "rake off"froman restore him to health." Mayor Morton and
largest Xeceipt, of duties came from ithe benefit of the University and with the h le ment will be sustained by a handsome each side of. the line made up their,minds
enterprise which undoubtedly could be other members of the council bore testimony
In the St. Bonifate Provincial election county of York, the next largest from that the institution will not only be ben'to t. majority. It has no change of front to to stop this practice, an
cl Pd of the - built che,�per In. the first instan 8 by. the to the high esteem. in, which Mr. Dickaost
li c
-by his fellow citizens, and stated
for the Manitoba Legislature, held on at- Carleton. After these Wentworth and ted thereby,but that it will have a tendency make. Under Sir 'Oliver Mowat the prov- programme was for Canadian unions to
Z> , Canadian Pacific seeing that'31r. Van was held
urday last, -Northumberland and Durham in order con. to further induce those who take
Mr. Lauzon -was elected by a A deep ince hadflve and twenty years of honest, keep De Barry informed of the
departure Horne controls the only lines by which fitting tribute to -
that the resolution was a
administration and the of Canadians under contract for Buffalo -
majority Of 180 over his opponent, Air. tributed the largest sums. It is interesting interest in the University, to increase their clean, economical supplies and material call be brought In the worth atid sterling qualities Of the retir�
province, m or elsewhere.
to note from what localities in the Province interest in the newer lands of the en now at the -head, who were trAined ing treasurer. -
nd. The former was the Conserva- the greater part of this revenue'is derived. and as the from Eastern Canada. Per contriv, if Mr.
Bertra y develop these lands which have by him, are not going to depart from It. Bear in mind, I am not vouching for
Vau Home should be given the work,
tive and the later the Liberal candidate. As we,�rould expect the counties of York d In foul w the
been set asi e for the benefit of the.Univer- ea r as in line they have stood the truth of this story. but merely telling how are we to make sure that rates will
The Conservative polled 388 votes and the and Carleton (and this for the most part sity, they will also in this way direct atten- for fair -play to Roman Catholics no less it as It has been told to me. It'is possible Leadb
>08. eans, so far be reasonable? And should we give him UY_
Liberal This is the first provincial m as this question is conceined, tion to the subjoined lands of the province, than to Protestants. that individual members of unions in -to hear that 1111*
NOMS.—We r!greb
en p ace a lug Xr� Blake on the Manitoba Question. Canada may have given information to Subs Frahk Mprruion is aga.W -very election that has tak ' ince the set- the cities of Toronto and Ottawa) contribute and so benefit the'province while a bulk sum in cash as a bonus or merely'
benefitt* guarantee the bonds, or make the
tlementofthe School Question. The con- by far the largest amounts. Carleton leads the University. The scheme, it will I be� Mr. Blake's opinion on the Mani Do Barry, feeling that it was against Qj Idy
sed almost e-Kolusively of With' a contribution of $231.217; York seen, is a sort of part cash and part guarantee? Alice Swallow intends starting for Manitoba
stituency is compo double barrelled. one, school question an the eff6ct of the de. interest of organized labor for CanAdian
d This is the problem before MinUtero. on Monday. She will stop 'off at Toronto,
ery opomvi� brig t4
French Roman Catholics, -and the Liberals comcs next with $152,570, then Oxfdrd with calculated to -work beneficially in for the milln a. She is a
we Im- cisiori of the Judicial Comml has non-union men to go across' the line to They have also as prudent men to eon-
theri are .4uite satisfied with the result. It $48,169, then Wellington wit.b'$21,625, and portant directions. We believe the Univer. I not�d last week, wrought a decided supplant brother . unionists on - strike for intelligent young lady and, we wish her
is said the election will be protested on the next in order- Perth, with $21,544, and sity would much prefer a straight - money change in ecclesiastical opinion in Que- hat they regarded as fair play. Even it older whether the older Provinces would
Wentworth with &20,200. grant, but the Government have refused bs satisfied with a fresh large expendi. every success.—Mr. Rol*rt Englimbi
grounds of undue influence kaving' been bee. According to Mr. Blake, the Rome. the -Unions themselves gave much inform. Arthur, is visiting at John MeGavires.—A
Nearly 60 per cent. of the whole revenue that and the Qountry will back ture;out west, considering the rather
exercised by the clergy. them -up in dIal bill was & wholly impracticable youn
I mea- tion ere would be nothing dreadfully sleigh load of _g people drove out to
thus far received has come from the counties the course they have taken. A great many sure. It get out to restore Separate meagre results from the vast sum already Mr. Scott7s,� at Aoxboro. T'hey repolt-
schools P r about It from their point of
ofthe whole revenu them only on paper; it view. My informant makes out, however,
The Alien Labor Law pawed by the of Carleton and York. More than one-third bills by private members have not yet been but it restored sunk, aud,whether any of them would
v having a jlly'time, tho�gh it was a little e has come from the introduced. Mr. Garrow, of ^West Huron, r nmigra- q d pro quo. An these points
Unites States Con ould not hinder the Manitoba that the meanness of the now h u'
ress and which has caus t so CullA
Legisla- e= ub be fully discussed when cold comin
county of Carleton. - We received from �. and Mr. Gibson, of East Huron, have each v le g home.—Miss Lottie Me
ture from tion bill, which, strike or no sWke, pro- ofConotance, apout la*t week wi
Canadians along ingle estate in Ottawa last year taxing Catholics for Public . th.
ed so much annoyance to $50,000 introduced bills amending the Municigal the.Rouse meets. GATINEAU.
schools nor ma&e any approprlgtion� for hibits persons residing in Canada from aunt, Mrs. Will MaGavin.—Mr. John
the border who were employed in the States, more than 26 of our oldest -settled counties AcL Mr.cLeau, of So"
uth Huron,
as the maint6liance, of Separate schools out working in the States, is a logical out- Berry, of Hensall, spent a few days is - apparently not going to prove the boon have contributed - altogether since the act" also introduced a cou le of. billo� The one
9, among is of the public reven come of theprinciple ihat labor should Week -visiting friends i und here.
-m&ny of them anticipated,and many of came into force. Some countie ues; inde6d it did not are
thaC to amend the Assessment Act so as to Ort . A SuccEsssFu'L SALE.—The most suwW-
to do either. "After having ex- not be free to go and come across the line 1
am Haldiinknd, Prescott a urp Lakelet.
them fear it will act as a boomerang from th nd Russell,have permit municipal councils to pass w by -law -I Clued the terms of the recent se at will wb.Ahei under -contract or not
ful sale evpr held in these parts took not as yet raported a single estate ttle-
heir own hand, There are a large number as liable extending the time for the return of the
4_,f� - ce, "Iconsider hem !I l, ment,". says Mr. Blal t which the unions on both sides are said GATHEPmas.—Tlaere is a lot of sickness on the Leadbury line west, on the farm
of Americans engaged in the gold fields of to duty. Ajid this is as we. would expect, pathmaster's lisfe fro i
m August until the illfinitely more advantageous for the to, bay gg sted In. the first place and in this community. Nearly ever a (To
British Columbia and they are afraid that inasmuch as the number of large 6states in last of December.; and thc'adding of art e ja su e y house Mr. John Berry, 'on Friday- last. . Th
has 'a patient. 'Faver is -ftfnpantnot far being fine and
Catholic minority than any Remedial then helped to enforce. the sleighing good
I retaliate by the province, say those over $100 000, is, of statute labor to the collector's roll of the
the Dominion Government wil
from. here. The weather would be thered from the *ounding town
discriminating against - Americans who' are comparatively speaking, very small. It is subsequent year. The result of thi's bill which it Is within the power of the At first eight the assumption that one much 'u P10
ti 1. amend. Parliament of Canada, to Impose on'the measure begot the other seems reasonable. more healthy if it were colder. The doctors tsar, south as Hensall, to'the number of Over,
ted that less than 2 ment-will be that where such by-laws are i
employed in Canada, which would not only sta per cent. of the Province of Manitobd.11 Mr. Anyhow the lamenta6le thing is that the are kept hustling. now.—The Varf6ew In- fiv.6 hundred. The sale was started at ne,
Blake was,
prove an inconvenience to them but would failies of Great Britain hold about three passed the road work or any portion of it t. I r
so the Catholic
mean consi To avert times as much private- property as all the can be done in the fall or early winter, P say, counsel for min- Dominion, Government win have to pass stitute ni6edngs held here on Monday last o'clock sharp, by, the yeteran' auc lollee
lose. in- oritybefore the' Judicial Committee, nd a similar law directed against Americans *ere very successful.\ The.following Mr. Ge ge Kirkbv,
_gentle. or �ssited by Mip"wo
the possibility of the paspage of such a law remainder, and that 93 per cent. of the stead of in the spring as it must all now be 'a men a
Laurier working. in Canada but posJ414M JA the ddressed the
his idivee to his client that Mr. �ueetings L. Patton, Brown and McDoiialll of Seaforth.
t t
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