The Huron Expositor, 1896-11-13, Page 6r. THE HURON EXPOSITOR THE OLDEST AND THE BEST Cough -cure, the most prompt and effective remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. As an emergency medi- cine, for the cure of Croup, Sore Throat, Lung Fever and Whooping Cough, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral cannot be equaled. L E. M. BRAWLEY, y D. D. Dis. Sec. of tr- the American Bap- tist Publishing Society. Petersburg, Va., indorses it, as a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Brawley also adds: To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Awarded Medal at World's Fair. AYER'S PILLS Cure Liver and Stomach Troubles. VETERINARY. _ TOHN GRIEVR, V. S., honor graduate of Ontario e..7 Veterinary College. All diseases of Domestic animals treated. Calls promptly attended to and charges moderate. Vete rinary Deatietry a, specialty °Moe and residence on Goderich etreet, one door ase of Dr. Scott's office, Ses,forth. 111211 G. H. GIBB• Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Toronto aallege of Veterinary- dentista, Honor Graduate of Ontario Vet- erinary Cc:dregs, Honor member of Ontario Veterin- ary Medical Society. All diseases of domestic animale skilfully treated. All calls promptly attended to day or night. Dentistry and Surgery a specialty. Office and Disponeary-Dr. Campbell's old office, Main greet See.forth. Night calls answered from the office. • 1406-52 LEGAL Ar .1. D. COOK, Barrister'Solicitor, Convey- -1 ' _ ancer, &c. (late with Garrott & Proudfoot Hensall. Money to loan. 1508 • - M. GoaCnieerMoEnROBNa'a fostremrearliyid osfoalintoerroi4,0reorlieth& Ontario. Office -Hamilton street, opposite Colborne Uotel, 1452 TALES SCOTT, Barrister, &e. Solicitor for MOI - ea eon's Bank, Clinton. Office - Elliott leek, Clinton, Ont. Money to loan on mortgage. 1461 Tb S. HAYS, Barrieter, Solicitor, Conveys.neer and - Notary Puelio. Solieitor for the Dominion Bank. Office-Cardno's block, Maire Ste, Seaforth. 4 onay to loan, 1235 M. BEST, Barrleter, Solicitor, Notary, &e. pJ e Office -Rooms, five door's north olCommeroia Mete', ground floor, next door to C. L. Papat s rowelry atore, Main street, Seaforth. Goderich 94te—Cameron, Holt and Cameron. 121.6 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barrietere, Scileitoes, Goderich, Oaterio. J. T. GAF -ROI. Q. C.; 34. PROL:DPG. 038 CeAMERGN, HOLT & HOLMES, Barrieters 80- lteitora In Chancery, &e., Goderieh, Ont M. 0. enaaore, Q. 0., Peron, Hoor, DUX/SY Honeitia Ter HOLMESTED, Bummer to the late firm of et!• McCaughey & Holmeated, Barrister,1Solicitor Conveyancer, and Notary. Solicitor fon the Can adieu Bank of Commerce. Money to lencL Farm for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Math Street Seaforth. DENTISTRY, DENTAL NOTICE. -The priced for Dental work in future will be the sante as they ‘aera pre - vicars to Jrsnuary 1st excepting to those parties who arranged for work at the low rate. F. W. Ttveddre, Dentist, Mee over Richardson & McInnis' Shoe Store. 1608 DB.. BELDEN, dentist'; crooning, bridge work and gold plate work. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. All work earefully perfornted. Office -over Johnson Bros.' nardware store, Seaforth, 1461 DR. IL S. ANDERSON, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, D. D. S., of To. Tonto University. Office, Market Block, Mitchell, Ontario. 1402 n AGNEW, Dentist, Clinton, will :Dos visit Hensel). at Hodgena' Hotel every Monday, and at Zurich the aecondThureday In eaon month 1288 ••• i KINSMAN, Dentivt, L. D S., e . e 1 . Exeter, Ont. Will be at Zurich e st the Huron Hotel, ONLY on the -.,---"- LAST TGURSDAY in each month, and Iturdock•'s Hotel, lierteell, On the FIRST FRIDAY n each month. Teeth extracted with the least pain Possible. All work firet-clase at liberal retoo. 971, MEDICAL. Dr. John' McGinnis, Hon. Graduate London Western University, member cf Ontario College of Physieians and Surgeons. Office and Residence -Formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. Pickard, Victoria Street, next to the Catholic Church reser Night calls attended promptly. 1453x12 R. ARMSTRONG, M, B. Toronto, M. D. 0. M., Jj Victoria, M. C. 1'. 8., Ontario, auceessor to Dr. Elliott, Oleo lately occupied by Dr. Eliott, Bruce - field, Ontario. 11) E. COOPER., M. D., M. B., L. F. P. and S., Glasgow, &o., Phytileien, Surgeon and Ao °Dueler; Conetanoe, Out. 1127 T„ LEX. BETHUNE, M. D., Feller* of the Royal IA_ College 'of Physioiane and Surgeone, Kingeton. Suceessor to Dr. Madeid. Offie( lately opoupied ny Dr. Madrid, Main Street Seaforth. Realdenoe -Corner of Victoria Square, in house lately oencunpied by D.E. Dancey. DR, F. J. BURROWS, Late resident Physician and Surgeon, Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. Honor graduate Trinity Univereity, member of the College of Phyeicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Coroner for the County of liuron. elerOFFICE.-Same as formerly occupied "ty• Dr. Smith, opposite Public School, Seafbrth. Telephone No. 46 N. B. -Plight calla anewered from office. 1888 DRS. SCOTT & Mac KAY, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Coderich street, opposite Methodist church,Seaforth J. G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Coroner 'for County of Huron. 0. MacKAY, honor graduate Trinity University, gold medalist Trinity Medical College. Member College of Physiciane and Surgeons, Ontario. 1483 AUCTIONEERS. wro. IWGLOY, Atictioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth, and Agent at. Hensel( for the Massey-Harrls Menu- lea:taring Company. Sales promptly attended to, °barges moderate and setiefactIon guaranteed. Orders by mail addressed to Hartsell Post Office, or left at his residence, Lot 2, Concession 11, Turk- eremith, will roceiVe prompt attention. 1296-tf TOWN H. McDOUGALL, Licensed Auctioneer for ti the County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. Terme reaeouable. From Mr. MeDougall's long experience as a dealer in farm stock of all kinds, he is specially qualified to judge of values, and can guarantee satisfaction. • All orders left at Tux Exeoarroa °Mee, or at hie residence, Lot 8, Coneession 3, H. R. S., Tuckeremith, will be proreptly attendee to. 1466 _ _ diepo.tch from Hamburg states that it is the intention of the conference of the Atlantic ateamship companies, held a few alays since in London, to form a pool and Attivauce ca.bia pa-ssenger rates by £5, Mr Tims' Theology. No and, then Mr. Tims discusses theol- ogy. He was making inquiry of me as to the relation, between faith and works. I gave him my views, which seemed in the main to co-ordinate with his own. "Pro - feasor," says he, dey's some folks dea't believe in trusting to Providence ; now, I does. While every man ought to 'tend to his bizness, sometimes seems:fithough he cain' do nothin' but wait on de 'Lord. _It's like dis : Once there was an old ,buzzard, sittin' high up in a dead pine tree out in a old field. He just kep' a-settin'. thar, and a-settin' thar, his wings sort o' scrunched up close to his head. Bym-by hawk a come along, light on a limb. He flap his wings and holler out : What you dein', brer Buzzard?' Old buzzard shake his wings a little, and wink his eyes right slow, Wait: in' on de Lord, brer Hawk. Waitin' on de Lord, is yer- ? I don't wait . en nothisf ; You jest watch me now. See yon- der partridge on de fence? Den he spread his wings, and zip! he made for the part- ridge, but he miss him, and bust hisself open on the fence... De partridge flew away. De old buzzard clear his throat, lift up his head, shake hisself, and says : 'Seems I bin watin' long enough, dere's- my dinner : reckon I better go and eat it,'. and he et the old hawk up. Now, dat's jest how it is, when you's done all you kin, you's bleeged to wait, keep wo,tin', and hopin', and byrn- by you git what you waitin for in some sech way as you wasn't expectin." CANADIAN SUCCESS RECOG- NIZED ABROAD. An American Company Organized with Offices at Buffalo. A MILLIONAIRE BANKER. At the Head of the Ne Company -The Fame earned by Dodd's Kidney Pills in Canada wins the confijlenoe and Capital necessary for a Solid yndicate. At a time when most 1 usiness men are resting on their oars, pen ing the result of the election, it is interesthsg to report the details Of a new organizat on that promises to enlarge Buffalo's reputition as a business center, and bring many thousands Of dollars here for focal distribution. This has refer- ence to the Dodd's Medicine Company, with a suite of offices in the Ellicott Square ,Bisilding, substantial business men itt. con- trol, and ample capital at its -back. Noth- ing of the kind in recent years begins to equal the importance of 'such i a business in its relation to the communit .. The new company has been organized f r the manu- facture of Dodd's Kidney -Pine, a remedy that has won fame and fortune over in Can- ada, and that comes to thel,taited States in response to a well defined demand. There is nothing fictitious about the preparation and nothing doubtful about its results, It is claimed to be a supreme and complete triumph, backed by thousands of legitimate testimonials and indorsed by men and wo- men of more than average intelligence. Be- cause it comes from Canada, it is none -the less a triumph. It has won its ktpurs over. there. , There is no more progressive business in Buffalo than the big World's Dispensary, and there is every reason to anticipate simi- lar activity in connection with the manu- facture -6f Dodd's Kidney Pills. Every con- dition fully warrants it. The new Company represents men of large experieoce and busi- ness ability, with Hon. F. G. 13abcock, of Hornellsville, aspresident ; Mr. J. A. Mc- Kee, of Toronto, as vice-president, and Mr. Blinn Yates as secretary and treasurer. Mr. Babcock is president .of the Bank of Hornellsville, owner of the famous Babcock Stock Farms once the home of the mighty Smuggler, and the present home of the beau- tiful stallion Voodoo, for which Mr. Bab- cock paid $24,000, when it was about . 21 months old, and about 60 more of the finest blooded. stock in the country: Mr. .Bab- cock is a rnan of wait business interests, and one who has been wonderfully successful in everything he has undertaken. The Elmira Telegram calls him "a wealthy and public spirited citizen, and just the kind of a man to make Ea place famous and - prosperous." The development of the new business will give him a direct interest in the growth and prosperity of Buffalo, and will turn to our advantage inmore ways than one. . Mr. McKee is president of the' Dodd's Medicine Company of Canada, whose energy ' and en- terprise have made Dodd's Kidney Pills famous throughout the length and breadth of the Dominion. Mr. Blinn Yates -is mana- ges' of the Buffalo office of the Charles IL . Fuller's Newspaper and Magazine Adver- tising Agnney of Chicago and ,New York, land has recently removed here from New 'York City, . The new business starts out under the !meat favorable auspices, with no possible !question as to its success and with every in- tention of making things hum. It is easy to see that 1.31.iffalo is "fortunate in being made headquarters for the States. It mean eteady work forscores of people, and no end of free advertising for the city. , • -:-.11r. , Jas. T. Gleason, No. 482 York street, London, .Ont., says : DaLaviolette'e Syrup of Turpentine is without doubt the most effective remedy for bronchitis I have ever used. My little boy, 9 years old, has suffered for a long time with that trouble ; two 25c bottles of this wonderful prepara- tion effected a thorough cure. ' I shall, therefore, recommend it to all my friends.. -If your children are coughing give them Dr. Laviolette's. Syrup of Turpentine Ett once. It ispalatable, safe and most effica- cious. • A MARVELLOUS CURE. Helped by the First Box-COuld not Lift Fifty Pounds -Cured by a few boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Arthur, November 9, (Special) --Among his more intimate friends it has long been known here that Mr. J. C. Morrison had been gradually failing in healthy for many years. The acuteness of his sufferings was known to a few. His complete recovery is a surprise here and is causing much talk. Of his cure he saps : " Yes I got help from the first box of Dodd's Kidney- Pills and I have taken fifteen boxes. I kept getting better every day. When I - commenced I could not lift fifty pounds ; now I am as strong -and well as ever in my life," • To Boys of Sixteen. . In the homes that the Advocate reaches there must be a great many boys of about this age. Why should we not address an editorial tothem ? They will soon be men. A short pve years will bring them to the enjoyment of all the rights and privileges of American citizenehip Nor will it be much. longer till they Npll be 'crowding forwerd, a mighty army, to .seize the places ,of Fewer and influence thap are now held by their fathers. Will not, our young friends listen for a brief space to one who sincerely loves all the bays in the world ? . ' To discerning eyesa at least, th,e boy of sixteen usually gives promise of what he is likely to become in later years. It is the natural order that it ehould be sO; and the exceptions to the rule are fewer, than is Usually supposed. People properlY take it for granted that a good boy will turn out to be a good man, and vice 'yens,. Thealate Dr. E. E. Wiley, who gave more than half a century to the cause. of education in con- nection with Emory and Henry College, and who was one of the most sagacious men that we ever knew, once said to ue " Firet and last, I have taught more than 6,000 boys ; andin less than a score of in- stances have I found it necessary to revise insubsequent years the judgments that I formed of my stadents While they were un- der my eye in the clash room." Such an utterance from such a s urce ought to have great weight. We tiu te it here for the purpose of emphasizin the 'thought that the boy who 'proposes to spend the opening period of his life in idleness or vicious in- dulgence, promising 'himself, meantime that he will make a great change, and be of some aecount when he gets to be a man, is cher- ishing a most dangerous delusion. It is an awful truth that eharacter is often fixed and destiny sealed • before one passesthe line of twentyone. The impor- tance of this feet is too great to be overes- timated. With whatever power we can command, we wish to urge the considera- tion of it on all our young, friends. Let us not be understood as advocating the pre- mature development of boys into sedate and quiet men. • We do not regard that this is a desirable end to be attained.' This is a time in life in which it is natural for mortals to grow, run, jump, shout, and indulge in agreeable sport and pastimes. To deprive Ahem of all opportunity for such innocent merriment is neither wise nor kind. The mature man who cannot -look back upon the season in which he fairly revelled in the mere joy of existence is to be pitied. But innocent sports are a very different matter from what is called "sowing wild oats." The latter phrase suggests the idea Of dedicating one's , brightest and holiest clays to the eerviee of the devil, a thing which is not tobe tolerated for one moment. A strong, healthy, alert boy, running over with life and spirit, may still be a God- fearing Christian, an obedient son, a diligent student, and an honest worker at all his Providential tasks. The Lnotion that it is necessary to he vicious in order to be happy is fit to have come from Satan himself. Any falser statement was never uttered in this world. , The inspired writer bids us remember our Creator in the daysof our youth. The fear of God is the beginning of -Wisdom. True religion is the glory of childhood as well as of old age. They that seek the Lord early shall find him. .Blessed are all those who enter into covenant with him while the dew of the morning is still fresh uporgtheir hearts, and who abide faithful to him till their heads are crowned svith- gray hairs. 'But some one may ask us whether relig- ion is the same hing in a boy as in, a man. We answer, y s and no. There are un- doubtedly points of difference in minor de- tails, but an essential identity in Main feature's. One of the chief tokens Of piety in a boy is reverence for his parents. The absence of this is the sure sign that his ,moral and spiritualnature has never been fully, aroused. Parents stand in the place of God -to their children, and are to be hon- ored. accordingly. The commandment, which teaches this lesson, is the first one to which a premise is attached : "That it may go well With thee, in the land which he Lord thy God giveth thee." Purity in action, speech, and thought, is as possible for the young as for the old. The example for all alike- is Jesus Christ., across the -clear heaven of whose mind there never floated a defiling imagination." Absolute honesty that spurns the mere thought of appropriating what has not been fairly earned ; utter truthfulness that despises a lie or even the appearance of it ;manly dil- igence that seems to eat idle bread; gentle courtesy that „abhors rudeness and coarse- ness of speech and manners; an eager desire for knowledge that accounts ignorance a curse and a disgrace ; all these virtues Should edam the character of every boy. - Nashville Advocate. • • School Reports. Vaunta-The following is the reSult of the promotion examination of Varna school : C Cook, R McConnell, passed entrance '• jr. IV to sr. V,W Cook,J McCash, P Wanless; III to jr. /V, 0 Keyes, 'H Purdy, A Reid,F M cKenzie; II to III, H Bayes,M McCash, 8 Campbell, H Armstrong, 8 Cairns, J Ward, S Dunkin • part II to II, R Reed,L Stinson, R Campbell ; jr. part II to sr. part II, 8 Moffatt, B Cairns, F McKenzie, A Jelins,W Reid, D Bayes, T Stinson ; sr. Ito- jr. -part II, 8 Stewart, E Johns, L Campbell, M Moffatt, M Reid; jr. I to sr. I, II Cairns, H Campbell, M Reid,S Stinson, Geo Johnston, W Turner. • -Thomas Haddock,. G. T. R. , yardhman at Palmerston, died the other day from in -- juries while coupling a van onto a coach. He Was caught and terribly crushed, and lingered for six hours before death released. him. Haddnek had not been long on the read and was married. only a short time ago. -Neil Murray, of the 14th line of East Zorra, had an experience at Tavistock Fri- day night that he is -not likely BOOU to fer- get. It was just dark and he had started for home, ail unconscious of danger, and was approaching the railway crossing when a train came thundering along. The sud- denness of its appearance frightened the animal he was driving, which turned so quickly that the cart upset, throwing its occupants upon the hard road. Mrs. Mur- ray trot off with a slight wound in the bead, while their daugh ter Nellie, escaped entirely unharmed. .But Mr. hlurray was for . some time unconscious, and -whenerecovered suffi- ciently, it was found that three teeth had been knocked out of She side of his jaw. The horse had not gone far before it was caught, without further damage. • EPPS'S - COCOA EGLISII BREAKFAST COCOA Possesses the following Distinctive Merits : Delicacy of Flavor, Superiority in Quality. GRATEFUL and COMFORTING to the NERVOUS or DYSPEPTIC. Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled. In Quarter -Pound Tins and Packets only. -PREPARED BY - JAMES EPPS & CO., LTD., HONICOOPATRIO °surmises Lori -note ENGLAND. ' 1606-26 • Mother and Daughter Cured. Mrs. Celia Gillies, No. 9 Walnut street, Hamilton, writes that she can recommend the Kootenay Cure above all other medicines. She was long a sufferer from rheumatism, sore back, tired feeling and dizzi- ness, and was not able to do a day's work until she was cured by the use of half a hottle of the remedy. Mrs. ()Mica' daughter, a young lady of 17 years, WEB not well since she was 14. She has now completely. ,recovered her health, as the result of the use of Kootenay Cure. Mothers will be -glad to know of this medicine for y oung girla of this age. ? ' When you find that you cannot sleep and get up in the morning with furrowed tongue, bad taste in our rnouth, as tired as when you went to bed, he assured your liver is out of order. Wright's Liver and Stomach Pills will positively effect a mire. Fear, druggist, has them in stock, price 60e a box. Ask for circular. To destroy Wo ms and expel thew from children or adults use Dr. ow's Worm Syrup. A Derangement of followedby variei. ancholia, Neural Pains and Aches ii such cases strengt nervous system b Nerve Pills. oman's Heart. the heart and nerves in women is s disorders, such as Hysteria, Mel-, la, Sleeplessness, Palpitation and various parts of the body. In en the heart and build up the tho use of Milbnrrini Heart and Coughs, Colds, !Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Lung Troubles are quickly cured by Meg - yard's Pectoral Balsam. • - Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, Colds, Hoarse- ness, Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc, tat1011 111011001419 1011119119119010,1199111SIDIlailutia.. SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATUR -E —OF— ooM.Z../("I''"atr&•-• '44 IS ON rra.-E ••••••-• OF EVERY BOTT.LE' Or misnammaseennaaanianraeararmal Castorle, is put up in ono-sizo bottles only. It Is not sold la bulk. Don't allow etyma to soil you anything else on the plea, or promise that 1t - la "just as good" and "will gnawer every per - posies" S'" ce that you get Tho fao- oimilo 'tents's° of ;7,rfe' .--."04etelt-Vt et Cia'AN*retleirrlOig" ao.o. laasetiMatantgaak.V .i4a•e is on a• ils wroaspopiyer. STOVES! Ranges, STOVES! It is what -everybody will want shortly, and we are prepared to show you the best assorted stock of Cook Stoves, Parlor and Box Stoves , Ever E.5110111 in Seaforth. We would therefore ask you to' call and examine our stock, promising you that we will not feel offended if you do not buy, as we always consider it a pleasure to show our goods. We • have .also a large number of good second-hand stoves; both coal and wood, -'which we are offering' AT ROOK BOTTOM PRICES, And one that we guarantee perfect. Still bear in .mind that We are sole agents for the Clare Bros,' Hilburn Furnaces. T NOVEMBER 13 1896. pen Letter PTIT3LIO • When you start to read this letter, don't say, "Oh this is only an advertisement"' Do you know I am convinced of what I say to be true, that you may, if you require tee purchase goods, make more money by spendinefifteen minutes perusing this letter Care- fully, than if you occupled the time toiling at the bench, plowing in the field, or doing - fancy work. I would like, in the first place, to call your attention to the fact, that I believ bay, at the present moment, the largest stock of ready-to-wear Clothing in thiscount' , coun, S - An , in addition to that, I think I am quite safe in saying that we have altogether and far way the best place twhe,• show it. Just to -day we received the balance of our Winter stook of Clothing, consist ng of five great big eases, and the clerks seemed dumbfounded upo opening them up, ad made the remark, "what in the world do you intend to do, wit all this clothing? ine thought we had more in than stock now an we could sell this se&- sou. My reply was, we Nvill mark them at prices that are bound to sell them_vve,en . youhave confidence in flap stock and know that your prices are right, -there is an 3118: tionabout it that is min irresistible. 50 to $13, in every conceivable color Our stock consists o Men's Suits from $3 - weight. If you like blthem a k, we have em in ablindance. If your taste runs in the diree- tionof bluenfawn, grey or brown, we believe we can mit the most fastidious. , I .sztd Now, just a word in reference to Boys' Suite. We can show you a range in that you aven't teen accustomed to see outside the large cities. We can fit a boy from., 4 years oil up in all weight, and 3olors. 0-77-1=ZCO.A.11'S Our stock of Ove coats, I am sure, will surprise those accustomed to deal where amen, stocks are kept, both s to the almost unlimited number and priee,also assortment of color- ins and designs. If yop want a good, cheap, serviceable, heavy all -wool Irish or Can- adian Frieze, we can give you one that will start you thinking in the ditection Of how in the worldcan they purchase the material and make them up for the money? And if you. want a more fancy coat, We can show you them till you are tired; we have them in Me]... tons and Beaver, with or without velvet collar. And in Boys' Overcoats we simply know- n() competition. Kindly,call and ask to - be shown through our clothing room, which ie located on the second floor, and contains three large windows, an almost indispensable red.. junct in a well ordered clothing store. Boys' Pants for 25c a pair. We h ve a very large stock of Ladies' Astrachan.Cpats and Capes at all prices, also Muffs, Co lars and Ruffs., An inspection of these goods will convince any person familiar with fur oods of their excellent value. All the above goods on first floor. DRESS GOODS DEPARTisis replete in all the newest things, both in imported and Canadian goods. Our Tweeds include an exceedingly large range of the following colors: grey, brown, fawn, Steel and Mixtures. Our Plaids for Waists are models of the weaver's art. GLOVES AND- HOSIERY -Our 50c Kid iloves, I will guarantee, iia not beaten by any person in the trade. Our 25c Cashmere Hose are simply stunners. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT.—We have in this department a very heavy stock, and have marked Gloves, Ties, Collars and Cuffs at prices, that will ensure a speedy clearance. Everybody welcome to look through and to compare prices. B. B. GUNN, SEAFORTH. A PEERLESS BLEND ASK F6R AND SEE THAT YOU-, PET i Cz.ricorii. Pr4aEk. . Pirect from the Tea Gardens—Selented from Twenty -Blends bythe greatest Tea , • a- ,. Experts in the world as the Finest, Purest, Richest, and. most Fragrant —ALL GROCERS SELL IT -25, 30, 40, 50, and 60 cents a pound. THE DAVIDSON & HAY, LTD., WHOLESALE AGENTS, TORONTO LEAD PACKETS ONLY - 1 -2 AND 1 POUNDS S. MULLETT & 00., Seaforth 1 Through 4nd Through. Examine bOth the business and shorthand courses of the I Hardware Stovesand Tinware Merchants. Second band stoves taken in exchange for new ones. —A pictured history of the Shoe from the • 3rd century to date. Full of foot facts about leather, shoe ruin and longevity, tricks of the last, foot forming influences, styles and colors of latest shoes, etc. Copy free from agents or makers of ROBEFT WILLIS, , SOLE AGENT FOR SEAFORTH. PRC BONO PUBLICO ••••=111 - ROYAL GLYOERATED 15 Balsam of Fir The Greatest Cough Remedy SOLD IN 25c and 50c BOTTLES Manufactured and Sold Wholesale and Retail by LUMSDEN & WILSON, DRUGGISTS, SUOTT'S BLOCK, • MAIN STREET S1017-?,111JEE, /NI THE) CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, ESTABLISHED 1867. , HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS sey000;ooe REST I ▪ . . 11,000,00( B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts - issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal cities in the United States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, dm. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Depo its of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest -allowed. Interest added to the principal at the end of May and Novem- ber in each year. ' Special attention given to the collection of Commercial Paper and Far. mers' Sales Notes. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor, M MORRIS, Manager. Forest Oity Business and Shorthand College 0B' 1.1C)1\7 -3301•T, 01\311'.. And you will finl them practical at all points. Students attend this college from all partsi, ot the country. Finest set of room e for business college work in Canada. Graduates suc- cessful in securing positions. Catalogue and partieulars of either course sent upon appli- cation. 1495-7tm J. W. WESTERVELT Principal. es1;11/t-gligigjjedeseretioes LidieGrevaitt Cook's Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by The Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known.safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "the liour and lime of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her addrees, for / If aTitilie and full particulars, which we -will envelope. An mail in plain. sealed An old physician, 35 years con- tinued practicetreating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, - Room 3—No, 253 Weedwara Aye. Detroit, Mich. tgr Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box. Found at Last. A liver pill that is small and sure, that acts gently, quickly and thoroughly, that does not gripe. Laxs-- Ltver Pills pessese theee qualities, being composed of etrictly vegetable laxative and liver medicines, anit are a sure euro Icor -Liver Comple.int,CensUpation, Sick Headache. et. Scrofula Cured. DEAR SIRS,—After I had elect wed for two years for scrofula all over my body and reeeived no benelt,1 tried a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitten,. Which gavel me relief very quickly, and after using six bottlea was ,completely cured. I can recommend B.B.13. very highly. MRS. A. FORD, Toronto, Ont. It is the Best Cough Cure I have ever used, says -0 -- Fred Andersbn, of T. S. Simms & Co., in speaking -or Norway Pine Syrup. No Other Remedy. No ether remedy cures annsmer Complaint. Diar- rhoea, Dysentery, eto., so preinntly and quiete plan eo quickly as Dr. Fowler's Exeract of Wild Straw. - berry. It is a pocket doctor for tourists, travellers, etre, Suddenly Attacked - Children are often- atta aced suddenly by plea and dangerous Colic, Cramps. Diarrhoea, DyeenteaYe Cholera, Morbus, Cholera Infanturn, etc. Dr. Fow- ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry a prompt an& sure cure, which should altveye be kept in 'the house. She Ought to Snow. Having used Burdock Bitters for 15 years I menet, keep from recommending it to others. 1 have sal& hundreds of bottles from my store, and as 1 keel" other medicines I ought to know which sells best. It is a wonderful medloise. NON fi,x b0 per Aceor& Come 0 per Bibles al Bo4 .50 Per Bisque Figt 10 per Blank Bc kin 50 per 4 Bohe;a: 0 per C10010 Go( 0.per ( Curt Poles Cha 25 per (:1 Coarse a, Con 50 per Chr3 Cen1 THE Ti CHAPI mom)" There was little ea a peace that was aln -soul, It was well. SO called by some, ti as experienced by What reason weld, t A quiet funeral, a friends, and dirst wai -and the household re order with little, coat The child and heri attached to each otin began to talk of ret settled, as she hoped Nestor should mina though about the feeble. The week before turn to L— was lei refreshing after thei the months precdin joyed it -Hope visit by to her numerous rambling over the to her. While returning f one day she met Oli ing was unexpected - first since their par he had demanded at Esther's face pale ed with pleasure. "I'm glad to see, "I knew you were -Oren up hoping to klow doee C— leo away ?" 'Much as it al and restful," she • '" I hope you and Austin?' " Yes; quite WCI .and see my boy, been ha my house y "This is my 3 must remember. vitation, but Inus night." Anthwhy ear.- take tea with They will no., wor are old enough You are not drat er'?" seeing refusal That decided Esti " No ; I am flushing indigna.n his- voice and wore So they passed o •Oliver left Esthe his pretty little to 'wife, and she caul 'finding words. "Just as you al was mistress here home to such unt • Esther with her morning wrapper Poor Esther listened so -nwil It a pity she welcome, for all of -enough I'm here." Not more so hasty response. "How eruel, oh, Ile r murmured E come !" The contention longer the man in the; house f tusing utterly ,0 : . .4:4;17. '''''' -7. t•V• .% • . .111,=1111•11f111•1111111111,11111111.•‘11•Pla 01,10VII111•4i i •ILI.,_!...„._2•1 .. — --"..-- .--- — • ,3 - . ... ; 1.C‘• 41..:`, '4•it.e'. In' _ . . - rs,:-.---_-:-:-_- . ' • .I. 4,4 kki, ,t, -11;. grilligPiTalgi itifillito .1.1 1 ,11 '.1 I. 1 1(.1.1 1,, im.,,ii 1, .1 In. ' 1.1Vege table PreparationforAs- si rnila t ing titeTiood a ncl Reg Wa- ling the S tomachs andBoweis of 517:i75,..%,...4,...JMY1 ' - . • ,z -e.. -.7-q:, • 1.,_,i • v „, n ,, - Promotes vgestion,kineeni ness pci ilcst.Con tains neither Opium ,Morptine nor Iliperat. NOT IT.AliC OTIC -1 ..7"..r.pe of 01 r. 1 .72r-ciViZt K.177,172 rumpktn Seed - ./lbt,Seema • RAJ& Sae - -Anise Sead # iippermint - ,M CarbenetteSa& • rienLSceei - ardied Swar • infr,yreer# flaw: 1 A perfec t Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stornach,Diarrhoea, 1 Worms ,Cornruls ions ,Feverish- Etess and LOsS OF SIEE,'R 1 I ••••••'...-.-.-• I Tan Simile Signature of e2all--/ -4/11 NEW -YORK.' :At 17 rel ii; i*Eljk 4-::„(i1' .-4.‘.. ..g.'; i l' -- II I EXACT COPY or WRAPPER. Lereseyase. eeeoyegle, SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATUR -E —OF— ooM.Z../("I''"atr&•-• '44 IS ON rra.-E ••••••-• OF EVERY BOTT.LE' Or misnammaseennaaanianraeararmal Castorle, is put up in ono-sizo bottles only. It Is not sold la bulk. Don't allow etyma to soil you anything else on the plea, or promise that 1t - la "just as good" and "will gnawer every per - posies" S'" ce that you get Tho fao- oimilo 'tents's° of ;7,rfe' .--."04etelt-Vt et Cia'AN*retleirrlOig" ao.o. laasetiMatantgaak.V .i4a•e is on a• ils wroaspopiyer. STOVES! Ranges, STOVES! It is what -everybody will want shortly, and we are prepared to show you the best assorted stock of Cook Stoves, Parlor and Box Stoves , Ever E.5110111 in Seaforth. We would therefore ask you to' call and examine our stock, promising you that we will not feel offended if you do not buy, as we always consider it a pleasure to show our goods. We • have .also a large number of good second-hand stoves; both coal and wood, -'which we are offering' AT ROOK BOTTOM PRICES, And one that we guarantee perfect. Still bear in .mind that We are sole agents for the Clare Bros,' Hilburn Furnaces. T NOVEMBER 13 1896. pen Letter PTIT3LIO • When you start to read this letter, don't say, "Oh this is only an advertisement"' Do you know I am convinced of what I say to be true, that you may, if you require tee purchase goods, make more money by spendinefifteen minutes perusing this letter Care- fully, than if you occupled the time toiling at the bench, plowing in the field, or doing - fancy work. I would like, in the first place, to call your attention to the fact, that I believ bay, at the present moment, the largest stock of ready-to-wear Clothing in thiscount' , coun, S - An , in addition to that, I think I am quite safe in saying that we have altogether and far way the best place twhe,• show it. Just to -day we received the balance of our Winter stook of Clothing, consist ng of five great big eases, and the clerks seemed dumbfounded upo opening them up, ad made the remark, "what in the world do you intend to do, wit all this clothing? ine thought we had more in than stock now an we could sell this se&- sou. My reply was, we Nvill mark them at prices that are bound to sell them_vve,en . youhave confidence in flap stock and know that your prices are right, -there is an 3118: tionabout it that is min irresistible. 50 to $13, in every conceivable color Our stock consists o Men's Suits from $3 - weight. If you like blthem a k, we have em in ablindance. If your taste runs in the diree- tionof bluenfawn, grey or brown, we believe we can mit the most fastidious. , I .sztd Now, just a word in reference to Boys' Suite. We can show you a range in that you aven't teen accustomed to see outside the large cities. We can fit a boy from., 4 years oil up in all weight, and 3olors. 0-77-1=ZCO.A.11'S Our stock of Ove coats, I am sure, will surprise those accustomed to deal where amen, stocks are kept, both s to the almost unlimited number and priee,also assortment of color- ins and designs. If yop want a good, cheap, serviceable, heavy all -wool Irish or Can- adian Frieze, we can give you one that will start you thinking in the ditection Of how in the worldcan they purchase the material and make them up for the money? And if you. want a more fancy coat, We can show you them till you are tired; we have them in Me]... tons and Beaver, with or without velvet collar. And in Boys' Overcoats we simply know- n() competition. Kindly,call and ask to - be shown through our clothing room, which ie located on the second floor, and contains three large windows, an almost indispensable red.. junct in a well ordered clothing store. Boys' Pants for 25c a pair. We h ve a very large stock of Ladies' Astrachan.Cpats and Capes at all prices, also Muffs, Co lars and Ruffs., An inspection of these goods will convince any person familiar with fur oods of their excellent value. All the above goods on first floor. DRESS GOODS DEPARTisis replete in all the newest things, both in imported and Canadian goods. Our Tweeds include an exceedingly large range of the following colors: grey, brown, fawn, Steel and Mixtures. Our Plaids for Waists are models of the weaver's art. GLOVES AND- HOSIERY -Our 50c Kid iloves, I will guarantee, iia not beaten by any person in the trade. Our 25c Cashmere Hose are simply stunners. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT.—We have in this department a very heavy stock, and have marked Gloves, Ties, Collars and Cuffs at prices, that will ensure a speedy clearance. Everybody welcome to look through and to compare prices. B. B. GUNN, SEAFORTH. A PEERLESS BLEND ASK F6R AND SEE THAT YOU-, PET i Cz.ricorii. Pr4aEk. . Pirect from the Tea Gardens—Selented from Twenty -Blends bythe greatest Tea , • a- ,. Experts in the world as the Finest, Purest, Richest, and. most Fragrant —ALL GROCERS SELL IT -25, 30, 40, 50, and 60 cents a pound. THE DAVIDSON & HAY, LTD., WHOLESALE AGENTS, TORONTO LEAD PACKETS ONLY - 1 -2 AND 1 POUNDS S. MULLETT & 00., Seaforth 1 Through 4nd Through. Examine bOth the business and shorthand courses of the I Hardware Stovesand Tinware Merchants. Second band stoves taken in exchange for new ones. —A pictured history of the Shoe from the • 3rd century to date. Full of foot facts about leather, shoe ruin and longevity, tricks of the last, foot forming influences, styles and colors of latest shoes, etc. Copy free from agents or makers of ROBEFT WILLIS, , SOLE AGENT FOR SEAFORTH. PRC BONO PUBLICO ••••=111 - ROYAL GLYOERATED 15 Balsam of Fir The Greatest Cough Remedy SOLD IN 25c and 50c BOTTLES Manufactured and Sold Wholesale and Retail by LUMSDEN & WILSON, DRUGGISTS, SUOTT'S BLOCK, • MAIN STREET S1017-?,111JEE, /NI THE) CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, ESTABLISHED 1867. , HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS sey000;ooe REST I ▪ . . 11,000,00( B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts - issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal cities in the United States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, dm. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Depo its of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest -allowed. Interest added to the principal at the end of May and Novem- ber in each year. ' Special attention given to the collection of Commercial Paper and Far. mers' Sales Notes. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor, M MORRIS, Manager. Forest Oity Business and Shorthand College 0B' 1.1C)1\7 -3301•T, 01\311'.. And you will finl them practical at all points. Students attend this college from all partsi, ot the country. Finest set of room e for business college work in Canada. Graduates suc- cessful in securing positions. Catalogue and partieulars of either course sent upon appli- cation. 1495-7tm J. W. WESTERVELT Principal. es1;11/t-gligigjjedeseretioes LidieGrevaitt Cook's Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by The Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known.safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "the liour and lime of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her addrees, for / If aTitilie and full particulars, which we -will envelope. An mail in plain. sealed An old physician, 35 years con- tinued practicetreating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, - Room 3—No, 253 Weedwara Aye. Detroit, Mich. tgr Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box. Found at Last. A liver pill that is small and sure, that acts gently, quickly and thoroughly, that does not gripe. Laxs-- Ltver Pills pessese theee qualities, being composed of etrictly vegetable laxative and liver medicines, anit are a sure euro Icor -Liver Comple.int,CensUpation, Sick Headache. et. Scrofula Cured. DEAR SIRS,—After I had elect wed for two years for scrofula all over my body and reeeived no benelt,1 tried a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitten,. Which gavel me relief very quickly, and after using six bottlea was ,completely cured. I can recommend B.B.13. very highly. MRS. A. FORD, Toronto, Ont. It is the Best Cough Cure I have ever used, says -0 -- Fred Andersbn, of T. S. Simms & Co., in speaking -or Norway Pine Syrup. No Other Remedy. No ether remedy cures annsmer Complaint. Diar- rhoea, Dysentery, eto., so preinntly and quiete plan eo quickly as Dr. Fowler's Exeract of Wild Straw. - berry. It is a pocket doctor for tourists, travellers, etre, Suddenly Attacked - Children are often- atta aced suddenly by plea and dangerous Colic, Cramps. Diarrhoea, DyeenteaYe Cholera, Morbus, Cholera Infanturn, etc. Dr. Fow- ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry a prompt an& sure cure, which should altveye be kept in 'the house. She Ought to Snow. Having used Burdock Bitters for 15 years I menet, keep from recommending it to others. 1 have sal& hundreds of bottles from my store, and as 1 keel" other medicines I ought to know which sells best. It is a wonderful medloise. NON fi,x b0 per Aceor& Come 0 per Bibles al Bo4 .50 Per Bisque Figt 10 per Blank Bc kin 50 per 4 Bohe;a: 0 per C10010 Go( 0.per ( Curt Poles Cha 25 per (:1 Coarse a, Con 50 per Chr3 Cen1 THE Ti CHAPI mom)" There was little ea a peace that was aln -soul, It was well. SO called by some, ti as experienced by What reason weld, t A quiet funeral, a friends, and dirst wai -and the household re order with little, coat The child and heri attached to each otin began to talk of ret settled, as she hoped Nestor should mina though about the feeble. The week before turn to L— was lei refreshing after thei the months precdin joyed it -Hope visit by to her numerous rambling over the to her. While returning f one day she met Oli ing was unexpected - first since their par he had demanded at Esther's face pale ed with pleasure. "I'm glad to see, "I knew you were -Oren up hoping to klow doee C— leo away ?" 'Much as it al and restful," she • '" I hope you and Austin?' " Yes; quite WCI .and see my boy, been ha my house y "This is my 3 must remember. vitation, but Inus night." Anthwhy ear.- take tea with They will no., wor are old enough You are not drat er'?" seeing refusal That decided Esti " No ; I am flushing indigna.n his- voice and wore So they passed o •Oliver left Esthe his pretty little to 'wife, and she caul 'finding words. "Just as you al was mistress here home to such unt • Esther with her morning wrapper Poor Esther listened so -nwil It a pity she welcome, for all of -enough I'm here." Not more so hasty response. "How eruel, oh, Ile r murmured E come !" The contention longer the man in the; house f tusing utterly ,0