The Huron Expositor, 1896-10-16, Page 7•
rstP. of the
hand Oollege
this college from all pert
e:anacia. Graduates sue-
r course sent upon. applie
LT Principal
nvrt tte
d •price
" Stinlight "
Scott, Street
2 ..
1 we aro prepared »
FO re ask you to" c
we will not fed -
,nsitler it a pieaerisV
nurnbt.rof goo('
iieh we' are offering,.
:bear in mind that
irn Furnaces.
OCTOBER 16, 1890.
won CxpOitot
- DISTRICT mAirbiats.
lead TMs.—It Will be to Your
- Advantage.
Tn order to encourage now subscribe's,
•and to save the expense of 'agent'S commis=
ions, we hoe -e decided to give, Til Exhos-
Ma to New Subscribers from mw to the
First of January; 1898, for the email sum of
one Dollar. Or we will give Tut
Be:rosin= and Weekly Globe to new sub.
scriber from now until -the Fleet o- January,
189d, for the very small sum I of One
_Dollar and Fifty Cents. i We thus
.0ffer the best local paper in Coterie) and the
best city weekly in Canada, for lute than the
/rice of one good paper for a year. '
. This is really herd times offer'. It is
,theaper than wheat at 50 cents a bushel, or
eats. at 10 cents. Do. not delo,Y, if you
desire either or bath the papers I; send in
your order at once. Remember that a one
• dollar bill will secure you Tun ExidalTen
from now until the First of JanUory,' 1898,
- and if this is not enough, put,in Otter f cents
more and you will get the Weedy !Globe
„thrown in for the same time. s I
We have still. a, few on our lists whol have
-evidently forgotten that the price of THE
EXPOSITOR is 81.50 a year when not paid in
• advance, or who really desire to he taxed,
;the long price. To all such we oui4 say,
that on account of the harcEtiines, w4 will
.give Miens one more chance. I "they
will send us Two Dollars at once, wi3 will
•give them credit for the past year and for
the coming year, thus giving them !advan-
tage of the advance pay price. This very
liberal offer will not hold good far long, SO
?those desiring to take advantage f it had
'better not delay. But those who are still
in arrears and who do not take advantage of
this offer, will most positively be charged
the credit price of one dollar easel fifty cents
fohthispresent year, and if they are they
must blame themselves and not les, as we
offer thin a. good chance and a fair warning.
Thoswho owe for longer than this year,
and we Ore glad to say there are net many,
will hoer their papers stopped at the end of
the yeari and their accounts placed in court
for eollectton. We mean what we
To the thousands who have paidus prinet-
nally in advance and who are in the habit of
doing so, we return our rincere and heartfelt
thanks. It is these who have helped us to
•make THE EXPOSITOR what it is. We ap-
preciate that patronage and shall do all in
.our power to deserve it and to. give them
more than value for their money.
We would ask all oar ohl and valued
friends thraughout the caunty to Show the
eiberal offer which we make to new subscrib-
ers., at the top of this article, to any of their
neighbors who clo not now subseribe for
TUE EXPOSIToR, and to use their influence
with them to induce them to beccirne sub.;
iseribers. ,,We. have obtained many new
euineribers in this way in the past, and. we
• ask our friends to favor us again. It will
greatly help us and will give them the con
•sciousness of knowing that they are doing a
- good act.
Usborne Council.
• The council met on the 3rd inst. I All the
members were present. The minutes of the
revious meeting were read and adopted.
Runkin-Delbridge, that the collector be in-
structed to collect 5 per cent. additional on
alltaxes not paid on or before the 14th day
of December, 1896, and that a, by-law be
drafterl •confirming the same. Carried.
Hunt er-Reddy, that 1). Wynn be paid $2.17
and 1'. Coats it2, being two-thirds Ivalue of
sheep killed by does. Carried. A by-law
prohibiting the throwing of debrie, brush,
rabbish, etc., on the road side, and also a
by-law fixing the height of lawful fences in
the municipality, were given a first treading.
On motion of W. k-oddy, seconded by A.
Hunkin, t he council adjourned to meet on
Saturday, November 7th, at 1 p m.
Ststifet. E .
hhone.--hehirr. Tufferd has cone on a visit,
to friends in Paris and consequently the
doctor is now eligible to accept inaiitations
out to tea, so send in your invitatiens„ but
not more than two far each evening. -The
concert given in the hall on the evening of
the faintly Profesear St ewart & • Company,
was the best of the kind given here for some
years. -Mr. James; Jeffery and Mies Tillie
are inane for a short visit and clarne rumor
hoe it that an interesting event will be con -7
summeted ere they return.
. .
Stephen CoUncil.
The council met at Crediton oat October
5t,h. All membeis present. Minutes of
last meeting reed and signed,. Clerk to
notify all those 'elegies mentioned in Proud-
footh award of M. C. D. that they are to
put the amouroe awarded or agreed •on in
proper nmditien at- once. R. Hides. moved
by J. Shirrett, that engineer regulate his
charges tie:cordite; to scale in ley -law, ap-
pointing him. Cot n in an ieet ion from &Goad
-he Ge B. C., ordered to be filed. Resolved
that J. Lawtc,n receive S570 for contract
{1,13X., and t het sundry orders amounting
to St334.st1, be paid. Council will meet again,
on the first Monday in December, at 'diem.
i. .1o . ,
--Mri-L Relsee Durston, No. 421 Austin
aveatte, Teront is says : 1 have Used Dr.
Leviolette's Syt up of Turpentine in my
family for cau't :, cohle end bronehitis, and
1 must certainly sly thee, it has proved it-
self to be the mo: t effective remedy 1 have
ever used, being pleasant to take and doing
its work sin edilv and well. It affords me
great iy.leaeure to :Teak of it al I have
• Summerhill.
NoTEe. -The sacrament of the Lord's
sapper was al I nist e re d in t he- eh u ich here
on &achy laid, the pester preaching tui ap-
Prepriate rmen. , Next Sunday there will
be held a thanksgiving service, at Which
Rev- M.- 'Turnbull, recent. of St: Gecirge's
church, Goat:rich, will officiate ; the church
will he devoratid for - the °wee -Sens -The
trustos of the schoei here hey() shown their
appreciatien of the services of Mr. G. Al.
betty by re-ctigagiug hirn for the year 1S')7.
This wilt make his fourteenth .year in the
section as testehee. -One night recently
same miscreant was mean enough to break
shseral of the panes in:the windomie 'of the
school -house, It is a very low piece of
business and whoever perpetrated ithe Act
Should he given the fall penalty respecting
such, This is the second tjme the
e _same thing bus occurred and no pains should
se spared tro ter ret out the guilty tsarty or
parties. - -Cullyford, of dieughten,
ishigan, called on her brother, "G. Al.
-thiltS,last week. The lady and her hus-
• e, - ----
. .
For all Pains, dies, sore
• Joints, Sprains, Bruises,
Scalds, 13ure, Stings,
Bites and Chilblains.
For Colds, Sore Throat,
Croup, Asthma, Colic,rrhceaPleurisy, etc.
MGM Mi. AND 60c. NEN ocr TLC
band . re on their way to turope, for the
benefit of the latter's health. --41r. McKie,
blacker ith, and wife, will move' from here
in a fe days, after a residence of about six
month . l'hey-go,to Itinerkip where he has
a ehop lengaged. We are aorry to lose there
but nevertheless our good wishes -go with
them to their new henne.-Mrs.J,H.Lowery
is on a visit to Walkerville end Detroit
she is accompanied by . her sister, Miss
Proctor, of Holmesville, and also Miss
Gertie Oakes.
School Reports.
. No. ' 2, HAY. -The monthly report of
school section No. 2, Hay, for September,
is as follows, Nantes are in order. of merit,:
Fifth, J. W. Todd, Flora Northeott. Fourth,
M. M. Ruseell, Sarah J., Northcott, and C.
O'Brien. Senior third, J. R. O'Brien, E. E.
O'Brien and Jessie Mair. Junior third, J.
R. Northeott, Ethel Northeet, Eliza. Tin-
ney. Second, J. E. Gould, W. E. O'Brien,
Alice Deegan. Second pat, R. H. North-
cott, J. R. Mann, Maggie Smith,.Willie
Russell. First part Willie 3. Gould,Bertie
Northcott. The best spellers in the Month-
ly spelling matches were : Fifth, J. W.
• Todd. Fourth, M. N. Russell. •Senior
third, Edger O'Brien. Junior third,- Willie
• Dougall: • Second, Willie O'Brien. •Second
pert, Cora Munn. Fleet part, Bettie
No: 5, -liarLETT.---The following is the
report for September of echool !section No.
5 : Fourth. class, B. Manning, G. Webb,.
Wes. Veddr'. Senior third, M. McCool,
W. Mair, E. Glidden. , Junior third, Ed.
Ball, Ed. Webb N.Ball. Senior second, S.
Glidden, AL •Viodden, L. Cousins: junior
second M. Crawford.. M. Glidden, - May
Wallace. .• Poet seeend, J. Vodden, A. Vod-
den J: McCool, Part, 'flet, Herry McCool,.
Melia. Brovvn, Robbie Vodden.
No. 3, STANLEY. -The following is the re-
port of school 'section No; 3, Stanley, for,
the month of September. The names are in
order' Of merit: Senior furth, Oliver M c-
Ilveen, Albino, Richardson. Junier fourth,
Stella Bithwell, .Eva Reid. • Senior third,
Ida Reid, Laura Riehardson, Lonty Reid,
Senior second, Effie Burnside, Mabel Nickel-
son, James - Sanderson. Junior second,
Edith RathWell, George Reid,. Willie Clark.
Senior pert second, Tommy Burnside, Lillie
Peek, Ellie Burnside. Junior path second,
Sammie Bates, Maggie Clark. • Senior part
flint, Lundy AleIlveen, Charlie Rateisvell,
Nelson Reid. Junior part first,Lottie Peck,
Eva Burnside.
Ennne.-RepOrt of _ senior dePartmenti et
Ethel public schooner the morith of Sep-
tember. The names are in order . ef merit :
Fifth class, George 0 reenside, Lily Dobson,
Willie Spence, Ma gie Davied. Fourth
olefin Cora Sanders, Wilbur Lhadsay,Claude
Wal er, Oliver Querrin, Edith Welker, Ed.
Poll rd, Lucy Cameron, Eddie Milne; May
Mil e. Seuior third, Howard McAllister,
Anne Bateman, Mary AlcBletin, - Ernina,
Imlay, Felon, Reynand, Willie .D,oihdell,
Will e Linday,Carl MRAllister,Geo.SharPe.
Juei r third, Bernice 81emmon, Edna. Miin
Hel na Barr; Alaud Badgely, Willie Eel
mien Alanie 'languid, Jamee Riehardso
(-tar elcl Dunbar, Mary Kleinsehroth, Adat
Flet her. Second class Maudie Quoted
Henty Querrin, Willie McDouald, Pere
Greensides, Tom Foga!, .' Mabel Coate
Oliver Lindsay, Sam uelKleinschroth, Rob
Kerr. • •
Kidney Trouble of , otne Kind -Lame Bac
and Weakness -C teed by a Few Boxes
E.Tidney Pills. .
- -
Bnoteevnerne Octaber 121h (Special) -A
stated by Mr. Wm. A. Stagg himself, .th
facts of his quite recent perfeet recover
from weakness and. ailments many years
su tiered a re as folio ii s : "To a. few boxes of
Dodd's Kidney Pills I owe my -complete
cure from weekness and. line back whieh
had clung to mb for Many years. As -soon
as I decided thatthe cease might be from
derangement of Ithe kidneys I procured a
box of Doeld's Kidney Pillsiand I am glad
to say that only it few boxes .were taken be-
fore I was as well as ever. i
Transferred Affections.
"See here, sweety," he said ; " yore don't
love that idiot anyenore,. do you ?" .
I shook my: head andsobbed.
Don't you think you are going to like
me a sight better ?"
I nodded and- stopped crying for there was
something queer in his tone.
Then let us get married thie evening,
Annie Louise, lovey, ELS iong as. yeti set, this
time in eour mind for it, and . the minister.
coming,atel you shall have a wedding that'll
• be a weddingets sure as my mune is Jeshita,
Gibson." . .
" Oh, butsJosh !'said I, leaning against
hitneaed starting to ery again, " h's----he'e
-kissed me lots of times and you wouldn't
like that. . .
Josh hve a gulp, and then hesays,-
s " We , I'm goiteto kiss you now, Annie
Louise. Pui going kiss you for all the
ret of your lif, if 1 have good leek so
that don't cut no ice. And we'll drop that
subject for good and all, for ' 'taint healthy.
NVe mint go in the house new - and tell
Aunt Martha and you get yeur things ready
• •
If undreds of Grose of Dodd's Kidney Pills
. BurnedeeThe Doddis Medicine Coin-
: peaty in. New Quarters -Orders %from
• Ocean-Etiergy end Enterprise Con-
• quers. • . •
The extensive establishment of the pro-
prietors of Dodd's Kidney Pine, at Nos.
end 3 Jarvis street, with its contents; ex-
cepting the- offices, was entirely destroyed
by tire on the afternoon of the 15th of
Septem ber. • :
The fire broke oat in an adjoining wane -
house, but spread so rapidly thet in less
than ten minutes the employes of the Dodd's
Medieide Company,from the laboratory, the
advertieing and the shipping department,
were all in panic flight for their live.
The perfect safety of all these persons
own assured, and 'while more than two hun-
dred and fifty gross of Dodd's Kidney Pills,
together with labels, wrappers and tons of
advertising were being consumed, interest
and effort all eent.reclT in the rescue from the
advertising rooms of a mass of see1mingly
old and worthless letters. These, as after-
wards learned, proved to be the acc mula
tions of years, consisting of • thous nds of
testimonials from persons cured by odd's
Kidney Pill's, and dating from the in eption
of the business up to the clay of t e fire.
These records of triumph these pr
ofs of
the supreme merits of this greet idney
treatment were the most precious of all the
possessions of the firm, and were to be
saved, if possible, as they fortunately were,
a,t the last possible moment.
Oa the invitation of the president of the
company, a reporter of the News visited the
quarters, located at Nos: 6 and 8 Bay street,
where new premises have been promptly
opened.. Here a rapid glance revealed many
busy hands rushing the • several details of
completion of new goods to fill orders con-
tinuously arriving from all points in Can-
adaethe United States and other parts of
the world. Judging from the accumulated
orders on file, of which your reporter got a
glimpse, the output of Dodd's Kidney Pills
is almost beyond conception, and one
can easily undoritaud that their merit. alone
can create Buell -an incredible demand.
Characteristics of the energy and enter-
prise of the Dodd's Med inine Company,it tv ay
be mentioned that, though absent in Buf-
flo during the lite, the manager was made
aware of the probable extent and outcome of
the disaster, and while, the premises were
Belli burning, orders had been wired and
goods from New York and other points were
speeding towards Toronto for- the repro-
duction of Dodd's Kidney Pills, so that no
order should remain unfilled. -From To-
ronto News.
Blyth Show Prize List. - •
Thejellowing is a list of the successful
competitors at Blyth show, .held on Tuesday
and SA ednesday of laet week
Ho SES. -Heavy Draught,-Team,C Dale,
John Shortreed. Brood mare, -J Dale, P
Brennan. Mere foal, G Dale, J Dale. Horse
foal, P Brennan,- N Duncanson; Two year
old gelding, G Dale. Two year old filly, J
Shortreed. One year old gelding, G Dale.
Colts by registered draught horse Menzies
& M °Gavin..
General Purpose, -Team, - John Dale, D
& L Taylor, James Colter, Brood mait, Cr
Stephenson, N Duncanson. Mare foal, lst
and 'Ind G Stephenson. Horse foal, Wm
Meerevin. Two year old 'gelding, W Tay-
lor, C H Taylor. Two yeer old fi ly, CM
Taylor, J Mason. . - •
Judgere-John Scarlett, Leadlaur ; W H
Cruickshank, Tornberry.
CARRIGE, -Team, R Lewis.
ROADSTEDS,--Brood emedster h rses, C
Howson, Brood mare, " II Taylor A Gov-,
enlock. Mire foal, A G venlock, Knox.
Two year old gelding, R Cardiff, W tracha,n.
Two year old filly, G Quirini,R Cardiff. One
year old gelding, J Brig4atn, G Hollinger,
Single driver in buggy, 0 Johnston, John
Melville. Saddle florae, A Sprung.
Judge, -A Forbes,Seaforth ; D Kennedy,
Ckenve.-Thoro' Bred Dui -Milch
cow, 'It Corley, T H Taylor. Two year old
heifer, J Webster, R Corley, One year old
heifer, J Webster, R Corley. Heifer. calf,
1st and 2ad J Snell. Bull, R Crley. Bull
calf,- R Corley, W Snell.
Any other Registered Breed, -Milch
cow, J Deuholm John McGregor. Two
year old heifer, J 'McGregor: One-year old
heifer, R G McGowan A Jacobs. Heifer
calf, J McGregor, R d McGowan. Bull and
bull calf, R C McGowan.
gaitme-Milch cow, R B Laidlaw, John
Parrott. Two year old heifer, J Webster
M H Harrison. One year old heifer, M A
Harrison, R Currelly. Heifer calf, R Fer-
rete'R Currelly. Steer calf,•M H Harrison
Jemes8nell. Two year old steer, M li
Harrison, John Shortreed. One year old
steer, T Ross, John Barr. Fte, steer, lst
and 2nd TRosti. Fat ow or heifer,T Roes,
M H 11 trriSon.
Judges, -George Johnston, Londesboro;
John Alereeen, Dengannon.
Snee.-Cotswold, -All prizes taken by
James Potter.
Leicesters -Aged earn, N Cumming, J
Snell. .Shear'ling rem, J Snell, J Coultes.
Ram In N Cumming,. John Coultes.
Shearling ewes end aged ewes, J Snell, J
J Coultes. Ewe lambe, N -Cumming, -John
Co ul tes.
Shropshiredowne,-Jamee Ceoper 4 So;
six Ists and one 2nd. • Wm Snell, three
2ads. •
s •
Any other Breed,-JameTabb, five lsts,
and two 2nds. . L Taker, one let and two
2ncle.• Fat sheep, John Bare, James Snell.
Judges, -0. Proctor, Belgrone ; Thomae
Anderson, Belgrave.
Pies. -Ghee ter White, -Aged boar, II Ed-
wards. Brood sow, T Taylor. Young
beer, .W Deer. Young sow, 0 Henry, T H
Any rituge Breed, -W 'W Fisher, tour
ists. George Henry, one 2ad.
• Improved Berkshire, ---Aged boar, W
• Sewell, CI Quinn. -Yoing boar,11 Edwards.
• Judges, -E. Londesbero ; John
Hunter, Morris. - •
GiteiNs.-Red fall wheat, C Moffatt, W
Thuell. White fall wheat, 8 arse, 0 Mof-
fatt: Rinl spring wheat, S Fur e, J MeCal-
luna, • White • wheats 8 FintseS ." Spring
Wheat, R CS McGowan, S FUrse. Fall
wheat, any kind, R B Laidlave, R 0 Mc-
Gowan. Six rowed barley, I EclwardseS
Fu se. Large white oats, W Harrisn, 0
ffatt. Black oats, Purse, G Monett,
ell whiteoats, S Furse. Small peas, 8
Fa se, G Moffett. Large peas, - 0 Moffett,
R McGowan. Golden vine peas, 8 Furse.
M Riper peas, G Moffett. Timothy seed,
urser K Carter. Flax seed, S Ferree, R
0- 1 edi owan
hoOTS. - piee State potatoes,K Feries„,
R McGowan. Rose potatoes, J Barre.lie
Merth. - Elephant potatoes, • John Beer; 8
• Farse. Any other hied potatoes, W Pat-
tereon, J Stafford. ,Coilection potatoes, W
Taylor. E Haggitt. Fie1,1 carrots, I' Wil-
liams, John McCollum. Garden carrots, J
Stafford, P Williams., Swede turnips, • J
AleCallum, A Carr. Collection garden_ pro-
Clucee \Y 'Taylor; W McCracken, J
+son - Beets J Allison, W Taylor. Man -
old wurizels, W AlcCracken, E Haggitt.
Pu mpkins11 Ed wards, .JJ ackson Squashes,
• H cOracken, Mrs -T Hamilton. • Red
onions, W MeCreckeu, W Taylor. . Yel-
low 'onions, W AlCracken, J Allison.
Silver skin. enions, • J Allison, W Mc
Oraeleen, .. Potato onions, J Barr, J
White field beans, 13arr, W Taylor.. Corn,
W MeCra ken, W, Taylor. Cirons, W:
H Megrack P • Williams. Collection
Foote, J Alli, on, W H McCracken,
DAIRY AN PROVISIONS. -Factory butter,
G Watt. Tul butter, D Marsh, C W Taylor.
Batter spech Is,-Mceughey's and Rance's,
Mrs T Mani ton, R Sprung; Emigh's, -Mrs
TodaTTI,aRni isltio.nnt ;
_ Mson's and Alosens, J
Mason's end McElroy's A
Brigham, J Al eCallum, Factory • eheese,-p
McKellar.• eheese, Miss Symington,
Airs D Steevart. Extracted honey, J B
Tyumen, M Richmond. Honey in comb,
Hartrys Home made bread, W Knox,
• W ThrtelL ,Biscuits, R Sprung,Afra A Tay-
lor. .Alple sugar, W H McOraken, J Mc-
Dowell. Maple syrup, J McDowell, Mrs CT
Nott. Collection canned fruit, Mrs G Nott,
eW H AIcCracken. Home made 'grape wine,
Miss Wise, R 0 McGowan, Tomato cid-
sine, 0 Moffatt, W Hamilton. Mixed
pickles; Mrs 0 Washington, CS Moffatt.
McCracken, Jelly cake,
Any other kind pickles,MGisAsiosffyamtti
T ritBroudrren„_ol.rint.
er apples, J Potter, JB
.Tyerman. • Fall apples, not known. -.Bald-
- • • •
. • . . '
. '
Wine, R C McGowan, 0 W Taylor. King
.of Tompkins, W Clark,C W Taylor; North-
ern Spy, James Potter, J McDowell. Rhode
Island Greenings, S Furse, John McCallum.
Ribston Pippin, D Potter, G Quinn.. Gold-
en Russet, S Furse; J McGregor, Roxboro
'Russet, not •known, A Car. Seek -no-
. Further, R B Laidlaw, R Corley. Swear, J
McDowell, M H Harrison. Wagner, J
Brigham, James Jackson, Benclavis,
Patterson, John Potter.. Vandervere,
Brigham, J Potter. Aiammoth Pippins,
Patterson, M H Harrison. Spitzenberg,
Henry R G MeGowan. Fallawater. Ali
Wise, J Barr. Talman Sweet, W Taylor,
A Carr. Mann, W Clark, J Potter. Maid-
en's Blush, Airs G 'Nett, G Quinn. Snow, Al
Thuell, James Potter. Duchess of Olden-
burg, 0 W Taylor, Airs.R Shortreed. Pew-
ankee, TS Corley, James Jaokson. Wealthy,
Furse, J B Tyerman. Canada Red, J B
Tyermitu, W 11NecCrecket. Colvert, R G
McGowan, not known. Alexander, A Carr,
J Sherritt. Twenty ounce pippins, II Ross,
W Patterson. Any other variety apples, A
Carr, I) Patterson. Collection apples, J
Brigham, A Carr, Winter pears, J B Tyer-
man, S Faroe, Fall pears, qf Brigham, Jas
Jackson. Plums 8 Furse, W II McCrack-
en. :Twelva tomatl,es, Mrs R Shortreed, F
Metcalfe. Collection of fruit, R Corley,
Mrs G Nott. Grap s R B Laidlaw. Crabs,
Mrs R Shortreed, Aietealfe.
Ponennee-hTurkeys, D Showers, G Irwin.
Geese, D Showers, 0 Irwin. Rouen ducks,
G Irwin, W J Irwin Any other kind, G
Irwin, W Carter. Brown Leghorns, J Met -
villa, W Taylor. light Leghorns, W Tay-
ior, 126 and 2nd. Eroudana, Fairservice
Brothers, G- Irwin. Light Brahman, W
Carter, G Irwin Black Spanish, G Irwin,
W Carter: ' Minorcas, GI Irwin, W J Irwin.
Dark Brahmas,lat and 2nd G Irwin. Hom-
burgs, W Carter, E Haggitt. Langshans, J
Fairservice, G Irwin. Dorkins, G Irwin,
Cumming. Game, 1st and 2nd E Hag-
gitt. Buff,Cochins, E rlaggitt. Partridge
Cochins, W Wallace. Bantams, W Taylor,
Mrs C Campbell. Volands, E !loggia, W
Carter. Red caps, W Wallace, Ftsirserviee
Brothers. Plymouth rocks, ist and 2nd G
Irwin. Pigeons, E Haggitt, G Henry. Col-
lection of fowl, W Carter, G Irvine. Guinea
fowl, W Carter, E Haggitt.
Judge, -0. C. Willson, Seaforth.
IMPLEMENTS. -Lumber wagon, J Bruns -
den, Slater & Sims. Bobsleighs, 1st and
2nd, Slater & Sims. Sod Plow, 0 Hamil-
ton, S Sutton. General Purpose plow,
Slater & Sims, 0 Hamilton. Gang plow, S
Sutton, if Brunsden. Iron harrows, J
S Sutton. Open buggy, J. Fer-
guson. Covered buggy, J Ferguson, eT
Brunsden. Double buggy, J Ferguson.
CutteneSlitter, & Sitns, C Hamilton. Horse
shoes, Slater .& Sims, J Phillips. Trotting
horse shoes, J Phillips Cabinet work, J H
Ohellew. Wooden pump, D Shiewers, P
Williams. Farm gate, 'later & Sims. Stove
and furniture,Ist and 2nfl Dinstecl Brothers.
Land roller, C Ham lton. Turnip dri 1,
Slater & Sims. Coope 's work, W Taylor.
Scuffier, J Brunsden, Stater & Shns. Churn,
0 Hamilton, W Taylor Knife sharpener, J
B Tierney. Tiles, M JArrnnnd.
• Judges,- George nell, Londesboro
John Cowan; J. P. Br wn, Auburn.
MANUFACTURES. -Rome made flannel
Mrs G Nott,- Miss Wi e. Union flannel,
Mrs C Washington, M D Stewart. Home
made all wool blankets, J McCallum, Miss
Wise. Union blanket, Miss Wise, Mrs D
Stewart. Horde blank tie J McOallum,Mrs
D Stewart. Coverlet, IMiss Wise, Mrs G
Nett. Rag mat, Missl H Walker, Mrs G
Nott. Yarn mat, Mrs 11 Walker, R Sprung,
Rag carpet, Mrs 11 Waiker, Miss Wise.
Home spun stocking yarn, Mrs T Hamilton,
W H. McCracken. Coarse boots, lst and
2nd J Sherritt. Gent's boots, lat and 2nd J
Sherritt. Single harness, J T Carter.
LADIES' WORK. -GenVe flannel shirt,hancl-
made, Mrs T HamiltonG Moffatt. Gent's
white shirt, Mrs T Hamilton, Mrs G Nett.
Gent's mitts, Miss Sy ington, Mrs G Nett. •
Pillow shams, Mrs 0 Ca pbell,Mrs 0 Wash-
ington. Patch quilt in iotton, Alrs G Nett,
Mrs D Stewart. Patch quilt in cloth, Mrs
D .Stewart, Mrs G Nett. Silk quilt, Miss
Symington, Mrs 0 Nett. Crochet quilt,
Miss Symington, Miss Lane. Knitted quilt,
Mies Symington, Miss Fairservice. Woolen
seeks, Mrs, G Nott, Miss Wise. Braiding
on wool, Miss Symington, Mrs Dr Carder.
Arasene work, Airs C Campbell Airs GNot,t:
Embroidery on bolting cloth, 'Mrs (4 Nett,
Mrs C Campbell. Embroidery on silk,'
Hele, Mrs 0 Pampbell. Kensington eon
broictery, rs Hele, • Mrs 1) Stewaet. •
man embroidery, Mrs C Campbll, Mrs
Hele. • Parlor screen, Mrs 0 Campbll, Miss
Symington. Sofa cushion -Mies Symington,
Mrs G Nott. Fancy panel, Mrs C Camp-
bell, Miss Symington. Piano scarf, Mrs G
Nett, Mrs Hele. Drawn work, Mrs 0
Carnpliell, Mrs 0 'ashington. Honiton
lace, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs G Powell. Nov-
elty in fancy work, Mrs Dr Carder, W
Hartry. Crochet work in silk, Miss Sym-
ington Airs Edo. • Ciochet work in cotton,
Miss dymington; Miss Wise. Crochet work
in wool, not known. Bedroom slippers,Mrs
DaCarder, Mrs G Nett. Toilet set; Airs C
Campbell, Airs 0 Campbell, Mrs Nott.
Foot stool,Mrs 0 Cainpbell, Airs H Walker.
Applieine work, Miss Symington, Mrs Geo
Nett. Pin cushion, Mrs 0 Campbell, Miss
Hill. Handkerchief case, Mrs C Campbell,
Mrs G Nett. Mould work, Mrs 0 Camp-
bell, Miss Symington. Ladies' underwear,
Miss Al eQuarrie, Miss Symington. Knitted
lace in cotton, R Sprung Mrs D Stewart.
Knitted fancy wool sha:1, Airs D Stewart,
Mrs C Campbell. Table -mats, Mrs Dr
Carder, Miss Symington. Table doylies,
Mrs 0 Campbell, Mrs Dr Carder. Batten -
burg lace,/vIes C Campbell, DrOarder. Tat-
ting, Mrs George Not, Mrs 0 Washing-
ton. Glove case, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mrs Q
Washington. Fancy eating, Wit Hartryi
Miss Symington. Queen -Anne darning
Airs C Campbll, Miss Symington. FancY,
Afghan, Miss ymington, Mrs C Campbell.'
Table centre piece, Mrs Hele, Mrs Georg
Nott. Tray loth,.Miss Symington, Mrs
Campbell. Pel, cosy, Mrs Hele, Mrs II
Walker, Pic ure throw, Mrs Geo Nott,Mrs
0 Campbell: Berlin wool work, flat, Mee
G Nett, Mr 0 Campbell. Berlin wool
week, raised, sirs Dr Carder Airs C Camp
bell. Limp. screen, Miss dymington, Mrs
Dr Carder. Stuffed birds, Mrs Dr Carder.
Laundry bag, 1st and 2nd Mrs If Walker.
Shopping beg, Mrs Hele, Mrs C Campbell,
Eching, Mrs De Carder; Mrs • G Nott.
Bed spread, T Broderick. Mantel drape, T
Broderick, Miss Symington. Collection
ladice' work, Mrs G Nott, Mrs 0 Campbell,
Miss Symington.
children under 13 years of age, -Hemmed
handkerchiefs, Mary Barn Kate Barr.
Darning, Miss Hartry. :Crochet week
on wool, Miss If at try, Clara, McCrack-
en. Crochet work in cotton, Clara Mc-
Cracken, Miss Hartry. Pencil drawing, 0
W Campbell,. Miss Hartry. Best, dressed
doll, Miss Hartry. Woodwork, C W Camp-
bell, Miss Hartrv. Plain sewing by child
under 8 years, Miss Hartry.
FINE ARTS. -Oil paintings, Miss Idirie,
Mrs 0 Campbell. Water color painting,
Mrs 0 Campbell, Miss Lane. Figure paint-
ing, Mrs Hele, Miss Lane. -Animals in oil,
Airs Lane, Mrs 0 Campbell. Single picture
in Oil, Miss Lane, Mrs Hole. Crayon dress-
ing, Miss Sutherland, Miss Lane. •Pencil
drawing, Mrs Hele, Mrs C Campbell. Pas-
telle, Mrs Ilele, Mrs C Campbell. Pen and
ink sketches, Mrs C Campbell, Miss . Lane.
Painting on pottery, Mrs 1Te1e, Airs Dr
Carder. Hand -paintihg on silk, Mrs
Campbell, Al iss Symingten. Pale ting on glass,
Miss Symington, Mrs C Catnpbell. Marine
view, Mrs 0 Campbell, Miss Lane. Photo-
graphs, Miss Sutherland. •
PLANTS AND FLOWERS. -D. Marsh, three psh,
lsts and tevo 2nds. Aire Dr Carder, two els
lets for collections.
CUT FLOWERS. Hand bouquet, W Tay -
ler, D Marsh. Floral desigu, 1st and 2ud
D Marsh, Pansies, • Slater & Sims, Wm,
SPECIALS -Parsnips, P Williams. • Card
board mat, Mrs Sage. Leather Wreath, J
Shortreecl. Parsnips, J Allanson. Cream
separator, Hamilton.
-For at tinkling sensation in the
throat try 10 cent box of "Mit " Cough
Lozenges hey will allay the irritation at
once. For kale by all druggists and the
Key Medicine Company, 395 Yonge Street,
• •
---The Ontario Government has instituted
change in the prison system of the Province.
The Mercer and Penetanguishene Reforma-
tories will be brought directly under the
control of the Ontario Inspector, and in
future Mr. James NoXon, Inspector of the
Central prison, will have a close Supervision
over these institutions and be knpwn as In-
spector of Prions.
• Possesses the following
• Distinctive Merits
•roe! icacy of Flavor,
Superiority in Quality.
Nutrieve Qualities Unrivalled.
In Quer er-Potnd Tins and Packets only.
JAMES E PS & CO., LTD., Hozzeorminro Camaro,
Ryckman's Kootenay Cure.
S. S. Ryekman, Door Sir, -I had an ulcerated leg
for four years, treated with doctors and tried all
kinds of medicines. Ryekman's Kootenay Cure.
JOHN Dowsorre Esq
78 John St., N, Hamilton.
.• • -.4 111
• I. 'V: Fear, Chemist and. Druggist, of Sea.
forth, has received a supply •If the celebrated
Wright's Liver and Stomach PMs. Note well that
attention to the liver means healthy action to the kid-
neys,pure bleod,good appetite, sound sleep, no head-
ache, no indigestion. The blessing of a sure and safe
euro of all liver and stomach trouble is within your
reaeh. tine box, eeomplete • treatment) an invet-
irnnegnotiodf.boc. will prove they Are worth their weight
• Signs of Worms are 'variable appetite, itching at
the nose, et. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is the best
worm expeller.
A Woman's Heart.
Derangement of the heart and nerves in women is
followed by various disorders, such as Hysteria, Mel-
ancholia; Neuralgia, Bleeplessnese, Palpitation and
Pains and Aches in various parte of the body. In
such cases strengthen the heart and build up the
nervous system by the use of lidilbnrn's Heart and
Nerve Pills.
• Found at Last.
A liver pill that is small and sure, that acts gently,
quickly and theroughly, tint does not gripe. Laxa-
Liver Pills possess these qualities, being composed of
strictly vegetable laxative and ' liver medicines, and
are a sure cure for Liver complaint, Constipation,
Sick headache. etc.
Threat Snue-After had doctored for two years for
scrofula all ever my body and received no benefit. I
tried a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters,which We
me relief very quickly, and after ming six bottles I
was completely cured. I can recinnuend BBB.
very highly.
Toronto, Ont.
Biliousness and Liver Complaint, Headache, eta,
are cured by Burdock Pills.
No Other Remedy.
No other remedy cures Summer Complaint, Diar-
rhoea, Dysentery, eta., so preinntly and quiets pain
so quickly as Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry. It is a pocket doctor for tourists, travellers,
AD • ee
Suddenly Attacked.
Children are often attacked suddenly by painful
And dangerous Colic, Cramps Diarrhoea,sentery,
Cholera Morbus, Cholera Inantuin, eto.J Dr. Fow
ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a p °rept and
euro cure, which should always be kept the house.
Norway Pine Syrup strengthens the ungs and
cures all Throat Troubles, Coughs, Cold'', eto.
She Ought to Kno
Having used Burdock Bitters for 16 ye re I cannot
keep front recommending it to others. I have esid
hundreds of bottles from my store, and as I keep,
other medicines I ought to know which se Is best. It
Is a wonderful medicine.
Hagyard's Pectoral Bakam Cures Co glue Coale,
Asthma, Bronchitis and all -Throat nd Lung
(1) It
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ER 10
lAfter a business ea eer of ten years in the Town of Seo.forth, I beg to return thanks
to the people generally and my customers in particular, for the liberal patronage extended
to lie in the pot. I thhak few have more reason to be grateful frame business standpoint.
Is ' in. complete, consis ting of the following' lines : SERGE'S, in blue, black, cardinal,
gar1 et,'green and crea • TWEEDS and TWEED EFFECTS!' different designs;
SEBASTOPOL SUITI;0S,-Brilliantines ranging in price from 5e upWe also have a
ver fine assortmeno ofi eheviot Suitings in the latest color; and a line of very attractive
plai s for Waists.
• abo t it that we ave t e best lighted clothingthraotomlighint anthaerocoomunctay;
Our Ready -t lothink is kept On the second floor; We think there is no doubt
you Will see at o • cc we
eve* garment u der th .avveerythbeesftaitnidesitfioonr
the goods to metual advantage. We
also think eve ha esthe est assortment of clothing outside the lingo cities. Our Top
Coats are special value
We have thein Canadian and Irish Frieze, as well as Itieltens
and for style and appea ance we challenge comparison.
kn. Men's Sul s We have an exceedingly large range both in sack and morning, and
in serges. Can fit a man from 5 feet 3 to 6 feet 4. We intend to pay elose -attention to
Boys' and Youth' Clothing. All sizes from 22 to 34. Men's waterproof Coats will bea
leading feature w th us. We have them from $2 up to $12.. We have also plaeed in stock
a splendid collect on of Men's Fur Chats, consisting ofCoon, Astrachan, Russian Bear an&
Is replete, w th all the best and latest goods in Kid, Cashmere and Silk Glovs, at
prices that will make the corner store headvarters for dose buyers, and whether you
purpose buying o not please ask the clerks to show you through our Hose, Ribbon and
small ware stock.
Please call and look through our itock. Only too pleased te show goods whether yta
buy or not. We are not going to say anything about Groceries. We have got there
- - — — - — $1,0001000
A General Ba
king Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts
payable at all points in Canada and the principal -cities in
United States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, dm
D posits f $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest
allowe4 EInterest added to the principal at the end of May and Novem-
ber in ach ye r.
Spbcxal at ention given to the collection of C9nnnercial Paper and Flu..
mre' Sales Notes.
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor:• M. MORRIS, Manager.
urday, Sept. 26th
Japer, Borders, and .
• . . Ceiling Decorations, Etc.
his is no humbug. We require
bur room for spring stock, and during
the next month we will make such
weeping reductions in price as will
stonishb you. Also a great lot of
Lemnants suitable for small rooms at
ss than half price at
to state to thi public tbat he will continue
the business so long Carried on by his father, the late
James Williars, end lis prepared to do all kinds of
In the hest and most eirtistic manner, and on the
most reasonable terns. A trial is respectfully so -
SHOP -As fnrmerly, over L. McDonald's Carriage
Worke, Goderieh street,
147041. • •
IT P2..."2-8 TO
The Canada Business Collge,
links a reat lead over its contemporaries in thor-
oughners of work, and its graduates are in strong
dem nd. Aggie Tanner has phanged her position to
a rnujch otter one, as stenographer with D. M.
Ferr Co. Detroit. Miss SeChrst, placed Re book -
Trent, Michigan. Mies
R. & I. railway pifice,
.t 'pays to attend the
r department, atitress
them, Ont. 1495
keep r,
beet. Fo
rrington & Long.
s stenographer, G.
pids, Michigan,
catalogue of eitlx
ULAN & CO., Chr
Ba r's Dye Works
We are gain esteblished in Seaforth and we think
we can help to make those
ard Times Elsier'Tor You.
early eeerybody has clothes which are too shabby
wear and too good to throw away. Now if you
ill just bring those clothes to us we eau, in mod
if eases, ILIAC them look like new goods. Just give
a trial and we are euro you wi I be pleased with
e remits. Works on Market street, first door
est of Pickar's etore. 151"4-1 yr
kt* OF A
/ • gib°
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Manufactured by The
Cook C .1 Windsor, Ont.,
and Det oit, Michel es the
only known Safe, reliable
monthly medicine on which ladies
can depend in "the hour and time
of need," Every lady who reads
this is requested. to incl se two post-
age stamps, with her address, for
and fu 1 particular, -which. we will
returnnaafi in plain. sealed
An old physician, es years con-
tinued practice treating diseases of
-women) has charge of the office, and
can be consulted by letter or
person. Address our main office
• Room 8 --No, 258 Woodward
Detroit,' Mich.
rar Cook's Cotton Root Compound
is sold by alt resyousible wholesale
and retail druggists in the Dominion.
of Canada and United States for One
Dollar per box.
To Farmers of Oanada.
Sevrat kinds of wire fences have been placed on
he market, none of Arbich bare proven entirely sat-
sactory ; but in placing before you our
we do so confidentl, believing thet wo have over-
come all of the objections that have been raised
egainst wire feeces in the put, it is eomposed of
any desired number of galvanized steel wires, placed
at a suitable distance apart upon which are placed
two half-inch hall round steel bars, one on each eide
of the wres, with groove between to fit tightly on
the wres, and bolted with four bolts hoidieg them
firmly together and preventing the wires from elid-
ing up or down. It le also arranged that the actions
of hvet a.nd cold in expanding and eontractiug the
wires are thoroughly eontrolled by tighteners, Artia
the fence can be kept taut at Cli Realan4 of the year.
All we ask is an examinabien of its mtits end we
are satiefied you v .111 decide it nu no equaL Manta-
faetured by
Dublin P. 0., Ont.
R-. B.
B.SeeOsi fC
• Ta e Seoauf:tryilla and i5oillut-
thin rghts. •