The Huron Expositor, 1896-10-16, Page 2T . . . . . . . . . . . 4 L! r, OCT-
-H T OCTOBER 16 1896 E- H TRO 1\ EXPOSITOR '40 ................ to be last paroxysm. All, I thInk, win be there REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. to be spiders and man bl , so that AT THE AR31AGEDDON cosumed by care, I wish I bad never —their velocities inconcelva, . e ARMS FOIEL SALE.—The undersigned has twenty i God ' ake regi- when Datilel'was In prayer, Gabriel, we been born. 011, the! BEST CARRIAG F Choice Farms for sale in, Rotjluronj the ban. to speak to" 3nents of infidels, who, aftr having spent are told, -came from heave nor County of I he Province; all sizes, and prices to REV. DR, TAIMAr?E DISCUSSES THE n be at the oonter of the suit. For full information, write or call personally., their life In antagonizing I he only influ- him, and If heave -sit '41 0 R S. rusgels ence that could make the earth better, ave traveled un fyorse , that angel must b No"troubleto show thain. . S. 80017,1B -WORLD'S LAST BATTLE. jmd
1891-tf P. O. gather, with their low wit, and their vile thousandFv of millionsof milesin anIn- nd elr�� stant., Talk of ea thly regiments on double The best Buggies and.'Waons sneer� and their leaxned Idiocy, a -DARN FOR SALE —160 acres, in the townehip'of He Describes In Tirrillilig Words.the Co horrible blilophomy, to take part aga.ust quick inarch I What will be the speed of _U Gray, near Braftsels. There Is on it nearly 50 ARM TO R,
filet as Been by S t. John in Ws Vision God- and right ousness in the great Ar -na- the regiments angelic when at the com- q 14 very ennitAkOe ; iOl hand acre of bush. abaut half black ash, the rest 1hard Nlestroal
tce�-. Cf : 8 F
i;ian. 1)4ift bu� foreign wood. A nover-failing spring of water runs tUough The Army and the Oommander. goddon I mand of the archangel, I 'Down to earth I Li well iwattv
nz2hin. For partiou- frct,irv-wkec bug, 1. li,-n y(M van get llot*cr made the lot. Will be sold at a, bigibar Other regh i nts who will march ix on Forward into the battle!" those regI nientq lie iloiiic. and as i( not che%j-,er thvi t b. �- work apply to Kit$. JANE WALKER, Box 219, NOTON, Oct. If.—ju his soniio� the wrong sId( in the -battle will be the aiigelle, WASTM\ lightning vvinged, ra�nbow gir In,%, ap *nd tuoney Bru.spels. 1470 IIup rtqim-.I ta"MD �nd pur today Re�. D, FTv.lma,-,e discussed thl I regiments Mohammedan. At the pre eDt dlod, fire footed, siliall sweep Into the great- OF. -QALF,
own, when you mu do better at homo,, CQU and see AR FOR SALE OR REINT.—That farm1town cb prophecy foreshadows al time there are about 175,000,000 Moslems, er Aringcddon I great cohill V�w me and be convinced, U aNbB Hugh Grieve farm, balng lot 24, coric,wa- F Ithe clljliaN� of the world's strtiggles—Arma Their pla n mission Is to kill Christians; Rceleslastic Regl2nentfi- A present ocouplad by the subaoriber, Is no%v -Revol m to
All kinds ot lilackgrAthing, rnd rep:�iriug promptly pr(ored 'geddob. I -Its text was ution xvi, 16, denican wonianho Aalus lour .1
er N Goi Into the 11glit will be the regJ131011ts cecle- he told tog,
and satisfactorily done, for sale on very easy tcrms, if not sold by Ootober 4'Aiid�begntlieiedt-hoilitogetj)' in apla * Of the earth In the interest of Ignora W1
loth, will bf 'd moral st account, and rented for % term of year n ail 111th. The malsh- The next regiments that MeKillop, near Sonforbb, containing .100 more, af, d and talzo possesilon, I see marchln�g A pall
R or I would and calledit1the Hobrew tonguoArmageddon. I` 811PUStiti slastic. Accordingtothola AfAlletocl(of Cutters of the best material oell a halt intorzat as I ani going Into oihir businesq ESIT latest styleff, which will be cold cheap. Megiddo to the naili8 of a inountain thai cro of 60, 000 Armenians in the last two or practicall� 6111y in the beginning of �ie This Is a,,good chance to get a 11rat-class farm. For i'll. parbleularsapply porsonally,or address 111011.4,11D i�lrmlon, the greatei three years. Is only one chapter in- their great ospol moveme propops MIL'
..looksdown upon E jit which i C.O.NISION, Saforth P. O.. 1601-13 effort to devastate the car ke Presses for
bat.flefleld, that the world has ever seen, th of everything to tLj. the whole eartWfor God, there 4re n ists, -8,726,i Lewis McDo aid, There Barak fought the Onlinanites; there but themselves. 96 doteri,nined are they 4 600, 000 Method )00 BaptI4 machine
SPLENDfD FARR FOR S&LE.—Lot 10, coucos- in the'ir, bad work- that alVthe nations of 1,280,000 Luther- sion 6, township of Stanley, containing .1,280,3 38 Presbyterians, ue
loo. Gideon fought the Midianites; there Jo. free.:
-lie earth put together ditre not say to ans and 640,000 jZp1scopalians. SEAFORTH. acres. 'Tb,s is one of the beat farms in the townebT sl4li fought the Invading 10gyptian s, Th(
and is situ%ted-in & good and'pleasarlt nelgt them, Stop, or wo will make you stop I" But tho present -statistics of churchei whole region -'stands for. battle, and the i Soil of the best and not a rod of waste � land on It.. M hope Is that long before that last bat- will bq utterly swamped when, at ter all Ar&ftgoddon of my �cxt borrows Its' lianit y There are all the building.3 on 16 that are required. tIbLof
The whole farm has been newly fenced and dralped, fr'... lb and is here used not geographic, which I speak the Turkish govorn- the great donominati=6 have don 3 their M FOR An orohird of 70 bearing.' trees, plenty of goid all'. lt 11-uratively, while setting forth ment,"'6nd with it Mohammedanism, may boot ork, file slowest of all the se( to Will] Hibbert. IUreat water, convenient to schools, churches, post office ., y, bu 0 1 - be wiped out �f existence. The Turkish have . more umbers than the pres 3ut en- tire JLre z ACV I
and warket, Apply, to WAT. 81NOL,111, Varna P. 1"46 Idea that there is t9 be is world's"P, os, n iDg bnttlo, the greatest(W all battles, coin. n the rollment of all denominations thro ghout i wbest, Au
power for the last 400 years has We 'S N O., or to IVX. COPP, Seaforth. rd an 6 o re, is �oonvezfllall
Vared %vith,whioli thp conflicts of this con, mightiest hindrance on earth to religious Christendom. . Yo"�i see, by that time an Bargai n s AT THE —]?'or at I de, lot 89i concession tuz and all'other centuries werq insignifl. liberty and moral Improvement. Her ex- 'atheist or. " n infidel will be. a curiosity, IWOR -MAVLE :
kRN FOR SALE, a g 100 acres. termination Is prophesied In the book of nd he will be loaked at as we loc k at a let, L. R. S., Tuckeremith, contalnin. can because of the greater number oi About 90 acres cleared and In a hiph 8tatc-'of CLIlti, Rev elation In. the � figure of the drying up g hair reaching below h "By -drain- -corr batants engaged, the greater vicitor� n with - 10 vilition. The f.rift i4 altiwell fenced and under of the river Euphrates, and she is going houlders and long finger nalls tj at am afoarth Tea Store ed. There is a brick house and large bank ith and the greater defeat. Se rapidly, thank God I In -1820, by the Greek -re In the eyes I dicat- owea r^t*s 01
stone stabling. Also a good orchard and of The exact date that battle we do noi never out and a sta He"adquarters 1worrower. This
zood water. this within four miles of Cliutoi. It know, and the exact locality is uncertain.. Insurrection, she received the first do- tng incipient lunazy—not to be argued is oneof thabast farms In the county and will be lve blow. � In 1823 the I Turkoman with, but to bepitled; while it.will not -It may be in Asia- Europe, Africa oi struct A. 002 sold cheap as the proprietor Is desirous of retiring. y of 80,.000 as destroyed and the cause be any unusual thing to see men as much I have now the best values. in all kinds Of Arply on the premises or address J0rH;1T McKENZIE, America, but the fact that such a battle.. arm In 1827 England For ever thift in the brocery b mness Teas: that bas -ever been offered in Seaforth., (London road), Brucoffeld P. 0. US7-tf will take place is ai certain as God's oter- -of liberty adVancod. devoted to their religion a Francis Xavier IFA�CHER V
I will warrant every pound to give the very nal tri4th. When I use the superlative de; France and Russia, not so cautious as they was devoted to )its religlo when lie went money refunded. I- PLENDID PAIIK FOR SALE.-1;Dt 25,.Conces- have since been, at Navarino thumillated thsough the streets askin all t6 come to beat satisfaction, or ee in regard to thut comin conflict, I I ligrades : Jap&n,�, sion 6, Township of Morris, containing 160 acres §table for grain olf stock, situated two and a halt No not forget that there have bepa wars all, the Turkish fidets, and Greec� was f'rOe. hear his faith ex ounde , in 'ten years have a, very large stock in a PY Weaker and weaker the Turkish poweraE hoice an- d Ne'W-111011111L with tidwonfa
Monsoon andi inilee from the thriving village of Bruss d at plantin gos I in 50 nations and bap- Blacks, Greens, Gunpowderl a goo along on ,upendous scale, As when at g the the low Raisins, 1 el road leading thereto * 120 acres cleared and becomei and It has lost Algiers and Wal- tizing over 1,000,000 souls. And the great jogIved by
TNea Dusti. ; Sugars down again; I Marathon, Miltlades brought on! his iner, balance Ilge lachla, anti, mor ned and ready for rr" from stumps, 6 acres c�Jar and ash slid' 3 than all, during tbo past hosts of-beliovers will fill the earth, mak new Currants, clea hardwood. - Barn bix6o with' straw and hay shod not In offlinary inarch, but In' full run, AT HE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE FOR CASH OR Tp.ADR fine ; a lot Of'nice -dried 4Ox7O, stone stabling underneath both. The house upon the horsemen of Persia and, the black d d through her cruelty, has los now Codfish, very j ing�l the 2,317 000 combatants that Xerxes butter 6nd eggs wanted, for which we will pay the
Hams from 8 to 15 pounds ea ah ; long, clean is brick, 22x82 with kitchen 18x26, callar underneath archers of Ethiopia and scattered them. and sympathy of every good man -and woman reviewed a corporal's guard In compari- _k FACHER N
Bacon,, all at the right prices ; a well assort-' both'buildings. Allarenow. There is h large young, or ying.: "Bringfirel Bring fire I" set inte in all. thb� -earth, and if William E. Glad- son. Iseethein, tile regiments ecclestas- highest market price. T at bottom' orchard.. School on nexb-lot.. The -land has a good flame -the sbips of th , invaders". As when stone were prime minister of Englandthe tic, moving into that 'last battle. Tlie ed stock of aill kinds of Groceries natural drainage, and the farm Is in good condition. donal certin r the i&st *f the 19 ;� EL good and, well assorted stock of Satisfact6ry reasons for selling. Appik at THs 19x- PI-7,arro owereame Peru. As when Phlllj Turkish government would very Soon Lutheran�s headed by some great Martin
Crockery and Glassware ; a very choice lot rosrron Orrioz, or on th premises. WK. BARRIE, either citlit berutrges or go down undo JORDAw,' Sealforth, IXP
II triumphed over Portugal. Aswhen -th4 1! Luther ybt to be born. The Methodists and, and a, good Brussels. the bombardment of the men-of-war fr of fresh Butter always on h Runs met th��oths. As when 300 Spar, Oyn headed by sonle George Wbitefteld yet to prej
Tenurer, Wro),
stock of fir�A-claas Lard -in. 20. -pound pails or maDy nations now hovering near the Bos- comine. The Presbyterians headed by some -VARN TN GREY FO SALE.—For amle lot tans sacrificed themselves at Thermopylva. But if the Bible prophecy concern-, in 'bulk. concession 14, town hip Of Grey, containing 100 As when the -Carbhag tillans took Agrigen- porus. John Knox yet to arlse, The EpIscopa- 'ALTTLE -STS,
'awe ;;;ni
Come one, come all and get. some of the, acres about 85 of wbich re cleared, is in a good tuqn. As - When Al xander head Ing the drying up of the Euphrates is not lians hea&d. by some Bishop CharDock yet state 6f dultivation and 'It fenced. The balance is. Macedonian phalanx' AswhenHannibal fulfilled before the battle mentioned in my to ho enrobed. The Baptists headed by Wheat s Going up in Pr' e, bu-1 t attlo ; one thre
beat bargains you ever got. good hardwood bush." T ere ls.96 good frame house and barn and good bearing orchard. There is a well invaded Italy. Battle of 11gstingkI Batt text' Mohammedanism will march'in -*%Itb rojllc Alsvionary Carey yet to bless the r oua
if bite ista
three-yeavold regational church h ead, two-y"r-old at the house and a never failing spring on the farm. -ofValmyl. BattleofPultoiwal Battlool sword-andpolo,onand torch to take her world. The Con� Itij.1thin two milesof the vll'&ge of-Cranbrook, Arbelal BabtloofTotirs'l.'BfittleofBoro. part In the groat Armageddon. by some Dr. Kiijk of pentecostal power ye be hlelcl down even though the growers two Ave miles from Bruisels and the bame from w tbugi Ing Walton, dfilol BfAtlodLucknowl BattlootSol, Thip to, ta ie di Are. I gee them mov* bead tand
He ten Army,. tion 11OLding to *1
AULT, C4th;. with good gravel roads leading, In all . dir '.s,* ul trrying a standard striped ithmt proift A* This ia a splendid farm andwill be sold at a b. rgain ferinol Battle of Fontenoy, where 100,000 Yea, to show the ly. agultudo of the forces luto the raul hMl to work W' 'lyrewAtd
a8-thepropriotorisanxioust6 retire. NEIL DUN- were' slain ( Dattlo of Chalons, where goo, strip d as suggesting him by F. 0- on, the wrong side,, I have to tell you that and starre& CANSON, G-raubrook P. 0. 000 wore massacred I Battle of Herat, where what Is left of heatlienism at that thije whose S&G tre he'aled, and starred re are LLs Wit I I e Gong4ls Khan destroyed 1 000,000 lves. will inarch into th conflict. The th the'pron A that those who turn ANT
OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.�For sile, cheap, Battle of Noishar, where 1,747,000 went 150,000,000 fetish"-, Idolator.9, 220,000,000 -many to righteous!ness shall shine adthe for Cana
the house and lot in Harpurbey, on the Rox- FACT S URE bore road, adj-,ining the property of Mr. -P. Holmoi- dbwil to death I Ono million eight hundree ]Brahmins,400,000,00OBuddliigts. Through stars, forever and ever. Into that battle on ber Life a- d I
A Ulf,
sted. There is a quarter aore of land �vejl planted and sL-iteen thousand slain at Troyl An6 the sulillinest inoviment of thisceutury our side will roll those mighty engines oil the qneen as g
Also a good,stliblo, Ti e' Am an battles, too near us now to allow kith bearing fruit tree.;. cric. power, the printing presses of Christen-' -romance 91
the missionary movement, all the time house contains 6 rooms, woodshed, btOne coDar, like
-time raudeur and gathering in moi ontum,-I believe all 01 dom. Into t -.It battle will also Inove the hard a.d oft water and all other conveniences It us to appiredate their awful gt books *n The Tobacco Habit Cured nearly all of that 770,000,000 of hea n Is very pleasantly situated and is an admirable ptice canoe, except vou who were there, the-- mightiest telescopes, that shall bring the LEY-GARIMUt
f:sr a retired farmer. Six notes of land also adjol,,- faclu But L TEA .9 the north -or f�cing the Soil th I dom. will be converted to God. Blit that stars In their courses to fight for our God. West., Zcrout*, 40
ing this property will be sold with It or sapuracely Elemental Regiments. Apply to D. GRUMMErT, Harpurhe ..all the battles I have named put togethei which is not converted will come into the UNOLE SA AvAN'S Y. 14984[xim *111 not.'equal in numbers enlisted In Le d Packds only. From Groo -rg -01 Armageddon on the wrong side. e --and General Store -
Again, . the regiments elemental will ZR AD B
flercencss'br grairdour or triumph or roni w come into that battle on the right side.. Por SRIA. V
Other regiments.on that wrong side keepers, Black or mixed..�� B
lot of losupty hive
ARM FOR S&LE.—For sale, lot �6. cosotasion the coming Armage'Adon contest. Whethe, be made up of offenders of all sorts-�-the Tlio winds I God showed what he could do F ng 100 acres, 85 cleared and x10
2. Kinloss, contain!,
Tuj-%bacco Ouro It shall be fought with printer�s tYPe 01 defrauders, the libertines, the dynaml�ter, the baisnee In good hardwood bush. The land Is In with them when the splintered timbers of boxes with comb
'k me.n steel, whether by brain or muscle, H. P. KARDT & 00., Toronto extmtor, and At
a good state of cultivation I I d rained and the anarchists, the oppressors and thelfoee the ships of the Spanish armada were
a wel un e r hether by pen or carbine, whether by of society, the criminals of all nation strewn on the rocks of Scotland, Norway, business. ThiB I
-fenced. Thereiss frame barn anJ
Read the Srongest, Endorsement ever given well P house an W .4 by the pro�erty, a never- falbig spring wit windmill, boo account ming cannon or thunders of Christian whatever name they are now mesa on any,Remedy . th is an excellent calle or and- the Hebrides. The waters I He showed Wholesale -A AvlAw,on Lot 2 also abrut. 2 ac -es of orchard. ents... eloquence,- I do. not know, and - you may shall then be called. They may not before what he could do with them. when lie put eastofGriev -Ab
The United States health reports have farm atid is within one mile of Whitechurch station, where there are storeR, blacksmith- shop and take w, hat ---I say as f1gurative or literal, that have openly taken sides, but then the Whole earth' under tb=, leaving it' examined and investigated many prepara- churches. There is a sch%l on the opposite lot. It but tako as certain %v-hat*St. John, in his they will be aompelled th take 'sidesi With subaqueous 150 days. The eartliquake'sl W, -n archi- what venom, with what violence, with He showed what lie con d do with th 3,00 tions,. and in the liht of Gu.r examination is six miles from Wingham and six from '.Luckno ision on the rocks of the . Grecia I eni
v�lth good roads leading in all direCtions. This dt- and tests of UNCLE SAM'S TOBACCO sirable property will be cold on reasonable. ternis. pelago, is pleased to call Armageddon. what desperation they wift -fall into line when he lot Caracas drop into the open 900 r-atel
CURB we are but performing a duty to the For further partic DO X11IN I 0 N BANK . ulars apply to AMES.AHTCHELL, AU at the Front. at the great Armageddon I Is It not ap- mouth of horror and the islands of t 'le sea 7010 borr,
Public -when we endorse the same and Varna P. a, 1406-1504-tf - mention. the r, My sermon wIll first egi. palling, these uncounted regrinentFj *oV� the went Into entombment. T.he light�ingsi tamp it as the crowning achievement of the -t
$1,000 I& A
Inents that will be engaged iii the c nflidt,- earth, to be joined by the uncounted regi- He showed what he could do with-phein destroy- AM[ FOR SALE.—For s_aje, lot B, aj ineteenth Century in the way of d part lot -0 ts from perdition?' Can any pow 0 :;�Wn
ing a habit as. disgusting as it is common, 9. concession'll, Grey township, containing then will say something of. the command- men Or when lie wrapped Mount Sinai inAame, r ALg UP) 81 166 acre3, all cleared except twenty ores, whi6h izi ers on both:sides, and then Speak of cope with them'? E specially when I -tell and we have all seen theirvilashink! lan- CAPIT V500jom foronly8l. Hence weeamestlyadvise yon the $2,1500 sa
0 n 3fbu who their commander is, for so inuch a good hardwood bush. The land Is In a high' Mate battle Its If a d the tromend6us Issues. terns moving with the charlots of ��e mid to write them for fal partioulars. of cultivaCon, well underdrained and well fenceff REST9 POR SALE BY without any waste laud. there is a good, fraii�e Fho will in all wars nen tj Beginning with those w depends. upon. the chieftain. night hurricane. All the regh a ele house, with sumiller kitchen and wood-hed ; a lar e the wrong jsi 6 'lg Their leader will not be a political acci- mental Will' 0 I .9 d , I first mention the�ltregol' come In Oli ur s de n the
a U4 let us St bank barn, 84r62, with storm stabling, underne, dent or a'military "happen so. By talent ments' diabolic. In this very chapInt Iroyn great Armageddon, ome i L V, FEAR, Drugg! and other outbuildings. There arefour acre -. i Ire i tj
which my text 4s taken we i and adroitness and courage and unceasing mount and ride. along the line an a d view POU Sj
orchard of oneof the best varieties of fruit; r e
SE FORA, M -L H BRANCH 1177-30 good, riever-failinsiwelldisithpump inthem. is the spiriti of devils will be there. How Industries he has -come to the bad emi- the troops of Emmanuel and find t at the JL underlsigne
a mile and three-(fuarters from the village of rus-' many millions of them li�,,one toll, nence. HZe disputed the throne Of heaven regiments terrestrial and celestial that ee or 0
aela, with good roads leading in directions. his lour, 'with the Almighty, but -no oDei has ever for the statistics of the s I MAIN STREET all ca AFORTH.. excellent property will'be. sold cheap and on e c dom n come into that battle on the -right, side an -f d pu may have n. ev- er be�n reported, and the Is ted the throne of' eternal night with e wit I
otter -to box g side terme. Ap,ily on the prom-ses or by' I .to �1(o I o as compared with those on the wron . A general ba,!�king, bus* m transacted. Drafts on all of the United Staim luir it bl�
this monarch, who will in the last battle to o 0, a thousand. parts THE SEAFORTH t, 3, 161unels P. o. joEN,H,LL. that host has never on earth b n. called, two to one, a hundred A 14894 f Great Bitain'anq Ei.. o e u�ght and sold. Letters of credit.issued, available inallparft but from the direful and continental and take the field in person. Milton calls him to one. 1-ttl T 10 P, Lu But'who is the cominander In chief or� I �a L V - ances made on um
of Europe China' 10
offer, Gootho calls him Mephistophole Farmers' Sale Not,es collected, and adv they have already done S,
planetary work
OR SALE OR TO RENT ON EASY TERMS — at lowest Musical - Instrument F businesd ri and the fact that every man and. w6ian- the Hebrew calls him Abaddon, the this rates. 1 side? Splendid armies have been- ruin- As thn owner wishes to retire frorn -mlng�valuable Apollyon. e BOA
account of ill,health, th.. toll -pr6.r erty and child on earth has a temper there Greek calls him Ho is tb ed, caught in traps'flung over precipices A I at lVintbrop 1i triles norih of Seaforth, on leadL ipersAition of all nialevolmic 19 must be at ]east 1,600,000,000 of� el�i) in 0, of !all and annihilated through the incompetence mad to Bruisels, will ba sold or rented as one farin -and an, Deposits of One Dollar ards received ppreslon, 6f all cruelty the sumill (I interesi'all6wed at highest eurrta or in pers to sult purjhater : about 600 a,;res of spirits f�Lm iliar with. our world. Pcrha�ps 0 1139 or treachery of their general. Who coin- U IsIgned wff
I k rates. Interest added to principraftwice, each year—at1he end of June and Deceinbw sple�ndid farming land, with about 400 -urider crop, as many more aro engaged on especial on- up of all f Isel ood. n his ilia e -UP nOth- mands bn our side? Johoyah-Jiroh, 4o
cheese Faetory
ESTABLISHE D,, 1873. the balance in pmtdrc. There are largo barns and No notice of withdrawal is re' W10 torprises of abomination among the nations. Ing bad was loft out and notli ing good was called in one place. Captain of Saliva- quired for the whole or any portion of a deposit. all other build -in -o neeespary for the impinnitnta, e lot Aervice I
and eil-ipires of the earth. ut in, and be is to be the general, the
etc. This land is well watoe.1, has good Doides that P tion," so called in another place. King IEL S. HAYS,. Solicitor. W. K. PE ARGE, Ageat. Owing to har(i times, we have con- fraffis aud brick de'ling houses, etc There are there must be �n inconceivable number of commander in chief of all the forces on of kings. Lord of lords. Conqueror of gri.t aod saw raills and btGre *Which will be sold or ng side in the great Armageddon. conqii�ror& His eye omniscient. His arn:k eluded to sell Fiauos and Ogansiat InhabitsinLs in rea nis pandemoniacj� stay- the wi 0 rented on advautageods tornis. Also o M.11 Coll- ing there to kccp'the great capitals of BID He has been in mom battles -Ghan you bave omnipotent. He will take the lead. He cession, Grey tawitship, IPO acres of land, 49 -it) ever read about, and he has gained more Ivill. draw the sword. He will give pabture, the balance in Umber. Pomcs�ion given going from ago to age. Many of them once in coils TTNRESERVE
ticulars apply to ANDREW GOVENLOOK., Winthrog. ev to -,I 1. all + Up FAR ST
Greatly Reduced Prices, + v ctorics illa hav: O O t tf, 101 er IL", 0 0. Pb E after harveit of farm,lands; toills Ab once. For par. lived in heaven; but, engaging' a ever been celebrated ih command. And when he plants his f
i, - +.n t, I—- +11 this orld. But I auess this old warrior clir, +),. f - A 11 t,ct JL40 V t o earub 1436-tif hurled out and down, and they are now of paudemoniuni will not have an undiri- will quke and when he shall give the Organs. at $25 and upwardia, and -niverso. Ad, I guess there will be an army battle sh6ut, all the gates of hell will trem- among the worst thugs of the u puted & Pianos at Correponding prizes, SH1_A___W 01;:�rxi= Having been in . three worldg--heaven, to dispute with his forces, I have men- ble. YOU LEAP trioned the upromacy: of this world. I ti and hell—tbey have all the advan- car' -The.Confliet
EPORE PURCHASING. tages of 'great experience Their po�ver, gue8s our t-oops will not have to run But do not lot us shout unRl after we :LUMB
SImT, Us 13 'Ek -'YARD. whenou tlic'daymentioned in 'in- have seen the two armiesi ulah t the st -ye -which has saired many persoj)s frol11 t1le twillcres f their speed, their cunnini their hostility, y text a la I an ada
wonderful beyond all statemenk In the all the inferi al batteries shall be unlini- -struggle. 0b,inysoull Thebattloofall and from'the deptlis Of remorse. But not Only h it conse nce
SCOTT BROSW Armageddon they will, .1 doubt not, be bored. We hi ve been reviewing the troops time and all eternity opqns. Forward I" tl�em.of pea' of niind, and corise(Iiietly happiness,ut it Ce
diabolic. W) have been measuring the
P.'REATING, present in full array. They will linv6mo Forward I is the coininand on both sides �alibers of their guns. We have been ex- htls M ny times spared Dealer In Lim -reserve c6rps, but all will be at the front. givon. The long lines of both armies ber'and Shingle S. 'ill not only nining their ammunition wagons." Now wl' There be 5oldiors in that bat- iver and swiig to qud fro. Swords of
tle w10 can,bo seen and ainied at, bi J. C smit All kinds of LUNIBER always on h and It let ul look at the forces to lie marshaled truth aginst -engines Infernal. Black THE P Q C ETBOOK h & CO in the Armageddon on the right side. horse cavalry of perdition against white and of the very best'lluality. troops intangible and without corporcity, and weapons may strike clear through Angelifi rVegiments. horse cavalry of heaven And tb w Give me a call, and see if I can't give you The redemption I e iiave 'r ised them mat erially. IV, e luive rivfn
`T]E�:: ITZS_ -in without, giviug' them. hurt. With First of all, I mention the regitnouts -of this world and the honor of the throne �vbat you wan.b. the what s lout f z�O-Lurrlber I them tb� beht do-thez to )e had and -at prices 11 . ivith
deflaDOe ill they clinib up angelic. Alas, that the subject of Iciellion- -of God to vindicate --how tremendous con-siste't ya.rd and office on tho'Huron kin t anscted. <y-ood -,voiltnunship and su )erior fit and finish. By lookin,g, at our
M 0 A General Ban . gj business r d ers of fire and leap fro the liat- ology seems. better understood tban the -le! the.1,
�fi 1. the batt The a my of righteousne -1 �Iload, near the flax mill. s 4 F arm. ers? notes dislidnnted. tlenioll s of asbosbus ilito the last cam- s seems giving )vay, but no! it is o ly ,4 ubject of- 1113gelology. But the glorious a stook alid p'' ces, before bu (ing, you will alwayi have the pleasuri
bought and s Id paign f 1-10111 Paul, tho bravest of mcn, spirits around tbo throneand all the briglit part of the maneuver of the infinite fight.
Draf ts of nmying thah- you hav' the
was imipressod with their juight foi evil immortals that fill- the galleries and levels It Is a deploy of the host celestial. Whh-t a . :. . ;3
est allowed on deposits at the rate the best and hatest clothes at
Inte Minimum plices when be sid,"'We.wrestlo not aguinst of thounivensearoto take thtt meeting in thi's f3eld of splendor and SALK -NOTES dis6u�atod, or takea for tta a wrath, of theangelicand r�! 5 per dent. per annum. 11crc in 0 flesh and blood, but agiiinst principalldea last great fight, and tbe regiments angelic the diaboll
Of ci collection, and powers and against the rulers are the only reginients cpable of meetig of hosanna and blas hemy, of song and p of the.. darkness in this world, agAtinst spir- the - roglin t I t To show curse, of the divine and the satanic. The you BRIGHT BROS.9
& Irresstible Proof That Th re- n Oh, somethiug.of u'ijalll's power, I ask yo itual wickedness in high places." on p thunderbolts of the Almighty burst and I OFFICE—First door north of Reid an an hen the Wilso's Hardware Store. what aR agy1tating moment, IV to consider that juit one of them slew blaze upon the foe. 'Boom, boo, I By th ko their 185,000 of Sonnachorib's hosts in night, torches of lightning that illumine. the a Cure for Diabetes, e Mil ks diaboh ic move up, and ft SEAFO."JL iiagOdd on I and It is not a tough arithmetical question scene I SOO that the crisis of the Armaged- places fox conflict in the Ari The following sworn statement is t e best ' -4 - Other rojimout's who will mjirch into to solve, if one angel can slay 185,00o don has come. It is the turning point of b diabotes Is not incurable, a. d that the- f1glit will be the reginionts,alcoholid. troops"in a night, li(�w many can 600,o0u,_ this last battle. The next moment will proof th ilk, there is a remedy which will cure it. TNA THE FARNIER" They will be made up of tho broNers, coni- 000 of them slay? %he old book says that decide all. Aye, the forces of Apollyon Ontario, Countyof Carleton, to Wit: pallics, distillery ovWors and lidjuor deal- "they exc 4 The Lacst R -1r, Eedy in tl cl In stren gth. It is not a ccles- are breaking ranks. See, see! They fly. If V1 t 1, Charles Alogli, of tho City of Qttjwo,, in t12 lob, but a.;disciplined )lost, and they Some on foot, s 'ro a 71P 0 ers' aSsociations and the hundrods of inil- tial. n L Barg k i n ,c -y F o u ,--.e onle on wing, they fly. Cherubim, ser hiiii, Back over the battlements of perdition C Cures Courrty of Carl ton, Blacksmith; do liereby World fo all Affe
lions of their patrons. They will ibo'vo lenow their rak ap
solemnly declae as follows: C powers! An( they go down with iiiflnito crash, all tile 1 S f roat & Colds, sm—&-pi C) rp- T=T e 131blo calls thrones, prin' IpZtles and .1 into the ranks Nvith what th t'on o the Th
E �i I resiae at 163 Bell Strelot, in tbe said t)io".,iongoftliodriiiiJc�ird.11 Aiidwb�a theleaderof thoseregiments is Michel regiments diaboliel Back to the nioun- (In connection with the of Montr- i cyU Lungs. of Ottawa. bloated and goaked and bloared and blast- -the Archan cl. David saw j List one group tains and ca' CQuyh
Yes the armed hosts of - earth, SP P
cd and hiecouglAug hud jillujeAting jlo�.,ti of angels sweep pa.54, and thi ,y were 20, 000 crying as they retreat to the rocks and e" LOGAN & 00. f� 2. Fortho past fifteon. yoars I have been a. Grippe, CroUp,' If, now, according to Eb s(dontist, in Eng, cha'rioted.. Paul, who in 1,I)o Gamalian mountains, "Full on us and hide us from fforer ftom Idduoy disease; aong the i� BANKERS AND FINANCIALAGE-NTS.. [g"`cs`.su land there are 50, 000 deaths Whoopi uty IA h. prominent syd ptoins Of which were seve annually froin college had his faculties s) wonderfully the face of him that sitteth upon the
*ion 3, ki. ji., -ti,,
Egmondvllo. oji
edloek 13� wol, -
eIn t ree, Iro
ra iol ro
exit, to '.
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uden ina- an
d a num
xneutlon. The I
'Class -land, VAII
thue sm, d pUieej
othir uthund
F-ums of 5 ad
vioutbo' e. edit -P
A Wount of 5 lea onerkd3
-On aUCT109 SA
ed by Dab
ed valu
*A&I on the py,
s, atober
001 p� 14., at
10 e -fourth acre
and London oa
�cclmfoelable frat
six 160me and -
Mtge And well.-
mith ware netun
r I billivin
cornpir of ueew,
frontage of 6-1 UWiug:bv adw
are good 141
Yeats *14 I I ,glas 0 Cu
stove hit
�C.lw I 't-_
Ir. one kit-
-V.*w 1, 3 bed new ,
one bncd �itates, , cle e oped, Willesses his incal f r10 0 OlIg UrInic and in 76110 Unit V. I AMA I& I 1111112111111286A an INS a as a z a a I Ilia 151glagazass 119agaggs !III 581tarallssa potatoollAnda Palms Lu- nj.y back, hot flashes 'exton din �acity to count
Or, FICE--4n the Commercial 11otel build- (Cni7thmcd on page 3 Id ying, "Ye are coule to Mount of -cam in 1-e
tho basa of tho.spluo up between my shou ers a".01'(11lig to another estimate, 98,000 them by sa next to the -Town Hall. -Ily from strong drink- 'Nvbab Zion and an inuumeriftbIO CoMpany of an- A General Bankinf Bualnesa doe. Drafts jaizzilloss'lleadac-hog, etc. Iwasiumbad stal deaths anhua n arni lasued and cashed. Intervit allowed on depodta. �gcnorally aa suffored gremb c y of living drunkards that implies, gels. " If each soul on carth I ias a guvrdian r iftint zf 4he agony at times 0 the xvl . r ii 1, be Wid 0 � Owning tip frow iole earth to taho angeli then there must be 1 600,000,000 SYS th
j - 1 30 th
MONEY TO LEND �Tlle iatenso Pala provonted my sleeping, a,nd W T Y,O,U seemed to get worse coudually, The doctors thdr place in the last battle, especially as angels oA earth toda B Sid that,heaven "M WRJ and und
It i '11 be
the evil iucroases- and the millions novi must be full of ange C f U, 4tedf vd
-On good notes or mortiageo.. who ware called in pronounc6d my disease. Is, t�;so ho, stay Tj ILL notev� . A
staggqring on their way juay be joined by -there. Not only the 111) angels who. are Any doctor Wanurn will be
ROBERT LOGAN, ATANAOrR. diabetes, but their treatment did no good, ad Will tell you other millions of ro-enforc -igadol iold, guard the 12 gates, but those angels DANIEL 6
Alloy hold out but slight hope of my recovery Auction _E_V A ATT -NT -P "TTT> bones who help In the worship and go onn,,Is: after brigade, with drunkards' that Prof essor Hare f Llwas then so f a gode with flie'disease M, 6.4..r �0 oer.druninihir, on the heads of beer barrelt; the sion from mansion to mansion and help Jeffcrson M could not turn in bed without help. Myurlue dead inarch of souls! These millions of edical College, -was of a dark wine color, an,] full of sedinient. 'r ERICH i to build the hosai4n4s and enthrone tI i e Philf7adelphia, is one of the victims of alcohol, joined by the millions
eBoi I gob a cervice that never ends. But they all, If
8tea .3, 1 took al I kiuds of medfoine, but without
of the victinig of arrck, the spirituous , hallelutalls and roll the doxologies of the h�,;-hest authorities in the FU �er Workso 4. Ildgring, of Dosii's Kidnoy Pills 11qu6r of China and India'and Arabia and MacCarthy's drugstore, buthaving E gypt and Ceylon and i .required, will be In tile last fight between Nvorld on the actibla of (ESTABLISHED I880.) beau r.6 oftou disappointed I had no faith in holiness and sin.
On the VVrong Side. drugs. 1n his last -x -ork th-aru. However, I started taking them, an'd. I R We are still A ding to OUT. already I arge Sand we are could affc-,d to adjourn just (ille d they �tvuok the rilit spot ab once, and I com- Other regiments who �vill maich I n t) day and eilipty 611 its temples and man- Speaking Qf the treatmen't' to nleet tb,e wantS of every one requiring fur- time on now prepurea
L the f1ght oil the wrong �sido Nylll be tho siong andimlces and Loule-vards into that o -C1111Y �T ifienced to get i��tt r. From that
A. 111111-ovement was continuous until I am now,
cceflHOT to Chr3 8tal & Mack, tL.ftar fLvo weeks use of bo re n's Kidney Pills, giniatits infidel. God gltve bttt one rcv(,- one battle. I think all the angels of O, d f scrofula', he'says: iture- It No"I PaY You t -b ex=ine our goods before* pur- butirely free from paln of any kind. Theurins lation to chwdng ellsewl'bere, a 8 we are tiure to plea8e you in price, Man4factnreraof all kinda of Staonary Is natitral, and I ain now working right along 'willoin in it, The bne that stoodwitli Oil is the best remcciv of all. Tt is bardly necesgary tostati.. cod-liver
V-011713111; upright & Tabular 'day in my shop. sword of flaine at the gate bf -paradise. be given in emulsioii, so p (-,il should style and qua�ily. pvory bee-ji.trYlug W d0stroy it. Many ut
Tile repa;%:4 as to be
5, Ibis a 0 -cat -source of pleasure foi me to "the h0OkS, lhagzulos *and n -spapers, one that pointed Hag -the fountain in e%N ar to raive 1?Qwers testify to the woiid 'of the ou of through' perpetual scoff at Christianitv the wilderness. The one that halted Da- He also says that the UNDER A KI N G1 Domn's Ridney Pills, and I make tbi.9 s lemu, 0 ,
WTLU RC nd some of the uiliver' cOj;je laam on the highwity. The one that warn- daclareit,on e ousal�ntlousl believing It to b itics have be �ruo, and knowing that it is of the same f O .00 9 agencies for those regiments, ed Lot to flee the doomed city. The recrulin hy ophosphites should be ur uilder $Alt kane, Smckk() StO-Ok", hoat Iroz V,'urhe, one P tahing depar*tm�ent iscomplet-a in ViBry respect, and that tool- part with Joshua, a gplinst the
U141 cffcct as if xuade under -oath and by virtue The greatest brigadior of all those �egi 6
oto", oto. !of the Canada Evidence Art, conabined with the oil. E guarant�ee satiFifaction. S. T. Holm�es Funeral DirecWr
ruents, Voltaire, who cl ed his life of Cannanites, The'One that informed Mary Sgd. C11ARLES moss, ltesid6nce next do
-nulsion of co Also doalers Ia UprjLrbt and Iforizontal Slide V�l salilt. upon Christianity by of the approach of the Nativity. The one Scott's D d- O to Dr. Scott.& McKay's oiNjoe. ih n03. Autorn 171ting; OR awa, fn Ali pilloss i atic Cut-)ff Engines a ape3lajty. Declared before me at the city Of Ott Qf pipe %ad the Comty of Carleton, this 4th clay of Ap ril, s a droiii, and offly pain is, rcal. I that w-restled with Jacob at the brook with hypopl illpe-11tf-InP 000utAntlY On hand liver oil, los- A funilhedonjihortnotl&.. have thought so for 84 years, and I know- abbok. The' one that swung open the J3ROADF OT, Box & co G. T. �L. Statioui Goderlab. Sgd. J011N E., UMEARA, no better pla4 than to iregign myself to tile gate for the Incarcerated Apostle Peter. phites, is precisely such a A, Commissioner, Ito. inCvIt4blo and to reflect that flies are born The one that strongtlwAcd CbXljtt in his n. preparatio Alain StreO, Seaforth Portees Old Stwu* ...........
IM Swu