The Huron Expositor, 1896-10-09, Page 3tore business 1 OR ,TRADE. Lthe ng offered. neral. Store - Fe Agents. N K, .1,500.000 EAFORTIL he United States, railable in all parts ricers made on same ••• at highest curren le and December. posIG. LROE, Agent, ve given t with rt4- at oar pIra4ure e at the MUM. in the Affec- throat Z..:% ge• mtt ••• es aretvalasInaga are pur- pi ice, y respectand ieraI Director OCTOBER 9, 1896 a THE HURON EXPOSITOR. IMPORTANT NOTICES. CSDAR4POSTS.-Tea thousand choice °oder pieta for leo. each vA COLEMAN'S', Seaforth. 1480-tf .. inJ.MeKENNA, DOMiniOn and Provincial Land a Surveyor, Member of theAterodation of °Marie d - Surseyors, Dublin, Ontarke, 1886-52 ------ JOHN BEATTIE, Clerk ef the Second Division Court, County Commissioner, of Huron, Con- leyencer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent.. Pundit invested and to L.oan. Ofdee-Ovor Sharp & Inns' store, Main street, Seeforth. 1289' FARM TO RENT.- To rent, a 200 acre farm, 24 nines from Nelegiham, with lirst.clairs buildings, land well watered. It is all in pasture. and Is an ex- ee:Ient chance for either farming or earturing cattle. Fer particulate, apply to Box 125, Wingham 1473t1 170R SALE -Two Rocd dwelling houeee on the .r corner of Crombie and Chalk streets. Seaforth. tine contains four bedrooms, perlor, dining room, kitchen and pantry, hard and soft water; the other contains four bedroorne, dining room and kitchen. Will be Sold together or separatety. WM. MoKA.Y. 1602x4 ••••••••••••••••••• '17,ISTRAYED CALVES. -Strayed from Lot 18, Cou- p ceesion 14, Cohere% about the first of Septem- ber, four red Sprieg Calves -two Inhere and two steers. Any information leading to their recovery will be eultably rewarded by .WM. GILFILLAN, Kiritore. 1502x4 MEAGHER WANTED. -For Sobool Section No. 4, Morris, one boldine a secsed-clastr profeseional certificate preferred; duties to eommence the first ef the year. Applications, giving all particulars and salary required, will Le received by the undersigned up to October 3rd, 1890. JOHN MOONEY, Seem- tary-Treasurer, Brussels P. 0. 1601x4 ClDER MILLS, WINE PRESSES, TANKAGE presses ter packing houses, all kinds preens and apple machinery, paring machines and slicers. Catalogue free. Addresa S. PATTERSON & CO., the manufacturer, 19 Jarvis street, Teronto. 1491-3m letARM FOR SALE. -For sale, lot 7, concession 6 llibbert, containing 75 sores of choice land. There'are 6 acres in hard wood bush and 14 acres in fall wheat. Also good buildingti arid good orchard. It is convenient to school and church. Apply to HUGH MACLEAY, on the premises, or Staffa150aPx.80. MEACHER WANTED. -For wheel section No. 2, Je Turnberry. One holding a second clam profes- sional certificate preferred. Duties to commence the first of the year. Applications giving full par - touters and gaiety required, will be received by the undersigned up to October 0tt, 1896. Personal Applications preferred-. R._ B. R1S, Secretary- Treesurer, Wroxeter. 1503x3 fleTTLE STRAYED. -Strayed, bout the last of ke June, from lot 25, concessionHay, five young cattle ; one three -ye h -old heifer, red color with a white star on face and some white on her side ; one three-yeanold steer ef a roan color ; one two-year-old steer, of a light red and white color ; two two-year-old heifers, one with white on its head and side, and the other all red. Any inforara- tion leading to the recovery of these animals will be liberally rewarded by MICHAEL HEFFERNAN, Seaforth P. 0. 1603x4 AXTANTED.-Bright men and women oanvaseers VI/ for Canada and Australle-" Queen V•ctoria. her Life and Reign," with ietroduction by Lord Dufferia. A thrilling ne X book; sales marvelloue ; the Queen as gild, wife, motber. monarch ; reads like romance; grandly illustrated; big commission ; hooks on time ; prospectus free to canvassers •, Ex- clusive territory • lots of money in it. THE BRAD- LEY-GARRETSO'N CO., Ltd., 49 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. DEES AND BE t ACCESSORIES FOR SALE.- JD For sal, 26 bee hives full of honey and bees ; a -knot empty hives with comb in them ; a lot of }thee boxes for wintering bee hives in ; a lot of top storey boxes with comb in them, one largo tank, one hoeey es:tractor, and all necataaries for carrying on the bee business. The proprietor is going out of the busie nese on account of 111 health. They must be sold. Apply -on Lot 2', Concession 6, McKillop, one mile east of-Grieve's bridge. WM. 11. AITCHESON. 1502x4 -LIAM FOR SALE OR RENT. -That farm known _U as the Hugh Grieve firm, being lot 24, conoess- 2, McKillop, near Seaforth, containing 100 acres, at present occupied by the subscriber, is now offered for sale on eery easy terms. If not sold by October 10th, will be rented for e term of years, or I would sell a half interest as I am going into other business. This is a good chance to get a first-class farm. For all particulars apply personally,or address RICHARD COMMON, Seaforth P. 0. 1501-13 $ 300 Private funds to loan at lowest bOO rates of interest in sums to suit $ 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- 81,000 pleted and money advanced $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. $2,500 S. HAYS, Barrister,&c.,Seafortii. 126 ' STOCK FOR SALE. MlIOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULLI FOR SALE. _i_ The undersigned has for rale thoroughbred Durham buil, 18 months old. He is red in color and s eligible for registration in the Dominion Herd Book. Will he sold reasonably. WM. CARNOCHAN, JR., lot 18, concession 4, H. R. S., Tuckeramith, or Egmondville P. 0. 1481-tf DIGS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE.- The undersigned, breeder of Large English Berke shlrershae for sale boars and sows in farrow. He will also keep for service the stook boar Glseistone. pur- ...hued from Mr. George Green, of Fairview. Terms, --SI pas able at the time of service with the privilege of returnine if necessary, if booked 91.60. JAMES DORRANCE, Lot 26, Concession 5, McKillop, Sea - forth P. 0. 1465-5e BOARS FOR SERVICE. MAIIWORTH BOAR FOR SERV10E.-The under- " signed v. ill keep for sereice, at the Bruoefield Cheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tareworth Boar., with registered pedigree. Terms, el ; payable at time of Service with privilege of returning if nes:res- tore. HUGH efeCARTNEY, Brubefield. 1406-11 -TRADEMARK -Cud EGISTERED. a Made a well .Man of 'nee INDAPO- 111/1 GREAT HINDOO REMEDY Pa0DOCz8 Inn ABOTE RESULTS in $0 DAYS. Cures all Nervous Diseases. Failing ktemory, Paresis, Sleeplessness', Nightly Emis- sions, etc., caused by past abusee, gives vigor and ski to shrunken organs and quickly but surely restores Lost Misnhood oh or young. -Easily carried In vest pocket. Price $1.00 a package. Six for $5.00 with • written Of uat antee to cure or =onyx refundek Don't bug an imitation, but insist on hav-ing INDArO. It your druggist has not got It, we will send it prepaid. Oriental Bladleal C..,, Props.. Chicago, 111, Apr ear agents. SOLD by J. V. Fear, SEAFORTH, ONT., and leading druggists elsewhere. CARRIAGE P_Aal\TE'Il•TC+ BERT WILLIAMS Desires to state to the public that he will continue the business so long carried on by his father, the late James Williams, and is prepared to do all kinds �f CARRIAGE , PAINTING In the hest and moat artislic manner, and on the most reasonable terms. •A trial is respectfully so- licited. SHOP -As formerly, over L. McDonald's Carriage Works, Goderich street, 1470-tf SEAFORTH. To Farmers of Canada. Several kinds of wire fences have been placed on he market, none of which have proven entirely sat- efactory ; but in placing before you our CHAMPION STAY WIRE FENCE, we do so confidently, believing that we have over- come all of the objections that have been raised against wire fences in the page 11 is composed of any desired number of galvanized steel wireg, placed at a suitable distance apart, upon which are placed two half-inch half -round steel ben, one on each side of the whoa, with groove between to lit tightly on the wires, and bolted with four bolts holding hem firmly together and preventing the wires from slid- ing up or down. It Is also arranged that the actions of heat and cold in depending and contracting the wares are thoroughly controlled by tightener'', and the fence can be kept taut at all seasons of the year. All we ask is an examination of its merits, and we are satisfied you will decide Ulnas no equal. Manu- factured by EDWARD LITT & CO., Dublin P. 0., Ont. R. B. SCOTT, Seaforth, Is agent for the sale of County and Town- ship rights, 1459 4 e .41/2 • RfoyitER EXTRACT OF AVIBERRy 4 • . blARRHCEA, 'DYSENTERY • COUCCWIPS -CHOLERA,' N FANTUM • tind vl 5i) MER COMPIAI Prr$ irAlthogark Adu PRICE Mc t h Se; aer res --1 .art ••••- 1 • • • ' •••• NAM L:Feiz' 1%. 4. RAM LACS• PURE ND IAN TEA cia AssounterPost MANUFACTURZO osmi • Will Make Friends OUTSHINE RIVALS WIN VICTORIES And Sell Itself on its Merits Every Time. We have also several other blends in stock to snit the different tastes of our customers. IN GROCEPIES We always keep to the front. Buyers can- not put their money in more liberal hands. You need not hesitate to accept our state- ments, as we back them with goods and prices. In the , CROCKERY LINE There is -no room for improvement in the bargains we offer in Toilet Sets, Water Sets, Dinner and Tea Sets. There ca.n be no ' hard times f r you if you buy from ROB & CURRIE, ITY GROCERY, M A M' 0 1=/. 11 _ PARALYSIS CURED --SWORN STATEMENT. . Mrs. liege's McMartin, 27 Radenhurst St., Toronto, Ont., swears that Ityckinan's "Kootenay Cure" cured her of Paralysis which rendered one side of her body entirely useless. Physicians said there was no chance of her'ever recoiering the use of her linibs. Hope deserted her, but to -day she is walking around telling her friends how R.yekman's " Kootenay Cure" gave her life and happiness. Sworn to, 'July 10, 1896, before J. W. Seyme.pr Corley, Notary Public. SWORN STATEMENT OF A GRATEFUL ° MOTHER. Louisa White, nine years old, who euffered with Eczema sinee her birth, has been entirely cured and her general system built up by Rvekman's "Koetamay Cure." The above facteare giien in a sworn state- ment made by her mother, Mrs. George White, 139 Stinson St., Hamilton, Ont., dated Jely 3, 189, before J. F. Monek, Notary Public. A COMBINATION DISTURBED -- SWORN STATEMENT MADE. Charles E. Newman, 13 Marlborough St., Toronto Ont., had a Complication of blood t -roubles, Rheu- matism, severe Kidney trouble add constipation. Was frequently disturbed at night, Fest his appetite and was a -very sick man. His Kidneys arenow in a healthy condition, his appetite good, eliSep undis- turbed and constipation cured all this was done by Ryokraan's "Kootenay Cure" He makes sworn statement to the above facts o1or. J. W. Seymour Corley, July 10, 1890. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND. ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFICAItS. Geo. Watt, President, Harlook P. O.; James Broadfoot, 'Vice -President, Seaforth P. O.; w 4 ehannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.; Michael Murdie, Inspector of Losses, Seaforth P. 0. DIRItoTOSE. Jas. Broadfoot, Seafort ; Alex. Gardiner, Leer! bury; George Dale, Sea th ; Thomas E. Ha Seaforth; M. iurdie, diminish : Three 0a3bu Clinton ; Thomas Freest, Brueefield ; John B. Lean, Kippen. A011X113. Thos. Nollans, Matlock; Roble McMillen, Seaforth James Cumming, Egroondville ; Gecrge }Ladle and John C., Morrison,audiors. Patties desirous to effect insurances or tr•ree sei other business will be promptly attended to • n application to any od the above officers, addreeeed 10 their respective post adliose. s, t, c• • CASEY & 00. ARE PREPARED TO SELL TURNIP AND-iswIsyqb- MANGOLD ; 'village, the nurse th4.snighi thaithelight'Of the rising sun waS too strong tor him and so purled the tiisindow curtain down. The last Athing the great Quaker poet did was to waste -his hand to have the curtain up!. He wanted to depart in the fulll gush of the morning. And I thought it might be -help- ful ankinspiring to all Christian souls to have more light about the future, and so I pull up the curtain in the glorious sunrise of my text and 'say, "Rejoice that your names are written inrlieaven." Bring on your doxologies! WaVeisyour palms! Shout your victories! Pull -4 all the curtains of bright expectations ir'Y"ea, hoist the dow itself, and 1c the perfume of the "morning glories") orthe King's garden come in, and the music of harps all a -trem- ble with symplionies,iand the sound of the surf of seas dashing to the foot of the throne of God and the Lamb. ' -. , In the Sunlight. But there is only one word on all this styjeot of divine chirography in heaven th t confuses me, and that is •the small adlyerb which St. John adds when he q Otes the text in Revelation and speaka_ orl some "whose names are riot written in th book of life of. the Lambiglain. n Oh, th t awful adverb "not!" By full sub- mission to Christ the Lord, have the way all cleared between you and the sublime registration of your name this moment. Why not look up and, see that they are all , ready' to put your name among the bliss- ful inunortals? There is the mighty vol- ume; it is wide openThere is the pen; it is from the_winithf the "angel Of the new covenant." There is the ink; it is red ink m Calvarean sacrifice. And there is the vine Scribe --the !glorious Lord who wrote your father's prime there, and your mother's name there, and your child's name there, and who is ready to write your name there. 'Will you consent that he do it? Before I say "Amen" to this service ask him to d it. I wait a moment j for the tremendeme ;action of your will, for it is only an ac :iOn of your will. Here some one says, "Lord Jesus, with pen plucked from ang43llo wing and dipped in the red ink of Gol otha, write there eitheir that which is n w; my earthly name or that which shall e;my heavenly name." , I pause a second longer that all may con- sent. The pen of, the divine Scribe is in the fingers and is iifted and is lowered, and it touches the shining page, and the word is traced in trembling and bold and unmistakable let rs; He has put it down in the right place. As Cheap as any in the trade And will not be undersold. Before buying give us a call. During October witI Gra-VM 5 lbs. of a Fed Green Tea, for 50c., cash. This is not a tea dust. Some good Soap yet. Willgive7 five cent bars for 25c ; 12 three cent bars for 250. In Canned Goods We eep nothing but best brands. We have yet some pure Maple Syrup:at 25c a quart. CASEY & CO., SEAFORTII. A EAR'N LARCE'SALARIES weekly, eanvassiug for Pelham Nursery Co., who, possess newest and improved met hods for propegating hardy Stock for all sections Of Canada; also new and tested varieties of seed potatoes; write us for terms and ex- clusive territory. PELHAM NURSERY CO,, Toronto. 'Tis done!, The great transaction's done! I am my Lord's, and he is mine. And if there e in all this assembly a hopeless case -so lied hopeless by your- self and others -I take the responsibility of sayiieg that ther he a place in that book where your name would exactly fit in and look beautiful, a d you can, quicker than I can clap my ands trigether, have it there. A religi us meeting was thrown open, and all th se who could testify to the converting g ace of God were asked to speak. Silence eigned a moment, and then a mart cove ed with the marks of dis- sipation akose nd said: "You can see from my leeks w nt I have been, but I am now a saved ma . When 'left home, 1,000 miles from here, I had so disgraced my fa- ther's name *ha . he said, 'As you are go- ing away I have only two things to ask of you -first, that ou will never come home again, and, nex , You will change your name.' I promi. ed. I have not heard my real name for ears. I went the whole round of sin ntil there was no rower depth to•fathOm But I am .by thegrace ef God a chang man. I wrote home ask- ing forgivenese or my waywardness, and here are two le ters one from father and another from m siSter. My mother died of a broken h irt. But these two letters ask me to corn hOme, and,- bops, I start tomorrow morn ng.1) The fact was that hii name was itten in heaven, Where, I pray God all °I our names may •bo writ-. ten, though so inwrthy are the best of us and all of us. I you have ever been in the thick woods and heardthe sound of village bells, you know the sound is hindered aad muffled by the foliage, though somewhat sweet, but as y u come to the. edge of the ..woods the sounds becoMe clearer and more eharmin , and when you step out from Abe- deep; shadows into the sunlight you hear the f 11, round, mellifluous ring- hig of the bell Oh, ye down in the thick shadows of un lief and vrho hear only the faint notes of is gtespel bell, come out in- to the clear su ight of . pardon and peace and heitr the ft 11 clime of eternal harmo- nies from all t e towers of heaven! Oh, corne out ofth woods! ,tan Sickness. It has long en known that "mountain sickness" is d e to a deficiency of oxygen iz, the air at igh j altitudes, making the piratory an organic combustions in- sufficient to support healthy life. This anexyhemia 1, however, according to Dr. Regnard, not the sole cause of it, because some pereons. that fatigge is lem. Passeng mit of a high s It were deficien Lack et oxy of muscular Is; this dineeEii. inclosed two them being ob the other bei haustion oorr feet of Anita pu.mse the wo signs ef moun At 4 hy.poth 000 Nit tha bb as the idle few ed and only symptems as tiou oorseepon 24400 feet. T ins liberated, ier sevesel da Ing to tourists saa will be u -Pearson's Wiekly. Little Nenrishnient. • The landlord of a country hotel , Seed a good deal. of the natural ..irisaktomys" latindin nature. The proprietor of a hone* a Maine Tillage, where the summer Tia- itor is the chief souroe of income, tells the following story: People are generally queer about their eating, so I don't mind much about some Ing nothing for breakleet y .meal by 11 e'elook, and d supper at 7. Of oourse le upsetting, but some folks lthy. But one woman that peculiar. had, been sick, and that her t ant-ount to anything; that eat any hearty food worth mentioning, ard only took a little nour- ishment. I naked her ,what kind ef food she want- ed prepared, shad she looked at rue in a ion, and end says she: thine' I only take a light then I take 26 rem eggs y and a glass of milk every Youth's Companion. e Unattac.ked, and he shows mother factor in the proli- rs by railway to the sum- iountain would suffer from y of oxygen the only cause. lood and excess two sources of . Regnard has owls la a YoCUUM, one of iged to turn a mouse mill, g id1, and when an ex- pending to about 10,00C was produced by the air- ing fowl began to show all in siek new. goal altitude of about 14, - seemed to be dead, where - wee apparently unconcern - gen bo exhibit the same ts compAnion at a ding 10 to a height of about is fo*1 was all right on be- nt the other` eontinued ill s. The result is enaourag- on high mountain ratlways ful 10 mountaln elinabers, en in the rk aro th o prove it, Bayfield Prize List. HORSES.-Ree.vy Draught, -Brood mare with foal, also foal, Jobn Salkeld. Two year oldfilly or gelding, also one year old filly or gelding, George Dale. Span of work- ing horses, Isaac Salkeld. General Purpose, -Brood mare with foal, also foal, Isaac Salkeld, James Reid. Two year old filly or gelding, John McKinley, NVm Making. One year old gelding or filly, Peter McDougall, A. Calbraith. Span of working horses, Wm El son. Walking team, draught, James Coop Snowden. Roadsters, -Brood mare with foal, foal not judged with mare, Dr Whiteley, T King. Foal, Dr Whiteley, James Thomson. Two year old filly or geldingeThomas Dins - daledale Con Truemner. One year old gelding, or Dins- , Conrad Truemner, Thomas Dins - dale. Span of roadsters, VI' Whiteley. Sin- gle roadster in buggy, Oliver Johnston, Thomas Dinsdale. Two year old, roadster stallion sired by Sidney, Hal Rutledge, Carriage, -Brood mare with foal, -Wm Thirsk, D Prouse. Foal, Wm Stirling, Wm Brandon. Two year old gelding or filly, George Dale, Robert Elliott. One year old gelding or filly, Peter McDougall. Span of carriage horses, Donald Burns,Joseph Wild. Single carriage horse McMurchie & 'Com- pany, Isaac Salkeld. Lady driver, Miss Kate Johnstcn,, Miss D. Elliott. Saddle horse, Wm Elliott, Oliver Johnston. SPEEDING.-Fsrmer's trott, John Spar- row, George King. Free for all, Ed Bossen- berryeJohn Sparrow. - Cerree.-Milch cow, Win Sterling, Rob- ert Nicholson-. Two year old heifer, A Gal- braith, W H Woods. One year old heifer, W li Woods, A Galbraith. . Fat cow, heifer or steer, 1st and 2nd William Elliott. Heifer calf, William Elliott. Three year old steer, not known, Mat Bates. Two year old steer, let and 2nd John McKinley. One year old steer, W II Woods, Jelin Mc- Kinley.- Thoroughbred bull calf, Elcoat Brothers, Wm Elliott. Thoroughbred heifer calf, Elcoat Brothers. SHEEP. -Leicester,-Ram'George Pen - hale, R & T Snowden. Shearling ram, George Penhale, Isaac Salkeld. Ram lands, 'George Penhale, It & T Snowden. Aged ewes, George Penhale, Isaac . Salkeld. Shearling ewes, also ewe lambs, George Pen - hale, Isaac`Salkeld. Fat sheep, A Duncan, George. Penhale. ShrOpshiredowns,-Aged rams, James McFarlane, Cooper & Son. Shearling ram, let and 2nd James McFarlane. Ram lamb, James McFarlane, Cooper & Son. Ewes, Cooper & Son, James McFarlane. Shearling ewes, let and 2nd James McFarlane. Ewe lambs, 1st and 2nd Cooper & Son. Pies. -W McAllister took all the prizes in Berkshires. ' Poland China, -Wm Sinclair took all the prizes in this breed. Any Other Breed, -Aged boar, Win Par- sons, George Penhale. Aged sow, Wm Parsons, Win Sinclair. Boar, Joseph Fos- ter, Wm Sinclair. Sow,lst and 2nd Joseph Foster. POULTRY. -Duck., 1st and 2nd R Pen - hale. Geese, R Penhale, W Bates. Dor- kings, James McFarlane A Duncan. Brah- mas, ist and 2nd W Mclean. Brown leg - horns, 1st and 2nd W McLean. White leg horns, W McLean. Turkeys, R & T Snow- den, W _McLean. Collection of fowl, W _McLean. Minorcas, W McLean. . IMPLEMENTS. -Lumber wagon, also single buggy, Fred Hess. Covered buggy, John Leslie, Fred Hese. Cutter, Fred Hess. DAIRY PRODUCE, BREAD, &o. -Tub of salt butter, George Young, Wm Townsend. Salt butter, Eva Nett, Wm Stirling. Table butter, Wm Stirling, John Johnston. Home made wine, Joseph Wilds, G II Hus- ton. Honey in jar, Robert McIlveen. Home made bread, Miss Snowden, Miss Stirling. Bakers' bread, Thomas King. ii-,vvRAIN AND SEEDS. -White winter wheat, John Yeo, John Salkeld. Red winter wheat, John Salkeld, Isaac Salkeld. Spring wheat, Joseph Wild, Isaac Salkeld. Large white peas, John Salkeld, Joseph Wild. Small peas, Wm Townsend. .Six rowed barley, John Yeo, Isaac Salkeld. Two rowed barley, John Salkeld. White oats, John Salkeld, Wm Stetling. Black oats; John Wild, Peter MODougall. Timothy seed, John Salkeld, R & T Snowden. Corn, E Talbert, Thomas Cameron. FRUIT. - Collection of grapes, Joseph Wild, G H Houston. Fall apples, four varieties; five of each, Miss Weston, Joseph Wilds. Winter apples, four varieties, five of each, Peter McDougall, William Elliott. Collection of apples, fine 6f each variety Pears, four varieties, five each variety, Joseph Wild, Wm Sterling. Collection of pears, five of each variety, Joseph Wild, Wm Sterling. Twelve peaches, Wm Herd, Miss Weston. Six bunches grapes G II Houston, Joseph Wilds. Crab apple , Isaac Sa keld, John Johnston. Plate of pl ims or pr Ines, Joseph Wild,. Wm terling hitt, Robert Nichol- enero.1 purpose or r & Son, R & T of them wan and then a hei a lunch at q, it's considers claim it's hoi came here vi She said sh meals wouldn she couldn't couraged fas "Ob, not breakfast, an during the d half hour. ''- MARRGE LICENSES ISSUED AT IRE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, BEAFO TH, ONTARIO, APPOI TMENTS MADE, 0•11M•••• NO WIT ESSES REQUIRED, Campbell. Berlin. wool work, Mrs Campbell. Drawn work, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mrs Mrs ing, drawi Paint ng, Mrs C Campbell. Oil painting, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mrs W EL Woods. Ken- sington painting, Miss Parsons, Mrs Campbell. Lustre Painting, Mrs II R Walker, Mrs 0 Campbell. Painting on satin or velvet, Hanna Wise, 1Jr 0 Camp- bell. Best Collection of house plants, G H Houston. ! MANUFACTURES. - ite home-made flannel, Eve _Nott, Wm Sterling. Colored horne-made flannel, Eva Nett, Hanna Wise. Woollen blankets, Isame Salkeld, John Johnston. 1Woollen yarn, John John- ston, Hanna Wise. Stocking yarn, MrsH R Walker, Hanna Wise. Woollen 11 R Walker. Fancy pin cushion, Campbell, Eva Nott. Pencil dt iss ParsonseMrs C Csawbell. Crayon g, Mrs C Campbell. Water color stockings, Hanna Wise, E len socks, Mrs H R Wal Cotton stockings, hand made, Hanna Wise, Mrs Weston. Cotton socks, hand made, Wm Sterling, Mrs Weston,. Woollen' gloves, Mrs Weston, Eva Nett. Woollen mitts, Eva Nott, Hanna Wise. Set single harness, Thos CameronJohn Tippett. Set double harirss, John Tippett. J. VEGETABLES. -Jos A lanspn Clinton. LADIES' WORK. -M its M t Nihid d on, Mrs Park, Bayffeld ; Miss Elliott, Goderich township. , Pouvrav1.-John A King, Clinton. HORSES. -John McNevin, Kippen ; Jas Connolly,Porter's Hill; John Dunn, Stanley. SHEEP AND PIGS. -Walter Madge and Geo Stanbury, Stanley; Henry Beacom, Goderich township. CarrLE.-James Hearn, Clinton; John Hunter, lanley. ' lumEm NTs.-Joseph Caldwell, Goderich. _• Miss Frances E. Willard, Inter - es ed in the Armenian Outrages, APP ,ALS TO WHITE RIBBONERS. a Nott. Wool- er Eva Nott. - Chicago, September- 28.-A cablegram from London says that from the i Inter- national Offices of the World's Women's Christian Temperance Union in that city, Miss Frances E. Willard has sent out the following call to the ten thousand. local unions in the United States :- 1 ' My comrades, -The cup of Wrath is full. In these two terrible yeale ; when the massacre of the innocent has gone on under the eyes of our paralyzed rulers in Christianands, we have thought that men alone c aid help. But it is women ying two deaths iu the bleeder we, their sisters, cannot longer u have nobly responded to my who are East, an wait. Y earlier appeal, and in the name of Christ and humanity, of the home against the harem, 'earnestly and tenderly call upon you to organize meetings in ever locality, urging our government to co-operate with England in putting a stop to the massacres and giving protection henceforth to Armenian homes. Let these - meetings be addressed by the pastors, the business me and the most capable women. Let 'none be raised by systematic visitation as wel as by collection, and forwarded to our nationall treasurer, Mrs, Helen M. Barker, the Woreen's Temple Chimp., And jmay God deal with us at last as we deal with our Armenian brothers and sisters end their little ones in this hour of everwhelming calamity. Youes for God and home, land. • , -For that tickling sensation in the throat try a 10 cent box of " Mist " Cough Lozenges, They will ally the irritation al once. For sale by all druggists .and ethe Key Medicine Company, 395 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. ' in every He Wanted to Be Precise. itness in court who had been aution- giire a precise answer to every ques- and not to talk about what he might the question meant, was interrogated as follows : "Von drive a wagon ?" " No, sir, I do not." " Why, sir, did you not tell my, learned friend so this moment ?" " No, sir, I did not." "Now, sir, I put it to you on your oath, do you drive a wagon?" " No, sir." " What is your occupation, then?" "1 drive a horse." A ed t tion, thin VEGETABLES. -Early potatoes, D Prouse. Late potatoes, John Yeo, John Johnston.. Long red mangolds,John SalkeldSE Talbert. Yellow globe mangelds,'John Salkeld, Thos Stinson. Beets for table use, John Salkeld, Isl rs 11 R Walker. Cabbage, John Salkeld, 11 Rutledge. Oatliflower, T J Moorehouse, R McIlveen. Carrots, Wm Townsend, D. Prouse. Parsnips, F Townsend, R and T Snowden. Pumpkins, Wm Stinson, Wm Parsons. Squas es,H Folland, John Salk- eld. Large English potato onions, M Westlake, D Prouse. Canadian Potato onions, D Prouse, Mrs Weston. !Other onions, John Salkeld, D Prouse. Turnips, John Johnson, T Stinson. Field carrots, Wm Sterling, John Salkeld. White celery, Isaac Saikeld, R and T Snowden. Red celery, G II Houston, R and T Snowden. Winter radishes, Joseph Wild, Wm Par- sons. Citrons, George Young, R Peuhale. Musk melons, John Salkeld, Wm Townsend. Watermelons, R Penhale, William Elliott. Large beans, Mrs R II Walker, William Townsend. Small beans, Wm Sterling, Isaac Salkeld. Large tomatoes, T J Moore - house, Wm Elliott. Small tomatoes, T J Meozehouse, R and T Snowden. LADIES' I WORK, -Knotted pillow eham, John Yeo, Mrs Snowden. Braided pillow sham, Mrs R II Walker, H Wise. Embroid- ered pillow sham, Miss Stinson, Miss Wise. Crazy work, Eva Nett, Mrs R H Walker. Crochet table mats, Mies Martin, Eva Nett. Toilet mate, Mrs Wm Bates, Mrs Jae McDougall. Crochet , drape, Eva No t. Table drape, Hanna Wise, Eva No t. Sofa pillow, Eva Nott, Mrs H R Walk r. Crochet in twine, Mrs H R Walker. Hook- ed mats, Mrs II 1 Walker, Eva Nott. Em- broidery on Sil , Eva Nott. Bouquet of flowers, G II Bloustson. Bouquet of ma 1 flowers, Mrs II 1 Walker, G 11 Housto . Crochet work ini wool, :Eva Nott, Mrs Campbell. Crotchet work in cotton, Mrs C Campbell, Hanna Wise. Embroidery in silk, Miss Martin, Mrs C Campbell. Fancy whisk holder, Eva Nott, Mrs H R Walker. Knitting in worsted, Mrs C 0a,mpbell, Eva Nott. Fancy knitting in worsted, Mrs 0 Campbell, Eva Nett. Cron work, Mrs 0 Campbell. Arrasent work, Mrs H R Walker, Mrs 0 Campbell. Chenille work, Mrs C Cenapbell, Eva Nott. Bead work, any design, Eva Nott, Hanna Wise. Point lace, Mrs C Campbell, Eva Nott. Crewel embroidery, Mrs C Campbell, Eva Nett. Silk patch work, Miss Parsons, Mrs H R Walker. Quilt in patch work, Mrs C Campbell, Eva Nett. Fancy quilt, Hanna Wise, Mrs H R Walker. Log cabin quilt, Eva Nott, Miss Parsons. Knitted or crochet quilt, Miss Stinson, Eva Nott. Gent's linen shirt, Wm Sterling, Eva Nott. Ladies' underclothing, Eva Nett, Mrs C Campbell. Etching in cotton, Eva Nott, Mrs H R Walker. Ge4t's fancy flannel shirt, Eva Nott, Mrs C Wm Sterling, Eva Nott, M or stockings, ampaelL Plain hand sewing, R Walker. Feather flowers, H R Walker. Darned socks' re H R Walker, Eva Nott. . Berlin wool work, Mbs Moorehouse, Mrs 0 Great Bargain& -IN- Wall Paper -AND- Window Shades 1AT Papst's Bookstore T n thousand rolls to be eleare ed out this fall at less than one- half regular prices. A full line of g lt papers selling at 10 and 15 bents, were 25 to 50 cents per -roll. Other grades at similar reductions. Now is your chance to secure a bargain. W. PAPST SEAFORTH. McLE0O'S System Renovator -AND OTHER - TESTED - REMEDIES. A specific and antidote ter Impure, Weak and Im- poverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate- -tiers of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis. Consumption, Gall Stones. Jaundice, iKI ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danoe, Female Inegularieles and General Debility. LABORATORY-Goderich, Ontario. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and M anti faeturer. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 1501-11 • -Mrs. H. M. Brown, Galt,tOntario,says : My children had croup, and I find that Dr. Laviolette's Syrup of Turpentine gives speedy relief; therefore, I take [pleasure in recommending it to the public. • Discovered the Secret They had been married , two weeks, and had just commencer' their life of love in ia cottage. " rm going to make some biscuit, dear, she announced. " Won't you help me ?" " Certainly love," he replied. They kissed and took dow4 the bread pan. "Now, let me see, dear ; I take a little baking powder. There -a spoonful and a half." He kissed her rapturously. "Now a little salt, dear. There, I think thist will do. Now, a little pepper -no, bow silly of me." They both laughed and kissed again, "Now some water, dear," and she pour- ed a cupful into the pan and tirred it up. "Oh, dear, now I've forgo ten what else I must put in," she sighed. " Wouldn't a little-ier flour help it 1 out ?" " 011, yes -flour," andthey kissed again. -If everybody only new how effective Dr. Laviolette's Syrup of Turpentine is fek the cure of Colds and Bronchitis, they would never take an .other remedy. It is by far the most efficacious of all known -preparations, Stie Pitied the Doctor. , n' ,,o-' eis in," Wash- ington is small of stature and very boyish in appearance. A lady entered his office the other day, one of the bustling sort of i cian, " is the dector in. But I et& see he is women, who never quit talking, says the Washington Star. "Boy," she said addressing the physi- One of the leading physicians of • ,1 , began the physician, but the visitor interrupted him. "Oh, he's in, is he? Then he' ri -engaged., pu wait, Does he allow you to sit athis desktiliatwr r?" "Madam WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. f3xce. Igg WILL KEEP EGOS FRESH FOR 12 MONTHS. IT IS NO PICKLE. - You simply treat the Eggs with PRESERVER, and lay them away in a basket or box. aeateosekeeesses LAY DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN THEY ARE CHEAP. Call for book giving full information, of charge. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. sere THE. EY. EYESIGHT. J. S. Roberts, Graduate of Detroit Optical InstitutealsoChicagoOphth- almic College, is prepared to fit all defects of Vision Astigmatism, Hypermetro- pia, Myopia, Prestyopia or any compound defect. ' Intelligent people have given up the idea of buy - u ordInar31 common spectacles at a counteebeeause they see we1I with them. It may be that only one we yeea k, is bo rr ost h tt ph iotooe use.eallat .J h 1 e thes. oRt hoe r ROBERT'S y The jiss strained as result in blindness. If your eyes are Drug Store end have them tested. Does the print blur or do the eyes the when reading 1 Do the eyes ,ache? Do the eyes water? Are they sore or inflamed? ,These symptems point to defects in the refraction, or lithe muscles of the eyes and can be perfectly oor- lreth4Dd. Do you,brive headache? Eye stmln causes more headaches than all other causes combined. Thous- ands of people are suffering who do net realize that eye strain is the cause. All these cases can be cured with glasses that are meth) to correct the error in bbs eyes. Theeyes of children should be carefully tested. In many CMOS the defect in the eyes its shown by various symptoms, such as inability to see figures on a blackboard, holding the book close to the eyes, blurnng of letrs, armed eyes or eyes turning in, blinkiug, write 'ng of the eyes and particularly head- ache. In many oases the child is accused of being dull or stamid,et hen the fault is in the eight, and can be corrected wit glasees. If you are wearing glasses that are not satisfactory, bring- them to me. In case od disease, you Will be recommended to the physician it once for treatment, 1459 LADIES!. Emancipation from Pain 1.5 POUND IN "Oh, of course, you would say he dOes, but I'll warrant you'll catch it if he sees You there. Yon look sort of pale, I should think the doctor would give you something to make you atronger. Your ma ought to send you into the country. That would make you grow. How soon do you think the doctor will be disengaged ?" "Madame, I tried to tell you before -I do not think you can see the doctor to- day." Well, I'll come next time I'm in town. But you ought to quit staying in this office and go into phecountry. Not that it is any of my busin ss, but I do hate to see boys so pale and pu y." She disappeared, and the doctor in w ndering what she will say when she comes id next time. Puisst and Best fez Table and - No adaseatIonf. Never calcest Dr. LeRoy's. Female Pills, The only reliable sae trustworthy pre. widen known. Safest, surest and most effective remedy ever disoovered for a1 irreg. niaritiesof thefemalerystent. eashisteennear free Price si_per hex ofdruglisis. or137 xr=-v- ••care)y ae&ied on receipt of pries. LeRoy Co. Victoria St., Toronto, Can. Seaforth by I. V. Fear. Seasonable Styles. Otir -direct connections will save you time and money for all points, Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR- IST CARS for your accommodation. Call for further information. Station G. T. R. Ticket Office, Train Service at Seaforths Grand Trunk Railway, rains leave Seaforth and Chrton stations ste follows: a Me WNW- S5AV0R111. CLINTON. Passenger_ - 12 40 e. IL I 03 7. II. Passenger._ _ - - 9.05 p. M. 9.22 P. N. Mixed Train- 9.806. M. 16,15.3ert. Mixed Train........ 6.20r. s. 7.05 r, M. owe KANT- Paegenger. .. •••• a/0 OW 7.41 A. u. 7,25 A, Id. PANErelager .... MEW Ale at• 8P1 In m. .8.05 P. et Mixed Train- ... -- 5.26 P it. 4.85P a Wellington,- Grey and Bruce Gore° NORTII-. Passenger. Mixed. Ethel . , ... , .. .. 12.41 P.N. 9.30 P.R. 13.00 ell. Brussels 12 54 1.48 9.40 Bluevale - 118 9 57 10.10 Wingham.. .. 1.18 10.07 11.20 Gorse Sours- Passenger. Mixed, Wingham.... 5.04 e.R.11.90 AL N. 7,20 ear, Bluevale- .. 6.1a 11.85 805 Brussels ........ 8.98 11.59 8.00 Ethel...-. 641 12.14 Tat.. 9.110 London, Huron and Brube. GoreL:oxnNedteooern7L-part 1.50 6.00 Bengali- - 9.44 --6.16 Kippen, 9.50 E26 °CB r I edt Clinton..... ins et. I 0.. dr:: 315 855 tri5 Blyth.... ---------10.41 7.23 - 1016 7.37 Wingham arrive- - - 11.10 8.00 Passenger. BeinSgreraveattittalizz.......: 6.80.y. 3 841 e3..titee Blyth..G°INVIGg- 6.-56 118 Londesbore....- 7,13 359 -- 1404:41 7.59 4 Kippen- - /08 448 Henna- _ 8.15 4.63 Exeter -----------8.85 5.08 9.60 A.m. -6.25 Vert London, (arrive) F. GTJTTERIDGE Sole Agent in Seaforth for USHER'S QUEENSTON CEMENT -AND-- GUELPH and ACTON LIME. This is the best lime on the market. Full instruc- tions given for all kinde of cement work. 1 will also keep ia stook Portland Cement, Paris Plaster, Lsthe Hair, Brick, ole. A full stock of all these kept con- stantly on hand. Prices right, Warehouse south of the railway track, opposite the freight shed. F. GUTTERIDGE, Seaforth, 1181-11 We invite your attention to our complete and carefully selected stock of Boots,; Shoes and Rubbers M707t. Comprising extensive lines of the newest and best.1 Our popular stock of fashionable goods is perfect beyond criticism or com- parison. We are showing the correct styles of the season in all new colors and designs, of every febric and material. The prices are low, no one can sefl you respectable goods cheaper. We doubt if you can find any one willing to meet our prices on quali- ties nearly as good. These goods are bar- gains viewed from any standpoint. Noth- ing better -can be had -the quality and style are there, and the prices are lower, quality considered, than any place in town. •••11/1•II•••••••=.... JUST A WORD • • 4.. • • • -ABOUT- HARNESS ic Ste t11- • We are giving the best value in har- ness ever offered in Seaforth, made by skilled workmen, and only first-class material used. Repairing promptly attended W. Bring along your old collars and we will make them work. Light harness a specialty. M. BRODERICK, CornerMain and John Sts., Seaforth. Richardson & WInnis BLAIN MEET, BEAFORTIL SIGN OF THE• CIRCULAR SAW 126: C f CI. 4:DI: CMaaZaPig;l;1 (d $tWv-e7i) 1ICS.ccCCcrtfioolqQDi4+4ml . 0. :y8i5C".1D.0.)# eri::cf0c1lck,„0_-t.--irt)et.+1i ..3•.3-rP1iC190'Lew10C2::--:,-'Dds-10ti: -4e .iI0r:8 Oe0 7ii CD ...3 n tin I • CD 1 . I:11° i •°--Aii P ° 1 Ati rn 1 clft 1 g nO fe cr) (1) N CP '• id I Pi 0 PI -- - taA wit 0 " irl SIJ I al;0 CD i I, =Pt : Om" tort- CD • L • CC CS'CD • .• CD '13 O 0 1ftPI gCD ab- CD rn imp. p 0 Pill I:5 rD ••••••t, McKillop Directory for 1896. ..‘,..••••••••••••16/1Ift JOHN MORRISON. Reeve, Winthrop P. WILLIAM ARCHIBALD, Deputy -Reeve, Lsadi bury r. o, MoSAVIN. Councillor, Leadbury P. 0, JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Councillor, Beachwood P. 0. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beeohwood P. 0. JOHN 0. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P„.41 DAVID M. BASS, Treasurer. Insibeop WM. ITA148, Amosesor, BobabwoodP. O. MARL= DODDS. Oonsebor, Bestorth 1,0. rhin aim= towase, sanaarr infrato4lond. tea 1). O.