The Huron Expositor, 1896-07-24, Page 9i� 7r I-7 JULY 2��J THE URON EXPOSITOR@ 1890 Sunday was a grand success. The speak. Mr. Hector Elliott, school teacher, in holi he would be pleased to have them ex- was iruck on th6 head, badly fracturin at Mr. J. X. Best's this week.—Dr. Dew Wilson's Oash 'Grocery 9 or, d t the - parental home, bere.—Mr. ne and inspect every department. Thei"the 8 ull. Both his hands were also badly who purchased Dr. CampbelVe practice ng, both: in the - German sud English Ian. aving R by the n keet h a severe,attack of Visito all seemed to- avail themselves of smas Dd. i good. - The singing The best Mvingo!d to grow is ktabs, improved J as again bad: He was found shortly afterwards here, has gone to Pickering, where he takes guagb, wim inammoth saw log, (See report of Ontario Agricul- erysipelas. in the face, but we are pleased to �hobr was firsti claim, and they deserye much he privileges given., and it was not long un- !yin n the ditch by a woman who -as go- an old establishe praetice.—Rev. Mr. tural Ooll-?go.) The best field carrot is the Improved )wAb i credit.. The proceeds throughout the day say,is now In he Laurier-Alow _�were scattered -around in all - quar- ing c rry picking, and when found the body Hodgins and wife'lave returned home. itproving.—T I they whort white. The beat Swede turnip is the Monarch combination has at last, materialized into a era, as -taste or fancy dictated. The ex- was fite.cold, indicating that he had been amounted to over $21, which is -in aid of Westbury or Skirving. Improwd, and the beat Hills B ngland and her place to buy thom is right here, as all our seed to splendid cabinet. No wonder such a -con- erimental plots, seemed to draw the largest dea i ome time. - The little fellow was miss. the rnission fund.—Mrs, titrleVy new and of. the beat quality. Our prices are MeKillop. daughters left for their home in' New Ham- junction of constellations was. followed so rowds, while not a few made for the.barns ed n the house. by his mother, and she away down below the regular' combination 'prices. soon by such'& bountiful rain althofigh it nd stables to see the methods of arrange- was rohing for him a,b the time of the Acomrt TO A' ORSr. —on Sunday last, a few days a 0, after visiting their barley, clovr and thn6tby seed at a son of Mr' Win. lolmes, of the 12th cork- agri.cul- ent and examine the stock. Here Mr. acci nt. 4 burid#s here. Choice seed, frien —Mr. ;F Wing is 'back- from Lowest price& Have just received some very fine has failed to give.14 a minist r of It is a particularly severe afflic- new Ceylon Tea in bulk, which we can sell ture.. Well, we are not jealo�s, though the annie was n,,",,nf in his -attentions to tion )r Mr, and Mrs. B rry and they have cession,. let put a horse to go for water.. A Michigan. Hie intends 'to invest in some It will onlys be a few week at 10oper hoice t] 40 and E. B -Also some very a honor has gone from us,this time.- -A. nuni-� he visitors, and ex he mpathy of the e tire community in -drinking a � the rough at the time. before, our - A* I G ds pound less than in packagetr. I ined with great care t bull was land there.—Mr. Jacob Dei hert young Hysong and Jap-xno� whidh we are retailing at 90 t thei bereavement, The hotse grabbed he bull by the back with with a 169A of the fair sex, were in prices no pedar can afford to sell at. Give us a r1al. ber- of our young lads went to. Bayfield on and minuteness to large crowds of interest aust commence to �riiv ewas CAnned vegetables, cannal and dried fruits of the Monday. They intend to spend a couple of : d farmers, the merits of the respective ani- his teeth, whereupon Mr. Bull turned on rediton last Taesda.—A, meeting, e, a. T -WE, the horse and inflic �ed a severe wound in held in the town hall last Monday evening, want lots of �nodm 1w_atqualUy&t1oAnstpr1c-L Some: extra fine cheese weeks therein camp for the g6�d of'their rials shown, the methods of feeding, and so L :AL Bitivrs.—A cow belonging to Mr. I for stock just now.. Have% well 'snorted stock of its breast with its I orn. The . horse pluck- V 03 in 1Q_ a health.—Miss Maggie McDougall bf-Mr. on. The dairy department was aboanother no& an to take steps to improve the fire 1protection. a bia raft O quality employee Of the Broadfoot & Box 0 f i n e w things� and provisions of the best Illy started to take 1 eenge but'the animals the Some resolutions were passed, and another nd will not be undersold by any house- in trade. Pickard's millinery establishment, leaves ttractive point to.4 great many, and here Fur iture Company, strayed out of the pas- COMID81. in charge. The museum, reen near. 1 -he tank, on Friday morni ko ming on . a visit to relatives 1110 and instruction were given d and got on to the rii1way track we' The horse is meeti g will be held. in the near future; The highest prizes paid for all kinds f produce-. this (Friday) mo Ila explanation turrelifiel re separated by i6e lad. Cash paid for eggs. in Marine City, Michigan. She will be ab- those seri 'usly injured, 6ut is likely to recover. _�y 9 ng, and was The benefit of -very low prices- fqrtb. sent several -wee C. WILSON, Sea &s., — rs. MbLellan is houses, and in fact nearly every corner strue&, by one of the excursion trainv. One Chiselhurst. Bluevale.. for all clanes of stri Bank of Commerce Block. spending'a few weeks wi friends in Lou-' about the' establishment, were thoroughly of the animal's logs as broken and it had mmer -goods� NO ES.—Miss Lilly McKeown, of Clinton,. d y. i . nspee e I DIED xzT Am, e Algoma Ad- shall be yours on. —Mrs. Smith, of Chatham, formed t id, whilo -4he: tower on the main to be ki led. This w 11 be i* heavy loss to �.,.—In th 'in the" vicfhity. —Xias Lizzfe f jr the 'rest, of- is vi3itii3g OF Miss Waugh, of this' viliage, is visiting building, from -,which a most delightful M r. 6' he follow-' -he has had voc&te, of the 17th linsb., we find t TI SNAPS- IN && as it is thi second cow Barrell, of Ldudon, is visiting relatives, in the seasofi. ill be no, friendshere at present. Mr. and Mrs.: Dal. view of the whole f�rin, as well as of the kill in this manner —At the,recent meet- ing notice of a former resident of this place, neighborhood.—Mr. and Mrs. S. J. eserre. Margaret th Centralia, have been holidaying city. and surrounding country was had, 'wa Ing I the Masonic Gi and Lodge, Dr. Shaw, where she was well'known as Miss aon L a of London,. are pending their vaca- REE ADYMADE. gety, of i iton, was ap it with relatives in thw village't.his.week. -visited by nearly every one who could clim� of poiated District Deputy Currie It is our sad duty to chr icle I r A po� the various fliglits �f stairs jnterv6�ing be- Gra Mtister of Huron Districb.—Miss Min- the death of Mrs. .14' dwin Ansley, of Wharn- tic 12 lat Al.r. Lattes parents.—Mr. John lfteagebea ii) 4illa'whenyov Hicks' spent last week visiting in the section iiew -oftww--XL0T11I1NG - Alx 01,-D, H UROXITE TO TnE FlioNT. �An - - tween incither earth. *11d this somewhat ele- nie bell is spending her holidays at her -cliff, which happened on the 3rd inst. A] ra. are pul�,,hasingo- 0t we AUCOA he formerly taught, in Goderich township. eneral remark was, bom Trorth Maio! Street.—Whilehr. John Ansley, who was only 27 years old, 1ad other former Huron boy has been distin- vated position. Th I —We regret to learn that Mr. He Eyro, to sell,, and as al rj�ije, Wh who-' uishing himself. We refer -60 Mr. James -that there was so m:cll of interest to see, Hay,, of A16Killop, and two ladies, were re. been ailing -for sometime, but her friends Ry wl to has been siek for a number of months ever people 'are' very 'aDXi0118i and I We have had the good fortune to - secure a big lot McKinnon, of Laird township, Algoma, who that several -days mig! it be profitably em- urn g from Mr. John Sproat?s in Tucker- apprehended no immediate danger until the 4 of made-up clotbi-g of the celebrated SANDFORD has just received - from the department of ployed at -the as neither mind sinit w on Sunday evening, the horse got day of her death. The decosised- leaves a 8.0tot improving any- to selltbat's t4 place to buy. -ship 31AKE at unprecedentedly low prices,. They were riculture, at Ottawa -the -diploma a.nd nor body could stand tie fatigue of a thor- frig ned and -jumped into the ditch.' The husband and two little girls, to mourn :the loought in such a way that we are enabled to give 59 the I our customers the most completal. up-to-date clothing medal awarded him it - the 'World's Fair, ough inspection in aq snort a time. How- bu was u sad loss of a loving wife and kind rhother. Stephen. Some of the thin we Iv,01111 pset d the occupants thrown r*ht at and.belaw wholeval es. Now is your glden Chicago, in 1893, fof the best'sample, of red ever, all seemed to in e good use of their out, ut were not . i jured, . although the ve. Mrs. Ansley was the eldest daughter of THE Vo,;Exts' LIST.—The voters! lists for rticularly well to tell opportuni to secure e4eniefe, Boys' and Children's damaged.—Mr. like pa fall wheat. This wheat was -grown on the time,', and to enjoy ttulselveI4 most th6r- hiele: vas somewh Will. Thomas Currie, Esq., of Wells, and- her. this townihip have been received by the Suits, odd Goats,odd vests and odd Pants -of tho high- Cure( w'est possiblepnees.- farm of Mr. Duncan - McKinnon, of Laird oughly. A�out a# past five the man McDc nald, of Detr it" is visiting his parents early -death is deeply deplored by a lar e clerk for distribution.- From it we learn est standar 3 of quality, at the lo township, and, -while -it reflects credit on the rties fhat bad been scattered ai ound dur- at th ( Manse. —Mir i d. Hartry, brother of circle of friends. The inpurning frienis that the total number 9f voters in the Sao it g the e our heartfelt sympathy in this t - 2, of these 1, 02-6 are �entitled[ W161. P1.0KARD & CO'S. wheat -pr,oduciveness of Algom% it afternoon, commenced to gather in Mr. illiam Hartr 7, of this town, and who hav ir township is 1,2012 PARASOLS, all kinl hi ;o 8 of MILLINERY aceshlr.-Jam -McK sad hour of bereavement. vote at both mumic:pal elections and pl ed Unnon on the fi t at the main buildings again, and after being was I igineer on the C. P. R. train which and L�CES. Afte) "gain., Clothing and.Dry Goods ijlouse, ranks of the farming profession. The to n- ft rfher regaled by sandwiches- and tea, re- wcnt� �h 4h the. Maggot river bridge, near elections o the Legislative Assembly, 83 -at 'Seaforth. rou', ship of Laird is to be congratulated on h v- turned to.ihe city as, ipeedily as the eec- Schr er, a cotiple iof weeks ago, was visit- Wroxeter. municipal elections, and 91 at ele.etions to LIGHT COLORED 11 upon, e, Legi3 tive.Aseembly only. 761 of these ing such able, industrious and entetp;isibg tr ic cars could convoy them. -This -was the, ing 111(re this week., Mr. Hartreyz says they NOTES.—MiSS Kate Forsyth and Miss th ESS GOODS -we re sidents as the Messrs.. McKinnon. 6 t tim that many of the - exhursioniats had niraculous escape.—AIr. Thomas Copp Lizzie, Thomson left for Manitoba on T' es- voters are qualified according to law to -our u SEPTEMBER h -d been at the college, and they were sur Of X York, and son of Mr. William Cop serve as Jurors. FA TERN )p day morning last. Both girls are much LIGHT GROUT D -PRINT 11CYCLS ­-Arrangoments have pried at the'extent and completeness of the in - Abot, B R_kcEs.. of th , town, is at present home on his hoii- thought of the village and they carry With been made whereby bicyclist enthusiasts in in stitution�_­ t4 verytbing seemed to days re in vihich Mr. Copp is them the well wishes of a 'great inany Cromarty. be on a he dru sto town will ha Ve the pleasure of a good even- larger scale, more complete and better kept ed, is onf, w doors from th CHALLIES, DELAM a fe e sur- friends to the Prairie Province. NoTrs. R. Speare, of the Forest ES A1U8TL.11X%T80 jo g�ry r. --,M . ing's spdrt. It has been arranged that on tl an they had expected to find �t, and we f D Campbell, formerly of Seifforth. Howard Snell and wife, of Goderiicb,� �are Ci I -SUMMER Tlosllmyll '-'-GLOVES, ty, accompanied by Mis 0. Ingram, of Wednesday evening next two ma6ched races venture to say that moet_ if n6t all re- Mr. U)pp says Dr. Campbell is doing a very UNDERAVrAl,t,, 0 . 9 visiting friends in town.—Mrs. T W 'Gib wfishi ere vvitiug wi will be run on the recreation grounds e in Wooklyn.—Mr. John M pol ay pL ON, RIO Hay to friends here ildren, on Wednead last week. tt rned with enlarged views son and obi of Toronto, _�u S! "RATFORD, ON be. of large )ractis areiiere a tween Messrs. J. W. Livingston and George a higher appreciation of their calling, and Tavis ay 9 ) of the firm of Hilborn & McTavish, holiday. —Messrs. Thomas Rae and 6. Young man and women who de reto secure a first rL ftVLI e L to C l. Baldwin, at one and five' miles. As better 'pleased with tbejr own institution Wrox ter, h class busin,se education a eL i i d orrespond as been, visiting at his home Brown bad a very successful fishing, tour "Off I I Ysborne. These are i the goods UP.) withm. This school: is the fines equippedbusinew these two riders are old rivals in' th� iracing ti an they had -ever been7 before, and firmly here ing the pasr;�eek.—Mr. John Me. last week in the Saugeen district. They Lose, d, two intifresting and close contests may re solved to ON A VISIT.—Mrs. David DOL yllid, we arih, w. 11ilIg to make- college in IN.'eatern Ont.ario. Writ1for circulars. W. ay another visit th met in with.Mr. A. Goodfellow -'while away Z> J. ELLJOT V, Principal. 1444-62 to' e college Milla shipped three, loads of f&tL 'her two dau : ers, Allice an wnie and I wh1d be expected, and we are sure that'there will dud farm as soon as opportunity might c.attle in here this'week, or the old coun- and had a asaut time all together.— ixty d Mary, of liberal redlet It i I ing s� be a large turn "out to witness the races: In ol Per. . We must also say -that it is only dhe try. Robert Me p 0 present visitin �4essrs. Millan and Robert or seventy rods -of �new sidewal hav -been wotona, Mi , E ota;, -are at pay you to comg OUR NVAy- JD :P. addition to the matched races it is- the in. tc Dr.. MilIS'L Mr. Rannie and their assist- Scott ent' in bbarge of them. They were a Mrs. Downie's id;ber, 'Mr. R6bt. McDonald, laid in the v Ilage this season. he . �York tention to have other events, so that . a full ax Is to state that their kind and thought- partic Illy fine lot.—. Miss hompson,dress- on the Thame toad, and other friends. It -any time or !at 111 times d_- I he Ifth of June therewill. be two boatg's t was done in pital style by Thomas. raith �n ye . ars eek lesvii lgL Gcderich, on and interesting eyonbag'a L programme will fUlLattentions o the visitors didi much to maker 0 this town, left t it, week for Aik- and Chrlei . Simmons.—Two cars f is fifte ce she was home before, -ing July an(I IN WedaeBlay and Satur be provided.—A movement is on foot among a� live day -4a The Cannon* leaves on Eaturday the. 20th. d to the ple"dre and profit of the occas- enside M.afiitoba,' where a e will spend the stock were shipped from here on, M and it is ne - Mas to say she is enjoying her The C_ P. R. Steamships leaVe Owen Sound on Mon- several bicyclists through the: county w*ith a- i and we can aasuve thbm that the visi. remai d6r of the sammer.—Mr. James L. "d'y '�Visit- She itends renraining about 'two last by Messrs Hamilton &' Saudersda.— days. Thur days and Saturdays. Af or the 27th of ming a county.ci away very Killort nj is home kom Toronto for bbe holi- M months. r view to for rcuit,and the.in- t a from South Huron carriedl June the Albert& goLes on Windsor rd,ute. essrs. Job S. McTavish and William tention is - t hold. rac; meets for co 1D) asant recoll 0 p Valm upty ections of their o4ting at the days.- .Shortly after one o'clock on Monday, &IcKrcher, jr have been iliducte& to the o Experimental Farm. -�elass The more riders at the diffe 19. MCFAUL ou use Dominion Express Money rent �towns in.'th county. It is alsol due to the the. fir( wl histle at Broadfoot's called the fire- eldership of bh'e Presbyterian Ohurch here.— Walto'n. —A special sermon to Orders, the bktter you like th . Issued for anv It is to be hoped that al� CycliSta Wili J�ke officers ofthe Grand Trunk Ra' way to say men ot t. The cause was a - heated journal A trio of the Sons of Abraham' are skirmish- SPF,('.TAL Izr&,L amount at 4nytime to any pers3n, this matter up and, . do all they can' -to bring that the officers of the Inatitut and those which- ;et some shavings on fire, but prompt in 74i 6. od Are MANITOBA EXCURSIONS. it to a successful iSSL ue. interested in getting up the cursi6n feel action 'revented any I serious reaults.—Dr. this neighborhood for the members o, . t lie Ancient OrAer-of United 1jry Ov4erl the. country in iron bo�es, etc., and shipping same Workmen,o Good for sixty da, 0 f Wa'ton lodge,will be preached deeply thankful. to them for the very favor- Robert on, of tratford, has accepted the Going Juno' 30tb returning AUgUatL 29th THj,, BOWTING-.ToUP.I-T-iAYENT.--LThe two "le rates which they offered the excursion- by the Caadian Pacific Railway. -in the Presbyterian church, on Sunday -$&I J, eballen ye issued by Frank F. Rodway, of th 7 September 5th days' bowlin ists and- foi the morpipg,-. August 2nd. The brethen are Seaforth's Greatest C... Dry Goods Store! 44, -tournament on the howling smple accommodation Lou'dox , to Lride a matched race with any 4aomo Tuckersmith. requested to mee � in, the lodge room at half To Delorainii, Reston, Egtevn, BluscArth anJ green, in a town, on Wednesday and which they provided and' are pleased- that wheela an of-Stratiord or vicinity, from the h to the church in a body. Maoaoinin To Calgary, Prince Albert $35. To Thursday, -was in every respect a success. it must have resulted so profitably to them. , Albion.hotel in Stratford to th�e British Ex- WEST KIND NoTEs.—The fall wheat bar- pas and mar anitoba, and Dakota. —Alessrs. S. Gidley "Regina, Mp sejaw, Yoikton $30. To Red- Deer, 1, Teams were present from Goderich, Clinton The first train left Gvelph on the' return change hotel in Goderich, and return.—Ma- ve8t is now nearly finished and the spring . Sui amerhiU. & Son intend improvir g the D- Edwonton 10, Half fare on Dominion Day. rew and Mitchell, and the coin -petition was of trip abl' ?ut six o'clock and the second follow- jor A] raon and his staff hav grains are r block at an - early dtt _M e e cleaned up ipe ing fast.—Mr. W. White I the keenest possible kind, each - rink vieing ed it half an hour later and allot to their Main street very nicely.` Mrs. William now rides , n .—Our )ostmaste'r mow sports a, r. S. Lang, RANALDJ CDONALD, an merson wheel.—Mr. H. newi top implement agent, has at a seasonable hour, Co�p. iss Mary Copp, Miss Butson, and O'Brien returned last week from Cheyenne 'buggy.--�Mr. Ed.; Elliott and wife, een kept busy thv Agent C. P. R. ticket and telegraph, Do, wi�th the other in* their endeavors to make respectiv,adestinations sta-r-tin lar e number press and Money Orders. minion Ex. the best showing, aond to sustain the. repu- no doubt tired, *but well pleased with' the Mr. T omas Copp,,have gone to Bayfield to City, where he was visiting his broth- of the Lake sho�e road, spent, Sunday at Past week ur M 11iro gh all atten N TES at be reeentl tation. of their club. The green was. i a ex pleasant day they had spent, and without Mr J. McBrion's. Mr. Elliot was a Massey -Harris bin era y sol(I w W er.—Miss Jones, of Toronto, visited I rustic e far a fe eeks.—The refreshini real entof this vicinityseyeral years ago to'the farmers in, thitt vicinity.__�Col cellent condition, and added materiallyt6 -one untoward or unpleasaA -occurrence showers -of Sunday and Monday last, 1 L Inty did relatives and friends here last week. �_A and Constable J. T. W,catptt is looking fora, _T rmers took in the excur- was very. popular, and was renewing 01 JTM] thebrilliaut playing. The decorations werw arising'. to mar the pleasure of. the day. a wonderful amoint of good, as everLthi large number of f' man who hired a horse and rig from ITr. fl- irst dxcursion'of the kind that was be g rritau� pleasant - acq-,iaintances. —Mrs. Robt, rery pretty, consiting -of �gs placed at This is the f sion to Guelph o 'Friday last g parched by the sun.—Mrs. Mc- Arthur -Forbes, mSeaforth, on, --AGENT FOR different points, andi added to this, the gay has been held from- the same district for Intyre and Mrs. 0. Neil, left on W, eduesdai N E w B A r. John McDonald,, Of Miller has returned from a very pleasant Monday last., and faile., to return �it. r , Win. White, Rodgerville. has been aerioiij t rong of players. and onlookers made a many years, but judging from the success for a 6 Id, -where th y will spen� -the 2nd concession, H. R. S., is erecting a visit, to relatives in Wingbaw.—Be M Canadiaa Expri. a cluding 'Money orders) ; a moin�h i AL"" ; #.. ; which at-fainded U, 4- 1, Stout 'nr,-vbn.toe1 Frn— +.I- U; 11- ry animmed a a 010- A I lkx. 11. V. cl. g a three old established e so many a L 9-1vir. John tkinson, a ]p rosperous une ne bauk barn this an -6 a wor V i mer. The ly ill the past week wit Mp_ n Imbers were there, and, together, with years until'the g herdlast -of , Fire Cc nieS, V ood people of South � Huron r erfin Biddulpb, a d an old tim a resident frame was raised on Tuesday of last week. unday,on accou t of sickness,' hoeniXL Norwich Unied, i Mr. .h a complication In- ! t, iese were w goodly umber of sight seers will have another opportunity of a similar of Sea - th, was in to wn on Moni ay. He Kiltl!y 0 ci�ted admirably.—One day last diseases. His maiiy frie nds in Exeter wZ lquiperial ; Donai ion Steamship Line—Royal The foundation, if, brick, and w is built, by be pleased to h6r Speamers, "Vancouver," '-'Labrador,',' "Can- e mum- Air. John Qiinton of George Kidd, cf Hensall, while the Wood a -lurpby ran o ' which the majoirity were ladies. The, day's outing. The following is th wawacc � panied by wee hors' belonging to Mr. A his speedy recoe n embers -of the bowling club may congratd- ber of tickets sold w, ere awa Mrs. Win. Kerslake den, visited relatves. ey Parker's Dye Works, Toronto. I at each station : Gode- Usborne, Th ut on a pleasure trip work 1 be' doi ie by Mr. Uteol ge McGon- on a�ccount of some breakage in the here the past week: 1490. 1 te themselves that thi was one, of the rich, 30 0 utton, 287 Seaforth, 403 and to see the countr3 . It is about twelve igle­;�r.ln.kill am Sproat, i thd same ha eas� 6nd Mr. Murpy, who was in the Most successful affairs of the kind ever held Dublin,"30 ; Mitchell, 70 Centralia, 101 years' . ce Mr. Aikinson was in Seafortli neighborhood, h I bug y, m is pitched out and bad his ankle 13 I also raised a d efflar d I in Western Ontaijo. - The score will bei pu' mor, ) or Less severely injured, so that he is ()e a. Exe4er, 174 ; Hensall, 127 Kippen, 80' befores,td hewas' sulprised at the growth his barns and aced stabling Brucefield, 114. p udeinea lihed next week' of he )wn u that timle.—The Messrs. and,when these i nprovements e oml t- conr)ellei to take a rest.—Mr. I,. JorAwn- BRTRFS.-�-The Misses Rollins, of London, t 't' —f— 1 e also a the rig, but escaped unhurt. formerly are renew -mg Narkis''In and the Me re. d a; comfortable d omn df this plaCe, !W he will have was Vr # L I iladn went to so­ sa Baygel I on utesda hen they wills dious out buildings as can be und I in t e ces.—Edg4r Py rade or, wo r Pend brought home lim, S RGE -stock. of goods on hand for I' A�N IXPOSTOX-�—A- man township. Mr. Chnton. newly-mde briae last ek.---�C. W. Vs& A LA 11 who egistered o t d f 01 or- wood. - A. G. VANE03110ND vs, eaforth. �8 their I i(lida ' in —We Ulkelerstand DISTRICT MATTERS. 1 his name at Henderon's hotel in this town P.- Shoemaker, 0 Hay, � d STRucir, i3y _& TRAIN. and wife are visitin e as McCann, arrived here on Monday of last that at excur ion und r the auspices of the the mason work, and Mr. Me onigle t e —Mr. Catelon, one 9 in Detroit andelse- LAwiT SociAL this evening -(Friday) at the PresbvArian and Met dist Sabbath Schools carpenter work'.. 'I We hope bothl onir � you of the old residents of this vicinity, was whe're.—Mr. Abbott, in6ardine grounds of Mr. J. M. Best, Church street. He represented' himself as being Bandin week. is V -U- attendance. Admission, 10 c3uts. Eve b,)dir rran�ed for, e barns fiLL walking on the railway track at Holmesville Ving his 8. Davis.—Mrx, Tim Hrro.NTARIO FEmic.* RAiL-%v_%_y.— viw. in. connected with the Scott Brother i electrical of t-Ifi; town, is being to Nia- friends will ha-ve'their fin well Weii. Houston gara FJ41 a bout the th The with bountiful Zps and sleek herds or on Tuesday afternoon and was struck by wl covering from her- From the folloWig despatch from Toronto ; 149XI works in Detroit and gave out that he in- ., a of August. is slowly c to 20c on every dol4r is- the tended esta . blishing.. tickets,j hich will be a! very low rate, many years to come. i the five ocl. in prolonged illness. ci electrica works ook tra* from Goderich and _Pr* &I Delgaty and, will be Ig od from Fri until the followin I instantly killed. The unfortunate ma, din n was g thei olidayB -ilt in the western I Cash Shoe Store Carmichael Block, S4.aforth,but able pre- 9 i electric railway to be bu ked Of amount you save by buying your Sh-)es at the Cheap here if he could secure suit' ife are open .; would seem as if the much. tal FRwn 10 t friends in Stanley —Mis i E ]part of Ontario, and which will touch sev- remember this Is 0 a cAsh store. W. H. Wimm, Man- mises forthat purpose. He 'prdposed en- Mond& . Mr. F. Holmated was, sufficiently Blyth- 90 year, of age and as he was hard of hear. mma Baker, who- er. gagin . th ufacture of-eleciliric :lamps recover to be abl to attend at his office 0 1) 0 ing it is E ?pposed that he did not hear the went-tO E r1and some e a points in this county., with its termi- 1 140-1 in . e man I BRiEFs.—Several cases I e er train coff mg. He was the benefit of for I and electric appliances generally. on Mond Ly, and received the warm congratu- and measles are reported in the ill -strpck with great her heath, returned, - a �iou at Gorlerich, is to be an accomlished ALTTIOUC.H our wholesale -depo, , tme He said lations age ai2d la" )J numerous friends on his fortunate n ildL force, his right temple, armiand thiigh ing greatly benefitte fie had bis'machinery all ready for ship- eigbborhood, but they are of a be d by hei � prolonged a iLet. The despatclr salys : "'A party. of closed down at present, -we areprepared all-allte@ e form. tay e igineers have lef t the oi-ty to comm i to do Cuatom Work, Carding, Spinning, etc, A, , 1E1 I tried to rent the' old foundry -escape r om more serious in ury. I He is now Mr. Elam Livingstone of BeIg e, is hiv. smashed and, several other bones were the old land. —The,exciir Bion to the Modol ence the I VANEGXOND'8'80:�S.' 1493-1 6 nearly 611 right again.—De cti4e Campbell ing material laid down fo broken. ]Farm, Guelph. was larg,dy tronizedrom premiseafforn the Messrs. Coleman, but r the e ec as trvey of the route to be, taken by. the ion 0 a this point on Fr . iday I and dat ghte, of Hamilton, are; visiting at large mill and factory in th,l r is a J. Sut] orlaud's, Centre Dr. Ferguson has disposed ­ ea is �r�ctfce e ast.—( ratgemen fram� failing in that, as they - required L them for e'n future4­ Hurontario Electric Railway. They will TuE FAnArERs, ExcurRsio.N,. -The exeur-. their own 'Use, he struck up a bar -gain with hi U Vs; U ra. e Brucefteld. Ex ter, Crediton and ( entralia,_ headed br go over the ground between Pot Perry, ,ion to th street, d also at his cofisi�'s, Mrs. George and property to Talt, B. R. the Centralia fife and dr im band., marched imodation in of t. gerieral fire and Iffe insur- 0 rich stree�.—.The, many Thomas, -and has pur ncer.commissioner last, un- t ght uildinr. He - was very Duncan m, iGode ed the r 4 C_. L n the evenin 'th, 'to the churelh,, cardine, Meaford and God- imental Farm, Guelph, on Friday electri� ii pee agent.: notary publid, g of the 14-, Walkerton, Kin e Agricultural College and Exper-� A] e8ars Scott Brothers for accon' Dr. about sixty clays and track laying will then ron Far- anxious th'at, te e ise slip ic spn, , an for taking affidAvit-,'&c. co" to loan on first where an -appropriate sei mon was preach Their work will be complete in der the auspices of ithe South !In friends Miss Bell Di k d ghter of tice of Dr. Th6mlpsi 0 He M lylel-Tya ed uld be ready for 'Mr. J. Dickson, of Rdxboq'o, will be wortgageon good frm property. At home every by Rev. min lal pleme. -k. 1404 t e proceeded with immediaely. mers' Institute, was in every respect a signature on Monday inorning, as be w' —Mrs. A.. W. Corter P. Ali $Me Ir morning and Weduedday Lof each weL W' H- Butt. —J L as pleased t) learn that she b1as s!ucceeded in left, on Tuesday last on a trio was held on the grand success, even be�ond the most s3m. desirous to get to work as soon as -possible, to, Manitot i. p4r8ona ' dp,grounds on Tnes- f a when , ost of the inisters, with their passing �he exa6ritations b the Toronto —The brick work on the ne* public schc DI the contract for the erection of a amiliL , Within nds of the Exeter guine expectations of the promoters, Ar. so as to ave no unnecessary delay. He NOTES.—Mr. William Scott has let A meet- rangements had been made to accommodate alhO engaged Mr. N 7Jilliam Scott to make the NormW1 E -hool, having take honors.---�Xliss is progressing favorably. When complet, d the bou itig of the Huron Medical Association was about seven hundred people, and there inuat . ie building be had leased. Trow,.. o Stratfdrd was thi week visiting 'U' re. nice residen be built on the site districtf the Methodist church, came pro - improvements on t a it will be quite an imposing stru*cit -held in the town hall here, on Tuesday last, have been at least twi.-!e that L number I Who 0 t the anse, the guest ofl Miss Allie Me- of the old eat pared -for a grand day�x Oliting ; and they- and, fairly wAl attended by members of ay 10 yterian church, WLhich ay 4 8und � night h6 visited Mr. Forbes' 11 3roperty was purch iOed by Mr. 'Scott. Mr. had it, The weather the profession. Dr. SbaW, of Clinton wm All that could]* Ity to livery stable and ei igaged a horse and rig Ainl y d Baker Wingham. gtitteridge,'of Sea�6,rth, lias the contract. desired, and the lawn, was ailed themsLelves of the opportuni I n Ld -Mr. D'uncan the Misses 0 visit this cenbre of attraction. - The special for the. following n orning I to --go o Exeter, of Brussels, visited in r ing for t e This building, wher �complLeted, will, with shae. Swings) croquet � ind lawnennis 7af­ on " Delusions in medical treatment." This Centralia on the ay morr ing he iyas on band and and 6th of August. itne other new.buil Ogs and improvements I 91 chair. Dr. Shaw gave an interesting paper to Bean, 0 ]Coronto,- a d Miss Mabel K Webb, races on the 5th ses are arriv -yoi presideat of the association*, occupied the train provided- to -convey the excursionists to purcha"'lumbe -, as he said. Sharp oil town - S nday- last.—Mrs. Henry Mc- NOTES. —The ho Guelph., st&'rted at 'time Mond' 0 for ed port for the n while business i L of Hankl6k, Michigan, are at present visit made this summer, wi greatly to the ap. and social converse enga �d the atteatio i south. It, was made"up of some ten coaches, got the r HeA d not wait, bowever, to - Roche arrived ith four fast on n of' subject brouglit out quite a discussion -on and by the time it reached Clinton, every g., R es last we pearance of our yillaF'e.—Dr. JiN 9 McKenzie, sign the lease abou b which he preten ing Mral J .. Horton.—Mri Isaiah Smith, The track is in fine' formerly raetiLS�d L liott, who the older members of the party. So pleased specifia medicines. Dr. I of car was packed, and tere were still large be so anxious. �rinp ded to of this �o*n, has gone to:Goderich for a horse shape. —John Swar a? p 'his profession iu'our were the picknickers the placend tbes he had heard o; village, spent a few aL&ys recently tenewing day that they te4l te numbers all, Seafort4,`Dublin ' Mitchell athd the fellow Mr. Forbe V0 have , another -MonLton, also gave an instructive paper, D the day, from what took third money at Aylmer on Tue6-1 couple f eeks until tliesa,�wmill here 00m- day.—The salb well. has got started'on' which C, forth considerable discussion. a W 00 old'a I other stations to be prov' commenced to bee onces running again.—Miss Millie How. . equaintance hate. The doctor is now year hence, anji a comLm.ittee was Dr. Woo ot Mitchell, deat with a. case of ided for. The ome suspicjl�us of bimp der of Ingersoll, who h' more, after having been repaired.—Thelf pradtising in app6mte& as been visitiDa Whighain n band went to WhitechurcU D tiloit, where he enjoysa to carry out a more c ompl, 3t e pr4og,ram. me. rand. Trunk, -however, and as he- did not turii tip in the, evening as hersobnro' -,her, Mr. H. P. Henderson, phot very lucrative actice.—Tbere were 114 _Were equal to the eophae.m. The next Meeting of occasion. Mr Bethune, th lie promised, telephoned - to Exeter to see p eprebral,in to� the assoc�atiou will be held in Clinton on ageAt at Sea- 0- on Wednesd�y night to a garden party. tickets . jold- at the -at-& the SeCo.11Ld Tuesday in October. forth, telegraphed to Stratford for another Jf. lie bad been there, but no person answer, grapbei, returned home on Tuesday.—Mrs. T. Bell's fab*y has been closed for a fe tion here the morning -h urned home 'Tuesday after a days for re 0irs to the boiler.—Jobn Dol Cu 101L to the Model Farm at 13 ing to his description,nor with al rig such as p I tridn. When the train from the sout Murphy ret of the ox lie had, was the wee 181 w Guelph. All w10 took advantage of the NoT.Rs.—A vefy successful I re that day. As lie did not Mrs. lawn partr I reached Seaforth tation' it was so loaded k' it ith her sister at Kinkora.— "Saranac," has been t DENT.— e day last G, nna McDonald a trip speak in high terms of their treatment was heldL&t 'the manse by,'the-Mth6dists.om. H'I �Iofac Acci mage's trotter, ,,ez:, and. it passed Wro, out in quest of his horse 'an th. was in goo er passeng that there was not even standing room for 'Of Walton, is visit- Detroit preparing for the summer races. ne� by the ofti were Mo�day ijigbt week, asi-Mv. Robert H&Vlcirk was at his ugb return 'on Monday night, Mr. Forbes set brother J)J�itthew's, on the- n( anth He ing in til wn, the guest of Mrs. Isaiah Smi cials at� the farm.—We last. Al o one under-the7 road fiear d shape, but went lame after' I itbout stopping. —NP1 iss Libbie Donovan returned home last t by the recount, Jr. J_o -of 3t. John's Guild, wi This caused. conater'na- traced it as far as Brucefield pleased to see tha ha "SPlees 9f the Seafarth, helping to draw in hay, be hitched Rge man doing a mile in 2:181, and will be home thi14 Fraser's majority, wao increased from 14 to week. fi ori'i Brussels wher� she bad been on the lawn of F. C. Re ,,ers on Tuesday, tion to some, as they tibought they� had had ped -at Graham's hotel there and the 1, be n left behind, but ifie - 'ecoud train nt got a "top f visiting 'r "endi.—Misses Maud and Olive block is well under -way.—B. Wilson, nearly 50. 4fr. Fraser is a son of Mrs. and the- youngsters ful y thein� one 6f his. horses, a yolLing animal o a( r. -Graham week.—The brick work on G. Shane's new' -1 Fraer of the 2ni concession of 8 on Tuesd rope attached to the hay fork,ivith onl� a hal- for nce,' se s ) beer. He told ire holidayi4ig 'v4th friends in and comforb- that' a w 8 Laidlaw man tafilev. selves at the Methodist mnic ter on. As soon as the anim al saw the hay made its appear file a going to Clintdn and from ager of the Hamilton bank, left here lasC IT able accbmmodation was furnished for- all 'there to Senforth VVingha .'—.1kiessrs. John Baler and James who a Jus afternooir-in Da�idSon'S g) coming up off the lo where be was due at week for Winuireg, to open a bank there. or son, who aftna'� oveonthebankif* adbehind it., it got Large adeessions were made two Duncan, ho have been students it the Col- so hig1h in ie eat ;low citi to the* party a�b oclock. He started off towards Clinton Win ma ion of his fel the Maitland. It was w ftighteried, and becoming unmanageable, it attended. the:, eac pate ute fore' zens —Mr. got down tl�e side of the - approach. to the h station until Stratford Was reaGbed, o and that' was the last trace Mr el dAulaptiiitth ome tx�ne and who re- Win. Ai nhead. is having is picnickers being conve by Irigs to c Forbes b ye Con maine.4 n i e close of the exablinations, arna. Mo atLr t orogbly re-na o(Telied from the grounds.— e narch se mrat L r t Jai­�e McLean of BUf­ barn door Mr. Habkir�k_ with it- The t L some. left and. fitted V it] Id get of Ifirn. It is the opinion of 0 '�Vednesday for their respective BUSINESS 011A�NCE.—An excellent opening - rly of Goderieb i horse was badly� cut and i iL tl at by that tim i the cars were . ver much' n V h all the latest improvements, BU L , S here purchas- Mi., Habk rk was: crowded, and -two move coaches were adaed tha be is not entirely right in his mind hom for a good harness maker or tailor. The u 11L order tha falo, forme at Stratford, while others es Blake and Brussels. They are ndersigned t be Maylgive his'eustomers the ing lambs for the ffaloiriarket. 'This hu, considerably bruised b t o1v so that from that out there who met him put him down as both pe severing , and industrious students' has k diet -class shop in good order, with rooms up best'of sath factioP. !Wilham always keeps caus buyers getting W plenty beingmoreofa rogue than. fool, At any at-drs, to rent on reaeonible terms. Apply to JAMNia. his machine running in first class style.— e one may drop som& 3 . of room for all. This train only bustle or thejyyr- around all right. ed the local in one stop between Stratford and rate Mr. Forbes would like to get posses- and will yet make their mark . among AnusTRoNoi Varna P. 0. won't got any,and som, y iflan & �Oyce have purchased —0 Guipl-pb, and arrived there soon aft�r twelve sion of his rig hile Mr. Henderson he on the Ladkie, Huron's man clever sons.—Alias Cole 1492 Messrs. Ber.-y money.—T T im, A -is out I Reid, of Bay City, threshing ot tfit of Mr.. Harry , mi,t , the L nearingcomp RU'v Waii-ii.—The army worm, a o,etock, and onl about half an hour aft Of ell of Hamilton is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. BRIEFS. —Miss Mabe 9 'h and, afew' weeks visiting having exch kng i rovement.—Dr. Graham, -who was very new peat which has been, playing havoc with y er �be price a week's -board. The folloing A. K. Chittenden and family.—Mrs. M. Michigan, is spending ed�, the old Be block are lotion and are a big' th'. first trail", L and which came right is the description which Mr. Forbea,gives of tor for a T gara the graiu, particularly the oats, in many through' - Thomps? with relatives and friends in our midst.— new Monarc b, ou� farmers w a c for a few The crowd wa's composed prin.cl the rig and man : It was : black mare, a n, of Sparling atret, left yesterday We regret to say there' is no improvement be able to days last week, isapin, I do their around -'looking after his practice.—On Sat- parts of the province, has been noticed in paliy O' for Dclh� and, Port Dover� -to visit friends. I have plenty of ch6ice as to who wi f farmers, -their wives sons little faded, 10 years old, little o,',er, on on o some fields in this county during the last dallgilters, and.the numbers give'ample ggy all black, L. McDonald's F. Thomson goes to Bayfield in the conditi f Mr. J. T. Cairns. He t � hing ti is ye r.—Aliss Aland MwIntosh tile knees ; bu' Miss Jes?ie hres rday morning wDrd - was received that. e oday for a wi wa, time yet. d ho e, after a three e int rest 1 which he farmera� make, Seaforth, on spring bar silver Beattie's general store, at Ethel, � bad eew few days. It was first seen to be working dence of th will likelly -be laid up for some its ravages in Morris townsbip, t aek's -outing. —The Oddfello * .—I has returne Nr, weeks' f Exete�, ensall, Brucefield,' Ooderich th friends broken into the �[ii ght before. The thieV4W- and since outh� Huron ta-'ke in this institutio�, whij Mounted harness ; man a 3 0 Mi, Alexander Anderson, of London, who! visit wi -in London and Ailsa then it has.&prcad to McKillop, and several bout 5 r 40 represents the firm of James Wright & Co. was "tablished, aild is being maintaindd, years of ageo about 5 feet 8 inches high- linton ai�id Seaforth are going to have a .11 Cr4fg.—Mr. SimP lox, of Ethel, is at pres- gained entrance by p.ryl open the doors. rand excursion to Niagara Falls on Friday, was in Varna on Tuesday.—Mrs. Cairns, en6 visiting farmers bave noticed thvt it has been at.:' for . th'eir particular benefit and advance- slendeir�built, hair getting gray, clean face: his bmther, M They helped themselves 4 boxes of soft- tackino, tbeir oatfields, some of which have ol I of Forest, sister-in-law OfL Mr. r. Thomas ip- e-rou . a p&irs of boots and otber- looking a' lug here.—,Mr. William Beatty, of on 0, who ly destroyed. This' he excurs on and every posgible arrange- is at pmsent supplying Air. Stow- articles lost complete ment. They were as fine and prosp black dress suit, brown felt hat. uly 31st.l, A brass band --�ill acompany J. T. Cairns, felt 'hats, 3shrts, been al is visit 8", Of this � illap .—Mr. McMillan of Tor- S body of people as could be gath. —since the aboze was in type, we learn. of clothing and all the hange,. worm crawls up the stalks and a�tacks the i ered together , Ethel, is here for� a few days.—Mr. William I k in any country in the world, -that Mt. Forbes bas.discovered the where- ent will e made to hair ran enjoyatle Duncan, who was hurt some tim art's pulpit, at Ofinton, spent Monday in mostly.coppers. Thy are supposed 'to be- aboitt 4 his horse. It was found at 'Gode- still seriously ill.—Mr. e ago, Is ou - village, the guest of Mr. Muir.—Mr. three tramps that were seen �on the railw�y, .ernel, and when it has. destroyed one head and all seemed bent, upon' enjoying 'them me. As he rates will be rea'sonable it i it drops to the groud and goes up the next' ' at xpected t at th' track the previous- �day. Two wore dark stalk. It es, and the same time gaining all- the riGh,. the fellow having left it there' and e excursion will be well .301" of' and M-ra* acWhinney and daughter, of a very quickly and i Ethel, one of the pioneer reside mp ,Nvoik I Beiv William Si n a ver li' took the' boat for Detroit. Before reaching a ro�ized: Mrs,' C. W. Rutledgo,of Mark- nts Of. Our To *Onto, drove down from Clinton on Tues� o. moustache. No- short thne will deplete a wl nformation possible. On arriving at Guelph, t whiskers and one' a li., eri e a e, 1-8 vi tin her wife, are rene*ing and spent the afternoon with Miss Ee1i Qrd up to time et' its firczt ap Beattie, — iss arrie Zilliax, of Listowel, riing. — The BLUck building, on Jobs- ers should be on the wiktoh for it, and em.- God h h traded the. buggy. for a- road Mrs. James old acquaintances in this locality.—On iole field. Farm many of the excursionists distributed tb village, and his estimable e has b sister, Hi ins. further clu r 0 selves- around among the several hotels of cart.M pocketed the difference. He left a w pearace p event, if Possible, i . valied a, J Henderson's hotel, but what it con- is this we6k the guest -of Miss Tuesday evening next the English church spreading, the royal city, and �egaled themselves with a Minnie —0 street, used by the Salvation Army as -Alk. i a good di" Israel.—Afta. R. S. Hays h,49 r6turn garden party will be held here, when 'the nner before going. to the college, tains we do not know, as it -has not t been pd from barracks, was s4�14 by public auct ion to IL This was alm6st neCessar 11- . opened The 1k U: ye a month's vi I isit to friends ti,- T-1- Beavers, of Holmesville� and the Stare of Bxeter. T Z 1 RAF Tur, fn -a-0; week our a' isometihing' gathering IOU, r may cuse -on V; for those YOU ftl, Anty by- -sale. I:.Oie P_1� Xirg%" Votere Ua - smitIt Notice 1B b Aelivered to � 4 V1 vat VVtv :said sections bit made, ,x petring by I said wurifl6h, elpalit XV. Ame � . JAM". list was arst an the lut, inspection. #Wd are foundtbi halve the talk ALEX., aHo .5" !, J I any ad a ean awd dis- "Ww.— . . 0 te verehouse, who owns the-- -Ct 11,TL NOTF3.—Mr, Thomas D&lv � f t ho me earl A 4. L Mrs En elsanlf- 7 I VJ_ V_ Varnit, are. to playa friendly game of Z MOTES.— r. W. H. Levett is seriously 11m] is having his xesideric orn ng, and I it in aspubTy1r. Forbes to a great .7 r Stratford t other all 01 thellot � for $128 very low" e painted after - the ball. preseni.—Mr, John Lea w figure.—Brueseul volters, lisp need of refreshment. A large number how- thorn, of the most . P deal of trouble and expense. this eek, �bere they will in future' reside. 0 M naion Ho ise, has been eonfined to his is out and -con- approved style. Our people thus show ever being anxious to in Mr Ch rles Powell left for his home in tains 2.61 names in a ake the most of the —0— wdll in repair, Mrs. Powell will ZU1*iCh. �p — IS in part 3 ; in'all- 398 names. on the list, considerable taste in keeping their prem ises day and -not lose any time, took. the' TOa4elphli on Monday. n the I ast few days through illness. rt I ; 119 in part 2 and - which adds much to the ap- I" electric DXST�ESSIII�a FATAL ACCIDENT.—A in Mr. Henry l- Lovett, wife and d' I cars direct for the college.- ost spend a fe eeks Ion - it the parental NoTzs.—Johnson Brothers, who bad the' au ", The number of perousuaified to serve as- pearance of the. village, -Here they, were distressing and fatal accident Parkhill, arei attending the bedside o their jurors in th befol the little home here.—Mr. W. Wel Curtis ana Alias misfortune last week to lose their w6olen son and brother here this week.—Mr. Chas. e munic11,)alit,3 is 99. —We are infox hied met by Dr. Mills, the principal of the inatil two yca� old son of Mr. Richard Bairie, of Curtis, of Shell La that Mr. 'MeCaa has already received an tation, Air. Rannie, the farm instructor and ke, Wisconsin, are this mill �y fire, will begin to clean avv'ay t Bayley and'Mr. J. Graham offer to purebase. his new dwelling. Who: 9 ofessors and Tuckersinith, a mile and a quarter . east of wee he ever gets it will have o Mrs. debris and prepare to build 'an office and ed through here on Monday in , a er, and several of the_�Dr ik the guests of Mr. Curtis' sister, London wheel. lie of the most 'tasty, at Seaforth, on Friday mornin last. The endants, and 9 eening,-on —J. H. Chalmers, of Pocle, has returned' escorted to the. Urge hall William Smith, North Main street. -41r. wareroom., and will continue their business their way to Bayfield.—A Italian with his from an extended trip on his wheel by way- commodious residerices'in this child had strayed away from home and had Willi in Brine left Monday for Toronto, as usual. They have made a contract with wife- and famili passed through here on -of GAlt, Hamilton and imby. He re - Miss Lena Porter is holidaying with friends gone on to. the railway track and while vicinitY. — us d as a gymnasium, where the visitors in Stratford. She expects tg Wre most cordially welcomed by Professor there w" struck by one xof the where he b0ecured a good Kf"tion� another carding mill to do the work.for Monday night with a grizzly bear and, gave ports the crops around looking better- emain away;- Mills, and were bo'Untifully sl�ekv trains and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scott and five children, them.--Lsat Fri. a must We may sa -than any other place be saw on his trAvelg. let-. frepbments. of Brussels, spent last Sunday at the H4r- lage and vicinity took in the cheap trip �to zens on theirroute.—Messr. Ed. Christie and —The studentsf the St.. Marys Coll about a month.—The bachelor filad it ed with re- 'was killed. No person knows how the ac day a number from our vil-, & large amount of amusement -to the citi- i lonesomd with so many of our you y th4t th6. college cidentreally happened, as none of the' rail- purhey cott4ge.—Iidr. James Wright's little the Model Farm at Guelph, and everyone T. W. Hawkshaw, with their res n -a ladies authorities were coniderabl Whenare-the good self- taken 'aback way men saw the unfortunate affair. Mr. e-tive ate Institute presented Air. 0. Er sacrificin by� the large -attendQn e the only ex. son, Frank, !still continues in a very low and spoke highly of this grand institution p - ritt, ng, to get the ehan of a hoy peoted to have to O' a arrie had gone on the excursion to Guelph weak state, from. fever.—Mr. T. Brown, of the way they were treated. and families, pi knicked at Grand Beud park on has severed his connection ..�nth the dhooli, ce B r n erably more towlif: has disposed of 25 Whiteman others -will take advantage of another op- d, whereas they had con id* A number of uesday lat t.—Mr. Samuel Cornish at one with a silver wifting set, acz.ompanied by a�- 7—iluoriveteran gardener, Mr. on te a bout six hun- 'and it is thought that the little fellow had this I ay Thomas! dre' learned of this fact ard hid gone 'to the pea T age, died at To. suitable address. Mr. ErAtt will ba sue- Hills, had ripe tomatoes in his garde time a resi'ent of this vill n On than double that number. wevor, they Harvesters to Mr. T. G. Lofftl Of Burn- rtuniby should such occur next year.— ronto on Tuesday last, and his remains were ceeded by fr. Sam el tubb of tr tf the 16th inst., -and on the I Sth 'en track in the expectation of seeing his fath- side, L i A u 8 a 8 a ord. ough for ilso peoved equal, to the oce 0 )unty, Michiganj a for V] I .1 the famil use. Mr. Hills doe3:'pot allow ion, and all e -He bad ap " iner rs. Henry Schafer, Of Kip�en, has been brought bei e for interment in Zion cemetery, —Rev. Dr. William y r, parently been sitting close id this it w a, with his wife many 'people to get ahead of h I en-. the rails r &ple cc U werejam ly Be ired,l' and most to es ent of afortb. � From ould here visiting her brother'and other friends. aborne to �ns IP—Mr. Win. Brown, grain daughter, left Listowel Iasi week to W44- m ' I . with his hands resting on h' in any- tort kfnie , Professor Mills as ked the com- them, seem that Canadian miauufAcbures can hold thing be undertakes. T_ I alt to dealer., 61 has been ill. the past few, weeks the Michigan State Epwor�h lAagae Con- rom, Strat- their own I competition w ri- visit her sister.—Miss Wing 'left for her 8 —Mrs. Foster has been panyl to make themselves 0 4ome the when the second special train f —Mrs. F. Schweitzer has gone to G 4 -he guest of Mrs. ford wai backing up to this station, and i i - able to le! out on the street again.— vention, at Ludington, Michigan. His- luldrew this ith the Ame we p turning hia head to see what in cans.—Mrs. ndon, of Toronto, and Mr. home in Berlin last week.—The children's Messrs. 1S 76, on Taylor, Robert Sweet.. pulpitin Listowel was occupied onsuu- ek. whol� premis a he said wereV on' to them, - was coming John.Ramilton, of Wroxeter, were visiting day held here the Ev ge chi ch I t J ei ma in Ii0al tr as clin Bovi n d left on Monday night for day by the Rev. John Bull, -of Atwood. atilal 0Jto