The Huron Expositor, 1896-07-24, Page 4r.�7 �24 -1 EXPQS1TOR9 6 -l" THE HI RON JULY 9 - - Who Imal with. their- party 0).r,.1wQ the_sooet m - won th Queen;&I Akat capa ho ka the. kindly Alis- S -And 9, was considered, and coun y, *nd. ..�ber of � -the, tes, hat capa ty. than -as a -member of �the go underneath the buggy, wriggled. 4st �the 'I I cillors th to do either, as ey eon4 rnment, i rhile it is pretty well ui*derat d beat he could from his unpleas at itio. glesid"6 � "'liior bo�i andowhis unusually ear- Lasham and Leitch were appointed they did not wish e. This -year the team won'th Kolapore e position (y , V pri 1, , r a Poo - U* 'neat com- . . . . . . . . ai&ered they coald do more for the temper- cup _: ilid Koli-puL %oujv AM, it, would b � more congenial to his 6wa fe I- and with considerable difficulty got -the solcit' de fot the comfott of his mittee to examine the said bill -and have it Th a match for 9 t t n da a nift linprove t N f ings. His fitness for the pgosritioii nam, d borses quieted down- agaip, little the worse guests, m sure understand. how d if found imecessary, Accou ane'e muse by'rewiaining with their *party istri itect to te%ms-of eight om( e mother e f or their e -spa e. d by and cheques amounting to over 0,.309 fo was recogE ized by the lat J#hn M. c- sc d the evenir. g'�!entertainment was enjoye than if they abandoned it. This decision lcountry,-- ndia, and the colonies.l. The col- donald wh), althqugh he haif- always be�n �-Mar ihrho is engaged with those who-hadUe goo(I fort �ravel and. ban I . k Mitchell, , une to be: sons sewer, pipe, I lim-,1 gravel, were was displeasing to the extremists and- a di. ilonial team making the h i h t' core wins -opposed t) him - in pqlities, offered himl a William Sanders, Steplien, had his left arm 19 q� of old Sptia, or a "' far out frien 0' the passed. & Caldwell " J - P. Manchester �,-igl ity pounds and should their s:lore excel oost on the bench of the *-Supreme Court of se'iverely sprained the dther day. They were fmily-11 Good old Scotch songs were sung psid into the township tre�'tury $12 vidon occurred in the soc�ety. While mat. of all the Other teams they also get the Canada in 1891, only a few days before his lo ding bay, when half the -load slid off, mind remAings read that-woulA stir the heart magistrates? fin a. Comissioner Rin On !tha, WAS ters were in this' shap 'alp -A e, tl�e Domin ele6- 'cup. In this match, this e r I -our teams last illnet a. Oar Conservative. frienis with the above re ult. f a Robbie Burns, and when the wee am&' instructed to bave 1 y anIUg OPPOS that part -of the river tions came on. These ad*.anced"temperance coff ipeted. anathe Canadian Mm' made the should n(t worry themselves about Ron. I -While f umigatink his ben. boa the gro theL se the I 6urs wer 5 - or epiug OT3,-8 ite lots 9 &I'd 10, and RIAO the ditch men of this 96ciety, who 'it seems, we�e all, highest noreof all, thus not !obly winning David.: I Wil be all right. o er -day with sulphur, William Drew, of tables had bee relieved of their cumbrance on S. R. 1*0 and 11., 6oncession ,5, f W. t eter, narrowly escaped suffocation. He broke the cup I ub the money prize as well. Last. E up With a 440a or nearly &Ill. Libierals, determined that L e company SeOV8 4ox- out. �Cou�cildeeidedto charge theourn of go Very Berl "dim I yea. t e MObner. country won, with -a score nOlIf 11'. Hardy, Provincial Premier,. and h d the door closed while he stood inside,' ClOgyL, " Should Auld etc. o per diem for the us e of the towiishi they would either n4t vote; at all or that I I of 1,38, Canada obtaining secon& place with Hon. Mr. Paterson, Minister ;f Cus�orns in and before aw -There 4ie. at� hia home in Win&tm, road grader and man work it, t1) an are, he was overcome. Time- to theywo _y uld spoil their balots. . They would Z18 This year Canada won: 656 points, ly assistance saved serious gf last week, Thomas Stiles, individual or corporation consequence oin. Tuesday, that may esire the Dominion Government, were given a E ngland comi g second with 644.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. act vote for the' Conservative candidate, a1s in 1-Lmat week the barn of R. L. Wilson, 4ed 67 yeajsi About a month ago deceased boardif L L to use it. The public school trustee grand rece ption by the citizens of Brantford, e by so doing theywould not Greenway, together with a quantity of bay . Was affected w �th paralysis, from which, h should bear in mind, when preparing theif MThe figure botw -bn the parenthesis after each Only stultify and their constituents generally, on the oc- &�d some implerff-6nts, was epinpletely de- �never L reeo4eredi_llel t calue to WinglInin estimates for the year, that, rthe _he CoUnty- teffL the ag- of the paper on which the themselves politically, but would'be - voting A Grand Boast. Irbyed by fire. There Was an insurauce of 4bout;eight !Te icipal grant heretofore naade advortisement will bd und. citsionof theirreturnt6 their homesafter re ago froin t. Johns, 'bear zdun for a cadidate and a part A Good Titne-lt� Wiffis (5) who were more t a reception accorded him by his con- the 6onois which bad been showered upon vO4OO on the barn, and several hundred on London andearried on a busines, as gen- dispensed with. Council adJourned Until thp contents. The cause of the fire is un- Seatonablo-Thoughts- �Greig Ifaadoutild (1) opposed to their iemp'erance principles than them. Thebonorea gentlemen were met at eral merchant, ir the Xent block, until last' �alled by the reeve. stituents at Brantford, a few days ago, Ron. CiLrding. Splaning.,- &c -A. 0. Van Fgrn ond'cj tsons (8) Hamilton by a large deputation of the citi- known. jUtama, when he retired. Previous to that A Large Stock -A. G. 'g- the Liberal candidate- mud his'party, not: A. S. -Hardy, Premier of Ontario, in his re lia(I ben c6niiected with the firm ant, Sons 1AWn, S0611 At Mr. JO n MoVe residence (8) zens and e icorted from thence to the Tele- While driving home to Exeter the oiher time he withstanding ths fae the anti-teniper- arks in reply to one of the addresses pre-. on night, Albert Walker, Wesley Sanders and of Kent, Stilts .& Company, at one time In Kippen. Money. 8xved-W. H. illis (8) t phone Cit- in' decorated car. Kyle has disposed Of Bu,,ihess Chanoe-Ja es Arinstrong (8) sen' him said Ed. Shapton niet with an unpleasant ex- do n ne of �be ldrgest businesses in atice element oomplaiiie.d of had not bee ed tc the arriva there alout ten thousand people 0 g Seed Wheat -for -Sale :ohn StWord (5) weeded ott kf the Reform party. In�siesd, had assern Aed at the station to bid them pe�rience. Their horse'took fright, and up- Ingham. _j,bis carriage and %vagfi shop A! r. If. The honor which h Mr. H. B. Cha'ut, �f Clinton, b as just" Ricker, -who is now, in full possession of the Arvither WeLk of Bar ains,-W. Pickard & Cc ad been paid him by welcome. A procession was formed and setting the buggy, throw the occupants Ot. Lock Ref ore You Lea tight Bros (5) therefore, of choosing what was, the 1: ast of for his brother, Profess the peop, e of the Province was paid to the. marched Uiumphantly through the streets,. it is finely situated an argains in Sum Although none of them was serious] 'completed nmier aods-J. L. Stuith (6) or Chant, above property - d 0) ed, they were all badly sha en up. Mr. Rickner is to ber congratulated on hien- Only for Eight Days Gilroy & IVIsernav two eivils th6y.,- according to their own con. cit , of BA-ritford and county of Brat. He. -bearing flags, -etc. On -one of the flags was Jur k of Toronto'University, a clock which is a _wo6 Id tR'e care that the gift -Of the Pfem-,., inscribed the motto: " Bi Th:nder, Little of last week he horse be- - It terprise. He will prove a orth en On Tuesday model of fine workmanship and finish. fesion, aided the party and candidate that y itiz He is a skilful workman, were most opposed -refraining In th pro lofiging to G. M. Elliott, -of Goderich, took stands seven feet high, the cue &c. being iership.d d them no discredit. If he had to them, by pride in je_ Tli under, By Thunder." cession our village. Fond being their and �ing be., fright at one of the b �eautifully finished in black walnut, while alities from votin alt were numerous carriages, and 400 bicyclists ears belonging to a combined with the good of being ogether. They, in fact, un- presentat ive, ib was tha t durinj the -whole carryingC iinese lanterns and shooting Roman mendicant menagerie, and running away, a monogram surmounts the top. The clock accommodating and obliging,success can not dertook the somewhat nov foolish task quarter of a 'century lje� had represented candies ; after them came fifty mounted threw out a young lad named Buchaiiiin, has a seecifid � hand, as well as the hour fail to crown him in his enter them, no job had been laid at his door, d of trying to bite off their nose n order to horsemen, and then, the. great unwashed on who, in his fall, broke one of his Jegsi near hands, and an electric alarm andthe great' Mr. James Moore, of our has been n' scandal attached to his name. Hewould toot, in thousands., The �procession merit of it lies i in the fact that the clock SEAFORTH, FR[[DAY, July 24th,, 1896 We shall i -one,qf the was a the ankle. laid off work for some timeL. ite their face. promise them that he would preserve the �-_Mr. "Ferguson, of He is now un - most novel and imposing affair. Congrat- mith's'Hhl, came and works entire 'are the product' of M r. der medical tregtme and we trust that rumber to tell the story in his.oa way,and samegoo faith and honesty in the future. nt, ;ulatory aul complimentary a4dreases were near losing one of his working her Vis owm labor, and: Wreally is a piece of the treatm see e Chan eot may have a good effect, and lis confession is preciseli the: same in Bub-* tPiesented I �rom the city"council and from and useful furniture. that Mr. Moore' will soon have as good The Ontario Cabinet� This is a rand boast for a. public man t6 ot er day. At noon he put it tinto 9 stance as is that. of several'othe-8 which are be able to make, and Mr. Hardy c(?uld no thecitizens generally. These were followed to feed it, there being a bees' nest there,mid -Horace Cornell, charged with indece The changes in 4he Ontario Cainet,which t 'It health as formely.-The long looked for &blished. t assault on the young woman, Sarah Culbert, rain, which came -on Monday last was He aa,�ira taffer the p by speec4e i fron� the honored guests and th bees be hered the horse ' so that he tore eople of Ontario.a 4,better certifi- I we foreshadowed. 14st week, have since been others. th a stall down and ran a large sliver in to was tried before Judge Masson, at ("ode- thaukfully ree eivd, and has been the 'eanB There is'not the slightest loubt about in n td the cords of on6 of his fore legs. rich, of great blessfug to all vegetation. made. Mr. W. 1), Balfou, late Spegker,L ca6e for lis* -fitness for the hi In positio on Saturday, Ilth just. While the yman being defeaed by Temy erince Lib- 9 -The 'has been appointed Provincial secretary. which be has been 0alled. It! is a knowl- In speaking of Hon. David Mills, a very e, ingbarn town council proposed 'girl's evidence was very direct and positive, many friends of Mr. John M-offatt �wjll be eials. There were about _15( of -do who la ing granolithic sidewalks, on a certain c ini Cornell swore straight that no an h occur- romised to spoil. our b nh 0 edge on t ie part of the- people, of the bonestv extraordinary story concerning him is re- -sorry to learn that he' has had to take to his Mr. E, -J. Davis, of North York, has been Btl eet in that town. Those on one side of rence took place, and it became a question _btd through -trouble ir, Onto of hislegg which allots, ur appointed a member of the Cabinet with- tended action became knowni so that quite and absolute trasWorthinesh of the On- lated lby an. Ottwa correspondent. It i's the street want the improvements- made, bat of credibility, which turned in favor of the a giving him much. pain. J d wi Macdonald those on the other side are opposed to. �t, prosecution, when evidence was produced barbeumatism. Dr Gunn, Of a number of others acte In -us. We said, that i�i 1890 Sir John A It is thon�htto. out portfolio. This is a part of the pro- W tario Government that has -seclared to them, ffe vote if we Clinton is gr would have rolled a muchIarg( seeing the cloudsf an I now the c" oner had madc certain now attendi g him and hopes in short amme that Nvas not expeoted.�, Hoever, under -the. late Premier, a 10�ase 'of office looming up before. him in ouncil. is bein deluged with to show. t1kat pris had run an independent 'ciudi ate, but'it e -itions and counter petitions. statements to the witness regarding th it was not, by any meas, an unwele6me would'have c oat a lot of monoy make the 'longer than any other G' rdmiant thKt has the polit ic I horizon, was anxious to get in p e time to have hini e ove ut again in his usual goo4 A bl I bear was seen the other eve n- gi[rl. His honor found him aa health. What -makes the troubl woroez OUG announcement either to. the friends Of Mr. fight creditable. More' than t at, most of :ever exist ed in Canada,. and should the pres- is ion of charged, and -ence- of two with Mr. Moffatt 0 lady m _guilty, us n of the 1 6rm before the rain commenced int by McCurdy, 10th conceos osed a sent are Liberals, a (I hope ito be in the ent Prerni er continue the record to fall, he 1 rent to Mr. Nills and proposed a Grey.. The bear was in J. K. Baker's slagh- im hat his g, od Davis: or to the friends of the Governen. to unbr6ken months in j ail wit? hard labor. ture, and our ainivas teach coalition -g i'verament, in which he offered to ing, and word was sent to Wrn. Cooper a '-The death of Mrs. Janet Radeliffe, of also confined.to bed, neither one bei able he pirty a 9 4Z e the pe to help the other. -Fig We ma explain to the uninitated that the we 'belie� OP16 will'accord him a y give the ibe 'I six portfolios. He dia- bty tickets were sold meaning Of this appoint ent is, that while which they cussed the ne e 9 and quickly West Wawanosh, occurred at her late resi- al =a over which there would despatched areInt. dence ofi-Thursday�evening, 9th inBt. De- Ga I.p I e of that n ighbor, who brou lit his rifle at our statiou::for the farmers' excursion to lot, r&-A'bout 250 of these tU L 11 'R � Obbers,say there �ye �'coatinuanc confidenc' be na ra diff�rences of opinion such as' his bearship. He was app e, h All who wentv the trip ay it Mr. Davis will have a Best in the cabinet have give ifor so many years 'to his prede­ ly bout three y ears old, and weighed 150 ceased bad suffered' severely for the past Temperance Lib wasoneof the most enjoyable days they erals. who either spoiled the tariff, err ' ander and franchise act, Pot lit -1.4. ral breaking down of and voice in its delievations, he will not cessor. V% hile no person will -deny that y year, froin a genei ad the the have h for long yeari", and speak hi III e their ballots or refrained f rom. vo and stated o ar he would go in the mat- Vhe other eyening while Jose system. That inoriiing she felt better than t'ng alto- Ontario G oveinment has ad Stubla" have charge of a department nor will h re- 6 mistakes, it ter of legi ii atioii- upon th' i the hospitaliti Ind the cour of A y ese subjects to usua ?peare tesy Ose Of Morris, was d gether. It would seem from: the state- a briit all day, and talked in charge of the Model Farm. M, . JL h riving frota in hain, supporters to be able . He aloog the gravel road, � his horse of a spe, dy recover, ceive any salary, beyond his regular session- pleme the ber4l wing of the abinc r 6 a 6' temperance Con. hi In the evening, feel - is a grand thing for its c w is ed tt to say that an ack of wilful wrong doing 0 &I indemnity. The country -�vill, therefore, r a n tired, she re nested the family to leave on Monday last.­_�The:offiera elect for the ments made,� also, that th proposed ti at h4 'oula himself withdraw sorile object on the pr Irie, and ran I is Bwden, of Centralia, visited Mr. Rieker atives voted for the -Conservative candi-. from the g( vern ent, as his presence In IL gat the benefit of his counsel. and advice sery alon ver beien laid might be d stast(ful to some of th- g. f;Ilowing six months for he Young People's as a charge of corruption has ne buggy into a passing wagon. The bu V her. for a she' t tiale, to enable her to e Liberals, date without a y compunction of conscience was; u turned and badly have a Acirt rest.r a cabinet minister, without it eute)iag a FJI'Ort 13ociety of Christian kodeavor are; presi- in any way in- against it. p up,. Ir. I J but he would ret ain his Beat, 'in the House Stu�bslegwaa barb but he managed o time af i r.vrdp, 10 and that it -*was only the tensperd�noe Lib- Was found?3 dent, Mr. T. Forsyth ;'vice president, Miss creasing the cost of Government. It also and supper b the iew Government. Thec--cor'- prevent the. horse from getting #,way. Spark 1 -1 fled. aceased xv;La raised. the' row and refuse 1 130111 t A]. Cooper erals who d to secretary, Miss E. Crawford respondent says hat the whole matter was means, of course,L that in, the event of a -On Monday, J a* vote although it is admitted that both the Good B ne 22nd, A.' B. Curri Ber%it; I on Twecdj� emigrating to Canada 07 erwards treasurer, Alias Stina Aheson, This so - aft talkeil over between Mr. Mills of 13&nff, Northwest Territory, and Mi" t he portfolio becomi vacant,, Mr. Davis will is sixty-three years pg(,.,, remaining in Liberal candidate d patty are much more Mr. AllipnIP"ingle, the well;known liter-, and Air. Blake, v�ho decided not W: enter- cioty is doing good work in our church, ad a have the first chance for preferment tain the propositi on, and who'are prepared -ears lie means OL if he r Mabel, youngest daughter of VV Iter Smit] I, i hood of Whilby. Fifty-one 3 is t f bringing many.of our young 1t, of Selby, Ointario, takes In temperance principles' tba marriage. TI �e in accord wit ar aggriculturis Brussels, were united in i n -LI - t o A] r. JJ Ifte.8 P desires it. Hon. Mr. Bronson, of Ottawa, iss e to vouch foe the correctness of the state- i rn4n. and women into the active work of he bridle has reided. in Winuipeg for some the Conservstive candidat was. u' with the Toronto -Globe, and other to ' I'Vel"t Wam,anosh 23 years church e ment. Finding that an a and thesociety sboul& receive the of q and went ftom the e co has been a member of the cabinet in this rrangement tini her sister ago, residing on thc.,sauie Job until..he7r e- -operation of all Christian have already'said -will, no. doubt, give�-6ut leadingpispers, on the money question. He that kind coald.not be carried out, Sir to ean, of the Mill load - ker� over and lielp dissohed, parliament, nd the Misses Cash, of Seaforth,paid f silver, i ad he promises that 'in future let. - Alro Robert Woods, of Turnberry, met ily of six daughters' emith, a Tue Ven to Mr. Bafoar, but J ob 'sent f or Sir Charles Tupper to come fairs of the fortunate groom. after tl�eir'removni here. She leaves ?jfani- way for several years, and was offered, the �anff to preside over the household a(- cease. Air. R Te. died about foue years Sadie McL is evidently opposed to the demonetization P03WOU g�j be`de� siders some clue as to the c which re - Butted in Mr. Hym.au's. defeat in' ondon.' brought on the elections it yearbefore time, and two sons to InOuiru a visit to the home of our worthy clined it, as- his ext nsive business oper teacher, .0 e a reason for the faith that appealed to the people on the �- Old Fl�g, T. Forayth, on Friday last. Now we would ask,in all earnestness *.teis he wi I giv: with a Oinful accident on Tuesday 'of last her decease. Matkons: would not permit Of his taking such wee�, while working at ia barn in Culros OrA Saturday mornin'g, Ilth inst., the -Air. nd Airs. James, Keyes, of Summer a Poo ged in ition. Ron., Mr. Davis., the new min is in those with whom he had a few weeks pre- He *As enga handing plank up on stern messenger, death, entered the home Of hill, visited Aft. and fa.. Ricker , on Sun - what did these temperance Liberals gain by hith as he is very- able to do. He Old Party and 011 Leader" cry, denouncing er of the Methodist by their action?. Did they advanc B%ys.: .. mflll Iding when the man abo - let ono Quinton MeBlain,, -Grey township and day last. -Lar e numbers bave been go' lily offel nds, as disloyal and i�falling, .,g cit -use of temperance w and struck Mr. Voe -be koned him away.1 Deceased was i)orn in home fall izteri, is an-aebive memb' e the, viou ,ed to join ha t try. to Dixey, berry pickj?ng, denomination, an enthusiastic teraperance heal. "He received an ugly scalp W'oand, Ayrshire, Scotland'# nearly 80 years 400. bich they professed I shall sho)v that ths iniquitous tV od on the de- traitors.to their coun He won to -but to hold so dear that they were Willing to monetization of silver in, Europe and Amer- had the people been able to see be . hind' thq� pails.-INIr. T. Forsyth was in Seaforth advocate and wo�ker, and a shrewd and and as uuconacious for some hours. He was uuited 1-111 marriage ica tipwards of �wenty years ago has had screens, it is not likely In to Miss Mir -fee friendshi'p and old associations y sacri to would. have been he last week, erforming the duties Of presid- 9tratlidee, w s*vives him, in the sful businessman. Re is alu old mein- more to do since in causing the " hard so successful -They are telling a good -joke on a old primary exa; in f b5r of the Legi Udn active Conservative in Clinton. 8ome land. Thev came �ol Canada in .18-14, two Win. Doig was also at Harriston do go? Tliey certainly d�d not, because times" aniong the mass of producers and in? examiner at the inslatiure abd is one of -the through their action a- a didate who'was t roughout the' world than one In 0 workers any formed him that Laurier had decided years after their sono, Quintin and Robeit. very best speakers in the House. He will Judging from the pub proceedings week, performing similar work inthe Hj.g1t other evil ene , -natural or governmental, to prohibit the running -of special trains n The family resided at Onohdag Br favorsble to their cause was defeated, and a, ant sehooL Our Tulteramith b)ys are bound aid materially to the strength of the GOV at the recent temperance convention at To- the 12th of July, and also ordered, all the county, for a numbek of. ears� and moved to m on the fac of the earth ; and that the re- y ake their mark in life' the only political p'ak y that ever did .-Mr. Robert routo ta Grey township: some 20 years ago.. Mr. t ernment both in the House and the country. ..'ny establish nt of silver in its former place in theie are some very intemperate hotelp' to be closed. He believed the' yarn Murray, who has been confined to bed for MeBlai had been failing for two years be - thing for temperance, as shorn of a .�! sup- the world' prith temperance dvocates. rent, stormiu.g about for some time be' nearly eight week , is now going bout. We w and' n The POSitiGn of',Speaker, rendered vacant by, ary money will do more to I would have been f6ie his death, old age and heart failure be- a port;br. What they did" do was to ge�tify iestore fo er prosperity among the masses lore he discovered that the' 12th fell on Sun. trust Mr. Murray will be restored to hill wise for our temperq6nce friends bad they a40_ the. appointment of Mr. Balfour, cannot be their petty spite againat'their fellow I�iber- than any 6ther agency within the re day. ing the cause. Air.. MeBlain was a Liberal cu ach of stomed good healtb.-Mr. John McDon- Governme its. I shall hold myself in readi- ad 'in religion, old., jr., of Tuckeramith' had a very sue - filled until the Legislature meats, but it is excluded the ubiquitous npwspaper man a -The Clinton New Bra in litic of -just week bi and a Presbyterian &Is, because they qould not have thin 8 all uXO nesc when the time comes to answer fairly washed their dir was ghly respected by all-vhd knew likely that either lr. Str&ttoa, of Peter- ty line in private. At says The fall wheat harvest is about two cessful. b a raising iat Tuesday. The their own way and make others hi fr. B vaktural. of Prescott, will be I gures, any rate their wrangling would not an usual, a grea boro, or IN think Just and scluarily any argument in fact, fi ha ve neighbors turnedutin goodly numbers,ana weeks earlier th m.. The members of the family living t deal of the as they, I do. They did more than Ibis history or science which The Globe or any brought discredit upon a good cause. Po. crop now being out. The are : Mrs. N1. Wil earliest - cutting Nort son, Muskoka; Alexander, rendered Mr. McDonald good service in the 6f:Alberta, bwest Territory;-LJohn, in busy ti other pap)r or personcan present- decently bered previous to this was about sIx. ime. they no doubt estranged many who were lities was at the bottom 4 f 'the whole diffi-, temem in favor o the gold � standard and against, culty. Ay The gentlemen who ran as the in. teen -years -ago, when a few fields were out _r8hire, Scotlaiid; James,' of' Rapid City, Manitoba, and Quintinj Robert and Mary, formerly not onl strougl in sYm bimetalior 1 This is neither egotism nor dependent candidates in Hamilton at the Is The grain is v lull!p, The London Election. y y st on July Ilth. V with their cause, b t an of0rey township. 4.' many also who were fanaticiary. It is the confidence that comes election seen ied to think that because they d the early cutting beats the recorT.' Co i There was no election jI1L,tlJe west, during ker6 with them, sud who were a a sin'- from the onscioikuess that one is right in a are temperai cc *men, tb therefore, every -On Wednesday Of last week, Ju NoTES.-Flx pulling is in order this the recent campaign, which created more e cere frie da of the cause as' they are them.- great c.ium. temperance Aberal, not�, i mily in Hamilton Masson heard an appeal I the Bell T e- week. The crop is %,cry good.-Tlie grame- 0 general interest thaa the London election. but thro lompany against their assessment hoppers hav, beSe 13eOLDIe could not A] ore pp, ver to yo ug out the . country, should have pbono C e fizzled out'prettywell and as �elves,at d all because t ur goose quill, old -boy. giv e reni 1.3 of the late Mrs. M. en themi their support,'and because they the'township of Godericb. "The compa, expect grass bye and bye - Nor did any single defeat areate- more gen- a result w.rna y NOT 'S. - e that etcher, of t. were i erred in the has built & StLone see. thins in precisely th same light as' they Yon are mErching on the right track, and did not r ceive sup �ort they had evi- claimed that they wer- y F1 n the'defeat of e not liable to asse 8- Kirkton cem ery on last. De- uine reret and anrpri3e tha -Mr. -T a profe tt, dently made hei thenielve ur-le -rlsf will be looked for with much ased to set t hern id, In short, YO, up t r In nds to bust the ment, but,. if they were, then -they were Mr.. Hynian in Tiondon. That this eleation and pl&eeda new frame harn upon it, do jug t. whole Grit niachine.an� ceased had f, r many years resided on t they gavB.the teinperance cause in Lon on's interes exclude all who sese.0 too high. The first claim heir all the mason work and most of the e-arpen- shmildeause more general interest than with that et use from par - was not farm on the Ilth conces-ion, of Usborne, sympathised tici. presged, and by consent the assessment stab from 'which it -n ter w ik him elf. 'Mrs. tephenson. of Was but afew years ago Ehe and her husband will ot reco for Others, was due, no doubt, to the pating in temperance wor c of any kind, and redueed from $2,400 to $11200. Kirkton, has been vs'aran villa, retired to Mary.' The circumstances le _ tt manner i. -an, -ow e niany years,4d no doubt did more ha�m t Editorial Notes time brand hem as traitors., -A fortner resident of Grey, in writi; v if, D and Comments. at the same the resid shabb3 which Mf. I-Tym -the lo nee of'her UtIfer, The Ieadc� of this mo t eems to 19 attending hev death were parUcularly Bad EEq. -Miss Jemima Stanzel, who spent the cause gederall than they Will i vern have frouni Dakota, says We are having plenty -y A young sprig of a doctor, named Free- been ir. W. W. Buchantri, the editor of of ra�n here, an Liberal candidate, wm ouchred out of his 'go Ing as a result, crop!, and vege- shebaving fallen flown stairs -an by her husband re a nient in 4on.-Rev. Mr. Westinall, who t Wp do not refer be- T July celebra 'Godeiiich to accident the to t his in &*tter &in - taioff are looking pplendid. There ai three few'� minutes aft�'r the - Lend :J_ rijhts in 1891, the'partiettla-m Of which are od dur' the, rest of their �attiral li,�es- born,_ was put on the platform at the recent the Templar, the organ of the or4er known , d her neck. When found d bro.ke� week at home has returned to her em Z ; he Royal Templars of Temperance. �lr. classles of persqns'needed badly in this coun- vital' has charge of Walton Afethoist circuit, has no -w ma;tters of history, and are known to welfth of tion at cause it -occurred in Londcm,-bat becatise Of Buchanan has been a so:,e hea;d for -a try, viz: M` isters, dres3 spark bad fled. Much sympathy is felt now got fully settled dwn to work, He deliver an oration, long every makers and doMes- f one. The surprise, also, at Mr. Hy- and judging fr6ni the re- time. He seems detern ined. to work not tic servanin or the berea ed.busband and family., '%Vho, is an excellent yOun ts. We think you have an over' maea I jmau� an earnest an its applcability to other places. This is port of his speech, he made feel of him- 6DI lose in ever I L defeat.was no doubt' due in large y the Ro3 al Ten plans but all temperance sup y in Huron, so pleaseend us a goodly ffectionate and kind friend-- forcible preacher a is deserA edly a not the * only tirne, nor is Londft the only self. " The 3ignal takes' f t Miss Johnsto ii, of London, has been visit vedly -eem- alea3ur6 to a, feeling in the "ublia rai -y neatly organiz%tion., o conut t- I vl* him off vei he y 1119 ed by the people of the eircuit.-A few sa5 P nd tha plate, - as machines to nu4er. -*,Yhere the'teraperance c.ausd hasibeen When it a: "Frothy Freeborn appears to advance his own personal -at the'residex ce of .Mr. * Phillip Madge.- from after having lost the seat which he properly nterehts and am- -At the Methodist churcbi Chapleau, on here went on the excursion to the worl. is e igaging the sole att�7,atjo be troubled with it flux of language, a bitions, and. )ecause he 0 'n not late the afternoon of the 9th inat Mr. W. A. u model farm.--�Thc 12th of July appears to manipu won, a sense Of fairness and justice on the dearth of ideas, and a hankering for recog. -the great Li er&I party i the same diree- Cole' late of the Clint.)a foun seriously wounded 'a the house of thoo who Harvest profess to be its best- ad tri have more attractilons than all other days. oftbefarmers, the-igraia�is ripening so pxrt of the electors of London we Id nest friends.! Nor -nibion as a silver -toned spell binder. Mon. tion, lie is videntl dry, and Miss bound to ride rou h Cep4ia Mulholland, daughter of Mr.- Mul- put together ;-in fact a great number out-: y 9 is it the only occasion where zeal without d is- day last hE talked himself dry as a lime. member if that -party who holl%nd, of Holmesville, were made man aie of the Orange order- confess this to b oure to him Gii this occasion, beyond perad- I shod over ev,.ry cretion has resulted i -n injury to the cimse. kiln., and si.outql for Water V' The only, will not asis � him in his 3cheme Ifeas and wife. - The divi' venture, that. which had been rong- r sion superintendent of 11a elet. the case with themselves person.ally.-Afo. use, unfortunately, be- response be, got, howevee, was froin a kden. -very properl3 sat on most effectually at the the Q. R.R., and family, were among the N0Tr-_3.-Iaac0o dybad on Monday a The temperance ca Stimore, who has been ill -for �upwards f f ally denied to him on a form er occasion. In witted son of Donegal, whovhad voted for Toronto meeting, u way ,an year, is, we ar -this real reasons of team's lia ling the brick for his , I -d it Kilty on 0 ie 23rd of J une,_ and who said the interests A 'ient of many presents. Mr. Cole a is a shop, which vi be reeted right better.-Mr.g. Atelatosh, who has been visit - view of these facts then, ing continually we ailed in. this a it would be greatly in guests in attendance. The bride wa the number e pleased to say, somewhat why t rpri.sing that it has gained the strength. 'Listen to. that divil av a windmill 11 be fin is sti tempera ce if the society recip away by he public were disappoinfied and their f rQrn wi bh which he is. more ir�mediately connect stenogra�her for the 0. P. R.: Mr. Fritz, of Cliffo ing her si8ter at -Walkerton, has returned Clinton watitin' to be driven by wather."' ed would do fir d. This will be the sanguine expectations were not realised,in ay that it has, considering -the usage it - has iiin a similar kindly act. He -The voters' lists for Hallett township at bric4 �uildinq in the burg, home. -And so our friend from wo and we 0mond- been subjeQted to. There was a great: deal uld then probably.-learn'that he is not are now completed. The: li8t'contains a t A In "e of interest to rn Th* iay fall in I e Ville . nearly got into a ckrof atill 15 may. An artice in e Toronto World erva re e mperan,,e par Y, an would become tot of 975 nanies, being 1�_ lea of 'tbis same spirit-disp*laed in the reo,'nt than last the'old fra-m buildi through ut the ouke,of Refuge. jolting abo Igo were replaced. -On a last issue of the 11 n ilto Templar -though it be, does not sympathize with the tem, pernnce convention at Tor y nigh On Your Lea:dbury scrit)bler, bo pria-e4 him - a I U sens* le enou h not to bring his dwn per- year. The number of jurore is 587. Of Sunda nigh, we a �e of the finest rains I onto, a short aonrl difficu ies and ambitions into the those entitled ti) vote at 1�oth. uni ip I a d f t lif u a a this throws -some Ii -ht on thn, subject, and gives �Alail mud 1.4, pire in As c I rusade against the n) 0 a n 0 hpon bei. g one of the fou der f report of which we give in-an'othei col temp Cranes with which he legidpLtive elections, t soni sons %v unin. )rganizations hring what seems to be hy the London election was French Caradians, bedkuse they refused here are 788 entibled the., only ello] is excellent institution, would have taken him Temperance people she to happers to be . connected. failure this year uld learn Jroni their He should also to vote at elections to the-Legisfative As- around herd' I We do not tbiuk there is a good In band at the time had it not been that our upper in preferenee to Mr. remedy the mistake of trying to conduct sembly only, 148, and. entitled ick. T. ie rest of the crops, in atters. won by Coascrvatives mud lost by Liberals. vote f4 Si.- T opponents and 'accept of help frofti what to vote at field in H hands were filled with election In ti.. owl mes past London was c(,iisidered a eure Lai,rier. R says: "The Alail ai the paper wh� ch he controls,f id :Empire or his own per- mllnidiPal�electious only, 39. The 52 cluding roots, are &I that could be desired, re an r son IODg as -that i' rark. It emits an odor th sonal agg By the wa roe it may come, so -neates _V, it is no discredit to, news - ran Conservative preserve, nud not. until at pert d[sement, and disassociate from, widows on the list. ai4 are ipening v( have in the whole, count;ry. vilifying . I help.will advance the object they' Instead of its editorial c0lumus his own person r3r faat.-Miss Eleanor: paper writer for the publit to have in oc- splendid-run inade by -Alr. Hyman in IS91 those wh alitY-' ' -On Wednesday. evening of last week, Rttbhie- from near Belmore left recentl casional flingat him, tlie most sticks always view, As Hon. G. W. Ross- told ose support it formerly crawled on He is in man respects a very grood and a I I was it believed passible to elect a Liberal them at aboutl 8:30, a woman named Anderson Wa States, where. sli� being found under the tree which bears the I its kn�es -to 'obtain, the Mail and Empire very able ma , but he is not bi any means J for, sbington United. that - meeting, they must attract their wh ebusband is a stoker on the st"mer willr6main"'some tilae'visiting relatives.- bestfruit. In speaking of good fruib we intha1city. This possibility was Rot only In e bi would be-firtherin(y the the one man of importance in thie world, ( ranks all that they can,. and no' terests of th alons ia attempted to go on the boat while Miss Fraser, of � T6rc nto of course don t, include t1lis genticraan�,s 1.4117 .. tdo all they Consd'rvativ part In nor yet in the old is visiting at the stren-thene(l, but a reality, when Mr. temperance party, and i y u6h better if it took a t lay t the dock, at Goderich, and i miscal Inglis broth politics. -The very heav rain of Sunday. can to repel from them. Temperace Lib. hand in t�he ovement to. get -rid of the bad even were he to pass pea,cefully from this culabi - .1 . erg a:n( A)ther friends in the y Liberal, was elected a year or two elements in le party,and place, it on a more !nundane aph re, the world would still' ex- the distance, she fell ectninuity.-We t a iight.will help the root crop and pasture, later for the Provincial Legislature by a respectable f oting. ist and the ;emper'ance cause w4 erals may think they are doing the into the. ve heard several say 19 h her year old biby in her arms � y you got off 7011 cut and will be a good temper- water wit tb9t they admire tb( wa The fall -wheat is all r ace cause a great service by trying to bind 3uld c0a- The little one was taken out first, and editorials re polit, cal sumple.—SaMUC-1 I)itksop-s tea-,ni ran away good majority. It seen -is, however, that at tinae to 9.ttract attenti n, and would still situation. While .0 the inother was landed she 14,? doubt as to your political inclin- the Liberal party to tem. perance or L prohibi- be supported y many good men. was apparently with the binder last, Saturday and John this election Mr. Hobbs received a consid- Apropos of the numerous applicants for dead.- Vith lifficulty both mother ation,-t-f* are chara Iterized by nothing but C sr)me LJ 'a tionprine ),Ies. But'- they-., should reniem- office when there is a change of govern- d child were resuaciiated. tI I Ale I&V, wh was -d[T-iving them,, was -thrown, erable �upport 'fror iere nothing in thein to of all(f btirt of '�the guards a the liqtloLr interest. ber tha there are -many in the Li�, Afr. T, C. Irving, of Bradstree6ls,who -The Wingliam Times of last week says: cre te Mag This vote had hitherto always gowe to the eal ment, I Huron Notes. ggie'Bell, daugh- Pe his foot a of netrated alaking a nasty wo ran" who' are from'principle oppos�d to w The say�ng that the oak never rota may n I o t, living near our hamlet, The biliderwas broken considerab] as for man years election agent and an ter rs. Bell, -Wingham's civic holid will be 0 be affogrther true, though it takes the ele. lef . t recentl for -Scotlan Carling or Conservative paty, and as a n prahibition.. if,therefore, a majority of the intimate friend of the ex -Liberal Premie Atligust 5bli. y d, where she will resull. that paxty was continualy SueeeSSLftil. r ments allong time to make inroads on this stay some time with an aunt. * Mr. George Liberal p9,rb -were-to declae fo -Last wee c the ratepayers of Goderich kind of ivood. Mr. Alex. Ross has in7 his Constance. r r. Hyman and Hobbs, howeve ' y r �vohibi-: the late Hon, Alex. Mackenzie, tells a good carried three I)cal improvement by-] G , reg�, salesman at the Springbaiik factory, tion, -an ti -prohibi Lion Liberals. would leave story. Oneday Air. Ma has disposed of the June make of cheese at hereabouts are looking ckenzie called at possession a chip of oak taken from NOTE% -Crops ceeded in dividin it, awl, in this way won -�-The Grey voters' list, ich ha,w,'3,',,,t log tha elections. -9 the part -y. Now then, in the event bf such his office in' counectirn -with election - mat, been finished and posted, c� that wag out flown over 65 years ago. The ,even -cents per pound. , It was shipped well and prospects for. a full harvest are, TH2, it scerns b�, ff -0 arLicle ters, when �C conversation turned upon ontains - 1, 100 oak N�&? 1!elled when -logging a - fron, Clifford last Ftid I . I - a, split, are these- temperance leaders ho (,, voters. road w#y in . -ay.-The threshing iriore- than usually gDod, especially spring in the Templar, annoed rionie of the - tem- overnment office seekersl r. Irving tile vicin�q of Brucefield, in 1831, and lav machine men -ran d to c in, of Grey township, on the r d are gotting their machines grains. Haying is nearly ovei and farmers who werc not %tisfie are arging on the Liberal party thi o&se, said "Mr. Mackenzie, when you were Dancan MlcLa4il oi e until three years ago. ready, and some of them will or pa ce Libentfis, north of start this are -busily engaged cuttin their wheat.- Brustels, had six acres �f hav Mdssrg. Ha and abusine, it because'it'.- does not adopt Premier, you must have been pestered with . I _T Mstock, Pomeroy, everal from thii have any success -thia was in any way con- 0 which yielded �.5 tons. he oters' list for the township of Us- Bbikley will be the prin and cursion I vi-ainitry took in the ex - office -seekers " "'Yes," re�lied Air. 'Mac" borne Ina been issued, and from it We learn tbi-- it, prepared to pledge the support of the -The other day a little girl da�ughter of year. -A A] i�s mith,' a ative of 'Mr. Dul- iday last and all report an . enjoyable tributed to by the liquor interest. These* kenzie 'Ith'i P al threshers to the model farm, at Guelph, -on cy werie more bothar than run- -Mr. George J of Su;n that ther are 856 electors in that townsbip, r- iep, I huston, Conseevative prohibitionists country. On mage, is v OlYiectors, were mainly confined to an inuaca- to the Libera� e merhill, fell isiting there at present. - Tlle day --Air. John Alillson pirty�as-soou as tht party adopts prohibli. day a man w from a fence a (I broke her am. I of whom 09 are entitled to Yote at Muni- has improved the ti.-iil temperance Grgtiiliza-tion known as the io must have, been about 60 ller� of Hensall, has bc�'n ap- elections and elections to the Legisla- statute labor done hero. this time a appearance of his dwelli by an additional -D. Weisn-i cipal urpasses tion as plimk in -As platfo.vin ? They have. years of rt cairne seekin� a place in the I everything doue for, years. coat of paint. -W -Weatern Prohibition Union. This tjve Asse nbly ; 161 'are entitled to vote at The boys e bad the pleasure - and organx- civil servic ' His principal plea was that pointed assista it general organizer ior the municipa' elections only', and 86 at elections worked to beat the baAd, and made quite a privilege of listening to two very able dis- never ye independent, Order of Foresters. :-7&tion was compwed larg t Pai(l they areln, a position to'do he was an ban. I told him tba. I could good Robert Hunt raised big courses on Sabbath last, ne by Rev ly of Reformers, this, and m1a know ri,,ht well they re not.' sympathize -The Tee'awa:ter Agricult to the Legislative Assembly only. There. 0 ural Society are barn, last week. It t:ok Friday af,ernoon Andrew, and. t altho-h there were _. some Conservatives in 0 th him there, because I was asking for tendoirs for the'erection of lCn are 414 1% he are eligible to serve as jurors.. a be'other by Rev. Afr. Mae - its membership. AN considerable number of L -3 self." - f� ew There re 0 and Saturdav forenoon: to get it up.-Rasp- NVIiat then woud the , gain by f�rcing the an- orphan my', agricultural 41 to be 40 feet by 60 43 female voters, wh , of! 6ourse'k grave.. The reverend gentlemen seem ti) Liberal party into this - positi et in the members of V IJ On. They are cmticled to vote at municipal berries are a very searce article aroun(I have the happy f ulty of uiti g the Ber- )ii� 48soeiation, evidently size, elections here. There is only one patch, and it is e r ac a i,ould - sini 3, destroy the par�y that is ral of Ithe Conservative papers are onlx-. mon to th i hearers and making it- profit - to, try to weed atit-of the Liberal party P1 -BtiFjh fires havo been doing conside�able i a dile tears be- da e a i a e.-. iss Al. W. Seboales and able to theni, shedding mage in Sb phen township. it is sup- well looked after. 1.110st favor The f6llowing chapter of accidents bave the anti-temper&nce� .'element that had got and would greatly cause I -Ion. D' pose recently taken place in the vicinity of Ben- aster Gordon Seboales of Toronto strengthen the p %vid Mills was not taken into d the fire was first s6ar are into it, and tlirou-h tlie ad of which it had arty thait. is -opposed to - - 4 ted by �err . miller: At Mr. A. Robinson's' rais' visiting relatives in the 'village. --Mr. i. Bert the Laurier �cabhiet. Our Conservative Pickers. Iffullett. the twor preceding elec- ar endiftg June Satuiday, Ilth ins�, Mr.- A. lugford-was brov is spending'his vacation 'bcen�successful ino them, and by this additiolial strenth mak in ff on �ee virtues"in the 40th, COUNCIL. -A e frieudsnow profess to. -For the half ye Weir, of Strat t a meeting of the Hullett ti6w4i advocated that the society as such it niore stnongly opposed to i them than 1896, there'-svere recorded with A1r. James strack.with.a. pike -pole, and received some council held on the l5tb� Mr. at the home of Mra' McCully. Flossie ever. The moniant. that the Comervativ Hou. David *hich they never saw be -fore. Campbell tovinship clerk, severeiDjuries. Mr. Samuel Mitchell Caldwell. Andrew, ofElimville, is- t resent it' having her parents. -Mr. Will e- ul�,d take a equmrc stand in h 35 got his foot slightly crushed at thea "I'lu, she e Hullett also of Manchester, handed in a peti marriarres, and 13 deaths. thereon the names of 4 majorit -Lvov of tile Hon. David �.Jil[18 is, in many ways, a very me tion ino. hibitionists con.. cub in a body and -births, 7 st�advaaced tempe'rance lelc'Wlation- This learned and al le man. He has been a con- -The XVingh:iin raising. Mr. Samuel Butts, one day last payers in tha t par y of rate- vale, Sundayed at home. -The Good turf club will hold tbeir t of the Police village of I pledge thetwielres that they will aupport the sistenb �iard working member of the annual race me( t on August 5th and 601. week, while riding in the back end of a rig, Alauchester ituitted i1ft Hullett raying Temp inaveiwa opposed by another section of the lars postpemed their ineeting until party and has�well earned honorable recog- was jerked out over, and in the fall broke Thursday of this welc so that all milit be party that will plede itself to prohibition Tkis 'year's rac msra�erahip, a3 it threatened to- interfere I . n es promise to surpass +he council I ' nftiou: from the party leaders.w This be 'Poly to raise by local tax the then Nve say the Liberal prty would be Jus- zarden fith �heir politicl liberty, and might pre- I will, no doubti receive in. due Zare of the $500, requ re d the Presbyterian iyre,�ious meet. his collar bone and dislocated his shoulder. 6 ullett free to atte i -1d by the tPuateea party at Mr. course. Just On the 13th lust. he slipped and again of the said village for or's on WedZesday I tified in making proldbitioa a -Oae day last week an- accident lisp' broke the bone where it D.'-NlcGreg 'vent �bcra giving to their h -plank in their why lie was not taken int Purchasing a fire evening. As this is it busy emson', the time party the aid L ey 0 the -cabinet we peued to Mr. J obn Snell, horse dealeri of haWknit. engine &c, to be repaid seven anna-sl 'Jesired. to givewhen. it was needed, as they andinot till then. This is plain,' do not kno%v, except it be that he was cou- Exeter, which might haye terminated seri- -The Wingham. Ti"Ines of last week says: payments. of meeting has been changed to 8.30 P, M. common sense, and not seatiment. sidered bebter�,-- fitted for another position, ously. It a The reqnqst of the said �o giv e distant membera a chance of attend- Ieare(� they could not induce their party to eeme be was driving along the On Friday evenin last a number of the petitioners as grahted, and the coun and it is stated that he is to be appointed a read near 1% A 'very interesting programme was Devon, leading a horse, when !a will pass a by-law- at the August meeting give last week and'the nienibcirs are striv- 90, as tar in the way of temperance reform Judge of the il.supreme Court Yery shortly. some manner the animal got one of by their daughters, drove ont to pursuant to statut members of c cnied its fore wives u V w is the! society might desire, That he is admirably adapted for such po- e, to � thOrize the I and they ivoul(I The Qaadian tenk have scored anothev legs between the kas of a 'hind whee rom H. Livermore and oi). ngs both pleasant Iona U n every pel spo 1, the comfortable home of Air. James Coch- A petition f Oan. ing tv make the gatheri e and in mein rittle doubt but he -7 upside down and eat- c -_ I . Ourlodge isali would, be more useful in ening serions- results. hospitalities of that genial gentlemaWs in. bill known as th 0 Own t he I fairly good cbndition, yet there '7i always Mr, Snell, *ho was e pig's back ently be required either to split grai,d viAory La&t yeaX a admits" and there is turning the bug thr rane, for the purpose of partaking of the others, asking the c:uncjJ, to t d and profitable for more workers.-Ais. Bain, of ;7-- 0 ol-0 X�,n _XUght cb4 for a r.Fe4 I it$ $,Ud 'a returneii hon. -of, we W;sn of F " her -e in thi i 'i b. er& to hi U 18aijea to Art b, te6sa 'and 7eV Vala of the< Utage- tile kodel Fer M*. wt .bverl r )ort the ,Xi, an d Ithe Oaa are h4vix d sTud P&Per front �f their. by A the brw brileir 1 bILI l is now.� it on Todd SA Chapman. ani m I : ris. Zarleh. the foreirr ut five Yefti 4 Very nice priwtil Vergueon, of Blyt, locate hit, max, (I by biv t e i_Miw I)eLyon re camel Files1k, ionic at I Slid report ha' time.-UTZ. Q X from Forest on by hi jr,ho intends speno Rr4tt, -of sea here -f! -this week al it, iLre. the.v -ship 0' wn , f of Gorne, mi v R. W0 j0ho Was spendiuS turnett -home to. wfth fi wheeley -over het Aud.e.pont a asy A, _.X=. Oeorgei Br. -her sister, Mrs. -4Geor �ge Found, 4L. w - 'th a fe weeks vd R. 'Carlisle. -Mil _V4 air he - vi mg -k moth _onto.-LAREs Lavin -�ana Mrs. A- %). Lftch, of Seafort Mrs. Cameron, rii Mri T. Murdock i stallion, King Stall Via Murray. lot don. is I London 0, -Johns ii, of few I PArk ne H. Roilitr,'40f BIN' brick block last w6ik, vhAe _C` the sekaiild, to isti� to losi exased him the ground, a dist eet wm­ljj� g, hi jay iscatteml injuries ftathe t in E:Keter.-Miss�� 'Wew York state, for the put week doch.-Urs. guest -iof her sietei' -this village. 'has been a n Pe din0 Mr, o,. I lows of Huron'�i�' pleted arnal t retum ticktU ar, Aintil the fiollowili -of date applies to Miles from the sall. The train I be One -of e b 'if the season. holicis -is On th at VL �go ,!villagers od new 'Of Rhe -new. tiorp. Arespeot.-AI-r. lw, ,COWPanied by bi,, ",age ;-_ few 44-3 ances. Mr. Wo 'village aotit -15 ­employof AII N7 general 'lierchaul ',erceting a irery U, 'his dwelling, %vIIJ It. -Mr. W. the village last "W 'Ilrienid�s aj ding! Toronto, - City, a former :tWo guest iters, , Qf _h1r, j(,Ii the repre Seut*111.1 lard& "JIDY"119 �ouir be] breezes.-NIrs. B Aton is the gues 40"wn) silubli Van have returne ehigau-1 where.' ER�I, has -built u.� via mcclov Tuead 'Of 'Varna. is ti, e Rev. A ri I I I nd� 4y St-'A�dl Mrs. i-ohn al,� -1.1are taken 'roOn __911 -Wains street -tor 01., ,�week of tand fami.l. 'I'vea here 3 of t* vp� i teepP of Clintor Ale" at mrf,�- Pe 4Urtay; Airs. 'Xorma- 0, Glen J� Alc0orvie, Annit` t Detrol T. J. 11ark 0is Vtek are thj A r"luk and Harol Zon, D. tyri Seaforth J' U LY Wed. Thu. Sun. Mon. Tue, I Fri. !Sat. .5, 6 -71, 1 2 8 9 3 A 4 12 13 14, 1,5 16 117 18 1 g 20 21 22 23- 24 2,5 2-627 2� :19 30 3 1 - - 9 - - Who Imal with. their- party 0).r,.1wQ the_sooet m - won th Queen;&I Akat capa ho ka the. kindly Alis- S -And 9, was considered, and coun y, *nd. ..�ber of � -the, tes, hat capa ty. than -as a -member of �the go underneath the buggy, wriggled. 4st �the 'I I cillors th to do either, as ey eon4 rnment, i rhile it is pretty well ui*derat d beat he could from his unpleas at itio. glesid"6 � "'liior bo�i andowhis unusually ear- Lasham and Leitch were appointed they did not wish e. This -year the team won'th Kolapore e position (y , V pri 1, , r a Poo - U* 'neat com- . . . . . . . . ai&ered they coald do more for the temper- cup _: ilid Koli-puL %oujv AM, it, would b � more congenial to his 6wa fe I- and with considerable difficulty got -the solcit' de fot the comfott of his mittee to examine the said bill -and have it Th a match for 9 t t n da a nift linprove t N f ings. His fitness for the pgosritioii nam, d borses quieted down- agaip, little the worse guests, m sure understand. how d if found imecessary, Accou ane'e muse by'rewiaining with their *party istri itect to te%ms-of eight om( e mother e f or their e -spa e. d by and cheques amounting to over 0,.309 fo was recogE ized by the lat J#hn M. c- sc d the evenir. g'�!entertainment was enjoye than if they abandoned it. This decision lcountry,-- ndia, and the colonies.l. The col- donald wh), althqugh he haif- always be�n �-Mar ihrho is engaged with those who-hadUe goo(I fort �ravel and. ban I . k Mitchell, , une to be: sons sewer, pipe, I lim-,1 gravel, were was displeasing to the extremists and- a di. ilonial team making the h i h t' core wins -opposed t) him - in pqlities, offered himl a William Sanders, Steplien, had his left arm 19 q� of old Sptia, or a "' far out frien 0' the passed. & Caldwell " J - P. Manchester �,-igl ity pounds and should their s:lore excel oost on the bench of the *-Supreme Court of se'iverely sprained the dther day. They were fmily-11 Good old Scotch songs were sung psid into the township tre�'tury $12 vidon occurred in the soc�ety. While mat. of all the Other teams they also get the Canada in 1891, only a few days before his lo ding bay, when half the -load slid off, mind remAings read that-woulA stir the heart magistrates? fin a. Comissioner Rin On !tha, WAS ters were in this' shap 'alp -A e, tl�e Domin ele6- 'cup. In this match, this e r I -our teams last illnet a. Oar Conservative. frienis with the above re ult. f a Robbie Burns, and when the wee am&' instructed to bave 1 y anIUg OPPOS that part -of the river tions came on. These ad*.anced"temperance coff ipeted. anathe Canadian Mm' made the should n(t worry themselves about Ron. I -While f umigatink his ben. boa the gro theL se the I 6urs wer 5 - or epiug OT3,-8 ite lots 9 &I'd 10, and RIAO the ditch men of this 96ciety, who 'it seems, we�e all, highest noreof all, thus not !obly winning David.: I Wil be all right. o er -day with sulphur, William Drew, of tables had bee relieved of their cumbrance on S. R. 1*0 and 11., 6oncession ,5, f W. t eter, narrowly escaped suffocation. He broke the cup I ub the money prize as well. Last. E up With a 440a or nearly &Ill. Libierals, determined that L e company SeOV8 4ox- out. �Cou�cildeeidedto charge theourn of go Very Berl "dim I yea. t e MObner. country won, with -a score nOlIf 11'. Hardy, Provincial Premier,. and h d the door closed while he stood inside,' ClOgyL, " Should Auld etc. o per diem for the us e of the towiishi they would either n4t vote; at all or that I I of 1,38, Canada obtaining secon& place with Hon. Mr. Paterson, Minister ;f Cus�orns in and before aw -There 4ie. at� hia home in Win&tm, road grader and man work it, t1) an are, he was overcome. Time- to theywo _y uld spoil their balots. . They would Z18 This year Canada won: 656 points, ly assistance saved serious gf last week, Thomas Stiles, individual or corporation consequence oin. Tuesday, that may esire the Dominion Government, were given a E ngland comi g second with 644.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. act vote for the' Conservative candidate, a1s in 1-Lmat week the barn of R. L. Wilson, 4ed 67 yeajsi About a month ago deceased boardif L L to use it. The public school trustee grand rece ption by the citizens of Brantford, e by so doing theywould not Greenway, together with a quantity of bay . Was affected w �th paralysis, from which, h should bear in mind, when preparing theif MThe figure botw -bn the parenthesis after each Only stultify and their constituents generally, on the oc- &�d some implerff-6nts, was epinpletely de- �never L reeo4eredi_llel t calue to WinglInin estimates for the year, that, rthe _he CoUnty- teffL the ag- of the paper on which the themselves politically, but would'be - voting A Grand Boast. Irbyed by fire. There Was an insurauce of 4bout;eight !Te icipal grant heretofore naade advortisement will bd und. citsionof theirreturnt6 their homesafter re ago froin t. Johns, 'bear zdun for a cadidate and a part A Good Titne-lt� Wiffis (5) who were more t a reception accorded him by his con- the 6onois which bad been showered upon vO4OO on the barn, and several hundred on London andearried on a busines, as gen- dispensed with. Council adJourned Until thp contents. The cause of the fire is un- Seatonablo-Thoughts- �Greig Ifaadoutild (1) opposed to their iemp'erance principles than them. Thebonorea gentlemen were met at eral merchant, ir the Xent block, until last' �alled by the reeve. stituents at Brantford, a few days ago, Ron. CiLrding. Splaning.,- &c -A. 0. Van Fgrn ond'cj tsons (8) Hamilton by a large deputation of the citi- known. jUtama, when he retired. Previous to that A Large Stock -A. G. 'g- the Liberal candidate- mud his'party, not: A. S. -Hardy, Premier of Ontario, in his re lia(I ben c6niiected with the firm ant, Sons 1AWn, S0611 At Mr. JO n MoVe residence (8) zens and e icorted from thence to the Tele- While driving home to Exeter the oiher time he withstanding ths fae the anti-teniper- arks in reply to one of the addresses pre-. on night, Albert Walker, Wesley Sanders and of Kent, Stilts .& Company, at one time In Kippen. Money. 8xved-W. H. illis (8) t phone Cit- in' decorated car. Kyle has disposed Of Bu,,ihess Chanoe-Ja es Arinstrong (8) sen' him said Ed. Shapton niet with an unpleasant ex- do n ne of �be ldrgest businesses in atice element oomplaiiie.d of had not bee ed tc the arriva there alout ten thousand people 0 g Seed Wheat -for -Sale :ohn StWord (5) weeded ott kf the Reform party. In�siesd, had assern Aed at the station to bid them pe�rience. Their horse'took fright, and up- Ingham. _j,bis carriage and %vagfi shop A! r. If. The honor which h Mr. H. B. Cha'ut, �f Clinton, b as just" Ricker, -who is now, in full possession of the Arvither WeLk of Bar ains,-W. Pickard & Cc ad been paid him by welcome. A procession was formed and setting the buggy, throw the occupants Ot. Lock Ref ore You Lea tight Bros (5) therefore, of choosing what was, the 1: ast of for his brother, Profess the peop, e of the Province was paid to the. marched Uiumphantly through the streets,. it is finely situated an argains in Sum Although none of them was serious] 'completed nmier aods-J. L. Stuith (6) or Chant, above property - d 0) ed, they were all badly sha en up. Mr. Rickner is to ber congratulated on hien- Only for Eight Days Gilroy & IVIsernav two eivils th6y.,- according to their own con. cit , of BA-ritford and county of Brat. He. -bearing flags, -etc. On -one of the flags was Jur k of Toronto'University, a clock which is a _wo6 Id tR'e care that the gift -Of the Pfem-,., inscribed the motto: " Bi Th:nder, Little of last week he horse be- - It terprise. He will prove a orth en On Tuesday model of fine workmanship and finish. fesion, aided the party and candidate that y itiz He is a skilful workman, were most opposed -refraining In th pro lofiging to G. M. Elliott, -of Goderich, took stands seven feet high, the cue &c. being iership.d d them no discredit. If he had to them, by pride in je_ Tli under, By Thunder." cession our village. Fond being their and �ing be., fright at one of the b �eautifully finished in black walnut, while alities from votin alt were numerous carriages, and 400 bicyclists ears belonging to a combined with the good of being ogether. They, in fact, un- presentat ive, ib was tha t durinj the -whole carryingC iinese lanterns and shooting Roman mendicant menagerie, and running away, a monogram surmounts the top. The clock accommodating and obliging,success can not dertook the somewhat nov foolish task quarter of a 'century lje� had represented candies ; after them came fifty mounted threw out a young lad named Buchaiiiin, has a seecifid � hand, as well as the hour fail to crown him in his enter them, no job had been laid at his door, d of trying to bite off their nose n order to horsemen, and then, the. great unwashed on who, in his fall, broke one of his Jegsi near hands, and an electric alarm andthe great' Mr. James Moore, of our has been n' scandal attached to his name. Hewould toot, in thousands., The �procession merit of it lies i in the fact that the clock SEAFORTH, FR[[DAY, July 24th,, 1896 We shall i -one,qf the was a the ankle. laid off work for some timeL. ite their face. promise them that he would preserve the �-_Mr. "Ferguson, of He is now un - most novel and imposing affair. Congrat- mith's'Hhl, came and works entire 'are the product' of M r. der medical tregtme and we trust that rumber to tell the story in his.oa way,and samegoo faith and honesty in the future. nt, ;ulatory aul complimentary a4dreases were near losing one of his working her Vis owm labor, and: Wreally is a piece of the treatm see e Chan eot may have a good effect, and lis confession is preciseli the: same in Bub-* tPiesented I �rom the city"council and from and useful furniture. that Mr. Moore' will soon have as good The Ontario Cabinet� This is a rand boast for a. public man t6 ot er day. At noon he put it tinto 9 stance as is that. of several'othe-8 which are be able to make, and Mr. Hardy c(?uld no thecitizens generally. These were followed to feed it, there being a bees' nest there,mid -Horace Cornell, charged with indece The changes in 4he Ontario Cainet,which t 'It health as formely.-The long looked for &blished. t assault on the young woman, Sarah Culbert, rain, which came -on Monday last was He aa,�ira taffer the p by speec4e i fron� the honored guests and th bees be hered the horse ' so that he tore eople of Ontario.a 4,better certifi- I we foreshadowed. 14st week, have since been others. th a stall down and ran a large sliver in to was tried before Judge Masson, at ("ode- thaukfully ree eivd, and has been the 'eanB There is'not the slightest loubt about in n td the cords of on6 of his fore legs. rich, of great blessfug to all vegetation. made. Mr. W. 1), Balfou, late Spegker,L ca6e for lis* -fitness for the hi In positio on Saturday, Ilth just. While the yman being defeaed by Temy erince Lib- 9 -The 'has been appointed Provincial secretary. which be has been 0alled. It! is a knowl- In speaking of Hon. David Mills, a very e, ingbarn town council proposed 'girl's evidence was very direct and positive, many friends of Mr. John M-offatt �wjll be eials. There were about _15( of -do who la ing granolithic sidewalks, on a certain c ini Cornell swore straight that no an h occur- romised to spoil. our b nh 0 edge on t ie part of the- people, of the bonestv extraordinary story concerning him is re- -sorry to learn that he' has had to take to his Mr. E, -J. Davis, of North York, has been Btl eet in that town. Those on one side of rence took place, and it became a question _btd through -trouble ir, Onto of hislegg which allots, ur appointed a member of the Cabinet with- tended action became knowni so that quite and absolute trasWorthinesh of the On- lated lby an. Ottwa correspondent. It i's the street want the improvements- made, bat of credibility, which turned in favor of the a giving him much. pain. J d wi Macdonald those on the other side are opposed to. �t, prosecution, when evidence was produced barbeumatism. Dr Gunn, Of a number of others acte In -us. We said, that i�i 1890 Sir John A It is thon�htto. out portfolio. This is a part of the pro- W tario Government that has -seclared to them, ffe vote if we Clinton is gr would have rolled a muchIarg( seeing the cloudsf an I now the c" oner had madc certain now attendi g him and hopes in short amme that Nvas not expeoted.�, Hoever, under -the. late Premier, a 10�ase 'of office looming up before. him in ouncil. is bein deluged with to show. t1kat pris had run an independent 'ciudi ate, but'it e -itions and counter petitions. statements to the witness regarding th it was not, by any meas, an unwele6me would'have c oat a lot of monoy make the 'longer than any other G' rdmiant thKt has the polit ic I horizon, was anxious to get in p e time to have hini e ove ut again in his usual goo4 A bl I bear was seen the other eve n- gi[rl. His honor found him aa health. What -makes the troubl woroez OUG announcement either to. the friends Of Mr. fight creditable. More' than t at, most of :ever exist ed in Canada,. and should the pres- is ion of charged, and -ence- of two with Mr. Moffatt 0 lady m _guilty, us n of the 1 6rm before the rain commenced int by McCurdy, 10th conceos osed a sent are Liberals, a (I hope ito be in the ent Prerni er continue the record to fall, he 1 rent to Mr. Nills and proposed a Grey.. The bear was in J. K. Baker's slagh- im hat his g, od Davis: or to the friends of the Governen. to unbr6ken months in j ail wit? hard labor. ture, and our ainivas teach coalition -g i'verament, in which he offered to ing, and word was sent to Wrn. Cooper a '-The death of Mrs. Janet Radeliffe, of also confined.to bed, neither one bei able he pirty a 9 4Z e the pe to help the other. -Fig We ma explain to the uninitated that the we 'belie� OP16 will'accord him a y give the ibe 'I six portfolios. He dia- bty tickets were sold meaning Of this appoint ent is, that while which they cussed the ne e 9 and quickly West Wawanosh, occurred at her late resi- al =a over which there would despatched areInt. dence ofi-Thursday�evening, 9th inBt. De- Ga I.p I e of that n ighbor, who brou lit his rifle at our statiou::for the farmers' excursion to lot, r&-A'bout 250 of these tU L 11 'R � Obbers,say there �ye �'coatinuanc confidenc' be na ra diff�rences of opinion such as' his bearship. He was app e, h All who wentv the trip ay it Mr. Davis will have a Best in the cabinet have give ifor so many years 'to his prede­ ly bout three y ears old, and weighed 150 ceased bad suffered' severely for the past Temperance Lib wasoneof the most enjoyable days they erals. who either spoiled the tariff, err ' ander and franchise act, Pot lit -1.4. ral breaking down of and voice in its delievations, he will not cessor. V% hile no person will -deny that y year, froin a genei ad the the have h for long yeari", and speak hi III e their ballots or refrained f rom. vo and stated o ar he would go in the mat- Vhe other eyening while Jose system. That inoriiing she felt better than t'ng alto- Ontario G oveinment has ad Stubla" have charge of a department nor will h re- 6 mistakes, it ter of legi ii atioii- upon th' i the hospitaliti Ind the cour of A y ese subjects to usua ?peare tesy Ose Of Morris, was d gether. It would seem from: the state- a briit all day, and talked in charge of the Model Farm. M, . JL h riving frota in hain, supporters to be able . He aloog the gravel road, � his horse of a spe, dy recover, ceive any salary, beyond his regular session- pleme the ber4l wing of the abinc r 6 a 6' temperance Con. hi In the evening, feel - is a grand thing for its c w is ed tt to say that an ack of wilful wrong doing 0 &I indemnity. The country -�vill, therefore, r a n tired, she re nested the family to leave on Monday last.­_�The:offiera elect for the ments made,� also, that th proposed ti at h4 'oula himself withdraw sorile object on the pr Irie, and ran I is Bwden, of Centralia, visited Mr. Rieker atives voted for the -Conservative candi-. from the g( vern ent, as his presence In IL gat the benefit of his counsel. and advice sery alon ver beien laid might be d stast(ful to some of th- g. f;Ilowing six months for he Young People's as a charge of corruption has ne buggy into a passing wagon. The bu V her. for a she' t tiale, to enable her to e Liberals, date without a y compunction of conscience was; u turned and badly have a Acirt rest.r a cabinet minister, without it eute)iag a FJI'Ort 13ociety of Christian kodeavor are; presi- in any way in- against it. p up,. Ir. I J but he would ret ain his Beat, 'in the House Stu�bslegwaa barb but he managed o time af i r.vrdp, 10 and that it -*was only the tensperd�noe Lib- Was found?3 dent, Mr. T. Forsyth ;'vice president, Miss creasing the cost of Government. It also and supper b the iew Government. Thec--cor'- prevent the. horse from getting #,way. Spark 1 -1 fled. aceased xv;La raised. the' row and refuse 1 130111 t A]. Cooper erals who d to secretary, Miss E. Crawford respondent says hat the whole matter was means, of course,L that in, the event of a -On Monday, J a* vote although it is admitted that both the Good B ne 22nd, A.' B. Curri Ber%it; I on Twecdj� emigrating to Canada 07 erwards treasurer, Alias Stina Aheson, This so - aft talkeil over between Mr. Mills of 13&nff, Northwest Territory, and Mi" t he portfolio becomi vacant,, Mr. Davis will is sixty-three years pg(,.,, remaining in Liberal candidate d patty are much more Mr. AllipnIP"ingle, the well;known liter-, and Air. Blake, v�ho decided not W: enter- cioty is doing good work in our church, ad a have the first chance for preferment tain the propositi on, and who'are prepared -ears lie means OL if he r Mabel, youngest daughter of VV Iter Smit] I, i hood of Whilby. Fifty-one 3 is t f bringing many.of our young 1t, of Selby, Ointario, takes In temperance principles' tba marriage. TI �e in accord wit ar aggriculturis Brussels, were united in i n -LI - t o A] r. JJ Ifte.8 P desires it. Hon. Mr. Bronson, of Ottawa, iss e to vouch foe the correctness of the state- i rn4n. and women into the active work of he bridle has reided. in Winuipeg for some the Conservstive candidat was. u' with the Toronto -Globe, and other to ' I'Vel"t Wam,anosh 23 years church e ment. Finding that an a and thesociety sboul& receive the of q and went ftom the e co has been a member of the cabinet in this rrangement tini her sister ago, residing on thc.,sauie Job until..he7r e- -operation of all Christian have already'said -will, no. doubt, give�-6ut leadingpispers, on the money question. He that kind coald.not be carried out, Sir to ean, of the Mill load - ker� over and lielp dissohed, parliament, nd the Misses Cash, of Seaforth,paid f silver, i ad he promises that 'in future let. - Alro Robert Woods, of Turnberry, met ily of six daughters' emith, a Tue Ven to Mr. Bafoar, but J ob 'sent f or Sir Charles Tupper to come fairs of the fortunate groom. after tl�eir'removni here. She leaves ?jfani- way for several years, and was offered, the �anff to preside over the household a(- cease. Air. R Te. died about foue years Sadie McL is evidently opposed to the demonetization P03WOU g�j be`de� siders some clue as to the c which re - Butted in Mr. Hym.au's. defeat in' ondon.' brought on the elections it yearbefore time, and two sons to InOuiru a visit to the home of our worthy clined it, as- his ext nsive business oper teacher, .0 e a reason for the faith that appealed to the people on the �- Old Fl�g, T. Forayth, on Friday last. Now we would ask,in all earnestness *.teis he wi I giv: with a Oinful accident on Tuesday 'of last her decease. Matkons: would not permit Of his taking such wee�, while working at ia barn in Culros OrA Saturday mornin'g, Ilth inst., the -Air. nd Airs. James, Keyes, of Summer a Poo ged in ition. Ron., Mr. Davis., the new min is in those with whom he had a few weeks pre- He *As enga handing plank up on stern messenger, death, entered the home Of hill, visited Aft. and fa.. Ricker , on Sun - what did these temperance Liberals gain by hith as he is very- able to do. He Old Party and 011 Leader" cry, denouncing er of the Methodist by their action?. Did they advanc B%ys.: .. mflll Iding when the man abo - let ono Quinton MeBlain,, -Grey township and day last. -Lar e numbers bave been go' lily offel nds, as disloyal and i�falling, .,g cit -use of temperance w and struck Mr. Voe -be koned him away.1 Deceased was i)orn in home fall izteri, is an-aebive memb' e the, viou ,ed to join ha t try. to Dixey, berry pickj?ng, denomination, an enthusiastic teraperance heal. "He received an ugly scalp W'oand, Ayrshire, Scotland'# nearly 80 years 400. bich they professed I shall sho)v that ths iniquitous tV od on the de- traitors.to their coun He won to -but to hold so dear that they were Willing to monetization of silver in, Europe and Amer- had the people been able to see be . hind' thq� pails.-INIr. T. Forsyth was in Seaforth advocate and wo�ker, and a shrewd and and as uuconacious for some hours. He was uuited 1-111 marriage ica tipwards of �wenty years ago has had screens, it is not likely In to Miss Mir -fee friendshi'p and old associations y sacri to would. have been he last week, erforming the duties Of presid- 9tratlidee, w s*vives him, in the sful businessman. Re is alu old mein- more to do since in causing the " hard so successful -They are telling a good -joke on a old primary exa; in f b5r of the Legi Udn active Conservative in Clinton. 8ome land. Thev came �ol Canada in .18-14, two Win. Doig was also at Harriston do go? Tliey certainly d�d not, because times" aniong the mass of producers and in? examiner at the inslatiure abd is one of -the through their action a- a didate who'was t roughout the' world than one In 0 workers any formed him that Laurier had decided years after their sono, Quintin and Robeit. very best speakers in the House. He will Judging from the pub proceedings week, performing similar work inthe Hj.g1t other evil ene , -natural or governmental, to prohibit the running -of special trains n The family resided at Onohdag Br favorsble to their cause was defeated, and a, ant sehooL Our Tulteramith b)ys are bound aid materially to the strength of the GOV at the recent temperance convention at To- the 12th of July, and also ordered, all the county, for a numbek of. ears� and moved to m on the fac of the earth ; and that the re- y ake their mark in life' the only political p'ak y that ever did .-Mr. Robert routo ta Grey township: some 20 years ago.. Mr. t ernment both in the House and the country. ..'ny establish nt of silver in its former place in theie are some very intemperate hotelp' to be closed. He believed the' yarn Murray, who has been confined to bed for MeBlai had been failing for two years be - thing for temperance, as shorn of a .�! sup- the world' prith temperance dvocates. rent, stormiu.g about for some time be' nearly eight week , is now going bout. We w and' n The POSitiGn of',Speaker, rendered vacant by, ary money will do more to I would have been f6ie his death, old age and heart failure be- a port;br. What they did" do was to ge�tify iestore fo er prosperity among the masses lore he discovered that the' 12th fell on Sun. trust Mr. Murray will be restored to hill wise for our temperq6nce friends bad they a40_ the. appointment of Mr. Balfour, cannot be their petty spite againat'their fellow I�iber- than any 6ther agency within the re day. ing the cause. Air.. MeBlain was a Liberal cu ach of stomed good healtb.-Mr. John McDon- Governme its. I shall hold myself in readi- ad 'in religion, old., jr., of Tuckeramith' had a very sue - filled until the Legislature meats, but it is excluded the ubiquitous npwspaper man a -The Clinton New Bra in litic of -just week bi and a Presbyterian &Is, because they qould not have thin 8 all uXO nesc when the time comes to answer fairly washed their dir was ghly respected by all-vhd knew likely that either lr. Str&ttoa, of Peter- ty line in private. At says The fall wheat harvest is about two cessful. b a raising iat Tuesday. The their own way and make others hi fr. B vaktural. of Prescott, will be I gures, any rate their wrangling would not an usual, a grea boro, or IN think Just and scluarily any argument in fact, fi ha ve neighbors turnedutin goodly numbers,ana weeks earlier th m.. The members of the family living t deal of the as they, I do. They did more than Ibis history or science which The Globe or any brought discredit upon a good cause. Po. crop now being out. The are : Mrs. N1. Wil earliest - cutting Nort son, Muskoka; Alexander, rendered Mr. McDonald good service in the 6f:Alberta, bwest Territory;-LJohn, in busy ti other pap)r or personcan present- decently bered previous to this was about sIx. ime. they no doubt estranged many who were lities was at the bottom 4 f 'the whole diffi-, temem in favor o the gold � standard and against, culty. Ay The gentlemen who ran as the in. teen -years -ago, when a few fields were out _r8hire, Scotlaiid; James,' of' Rapid City, Manitoba, and Quintinj Robert and Mary, formerly not onl strougl in sYm bimetalior 1 This is neither egotism nor dependent candidates in Hamilton at the Is The grain is v lull!p, The London Election. y y st on July Ilth. V with their cause, b t an of0rey township. 4.' many also who were fanaticiary. It is the confidence that comes election seen ied to think that because they d the early cutting beats the recorT.' Co i There was no election jI1L,tlJe west, during ker6 with them, sud who were a a sin'- from the onscioikuess that one is right in a are temperai cc *men, tb therefore, every -On Wednesday Of last week, Ju NoTES.-Flx pulling is in order this the recent campaign, which created more e cere frie da of the cause as' they are them.- great c.ium. temperance Aberal, not�, i mily in Hamilton Masson heard an appeal I the Bell T e- week. The crop is %,cry good.-Tlie grame- 0 general interest thaa the London election. but thro lompany against their assessment hoppers hav, beSe 13eOLDIe could not A] ore pp, ver to yo ug out the . country, should have pbono C e fizzled out'prettywell and as �elves,at d all because t ur goose quill, old -boy. giv e reni 1.3 of the late Mrs. M. en themi their support,'and because they the'township of Godericb. "The compa, expect grass bye and bye - Nor did any single defeat areate- more gen- a result w.rna y NOT 'S. - e that etcher, of t. were i erred in the has built & StLone see. thins in precisely th same light as' they Yon are mErching on the right track, and did not r ceive sup �ort they had evi- claimed that they wer- y F1 n the'defeat of e not liable to asse 8- Kirkton cem ery on last. De- uine reret and anrpri3e tha -Mr. -T a profe tt, dently made hei thenielve ur-le -rlsf will be looked for with much ased to set t hern id, In short, YO, up t r In nds to bust the ment, but,. if they were, then -they were Mr.. Hynian in Tiondon. That this eleation and pl&eeda new frame harn upon it, do jug t. whole Grit niachine.an� ceased had f, r many years resided on t they gavB.the teinperance cause in Lon on's interes exclude all who sese.0 too high. The first claim heir all the mason work and most of the e-arpen- shmildeause more general interest than with that et use from par - was not farm on the Ilth conces-ion, of Usborne, sympathised tici. presged, and by consent the assessment stab from 'which it -n ter w ik him elf. 'Mrs. tephenson. of Was but afew years ago Ehe and her husband will ot reco for Others, was due, no doubt, to the pating in temperance wor c of any kind, and redueed from $2,400 to $11200. Kirkton, has been vs'aran villa, retired to Mary.' The circumstances le _ tt manner i. -an, -ow e niany years,4d no doubt did more ha�m t Editorial Notes time brand hem as traitors., -A fortner resident of Grey, in writi; v if, D and Comments. at the same the resid shabb3 which Mf. I-Tym -the lo nee of'her UtIfer, The Ieadc� of this mo t eems to 19 attending hev death were parUcularly Bad EEq. -Miss Jemima Stanzel, who spent the cause gederall than they Will i vern have frouni Dakota, says We are having plenty -y A young sprig of a doctor, named Free- been ir. W. W. Buchantri, the editor of of ra�n here, an Liberal candidate, wm ouchred out of his 'go Ing as a result, crop!, and vege- shebaving fallen flown stairs -an by her husband re a nient in 4on.-Rev. Mr. Westinall, who t Wp do not refer be- T July celebra 'Godeiiich to accident the to t his in &*tter &in - taioff are looking pplendid. There ai three few'� minutes aft�'r the - Lend :J_ rijhts in 1891, the'partiettla-m Of which are od dur' the, rest of their �attiral li,�es- born,_ was put on the platform at the recent the Templar, the organ of the or4er known , d her neck. When found d bro.ke� week at home has returned to her em Z ; he Royal Templars of Temperance. �lr. classles of persqns'needed badly in this coun- vital' has charge of Walton Afethoist circuit, has no -w ma;tters of history, and are known to welfth of tion at cause it -occurred in Londcm,-bat becatise Of Buchanan has been a so:,e hea;d for -a try, viz: M` isters, dres3 spark bad fled. Much sympathy is felt now got fully settled dwn to work, He deliver an oration, long every makers and doMes- f one. The surprise, also, at Mr. Hy- and judging fr6ni the re- time. He seems detern ined. to work not tic servanin or the berea ed.busband and family., '%Vho, is an excellent yOun ts. We think you have an over' maea I jmau� an earnest an its applcability to other places. This is port of his speech, he made feel of him- 6DI lose in ever I L defeat.was no doubt' due in large y the Ro3 al Ten plans but all temperance sup y in Huron, so pleaseend us a goodly ffectionate and kind friend-- forcible preacher a is deserA edly a not the * only tirne, nor is Londft the only self. " The 3ignal takes' f t Miss Johnsto ii, of London, has been visit vedly -eem- alea3ur6 to a, feeling in the "ublia rai -y neatly organiz%tion., o conut t- I vl* him off vei he y 1119 ed by the people of the eircuit.-A few sa5 P nd tha plate, - as machines to nu4er. -*,Yhere the'teraperance c.ausd hasibeen When it a: "Frothy Freeborn appears to advance his own personal -at the'residex ce of .Mr. * Phillip Madge.- from after having lost the seat which he properly nterehts and am- -At the Methodist churcbi Chapleau, on here went on the excursion to the worl. is e igaging the sole att�7,atjo be troubled with it flux of language, a bitions, and. )ecause he 0 'n not late the afternoon of the 9th inat Mr. W. A. u model farm.--�Thc 12th of July appears to manipu won, a sense Of fairness and justice on the dearth of ideas, and a hankering for recog. -the great Li er&I party i the same diree- Cole' late of the Clint.)a foun seriously wounded 'a the house of thoo who Harvest profess to be its best- ad tri have more attractilons than all other days. oftbefarmers, the-igraia�is ripening so pxrt of the electors of London we Id nest friends.! Nor -nibion as a silver -toned spell binder. Mon. tion, lie is videntl dry, and Miss bound to ride rou h Cep4ia Mulholland, daughter of Mr.- Mul- put together ;-in fact a great number out-: y 9 is it the only occasion where zeal without d is- day last hE talked himself dry as a lime. member if that -party who holl%nd, of Holmesville, were made man aie of the Orange order- confess this to b oure to him Gii this occasion, beyond perad- I shod over ev,.ry cretion has resulted i -n injury to the cimse. kiln., and si.outql for Water V' The only, will not asis � him in his 3cheme Ifeas and wife. - The divi' venture, that. which had been rong- r sion superintendent of 11a elet. the case with themselves person.ally.-Afo. use, unfortunately, be- response be, got, howevee, was froin a kden. -very properl3 sat on most effectually at the the Q. R.R., and family, were among the N0Tr-_3.-Iaac0o dybad on Monday a The temperance ca Stimore, who has been ill -for �upwards f f ally denied to him on a form er occasion. In witted son of Donegal, whovhad voted for Toronto meeting, u way ,an year, is, we ar -this real reasons of team's lia ling the brick for his , I -d it Kilty on 0 ie 23rd of J une,_ and who said the interests A 'ient of many presents. Mr. Cole a is a shop, which vi be reeted right better.-Mr.g. Atelatosh, who has been visit - view of these facts then, ing continually we ailed in. this a it would be greatly in guests in attendance. The bride wa the number e pleased to say, somewhat why t rpri.sing that it has gained the strength. 'Listen to. that divil av a windmill 11 be fin is sti tempera ce if the society recip away by he public were disappoinfied and their f rQrn wi bh which he is. more ir�mediately connect stenogra�her for the 0. P. R.: Mr. Fritz, of Cliffo ing her si8ter at -Walkerton, has returned Clinton watitin' to be driven by wather."' ed would do fir d. This will be the sanguine expectations were not realised,in ay that it has, considering -the usage it - has iiin a similar kindly act. He -The voters' lists for Hallett township at bric4 �uildinq in the burg, home. -And so our friend from wo and we 0mond- been subjeQted to. There was a great: deal uld then probably.-learn'that he is not are now completed. The: li8t'contains a t A In "e of interest to rn Th* iay fall in I e Ville . nearly got into a ckrof atill 15 may. An artice in e Toronto World erva re e mperan,,e par Y, an would become tot of 975 nanies, being 1�_ lea of 'tbis same spirit-disp*laed in the reo,'nt than last the'old fra-m buildi through ut the ouke,of Refuge. jolting abo Igo were replaced. -On a last issue of the 11 n ilto Templar -though it be, does not sympathize with the tem, pernnce convention at Tor y nigh On Your Lea:dbury scrit)bler, bo pria-e4 him - a I U sens* le enou h not to bring his dwn per- year. The number of jurore is 587. Of Sunda nigh, we a �e of the finest rains I onto, a short aonrl difficu ies and ambitions into the those entitled ti) vote at 1�oth. uni ip I a d f t lif u a a this throws -some Ii -ht on thn, subject, and gives �Alail mud 1.4, pire in As c I rusade against the n) 0 a n 0 hpon bei. g one of the fou der f report of which we give in-an'othei col temp Cranes with which he legidpLtive elections, t soni sons %v unin. )rganizations hring what seems to be hy the London election was French Caradians, bedkuse they refused here are 788 entibled the., only ello] is excellent institution, would have taken him Temperance people she to happers to be . connected. failure this year uld learn Jroni their He should also to vote at elections to the-Legisfative As- around herd' I We do not tbiuk there is a good In band at the time had it not been that our upper in preferenee to Mr. remedy the mistake of trying to conduct sembly only, 148, and. entitled ick. T. ie rest of the crops, in atters. won by Coascrvatives mud lost by Liberals. vote f4 Si.- T opponents and 'accept of help frofti what to vote at field in H hands were filled with election In ti.. owl mes past London was c(,iisidered a eure Lai,rier. R says: "The Alail ai the paper wh� ch he controls,f id :Empire or his own per- mllnidiPal�electious only, 39. The 52 cluding roots, are &I that could be desired, re an r son IODg as -that i' rark. It emits an odor th sonal agg By the wa roe it may come, so -neates _V, it is no discredit to, news - ran Conservative preserve, nud not. until at pert d[sement, and disassociate from, widows on the list. ai4 are ipening v( have in the whole, count;ry. vilifying . I help.will advance the object they' Instead of its editorial c0lumus his own person r3r faat.-Miss Eleanor: paper writer for the publit to have in oc- splendid-run inade by -Alr. Hyman in IS91 those wh alitY-' ' -On Wednesday. evening of last week, Rttbhie- from near Belmore left recentl casional flingat him, tlie most sticks always view, As Hon. G. W. Ross- told ose support it formerly crawled on He is in man respects a very grood and a I I was it believed passible to elect a Liberal them at aboutl 8:30, a woman named Anderson Wa States, where. sli� being found under the tree which bears the I its kn�es -to 'obtain, the Mail and Empire very able ma , but he is not bi any means J for, sbington United. that - meeting, they must attract their wh ebusband is a stoker on the st"mer willr6main"'some tilae'visiting relatives.- bestfruit. In speaking of good fruib we intha1city. This possibility was Rot only In e bi would be-firtherin(y the the one man of importance in thie world, ( ranks all that they can,. and no' terests of th alons ia attempted to go on the boat while Miss Fraser, of � T6rc nto of course don t, include t1lis genticraan�,s 1.4117 .. tdo all they Consd'rvativ part In nor yet in the old is visiting at the stren-thene(l, but a reality, when Mr. temperance party, and i y u6h better if it took a t lay t the dock, at Goderich, and i miscal Inglis broth politics. -The very heav rain of Sunday. can to repel from them. Temperace Lib. hand in t�he ovement to. get -rid of the bad even were he to pass pea,cefully from this culabi - .1 . erg a:n( A)ther friends in the y Liberal, was elected a year or two elements in le party,and place, it on a more !nundane aph re, the world would still' ex- the distance, she fell ectninuity.-We t a iight.will help the root crop and pasture, later for the Provincial Legislature by a respectable f oting. ist and the ;emper'ance cause w4 erals may think they are doing the into the. ve heard several say 19 h her year old biby in her arms � y you got off 7011 cut and will be a good temper- water wit tb9t they admire tb( wa The fall -wheat is all r ace cause a great service by trying to bind 3uld c0a- The little one was taken out first, and editorials re polit, cal sumple.—SaMUC-1 I)itksop-s tea-,ni ran away good majority. It seen -is, however, that at tinae to 9.ttract attenti n, and would still situation. While .0 the inother was landed she 14,? doubt as to your political inclin- the Liberal party to tem. perance or L prohibi- be supported y many good men. was apparently with the binder last, Saturday and John this election Mr. Hobbs received a consid- Apropos of the numerous applicants for dead.- Vith lifficulty both mother ation,-t-f* are chara Iterized by nothing but C sr)me LJ 'a tionprine ),Ies. But'- they-., should reniem- office when there is a change of govern- d child were resuaciiated. tI I Ale I&V, wh was -d[T-iving them,, was -thrown, erable �upport 'fror iere nothing in thein to of all(f btirt of '�the guards a the liqtloLr interest. ber tha there are -many in the Li�, Afr. T, C. Irving, of Bradstree6ls,who -The Wingliam Times of last week says: cre te Mag This vote had hitherto always gowe to the eal ment, I Huron Notes. ggie'Bell, daugh- Pe his foot a of netrated alaking a nasty wo ran" who' are from'principle oppos�d to w The say�ng that the oak never rota may n I o t, living near our hamlet, The biliderwas broken considerab] as for man years election agent and an ter rs. Bell, -Wingham's civic holid will be 0 be affogrther true, though it takes the ele. lef . t recentl for -Scotlan Carling or Conservative paty, and as a n prahibition.. if,therefore, a majority of the intimate friend of the ex -Liberal Premie Atligust 5bli. y d, where she will resull. that paxty was continualy SueeeSSLftil. r ments allong time to make inroads on this stay some time with an aunt. * Mr. George Liberal p9,rb -were-to declae fo -Last wee c the ratepayers of Goderich kind of ivood. Mr. Alex. Ross has in7 his Constance. r r. Hyman and Hobbs, howeve ' y r �vohibi-: the late Hon, Alex. Mackenzie, tells a good carried three I)cal improvement by-] G , reg�, salesman at the Springbaiik factory, tion, -an ti -prohibi Lion Liberals. would leave story. Oneday Air. Ma has disposed of the June make of cheese at hereabouts are looking ckenzie called at possession a chip of oak taken from NOTE% -Crops ceeded in dividin it, awl, in this way won -�-The Grey voters' list, ich ha,w,'3,',,,t log tha elections. -9 the part -y. Now then, in the event bf such his office in' counectirn -with election - mat, been finished and posted, c� that wag out flown over 65 years ago. The ,even -cents per pound. , It was shipped well and prospects for. a full harvest are, TH2, it scerns b�, ff -0 arLicle ters, when �C conversation turned upon ontains - 1, 100 oak N�&? 1!elled when -logging a - fron, Clifford last Ftid I . I - a, split, are these- temperance leaders ho (,, voters. road w#y in . -ay.-The threshing iriore- than usually gDod, especially spring in the Templar, annoed rionie of the - tem- overnment office seekersl r. Irving tile vicin�q of Brucefield, in 1831, and lav machine men -ran d to c in, of Grey township, on the r d are gotting their machines grains. Haying is nearly ovei and farmers who werc not %tisfie are arging on the Liberal party thi o&se, said "Mr. Mackenzie, when you were Dancan MlcLa4il oi e until three years ago. ready, and some of them will or pa ce Libentfis, north of start this are -busily engaged cuttin their wheat.- Brustels, had six acres �f hav Mdssrg. Ha and abusine, it because'it'.- does not adopt Premier, you must have been pestered with . I _T Mstock, Pomeroy, everal from thii have any success -thia was in any way con- 0 which yielded �.5 tons. he oters' list for the township of Us- Bbikley will be the prin and cursion I vi-ainitry took in the ex - office -seekers " "'Yes," re�lied Air. 'Mac" borne Ina been issued, and from it We learn tbi-- it, prepared to pledge the support of the -The other day a little girl da�ughter of year. -A A] i�s mith,' a ative of 'Mr. Dul- iday last and all report an . enjoyable tributed to by the liquor interest. These* kenzie 'Ith'i P al threshers to the model farm, at Guelph, -on cy werie more bothar than run- -Mr. George J of Su;n that ther are 856 electors in that townsbip, r- iep, I huston, Conseevative prohibitionists country. On mage, is v OlYiectors, were mainly confined to an inuaca- to the Libera� e merhill, fell isiting there at present. - Tlle day --Air. John Alillson pirty�as-soou as tht party adopts prohibli. day a man w from a fence a (I broke her am. I of whom 09 are entitled to Yote at Muni- has improved the ti.-iil temperance Grgtiiliza-tion known as the io must have, been about 60 ller� of Hensall, has bc�'n ap- elections and elections to the Legisla- statute labor done hero. this time a appearance of his dwelli by an additional -D. Weisn-i cipal urpasses tion as plimk in -As platfo.vin ? They have. years of rt cairne seekin� a place in the I everything doue for, years. coat of paint. -W -Weatern Prohibition Union. This tjve Asse nbly ; 161 'are entitled to vote at The boys e bad the pleasure - and organx- civil servic ' His principal plea was that pointed assista it general organizer ior the municipa' elections only', and 86 at elections worked to beat the baAd, and made quite a privilege of listening to two very able dis- never ye independent, Order of Foresters. :-7&tion was compwed larg t Pai(l they areln, a position to'do he was an ban. I told him tba. I could good Robert Hunt raised big courses on Sabbath last, ne by Rev ly of Reformers, this, and m1a know ri,,ht well they re not.' sympathize -The Tee'awa:ter Agricult to the Legislative Assembly only. There. 0 ural Society are barn, last week. It t:ok Friday af,ernoon Andrew, and. t altho-h there were _. some Conservatives in 0 th him there, because I was asking for tendoirs for the'erection of lCn are 414 1% he are eligible to serve as jurors.. a be'other by Rev. Afr. Mae - its membership. AN considerable number of L -3 self." - f� ew There re 0 and Saturdav forenoon: to get it up.-Rasp- NVIiat then woud the , gain by f�rcing the an- orphan my', agricultural 41 to be 40 feet by 60 43 female voters, wh , of! 6ourse'k grave.. The reverend gentlemen seem ti) Liberal party into this - positi et in the members of V IJ On. They are cmticled to vote at municipal berries are a very searce article aroun(I have the happy f ulty of uiti g the Ber- )ii� 48soeiation, evidently size, elections here. There is only one patch, and it is e r ac a i,ould - sini 3, destroy the par�y that is ral of Ithe Conservative papers are onlx-. mon to th i hearers and making it- profit - to, try to weed atit-of the Liberal party P1 -BtiFjh fires havo been doing conside�able i a dile tears be- da e a i a e.-. iss Al. W. Seboales and able to theni, shedding mage in Sb phen township. it is sup- well looked after. 1.110st favor The f6llowing chapter of accidents bave the anti-temper&nce� .'element that had got and would greatly cause I -Ion. D' pose recently taken place in the vicinity of Ben- aster Gordon Seboales of Toronto strengthen the p %vid Mills was not taken into d the fire was first s6ar are into it, and tlirou-h tlie ad of which it had arty thait. is -opposed to - - 4 ted by �err . miller: At Mr. A. Robinson's' rais' visiting relatives in the 'village. --Mr. i. Bert the Laurier �cabhiet. Our Conservative Pickers. Iffullett. the twor preceding elec- ar endiftg June Satuiday, Ilth ins�, Mr.- A. lugford-was brov is spending'his vacation 'bcen�successful ino them, and by this additiolial strenth mak in ff on �ee virtues"in the 40th, COUNCIL. -A e frieudsnow profess to. -For the half ye Weir, of Strat t a meeting of the Hullett ti6w4i advocated that the society as such it niore stnongly opposed to i them than 1896, there'-svere recorded with A1r. James strack.with.a. pike -pole, and received some council held on the l5tb� Mr. at the home of Mra' McCully. Flossie ever. The moniant. that the Comervativ Hou. David *hich they never saw be -fore. Campbell tovinship clerk, severeiDjuries. Mr. Samuel Mitchell Caldwell. Andrew, ofElimville, is- t resent it' having her parents. -Mr. Will e- ul�,d take a equmrc stand in h 35 got his foot slightly crushed at thea "I'lu, she e Hullett also of Manchester, handed in a peti marriarres, and 13 deaths. thereon the names of 4 majorit -Lvov of tile Hon. David �.Jil[18 is, in many ways, a very me tion ino. hibitionists con.. cub in a body and -births, 7 st�advaaced tempe'rance lelc'Wlation- This learned and al le man. He has been a con- -The XVingh:iin raising. Mr. Samuel Butts, one day last payers in tha t par y of rate- vale, Sundayed at home. -The Good turf club will hold tbeir t of the Police village of I pledge thetwielres that they will aupport the sistenb �iard working member of the annual race me( t on August 5th and 601. week, while riding in the back end of a rig, Alauchester ituitted i1ft Hullett raying Temp inaveiwa opposed by another section of the lars postpemed their ineeting until party and has�well earned honorable recog- was jerked out over, and in the fall broke Thursday of this welc so that all milit be party that will plede itself to prohibition Tkis 'year's rac msra�erahip, a3 it threatened to- interfere I . n es promise to surpass +he council I ' nftiou: from the party leaders.w This be 'Poly to raise by local tax the then Nve say the Liberal prty would be Jus- zarden fith �heir politicl liberty, and might pre- I will, no doubti receive in. due Zare of the $500, requ re d the Presbyterian iyre,�ious meet. his collar bone and dislocated his shoulder. 6 ullett free to atte i -1d by the tPuateea party at Mr. course. Just On the 13th lust. he slipped and again of the said village for or's on WedZesday I tified in making proldbitioa a -Oae day last week an- accident lisp' broke the bone where it D.'-NlcGreg 'vent �bcra giving to their h -plank in their why lie was not taken int Purchasing a fire evening. As this is it busy emson', the time party the aid L ey 0 the -cabinet we peued to Mr. J obn Snell, horse dealeri of haWknit. engine &c, to be repaid seven anna-sl 'Jesired. to givewhen. it was needed, as they andinot till then. This is plain,' do not kno%v, except it be that he was cou- Exeter, which might haye terminated seri- -The Wingham. Ti"Ines of last week says: payments. of meeting has been changed to 8.30 P, M. common sense, and not seatiment. sidered bebter�,-- fitted for another position, ously. It a The reqnqst of the said �o giv e distant membera a chance of attend- Ieare(� they could not induce their party to eeme be was driving along the On Friday evenin last a number of the petitioners as grahted, and the coun and it is stated that he is to be appointed a read near 1% A 'very interesting programme was Devon, leading a horse, when !a will pass a by-law- at the August meeting give last week and'the nienibcirs are striv- 90, as tar in the way of temperance reform Judge of the il.supreme Court Yery shortly. some manner the animal got one of by their daughters, drove ont to pursuant to statut members of c cnied its fore wives u V w is the! society might desire, That he is admirably adapted for such po- e, to � thOrize the I and they ivoul(I The Qaadian tenk have scored anothev legs between the kas of a 'hind whee rom H. Livermore and oi). ngs both pleasant Iona U n every pel spo 1, the comfortable home of Air. James Coch- A petition f Oan. ing tv make the gatheri e and in mein rittle doubt but he -7 upside down and eat- c -_ I . Ourlodge isali would, be more useful in ening serions- results. hospitalities of that genial gentlemaWs in. bill known as th 0 Own t he I fairly good cbndition, yet there '7i always Mr, Snell, *ho was e pig's back ently be required either to split grai,d viAory La&t yeaX a admits" and there is turning the bug thr rane, for the purpose of partaking of the others, asking the c:uncjJ, to t d and profitable for more workers.-Ais. Bain, of ;7-- 0 ol-0 X�,n _XUght cb4 for a r.Fe4 I it$ $,Ud 'a returneii hon. -of, we W;sn of F " her -e in thi i 'i b. er& to hi U 18aijea to Art b, te6sa 'and 7eV Vala of the< Utage- tile kodel Fer M*. wt .bverl r )ort the ,Xi, an d Ithe Oaa are h4vix d sTud P&Per front �f their. by A the brw brileir 1 bILI l is now.� it on Todd SA Chapman. ani m I : ris. Zarleh. the foreirr ut five Yefti 4 Very nice priwtil Vergueon, of Blyt, locate hit, max, (I by biv t e i_Miw I)eLyon re camel Files1k, ionic at I Slid report ha' time.-UTZ. Q X from Forest on by hi jr,ho intends speno Rr4tt, -of sea here -f! -this week al it, iLre. the.v -ship 0' wn , f of Gorne, mi v R. W0 j0ho Was spendiuS turnett -home to. wfth fi wheeley -over het Aud.e.pont a asy A, _.X=. Oeorgei Br. -her sister, Mrs. -4Geor �ge Found, 4L. w - 'th a fe weeks vd R. 'Carlisle. -Mil _V4 air he - vi mg -k moth _onto.-LAREs Lavin -�ana Mrs. A- %). Lftch, of Seafort Mrs. Cameron, rii Mri T. Murdock i stallion, King Stall Via Murray. lot don. is I London 0, -Johns ii, of few I PArk ne H. Roilitr,'40f BIN' brick block last w6ik, vhAe _C` the sekaiild, to isti� to losi exased him the ground, a dist eet wm­ljj� g, hi jay iscatteml injuries ftathe t in E:Keter.-Miss�� 'Wew York state, for the put week doch.-Urs. guest -iof her sietei' -this village. 'has been a n Pe din0 Mr, o,. I lows of Huron'�i�' pleted arnal t retum ticktU ar, Aintil the fiollowili -of date applies to Miles from the sall. The train I be One -of e b 'if the season. holicis -is On th at VL �go ,!villagers od new 'Of Rhe -new. tiorp. Arespeot.-AI-r. lw, ,COWPanied by bi,, ",age ;-_ few 44-3 ances. Mr. Wo 'village aotit -15 ­employof AII N7 general 'lierchaul ',erceting a irery U, 'his dwelling, %vIIJ It. -Mr. W. the village last "W 'Ilrienid�s aj ding! Toronto, - City, a former :tWo guest iters, , Qf _h1r, j(,Ii the repre Seut*111.1 lard& "JIDY"119 �ouir be] breezes.-NIrs. B Aton is the gues 40"wn) silubli Van have returne ehigau-1 where.' ER�I, has -built u.� via mcclov Tuead 'Of 'Varna. is ti, e Rev. A ri I I I nd� 4y St-'A�dl Mrs. i-ohn al,� -1.1are taken 'roOn __911 -Wains street -tor 01., ,�week of tand fami.l. 'I'vea here 3 of t* vp� i teepP of Clintor Ale" at mrf,�- Pe 4Urtay; Airs. 'Xorma- 0, Glen J� Alc0orvie, Annit` t Detrol T. J. 11ark 0is Vtek are thj A r"luk and Harol Zon, D. tyri Seaforth