The Huron Expositor, 1896-06-05, Page 9W- W4.-, �%W­A b__� 916, E HUM$ E J FINE 5 'TE n d- the old detor, uron,a I �rowxtcll a contribution was very ue didste, for Sew TZsdmy morning, when his grand - daugh. DNL* FIFTY as from Port Brussels on Tuesday last a �rder to enli the people of this part n mar- b t Young People's Society 'of Christian cessful,over serenty delegates bi ling a 4gn., We..h Wilson7s Oash Grocery L11 r, a 4ry Kyle, was. United i NUFAUL h a. -fox the coming Zavor, and which is not yet;aknow- from the surrounding arls, e Tell Your Friends and Neighbors E ourteen Will Rogan, jeweller, of Tor n j�o'il and, P1 ;ed to have more Iiiiat best Mangold to grow to 11�% ans' improved riage to Mr.' The and were Will bi so ceremony was perfornied by the I-.dgbd in the printeckpaier.- Thle following -eachers attended from eafoit% onto. The well repaid for their trip. -A onithe politica q 6stions 6f the clay, inammothea:w1oK. �See report ot Ontario Agricul meeting Of 14amor basAt that, Mr Dry Go' As Company ald rotis the improved McDon . �of Seaforth, at 11 Tith, EXP= will b6�' iveia to xEw i tl� list virli6h we - publish by reqqes tural College.) The best fielld car Rev. ' Dr short white. , The be3t Swede turnip is the Monarch, 2 James Wallace, the Western Vet inary cal As- � do�lb pass us b V ecloc�, after which dinner wasser ed, 'and SUBSCIUBBIts no 'until January lot, rs� S. W-411ace, $ edi Grand Marquette, y or Skirving, im ipraved, and the beA on Wed- D�vid Doig, bi� Halls Weatbur ciation will be helder -is right here, a all our seed is sit 3 p. m. -the happy. couple took the train S. Gemmell, $1 Mr. J. Sprost, st., so in Stratfo place to buythem 1897, for thei small fee of 50 cents hap taken into pai t er b a young lady, lay, of nex week, SEAFORTH. strictly new and of the, best quality. ur prices are at Dublin. for Toronto, their'future home. r. J. Sproat, it., $1 ; nead'ay and Thursi _O a �p pd: family, 4 ; M -e 5th 3=4 �wxy dowiv bollow the regular conibip Th a - d o -es' -not cover the actual cost of re', Rudolph, $2-; Mrs. John Beat -tie, $2 ; Charles Dickson, of th )Bqon of from Nova Sec pia, . hel� him share the, a Be clover and ti Andrew robibuld, McKillop, h on, but we �vant' to increase the r. Archibaldi or., $1 . %round A FEW D YS OF GENO latiOn PT1460- Miss Kyle was one of 'our most estimable f is life. We all. aole ed, barley ibbby seed "it doled joys and burde 4g c lowest prices. just received soma very Mine voting ladies, and her many friends here prodi i,oti ashad his barn raol and !a this V�rt wish Ur: d Mrs. Dig a pleasant I Friend in Morris, I Mrs. ana is baying comm)Ddious 'stone stablin new Ceylon Tea in bulk, which we can Bell at 103 ;end kinolliest greetings for a long and ha, circulation and think we can do it in Carno- to, i par 3t7re "hen th journey down e am of life. 16an, or., Mrs.. McMurray, $1 Alrs.t erected underneath. Nlyhen th si improve - pound less than in packages. Also tome very choic py wedded life. -Mrs. Grundy, of Luc -B-A- --r:Z C:!r at ray., pi young Hysons and Japans, which we Are rataili this i t and most cow -ton. now, has been spending a few days here i Tli a issues d the eledbi 11 Sproat, $1 Ell McM urray, $1 ments. are completed, Mr., DIcki on. wi I - 7 prIces no pedlar can afford to, sell, at. Givousa f 41 of the lately at the' home. of her Aunt,- Mrs.: John ons a- d all iii.Xilliott, $1 ; Rev, N. Sbaw, $5, Mrs. one of the larges in )dions ijanned Vegetables,. cannad- and dried fruits -loranL best quality at lowest pric?L1. some extra fino-oheese L MuIdrew.---wMr..Wm. Cumming was so in i NOTE5.�Ajrs. -E. MoVittie, who t UrilLIV*es worth moie than asels, $3 ; John Roble, .$2 � un- showg ate he A.i_ Bon James barns in the township.�Mr. J. L.i. NEws bending the -k b .00 -'siting fr, end The bac one of the springtrade k just now, HaLN-e S weli assorted. stock of fortunate as h knee out of - joint. on this.* Pproat, $1 ; Z. A. Leach, Guysboro, $2 of this town, who has been' at wag vI shere last week,returned ons tL cries, crockery and provisi, of the best qualiPY I ill, of Tuesday eve to ut is playing football at J. Thompson, Moose Jaw, Worthwes Ter lwsi school in Toronto, has been- succe4sful in home on Alonda.i_�Iiss Lizzie MLC(.X' for 1896 is broken, and in orer t g-TodMil not be undersold by any house in t I Reader, shmi this t� in db le o 0tory, $2 AJrieud from Leadb?ry, $2 passing; his final examination. We c at Air. 14. M orrisen's. Mr. Samuel CA �� w i* grat4 Westfield Is v ake a final success Of a i4 e highest prins paid for all kinds of produce. rnochan a. The. boys present, your neighbors mild o . n Th cess.— r. TI, frien,is 'who ire -not now subscribers for n4er the cessful seas We have-,determitied. Cash paid for eggs�. ver, soon put it in place agafi, b�it� I lary and Jennie Sproat, �3 George Laid- ulat Mr. Killgran on his success. —The cheese f totgry, u ervision to clear oub. the balance of ceit u, howe I ' - i in r6rito, is doing a. rushing business oll- T did notbandage, and a slight twist EXPOSITOR, An induce them to, take 14, $1 ; Friend nondvillo congre - F. Steet, of Fear's drug store, of Mr. Hollan4, ation, $1 Mrs min �Cii feConnell, Varna, this, week visiting friends.�Xrs C. WILSON, Seaforth. d this season. —Thc� ladies' society Of Duff's lines -at specially low prices. Tjiese, Bank of Commerce Blo6ka placed it a second time. The next Opel' beat local paper in Ontario for les's than h�lf Ka tion was more carefully performed, and the Miss A. E. 'Nomm Ili $2 JLeadbury Collins, of Exeter, and Miss . teBO hro, church a garden party at the extra low prkes have been made. value. We want to. add 500 new naines friend, $1 John� Mop nan, %;- Young of Rodgerville, w B weoik, the d� 0 D_', McCuaig, on W ea- on broug.h, SNAPS IN sufferer was taken to his father's, in the vil- 1 a ere in town tbi re' _e ""r. edn g0ods here find there all t e Toun ra y inclu -July. Ch istian rideavor, Mrs. A. the store and lage, where, under'good are, and medical to our lists before the Ist of People's Society of 0 guests of Mi. and 9 da Une 7th The committee are doing de such gods as; 6,11 in ir pow theBe irej fil I] I A. Mobs Cam Bambridge, of Toronto, and Mrs. he er to'make this oneof the treatmerct,-he is doina, 'as well as could be a few who have n' t. yet paid ]�ruce e c , $ $1 W. Me f ';U 0 few -Y, GLOVES - READY-MADE expected. Footballis"atber evere on the 9,2 On collection plate E velope,. $1 Mrs. of Uxbridge, who have been B n dt �"m most sucees6ful gardeu. parties of the H -OSIER for iis year's paper. We would Eke them Knox in Harpurhey have season. Joseph Atkinson, 50 dent J. W. Grant, days with Mrs. LACES, -IT -muscles after a hard day's. wokk on the to p� y at once. We dislike charging them -"1ft0=M--JJJL0T1E11NG farm. --Mr. George Marray's grading in&- A. Cosens, I -Mary and Jennie retuined home. $ Chfitcin., Aine has been do the I mg price as much as they dislike to i MOUS, PARASOLS, lug a lendid work on the ��Proat, $4 ;John Elliott, $1 An1ony 131ANDKFRCH1Fp p Ony V —Preparations 'p we must do it if they d not - . I UDERWEik. south road this week. It seems just the ay 1, but An mous, $2 A. E. Delgat FIR15T OF JULY C�mzpm Northwest Ter,itory, $1 rB. -nnah- on wlth exiergy for the We have had the good fortune to, 4'equre a big lot very article needed to put our highways iii �squa,� M PicNia.—A grand Orange ic WiIl'be are being pushe iCASH ur at once.. Some of made-up clothing of the calabra"d SANDFOD Alapson, $1 Mrs. W. CU mings, $3 Mrs. held in Mr. John LittW's g opposite concert in the town hall on July let. good shape. CARPETS, MAKE at impreced-eiateffly lowprtees. Tbeywere MaLEAN BROTHERS. �Agnes Chesney, $1 so Graham, the Orange hall, one mile eas 0 W' th Of the see Already completed, and It In rpp, nery is LACE, CURTAINS 1)ough� in gueh a way that w are 6n&bled to giye o-dateclothin *r. J. Love, $1 HO st6n, $1 � Mrs. A. bed 6 our customers the most complete up -t 9 WEST URON EXAMXNATIOZ_S,�The fol- — in th 611 under the elec- on Wednesday, June 17 , under the has been adjus 4. CHENILLE OURTAINS, at and below wholesale prices. Now ia your golden lowing are the numbers of candidate writ. mat(h will loie well worth se1eing. The fol- Itory, $1 Miss Annie Dry $1 6 E. MC- auspices of thi L6y&l Or e Lodger, fqo; trio lights Sect was entirely satis- BoVe'! and Opportunityto seduro Men's, Childre 'a 1P COVERS, 3dd Goati,odd Vests and oda Pints of the big h- ing at the various examination centres in lowi ig composed the team at Ingersoll : '*�rray, $1 Rev. N. 8 aw"$5 M 813, and the Lady True I _9� L when'- w factory,produoink a beautiful representation TABL Usic of a woodland seettej which will form an ef- est standard of quality, at the lowest'! possible prices. est Huron on high school work: Gode- Goa] r T. . Miirray; backaii W. � Payne and einke, $1 Mr. Wm. CKSY, $1 Mrs. splendid Rrggramme Of speee e s, in and 1 BED 13PREADS. e d, throwing rich 115�- Exeter, -98; Bayfiel i, I I ; a -total Jamm McKinley; half-bac rames wi carried out. Pfenic to 19 ks; T. Wilson, udolph,.85 ; Mrs. McFadzean; Friend com. fective baekgro6u out most 9 WM' PILCKA ows: T. , r. Stephens, X-. W.: Living mue free, ser,�ed vividly the bright costumes and picturesque DR�F RD & .0018. f 55 . The fees collected are as fell dp6n for- om - �Valtou, 81 ; Mr. A. Cohens, $1 ; mence at 10 oclock. Hot d' SS ENDS CRINKLES Goderich,' $585 ; Exeter, $100, Bayfield, wards—left wing, S. Dickson H. Mor- roat's Sunday school, 12, 10. z It will be on the grounds. Everybody W e. groupin, Sargidn, Clothing and Dry Goos House, total OfL_ an gs of th6i chorus singers. It h9A pp.IXT9, CHALLIEL, W a 8,707. The Ucation de rise celatre, W. Elliott; iight wing, A. tided that in these Writributions some been aked, W t is' the special object Of GINGHAMS USLIN ames Seaforth. partment receives from Goderich, $1331 BetRane and A. Morrison.. ear'more than !once, that simply' this concerti' T at i� easily answered, It C �CURTAIN HAMBRAYS, e _V .0 ves of buted more from Exeter, $55; Bayfield, $11 a tots a that they have -contri WAS planned aim eaineso and i MATERI Anne, (nee I diss- L. Rns, AVS� pposl to lag age of hinney's el There were marrie4 it S t. Paul's names. ton,) of Toronto, i the guest f her moth- It is 6 8 !a help in that di- r S397.. The school boards receive aS*fOIIiDWj ATRIMOijLu,.—he London Adertiser an once the respective smounts o BRIEFS.—Mrs. enthusiasm G dericb,$254 ; Exeter, 84515 ; ayfield, $11';, says: eir eight, boys. :It is AST YEAR er. —Mrs. Bullard� of Detroit, accompanied .0 0 Saturday, 23rd' ult.,. by Very L a iotal if $310. Of.tfie 155 oa. didates writ- Cathedral, rection to have something definite and 'SOLD 0 ing in .1 by Mrs. J. Spoons of Clintoin, made a -fly-. teresting to worl. for. To give a further West Huron g act DOI work, 45 Rev. Dean ilea, Mr. H. Granville Such, In IPA on hi h E. Xcift fRML 3 Prepared in the public solnols,- and 110 of Toronto, formerly of Londo�.), Lto Miss LooAL BuiEFQ.—The many friplidis of'Rev. ing visit here this' eek.z--R6v. Mr. Stout,of A Great Number took in the motive still for perev ring work, the boys Frances - Ve -onlcai Onl daughter of the in the'Goderich Cbllegiate. Inst [tu bou Augh A. McPherson,,who was iD Middleton's churc!h Qoderich townsh is whalover might be made Pry Goos 10) candidates for high school entrance and late Alonzo '3trpng, anhulia.E. Strong, of 1�ev. Dr. McDonald. in'tbe summ expected to preabh' to the Foresters At ere told that MACINAW JRIP, over expenses should go into their own chool leaving -certifies a will write 114 Simcoe street, this city. Mr. Such is t be hatir of 19, lug 'Compalayo bands to be applic d to the missionary cause. p�blic a wbe pleased to learn tha au6cess - Trinity church, on 1SundAy Mori ii next. —GOING 'VIA TRF— -the only son of George Granville Such, of JuIIX passed his examination b0fore the Mr. an�i has been lai I up, in -the at, cenres i� W, 6st Huron,' Q1 ti �e a number PrankKeeg In these circumstances we- cordially bespeak seaforth's Greatest 'Cash Dry Goods tole.. CAMBRIA and. CARMONA ho' a Mar' hospital 4t Cl eland since April the i;ympathy a d apport of those who ron will wr ivory'SaLtin, r lihe Presbyterian chureb.--Mr. E. U. 9th, with a severo attack of inflammatory ondon, of candidates. prepared -in he. �x �blie so bIs and. The bride, gowned. in Fresbytery, and is now a licenti to (if of kWest Hu ite atl hentres out - it pea I Ornaments, enveloped are interested eittir it. our musical boys or and Id. n a mst of side the inspectorate;on both iD�hmudpub- ipprell, of St. John, N. B., �brother-iu4a* rheumatism. LasO week Bayfi( Court f FROM GODERIC11. i t Ile orangeblossorno, enter. in the missionary cause. lie school work. ed the chure i L upon the arm� -of- her eldest f Mr' Robert Logan Was v siting. -an Order of I which, he friend'a Canadi FOreaters,-o. sJ. Weido has pujc�asdd a fine driver e latter lately par. ere.for several clays last week 4n4 this. a; member, sent a representative to, accom� -8. Kellerman- wbidh th The number wil be greater this year, brother, Mr. O'barles. Anson Strong, and gent be conveyed Wroxeter. chased from' WEnDING BEMs.—A pretty and' inter. was led to t ie altar to the strain of beauti- r. Sippreu is general a in'the mad pany him home, lic having to McKenzie.—Rev. THE RATE TOL THE.800 /8 eating ivedding ceremony was -'performed in �ful.music reidered by Mr. Gqorge Sippi. line provinces for tife Ontario Mutual Life all the way on a st'etchei. His nyL ge N6TEs.—Much symathy.is felt -for Mr. Braund, from Z-i�rieh, was in the yfl; a r Ma on: Tuesa d earn nd came up to attend frii ride wish him a speedy recov and Alri. Cowan in the loss of their eldest Tuesday.—Mr. V. Baker is buillditg a 110W. nsuranc6 Company, a ery.— �N 6 St. James' church, in Wis-towil e bri, earn -00 F[RST; $4.6.0 SECO )on Rh d id, Miss Alma Murray, attired 9 zzie, wbo, violation Under h bn;rn._JJr. J. morning last., when k1r.,L-eviis M 'in pink silk me, large white lace hats, and Jhe annual meeting of the company 'At I A lively interest is bein taken in the prep WelsO alone daughter Li died on Friday last. foun es and 1 apply to eldest son of Mr. lohn Medon aterloo on Thursday of last Week . arations for the Dominion Day celebration. Many friemols from -F o div*ich attended the sr., is on the sick, li�t�this For rat n e, of Beech' bearing the the way,and week.—Mr. and )ridal bouquet, led mints are be Dg made wood, and Miss Lizzie McConnell, daughter was met -at t ie altar by �Ir. H. A.'- St 3rious counpl iiif The best day's sport ever provii led in Bay. f andral. —Alexander PEtterson, of Moles- Mrs: J. Fenn ftni Brighton, r are, visiting, rongy. RANALD J. MACDONALD, of the late, Mr. Petei McConnell, oi Tucker, who did' t] e . honors for the groom. � —U7 hfidaliarn in connection wit h Harpurhey, field is be irorth, was in tow'n this week. —An increas- at Mr. Fenn's and �Dther relatives in town. ing arran ed� Foot tall and base The f Ayent C.. F. R. ticket and telegraph,. Dominion E.X- smitb, were united metery. Regardless perso as are in the ball ins 9 od variety of athleti corn has be this —The travelling diiry. will be in the village in the oly- bonds of presents were costly and numerous, coming tches,' a ic c acres e of ell sown in abit of entering the . groui i contests, biq eighborhood in K)nnedy.: The from Tibront, —The foundation at Moser's ball, o J -ii o, Sarnia, Buffalo, Seaforth, do, tramplin vele aces, saw g matches, u ae 8th, athalf-pastorie, bride was assisted by. her simer, Miss Re- London Jn England, and L the graves and carrying ff fl6wers anq rs e p. in. All farmers and farmers' wives are in. press and Money Orders. atrimony by Rev. Father this seat, on, etc., for all of whi(h liberal cas h prizes will now built, and th f M . Gilpin's house opdon in Ontario. 9vel e- ork will be con tructed forthwith., terested in this matter aiiid should try if pos- 5ecca, ;,while Mr. John 'MaOne- acted as ases, breaking down shrubs, etd. Guilty begiven. One of I he main feat Ures of the cam The young couple left - ri the afternoon a- d better look out, as t iey Are -known day will be a grau street pars le. eeting.—Our groomsman. The� young people are both tiainfor.-Hamilton, Niagaim, and Buffao. ne h q!be *oei on Mice. Allau�s house is progress- sible to attend this rn g very Uvor e ing their _horsemen. highly respeoted.,and are. general favorites, They will se tle in Torout?. nd are being watched, and if thee de re- ably unifer the abl manage- are taking great' pains in speedi p lent of Mr. Sam W: Ills contractor.—Mr., horses -at prEsent.. and their very many friends will ish them ations do not cease they wil. be made to Br, Zleld. all possible happiness and prosperity in the �uffer the penal�y of their Unlawful de �dward Barnard is e ceavatin for a new TTARIO, PAST HuRoN ExunX.-I T ib.N-s.�--The follow- eds. 9 TORONTO,.ON -,,�sii eneral fire al future. They will make their hODie on the ix?g arehe numbers of loandidates writing The ladies of the W. 0. T. U. treaied'the B., R. HHIGqGh,�S, id e insur.: Ouse also, to be buiR this season.—Miss Wingham. Targl ,cc agent. conveyan -er, commissio'ier for taking 2st, best equipped and most popular commercis groom's farm in McKillop. and of Hope to a picnic in Mr. James gom' a exami atiol 4ara Mont cry was married on 'Wednes e3�erythin at the variot n ..n centres, in 'East affidavita, &c. Private funds to lo B zhool in the Dondnion ; moderate rates, RIEFS,—R. J)reve� bad a buggy stoleiX an v —The residence of Mr. J eattie's rove last Saturday afternoon. t 5 per'cent.on day last to John R§uledge, of Howick.— asli-cla9g; write for circulars. SAW & ELLIOTT ames ]Forsyth, of" Huron, Pon hi gh schoot work : Clhiton" 133 Brat mortgage on good farm ope last week. He has tracked. it as At home far as 1444-62 IN- "linghani, 23,- and Brussels fine success so far as eviery morning and We In'es ek. 1,464 E, gmondville, was the scene of a very pretty eaforth,' ihe occasion was a day 'Ptr eac X Vroxeter is again -to have a newspaper. card -i e. :John. Nealons bad his _gocl ict of event on Tuesday morning last; w -hen Mr. 22 a total of 295. Fees collected to pay lattendance, recreAion and refresh�nenrs DIED.—The maay friends of Mr. Wm-.' Theeditor hails from Port Elgin.—James barne 'a's *bip and cover taken the same, allentine. has sold out Forsyth's granddaughter, Alisi Mary Kyle, the expenses were concerned, but the,weather was a fail- Foster, who was lo� a. numbeir of ye his butcher. business Jose -ph Saint also bad a sat 'Of bur.. ns are as are em.! night. -of these examinatio" Mr. John B was united in marriage t'o-Mr. Hogan, follows� Clinton, $672; Seaforth, $528 ; ure, Before. five o'cloa rain began to fall ployed with Mr. ugh McGregor, will ray, who will, no. doubt,. keep b ness stolen the�same As the par.,& -ea. the reputation of the shop for good 1&a in Waiwanosh., they took Whte—Fh� t or jeweler, of Toronto.. The cerem ny was heavily -and ell tooke passed R. Cuirra Wingliam, $ 9, and Brussels, $88, a total of there was a i cattring for sorry tp learn of 'his death, whi performed by Rev. Dr. McDonald, in 'the $1,367., The educa home, not� however, before tI e children bad 'place in Bradfor eat. �Wo'ol in imm-er se quantities isbeing two department recei Tb tion ves d, E nglaDd, on May 12th..' pigs. eyare SuppLosed, to be half pres � arketed at the woollen mills h ence-of orify a few. of the immediate f reading apers, etc,, Om Clinton, $382; secured a fine feast of good things.7—The While preparing a1eafn of ho, ses for the ere, and DISTRICT MATTERS. or breeds fro Mi the Saugeen —John Swarti?' relatives,and friends of the contracting -par- from: Seifor ionary cKelvie & rsyth are Tkept busy $298;. from. Vingham, $43,. meeting of, the Women's Fore gn Miss May day procession in Bradford he caught Messrs. M horse, Nelson, goes.to 8tratford races ii ext ties. The young couple left the same clay B Society -in the Presbyterian church last handling it.—Mr. R. Black,, our popular and fr�n sse $49i of total of $772., a severe chil�l, whio)l resulted in bronchitis, i�eek. Mr. Proctor takes one -also. Beattie fbr presiding- ex- Monday ni lowed b POLITICAL: MEETINGS. fortberhome in Toronto. We *oinwith The school r a receivj ght. was very fa rly attended. fol d1ler was in Pinkertc n on Tuesday last. Brothers' mare has been sent to Windsor to inflammation of the lungs He k1r. and Mrs. Rogan's many ix iends i The president, Mrs. Archibald, read a letter n stainers, pap r k tc., a� -follows; CI1U_ died aftei eight days of sufferimg. lie left be trained.—Poli ties re-rahr quiet. Both P e Heavy aua! M R. JOHN McMILLAN wishincy"them ' a pleasant and prosperous written by a christianized native bf India, Brucefield in De B re.* i ton, $290 -; S eaforth, $239 ; 1 Wingham, $,I(;, cember, ' in e best of candidates are holding meetings n r1yevery- ney down the stremm of life. and Brussels $39, a total which 'proved vety ifiterestin Mrs. R. health.' -Truly it ina� be saii I: "In the ea Will. address the Electors of- South 6 $695. Of the 9 �BRIEFS.-r- ecrops ll ht.—John Carr has removed f from t 295-candidat-s writing, 65 Were prepared in Lumsden r he. - Vocho and'! as follows ead &'good paper on the mission midb of lifewe are' iu.deatb."- Mrs. (Rev.)� ing appearance to the farmers just now, and oll stand, neai the hall to the store next.. W11; -a specialty of eniraoement- he public ols and 2130 in the two Col- subject for the evening, "Persia, the- sub- �Simpson returned home from Buffalo on fruit promises to beau abundant crop this Kippen, Friday, June 5tb. the post office.—Gporge Newt -on, who lost a and' -Paps ject discussed at the May meeting being Monday.—Mr. of D troit, spent r. John Fortune and fine cow last spring, ju and wedding at C. IV. Vs book, Ile, Sew- legiateInstitiates. From "this it will be seen McGinnis) at found her Rubber year.—M family re - We,. 4 School House, McKillop, Saturday, forth. 1W. R. COUTER manager jewchy- depart- rs. Som6r�ille contributed a that the nurnber wi�iting at a. given c 'Syria,." M June fith' ment. entre a few ol�ys recently ��visitirlg er mother'.. itkoved; to Muskoka last week, where,theyi other day. She -had wandered to the The e are sorr e. r. Fortune beautiful solo, which was much appreciated. Mrs. McGregor, of St � I cop a -ins in iy that were not prepared at ey.— CALL and':,see the isecial. bargains we are an i4ill reside in futur' will got, worka.ya d, and 4 pil of wood had fallen offering in men's.- ol. During the first week in July The ladies are asking contributions of'cloth- - learn Bayflald, Nlonday, June Sth., hoes on Ffiday and Saturday. that --scho vo thii Mrs. Baird lias' been confined i9to the lumbering industry, and hasn in- on her. was , iled eight feet high and didates for RICHARD8021 & about 500 c �ntrance to high ing for the sociep rest 'in a saw-mill'up bliere.—Belmore has justno h bet�ween the piles for a team -to, y's wards, two girls and a to- her house for some e thrc Separae School, Drysdale, Tuesday, June tim ugh illness, U schools and ublic school leaving certifi- bor, Indiall,chil5ren in the Northwek —Dr. not being able to attend to her itsual duties been given its �halre A attention by the Tim largest and- b6st, assorted stock of get in. e _ood ha High 4 9th. watches in'Seaforth at prices never before beard of. uron. d fallen from both cates will &I o write in East H' Mardie, of Detroit, was here last week at- in the store, but we are pleased to iay that pDliticad " atumpers "� as both can a and had buried her. Zuricli, Wednesday, June 10th. did tes, - sides. Calland inspect-. Apleasure to show goods at C. tending the funeral of �bis sister, the late shei -ort have held meetings a now recoveri mith their ouppi ers, Gran(I Bend, Thursday, June 11th. ug, and we trust will W. Parsb's b3okstore. W, R. Cou.'ITFIL, manag6r mpbell. The doctor e on be able to assume her accustomed ii our burg� But some of our electors are: THE TRt X_NG DAIY.—The Traveling a Dashwood, Friday, June 12th. jewelry departinent. njoys a so Morris. Zuer"ativce practice in Detroit and'he looks Dairy sent out by the Depar, tment of Agri- place in our iniolst.—Mr. Mustard has sq- n)t sakafie; with whmt they heard here,and Separate school,. McKillop, Saturday, TuRNir SEr,,D. "Try Dathie's champion —W U p le " 0 h flic to olit ve 1131 r, C e p h 0 ha til las if life there agreed with him.—Alessr gbaln, 7tI1 line, bad- Cunnin culture for Ontario reached here on Tues- S. cured the services of an experienced sawyer are attend g the meet ings at -other places. June IUli. purple top fixede just itrported fresh at A. Youxo%. his barn raised up on Tuesday.—The cr D L day last, under the direction of Mr. F. J. Mullett & Co. have had a fine large. awning to take charge of his mill - for the season. -Miss Addie Barton, who has been spend - are looking well since the lite Tains. Sleightholm. and his assistant, Mr. H. 1placed in front of their itore.�Mjss Mills, Mr. Mustard is 'busy making preparations it g the pas fe* we'eks in Toronto, returned fiad Heiis&ll, Monday, June. Tim Toronto Daily. News is sending its 9 frost, on 'S th. Theimeeti f Parkhill, and daughter of Rev. Mr. Mills, to have a cement wall place I under his me on Tuesday last Mi undy morning last, also n Red school, Tackerstnith, Wednesday, papeir for thirty days for the suni of ten cents. Any ngy was otganzed b M h —Rev. Mr. Mason Tuesday moming.—Mr. Mart TAILQ th' ormerly of this town, is visiting- At Ingle- barn.—The bicycle fever has at lengt in Farrow, of June 17th. peraon wanting to subscribe -io " The News" on the D. D.' Wilspn, the director of. the ion h eached his farewell ii ermon in the - 8 Bluevale,wao biried 9xi Tuesday. Dee ed alem. 10coffer will. hp6vo to jet their names and mondyin Huron Far' ence of Mr. D. D. Wilson.— struck. our village, and a number of our hu, ch, four mile's south of One 0.00r� side, the reid ni�rs ustitutefor this district. eas TAailley's school, McKillop, Thursday, cOngregatio ial c liefore t�-B,16th of June it is a great -offer, 4 for I it The stores of Messrs. S d'John was 90 years of age, an& 'ii�u +U . h - Q , .11� 11- Cf There as k lrge cott Bros oung la arn baAl Nvas Uthet une.181, gives every udy a cha ce for a daily pape t r__Jr a u,. an rew A before, just ati and Just if ter the Doinialon Electio . half of the w4wen­ Thomas arrow, postmaster lit Brussels. t-A- Leadbury, Friday, June 19�th. n ce was composed of ladies. Dopp have been newly � palritd.—Miss malady. Bicycles are all right; and neces- n I pLmber from. thi pirt to hear him. -We large number fromillis 4- township attended Ad4ress all letters to'W-Nf. DouaLAs, Manager and The cremin fo� ithe c Hallie Coleman,. who is, studying fo &.hurse aary in their place, but we fear ch of the regret to r(port t e serious illness of Miss Seaforth, Monday, burning was f urnished n Hamilton t�al, is vj�iting at Sabbath breaking and waste of precious Maggie FI(milig, ald addressed the J Llue 22nd. Editor, Tortinto News, Toron,to.� 1486 by Mr:_ ROJ)0rt McMillan, of McKillop. 3,,eneral hospi but Are glad to say that the funeral.—Dr. McDon The above meetings will commence at. half Mr. Sleightholm deli"vered a most interest- er home here.—Mrs. Campbell, who has time are owing to an over'self-ir dulgence in she is'begin lin I to 4uprove. eleetors of this locality at the township balL. f7 - - on Friday eyening last. There seems to be, 1 9 -past 7 o'c�qck- p. in. Discussion in- AMDFbTT.—On Friday. last, Mr. Robb. ing and profi�imble ad -dress on the manage- been away for some time. on a tri� to St. this otherwise harmless pastime, —Mr. Hugh very little interest taken on the subieet Of' vited. Campbell, . of McKillop,. with-, his brother ment of. Lo is, returned home last week, mind this McCartney has again commence'l the manu- mi eani, tbib f�edina of Ik -�nd ex and daughter, was coming " to SeafoAh cows, churning, worliing and" packin db resumed . her dutiei rij a. are going Z I ch. politics so far, but. as noinination day is in drawing near,we may look for alively time. 1�� TRE WEST;—The gentle g 3. in thle public facture Qf butter, and his choo nd energ with -a span of horses and a double carriage, ter, care of milk, etc. 1, with renewed health a Fnzsco p tinting an general decoration when a 811.6 They also gave an man referred to in the following- paragraph their daily rounds gathering i riesm.—Mr. A ed on church, hall, —Edward Armstrong' -lost a valuable cow AS -first -exhibition of'oream testing, - churning and rs Campbell, had fortunately left 8 John McBeatb, of Stanley, has )urchasiad and � theatre and rt distance north of the in oil colors. Estjmatej fL rnish C from the Chicago Canadian�Ameorican, refers Jeooratiob. Life size pictures for few days ago. 'A nail was fo.u. i t making. ore the late fatal cyclono. visited fine new Bell. piano � from M- Cott churches and i tage scenT ry PETER EISENBACH he concession, the horses gob frightened at an all the impro,ved methods of battei ouis bef' 3881s na a ani hat city, �and was in Chicago when it Bros., of Seaforth.—Mr'. MeMil an, th Re- mal's lungs which was the cause of death.— to a son of Mr.James Hagan if Hillsgreen - old reaper tabie which had been left on tAi The audience seemed to be intensely in- 1-48IX6 ci Zurich, Ontarlb. The Snobomish, Washington, Inolepen- A wedding took place oil Wednesday even- - and shyincho:pne side, -up- terested and1no doubt many aluable hints form candidate for South IjLuro,�, yi�dressed _311r. Slid rom. Elmiwood, has ing Of this week dei�t, has the folldving alcit; in its last side of the roaa, v ccurred.—Mrs. -(Dr.) Aitcheson� of Orton- NOTES. LI ell r0a4- . set the vehicle into the di'trob. � Air. Camp- which will bi of fntare 'use, were received. ille, Michigan, came over last week to al a meeting of the 'electors been here on the Western,gray week's issuie - " Sheriff Hagan has written lage on on the 14th g viaiting h ciafriends uners-I of her late sister, Mrs. I Tuesda- -where bell very pluckily hold on to,the bo The operatiops of the Babcock tester were y end the f near Bel rave. Full particulars next week. 0 rses and for ariextension of his leave of absence -t Campbell. Miss Eli,-abeth A� Brook e e Judging concessioxf, home was 25 years -a ,G.ibsi0u, L6th line, lost valuable horse kef 1.1 ern from running away -:"although he Also witness6d with much interest. These. tendance interest mmn� He a& a in v ning f nd the it.0st.Ahe t1t a906 ys in y ,ha-nges have taken ie. is probably enjoying life g Oft Friday eveiiin June 20th. If 0 he ormer pup g.—Messirs. Mooney'and leg pretty badly bruised, and, was lectures and exhibitions can not fail'to have eting, tI te I il of Seaforth Colledate Inst - audience during the me' -M r. M. S. Wambold_9 attending the seasion.of ooUnT AMGng his old friends in H people of place since t In is he te,. has successfully passed 11 Brucefield and vicinity are Al. Elkh Ill uron county, On- most benfficial' i n -fluence on the butter not idle here at - pretty badly shaken up. la I Kirkby are His -brothiar es Norma tario, where they grow big Irish and Scotch oniook- fro arj J was _4 t men� and fine fresh white fish. Jimmie untry, and in im- tending his fatl ntiswl, left for home o learn that muking.interests of the cc council at Goderiofi this week.—A caped -injury, buxt we- are sorry chool examination at McGill College�, - ers of the questions that are now the bone sf Miss Campbell did not escape. so fortunate- f contention I ontrea nd received her diploma, ranking xx�any of our farmers have sowed their tur- r between the two great politi.; last Tuesday.—M lenry Wing has gone to proving the quality and ai8ing the standard promised to send us a copy of TnE SF..,�roRTn ly. S ighth -in a class of 60.—T -here has w he had her leg broken between the- of our butter product. nips. Nothing like getting ahead -of the - EXPOSITOR and the Goderialt Star �een* cal parties of our Dom' Ne Hamblirg to a bten'd the funeral of his but he 1311011. ek but, no serious 1.9 kneeand-ankle. Afterbaving the injured rost several nights this we grasshoppers.—As the'potato bugs aremi- has failed to connect."' aunt, Mrs. D. Witij.­4 Joint picnic was K 0 limb attendedho, ghe wastaken mage was done.—The Huron eroua again agood �upply of poison a home, and county hould team belonging to Mr. held by the Foresbers,11aciabees anol'United In is getting along as well as could be expect- W Di of the Mill- Road, Tucker- Kippen. begot and applied at once. uncil was in session at Goderich this Workmen, in Taylor's grove, last Wednes- In. nl 1v14iiutmD i:t� ALGIOMA.—On Wednesday, ed, but it will be some time before all ek--Mr., Thomas Ward, of Varna, cut I T. MELLis would no* take tbi day, There was a big t e will imith, mttald to a lumber wag -on, created 8 oppor- 4m out.LMr. Peter I�Tay 13th, a pretty'and interesting event be around again, as the fracture is x acres Of clover hay on Monday met, and nd all tunity of asking his many customers in need a very took place at the res Peter severe one. The hors' e expoctsby Saturday' night to of mowers and machl air n 0 bring the Inite a stir treet on Thursday Eisenbach is making rapid headwa in dec. Bluevale. idence of Mr' 'on 'a n 7 ave nery re 91 M y eS or carriage were norning.- machine was being - h the in in good time. T, Mellis' long exp rienci. in this orating the Lutherawchurrch. He :is doing w a Mi i 13 g XoTEs.—A very painful accident hap- A� roduct of twelve acres safely in the Moore McLennan, Algoma, and formerly of not injured. It was' Very careless on the put in the iv gon at Mr. Hugh Grieve's im. barn. work needs no f urtl er comment to t e public. All some of the finest work that has been seen, pened to Annie Stewart, 4 fittle daughter of t is a good crop. This is the earliest bay- work will reebive ca rehil 4ttention a the smalleeg in this part. Ile spares no time to make a Mr. Thomas Stewart, last Saturday. She TuAersmith, the occasion beil)� the mar- part of the authorities'to have'an obstacle plement eim orium, when the horses got riage -of his daughter Maggie to Mr. Carson of this'kind on the road side. iag we have h6ard.6f.—Mr; George Stewart cost. Farmers wanting good sod o .'wide thistle fret class job and to satisfy the committee -a backward dowo cellar when her a ug a larie business shipping baled I f B B fl's m anufactdre, now s your time and the work will be a great credit to him*' iio-ore. The bride was becomingly attirecl Mr.,Tho as Daly's grocery store, where 'p owabeoso- gard eas of cost also w a going rigfitened a d made a,dash ioross the road 0 is still doi ust 1� r: ne good road' baby sister, let the trap door fall her fin - on inblue cashm, ere and was attended by her my aw. C311 0 ey took t oraper. .1 a George 11oore, rident of an Orillia paper makes the fol - the sidewalk Jor a short dia- in London last Wed. gers, which -were resting on the flooring-* tIA-RLY VIMRETATION�� .—The gr this h and str —The HaWkstone corres- ad, e e.e them. T. Militia. —F. Kibler was 'elle, whileXr. sister, Miss L season �-as been remarkable, and -not for nee. On Their run down the str" 1486-2 nesday on eet they business. He also staid just above her head. The two last fingers bcother of the groom,.acted as beat man. many years has vegetation been: so far ad. ollidedwi Mr. M. V. McLean's* buggy, jowiug re rence o our o en r. OTES.— r. t o. a, millan_X 'P., fires. to see the big demonstration, and hear the of her right hand *ere badly smashed, IcTmvisb, lately of BrucefiW :L91Dr. Me- his political cam 3aign gun in 0- r public ball Af ter the ceremony all sat down to a sump- vanced'at this early date as itis.this season. 4 front ol Lumsden'; & Wilson's store. topics of the day discussed by the Reform the doctor found it necessary to amputate - r i tuous repast.- In the evening all the young The other day we had san vish, our newi physician, is. doing a this (Frid —Mr. ohn B. Me- lead re.—Mr. Edward Appel. -has them at the middle joint..—Miss James, 'of epeople Of the neighborhood gathered at Mr. ples of red clover Mrs. McLe was sitting in the buggy at --a made a e euing.— c I �ourishing to _Ive shown us whiclivaried in length from 26 to JbIle timoo, a d almost miraculously' business, and if he contimil es ean, deputy -r of Tuckerz mith, is this' great improvement in his prerniies. He has Gorrie, who has received a 'diploma frout. Moore.4 and spent the time in a, social dance, escaped out, but foritunately escaped 30 inches, and was out in full bloom on Peing throw be so successful in -the future as he has been, eek attendin# �he Beounty coui 41 at God- torn down the old stable, and has put it on the Toronto Conserva 'Musie to music. provided by Mbssrs. McNeiLand, ly e torr 'bf May 21st. 'It is a remarkab line injury, although the buggy wits I;adly dam e tie —Mr. arrived home on a stone wall.—Mr. Y.' 'Kibler has put a stone. teachin ed fear no riv'als. He has already be... ich. Hugh McKinnon. At the small hours of sample, & music to a classof in Mbrr� itedfriend in Toronto wall under his barn; and has bricked it ris. comes over on -her bicyc2le,­�The- This S g -ishingL t ed. -The con orite in this locality.',— aturday, havinj vis and p=ises an abundant yield. am continued'down he clover grown on the farm of Mr. Alex age intil they Yrs. 0. W Papst:had the misfortune 6 fall d Glenallen, aid covering a distance of over.—Mr. Con. Thiel has his the mornin all departed, m kunaway te ie a great f pupils. t street reached Stewarts dwelli infant son of Mrs. Wm. Frazer Wag burie4 young couple much happiness and pros- tie* clown cellar on Tuesday, -but - further thqkn ver 400 miles or, his -bicycle without a rLbiel is Putti;�Up E, ng Broadfoot,3rd coucesiion, H. R.S., Tucker*- blacksmith shop, where they bollided with- mis- ul�.=Henry ! ty in their married life, and TitE LOx- new house. beside its mother in the Bluevale cimetery, perl ithu We have also been shown a sample 0 slight shaking �,p she received no serio4 .—The oacra; er —Mrs. Karl Miller, from rE am Ireland's rial k wagon and a lumber 's imp ent of the L rd's' supp 1-0.1;rroR joins with their miany friends in w is here via. last Friday.—Mrs. (Dr.) Graham, 4pol Xi�s. agon* i ijuries.—The Beaver lacrosse team goes to �611 be'observed in St. Andre church on M of fall wheat, the Jarm of Mr. The milk -wagon was badly damaged, but iti4g her) grandmother, Stelk, and grown on W their congratulations. Fletchei. of Brussels, came on theirwheela. Clinton on Thursday next to play their first 3abbath, the 14 �h of June. ' Preparatory friin7AS.—Miss Hay, who as been in visit at Re�, A. Y. Hart - James Allan, .2nd conc�ssion Tuckersmitb the other wagon was only slightly injured. other h last Saturday to which was out in full he Y latch with the team 'of that town in the iervices will be I eld on the Friday previous DO' roi ad on the 46bh - oi The horses contin�ed to rtin until they t t for seven months, has returned —Mr. Wm.' Messer has - engaged Mr- ley's. E(;1I0NDV11'A.E NOTRIL—Mr. Robt. 1`�Jliottp May, and which'meastired, on that date, reached the sheds at MeClinchey's hotel, i itermediate championship series.—The tllo'clock,ani thankskiving services on h e7ito stay this summer. Will RAiley as clerk in his store.—Mr. WilL Of -the staff of the Dominion Experim. ental three feet. The sight of these sam here. they s topped, haARng only received a town bell has arrived here and Mr. he 'MoRday foll.,wing. —Mira. (-. )r.) Hutton Scott, teacher, near Relgrave, spent Sunday-' plea w Parm, at 0�tawa,, spent most of last week at brings to the mindir of tbe-older residen Patrick Keating has been awarded the con- Forest, visitec' her sister, Mir i. R. Melfis, ts a few slight n ratches. Mr. Diniiie's wa on at Mr. F. B. Scott's.---�Miss'Lttey '&hand- theparenLaInoine in this villaue.-Though. season when they were harvesting wheat in was smashed t txact- 01 putting it in place. -Rev. r. in, the fore part 4 if th Ajuallwooct.. o atoms, and small parts o it a Darty of friends, from. Clinton drove over e week. -Mr. Robert I IcDonald will preach a special serTo to urray, of the ! rd conces' the evenin- waa cold and windy, large May. On Saturday we'.had were strewn n PRIEFS,�The semi-annual business meet- the,pleasure of Ill along the street. The won- sion, of Tucker- on Sunday to visit at Mr. Jos�e estate, full th� took sari usly ill on Sabl ath gvening ph Pugh' Win mumbers gathered at the lawn social on tie Canadian Order' of Foresters in the I ink of the Young Peopl. testing some deliciously ripe cherries, taken der is that no more damage was done, as a e's Alliance was held Mr. Charles Fraser, 1st line Morris, has re-, a rides 01 Thursday of livat week. 16was rather dis rom Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. tv If trees on, the farm .of - Mt. George number of v hicles were on the street at the be pr w A _fhen medi assistance ha, I to 0- on� Thursday evening of last eek, when the turned from his studies at Toronto Univer- prropeed to -i eouraging-tryiug to enjoy ice aream'with .0aetzineyeri town line, 'I he members are requested to meet at, the Ted, without delay. Dr. MeDiar, following officergwere elec d: -President. sit —Mr. Richard Johnston is building& �ientlticd the McKillop which time. mid, of te gloves and overcoat on, but des.pite these were ripe on the,. 24th of - May. This cer- lodge room at 6.30 p. m. and march in a sall, �md Dr. Scott, of Sesfo,-th, were in J.i Fenn; vice-president, Alary Snell; re- neat brick house,9n his'farm, lat linei Mor - of which th- discomforts those present enjoyed them'- tainly ri Is tb ig� Sunny South. Ay to the church. —On and after Monday endance during the night aid Monda coirding secretary, Lizzie Guenther; treas- ris.—Miss Milly. Moss is visiting such distrit selves to the FOR- SuF o AptArEx in 3xt the drug stores at Nile.— any palt o fall. and carried .,away _1�v-qs.--We have in town will close at ext a change for the better - k place urer, J. 4' Hoffman ; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Moss is visiting her daughter, Mrs.. CIAIM thiey 0 pleasant memorials of the kindly a received froi Rev. V. K. Besbgetbor, of seven o'clock. —1dessrs. Scott Bros. have A. Birk ; librarian, A. Shetler-; or ttentions Tm.. B URONS AT ENO M urray is still in a ritical con- ERSOLL.—The Hurons xi, Will 'ganisti Macdonald of Chealey.—Mrs. West., of' time *feud Newberry licbi e have c6mpleted the contract of Putting in the 'ai ion but his many, friend be Fanny 861I.—The Ray school intends hold- Grand Val:fey, was visiting her parents, Mr- . tb iga of whom w smut to y. in of their host, Mr. John Reinke and his went tolngersoll on Saturday last to play previoual mention, a letter acknow- e ectric fire alarm system in town. The '1,-ased to learn that he' has t ken a turn pin-dable family.—Alr. John Shaw, of Tor- the se m i -fival'm atch in Ae'We lug a grand picnic in Bossenberry's grove, and Mrs. Robert Duncan, last week. stern Ontario ledging the r ceint of subscri fin"s in nic] of �1flrlr, 0. A— -1.. 4-h NT x ARy onto 1'rilf bn� �f 4-h T> UY. 8ha , is r e supervision of �* the Witer.-Ayliss A-loblurtri is visiting Grand.Dend, on riday or this week. The died in this village., last. Fo ball ssociation championship, 'and the Armenia sufferers, received tbrou h N. r. Andrew Ingram. -Miss Eva Acheson, with her sister, Mrs. Henry, and other teachers have spared no pa' Dzivr.-Thcre spending a week or tWo at the mause.- weor successful in carry ins in procuring Sabbath morning, 3%1r. Martin Farrow.- He: J ing off the honors Rev. N. Sha pastor of the Egmondvifle of Goderich, is visiting in town. -The ban fr ends, near St. Thomas.-- erries, no doubt had been ill but a few weeks from -gaingrene, Mr. FoAvIiel of Seafortb, preached in our d Stir b are programme, and there is a good by score of two goals to none. During coyregation, these subscriptions being have authorized Alessrs. Scott Bros, musical i( �w being pick e -d from M r. Gran t's garden, that a pleasant time will be spent. -Mr. i. charch last'liabb�tth evening, in ex change the first half. time Ingersoll had the best of frorn in and suffered very little pa. His deat-Ir. with the Rev. Mr. Shaw. -Ur. J. S. A of t. is town, to pro- * rid.b are not only beautiful to the eye but T Jul- the game, 'and many times- Murray was .�mbera of that congregation, and instrument dealers, 11 Wambold was in Zurich on Tuesday o last was very peaceful and happy. ,Nfr. Farrow f others Aec inpanying this letter is a copy cure their supply of new instruments.- 4 1 io pleasing to the taste. Mr. � Grant has w6e4l, attending the funeral of his father was born in the Year 1805, h B knack of growing good berri(s'.�A foot- wha I &� -bifter a couple of Aveeks' sickness has de' small seaport town in Lincolnshire, Eug- drew, of Knox College has been spending a called u on to defend his goal against the of th,'a Ne erry News supplement, in Mr. A. D. Scott has had a stone foundation -near Boston C so laud, few days at home h'erc lately. HO took-- onslaught of the Ingersoll boys, and be sue- whi he h at bscription is' publicly acknow- Placed under hisresidence, Thornt d this- life at! the r* of 88 years, W charge Of the Rev. Fletcher's work on ceeded splen dl In this part of the game �n hall, tE�ll match will be played here on Saturday part and -with his ledgedi This; paper also contains letters re ipe age wife and children came, Sabbath last, preaching at Kirl�ton and our foriv' just west of town, and is otherwise improv- The ervices were--beld in Zuri y ed unable to * success- Kippen'club and ch while the to Canada in 1849, settling near Port Hope. a -rd line seem 016 o'clock, betweenthe cently received from relatives of Mr. Besh- ing it. -Mr. Adam Crozier met with a th� Alma club, of Tuckersmith. As they are for burial. - Thames Road. --N Jacob _MceTcc, out fully ina remains were taken to Berlin ' aipulate the ball, and it' was not The following year Mrs. Farrow died. worthy mayor, has always been of wa inven getoor, in turkey, setting forth the deplor- p Inful accident the other day. He was both strong teams an interestm* Mr. 01 is a or a OP E� U nt�l thc sdc6nd half tb4t they got in their ame may About 25 years ago Mr. -Farrow moved to. tive turn Oi mind, and the latest product of accustoti Led able conditi rmenians there, and p tting some eggs into a vat in Mr. D. D. be' looked for. -Mr. Shaffer h b en greatly new 0'13 of paint. he flax in 11 and barn Bluevale, to live with his son Johns at, on of 'be combination,.which always tells the great ne'xl ther�still is for aid from ilson's cellar, when his 'foot slipped off i;";Qroving the interior of his hote in order were Aised on Saturday last., when whose house he died. He bad a family of' his genius is a. washer of the most complete in a mat�.h of this kind, and they twice.put outside source . In fact, it would seern that t e ladder he was standing on, and his side undre men were present help. six children, viz., Alr.�. Win. Smith, of' design., and if all that is clainied for it be the ball n! bou; t, vo h to;have things more conve ent. r. Shaffer a hrough the -vital spot, thus scoring all that' has yet been received from the s riking oin the edge of -tke -vat several of is hot one of those slip shod Is dlords. Ing ormous buildings. true, there is a fortune in the patent� for the onl t ) r Lise theie, y two goals in tbei'match. The gainte' Mr. Bluevale her Farrow, customs officer at, rce , is only, As it some one. I various 0011 as it were, a flea bis ribs were br"'oken.-Work has been com- ME Sidney Smith, cattle d I oronto H. V lillpert is to b con atulated for laying *Goderich; Thomas Farrow ex-Al.�P.., post- dea er o T a T 117'e wish our old friend abuti- throughout liwas a splendid exhibiti of bite to what is absolutely required to keep menced on the: addition to shipped from here, on Tu y r these terribly fficted people from actual Gunn's, store. -The members of the gun loads of' the finest qualit at the trade for about ten years. John Farrow, of" labor. -Mrs. Dallas left an Weduesd&y be play,ld here on Saturday, 13bh inst. ttle th -The Luther-. 147 daixt success in his efforts to lighten female scientific foaball. The return matchonwill F Mr. B.- B. esday, two Ca' Out 8) I�rge a building after not working at maat-er at Brussels y of c starvation. T e followi Bluevale, and Jessie and Mrs, Willis Far - morning on a visit to friends in Blenheim, ng is a list of the club will sboot.this season for three silver have been shipped from a tion this ian doiw�rieva parson- row, deceased. Mr. Farrow was a true, tb ough Rev. Mr. Shaw, an It all lovers of football should turn out contributors ur at tion intend building a �n Clealcoef and Detroit. -Mr. George Sproat is "' d cups now in possession of and see the match. of the season. en the club, � those season. Mr.. Smith makes it a po t to have age tb`i� �ummer.-Messrs. J. Kellerman Christian, with a strong and simple faith, The i the amount Ov by each, and which taking the highest aggregate win be entitled the best. -Tramps in large nura ers and Goeiz we're in London on Wednesday. and was a very gen keeping pace with the progress of improve- Hu ons I iave been under a heavy exponse and ment in the village by amounts were Shaw to tle and inoffensive eiti- forwarded by Mr. to. the cups. The first shoot will be held of great variety, have the largest share of -Mr. Shetler haa moved hato the house of zen. In litics bewas'a Conservative, but, having the -wood. this year, -and it is bo be hoped that our i Mr. Beshgetoor, r. JohikG. Wilson is ereeb- our highways at present. e, the Mrs. W. H Birk.�Mr. I Charles Linder- took 0' woek of his bric - residence neatly painted.. citizens vill turn out in full force and and by,. him to Rev. D�. next week. M littfe interest 'in either party. Thf_� -Floral Villa, the residence help i Barnum. The tptal amount forwarded by ing a neat wire fence Ja front of his resi. enthusiZtic electors of this part, are pa- field was visit-ing his sister in Neustadt,last funeral on Tuesday was large, and was con - .of 11r James the boys along, and we are sure that in so Mr. Shaw up to I date if[, $101.95 ; this� -in donee on Goderich.4 street -The tiently waiting for a Yisit to our b oul 7eek.-Mr. Young, from Crediton, was the ducted by Rev. Mr. Moss, a'ssisted by Rev, - e, was the scene- of. a quiet wedding doing.they will east. not be disappointeo, N the cludes $8.M r�ceiyed rOm Mr. W. J. A*glioan Sunday school convention held at Mr. Thomas E. Rays, the Connser e can. guest of E. Tiernan oil Sunday last. -Mr. R. Paul,'of Brussels. Z v m 3, 7 - ------- "lift him to be 2, intertats jDfl 310me of PA brother Pa form, no fore We all linde