The Huron Expositor, 1896-06-05, Page 4Kootenay Contains the new ingr,edient, and is made by an electrical process that will revolutionize medical science throughout the world. Kootenay cures all kinds of Kidney troubles, and is a positive cure for Rheumatism. Sprin IT CURES DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, And every form of bad blood, from a pimple tO the worst scrofulous sore, I and we challenge Canada •to produce a case of • Eczema that Kootenay I will not cure. • II • S. S. RYCKMAN MEDICINE CO., HAMILTON, ONT. 5, 189 $1,60%0 SI,500,000. SEAVORTH. 6 of the United Staten, .ed, available in all parta advances macle oi gam* lowed at highest eurren s June and December a del-All:GU. PEARCE, Agent ? rcsie, when such a 'Meetsare z t at $75 OD rtan at 50 00 s Sky High - Ladies' styles, its for cash, at STREET _ • s r ,---• Turonta. N-ew itwnt s advanteee eTt. of 1 r,7 rut' cut in - Freed in , iine for Jr hard - attention to the 7.0 -•••••-•-..,--- td Gollege Evorything SAtool re - we are .s fur- ; pni-- ptict., ry and _Director, a I orter's.. JUNE 5, 1896 IMPORTANT. NOTICES. e efelEDAR POSTS. -Ten thousand choice cedar posts J for 10o. each at COLENtAN'S, Seaforth. 14804f JSurveyor. Member of theAsscolation olf303n6C6a2rie ---- -T .1.111eKENNA, Dominion and Provincial Land LiegaBurveyore, Dublin, Ontario. oTALLroN FOR SERVICE. - The standard bred 0 stallion, " Wilder Lee," will stand for the im- provement of stock at his owner's stable in. an:57411. t J.13EBRY, Hensel'. -1-,1Allat. TO RENT.- To rent, a 2e0 acre farm, 2i mitee Prem. Wireeham, with firat•clese end well latered. is all in pasture, alai is an ex- celleet c herce for either fermiag or paw:lir:rig cattle. For ;settler -does, ape le to Box 123, Wingleon, 1473tf . . _ TOIIN BEATTIE, Clerk ef theSecond Diyasion cotaiLvCommissioncr, or Huron, Con- yesneeer, Lend, Lean and Theurer= Agent. Funds envaeted and to Loan. Oftice-e-Over Sharp le Ivens' store, Mahe street, Beatorth. 1289 1100 Private funds to loan atlowest 8 600 rates of interest in, sins to suit S 700 borrowers. Loans Can. be com- $1,000 pleted and money advanced $1,600 within two clays. Apply to R. $2,600 S. HAYs, Barrister, dre.,Seaforth. • 125 STOCK FOR SALE. , B FOR SERVICE AND FOR SALE. -The Me undersigned bas on lot 25, London road, Tuckeramith, a thero'bred Durham bull, to which a limited number of cows will be taken. Terms $1, to insure a calf. Also a good young Durham bull, • 14 months old, for sale cheap. JAMES PATTER. - SON, Brucerield. I484x4 ffillOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. j_ The underaigned has for sale a thoroughbred Durham bull, 16 rrorthe old. He is red in color and is eligible for regharation in the Dominion Herd Book. Will be sold reasonably. WM. CARNOCHAN, JR., lot 13, concession 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, or Egmondville P. 0. 1481-tf MHOROUGHBRED BULLS FOR SALE. -For sale ▪ two Thoroughbred Short Horn Bulls, regiatered pedigree, one red and the other white, and about Bile year old; very superior animate, and will be sold cheap. Apply on Lot 30, Concession 5, Uaborne, or address THOS. CUDMORE., Lumley P. 0. 1469-tf FIGS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE.- The undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk- shires,haa for Isle boars and sows in farrow. He will also keep for service the stock boar Gladstone, pur- chased from Mr. George Green, of Fairview. Terms, -$1 payable at the time of service with the privilege of returning if necessary, if booked $1.60. JAMES DORRANCE, Lot 26, Concession 6, McKillop, Sea. - forth P. 0, 1465-62 BOARS FOR SERVICE. maltWORTII BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The under- eferned will keep for service, at the Brucefield Cbeese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. with registered pedigree. Terms, 51; payable at time of service with privilege or returning if neces- eery. HUGH ItoCARTNEY, Brucefield. 1405-tr ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ATALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. -Consist - V ing of a house, containing 6 rooms, celler, and with bard and soft water; also stable and drive horse. There is two-fifths of an acre of !land. Suitable fsr retired farmer. Also for sale 1 new farm truck, 1 new buggy and 1 -pair boasleighs. Apply to HUGH McINTO3H, Kippen, or B. R. HIGGINS, Brucefield. P. S. -All accounts, either note or book, due Mr. McIntosh must lse settled be- fore January 1st, 1897. 1485x4 DROPERTY FOR SALE.-Fcr sale-, the property j on the BayAeld road, in Bayfield nine, known as the Brunsdon property,containir g- 15 acres. There is a gcod briek house, a driving ened and barna ; a good orchard, plenty of hard and soft water. It isl nicely situated, and will be sold cheap and on rea- sonable tern's. For further particulara apply to Re H. Collins, Exeter ; F. Hohn(sted, Seaforrh ; Ra Higgine, Brucefleld, or to the proprietor, James' Spackman, lot 6, L. R. S., Stanley,. Bayfield posta efilce. 1476x121 MIAMI FOR SALE. -For sale, lot 2, conceseion 17) 12 Grey, col tains 100 acres, 3 of which are usedi' ma brick yard. The tend is all cleared, except -lour; acres of black aeh and cedar. It is well fenced, well! underclrained and well watered. There is a goo& frame house and large bank barn 80x40 feet, and other outbuildings. This is an excellent farm and there ia material on it for four brick yard. it isi half a mile from Walton, where tlaere aro goodi stores, school, cheese factory, churches, saw mill, etc. The farm will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Fer further particulars apply on the prem- ises or to We -Roe P. 0. DAVID CAMPBELL. 1136-14 TIARII FOR SALE IN MICHIGAN. -For sale at a balgein, 160 acre term in If arcn dounty. Michi- gan.. 80 acres are eleared, 20 Irergeti and 69 bush. 20 acres are in wheat, 6 in rye, 16 in oats and 8 in peas. The soil is clay loam, and the feral ia high, dry and level. On the place is a good frame houe' new frame harn 101x36, with granary ; there is also a good crehard and plenty of good water. The farm is in a Gera.an settlement, e ith good roads ; 4 miies from Elkton, 2 from Soule, and half a mile- from a echool. Price $1,C00 ; 52,500 cash, balance on time to suit. Wel. J. SAUNDERS, Soule P. 0., Huron county, Miclaig,an. 1481-4 - 1-‘EFAR ABLE FARM FOR BALE. -Lot 22, conces- sion *2, 11. R. S., toweship cf Tuckereauth, con- , tattling. 1(0 acres, with 93 acres cleared. Lend underdreined and in a goad state of cultivation. I There is on the premises a good orchard, also a good brick story and a half house, 24x34, with woodshed & brick kitchen 18x20 attached, hard and soft water. Two good frame barns, each 35x50, one with 12 foot lean to and atone stabling underneath ; driving shed 20x35. Buildings in good state of repair. Farm is well situated '• abeut five miles from Clinton and six from Seafortb, on good gravel road ; school within n mile ; church opposite place. Possession any time to suit purchaser. Price very reasonable. Apply to A. E. TURNER, Cliuton P. 0. 1481-tf pOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -The undereign- ed offers for eale the following valuable prop- erty in Chiselhurst, namely : A goods frame dwel- ling, with an acre of fine land adjoining it, on which there is at prc sent one-quarter acre of good, healthy strawberry plants and over 100 good fruit trees of nearly every kind, including a large number of splendid pinui and pear trees of the latest and best variety. There is also a large quantity of small fniita, and besides the dwellinghouse there is a good stable and well on the preraisea. The property is nicely situated, being right beside two churchee, store and posteffice, and blacksmith shop, and will be sold at a very reasonable price, en tenne to suit purchaeer. For further particulars apply to THOS. NICHOLLS, Proprietor, Chiselhurst P. O., or to G. J. bUTHERLAND, Coevoyancer, Henan. 1417-13 THE . . EYESIGHT. J. §. Roberts, Graduate of Detroit Optical Institute also Chicago Ophth• almic College, is prepared to fit all defects of Vision Astigmatism, Hypeimetro- pia, Myopia, Prestyopia or any compound defect. Intelligent people have given. up the idea, of buy- ing ordinary common spectacles at a counter,because they see well with them. It ruay be that onl)'. ono eye is brought into use, while the other may be eo strained as to result in blindnees.- If your eyes are weak, or sight poor call at J. S. ROBERT'S Drug Store and have them testee. Does the print blur or do the eyes tire when reading? Do the eyes ache? Do the eyes water? Are they sore or inflamed ? These as•tnptcms point to defects in the refraction, or • the muscles of the eyes and eau be - perfectly cor- rected. Do you ha i e headache? Eye strain caueee more headache:, than all other causes combined. Thous- ands of peop:e are suffering who do net realize that eye strain 18 the cause. All these cases can be cured with glasses that are made to correct the error in the eyea. The eyes of children should be carerully tested. In many cases the defeat in the eyes ie shown by various symptoms, such as inability to see figures on a blackboard, holding the bcok close to the eyea, blurring of letters, erased eyea or eyes turning in, blinking, watering of the eyt-a and -particularly head- ache. in many cams the child is accused of being dull or stupid when the fault is in the sight; and can be corrected with glasses. If you are wearing glasses that are not satisfactory, bring them to me. In case of disease, you will be recommended to the physician et once for treatment. 1453 ' -Mr. Allen W. Hart, teller in the Mol - son's Bank, in Clinton, has accepted a, good position in the offices of the Union Pacific Railway, at St, Louis. Mug up As we aregoing out of business, our whole stock of BOOTS and SHOES, TRUNKS and VALISES, will have to be cleared out in the next 90 days regardless of cost. As this is a genuine sale, you will be able to get the best bargains ever offered in Sea - forth. Our stock is all new and up- to-date in style and quality, and especially adapted for Spring and Summer wear. We have always had the reputation of keeping the best goods in town, and our stock this Spring is better than ever. Our 'sale opens on . FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 24th and 25th, when you will be able to buy goods at wholesale prices and under. Richardson & BVInnis MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. SEAFORTH .( CARR I AG E WORKS, The best Buggies and Wagons My stock of Carriages is -very complete; all hand made, under our own euperviaion. Don' buy foreign factory -made buggies, when you can get better made at home, and as cheap, if not oheaper than the work brought in from outaide towns. Why spend your money in building up rival towns and injure your awn when you can do better at home. Call and see late and be convinced. All kinds of blacksmithing and repairing promptly and satisfactorily done. A luil`steck or Cutters of the best material and lateet etyles, which will be sold cheap. Lewis McDonald, SEAFORTH. 1430 -SAM% The McKillop Mutual Firt Insurance Comrny. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFP/OBRO. Geo. Watt, Pre.e.ident, Harlock P. 0.; James Broadfoot, VicinPresident, Seaforth P. O.; W. .1 Shannon, Say-Treae.'Searorth P. O.; Michael Murdie, Inspector of Losses, Seaforth P. 0. DIRBOTOBB. Jas. Broadfoot, Beerortla ; Alex. Gardiner, Load bury; George Dale, Seaforth '• Thomas E. Hays, Seaforth: Id. Ilfurdie, Ber.forbh ; Thns. Garbutt, Clinton ; Thomas Frassr, Brucefield ; John B. Mc - Lae, Rippen. AGIINTS. Thos. Nellans, Harlock ; Robt. McMillen, Seaforth James Cumming, Egmohdville ; Gecrge Murdie and John C. Morrieon,audiore. Parties desirous 'to effect Insurances or hems- aot other business will be promptly attended to on applicatIon to any of the above officers, addreeeed to their respective post offiees, CONCLUSIVE PROOF. From a. Well Known Citizen. " My daughter Polly, ha a for more than a year been troubled with severe sympteins of kidney disease. She had eonstant aced rtenee pains in her back. The pain M her head was fearful and almeat meet/durable. It frequently pre- entodher fros-n attending acheel, and she leend steely at helve practieelly impeseible. - She hacl no appetite, and did not eleep well. . The pain I was very severe around herheart aria elle wee i much troubled with fluttering and palpitation. 'She wris conapletely were out in body and was tired and drowsy all the 'bine,. Her mother and myself became seriously alarmed sas min- ims constantly getting worse. "Last July my daughter Sarah, a towbar in the Public School at Kingsville, Ont., earns ome, to spend her vacation, and /Indies her ister in such a distressing and dangereve condition, said; I am taking DIXIX'11 Kidney ills and they are doing me 12114iii good, Thave . box with me and will divide with Polly, which eshe'did. By the time Polly had inished the „eland! Iddx her improvement in health was so marked, that 1, procurid mote from Mr. Fraleig,h's drug store. el - Her Jul/ restoration tO liee.lela and Spiriee wee rapid and continuous. She has now none of her former dangerone, painful and distressing kidney troubles. She eat e and sleeps well, and for more than a month has enjoyed the most vigorous health. She has not hoot a day all school since she commenced takieg the pills, and has so much faith in them since they restored her to full health that she wania me to keep six boxes in the house all the time, in case theyeshould be needed and not available. Her cure has been so wonderful she thinke they will cure any complaint. 'If the pills had cost 810.00 a box, I would not have begrudged the money. The restoration -6f my daughter to full • health and strong giylhood, from her former serious sickness, ietce has made her mother, myself and daughter a happy family, I'"1 make this sworn statement with ths hill approbation of my wife and daughter, volute itarily and without any urging or inducement !whatever, to show the gratitude my daughter, wife' and myself feel for the vonderftel ours 1 -wrought by the Doan Kidney Pills. We have not the least doubt that her trying the -pine - just at the time she did saved UB a large doctor's bill, as she was all but sick abed at tho time. X am sixty-two years of age, a car- penter by 'trade, have been a resident of St. Mary's for. forty years, and county constable for thirty years and am well known, and I make this solemn declaration believing the same to be true, and knowing the same to havethe same effect as an oath, and according to the Act respecting extra Judical Oaths 1893. see WILLIAM BROWN. Taken and declared before me at the Town of 51. Mary's, in the County of Perth. this 5tie day of march, AsD., 1896. Sgd. WM. N,. FORD, A Commissioner in High Court of Justice, Ontario. iXTA Teacbers and College _ e -seid nis,men or warner, 44 engage with us during vacation, at something e tirely new. Cau pay as high as it200 for the full t rm. Sevres have operated during vacation, have engaged permanently on our staff, to their groat haat, and some have made fortune& Do not dbubt until you find out the facts, and that will cost nothing. Addmesa THE BRADIJEY-GMenwrsON CJ., Ltd., 14877 • Torosto, On t trio. DRAFTS. ; Pine Specimens of TWO 'Favorite Breeds of Heavy Horses. 1 There are indications that the draft horse trade is looking -up. It appears as if America was going to furiaish horses to all the world this sidef Russia. The dtain.clling horse market has had numerous boosts during the, past year from the exportation of street car and arresibus horses as well as light drivers ae-saee:--da CHAMPION CLYDESDM ate too Europe. .Some of our sales have been attended by agents from th German /government. The animals t ey bought I were fel- the ca.vahy service. An experienced breeder nlnd trader thinks the . time is /i.ear whei we shall supply Europe withedraft hoses in ex- change for the breeaing stoc1 we have imported from Europe at an xpense of hundreds of thousands of dol ars. Eu- ropean horse raisers may stil produce high class stock animals, but Ve9 Will send back as everyday horses the proge- ny of the high priced stook we have got from them. Thus we shall eVTen things up. The Clydesdale in the inn tration is 5 years ol4t iHe is a product o Scotland and the property of a noble h rSe breed- er, Lord Londonderry. He isj of a dark brown color and is of great size, being 17 hands high. He has w is. prizes enough' to makeha fine necklaee if they were strung side by side around his great, deep shoulders. He would look a hundred times better if he had a tail, like the French horse in the second il- lustration. The Percheron shows a raagnificent iron gray stallion, imported .1s- a Cana- dian association. He is past 0 rears old.. He is not so tall as the Clydesdale in the first picture, being 16 hands high, IMPORTED PERule,RON. but his build is exceedinglY strong. This horse looks much more graceful and active than the Clydesdale, but that may be owing to the fact that his noble flowing tail is left exactly as na- ture made it and is not mutilated inte a painful stump. Ewes That Are Good Milkers. Now and then you will see =icing the enumerated good qualities of a particu- lar breed of sheep that the 'ewes are deep milkers and good mothers. In look- ing over the fleck of breeding ewes with laanb at foot the most casual observer must have noticed that some lambs showed the effects of much better care than others; that certain ewes with twin lambs were doing better by them than many of their companions whlo had but a singlelarab. The lambs may have been dropped about the same date, and the feed and all other conditions May have been the same, no ithstanding the above results. What, then, is the cause of this difference in the lambs Much - very much -of it is due to the fact that the one ewe is the better mi1ke, and as -the yielding of mirk -is a distinctive ma- ternal quality it must necessarily fol- low that she is a better mother. While it is a good thing and a correct practice to teach the lambs to eat grain at the earliest possible moment, the great first start and impetus to growth must come from that most natural of all foods, milk, and for this purpose that of the mother is superior to all others. - These things being true, it :seems the most natural thing to do to improve the milking qualities of the breeding ewes. -Wool Markets and Sheep. Knee Action. ! Action is a sine qua non in all har- ness horses and hacks that are to pay for the breeding. It is of the first im- portance that aotion should be of the right sort -not only lofty at the knee, but free at the shoulder and with good delivery of the foot, the hocks at the Same time being vigorously flexed to Support and propel the weight of the body, With such action the highest go- Ers will stand any amount of road work and is a far safer horse to driefe than the dais‘y cutter where stones, nOt daisies, lie.. The old prejudice that action knocks a horse's legs to pieces Was founded on the "up and. down" stepping of 1 a certain type of English hackneys andlsttll more •$n that of "foreigners," ivhich prnp their knees up and round the fOot back to. the sarde place and drag their hocks after em. The prejudice haeen exploded by experience of the truer sort Of hack- ney action in work, while the raerest tyro in horseflesh cannot have a nio- ent's doubt as to which. style is the dre beautiful. This point, in addition ti that of size and- some other S that will help to assist the "foreigners" out of the English harnees market, ha S received raudh attention. MARRIAGE LICENSES -ISSUED AT - IRE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE SEAFORTH, h0 WITNESSES' REQUIRED 'dUROEiN to:Op-Li:m-11v f -i6 -61<114..4 -VG. Danish Farmers Halve Achieved It ant Are Takin the Lead. = The London Greo r says The farraeis of a certain clistiict form among them - ;elves a guarantee Mid of, say, £4, 000 ($20,000), each put ing down ha name for the s-ara he is- keparecl to risk, and, n the strength of this guarantee, the ank advances. them. 4, 060, or sucli ther slim as may be required -for the onstruction of -a bacon airing, factory or the district in-qtestion. The bank also advances a further 500 ($2,500) or the payment of the preliminary orking expenses. The factory is then onstructed, replete with all the latest ethods in machinery, etc., and inclu- ive of large storage for the ice which orm.s so iniportant an item in the work. some instances d factory will: have -eon' for 50,000 tons of ice, which is gathered in during the winter at the est only of. the requisite labor and is so stored that it lasts until the next win- ter, The factory is put in charge of a special staff and the farmers devote their own energies solely to pig raising, for which purpose they have an excellent stock of animals, ,while swine fever seems to be practically unknown. The fatmers sell their pigs to the factory at full market rates, being paid at first out of the £500 already referred,to. At the factory- the pigs are killed and turn- ed into either bacon or "mess pork" for ships, and these products are -in due course sent to London, where they are sold, and the London agents send to Den- mark Er check for the amount due. The bank through which the whore thing is orked deducts its charges, which may come to 8 per cent, and the remainder stands to. the:credit of the factory for the payinent of expenses and for eventa- aa division among the farmers, in addi- tion to the market rates they have al- inatily been paid for their pigs. There are now about 20 of these factories in Deinniu-k,` and, generally speaking, they have been established without any actu- al call being Made on the guarantee funds. Altogether, these factories will sometimes deal with 10,000 pigs in one week, and the total output has now at- tained such proportions that our imports of bacon. from Denmark alone amounted last year to over 1,000,000 hundred- weight. Hoard's Dairyman prints the follow- ing from a leading Milwaukee pork Packer who visited Denmark: "I went to Denmark last weelz to see how things stood there, so as to give you all the information possible. They appear to have plenty of hogs, and fine cines too. Each town has its own slaugh- tering house. Thefarmers formn a com- pany, putting in a manager, who "fixes the prices of the hogs each week. "They are killing from. 20,000 to 30,- 000 hogs per week. Add to this the Irish killing; then you will understand why we carmot - get American up in unison with Chicago, The .Danish prices are considerably below value -have never been at such a figure before." Si I • To Relieve Choking Animals. If the foreign_ body is located in the throat, endeavor to remove it with the fingers, passing the hand and arm through the clevis or balling iron. If the body is felt lower down in the esoph- agus, first drench the cow with a tea- cupful of raw linseed or sweet oil, then have an assistant or two, one on either side, hold the head straight forward and low down. The operator will their stand on the left side of the neck, and with the thumb aed fingers pressed' firmly into the. nee L. on either side, im- mediately below th body, endeavor to force it, upward lioward the mouth. When the substance has been forced nearly into the throat, if it is a smooth body, it can usually be thrown into the mouth by a quick jerk with the hands. In other cases it may be held while one of the assistants reaches in and grasps the object witli the fingers or a pair of forceps. In all cases where the obstruc- tion cannot be removed in this way without danger of injury to the cow I oulcl advise putting the gag in the oath and sending for the veterinarian. Rural New Yorker. • 111 Live Stock Points. In Great Britain beef is cheap and eal is dear. CannotAmericeal breeders eet the situation? , Every agency is breught th bear to ive American meats from Germany. I uring a heated debate in the Prussian I 'veer house on the admission of Ameri- ci a meats one speaker indulged in a b tter tirade against all our flesh prod -au ts, and seriously charged that all ermans must belvare' of them and avoid t em because the w l' 1 journalist had een poisoned by It i if of a certain Ber- e ting Anaerican canned meats. This is eadful. 111 With all her. protes0,tions of affection fo her dear Canada, Great Britain will pi t the same restrictiOns on the impor- tations of cattle trete. Canada as on t i ose from the United States. 111r. Long, p esident-of the BritiSh board of agri- iture, explains that the bill restrict - g Canadian cattle is "only intended to give necessary security to farmers." Bi t why should Great Britain protect h r English farmers from her Canadian. f ers if she loves both alike? Hon. J18 Chamberlain, ct Ionia secretary, t e shining advocate f imperial feder- ion, is called on h reby to rise and e lain. Will this measure make Cana- dian f mers love the old country any the more? At the Islington ( show Ithis year the and fillies w hus while dr !mares - 6001L in Amrica they scein Engla cl-at least s breed. s concerned. The farnaers of De duced ot only co-ope but co operative hog packing houses, and just as well in the other. If American likewi e, it would pu whole rice of dress hands. - • ngland) live stock display of Shire s the finest ever t mares are scarce to be plentiful in. fax as the Shire ark have intro.; •ative creameries, slaughtering and he system works ne case as in the arraers would do the fixing of the meats into their -Mr Manz, of Tavi narrow escape one eveni driving across the railw lage. The wagon just c the great engine glided heaved a sigh of relief. what a vanced in years his situ tien was not q frightened horses made but wee finally brought oufany, damage being d 1 tock, had a. vcry g lately, as he was y track in that vil- eared the track as y, and theonlobkers Mr. Manz is some and the peril of ite over, for his dash for liberty under control with- . Ile. 3 - A 4.4111/s. • 4 ,•_ , 44;ttl , - -• - - • , V./WI • • \ ,• MOW s • I: X B. -I•' X • - „ 't1-• -4._ le: \ r N\ • ^ 1., t ., Jr.; jr • •\. • \ r PRICE ONLY $45.00. CREELAIAN BROS Toront FIN E -ART PRINTING This is the word to express the clear ;and Beautiful Fine -Art Print- inj ei the ELICKENSDERFER Horse Routes. The -following horses will travel the routes mentioned as under, during the season of TYPE -WRITER 1896 LORD SALISBURY. GEORGE T.eYLORe Proprietor. The graat prize winning 2 -year-old heavy draught stallion, Lord Salisbury, will stand far the improve - merit of etock this season at hie own stable in Kippen. Terme to be agreed on. Lord Salisbury has been exhibited 6 times, lecluding London, Toronto and Ottawa, and has won 3 first prizes and 3 eeeonds. 1-5854 Which prints -v,ithout ril bore and seon saves its _own cos in ribbons Mete. Visible Writing alone is wort= the money. PORTABILITY, weighs only 6 lbs. CAPACITY, SI charactere. It will do au the $126 rilbon machine will do, and do it better. TYPEWRITER CO., EORGETOWN, ONTARIO. Office -I9 Adelade street East. . 44):. .rzzy... 4.41. - 2;14,7 'PT:1 If you subscribe beforfe the 15th of June THE NEWit Will be sent to yo r address for the time of , Thirty Days for Ten Cents You wil then get A DAILY TAPER at the critical time JUST BEFORE ELECTIONS • JUST AT ELECTIONS JUST AFTER ELECTIONS. Thir y days for Ten Cents. See Coupon Below. 3 H RON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, COUPON To T E TOROXTO DAILY NEWS: ear Sirs,- Send your paper as advertised for eieetione, GET A FRIEND OR Two IF YOU CAN. NAME ADDRESS Sonde s name ...a..... ... • • • • • • • • ....... • . _Address Address all letters to WM. DOUGLAS, Toronto News, TORONTO. ,es rax W.9 ti) Before Taking. Wood's ilosphodille.-The Great English Remedy. Is the result of over 85 years treating thousands of cases with all known drugs, until at last we have discovered the true remedy and treatment -a combination that will effect &prompt and permanent cure in all stages of Sexual Debility, Abuse or Excesses, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Menial Worry, Excessive Use of Opium, Tobacco, or Alcoholic Simulants, all of which soon lead to Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's Phosphodino has been used successfully by hundreds of cases that seemed almost hopeless cases that had been treated by tho most talented physi- cians -cases that ere on the verge of despair and ineaMty-cases that were totteringoveshrpi. thegrave-but with the continued. and persevering use of Wood's pjao es, these cases that had been given up th die, were restored to manly vigor and health -Reader you need not despedr-no_mat- ter who has give you up as incurable -the remedy is now within your reach, by Its use y u cin be restored to a life of usefulness and happiness. Price, one p kage, 31; sfx packages, $5; by mail free a postage. One will "leas , r guaranteed to cure. Pamphlet free to any address. The ood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. ,Wood'e Phosphod ne is sold by responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion. dri 144 • 4 - -115T Our direct connections will save you time and money for all,points. Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Colum14a, and California p ints. Our rates are the Jowest. We have them to suit everybody a PULLMAN TOUR- IST CARS for your accommodation. Call for further informati n. Station a T. Ticket Office. Train Servic at Seaforth. Grand Tra k Railway. Trainleave sesfortbl and Clinton Biatione ni tollows GOING WNW-- Paasenger - Passenger. - Mixed Train- - Mixed Train. owe E.4 - Passenger... - Passenger - Weal Trani- - ... 18BAPORTEI. (Merolla 1.07 r.ie. • L28?. 1, 9,05 r. 9.227.M. 9.30 L w. 10.16e.me 6.20 P. M. 7.05 re m. 1/.48 A. m. 1.82 A. M. 2.63r. we 2.26 r. ,e,,25 ree 4.20? Wellington, Grey and Bruce GOING NORTH-. Ethel.. Brussel Bluevale Winghaln.. GOING eBluevale !aBrussels Ethel 1',enger. Mixed. 8 00 r. m. 9.80r.. 9.00A m 8 18 9.489.46 27 9.67 10.10 8 87 10.07 11.20 Passenger. Mixed. 23 eett.11.20.4. u. 7.23 P.M. E4 11., 85" 8 06 E0 11.59- 9:00 C4 1114 P.M. 9.80 London, Hiirin and Bruce. GOING NORM - London, depart-, Exeter...-. - Hensalle. - Kippen.. . Brucefleld- _ - Clinton.... - Londesboro Blythe. 13elgrave_ Wingham arrive Couto Steen- • Wingham, depart Belgreve_ - Bly th Londesboro- Clinton.. - - Kippen . ... Hensall - - Exeter London, (arrive) Pasaenger. 8.05e,n. 4.30r.st 9.22 6.00 9.87 6.16 9.44 6.20 9.62 6.28 10.12 6 56 10.29 7J4 10.88 7.28 10.52 7.37 11.10 8.00 Inemenger, 8.35*.n. 8-25P-14 6.60, , 8.47 7.09, 4.01 7.10 4.08 7.30 4.28 7.49 4.46 7.57 4.18 8.06 . 4.58 845 6.12 9.16 hen. 6.25 r.m CA PJI BERT TAGE rITITC1- Desires to state to the pu the business so long orri James Williams, and is pr lic that he wall continue ierlon by his father, the late pared to do all kinds of CARRIAGE PAINTING In the best and most a idle manner, and on the trial is respectfully so- 1 L. McDonald's Carriage RTH. most reasonable terms. Dotted, SHOP -As formerly, o Worlui, Goderieh street, SEAF 1470-tf I SIGN OF THE ;-• Iry A - eseeelea t.114 Cin sag Ofid oq. eum °a mpp'sq alp CIRCULAR SAW. MacBEAN. WM. AND Joni:- McG.A.vm, Proprietors. 1101S-D'AT, MAY4tb.-Will leave his own stable, one mile east of Leadhury, and proneed south along the sidereed to John Calepbell's, th concession, for noon ; thence south to Rabert Devereaux's, Huron road, for right. TOBSDAY.-IlreSt to Dick's hotel, Seaforth, for noen ; thence west along the Iluren road to Alma, therice north to John Staples', lain- burn,for night. WRDNE-SDAY.---North to John Watts?, boundary line, ullett, for night. TRCRBOAL-Bast Harlock, for no ; thence north to John Young's, to W:lliam Taylor% 9th concession, Morris, for noon; thence south along the town line, McKillop, to the 1211] concession, the east to his own stable for night. ERMA:Y.-Win proceed north along the gravel road to •Jahn Robb's, 61h concession,- Monis /or night. SATO-It-DAL-East la miles along the 121h concession of Grey, thence south to Hugh Stewart's, 161.h coriceseion, for noon ; thence south to his own stable, Leadbury, whore he will remain until the following Monday morning, 1485-4 CARLISLE. . ROBERT WILSON, Proprietor. /Ito:fray-Will leave his own stable, Seaforth, and go by way of Beechwood to George Leinhardt's, Brodhagen, for noon ; thence by way of Longeware hotel, Logan. for n:ght, Timmer -To Monkton, for noon ; to Milvereen, for night. Winnotsaw-To Poole, for noon ; to taillhamk,for night. TnneeDAY- At Newton, from 9 until 11 o'clock, thence to Doue- gal, for noon ; to Branderberger's hotel, Atwood, for night. Ferner -To Ethel, fur noon; the Queen's hotel, Brussels, for night_ Seerueney-Leadbury, for noon ; then to bls own stable, where he will 'remain until Monday morning. 1481. The Kentucky ,Bred Trotting Stallion, "ST. BLAISE," Will stand for the improvement of stook during the seasen at his own stable in Brueefield. P. Mc- GREGOR, Proprietor. 1483x4 KILBURN, No. 15,179. BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietors. The pure bred shire stallion, "Kilburn," No. 15,179, imported this year by Berry & Geiger, will stand this season at his own stable, Henan. Terms $13 to insure. 1482 Karn Organ & Piano COMPailY. What we say is true, and Everybody knows it. Our BUOCOBB demonstrates that business -enn be done on a fair, square basis, and be euccessful. There's a reason for us continually getting the • greatest share of trade. Never has our mastery been so complete as 14 18 now. No other concern can sell at the prices we can and will; none can give you the choice of se fine a line of instruments as ours, in square or upright pianos, or for ehureh or parlor organs. All new organs and pianos warranted for the term of seven years. TERMS. -83,e5, or 810 or more inonthly,until paid. What can be more liberal, more inducive, more safe than to buy a TURN. J. L. Downey, 1429 MANAGER, FOR TWENTY -FIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBESTFR1END LARGEST SALE 114 CANADA* McKillop Directory for 11896. JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. WILLIAM Al3CHIBALD, Deputy -Reeve, Lade bury P. O. WM. MeGAV1N. Oeunellior, Leadbury P. 0. JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Councillor, Beechwood P. O. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood P. 0. JOHN C. IXORRLSON, Clerk, Winthrop P. O. DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0, WM. EVANS, Aasessor, Beachwood P. 0. CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P. 0. RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inepector, Lead burg le 0. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. u( T...11xceIsl.g. ui in' too Wil.i. •KEEP rGas FRESH FOR 12 MONTHS. - 1 0 0 0 rn P. KEATING Contractor and Builder, Seaforth DEALER IN Lumber and Shingles. Good Hemltek Lumber always on band. Puttee wanting lumber don't need to go 20 or 25 miles when they can get it as cheep at home, and better lumber. 1489 -if IT IS NO PICKLE. You shuplY treat the Eggs Niiith PRESERVER, and lay them away In a basket or box. LAY DOWN at SUPPLY WHEN THEY ARE CHEAP. Call for boa giving full d'orrnatio fr= of_ charge. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SEAFORTH HANDLE WORKS. I will do all kinds of Turning to order on short notice, and I will do it as cheap as it can be done. I will pay a good pnee for No. 1 White Ash. Give me a, call and see. JOHN KLEIN, Seaforth., 1460-tf JUST A WORD -ABOUT- ... •.... HARNESS We are giving the best value in har, ness ever offered in Seaforth, made by skilled workmen, and only first-class material used. Repairing promptly attended to. Bring along your old collars and we will make them work. Light harness a specialty. M. BRODERICK Corner Main and John SU.* Seaforth.