The Huron Expositor, 1895-10-25, Page 8K '7 77 7' Y T- 1 11111110 1100ft 'Sie' 7 T, - - - %_ OCTO RON EXI�OSITQRG for winter by mak- is lettl It 19 10 y Air.' LITTLE; MON to the word ho I Uelcil I h o and in respo number of ng peop a ef &seem- Elm*ood, line ro. mid a ei ly ol he Lite - the a — ties Will -An: I I njoylad eln da !es Kate p q5�c ass workm �h Is G lothing - - e whde, the t was in. th rural munitip �guncement 0, left J)r home last Wednesday go averaged $4 or 10,251 -mf Is: -on ttl decor%ted,aud Trul�mner left or 22 -per h 'blerner dispate 0 Vi lea a. bf' telvis for a few AY piartmiont P Rfcke� is's, -6 the dollar ai t our i hall was pre it f Detroit a! few Ays a . ciety q, to y keir. b ilary i Wi a and' vil- go the fir"' WE A LONG sessmen: n to work. Jaco -8 complet�.. I :ood mu ic was furnishod'by- -the Seaforth whete she inteAda � 111 at Fr ness evening, W lages, $5.94 or 19.97 Mille on the dollar, t; n a few days Ag' r E. A. 1. h 3str .-Two young en narrowly ea- moved to ow leaning ul 21.69 nil THE 1HUROW. IEXP ITOA, brolkel 4 ut in. and in cities, $13-82 1 or heold or IJ way for the IS, bl a stored a er -Towelling.-3 W) have been opening up case a ter Casa -of Can- ape ii iju,y on Thurs ay evening, last Axt,1 from Oil Springs, is ho, f,t C, 50. 116 greatest makes of clothing, tpe noted Sandford on the dolls - The whi population o ' his will be'give4 to New Subabribers, f om nolliv a I h(y were d town in Ma4in Kraus has moved in. tho boua� he and"ge titig irt our Roll r So AaAd -- .111 e rivi g into in Z c so thatwe have now our 619thIng deptirlim, nt county in IE iS was 6%467,bei�g an-iner d from Dr. B.. -winter, ill kpl 9 any Ten cent Towelling fo ease 11 anan.— 'and t uggy,'and were opposite Amprit's rece, tily purchillse our 9 io its utmost Capacity. AM st our . special- Until the let of January, Ill 1897, f r ON d iew is coining on White Cottons+ -40, 60 80 (,rig t85o jwr pair. of 185 in th � year. There:was',, an in6tease p ther A.bq t t6irty vr forty want, c ut Hengal bully. � Col 11, colors -when the rl� flot So. - COS re good wearing rqet,,i,s points at 201 and:1a de- DOLLAR. Lop we net by &no the bi e Then me nto taidiness, by, the, Ten cent White A -IN" in the rurs�l population of, rehi 'f .lo ing they have laid in. if - — :som ove pants at 62 50. SOu'le xcellent lines of a; Fridaynight to Table Iiiiinen, 1�14 to 68c il ig, whi h Uiled to EWA t iem their share.of -Ise large, bandsome Fiteze The. while leas to and Me" crease of 122,in the urban population. uite an excitement he a. f( Xneu suits at Huitox Exposriiio-n and WEIMIKI he .10101 and the ytTu an were upset in- w Tel 7.60. We THv ed rather &it ty cent Table Linen for, 25c-, cve upset t e ead with _k. tawnand b n at veral municipalities is 1 1 q U. buggy was upset -Mril -is Ao For mta lu�blar departr ient,i_ pi�itpulation of the se ep ditch. T W if the fire eould bit sto i d. Wo a cor4wood re,etn' ence in. this given as fonows-: Ashfiteld'3 4� -; Colborne, be- given' to!;New 8 bacrimral o the Tableapkins: 50c. 12 40BE. win vain, ant knock ori nd the ocupants thrown out-. They were we ering,g caused 110 '�no derich Tw 2,0, 573-. rom now un 1. let Jana ry, N f %r a' re, which Waiti a call to hat bu t i Flannele So, 10-0� 1,791 Go Grq, a* 1897, or 0 0 i stick !a th thank - as a Bathe is 2.889411-, n W PICKARD Co's. I oti j ed, hoiwev�r, but the buggy, w e. 12jo F lannelett' as for go e. Hay,3,767 W Howick 4-9-59 Hullett DOLLAR AND FI�TY E INN 'Ill!, Repre- little pai or* s, I &in, Clothing and St ley, no w 01. .1 arty. ry Goods 1 louse, ittlee worse foir'the ocident. Crom h i ur y C-ottomilde 234 M&I�illo 2 9�14� or 2,W* efitati 3a Sonforth Lttending the Bev- DoTs. -'Mr. W. Be%, of St ffa, 0A p ful it wo Heav: Here As an offei of thoilbest, local Papa C ottona-deM for 19a i i8eaforth. cal papa age own -916C i - -is the vi dral.coll gqs in Toronto -hi ve challenged the house and lot in t is vill r x6ter. � �Wr eve Ad Tweed, 25 a. yard. 1pB Bp�e 2, �e� Tuckeramith, 686 Turnberry, 2,315 9441 ChMed the E&O in Ontario and the beat cio week y f4l�r le'si in the ' . . e intends re Good ths 'SW -124- represe, tatives from any )the*r town e(t1, y Mr. Peter r0ampbell. E�Ungivlprepar are being -tit eed Dress' Goods, 14t-..- KT�� t ation nj i Goo Goderich, 3,536; C orthi Domititt �n to an as o mith shop a Wawanosh, 1,771 X, Test F"Oae�a7n'6'aLl It il an the football match. f d commenci Don a I ton, 2,428 price of on . e papqt. a ciatio I rig the blacks ade f or t ie Boni of Scotland concert., to All-wil ess Jul 7 1 1 1 1 1 v. P. $cot, In, o ,18e 589 be beld in h' So Canton Flat nel Uldgelj for 15a 488; Wingham 159 13.ayfi Last fall a ailififlar challen a was issued, but A Serge, IN eld bus ness on his own accounti-� P&4ilion here a the evening These �g ures do not 'pay for ibe cost. 0; was notimcbepted.-Dr. 'Berge Gibb V. S., is risitign his er miltoril t'K those on the f SeaMrth le, hav -Brus'sel 1, 149 - Exeter 682; of Novemlei'-6, Blytb, 903 6. 16c Grey I for 'Way, ra in prepare a w rig f the pro progr ' Auction,! but we make' '[thiB very libe has been app6in d to oncllade� fix humorous Wroxeter, 478- Th al; liabilitie ef1k. ire. A. Bo has gone, Jim- Good Dres i for 19-ic tween t countv of ot o . h ope of lar ely inc� read at'the next acting of the herlbusiness for. the prese: it, ti Alexand" Highland. Huron are, -easing ou vocaWQ t d 13 it Blankets PeO �jair from 7-5e up - Sand ro' 7,1169 9 er t TORONTO, 0INTARIO, erth ounty Vetprinat edic I A good -t-i i�e is expect- asset� -are $270 462. �The �otal li il as of knowi a A8a0cL- Lanark for a few we dancer, of 68c Black Cmhinere for 500 lubscriptiori list, ng that) most of 01ro t -.Is i lArt est. beat equipped and: most popa tion. We' have 1mr commIercial I no dou t Mr. Gibb Will thing ing �, Vith us for man a Gibson, jr., iand family,, tee eye Goderich w6iie ith sink und "ed. -Mr. '9 hot $1 special Cior#.et for 68c in the Dominion ; moderatea liose we get will remain scho A & EE, f $14,8�D 500, have a and instructive paper. -Mrs. H ock. -heir new house on Ann 70 for Oc 11%st clam; write fir cireWars. SffAW` OTT, investment linton, 'R have rhove ino fentla Un4erwear 14. .-52 60'. with ears. Brown,.' of Chealey.'and Miss Crawford, of 01, A with "$1,444; . Seniforth, $61,060, -ER E e ruawes u street. -TI e firs aw logs of the season Chenille Cove�s,-large know 4, Hailock shool I n. to the in: I Dundai, sp'ent a couple of days this week at aVf $23,460; Wingham, §69,521,. with $1 , P f e e on Monday E 922 f�gaged r. came i ion sleighs ille WM Let ea;oh subscriber show I his to hi� rea dence --of Mrs. M.� Thompson, " par-. Chen' Stind, Covers, 58(.1 cold pric were realized a lyth, the this a hool for nex � b the sale Bay field, $2-25, with no investments Fa den as teacher of,: this a last. -G StairCarpet, So and 10c, nd Miss M.E. S d ow i.k *r. Mox'ltgomery stock, o EDWARD CA 0,16,514, -with V2,760; - Drussels, $ 280,.. eighbor who oes no, e THE ling str �et.-Miss K. Cowan a The ealary is $350. McFaydei n Wed- $7 Overcoats for $4 year. of the Misses, with no in- McLeaj i are, in Toronto this week, attending s- LL BUYING- with $5,900; Exete'r,� $18,000, XPOSITOR and in uce hi in to sub wa selected from linotig 42 �pp�, icants. ff,i nesdaly last,-'Mr,5 Jbhu Hooey shipped a 11 - $2 Boys'LSuits for $1.150 vincial Sab- the ant ual convention of the Pro 0 des orio chool witt Sh; vestments; Wroxeter, $4,134, with 400. cribe. Surely th taught the car lot �d each of �orscs and abeep from this 00C Carpetai for 40c Skins, T&11 a ipal past year.� Hi statiol L ow ind is is notl too mi lich to as bath 8(hool Association, as delegatats from nal ep The tovirriship, munic ities have no iabil ma�h acceptance 'for. the on* Saturd�y la Gavin Da- . P. � I the- Piesbyterian Sabbath school �n this st& an' Larnb Caps for §X f our old friend $5 Peri WA9 There 4re 'man ai.r vi&qla ities to speak of. - hall sca Itaw Fur S, other r. ouccessor at Loddesibitro will be b-1 r. V job in Belmore, where a' Ca'pg for 65c b town. --Mr. Hugh Mepermid, son of M de.-Afrs. $1 Gent dch we migh� lean, or �ministe Van Dixon items"of information W1 I of our subser Ro�d, has so of Rev. Mr. Fa3r, Methodi it �miriiste. 1; A very -large num�er he wil work at h's tro 75C Cap.8 for 50c em Aff, steady prices, and (Ion't but w� -fan iAngus cDermid, of the.Hurofi *eek. -- from this interesting volume, cy f 6he advince pried speno 6 few days in ionto. this Au, I pays" fair and a taken; 6�vautage'o , attack I 50c Caps for 35c of av �ufficieiitly recovered ftom an tilatithiew ganderson's n foret it when selliu4c:'� in this market. we hae given as many figures as in Bay!fteld. ew house Toll b for 500 Ultalned )at 3 E o. As th' i) �e abtg 65c Top Shirts our readers will digest for one. but a good many have nob I dow lof inf ammatory rheumatism ar Teurl xoderich 4otT should see those new Calls at F aboui completed,'and is an ornament to he Remember the old I)ILItter s�ore,. C to WE Ik out. -Mrs. S. Barton an4 25c Men?s Wool Sox for 1,06 i area EdWards. The newest st3les; sedei fe B line dies' ]late for305 past year has been hard trio] ley Be Mrs.., Marra afteIr 60c IA ]but we V avis the grocer, is I i,y have returned home Se6frth tind D ' ffei Any subscir beF strc at pa� ing 15c a matte this speoial'offei i me boys and women. 2 we it g a pleasaut visit in Clovelan WS ]bad for choice print and crock butter while �Ae ne bar- [enjuy 40c Ladies' 11&tsfor. 25c titimy NoTEs.-Mrs. Roberb Mori ison, Ribbons for 10( the' pr sent ye thra Lail -I 2 &ad 13c. -1 who has not yet paid for, ! nd Detroit.- -Mr. Patrick Keating, of l5c Fancy Ing towns are only pwring A p 1W -stephi of, London. a former �,resident 4 f Bay eld -Wilson's OaSh Groce�y- eel nice" 'but who will pay BE ORia rHE 1183, ��town, ias sold the half of lot 1, eoncessio i largains�in Boots and Shovs.-No Children�s Corset Waists W - to members'of the M ht has been -visiting her rr� iny fr end Li13 A4 Gre -0 81st4 ie�rit to buy y Institute. -Members will ploass, bear in wit. �H. R. S., Tackeramith, o Mr. Charles our Boots avid that B. needr tc hesitate aboof % OFJANUA N ye w in ey and get A F IN TS The 81 RY XT f-9 r this ye r Mr.'. W r whe in a few di hoice fart i is &s have something-riew in fine all books must be returned to the lostitut bub- �Gorml ty, for $3,000. It is a c e hall returned hot ei. Shoe )uy them from us and save mon ty urc i *nd Itolit; ave sellints ret -The qu scriptions renewed) on or before Friday ne, L d 'Spent at our Fancy Goods Counter wil buy�, dinder, tea, and toret sets. ality of the goods -and next year, re Will 1611eept t wo delta and li�o alongside Mi. he o acceptably preached in Tr nity I satle at tion. it it a fxtt tha; i,bl, and hoish is the vember Ist, to save the fine preicribed 1with g )od buildings thm I by th4 � Rules :fho.ods t b lowerprlces�.th ther Shoe eater in 8 one a or - Inge. Pr Wm. MooRz, tibliarlan. 1,644 , -for the tw ears that: d 11 r f th sin6e the deplarturei of Rev. L. Arm - 'US ief al ices all the way, Is t4e best made, while ther style a DorrillYs present farm.��While dig ing county. . We are o "a Y andare bound to many ;t and nobbiest in the macket. DoWt fail to se of the Library. str4ug,was here on Sunday last. Our #slier - reduce It if,low pficest will do Call and see A. from It ng eliewhere, the prices wil at)es for Air. A D. Wilson, a few &5 a thein -lix-tchast 13 cents a. dozen paid for eggs at Davis' present year asswell ga fo'r next car. i�t Bat K before T men are meeting with' sui#theclosifstbu-Sers. Weha,unowin stock new poor once C)M]VT4J4T1rT-5' es and Figs, fine Grocery. ;ago, Mr. Charles Broddy unearthed 4111. 11TI. Potrit, the weather be�ing go' 8 - ot m inselebted Raisins, Currants, Prun to Ev limense murphy, which wei&d over Hai i6g purcliase4 from Xr. D. Weismil- g a at, close p-; . ices. -We still keep the Bourbon re- cry subscriber wb D does n t do this, foil r Aftil", GO� Rr,-.NroyE D. -M f. L. Downey h a LizZie Kennedy returned to he lipme i it 011ar, the hole --arket. moved to Cady'13 Block, where up a but - wh9 'is Still in , air rears on the first of pound 1, two an ler, at rate on the �-_Up. braiW of Coffee, the best pure coffee in the u he has openec ouncesr!�--Chi­eb Stewart Wi . 0gharn this week.--�-Mr. Goo ge i L Lwr8 - of hls� Etock In Qur stock of new reason Teas I& Complete Qnd for tun line of pianos and organs, and all kiade al must- isevera other member's of the SeaforW Fit irulde, d having added it large consignment of new Januarrluextj will MO�'T PO ITIVELI- left on Monday W visit a si to Who ia goods, Ughtfore a position to 3- and price ii cheaper than YOU can gq any- ents. Violins and Sheet Music mexper r P cmab I a m in qualit eel instrum Briga� a went to Housall on Friday- even- -son whole and g rantford. -Mr' arrivei I sell at where cite. Pore apices, round, 91 the than ever. Give us a call. LY be bba ed at t1 6. rate of ONE in, -110 B :John Ea n rices away b w & a c I any other dealers Ung 179 ing l4s t, to assist at the fire, the flaimes (if in the Unty As ces.8 budr that -word#, I i our Pura Cream of Tartar pal heril co uLi Apple netly visible here.- - -on Monday from Nain co itivi to a to All to come and at and don't' butter 13 cents a can would xten;Yal 1C. IACFA i Pavltder is c (wal to the be3t. in the rE?ark D A.;: HA F PER !'�'rwhich were very disti. 116#11 rth goods an the pkee We are come to TW, the .1 Yr -ar th to th: ace . Walker is now engaged in Se hl ll�vin Inspect the cost halt the price of, combination 'jo.In SO&PS Grocery. 'YEAR. d from a a bargains that will gX t 10 per A ale prep D Goods' and SW the a pre- secored the contract of carpetin the �u stay at W �jvisit friends in Detroit.-7Mr. Harry I ;Do 17 we keep the best brands e avenq com- MRS. SMITH, formerly Miss -Stark convin eyou of the vau as derived by dealing egular pnees. uch er Md w1fio I cout. leas than the r pailed Y o take orders for -all kinds of hair war few it '14lCowiri, who was managing Mr. J. S. Roll- Commercial hoteL-,Miss Lizzie LlcoiiL with U The b4be prie for all kinds of produce ompanytilt, g�arantee­ all goods to givo satis akei this liberlil; offer, hoping binstion prices. mud a f rom combings, U. !A' We m. .: 11 As making switche -Br --Mt. �Joh Rl lie J_d visiting friesdo near ucefield. fac#ion. The hizhe8t . Prices paid for all � kinds a erts' rug store during Mr. Roberts' Omani: e N111 &1 Aye be paid. d if good 1roodo at the lowest switches to sell. A call is respectfully oc will be taken jadvantage of by mt ny. Any, Falconer arrived hom, 't4)ba your Another v eggs. Duok �St6; 0; a from M nt, we a �zpact to merit produce, good butter in crocks or frelsh Residence --Corner ad Markek� And Jarvis str fin- C imgo, leaves on Satirrday for Detroit, IM prices re SnyindUo st now. Will pay 12c cash patron ge. r up to will b a No Credit, but and, chickens warited ju F At Mr. S. Stirloo, Seaforth. 1154XL therefore- who have to �pay tb( long pri4e, �,Illwhe weetki. Seatforth. fn he has iobtained a good positioia. small 1 refits and quio for iggs. ,k raturns.. J W. ORTINSIN. plat�on _011i C. WILSON Seaforth. The beat Canadian coal oil, 17c a gaillOu must blame themselves and not is. �arrt's many friends wil ish him succe a 14532 th 'being 4xievale the handsome brik restd Cit of Straits. -Rev. Dr. McDonad ence of Mr. - Bank of Commerce Oook. at Davis' 3rocery. 10414 ears thee bing -a t Kw:)rth's half,ao[n Mcnday. a-vening ]as A whol are two 6ver Ill g?e I No- 1 �-A bl'o was held in A le ples pples I The ea - lead UY I an ;Valkerton this week, to assist.Rev.' IlEus_.-Mr. Joseph Schwartz, of Buffah, t to James Beverley, which, with his atable and pdui . ng t Ap 4,v let of J it don d rd 'i � Are arrears onith ry nexb Will have rnber inspector for the firm chn Steacy, Were - 0 P 3Y a ! Pi 10 1 ii�t a Mr.' athrit at the communion 'sericoi. In )f G. lias I fire a stable beloin ring� to Mr. J -o V 250 bari OL A. ItattOls connected With the ate discui an their acco: art for collec 11 Tre�a Brot., Was in the *illage this week on b destroyed. Between th 1, go Ing �d n t S per tion 'Rev."i 4r. Stewart, of Clinton, wi nof ese other build- unt5f n 06 1 - placed i measur r WSA found 'here.- -The f e of there was.:. -04 - uneral of the I ev at fire ptiotec the fi re, CARD240. and to devise es fc r Be 'CU iLng some ate John end & ings in the do -urs nesa.-Mr. R. N. Duff was in Bayfield la4st Fig as we must h we our-book� cleared off. and to t at T"lb adeqri e. Another lot of AmericaA, I Saturday, as a witness on - the case trie I Uft the W� Biscuits just ractived. with pricess 12116101 r, At which took place last Friday mornin e a blank, to which iE de, -no doubtthe-; comu ittoe was appoin to make enquiries. quit U0,481t ran ittance by Post Ofl ice Order. ftery 1).r ply attended by trie citizens gene - there that day between Mr. Simone, plait portaut fact thav mainv. other residences did not I Sand 0 it 1 Then i co' uld. scar6ely S.1 Davis' Grocelly. 9 a to more im n , 'mite. I Buildings 'in w4w Vol$ It "T MAT ER ally., -end, as a S'piacial mail k of respeob, tl e tiffi and Messrs. Milne ari& Ja;.nies d several pait to of the vi - DISTRIC Manitoba Flour. A 'car load of M -1toba It i -a the safef it way abd only cost a 16 it r i ilt". matter to enizage. the ttentign of a com- doer vind 4 n rue, Londox, eml:i Bra of the town coun, -it, of which d fendants,--im-111r. 0. W. AL d f were ignited,but. the fires were opeedl undo'. A� Ca" no. mittt e and t� the inter the I&9e flour at Cardoo's $2 per 100 poi e ts in -atte in Bluevah t this weel . gene, Of Tbe Ken, 45401 �cease'd was a member, ded in a body.- is shipping lumber fro 'o d ral L. hed b 'those m Receipts for money re only valid when en e placed =gnu *&tching. As Nvh.o took I _ . i village, and We trust th Nvrs N Fits. -Parties le I rice 11Mr. Jor J e and Mr. McEwe a jo their 'We have choice Teas at reasonabl. dan h" ii�moved to Mr am, is -�tiss J. Ballanty" in th !in -will be: su-staiae I. -Mr. and Mrs. Hensall has nole protection) j there is little prize n haye issued frolin *t �e, office. e iii rear of , the Cath c have been, re-engaged as Aeai )hers in tie Hen, s at the Seaforth show ca and a trial will car via" YOU7thst YOU Can 9 jr.00d Weitil re8idene - doubt but the greater 'part of the VIR-a-g& ticker srr ith, and forme G.'s bank, in -Mr. Lot is B. Dul y Eyre, of inoney by calling at Logan & C valud for your money At Davis' Grocery4 1454-1 NoLEAN *',03. chur, He has got a fine place. -Mr. Jol in would haviefallen a prey to he uring Mm qUI16k pu4lic school for 1896. hotel building, ea�forth. of this village, recentl returned from Dow y b of linton Model School, spent the Op mrnercial For So you can buy a fine Gilt 1, all as removed his! musical instr il leasant visit with v�s and friends 'in element hid not the owni roperty fiv. mm went: trial r k prizes at the South Huron I In Tft4ed tot ol too Paper, best A�mer.ciin goods, at James GraveV ity I rne,t tore to the pr�miado in Cady's blo6 c, hoinlie.-Rev. J. V. and Mrs. Pripg, of the immediate e, of the fire, wKere sparks einity, Eetroit..-The many f a of Mr. James can obtain their #,one OWoite John St.. Oa- -lage and v�". hat 1�1 all be done falling thick: and fist, re Y Wall Paper House,slain St. recently yacated by Mr. Willard. 'He W 11 ita, were: visiting here last week, were utdo rig t - e Beverly will regret to. I arn that his fine two from , L Itreasurer at THE Exposij.OR i forth. with the'immense crop 'there. d as so! met Stock, t e flpotatai?" is the have ii nice, comfortable shop -M r. on hand, an on as a spaa; alighted in i story brick dwelling W lis-, totally consumed te prising officei (,�'eaforth, or by calling on the - treas- I Special Notice tol'tbe Vublic.FEivvery r- question of the hour. Some (a e'lert appointed p Crediton. a tiliste ear. C. H. Clarkson has b rincipil i last, but be a dangerous spot, had it extin uished. It I.% - 'r On PO 'individual sh uld start starch: act ry. �t kL -a on ri ay evening out of -the Alonday n rcquli ei good fo(-t wear At th b fi F will -urer at the town h%,11, Exete Oes, of Dr imbo public school for next year, at a OE Ed You can be supplied with pill kinds of Boot@, 8 auction si le of fir n on to this vigilance thalt is due th� comparative- to lea that, he ha I a fair insurance betw�Lrt the hours of 10 a. in. ant might give aii impetus to the bililel shirb. I next., Rubber& Felt Boot &6,, at the lowest prices' at D. salar� of $450 and Mr. F. A. Clarkson hi to to�k and implements held )y Mr. Wil- e qiilvelling, an -ved' the contents. ittle general damage done �n the village. Una, Jud n fr)m the. andstoneii His ly 1, and lautiory usiness. t an 5 P. m.. Melutyre's. been re-engaged as principal of iuceton helm, on T;hursdai' of last'we4 k, was well I as, howover, The wind, also., was blowing in a most fa- gi and he is put to Din 21c per roll up, Ca adiau fate of A ' Ch Ing.the latter neet 3 fostering, public school at a ashirly bf $500. 1.8 the le is largo,. eommuvlt� Wall paper fn attended. ' The proceeds of the iale amoun t- h the winter right vorable direction. � Had. it bee� from almost iVu.f;k._-Some bij work Was lately goods. James Graves. Seaforth. in our to �In. villaf as are only% little-oer Six mil" 801 . 9 inconvenience, w -other course 4 much more , xtensive con- messions U-10 edioneaFly$1,00C. Thebirmurasnot homd.-Mr. John S cy had also a most &my T done at. -the panap factory of Messrs. J. S. apart, the young men will be able - t it me A Yelland, A a flagratiou could not have been7axviarted, Mr, Nye 8.4,T17RDAY next,, October 26tb, Yelland, son of Rev. '.Mr. nirr )w escape from &,�ing his dwellin -sh & aforth. -In t, lve hours ium welot rubbei _t1ke �ht last,1 at tit ice a nitoba, Is A I Wel Son, Se lifen'sheavy plain or wed Tj AT)mp..-On Saturda5 nig nd recount their reminisomees A thiie �Iace,'left for Ndepawa, Ma was quite oi a to the fi anj MoRwerils flax mill, which is only a few Xentucky� regular 6,c and ir b4irr t, as it re, to d bara, was they turned and bored one hundred and We kinds,-. for,46c; all, siz-4-next 1�cW 0 to the west of the bure shikeiii ten heads, aver from' 4ve aturda only at'this price. The obeap cas 'book this a tion the country was iii i8it ad by Hurc n.aud eaforth, and ilita �scenes of the' weak. He has secured a good iituation Ls il wits only through leratic efforts on the Yards seven the 11 Exoosltor�? oflice. illeavy sn6 w at orm, and on Sun&y � nornitug child lood. We wish them b th oell f venlenoe -,.It bot� L -0' and hoe store, opposite teacher out there. -We are now enjoyir g V wt of himself , relativ m and friends that not even scorched as the winable the fire, the t Bat g was d9ne by- i 8 seven feet f ,. The turnir W. H. WiLLIS, Manager. p. 8 ��ood pin r9hoe 'mother e�rth was cover Dd'br a wh 1e cost.; kind. They are one of be4utiful Weather after the recei it coldanap. t le buildig was fjaved. e are pleased to from it. The harns burned we're each 45 by xTiv-1ded be CIA)- Drr J.L cheap,litui le for holding *toes N le daff ad the b ing by boxes'llor sale tab Ing about three inches i n depth ind peoplel. C. 01 irksion, head -masterL of the eafor;h tion Ball on Mondav 100 feet,. and one was 24 feet high at the- po -Mrs. Finkbeiner*s auc I a - , that Mr. Steaey"P 'oss is fairly wll. Velsh bne of &e. Welsh &nil Mr. Fred V th their backs � wirped up,i Collegiate Inati'ate. * Mr. A., Car This one was only-bilt this last- wentaro4nd wi t 0 t' 'a last was a success. luggovem a -tent v auger, being P* t as and Picture Frames at:: ---t' a, , ames C)v d by insuran6e. za Maggie Hagan' eaves 0 �01 W 'ike to iting her brother summer,J ar uked from floor to-, At Plessan Mr. Trott's p -1 "e- �ur asif it wore cold. Farniers -wem beginning week received a� car Inad of No.' I anitoba Ld it was p v 1454 retu rned 14st wee ron� to, Blake. Peter, -who hot a. 9 od position �on raft- rs with flax in various stages of maunl- used. Tht- N --Isll wAld) G,ra,v eafortb. think that it was a build look cut for thei hard wheat,whieh he has had g e 8 rouno for u i -a Illy and hear from anv other factor v that c beat 'furnished rooms to Iet on COAIFOTAtBE roots, wh ch ere still ifi the ro id, and, in hi bakery-, by the Seaforth Millb g Cori- facture. The ' threshed seed intended for - � APP NLOTES.-The specia, are large.y the , firen�an's staff of the city of De- ohn street, with orwithout � boird. 4 l services or eveia' equa this record. i� someweke beginning to wonder f We wero' 1�ny,-MiBe J. Blillantyne, daughte, of Mr. _. I . 1 1, nextseaon a sow -ling, Waq also stored here, - A. Spmling. 1454ki attended, and will be continued next weiii c, troil. - Mig. Ale Am of ichigai. **113110015 SUN -eng Lged to have'ahother wintei like tbLt in. Ballant has been, re, its filled with binson Picture Framing a Specialty. 'James t year. each service commencing at 7:30 1 ., who was here visi in er tister, has re- The other barnwaa als� n Aft, ,E A� R chard R,4 Whieb is remembered by most of t le olde� teacher in Blueva.le school for nex -Mr. R&XV d therei w" also in it ot of dresseil puTchased the old McN ab farm lr�ast of 1464-3 Rev. J. W. Mitchell is an able prealer )f tu d 1. Berrynd Mr. an 11111mbers- has , M 10. ha, tear the snow fell on 'he 7th Therawillbes e &I and literaii y were in I the old coun- to 110VION am for s.�For sale jr., wh , w ready for shiment. In �ddition, then adbary, . in ell Wale a new -hay pressing niiichine, several. aw 00M1111111 cKillop $3,004, The PiPF l asant music I,' Next Sabbath, October 277t i, Jam a Bell, Le of tto r,. a ot contin ued unti � tt ie let of entel tainmen t in the Meth9d ist ch tit ch neit the gospe - -%,v ith a house t i,000 fcet of second-hand three he � will -preach in Bayfield Read Presb ir- try ith ao shipmen � of horses, have return- ontains 75 acres, P.gilvie's M1111i, abou i the e was over six mo: Abs of coril- Tuesday evenin , under the auspices of t a ItApon by vo f arni, 0 iinch tubes. suitable for draining or other rposes. May, an 9 and i, i Blake at 3 tur d. We are ple6sed. tot learn that their wagons, sleighs, etc., burned-.' Of thehole, -PU45i-2 ��e lo I but poor out buildings. It is a gj?lendid -1 terian church at 11 a. in., T. 0. Kmp. tinuous sleigl Ing; the apples ere froieu,j Fpw:)rth! League, in which many of there is not half 4 wa turn obinson has � old the Ivacant Io get amateurs 'will take part. There Will al 0 p. in. and 7- p. mi ente rise met with fp6irly good success.- gon load of remnants, on the tr�es, d 'm'pn'y were unabl. In the fall I "'a rail James Graves, 6] - 'bete% and coffee. Weh Mr. Ballautyne is nw oi� his way to the so clean was the4'swep inad There was, - Paper ban ing, 5c per roll J t of the p the,ifol,: ope it will �e larg idence, solith of r'roots ot JiVe off tUM lot nea'ir his res r. Tames Thoms . 4n, for Sealorth. theii round urtil old country with a very large shipment of only an ineuran of $3 000 on the property way track to M Pa t, it -this in 3tar cc his-. ly patronized.-Mr..D. A Wilson and M.-. Hay. destr6yed, and Mr, We8wenliestimates his-- W.10,TED.-Wanted, le"Wini airinj sheep &nil cattle We wish him a safe tw�,and abai Mr. Robin ry failed t Madge, 3,f Usborn a 'a ins4rance, at from son im, oved his to 1lis Immediately, a boy to learn b3king. D. TiRACKSIELL,14 to repteat itself, as by T�desdayl W Btight, superintendents of the Pre i- NOTES. -.Mr. Paul ccess.- lose ovek andabove hi pasaiige, and good six reneral feeb. farm''. on lVednesday last. While I re 9 Seaforth. :1464*1 the disappeared s Ithough thel byte rian, Huron's hay fork and windn 111 ki ng,'b a $16,000 to $18,000. He is not sure whether snow had a t,,�td Methodist Sabbath schoole,a e seems -to exist hat'anot er barn should sproved himself a. good citi7e a.d Wish ad cold -and r'ai r since, and: in Tittion, 0 h week, attefididka the conve he wil. rebuild his barns or n4t as he feels The finest line. and loweat prices of cornice air has Qontini� erected for Mr. Roger Northeot t, 3rd coa- t1b ailt he Vjfl_&gj� and adjacent to a1loLL 11' him prosperity and happi Ss in; hi's n6w we are !Bay tbat a good many have I tion of �he Provincial Association.- his barn, a new windmill w1iiah Up by very much disposeli 'a mito "Ile I 1a4 - : Lb, I ild I cour a is carrying tezihip Ig om-pson Wi likely on polesi wall paper. I futuresi &c.j of any house in the A cession, on try fo Mr. McBw4ri as h W county. James Graves, Seaforth. 1464 3 cold filigei Wrn H derson of the 4th concession f will be used for drivin chinery f )r le for take. 4 rest himself. hame. Th 4 luring th past Nv eek, getting ej g the mi 6 id rear, aid;'.' to I on t iis bra�nch of b4sitiess largely in the in- -1i ial 0 e p the property. Do not forget the Epworth Le u potatoes. and mangolds, while rhost Of, McKill , has &'gii cro of turnips t 8 cutting and crushing feed for stock, and f )r However, th a;y not' allow him to The iihen, p 0 tereSts *of itte village, and court. lry. He has e6ple in 'ht next OeWtfibr the turni a still in the! gro ind. South year. 0 ie which he size up measured 8 do this, as I and entertainment on Tuesday.uif ater. Mr. * Win. I lougall, ha I, thi.y biNve already take actiou, t t ping w 29th. The following first-class T)F.kirii or uzr will, take part P I OL Snow, un othc r business inttiiiests that would call for 4ustry, evAlt of Kippen there was while north inches ea It way, and weighed 17 pound ii. 1phiOlyear 2,000 bushels of oats as the yie A vhich way result in the re-6rection of one Mrs. J.C. Greig. Miss Tracksall, ani OUP64014 in the programme: BIL � 0 a1l.1 is capi�tal a �4me; but he is so enter - readers will regret to learn of tbe;N faraAW,ingharrithe eighs mere running. It is of f, ie Grey -stone variety. Mr. Jami a ofO6acres. Seventy -seven bushels per acre of the buildings. It was an 1!ndustiy which Migs Pent eeost, Miss Curtio,'litr.John Elliott and Mr. as pria: rig that he puo�es ieverythiLug that n - (lea death of Rev. J. A. McC is 740t a bad crop. -Air. nnel';. Irresby Dorrance, of the gravelLroad, McKill Northeolt, coul w.G. Willis. imperial Orchestra and Choir. : 10 cent,@ Charlei sof greatbenefit, to the 0& �aud v1 ­ 'in the rge. 'o bric c ages anterpriee[ And labor. -Rev. Mr. Wa� mano coffee free of -h weigbef'oio r terian minister at Watson'E. Cqrnerp,� admission only. Cake and Cha d a Swede -turnip, whic wh�'Ie going to Grediton for a lead of cinity, and it would be a reat loss if i -t Mit. P Rtt...-Mr. R!obe�t H. Perry gave,. pull,. Kenner; df � Staffii, 1p.c0pied the pulpit of 'Iboiso who t L, Lrity of Lanark, and at one UME, You are invited. I I i i Hays, of Godericb, is tl e las 'narrow escalm � from bei �,iistor of Metholist church next Tuesday 16 1p )und Mi it64-1 E en rtai fo. evening at 8 o'clock. one of hi � week, had a *o do so.� bu nine the town L ball; 19 the ethodiat ch - It n lowed to stand atill�,.en for a year. .1 Blae $on r tions 0 brother,- Mr. R. S. Hays. - - ly injured. One of the clevis: hol to In "' p Msympatby is fielt by all for Mr. Me-. the Bayfield Road ant here, on Mo� Ida eve ing ider thei. galas �e r ISE sevXre last with much aci 4aude, -The Orange- nting, t I cc ech nic;� Ina bitute. a out: and the tongue e in this county. It BeeLms thab $Vhle ting For the )*at workmilship, in p4i on, is visiting at the I P , Ewen. He is one. of the molt enterpri i auspi: sof the Im rh,.p roppe4 10 ge i intond attending a. Me meri of Heniall kalsominiug, graining, &c. Call on t-whatw 1 rest( in H - hor's f ward and, tl te 1 awn sit at tea on atuTday evening Wt, N:per hanging ZL�oefr)'40rf LG`e�orge E. Jackson, in H 9 public apiritedman in the count 1454-3 audience was not ver ar a bu ai as sprang or tongub (a- a chia, und ex- was Graves, geaforth. y spe(iaT servi'e in the Methodist church on y, and. Conaell snddenly fell from are 'eur�jgia of loickingritinwriberswa MG made up- MOD Ivill - n a footbAll match, played i tering the ground, the wagon as turned obeen kino nto 'Sabitath mor nk, NvZbei 3rd. -Mrs. R. bievariousent rpriseshere the life and pired alniest immedia; As w re of h amorous Ton n Wednesday, between the Kno oviar on Mr. Northeott, his leg b ing:caug it back bone of 'the village. �n fact* Hensall. sw 74 C,)11 ge a d arsity teams, we notice tb 6 under the box. He plackily hi �l on.. 10 tie the heart was the cauze o, eath. Doceased A BIRTHDAX PRESENT. I Moi risen, of d formerly of -On apprecia�ion. 'tbr surrender evening last the employes. of the -lebtions Mr. Perry has few equals, and b without Mr. �kcE wen or sombne like M lir h as 59 ye Jackson an horoes and remained i this sition f p a( e, was i. the iij I llgZ this week spending IMP 1. ir h d w n 'Was an Trishman b 'kir h Meg re. 0 inley, Willis, a bad way. �As it is it is_ a diy or so n berl aily, home from Bayfi F"M birth, orl old.. : would be fill Stil'], flax mill waited on Mr. John R. Paul, MADil-. kept his audience in contitituous -e. ionneill Die] son, al. Seaforth boys, figured in th about an hour, u,, til Mr.. Ga roll:'! %in M prospering mo . re. than an V111 age or in i of ac. cl e lici d -roars of a than pleased Mrs. lilec uent y, elic 1117 ft ends. � the surface (le ou their farth ricair Var�alr �-nd the aer of the mill here, at his residence, and hurnofr- and freq Herl many 'r or real re L air d him with W neatly inscribed an( laughter and.' bursts f ! &pLplat Var ity t(aff .-Fire in Clinton, on Wedne - alohg and, let him out. .. H - the county. The fire W I a 'throw out ofT- resente Be. He" I to ape her.- he ly nd of Mr an ul is not I renitains of the deceased we�e brough home day night, d.-stroyed Cooper's planing -mill The tindly worded ddress, in which they ex- good al( euti Dist an a Cap t&l actor, so. nah of.near Chia 11 t, 'and formerl of employment a large numb�r of Wrkingli and interred in Bayfield ieinetiB4. N y Leadbury. tbig Vil'lLagei, )ple,at theVet' worst seas6n of,tlie thy of man friend,3 'Will be pressed their high appreciation of him as it much so Ut in his recltions; I Lie audienciB' x ye ar, nd *([I nown as Miss Char- Pei old and dylt rd family in a iss Roam Grigg, ol lorris, has 'lit n vin pil coked to learn of tb4 ic -also, much syr will -Trs. M cCon overseer, and their gratification at the cor can. almost fancy ene )efoore th n Varn& OTES.-N lott H�ug all and for these,1 -apathy J at TULOR y-Owingto the hard times and felt. We hope! however, iliat before an-' en�ted Cc be If the en;ertainment hadL 0, f&,al all, i8it at th residence' hervery a U dt n deAth, on Wednes- this the hour of their terril� sudden and dial relationswhich have ever ekisted be n having a pleasant i8it at th oad 7� We too mu6 same- grom Ing de slid for cheap clothing, I have decided uncle' Mr. William Stnith,-Mr act of other year isdes round, thq� severe bereavement. Mr. en them. The address proceeds Yout was that! that was a day, evening ti, 8 a e W 8 in" tb( p flax industry - of. �er 4.nd the to ra like Me 'a Tweed jSuito at following low prices uniform kindness has endeared you. to all ol. 'ness; Iblis' an excee( ingly di ctilt thin�', t ree i et e Mr. NV 8 here will be 0 prosperous As ever it WaS , . 8 ind, 8o Freeman Hackwell has taken �o Wife an crolailig he t eseloh' ordained to, the ministry 4.5v $4.7 and $5. Black worsted, bou U *Wy. ud came to -tbig us, while your sympathy With us 'in -out for one ppirsoi , workin 4- pretty much alon pang L W. A. McBrAyne. 1451-2 Amiable and e cellent young I& ly�in the per- an Mr. Ho gens% T e eceased was on that all the burned buildings will be reint- Und were. - Solari in 1),ecember, 1864, a C in mp stated and at, the village will not be -country and was inducted i the Presbytery work, the overlookin of our many failingii the same. line i'to hold bhe close attention S Ch4rlie, where did you get that nice son of Miss Emma Godkin.-Mr. William heriway, . ith er mother, Alis. any PrOvIde, -add, �eirnber, 187�3. Rehas 8,180 R11d the itei tave manifested in out an aud tience, for t hours, although.r.4 well ade suit? Why! don't you know' I got it made. Ra hall been successful in his E rat ye4r's ex- hton t the worse for e fiery or&&l it has 'gone - at. fi d the concert in Cox - of Narrie in No, rna,for $1.60. 1464-1 wo t Iiii hall and f Stilpaul's Toronto ity.---;An al - led as few could have donii through. Of 1V. r. Beverley'alhaudsome, resi- e , am land at Delaware welfare, have made us look on you, not onI3 Perry oucee4 at M old,, the Tailor in Va' & ation at th ausp ices o E held charges in Tott uh yaw MO, I teraDersed wit dence, only b Len portillouss the walls re - For the last as our manager, but as our friend." Th( If his elediona Were in OOD HoRsEs. --Messrs. Dennison Broth_�p de womanwith a decidedl fori AP- eh and ad h rili le child in her -arms, G ch ducted %o t1Z address as accom panic vooatorlinstiumenUlmusic th',- entertai �l ling a large h d 11%, and main. He gA out all his 'urniture, how -- in the London Presbyter�. . d by a handsom( era, of thi five Pe e, - carry: turned out few vears he has, hd charge of.two' 4tations, a place, sold a few days ago a wh In she 4ud, - eull; orn lained of a dizziness, attrac It e- a lace peddler, as ed! along sn� e L &BS6 08 of $4000 ow, a ever, and he hold an ins wy chair for Mr. Paul, a wateb-guard fo ment wpuld p6rbapsJ yea old mt�re to an old 8 ion I er one at 1),dhousie and the othet at NNTetson's of I.: country b e bor a o t a tree *10,00, Jim to a p,romiscuotis audiiince. 'H3wever, ME v was h eadbur line riacently.- ists Stewart, his buildings 96 that aside from thq inwon- Mrs. Paul, and L a brooch for thefir � littlo and; t chi d to h inoth r, a: d hen at am Corn�rs, in [,-,Lnark conty. $12 S e weighed 1,400 pounds pting h - he will' b, 4WWJnUAJt�y , t in' y expi e . She daughter. heimmediate. occasion whiel Perry is Ja clever youn� man, and possesses BlantL Alto. to tant venimice tA be pult hisi lcisw� air by the well known imported stallion, of Fullarto is -vbr�tiug her rise, ent it his line,�and we are sure d Eve orsix huiiiilied Aollars- *Ten for the will notexce4, 'A1LV-,1('1rAL ST.kTl From the atir cal,ledforth'this pleasant eisolde botweei rare tal f Ja els Bell. -Mr. John Rae as lbeen en. wa.: at on convqed to the adjoining store t f r tI.1e employer and employed wa y a Me an. Thii is the third one that these ga ed as tebi,c�er in Section No. 9, for the. of Slteacy h4d, e to- -of t, report of the Bureau of Indus rie� oi 0_ h would be favored. gen e I . have sold this year from this r. W loh apd in dical. aid summoned, .41den were A a the birthda a second Visit to Sea t Mr. VISO, suflicie�V'insurae nday evening, Mr. Pau- -by he ha Mr. August 1 h, H far, out Province of (4,w � I Mr. Paul. Ou Mo a much 14rger' hoinse than ing year u to no at , w life ad becorlai6 extinct, cover his Ices: ensall he grown hae been hor . For the rat t ey got 175 an or cc rio for the year 18 ch 6A has just been is entertained' his - work -people, their wives, Monday night. utt ais, n h" ed was a "the bucket b6inde system of i fire protection the Sha'kers sned, we pn ;e � ov,ling I e gecon $130. Thi speaks' well for the ha# been ill or some mo Ot iM­ fr eat t taila The Aticeas and a few friends to anoyster supper at his John Kners d Led :on Sab. ret isirkabl, fi �dy r and should bavo something a1 more f- mony, iand n inforimation: The total municipal assess- horpeand showsthat it still pays to breed - I. he4 Ith, an le ve y picture of ficient i that line. wag of two dit ath Bad blow indeed, r ving rTn rig test, after a n iflnes� j4plust thist.. ment in t4e Province of ntrio for the residence, and a most enjoyableevening LMIAT; Bjuiws.-Mt. John Fraser, a good borses. h '2 beingi an lin- spent by all. The ami"ble'relatio'ns which on 5eksmo he deceased lady as I married �to lev� hug and I p4rentfj; who have the 4115,00 belitil y6ar 1,1193 wa2- chant, tayfield, -brdup ht out to Seaforth 393 ai - 1886. The mu- exist between Mr. Paul, and his employes about a year and a half ago to her no: W be- �heartfelt symp4tli of �be cotni Winghaml., i Saturday I"t, a 'Ioid:: of butter, uhi Zurich inunity.-Dr. crease of 0ourt. 1�poses in of' the mill speak well "for both, and can raft husband,her maiden name being Berth rFiRzslr Lai Xom -ReV r. Peirre, . i I.. aving purchased from Mr. D. Weismil. Ir 11, e IN�- At �ip4 taxes imposed for all pu weigh'e(I one ton, and which he ha' a of doti, was in the villa, nu d )lo';d M. ca'thur, The prmey .1 amounted to $12,522,00 bein x at the not fail to work to the advantage of K6nnedy. She.was one whom to know was- thi i week visiti.'' 'hio broth on Presbyterian Minister, will'; exchange Ul- Mr. Po�rell, of Blyth, - for', shi )merit.,, T) a whole of his I er, Mr. J . ler t A ra a on the dollar, th stock In ager Is t There And having aided a large comignment of new Mi carthu IFPU ]1nan j0,')UIa­ti0n COMPaily in, whose service they. are. to! admire and esteem, and her sudden . n I a rate of per head of he 1 -1 rice p4id was 121 6 to per )ound.--Mr. tra l" who h belp'll and -is confined to pits with 'Re I. Mr., Henderalou, of Ma o le - is no doubt but -that Mr. Paul is a faitlif tit, bou ;ht at spot cash, I arnin a position to sell taking off has cas�! a glooin over the com- Mi room throuk� 1: a, ter, next Sa bath. -A veryl pleasant social. the breth whereas in 1.4,46 it was onl,r R-4.93 per bea ames Allan, of the12 d concesi ion', L. 9 Ines at as ai ax bt low those of anrother dealers In the conscienUous and effiqient manag'pi, hile iniinit k BAiD, FrR14,_- rhe most- destructive fire was held in -he Presbyteriii church by the, niciylali . She.leaves 4 little daughter five The banded debb of the sekei-al m d.-an,imt tense po a J a 'prices speak louder �han words, I would .71 ucker4mith, show. d cou A4# charac he has surriianded himself With a-�staff of m6ffis old.-No-�r that a Hoitse of Refuge lich av Society n. Monday even,- - ties in 110' was 48,083,2t3 .,-28.17 per few -, '01 IV I 11",iii,dighVid four at C rdial invi ation to all to Come arto inspect has visited 1io village, and which at Christian or AY8 ag ext 'a d mien. We, hope.the pleasant Of the White I the ods ad the prices at both istores, Zurich and h a been built, in the face of strong oppo- 11gencle. heatl of t opli ation, having picreas�d - faithful, goo a quartlir pounds. II 'is' E on a time reaWnii d Ph a. destruction of the he onslatd of Ill- kle c ern, may Hai 11. a are -selling Ladies"Mantles, Men's and 'n sition, would it not be well for the people of g_ tal from �-'l (1, Ye head since 18M he sev relations which subsist between th 6 -�illAge occii irr64- on Friday evening strumZ music. on phant variety, and jshh� ch6m pion Murpli, Bo3 Ova ate and ready made � V� I the i piano by Miss 691 long continue, and, that the 'important in- suits at wholesale [uron to take into corisidera�ion 'the erec- t. � -14 mity, loone era L5,08, Mr Georg3 propfietorof' Carrie Fish ad on piano tud violin by.the- I municipdities paid in, I far.-LMr. James Fa;�nson j, c f this W' pri( as. M llinery 1 Millinery! - e: lead, others fol - so r so intimately ving dustry with whit, ought into t, is tibn of an hospital for another -class of suf- flax mill h eje, w", �itii several men,in Misses MCK�i L &nil Cle -quartettes tog ob -n ha incre ed near- -h they are own 6 Frliday!h st a 101 low, Miss Maggie. Deiebart, ou head 'milliner, hiterest, this iter V, 11po ob connected may contmitte to prosper. gen. dolija rushing business and de erves great praise fering'ones? We may yet be -balled Faiq Ste -wart, uP011 to o c of th ba a bbutt eight o'clock unload- Messrs. ly three�quartbm of a million siil�ce 188 Ir fine'tarrots as W I iavo ever, a he3 8011, . - 5 for her wo k. We are pr6 ared to give 3 on bar Aornanied "I"he populition of the Province ha.siincreaded iaille give many reasons Why the e unty f Hu- n so vago V the Brant - *ere gtowh on, Al r. Fi 6ns6n's fl Mi near 9! tha; will c nvince you of title advantag6s derived by. me flax �l 0 a 0. They put the and ilso report of -M ho te r . n§ on a )X the barn floor, and as ford conve ti imaker, fmd ron sh I oulil have an hospital. fmyn 1,82S,495 in to 1,910,051 in ISM. Foqo_NDVIrr.L NorEs.- r. Cricb, w Mond 'Ile. They are �howhi de., ling wi h us. The highest prices for all kinds of te the $haker fli Id varie which was held im. by Tile increase, however, has been ahtirely in has occupied one of - Mr. 'Thomas Hills immense size and clear. and smi 'th Vayebe paid. our. motto is 9mall tl Ley were, ran An 1e Walaon out of the: eptember, jws a read bl the Presby�- were- o )o Pr( due" w 11 al prcilten quic:kreturne. J.W`..0RTwsi.*.-, 14582 the Story *r I the townsnd cities, as the town houses for 's�me time, moved away last d h- h prod cep su to � tie Kippen bit,Kn,'after t4l loaa off, something terian delegat Nliss A nie Cummings, ip popu- and laq w to ch carrots mus a ving a was Tation bs decreased iril, that ime from, week, having rented a farm on the' Huron be of th very best qualityl,--Mr. T BBIEFS. --Mr. J. F. Rickbiel lef t. a 'few at ru'ck the lam� ...'a Ating it, and ciusina and ver�. ighly appreciated. Refresh- 4 Sacrifice Sale of Tweeds. to 1,096,98 t.. Qon-iing down. to road. It is ne t often �hat we e da 8 bgc for Cavalier, Xortb Dakota., on it to, explode.,' ?V .- I &wein at once picked meiatfj wet Be have: houses Hayi' auction sale,ro Thursday, last v large stock of Tweeds on h%nd and i igh sr to turn. rM and all ' emed well pleas-, *b1p of 9om Our own county we I find that in 1893 the to let in this village, but at bu iness. 'He intends. to be away about a thero into money, I have detericnined to 11 them at im thelantera, ar s, he thought, stamped ed With the' 4 f 4t home. 1) -The band cioncer present there was largely attefiL biddinj Iwas brisl reduced prices. either made I a or or n w1th the ruml:municipalities of Huron pad i n. taxes are t*o oil three very comfortable ones.- and everything a cleared T1 a r in th.-Mrs. George Schellig 'and her,so' ot, outhe fire. Some sparks, h6wever, must in the town.lall on F day evening Wall prices for all piirposes the sani of 190,948, while _N1 C. J. 8 f to' 4uctioneer i 1� q 6a, h the flo-or, " Mr. Mc� grand succeii 11 nAs red. Those wishing good goo a a low ri W Muldrew fias gone to Tor Dnto , to Ault was very satis a stay retiirned home from Detroit Us will do well to give, me a call. Go we made h vA fallev under i ii, I The ha as f till and bou ti -c tawn and village inunicipaitics pbid continue his studies im Knox college.-­7Mr. hammor was wielde by-tlifth Wran M nday. Her'daughtgr Susie came'ltiomi'_ I wen had sv�mel, rn!ed- round until the ho took part du the - programme ered au suits from' $8.26 to $15 fit guarraftee worsted rend discontinued. 9 d Bid0 me 00111 Jin th D 9 V 0, a ri a' o re �f t in n a ninit amount of taxation per head elorge Stemilart, of the 3rd coucf,ssion, is tioneer, Mr. J me. -Mr. Lt! 'cD ce, after oulta In proport m hole place i ee tot be 0 Hbuigh� P h thein. -Mrs. William Pri ion. J. CAIRNS. 1451-2 n fire. The their parts Jax0edin W -sud 4ach iss 0 f the populvi,tion wa_s as f ol lows Ashfield, having imirge (uantities.of straw packed,and ald is home from a roit on a vi i iie rly three weeks'stay in Petroit, is baolk NOTES. -The Christian EndeEvor anni-' ailding was 1,116d VitVhe mo conceg io g was also a t inflam- ton�s uead eviepin. in .% jar Colborne,.$4.76 ; Goderich�township, is shipping m0st, of it to Luckno* �nd that hc e, again.' -D. S. Faust and Fred. Kibler versary, which takew place i iLex i Tuesday able re parents, eat the an e.-LThe joew Con me inatieria U dthe spread so fast success T!he local len w -3s splendi, -thm houses 1 .T4.41 Orei, Hay, `�4.11 HoWiCk vicinity, W L eve there is a great scarcity thi -pot ke to get cut of Mr. Perry,!,thel " personatiBr "vas first clam. cial hotel was opeu� Ir busii ie son,, c ended the- revival meeting At Blake Pri evening, in St. Andrew's church, - tuder e at t 'e e tily . I - ferent 82 Hallett, $4.25; McKillop, 3.69; season -Communion services will, be held -Mr. Joh' eineweis, tie P`(d� ui b3 terian church I"'t Monday night. The! 400", ty, be e in i ere u le to save any. 11- ti'to � do re it forthe man - day last. es of this socie promi lea le -bail uab Miss'Hough serves c' I di eI Morris, 8'tanley, 8-fe-phen, hi ourl"church on the first Sabbath I in No- in this I , a, tngi; r chapel al of MdKillop wIll retire from wi ire well pleased with the way it was con. ol �he best ever held tr�� e ti at the ner in which a e ponducti her concerts $3.80 ; Turnberry, vember. T he RJv.. W. Muir, of Bruce' religios sev-v Tuckersmit1l, field, = a t the er;id of tbe' presebt year, a li�l di: cted.-Alr� Jacob W-artz, from Stephen, services 6f Rev. Dr. Grant, Of 9t. ]4ar a,- tme -- r t Ou W�"f and the neighbor- Mr. J. a, butdher�l has purchased a `3 31 ; Vsborne '�4.49: Fast Wmvanosh. will 'Them are S, or sermon or, fb- '. k- 4- . . ... iiei;A f 4-L ninrl XUaja Joannsk WrallinIr nif Wa 1,3, 1 r J i . � W� -1 " 7 1 1 .71, V � . - , W". e i lig can an I o I rge, stac a c x soon house and i lot fro in, Airs. Eadie in Low Th4nksgivin post ion in Logan,, liands of holy Shaker life th '-!4.03; We&t Wamranosh, �4.25; Ooderiab, Friday previol is, at 2 p.' -in 9 0'" nsh ip, Pe I th'co t matrimony last Wednesday. -d6etor is one of the ablest pli tfo, -M:. speak- cilmight fire a tbeli the wood in the yard Wingham �nd oved ther this week. -The It - "tr)-og, Clinton, S4.79; 8eaforth,' �6.55; on the folloVing ..Monday by ing, o al VV ether� vealk-s the Rev. -Mr. Win. iry'. of reig & I'vlacid r] I wish the cdallie a happy life tog era of the day, and besides hink a.: iumber of aijoining; cv 1,500 cofils, the whole mak- first story ian the dry kiln of the Union i i -std thriftT P( Bayfiel(L $2.7$ ; Blytili, a, Mr. ast tmas�s of, fla-me and fire, cov. facto - The carpenters Mr. H, inilton� off Undesboro,, at the same gents'lurniahiiiig 8 )re: leaves ahorPy f", - Thlimas! 'ally died dri. Exeter I ii�ighboring miniaterawill be on hand are are busy wt 'Ar i to i ig a aeet� learning inort -r, 1R,2 e toms an _61. The averaggq for the si k list fq t e pa two weeks, but, we -Mrs. James f Sfr4tford, w4i hii i wife, about two month$ ago; move U jrrn,ivan, roxet( acted it Will be D usselg, 85.18; Ex�eter, %_44.26,; hour.-Mrq- 'IN11cDoagall has been on the, New _)�ork, where h a� * 11 Itu'dyi dentistry�,' Tlursday,!andvaa buried there. , Heand render assistance, Good sin'gin will be e ring i iiboidit aieres%iof land. Thescene the first s. I r It is exk d Afte W, t- st Prir 1 0 d from f Irnishediby the choir. A -silver collectiDn wale d I terrible, but few wbre di8- ready for the machine io, abouttwo, weeks. i the fu ) i a - UNMshipa is $1.21 and for the towns and ote pleased to say, is' now improving. -The. here this week. Visi �i her T. aients I M tb 3ir honii�'in Sarepta, to their daughter US! W 1.1 be taken at the door* whie h. will. go 0 e I V"llages I Do -entl to their admiration. -Rev. Atirl ser - $5.17. The average in the neighbor- friends of Mrs. Hugh Stewart, 'Lit Wood preached his farewell wh1ch th4y be sr.1 of Grey, and Mirs. J. H. Broa , lot. �Tl a C. M -3. John" Mellick's, on the B' son. line. aid of missiona.-A number from this part t e or could be done to save the mon,dn Suiday,. Re, along Wood Pon not with Mrs 119 county of Perth was, for rural Tnunici- were pleased o 4ave al visit frorp her last- exhibition car att�aetp&a good[ He 'was one'of the first settlers on the town attended the Sabbath Se1hool Con venti Pe flax, V.1; lef I i ow-- 4 Ilovers maY 4 - It y bob Tuesd�a;y for Toronto. 'h r �-Mr. aii Stephen, when every- B�thesda on Tuesday 1p4t. A] L ort hav- ti&ns very 1 P05001 5,18, and for the Aown's and vil- week. e five years since th , old lady visitors while here on I ues.al line between Hay p6n(I wiselil�oked after their' owA The good ;lvishes of the to rispeople go wit pa'lities, $ 0 on at rty in'th yard; and most of the and 11908,$5.91. Hibbert was S4.75 liiadLo gan, w" in the vill acre before, :4ut al a is - appar- Mrs. W-Acheion, of U Mel [is derich n thing wasia foreab'and cleared a good home, I a n ap an im 0 ue4 In Middlesex, the aVerage for rural entl younger;Aan' on her. fo7mer ;visit,- day With Mr. J. C. Gl'' ig. - rde OIL aitllinLn his farm, he moved intq Soarepta, 'w elected resident for the e not Ing y r. i rebtilin which the ind her sister, Mrs F. H. He ndon. y the y 9 wc fu 5.74, and for towns "and She was accompanied by her( aughtenia- clubIlBld the second bf heir sei i slot wee _�_Mr. rarnes Laidlaw rieceived Ora Dy iss Eda owell, of Exeter, Its Zhe gu st owing, the 0,e was driven u a street, H. Baxter, of yr, vil itling friends in the limpiwiO 111knicipalities was $5 y TI to egiam that his father was dead, near o V'14!ges, $IX Taking the P&y'ince as a lamr, Mrs. Hugh Stewart, Jr. -I. i this vil- blies in Cardno�a +' 11 �rl Fri( eveni' f Misses Clarence and May Millis, r. e only buil `1 g in its imm4pd* e town. N -A L n-