The Huron Expositor, 1895-10-11, Page 8---- ---- ----- f T. f .7 7 77, 7 r -1 _77-7 7­lvt VIVI _777 7 7 il"M _7 T17 7 _27 J. 9& OCTO BE Ail !sfoa IJURoN EX In v einb TRE ch bm bed isiting ut Mr. A. with Miss ning 0 11-uron I frtrm.—Mro. at. Retur t 28".64 # Hall 7th of Juneta Willot sporting. tpwl sion field of ion.of b iug the best i field roa,4 ou John' drew, who h been"In the mis a in an on f Waterloo, V " which it has - y ea na ' his brid e lie settled on the Bay is the guest of 110v bing Mr. Strio find, with th, orowd,amongthIai umbgr re utatioli JustlY n whi,3h lad continuid to r6 ide M Ldf , a, re 0 .13 r. W. outh'Perth M. the Northyr t for the past two yea a, re, five the farm and Afro. W. dham, M. P.- fO ,' 1, Mon- )yi,the n helped to chop the Departmen XVM. P? we alke Wicam L i t, mber ol champion tearris thing -- tal home here on death. He D ed to victories hese. until his in- Ortw in, d Mr.' Pr Y. MoLean, M. P. P; foI Soutl 'Hu On turned to paren an the 'number of o purchas ith all B -Mr,J mes Cumming-aind Mt. S;even- I 'lows Bayfield road when it was all, bush re won only ushi g bulaineowbere w vjear omplete. nth da d fo P.- for '80 Y. -the litt and will have some - r. a In 8 hit -nd fruge Ae his a usi Archibald B shop, ex .-A number of Oddfe 61ity he 06 ler's took! a We are of son atten the ftineral of sited the b eth-1 dustry, pluck a energy o8crip, e home, but Ifuron, ; Dr. Irving milI Mr. M-1 om Olin on last, V%7 ed esdy, imself a comfort& le and H nsaill A 4- 1 1 in cla8t and the public of cr made for hi thing -0 -6 o b omiers. Donald' Ross, -of ta11ley, on evening no and -five 'my 1I . -POITOR.- 1p, vase, xf ter case of n St. Marys. here on WeZtnegda has left his: family Of four 80 next eek's Mrs, ase-, 81 --ally n We have becir Opening 1, of the pnin , I I eek. f don this -att at makes of Clothing, the noted San rd ter the business daughters all well provided for. He WRO A' eue week, a b djour Vtquhi was inj 11 lit CLuB.-The Sea- - the iled to ada's -%Ln as comp eted, brethren a myfield Road Preeb terin 0- that ive have now- ar clothing deparl tal- TnE SEA goods, a city. Amongst Out a -PORTUCL, deck: for -A goo(-, man, -1 whereatasty repast was member of the B pendiia ow days With, her sisters. -Miss filled to its UtWOOt cap" curling club e ROY6 hote , Z Lib- a 9 - are ge t ing on uE LATz. DAvii) Moomi;. a staunc forth ing will be church find in politics was returned fro'm Detroit, where the coming seasons-cambfili I I :A at 86C per avid Moore, r., of held I 10. Some xct.9 of- 4n. The annual in the person of Mr. 1) served. he district meetj citizien-and,mil. oblig- DeLi n R. Hodgins' Pao - Some tine pants at rieze slim this life of Tues- era`16 He was a good 66. ' Bien's handson-ve 6 nigauls'botel on next._ -Mrs. life- Me VI 3i io wen,, sits- at ._*6 and Q*3. eeting Was held -at 14111 Egmondvil i i i, Seafo th in Jannari ing ei hb The . remains were laid to she N ain succesaftil The assortinlefitlir. every depg, H;, was ag -d y last, hald"in911 reached tho'Food a e of 87 iday,and. ing 1, crop, 1, Mber, ea and brown at $L& We M well &'tteniled.* f Aberdoni-, - Bruce county, if if! or. tvvxcoat-sin black-, law M -(o -n-&- evexiing last and as te, 1 echnie, 0 cemetery, on Sul off first prize. -Mr. is complete andth, are -9w ca rying pre-cullnence in, this department. IT _yv r elected for -06 -e was borne.m C -Tai. roth' -Nfisitiug ier rest in Dayfield ed the f urre at ark.h. .1. he "I owing offiders-_ years. - Mr. Moor sister, Mrs. M. Thompsoni ral, .1 surpassed T fo In 1833 be, v mar- society Of tl ber who attend inan, who p clan, and e et beem eF. Hohneste-J, 11siltron ; W. 0. Reid,- Fif sbire, Scotland.. rling g t reet. -The 'Ladies' Aid ae large num n i a good musi for cash have v is 1sabella 1,Chalmers, and it 1848, the last tribute of respect, showed Will ecently treated him- . 0 ' . B 4ure that yd'ur iii0ney Vi ;Preslidfint ; ried-t MJs . I in thii town- M..'PtOKARD & C President ; W. Pickard, ce 11 MeRiAist church "intend giing theik to pf ja which he was held in the a IoN er of usic has r 01S. Ell ay, teem fill no. Mr, John family and accom b' n the the Ing i es to fine willi, W a Rouge, T. G. Williamsoo, representative member ; with his panied by is. ro al ou:)Pcr and enwrtitinment o self 11 5 pim tile store that wilt giVj,, you n mily into sargaln, 0, _ .1 manity. 113 dwell- oes to Clothing and Dry Good no Chaplain - Alex. Wil- therJambs, came t Canada, set 1ing. 0 Ig Day. -Mrs. Wat com Gaetz has moved b -1 the Se' below th."Ie Blra;Y Of Seafo h. Rev. J. W. Rodgi -Tuck rsmith, evening (f Tbanksgivi .1 vhioh be , urebasOid in the -j amlrier from most -for it. son Secretary -Treasurer -? 'Committee of the f-armon the Rippen road, `f Guelp) ; was the guest. of Miss Tytl ing Patterson A. Young, 31. --where.he bout 1,3 Wroxeter., ue I. -Mri Thomas Ballantine, 4gicksPJli1:lg cash'pricesj but be sure to- 14 continued to reside until y in -Th many friend .1%,lauagementl th active. d4rhig her sta, town, e of the Mr. McD Skips years Ago, iihen he retired from W. fl. Kerr, eni&n A. Cline, of h ping a. call and see 1 poll -, Jiich these Morris, R. Logan, T F.--Cjl to roi- in -E 0! f Me James of ti is vil.age; he 1011 known awl enter the goods 11 -r-Af -7--it-2, Wilson, duties of -life and came sory to learn of the vevy 'Voienr gio uis'n W Post, Brusselof was in town last week. His i; A, Young h Vne prising citle buy itends. ship :c S lire pl-aced. I The figures are on t '0 er resi- w 0 Je po for local club games, I Wm. dville. He was one of e f Owen S, fie ithis'second daughter, Miss "NI&Y, a ter, Mrs. C h Coleman rd, J 1. 9- Rob- Mon settloa . 0 , oanaf e' Oisses Lang, of Her- number ol car ldadsof sheeP and cattle to 1)rI e ill be - D.-Wilsol dets of the township, and when f ry ied-him.-T M next ' eek. -Dr. -Buchanan, poin te d.S hemselvO W it ant of all ry next I's—tile. 00. t A little hope of erts, Patterson, R. Logan$ D was an al nost un- press t very low, W_ f the 3r& riston, have'opened a, millinery shop in one the ld co ge this. -week, call - on hit homestead there;it James Chesney f Z irich, was in the illa C.Onvilicers. F. W. Tweddle, T... F. Coleman ;.Honorary very. Mr. Mr. Brent'HaZle- c NJ . L i i $i weeks 0 parents, TARIO, Members, J. R. Lyon; M. R. 0 1. tinter, JOIIA broken forest for -miles around. as Tuckerminith, had a ik 'of the. emphill stores.- a d Mrs. A-- Ba- ToRoNTO, ON 'once kn L. R. S., e a course kng )n hit I ereial at their new h meo his at theSeafor'th wood has gone to Toronto -to tak of Kippen, -has st Popular 0011 ir ewatifu , smooth ch r. 1,1-ludmOi Lavgtst, best equirlped and- -1110 ything Fairley, J mes McMichael, Job after their'arrivall rtner in , . Th -that city. -Miss Lillian, al Ian. - M moderate rates ' ey 1 r His aged 0 poundi.- Jnfversity in seed etraw from this the Don. nion staff of, officersaud in the T ping e JAOTT, school' will be sXn an excellent brother Jarnsi-died- weighed 12 late''y. be( n ship n ; rito, far circ'ulArff. SHAW & E a, . They show, fast elms -62. life tua - - 2LU ick 18 Pr n which beo#t of Brussels is the guest of Mrs. C. hat of a new depar- 4 es. fi has been selected, and- 1,he present -passed away about ten ye rs v of war tear Ainleyl stat Loll, V hich i i som rf ackersi iiith John 'no and tbr gh- at he J. 0. bers hae not forgotten. the -old stand- had a, family of three so e dau the HMI ett and 11 cKillop teams in the tug W.- Andrews, t ion. r. larc in tl e exp( ding r., lie here. -Al to. h- t who Wo sons and two i auh-ters IS e 4 Bray is making great improement on is ier parents at Lam- RDL earlier dar, bu tero, of whom t War cmtest on the first day of the win tonernat is vie ting Mr. John Col CASI-1 bys of the club in its -who, we e Mrs. Moore was v distant P11 f its composed of the follo dyvejli ig house, by siding it with tridtallic Patterson, 0114, is, have removed to other parts a ad still 8urvhr . forth show, w . L Gib. betli, near Lon on.- 23, 29, 5,", EDWA % a [mere, of of Mr. T. 'A ervil to the absent in person relative -of the celebrated.Dr. 'William, Henry and Davt jhp9tijig. -On the farm have no doubt although near Rodg has.1added greatly 53, 58, 68, 3, -09, 37, 45- UYING- q Sproat, Goorgi Maitland tly, brir* dwelling by Putting 50C. mind n3 rit. Ediubtab. Mr. Moor?, i et, unas- 3' Dale so' Brad one day recen - aran 'ZILU B and George UPP :e of E is $3 and 94a. are still present in i hesiiel Is of onest man, of Skins, Ta 0 suining) kindly sposition Oxe,dirge Tuckeramith gro%+s U ryce Young threshed 900 bushe a fine ney, Metal roof n _Pr W and tewart, Hideq, Sheelf '.-X a most b eloved by i 6,nd li the short space of three and a half y WEDDIXG and jenial manner and wa, 316ry good men. (Fr)nj an Occa- ij)oal Correppondent.) Hosiery A YAVT Bi I Mel -this without any 21 U! S, oung did Raw F wedding as solemnized at "Jugleside," the those who: know him b t hou.'rs ,:; Mr. Y e are sorry to 3 .5 7 0 8 ware that a re- IT fir, P Mi 0 IJBIL 9,-12, 15., 19, ues- will be -long cherished by mmfqy of D. D. Wilson, Esq., on T f,,vir and steady prices and residence War in friend Tuckorsmith. ex rwjeflort, as he was not a a ha . ur, pu lie library, and 25 33, 37- 0 1-51 -P -lid have to tr 0 a death makes o. 4 have t aug onized nearly day llits, WTE$T E'ND.—The trustees of N no Iing in this renAling roo are We. Married to Mr. F. W. T*Qdle of this ranks of the -sturdy an of Hullett, at! a pro.gr ss. -M has .91 : lie Vill gage& Mr. Brownlee, the exteri b t ey shdu T another brE a k in t cord i as being kept while the, work was in et it when sell d honored ioneers of r. W. R. Thompson was sh tl1e ortl 1.1uLter store,L rmed, 311ag lumber here on.Monday last. -Mrs. when his d ' later MissDora, was' and hi on for town. The ceremony - was this . country, to whom the pe(ple of the jfcylau.. Ifft tle Cloths perfo, at His duties Com. 1 ddi n to ac te Dress, Goods high noo li, raly, a COWMOI re so iuuoh indelpted. of: $250 per ann in t eelected and qui Rot imber by Rev. A. D McDonald, 11 D. p present generation a Swallow, 6f Smith has been visiting old friends in: Brus- now, lio-as well 4" 58, 68,75 ,. str let, I mence C n January nex k. on. 10, 12J, 6,, eaforth. rphensi Presby a wee ---r c P I y Rev 101in. Fletcher, M. A., He was a consistent member oft] sels and vicinity daring the p st ,3, assisted 3 at Mr. F, 0 oom with' staunch eral in qeao rM i, spent - S a t lightediind omifortk,bll di 19, 2 3, 2 9, 3,5, Dry Thames Roa, `1!4e bride looked charmin terian church and a, ing with her Mr, John Gof ton is under the weather a periodicals on the cl Mrs. I)iqy, of Buffalo, is sGki he leading in(. 49- and 500. ember n Politics. ber to k in esept with an injured foot.-Rev.'Mr. t pers as ash, Grocery. in an exqiisite gown of whitesilk trimi e mother at present. -A nurn tab le. A fe, I to the C Wilson 0 Of Toronto, editor of the C- itnada' lad her sister, MMillinery with lace and p6ar-1s, a day.-Niiss Mary:Stan- mtions for Hoods,&c: - Blyth f tir on Tues, privileg4fi of these abl ristit beat as Presbyteriani occupied the pulpit of' the 95 2935 --is the thne for pickling an Aclaggie, who acted as -bridesmajId, W At Iton re- to m*o, the I - d, visite( Ic ead f FL family be 35,50,75, Now Loom, Bmm.,s.-Mr. William E. bury, )4.ondon r6a I relativeiii here i sauce you requj o the bee Cloth, re- Presbyterian church on Sabbath last, and the yearl an, I wh - en 95, wholc acefai d ress of fawn scme picues aw attired in a wepk from a trip to A Ig )ma, and -Mr. R, Landsborough ho 119, 47, 53,59,. y $1,15, 81-501 ea. asny a batch of plokles hai turned last 1his 4ak. &in over the oomirig Sabbath, comes a member any m(mber of the fami trim ing_. The groom was er- ';Lind vinqga Canadi Sault is tied home. t' full memb 8c. been spoiled by using inferior vinegq. We sell with pinil: ailf the wi Tin vand pure spic Aljc4ikan. He gays over 12 $1.95, $2.75, PX`G0f Vinegars, the in Canada that Mr. J. W. Livijagatone.! A most cents. The $3.35. a assis.ted by um ship for he Drily 'kind mad 6 boorhing this a mer. -.Mrs. George ott, Small gum Df 5 oub, two and uncheon, Was served shurtly after otaiia a hovernment test. le T"so juioh water. recherche 1 of Tuckersmith, was awarded 2t" p izes for on 'it considerab Overcoats bag to Lumley, Brucelleld. board'have been bk X viama are ninde by adding mony, an then arnid t4e good and ;o suit -the seller; the cere lit(I a,' work- And 3 for fruit at th 3 itchell i s. --:-It was with a feeling of deep expeise i e rea ing room) Underwear to brinz the price.1 &TH$.-Mrs. R. Amrquis, of Fullitrton'-, BRIEFLET n fitting to th; Proof )u are patting. wishes of all'assenal led, land. a shower df Buy only the Proof and. know what yc 0 last week.'-Islr. John Wt rd, of this acquaintances in this. regret that the. many friends of Mr. Donald not better pair ized'than at 1% 19-1, 15, !$2.50, $3.75,' I the highest grade of pure splices we ple lef tl-i was rariewing old if it is pres 1$4.95, wrice and iold slipper i, the bapp con owed us ar-potaI few days ago, R. iNliller f Stanley, heard of his unexpected ent j6 wildown lefore many moths,, 19, 25, 9-9,33 ow in tow: 2, sb t week. -Re Rss'o ra value just n -for' - eighberhood las on 16 farm of last. Will. help from oac 39 and Cie. caa buy. Nye h re some ext. for Brucefield, thert to take & train taken -from a field n Mqntrea 7ith a litflao h1of ourciti7ens in new Teas, whil, 1, death on 11 was Monday -Messrs table syrup, and b by the h returned to MpGill College, aking molaMe I e have %'choice the east. The fts received a W eks, near Vai nit' which as 113 red auccess. CotTee sugar, new Ralainil, &c,,L%' Air. Charle term—Miss Jennie Milleir was Graham and George Turner are bu the inatituti on would be an 48811 r anc t er re- hed thr last iveek.-- -Mrs;._J e in this district. They uld I ie getting Ve ter stock, 6f fresh goods at very low pr;zes for cash, In were most harif8iome and'- costly., being ee pounds. Potatoei &;e a Very ohn -F fe tl fased athome Quic elling Prces. ogiliviels best brands a mill prices o ends as Wei isi., in and- wo k -S flour . ceived from a number of outside fri 0 'fie -crop in this county thi; i season.- ! . do( anitoba, not much bet- over fifty head so far. -The cheese actory 0 less. The highest Price paid rp w ; good in has re urned front M little y I r well as from a large circle' of'. friends." 31rr Rol ert Campbell, of -the toys n -line, Me- Stuarti. Of has been closed fov this a'ason -Mi8a Min-, anted; N011 lc cash, fo ter f her rip. -Rev. Hugh e MbFpop. butter and Chickens w r n the hit -pp couple Kil op, left here on Tuiasday fio -en, a yth town. On thei r bur Warr ng relatives. in BI any quanuty of fresh eggs. Thornp nie Graham is visiti 01 - will take up their residence in the riome on Londo is visiting his sister, Airs I 8 Ji irE To -8111plt limetic but - sta ion i the C P R irty miles -9. Adam ret 'This is ot a ,Sumi in ar4 -orth. abut th, rnedn. Wed- T RNT.-Tho c 0. WtLS-0NJ. Seaf is -and Hplen streets. e township of the corner of James son, the boundary. -Messrs. Pridham, this week. -Mi MCK111OP 6rce.Blook. t of gor th , Bay. His daughter, Mrs. a. Long, lector's roll for th Bank of 0 Imm, wei M. P. P., and H641 bought fourteen ead- of esday from isiting her sister, Mk 'plain prices placod u on fi rs t- clas ods" Mi,. Campbell with t: le Colle (otor, aInd ratepayers may 8 go Ble nahard,. resides there,and on-Satirda Miss Hamilton attended the now p Mr. H* nry Horton y f London.- total St of the 'Cro to; Richardson nnis', Seaforth, cattle I rom 0 . Peet a ca any day. The intends staying With her during -the winte"r. on Wednesday. -bliss, Fannie ex I from h —goods that will stand the te for the best long boots or the least money f any enjoyed it it'n'd ti k thbm away the same day. Blyth fair e$ lowig pur- i I 5 -1 Heispent last*inuer there an aicipal. place in town. — 0— -most critical nno6n has sold Cot school flrooitov -Mrs. (Rev.) C. Flet- poses:: . rity r t and mul 0 Fotheringham - has secure positio taxes ar 0,959., fdr- the fol 14 2 very much. -Mr. James Le millitterin Auburn. $3' -p expenditures, McKillop, near 23 7 ;,townsh. New Corn, Peas tlAd Tomatbes, 7 cents a bis'farm on the Huron rload, . of Thames. Road, president of the grarit, 11 1 We can't mak !-h A longer, 1int can at vGrocery. 1462.1 ux, 8r., for RE, t Dvi-,,ul, -Mr. R. B. Aces, who f r oev- cher, ,613 45 e lis an h, to Mr. John Deverex "urou Ptesbyterial Women's Foreign Mis. $3,208 62, sch ol -purposes Linens S ecoults,' $1035 82 itches an DiCTXON -ALRY. rhe most Seftfort our school with miidh H d all our Oottons TuE STAN rice the sum of $6,6N. It is a oplendid faim of eral 3 (:are has taught e gen-' sion' society, addressed a miaeting of our drainage () DISTRIM MATTERS 1113 1 ib )ound ; p -to The meet. water cou: ie act, ..6117 39 ; statue labor, ii.elS, Blankets) Carpets, 0 eful book for any it rsr Siewalooroce '1452 1 0 succe 4 and acceptance to the peop 012, at Lumsden &.w on's rth. - ne hundred acres, andilies conveniently 110, prie We There are erall and who was greatly respec b auxiliary here, on Monday l"t. toard of Health, $1 50. The aisins for -11 -at Davis' Mr. Devereaux's homestead farm 06 d I y jog was well attended, and the address was $58 50 91 W6 86 ar6 down, on thO,-Sanle h se on Ile, left phis week with his I dir schools re A 28 pound box- of R eive, besides the taxe SIDE 14521 tw our na y --m-Mr Aliexan e The r re4ders in both town and Grocery. he intends r 'a 'd o barns but no habitalmle for Plinton,, where i tf interesting and instructive. would remind on 'Thanksgiving day thisi year is ed from Algoma on Tuesday, interest fr in miL uicipality loan fund ritertainment to be given WALL PAPERS, Window Shades, Curtain uir ue his Mustard return Poles best assortment. and none are cheaper than November 21. ---Mr. John Dicks for a thne and 1wbere he will P w Canada C( apan, r wns 1,571 acres that are country, of.the e rist; Robert H. It where he had been prospecting for' a fe e ed by the f amous wit and h4mol Or 1452-1 boro, was awarded second prize for white or abudi,,4 at the' Collegiate Institt nly asse !0 100, and 400 acres a A Smith. Lumsde Wilson. Seaforth. ife will be Minch weeks. Mr. Mustard has no intention of 6 or Perry, the rival of Profes at the Seaforth' ihw.- evi. Rose aI.nd his amiable W more, re (1, as wgel Is. IkCFAUL. great Now Samon 10c a can at Davis' Grocery. yellaw onions eff of m4n going there'to riaside, but if, he can pick up vwh,ere gives him the ilea. and the good wish -ties,o,*u 1560 acres, only The press ever 1452-1 Mr. MoLean, of Blyth, preacheiin. misf;0 here toy snaps which be can turn: inio cash he is Other rb te -pno bly he has only one rival hem to their:new home. ed7at $2 50 per ]OLL y Goo praise, and F iday always ready for them. -A lad belonging to pro,V and ev "Air, will go with t artly irove 3 !assess on t -day. All who wish to CliEtr Piano and Organs. See the won-. byterian Church on Ink they are too highly as - hie Continent to ieut og the -BLI1'PianO8-,. Musgrave of McKillo on, Monday. Rev. Mr. George Hill butcher, had -a mairow acre an ey tii nd a. happy 75 upwards.' Newtiv and the tor, conducted. thl ur omp-any, nialit will remember -the derful orchestral attach', spe Five octave Orgins-frmb 8: Dr. McDonald, the p Cromarty. y on Wednesday iessed. taxes and good reads, and will be escape from serious inj eve, 1011day, 21at inst. seven octavp and upwards at SCOTT th,-We ar one eniently situated, the town- forih. munion servic a nd-to be improved, Seafort'h_- corn '40 P10 He was'riding in a light wagon and schoo s con ning of TN Organg at V50 e o I Sabba 'I OD - evening. presen to hear one of B -nos., musicl Inabrurnent Emporiun', sea - Roderick Grey, 6 A .-Mr. W. L. McLaren, rmers of this di at thel Town Hall, strict, still as a t of I& 1452-3 'pleased to learn that A [r. of thq progressive fa with some other school children, and when ship neNr-town y I 'by halves. front and the greatest m its and humorists of. the pres- ps who has been ver) i does An avlog the wa, on was turning the cormer in oeedf it badly. One f6urteenth of the led in strength a4l NL]cKillo neve, iing a for sale, and is assessed good igs, be feeding of g IP s how n arly recover 1 gone into c the little ent century, INonson Tea, unequal flaor, sold at 40, 50 And ojer-a pound atDavis' poorly for somie time) the of Mr. t ott"s store chap over- 'whole toy -nisi i is assessed somewhat of a novelty., the 1: : , at 300 as pro( 0 eA on li 1 , i ate, hile 100 acres ceeding was Grocery. .14.2-1 -ed. -Mr. Robert Logaii left th a wi .1 ine , to make it a if balanced himqelf and fell out head foremost a low W rx Saturday aternoon last I . seems determ acreq of this. ladies present pmviffinig a -box handsonlly. i ManitOa and -will probabl 4 11 Implish sue i a re- much in ne p),rte As u ke i money and effort can accc on the hard road. The wagon wheel, also, _ Klled wi liacies f'- -anaway took place on LADIES, ask- your dr gkist fo Mono La business trip to oh recently pu Mr. was badly decorated, and th the de quite a4i exciting r main there a couple cif mouth 3. -Mr. J ;I! rehased from slip ually 'a quiet s,ltp. it softens the akin and beautil I: suit. He has seed over one of his- legs. - He 7(,oddrjoh street. A,horse, us 1462.1 Weir intends leaving liere abot t the first 0 , rt en and Chisalh:urst. thesemson. Rachbox 'eonta jned a X : Johi , Ackland, of'Delaware, a fort IrligImhtened, but, fortunately, not seriously i3t cf iefnlly written one-, belougging to Mr. Robert Lindsay, of Plexion. h iR - importe Y rk. which v a mo - as tie(I in front of the Office Of - -Although sugar hag, advanced. O'ne haf November for outhei* Colorado, where a ha -f months old pig of the hurt. NoTEs... -Mrs.. John Fitzgerald, who- has paper on Constance, w it Cent a Pou oalre inter, n the'l Lope thattbil shirf breed-,'wbip will be a Val le ad, been viiiiting het dauglitidr 'Mrs. Moone) In the name of the lady. 'whLose ingen'llity an& nd, we are - p"ei .'to sell athe old will spend the w I planned: and y in some way wepared the outfit. 9 the ad- change will benefib his health. --Misses Kat:: prices ase received a car load reviou to I This is returned skil hai Dra.. cott & Nil ti -4itij to his Or ,ady excellent her . ElenBad. Dakota, f r. a -couple of montl , ed and broke away.. It ran It will pay y ' to call at DAvial Grocery for beat d The purchaser of ell box be6'atme the escort became frighten ance, on and Ella R an and Mne. Ryan left on Sat.., lig , vas aired by 3retbours cold :ome on Friday liteLt. It is needless to say h e- .1452-1 T who can sell provi 1 e- reet untiJ it came to N-117. coon C ee at kes at Reward offered to any one ',lie lak 'id d 't, for t e r towards Main Qt ty for Chicacro.---LA r. - J Ohio ch t prize and sw -_Yreed with her. -We are of t ly wh your groceries. esidence, where it' turned urd _Whieh took firs Boots and Shoos chesper than we can. Webave:just that, the West 113tepben Lamb's r BE sure and read- our adertisement on wit his sister' -nialExpositfon,and isfrom oto,Uub- -Afro. Dl who had her maindir of the evening, and shared with her the C)hicago the corner, but did-ue Page 6 of this 'G-reig.-Mr. JaI Armstrong We con r ever a own in OU t! time ago, is not improv 3 aptaxed. lvlts. Hall,' ey, was 1452-1 NJ ri J. C. '0 an importe it will do not call- and.examin _ Hen -111 16g broken a andr . the young ladies present, it ap of Harpu rh employed for E 3me time i e ourstock when In i Wre returned home a , pearea to be, NVh has been. lcharen on hisjurchase, and a an P, ng. -Mr. Willia* C y at Mr. Lamb'2 when the SEF, our values in aroceries - and new as we sell ches for r a -3b. ingenious device td: byrer oe the innate -OU the crossinc fLresh haddles expect- Wn.. Pickard & Co's dry gootl 3 store, el )fitabl venture. youl are missing or few days -E eek with aul 0 Prove a prc lef k ye: to be sold at J. P!ice. Ord i LgO, afte spen ting a w s6aj,r.th. Goderich, spent Mon ay wit Cent re.eiv*d the In rgest ass#tment of R, ubber Bo orry-to say that t run far before being paper. A. E, PoOteeOst, atula te Mr- boO and overshoes Honsall. If'y the dainties it contained. In: the oase 'of l4ofLng and was struck by, the raisineLjUSt in and new fig's and 36 pairs of shoes fulikess of their bachelor friends, Rua to aninil came a. as o ae will stu Ed oikandrepairing spe(:ialty. A.WEBF,1,011. ton.-_ Mr. 'Henr bash into the ditch, but ur- ed this week. see our layer raisins at Soc per box of I t week f r Detroit, where retrne 14513 his brotheii Daiid,! iof Ap y -wheel and knocked 1462-2 Detroi disinterested observer it seemed to worl- 'sea she 28 lbs. F eiiii BRos. den istry. Mr, John Livinds on Exeter. wi 0 = and felef t 11ast week for t' a ther' than a bad fright and a few brtu opened ou6 novelties. f roi i Chicago on Satu e intends whol died in ICCIDENT. A ve y serious accident oc- Wjill I' L d a couple of weeks liki. a charm-, alid rn ay ma ll things livelY day. 0 e the. pen Was not seriousl ie buggy aud NoELTIES.-JUSt injured. T1 -Mr., 1.1 bert Luker, t-h m At A. E.. this - week here he wi j Eieteri on Thursday last I Will I rie our -of last with a wish them in hair ornaments. Be Eura and see 9 8 Dg red here on Thu sday forenoon -ry and a for clergymen and -anxious Mammas during ,dlybroken, but the horse 14621 ing 'to oron week b i d their' on I er try. fall and wtier. The oriti6ome in nce hrness were ba, Pentecoars, seaforth. con inue his studies in rned cine. Mr. now Mr. C arles Bossenbei Ap. -Mr. John Fitzgerald was at the y at Rairfield cemetery on Saturda, week, when pleasant t es taped withou injury. All parties indebted , to we . .., - Y in the employ $92L25. The ontoome';in the, -other FISAL NOTICE.-. Mrs. W. G. Willis returned om their n I the Mr Frank Marshall, who are the Aiiiizes at Stratford last week acting on was this wc'ek,' fell on Tuesday evening last, a d F - )4 yet, but will the Estate of H RoVb p!eaee settle Saturday,and have setti I I y. , uring his - absence from home particulars is -not fig 'red din Y, trip on d a white , of *r. John McArt ur, hardware merchant, IR appearance on theJur 'D _iune to lose a AN' A? before the 16th; W.M. grounds present( time to time inthiture issues of WOOED ANI W()N, as the beaks are to be.closed in their Pomfortable'hom e on Goderi 1 i - had avery narrow escape for their lives. ar from News-Recod bf this week -has ROUB. 1152.2 down on.,of Air. We inesday un'ti noon. -Mn Will am Cud ting a new metal be bad tb misfor The Clinton str et. -Mr. Thomas Wilson -e, of ]Kipper, shipped iieveral care of Thoy were engaged in put mble horl[r. William Dunlop thie8hed Tim Exposrros 0 - " Another of those happy - JusT arrived) new Flannelette Underyve, : r Chica. moi jo - the following - ay fo bay from this station th4 A1ore's new two storey bushels in (jlinton last Wednesday, at price that will Please you. - A. E. Pentecost, Sea. D Wilson, left on* Tuesd a past week. roof on tyl i. W in fo.r Me n Taylor last wee , 112 d 1452:1 where he will study istry His m en the small rope that Credito3 ts occurre of Me lan would ven 4eat brick dwelling, of 6ats fro n one acre of an . We X. me'.kAichael Kil- forth. fternoon last, I w VIr.- Win. A CAPTURE. -On Sunday a support on th armei : I friends will wish him success ii his studi scaffold, or e roof,. , who can beat :CLTeKs.-Anuiversary,-seriv ces wre ]laeld lien 1 TnE chea.pest crockery and glassware De, ective and Cpuniy Constable J. T. West- held their . I like to h 'r from ome f I f Mier, wa united in mar f * tbe twinkling of an eye they; . this.- r.1 Georg Wren, Sr.. has a man- in. the Methodist chn-rch here last -Sabbath, lop a NS sale at the'Popular -The many riends of Mr. George li -Seaforth is for daught GrQcery. RoriBBROS. Dewar will be please Al er of the late ever offered to cot captured a, lunatic in this village, who br6ke, and in riacte, to, d to lear a that he I: the ground, a. eigh 2 pounds 8 ounces. Rev. 'Air. Lock, pastilor of Exeter Main St. -Sila's Ami-rews.. T*h'e ceremony was perform- ha( been chasing some young ladies on the w,iire both piecipitated to gold w w s, shot 1: - Methodist churria- preached morning anA bfirgains in Dinner Sets a6d Tea r P vering, and expe,,ts 0. r 8 40 feet. Strangely fortu, ce of immediate friends at Al Lo idon road a mile north of Exeter. He di tance of over -n the presen 462.-2 be abl; bo resume his practice in Glencoe....., e to say, Mr. Marshall was scarcely inr evening to large andiences 'iAl:i entertain- ed i . i brother, Mr. H. Seta at A. Young's, Seafor!h. it.] wai taken uo the lock-up and cared for un- aati D any quantity of good f The anpuml-rifle match of the 33rd battali Wbagham. the residence of the brides re Ybut- ievond m, scratched arm and a few the o 11auday Aliss A WANIM 'r donday, when he woLs examined by Dr. j tired I ment was held in - F. Andrews, at 4-30 p. in. lice Me- til quite -Miss ionary services pro I d in' all, amounted ile er and. eggs,'for which we mill pay the high&t price riffe as4ocittion is being h6ld i,t the 11116 D pronounced him insane bruises Mr Bossenberry was evening. The cee J. but Was bridesmald,wh 1102-2 k, Rollins, wh, Of Ailm Craig, RoisH Biwa. (Frid-, Besides a out on the were held'in the lNiethodist el Lurch on Sun- to. u -87.5. y taking up in csbh or trade. near Siaforth, to -day, y). -A sho -ijously injure abo -:-.Farmers arelbus of the bride, vild dangerous to be at large, and he was a( Mr. CI, A, Andrews, brother Colle ate Institu,". Smith, 'D CO y Tei a arm and le Charles Of London, their Potatoes. The win' TEA. AN FFEE.-I always. get m a time ajo the 0 rich jail. Heissupposed head and severe ruises on thi & day. Re4. try weather, no very becoiningly suppoAed the groom. The and Coffee' at A. Young% Seal because. they are, foot balrteanIi sent a challen to -our C cor imit ted to Gode injure but we are gla -i a the Morning wnc in the even- doubt, has hastened operaticinn,-A. number to [tave escaped! from the Toronto asylum. be, was internally 'preached knot was tied securely by Rev. J- W- better than I can get at any other place. 1452-2 legiate team to play for the )ugh cup -ted from to saj that, th &I skill and at jn Rev. 1 r. Smith and - M ra. Cuyle'r, . of w i good medic from our town. attended the,!te%_meetiDg in- Jaines Regan lunatic who esea tteribury street M-ethodist Jace sh rt] could be Whitechul Holmes, of the P NEXT SaturdaT, October 12th, we will the match. was to have vake 91 um is in. Goderic town. tendince be is d, ing as Nell as rch, ad ... eased the meeting. -The Shipka Methodist &urch on hursdav even - The presents were both numerous sell. a Ladi(s' Fine Dongola Butl Book, extemion the London asyl a continue to 'band condert, as postponed 6orne was fGe church. However, Clinton s courage waned' and every ffort is expected,. and we ope e in which ing, last week. The even It Ulf 8 r 82 kind, f a '5 I I Porter's Hillp and be giver in the town and costly. A sumptuous -wedding feast solo. all sizes and h* izes,'the regula urthier consideration they a 1 arently rig] ship, i ear hall on the church 'was filled an attentive sh boot and shoe store, four f iiqprPve. time agop W. -e happy couple $,1.10, at the cheap ca be" ng put forth to capt re him. was served, after whioh th W. H. Willis, powe aring a re. ard October 17t l. -The proprietor of doors south of Wei's 11.otel, sealoith. 1452-1 ly judged their NEws..m-Mesari. Me onnell Bros., la Thursday audience to liston to! the ering of an left fo Lheir comfortable farm home in Me Bian -ger. tition -of last spring's em ecided to cdlr on their vano , Mr. J. Corn n, has t programme that Faxqthar. ware merchants, aire no rushing the Wing ism Ad - In excellen been got up- -L for Ramsa Y's Tea,also Grapesi Fj )n of Mr. -1 0 0 he Meyer block, for the occasJOA. 0 -1sir. John A. J ks a contr ict in nnectiow with the moved hii office [nt TRACK6EL ut. p rt of the! co Pears, Peaohes,_ ApPI Pumpkinia, Cakes, FAn-4 SOLD. -Mr. John Kay has sold his t church at Dashwood. net va by Mr: Hatchiuson,. Jackson, of E gmondville, w ib is attend' l; _,new Methodis -The the place ate Pies, and last, but not least, anti-dyvpg tio Brown Mr. William Stew - William 145.4 theUniversity in Toronto, I been elecEd' farm nea,r this place, to Hensall Elevator M .- Hutchinson p % res aur of Bread. annual meeting of the who ke Brussels, gi j -the boundary, for the sum of $4,900. th-e Centennial ce lately occupied by -treasurer of the in h move into t e p concession art, of as, t meeting of tOf tb e 3rd ecretary Association W held at ocured 3 pOun(Is AT Pentecoatla,- just arrived,'new goods.in I association of Toronto. -The Tlie -farm contains about 90 acres. It is last. -Mr. R.. Mm M &11ce 9 a dress riiaklng hop. Loc,1LL NOTES'­ A the Ins li, this year pr Millinery. A. football hotel on Monday evening oveltits in Fall t the buildings and fences. the Epwerth.Lealgu4, the :561lowing Offleem sea9c a occurre I WE 11 situated, bu -ew house to Mr1s. Mc of ots Q -f the Walace variety, from the all dep rtuienis, and n 102-1 real snowstorm of the -Cudmore is pushing on his -fine n Mc ance in ved her hop upstadirs we(., E. Pentecosts Seaforth. Air. Kay has M as wer He! so -very good shape e elected -. Hon. Rev. G IL E.xperiniental fivrm. Tuetsday nighty. and.' on AN'(difesdaymot- are not in npletiorr. Ml. George Joynt is spending blook.-M H. F. Gordon b them ith an ordinary drill and ireslied Willa the beaffl.- madeagoodsale. He expeotsto buy -an- 10?t - - theMe store i the Gregory block, Cobbledick - Xtesident Nelsou Gerry;' lat, TI-No.-Tbe- annual ing the ground was white eek or so at I Is home in St. - Helens. opened drug nds, 11 Titz WWA 's MBE -nitb, who h 69' been visit -other farm somewhere in this neighborhood. a1w as Talmer and Mr Frederick site . the Queen hotel.-" Wands," Vice, ilinfe Moo,iIe Vie, I "M -, e Wli,tile product of these three tbank-offering meeting of h -Mrs. Dr. Si Mr. Thom I Code led Vice, Ella Plunab; cor ing a yiel, at the Iodgert, who ro4 r, won first prize in 1) ki 511els ounds, beiitg 0A the cWomen's 'Forei. weeksp I b SiLO- BURST. -Mr, IE ek %a Zpaotie Brothers' trot and :.I xiliary gif friends in town for a pouple qf Bengough are in Walkerton this we lborne d flainiltoli nwas, held in the P&s- on Wednesday for her - sides near here, had a new cement - silo con- suit being , held th 2.24 class in Wr: sor on Monday. -Mr. Secretary, Jane 111ore; Corresponding See- rMe of 13-2 bushels from one bushel sowii. n socif ty i witnesses on an insurance Missio retary, Minnie 114NIN ffon - Trea One day last week,, a James St rt, who as for some time been, surer., Ile also receiveirl 4 ounces of a variety known c la86 - Monday evening, N otwithatanding the scarcit of hay tb a at -noted this season. broken lanks all b 'terian clatil ewa -am, y h -filling it- with 9 rn there, There mile a few c- Pomeroy. -71)onaz v1s. Du h in the There was a - of mem. g a, e j u it as he bad complet d 0 repairin in Clekg's Ler y a the*ew Daiiish vary good. attendance deal bein b I d d shipped. r q n our N . h4T'mare store, has pur ti Island,frona a firm is, itgood 0 ottom. The silof holes i sidewalks that nee cleX on tried atthe Perth sizes, judgmehtr iad a rested in the b t 1 0 per ton.-] it crackea from It covered over wit blac-k8mit g buiness in Relmore; la Ktittea. 1 rom this four ounces be I bit t3ey are chised a 6 1 - t 4X* bers,- also of friends inte work. prevailing price 1a ou: dly before n! faIV6V I tiff for $43,61*1 p (ayl In Is vf fi f -hel and 10 unds r itt the r b the ell kaiow contractor in, -Air., Mrs. and was given i vield Of OnC bw po, The meeting "a opened by the singin 16 Thomas Lmpslie sposed Of about thirty, if w to built y ow thus maki ng them very dangerous. 11,114 moved there t1fis week. i-thout costs. I nUff claimed ( e- d ai 511, w 'a Mr. Uslat r, of Th I ) Wa ker, who was visiting for Mj a Loutit attinded- the' funeral of Mr. bushels from one bushel of seed. g 1 0 line, orold, an 2; 6ast Ithey ere 'war .,Xte of I hymn Ndrs. Arobibad-19cott havin arge his stock steers at hii-auctio said n 5 tlat Mrs. (Rev. - howev r, that Vie latter. oft e' in I They brou lit an average ' bf in istake must have been made somewhere. It Pa tersoll Ludk ow on Monday. Mr. 'bentuies in, lieu o t must be Said, usical exercises, for the- evening ; day last. onth, )r so with her relativies near hem a. of 141 3 to naake the past in premim -be F. h The-, case will' upealed. f were pla-lated by hand thus t scripture reading by 'Ivlrs.* Robert Logan, about A, 25 each. -The Mean I. Dale is likely the contractor will havo s returned home, accolp-' Harringtoi u d of 'an er in the stomach, in strat well. -lie likes aough even then the loss' i, ha P terso S. Scott br ht h, on b4me better oppartun ty to yield and prayer by Mrs. (Dr.) McDonald. An lett, and Tuckecamith, a.1mo3t swept evi,f- t1ke silo good, altl %nied by her si ter. -The many.. friends " the G aelph hop. 11 last Saturday. -Mr. 0 OT 'he trilken tyhoid I ford on TueNay 1 1 the Wal ace,as he vy horses' at :e and inconvenience to Mr. Hodgertwill be PI , 'he interesting paper on the Honan mission, was Mrs. R. Hu earn. that-alle j both varieties 6utprefers thin before them in hea, ntOill regret to I in qg a visit from Derroi. I (X 9 1 tir a rts atte than e Other: read by Miss M. E.- McLean, after whiola Oderich 'show lapt week.-: iliss Jean D, I c, insiderable. fever. -A number jf 0 nded the - thinks it has it better straw thain is, -and has been, quite seriously - ilL for some -Miss Ila Dean a e guest of her aunt,, irnents of this kin that the n, races at Windier tbis w it is by exper M1,s. Watt, of 66elpb, who hadbeen spe6f- sont, daughter of IMr. Job r. Dicksbn, bf Accaj)E.NTS.-A little daughter of the he time. -Mrs. John Elder it; spending a week MI -6. J. a1r at er a oderic -Miss Stew- e taking advan i is a pro is said they- elds Can t)c obtained, and gav - e it Roboro 'mbo lately Pasp.d the Tor4 t keeper of this place, one day last wee tage of the ehdap fires, a I beat yi invited here by- the auxiliary, J so -with relatives in Detroit.l.-Mrs. A. I !a I Or f Brut iels,, of Mr. John Stiewart, si 0 on a chair, and climbing on th 0 made more 61in eir i %penses. Wands feature that in, any Of onaw 3(. ung far mo9t earnest, eloquent and impres ve ad- No mal Bob ol examination with honors, 1' 8 ced a box Dungannon, is the guest of - Mr.. ba aker in the pti ite -bank here, is visiting tin he cl a 1aple Leaf see- ge numbe bf fell off, breaking row, ot firs nd. to'ke so, (let., n appoin;ed, out of a ]at- raon.--Mr. W. III,' principal lr 14. F. Archer, of No.. P itri interest in t em. 1 bf her arm. We learn 'SPtcali Of 7 dres work -which was listene'l b A. McPhe 9 a n mission , I , 0 rac -ge licitnts, i 6 teacher in the Queen Viet, 6a ndmw, of Usborne, met ond in his .201flat.. to with much pleasure and, we trust profit a at Mr. J ohn A aool, was-, in Gi derich on V' Irtkowisn*& guq,-.Ii 0 Mr. H. Davis. tilng a roark tie to comm( . be ith a accident last week. of our ublic so W f -Charles RoZ ellv who reslded here for- -ton, as, many by present. T e en ore opeueid so ool, Toronto, and has ThursiJay and Friday last, attending the H. Wa lamiltou is visitinc, TaF grain to market the 9 1 M bile ta in a oa o Sco;t street.—Misses Ella by a committee of ladies -and the -textif du ies sliortly..-Mrs. John T' Dale, o MOf our readers knowl is a trim, lit ile village the horses. In 81emi ,annual Teachers' Convention. Miss o S.. DU lau wen. in . spri read by _11rs. J. G. Wilson. con- Jett, was lt,,Owded Mr. Holmested's sp(: -al I es sh 'e own be.)ind -, of 4ensall, has been in Gode- 'l I ' iting in Det ca th e boundary between Usborne, in the d one of Jessie Moir and Mary S er are v is roit and gall, l re ain them he fell bebin but he has returned. and -is now oo ing for- utIon, and Blanshard, in the tributions amounted to the h!nil s o m0ped sum Mze for the best two.l6aves of home-ir iL o ying t . ich for the past week or so, the guest of Cleiveland. I'Misal )VIi inie Willson,of n show. The load r nake men n e horses an thev ran away a not d county of H i7e a larfu here. 4mys it gol about eqvially dis.- 5 40 and the ­open collection $L60, b of $6 . r ad,at Seaforth t Mrs. Captain Gibson and her daughter,Aliss is visiting J Allenby. couiltv of and is ), one of his legs and rid as r him break ng, glitters, a . thered no lace li. ke urofi ig a total of `-'67 This is the beat of this in*jnstice to Mrs. Dale, Lillie Gibson.4-The Rev. A.,Y. Hartley mak it 'i I njuring the other. s n ha"a ne to otant vtarys, Mitchell an(I 'Exeter, o'h place. I th nk-offerinc, contribution in he history of omit d from the prize list as publishe verely i ier- Ace from ea t is And Mrs. Hartley, of Bluevale, and forn -Mrs. D. Fermi n has Y11 [I- "NTinthroP. Mr Henry Watsio I - I _J. W. being aboat of as fine and fertile a far m ing the society. The total membership is now .2 n, West street, was this pla6e, were in tbeillae this visit relaives. 'is enjoying: iix the cent re fi to Mitchell last week, to the 'funer of u6ss of Mr. and Mrs. Jam i THE F -k ol -There will be a meeting his vacation, ' I 'Lr e are, y more ladies i the ly Of the g es Thomas bei -,ng relieving; country a,, t1ile shines on. It can easily 45, but ther ed who, d Varna, week, Winthrop cheese factory lin was congregatiow-w-ho would- be cordially Wel- her ancle, Air. ; Thomas 3haw =4 spent a, couple of days with- 0 the patr7 is of agent. -MissMini vie -e tugh elect -- that, Nvith favorable I arle"s , ogan is visiting Sutherland, 1 1, bei coined, (lid they se' it- their duty to come whilf visiting at 'his daugh ;er's. ' He w I a DOT. -Mrs. Oh frieiids here -on their, way home on Monday inext as, advertised in another ed to the'position Of the Me- vireather, an iral show in such a dis- ley'this-wee Mrs. Charles their many the h riends in 14P A tley's former r colum, A' full meeting is desired. chanics' Institute, i place of 0,1111 114 fail to be a. success. The forward and: unite 11bemselves wit4i. this use- faith ul n-fember of the Tv. ethodist chl I triat e for f r6y years, find was bel)ved and real i t- 1eeks, who has been visiting friends in fr'om Mrs. ar -me nea 00L.--'XN1r. William . RARISOI, Al iss Dolly Sb who rdsigned-on accoulit i,.1;' cyri(Alltural Society ful pociet, e Rev. J. S. Htndersoii, on OUR f Sci aw" I 'f tile Lnshard A. Y. Thomas, returned on Tuesday. -Mr. -Woodstock.-Th eid by, al a seventh teacher.i 0 emov%1 to This who knew him He leaves n a t hoof section No. 6 MoKillop, of her r Teeswater.--71lb family- t L I i is pla cc on riday last. lig ter obn L. Wariless, and Mr'. John Wanless, Sabbath morning lost, preached the oonim odious show gronlitla, -ly aad one son has lianded'in. his resignation to the trus- of Mr. John. $hi removes next -week to, LLE N)Tj,,,S. -Time deas gent ily of six, five dwa th fairthis week. anniversary sermon of his settlement here, eni -h our aed citizens, several of whom have son is Dr. R. W. I h&w, of Lucan.-In 8, r., were attending the Bly ung tees and is leavii i the schooL ' He is going :Teeswater. Brassels codincil have decidel! well f6nced im, pleaswitly- and COnV " entlY wit Mrs. Secord received the and delivered a. special sermon for the yo 91 Mr. James Dorrance, o McKillop, -a Id 1 11 e town hall an& -11ich re nea . t show buildinas the line ol four score years, in a. -On Tuesday last -evening. -Miss Latimer spent to stuOy for a. .. u, gist with Mr. Job togetanewben for th! I Oil AV 0 - -death of her youngest bro- people in the h. he parents and child- The old r news of tlie good1dy rneasure a, bealth and activity. hae:ibeen credited with f6 ir firsts and u sad Roberts, Seafort Gerry Brothers hp4;ve the contrit t. ack, which latter and a6 excellent driving tr, William, and left for Toronto the -last Saturday and Sunday at her horne in se, orids instead of three - firsts and ee ther, art with Mr. Robinson, b en io the iechool board for- ha- 11ccome au indipens,,Lble adjunqt to This- week, however,, we regret to chronicle Seaforth.-Misa Bella Nicol, of Boissevain, i ren are son ell Will be gly a-dmrs. - Altbbugh the death of one w o had reached tb e pa- se6onds, a's mentioned in tl e prize list Wne day. who has been here for some time as lie "s.consid e.,r ed one of the best teach- the new school. - The new bell Will wilgh everyisho,w now- 1 1- STANLY'S PIO- Vlauitobai u Moore late al Q 7 years, and up to -a few Brussels show last week ­Mrs. Jo DEATii OF ANOTHETt 01 1 ) - -.3 d% -Mr. Jame I ber the naune oi Blansha-rd it triarchal age of sitiiig at h randfather's, Mr. James rs in the ownsa). The tr , stees have e 1,200 p U soletet %. er I ughe o' ibf of Torontj is at presen Vi 5iting - at A! I REEP.S.-On Fridity last; Mr. Alexander Mitchell g A 'g ie a s'd tGr of the'Rerald; left Just weekforMua - m largel supported by UsbOrne, days a i i a rdmarkabie diegree all 11 0 ' ge 9 r of Thomas ,o retained ..Case.-Misol Y' blitclaelli sr., died at.the E dvanced . age of Ronthron!s, left here this week for home.-. gaged y f mini and b r ody.. On eat of Airs. the remainder of this all tvawsnot a little in membership, ex- his facq1ties o ue§day Hall, the eq,, t6 _gn ac xJ rt tchell bid been in poor The Oddfellowa of Hensall Lodge, No. 223, E. H koka, where lie "bas taken a position as - 'clock, 1V Soole, of Torout is rer ew ng old acqu t-, 86 years. Mr. Mi teacher. -Ha hibits' and ihow-goers from 1-fibbert and morning, about 11 InDavidlMoore, .0 -as not affected 1. 0. 0. F., who visited Seaforth lodge on eftr also li,iix year. She comes very rves ho e and thanksgivi way i to jo ances in this vicinity tb is" veek. Mr.. M. health for some time, but,ly ighly ecommeilid ed -and no doubt she will odist. in thle silent last -week, speak- in serviAes will bet held the Meth other6eighhoring municipalities.- The show sr., passed quietly L Wednesday evening of C siting frie Is in Detrc by any particular disease, i simply a - wearing pains tal d , careful -ander Mo- on FrW av was success in every respect, majority, and to ehter that rest Z utherland is vi I techer. It is church next Sanday.-Mr. Alex prepared 1he night before glowing terms of the pleasant time t1ey make a e from Ch Y., out of the constitution. red tb uJg The -% -eather was delightful, the attendance for those who serve the Mister falthfully Mr. John McTaVish is 111 his death he arose from his bed and, sup- spent with the brethren there, and how conside e t . tees have made a splen- Call, who folmerTy workdd with -Mr. G, A - here. Mr. Moord was it quiet, kind' Where lie was r n-ning t e i eamery d 1 air h both V exhibitors and spectators was large, Y, hon- 11 i - ir new teaci er.' sorneL time has been im __ -t ns, walked to the door sumptuously they were entertained at the di(I choice in th( Dead -man, but for esteemed by t11 who the summer. ast wee ported by his two so ad cbmpetiLioii -wras keen in' almost every orable man, highly Royal hotel at the close of the meeting.- Box SOCIAL.' be box social got up b_V business n . TorolIfto, h&s: sold Out and ro- -il- of some large po g8lden and took a last look at the home where he nort w tatoes groy n in the 0 rch clio:ir wssels, and has gone into dep tment. 1, ven in fruit therewas a ia ice kne him. Rel6aves,resiclentin 1he-N much Mr.Robert Ross,of "GowansidIe Farm," Cwvren in aid of the organ fund turned to Br 4 rbut r. n- la -id. lived is f -di' -Pl y_ In cattle there Was litrke said lage, one son, Mr. David 1400rd, jr, and a of Mr.Vm. Clilie, Richard R! so long and which he so -a in the nership, with h 011 emy)lover, Ar. G. A.I. 11 loved. Bodgerville, has carried off a number of w u! a, decided suciess. It was lidl n, south of the li'l- Returning to bed lie seemed ( trite essrs. daughter Miss Jennie. to n. ourii bs loss. the fine herds of son dtig one in his gard a spleudi(l shom as I fairs,,for his fine house of Mr, Win. cNtosh., oil Fria y Deadman. 11, Hooper an ;Ao was his con-: way track, that puts these away i she satisfied to depart, and soon fe I feep, first prizes, at the lfal Russ d others rounding oft' an By the It-tter, eam.-Mias Hmrrls,of nearBethes. evenin last, at. was. laI attended b ster t 7 y othe ise The eliow of stant companion and watelik-d over his de-: shade. Thi immen" R dropping into unconsciousness, and finally. road vs. potato.of Mr. in which; da, conducted the service in the Metho- 'the yofingpeople-!6f the congregation. The -In the case of Sellers James, 'with tender solicitude, his son's weighs two pounds, lifteen oun..c passed away vvitbont a pw*g. He was born me for 1 fh16 eielaing fa hhee) find swinel, also, N as equalto,any we clining years on Sabbath evening last. Thi consisted of was before the 11 assizes in Stratford l"t- havc' fieeia this season. There too, presence will be. inuch mis' d. -Mrs. Fer- Alias Marian Sheppard and Miss ce in Longford-, Ireland, anq left his native disthurch Is progra Sellers, W10 se 'b e risiting M nd lamd for Canada when sev n years of age. sall, or what is reain a, - reciU tions, instrumental and vo- week, the plaintiff, Eliza . etb keer, competition in all classes of horses, guson is in Fort W ayne, Indiana, wl iere she. Cameron., Of Go(lerich, ar is a new departure in en le ease jere. it given a vi the - Rw ther i being no fewer than IS single drivers was called on acc tint of the i rich strej He came to Tecumseh township in the year termed getting out of the old ruts, babits 64 m ic,all vegy rendered. Th erditt for $3 ' 000. The 0 llnes of her Mrs. Warren Thompson, G)de M---, Hunt has been visit- pastor. neigrave, -who was for breach of pro#iise of iiiiarriageandeduo- - om in tl e ri f a a in 1833 came to the Huron - tracb. and cust r1V kep& ng or competition. The. Wirkton son Thomas. -Mr. William Ritbhie,'of Cal- The Toronto- Globe of Sat irday last i n- 1816, n ing at his moOler's duking the past week. or presen $ gave a Most sui ble address,'which tion. The defendant, Ja 'ines, formle w lacrosse He- remained here two years when he re- the Woistrn*hoteil . London, peoreAnd all interested in it,have cause to umet, MWhitlan, a former . resident of this tained pictures of the Beav w feel proud of their show. -as married to 13O. -M Vm. aaded much to th6 interest and enjoyment nd We noticed sev- villag enior champions of the C. L. A., and turned to Tecumseh, and 1% r. Alex. Buchanan and Mr. V e guest of Mr. Joseph LCollie, The luncheon part of the was an employee . fa.i ral prominent local politioian ingling for P. day or two last week. -Mr. J. 8. ul- I of our gun club.! Seaforth aas the rep' a Mary Mitchell, who pr oods have recently erected And silos.- of the occasio f iumbq b in Mr. Ori 0, fo South Huron . t. P. P. to South f e '11 we, 'th J de 's t lCa in n ""r pa h. It, 0 awe K) d$i 0 ...... .... ......... . V_! Q r Ing Iordinari they a ee W.01 ley* is brou strxin6d as weak jors .Prug`itore , bluror-dot Ache 1 Do V These -symp the vAusl beaduch aods of -eye st with in Many various VM kbom bW blurring of blinking, V, Kete— ill U dullOr stup bezor that are no. of, for at Co T A SSIG JA_ ST -OC 3HlOwn US Assignee Ior to *611 by Fx aftsIon 8, M .wdcc)c p,mI. xrorseg. _Ol oews auppm year), illg be AbouttwO 0 .Iron harrowl set about I Acre An licft Of dIMP also aa Jumt1ty"Of taim 46 , wilesfrom; Well f euced. UT and Tberre tv TOML—All will be 4Wd: tim1mrs me