The Huron Expositor, 1895-08-23, Page 15eUsed to worl� in 1.'qttsburg, had sent thear the dividona of A few tMea the Order to fir4. was repeated ; at the LIE _,d the V
*iATSPLAY AN IMPORTANT PAR -r -IN regards to me even before e registered. i, I whom he nes th tlrin�rs thtew down their inaches, I I or SaIN, I 4111 1111 inced air PARLI MENT. Was kicking myself because I couldnit - that your lawyer nover cAmo fl beir caps wildly 14 the air, and shout- iver member bhu is at all, Sir. He inlist hain ; �Ome fr( d� Ig Viva Omrtibadi but, � of course, I didn't gi e 1 )�ni e piature'will last 1 when. the works of myself away, The name he put.on �e West Vlr�ginla,"—Loulsvillo.?' t.
�Ko, Atember 1s Alto t4 f to Read' later did r it is d�l 0, Iq Bvs. rog alt enlighten me any either. 811 the 61d masters have ded- out, fo' next painted the imperishable canvass of her Custom 9 �hat Are Still Ad- 'The morning when I o The Lunette -$one the -national, goal, It tepreqents f0eVer, tell my n6w friend Was Jday toamo fish pat hrt,4 70—NesrlY 700 Merabe. wa o deeps Therebas been introdocedot: r, I ltth Iffe grect;d in' to for -use in the,glowlog tints of unsel riotism
Seats For Only 350. 6 witil 'Holloi I Ju t by the French army, It 14 ropo t id, what .1 When a no, r. cashier this check is all righ known tia the lunoti e So�cjwr +-that Is, a triumph of moral tell ou an(t stainless Tionor." the
a LD w over physical might, the rvictory of the spir. ber make will YPU? I wftnt�� to settle My. bill. X .,s his ap- got to ruil I've powerful binocular glass for ff-erinining itual forces. 'Pe0rance Ili. the house pf!., 0 down, t � Rochester, but Illf be the exact distance of an o� (t fiom -the Sine Or"111OUA, be ling back w Vol, toj� e Francis of Assisi, to whom �the
to be escorted t Itll 't' I- ' rrow. I The check W_ as observer. !When the glass a
Olor table to take tlio,)atll,- for $50 an(i I birds, it is Said, Caine witl Lout fear, pro- was signed:1ij 'O' A 1)y two OtIlOy- moriiborq� o ope of the best are interposed by; a � ilovemou Pittqbn I told 'the cashlor to gers betwoon 'the eye and the bject two f parlialudlit. -firms in Y tbe,fln� baly n-o man in all Italy ias been njore
-Ph'S'SoriO Of the illlnlcmorialusag'�sof tal;.c it. Itt noted for. his tenderness towar Is Grod's lo � er thelloilso of co w
He didn happen to have enough prisins of Iceland mpar; tile il 'there are creatures than this same Garibaldi.—Our Trillions. :It Ori takei thirtt in. a money at the
far remote past wit time, and my gentleman be- brought Into the liel, I of vIF;i Scl 011 it W" really ric On W301111agos� Dumb Animals. _%ry 011't Want to cash the o 9611 to bluster. 'If you 4 B ,eal objec' ne being the curta� ln�� . Jie ophor a ,is
in order to preventI; personation , . ;
two 111011111crs of the house abould Ide I_ Itt' 110 '1�11 take -it down.tb the Man- smoky facsillille line wi " bd � at the f its dif rer- Rioll it' IN DEEP DESPAIR. the cilairliant of a seat �kftcr a by ouso, where , tisod to.stop. . They'll rmr of It, tile seconq lina ill ore ele- elec n take It go boi 11 Properties, �afs the pero fast enough.' That ought to-havb Ll n naMed In the writ of the, r voted as the distano 3 is great The Ob- A MON TRE ALER RELATE� HIS W ON- noliSedi My Suspicions. 'turiling officer. Xon whose credit ject wit lob sorv-os for the a'dj u $1 ip ent of the CIR M DBRFUL EXPERIE.\ Tho Precaution has been u Is good are not ready- to'reseat fancied glass. Is oltherft soldier of ordl it unecessary bors0bac k, If tha I "'Car -Such Is the reluotalloo f i He hacI Tried Fo bnd Lo0a :many a. - But fOr Slights on their financial ptabillty. But I or Ono on ONO "AV
argued to myself that tb.e. man had Only.. real Image:reachtis to tb ( or of the reign 'of the houm of 00millOns tO` Partwith any come td our house on my pecount and that faosimil ilans and wEu 0perat DIAR"NO of its quaint and antiqu 6e e he :is dl� tant 1EA! Just 3 motors, it is still retained, and t, remonias I fiat we should lose a custom6r 'if he was Hot 89 5-8inches to the Illet0j; if tbA waist on Without acc011) ill odated, so I was of t.110 illinge 6601 " actors; if Pink ls , Cur Ugh a rc moroanxious than 13ySto nay c TERY-1 i 011110 to tile bp r of. the.-houg., as ever tQ him. I held' him till the 1,000� feet- of til o ilen all Other i Medici -inarilmolis choice of the i A cobstittlency of cashier Opt the moey-and gave h if thp ed. 1; OLIC NOR U
go up- 4
10,000 electors and produ Ila his pareittly- rdt on the helid of till '01dier the do hs cred . . ! I entlials change, $47.1! 'Frory �he Alontretil Herald. he will not be permitt6cl to t" -e is 0 distance Is c3actly 1,4 me(ta It there OLEF ILNFA eat "Ai few days afterward tile obook � was is a spilce betv, oell it 11 0 t of InE tances of marvellous curq'by the use 711111089 he can. got tw,0 e 10ine'and elyabers, to sat s r(turrLed to us a forgery. I have beard that the head of th, 3 oth(31 r tl e ci can only er Cow alntx ind Fluxes io
hig sponcrS. istal of D Williants'Pink Fills for ]'ale Peo, Ae and lSu he
game all over be-approximatelr4itermined, I� are epOus, but the one rq'It iable fot I
0 e felic W plaqd tile same is ow It Is s fe and rel Dr. Kencaly, the fan4bus coltrisel-. for tl o Chil en or Adults. countrY. Ho evidently made a s eoial- "tho claimat, I I I P a, terest� owing tot t peculiarity presellited at tile of pqsting himself on the history and Ila n - 'For l5age b all Dealers.
bar unattended Sash 'Weights. og, and also to tble act
P of th I es f 17 pi rsonal appearan if lJotol Ole -a, the present instances t ection for Spoke- upon ce 0 rk -andl ille genillman is5w The ingenuity of uan in cO130 -Trent In February, J876- Tlie speak-- t1c do Aing tb Il�.o of Fra our class to, be known as' OV-. known in ontreal. Mr. Ch4r. es n- To on 9 dozen ears of
er informed blim. of the i e of tb e house, or I body friend did the rest. 1�—'Buffalo useless 0q.ds and eMIS of".1ndu into ar- corn, a cupful of
,ouicncu and -shown ILI tment, oj )rossjs . I Beatthe whites apd
0 inembers to Iand as he could not Er ter of the mechanical dep the cream and five egc,8
to ajdvan�age In the ordin U It dow sash parately uni accompany hit tothe le he was obliged ary Bell Telephone Co., at 371 Aq6i duct sbreet, yelks e il very light; add the
all haud- and who resides at 54 Ar y e a kenue, &it cream to the YtIks
einbrance,of Sit weights. ii Without tN a9d stir in �he corn, a
to leave, A Re4 Walter Scott. -sp a It k 0 �buy foreigm intervieww'ith rald re crter -re ated spoonful at a time; stir this through t e
�_l 'It was only resolutto 'lie for quiet' a He It
�betterxnikda n of the Ha ha C07 tand refuge from life woulq be a buh en, but fe avo any
the follp'wing wonderful cure by th6 use of stiff whites, and.
bouse, MOVIL4 �y spee pour into a fryi�g-
�Tx the work r. DI;raoli, its leader at vi -Itors, to my father's house, wbera be ,eria
ipend yoar Nyas Jdea of Ch mat , of whic tile "'elght Pink Pills. Mr. Frank, Who s 25 'ea�s 161 pan, very hot, with a -�h
-lie tinloy that _he 0 )equality a 4
t . 7 little butter over i e
Injure ybur Ke, e OY'wa allowed to, %Tfreo as" in -his own is 06mpos;.d i y
butho said frankly hich it, e 1-ussian by birth, exceedingly �,n- bottom ; fry brown and turn. Send irr1rh
take his seat witl at utility ls!'basod Is,, cl e -
and oec!- �Iyln y but that of '111lost ev-
9 with the h4 felt ullequal. to any. sool6t gilt, und is
gent, speaks eeveral languages flueptly, diately to the table o ri a hot platter.
usual practice: his frJob'd's. younge9t Child, *lie would ery inetal that cant t be used in 4 - other is i d ow apparently in good lRalth. N -When me fashion finds Its wn y into tile SaE I wel4ht. �y GREEN- COmN th
ble t.getber Ili social EllauSe him with her mcrry bavalrdag an e assemble t 0. So illness ame about Ili a peculiar way," said nels from IQ Lears o c r-
prou life, as In a th a Inectilig, tile on, Tin can's 'that are t)o far gone to'be press f rn,add one pint awbet
enter oritti I was loft alone With lirfit dwat'afterno Mr. Frank " U to three years ago I was milk, five beaten ega , one-half cup su ordinaryLeir.%toln IS to lloo and the scene � is�prcsont with ale it ed out for furtherg eerving usek old Ilk r,
ver while they asif in the, b of tealth. Pr,
I eat About tlia;t tilile one-half cup (scant) Red crackers, I Ce
are eated and to don their hats as' they wer-eyesterday. Sir Walter! nes buoldes, zinc bathtub Ila 6gS, rU A7 while- in Glasgow, Scotland, . of butter size of &it e . Bke P
where I f__
I d enter or leave tile place. with the gentle was wont to road spikes, rusty t elograpb Win br6k m one hour.!
71 nailE, Shattered scr(ons find a red ot !I. e oyed as a clerk in a hotel, and mZl: it, parliamentary life that rule is- rover apply to'littlo children, -old me that he . F mp' t1lse ' SrEWED ApipEs. are and core six fine
9- t e 3 ng on the Clyde, a storin came tip, a id juicy apples, leaving hem whole. Fill each
3430 did not wish tospeak him elf at !ill u It C "emnan ts spurm d by the masE of pooPIJ I culli pretty'Lrough time of it for a .ed. bats only : r a
11cm bers, oan wear the 0 hac
'%Vlferl they are seated, on tbo benches. would be gJad 'to llst-cil' ralry luo there to sbwc an int poi: I lant pu while. I evidently must have njured powdered white sugar, and -pour a
As to some; I with
very ittle wa,
storias'if I had -a lic!Use.—Philadollihia Record. ter over them. - Pilt L
Y to tell' 11 im, them in'a
theY Walk to the seats or rise to leave tile self internally although I f( t nothitig
Nothing was-casior to nie, as deep dish Land place t em in th6oven. Wheit.
1chamber thcY must be tricovered. This fairilos -and wrong at the time. On my way home, hoWr
PLedy- cutom, is the sourco -Of L nit'rell confusion hobgoblftis wero the Morphine Iffabit In Arnu*. nioel baked, take fo r eg
tant companions -r, I fell helpless on the stre t, and h�d f gs, st�r them as- if
t! i our and emb of lily thoughts at that, berlod of.iny e:ilst- It appears for all omelet, with
arrassmont tQ� new meni bers. 1), )rphin is bein 1 impor to be conveyed- home'in a cab, as my le 9 te"poonfuls of
�erwanently weet milk, � theii poll hem
Th e house never falls to h o w its reson oncO into a wild in- ed largely tntd Ani(y, and tbat. 'lie hab were utterly unable to hold me u
L t- Once and'I plunged fit M I t in &-rid over the
Nermt4m W S,5) ' es, Pu t them back in the over Ifor
mien t of it br r %701iti() 11 of what I! in agiied to be tho mart- cc .vcral 'a
each of Its etiquette, howeve Of Injecting it is Much on thle Iberease. nfined to bed for c the sac ie
wof ten minutes'. _'It DOrS and allSt'0111-3 'Of At el� ft-OH6�01)10 'be- Habitual pplurn Smokers takin p' appl Whentaken front ____ oven ben I but fimad
7 M'ayand af-? Oil of par- i.5 to mor- helple's condition, w rallie( grate over them soil e utyneg, and aerve
bu- Excesse t, ous,ly roar with indignation at lings, to lll Of he] 110ched pallor tly Pill 11 0 Inj ections arc mble toubs In from
that --my urine was of a stran'e redd4h
a new who, ignorant or unmind- Ifor a'*Ioii,- time, Jand often laugh6d br;t file Opium pipe, but, are by no nw: ns cured liue, I called -in a physician, -wbo pr hot. If wa�nted for k .9 n4ay dinner put
ful .Of the 'heartily in spite ' I I D r : I tile apples in a very c)ol lace, on ice il YOU
arliftinentary oustoiii, wears ills of his OvOl l)gil. 9 gloom, of opium sm,oking, as a of the, scriled, but did lie no good. I then call6d have, it, -and when tin e to serve the ave
&VA 1&4- -bat ai be walks, down- the floor of the sorry w1leh a - grave person in —illjeCtioll habit leai Is Inevitably an in- n grave. Iauthority: camo to take �n6 back to- my oroased Indulgence sni reaav some whipped ea metenernd Pan
, rilt Oklng.� LondOD , p, 4
iousandg ct An Offending . member, startled by the sellooli.00*,111 nd loavo tha, greatest of all . Nows. spread It over and arc tin it:"'aVPplos. 'his
-,shont whieb greeted him as ho was leaving it story teffl(trs tO f t tl hild's fantastic' makes a delicious (less rt, and is nic for
tea. rorn. lis, c Yll dq�k thoug,"lits 9ontb America I s tile gr&ite t unbre- the. chainber with his hat on Ills head in nPauSe ' ken extent of lovel urfaco of all. country ace: crt M 'd tead of his hand, f n tile middle o q I by, retUrtt the, floor and looked around with a inin in tho,world. T Ilo-, 111110S of tb( orinceo Xiie Va :)er 'Age, A BAd Coln' are so flt that the r ib'n of"the i vers We have 'had the gc Aen age, and the ron
expression of fright and perplexi1hy., dan I es, -at, phili.tdolpilift, 1j,,1r__ scarcely be detecte(I ver an arei of 200,- 'Hat, bat!" tilioutod the hous-e. Scale till pany, age, and various' othe azes, says the ew
This onl�y embrrassed him. the more. "a bd cofil Is a ver, I ti to 000 squre my goo( I ork World bat the to rese'nt will, prob bly
H6 -felt i trousers pocket re i�d I b IS Coat- have. We JJ:lLd 11 britiss 10 coat p &i - I - X! , be known the wood n or paperpLge. r
Se leco Valth is' found 0 a ttire. He For two that Ni -as worth -sa a Neck to- b2side the ni tils for the off (lading artici'lo q I ie rl u, a d &ess material mas�ue ding 61k, is the
the bar. *-v(!ii looked at his feet to see -it, 1) I knew tho nilaii, f r6M wbon, it life, the freest iniont) the pmofotmd- latest iliven'tion in e 1 paper 1 line, and
wearilig it at that oxt I en wai, ItUd of colirsc,,gavo it back in 0't pllilosol�lly, tile r(b V poetry, th Ir- I threatens t' drive -worm oult of
trellilty of 1-1 Js per. 0 p 0 t e silk
to conjecture wlit ml�fllt Ho was a go(A ciistomer baforii, Cat buinDity.—T. Xurigei., business. Spruce saw last, co j Lite
tton -or
further had not D'. Tivrl7ner but inuelfbetter afterward. 'roll tillies a 'e, and alcoliol are ut: into the machine
r Honesty' Rewaed ed 1p This I Ife. walked tip to the offet.iffing. member, and WWI- he WOuld Come ill Ulidditlier give ale and come out at the ot aer:end Shining, deli-
-Use polite- pres tod hel' �"Tb� c anild the loud lauglite of tho be that bus.z coin It given tobim. Ono on at ni: Ilt's pit-; cately color6d, rustling silkstsuitable for the
-1y took- 04 his hat and then handed it to lookod through tile per of a roward of 1 being pid fort. ie most fastidious lady's gown. 0f ciourse,
rid finding tile bukti,3 piece throw return of $50 110111 this paper 6 U does nc t wearo ell as the
bi m- with a courtly bow. rawer, irl� s nie of a ill Ilar a a- The lint plays many important parts in Lt away," When I told Jilin that it was - ecd6te-0 ly!dlfferon said the. ancie it: Categ_ht in a Storm on real. fabric, ut think low much Icbea er it
NOW ED L( IS, on ir 0, It also contrib- worth a ow Ell Ian' I moil. of the ow parl yt:nr to the lie kicked r b t
in hru� will be eorge �JcL�od, 0 als� o
-utes occasionally to the gayety of lifo in hiniself, Wo not only lo.��t tli6 coin, but morning. "It happeri A in Provi 'nee, It. Enthusiai tic paper anufactuxo[ra say the
and advised me to go to the
tile house of coninions. No incident is tile ouitoinor as well. He f(at b urt because e p hoo-
I 40 ye, rs. ago, - wh e the city e ritained new worrian and the
pital.' Iwas averse to doing till ew man will dine off
r 1.1 and he
greeted with ino o I eart I couldn't giVo ijim oar pc� but Ono millionaira, who was aper dishei. It is no improbablb that the I I gall 0 d advised me then to try a change of climat�,
laughter thaii �ufter a magnift- Vork Tribrici -the spectaclo ot a ni�ni ber, Scotchnian named lexandel; Purican. telling me that lily bladder was a flat of the f iture will e an indestructible
Ct I
oce, r imperviou
Cent peroration, pluiliplag down on Ilia Ono day Mr. Duncar , in leaving 111. a4ted,on his sm-Nestion as to ell age an I paper affai to fire or water. THE "TOUGH K101,,&I MATCH. dropped a largo roll f DOWS In the
-,Ilk bat ora the beach bebind bini, bank Over in P any enter�rising milliner wiU.
ci ur
Ic�riie to 11ontreal. I did.not do , nythin They escape I i be able to I iy
and -w The ba:.,;Iiful and awkward member gan- tIs'eye, but;` ot that f about a 11 illow you t lish bomiets and
Re Found Him in Sonxi Tbddyls Darling year, as I wis "ed to ,e cure(
erallyfIgures in those accidents, but the of the sniall boy v7l o Is arounq'i every hats made entirely *o paper, frame, trim -
9 t All this thile my urine 11s'as tairit d with Pa-
1� Who Was Wglkin Fj:' It Avenue. . int
'ni on even old and cool i bl�ood, although I was siifering no I an, but ming, ornaments, and a �. Parasols of hbefall 0 whero,!, and who Poll cod upon 'tile bills
ty. Reggy 11 ld, a lot),- 11110 icf' gebtlo ances- Tile rill contain6fl, $500. per do not seem to It 0 been thought of
paliamentary bands Mr. Chamber- C) tqis abnormal condition was a murce �qf
tOrS 13ellind him, and it. il�as- ist as riat- -When Mr. DuDcan to cived it beicagorly Yet, but satchels and t nks. of paper
lain and Sir William Harcourt and ling i . ecIntinual �aii.xiety. I finally went to the . are-
url - for Jilin to look- tile inoblentill as'It con red tho Inoncy, � ind finding it, 'Correct, g�li The 1,
,completely spoiled tile oVers of a f�Nv of n common enough. er'trunk, despite
eral hospital, where the physician lil
theIr most eloquent was for the other bo,v� t6 I ok "tie tough thank, 0. he to the boy a n d said: its frail sobrid, is the despair of the baggage
effilrge advised me to stay, wbidij did. A A -1d of the Fo'rt' the Y'O,,Iljy little Then notiding Afterremainingthere for five weeks witi, So do Pa
tile masber. It.refusestosmash. .wyears ago lvlr,. R. G. ounte-. no beiieft, a consultation of physician' They have- been
a iD,i O'Dia (in esou �pheon. look of disma in the poor lad's. -if or car wheels.
mernbor for East St. Parlor, , sat down . 0 Tho "to,ugh w.,; sittillg in the gut.� nalice, lie fult in b,s trouse afrev his maiden peocb oill a iiew ilk hat, -et a in, use for ears on some p� the most up'
r onsuggested,. por-
0" fid to tile was held and alloperati o which -which. he had provided in. lliorior of the aus- ter whe'a �ajiiu (town th'd Steps In a fish.od out a coin, wh c" I he liagpdol 11 ;his time agretd. After tile oper ti tant railroads of this cc untry. It must not
P. r suit fresh well fitting. 'with lieii im- fluder of his rid t1e �Oj� 0 be suppospo that the wle�ls are made On -
an: d as 11h e was, ruef ully repre- -as no better, lily Znldlp-
F, wi s perfprmed I ii
hIq battered 1' 1,e to the m6culate, s becomes. a ontlemall, and sestited—what do you think9l, [ - tirely of p"per. This inaierial 'only forms
ti n remaining absolutely unchikne. Frou
of the tQenfac ar, his round, bQyi.%Ii face d i gnilled and car-, "Five dollars." the irrtbriol� shell. Har ng been subjected
e Ing speotaors'., this outJ was coatinually tryin� me( icine.
AtT, Edward Harrlagton� an nest"with its stamp, of birth. The:gutto to te�rlfic �re*ssure, it is moulded and firtn]
,r �-f,A dollar." Raid �h��sicians, but derived no enet from bolted�o the outer rim whichA8 of steely
Irish repre- $4, boy's gazo'was full of scora art �A likalf dollar."i said, ir. _ - . r. I - an thing oi- anyone. I was inj de pair, 8 11,,mentativo, rose and gr4 an.1 bi.s lie, e6agrata
peaker, p( late the Swelled witli a of injustice 4&quarter of a.( oper4ted (4reateir dumbilitV and glitness are claimed
�5 -rinit moL to �fin!o. I �Oua physicians who - bad on me _7 th, 1�onorabln member on appy Gircum- so m3whero that be eould 'Fti'st blf of that. It was ai bld Span- co, ild not decide as to my trouble. I visited by these beels,'!but do Vt let the idea of
th two Reggy. reched the side-wok.114 other's Ishl coin a psod to call inkoepece lightnelas lead yoit to get under one. If you
4anco tbat when -he sat on:b, a lint ills bead th,- hospital once more, and they mid they
��agL nof in it. " The strid on t call of " Or- feelings fou d -vent In 'a how1of dcrlsion.� in :�ow E ugland 4nd that YO `411 d would operate a airi ; but I did not care to do yo LY possibly hav � use for -one of the
I a der, ordorf" from the speaker was drown- "Catch 0 o de dudel"Joercd,Swipocy, shilling Ili .ew Yd#. In otbo �;crdes, it f paper cof ins which -are I eing turned Out at
I undergo a.secon( and perhaps equally all.
follo-will- I Ira down the avelitie. Regl- was 12Y2 cents which Alexa -wholesalc by a firm at NA`estfield, bliassa-
P�A in roars of laughter. lide.-.1puticall, 8trecess -operation. Some chusetts
,3-iEf-�- Je f U!L �byaicians
Ili probably every otber'legislative ell& m- riald wits p on Illsklovs and millionalre of Pro-id6DOC, �)414 tothe thought my trouble was consumptiol e ai -her in tile world cach mon,h)? r lifts a special -train of the future is likely
I of le
V. . no notice. on 9tboyivbofo id-abdretu=04:'tollim bhidder, others that'it�was Bright'sals- Th. r road thait t1he. -a at allotted -to him., Pu 'though there "Aw! I sult JuW'lI`ko dat.bome' '—UtIca Observer. . . .1 i,.,. not only to have paper wheels, bat -to xurt
I., - . L ease, but not one could cure thot tra i go 'in me trun- Say, I'd like to.pu'nch yer I I Oil paper rails. These are made entirely of
a -e . 670 memborg in tile combions tile bhody condition of my urine.
Cows, Iwilk as paper, and are form�d in moulds under great,
I.- 'Finally I we . to work for tie I ell
ec iarriber. strarigaly errouglj` was built to n' Roginald look h y Ile pressure. They have bean rise to some ex -1
a ,*COMMOdato oil ly about balf that numbr. of] annoyed and orogsodL tile. Inn,,writing In, a 1311rll- Te hone C' rs a Oi om Any, some two ye u
tent in Russia and G d;are- said to' 2d the only members wba are certain of Strout, tile ther close bohill1d.. b glonle publicatloip, state.q.that r workeg myself -tip to illy presk, t "Too pretity ter iaght, aftilt vor?" n be. free from many of th-C (feieds of the or -
COW not a fit s�&tg are jutilsters and the food for t ho urnan 'po tion, �' But I was in a at4te of constant dinary steel rail. I milk is Roggyst(ipped awarin Aiu;hmounting sto ipell. He olkys tl' -i it forms ln�) icurds an ietv, as I feb
o6cupants respectively of tb 0 treasury bench mvself getting wer to his yello,Ly lutir. Paper horseshoes are another EuroPe&n.
-loll, which4e Indigestible and' the tic�ie, and was listless ancr sleepy and
.;and the first opposition bodeb. 1.1 t: To stom, The consequence -bat ;0ii occasions of i is t "I can't,stand this, lie sidd In apology cappot be properly a0imilt6d. says weok lin the legs. I - was -also Pae and illo invention. Among the a Ivantages claimed
to' Ills ancestors wid begail-s%w rawIng fur hor that it is a fo�ll for them is that they maintain, rough sur-
-Only suitble fo looking, no doubt * owing
gToat interest the'r off lusgJoves. ,o Is always a scramble to los of hlood4, fice, enablingthe h6rse to et a good - g cial3linal for which I Is intonded—tbe Fr)mi a natueallyL cheerful mail I became
ago croll, d1of mombe ationtly th rip
A I r ps oy wn. I t C
N g Se axenients. te man gaper-
pthered at Westin While tho proparations wef�(), ll�, progress, having Se ral stomachs, can morose, and gave tip all hopes of ultimat� on the smooth p
inster i xi. fli e earlyixi orn i .1 0
L He W11.13 A &11t.10111111, too, a tr ii, code of pr6perly dispo makers have put on the arket asubstance
lie of it. This, as faras-It recov 6e Saturday, �some months agoi irigof the evoriltig on whi-Q.1 A-fr. Gladstone caled "-pi r, whic. is use
o horne rule -bill of 189;1�, and big Fo'rt' ward set and scoriapd:to take pears to be an 6vorturnin of the &pier sculpto d idtroduced tb while J�Ia. lc�g along Bleury street, ll�avin
gro Of bIS'ft1lt4gOnW 9 -wbo-n, after hour% of waiflu g, the door gly- unfair advanta. hygienic teaching borotAore in respect to seen t�e advertisement of D stead of clay for niodelffig. IC is -simPNI
r. Williams. er Oft enol. gh to �be wor'
With AnLd d( . pt a ulp ke
-lib� ation Beggly foods. It lifts bCon ilit ?ressed on the 1111- Pink P�Ils in ti Montreal Herald, I stop� P" -
ing iminedlato cntraDco� t6 the chamber qr le took off: his coat folded W and hirUg It Ilia JO -papte,r mache ceilings a nd wall decorasions
mind that -nilk lst4 Ideal �h,
n c6ws' i Eed a, T. Lyons' drug store, and
Was opened at 7 a. im., so mad'was , the across the railir sinodthed ibis gloves alid food, containing all the conslitue; are ver� fashionable. T1 ey nia�y look like ru,sh for seats that several niembors were nts nee- ought a be.%. I bad tried sc many inedl�
leather oi brocade, or a thousand and one placed them car -ftilly upon� the (o -at, b is ossary for ianj uts onance. Persons cines 1'a I said to myself, 'If they don't I
crushed, knocked down und trampled )an ssed e5 -.cts, V"Lit they are, 'hat, too, and ithout o to bavo'complained fr6ni t mo to time that it 11 can be any wors off than be- ODd n't dsonie embo
quie r wood Jpt p just the -same. L talt speak � a word lie stopped up to., Swipsey; did not tgroo with thew that it prod d After I a. grel U�p f0M.' he first box I felt The house furnishing d �part ents !in the and tile fight began. bill ou sness and th at theyeduld notdrink" at 'lleet I
Reasons For'Disl,!Oeritinc. r IngTr an& more rful, although there are onle pity big slip s furnish interest �ng ev dence� of the ItNyas till over In one round. Th It,. but the. only r0ply'.1 it 8 iog wa4 nc� chan I (41 it ci S. e i tile b1bodv condition of
It has been remarked ti e-xtent t D which paper enters iriLto - ordinary .1 ti t the � disinher was, no referee, bill- it W.LSn't nqccssury�. comment on t 10 state! f their tdmach, in -ItIng of -relations Is iios, for Vnial of- 8-%v . Ipsey knew -wheril lie bad 0, it. y urine. fut I felt , ell coul aed and go life. P Lper pail ciated
) io (Lot a. Tile last noug with the rehi krk that it doesn't! agree th�ee imore !boxe?, determine([ to make 4 a and tu's are. appre 11
lenses and nof for bao act Probably' those well sbA2 ed and. well with some,por '11.0 physician NV�Jlo th It lal of Pi k Pills, After I bad by the E uburbart dweller vhol hasn*t set 'property to, 1) ion Irish Lord.. FitzwIlliarri Ieftlhis pband; never' ln§.p,ir . od such rospect n� advances th cry Insists that it does fi'lrou� ter � second"abpx I fc und my urine tubs. ' hey are ninch.lig.lifer a ad ea ier to
0 11 aw th 11flahe th t Ono mopping at breark-1 rOrd0 D 'low, bit they did on that -a wskeep cl n, as well as c, than the old
-t( Occ Sion. Still with, tin not agreia.with anyjody. i getting pleat:er� so � continued tile use r ter-co'olers �J.apr fast the intended heir, at helping bimm style. a a of paper. o
unruilled compo.-�uro lie opladod hIF lint oil d; of thelpills,1taking two after each meal.. ca -tight theilst drop upoll is the 'h -abused cuspii.lor. self to crea, his coat, took his glov a ffi'bls-haad.irnd� Wherill h4difinished the third b of Jlis.cup, thus brought, How Garibadi' ook Nap es. ox my urine Peacli I)askets, berry �a k i d ;b4tter -a be! �I landed, at . Nap] es a f w days after the W" of the orearri 1 a 1
the rim I continued his,digniaed -D sSage dowwt Ls q�ite 614ar, for the first time in th ' 11
0 into C -itact with 8 - ree boxes ar�e niac e ei e ry-
ol tile ed I of.paper ti
p per
ttle:King hal fltd, I heard from -the ears. I .*as delighted, and continued, tondod tha Lord Fitz thing uqder the suni— t, 11ii, use d to
villian swipsey looked after hilli with dnzed 0 r ii 'takin six w -h I
come ii
movOl scene. lie* GaribaMi t ok Naples,; Four crean candy, shoes, cor-
action, and, as the of - 1[ n . thoughtfully' . i 8 Of w 0 a( t blue an 'te bags, cat- this was an ill brod FPO thei peo0le h I witnessed the ii,pre ty
-le OX 'I am strong now and have had no r&- -lie objec- eyes and t1 d off wi t the '!pills until I had finished meal c okers -nder f persisted in ridiculng t the other dirdotion,— ow currence of the trouble, and as you calti N . railway carriages onve ed him fid bis ased from sets, dr4sses—is ent hom in a paper box. -tion, his name "Vas- see, the flush of bealth shows itself in illy fLorthwl:h er staff to Q16 city. i lie pe ple turtiedlout. ell Ili ai an, Isaac Casauboa ft no part of th $%p folks live, in Pa- P eX SOLM h'Oss EXAMINER,: face, To think that I was cured bv the use S Cc nL his goods- to his Seri, nd joined the, ONE CR, Masse alkilong the iines, hey clamI)e �ed up per ho try paperi. boaps who a u es, an( I
on the enine they luste e(I like b,.er, all of $3 -worth 'of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a& It$ t
one, cup of the 0. I church. of Rome, bilt " on Iv iffe Wasn't a Gentlemi and He Didn't are in e, N4,rnut th necessary sewer
ter tr Ing a number of physicians and un- over the ckxriages, t e tr in could iardly - i be orgottei. -.Paper pipes for i carry-
-Twn,)Ie Bar. dergoing an operation in vain is a puzzle to .
value of 30 ormvris. Come From t pipe
se croN d et the ing wat
go slow eniough.; an I liet r; steanti or. ele icity are not un-
ck an unf(rtu�h4 mer0b nt me and I am sorry that I didn't h-novi, Pa ation 0 -es
T6 Catch TILem looth. train the' whole pq com lo I As c6duits icity they
In Iceutu I electr' b this grand medicine before. i I wold raw 'bankruptcy confronting Im, ane to str-eaming .;Out to, salute t eliberato 18 aboul are bit$ dered s*l', evel ougb he wire be
I think I Shim tr� tile tiro volume SYS- savoa.portion of-hispp Ile Invo, Ked have willing hour was dome. The 0en ral, with � ozenz, gly given $200. or $300 to have sai(� Timinins, I not i 8 late4l. wovel, an .1 the 690 tance of j)y anyone." i I 11 illy next 11 been guaranteed a cure ItIsl't that Sort Of the name of 11110'rifo entered. a: c�rrjage an p ir, n s staff thin otrJt of i ato?" d 4 a friend. The creditors Ifistitutod proceed- Jollowed in':.three Other carriages The T arn willing, said Frank, in con- w U Hear You. - d In le Kingwa ea. to Igs to recoveroertain likopoiJity, an s still in Nap[ Th Neavolitan P-lusiblIL, see, anyone who --vishes to No But till. M going 5 is a of courso of the proceedings thl4' friend, a n- poli�e looked on sulled and inadive. 'I verifyi this interview, as I conside it. my Father -011-alloran had -i. telephone t
at! tile and -to�nlorrythem Off happily tive of Virginia, was put upbn'tho stiti d.. The fortrep of 3t, El -no, om '' I' duty tie my fellow -men and a in ter of intthe parsonage -in coni tectioi 'th rl an .. nj k wl e
-tilp f lie in t1.i,(,- good Old stylo"You ii. wout well until he witiless was i ib- the pproaCh b 'atled,witli artr 3 an Pat i A d m n, gyatit6de to the marvellous cure thei mel,di church, the parochial, et, r �Ii 310
irst volm Thatwill. catch t a it were 11' thei -, pos, As cine lids effeoted. I have come o Fee, h � reverence's he mothers' In jocted to a rigid cross cxarOnati6n 3� he gunners is ban IN, man Iwas in -
I t t ie'c6n 7
oluitio the. the clope- elf a native of Virginia. - The �oon;a the Garibiidd ans c me Yvell rithin olusion that Pink Pills axe the bes J blood structed the use. of the instramril, and
i the jecond Y awyeThat will he divorce appear. :Ili fit blundaribg afongnt s:u,,h a j�range the had orde. -8 to re and 61 Lr he -istence, a4d'Ithink p er:yono it as only the ne WI 'us
ari d t ltnc�s wo builders in e.N ext day w ell Pat, ting
tj J! aW. 0 In- e a 'th 4 that gr(A yor n OeSSary e C 117.7, 8 'Of the S. rat bouldf, try them." ctch the datight a,tbat his I Istre t W1 rape shot. Slowly t out the chtir6h, beard tIlt clatter -that lie 'Wag i10 're- r1ages I the ,ro phone b�
diftria.palls; Journal. I noved t1ifoug wded reets, tele
i terfero and tell him ell. Taking do, vn the receiver
estions-i hlob would a' id "the deafenin roar -of he bear Fat ier OHalloran'$' A Serious - Illulader. quired to answer qu In . Contributed Recipes. was pleased to tj criminate himself. tl�ey came under ie guns of Castello I'vuJv08 voice asking him somethir g or other aboat
ie beef is Thin Boarder (delightcdW-0 After tile Close of tile ca$ej wbIo re- tile artillerymen we to at theim Swr Co-jt-.%� Soup.—.Grrate the corn frolli his work, Pat, in essaying to dnswer, re- oi tell ears 9,Dd boil with the eara in one quart, -Yer tender todAy.. sulted disastrously for our acOmmodlttng and stand ready.'w th th lighted r atch, membered that his reverence was 104g 0
ildly)__J�fy -_gbodness! Nirs, 814111diet (W frlond from Virginia, he express d eat At the' snpremb incar, ent, t ty'eneral s voice of water for ten minutes. Remove �h way off, and Pat consequar tly b6llerel d into
was hLea rd aboe't 'e din: Siower al wer ! eolis, -8alt to taste and add a quart of awe' the top his oic6. " 1
1*tt now girl must have lDdfgllati0h at 06:11umilifl-flon. to h irt of swi,e the transmitter at utallar 1_�N ow 'York Weekly. v a it t d -on with butter and pepper, c4 don't understand you, Patrick Said the 'arpoav b he bad 'been stibiodtod. I v r: In drive slower;" And 0-9 tn., as thl milk. Seas
coachi�arl hardly see d tF a &� I a,,elt a fe' minut" I nger and serve. telephone. Pat tried again with' no �bett6r my life trented Ith so little courtd#, Vit, ZI Par, i w 0 ITHE BOGUS CHEGK DODOE to inmand wice suebess, -On his third trial, he came - near
I he said. "The posing couns6l did not voice unaccusIl,ome MOCK OYSTERS. —Grate or scrape th 6 .15ir. I expected Slower !" ; . I I I
a- D, from, a. dozen ears of sw . 4 1 splitting the telephone; but Hin eactI4 1
orked Uotel not at all 'like a gou 0 ins eet corn, a� How the Shrewd Crook W rtment, especially "as The officers cc d heard callin upon 0 a it I heg'
w -w a4:1, Clerks to 1xis wn, Denefit. entirely diffe�ront tire [hr are e well -beaten eggs, a piece of butter Father 'Halloran's voice, I 'their m6n,tAe. T h Cyou're saying, Patric t b
'Was froni:Virginla, and ell, full sight, and. be size of a mrEkInut, a teaspoonful of sugir' whi ad 5 check rqrl,- I learned'that lie I .0 4 1
i'Ever got lef� on the bogil t I was from thiit state. No' under the veg, in z f. those guns, the balf spoonful of, .113g_PoWder 118 pal 1,.tr,v ' , Peppeg this Vine lost something Of iende, 4,
Ithe otol clerk. 4()nly be know t1ld a itrepeated an tahl poonfuls of floux as heistood. gathering bre&Z a fou th Street. Sir in the old days no Virginia gentlem ,General, stood up igh n his carnafe ith � and salt and :three, one,band on his bteaft, .1 so UI*Z' I in
on6o. so anothorvirginla gentle' a�d look tead- Drop kir spoon rid blast be couldn�t xefrain fro,
A -strn. sir, would c4u fuls in boiling lard ai Zkmra.4 jitist after I Came here. an the'sliglitest embarrassibent beca; fastly at the artilleryipew Those w, o saw brown. tone, "Ah! may the diVil awa so a low,
g th bu land called me In or, noriqu itgtl( ism. A 4i,erice CoRN-i O-,rF.LFT, L Orrate the corn from f I 6t dir. I a er W11-glitco fr. _ 0 )altryia matt Id he scok it said it was like vid the ould f4l. " But. R 6t dir 6d h
torod the door. Of a9 i )y 'seemedlo fall on the ex t d crowd. The cob, and mix in the following proportipo'.'w'. *dphone to and fel 'I 'name even before. be OP him. 00i like Act pots'
and bY flot IntUrogowries t r
i I told
Phys d
Dr tila"lhgnis hd a I
g S
r We have a �splendid -of caps for fan wear
Knock -abouts for rainy *eatherl and neglige wear. We also have the beat -04terprodf co&tN umbrellas and other requisiteg; f��k -the -.,�ason]. U bought your al U: t d Hat yet See our line. Goo. d,
Aght prices, entire 1. reliabirity. B R I r %X&J.T -BRO AT T. SEAPORT H r SEAVOR 1REj IRAL HARDWA �-D AINTS,- OIL GL, -AS S 8 and a STOVE NARE :M: LLETT 00-�' Se-afoth. rn itu, re urfiltu, re wo ontinu), ly addng new dcaigns to our large �Str inducem�nt an i
to cash customers we will for e 'Next 60 Days_ give REE A 110, e fro ried -picture worth $1,25 to any 011 chuslur 815 wor.,th of ree worth $2 BO. O&R furiii e a#d fc 'r 11 s le of S-25 large franied pieture an�d e* miri6 P1 0 URES and FURNITURE before 4rchasing elsewhere. I'We are i giving otir cast,olners the benefit freight, charges. All goods mirked i plain figr�13. IUN,�)EqTAK NG Cur u idertaking department isi completW in 'evet'y respect gi arantee satisfaction. S. T. 110 Ines, Funeral Director. side ice next door to Ds. Scott BIED�k I 100Tj Box & I 00*1 Main Street Sea Irth Po#er�a Old Staud. 3riously contemplating a busk,ess-,i.or�] g�orthaud coarse this A E U %easonl The IFc reSt ity: Business antc( 8-hatt"hand Oollege 110 0 JF MOIST:DC)MW, C)3 Q X_ your p ronage, because we believe honestly tha;� Nve; h*4,1ve the 44, to be 'had )-,It oar i ine' X i ng but I he beat would satisfy us. 0 -Know that we have set the pace for Be liever follow. Alf. 1 Heard anything of our " new syste of taehinj Book-keeping And business, paper? If-iyou li e 01 good thing in that line we I OLL it, a J Drop US & postal no mistEkf for partiell 'A. ataldgue 'free. Jo el as ori Tuesday, September.3rd, IS95. J. W. WESTERVhLT ;Prin4aipal_ knee�: in di oil he beard Father GAINED POU, 0 EVE RY YHQ�oran�js dic once I �g&rn, Now I hear DAY. 1 roll Polfictly P trick."—Boston E ning �ve ipt. Dysgpsia a, Ld Catirrh of the tonia-ch mr6d ll�, R B. B. 46610HIS 0 thegrast Cough and Croup after e was! nearly 7,url mand, Pocket size contains is n gr a e UP. lwentv-fl te dost, oil y 25c. Caildren 'love it. Sold GaNnsum,—For V'er three lr4onthh I was very Ili Irorn what 1 believe tnallgi)xnt ty.peof D sia. latoijaeewn� tod at who t== Do Spit lor Smoke Your: for I)yw r C( - psia with t success.1 I ibee webt to,& i !e A*ay. specialist who dia" *od the ew as Catwirrh of the Stomach. -big Veatriti 6 t also failedand I til trutliffilt ti nir title 6f a book about'NowTo- ettin
Ve �A worve ever.y day. I 0 Id not rest at A sMhagl 11 -r.&Hteed tobacco babit cure walk the floor to Y failed -firom 195 to Is& 11ai lraCe� UP nic ni;ed , nerve@, efivoinates the - Oro*, 11cotl e poisold p s *eak . inen gain 1 strengtit, L d and about up In dospair when I beard OU'IrUn 9M ock ro " it re0edy for dyappllols. i d nii�h Qd- physical or linan- I LL e is sold under guarantee to The Amt bottle obanire M,r the better, and I ITO boughtsix tnorr deligh "to find rayself IT&-
- d. 'Book free. Ad. Sterling e :ure 6r n�onay �efun thow bettee i d 0 use of-, S. B. B. T'galbod A, temedy, 100�# STl St. I St., 31-ontreal. pound &.day. I IS � ttles In all atd %ul now Sold �Yfl.:' T. Druggist, Seaforth. nearly back to iny Id weight. i I recommend dys-
peptice to try tb6 reliable B, B. R. that 41ways -au _K RL'S CL ) T OT will purilly your Blood NVE Nvid, CA-14MEM, leAr our Coxn,lexi normulate your BoVelsand nakoyaur'bew cle as a bell,' 25c, 50e., and $1. 116 maple I$treet, �TAndon
,0 I Id 1. V, Fei r,1 Se forth TheBeetcoughmire Is ard's Pectoval ov� or San,. It Coughs and Colds. To, t em vIlkoirms 10 all kinds from children heals the lai3gsaW out. dults Dr, 16w's "M rm Syrupleasafe and sure __ - tz - � emedyL. ii —captain Sweene Diegr,o) Chalifor U wist 0&3r§: 8111110W. Cat&rrh lienledy in the ifirst C. Tionn itor of the popular and well medicine I have ev.e �otnld tbaj would do mo smy nowit Wind r OL 1, Alliston, wag trOuIlled for good.p' Pnee, 50 e6# a. gold bi IN. Seatorth. ears'wfth hin Pilm Hew" pef4uaded by Jas. 11, ery nian, to use IcGjklwh,�Alli Chase's Olnt- aed ]korms.
It he diii, " ci i red, ban had no "turn Of 11,eni and b IY r60 ).innieuds this Glatment as a The buyers for th i ofelfn n)arketo do notwant, Wer4ign Cu for Piles. blewished horabs Kingbones, Ste., Cali be Len' fr I by DI T% I #_
Sick Hea:dache. and, Constipation are Promptly Blister. FrieebOom � Dick's inlimne t li Inalu. 11red 3y llurdmk P111,6. Easy to take, eure �n efreat able for ispralas and rulaftes. P L Cc 25 cents. To be heAstallDrugglets. ll direetwnsout.hewl&j"Ir. rh 3 I n Field n Far! Suff—ered for er 301'Years—Tried Ever -iloyed Two goma. ythi and El�i2 or Thre. octormi, A well known er says-. Lot'232. ThordId O�,—"Fbr over 30 years my T e ion 8 Companin. To"ohipi Welland L L wife had be r from ufmt dreadful bead- oil 31r. eorg Bus 0, lealonary for the Internation- aches; at times t e Ware oo b@4 she oould neither bit ion tOt Algonla nd ortbivest attributes his sitnor lie down. U, �er head seoved as If It ouldl,
r1a f am'"vere e . rougib summer 00m- split. She "&]fled e �ything she could bear of and hain t3 the tj el u e of r. Fowler's Extract of waoatte"ded b� pr three doctors, but could not rild 8 I trawbe v -W @ as follow : '44 find reliet Untl We tot Starlei Powders for bead- ish a-sy. t t ! I'Dr. Fowler's Xxtract oLf ache, Wliou a V qtivnen, t neur an I e lild gtrawberry haA bfen tome a wonderful 600th- liver. Since then A 6 has been Tfree froin vuffeifft, g, soeedy and, e.ffedtual remedy. It has been my and any tendeacy to tairk'# Fawders remove =PfAjou tor sevOal years during the labors and im th&j LLL . heyil re the 001� Medicine she -ever oures of my mJ01onary work in Algerna, Well, 'got been, of! e.nefit.1'—JoxATuAx PAoz r,,,,. lold and yotfog 6 havis it In store against the ce a x o boxes $1, at -all medicine deal -
mo of need which' !so often comes without ers. Xf im 'it and pe ent, Aug. 9, 3M6. X.rnmg_ Ydurs truly. GEO. BUSKIN, Mcm, 01) for 1895, Ary, 70AN 11319NNE FAIeve, publin F. 0. worw ins By P res Cougils, Colds, and all JAXES Sy Bwbwwd. bLrost d Lqng du Ice. Price, 260. and 6w, DANIE K 00080illo, Bowhwooc WAL KoGATI noillor, t4adbur
WILLIAM ALD Oonndn6r usabner. *1*'celn World f4YoqngXen JOHN 0. NO 0l;A4 1winaralIp. slip women to 8ecure a Business- 90LONOW J. MON, Treasurer, Winump. It4ucation, Shortband, Etc., Is the WIL NVANS, r" Eowhwoo& .V�trolt Business UnIverdty, IDe. CHARLIM DOD Couscier.. %dWA16 trolt,311ch. DIustraledCas oituo "e. Referoneft. All PWOM I RICHARD D, AWdUry 1nWdwLft& out. P.R. $PZK0XR,.3ecreWy. I -buly. I Igo