The Huron Expositor, 1895-08-23, Page 1ITWENT' Y-SEV EXTH YEAR. X��LEAN publ*aers-
WHOLE NTTMBER, 1,445. ROS .IEAFOR�H,ITRIDAY, A,,TGUST .3,1895, a Y�ar the oldest mission in riallf(i At rays o the July noonmae sun, a pcaoon� WIXT.OLD, AND NEW nin, t(11111(loc treat ari� others fe4 growing oat,i ax4d, Tweek, The the t,%iro Ilthe old presidia, where a a wortby symbol, of the glorious, the his1- 11 be general in about a
pe4 pleeped to tors ai d his sdn for damages,and
SPIEC L 4 to the animals. These," owever -4r,�re e rbot crop nillitary forcocf 7( soldiers With feNy arnis torte past. is looking fine and will be heavy. to e eet Ili$ son f -Oni the farm ila cancel 7 ceptional cases. There a EDITH SESSIONS i1nd calanoll was quartered f6r the protee- Anill thus Ill this- lovely Med1termnean Edroon ton, —Barley and oats :i WHER_ cutting the convaance. tUPPER' was!� area i tion of the,p se in the milk flow, n E the f A* L nst Adian. upris- region of the great, west the -old and the ome Instance a mo t of last week, also De the Jalvation
ue A0 aga, i.nee4 Irst par
tOTUS EATERS DWEL: amounting to 50 per cen Inne re.
;Ow� t. the a, ama, q ia
InewaromIngled. �kssoclationsandmem� Iltity of wheat cut. The root i Armly� Vron a been:pnduetin� a v�ary 11IRT -Here, too,� Is �thia on ories are intwhied with the influenaes IIII4 cord. -In the county of Grey a cheese iad- ekoP pron ilsels- to be very An early suceilsful serie; o Ineetiiigs in theI Presby -
91 low, 'Tuine good. :&Urapitilrodd .-%VIth Cor I9 ant ere is e. t ad Church f iEnglanld
She is dobo.iu wbfo t 0 tie 113 onviroments.of today. In'old I tory and a creamery were fol Iced to Olose for and: xpected. teriall', Afethodis �nado And' a tba oy want of milk, and in other instanoes soniia,� Y�rki Nontel ey and Writts heroine of Rol n Kun Is ol c td and In Dow DoIA-lonto the past and tliq e i ad weather and a large churches �&t Li I L rerow,di -attend-
Entert�injngly of '.is sa* id n(sly arg. b in that has fallen in this die- ed tl bave-lived whi IItIng pKesmit have niet and Il ve kissed eaCh �a iose meetings,j and great intvr�st was
e, factories withdrew milk wa ()no from cer,�.
k , f b 3r veddi g daY, tain routes. Sheep loo the Aftractio
SILIE _,P9 0 the Localfty—A,Good and also the ny chapel lieve 10ather! other. EDITH SRWoNs Tui�PRR. 11, but. horse tricP'has Ilrevented. grain from ripeing, manifwea. Flace For Honeymoo and cattle are thin,thbug nemlly m 900( ea Orops are in splendid condition. —80m� tates at ns. asp -8 fighting priosb,1 initod ber tol thrlecl United vitalist health. Fhe horn [Special Q s 0 lel,,Iaoied o� s of Ontario. w s exce N 9qi a yet beeni cut,but if the present had a �ample lot of 14)b tons Of ore from the bessandro. Beside thi 1iiih 10 con e edingly
huge boarr, hall the groot bells of the troublesome to dairy stock. and other fin ;we tinues" cutting will com- consoliclaf-ed gold �mine in farmoir�, assay- The.. report of the Ontar,o -In- animals. 1 August rains were, rel viving pas- me i6elin hree or four da old mission. stril 0 them, - Bureau� of. vs No damage ed .millprocess�'. Theresulth Ot been id of our correspon- hw sweet and �,ruc when FM a got in fair Calilornia's crwn— dustrie: the following ri�port � of the tures, an also the hopes been one whatever.., 'Harvestig will Corou sa by pu�lic, but it M. Ely, m the A Midsummer Sn p lngiewo�' hdrl vlpe3g made be 1h ado and Del.M�nto. upon return 1-0111 4 arge dents."%. �orn 4nd peiv straw were counted. �1 be 4enei a in about twelve days. The yield fac b rerra first bl'ssed them. Old]ia Diego t t at they halle; l numberof correspondents n every part of on to aiiiiA lat wi largest ever known in this dis. are preparing to wovk it o meet In 8 ooun- Picturesque even n its rul�� and.decay.; the Province. The, repo to were.0 n a large �cale. IR very no whom you gely in winter 'feeding. ill W th I —The bureau has never rece - -y wind storm - in For SbIriless Men. try directly Have yo., to tven in Its turubld down, o�b at elbows,r to a ' Fruit. ived trillt,' There is hay in abundance, and of —During a r heav eon ec (late welbu in,,Atigust, nd the following is first a summary - oncernin : ell a quality, Ro Poverty strickel ondition 1: yet has a� more discoura ing reports a fruit. ots in every particulai 2NIanitobaj the 1) III i of John Hat ey, f
are�dxbe and i dignity whie I Command! 'N 1% men Apples have en a great Stolly.Mount �011apsed, burybib pathos failure. b lk lent.
The Weather,_�The mear temperature of ' q
of correspion e to r.epor none lat a] 81-ifteeffie above was prepared word has boraes� and aln' d Ily dint of our dari your sympatl iy and respect. Forlorn, dis- i 011 vehielps. The old ist ng methods you June was 67.4 d rees; or 3, t degrees higher dozen or two o a a tree. beela i rei eive tbitt there was a frost n church at Assinb6bte was almost blown, inutled, a dViing ling, � fit ymbol of al A iitunber lazard than the averm, for the p -evious thirteen Mooday and Tuesday nights. ace fast passing half bushel,'�r pos a's q can have Your ick of our Fancy Per- y 1frol I before the years. July, ho -w the opinion that a ls�ibly It was of down. Mr. Davi ompson w slightly 'A'a - . , ever, was but 65.4 degrees 1% 1 mol es cale Shirts at a rice less than m he verag4 0 Occa- ome was bu el might be t a severity according to locality. injuredhen his bi blown dinyn. P� gi ag9rPss1v@, or 1. 7 de rees lower than th o average for the iol Lal whlil �ostless tre0 of mock -In eel, x0!t Cynical cont it ronil A ipeals, to th correspondents h e a The ( at, of the damage done, however, —It has been dAc vered that a �ang of genero a
110oplo know. Not a bad shirt in' the y 6 month. �n many section., of the Province yield to I eport, Tht � best ret rns come N near has not! een definitely Ascertained nor "will %voznei� b re bbe g fine lac across .9 lot you, can't find a flaw or a fil-ult- in ilhagination. Once from t ieqe brokea no, rain fell froin the 4th; 1 to the 20th op i it bant I revi g 01 the lakes. Plums are alpoor or aled by the threshing mae- the Niagata -from 'Ontario to Buf] talo and Jand so 'the stylish anti-s4irtable,. well-propor- ors eaped; 01 ce s9unded J e. In July, however, 'after the first Ot do A's as a8 a p, rou"d, and are peaches. ('berries Oid n thhe is no doubt the injury will other point tpe castanet d gi itar;, onoo rang �ek,lighb showers were fairly frequent,aud. ib h2te'rable. ee ted trying to Ition shirts. usuil, but tf e tr th.m e w are not badly e o, one,wornan was detep smuggl
fiver toned jells aimmotil th dew was also more o lous. There was troi tbled with n all the do- p black kno as Iormer aross $150 worth iof fine lace. The smug- out villag(r, to in 188 Ing � and the fall fairorable weather for 'Mela4a, Percale 81 yea7s. Grapes, which w e almost"iintimly Canada. gling is supposed e have extend�d ever
iirts,l stripes'and solid er T 4 peserte I Vulak e. whe�Lt harvest. he e rl par�-of August re t B on. Edw�rd Blake and �Ivs. several months. eolorq, open front, cuffs attached, we ant off bv- t ie May frods, ptA lrth a I Blake left to 8- 7as cooler than u ual, t, normal weather nglind for On Is C:McRobe�ti son of 'Mr. James Not a face ooks f arth frornibe wilidows stc nd bu(f and about half 6 crop �xpect- tario. t ,IV th. — . �4 * I is again prevafling. Every indication no have a, new $25,000 pub w. �An a' r. of pro found silpi �ce and mel- ed. Raspberries did well h the iagara Chat am is to - 'McRoberts, town:: e, Bidaulph �era by points to and Lon- Me�s Percale 94irts, fine stripes an a cent nuat on of the warmer P anchol y bro)ds ?ver the dead ted village. and Hamilton se don, has not been a Den since Sunday even- qtio 4, bit straill berries Ms. 1� wave, with thundo rstor' I nh6cks, open front, were now 90e. La Only f� fOLN7 swwthy� Mexicans lounge yen- -�suffered from frost abd (Irought.t There Mani bw W�as visited with it heavy ing, Ilth inst. Hie then '%vas seen near kn't Of Fall Wheat.—Itepo -ts regardiii& fall der in froi0 of tba� )lid 'dobe,"I zil rolling was a fair amount of wila fruits�llin�the wim I sto � af4w ays ago. ProspectRill. Helieabout 18Or119 ears wheat are not mn nimc us a] though, on the.
Nolen's Negligee Shirts, soft collars &nd The. oorlie-r stone of Sarnia General 61d, am d 0 eir cigarettes and eying o visitors norl hern and eastern I six- feet tall. jearching
I 1. ,ortic nis of t 6 Prov- well oil to' of cufle, 411new patterns, were $1.25, now 900. F whole, they m a be re rarde, I as favorable.' ince, ; r I
Uh langbid insole add. But t, e s�n'gfad !HO pital )6s bid on Thursday,last week. Parties have- been Out looking for 'bim, but ias re- 11 The crop ut earl er tlIan usual! but'. 'e4 d Ing with its soft spl ndor, the breeze Bees -and -Honey. The fbiaw'h6tio' stone of Quebee's new nothi I, j - - Le ding a ar a has been h ard of him.
Afeil's 'Negligee hirts, starched cioll apid ripening'- the ef ' :city bui are 74 notwithstanding ;he I among our correspondents report d .1 aru Is, y ldlngs:,�as laid the other. day amidst Robert G Jray, a former Torobto v 9, ioals gently from I he, d t10 ru'D8 berry is frequeAtI3 described its pluinp and regairding boney, -One in Rur great ejoidng.j r. �a. and duffs, were 81.25 and,31 .50. now.75c. o'Sain Diego a law er., who has belan living in Chicago t re co vere wi myrtle and on as -110 7 we teach- of.goodquality. )wing to the drougbt,the -cold aies, had- but one 2 warn , and id not a, xe urned to Toronto Satur4ay en- 0 ses. rs. Tbom'as Simpson, of Woodstock, year , t A-Ve sell all ki s and makes of I f 4", 6 - 9 4 near straw is short, ox -c apt ir. a f w favored lo- e ch r e get ii,single pound of ioney up tot e tiln� t di f Monterey is, the lde t tow. L In Califor- ipte(I o :commit suicide by taking ing, and was arrestiad. - th that be tM Tor- Shirts. ;4 D11a. Think of iti 04as ounded. 174 calities. The qrol was harvested in,good, of reporting... Many Abele comp, i . in a lau UID. I received $51,.600 f.r�.)m Corneliu )�Iannigk
............ years befo e the igi -ack of swarming, and f aar tat —A man named Heartbeote, a resident of for the purpo-ge of discharging a mortgage, ter pa�rt r 9 ink of t ealaration condition, and farmers gener ' ally,find little I a feed. - I dent reason to murmur at t ie repurn, as there McGr( ori anitoba, has of Independence. Sbakespe e had not in ek there will b a. Iii tie or n&profit, been filled $2200 and that he convertled the money to his own inpry o e better. t iingi from -Ae fal -for tbt ill' I sale of liquor. use. are' Leaders in Our Lin( comploted his plays when the at Spanish from. the Hes3ian fly o '—Di ma Laframboise, a convict in St. we was little rust andi only the alightes:. Ot ba pulpit I liers b P
...... rother insect enlainies, flow. flag floated over th a ittle, a poft town, frost and The best reports comi from t a �St. anderstorm ',Ratur- r Vinoer —Darin a sev re th ider, Of -drought, doing -the dle Tbda it Is a curiou jimbli, of t -be old main luJurY- Lawre4ce And Ottawa, and East i dlan Paul. Penitentiary, Montreal, a tern on, two. ans, both full of farm TROD, 4s� w has' fa n fleir to a fortune of $25,000. prouce, s tua d bn lot 29,, eancessiou I In York a few fields
r c cars- e plowed up and re- grou 'but these are tot naninlidu No� en- i -T: man Kirchinski who was- commit- township if adjacent to' e y eld per acre varied diseaselhas been reported, ai d more )as h quaint, tottering phd ruinedl Idobes,the from 4 to 45 bushels per acre. feared from starvation t hall ted to erl Jail, suspected�of the murder Luean rail ckso,� & creig and the new. Ele pass before sown with oats. - Th ps old mission Is smitt3red NVlbh modern. crossing, o-� rom any, Ahe tied by 1r. T. u r where Spring Wheat.—Thii crop �+s ripening A rey* correspondei sited Ell Of Jea e t, i� being tried,this week. Dancey,
paint and glDgerbr work, I t. eve the ancev. %v e struck by lightning and burn,. a boli- The Leading Clothiers, unevenly, as correspon ts,%Fioteland only- tion in the fol1w,rin tetie T(i —A o together with all the ton- andal hand of pro, lass has *t.succceded general situa r horse from Parkhill, known ed to -the ground, in altogether sweeping away $be dial ght- a small ortion had be 1 cut. � The area is: pprt: K'No swarms; no sic Lesil; no. as Via valued at $1,000, died at the tents. reportexas a little am ie, Ir. &�a SEAFORTH, ONT. aller thaii usual, and hijiley. race ti ck, ort Huron, Oil Sunda. —'-Nfr- John Whifield, maker of drowsy old warld atmost bore of the the yield is -14.8 btiAels per 4cr the Btu Pil is Wigle, of Leamington, has machines, abains,ete. in Toronto, b);s
ges. P -her bicen. a 10(l Yil#.* fully Here one disc)vcrs Fren: out's I ead- drought and the gralishopl er 'has threab �d 2, bushels of oats from twenty- 19 lace k Labor and Wa st rip Of ng a mere th flic*et e ers in A quit roll. pre(served uio an an I it sup�ly of laboArs, as d. t He is A mAn of good reut- and.
straw the short crops of hay and 'grain bave re ine adres, which is over 71), bushels to been in business over twenty years oin strong combination against As. e A , T 8tory Idobe, and Ii 0 Is the icturelique, is very short. . Little in T ( . - the has jury b e 'done, , I - -
lj�, acre.� 11 I quired less. help tba;us a but, unfortunatel ustom house, with ts 'tall' I R �es of a1ge8 y he lost oney some h as ailants. u Peen to Molitere ',which 0oulniodore, rones In z 844 led du.r,,, v Coronado. I .0 fla taff r0ln by the inidge or other a c TI e d fun Commercial Bank of Mani- time age
_y g the ba ry f rot 50 caT rite to by t be f ai hare of a large firm. This
Barley. —As in the ca e of prin , wheat, Oq rvesti to�a �'h'�s jeeld nother dividend of 13 per crippled hini and pr6bably led to his priai- more boatiti R" aown the Mexican-' (Dlors and ran the the fields of bariley have ripei ne renly. 9� per ddy, ace!n to qua ity of
Whloh d Dir n the
lodge, is iied t.'� a ing a total of fifty per cent. so far entondition. 0 yo' short n the on o al 01 NOW that I have se both I would say stEilrs and strip ton(J. While thin on tlielgrolan anc' the worker, and the nee ssitj, of the case'- con es that they Perhaps the In oat ,he, -pre) ailingl L'I u h Bowm license i for the cannot b, ouipikrect.any more in erestin feature Of ri e, but 75 cents. and :$I" w re --Josep specter for than t Ita In'1111 Ire h tb, is dead, aged 72 years. straw, the gram is, as a I t1l p and figures. Only - a :few xed men ly!fok. I
the town lathe level r o d Spain b senor ra. Watt matron of the North W a Widows
Lre very WQ _01;e sliduld be., Each to -weight, Ithoug, el (atcb the harvest month- an who recently figured in a Ile was ly wo y in such cas m thila' Horn Brantfol I of' U B. Loyalist parentage, ad 0 W Ill tInctIve cha'rm. who, local history 6 at 1g, was tbe g#lish qe mu 1. is hAs its Individual wid =At harvesting has can d cl d'a figuresranfroin $242to,$28. The o4irraryii shoo se ti are, has sent in her resigna- for 30 yeArs h as ligaed in th �W e lumber- sweetheart of Genwt Shernan. ;She -coloration. The - y Ule, in some itclon tvo famous- P monthly rate is returned Ir g ca business in
Furthermore, these Acilic lives Alone In the dai 20 3st, sw test, Whit- ield is var iming, In Ne man gers. Ing ntworth count- segtions being but half an aire he corner He coast'resort cannot be colparfbad t ragej and at A as ra
of the. those 12 to $20. 8tone of the new Masonic leaves t4ree sons, D . Bowmanof Pinetano- eat of 'dobes, with c n arvel 1) a rose gar- other points going away over the upu�l re- tdm )a in Winnipeg w . as At p for Ma tol aecom- i 'of the Atlantic, -exaf A I one way- There don, the chief attra( 'to of h1oh is an turn, 'the wV I id J. H. Rowman, of tiodas, and Dr. Bolmv-' Pher mor ig, by]Sir. 0. N. BellGrand man, New York, ad six daugtier. any oastor . iieFort I hav3-ever. enormous Gold of 0 � hil rose v no trellised b 0 t, h me as last ye wed The Manitoba 66ps. [ -Or of Marlij oba. in the a p4e e sal r.. Six- or. b . I I i: . Mas Mosa township,: west of Lon- vtsted�Bar HkLrb J,'11'(wport, Saratoga,. over a great arbor be or her It '8 "O' 'it If You ri a on aweekearliert antwo- wed Advices fro - in Wim6iipeg dated t anl shall Trip the P GOSTI erage being 2i.9 bush6ls, or the oicern Tar Oats in T ip, of Toronto
k oc at the senoritas d don., are yi: (ling we r receives I and in som 19th d thp� oth" night by eating can- ces -will go Afty busl r. Win was isone
Wit� the els per acre. Aat, our 111t3ctural be uty or. you s ri Oat —There has been a at ge in tion of the extreme no thwestern po t4lou of M 00 ed Xceo- Ong 13ranch—a ingl -hotel - that for vi xiet A`Ugus e instant -
on, Monday last sa post- with a sweet cord a ide r �ed il 'Inio� whi -h had been affected by zinc Corbett threshed one load of about50 stooks
1naQgU.',`rators_' drfection. of system call, surpass either th oil rn po in tf can. .,? of loc*h Alit
serenity; she'shows rot intc tiny par- tl e fie do of oats rep�rted, s)me ver3 poor T. ohn P a the provineq, harvesting operations %vIill be bus el ;�w
t lor fig 1111111acul that we
ate as % sanc uary; she fi4 kit 7 bile for barly
llds eing, reforred i to, wl -the
,li his re- ile othem are er- Del Coronado or the D. onte. h M4nitoba . and t' 4T hehaudiare mill owners state that township o i. as the lead as far as bi ngs you fruit—Pei rs peacibi plums— m antic ell as 0 they ill. have el of SAU giving is higl as 62 and 7 ritorities this week. On Saturday tl (Can- iough logs this year to keep heard from Zuh. D101;o, unty. from her gardep; she bows Ou the ex- a
bushel per acre. Theaverag) yield is 31.6 -ch. Calltra haingthreall, ':Coronado Beach h Ili their oing untU the frost compels ed 475 liuZoisroni 'en acres.
adian Pacific railway, issued a'crop report nty, qbisite Mexican draN vD work, San Die -go 0 ll� sale of busheli this year, i illich is below Low Prices. I er acre covering, every agricultural p the 11 O be dbwa, the most southerly of lue state, which hich constitute's a t of he .' tl6awrage. Frost,drought And 'hop oint the __Gecirgellunter, iwho died at his 2-resi- rasa hag a new steam fire engine I 9 country. Appended are given the Oports I denceo�the mountain near Hamilton, a
come, and when' OL Ace not 0665DI -o the cpar,� i; he cuts a ers di I ,nuch inand the' crop als extends back from ille t P 0 rl from the most im ort4nt pointil Londonj England, Which can couple of weeks ago,"Ieft an estate of .,over ided t s in 10,il * I i gi -eat bunch of - I n rose4flomt1lela- pi,.nedunevenly. The straw is tirtustially rious dictricts,whic may be taken as � t4 indi- a $85,0W,: -b -vast Colora& rfftr, ar I whose elojiration thro*r a str In of twelve hundred gallons tit no will. 1 A large p saan 11v d 110,000 feet! OUS which -a tIon sayls'Taou m*seli sl�. ort in fact, in some - places iii the Lake minut �, to t e height of two hundred and -,ve .art O, railges froni'0250'beIc w t above 31 cation of what the rop in the wb6la alth, 'more than OO 000 was invett",.d M, Mrits to, Sherman brought- fioxfi Sant, 6 Biwbara EAe district the reaper had to be dispensed i .1prov- sea level, thus'affoldin; every gr�, 'do of and -planted before. his sweetb art's dooir. I r nee is. thirt fect. mT w ith es sing ientur He leaves a wi low T,�eso he gives you End follow ng you to 1�t e ru T -T—' rat, the hero'Of Bialey, by his fellow- I �rses he up -w! to: - date climate and soil. and the dropout with the � mower. A Stocniawal,—Har*es is, Prog r�s , A. reception was tendered to Private but no children. there are also a brother - L i , A is reported, and also some - ' Hay' I There. are three' flis.- 1 e opens ti "a 3mu4, .Alowly. . A limited iqu tity -of grain is al- and a ais�ter, three nepbew-sand thre'eli aces. lege. of The grain is owl nen,- in Duridas, and his was pre- Successin'duq at �belts Ila this t4e- high stonewall sl gate and b4t no4 enough to be serious. county, begining lit 0 coast 38 YgLil a cheory farewell. "Adios," said to. be ready cut. All crops -are excellent. The will be payable on half the entriei; DRY d ex- smili heavy and of gooil quality'gen- only damage is from exces� entA �,with a handsome diamond ringY estate. give growth. A tending back into th 3 delt region, From she murmurs, and you carry t way a plo- erally. his , large &in t of! garain lodged on thb satniner —On Septeibber 02i a arty of y, oun r in' "re.—This has furned O-utL GOODS the coast line, 75-ID4 leg in leng Ill, back to' ture -in y u emoiy of- tba,.straight, I — oung, x ep ie -resent time 35, and itidnally� goOl Fi Stairs, i P., of Halifax, was u I figure with the And usial fade a d Pr . . i t cro to be a splen- fallow.' Root cro* inen� nil-mbering at t P) Is ii ii ico of 30 or wa a grown rri� I at,
the hill Ouritty, a 40 gracefu d more of. it than Portae la aine, e, warm weal tl ter of Hilda : I , z Almonte, on the 15th inst., to L greater propor- I and. dreamy in $1crut ableL eyes standing usual. Mrs. I L -which mia be swelled OUSE miles, are- 1 low all ys;- ith intery ening week has r idly advEnced the -Ien Gaherty, daughter of Mr. And- the past leave. To tins, wil nto foi, C�pe Town, alone- under the Gold 6f Ophir i Dse tree. Peas. Correspondents cl& In. that this rop to harve ew Bol, divil. engineer, of that town. Africa. The men are going Emily mesas and hills, -wh xo;,,. io ocean breezes.., cl sting- coditiou. A)o,it-sev- out art
crop has withst,-od the dry -weather b,,tter enty-five per D4 Stevenson and family mi 'Frovin 01f) to New. PI and citrus fri itsi'a cia raised., on ea y r1uL a ecT ar e Waite -rowly escap Ell r ay. Del Monte, with all its glory, albows-old than any 6ther, excepting. erhaps 6orn. ch. who, ng'a ick Gold Comes the Wountaluou cut. Few farmer are utting' whe it. ed murder in the first of rickl , rs iand othe, branches of. b din s It, 'where Dal inerT Monterby. It Is but a. short ralk from Some report the straw as rath short, while �f tle o,ecent rioti in China, have Arrived in trades. of the have le Douglas,—Harvestil is retty g neral. 01 tters in their arfield. als are fond and dec d"Lous fruits are this loaf torn from bhe past O this em- Others that it is abundant, And, will -British.Columbia, en route to Oats are ripeningabou the a me i is Poe ssIQP f rom frie already out there, e the salvabion of live itock E a w* ter w J.eak. their ho in Milton, Ontario. d grown. The climat) here is bracinghlid bodi ith centu beauty b fod- me
innt of Dieteel in The barley is nearly afent, he who hae sent gio*Z Ing - accounts of their -uxury a-gine park f
_1108th givi 9, Nv--Itl) v )rOs )eo a del 'McCarthy hired a horse and I e U n o (asiollaleflur!ry of oultu, r 3 and I Im 0 der. Show6rs at-thatimeof writing were -Df 0 I i roof Every Departmept ie teem, iillg with I I I are excellent. prospecti and urging 11their friends to follow. 0 126 aa -els, sloping to I Ile Ocean, led wl ting . and � 3
snow In winter. . ThP thi i d.di'vision Is th OM Dr. Whytock in Toronto, and aating.18 t ces, owth, and a me mildew was reporte& —The' t violen�!and isastrous thun� royal pines. and tropical palir s. To the 0 on mois a ul ir- The then g( so drunk that he tried o make Bat bh delaying the harves prolonging f elp, buAV X-4 Carbery,—Harve desert. In -thi ty wonderf t not to so all sides. � nty 0 rA Iis, awav bug was, also in evidence, b There is p1le -ed the lake 'gOL 1.11 ny of the loftiest L t: Dog climbs �he the hoi a, climb a picket fence. e was as- eg h rigation systais, Tpo great Sweetwater great -an extent as last yea�. weatheri a favorable. The' a nf hathaln, a rything M. ua� I tops C f nin derstorm. which has "i it six I KS. :1 do are� said �i LL south of C
and winds the English ivy, Ina ;lug in of- oassed' whibilliepaid. d gymtemoost$1,000,00qad theresoryd1rhas. ly I& and in- yet from any cause. Saturd feet buge towering :obelisks of'.Ue sleek, to be. well filled with good -size I pelas.. —A ittlo lour-year-olc girl Jin London, on sted teh Brand in- th ati
r p is-promm t I
ed more room and know how a capacity -of 6,000 .4, SUM n,—Harvesting in Br�lndo ic . vans !:who was bitten by a dog, minutes, but 'd e -G. �,Qoof(l O� gallon, Beans.—A fair a � oistr Wd tie sbinin g leafed vine. Then V row -in all d, although nain d!!. e it di u ow- N ams ee ak -mage th nate will -be it f 11 blast th k. 1 The ib lley as t eii to New York to receive the Nearly the SUM
cient to irrigate 50,0 0 ame of land. This tlie rai e flowering �Iar ts. of aour 6ies so'u, a good, deal of seed. failed to g(Lrmi is wee amount pf,da to, get. it. is the land- of- the I noi and oraLnge. In is about All out. Wheat is well und�r lly': Pas es were i6p: and ir - to drought At U16, time Of plan mer-cottit aoinolished, _and the! neighbohood of -of the quator—*of South Aillorib"a and the Ing in itreat ent. The do' developed several In g he la, of all Should favorable weather am- of their 6ccup, ilred by thelly.Lin
bodT. T tie eat sapphire b, and oats ire nearly all standing. No continue, thei rop ants in We sell. first-class goods at in- A Good Rope, of Austrif Well - evid no 4 Of ydiephia, and has died. g-Aeb, of San- Diego' there ar( 150,000 acres,of age of any account has been d6ne the rain 1. 5 i
age wastinl&bed e the i ver 8 it ty of the Wind aver ha h :will likely be .above the i e, a Hamilton carpenter, rls* The velocip ignific e�t the far away countries and isl do und frostless lemon ig a land ilowiL, from any cause. Ilse t prio At is now very promisirig,. I rimet. miles an h( x1r. call oof of a build ,fiL j Wi each with honey, ar?d red( th perfumes, Arley is abollut half cut. r ad rockvil-14a, tl e� other daT, do Nvithout ! I thing ffi fa- just After or maze of roses, geranibms, fuel) Ras, helio- : I the other day.. He struck on big head', a, bardly a d t he So ithern Cross—Add. an, it )xtricable f fror i Itho ing on the �B
Ott sold Hay and' Clover. The onl Virden,—The b —At Alu U."u- vor rop is t No oats nd very littl with co:: Ori I Ire the w car,y ..tkopo, pansies, trees and shrulisl om eyery - ' ' had e and gorgeous he fact No oats *beat h the eirc performaw p theferna ehi totArist, worn and dusty !rom, thb terrlbl of the hay a t at it harrek d die'di before 'reaching the city in the ppOP0 of _the I -es, bow- splendid wea yet. Eve Ie. , - %_ 1g, and ry one is starting and ting bl mus ga birth to a I �P, state in the, Union, Iountains, 11 ther for harvesl'i was a This is the 4rat ioblo bIll will h3 Ineries, -Wt, but, alkali deserts, the sig it saved in. the best pc ssible eel ditiOD. The be general now. T hippopot ever )Orn. in A and, or nd mi Jail es Liddy, of Chathain, and, his a, velvet lawns and sweeping ialks A" 11i. The Pacliflo with its g line of turnbiln t ire hitle r barn in c9W drives—even -then theimag at:L)noa"ot yields range from (,tie quarter of a ton to A )erhaps e only one ibve ' it
Orris, o ys fel from a load the 4. ,ld, n breakers, the glimpso� bf 6ralnge and lanio 0 two and a half tons'lie —Wheat and oats are aboidt -o- f an Paull. a. -ovels'. th, conceive the perf6odo f Del';3V nte. -r acre, bil t the major- d Dl. ITIhe t or: escaped inj ctry, bat two 0 -wei 8 prob The en gr I - . I was e�, 0 gardens' 016 y winter villas, a' hill I Of t� 1tv of, returns are � inirler on( '. ton to the ihirdscul. The present condition isl %1 n-. f le y wer badly blurt and the other ents a poop he:::: beautiful egate pounds, and $50,00i Xiousr to forui tin ensemble lik flashlight' I, all ' 11 say not acre, and th rag a for t e he ison is but did, and: lot the slightest damage is ire' 10 t- kille has ee refused for �hem. The unnatitral
hotel -gave that it �is th cleano place on "D ,as int0falryland And-whon oDo a rkives a n ed as ypt, Harvesting will be complot�l I y an�es S6 n1ey Pearson, the three year parents abuspd. their! offspring, and wou
73 tons per ere, which i aas a, haf a id earth, whi6b, surely Is a passpor tolfavor. half a son Vri- N CorQnado Bea'ch, whorb 91 tlio� boatitio� t OF OP* the micid e of the week. The root. crop lir. Joh ha -re killed it had lit, inot been tlikien.from 'Never was there, iore daZ2 Frost, droug t, and the, ras3hopper ept old a n 6 f A n Pearson motorman, of -a f 7 -er alid attractf a are col�o(utratdd ail sub-; the ligh t them by the keepe on fields )Id eadoi rs al oat in good c ndition. H it n, *1 Li�lel 11 . . SEAFORT11. maculate building. Architectu; illy It is .1 - J with matches, Gretna —Harvestinj is general., burn d i that he died on —Sincq- the de&t a -a Was 7 111rillited., all apotlleos�zel, one funcies hd without, exception were comple e' faili res, e. t P
not the peer of - the -Co ona u_ . 5 I� a �� eyrie& 6 the e&t of John Hodge, the
do,- bu -j its sit he barle and ninety )er cent. of wheat iif ter ia� leading oitiyen of ei F cl many are', b pIowed up Timothy is aut. 1he root crop �S excel -lent.
1P. a self is a'dre Eily-Qlty of Mod4i �ntut lov" diligent siearch has bo du maide for big WLI, t has rubbed Aladdins.1i i 1) indeed. I an th
Sign Big- Sh" ation in the heart: of this exquls.�e garden ast. 10 -ckport, New York,
0 e,. Sin Diego it' Oe r did not head or, th ugh at orti t�er ri is, Who is now in Ott- N a, iterratican, color- and, atillosphore. It dips� was surely the inspiration of t is as a 'rule full of se4 0. 1; I my a ear Cari�au,—Nearly ar, the barley and some' den' Lt�e re it but none bearing dat -since 18.70 hall -been I 'T uncan a Old stand. artist. There I liglitf4l lubhouse that me Of I L sha do ire cut. Harvesting the ttlers n e brou t from. ously beau,] do,.V-n to the edgo-of th ynar-�ol since- the mower ran over 3u ight fields of the oato and wheat shi found. This was b fore he acquired Ttba w 'Ose w 0, , I U close by upon. whose road� zzas. one mic 9 will'belgeneral from t day. The crop is in bulk of his property.. tiful bay of. its'own �nhnio. The wid of timothy I Plasi 9. I as were und in s me of the i b, ha returned dissat a- A wrangle over the may sit, and, with no straint g, of the to N d, a iri may,therefore, ie -expected,. __ It is b& luard ono side - ofil' counties in 11estern* )ntario. Ili the a,) e stretching mountain un- xcelleiit -condition. The toot crop ii-tbeav Y. Bed t eir 1)t. imagination, fancy Ili ith d elf. In t. io park of All have remained, a lieved that his kinsfo.:k live, i Canada, and the other rolls he ocean, � and running far ties - along thia St. Lawrence Id Ottawa Mor4en,—Harvestin operations are pro-- are lin A GREAT SLAUGHTER nglish opu #U spat. g ell.1 out into its ratlesg -billo' a -lies a crescent that he as a Cana an 81V riv�r8ll boweVer, good reports h ire beem re- ressingrapidly. Fif per cent. f the di., i arkiless and son Hubert, by birth. There 11 uslon of ivyl t 0 mkire ully shaped peninsula fair Coronado Beach. -ning th(, hay crop, im bile in the arley 4 id forty per a ant. of the (oats and Dalb )usiiia,! Ontar i1 The: prof kept ceived doncei of Pe -t are a fe-w Hodges in o who might be - Lr prpm- lawns, -the -grand old al-.s,'.c psPire to i , who were visi in Here, in a wildorDoss of palins, huge cac-1 East lidbind diatribt thirty p w cent. o.f the wheat is now cut,=4 Bl"': IMichigan were thrown ro e the illusion some o.a meadows induced to accept a a ice of the fortune, in a per cc Kss el�; Ch and tropical flowOr with, were niijt� cut harvesting is now general in,this striet. R r --Rev. Dr. Co r of Bralitto their b In. a runaway last Sund rd, con-
izi Nv ere -Groceries, Cro6kery, Gldss- tu" Never was t1jore a 4 t so� to a Uld ev'er booming, thundering surf roiling Corn.—It' would seem tin. The 69timated average is 25,40 and l�t ar 00 g as if cc rn is dd� - "he Hom klission. committee f ilrsiort to, boneym,00 1 Youn Dl- 7 aind Mrs, Harkness was instan vencr of C -its very Aijors, standstho niagnificent ed! to have 4 very large acreage in the '-"r-o- els for Wheat, barle and oats reSpEctively�. 1y; Ki le ,:he� ae the Presbyterian ch -a 6CT left the ot
ware and P�-ovii A Fine Drive. kbeing broken. her day. D61 Coronado.: It -is Vililt in �Spanisfi nof Ontaio. The area is steadily in ,e anford, of 4-adoe town to 4 ittillssion'statio a -at Sault Ste Alarie 10nS- Thereha�been no damage to crops frq 7hile 04 or$ iris
A thi e attrac ce of lQeI nt mnipel �u. ana M onto are the 1.7 mile 6r,N 0 tbr u h this earal5m4e L B tions pai xcell �Vas:! plo- ig with a tea.m of yo Of fashion round a, patio Or quiidraliguiar creasing, andalth6ugh his�season droight any cause here. T, e root crop is the b and arou I Wi it is 23 Now is� the time for Orreat Bargains tt' court more than n acre in eiient. One 9 at the time (if planting told aga; list the 3uc_ ever gee; in Manitoba. 0 E - one t i, I Ade a and he first wont 0 the th-wElt as a converlt, t1le, Seaorth Cash Bargain Grocery. park; the- adjolDing fo. -csts; he world estiiag'is progressing lof th-04eatures of the plcci is glass GOV- cess of the crop,. the p'resent or dition i full Crysti: .1 Ciky,—Hary I a e, f Le, )13o'Anb=d7egnaame in con At that time Winnip, g bad a population* P, I'Vi ry riat is dis a it 1,000, and the Preab terian a gregation,4f, d's ribs, breaking so on a25 lbs. Prunes for $1 '25 lbs. Rai4is for somber, It ysterious, wid i sprea, ling treed fafourable I-Vports come regardi 3g. 'Corn I- manding wlvioiv of the occan aud the peaks ley is half cut. Vary few oatsi are cut. of Al. th i6a facing the west, and' com- famous a press groves, Niere III' these of , encourai I ent. From favorably. Thewe36ther ' flue. The bar- t t fifty 'members. eigb!t I'li r
ere are -,,I ; 25 lbs. CurrAnts for 25 lbs. goo( you behold, according to f ) !antis i s*1 the old- thbugh in several localities 60 ere plal ta Wheat cutting begun by a few, but ol�ily fisovIen 1 IcPhedran, teacher in he OU Inay , ed cliurches,and the r ienu4 for home -mis. -Ric6 for 'tl -. 22 lbs. b -ra,aulated w,ar t globe ne:x i to tb' cedars of as of the CoroDadb trees on the sod, the grab d'id � in small per'centage cqt, as yet, The pr6sent sit and, d a ni 11 yonr phan- on jury webu * 6 has increased from r a and drive a mme rg scl: Do.' made a record 4t the sions and.augnientat* for -, i lba� best Pearl trapioea for SI Lebanon; along the beac, whep the surf e. tolils.back, into tb(=* graNfels. 41 nd cai ernecess�itated -a second p In ang. condition of all kinas of grain is: ree; �n ra)2c( -�xaminations, which is $14,000 to e .11)0 � II)s. best Flour for S) 40 ,- 5 lbs. best ed by any —One of the oldest Dtes for be, :ied'Apples for y awlly) e us stal c a. idprofu ion Killarney,—About one-half tho-b le an pro a y ot equal' teacher in the 3 -of the Guelph
worry audorf and playstlle. addest and morriest � Pranks. otato 8.1 If vigoro take wing pa;tivej st i over the p. leg of loosely waped 1 up rocks; of blossom and leaf Co I L for th' Ila, t)ere fifteen per cent, of the oats have been cut� Pt Sh aeded in passing her en- section "91' i the counttr
lilablo. a breaks tit your I UL for ni that city a
hee �ropp arT�' -25c; 4 lbs� beat !Pamily Pilot Biscuits for on thl o vor r edge of 'lof ty qfiffs '� ashed by Very little wheat cut as yet. Th tirt el p of ej been pupils. a few day13 ago, in t; ciperson of Levi Pie
feet. -and se' ds;its fown .,up. to l,',Iss your' u rht to be an abundant yiel I I potal Oes, the f uriou ; and noisy 00: W! -ough the e
Maple Leal or 111; one correspondents, liowev�r, think 1ab in extra good condition, and no. dal 'ov nor. General accompanied by Deceased Was born ir: Wentworth couclIty. -Girod eyes'' __T r gas, here the- t re is eanger of too much ki- w�h alove� been reported as yet. Lai v' erdeen and suite, arrived at Vic. 88 years ago. He mc
..Scrub Brushes fo 11 4N lest iiii- t Ch ose fish in vi I la L� into Halton when
But thero are nlaDy Other ways �besidcs quall, WIL'Shboards foc l5c refftlhtV proved Clabe In yed people off shell - seaweed
drVioninu in which to pass the hours at und. Dry rot is reported! b one or two Souris,�About twenty per cen -1 14" a wee young man, and e e:�,)c�, -Mixed Pickles; oc per bottle allnond e r ofJ thi torial, Bkitish Colu' b" k Ago. He s-tIQ in Nelson tbwn-
it visit to prie bthing. and sea lichius for sale; past the great 6 ready out Only a fe I and part of the ship. Seven years ig be removed to
_Jc per W 'r rock -s wh 3re hndred f %W: I Arolie, � 1 - C three for COr()Dado Beach. Theru. is the respondents, but with tb� xCiaptiol of oats, and barey al nill s)ie*d a of� t.�e fal
Mtelies 11 . .. I a (I slun2ber I
Surf bathing is as popular hero b -the enced a ting� wheat winter Vi< h th presence of the bug and the grasshol per farmers have comin ith big fami
a a, Peas. &I d Tomatoes, c as a -1 een The pre The oot,cr (to �oria, nd at isfarm. in 0), Guelph, and had livedithere Nv it canned Cori and bark In turn; Past 0 ds dotted no reat i hiry to the crop h 4's so far sent condition is fine. 8 c The superb p1plage, blith ni a, D- t �dllrnbla, over since. He was stur-dy active lk.1
�1 an; Dinner ��4ets, witli 1%7 pieces, for with a; c is rklwys -filled with health and pleasure pr myons as
.pre .pre cottages; thr ugh re orted. A good yield mayl be looked for is fine. -INIO eas poach loads of excur- lemau, and a fine t pe of the vigorous
Avith, 10 -14 ees, for -needs of -ii.; Toilet 8ets, a laby:rintb. Evei'i oun& the shc uld fa-vourable weathe Delorabie,-�About twenty per cent.of the; a' lists cam Jo Niagara Falls Friday last, r civilizxtiori in the I winding r co tinue.' ion that b;
ffbia.filiona.ble hour is between =0 worth Tea ets, -�vi f 44 pieces, from see Qs. boom of he surf- andt e Sigh Dg of the I'Looto.—The rbot crop had a bad .9 t, grain is out. Harvei t American r early diy�, Helea ap, w, six sons,
.1 11 n Iting has "e country' lip to best Rlack,.�Qreen or n d 12 �n t110 f0renOO1 ' There is also, been gerler�&I on the diffe oads. Both the veo a wido
i Pines. F wers' flo'Wers n all 4 iro ippela a J4 mpress of India, were loaded and three jdaughters to. mourn his loss. Ino�tcxcallcptfh�hi I ctIODs. owngtothe drought. MangcIdE'an car-ots Since UgUSt 12. � No dam e ftoin 4ny Ch T-eas for " II ; Tr 'as fhe t above you. The lair, this per -Black" 0 i u aud rracuda. Therp P ti4clstbapacity, but,were unable per lb., worth bluatish, ?A —A rater sa, case'came under the notice cn all Teas far --loc hlib t ba' sing, se-. a rc mise better than turnips, w1i ch li - not cause h4s been reported, and he candid to their was a id that som alf the pe6 -"Olde 'yi PO toctranspor�. ��o wished to of the Grand Tr n Drip IS tip, 50cper is shooting-- - lover, snipod, curlew, wonderful ' this-languoro s, car t I well. Indeed, it' e of all the crops is excellent. "be root or ple -w unk Authorities at Wood -
tum )c.-, best ( id-tictive air, wooes you. I i gh to be of I he seed kvas only beginnim, t D ge rn ii late are a i2ood aver& i. Ion. pure 1511y brant, wil oose, quai ) ucks, w1hilo deer =1 ge. I gd to Tor ff Oc e:o er n ar 3,1711 , 4U r gallon. alive. a the res�ult' of the August r Lin s. i i - aor In � I 1) - man, woman and )e fo a ad only a day amkr Ili �h 3 N harvest commences in Th6J !U Wright, aged 80 years, a child 'boun ' cast from Chicago, were put off
IP aro to be eepawa,—The in It is all over too soon., 8 wliite toes�,�.ondiaut wrote favourabl3 w6h rt to -day. S tine few fi(l fa 'anitV ell- A eor(lilL extended to all t 0 ds of wb m �merlivin -D�South, Norwich township, --y 'is;� i invittion is 1"O 0 mountains. road towa d the blue ba�, i 0. 7ar, 0 a 41 I soDie ti, the t�ain frmithe wes,�. They were abso- h d bargalus. Tia Juana.- wa prevailing, 3p d 1hat; in the cut and south-east distiiets have al- e . agd conveyed his farm to his lutely plinniless, and1 their position -was
c(Arle-and et some of the nd it v as b vague and' dim the m1untall s swim. these or4s.might, yet be v9deerne be iiady been cut. Very few oats have a so!n, iese�viug ajlife interest. Subsequent. made woxise by the si#ness of the woman, most t
Fifteen milestoltho south lies Dld M a to, A gard n Of Del grasshopper helped to thin th-� t I (Is. b 6en eat, except for green fed. The b lyl the sop Yonder lies that (inch T� 6 ige of Ti ie a�r ico. The I l, Juan Ma#ded a release from, the life They were trying to g t to Rochester, and
races a iii�erii which w a refused. Some -weeks had run out R 'ry ul the tor -Lee jno.aW Ail e. n e a ,,o please ter, for,�h�cli the 11sylest market price wil 4 Monte. Bar away gl (1, Pastures and Liv Stock.-�Tb e: e son has is all cut. Roots -and All kinds of ve efore their journey whiall. In Ifain Yan -a- 'anta Cruz, and on houses of S tl I emerald been a most trying one to pas bur he bles area magnificent emp. There has ago the son had the old man exained by was half completed They applied to 't
t bu paid in t1rade' or casli. Don't foraot th en
pre�er_ o Jalle, , 1-13 81,7ays 4n nttrction to tourists. car 'b I f. learuxn'7 'freat bargOn ('Vocery. - a walk i 91 hol ybChad the 611111 lin fortifloa- prolonged drought rendered t e f el a are no unfavorable weather as yet.- t1*.O docto, s�, who -pronounced him insane, tation &qthorities ior - shelter for the night,
rt railroad ride, coni(s r After tho shill t!Ous:of th'3' 73old presid.lo, rises d brown. In some plac t' th 1west, Shoal Lake,—Nio b vesting done yet. and he was removed to the asylum in Lon- which re uest was grahted, and the family e noble an or dri ive, an one is suonurroun4od wit�_ monumon Jim s. Lolik d Sta ai Th 11 us nd t 'erected by n- live stock are a *d to have bi ten t e glass $ome barley,will be. or 40. �i thoritieA there found him pre- lay down ioi� the hard ben es of the gen-
'MuXican cur os and- soldiers, Tl�on ther� cut in a 4a don. an ch is lool-Ig ex X featly son , and or ered his removal. 11r. eral waiti4g rooi until morning, when they 'd 0 the moniory o ulpero I A. G�' AULT� C 4t r is t1ib beaubiul drive to Oldtown� and ul� f y o ather to the roots ; a few farmers a t flottlI 9mall Grain of all kinds -featly son I and fed the leaves to the a damage by amy cause I glitt(rs Ili t4o trees, arve Wright n w roposes to issue a writ against were sent on to Paris. Ei� Cluar and whii, v e a sting eXI Rere are thd�ruins fif t .�A