The Huron Expositor, 1895-08-09, Page 4H, I ox novro'bluabLftonAt "]ftamboU nip a 1490.
a 0011firn t at -P rry folk�
ailid !Di, Gieg6r: -and of, I le the a
fifoover lro Let week while a, Were
pre P. lining Itebtiond- w1kiol 00ho to the r,6port m ift kaqwnoct t.. AWNS110 %Pii%A %�W,UXAVAy
rily one he
trict little has been daite. 0 Vectre otT
V P� . nt, milis tinuall. haunts its councillogs. It 4*uhot be el t to n ontlis ul some
a erty, the. Loadvard mine in Belmo tj , , , , % a a and- consistent g4hered i Mr. Fii XcC
L A im i-*+Ik' %.A AaA IdAnd his nf tl.A&+. I arm iwere s e IOU
KAT, ou Bi EL Cof f:iat voulvar V! neskjw�
worked. during the . year. Some gbod :,to go! is Wass V Ila 'churr
4 �h. He was
ntialiy tmdo�r#ood fact that Godel icl� 1mrs. 7 !Talwi i er oft a 10 fit yard where e u k Wert
be mDnATH OF IMRS. TAIlrAoINC. son.
heori eimb 0
towu, -,and will Cilintinue to diet 01 t the chu. noling and he
O$rroR, was raised, and a se0io'nol-baind HU ti ery sl�,Qw_, age, wife of � Rev. T. �, DeWi Talm e, he Annual report f the Meth( rch sta 1pid the Ives W Tfh M
n lugion av Holmesvill4ci Uit shows a � Tjn% Aa%"16n r- years a local rugg, overcow
Tke Subscription price of th �V n died at Darovillaii New _Yor M on ay o
ta d wh tever thok, their
ONT! mill was met up, whioh,'h evei, gave It i e so., just -86 IbAg as ihe 'Star has its- V' ray! i relies in that fo Dorra alp
it paid strictly in advance, -is. owevei, gave -It swe d the followinjamounts �ve raised for the p reacher aud'cl lea r, both of which lancy.-Mr. 1),
Huntingti,11 milli� j9A retafil tothe i i1f,
Tb e d ceased was h
D-OLL&R. or no result, Anew fi cal and Commercial U )sid� he I �eld i1i the time of his few days among
pc�iicy mornitif b
fie 0,
Tal�agoa. His 6, a4i ear ending let June. Holi riesville, 9493' .65; one
If you do not renew within t oeov month qnday last he wais
i W,111 been purchased, and will be riu aning in fie of th 1: les 4beriezer, $9Q. For ton- wee ag 00.11
of thedate on your label theL rice b e:,vountry. drowned whil a. boating in 186, 01 cron, $99.75 10 1 " . Bum
Perth Ite: ns.
daughter, Miss Jessie, and a sot, who A ileicional funds: MiNionary, $153.75 super- his Custom' ad 0 church, and at
-wibwu six
not ren course of a few Weeks. The gold mill b filt a been in - ibut found it
SI.25 if you do in lem hi I to be
Another vaearicy in the Senate he since. Within two yea an inatioti, $55 e I icatio'l lal, $18 contin- ted to Stratford will' have t 2eir Civic I olid Plam
ris aft3rward 'the
label'' the armo by he
a 1 6 calling 't doctor was i4arried to Migs'5u a t I geners, conferilence $4 ; -union oiieL�th Id to di, and be en Tuesday, August 27tb
months of the date on your rice pit M ra, to -treat arsenical- vres - : _ ge t his stre, i t W --t 3,�
filled by th 6 that house of Mr. gie th e , I 1 8 '
'Ouger Walker Carter process, has' be f $2 'S anday! scho, I aid, $1 ; *ent chut
will be $1.50, No paper Will It so' - r I to
eu el ied -ofBrooklin. Shebecameth Ch.1rc relie , 0 ch w1h rove to be his
a !he �p -Air. D. Ch�lmeris h ts had lig
d1stmorela! id, , ii -4 � Ii-Anin
than, one year before being paii I for. Josiah Wood, �L_P. for W fact 9
in deathi-bed.
down for,. want of ore. Ito treat.. Earli pffivechildran, the Rev. Frank DeWitt on itentation, $2 voirian!simissioultry, $40; rods set up on big cheese . cry -at le- woo
Send renewals directly 'to, ce. ace of the late Senator Burns. Mr. �Vood
total for
Pi i' Talmage, Mrs. Dorin, Mrs, Me an, Miss al her purpnose $75. 1 Gramid.1 ig
Mot) let's, Mrs.
-on6y sent by regif %g Appi,16 Q'op visiting at his grand UrIqu-
1A I �n Eagland
I I of r. �wf 't . I I . -
the year- the staff of the Bureau. 17118 1) 0 pots
Og -Mr. Herbert White of Edmout)n i
has. bee c, thii�, i 314.73.
Aered lettf r�� �OA-Office who isfifty-two years of age, Maude and A! iss Daisy Talmage�: 181,
st�rengtlened by the appointment
I teen years I tit. - He wi 11 now, �e� 4 vwe lipole baL
money order, express money ordler or draft,: Parliwmoa I Wedneli 0 woo
Erl has this y6ar the largest rt, of Carthage.
0,41 Arthur Of .3as ingr ulas n6a sidence 'he
- P. Coleman" the School of Pi ac- PI as tit eveni theire Wool
is at our risk. A post -office o, -der tip to 6 1 the Senate is not
nice life, billet, if Hur6n' Notei c ron that as been 8�en for many seasous. -Mr. John 'McLarex ngbt;a ban iu
have: a t
den &log At. 6f Dani at hfie is p other day,
cents. Eur6pea i 00 V14
Ter I our poun, is.
0 Is. W� lioh then transp red was; tb� union in the the exception of weighed nearly f
lay two eel as,geoloigist and minbr el MclTevn The event -the U11tries the crop ond at St. Marys, the whiq
okie he dies.. The 1 t4 The Wingliam, firernen took first prize
�bob: bed bef OMI Ila Ori
emU b gp i*
,h I r
Er. y
g ' I
I 5"edg)
It aly
n W1
'Dr. Colo man is require I irg th wsuAllwitl
d to.occupy thr.e( of
Ore.., in the tournament at St. Marys last, week.
The change on your label w 11 notify yo a to fill.the vaeway thus caused in' 'in bonds of matrimol 'tweenihis daughter. FnZ w [iei &0 i only -ood. Amer- --Mr. k4eorge Moir, of St. Afarys, ir in I ark,
the sum mermontho in geological fiel )rk - -Mr. William Hunter$ of Hullett, coin- rice e the P 0
he 17bh Velt �MissChristina,aud e ust be of the hospittil at Ottaw,`a, at present, su.- Fering
ins . and Is m.Habkjrk,of Foidyce; �&Ppl is, if soy .11416
of our receipt of the money. inoL ng! i lando will take place on t i ,an Ard.x eded, in
and -to I -take a report thereon, besides Dt her t tuenced the easoWs threahin 04 July -')15tb- : West Wawanosh. A large n4mber of relaii
re kgolrup, us a card I d e4e'ctioin; On the following Sa,,t ird Y. I -Rev. Stewart has -pastor of the fanciest varietif pi, An.1 h London in from! a la�ge Carb uncle on hi -a neck.
�w .1 3
in. th ci wee tax wr the teen reac %al
itivesof thehappy couple from Goderich, iled -)dr. Al`m, Climie, -of the Lis
duties of au'advis.6ry -or special -6haxll.c October. 1 The Ar ��jbl i that proava towel Bax- g Wo
trace t1le matter up. is.8, Arst-ola-sis Tory preserve, an t e new Willis' Presbyterian church, Clinton, for 17 Blytb �n egent to mit- i
d other points were pr k
�bhequ: r, n g ',%lay and J a lie !caused a loss to 2 1 T
lo not inte f4 the ner the Missee Climie -an I Mr. A
Address all letters and mal aft, (is which 4 re with hi profew ii( years. Uri I .-TrJaimie,
1 5 S 1,On ISI
Senator �Ias held it in his pocketl for yearai noes the momentous event arid join! in the Sta
an rps4 functions -Harper 'Lee, of Goderich, I t6h. f ' more of
and ordlers payable to McLe as ia%,e:,,e- festivities Rev R Fairb iirh tied the co �.r X.�,000,(W. Po- are camping on Main I and.
at the school. Last summer & I -
1 -1 m t . - I . y -Z 1 A —A.. d_1 —3 1. 1
�, 100".
r , job
% Amr. V
V� ' b Let r- L — Wheu remitting moulay dor 3 L fal.4, to giN e an , cyn titt n I.Y9 r t Ittoeis wi rei A a i 111ve rage. d th for the bi of Ithe t I knor,
occupied by,him in 'examining tbp Re cure e
nt�p for 6" "A) Afr Peter
the same ill L reach the awragelproduction., In; Ellice tOVV
ost ofAce address, that the new us Ia to Gordon
member i4ill be of I
p ,new Ho e efuge. caging ourig,
gold fietki`ind the belt _bff -con try team 'bel is the propri6tor poto
while ago glinton A Cy
Wheil notifying us of charwe of,.�Odreijs Lake i over1run away in God- (its d Whett there ;iq, aefi cien of 25 of Dowr�le
ilk as,thp retiring one. shor -as
do ot: fail to give -8, pow, po t 'northward of it along be Manitou.. rid 5 of Colborne township, ran n crop.- -Xi, Z Moffatt, post master at C ITM1111
both old ad ith trampo, now the d testable wife be�Lter JE�� ch on . M cc t.' Tt ere is ofilyi halt a, hay Tonos7W, Augv
iL 4 C i I onday mqrniug of last week.
Office, na- ppearanc e. I �'P'-Ordojer will be Vtrydefie�ient during the, nook- has been dangeroil�, III Of hole)M 'libem
'Th;y broke away from Since 'I
Waigoon Waters -to the Iiiie. of the i Ce The Mail and.Empire' of Taea�aS says : has made his a th's p aning I v=4 the mi
r. T ie !Qerman potato crop rnoZus.
-C. F. Straubb, an of 0rod- Obi wintf
Railway. His roapqrtand tile" " the vicinity of the -Uev. Dr.. Jilinkson, D�G %ill preult' aCli . reason to be] i6ve that old resid4nt t1:611ing
4ian Pacific There seeme, mill and were caught irk. irill robably be a failuref, Wing to the
�bel station. Before they � were caught, how-
1,0�k at Your. 6 iieu*tenant-Governor'Maekintoiyb could give 6ricb, died at the residence of hio son-in-law, t.
geolo&al maps accompanying. it, wil imin nse si7A of th e drop! its failure would the sermous in conneetio I Nilttl esby-
T. Basted.6, in Toronto, on- the 23rd uIlt. ever, Air. Young was thrown out and sus- r terian church IIn1Ver&,ry Alw�od, Dair
found'espeoiall valuable to ecito J'L Hill some vauable oin, �era on a 1a 1 0 ease in the it riports of food on
ly piosp ri in. -West Huron factory, Carl w, shi ed severe braises about e L�1, . - .1 Tbxw.N-To,- AugA
tained seeral United tatea. Sept�ernber 29th.
fro Can a and tlie
Coll: 100 boxe t 11 T_ I
that field. The nickel and copper minel, in the' *bject, of managing a fair., This re- last W 0 0 'June c eese, he
chest and head. It is thought the w eel
E S.
NEW ADV RT19EM F !N� lerings am arnalli
If -shipped 5- bead f cattle
i 'ed was 8Je..1 d over big chest and it : the Sudbury, region. have been 40 1 fers tD the rece4t Regina fair. There is one price ro�oe v plisse is fortu at�e abMitchell station on last week- audprices are firl)
-Mrs. Bayley, wif - of Mr. Charles Bay- During the DeA h*00d.
VLT11. figure between the paren' h tar esoh nothing more seriouis resulted. ..for, Small lots' -o
worked during the�year, arid as respeA in which we hope Managpr H ll will R eat ba
Mr. John Heal accompanies the lot to
one den itea th of' the papal'� o virbich the ley, of'London, formarly of Exeterf died runaw4y Mr. Young lost his pocke 31�1.UFS. r. H4 6s disposed -coming in and I
?6t . I Mr.
advortisamentwill be found. ties show the prod notion of ikatte win uch -not &L"teimpt to imitate -the exaple'of the Liverpool..
u tel I ear of her- 'of 19- for
I.suddenly on Friday, J -Mr. John Irvine, of Usbor iis' house a 10 Ell lanuel Rot artha ge, J�A&
cfrftt t ramer Sale-mccosh & me- ear -old a Th
it. drued
r, larger.than in either of the preceding two Lieutehant-Governor of the Northwe it Ter- -Victor,' -the ii ?n of James Kirkton, having gone out his bakin; one mE el. fori ds e Ifi U're.--Brick layer" bad lliiwoall dr�jled e reeeip,
anWatson, of Wingliam, fell do I stairs the of fi feeto,
ye Ing' to" know itor, ea. The Regina fair was kept ape family had re. ari silyY e loy at� t e new church and .-rather go -w arlid,
Usirrel C 2urns-RoAd & Wil lou. (5)
Shoer Dw, -Rains-Robt. Willis. (5) ars. It is griatify, that the r night last we�k, after th r
and has now slffi Pur -
Civic 114*1day—Wal. M. Gray. (5) other day, and broke is right 4rin at the tired, fell frotill a loft iujur ug his back go ini ell d to w right ahead with it. -Mr. J. I 10le to Ile.
okel-steel at, or full I last, side hows poses.
severe tests ':,to wliibh,.ni and all, on Sunday., -lbow.
coming oon-Prof. Chamberlain. (1) oa h filital. Ile was Ke flarnIl -TnEAL, Auf
to A %� it This is: an i Vat "in Gauada� which that t e ury may prove WO -k beoec� Orrmt com- .:Among t4 "Ohori ;s
Jec -bointint e 0 10 nuo ion est, Do ygofll; rant to buy-j� Waugh. (5) plae has beO s4b' tell -The. executorsl of morni Ile and Paulin, wheel much wea]
tile oastate,of the late not mi "S a8 ng, n h9 wiLtO UZ.
eye U !Stephen, have sold
-66-roiiiiii. His 'son cori ng I tit -w- 2arf this mornin
urniture---mG. A. Beer, (8) 4acob, Finkbei-ner, f sed tt ri j ed Pott Daver, 'ax:e A 14itVd;;Md V"tere
Up -to -ds to liotelman-J. Weir. (8) eriority to id� other kin a of V late;' abo ol not_bd`repeAed, and �bioh is not on tl eir bike i to Lohd)n on Tuesday last. -
Walter, alcolm,
Caietaker Wantad-D. J61inson. (9) --ri A at L the Point muel 4 Lieute%ant-G irer�ior the 50 pkroa farm tle �Iiohael Finkbeinerl_� .!A-* and lo wer basis that
opment work W46 carried n '.to the credit houle later,p ed -near enough to tOU0 I ii, 1 MI,. �ouis X iller, . fra n SLpringfield, Ohio, -Stratfo
-)-A. C 0-0) % . t. I rd.
Salada a tt ardn the anti of - I -
er cations on L ICe Superior McIx tosh la"By of t ni' -Misses Bella ad emn, of
t, !_,X - , who,', ng for - ministry., is id Ing -x
cement, Plaster, Fire brioks (il-Re d Wilson. (a) Mamaiins6,copp or o� or fai, but h being nable to speak could noo make he 0) boxes were
the an- at go- -ness was Apne
��G. Mills, D.A. of T r to Uuiver- - bt 14
Farm f a een fill n of know that he was h I relatives. -
h 01 0 Mrs! hire km spendi% a few days M , Ewen CIM ,iiiale--Wm. Reedy, (6) there. Doctors Fer- b is " th nd ot -Mr and
-y Kentuck ti
]Farm fo: I L --lifirs. KA mit-of is a , have been v Ing their ri Lother,
for the greater ye agerk. t Poo weie calle I in r
'Ale rneir. (5) si Ro tc h gueson Thom on arid lr%fjngL 0 Fen Irs el Q res it An- in fair 4em
glate Listi. ;roas ea
All Imp( rtaut Visit --Dr. J. -Y, Egan. 15) ex tei iii6hy the master o odekich Coll
-_r9q!tIt of-tJle i Anq ess �'c w"it- el Ta A t6ck.� fr. William aerson.
and e con- fri' is h da 4ultation and the abov' in
hat sublet an tial CLARICE: Control er of tute, in place of Mr. arper, re�ivned. d at.. Zi bae.gone to Waterloo -Best Stock:
finds of ore, it i e) clusion waus I e immer and amily
sin, Days--hekg6a -k Grels [6) -'Mr. Sara Roe, a in ich respeete L red-
Pu� ected _T E &at Wawa osh fall show will
wedium at 1-0
Alwa�ogl U*lr-Dill & Speare. (6) C ations Customs in the Doi n Goviarrime and -The Clinton W Era of last Week on A i isit.- Ars, li b, r hais been visitin re- Inia, died J
mining oper ill be undi rtake a minio ngV Ife for L A W denti of E ly 1 -5th, at Elie Age
7 1 his year be held alt Belgrave on Monday.
-milliner - Department -E. McF.%ul 0 says - Mrs. R. McLiaun" brought u a a latiii in SeAl fe
LIME ig interest token ber 30th and October -this 31ear, Rev. M r. Hi ach, f -om . H . anover,was visiting -,F-xo rsons-C.P.R, (1) 1 L Most Worshipful G and 8overeign f the, I& d Tuesday, Septern of 74 years. His wife d -three Bonli all Of
Laborer, U year. The gro)vit tri our -18 lots large Cc
Samp e of th lgoms
Cban -J. Jc*on. (I)- Crops in' A survive him.
1pi nolibip Lacrosse Matcb�J. field for; mt tl -08
Sartil-An rial. Sale. -Jackson & Greig. northern Ontario, both a e� Orange order, seetn� t occupy a very an )in- 1., WWI, are r. ly- marvellous.' She brought in thf villag, i on.'% edueday of lastWeek.-, 7 lOtAl 5 boxes,4
While Mir. C
o`u., pbsition at't�e present iine. is 'illes ts, P lo -Rev Mr. Wright,; can I I 'lots large I
ne g e riterprise, re luired t hat harleF G i1a) us 01 its, P 8, C ver, timoth and -fall Church begu a e tes of
Midsum er Sale -R. Willis. I. in, w Lai gathering eggs in tKat has I 1 0 Mich- 4 the. A Now A vals (41-A. E. Penterost. (I � al eah 1�.aug, his Lrone to- Berne,
I at and minin
toZinb9is Milveiton, 1p Di w itia; r on the farm of Mr. Wi is"1 vwl§ her all ste� and other fr* a,- lots, 26-2 boxes, -at
ill the trustwortli information relat evidenilyi practisink the very diffict'l t 'eat 190 sermons on the Old Test�inerit, corrinracing
Partner ed�Coad & Rani lie. 0) rse r4n away. :'The result was a - decided Mr. a e gey -901 boxes, at 71c
many volumes of o two e oing n di I i 4, .
Inrarges r Sal"coit BroiL (9) M arrowy, Lai d township, forin and. Mrs. ellern
0 Irl Of ok u 1ax re with the -Book of Amos.
it in' 0 cial repor a ELnd f ril ling hors rentl di- d I OP in eggs. :4 9 wedo3ir nn,,r Lin- are about W .
Seed w at for sale-tr. Daly. (6) ersm w ich are equal in ftength and atte ig of Miss. A -Some Mitchell ladie' 6 Girl Walited-31re. D Johnson. (9) -Misa-Xnnie 'McKenzie, formerly a teacb, 'W2 b �es, at
-'On. geyp -W f e a diebowling Club. ace,
elsewhere should b a se r h d o it and 1, �r'&- rectims. n is spee ch at. Ottawa onl the- ality to bing ever giiiown n Hu f Elk Michigan.
Ih e this
I e) n the Luck ow Presbyterian. Sabbath A N *k �
Timoth:5, seed wanted -A. Young. (8) ganI7 Th
brethren, 8 ere bave'eVidently 'not )een week W chn icle t lie sudden death c f Mrs.
F'reah butter and chickens wanted- A. Younj (S)L sented in. suitabl a form. l 'Tb� a - w0k has twelfth- -of July, �o, his Orange OQ ie jerop contriving,asuitable coa�me.a the o d
Buttorandeff swauted-Beattle Boos. (8) .1, has be accepted as secondary affected by the droughft, -Mr. Arthur "an- Peter endoa wholl as lieen called aay. by inary �Saiel pp ots large-'
�een Undertaken the Seeri tairy';bf the tlie4, Mr. spoke , St -1 Dngly a g4inst street costume handicapiIi them too h -,ad.,
Go, to th a Opera House G-rocery - (8) sibnary and companion to Mrs. Goforth t [on left us Prize Cluster and' the A te * us haliol.. f Providence, The
Y -S -The first new
for Bargains j] gamples 0 n Ull 10 lots color
schdol I each -John Key (6) Bureau, Mr.T. AV Gibson, and,tho$ vvin-. iunierencewith Ma itobabythe FederpJ China. nehes in ecea led w ivhea.Cof the see -lin large eolorea, 2,z
5- feet 2 43 years of a e, �aud was of a
�Wanted aller oat ineasuring Mr, boxes-, -Charles McHard of Carlow, while delivered at the 11 te efi, mills on iriday,-
able paper ontbe Hinterland of Ontaei is a th�orities. He ifterwards repeated big legth. If bheer'ul an kobw I nv t e. She I ves a,
awing ma yo or- can surpass his' uly 26tli, by Mr. I Wm.
�emarks in'Parliarrien 'and ir� his a Im rid an niu( h' n to Ino ne to slip and fall off the load. Hel e 10 rse le as- Mitahellxoad. Thoasamplewaagooc. eight
-A whitec bull terrier, belonginj to: Mr- CIO;
lots small eoloredii
Oss. ve at P
at the Orankegrand I(dge at Halifax. Yet, -AIr. W. F. May,- of London, wit I
ng OL( . -
purchasedy the Grovernment laslt ar ind 1 1 fi
ived a serious shak up, which con ned
I Robinson, A the t -1-1c
inure recently, had the misf
the result.of bit; labors. The diamond rill G intelon w to hear from �im. her
t; 595 boxes, ,at
in Ransfo: d, of Clinton, has - a hat it of embed on unda; F lag a d fo wdd the re- t
der u!ncia- experience, has been selected sa v, 19
notwitbatiii ding Mr. Walla- 'a in to the house for a few days. 110 gs 1% j a.
placed in charge the ilrean h een I _0 A, pa ising nainE to th r lasli esdug place. T4e aged
'rinningatt e cowcatcher of th =e"matical and commercial master in th
er IeNienin; as Mrs. Ford,� .-'of PLLsvxLT.rt All
tion'of separate ebools and- his datei mined -The oth -tt 1 �athe bro�- era, a i tel a; iA the poilrowing
steadily employed since t] e time hat. it I _ - I fLins. We nesdaymorning of ]Wiveek, Mitchell high school. I
�c2wnd concession, ullett, was passin req hive artfelt boarded 1Z,710 bo
SEAF0F.TH, FRIDAY, At g.; -1 iusband a a chi'
- I -.. . . n e -and metured her thigh tried con usions with. the 7-40 a. in. -Mr. Charles Consenil ad fairnib havet. -passe the'6ititoniii in expi ring an. i n ore Oppdition to i' terfertnee with Manitobao h
I -of colored; ijew
ty in the cc Inty of rontenae. here. em r nib. Being $5, years of age, Iler itic6%;,ary ti un, aLl p s e no We&
be of a government that I d ttside, she fell d ahead of him. Somp pro�- iympathy v 1 an�, aloquAintancies and
propir is still a. in a" removed from Bornholm:o Clinton. They,
Onariows Hunal Carry
T igh bors. I area highly respected 'family,
loadged to: force separate schools on.mani- J( ting bolt ust, have struok the dog on PLC are a tl e lieh:d, fo he wits found insensible at the ith them the bestmish", of all.
i�ng4inehope%itma be added,jliat P
Thkannual rep6rt,gf the Ru reig of Mine!; 111 A.� Coombs� M. A,, who has
d w re 4 t6O c
on industry , vill assu ne active Ito rl+ iii toba'if the LegisliLture, of th Pro i UL " tile at v riye con si le-iif the t -ack,.,%vitl hole through his 1PI iel. -Mr. '"in. Roberts, of East Masouri,
lintorl Collegiate Institute akn
5;ju�t been issudd.. it �is 51irtlin tis refusal t9 establish them. And 1) �.en one of the C sl ull, f ally in inch and a(
lreS H tj� L' -Av 'tr.cating of has litist sold to 11r. S. Spar
juarter deep. Dr. FOOT B.,i er game
-the Prol ince this, -Car, At the- last goa - ion aff, has r accepted the
es tied, bavinA Itelis a- vast am t 0 e on on B ackall rely oved the pressur on the brain, oot ball to k I)Iacf a. Kil e on at rday Marys, twel e head of f it cattle, Er�j hich
docum t and c ncipallabip o Richmond P
of the 1,egislature provision was made for althoughAir. Wollace is so at -oiigly ill high,school, The mriketwas a,
art' he mner b , rai ng the bone, and left, -expreoing his &A, :be�x� ee.�n - e banir6cks, of he realized the hands6mesum n� ov4,r valuabl� informatri cone S&Ial.y Of �,000 11 yeStj erni-I ig d -ant;Lgonistic to the Gcyernment -of which he at -bid.
summer minw schools iat Sudbu -y an b'-Ilief nat could survive guch an I ai d' the Afoon ight Bu5ers, - of -Peter Schmale; 12 y f While
Work in thi W, Rath, l r., has'sold Wei farm, con- th no anii an, are of lage, August
r, on is a nieniber, he still Dontinues his c amiec- Next mohifigll however, the dog in T ga e ka called at 7.30 working a rack -lifter in his fat6r' barn,_
resources of the r oviace. up, A uc el
W1 f I-,,Ut W�wanosb, --tLb a
Rat Portage at hich practical ins. ining 0 ac -eel in ur,�. mit., . Thi �qbeese -were boaril
line, ho,,weV-r, has
been exceedingly dull fo. 1,90 minutes. Duringr nea,
tiou,with ihatGovernment.. And, 4.�llough for $2J00. Tb q xesiion was walking ai�ound 1with apparent- o"clock, and -lasted for y
might be given 11 Johnson r Stratfod, was stru& b a te-Ae His for the benefit of inirirs,
h eeted
During -a peri(d of busines i any years of life to,leaveltra is alone. �.Iiefii-st hal ': time iotk te iins; worked hard skull was smashed, and te is not
the ast yo;ir- Mr. Wallace so openly denounce thelpolicy rill and Mr. seFAis li I I -
prospectors arid oUiersi qm loyed or inero, Johnso6 has. red a bar- X in score a! goal. The to recover.,
depression it could scltroal� 10 Otherwise, bf the Government, at ange to sayl I b hat 11 per- �-Rev. G. F. Salton, form(rlyQf Brussels, lutlieithftl Vere a1le ti eetirig of the 7611116
"Classe,; we b nt�irely different, Maggie Thom, 'youngest at lighter
as ex h �, _�r ower Wit., 0 boxeT ol
pis -.or o
ested in mining Pur aVoa to met
. I i -Exeter W 11 h Pk -700 t f the Central t C1 seeon.
forvihile tbare, is aiii abtindande of ca, t mits him to continue is connec4oll ith it. indis �arch ek -4%n pop :in it. The les Thom; 0 mirliest
a naes incurrel by the n h re a no inobf en- a's e of Air. Cha Lie of the bo�
it opened .'at Sadbut 7, Copper 01 ff a;t A invas. bratford, than whom Lt ere olored Were
lyin idle, t.1
1iose who usually arilploy an in -,taaice Of a ho ise di- t I usiastic cyclist, performed feat the other Aloonligh uf 1ars go� d 1�nl t6 old time aettlers of Mitchell, ws married t I tussell
--3-3, ith,an ggregatl regular t SurclY this is
9 Portae, t6nd- t ie recent incendiaiv Oes in that, SO boxes wbitl
d coii Lp], ee$� out played Manitoba, 'on the 17th ult- to Mr. Thomm
developin re edi day that demonstri%tas the superiority of contVina l4i
sources of -this nature, are re�(rt of le in- 'videdagaustitself." TheX, eel erald e * id ence v�as not, , collect st 79c; balabola-ul
ance of fifty One.. The afficient, v the Shamir dkis, a( or6
'c : fie bievele as a meani i of locomotion over 4reo goals inside Keating, of Silver Cree,
force I to, be more Carefu frA -, t eir' busineas V 4rrant going n with: the matter.
ums up the, position of the G)ntroller pf
y score of -Mr. Harry Knights �,arted for Ki ngston
hows the scole and S' ich lt�tiquated meanti of tra vel as railroads, of 15 b
L strortorsinal ollarve a A since, -Mr. T. Cooper, of inirflates, hui w':
transactions and speisulation Oaln when &-Udthe Gr d Sovereign A the few days S1
character of .the work undervAeu, aid the , Customs The clerical cyclist lei t Stria �ford for God. 3 to 0 Air. J olit T origon, of Kippen, on his bicycle, leaving 3 litchell. a -,-t a A
lint6n, passed his 87th birth ay, and he is
eferee, to: hour Sunday morning.' The disU nee is
every interest is b!uoyal and all have con- Orange order, who is nie ai�d the saine per- eridli, on M day IfId ing 01 last week, get- acted as thia a i-tisfacition. of all.
fav3r with Which the project has b eR re-. 11 3arly a acti e and bearty ae hti-waii ten on firmer. The besC
fidence in the future, As thE r very 'v years e an
eport ry tersely. Ili says: "'When the iars M a. Cooper is only a' f�i ting Out Of th city a `ew nii,,iutes after the The return gan le ill played )pen, about 250 im d he expected to reach to -day here st 614.
soul v( aturC L eveni
elling a;t a
Coi, 5.50 train for Godeich. rrav ag, o;Aock,s_harp,, whdn his destination in three (lays. at qd
puts ;t en -who fii A it trouble- LS JUnI r.
Controller of Customs r ins a,,ross Most
bo 3' is ib Vitt artlon, oodly pace, lie C �11 t upwith the train everybo d Q) be present,.. -Neil McFadyen, 'Of' No. % Fu
-Th old stablisbed firm Messrs. 9 & Au(j
some to get mone, for their awn. wants'at Worshipful Grand 01ereign Wallace 6erie OTEs.-Mr. an I 1 -8. John Cooper, of --Ing e -amin-
(eriington & i McKellar, BI have dis- and held his own, iiamehing blinton the paesed the public sohool. lial
�Tanitob&s P(?siti n. 9 cablei
the private
h 8 in livel Lime. The -trieriphip.. M e ngton will I Lumber to d t
_Pera Sy e J?,
If Sir MackenzieBwell 1didAt an time -.vf Ill warn nakets i�
which they 01 b, agrafea, 6! to piiovide v will be an a in to, 0ak kneed 1 utinue the bi'siness in the ol( Vind. Mr. John ver, uAlish i
1] Ig
e )p�r,-Lfion %im bee amon- friends ation, I
home, either toc v on is likely to be 'a, result same tinrie as the traffi. Leaving Clinton, made '8-8 1
Aved �a r. I I aaks, the�
Mr. -Salton gained oh I Phe iron horse and ar- id tin tile wet k. --M - MCI evin Mrs, equired, to pass being T1 2, Neil is a 'cle
re rioed at his destina tes ahead haffiar and Mi is lzz 1( Rain, took ill th lad.
eat artaofira hope thathemoilld be able I o cime brethreh. Justfancy.tle rand Soverei cKellar intends shot ly to let Ste Blyth.
for '-he req e of. the h nits,ehold, are ign, o a Saturday last. - -Fall wheat A nearly allut in h4- vicin no 1
-The other 4y, I'vT ry, dauj tRoir of Mr. Of the train. Mr. iton, with becoming big excursion to Do ttr(i Win -
not likely to.go 4 to to a compromise with t�`e. M a message toverl
in se h of spiaculs- &Uit;61 -(' Ov- fres�_,from Halifax, whCr hedeclared lie
deikky, declined give the ti d her husband on iLty
3 hoinas Hattkr,l Exet4 r North %ecidentAlly 1110 me of the We. B. 'Blair Pre;e of NeWton, and thi greater am6unt'ui den niarkets aJ14
I ealthy b
ernment on the school qu6stion that wcul
tiveventures. INKhenth6comner4inilstorm d would ever cons to� the Coercion of 1"unday lasat wi bh e Oy. Air. lso 11 ncit Is riot
ent 'I 1pped from a g�.vin* hile UP in the air,4nd run. in the mow, though the nuanti torn last week foi
9 who Blair will be itror ,Y, at in,ld for Algoma.- s great as formor years, the ' ality is ei-
be &like acceptable to the different factrions -The many firievida of Wm.Stewart, At the Purrent Mi
druiri is hoisted, tlle'pr�deut basixies Manitob sternly confronting tb 3 tfe nbling i the fall strue' her lead on� some hard
resided in East �Wawanosh for over Misslftta ilit 1pi , of Rxeter, is Nisiting ceedingly good.
?f his riven ministry' he now seeing doomed Controller and demanding tile laite 'a rqa-- ers -are dublious
if lie does not !,-cc Iter of the port, 6 batance, rendering. er uucol iscions, and
twenty years, will arn of his is. c0me CvC1
the she -While on her way to
A ie is now uffering regret to le with b. I Alas Susan Taylor C Jurch a I. SA -
does pot embark upon unsafe oudriknown todisappoirttmentI. The Winuipeg-Triburie, sons, nL t�V severely from :the' i �. out
ur, din' Paris ay.. as een I g I
for hisisilence in Parlim er I clArty, t.
en the ffe6ts. death, whicIr occ on Saturd who x London for some bath evening, Airs. D. 11105t,
for the com ng of fairer the official organ cfL the Oreenway - G Dvern - lv. -fr. Me- y
wael wits before the House.' -Mr. Cain A has purchased afternoon, Ju1y.13tI , at the ripe age of 78 weeki1s a returii I o me. -R A Maryst tripped ooze - boad -bought -ear]
-a. He waiti 1 1611, of! Ray, r, the
csdeath being caue -ed 'rvicesiu-St. sidewalk. Result a bell le
weath d thaf is the Con, ict 'of many 1 led from a - general. Don oru' e9ric itet se hando
er; an con ment, pronounces in no uncertain I& gu age. ie farm of t e late Jacob Fint beiner, b d
ill maintai kining, 100. a '5000 1 i is a at away ofl the human system. De- Andrew'o cbdroih- 10t Sabbath, to large and wrist. ert. they thiwt�,
Ile wearing
'The freight trm
ei. ald gav� one of the Listowel,
News of the Week. property situated on the 8tb concessi r' Cpo -31. F. Brook & Son,
Americans who jia,�e been e\-,PI61ting oil- the atitude which they will maintai The"' (real for f
ceased was borni in Wigt-onshire, jgcotlaud,.g audiene
taio, as a promising field of mining enter- question will, therefore, 0+ before lia- i ee . tofu
itRisiriANs ILL. -King Christian, of tephen, and will e conducted -'b M aild came to Cafiada in 1856, settling on the' old time 1 ardeisb 904pe. sermous, lastbig an large of wool, fbar cars fill, sua ni
-e Paris I -sone
Mr. Arch bald Blue, e efficient merit a the Janu&ry sessio'll, in xa;o'tl I : hour and for mftklft�t We t, U
prise. L. Coxwortbj,_Aj�He all, Mr. Camp a P I out $10, (�00 worth. It -was no
t4 Y the Dentuar *:, is ill,'and big condition is consid ains. He risided there. for rust he may almounting to ab
din July, nd :bn-in-law. to brin. hoil pe g rom.
I . . uths O,the oaartsiand co tual rotels
director of the buL -n his Isame -form in which it appeltre ered ser �ug. years and then rem loved to Els, and from -be long spare, me �such gas I -chsed by Lon A HiLibilton,
e& -u, i ep6rt to the ui ) tN
n1ciences of the and was exporte �.-Coutinuous I adhorile f were out in large
00 tuoll RAu ains in I th, the latter place to East Wawanosh. Three tr d nited
the members UPOU to I
ProvinciarSecretry, gives 9. rel y accura�e will then be '�called Master orman ev.
Lra ago he rem peo e. A chesm con uc services
many rts of Japan h%ve ruined I lie rice k the mief ie, ile opei Oin I some of yea oved th Paris; his wife he Old K f"� die Attle. were , u
i"laofthepositionothe miiLiny interest express themselves 'either VL VA; 01U4 U maqb lyth plauing�mill the dying there shortly afterwards. Since the' at mesRo and Hirkton last 'Sabbath, a
crop, a a famine -19 fearia. iner e pearing. hissumme the large wamp :Britain at fi-om 41
er inorning, t av his dea 1 0 Iling ait the present t e. The atics, he The Tribune says th of Mrs. Stewart he resided with his 40 mi M Bible class and that h Of Mr.
IEFO 1AS FOR TuRicry.,-At a 1 right h d come as marred the eul 1b was about the
Th ini r ent should Coibstantim Y=in three f vi a. Who daroi say farm has #iven p ace io A, 6- Dom' od G'over6rit be council just held in le, a .ontsct. ilih lie.. soil Isaac in Paris. A family of three sons I t fi lear field, istoick prett.
eays, of the sale at A lease of in im ral lands, Th� se rid and, er
is: ministe 1 I a ? r. John Ding which
as Wedl ais. those o E the prodne 5io I of ores informed in the most unthistak-eable !an- scheme 6f reforms, not oilly for A -menia, I four daughters are left to mourn hi
ipp i rd fi igers were so badly mi�tilaWd that an' makes the farm on�.of the finestlairms� "on t 3 .1 C much thrifty yong stoi
ovince Manitoba, de- but for the whole of the- Turkish I ?,Inpire, loss, Mr. Stewart vras a man of Bat- dale, 0 8 , uro: ast, - thr4hed. from the -in northern Elma.
guage that the P of ey Ila d to be &input ted.
f pfoduct of fiv acrei of barl ' �1250 b b Is, on er race me eting. and the leanr b-e4i
ad. other minera.] s, indicae P. c adition of Clines to be an v a6r in the farce' which was decided upoin. --On Thursday. morning 95th f J I ural ability, fond of reading, a good conver- -At the Listowel
f I -a. B iglas, o
4b. There
inactivity in the, mining indosiry f the 1�et�,Dttawa Coral ni� ion is now put DF-ATIR OF' COLOIM E It. imrw. -The f the 12th concessioq of �ki sationalist, and one whom it -,vas always or 50 4 labels th a aci -C. 31r. Dinsdale is August 13 and 1, $1,3( will be 111 T ie Province of ure to meet. one of 1 lt r rmr
n e has been much veals, 1461a W -
boards. Man ba,, sudden 41eath in a ho ital at Victor a Brit- pleas purses. The driving par
eld, passed away to the great beycind, afte
Province which is no doubt a consequence . Ill r
I -Mr. iyAproved and the track TWO
F ank et- .8 very fast.
A" nothing whate Vier to do,with.the exe- ish Colu bia, is anti unced of Col nel E. -A couple of weeks ake 14 ' how to m ke 1: atcess.. T.
I brief'Dut painful illness of a few days. r. r ton eritterz iare
of the depr so and in ar" n Ig
essin ia busiae ertness 4 calf, of Blyth, missed a v e diaMDnd � A aye of keeniaeing is as
tion of he juOgment- of the I#ip.e rial K. Sible , at th D1 52 years. e was he was over 70 years of age, and leaves a luabI felhis sf. I O�dcrmo twine to Mr. d
Cu Ig d� pers are paying
of speculation so noticeable in other Conn.- P New last week. -The town of St. arys had a gratJ
rivy Council. That judgment was simply promine tin ork as a. rail ad man rge family, who have the entire a Tmpathy 'Ing from a tray in his jewelry store. 1)i1i. Carson I 3or( if
ood largeaheep
y 'rea leges en by-. and banker. the Community in their bereaVerient. �gent search was made in the store for the
trie, but especi a are looking Well den Ing
all in G it Brita�in and a declaration that certain privi I Air. Moore say th) �rdp . on on July 25th. The most Irbm 20 -to V
�w tb an i his sea ;c n, and that the country noted- feature of the day N as the magnificent Umbs sell- at frol'
the United States, whem minirl at rprise ed by the Roman 1�atiholic minori6y having Fims rq. Mrmm, L N. -Forest, fires still -Edmund Bradfordi, of Belfast, leparted -ring, but it could n6t be found. I Air. get- Ith
day 5
-of INI Mil Dba sweep IN chiga Th vicinit Of 0 adstone: I I r fag ne-* a trades procession. - The wn was Crowded, icommon lambs fr,
risk. a - of re- i)een affected te legislatioii lie life on Thursday, th ult., aftar three calf came to the conelusion that I the fing 1 islling wit ettlers, especi-
by t ally to
-ig4t bi � a wal, a ed. Mary od, iiys`illuess. The ins wer n k uro, i co a nty. e�thinka Algoma with visiriors,and e4eryt passed ,bff
has heretofore beet so I ip, 0, that min rity Tiave � i b: i an e DT ma 5 resort e interred in had been stolen and 4uietlystarteA anines- ng woula seem. that
in 189 t
vival, however, n ber:i ining to appea in tigation. On Tuesday he learned that a e It cc for bose �wapting to make magnificent style. brougt, Wt
to the Dominion Government �rid Pr lia. in the sa ne neighborl ood, has, been swept, ion cemetery. The rangemen, (of whi 3h in
born 'a
egsion of a young man in Eel- e lor themselves arid Ali-, -Mrs. Thomas Pa f f
r, attended the was III pose Oe rl'* o 'thet�tre,.W- unitea, statf
those Count eased itantion is M t, 'c
ries, and in(v ment. , The oblig bi6n to ascertain Whetheir' and man 7 other place 3 have ufferi A great, der deceased was a em
ia :es d me w
likely to -be given o iTur opeirt�tions here facts mid cireums ances justified the M mi. loss. ineral in a body. grave and immediately sent one of ith Mi-. linott, tirer of Logan, died at heil Mhoiene Mit-
to many in Huron county. He chel. o Sunday Jul ar ffeets
IV �'Of
toba i4 withdawig H IZNVEN ribi. -Dr. Herz who is -One evening 161 e Al iss ployeeli to get it. T4e holder of the !:Ing I. n; y -28th, from
-M well as CIS rX h lfie�ltls of the b Sys Tiiy. brings them all the of a i eer
ri th,-- claims that he has �!Jlary Irwin, of Clinton, was out 6n a, bir sad t I he'liad recelived it in tradel with &: .8 ca in her stomael i. She been imarket tio-day, so
'home;nevs.-4 iss Katie A eson of the ailingf�r some years, an her death'was ex -
.0 gold is"" Ire tlle� PrAlai lag w6ek, who h�
lay Upon thd!,DO M -i ion
eges Itnanifealtly d3- 5Bou iembi he 1
Province are attr 4in,, -,retter 'ir I ior lostL C yo ng, man in cb is Iptrien
xto� e, aiid (,,Overunent.� an inven ion by h h one hundred thong CI;,.sbe trol Blyth, afid at the al Line ti
of the inachi
me ng
durint the past vi4r the Rainvjake region Tho�y made ndi obtain th n es. a vi the ri'ame' manse" lis. iting %mong friends in Hills pected._L!�� Sh tablisliment in
effort to rc� can be tr Asmitted -by long sub- ile going down a hi near Bay.field, apol ti e was 64 year,; lid wol of his fellow.. trailer. iv �s g jes
If d
.91 W Cud.-more'entertainea It i
they made no inj in- marine cables in thel a 41 ag thrown to the - gro rid. She was pretty A Qhicagoan who wa 5 in Alitcbe�l
kud capital- sary in�ormation no 6me time that twenty ' TUefill afternoon Metcalf gave the �;Green.
espe6ially drew -ml Tly eyplorers " . il'-1 , I k,verely shaken r 6, at a birth,- _per i or e
t ply I u d also cut �er arm, partic I
a e sen no a 0 e case ie, &via, , V 0
Numcrous dil6overies of a the facts or circhnisfances They sin
acted like a pack. of' eid ome- Hway: pp. SE.— e Edinburgh Univer- !Ceasitating a doe r's services. I very a 0 had the Blyth young, mail Vnder Iday pa-l:t 14rrlteorn ialigh r. Ali spent a chell ternin e of Chickao in ular bt ge era;U
old -bearing ore a, ie reported four or fing win At ai good tii at --Mr. Slia has been suf- one respect. On being at ked to namei t he Ut heavV and b1
I I el
21. - b ex resgion inthe judg- sity has conferred' RL degree of L. D. he denied
quious lackeys on -The eig itiont4a old ;childlof 311,k. his I first
yll poial, Privy uncil, witholl t in the Idaughte dge of affair, but u -pion seeing 11 g0r, ni� he -members of the
fi4loca-tions are I eing %etivel evelo ment of th; upon Dr.1 S. Weir. 14itchell, of Phila Jelphim, I ahl, �r. George Cottle, � died knogwIt terin ell f 70M sore 9 is now 11111- jocularly replied,'
SY mUruing, 27 d that there in
laid one gold 'ill A's Ile& -ly r- ea. y fo�r oper- first place, asking ether tile Privk Ci un- who is described in the university oration Clinton on Sattird 27th ult. that lit was closely cornered an rov I losisrs. McOriego & . Alcl;.ay, police force are all Irisbn ell." gio a to a
e'f ornarr la t to medical science t. in of imprisor in sh
In p
oil was not exceeding its functi th -s,116f Tuck, ramitif, a e doing some -Rev. John Hodges, a Missouri, pireach- to fair,
ons and in- as the " chi Dahl and infant were v'l 1 1 Clin. was a kment staring . him ,re e $4 to $4.' '
e; in f rom Kansas City. Th is gul rig -tin in the Methodist to using Stiehl aii eX_ thenew world." ng a 'It' by saying �rX �nthe t ireshi ine.-Th fall $4
ation, In the L"Lk of ffie W ods district fringing on theirs by el �emains were the fac he admitted hi od iw� ed to a lar e congregal
a -ad bir
12 and mill on iltana 1114TI-d have wheat i 3 t�rnitlg o! it welL church, itchell ell Sunday lven- 4b -
the m ne pression.' RAPiDi T'i-TIESETT: NO.—In Cincin'ai, on torred in Clinton Cemetery on tile follow- that h ad, deliberately stolen it. On ae er.;
not prosecuted., 3g Monday af I ernoon. to xt
count f his friends hew 08th. �9 reverend,
been worked continuous is claim, -ed The feeling of 1he people here: is that All at let,' Charles E. Poe, typee�tter on coark ing, July $3
ergenthaler tr achine, in 7 hours and -There died in Mount Forest on Monday
the whole farce !should now I cease. Tbe �D t h release& from her sufferings � on tleman is a brother of Mr Ati.eally at t
Cr4 Oliver Hd' of
that free-mil.ling Ore is oottine, I 0iroughout buncombe communicat,ons 56 minutes) wcontifii k t rued Out last week, in. Tlieoba he Friday 26bh ult., one of the pi * eers of 'Mitchell. stead,
w u J6TTt\-a- Sar
the entire extent of the workings, 6,300
1L8w �eally call for no reply. Manktoba 7 te G . e b 'pbald,who at one time kept da ght r, Li2tie,who hwe .1been visiting el other �oters; sales at
.19 low ems. The )�wasocrarried to him, Usbore township, �6 the person 0 Eliza While Hector Aifchison and som
other and the alugs reril,ved. MT les hotel, Clintonland beth Towle, wife of!!Mr. Henry Fra cis, of Listowel boys -*Lere playiLl [g tl
about 200 feet 'underground. Tlime where it intends t10 reman. I This beats the ir lie ri cc o friends * Goderie. ii, havi � ro�turned home, le at $C25 to
iherl day, gDOd
re* in (ou�se of de- Let Sir Mac�enzie iand Sir, Hibbert, record'by Ij300 ems, Nikbieli is o own -as the Mason House. Exeter, i Deceased had been ill for eve'ral one of the boy caught Htf (.1tor by the *riet, Yrk-erfi,
promising properties a and are: bompanio d by I fro Ben
� � I ffering from an acute stomach it"min Hog- land twite to carry out their foolish and reckless )to- Dim) A. D asaulle Mceased is a brotbpr of Mr. George Theo. inonthii on d it so as to bn ak his arm, i
garth, f thati tow I, who a
as n -pected.
died in Paris mornin_� the Ill, who att4ded :tlie Clinton Collegiate unex probably would, have
velopment, with British A erican &lid A i��ends making
granime it stood the Istraim
1�pt them introdu�ce r me ial mornin -at trouble and her death w va gborty'-sit arribn her numerous relatives had iit riot been brokenwbo: fore.
as a L
age of 77. Mr. Dessaulles was a Le 1 n ve, e
ita, and it is pr�po is 'V islative Mrs. Fmncis was vollishire, 10 to $1
Canadian cap p.d '.to put lerfisiation in the Canadian Pafialm t nd short time a here, 11 is. J mriter of Porta 1& ad' cati. At the the. result will be. I he. ]?to -NArbile e; a es were driving Oun a Oil -One evening lately 'M rs. Charles in- itara, , 5
a m.; I on, each of tlieni this leob us see hat Councillor before Confederaion, an found- 1, England, and came to this It $�.25 U
u . spiandi g' a f '00,
aye To r ace Gode so on a C to oan gain nei er n
n f rs. 1 Gil pic !as Cuthill, of rket slow
Ca P fifty years ago Prairie,� ill w w!eeks ZtWaber tc,
liL7-. ed the Liberal orgyan, Le Pilys. H pi d ledonia rich, the settl ing first Dar n n, inot n, of Blanshard. got UP
se erection. vince of M& dtoba c
present time a mill is in cour
nity nor in any other way by ing in ie a prominent,pat�in Canadian oli es e stumbled and �ell afterwil rd reach some millers that ere goathe
of t t0hegr evening, the U11kriton, wh cmmthe in Afi�
P i ur a in Fall rton wh e they ived �er,
f tit Harold Lake, near the upp r Nvaiteirs Winithrbp, is #the st of Miss J. Scott. 4hoke lambs $4,
i theIfiftie, d the in Usbo e ; - her lsalauc�'_ unit
absurd gain( of burlesque ith VeLr, gft�ing baddly t gled up "in the I*r. for 17 vears,and the and after the Curtains, when she lo
tj L. Ha _'w" 40 1: y summon- I
'eine river.. The Ophi- ne! and mill "INDIC-1�ATIO-, MEETIITG.-At crowded r Linalely tome townsmen w6re a resi nee in that ribs, was no
the r mE ton Ii t'l
which the O;tawa, state� ow ile to falling broke two t 4her-,
men'l a townshi ) of 31 years,
ed t( Ehomas astWeek to the bedside
iri Gubraitil, towlisl' e Inpetericy An dighon, iisty meeting of the qitin residents f 8� ear by, and stieceedi 4 in getting the beast -an Mrs, Francis retired torn farining wise -injured. �$4 heel
tip were op rated only cover up th( i il ang Mr. of I mixed
I erl d yini. mo er. She returned - on
ated ix order.,As hai,- the other day, !,speeches cc demning ng and and moved to Eseter, wherle -they have I J log - air t.
is n p on it legs, and af �r sorne�patohi ft v'h x otboar's funeral. 4iris. avidson of'
In the licin f harness the ladies were since litedi She leaves to mdurn theiir loss a e e m ging le and n- aide 0111T mon, $43-z to S
during a portion! of the year, oNvi f o go9d,
t the Satu �-d -Mr. F. D 4,Ima, had
any �further corraspond-, the action:of the Chinese authorif da�y,.
eliFina t :the I Miuie if Aiwoo 1, d her daughter,31ra, lively among the pine stu rips, and Sifir
Gavel in t ere C( 'to c rjoiurney. IM to
jo case of the recent masscres of in sionafries ontinue C' ti! tbei a husband and sever4l children. They are Irile, sad, to tan, insufficie Pai r r
of P -is tha �ub eet, iabl Brus;els! were the I fis of 0 th
ende , e MCI 11ralt, of
-but the engineer in charge cillup c a I)ti t to'hl e; shouldinakethe un�ondi lut, of Lodeaboro, Mr. n Mrs.1aes M Iler last wee v. Rolm, es had a flax bee, which was a d' ided
we ma e, an a reso u ion was a te to I -Mr. Fred Youni i yron, at o at o aril a ;
I directl veri d an unpleasant oax erience on Monday atud thi omestead, and James xteoAy at
work done in the mine has pru: ren it tor be a of the er a sine qua r remedial ord. W, Or �eott haoilLretu: me -to his Ia af r success, all the youth and beauty of ttell With
lippea. y to the European I� 'a ir on the�
Mr. h,
nients against the outrage. ioruing of last week e was taking his at home; a. 'm�' Woodley, Fiallarton -
gooproperty, Thedeath of one- bf the thre ond Concession being there.
-we(k holi auge -.Mrs. 8 1( aye in
ML,4.9101ii"ARTi IN KMLLD. -A fear- Jilaughter, to the otoli n, when his horse Mrs. Isaac tonil %ri nipeg ; Mrs. George -Stratford is theome of a oun rnm
spent the last few months ill
princiwil -hareholders, which occurred re7. a Dun 40 didt
ra. iclosed very
Not6s Emod Cominebta. ful. massacre of Christians took place about ommeiiced to kick, I Ily landed the Mills and Shier, Kirkton; Mrs. who may be classed7 as a midgt. is -PA.
Ka is returned 6me.-We-
cently, will doubtless for ma time leave the a week, ago, at Kucheng, ia cit 90 miles ill Wesley add Eli Heywood, Winchelsea. De. siting, h comnion and
coupiants in the ditch Against a barb wire
The revolti�ug detedla of the awful. tor �ur- ding... are in the net r future, but*more. about yearill of age, stands three feet, nine *-ches
aceased was highly, respected by all who Ain
thei I in a �Week or tw
affairs of the compay in an unsettled state. outhwest of Foo Chow, in tile ince of ?,nee'. Miss Youngblut was cut a little, and in height-, arid weighs only 45 pounds I Am
d murderi6l; of missionaries ln - Cl ina on Buying -was
Ing all Fuh Kien, one. of- the southern olvinces. he buggy top torn, b no other knew'her., 0. he residence
injury was
-he Crei tl..Ie township of the Boyloi farm is under going 'a thorough person tiobtrequainled wi�h the facs`1w;;,fd
T ghtorx mine, in
Iias caused great i adignation and box ror, In- The correspondent 6f the Times at ban hall During the past few years one of th
ig� M..t
was i(Ile the whole esr but. to- I ne. cles Aing, pl"teri eto.-, udgia him t6 be a child o4 from ve a
thait name, ades ni t Mr. E d. T. Holmes, ronlinent figures of Londeaboro. -village has, Donald years.
. 1, - that the - mission kille at K_ 10 fa
611, ten persohs havel been -murderE d, at the u- -One ght recen Par c sr., and Mr. lqeil McXell sr-, are 'a 8
y rganize ar, tod sales tb
wards. the dose 6f �t fresh. expl, ratory work 6 is thought, of Chinese Dffli era,- Cheng, were murdered by an d 4 f Clinton, acciftntall fell on an old Eeen 11 Father Bru adon," as he was rever- nom idded to the Ong ist, es nces-
ustigation, i' pan, wilfiI6 Holm " 81h cc' sioll, ban band of eighty of the Vegetari us. The ack of his hand. The wound ell genuine sot -
was commeaced witht diamo drill, aad razing the b tly known, and it was with in disp!Dsed of his 100 acre farm tin the -66h con
1�nd it is probable th' r iimmediate vicin" last
at:unless the in -ror at hel'p. id no attenti market
correspondent says: The ladies b ged ior as- so trifling th oil to row and regreftbat his death Was learned; Ou cession of Ebria, to Albemi Nat, of Morn-
itrikip, ..of considerable.
it is reported tha a E proper- but, during the night lbs aviarage*
Of the Celest I E pire at once takes. Aeps 1 -their lives,; promising to yield thei ington, for 85,0W.Johr Flood, 16t4 con- oke up with
anin- Of1 on Monday morn of last week. De -
a to more r aversgei4c
prctaise has 1).een Made 6peral io� to -'Punish. the offe7fiders, Grea Br ain t ` lid vauables, but, the leader o the band Ia'nae pain in his arm. The band in the ceased was born in (i-�,10911cesterhireEnglaiid, Lei Ibm-y.1 cession, has disposed of a 50-4ac're 1&,�m to lbs -
d �01 11 1 - Xtent a quality a uted out. his orders to kill t em, out- "eantime had swollen co iisiderably, -and con- and came to.tbis count 0 IN G S. -INA r. 'aimird Robibson, of Sea- liis adjoining neigbor illiarn Mb*nsoo,
the United Stateav'vill compel him t) do -so, ry over I fifty years D
Satisfactorily prove the e
cted list of the victims is as -town- fo
r is out r, to ffiel' house on the for the sum of 02,'00: 9r. Morris6�a has
rk PY-09 ht. corre i ilting a doctor, he wgs" startled on being settling for a time in Toronto rt.1, is ou re I
the ore body are now i re a. In the 0
'formed that Wwas poisoned. 1VOWS g, ewhere'over 40 years ago he came far i he rece of fo :,The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, shi�. Som la s6d. a'- mile and a now one of -the bee . . . . . .
ording to th G '11hi t farnu on the lin,
Lae Walinaitae'district, a Ic ebtion taken Aec oderich 3 go Miss Nellie Squiriders, and Miss Una Irish, lc!ll -On Thursday evening of last week, t6 Hullett, and set�tledon the farm now cc hAwl; 5
%Ue� *r east of e 'While out driv-� -The marriage of All so Helen "Joates, dark ni, h
up Vy &1r. -Rinaldo cConnell, of Mattawa, ad Goderich are the same age, -and Yet burnt in : the house. The; Miadf a Yellow, oupied by Mrs. Moon. Disposing of this 1b; 8 stftre, 1,
mes. Knight and wife� of Grey, were re I Ing t. John T. Den- formerly of Mitchell,arld
e te U t
Mr. C. A. May-'
lie took up lot 20, 'on the I It thew were a mi
has attracted much attention b the ex- what a vast diffiatience thereAs in slize and and Marshall, the two Misses Saw iders, the ruing home from visiting friends, and -h concession, Ingo acciden 11 ril b horse th,ro h A.' L. L. 13., pi incipal. of tb. Col
berry, B
e' from it: populal two Misse 'a Gordon; and Miss N 3wcombe, 'hen near their own rse took �ilqw occupied by; James Caldwell.) - Here Job i g& Market- see
h samples of ore tgk p The Stair tries to iccunt, Crozi.01,114 wi completely legiate Institute, tratford, took
-ceedingly rie e -
the Vvere' murdered with spears and swords. �igbt and upset the bilgly. Both Mr. and- be resided Until lie retired from active farm inol ng 1.1. eGavin delivered the home of the bHole's + -npgzy has been organized to work for this fac and comes to the Conclusion, parents, Wa
A Coll Miss Cooltington was seriously wo ded Irg, Knight were consi erably shake life some years ago. He then moved to a bo: Ulm -
un on Wednesday, July Sist, - The
n UPI at 'In It 4! W Wher. -
beino, t which brought mar -
property, and a shift is in course of hat it is. ue o the lack. of en;erprise about the head. Four of Rev. Mr. Stewart's f he former so much so that he has been co C�inton, and remained there for several do,% the scales a ',2.90perOwt;
7 0. lbs Mr. John ried couple will spel their 4
o hone n at-
sunk upon, the vein'. In the Alarrooria, di- on the par�- of the merchanta, a rid the children were seriously wounded, This de. tied to- bed since. Mi. Knight has b, an years, finally retiring to Londesboro. He Ber also delivere
eexx 'it ame day. Both Portland, Cape Ood, Bost�n n