The Huron Expositor, 1895-08-09, Page 30000,000
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- --- -------- -- - t7' I- _4K A11iGW 9 IIMIORTANTI"NOTIOES. 6014ob tlhaitsnbs�OuOnt P�Olpecton 1.8, TkE PAGING -COLT.. 0 . C#:[ OF"HADE coveted fmh wat sp#ngs tob ,very for bom T SM'01 e or yincial Chiancie to Show Himself in froni'wbera 0 unfortu, j. Mcl=ak, Inion And Pro os died. survoyor4 3%mbet of theAesoelatiou of Ontorlo surveyorl, Dublin, Ontario. EDITH SESsI 14 T6 PP DE IBFS . In. 1891 t region was scientificialy ex- U18:0urn Natural Gait. So Attebtion, has kequ"tly beeni called she* of their customero. r plored by n turallst �e il oil * by tile To moot th THE WOR T PLACE ON zA8 14. United States (lepartna' of agrioultuve. I t the hict that grave injustice don 70UGGY FOR SALR�For We cheap, of will be TThe Goo, E uckett & Son Co., 0,,' axe] Buggy. Hamilton nti, LaVe �plaoad 1pop They T6ported that soiii( of the, nobibst, 3aliged fdr'wood. a good covered I I b�eedrs of pacers by those associations Aply at Till; E xPosivoR Office, Seaforth. 1486-tf, the war do !ihoi e, mountain peaks in the w(rld are tbte�vls- There Is Xo'Water or 6, jbm#. �V�ich provide classes for their colts not iblb, Imt the traveler nilo.t as We I cap nEDAR Tlgfil�n FOR SAI;r,- -The undoira!gnod- .It Rivels In Gil ]MR,, I A Nmbinat-'42i- 'Phig a INWO .ers. Scorpio als they � do fo ri trotters each age by itself, X1 . hu tcr sale pLqkiaotity, ct CEDAR suitable for OT into t e orator of a Volcano -,is to Venturo _10 CURE LUGGERS ANO PULL=_RSj 'TarantU, I R Us but cow `bVirldge timber, hioll CAn be out to 0;�er. Also 9, and Su 'Good Fla0e withlb the AW61 valo. The record of polling 2 -year-olds to compete lot lot fWa Cedar Posts and C&dar Sbinitles. A $Impl ApplianceThat *,ill Stop Theo a4, with '-3-yftr-Qlds, 3 -year-olds with I ror Lost Sou s. deathi; shows Vult the VIC tinis arc always .-Rthet k. O': Bad rellovv.s. 1 4 -year-olds and yearlings - with 2 -year- Iseized with water. �Jy (Specil a coirespolil t "in that a rescuing P�ofessoi 0. R. Gleaso hi 3 alds. Often we find On an ass-ociation'S B� ArIzoulan friend told "in says I 4-VUARRY 8-o".-Thetudersigned has for sale BARSTO;W, Ot L, July 2C� 48* bli, e: trftiu part.� found Que poor ina i walklug about horse book programme races for trotting colts prop- &this aurxyatQranbrook& quantity of choice I In the gystni,strains the lunp and Who, sulta.1- for c4rilef e es and 11106ts across tl q Mohave 06 rt, tha most p�d and holding Ill b ed clothing I baye seen many diffa,-ent bi s'for erly:I classified and recognizing ypar- SMOKING - BA COO id As th y approached -epaTe3 a w� for pneumoniN often i� i - -1 a aw-,* high 4bov Ill I ,W stoue� Will bo sold prices. desolat(i and a rile -waste" wit1h I e a I pr curing pullors, but what �v ill - lingO, 2 -year-olds, 8 -year-olds and 4 -year- c e: on f Ill Mono renr 0 0� salAl )�ony �
aK0%R BAK M Cra�brftk, P. 0. ts. d bini. be( n took out, the times con n. Iles a loni want, gh 9 nhi sumpti water was very cop, and when they caie will not cure other. the 8 !in s as entitled toeparate races,' -,w le h Th� aii!inior oqe 20. i0ent, lug, or 4 and alkall, unlifoken s�vo! ple appliance to be used I' ay; po Its -that pace axe T0H.N BEATmE Gil r -f the Second Division Wo'cons, r the 'g' etch i 16 cant piece Ora 6 C6111; pi;da of the ap to Win he-clutchad at I hein as a drowil- e .11 atcorded but one race . It. Ice missloner, of Huron Con. glitteria: g In th( 11 You lug inan *would. Prophotors arc often y -year-olds and under eigible 0 tourt, Couuiv fanioug brand f pure ,of rails ).bu Alug sn� foubd to be the best. Iwi PY NY-FECTORAL
"sneer, Land, 1�0 nd Insurance Agen k�nds T & 131 give oi sayfor 8 Tobacco n Iwonder If pnyNNhere I ca.� 6 t1i be or" �;R- found dead, their bony fl igers digglng in to this,; that or the otberlass. There is Invested and to su. Offloo-Over Sharp & Uvene store, V al6stre t, Soaforth. im a more dosolato 'and t rrib region. pontivel cur -as coughs and colds in A 0 the sand as if vainly ste).-Ing a hidden neither� justice in nor reason for any The'thi, tag, IT & B is on fvery 70, an spring,
Saying this t( a grtzzlec old natl surprisingly short, tilice, its a scion. th nt th allhep r
-YXPORTAXT TO BMLD14XG PUBLIC. -In sn�h discrimination. Pacers are much piece. Arizonlan of 4 yeats' o porionce wbo In 1880 a party of Frw, ichnien attompt- itiflacertaluty,i tried and true, sooth. order to re Juco u large stock of dry Hemlock ISSO-62 11 more plentiful nowaays than the -ve 011 _y ha r ape, bad conie on t 1 trAI and ed to cross the valley. All sturdy.fetlovv.�, 30C -and heabn� in its efl!ect, lumber,.we ill cial inducements to cash at t lie Noodl ever b.fore -been, and given au equal bNLY buyem f rom. now until Lily Ist. -SIM for barns'aud who had told m ina es they scou ted the idea of I oril. They took, y 1ilfbiesting i toll ILARGE BOTTLE 26 4CENT8. houses J111ed on i sit th shortest notice. CooK but b6fore clill!ncetflere'would be many more colts, Gonz, Daah:W004. 1424 tf rbreat th osoal es, 119 s they fanolod, plenty of ,vater, of hardship am hat Karn Qrg� an & Piano tr4inedlat tl4lateral gait. Notsolong they were lialf way nor as It gave Out. replied: -- "Yes, luoln, (everybody ARMS FOR SALX-�The undersigned has twentv. Crazed w -I thirst, they oi it the throats of ag 3 the colt that showed a disposition to
in Ai- - V. IF- 6.1. I V..I� VT 61, 1, 1$yes, nioni,11 aad Ilao, Awn'" 11 +,hA4, I - 11 A 1� 4--L 4 , �" 4__ 4- .J.- 1 1, i � rt h i's rX4
Courity of t 14
�rovlpcc ; all sizes, and prices
t. For full I rifoVmatlon,
troubleto Eh�
write or call orsonall
thom. F. S. SCOR Brusse
J presout cbou)ied
by Mrs. T. W. �(&Ti,
o4lorich streel, Smicrh.
It rontains i
Courity of t 14
�rovlpcc ; all sizes, and prices
t. For full I rifoVmatlon,
troubleto Eh�
write or call orsonall
thom. F. S. SCOR Brusse
J presout cbou)ied
by Mrs. T. W. �(&Ti,
o4lorich streel, Smicrh.
It rontains i
rl, hall kitch
sunnner kitchen, g(
soft watar. Ap,lyo the.
is eel Or
ESTED, Solicitor, Sei rtb.
fER WAINZTRD.�—Whnted b
�r Be
tion xo� 7, it
riley, & in3le 'teacher boding
,cond class cei t M
ate for I 896. Applicatior
a eta
ig, salary r(qu red
w4,h,testimomials to be adi
I res
) tbs undersig jod
if.11illg Green P. 0. on or
he 15th of An ust.
Duties to commence i
st', 1896,
�UDSOX, See. 1
TEWD'HERS.-Wanted for
Section No. eigh �, Grey, a male te4che
r wh
olds second or third ,loss aertificate, to teach
1 d
ance of e ear: 1 uties to commeno
.� 9� ! �5
mmerh lid lialars, expected. Applic
fig wi be i so v uptoAuguNt3Yd,V95.
pplicatio a to be. tie t to D. MoTAGGART.
ceas., Moncrief � P�O.
RRES'EING MAC MI and Grain Grfnding
fit for
Sal �._Ar Abell Enginp, travellf,
i Fou
ro,aStratford ecker Threshing Machine
two years, n a Illy s a good as now. A Wa
ng-ine works it enty inch French Buhr stooe'
inding grain, uly done our own grinding.
lbe . Itte
an new, our oi Yn mi e, of elevators. price
it i th
orka $200. w 1 buy the whole out
or 1wi
I leearat. to urchaser. MARSD&T
Vaels P. 0. 114041f
300 Priv&te, funds to loan atl�wba
Ito LV in P a Ha country), "there Is. wialt till o escaped, bu several died. The leader of tod,weights and other artificial ppli- Daggett, till I'll I IlInt �Ilt a �, ectiou of 6oun- -om hi s i1c. bt In er t1i Jaws ot death the expedi !on never reo:)vored fr an 3es was practically valueless, and even .,y that lead. frightful ex porlonco, but v% 'What we say'is'true,aInd as so affacted by yej though, there are a score or more an the mouth Of boll. tile Incinory of his tortures that lie blow at Haa 0 i F0 ted Out out his braiiis. . . I pa.-.03� �breeding fams in the State of Everybody knows it. THIS W�LL FiK THE BANK FULLEI;4 I n Te �nessee a�one, it seems that the man- And when later w Ste 0K. Oil to the Roast Lizard. 6 differe t ulothods -which I nob r Our 'succoso dernoustraIes that can be latforin of the r ad hThe Digger Indiana and the Pltos livo In ag,# of associations are slow to accord oniinues to ttend� vii: done on a fair., squar6 basis,'and be successful. � ig pu lers. 1. Take -a strl�p� hild th ypa r ther6cogition towhich his -IF business ' alIr e' losert canipuly frlotd Po tod al SUGC 118S gro,48atcs of There's a reasm for us continually getting the "y to- In the niountains and in t be forests on the. id ille varicolorad Calioo ]non t4; as and sa bukle- arou d t;�, 3e neck with ring; �un- i in iusi mer atost share of trade. 'Never has gry bi e f verge of the valley. The F Intes are known it entitles him. -Xb needs gy1a "�:e I I mes 80.6_3MPleto as it lo now" N4 other iarmostly: ThErr, iroul. ]I 13 Y' d as the -white Arabs of t !neath tbo nec. r seNed on to, thA s�iap. n l�Te amountof proof todemonstrate The Canada Eus" s CoUege, 4o. desert. 0 It Their the Talre the re�4us lit the prices we can and will ; none can give d pull thr Chathim. staple kood Is lifard flesh,' 'Which they con- oUg to t S isfaction. of any thinking man choice of io flue a line of filstrumento as o I h S �i urp'.1n Gratifiedfl3lims toll le -place lo- rings and buoklE into ring on strallf that LizAe i 'p4rlor that if Olt first inclines -to pace and Hales, a i�aaiiat of the Busi- square or upright pisuos,'or for -church or alder a great lu:kury al3d loll they catch Omans. wim a At a artli I as I asked, osted on tile borders of the valley. Those lizards is around 'the neck. �Rere you h ness Depa-rl inent, left C�athaui on Monday V: Y0 9, show, s best speed at that gait the full Xff no*-6JYaj1'j&d planoi *arlraytted for the, t "What do yd �i i 'an I _. are apout two feet long. rhe Indians call purchase on the'llorsel's to take a position as boo keeperini �kani, re 0 lower jaw that fruit on of his greatness will be acquir- f i 0. ry THI care. tboui "ohabWalla" Bud ro"t them as will enable you to hold the worst p Mer d at, t way of going; hence it fol- Washingtor Territory, orh per'i�onth. or $10 or more mouthly,uatil paid. r What can be more tliberal, more Induelve, more �wf alest spe h _Xaught betwoen hot st os. White mon She was a e levr pu, Al, 'It undou
with ease. 2. Take a Strap se'ven-ei hths il, nd wl bted- uUman orit ti a horrors of Cos tbP_1n and broil .18 luebes.lang, with $0r, applying the racing test, are safe th n to buy a KARX. tar` An S%and t, associations, by refusing the ly fin the pJ ate ace I (�jt' tFTin, roo,-Vat ot a that country. I Vs I ve i rib i suakes tin inch wide a ad Bert halclarrett b* aceepteaa pail. A rin" f -?4 hii der=g the development of the pacin 01 thein over*a sagebrush fird. Th -Alias
0 vorillin, the wo at o -v4 V soo�suddOn to be 'very good eating #n I to taste 4 inclies in ai�weter s3w(d on e is, L Do r ulo 9 tion as stel ographer ly -with Wm. porarl W11e3 i deatli, sure thIn rel t es. Kbt I_ to tach end and two 6*all ho' 3e, er toll yo like frogs logs. i Ithav haill't but o lit %lob Ittok. An It's Ining loose on the strap. --Tale aid flace a. 1429 MANAGER. There are no birds In1l) Is neighborhood ip �,he 1,0 -mob a part of the hit' ntod by th o br' ve fe ers 1bo have gon cer is as m College v .opan� T e ithe middle of the strap dh save the weird, inyster�oiis 'raven, whose eetly -an4er In�ms ing whole a Per 6atalogue, address plulilb, clean, ina( tryll: � torfa6e It all who _s.the trotter, and Millions voice Atly oro It a the fatal ell- th&horse's lower jaw and bringitbeends t2i it I c�r , ly does t bas- lied all bak d an scor led tbar. It duce to the Chatham, Ont, ieder's weal Ts trance of those who b avo the terrors oO that h compelled to I -ad of cou C read an heard of this -the valley. Howling oyotes add their 0 -orles co), ivert mith weights or.: opples his fast DUN N des( terr - 11 wat rt, i lut until the bwsh cries td the suin r a orrors about, the hal I I oldveterait's sclein in nuor and pa �in it t the trot br be content to place. Curious reptiles, ulloanny and hob- TKE STRAP. 8 vlgJ �us Eliglish had sob J, before - me it raZe III: aginst horses that hie ap- goblin in aPPq11r8n00, al. D L'Ound here. The 'through the mou th fr r 'hab Inade no bilpro 0 site sfds; ssion. w B�AKIN qO , however, most deadly creature ext to the Glla e reinq in O e� arger 4ngs ached mxwh nearer maturity; � This II b.manie hitorostod an as 'ad niany ques- Feature -buckle th t pr Call a dst� tus 4" resulted in the transform 0 monster is what the ii tives ation tioAs. winder" snake, which 1105 e0tillar to this the heek eces of the bridle into f ma a good pacer 'into 9. m6di=e o ShA4431 N( Brai ze, 1 To Water. desolate desorl. It Is a rattlor about 20 the smaller ones., This alTs tile most; OWDE intrqtte�,:�o credit t6 breeder or br@ed. Death valley lic, R in tic so utheasb corner Inches long, --,vhioh oves from,side to silnPle and Yet effective appliance for a 0 Vic IN �wada linO. It puller I have ey ISeeret*.. es whose programmes axe ar- HECOOKSBESTFRI D of GA-lifornia, closo t side vith a startling. sp ring instead of er seen. t I 1- if, i rm, lVed As Stated will. rA-nlv that therea S in a broad 7 35 1 ng i�n copiprscs gliding along. Woreover, It hashors, and nou4h pacingbolts. to LARGEST SALE IN �GANA 500 rates of interest in sums to 8 ait goo square nilles of such desola tio0a . as I don't know I t h - fs too. It is assuredly Xules. art, not, fia prop- In 00 r1a -es for the ff Rim Olt wouldinakola Si 0 st( pe or L�blan erlyep, ate -stal age ed. 700 borrDwers. Lowas c�n be c of the evil one Scorpions, tnlas, rats, There is a good deman, I for Weli tub Managers 01 desert seem a par ( So. On ;he we.,5t tower horned toads lid ats I a eirT, aids to formed, good sized mules and t 000 pletTd , an oney advanodd Ith Az d right there is the SO IENCE. the Tolegeolld ino intalbs,'i nd 06 east Is Irender Domh valley the most 4p, Of otting ass'ociations arean to4oprone 41,500 "t n V!jo d�y�. Apply to R. sh ii t aw. ay b the Fun arounta'11 'Ing readily bring sue prices a will le6v i � .'V' - . ; .
Y, is, an place on carth. There are nilea. too --mice to e ri� n n-M-ra fn nnYn-nc4.a fn -r A ea I
VA2VUV- appropriately nail) d ra nipn .-t for thq val- the farmer a good fit fo the trou�ld Sol by to or sent which live upon contipeds—ana ierb are or-, oft, th( ir own money. If they will: open 126 ley of the pliado of do th. Parched rats With huge P8 Par-kage- Sanipleafree.: pars, a si lit to seal, 0 tbe ga -Anteed v ses for pacers 1, 2 or 8 4 H bf raising them. The Pliorite TOOTH POWDER 0. quer A -good team Of ypung ules can dogs. . I . . i old an4 not expect that the 0mi- RO for the Teethaud Breath.". e STOCY�, FOR SALE. Remarkable Effecta. made to do considerable k �Or froni ye na ks W�11 cat ttribute the zunt L V. FA% Se*rth. Apd,nlade it possible to restore defec- .. 1, � ere Is no humidity in tholace. The IS months to two �ears ad thenlie T13 - V of h ph�rse,.it will be but a short time ULLS r sale three young Sh4rt It' Rorn Evilli I fit -ht to 'Iiornial vi frizzling heat, which remains In the nelgh- sold at 4 years just a� a iim ) when they Ile, 81 � 181033i. B r Service ; one Roan and t*O ,titj nf 1 nn i -n i s4cp events fill as well as those for hniji, 01n ohnil Huld, ;11 , A— A,
R , good animt Is with. ; d pedigrees, prices a0d U" VZ 1"J Qlub "I-MrS, po Same to suit t le h produces remarkable offecs, Wood falls tro ters'6f the same ages. Give thecolt ard Me DAVIDILIM, Et�el ices WitIL g I he 1ppq111 ills- bring thebest pr obd care
14251 apart; chairs and wtLgons And barrels- Arop th,, 6 paods an- Oqual show with the colt I
�nujes can be broken �iid wo ed easier ii �nutes. one to pieces Within a. few i N � tr6ti. I Ekeeder's Gazette. OROBRED BULLS' FOR SALE. -F than horses, and -fail TO TH n'K - iners who cannot Iq FR NT AS U UA can support life 0 houx without w or, S JL Let 26, Concession 4 H. R. S., keep several teams piolitaV.1y t work ed777 A terrible story is told ol the exploring Beau Iftl Red -Folls. two Thorobr rham B ills, ten and twelve m,;,nt old. solid red in ".61: all the.time, and yet #d it ecessarylto The Rippen mills are now Ing -at full blast und olor. % ill be sold on reai party of 1871. The cbminal: dor, Licut I Ireeders -of I ted Polled cattle consid- terms, HERB CRIC: 1, Seaforth, P. 0. 8,. R BERTS are prepared tc � do GRISTINGn the obortestuotice, 0 ored keep several. will fihd it will pay,:t 1426.1; Whooler, called his guide up and ord P er hem the beE t, of all. They are reared and most reaf enable in this W& blin to cross the valley on foot. On the keep two or three InOeS, the number -7 you get ah ost. eqall3 for milk and beef b� -wheat,' and better valuefor It terms. Havina taken a course of studies at flour from guide's ronionstrating two soldiersivere be proportioned to the number of tea yo ir own e still in the the Detroit Optida Int,i�ute, is pr tb(�e 7ho belhi all, pur- the mono BU S FO� �SE RVIOE. e- y thn 1, any other way. Good fieur ordered to start Iffin with fixed bayo Its. considered necessary-[ to keop up withl, p e cow. Cert rdilly the dairy qualities guaranteed. ERSEY BU' Pared to fit all Before un hour bad pa ed one so di ,fects of vis�oii. the farm work, and then breed them to oLI FOR SE RVICE,-The u dersigned I -le kre or 3atures are by no means 'CI1;iiP+,G DONE WHI�-Z YOU WAIT, all keepim has for adry[ce on Low, 27, concession 13,McKillop, rawled into the callip --inoire dead b - andr: od in )e ee
alive. The otborwas found by a rose ling good jack aise go to re � al a thoroughbred Terseil bt 11, the best in the countv, Astigmatism, 11-y ermetropia, even by the Jersey, and the mares in a good, thrif�, c( dition� tohich a limited numbe. of cows will be taken. Gn ens ey cow I eop pi�rty, but the wrotolied guldo had ivan- Terms, 01 at the time of service, with the privilege My6pia, Preollyclylia, u The highest I -Price In cash'will be I t so that a good growth. -k, be e(# mild for good ng, if necessary a cattle e of re urni THOS. GOVEIJLOCIK. ef dered a y beyond help, and one inore vic �hes h, deep red all moot if 28-tf: Or any Compound befect. tijn was added to the the gilast- Then they can be used for sp me thne oill age, or thegy wl be.cut to orft. Iroll b1ch over. The cows e straight backed, like the farm while they are gr6wing, f 11' ly, ghoulish spot calls for i ivery year. gu!Ar shape f BOX I I SEp.VICE. Astigmatism. is due to Irr the eye, ud yet In this awful i egion, the most sufficient to pay their feed,; al: d. at th _P
S F0 A X and Is ueually 6ongenital -pot on earth, a Dea;h valley Is now Same t a b All kinds 'cheap. G is often CA sed by im arid ian ave them gradually iner s� pBale, properly fitted glamnes. M ny schol A ldren with -conceded to be, strangely c dough, oho can UWORTH iOAR FC R SERV10E.-Tbe uDdeilr- this defect are called stupi wl fly fitted ing in val ie and selling at an a 41e wheilt CZIV JOHN WNEVIN, but with �prc p V sIgned will keep for service, at the Bnicefleld. come e brightest 4 t scholars. > find fish. There is an extension of Death - asses they pla be Cho they will usaally bring the laigilest fig ese Yactory, & thopughbred Tarnworth Boa[r. Vis is quite a comulon and dangerous def !ct. Hy er. v&Uey propor, known as Fish Lake valley, 1357-t f Proprietor. O� with registered pedigree,! Terms, 81 ; pay metropla Is. a imalformaticni which keep� the cillary ures. Of pourse care must be takm tilme of service vdth privileg if nece -va d, a of returning muscle in constant use, wb areas in the normal eye it on the line between No a and Califor- them so that a good thrifty gm*th ca -A $cry. - HUGH MOCARTINEY, Brucefleld. 106-tf I t rest when look] distar)o,. Thisdefect,if HOLDING M -S TATTEME C�OTIMNG HIGH 1 121a. In thiS Valley, SO lll� Arl7ona friend SaIna nervous depr muop i and n4glected, iray r.,u ABOVE 111S EA told ine, there are many p(ols, brachIsh, it be secu&.. Some breeders. m de pain, and oven prostratio '. myopia is a dlqoased F.RKSHIRE PIGS.-Thp undersigned breeder r corching, suffocating, hos fllio rid, awful 18 truO, but fall of carp from ' 10 to 15 claiiiii. that raising mules cantot �e don Bthoroughbred Berkshire swine, Will keep f6r condition of the eye, whid, i should be ve -Y ca��Fully n+.+iA" .— incbes hi lenvth These cartl however nnilu ^" in. A nqla +n _�Ix 4 1, -
service on lot Conceselon 6, MeRillop, tb( prize fitted to prevent an inerew 0 of the defe A, li�ps ultimax blindoess. ?resbyop,a is.E loss 0! ac� the scraggly, fierce -salt have boon Introduced by philanthropists; the. farmers for making extr' winning Berkshire boars, Election and "PioteSt-" actus. ',!Froul the gooa Terms $1, payable at time of service, with the privil. commodaticii in the eye, wbicb.may cau5e cataract, and have thrived in an the wateks in ned. ,�nd lt.iya bods, here a lid tboro. oozes a horri- e of re ing if necessary, also a numbar crl young unless corrf oted by artific-hNI aid. Frequer tly pet vous fences in crder to keep themilcoN which they have been tri(d.. There is an Jor le. both sexes. JAMES DORRANG Sea- ot s;Cla headaches, and 10 serious illnesa, are blellicluld-wbich lics inadlOned and poi- The v(rage mule seenisi' to 'have a I ft L hare soned nla,�y ftL hare adve4urer, causing artilloifil pool in Deatii val ley itself where IRED POLLS. arth P. 0. gar Pairs furnished not akin. 14 12-62 bogh� on y one or ore ofl the above d fects. natural piopensityfor,juin inq ences me. e no harge for testh*!3 our eyes. is bones Ito'bleach on thei burning sand thecarphyoourlshed. Therolsanothor dild boconfe niorcly i playh' d for rattle Ilsh which ha's been caua b�tt a good baibed,Wire fen 6 will re. ithe -cattle of boef form, but their deli- 1ib in Saratoga J. obert CHEInST ND akes, scolthplolls aw anoy, strain thei i, They are a good cat 3, 81 nder he ds and faces are remind- the do Idly Gila mon- Springs In the lower end f Death v sn. 4ea.1 like
Holst esial. S, EMUGGI T, -o a black ba is, of brownish ey ers of em -Fri ster. 'Shum in byth e awfpl inountains, solnething Ilk all other tock. If th e J�Dpt con- Block, Seaforth. Cardno's with an interillinal, le strct�h of burning hue, with i L finge of red a i the back and finek it is easier to keep t. I in than �..he 11 on t4e lef t of the illustration badO -no - coolin allow them to get outside by breaking 9 13 on- salid 'undor-oot,' u( a yellow on I he belly. are dark bands to W6 h At He represents the purest POWDtRS Ind Xear%la_�J broozes., no ivater, NNIth, onli bideous'rep- running down the a: id tlic1lis have through or jumping over. If theyolice str, do the B bd Poll blood, which is Cure Slok AKfEADA nion dark borders. It feeds 0 insects and is 7ea also ed T*ngue Dizn-: tiles for ca f1palifoli not, veq well known. in this country. n Side, Constipation find they call get over or I lirough the illous ;s,Painint Our direct connections will save you. have gone r iad, bal)bling! is they (lied of caght by ,)eoplo who cauip,by the Springs 1�.�iBd L1v , Bad Breath, TAO stay cured ana Ifences, it i a connsi -eep Iil. able task to 1, iThe �reed comes from the eastern part, e the bowels. v&R Nics To TAINCIN. time and money,for all points. the sprklin g pools of wat ir they saw in with a pill ]look- on a tbread'for line and a I e right is a 'eg"'t i gand. ow on th Of their.path I Small nior., el of nicat for Fish in.the thein up PRICAS 26 camrs A7;0ffU42 STORKSO pal U4 mlarly fin, 3 specimen of the family. The.-sceno Is said 30 be Nv The �i�ereuce in the c ' t betw�en Canadi'an orth West eird and aw- streanis tri butary to the salty lakes of this 0� Sh) is a heavy milker., rARK f ill study,in black'ai i d whit 'tile black- of arid reglor sonictillies- S-isv in down to the good mulos and poor ones i 31 the di:ffer- Chicago, o white of tile lalces, and their dead bodies are found ence in cost of service e I Poll cov s the frowning inou-n 11 British Colunibia aid California al 2 ( t 1,4001 Via Torcuto ning, tr it �ili usu.�lly - weigh fall grown from
burlillig. sand, Nvj)lc.l 1 places is afloat near the inouth of tie streanis coy- cost more for the service of good ounds. Good milkers,of n V Was po-ints. 2,000 pounds of Sorr,ethi2g licaped in high m(unds the furious ered with , n accumn-allation of sal soda tI b re -,d i [ over 1 jack than 'it !will Cos for 4 p or one,,� We have them Our rates are the lowest. ill the heights. crystals, which by tbet. weight have blasts which swoop own fr a a year. It is however, not so rich to suit everybody and DUR_ endl., 11 and other things bem� equal th diff6r'! mi Then there Is the Slij"Self rising drowned tl ISTCARS*for your odation. Call enceintlicin isasma'l ite* jn coiu-' a3 It -of wme other breeds, althoug)i a 3comm PLOW, P� earth, as they call it uthorAwhich'curves In the - 0jol'.ning Count-, about Death II110 for further information �ERS parison 'with the -value of th( na 11 bp cahed poora.ud thin. orth and uffs up as far & I one ill ij see, as if I n- valley are oulid inany trac as of foriner oc- les HE and Neural they are ready to sell. 2 �y 1� h I * Ik *,f itAin butter fat from slight- CK HEA 0 Visi? -cupatlon iy civilized people. In to one when ),h are Sta n G. T. R. Ticket Off ice. -P yeast were f0ainingl and workin, or" in 2oJmrNurEs, also Coared Tongue Di zi- fed so as to be kept gn ingisteadily Ju 4)v 3r 3 4�, per cent. These cattle -JillQtisness, Pain it te Side, C6nstipati n )11 tJe$ le an beneath B. Whoever 3tops 7.1ion this ireach- range of ir. on talus is a lofty porpondiou- V ness, r 250 feet In a good, thrifty condition, th( co t is the a ,e 9 d easily kep� :5eeUng., Train Service �at Seafor-th. i Mver, Bad Bre. th. To'stay cured, crous'quicksand is lost. . 0 is but a crusb lar cliff c f 1 inestone ove TlTate the bowels, V ERY NICir To TA over a horrible s1hn5 swan::lk,of salt 3nud. height and having a sliooth surface. same, or nearlythe sme, whe reg PRJO& 25 CrNrs Ar DRUd, SrORK Nothing more awful thalf ifilliS "shudder- About 100 feet from thab ,sc of this cliff tber the Lilrie Stock Points. Granit Truifl: RaRway. aninial is a good or po r one and to se- i 77� in# sand"L'can be imagined. Another sac are cat it cross and the .otters X L D. -,oun f air is a real educator to cure -the most profit t, e bIqst ust be Wallis leave Sesfart md'Clinton statiorl, tion ls� called the sa t car i, consisting a I '"st 60 foeb in height and call tho ei,' v 16 to it and study live stock. The city ga, ocery is the frout this follows: They are i 1L raised, and if the bes is 1 �aiEO it is 8.0=6 Wm- 81 AFORT.H. millions of sharply pointell piniiadles o, be readily seen from a great distance, The poi I ruseng or 1, 7jr,. X. 1.23 j-. w. The *CKMop Mutu,al F6 salt, harder t1mil sto c, Ilk cruel, glisten ians ll very essential to have he m4rek bred ;o' week w1th a n1w li-ne of er 9 I Ind ve 4 no traditions concering L . i n Or.- 9. 22 F 74. i - q. I 'I & Jon r- in The. Breeder Is Gazette It. 1 intstdol instruillent . -and the ace ted bal ief Is that they —Southdrmn I e $to(. Ifted OA 19. 10.16L�. ]is alace Omnpany. good jacks. VUed Tralm... 7.05 P. x. Tempted and Wer� Lost. were clirvOl by the Joult priests"who in 11i Cal S ti 31ely l'bention to the fact that re- QltMER. & EA SETa 9=0 KARr -FARM ND ISOLA TOWri tail meat do iers cannotdisposoof theL ED fi4 ould over t3ilipt oiIe to,entor thii 1683 ostablishea inissions to the South In of th,4 alloways t Ha�rdy f be ves that weigh 1,600 bul �e qx�F r, 9 e Pamonger. 7.82 A. X. acci irs6d place? 1�1-) rich il i(Ads of borax Axlzona. To cut thselle� rs on the face Are GallowaYs 11swen a 2.03 r. x. 2.25 P. m PROP RTY 0N,4LY INSURED,'! non of this great cliff inan bare erected a Mr. Springer of'Tlex lately d Bliv6re& LAtEST D f'SIGNS - 5.�5r .1 4,20 r. x.- hav 3 be th6 bait Ach hi 6ve lured to 700 pounds in summer. The big ori I 911 -1 I lc*Rs.. . to their dooin in I., barr vAlle. Scion. scaffold 100 feet bigh or lia v a been lot down an add'- ss before a gd ins to taint before he can sell D. Pr siderit, 01 nton P. O., re mee sl ockmen car ass 9 J. WelUngfon, Grey and Brace. - tls6l say.,It W_*as o nee a lak' A- viiiehl Itsell as chRp = Pr d 150feetfronith top, ,ofthe cliff, -whicli, he said lChere is it, we Wil I I bliprognate Shannon 8 reas I in Montana in to the very great "muchness" ocy SQ forth P. 0. M 6=6 XoxTR—. Pwmnger. Murdi, no Leases with solutions of iod 11111, =:In wbich 001110 Gh 9 There Foo. a possibility that a vetyrm-Och,bardier'. of it, aby &ves and ' 'poy" bee'ves P0,84iblie those hard 'also Some Mixed. poctor of Leases Seatorth P. 0. t lace in whie 8.00 P. 1K. Cab 9.00 P.M. DIR1103 ORS. the deposits of sf It i lid -bo X. It is un- But D h va leyt�ia class of cattle can be bad tlia# the Texas are � the fore the kind to raise and sell new line in Brussels-- 0.18 9.43 9.45 J1 Seaforth; Alet. Gardiner, Lead doubtedly of.vole o3i �orlgln 4 in Bluevale.. 8.2.7 9 67 1010 is. B -oadfooi, ante iiii t ha, -o laid tho scene of his In- cattle. e note that Ali-. Bi4dl has re- I �ot ther� those weighing 1,000 to lwingham*.. 9.87 10.,07 11:20 bury; G; 6briel ElLllott. Clint)n ; Goo. Watt. Hai lock'; Its dploful s gl�'Ven it back in forno and anion whos6 luoisonic vapors, �Daf cently imported some Gallqwa�� bulls WATEW ET Jo�eph I van@, Beeahwoo Seal' DO pounds.- X" SOUTH- Passenger. 1111W. d M. Murdie, orth; the days of thea -go. ts. In'thoso4arly s1liny pools, hideous rcp'til 3s and boaps Of 2 1 1 i'� People eat much less tutlin than T109. G 6.25 AAL11.20 A. V. 7.30 P.M. a butt, Clinton. from Scotland, �which he wig turn into' me it in, i they do in winter. or Wingham. A63 days of tile excit =( i follbwInd the dis- dead men's bones the poncil of Dore would Of th Imnevale 6.37 il.m 8.16 d t *hO is -wise will � finish off )ry of gold it Q liforill' tholisands of' have revele —haS et othe horrors. T) his herd. 'The results of his bxpqrimen Theo. I le The Brussels 6.64- 11.59. 9.00 rellane..11al ck; obt. MCM111an, Sea orth ; LA*EST ]PA#ERNS lin B; M Lean, 13 e are as no 9.3q, by terrors of the dayti thing, it is Vf the summer trade, ani- Z%hot--l- 7.08 ill.14 James (ummi on ville; Jolin B; M gold soclors ihale heir w4y overland will bewatebed with a.greaCdealof in -t baby be, Kippen. J011041 livan ndGeorge Hurdle, Audi- every ailAblo rou ,. Onq of these led sh1d, tothe unknown and a wful Influences terest and may result in greA be WaRt to Ima Is fro, n! 1 to:. -2 years old. and T6ilet gets a's nI0JL and as -cheap Parties. dealrous to es or1rafis. -in sI ;' 'through Salt Lak3 ity and.' at night. 7qy S�11L Bruce,j across, a tI ou.- abroad rizionlan lowered stockmen., A great deal can be' � d 'London, Huron and eff�ct Insurano The y = 1895 will be a great one for as anj in town. We a o eep as fresh Promptly att,)DL sand ndles of alkali I lais and desort; that his voice a he spok 3 of � the �ghostly shapes favor of the Galloway They 2= NOI&E FA71390 cattle nden, dopa: 8.16A X. 4 .x :et other busine8e,will be ded, to on on the Ila iii trotters 1 nd �acers, likewise bicyclists. -a stock of (Irrocerie-9 Ill ilLny honse in 9,22 pplication to Ank 91 ithe abovo officers, addrem wd'to lay betwo on sittlenient and anti apparitions that w' k 6ore, the fear- come from a cold coutry and-areigrc tbei r respective post the Sierra NLavdkil Ope party, fill inonis and sighs that loab upon the and s,,11 as che as poible and ensall.. ': -1 on 6, rustlers �liey grow a 1 g, heavy c�ot o It is ti'm6--forAmerican hog raisers to town 9.37 nuilibering abou; 7), Inc] idilig wonlon hot sirocco breath ofmidnip lit. "HaInted" ppen - - 9,44 hair that protects thein, and they wei ead an.; feed more leau meat into their live. Wotld like to aveu many 9.62 uth Is the frightf ul. vail6y by t lie niost dread- and childreiv, was ln� need t ? deflect so k. -me and my old cusi �omers call 4nd see 10.12 65 ont as well for beef as the average Tex, P I . wArd froni 6r trail,pleross Nevada ul spectors, froin wliose ol) n niouths pro- 10.219 7.14 like. and com- ndesboro loll in search of one drop in the belief Tha.W ii ore at, audan steer. Mr. Springer is simply t m: who has reared someof the all-tileew ones that, lyth.. 1038 7.2 t water trading toi3gqes i through his tile. Of all th 10' would thus bc found and t Jo perils of the of cooling water and whose parched heads e blooded cat i est ba, ibee*,es on record says lie took pare prices before purchaa'ing else- 11:16(2 7.31 .ngham splitparb wiiht it to Colorado sever e 4am at 3 days old, V e also keO the celebrated 8,G0 long journey In' U00, , 1. But it proved he terrifte heat,. There is tle broiigl 6,1 JreaA e fro infed where. Ia trail to Th oxen - dlod'of thirAt one awful pb�ntoni that rldes its horse ago, nola of them proved such an utt e on 'bole'*. ilk for two weeks, p,,am Lals another oi af or f With a cantt�eil i in its bonj hand. 3)uttiaRr fizzle as winter rustlers as he. Gallo e on l im-hailk, changing gradually. Me and �ea in Stock
Ingham, del ar6.86A.M. 8.2 P.M. ar)=h,
4.01 and st, one �suds of �the Ii to its fieshidss lips agaln an(I again to lyth.- - - 7.08 4.08 the party peris led n tile Their de o ea , a ways inter: oerdoa�s A' ooi! tkejr could be t t udeeboro.._.... 7.10 4.28 cruel, linplacble d Jsort. iAt last illoy find it enipty �nd to drop with a heart- Iton.. -4 t if the I line as been as oi� :on o. c 7.30 4,46 10 sulillili ral range. rending ino6u.1 This appailtion h' abontwhiclisomApIlbraggingi d r loier, hay, otsand corn, Rob� Om rri reached t�� & 7.40 4.58 wn Into t 1pill Been thno 4n4 again by,lbose who have proved wholly inadequate to turn 'ell h' d been, ground, together . in ppen 7.67 4.68 Lookingdown Into t ie valb Ibelow tl AFOR rIff. 8,06' 6.12 groat. b y of -he valley at the hour when winter's blast, and the cattle curled e t aTp4'. s,'wa given to them. At 4 I star t4ey.saw a as they ventured near 8.26 3.47 gravoyards I a-,yu. ndeed, t %ke Itall, in all, believed, but on. c6ndin they found y like kittens and went down in blocks �of 0 Alis 6 d they were changed' in- he p t1l6y Were the vio a Or- mirage, allu one inight soai-ch the whole world rquild I 00. The Galloway is the Owo est rustler 'r to or d Meat t corn only. Some gtoun ot Cheap,! -gi CL that what they had i nneled!, iyas water wag and notfind allother such sp -tvhlch fro of all cattle on the range in kina 0 1 c ag. -ientothemoccasii ally n on SEE THAT' only tho. reflection )f the ulkall its rituation, iis surroundi: 2gs, 'its horrors Atl the Ceiitral Meat IAllithe party but weather and cannot compaT� witli the Rift'r. is as all the treatment. When bm'Ith & C0.9 marshes. 0 nion, Bell- and its shadows would so aptly correspond flerefords in any particulan-4-Field and '�fle 7 -,�er,d 8 -ra tlis old, he sold -them 'OFF HORSE ? nott and Stdoliton, erishe madly seek- to one's conception of a place for: lost souls. I I -DriCe. Ma�ket, Seafortil. IingwAter. The stor�,Isnbr,,terriblp from Farm. Ppwn SEssi)Ns Tur.p.m. The peopleo but,cher ��pg a A (4eueral Isiness transact (1, Only tbree weeks ago we began mi- IMR. JOHN Do;pp�L
-mers -of DICK'S BLOOD PTJ RIFIER in his Stark -'a Povdi!rs, each pack Fa� notes distted. ilittle. age which contains N f6r 1Q95- 0 e of .the CoutrailMeat market, feed and noiv-look at hi . I to ing low pil ' for Dmfts boug�t and fi 11 you: ere opreparatione,one in a roun CKWOP i pireCtO17 01 �Ith w wooden box, the at the to] ow only AVe for sick headachi6� A Int erest'vlcived on d eposits at. the rate t1lere is no CONDIT19W POWDER!equal over,of which forms a maaure fo' one dose, all im. IORN BZ;N�Vom Reeve, Dublin P. 6. PRICEPS %.or Tu',n a .this reme4y. -n says it is READ TjIIS. JAW:S RVAN1,18i Deputy Reeve, Beeohwood. il er 1. in Coun*y, Gentlema of 5 lei, cent, per annuffi, to DICK'S.—Am going Ito try:ib on th nigb mediate relief for Sick 113adacbe d Sto�3ach, also R IF, and d. mix a tables nful of cayenne pep- Boll 1300f. _.AcAud 60 or one now. euvilgia, and all kinds s if nervoiA paino, and. an. WN. nefflar, IAmdbiny. llmnkert ig.' Tabltt 9 to thick paste, spread _74a and So rm roreet packe TOBAC-CUREQ Wil h vine;�&izrar to L colle(tion. Dick's Blood Purifier. 601., Dic KGA0&,%',C*uncWor' ftwhwood- 0. therdil capsules, (from I t4 of oqe is an ordinary WILIJ" BC)MALD, CQU L'or, 'Aadb Of curta� oij i hin cloth i Whic May be folded. to- ........ intment, 25.c. JOHN 0. MORRISON, C01ork, p I Guarantooml. $I." a b0X# i All drug �101* Dick's Liniment, 25c., Dick'd 6 hich act$ on the I iolvels,. Liver and Stomach W bina Cos DAML It L and ............ +....?c&nd8e SALE, NOTI,,'S diswinted, or taken ge OFFICE,Frst dooz north of Reid & Mailed, oil receipt of price., I....... -,80 100 11110LONON J. SHANNON. I lier e f4ehead from teni ;emple.1 It I bu�n, butot �Iister. iomplaints. They do not as =4 and so many EV 8, r, Be owe W . i —_ ....ftQ1Qo
wils n's Hard, vard Store. p1l' t1% or produce af ter DODIDS Coll h DICK & CO., P. 0.'Box 482% Montreal.- )lhar *edicines do, -lose their effool Sold by Lumsden & e as e inai edr t* the of the wristi tion, they are nic D to $akp,� 25 centa a box, ]UGHARD PO RID, Insy F,:14&d- 9P Pit V i good result. 11441 J '14N DOPP* 89AFOFS I For ovile byl. S. Robert Beaforth, it all edloine dealere. IIIIIIII