The Huron Expositor, 1890-11-07, Page 3(0000P
th of A ovem Der
f the season. Duripg
And'fille'd with'all the novoltioes o
I'Bargains in every! Departuiente
Her . Sp��la'
we will o
In Lovely Colors and Special Designs in all the Leading Fabrics—
Cashmeres, Uenriettasl Twill Ser es, Cheviots-, Homespuns,, and
Araazon- Cloths. &c.
We are showbng a splendid lot of
And we invite Comparison in Prices ,with any other House in Town.
R ElT9
Will speak for itself, full of all the Novelties of the Season. We show nothing but the correct
style both in shade of color and design.
Overflowing --with fall range and low prices in FLANNELS, BLANKETS, UNDER-
lthing epa��tment�
Under the � Management of G. J. Liffiton and F. Sterting.
We have now on hand a fine selection of OVERCOATINOS ,in all the
Newest designs,
Lined with a all wool- Tweed and a perfect fit.
r from $13.00 up.
None but first-class workmen employed.'--
A choice selection of fine SCOTTI'SH TWEED SUITIN-5 in all the latest
Stripes a -g& - Checks, which we are prepared to make to your, order from $14,.00 up.
You can leaveyour order and secure a flist-class fitting pair of -pants for $2.90. Don't fail
to call and examine this wonderful range of pantiDgs at such a reasonable and'surprising low figure-
c�-�ERc �
All the latest Novelties*in GENTS' FURNISHINGS
We solicit an inspection of Stock, and .guarantee to give every- person en fire s
daily journey, that help and strengthen IT PAYS TO
take the side of the Man of Nazareth. heavily stocked last winter,. but found BLACK DRESS CYOODSO ILLUSTRATZ YOUR' BUSIN288-
r y may not passess the beauty Portraits, and cuts of colleges,hole factories
Ontario's Premier on The history of the world has presented the warm weather against sales, a a us. The from
Christianity• no leader - like him. He is the only now counted �9 extremely, lucky men, given by perfect feature, brilliant com- showing some very fine Black Henriettas muchinery,&c.,made to order photographs.
gladly The prices "ve gone up 40 to 50 plexion, and eyes like an odalisque, but We are s Prices Low --Send stamp for specimen sheet&
p" I Fittings ; also a lot --
In accordance with a request from leader worth a thought. Per ne88, which -with Silk War and Woo
People's Society Of Christian take him for ours, and for our king, our cent. and those who had a stock left they have the - beauty of good se most worthy Metropolitan Press Agency,
the Young I ion with Knox master, our example, our guide. We over from last season are on their way makes them -a' bit Of the purple sewn wool both ways. Along with the '1183 52, New York City.
Endeavor in connect Ron, Oliver gladly recognize him as the God -man, a to making- big money. It is thus that upon the thread of our lives.—Ella B. goods, are the, ever popular Black Cashmere, and the
Church, Woodstock,
Mowat delivered an address the other measenger from heaven, the redeemer of the whirling of time comes to the Carter. Stripe and Brocade effects—all a deep rich black
eveuing on Christianity and Some of Its the world. In the light of his teach- rescue, and those who were lamenting Not A -Kicker. you know there is a great difference in blacks, and
Evidences." The address was a Mal'- we iuouru over the, imperfections last year have good cause to rejoice isn't it observed know it too, so we provide the best.
subject. Prem- ings, nd mine of our lives. this year. One big furrier who waa a "Beastly weather, 7e
terly exposition of the and shortcomings a warm friend of the administration is a man who was hanging to a�� strap in a
ler Mowat . lives a busy life, but it , t desire that (God
But it is our earnest crowded North Side car, the other day. x�
think of Id be reported as having profited by his McFAUL,
at he takes time to thi helping us) we and all ours should knowledge of the drift of affairs con- "Weather suits me wel enough,' EDWARD
apparent th
gratification of mere like Christ, should possess his spirit, who was
higher things than grati, is lecture was will, and corning Alaska by buying immense replied th® man spoken to
earthly ambitions. Th should b� doors of the Father's o another strap. •
study indulged - in. should I be able to live and die in the, quantities of sealskins before the rise clinging t' SEAFORTHI
the result of special Btu I eartby took place on which he will make an 66You're not particular bout your, 10
during Mr. Mowat's holidays last sum- blessed hope that after our ut fortune. weather, I suppose," rejoine the other, 0 0
mer, added to the impressions Maas o11 lives are over we .shall be forever with independe alightly nettled. •
his 'Mina through % careful study in the Lord- who bought us, and with INCRtASING ExpRESS RATES. all One kind i� as good as • P,
per cent has "Not at all.
early life of the, "Evidencep, of Chris. those who on earth are dear to us as An increased tariff of 25 - another to me." z V ('D
erally. Just as 0
patriots and phil Al) CD
been agreed upon by the. leading ex
They are to him. As pa "Easily suited, gen
tianity to apply to the carry- STILL IT SP_�kjE S
eply concerned, press companies
h CD
The honorable gentleman be ' an by anthropiits, then as de ifly, frig of parcels between the Jarger cities, lief stand up in a car as to sit down, 0 C -4 -
referring to the advance which Chris- in the earthly well-being of our fan w -York, Philadelphia and reckon W
our friends, our country and our 'race such as New P.
tianity has made and continues to en by the -Yes. Just as lief." CD f_+.
world. In the Dominion, now Chicago. No excuse is 21V
and: in the future, but above all etting your
exigencies of business -VVI SON'S 0
make in thecompanies for the raise, except that the "Ain't particular about � t
�; there are but fevv profes- as creatures and - servants of the most 8 gOiD
for example; of Toronto no having, ourselves and our in require it. The full mhar� of everything 1JMSD & L
is, and out high God, as havi if you have to t�iactk to get L EN
fall trade is now under full headway perhaps,
infidels it
society' for, promotion Of agnoticism or fellows, immortal lives to think of and and the traffic is so large that rates can CD
exist. Even (if we can) to provide for, and as having
infidelity is known U view, w, thelec- had communicated to us a religion of be increased with ease. The advanced I'm not a kicker."
ie rates have been agreed to by the Adams, 64Don't worry over things when they Glycerated Balsam of Fir, 2 -
from a worldly point of C44 0 - CD
-faith in Christianity 'a hope and love and holiness, anataning IJ Ral turer alrizued United States, the American, National, don't happen to come your way 6y
f rejected � that faith in Saviour, .s pardoning God, a sanctifying d will calculate 01
seat to b; hastily rej and Nelle -Fargo Companies, an 0 44
it iso the interest of the human race Holy Spirit. let us hold last unto the into tffect on the firat of November. "Ain't worrying about anything." The great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat and kindred troubles. C 0 C-) CD ;o
as regards evon this world; in in the end of our Christian faith without go in ,Haven't made a fuss about the cen- 0 go W
in the interest wavering let us consider one The representatives of the companies me pit Over� r L
interest of civilization,is any consolidation sun in your town, either, of con
deny that there i w rp
of all the virtues which make We hap- another to provoke unto love and to 411 , "Nary fuss." •
py; in the interest of honesty, truth- good works. scheme in, contemplation, but the drift "And don't intend to, he r V' week. x P1
of events show conclusively that sooner 1,50 Bottles Sold within the last 0
fulness, purity -and benevolence. or later they will be organized', into one IdThat'g correct. Don't intend to. 0 C*
Christianity adds to all other consider- Now York Letter. grand trust. Don't care about the tensa 1.1p
ations for leading a good life incentives. (Regular Correepondence.) ",lust so—just go," mu ed the die -
0 EDwr_,T Anm�-iGTON. 69 CD
influences and helps of its own, and the NEw yORK, October 27th, 1890. contented passenger. b4any other �.48
fast gaining in favor.
able." But Mr. &a' just been started in The Magic of a Face. men in your town like you We.,have also another remedy, is V
most powerful imagin Christianity A movement h f 7 - 1)•
Mowat proceeded to argue, Christ this city whose object- is to facilitate It was a rainy winter afternoon; an "Hundreds o em. It is
s r plane, and this ng rn� where you
stands on a ar highei i the practice enveloping mist shut out the other side "Do you mind telling
the character. the admission of women to
he demonstrated from aw. Although for five years back of the street; a penetrating dampness live 1" oak andrake� Bitters, V
isties of: Christ's life, his doctrines and of I been eligible in this State chilled to the marrow ; the wet and "Just as soon tell you�, I'm from ook and M 0 0 &.1 t..4
his miracles. Saving discoursed' at women have be
admission to the bar� after passing were slippery and Hannibal, Missouri." -4 0 Pi
muddy, pavements
length on. these points, having shown to treacherous . ; everybody looked miser- "Are there any other meli from Han- Blood Purifier, and one of the best known reme- CD
that even Its opponents have admitted the required examination, yet it is said
istitan re- that at the present time there is but able and, as if in haste to find some nibal aboard this car A cheap and effectual B
great merits of the Chr one female lawyer in thL4 city, Con- 'hearthstone ruddy light." Nobody was "Don't see &DY." dlies for all Liver and Kidney Troubles. Try it, price 25c per package. (D (71
the, Mowat pointed out the con- "Thank heaven 1" CD
ligion, Mr. atter with judi- sidering, the number- of women engaged courteous, and after colliding with imes kicked For sale at
elusion of the whole m medicine, P
impartiality. His closing remarks in other professions, such as. several umbrellas and dodging others And the man who some V
tial impart and the number of successful women innumerable, I began to regret- that It at things crowded to the Aher end of CD
were as follows : our poor was ever born. How unprepossessing the car and put his bea�d ou, � to get some 0
ecy of the near destruction lawyers in other large cities, ng Tribani i.
A proph and remarkable, the people looked ; every woman seemed fresh air.—Chicago MDEN & ���N'S1 0 0 0
of Christianity has often been written Showing in this re t ladies to LUN
rider and so some -of our-' prominen have worn her shabbiest clothes, and C
and ofter, spoken since. its fOu Selves in the in the ray light, Ameri an Trees. z 0
was crucified on Mount Calvary, but have interested —them the faces of all looked, 9 are 213 species of reed found MAIN STREET. SEAFOP.T]Ef, ONT. 0 P.
have old and haggard.
true., matter and formed a "Wo- n There
the prophecy has never come depressed within the limits of theUnited States
some men's Legal Educational., Society. i I grew momentarily more c
Science may have shown errors in f the Already the society haa begin its and p6saimistic and cynical, when sud- and territories ; sixteen of which, when r+
former interpretation of portions 0 M 0
ment. Criticisms may have work and the University- of New denly, 'a face, a woman's face, flashed perfectly seasonedi will sii1k in water.
Old Testa prevailed upon to es- so is the !black iron -
in the York has been Dr and shone out of the crowd. Beautiful The heaviest of the.
corrected other popular errors right tablish two spe;ial courses of legal Yes, but not a young face ; it had a wood (Condalia f eirrea), f and only in Re WILLIS, SEAFORTHO In
case of both Testaments. It i8 lectures for Women, under'the guidance better charm than that of mere youth Southern Florida, which is More than 30 M (D
Of the 0
and desirable that errors should be cos -Mrs. Emily Kompin, surely the possessor of that face had per cent. heavier than water. 0
reGted, and all intelligent Christians so of the society.- y and found peace, other fifteen tho--� beat known is the
But as regards the essential L. L. D. of the University of Zurich, suffered, and overcome uaii , cum s ctum), and 0
hold. Bu essential doctrines of Chris- Switzerland, is the leading spirit in the for it had the sweet look of . one %,rho lignum -vitae (G and Shoes,. A ),I
facts and movement, and is to deliver one of the dwells— the mangrove (Rhizopho a mangle). Boots a (D
timuityo. Texas and Xew Mexico, andeftif! of Headquarters forP W
Christians perceive nothing movem S_. Mrs. Kompin is .,Down in a deep ca1m, whatsoeverstorms )10 )-d•P
- courses of lecture CD
to fear from either science or criticisms an add the Xnay shake the world." talking and (D
majority of the ablest said to be an able worn Only I forgot all about the drizzle and the queer, creeping, crawling P
In fact, the great MaY animate things are the homes 6f -a
learned scientists and critics one holding the title of L. L. D+., from general discomfort, and gazed eagerly Man which 0 0
and most !pecies of oak (equercus gr sca), W An immense stock s 'table for fan wear at REA- X
have been Christians, In the full light & European institution. -..It is expected while the vision passed. I continued rth times ul CD'
criticism Christianity, trove
large number of women will im- less wearily, because the vision is about one and one4 )u LE -PRICES. 0 0
Gf science %nd crit - prove the opportunity, not so much for mYw&Y heavier than water, and which, when SONAB P-4
beliefs positive or negative, con w as to aid of that woman's, face had cheered and will sink almost as q aick as a bar Ladies'Angola Boots and 01
of all bell nice lines of
times to be, in the general judgment', the purpose of practising Is green Some very CD 4-
warmed,indeoinforted my spirit, and It grows only Z mountain C
and tli 1 8 safest them in, the care of property. e of the magic power of of iron. been fond w . estward 0 0 a
the best belief to live in, began to Mus' regions, and has Gents' Kangaroo. 0 0
belief to die in. In . view of the whole LUCKY FURRIERS- " - z
-and some women's faces. There are vanish- �
as far as the Colorado deserb, where it
with all The prospect of a cold winter R. LLIS,
subject, I trust that I may say ed faces that shine grown at an elevation of 10,000 feet.
I May the high price of furs conspire to make gut through the mist -4 CD 0 CD
sincerity for Myself, I know that present very of memory. always to recall us from All the species heavier them water 1*. &4 U,
many you, IwishI might business in thatAine at sordid 4&69"to better things ; and there long to tropical Florida, o,'- in the and OF MAIN AND 31ARIKET STREETS. - P.
say for r at battle of 'interesti. 'It is said that some few that we see in the "0' C . ORNPiR
say for all, that in the great �,am.- patient. faces, west and southwest.
religion and morality. we and all ours far enchants i of this city, who were