The Huron Expositor, 1890-09-12, Page 1- . .
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An inspection of the big flour mill
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C60D, ? - Ulearing Sale . - _ - I
�-� _ . (Written for n E ExPOSITOR.), I
� I Rat Pori ilatin and Norman'
reek a —AT TH'Y,— lying snugly-en'scona,ed among stern en
I : . . - I vironments of trees 4nd .rock within ii
I . ; mile of each abher at the foot of the
'�IETY - . Chen " Cash Store I Lake of the Woode,., form, the busies
� "F I centre of commercial activity probably
I � . . . -
� i I that can to -day be f8iind in - all North
� I I —OF_ I
i I . western Canada. These moideat-looking
- table bee-hiVes of
I I I little towns are vert
, , I
- � , industry. Eight large saw - mills and
N HOFFMAN & r'(1 the mammoth flour mill of the La`ke� ol
X 0 0 (Is. � , , I kiv. I
. I the Woods Milling Company, are kep
�� . . . running. night and day ; the whirl and
� 'M- __ CARDNO'S - BLOCK) buzz of the saws and the sonorous ruin
. 1��:, . . ble of the flour mill never ceases. A
RIALS � I dozen or more tug boats and - smal
I 7 steamers are constantly engaged plyinE
� . S Er" A F 0 R T H
. . - - I in connection with, these and other en
I . ,1 .
IS:y - � . I I . terprises. To the south and east, min
� � ;4 era are at work del ing for the precionE
I . .r I vi
I - — —NVE ARE GIVING— metals which have long awaited capita
I Trim- I to bring them forth for the uses of man.
, `
� I - , This industry iw yet in its infancy, 'Work
I -1 � . Great Bargailis only having begun .within the past two
I �
� I I . months ; but, three �Icofnpanies are al
- —IN ALL KINDS OF— ready at work—'Eachwiller, of Milwau
� ; kee ; Morris, of Toronto ; and I Johr
Trade, 1�
� Z Taylor & Son, of ,London,']�ngland
- . I , and two others are preparing to begin
. ' I . I this month. When once the right of
- � � companies and- individuals to enter upon
� mri - and develop mining properties on the
I lake islands has been established as
� .
. . I I against the Keewatin Milling Company,
iargge of there will undoubtedl '�be a boom in
Our stock in all lines will be . . . y .
m - mining in the district. The quartz lead
. � -found very complete at the Cheap, of the Sultanna mine. on .which work
AOash Store of . , . began a few weeks ago,. has widened
, ,ord, � Iror,l a few' inches at the surface: to
- � HOFFMAN & CON eight feet at a depth'of between fifteen
- I
Lvho, comes . . and twenty feet, and shows indications
I .9 NOTIOE.—Agents for B uttpr- of being still wider f 6rther down. The
Dmmended. '
. I . lead in the Eachwiller mine five mites
or her care ick -'s reliable patterns and publica- east of Rat Portage on the 'main land,
ervices. tions. .. now shows a width of four feet. These
- prospects are. enco6raging, and will
. � I .
I I - � serve as inducement to capitalists to in-
, I � —Anoth6r remarkable finstance of vest money in some of the numerous
� . French-Canadian fecundity is recorded. claims which have been staked out in
I Mrs. C. Clermont, ,of Bord-a-Plouffe, every part of the vaF t district. .
a I I I near Montreal, who died 'on Tuesday There are two or three -other young
.. . last -week, ait the Age of 92 'years, left industries, which Are groWin ' g in 4mport-
- 3D3 living descendants, and had all her ance—aa8h and door� factories, planing
I r descendants survived her they ..would mills, barrel factorie�, and boat build-
LaTAilton,who have -numbered 448." She was married ing. -Ten years ago, there were only
in, Mrs. Neil I I at the age of 13, a nid had 17 children, three tugs on the lake - ; now Lthere .are
)me one day' 145 grandchildren, and 286 great grand- five times that many: and three more
-1cC children. ' are in course of eree ion, one of thepi
, ,racken, of .
I �ek at her un- .
�, I —ITGbn Shortreed, one of the pioneer being designed for plasenger service be-
. settlers of Guelph .Township, died on tween Rat Portage d Port Trancis on
; . I
I— � Wednesday last week at ,the advanced Rainy river. A p sen er And freight
. I ' - ' _ a 9
� I age of 80 years and 6 months. He came boat combined is m '
. � u h needed' on the
I S. Y. Taylor, � there from Howick, Scotland, in 1831. lake. All the pre ent steamers are
ids in Hullett - . He was widely known and highly re- built for towing, an have little or no
. ..
� Mr. Taylor is I spected for his sterling principles.. .epassenger accommod tion,-aifid travelers
. aron. Teachers' ere Guelph was a � or tourists cannot �Ilake a long trip
� a meeting of wilderness, and he assisted in chopping without- many personal discomforts.
� of the Asso- . � � down trees on some of the principal But as the need of such a boat ie'rapidly
. I
4_turday.—Mr- streets. Although not an active politic- growing, it will come in I the near future.
Zork Of Mr. S. � ian, -he was a staunch and life-long Re- The Lake of the Woods, as a summer
. lis, week to- at- . f ormer., . I resort, is but a secondary'consideration
.Clinton, from � —A somewhat serious row occurred to the three thriving towns, particularly
,advate with & I the other day in Toronto between the with respect to Keewatin and Norman.
birch." I .children attending the new public school The places have the assured prosperity
;Ion-ncil met at I at the 0orner of Caer Howell street and derived frpin the trade of the mills and
. .
I last. A peti- � those enrolled as pupils of St, Patrick's other industries without depending * on
I 'he conflict between the transitory trade of pleasure seekers,
[in and several . .separate school. T .
I the Council tG I .the children goes to demonstrate that though the citizens invariably extend a
i� and proceed- I party and religious feeling in the city hearty welcome and accord courteous
mrvey made of - 0 runs pretty hiih when it is shared in by - visitors who go to.the'lake
6ittand running children of tender age such as those who to seek quiet and rest away from. the
f Ruilett from I figured in that disturbance. Several humdrum and toil of the hot city. It
I �
I ren took part in the is also a fact worthy of mention that
� do wn to lot ,
. view, to clear . . scrimmage, but nobody was seriously the hotel and storekeepers do not charge
. I -
ioms caused bY I injured. though several windows in St. outrageous prices for board or goods as
� ; hi�
ty deposits, et0- PatriclN ac, ol were broken. is the case at most summer resorts. A
�ar of the water, � I At one o'clock, Saturday, 3oth ult., project is on foot to erect a large tour-
, '
and cultivation Mayor Gowdy and Alderman Howard,of- ist hotel on the beach of a pretty bay
il ilinpracticAbI& . Guelph, liberated three batches of Ant- directly - west and in full view of Rat
� There is 4 stretch of three
ited and, the I werp pigeons for Toronto' at the Grapd Portage.
I hip I Trunk--�Rail way station. P The first lot of miles of open water between the two
� ' . -
'�e to7nathe places, one of the finest boating courses
'n"ina tion_ of I . six, after circling around tkree or four - A plot
i proposed to bO times, got their bearings and started possible to be found anywhere.
�T ild were soon lost to view. .
nd make plane due 6ast, a is being surveyed aro - und the bay with
�st of the � pro- -- I Five- minutes later and another four each lot fronting on the water. The
�.i of Cautelon - were set free, and after a couple of proprietors of the site have already sold
mages to wag' circles they located their positions and nearly fifty lots to Winnipegers who in-
The contracts I started due east. Another five minutes tend building summer cottages there.
'�,� to M�cMichael'# � elapsed and six more birds were let It is a charming retreat ; cool and
� e let amd the � loose.- This lot seemed to be at a loss shady, the tall pines throwing long
y for the san"S altogether as they circled around the shadows over the water. The sandy
"e, order of ther station and vicinity for i�bou�t ten shores make a perfect . bathing place,
t .
, � minutes before they started on their and the surrounding waters are. full of
. Councillors:
�. I authorized to. 1. jo.arney east Thii is the' first of a fish . The woods in the vicinity .of Rat
. " 1 Portage are now full of pleasure seekers,
I oad, 15-16, "cQ` aeries of races inaugurated by the. .
, I
r .
, ireaj Carrier Pigeon Association, of Toronto. and more are every day. Some
�. them repa
aw -was passed F —Mr. John X Bdomer, confectioner, of them have erected sinall frame shan-
a, ties, but the most of them are living in
,nd seV011' . London., had a narro* escape from death, �
�-.�114 alla for tents. Severalnew 'shanties are now
e .,r by poisoning the other evening. Mr.
,on, mill and Boomer decided t� treat himself to a being erected on Coney Island to supply
, t.,w.nah,ip and
. I dish of mushrooma,� and sent out and the demand. Some people .don't enjoy
ing f u-nd pur- I secured what he thought to be a fine an outing unless they have an ele--tric
lowing anlou'w � looking quality of the genuine fungi, and bell convenient, so the 'hotels have a
�al school corpo* . bad them prepared after the most ap- good patronage also. I .
rear : For School . proved lit i
fashion. After the dish w%b One of .the intere ing things to be
r � seen daily at Rat Portage is a team of
,.a. 2, $400 ; No' I reaay Mr. Boomer partook heartily,and )
X0�5, $3S5 ; Nor, I was in a few moments taken with severe elks. owned by P. Rigney, of the Queen a
NTO;8, $611 ; :go- I cramps and shooting pain in the stom. hotel. Though young, they are thor-
� I ach, He immediately notified his em- oughly domesticated and driven to the
"938.90, L
— . ployes that 'something was wrong, pole as quietly as -- a � span of horses.
I Xn_ � and while some of them started for They look gay and graceful in harness,
� Judge,of buca'Ll I kelp, the affrighted man fell in a fainting and speed over the rocky''foads with the
guest of her unclet ,., fit on the floor. In a few minutes medi- ease of the wi ' nd. Mr. Rigney will take
's. M�artjn Link cal aid was at hand, and ernetics were his novel team east this fall with the
; L on administered and the life of the victim view of selling them. He also has a
ie Northwest i
� Pill re,side .in th' was saved., The mushrooms turned out young moose which already stands as
I LI I, Mr, L cc exaif-.�ination to be toadstools. high as a horad, and when it has attain -
j Jacob HaiSt L .
I .
. I 6 ed full growth will be an enormous size
- "
Lose Brown,, bll�' � I
. InithIL —The Young People's Christian En- Mr. Rigney will train the animal to
a. George S I deavor Society in conneotibn with Knox drive' in a buggy. . �
chiga,ut on I ck ch, St. Marys, held its opening The people. of Rat Portage are much
� take irk tile Fair . ,ur
. '
I liflu baGk..-_ReV. . meeting for the season in the lecture exercised just now over the difficulty of
I Ees�of bir. J,O,Cdlj roocn on MondtLy evening of last week. securing poeseBsion of minfigg claims,
I There,was a goodl� num.Ver in attend- and hope to see the matter disposed of
7 4 Ryan and Miss
I f,.,n bondolp . ance and -the following, officers were with all'due speed, so that the 'mining
I -some elected -. Honorary president, Dr. industry may not be longer impeded. A
- holidays--
, Bead; Mlathieson ; president, Mr. -Leonard petition has been sent to the Ontario
I .
,fit to. Graj,d Harstone, B, A.-, vice-president, Miss Governm, ent asking it:to interfere in be-'
1 .season, but th" Ma4e Hamilton ; secretary -treasurer, half of Vie people and Ito use all possible
,d the sport. Thqy! Miss Laidlaw ; organist, Miss Har- endeavors to bring abbut a- speedy set -
nice specirlie'" 6f , . BtAone; editor of scrap 4bum, Miss tlementof the dispute, The Reduction
,,,$.,_N1r. Walter I Somerville ; committee of roanagerrient, Works Compapy, which bas erected a
�ig hotel. Premiges' , Jarnea Nichol, Richard Gray, John fine building at Rst Portage, bee had to
'.1odious woodshed, Muir, Miss Thompson, Miss Stevenson, suspend work owin '
rted a I g !to some diffica.1ty
iort has at" �1� Miss Julia Grant ; welcome committbe,, in getting machinery through the cus-
itb his barber . t��
,.on w of - Miss Lizzie Legge, Miss Jeanie Nichol, toms house- at Port Arthur. The cus-
; 11 a collection
Ild in, . � . -Mr. Vanstone, Mr. Conway. The tome officer there will not take on him -
7 -flits to all a - rReetin a of this society were very bene- self to decide whetherl such machinery
brass band have 9
r the ficial last season under the late Pre8i- is manufact-bred in Cahada or the United
At �
�It to play, X so&- dent , Mr. Muir, and judging from the States, and he is holding the Company's
it.h.—The fls 8,ud 66 1 able officers &ppointed, will be just as machinery until an expert comes from
good, successful in the future. .
11'ery up and stor, Ottawa to settle the point, Had it not
ick -ed - - earlier . .. . I .
soniewhalt I i .
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. WeLEAN BROS. Publishers. I
12,1890-, . I
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11 1. . . $1.50 a Year,, In Advance.
I I � . I —
. . -
[been fo'r this unexpe ted delay - the
works would,now be in working order.
more wheat than any eight 'Acres on
i I
as they will be:all brought as near
. .
Lachute boys "got there" by three were at work down stairs locked -the
An inspection of the big flour mill
Phosphates were not used'. In
-this instance the first crop considerably
a .seate of perfedtion as possible some-
idea may be forme'd of the band.
games to two, but then they had been doors and went off, leaving the directors .
I at Keewatin, the larges; in Cahada, is
. a pleasure that will the
more than pays the extra ou lay, be-
work on
He has not only saddle horses and hun-
organized for over a year, whereas the faat prisoners. It is Baid to have been
St. Andrew's team was only a mouth in an interesting sight to witness the sor-
� repay
visitor who feels an interest in �0e in-
sides the which must ,ccrue to
following oro�,%
ters, but magnificent specimens of car-
existence, ; . . tie, led by the gallant Colonel, as the ..
dustrial progress of the country. It
Mr. McDon 14, flour miller, Oxford
riage teams an -drivers, as well as
. —In Brj;ntford public school there is party scaled the walls and made their
, I
� - stands high on a neck of: land - o�erlook-
ing Keewatin on the south, and Clear-
mills, Ontario, �ays that as. a result, of
use of three,years
Borne of the ll� adsomeat cobs ever
brought to this equiltry. The intention -
is 'ter
a abaff of tbirty teachers, and the total escape. _. -
amount of salaries paid is $12,144. It —Rev. Jeffrey Hill's congregation at I
- water bay on the north. The motive
power is supplied from
,the pboiphates ago on
four acres' f larld, he doubled his crop
that e week the conclusion of
tbl� I
the exhiobnition 7 will all b6 brought.
is a .note. w6rthy fact that only two Comber have. notified the bishop's com- 4
L f!
of the thirty teache're.are men, ; the rest missioner, Rev. A. Brown, of Paris, of I
I a race which
. runs through a cutting ift, the rocks from
of wheat,' and the two cropE of grass
sown subsequently were so large that
to the hanimer at the great annual fall
sale that takes
, I ,
all being f male teachers. their willingness to contribute double il
I i . 11
the Lake of the Woods. i Thereis power
each year he" m,3 been amply : epaid for
L p ce September 23, 24,
25 and 26 �
—John near Stratford, the present amount of salary, on con- i
. I �
- 6ough in the race to drive -foi, r such
t, mills, and it is said the tompany have
his outlay, are not aware of the
arnount of t hates
. ��
! 0 i
delivered & few days ago at the Tavis- of having a resident clergyman , �
took flax ,inill 4 ,tons, 395 lbs. of flax and two services each Sunday. Should a
plana.for two more. to be driven
pho used in this in-
stance, . � .
I .
from two bilshels sowed. This is con. the synod ratify this arrangement, Mr. I
. �
same power,rill"' .
. by the and 1which will be
. ;
Mr. Neil OarApbell, Zimmerman post
reciprocity " lvib is being formed
in Montreal. '!'
sidered a *�ry large yield. Hill will continue in charge of Toeidel, ,
I - �
. .
—An order of a change of venue from Tilbury Center and Merlin, and Comber
when trade war�,ants the under-
I taking, The mill is kept as clean as a
office, count - i Halton, Ontario, states
i Y,
that nine ear I a be a
—Patrick O'Neill, age 108, died in
Woodstock� to London in the ease of be connected with St. PauPs, Merseel. �
I - .
houseboth, inside and out. Tbe.interior
go got quantity of
phosphateys )in Brockville, ' here it
the other day.
—A $3,000 o "
rgow has been put up in
Annie Fallowfield against Donald � —The inquest on the remains of the
a I
Hutchins f,pr $10,000 for breach of pro- I te School ,Trustee Jo�n Kent who
. . walls of the lower flats a,�'re' plastered and
. the upper ones are painted white', which
was thew, mandfactiured. (This manu-
factory for reasons unknown to,us
I ,
Chalmer a church' Guelph. ,
mise was � Made at Osgoode Hall the died recently in Toronto, was held �, �
. �
gives tile -place a cleanly and; whole-
.some years agq.) -He had a large sum-
—Over 3,000 bolta, eight inches long,
are used in the j`�'3t' Clair tunnel every
other day by the Master in Chambers. Saturday evening. It was shown that
—Detectives are looking for three men the wife and friends of Kent were all
1 some appearance. The mill has'a capac-'
I . I
ity of 1,200 bushels in ten hours'
mer fallow whidh be sowed entirely with
I .
fall wheat—o[n one-third using
twenty-four bo rs., �
h I � osed to have robbed D. H. '
w o are sul�p opposed to big being treated by Christian
The water power. at Rat Portage is
the in
I phos-
phates', on on,e-' bird ashes, an'd on one-
—More -than vessels of all classes
have already passed through the Murray
Fletcher, 61 Hamilton, of $108 caeh,one scientists, so called, instead of a genuine .
check and three drafts, amounting in all physician, but the deceased steadfAstly . �
greatest the'world ; it is practi-
. cally unlimited. Th 1
. e laike forms a mill
third a heavy oat of barn y rd man-
ure. He U36 5 p 1
0 punds of hosphate
canal this season! - .
*, ;
—The recent frost has severely iDjur-
to some 8RP0, on board the Sherbrooke Tefused to Bee a doctor, and declined
train Wedimeaday night last week. even to discuss the matter with his wife.
- dam of three' thousand, six hundred
square miles, twenty-two lfee� above
to th, 12
o acre.' When the thres ing time
_ 3
. .
came, the gnr% wn with
" gro osphates
ed the corn -in the inorthern portions of
—Rev. Mr. Weir, of the Guelph Bap- Ile had been treated for three years for
; WL-inipek river, and byl cut -ting races
P ,
was very ice
OT an
. , able by rea n of its
county�. -
—Fruit from �Californiais being ex-
tist church has accepted a call to a diabetes. Carveth deposed that had
' -
church in i'ancouver, British Columbia. he been called in earlier instead of at
through the narrow ledge o rock .which
divides the two bodies ii��ill site� can be
greater quantity and superior quality.
Being so well h
,pressed to Winnipeg. The time occu-
Prior to his departure for his new the last moment he could in all prob-
located almost the whole dista-dee be-
rleased with t results,
Mr. Campbel made another test the
. r
pied in transit is i ix days;
—The Perth &!r Works have an order
field lie was made the recipient of a ability have saved the life of 1he
purse of gold and other presents by deceased.
tween Keewatin and 'Rat Portage.
Yet, with these excellent facilities for
following yea�r—this time sowing
timothy .
I Amongst his fa I
I .
to build 500 box cars. Six cars a day
his late cohrkregration. �� —Last Friday, at their Ancaster real-
. I
water power, nearly All the lumber
. .
grass �Ja wheat.
The wheat 4als ,io heavy it totally
will probably be built.
—The Dominion. Government will
Dr. Laidlaw, of Hfkroilton, aLence, The Homestead, Mr. and -Mrs.
during hie'Viacation, spent two days at Frederick Shaver celebrated their golden
mills there are run .by'� steam,' owing,
doubtless, to the . mills �� being located
amotheired otihnothy., weeds, etc. He
thereupon ddt rmined to use
shortly spend $5,060 in further improve-
the Christian Work era' Convention at wedding. The children and r6lativea to
with a view to convenience in handling
and logs. Speaking lumber
every year for the future, but was great-
-ly �,
ments to harbor. I .
—A new enemy . to the potato has Ap-
Mr. ,Moodyl'.3 college, at Northfield, the number of About 60 were present
Massachus4ta. There were students and spent a. happy time. Besides re-
storing of
mills, it is said that the out of ' lumber
disappointie, to find on me king ap-
pliceition for bi supply, that ti e
pea;red in Elgin county, in the shape of
there frornpOl parts of the world. I eeiving numerous congratul6tions the .
. I
this season will exceed one hundred
. . manu-
factory at Brob ville had clos -.d. He
a vine worm about an inch in length.
—The Canadisk�A� Pacific earnings for
—La,it i Aged couple were each presented with a
near Bloomfield,
Prince Edward *county, Walter Cannon, pair of gold -rimmed spectacles and a
million feet. It is a mistake to suppose
that the tract of countr�j lying between
purchased in I uffalo, but found the
quality inferioi. He hopes to be able
. the week ended August 31, were $466,000;
for the
aged 15 years, was riding onhorseback. solid gold napkin ring. Speech making 1
the eastein boundary ofl Manitoba and
to secure his i supplies for Uke future
eame weeklast year, $455,000.
� —Exhibits from Calgary an Trinidad"
The horse' which had harness on ran singing passed the remainder of the
I V I .
away, throwing the boy, and his feetbe- evening.
Lake Superior is valueless for apytbing
from Smith's Falls, of a qualii y similar
have arrived for the Toronto Exhibition.
I :
Corning enit'Lugled in the harness, he was " —Miss Sarah 1.,eik-h, of Gle.ncoe,
tim. minerals. Th� terri-
�er and � ;
tothatwhich, he formerly ob ained at
Accompanying the, former, is the oldest
: I � hile sewing recently, accidentally .
killed. : - � �� w
tory hag exceptional 0apabilities for
Brockville. I '
inhabitant of Calgary.
—John Melville and John Brown, two pricked one of her fingers with the
fruit gro*ing, and when�the prairies of
Manitoba; are all brought under cultiva.
In view of Ithe experiencas given
above, 400 acre is
—A number of young ladicafrom
farmers, wentbear hunting in Cumber- iieedle. Some of the coloring matter
tion it � 11
wl! .probably b6come a great
pounds per perhaps
the least quantity of phospha' es which
I f
zoo and Saginaw City,
Michigan are t�, attend Alma Ladies'
land town6hip, Russell county. In the from the cloth she was sewing got into
e heard anoise,audobse lug � poisoning i
nightMelvill ry the ,4round and blood ' ' aet in, .
grazing �c untry, particularly for sheep.
should be used it the beginnin . The
College, St. Thomas.
a dark object fired. The report was fol- causing the hand and arm to become
The coun ry is full of wi d fruit, which
ripens ea ly. Wil
r d plumbs, which rare-
cost we und�rstand, is about $30 per
ton, or $6 acre.
—A company! has been formed in
Kingston 11 'manufacture
]owed by a human shriek. The. shot had ierribly swollen. It was feared at one I
ly ripen in Manitoba, gr6w' to perfec-
From the forgoing testimony, which
for the of plas-
ter. A large amount of has been
taken fatal,effect in Brown, killing him time that the hand would have to be
instantly. 1! V 6ut off, but cateful-treatment will soon
tion in all parts of the- district and ripp,n
is thoroughly i disinterested, it would
� ,
subscribed. �� !_
I -
—Workmen in the St. Clair tunnel f,leave themember all right again.
early in August. Some I of. the settlers
who have been keeping
seem desirable,that our Farmers" Inati-
tutes ir�terest
—Mr. W. McKenzie, Picton, is the
say that wh . en. a.large side -wheel steam- ; —Mr. John R. Coburn, near Pem-
an ob servant
should themselves in this
fortunate possessor of a night blooming
er passes ov , er the tunnel the noise can broke, purchased -about six yards of cot -
eye on the climatic phe�omena of the
subject, and ambertain whether an abund-
cereus which ab4a 108 buds. Thirty
be distinctly heard by the men below. -ion as a covering for his binder, and in
country, are. convince& that All the
fruital in Western !Ontarioi be
ant supply of this fertilizing material
will be available to
flowers were in blopm on it at once.
Vessel owners say that the completion -order to make it waterproof soaked it \
grown i can
I meet the demands
—The Ball Electric Light Company
of this tunnel forever kills the high-�`n paint oil. The cotton, after being in
growO in this country contigi�ous to the
lake, -'and one or two of t�e.most enter-
which 'a wider acquaintance with its
merits should create. I
are putting a system of electric lighting
into the ` in Hagareville.
bridge scheime at Detroit. . the oil some time took fire, and was &I-
. i
Testb, is most before it
prisink of these settlers have planted
. .
most of lot ores
The principal streets also will -be lighted
—A strong man named who entirely consumed was -
just now exhibiting in. Montr 0�al, when ]��oticed. The fire was caused by spon-
out young plum, appl'4 and cherry
New York Letter.
by it. �1
passing along Notre Dame 'street on taneous combustion. All that is required
trees as ai test. The largest stretch of
arable, land is along Rainy River.. There
� (From ourl own Corresponden �.)
—There are 15'0 hands employed in
the Strathroy knitting factory, and the
Wednesday,. amazed a number of pass- to make the�co'Vering waterproof is to
era -by by filting up in his arms a Shet. dip the cotton in oil and then spread it
the 8�il ie exceptionally !rich and pro-
I duces magnificent And
iNEW . YORK, Sept. 8 1, 1890.
The sudden opening of the fa. I season,
.i r
$10,000 bonus given to it some twelve
. ,
land pony and its little dog cart which out to dry, but under no circumstances
grain vegetables.
years ago was a gbod investment for the
were standing at the door of a shop. Allow it to soak .in the oil.
That is &I 3o'the home of wild fruit both
of the bui h and tree varieties.' Culti-
which has already taken place, is earlier
and more vigorous than has been the
town. It
' 11 .
—The Plattaville Milling Company a
—The residence of Mr. J. A- Laird in 1. —While Win. Sandwick, of Folden',&
New Hainburg, was entered by burglars Corners, concession 4, West Oxtord,was
vated fruits would thrive there also.
The land on Oe Canadian is all
case for a long number of years, Every
day in the wee� the streets in the lower
few days ago ship'ed 375 barrels flour
St. John,
recently. th-e party or parties gained . aving his threshing done Tuesday af-
� I
pretty well seitled up', and it' is' a - de.
part of the citY are in a state o block-
to New Brunswick,and Messrs.
T�w & Marshall 125 barrels to thesame
entrance througK a window and made �ernoon week,a sparkfrom the steam.
their way up -stairs into Mr. Laird's bed- engine set fire to the straw stack. In an
lightful. place to live, though it is a long
ade that is perfectly astonishin even to
I 1;1
. � 1;
point. 1� , i I
. . ' .
room, where they stole his pants an ly short time the barn was
way from civiliz%tiou. Quite an exten-
a people well a6customea to au sight"-
To We9tstreet, 'along I .
- —Sardines are� being taken in such
vent with About $60 in,cash and two 'blaze and despite all that could be done
- 4 1 . .1
eilve trade is now done on the'river.,
chiefly in'connection with the -lumber
cross t I e river
front, from 9 o'clock in the morning till
large quantities near St. Andrews, New
Brunswick, that the price has fallen to
valuable watches. it a Ily destroyed, together w-'ith
—rhe Township of Flumboro, Went- thewcaontteonttes' and all the threshing in& --
-industry. ' A, United States custom
has been
5 o'clock in the afternoon, is well, -nigh
impossible except by the aid of �a'police-
81 per barrel, and in many instances
chinery. In the barn at the time were
worth county, has spent $7,000 on six ,
stationed at the,. mouth
they are wholly un4a' .4le.
miles of drain Ior the swamp in that between 600 and 700 bushels of grain and
ofthe river, and steamers now have to
man. Broadway is almost as ad, and�
—Miss Agnes EJ'1�'aiherald, the po-
township, with the result that the land �11 the farm implement$, A number of
enter and clear there.
Reference having been made to the
the side streets are little better,
Whatever space is unoccupied )y load'
-pulax Bel Thistl�t4N% Aite, of the Toronto
Globe, ha acc t04 z.% responsible posi-
has brought forth an enormous root icrop pigs were also roasted to death. The- -
this crop this year and it is now valued barn, and contents were insured for $800.
possibility of this almost waste district
ed trucks is taken up by hor ies, and
tion on t'h'1820 t
A f'the London Adver-
at'$100 an acre, when formerly $10 was i —The Galt Reporter says: There,
becoming a stock -raising country, it
whatever is left by the horses a taken
tiser. I �
thought tho much. - are grave doubts whAher Ontario,
will be of interest 'to know that all
upbypeople. 'Merchantsalso ddtheir
—T. Mitchell, 6 e the oldest resi-
—Spencer, the young, son of Mr. can. grow ihe two-riDwed barley of-
along the line of the Canadian Pacific
testim, ny, and the reports from all sides
9 i 1
dents of Oxford 0,
o n and many years
16 nything like the weight and qualit
Earnshaw, Port Stanley,took an old y
Railway the woods are growing -fall of
sire to the effect that - 61 on has
clerk of the to 'i hip a
shot gun to the barn to shoot a hawk a of the samples imported by the Govern- .
I red and white clover and timothy grass.,
opened in earnest. To add to the tur.
. .
died. last week, ha�ving almost reached
few days ago, and, while sitting on the ment and distributed for seed. The past, �,
The seed -wa's first taken there when the
moil, every one is returning f rom. his
79 years of age. L �;
� 4
fence with his hand on the gun, waiting season has been very favorable for grow-
road wa3 under construction ten years
. summer -�acation, And the city has taken
—The extrad iti6n of John Parker,
for the bird, the gun Went off,the charge ing heavy six -rowed in -this section, 74--l-I
ago, and the way it has spread fror,
a year
on its old time air of bustle. and confus-
wanted for forge�ly!, in Kansas, recently
passing through his hand and shatter. a sample of two -rowed .grown from im_ 'N"
.to year is surprising. The clover- and
.ion ; if indeed it ever leaves it off.
committed for triwi at St. Thomas, has
ing the thumb in a frightful manner. ported seed,by Mr. Thos. Alison shows
grass grow luxuriantly, the f6rmer being
been asked from tb'0 Dominion Govern-
, .
7 —Major Davidson, of Guelph, of the very. little if any heavier than some six --
in such masses that the surface of the
- A new and. magnificient hotel 'has just-
ment by the Unit e a States authorities.
let Provisional Briga4e of Field Artil- rowed grown just alongside and nothing
earth seems to be spread with a white
been opened at 32nd street ,and Broad.
—Sam, Tom an' Mary Ann McQuil-
lery, the : other night- on leaving the like as heavy or plump as the see I d from. .
mantle, Every summer the wind seat-
way. It is named the Imperial, and is
lan, of Puslincb,c'ounty of Wellington,
residence of Mr. James Andex.son, which it was grown. In fact it only
I -
terg the seeds in all directions, and the
all that its name implies. It has 325
have been arrested on a charge of set-
Puslinch, stepped in A bole covered -vieighs'47lbs. to the bushel. Other.lo.'
. area covered by the seeds thue grows
rooms all furnished and fitted in the
ting fire to Alex. Ramsay's barn, and
with vines and fell backwards, breaking cafitie� may show better than this, but
rapidly wider, and will in a f e w . years
most sumptuous style. Nothing but
have been committed for trial.
a small bone below the ankle and strain- there seemB almost more than a doubt
have spread over the whole country.
solid mahogany is used in fu nishing
—Chinamen whi.o.passed through Mon.
ing the ligaments. - He will be laid up whether our short season will permit the,
, .
the rooms, and the " gentlemen's cafe,"
treal in bond last Friday spoke very bit-
for some weeks. I growth of a giain anyt4ing like the
t *
commonly known ai the bar -mom, is
terly of being tro! ated with such indig-
—The other day a slight, modest weight of the fonign two-ro*6d. !i
The Use .of Fertilizers in Im-
perfectly unique, being the only room in
nity, and said the'l Government would
young man registered at the Roasin i —Allen Ash died recently at Cobourg,,
provi g th Ontario Yield
the country -furnished -with white
. I
be likely to retali4, e.
hotel, Toronto, and asked for a. " mode- aged 89 years. The first time he took a.
. .
of Wheat. � .
mahogany. The entrance to the hotel
—Dr. Thomson'! and son and J. J.
rate" rown. The- inscription he left on trip on the wister he went down -
is of Nurnidian marble, - and th:i bailing
Vvoss, of Strathro yl, were on the Van-
the register was Howard Gould, New Bay of Quinte to Kingston.' He and his.
,7(From the Afilling News.) .
is said to be a faithful imit 6tion oi
couver when she' 'struck an iceberg in
York, but it. was not suspected that he brother Abel were five weeks going and
In view of the fact that the MtKin-
that of the Vttican at �o . The' -
the Atlantic. Tb 4� say the experience
was a son of .Jay Gould until be sent a returning on this trip. The boat w*s
ey'Bill in, tbreattening to destroy the
� I
office desk is a iplendid repi od tion of
U. I
was exciting enou I i
gh to remember for a
telegram to the railway king. He &rawn along the shore by a team of
market for Canadian barley, the ques-
. .
an Eastern sbrine,and the Btair ase in of
r a
il �
lifetime. if
staid a couple of days and went on to I horses, just as barges are drawn through
tion of the possibility of doing some.
solid marble, and is the finest o4 I e in the
—A,twenty-yeai,,'old clerk in a well-
Detroit. A &'canal. Sometimes when they would
thi g to bring about the return of the
United States. 1,The new hotel is &I-
I ,
known business ':4-ouse in St. Roche,
—TheKneiselfamily; at Sebastopol, stop to load Allen and his brother woulil
eat yields of 30 and 40 bushels per
ready nearly fall4d with guests, �nd yet
Quebec, has aurpri.sed his,.employer- and
have in their garden a monster apple get out and walk' on, and when they
acre which,obtained on -Ontario farms
there seems to �+ not the slightest fall.
relatives by dec6rnping - with $1,500
tree measuring over five feet in circum- I Were tired would sit down and wait till
a quarter of o is of au '
ing off at,its oldeir rivals.
taken from the till. is' supposed he
the boat came -along. He said it wan &.
ference about three feet - from the ,
cient importance to demand attention
has sailed for Lon4n. -
ground. The stem, is seven feet be- beautiful trip, � although a tedious ,one..
at the hands of our farmers and millers.
One of the latest institutions to be es-
—Mr. Aaron Bap'kley, a Bowmanville
tween ground and crown and is of even He was 17 years of age before he ever
From the success which has attended
tablished in this city is a Rome for
jeweler, put up '11a the Albion hotel,
thickness. ' The tree was planted 38 h aid a boot on his foot or a hat on big
recent experiments, the possibflitY of
' '.
Friendless Gatsl where, as the n1a'me in-
Montreal, the oth night and was found
years ago by Mr. Conrad Sultan, uow a. head. I
*much being accomplished in this. direc-
dicates, the destitute .and friendless'
� .
in the morning in jan unconscions state.
resident of Zurich, and is bearing a good r—A Tavistock, correspondent make&.
tion is sufficiently encouraging to induce
waifs of the felibb variety are t�ken in
He died the following evenin
. g. It is
crop of apples this year. the following remarks about thesoason's # ,
others to make similar trials. We give
an4 cared for fret- of charge. B6&rders,
supposed he blew 6 it the gas,
. The American, Forestry Association, crops in that vicinity. Harvesting In
in this article names and places in con-
whether cats or dogs, are taken at $1
4 ,
—The fe wing
�10 ' ladies successfully
over and threshing has begun in good
which met at Quebec, before separating I
nection with the tests' referred to.
per week Thei �logs are kept '!utire y
pasiaed their fin4 examinations as :adopted
resolutions recommending the earnest. From the farmers of South
Ot6r important information on the sub-
separate irom the cats, and all -food is
nurses in the" *� ining school of the .mending
of young men to Europe to study Y"thope, East� Zorra, andothe neighbor-
ject is being collected. As it is not
carefully preps . d and every attention
General Hospital a Kingston: Misses
forestry, and also the modification of ing township � of Wilmot he given
avaikable at present, however, we give
paid to cleanliness. It is hardb', neces- I
Sarah H. Hill, OIM� FAliott, Edith Me-
rules regulating the management of pab- the following report About the crop . a.,
in'the present issue such facts -as 'have
sary to state thai the Rome is a Anaged
Kay, Alicia Underhill and Violet Rob-
lie timber lauds,- in order to secure, the A erages :—Fall wheat will not fall -b-S.
alre4dy come into our possession.
by ladies, who aie 'unceasing i their
ertson. J -
re-wooding of forests. Recommend&- low 2,5 6ushela per acre, spring wheat IS
We are .inforined that at Smith's
efforts to befri�4d the homeless ats and
—Last Friday Afternoon seven cars
tions were 'also made in the t 20, barley 35, though not so extensive -
I i, informer times; oats, short
Falls, Ontario, a . gentleman whose
obtain contributh no, Not only im money
broke loose from 14 freight train near
preservation of forests against fire. sown as
ligh,t. in
-name we are ,unfortunately not able tb
accepted, but c.lontributions o.f milk,
Owen Sound and w ent down vrade at a
—The Mayor of Montreal his re- in stram ,,and somewhat grain, -
to the
give, has commenced the manufacture
fish-be&ds, meat, &c., - are soui ht for
rapid rate till thby met the express
ceived a request from a company of will perhaps, not come up usual
of p4o'sphates for feritilizing purposes.
and readily obtained. About 1(0 calm
train coming oat.- '! Considerable dam- ininers
in Arizona that a consignment- yield, apples will be few'aild those not
Mr. Woods, the local in.ifle� of that
are now in the Home, and enougl: money
age to rolling stock , , ensued but no pas-
of wives be sent to them. The letter of' the best quality, .plume an average I I
town, speaks very highly of the uni-
has been contribifted to keep thd insti-
engers were seriously hurt.
calls for young women between 14 and bqt not many trees and badly,
. .
form superiority of the product of this
tution running,for some time. ,I
—The barn and .outbuildings belon
1 9-
20, and says that numerous offers &wait pears plentiful and fine in qualitjr, -
manufactoiy, and we are " e he W*ould
Ei)wiN Aum.NdToN.
ing to Joseph Dunkley, in Seymour
' d-
them substantiated by $5,000 and au a poi,tatoes average in quantity and excel-- ' -
be pleaseA to hand to the pro p-rietor
. ,
township, near Campbellford, vEere
- ' - -
vance will be made to cover transport- l4t in quality, and we have heardol
any enquiries on the subject which
—Anyone visiting the Farm I raining
burned last Friday 1 night, caused by, a
a rb§. The Mayorhas instructed only a few complaining of h&LViilg theirs
tion chaig I I
might be addreesed to himself. - . -
W 'i
stables .Of . . Grandi on- ;.tile out-
lantern upsetting. Part of the crop was
the City Clerk to reply that he ie not the drowned shortly after planting, turnips
We 8,ve,below the experience of sev-
t I , *
skirts of Toron Will be rewarded b a
in the barn. Insq;ance on barn and
head of a matrimonial agency. lo 6ked gm&ll but promise an abundant
� �
eral well-Lnoi i vn' miller4, who have
view of 1010 of robably the finist laun-
contents, $1,000. 1 . �
—A Hamilton correspondent says : It crop after the encouraging rains during
made satisfactory trials of the increased
*era and saddle orses ever bro ght to--
—Says the �fontre�l Witness: Tb e other is,
not often'itbat such good citizens as the last few weeks, though some fields -
production and improved quality of
t I e. From. the heavy-
ge her a one t*
day the St. Andrew'i lacrosse club sent a -Lieutenant,Xoloinel
In -
Gibson, I�ev- Sam- stay behind, One farmer th' ka
wheat resulting from the' use of phoi -
e hunts r �f eighteen ston , In the
w t ght
ehallenge to the Lachute club, and the
uel Lyle, and Mr, Hugh Murr&F get . ke puM bis soon they will grow
phates as a fertilizer - � i
. lbv c
shapely, nim e� ooted ladies', saddle
result was a contestithat delighted the locked
up, but they were effectuslly im- sotbig as to necessitate sending to the
' regions for. a stump machine to pull
Mr. Cummins, flour in, iller of Lyn,
horses are all there and all taking
farmers' hearts. he teams were som-
prisoned on Monday for all that. pine
near Brockville, Ontario, 4 section where
their work over bars, banks brush
posed of farmers I 9 I ne—big strapping
they were s#ting in session as directors them - up. And however this may be
wheat, is a poor crop this year, states
and fences wi th an energy, eager- -follows
who had jiu a taken in the bar .
there, is ve little room for complaint,
of 'the Hamilton Art school,mapping out - _ry
that near him. are four acres on w4ich
ness mud seeming � pleasure delig Aful to
' .
vest. There was *,ore energy in that
the season's i work in their comfortable and great reason to be satisfied and
thankful for � the blessings of this,
was used 500 pounds per Acre of Smith's.
witness. Mr., Grand has some Ob en-
match than would hkve sufficed for half
quarters on �he top storey of the Public
Falls phoLphates, and which 0�ontain
I �
� i I
tries W the Toiouto Exhibitim, and
a dozen championship contents. The
. I � ,-
� A
I i .
Library building, the carpenters - who year. . .
I � 1 I
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