The Huron Expositor, 1890-08-01, Page 4t
I � . . - ..
. I . . I . I I
� . . � � . - I . . � _. . . . AUGUST 1, 1896. �
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. . . . . . 1� . I . . THE, HURON EXPOSITOR, . - __ , - __
- � . . MOOSE! ity of constitu-
� I - � . . - 11 ,�(� - . un Some This is due to a pecullart .
I- . 4 . I M_ . d ment and Aerian minister of that village. The' little girl escape scathed. tion in which one person is affected by a
� I . . I - - - - I ty�' dozen eggs, twenty quarts of I
! I and canals, of ill bred Iscrubs. The salesman Plain. soundness of American in 9 le to be four stoneswera laid by Mrs. W. H. twen � butter and certain agent. Physicians call this
, � VERTISEMENTS says : 11 Wharves, ra tively inquired ," What on earth shall make me believe Americans liab , berries, a large quantity of idiosyncrasy. As examples of this, let �
� �
- NEW AD . irwll" . I of Leech, of Goderich, Rev. Mr. Chown
- I constructed in view of the exigen- I . misled from a right understanding 4 -ward Leech and Mrs. Wallwin, In the remainder of the load were scattered me cite, eggs, shell -fish,- quinine, opilatee �
I when . we do with them I" human nature) it would be the exceed- E '
� [ W The ftguro* between the parenthesis after cies of commerce and not of politics, are . * warmth with which they are al- the evening a musical and literary en- all along the road. � and certain plants. Since the price of
I a" ilne denotes the page of the Paper on which ,ertainly means of extending, facillitiet, Ing honey is within the reach of all classes
will be found. C Ov_ THE Goderich .Signal remarks that ways pleased to frame their views of - tertainment Was given in the Presby- - I
the advertisement The trouble -is that the G The proceeds from the
Austin. (8) for trade. .. "Mr. P. Kelly, of, Blyth, is getting iray charicter." - terian church. HONEY. it should, upon the grounds of whole -
Alma IAdies"college-Principal ernment, by adopting a policy of re- 11, South day's proceedings amounted to about someness and economy, displace the '
Alliction sale of Bees --It. Knechtel. (5) 1 inually taking away some strong medicine now. %-days from Cir0LONE--A cyclone� struck .
. South ]Ffuron-�M. Y. McLean. --(5) - striction, is cont Law- $300. (Written for Tax EXPOSITOR,) various grades of syrup which are annu.
,. l. -�teele Bros. Co. (8) WI L with the quondam political friends." As an in. Lawrence, &suburb of the city of -On Sunday 20th !not., Triomae H. I ally placed upon the market.
, . I New Fall Whe� I tt - 'th one hand what it gives ' Massachusetts, on Saturday forgi hard KINDS. '
, . . Binder Twin 4-0. c� Willson. (8) other. A wharf is built, a harbor deep- stance in point the Signal quotes the rencep number of Kinsman, eldest son of Mr. Ric To the general public honey is a much The honey industry is yet in its in� .
. I 1%, sidisted, but noon, destroying a great gh the infant is rapidly be.
t ]Boots and Sho $-Frank O'Neill. (8) .
L . Complete -Coad, Rannio & Young. (8) ened, 9, steamship line sub. ference made to Mr. Kelly at the d and a Kinsman,of Wingham,passed peacefully more inviting subject for close examina- fancy, althoa
, � .
'.1L I Stock - J. H. Woodley. (8) the foreign goods which the subsidised re of July celebration at houses. Eight peoplevere kille &Way to his eternal rest after an illness ion than the base-bu,rners that gather coming a stirring youngster. What de-
�_ � Stanley's Book r- era --J. Stafford. (6) nt twolf th large number injured. , Sir of several months, at- the early. age of - t L velopments are in store for it, it will be
� Important to Fa in . Steamship brings to the harbor I I Huron's greatest , dis- -NEwFoUNDLAND PREMIER. it- The kinds of honey placed upon the
.1 Book -Keeper Wanted -Expositor office (8) by Government, are stopped at the Mo. Clinton, viz.: . THE He leaves a wife and infant CIO
ZZ � Girl Wanted -Expositor office. (8) . grace was in having had such a Coneer- William Whiteway, the Newfoundlan . Mrs.. Kine- market in this province are from ver, interesting for us to follow. It in grati-
.. . Farm for Sale -R. G. Ross. (5) . merlt they reach the Government wharf , 'Premier, who is at present in London, daughterto mourn his loss. he white and alsik ' e, and the basswood tree, fying to notice the encouragement the
Mrandrake Blood Bitters --I. V. Fear. (6) . - and the importer who imagined that he vative candidate as Pat Kelly," and a from Ontario Government has given this
. , rnment ,then proceeds : 11 It isn't any of our says there could hardly be a doubt that, man has the heartfelt symp, thy of t the greatest proportion being
, Lost-Hensall Post Office. (8) was co-operatilog With the Gove community in this her second trial, she -
, . . -_ of extending Com- quarrel, but although we have differed looking -at the matter from a purely in&- clover. It. begins to yield about the favorite pursuit. The material pro8-
I - udable work er eldest child about a
.. . . — in the Is with Mr. Kelly for over seventeen.yeara, terial standpoint, Newfoundland would having lost h . - middle of June and lasts till towards the perity, the peace and the contentment . I
_q merce * is not re arded, but heavily onth ago. end of July, rarely into August. The of the people of this province, depend
; "I W . and will in all probability continui6 to consult her own intereete if she joined in ay of last - week Ann, be- -
, �� . %11VOU tXpo�*t.or# fined. Railways are.subsidised, bi4t the - . -On Mond; upon theproper recognition and develop.
, , I . _� I I moment they begin to fulfil theirL work do so, we nevertheless believe the hat the United States. in 14th con- tame bee. cannot- reach the honey in the st
; � I lovedwifeof Luke Sperac , ,_ red clover on account of the shortness ment of their rural Mdu ries. Let our
� — — of carrying goods into Canada, the ob. that covers his intelligence would make CRors IN.FRANcE REsIlROYED.-The
; . I Ium cession of Grey, passed away to her re- of her tongue. Some ingenious but. people consider the advantages of honey, I
. I I Aug. 1, 1890. structing �and of the customs officer is a complete extinguisher for the crani crops throughout except in the section ward, aged 49 years. The deceased was ukee Suggested two methods and especially t i he youths of our rural
.i I SEAFORTH, FRIDAY) . laid upon t of that covers the alleged brain of the fresh a daughter of the late John Sparlings . wicked Ya
.� 1, hem. The consequence east of the Rhone, have been destroyed
� � � g police court lawyer from Toronto- by incessant rains. Offici%1 reports to improve our bee in this respect, but districts the gathering in of the tons
� . . ' this p( - YOuni and was united in marriage- to her be- both which.are annually wasted for lack of
, )Iicy of restriction is that the rail unfortunately for lbee-keepers I �
i . I The McKinley Bill. ways are! employed at a ruinous expense If Sir John Macdonald were to assess from the great wheat section of La Blange ref t partner about 30 years ago. Mrs. .
'I, � I, I iles eas the ability -of Kelly and young Holmes state that the crop is rotting. The : signally failed to evolve the bee. One gatherers, and to the province will ' be
.111, . - t
1. . 'perain had been troubled - for the past -at sums which �
i It Canadians have com- - in hauling goods thoueands of In 11) plan -adjusted conserved some of the va
'i � I - A good many I -and Sir John is quite an expert at Siz- ' -estimated at 500,000 francs. 1, : was to set a perforated tin.,
I I J . ,and west through Canada, the course - . heeky Toronto losses are - The three.or four months with dropsy and with set -screws, over a surface of honey are annually travelling south for the im- -11
�.. menced to cherish the hope that the 6 - Ing up m A CONSIDERABLE WASHOUT. _
11 of commerce north an eing �
� ", d south heart trouble but the end was not
11 . � feather -weight would prove to be no- washout on the Colorado Central Rail- and gradually lengthen the distance be- portation of foreign s . ugars.
. I - ; McKinley Bill, in which they are so stopped. -If the Government would Id Ruron thought to be so near. She enjoyed -the the tin and honey. The other I BOX-Byx.
: � here in com n with the o way is the most disastrous that has oc- tween .
I . Pend less money on railways and allow w esteem of all who knew her. 11111111111111111
: - 11 e road was built. The was to graft thq time-dishon - -
� - "I deeply interested, and of, which we 11 - pioneer. Hoplmareis"'O head will have to curred since th _ - ored long �
I .. some time ago, will trade to find its natural channels, Can& During the thunder shower last) of a .
f, . � ... heard so much - Pay swell even more than it has already Ion is" estimated at $250,000. The tongue of a woman to the tongue Grand*Bend.
; a I I e hope is based, dians would have fewer taxes to week, liglinting struck the eave-trough )r the
i me law. Th done, before Kelly's hat will fit him." rs a queen bee. Certain it is, one c
i never bego amount of track washed out cove A Vis .
. . and -more money to pay them. � I on Mr. W. E. Watt'a residence iToRls OpiNioff.-Before com.
� -
17 I V, I been . other plan succeeded well with the Yan- .
11 t � _! first, on the fact that the Bill has - . — ��_� , distance of twenty miles. The iron in Gorrie, The -electric fluid- pass- Ing here I used to wonder how the name
--- .
. - I . -third of the total seats in brid at the forks of the creek hoks keels tongue. I -
I 11, �. ' ALMOST one , ge )ipe into thA cis- Grand Bend originated but it is a very
4 ,"' � .1 e. so long before the Washington What is the Matter with the 0 ed do*n the I he . -
V ... I . "I are. attacked in undle of wire it bas been so Basswood blossoms open about t .
i % I I because . . the Ontario Legislature like a b .9 tern splintering in i . to passage the wood appropriate one. The river Aux Sable
_ C Legislative Bodies? and second, N. P. tangled up. 25th of July, i�nd some years yield honey , northwesterly direction till
1 T I � - ' 26 en boxing at the end of the pipe, wo flows -in a
! 11 1 Li I * LL of the strong stand recently taken by In order to Show that Britain is a the courts. Up to � Monday. night, KAN IHIEF CONVICTED. -Cath- .T bountifully. Clover - and basswood
4 - AN OOF r ,
,, - -1 I.. I . , of Mr. Watts'children we le within a it comes within half -&-mile from the
5, �, . . -
I I inst members I
�. ,�",L . 1. I ___ - other prominent better market for Canadian farm pro protests had been filed aga erine Wood, a notorious Atlantic Steam- w feet of the cistern at the time and honey are light in color and of mild lake and then turns- away to the south -
.p_ , �, -, �� Secretary Blain and 0111 0
- �
, -
--f' . � L�� Seats held by Conservatives er sharp, was convicted in. Liverpool fe with flavor. Buckwheat h ey is dark and
I � 11 I Politicianq against certain portions Of ducts than the United States, the To- returned. . were severely shocked but escaped west and flows 12 miles before entering .�
::: L� A �� - be- strong flavored, and is much relished by
�� . I, I
i". �i -1 I e attacked to the 'number- of fifteen. Friday of stealing, a diamond ring the lake at Port Frank. The village is I
; A I i
- t I favor; of free trade -days ago,published ar ard
�,, �, � the Bill and in - ronto Empire, a few . are longing to Mrs. Van Houton on bo .nothing more serious than a bad fright le, especially when in the comb.
� -
.... - I The remaining eleven protests ' e Ing situated just at the Bend, literally a
. 4 - . and a weakness of vision and h ari
Is. -I I , Be hopes a table prepared by the' Canadian de - 40enerally speaking, it is scarce in On-
' . I . I We believe, however, that the -3 -s, the steamer Eturia. This woman has - iver flow -
I I . I again t the return of Liberal M. P. P Grand Bend. The part of the r
4 -4 , I The Yankee partment of Agriculture giving , - crossed the Atlantic twenty-five I
, 7 , .. I . the 11 times, for seve i ral hours afterwards. tario. Spring honey'is gathered from ing north and that flowing south run
jT � are entirely illusory. but in Prince Edward county t' e peti .
. . , . I , $1,000 of t Ing -money, Jewelery and other
!,-..- 11 i I � �� grinds mighty slow, amounts of these products imported by tioners did not put up the 8 eal ar- -During the heavy thunder storm of illow, soft maple9 dandelion ;and fruit
t-, Thursday night of last week, Thos. w almost parallel for eight or ten miles, at
I i 1 i; ;, 'i . political mill usuall:� ark and strong
- I 7; -. R t security for costs, and the number of ticles of value at every opportunity. bloom. it, too, is d
,. , �; ced
_9 � q � ly sure. There the mother country during *the pas Huston's barn, on lot 4, concession 3, least, so I am told. The village at first
qi� r , . . - . '
� I
- - I -
,. ��Llll but it is pretty tolerab � . I Liberal seats attacked is thus reduced to Sentence deferred. flavored. It is seldom, if ever, pla
.. . - ,� ther-
I l,
, �; I �
�1 , j� " I �_ I"- , ( - is little doubt but this Bill will, in clue year and the percentages suppliad by ten. The members petitioned against — - township of Stephen, was Struck by .Pon the market, the bees rarely ga :ight.appears a very forsaken plate, con-
�,,T,., ,,, , � pf - lightning and burnt down. Luckily it � isting of about IS houses all told, near -
" V ,�'. '. I .
�1 - .1 , ?, Ing 8, Eurplus.
.!.i -- � L I se, find its place oa the American Canad� and the United States. The were returned, as follows : es- ly all frame structures, out
" � - � .....;I I cour Huron Notes. _y a ,very few.
,,L , . COME HONEY. . I
. r 1,�:it 11 �
F,e� 4,1 � - very nine Ith
�� �: - - 1;
� -4 - ��* . is, * h hiberal. Conservative. was empty at the time. The lose is. .
it, �. J come in contact wi
. t �� I - - V Statute Book. Mr. Wyman, who States . , of course, supplies a -1
, _
;�L,�'-,U' 1-� X,-+�, ,f Norfolk, S. . Essex, N. The fall show of the Howick Branch timated at about $600, mostly covered Few school -boys have outlived th C
�i� . - 1�- -
- . L
1! , k hese products than I a -painter's brush. There are two
i ii, t larger proportion of t ce. It was
1�' - ' '-4- ".
� I undoubtedly, a well informed and. mos York, W. Renfrew, N. Agricultural Society will be held at by insuran due to the almost blithesome days without ot corps of them
'. t f ---,. - - ��v" - R the neighbors churches, Methodist and Presbyteriau -.
'. � � j-'.?, -, we do. On the strength of these figures ' I Fordwich on Saturday, October -3rd. superhuman efforts- of laying siege to the nest of the humble- - " -
, �: - - - I
:� _�j � L 1� 14� �,
- L
.1� 11� L . J_L:i�. fl reliable authority on such matters and . - Middlesex, W. Frontenat. -At the last meeting of the Clinton who had assembled, that an adjoining a school house, one hotel, two storeg, a
, I . - Lincoln. bee; and what a shout of joy went up
1! _�;;-
. - J]11 .t ,`!. o has taken the deepest interest in our contemporary urges upon Canadians, Wentworth, S.
. A �, ; wh - - .� Public Schoo4. oard, the salary of Mr. barn only about twelve feet distant was when out rolled the coveted prize! By blacksmith shop, tin shop, taillor shop
_'i . L�iil.,!� - Perth, N. H
: , 4 - amilton. c
,�,J - I - !141� � ' '
��, - i0i .. 1 711i er questions affecting Can- the deeirabilit of cultivating the Brit Lough, Prin ipal of the school was saved. A barn on the farm of Mr. John and Cooper shop, and of course a poat
. 111i 'l, this and otb y he way, it has been said that the crop -
I A I 1 �Z * Grey, N. Middlesex, E. . t
Ir i z, in &-letter published a few days ago ish markets in order that we may sup- . raised from $750 to $800. Hawkshaw, about a milo south of Exe- office, kept in one of the stores, with
t i; - i, �, I i � � ads, I . . f clover -seed depended upori the num,
� Essex, S. Durham - E. 0
.1� I . . 1. 9 ded at the same. time mail three times a week by ata e f ro m
It 11 - !� �,v � � -The Howick Council have deci ter, was also struck r of cats in the neighborhood. Cats I
; -, .. ,1i;414 -!i l' 1 . ly a larger proportion of US require" Prince Edward. Welland. . be ' g
:.; r:P � says: P _ vi I -
,�� : i. 50 to Parkhill, 14 miles distant. The age
;W= � INF �1� �_,_. 4 - t -
li F," , 11 � .1 i. i�i 41The xiety which seems to exist in ments, and -argues that because the 'Ontario, S. Kent, W. o grant the sum of ,$ ightly damaged but not set on kill field -mice ; the mice destroy humble
1-141. - � an t is ab,)ut half -a-mile from the lake, but
- � I �, , f -I'.. � on the Howick and Min o. boundary, fire.
,! � I i� t
: I � " -anley, ar-
_ �� 'r m Minto each '
I;- i 1 . � t regard to the McKinley Bruce, N. . bee's nests ; and bumble -bees fertilize
"A 11 - � I Canade. with t Algo a, W. roviding Clifford and -Mr. JohnDancan, ,of St
;, I �9 I �. � 11. United States is a competitor with Can. re w, N. Kingston, P the r ,ad consists of nothing but sand,
; m Certain it is that
�t� i qi, �� Bill is manifested daily by the numerous ada in the Britieh markets, that there- Renf I home on Friday of last week from red clover blossoms. whio makes it, very tiresome walking, I
. 1. i- , ; I - ,v_- grant an equal sum. rived - r, I
- '
- 3A � -, �' -,,,, -, ,. - . nent Canadians are receiv- � . Elgin- E. Australians could not grow clover -seed I
j,-,-� P I
�Jr� � Lim forty- 'I-
�';, ' � �' � letters promi - "I ; - acre farm belonging to the the Old Country, having with b The i'inery, as the land between the vi
J_ . !�'. _�
� �, , `� , :�L _ " - -The 100
- _ 1,� U �
I - -I � �' ited States does not affor ' a . till after the bumble -bee was imported.
21 . _ �L " g I
1 , . , , 1 , -&,-�t I ing from the Dominion. It is impossible . fore the Uu ' Muskoka. estate of George Tate, concession 17, five Shropshire Sheep, from the very lage v nd shore is called, is at present
z- i, � pf�.� .1 - Algoma, E. But the comb -honey of the tame bee,
I i 1:- for me for instance, - to keep up with market for us and that consequently I -
1-1 _, I 1. Grey, has been purchased by Thomas best herds that could be secured. Mr. &live ,.irith a number of camping parties.
� i:, -,51t ,_t: my correspondence by special letters in Hastings, E. with its golden crystal drops of sweet- -
,,�F_ � I F . mercial reciprocity would no . t be ad- a S . Ther e are more than twenty -tents. Most �
?;! ,�, �, " ach case. Therefore I now take the com . After last election only seven seats, all McFadzean, a near neighbor. The price Dune n i thoroughly posted in this ness and its bright immaculate finish,
1 j-. � - �, � ti,i-, e I of the Cain
E_ !,!_ - vantageous to us. This, of course is a paid was $3,640. branchof stoak-raising, and the large pers are from Parkhill and a
�'_yj'�'. : -through your kind- Id, were contested. has been royal food to all people from
�` I , 1 � , - I liberty of answering -0 to Mr. John Menzieso number that he has handled showo that - is sometimes few from Exeter. They have leftthe
;7_4AI-P - far fetched argument, and is just -A little Son of tiquity. It
I �
1, __ I �:. 4- ly columns the question as to the pre- very remotest an,
- - Wawanosh, had the misfortune to fall he knovy s how to handle them to the beiac heat and dust of the town to enjoy the
��_ ,.I i staitus of the -McKinley Bill and its such as we would'expect a restrictionist of . said that comb -honey is not so whole-
. ii , I sent WE see it stated that Mr. Thomas . fresh breezes of Lake Huron, anj report
- I . likelihood Qf becoming law. Your read- out of a cherry tree and break both his advantage. 'He also brought with him some so extracted because the wax is �
ers will recall the fact that the Bill has organ to use. It is plausible enough ' Ballantyne, M. P. P., for South Perth, arms above the wrist. He was placed a very fine two-year-old stallion for Mr. indigestible. But, do we not use with, themselves as much invi,gorated thereby.
- under In " er well-known We drove down to the shore last W � - .
- I I I passed the House of Representatived, but as a lately deceased statesman is likely to be the Speaker of the new adical care and is doing nicely. James McFarlane, anoth advantage graham bread, figs, vege-, nesday. 1he road, such as it is,
- and that it has gone through the Fin- would say, -1 there ain't nothing in it." -Fred Webster, of Wroxeter, was stock raiser. 'Mr. McFarlane saw this tables, etc., which by their indigestible 41
&nee Committee, to whom it was refer- The facts are against it, for the facts Legislature. We hope such is the case. arrested in Wingham recently, charged animal when it was. a colt and tried to materials mechanically produce a lax&- right down to the Walter, and we drdye
. red by the Senate, and is now before the Mr. Ballantyne is one of the oldest as with having over driven his horse. He purchase it, but the owner was unwill- tive effect and indirectly favor diges- along the beach for some distance the
. .
latter body for adoption. There have show that of these very same products well as one of the ablest and most popu- was fined $1 and costs, amounting in all Ing to part with it. Mr. Duncan says tion ? A clos I e examination of honey- Polly seeming to enjoy the cool water
,. . a in jail. Served him he had a very pleasaut trip throughout.
. -
,I been. numerous changes made in it, but we send more to the United Statesevery lar members of the Legislature, and is to $5.60, or 30 day . . comb reveals its marvelous structure, .. for her feet, while to us the breeze from
� ul- . . right. -A rather amusing but perhaps ter- ing the greatest economy of space the lake was refreshing. We couldm,,e
� nothing to affect Canada, the'agric year than we do to Great Britain, al- minently qualified to peiform the im- con- ,at show the seine nets out a little distance, but
- . . I e � -Mr, J. A. Wilson, of the 14th ribly reilized incident happened
- . .
ft 3 � tural schedule being almost the same as though in sending to the former we have ortant duties of this position with cession of Howick, has won the .second Bayfield , on Tuesday evening of laat and ,vax. T.he cell is hexagonal, and unfortunately it is very difficult to -pro. �_
$ when it left the House� of Represents- P its base having three surfaces to its
; heavy duty, whereas to the lat- cure any fish here. ,The Americans have
I Blaine and to Pay a dit to himself and justice to all con- place in his second year examination at week. -A boat -load of visitors went out .
it �, tives. It is true that A ere pyramidal form one cell is
. Z
11 � i .- -y Medical "Pollege: for a row on the lake in the moonlight. - oppo monopolized -all this part -of the lake for
� . I �-&sire some cess. If it did not the Toronto Universi " parts of three others. The cell wall'i i's
:....LL � I ; . - possibly the President . - ter we have free ac d. He has, also, in many ways _L
I E cerne and has succeeded in carrying off a After getting out Some distance they fishing purposes, paying for the privil
.. 1; r # IV .
. ,�V n originally about 1 -180th of an inch in L.
�I. endment looking to reciprocity i pay us to do .this it is not likely we �
I %Z I am
I I . ege,
1, 1-1 � done yeoman service for his Province, second scholarship -,f $30. rested on, their oars and allowed the d of scales of wax
� I hange for free sugar and Wool, but - diameter, and is forme
_" 7 exe -
I 1, i L would continue an unprofitable practice, -Mr. George Pope, of Hullett, has a boat to d rift. When it became time season I suppose. It seems too bad to
I A, i (I to the Bill I " and is well deserving of any honors the I . I bich are - secreted by the bee, and
�11V ! f neithet of them is oppose . . - W .
�7 1
L --'i :1 r - And if the States market were free and horse th&t has seen 24 year service and to return w the harbour they, imagin be so near an abundant supply of fish
. . . With th � I "' probably, only when required. It is'esti-
I!- t,�'Ii I is'4exception the House and the I Legislature can bestow upon him. We I - �
�i '? � i . in�
,�- . ; - whole Republi- . still0seems good for many years to come. ing they had been drifting south and not be able to get anyi Mr.
�',, _i, - � i Senate, and indeed the open to our products it stands to reason -and-bye of - mated that bees will C-Onsume 20 lbs. of .
� '. - hope to have the pleasure by ed vigorously for the
� It has sound teeth yet, is as lively .as a stead of north, row Carriere is the Presbyterian min -
't -1 .
.: i A ��!,;, 4 � loan party, are pledged to the passage of 'n more than we honey to secrete I lb. bf wax, This is . .
'', .. . n ister at the Bend. He is a very
I -1, A ; ". ain that we would use it evi'e. congratulating our neighbors of South three-year-old, and can outwork horses north pole,whicb. was every mi ute tak- -
I _'�_ I ' - y
I _'I I . on
�Z, e reason,wh comb -honey is more ex- �
Z - amended tariff,and it is almost cert i
11 , � an
I ,Z .
� -
-_,i L -
�� �,� �, I- . __ Q = Ing t
� �.- , "
� C I . �1. that after a conference between the Sen-. do. Itis rigbt and pr'per, and will be Perth on the honor of having the younger than itself. . hem from home. They then steered -racted. enial man and very intelligent. _"
i :_ 41 a) pensive than ex, 9 '
, `77i I -j , W
I � I I,,,, !.,--Z; I
� lt,�: �. " ir .
Z , ".
. �, , ,� , fl, 'r ill will -become to our advantage to send all we oan . Mr. James T nmiQW, of Bluevale, south and after rowing till the wee sm He is very earnest and devoted in his '
. k � , 1 . . 9,te and the Rouse the B � I . S L a - - hours lauded on the beaqh, and gaining COMPOSITION.
�_ peaker of the Ontario 'Legislature a
, - ;� 4� 1� '' , who hao been on a trip t6zMa-nitoba, re work and seems to be much liked by hill
. i:7 � -V- - J, , - send profitably to the British market, Honey is a mixture of several kinds
) ;�'. 9_b.' ultl' law. I think it would be unsafe to rely
� I �",� L 4j� �'r " - I their representative. turned home last week much improved. the road walked to their place'of rest. I people, both French and English. About
; , 1.4 -Y �
4 `� !��n 1�,� anadian pro- . of sugar, i. e., cane sugar grape sugar,
, , I ; on the admission of C and the more the better. But IiE�v- 0
,?' � - C, , _. up �
-��...`�:!j�, - I orning of last week
f1'� _ ,� , L
" - ;
N - g 4 - 1-P, ducts at present rates of duty into the . . I r ., He says the crops are looking well and -On Thursday in e and taevalose or inverted sugar, water, three or four years ago a new station
� i ", �� "', I -3 Ing a market there, is , no reason* wis began at Corbett, half way between
1 , � -, -- 4 I THE Lo Advertiser remarks : everything in the West is in a flourish- an important event took place at th
' 1,
ri ��V �, - � -, �,i 1, United states after the -lot of September. � "ON . - . I wax, pollen from flowers, coloring &L nd Lkhil
, _M lA . Watson, Gode-
_7 �P. _- ;, _'i,
� W ing condition. residence of Mr. James here andlPar .1, where Mr. Carriere
I . �'. *Z- ,�Lj "'t . strongly of the that we ;hould not desirel to improve- A Conservative contemporary says the - odorons matters, etc., which latter are
�71 �,:_ �
��n. �- � ; - At the samp time I am - --A team belonging to Neil McDon- rich, it -being the ni,criage of his' third ches every Sabbath morning, and
N- .. .1_ - �� � rr; � I � - I .
�4� 1 .
" �"�- " - �� �,,-��, R: prob4bfy volatile, and hgnce,. will escape prea
, _ . ' � I 8,
I 'I, ��, � _�L ipf daughter, Mary,to NI , where there is now a neat brick church
� � opinion th�t in order to show the people our markets elsewhere'. If we have an Liberals do not like to see a good bar- ald, of the 9th concession of Morri r. _�Fohn ,1itraie6n
�1.�f .21� . 11 t � _V_ of Cana4a that there i no .
�m 1, m retaliation or if ,,nduly heated when lignifying. I
;.,;:J� ., 11. ., �- - .
, open and a profitable market for our pro - f th Graud
�'-!` % ,. R, t, I - i vest because it will benefit the farmers. while mowing hay came, in contact witb the popular ticket agent u 0 X . nearly out of debt. At Grand Ben4
� , 'X��i;! I .- USES. ,
,,:, � - , � �, . I ited States and That is a statement as Billy as it is im- from which they took Tru k Railway a I Go. lerich. Alarge Lium-
. ".., k.; h, '1% . �,�, I policy of pressure involved in this tariff, n tN . Sabbath School is held at 1.30 p. m.1
tl�ll - �,, _-�_ I or the Hitt ducts in both the Un a bee's nest, As a food honey developes vital force .
_ , ,� . , - J
R I � '. - � � either the Butterworth Bill , . � .
A . I - ;,Fiv udent. The Liberals rejoice ih good fright and ran away, breaking the berof friends of t1m bri(fe and groo in Wit- - the English service immediately after,,- �
� �� resol
" ,; if not simul- Great Britain, surely we would. be bet- P
. :: 1 1� t _� '1� ation is likely to pass, and energy. Let me in this connec-
�,.;: I , � � I -
" 4 , , �; - � .-rt i harvests. What they desire is to see the mower. nessed the ceremoriy,wliich wit.sp:trforni tion quote some pointed remarks from which is.followed, with only a few miu�-
, 1_,� ; k I �!� 1'4; ��_ taneously with the uew tariff Bill cer- y one. Because we -
I - . -
- ,
F_ _1%';'1 , ,�4 - ter off thiCb:with onl ot the -Mr. John Rogers, of Wingham, met ed by Rev. Dr ,�, 1). D., pai5tor of utes intermissil a service in French. .
, -
1,� .-� - tl -� - . I farmer and' every other, citizen g, - U, '
I LL;,� �� - -
- _ 11-11 .
" � tainly immediately after it. The Con- an Am -
- 4., �'�' �', t, I e ricim writer : " It is & common thy L
� 1 7 - , -1 Z i.. _, - _.; k. use and improve the British market, full benefit of a good harvest and every with a painful accident at the Union Knox church. Atter the cereniony al e
- , � .", ,
I , � I , e -4th of . . - This is to enable people to .get home
i i . - '� 1,',�-, --..��,t."��x gress does not expire till th I expre"ion that honey is a luxury, h&v- i L
- . - t R - that is'no reason why we should refuse other blessing, not a select few, as is de- furniture factory in that town on Friday partook of a sumptuous wedding break- ' in time for the r evening chores about .
�;�'! - �., , 51� �' C March, 1891, and ihose who watch nar I ing nothing to do with the life-giViLng
i: � -1 � �;_ eed by the policy of high- taxation. . I
�'�, - ..- f,- influence at work are or .of last week. ]E[t wafi assisting to re- fast. T�e prersents to the bride were the farm, milking cows. &c. Mr. Car, .
L' , ' I
I 'L
I ,��_, - ; - ._� r, rowly the existing to deal with the United States when the - principle. This is an error -honey' is .
,�. I - - � I , . I � . .
.1, , i� U I
I �1�-�-- i .
� I �11 1 � :+N_ sanguine that either one or other of these . move some furniture when a heavy din- numerous and usef ul, a d testifled to e's earnest work for the people hero-
' of people of that country want - our pro- . , food in one of its most concentrated Per I
' T i � I
, 4 - - � ! I
Z i � I the esteem in which she was held by a
- L: - gi. """. 't., - ing-table fell on' big eft foot badly is bearing good fruit. They Seem to
F �z J: �,`, g to
�._; _�;Fl� F l'. - � measures will pass. The whole trend ducts and are willin pay for them, News of the Week crushing the first to riends. The happy forms. 'True, it does not add so much take a good deal of interest in religious -
� _� , t" kk � e. I large circle of f
)1; � � 1:.��t,` 1,,� � Mli the liberal section of the Republican . I SALmoN FAILuP.E.-A telegram from to the growthlof the muscles as does beef. 1
,, �� train to I
I I � � ��i, �j � -1! e is in f avor The more markets we have �the better -Mr. Wm. Farquhar, of the 8th con- couple left by the 1:55 0. in. steak, but it does impart other proper- work. There is a Bible, Class in -con- 7
�__ � -1. . �1. I �? � . party, headed by Mr. Blain , _ - Ben Young, thesalmon king of Ladners, . � ; .
f.�'.�_ - -! �! I ", I ; - - Spend the honeymoon in Toronto, Buffalo, uection with the Sabbath School taught ? � I
-� Z_'�t � , , cession of Hullett, who has been in Da m
01, ,, - .. . � L,- I,,- i - , cpf reciprocity, and the demands of New Our restrictionist contemporary, how- British Columbia, states that'the'-Fraser ties no less necessary to health and I
�� " �, :;�,.:. - A , . � - kots for some time, has returned home. Rochester and other points East. . I- good ,
- �_ J - . � I , England in this respect canxiot be ignor-, k is almost & failure. ' vigorous physical and intellectual by one 'of the elders, and tb ere IS -
d I , i
;1l � _- " �, ever, wants to shut up the farmers of river Pat puntry, -What might have proved a fatal I
, � 1 �- -:. , I
I � , ,�!-, 1.1
- � ,'� 11 - ed with safety to the- party now in STRIKING BAKERS. -F if teen hundred He Speaks very highly of the c action. It gives'warmth to the system, attendance at Sabbath School at; well as I
�,;- i.!� 1. �. �, � 7 '_ Canada to one market for fear that if and we think the climate h&B'agreed accident happened in Henfryn, Tuesda at the services. The ladies have this
-i.- ,:�.i� t-;" ., . y -
1: ,V: � i�i . a .
'1'_�! � � , power." . journeymen bakers of Chicago have rouses nervous energy, and gives vigor
t .
ii, .,�_� :� .- -the-other is opened 'and used the f arm- I year
-1 �. � � !�� . . with him, for he is looking. h�le and morning' of last week. Mr. and Mrs.
� �
_1 li:� . .. ;, 4 ,, it is a good thing that there - - struck for two -hours less work on i to all the vital functions. To the labor- bought an organ ,for the church; I
A . hearty. Adam Turnbull, of the 10th con-.ession . . - I
- . I- I . ers will be tempted to buy where they Saturdays. . - * er it given strength ; to the business pat in a new pulpit and otherwise im- . -
I �' J a cloud so I I -
L', - j.: �� 11 t ,rf . 4I is seldom or never I -The Harriston Tribune sa�s:-It of Grey, were going into the village on -
I I i_� � : �:�. I , . �
� : ,,-:-- - REVENUE ROBBBRY.-Elevea thoua- nan, mental force. Its effects are not proved the church. Besides this the -
, . , __ � Sell, and its patrons' the manufacturers, I - , I
�_ . � 1", _., dark that it does not ha:v,e on it a 9 was estimated that over three thousand their way to Listowel just as the morn
, I I I -7i and dollars worth of stamps have been � like ordinary stimulants, such as spir contributions for the schemes of the -
t: I I -: �
t., I I I.. I wiil be shorn - of some of their profits. ice). people, from Howick and her villages, ing freight was passing. The horse be. ,its, . I
i� , , �, . I �
� -; f - -; e, church ar i So you see there
1 � , ere. We hop e increasing. q
"t � � il 1. ii - bright spot somewh stolen'f rom the revenue office in Mex l but it produce!3 a healthy action, .
� , - . �
� : . � uly celebration came frightened and Mr. Turab -
. - ,
1 .4 . 1;�V
, I , , f But, why should there be a Canadian tended the twelfth of J lull- turn-
, - I - I are evidences of rtie amongst the People.
� . � ,� ii I therefore, that the latter pr,rtion o CATTLE PLAGUE. -The Siberian cat- at it the results of which are pleasing and �
. - !t . ice Of in Harriston, and there jvst let us re- ed the horse into the commons till �
I z ; i� V� .
� � . �V a,: - I. surplus to dispose of at all ? What has tle p6gue is ravaging the Provir sweet disposition and a W �
� -1 �! .,-, P m Mr. Wyman's, statement is as lik mark, that it Would be hard to find a passed. When he was getting into the permanent -a . . I
! . br' ht intellect." - . I
- h�,� �,- �� ,I i �, become. of the N. P.9 Did not our con. Riazan, in Russia. - �
. � I 1, a the former. If it is, it like number from any municipality, as buggy again the horse started, his foot � I I
"it 1� - � � - realization a THE ExPELLED MISSIONARY. - Mr. Tor be practical, let me give you ex- Wingham. . .
I 1-
- ,,, 1. ;, . . I
; . - . �_ .I � I temporary and others of that ilk promise
r- -1 I e
� 1� I . , 1, on intelligent and prosperous looking as caught in the wheel, and he was thrown
: - , % L i� will certainly form the bright spot I Baker the Wesleyan missionary, who amples of a few of. its many applica-, ABOUT TowN.-Mr. Bickel, son -in- . �
. I
I �. - ��.' , I'll the Canadian farmers that if they would OM Tonga by the na ives, tions : law of Mr. Walter Rutherford on the
, :,� - - j"� � :q 1i commercial cloud which the passage Was expelled frc t these Howick farmers. over it and stunned. The horse at lib.
�, � � - t ,, 'i � the nurse and nurture the N. P. that they has arrived at Auckland, New Zealand. -Mr. Edward Campaign, of Gode- erty started for home, throwing -Mrs. For Co!ds,--Balsain, Of tolu two ,boundary, has rented his place to Chas. �
. � ", '. �!
- - . :, 11
,. - 4: � -, f .-
t' - * � " I . of the McKinley bill would cause to rich, met with a serious accident on the Turnbull out and injuring her shoulder.
- 11 1 - �
i,�� �
� I-"-. � � . JACK -THE - RIPPIR. -It is tablespoonfuls ; honey, two tab ' Reading and has left for the Old Coun'
� -
F �,'� . I i - _. would not have any surplus to die lose SUrrOSED lespoon- . -
I , ; ,._ I pass over Canada. - The Butterworth P Square in -that town the other day, by Mr. Turnbull's foot was hurt. He also
, !!_, - �. I
. - � 1� � . �
" �,.�: , � - �! rumored in London that Jack -the -Rip- fuls ; rectified spirits, one cupful. try on account of poor health. -A Very -
I,,,, - I I I ., of, but that their products would be all being thrown from his bicycle. He was appeared to be hurt internally. Mr. R.
A: � .
[�,_, � I -V t bill and the Hitt resolutions both . erhas been arrested on information Take a dessert- spoonful every four serious storm passed over this place last ,
1�: - --f '. -,- � �� . consumed P ' making faettime when something went McDonald started on horseback after -
j �. ",�t � IT I �:�, �A They . at home. Well, the farmers supplied by his sister, and that it turns hours. Friday afternoon. The lightning and
11- 'A . . amount to about the same thing. . wrong and caused the wheel to cease the runawa horse but it had been
I ,*,- .1 , . . - I .
, ., I . y
t - �t :i �� I . have been faithfully nursing the N. P. out he in an insane medical student. Honey, $ parts ; vinegar, 6 parts ; thunder were terrible, A ball of light-
, !;, ; 1� both, practically. offer to Canada com revolving, the consequence was a stopped by Mr. George Spearin about a
� ?!_� �f , � .1 I
p ,� 1� . ,,- I 1, .
� -,In 1 't , i -, for the asking. If, for a dozen years until it has attained - VALU"LE E2TAT.E. -W. K. Vander- 11 4 header." Mr. Campaign's nose was mile away. Only one of the wheels water,lpart. Take a teaspoonful every ningwen,t into the Union Furniture
9' �,_,� , . ; � . -1 Inertial reci-procity� . I . bilt has offered Governor Spragye, of 'three hours. ' Factory on a wire and ran right through
'... � , " , _i� V � i� McKinley bill were its full growth, and --still- there is a Rhode Island, $400,000 for his countr broken, end his face badly bruised by was beat out. It is to be hoped that Honey,one or two teaspoonfuls dis- the large pla ner and 8tunnedone of the
f_� � " ;� I- -, therefore, the � y .
I - . _1 I , I I ,. the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull's injuries are
" ; I a mag- -
I ; t, I . .
- �
� -
I- - .1 ., � ,4 allowed by either of these lat- larger surplus than ever to export. There estate, Canonchet. He wi I erect . solved in a glass of hot lemonade. Take men and scared others. It also set fire'
� I - I 4 ,1,1*1 passed, f . On Tuesday,'15th inst., the remi- not serious. ,
- * .
r - t- . . I I ter, it would be the first -long step to. must, surely, be something wrong some- nificent,hotel there if he buys the prop- - four times a day. to the building, but the fire was ex-
" � , . dence of Mr. George Peacock, lot con- -
. I . � , * f- . , . - For Thrush, or infants' . sore mouth, tinguished before any damage was done.
�� erty. - .
� � : , . u3tome wall where. Will our contemporary or some - 1,000 cession of Morris, was the scene of -John Mortimer, fifteen years old,
I - wards the removal -of the c GONE up IN FLAMES. -Nearly Db It which is caused by a parasitic fungus : The fluid also entered the Nank- of Ram -
I � P I
� _�. , � I - . eativities. The occasion was . the ran away from his employer, Jici .
� I of its friends point out.the Spot. great f
TV . 4 I . whichlias been reared between the two . tons of binder twine was burned in Min- .- Honey, two tablespoonfuls ; powdered ilton building, but did no serious -injury.
� � , ,) , , i - - . This will put marriage of his eldest daughter, Isabella Olmstead, of Ancaster, a few days ago, � . '
, � S 11. � 2 ... 1� - I borax, one teaspoonful ; "Grey Tobe " a is
; - h I .� - ith the McKinley bill in . neapolin on the 16th ult. chlorate of - rrived-- home -at h*
f� , � 1, `� ..' . I- � countries. W -
4 1 1 � .11 to Mr. John L' Patterson, of Virden, and said he did so because he was over
,� i I .. f Canadian -Cattle in England. up the price somewhat in Minnesota. potash, half a teaspoonful. Dry the stables here after winning races about
-;. I- �_ 4j no Canadian Government 0 Manitoba. A large number of friends worked. The case came before the
;� �. , - 11 operation, Ev-ICTION OF AN OLD TENANT -The child's mouth and apply a Small por- Port Hope and other places. Wingham
: Z � , I '
� , _� - I e boy
, .- I T �.
� - would darerefuse an offer from the ,,,,Mr. G. F. Frankland, the well known and relatives were present and a grand Hamilton magistrate, when th
. � , �. . .
i � ? L 11� I recent forcible eviction of Mr. Cameron tion; holds some fast horse$ at present. -
4 - 1. Attle dealer and exporter, writes from from the farm of Glaicmore, Ross-shi . I complained of doing too much work. -For Constipation, use honey freely. Brussels and
. _. � � : � 1 c time spent.
� �, � � I- I- 1� United States to negotiate for a reciproc- re, Wingharn lacrosse clubs
, " - ng hay Mr. Olmstead denied working him too
I . I ; � �', Y! a y his family .
� _� . - � Edinburgh, on Jul I-th, as follows : which had been occupieil b -The other day. while unloadi
- .- I .� 4 e I
� - � ; [ L, ity trea,ty. If they did they would be . ith a. hay fork, Mr. Alexand r Welsh, hard. The lad was taken from the -_ In Denmark and Hanover, chloroelis, played here last Thursday. Wingbam __
. . - f '
I t� : � 1 7 swept from short order. Pooket To -day in Ediub rgh I saw a pen of for 200 years, caused great excitement w
� "'i 9 asylum and bound by indenture an impoverished condition of the blood, came out ahead by two goals to I.-
� , i� of Goderich township, met with a pain- orphani
� I�L � " ,� I o � . Canadian steers that a farmer from in -the Black Isle. . I NS. ful accident. After a load 'had been to Mr. Olmstead, who was to pay -him is treated by sending the pale . girls of Alex. Dawson has CoMpleted a fine'bank - -
It ; . � I 'i
� ii: � 3-1 stranger influence than th� cities to the country to take exercise stable on his McKay property. -Friday,
-1 . . -1 has even a Ross -shire bought in Glasgow last No. SuMMER SNOW OINT THF, GRAMPIA '
� , . . - . �_ of lifted up by the L fork it failed to work $5 a year, board and clothe him. The
I � � L party, and let our farmers have to lose vember.. for :614 15s'. each, sold by the -The whole of the Grampian sange " and eat honey. the 25th, was Decoration Day here, and - -
j 1 _1 � � properly, and in trying to adjust it the case resulted irl the indentures being
. 1 !4 a & �'ons for ;E25 each. hills in Scotland was on the morning Of , mix honeW with the different societies marched to the
: jq � twenty dollars on every h6tse they'ihave firm of John Swa . - fork dropped, and struck Mr. Welsh on cancelled. When the parties got out-
� I � ,;r n every bushel of The Scotch farmer 'simply set to work the 8th July almost as white as at mid the chin. One tooth was knocked out side the o,ourt the boy offered to return flour and apply. � cemetery to place flowers on, the graves
" . ,
11 � I . to sell ;, twenty cents 0 in a Sensible 'manner', and did the wo, - rk winter, there -having been a consider- Honey is more wholesome and eco. of the dear departed ones -James A. I
L ,
; I and a deep gash cut in his face. It was to Mr. Olmstead for $4 a month, but I - .
:41 �, - ring the night on .
� � � . 11 barley ; five cents on every dozen of the Canadian farmer neglected to do, able fall of snow du . a wonder his jaw was not broken. the farmer offered him $5, and the boy nomical as a substitute for sugar in pre- Cline is �ble to be out again. He has .
- . . - d f! - hills. ,
� I � through the list, and viz.- finished an attened the animals, the higher serving fruits, It has twice the sweet- had a hard tack of it, but be is look"Irl -
: I . eggs, and so on went cheerfully along.
I . - -
I I 1. ny restrictionists aiid'reaped the profit. This plain truth, POV-11CRTY IN PARIS. Never before -On Monday of last week Mr. Doug- power of sugar, i. e., half a pound well. -The new marketbuilding is g T_
. � i I there would not be ma I trust, will teach a lessan to the f arm- has Paris been the scene of So much las McTavish, of Stanley, delivered to -Mrs. George Rymal, an Ancaster ening
. . . '
__ �� -------- �!T!TT��. ����� �_�l ��
!nT!!����� �.����f �_ �_������ I
__ ' ting along nicely, and the contractor, .
: . I I I 1, . " Mr. James Hearne, of Clinton,four head farmer's wife, bad rather an unplea
I I - I amongth6min six months' time. So � f' Canada. They should prepare penury and Starvation. ay Sant of honey will be equivalent to a pound Robert Patterson seems to under-
. - ers a tle weighing 5,380 pounds,oDe pair experience while driving to Hamilton of Sugar. If this fact was more widely Mr I
. � I . . me threat- and fatten and finish every animal that passes but some' desperate case crops Of cat *
, . . '. that, after all, what at one ti I . of steers were particularly good animals. the other morning with a load of butter known we would hear less .about sugar stand his business thoroughly. -There
� I I
�1� I - � . . ened to be grievous may yet turn out to crosses the Atlantic.� Rest assured th . e up. . out al trusts and combines. . is. some hay out yet, and the crop has
I` I q � le On Sq�turday, Mr. W. McLean shipped eggs and other products. She set t - .
- I li I �� anol the black cloud, may yet rich lands of Ontario can produce ani- No HONEY IN IOWA.-Imn IOWa ther rly hour in a light wagon - gain, Honey -Vinegar i o never been equalled in this Port. The
;: , � I be joyoue, Loney 100 head of cattle, 83 fed by himself, an ea and was A s superior t
- �* � � male fit to hold their'own in all and ev. will be a total failure of the 1, -
_14 I
! , I I -onve to have a very brigfit, silvery : : 9 D :& : l C -1 -1 4. h; "a r Thl-re is no honey in flo ere and weighed 105,250 pounds, or an aver. accompanied by her little son and all other kinds, white -wine included. wheat harvest is well on the way and a
. �
W.- -
I - �
� � .
� AI
I . A10
- I BF"
,vice in�
�� . ineetiA
� � JAInes.
. ,-the H�
Clegg I
I - ]ff,e .left
fork in
,jielcl fo
,barn, - I
- �. ,with th
� ,the h , 0 , I
I uking
__ -.and all
" : varrier
� ihe bar
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-1 df the
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,One of:
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. -conside,,
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- —The i"i
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- :20tb ini
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. about a
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.-mer ho
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f=ln er; i
-work su
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clown bi
� i
done. , .'
. . ,
_gram. i
� the fall
� Morris 1.
day for,
father ot
ed fron
-been -W40
Berry -1
There h
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blo�jk, A
�� ushed -
I '
. depep
- L
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Mr. Ro
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saw over 800 Canadian cattle for sale to.
Mr. Glad.stone listened to remarks in
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� . . � � . - I . . � _. . . . AUGUST 1, 1896. �
. -
. .
. .
. . . . . . 1� . I . . THE, HURON EXPOSITOR, . - __ , - __
- � . . MOOSE! ity of constitu-
� I - � . . - 11 ,�(� - . un Some This is due to a pecullart .
I- . 4 . I M_ . d ment and Aerian minister of that village. The' little girl escape scathed. tion in which one person is affected by a
� I . . I - - - - I ty�' dozen eggs, twenty quarts of I
! I and canals, of ill bred Iscrubs. The salesman Plain. soundness of American in 9 le to be four stoneswera laid by Mrs. W. H. twen � butter and certain agent. Physicians call this
, � VERTISEMENTS says : 11 Wharves, ra tively inquired ," What on earth shall make me believe Americans liab , berries, a large quantity of idiosyncrasy. As examples of this, let �
� �
- NEW AD . irwll" . I of Leech, of Goderich, Rev. Mr. Chown
- I constructed in view of the exigen- I . misled from a right understanding 4 -ward Leech and Mrs. Wallwin, In the remainder of the load were scattered me cite, eggs, shell -fish,- quinine, opilatee �
I when . we do with them I" human nature) it would be the exceed- E '
� [ W The ftguro* between the parenthesis after cies of commerce and not of politics, are . * warmth with which they are al- the evening a musical and literary en- all along the road. � and certain plants. Since the price of
I a" ilne denotes the page of the Paper on which ,ertainly means of extending, facillitiet, Ing honey is within the reach of all classes
will be found. C Ov_ THE Goderich .Signal remarks that ways pleased to frame their views of - tertainment Was given in the Presby- - I
the advertisement The trouble -is that the G The proceeds from the
Austin. (8) for trade. .. "Mr. P. Kelly, of, Blyth, is getting iray charicter." - terian church. HONEY. it should, upon the grounds of whole -
Alma IAdies"college-Principal ernment, by adopting a policy of re- 11, South day's proceedings amounted to about someness and economy, displace the '
Alliction sale of Bees --It. Knechtel. (5) 1 inually taking away some strong medicine now. %-days from Cir0LONE--A cyclone� struck .
. South ]Ffuron-�M. Y. McLean. --(5) - striction, is cont Law- $300. (Written for Tax EXPOSITOR,) various grades of syrup which are annu.
,. l. -�teele Bros. Co. (8) WI L with the quondam political friends." As an in. Lawrence, &suburb of the city of -On Sunday 20th !not., Triomae H. I ally placed upon the market.
, . I New Fall Whe� I tt - 'th one hand what it gives ' Massachusetts, on Saturday forgi hard KINDS. '
, . . Binder Twin 4-0. c� Willson. (8) other. A wharf is built, a harbor deep- stance in point the Signal quotes the rencep number of Kinsman, eldest son of Mr. Ric To the general public honey is a much The honey industry is yet in its in� .
. I 1%, sidisted, but noon, destroying a great gh the infant is rapidly be.
t ]Boots and Sho $-Frank O'Neill. (8) .
L . Complete -Coad, Rannio & Young. (8) ened, 9, steamship line sub. ference made to Mr. Kelly at the d and a Kinsman,of Wingham,passed peacefully more inviting subject for close examina- fancy, althoa
, � .
'.1L I Stock - J. H. Woodley. (8) the foreign goods which the subsidised re of July celebration at houses. Eight peoplevere kille &Way to his eternal rest after an illness ion than the base-bu,rners that gather coming a stirring youngster. What de-
�_ � Stanley's Book r- era --J. Stafford. (6) nt twolf th large number injured. , Sir of several months, at- the early. age of - t L velopments are in store for it, it will be
� Important to Fa in . Steamship brings to the harbor I I Huron's greatest , dis- -NEwFoUNDLAND PREMIER. it- The kinds of honey placed upon the
.1 Book -Keeper Wanted -Expositor office (8) by Government, are stopped at the Mo. Clinton, viz.: . THE He leaves a wife and infant CIO
ZZ � Girl Wanted -Expositor office. (8) . grace was in having had such a Coneer- William Whiteway, the Newfoundlan . Mrs.. Kine- market in this province are from ver, interesting for us to follow. It in grati-
.. . Farm for Sale -R. G. Ross. (5) . merlt they reach the Government wharf , 'Premier, who is at present in London, daughterto mourn his loss. he white and alsik ' e, and the basswood tree, fying to notice the encouragement the
Mrandrake Blood Bitters --I. V. Fear. (6) . - and the importer who imagined that he vative candidate as Pat Kelly," and a from Ontario Government has given this
. , rnment ,then proceeds : 11 It isn't any of our says there could hardly be a doubt that, man has the heartfelt symp, thy of t the greatest proportion being
, Lost-Hensall Post Office. (8) was co-operatilog With the Gove community in this her second trial, she -
, . . -_ of extending Com- quarrel, but although we have differed looking -at the matter from a purely in&- clover. It. begins to yield about the favorite pursuit. The material pro8-
I - udable work er eldest child about a
.. . . — in the Is with Mr. Kelly for over seventeen.yeara, terial standpoint, Newfoundland would having lost h . - middle of June and lasts till towards the perity, the peace and the contentment . I
_q merce * is not re arded, but heavily onth ago. end of July, rarely into August. The of the people of this province, depend
; "I W . and will in all probability continui6 to consult her own intereete if she joined in ay of last - week Ann, be- -
, �� . %11VOU tXpo�*t.or# fined. Railways are.subsidised, bi4t the - . -On Mond; upon theproper recognition and develop.
, , I . _� I I moment they begin to fulfil theirL work do so, we nevertheless believe the hat the United States. in 14th con- tame bee. cannot- reach the honey in the st
; � I lovedwifeof Luke Sperac , ,_ red clover on account of the shortness ment of their rural Mdu ries. Let our
� — — of carrying goods into Canada, the ob. that covers his intelligence would make CRors IN.FRANcE REsIlROYED.-The
; . I Ium cession of Grey, passed away to her re- of her tongue. Some ingenious but. people consider the advantages of honey, I
. I I Aug. 1, 1890. structing �and of the customs officer is a complete extinguisher for the crani crops throughout except in the section ward, aged 49 years. The deceased was ukee Suggested two methods and especially t i he youths of our rural
.i I SEAFORTH, FRIDAY) . laid upon t of that covers the alleged brain of the fresh a daughter of the late John Sparlings . wicked Ya
.� 1, hem. The consequence east of the Rhone, have been destroyed
� � � g police court lawyer from Toronto- by incessant rains. Offici%1 reports to improve our bee in this respect, but districts the gathering in of the tons
� . . ' this p( - YOuni and was united in marriage- to her be- both which.are annually wasted for lack of
, )Iicy of restriction is that the rail unfortunately for lbee-keepers I �
i . I The McKinley Bill. ways are! employed at a ruinous expense If Sir John Macdonald were to assess from the great wheat section of La Blange ref t partner about 30 years ago. Mrs. .
'I, � I, I iles eas the ability -of Kelly and young Holmes state that the crop is rotting. The : signally failed to evolve the bee. One gatherers, and to the province will ' be
.111, . - t
1. . 'perain had been troubled - for the past -at sums which �
i It Canadians have com- - in hauling goods thoueands of In 11) plan -adjusted conserved some of the va
'i � I - A good many I -and Sir John is quite an expert at Siz- ' -estimated at 500,000 francs. 1, : was to set a perforated tin.,
I I J . ,and west through Canada, the course - . heeky Toronto losses are - The three.or four months with dropsy and with set -screws, over a surface of honey are annually travelling south for the im- -11
�.. menced to cherish the hope that the 6 - Ing up m A CONSIDERABLE WASHOUT. _
11 of commerce north an eing �
� ", d south heart trouble but the end was not
11 . � feather -weight would prove to be no- washout on the Colorado Central Rail- and gradually lengthen the distance be- portation of foreign s . ugars.
. I - ; McKinley Bill, in which they are so stopped. -If the Government would Id Ruron thought to be so near. She enjoyed -the the tin and honey. The other I BOX-Byx.
: � here in com n with the o way is the most disastrous that has oc- tween .
I . Pend less money on railways and allow w esteem of all who knew her. 11111111111111111
: - 11 e road was built. The was to graft thq time-dishon - -
� - "I deeply interested, and of, which we 11 - pioneer. Hoplmareis"'O head will have to curred since th _ - ored long �
I .. some time ago, will trade to find its natural channels, Can& During the thunder shower last) of a .
f, . � ... heard so much - Pay swell even more than it has already Ion is" estimated at $250,000. The tongue of a woman to the tongue Grand*Bend.
; a I I e hope is based, dians would have fewer taxes to week, liglinting struck the eave-trough )r the
i me law. Th done, before Kelly's hat will fit him." rs a queen bee. Certain it is, one c
i never bego amount of track washed out cove A Vis .
. . and -more money to pay them. � I on Mr. W. E. Watt'a residence iToRls OpiNioff.-Before com.
� -
17 I V, I been . other plan succeeded well with the Yan- .
11 t � _! first, on the fact that the Bill has - . — ��_� , distance of twenty miles. The iron in Gorrie, The -electric fluid- pass- Ing here I used to wonder how the name
--- .
. - I . -third of the total seats in brid at the forks of the creek hoks keels tongue. I -
I 11, �. ' ALMOST one , ge )ipe into thA cis- Grand Bend originated but it is a very
4 ,"' � .1 e. so long before the Washington What is the Matter with the 0 ed do*n the I he . -
V ... I . "I are. attacked in undle of wire it bas been so Basswood blossoms open about t .
i % I I because . . the Ontario Legislature like a b .9 tern splintering in i . to passage the wood appropriate one. The river Aux Sable
_ C Legislative Bodies? and second, N. P. tangled up. 25th of July, i�nd some years yield honey , northwesterly direction till
1 T I � - ' 26 en boxing at the end of the pipe, wo flows -in a
! 11 1 Li I * LL of the strong stand recently taken by In order to Show that Britain is a the courts. Up to � Monday. night, KAN IHIEF CONVICTED. -Cath- .T bountifully. Clover - and basswood
4 - AN OOF r ,
,, - -1 I.. I . , of Mr. Watts'children we le within a it comes within half -&-mile from the
5, �, . . -
I I inst members I
�. ,�",L . 1. I ___ - other prominent better market for Canadian farm pro protests had been filed aga erine Wood, a notorious Atlantic Steam- w feet of the cistern at the time and honey are light in color and of mild lake and then turns- away to the south -
.p_ , �, -, �� Secretary Blain and 0111 0
- �
, -
--f' . � L�� Seats held by Conservatives er sharp, was convicted in. Liverpool fe with flavor. Buckwheat h ey is dark and
I � 11 I Politicianq against certain portions Of ducts than the United States, the To- returned. . were severely shocked but escaped west and flows 12 miles before entering .�
::: L� A �� - be- strong flavored, and is much relished by
�� . I, I
i". �i -1 I e attacked to the 'number- of fifteen. Friday of stealing, a diamond ring the lake at Port Frank. The village is I
; A I i
- t I favor; of free trade -days ago,published ar ard
�,, �, � the Bill and in - ronto Empire, a few . are longing to Mrs. Van Houton on bo .nothing more serious than a bad fright le, especially when in the comb.
� -
.... - I The remaining eleven protests ' e Ing situated just at the Bend, literally a
. 4 - . and a weakness of vision and h ari
Is. -I I , Be hopes a table prepared by the' Canadian de - 40enerally speaking, it is scarce in On-
' . I . I We believe, however, that the -3 -s, the steamer Eturia. This woman has - iver flow -
I I . I again t the return of Liberal M. P. P Grand Bend. The part of the r
4 -4 , I The Yankee partment of Agriculture giving , - crossed the Atlantic twenty-five I
, 7 , .. I . the 11 times, for seve i ral hours afterwards. tario. Spring honey'is gathered from ing north and that flowing south run
jT � are entirely illusory. but in Prince Edward county t' e peti .
. . , . I , $1,000 of t Ing -money, Jewelery and other
!,-..- 11 i I � �� grinds mighty slow, amounts of these products imported by tioners did not put up the 8 eal ar- -During the heavy thunder storm of illow, soft maple9 dandelion ;and fruit
t-, Thursday night of last week, Thos. w almost parallel for eight or ten miles, at
I i 1 i; ;, 'i . political mill usuall:� ark and strong
- I 7; -. R t security for costs, and the number of ticles of value at every opportunity. bloom. it, too, is d
,. , �; ced
_9 � q � ly sure. There the mother country during *the pas Huston's barn, on lot 4, concession 3, least, so I am told. The village at first
qi� r , . . - . '
� I
- - I -
,. ��Llll but it is pretty tolerab � . I Liberal seats attacked is thus reduced to Sentence deferred. flavored. It is seldom, if ever, pla
.. . - ,� ther-
I l,
, �; I �
�1 , j� " I �_ I"- , ( - is little doubt but this Bill will, in clue year and the percentages suppliad by ten. The members petitioned against — - township of Stephen, was Struck by .Pon the market, the bees rarely ga :ight.appears a very forsaken plate, con-
�,,T,., ,,, , � pf - lightning and burnt down. Luckily it � isting of about IS houses all told, near -
" V ,�'. '. I .
�1 - .1 , ?, Ing 8, Eurplus.
.!.i -- � L I se, find its place oa the American Canad� and the United States. The were returned, as follows : es- ly all frame structures, out
" � - � .....;I I cour Huron Notes. _y a ,very few.
,,L , . COME HONEY. . I
. r 1,�:it 11 �
F,e� 4,1 � - very nine Ith
�� �: - - 1;
� -4 - ��* . is, * h hiberal. Conservative. was empty at the time. The lose is. .
it, �. J come in contact wi
. t �� I - - V Statute Book. Mr. Wyman, who States . , of course, supplies a -1
, _
;�L,�'-,U' 1-� X,-+�, ,f Norfolk, S. . Essex, N. The fall show of the Howick Branch timated at about $600, mostly covered Few school -boys have outlived th C
�i� . - 1�- -
- . L
1! , k hese products than I a -painter's brush. There are two
i ii, t larger proportion of t ce. It was
1�' - ' '-4- ".
� I undoubtedly, a well informed and. mos York, W. Renfrew, N. Agricultural Society will be held at by insuran due to the almost blithesome days without ot corps of them
'. t f ---,. - - ��v" - R the neighbors churches, Methodist and Presbyteriau -.
'. � � j-'.?, -, we do. On the strength of these figures ' I Fordwich on Saturday, October -3rd. superhuman efforts- of laying siege to the nest of the humble- - " -
, �: - - - I
:� _�j � L 1� 14� �,
- L
.1� 11� L . J_L:i�. fl reliable authority on such matters and . - Middlesex, W. Frontenat. -At the last meeting of the Clinton who had assembled, that an adjoining a school house, one hotel, two storeg, a
, I . - Lincoln. bee; and what a shout of joy went up
1! _�;;-
. - J]11 .t ,`!. o has taken the deepest interest in our contemporary urges upon Canadians, Wentworth, S.
. A �, ; wh - - .� Public Schoo4. oard, the salary of Mr. barn only about twelve feet distant was when out rolled the coveted prize! By blacksmith shop, tin shop, taillor shop
_'i . L�iil.,!� - Perth, N. H
: , 4 - amilton. c
,�,J - I - !141� � ' '
��, - i0i .. 1 711i er questions affecting Can- the deeirabilit of cultivating the Brit Lough, Prin ipal of the school was saved. A barn on the farm of Mr. John and Cooper shop, and of course a poat
. 111i 'l, this and otb y he way, it has been said that the crop -
I A I 1 �Z * Grey, N. Middlesex, E. . t
Ir i z, in &-letter published a few days ago ish markets in order that we may sup- . raised from $750 to $800. Hawkshaw, about a milo south of Exe- office, kept in one of the stores, with
t i; - i, �, I i � � ads, I . . f clover -seed depended upori the num,
� Essex, S. Durham - E. 0
.1� I . . 1. 9 ded at the same. time mail three times a week by ata e f ro m
It 11 - !� �,v � � -The Howick Council have deci ter, was also struck r of cats in the neighborhood. Cats I
; -, .. ,1i;414 -!i l' 1 . ly a larger proportion of US require" Prince Edward. Welland. . be ' g
:.; r:P � says: P _ vi I -
,�� : i. 50 to Parkhill, 14 miles distant. The age
;W= � INF �1� �_,_. 4 - t -
li F," , 11 � .1 i. i�i 41The xiety which seems to exist in ments, and -argues that because the 'Ontario, S. Kent, W. o grant the sum of ,$ ightly damaged but not set on kill field -mice ; the mice destroy humble
1-141. - � an t is ab,)ut half -a-mile from the lake, but
- � I �, , f -I'.. � on the Howick and Min o. boundary, fire.
,! � I i� t
: I � " -anley, ar-
_ �� 'r m Minto each '
I;- i 1 . � t regard to the McKinley Bruce, N. . bee's nests ; and bumble -bees fertilize
"A 11 - � I Canade. with t Algo a, W. roviding Clifford and -Mr. JohnDancan, ,of St
;, I �9 I �. � 11. United States is a competitor with Can. re w, N. Kingston, P the r ,ad consists of nothing but sand,
; m Certain it is that
�t� i qi, �� Bill is manifested daily by the numerous ada in the Britieh markets, that there- Renf I home on Friday of last week from red clover blossoms. whio makes it, very tiresome walking, I
. 1. i- , ; I - ,v_- grant an equal sum. rived - r, I
- '
- 3A � -, �' -,,,, -, ,. - . nent Canadians are receiv- � . Elgin- E. Australians could not grow clover -seed I
j,-,-� P I
�Jr� � Lim forty- 'I-
�';, ' � �' � letters promi - "I ; - acre farm belonging to the the Old Country, having with b The i'inery, as the land between the vi
J_ . !�'. _�
� �, , `� , :�L _ " - -The 100
- _ 1,� U �
I - -I � �' ited States does not affor ' a . till after the bumble -bee was imported.
21 . _ �L " g I
1 , . , , 1 , -&,-�t I ing from the Dominion. It is impossible . fore the Uu ' Muskoka. estate of George Tate, concession 17, five Shropshire Sheep, from the very lage v nd shore is called, is at present
z- i, � pf�.� .1 - Algoma, E. But the comb -honey of the tame bee,
I i 1:- for me for instance, - to keep up with market for us and that consequently I -
1-1 _, I 1. Grey, has been purchased by Thomas best herds that could be secured. Mr. &live ,.irith a number of camping parties.
� i:, -,51t ,_t: my correspondence by special letters in Hastings, E. with its golden crystal drops of sweet- -
,,�F_ � I F . mercial reciprocity would no . t be ad- a S . Ther e are more than twenty -tents. Most �
?;! ,�, �, " ach case. Therefore I now take the com . After last election only seven seats, all McFadzean, a near neighbor. The price Dune n i thoroughly posted in this ness and its bright immaculate finish,
1 j-. � - �, � ti,i-, e I of the Cain
E_ !,!_ - vantageous to us. This, of course is a paid was $3,640. branchof stoak-raising, and the large pers are from Parkhill and a
�'_yj'�'. : -through your kind- Id, were contested. has been royal food to all people from
�` I , 1 � , - I liberty of answering -0 to Mr. John Menzieso number that he has handled showo that - is sometimes few from Exeter. They have leftthe
;7_4AI-P - far fetched argument, and is just -A little Son of tiquity. It
I �
1, __ I �:. 4- ly columns the question as to the pre- very remotest an,
- - Wawanosh, had the misfortune to fall he knovy s how to handle them to the beiac heat and dust of the town to enjoy the
��_ ,.I i staitus of the -McKinley Bill and its such as we would'expect a restrictionist of . said that comb -honey is not so whole-
. ii , I sent WE see it stated that Mr. Thomas . fresh breezes of Lake Huron, anj report
- I . likelihood Qf becoming law. Your read- out of a cherry tree and break both his advantage. 'He also brought with him some so extracted because the wax is �
ers will recall the fact that the Bill has organ to use. It is plausible enough ' Ballantyne, M. P. P., for South Perth, arms above the wrist. He was placed a very fine two-year-old stallion for Mr. indigestible. But, do we not use with, themselves as much invi,gorated thereby.
- under In " er well-known We drove down to the shore last W � - .
- I I I passed the House of Representatived, but as a lately deceased statesman is likely to be the Speaker of the new adical care and is doing nicely. James McFarlane, anoth advantage graham bread, figs, vege-, nesday. 1he road, such as it is,
- and that it has gone through the Fin- would say, -1 there ain't nothing in it." -Fred Webster, of Wroxeter, was stock raiser. 'Mr. McFarlane saw this tables, etc., which by their indigestible 41
&nee Committee, to whom it was refer- The facts are against it, for the facts Legislature. We hope such is the case. arrested in Wingham recently, charged animal when it was. a colt and tried to materials mechanically produce a lax&- right down to the Walter, and we drdye
. red by the Senate, and is now before the Mr. Ballantyne is one of the oldest as with having over driven his horse. He purchase it, but the owner was unwill- tive effect and indirectly favor diges- along the beach for some distance the
. .
latter body for adoption. There have show that of these very same products well as one of the ablest and most popu- was fined $1 and costs, amounting in all Ing to part with it. Mr. Duncan says tion ? A clos I e examination of honey- Polly seeming to enjoy the cool water
,. . a in jail. Served him he had a very pleasaut trip throughout.
. -
,I been. numerous changes made in it, but we send more to the United Statesevery lar members of the Legislature, and is to $5.60, or 30 day . . comb reveals its marvelous structure, .. for her feet, while to us the breeze from
� ul- . . right. -A rather amusing but perhaps ter- ing the greatest economy of space the lake was refreshing. We couldm,,e
� nothing to affect Canada, the'agric year than we do to Great Britain, al- minently qualified to peiform the im- con- ,at show the seine nets out a little distance, but
- . . I e � -Mr, J. A. Wilson, of the 14th ribly reilized incident happened
- . .
ft 3 � tural schedule being almost the same as though in sending to the former we have ortant duties of this position with cession of Howick, has won the .second Bayfield , on Tuesday evening of laat and ,vax. T.he cell is hexagonal, and unfortunately it is very difficult to -pro. �_
$ when it left the House� of Represents- P its base having three surfaces to its
; heavy duty, whereas to the lat- cure any fish here. ,The Americans have
I Blaine and to Pay a dit to himself and justice to all con- place in his second year examination at week. -A boat -load of visitors went out .
it �, tives. It is true that A ere pyramidal form one cell is
. Z
11 � i .- -y Medical "Pollege: for a row on the lake in the moonlight. - oppo monopolized -all this part -of the lake for
� . I �-&sire some cess. If it did not the Toronto Universi " parts of three others. The cell wall'i i's
:....LL � I ; . - possibly the President . - ter we have free ac d. He has, also, in many ways _L
I E cerne and has succeeded in carrying off a After getting out Some distance they fishing purposes, paying for the privil
.. 1; r # IV .
. ,�V n originally about 1 -180th of an inch in L.
�I. endment looking to reciprocity i pay us to do .this it is not likely we �
I %Z I am
I I . ege,
1, 1-1 � done yeoman service for his Province, second scholarship -,f $30. rested on, their oars and allowed the d of scales of wax
� I hange for free sugar and Wool, but - diameter, and is forme
_" 7 exe -
I 1, i L would continue an unprofitable practice, -Mr. George Pope, of Hullett, has a boat to d rift. When it became time season I suppose. It seems too bad to
I A, i (I to the Bill I " and is well deserving of any honors the I . I bich are - secreted by the bee, and
�11V ! f neithet of them is oppose . . - W .
�7 1
L --'i :1 r - And if the States market were free and horse th&t has seen 24 year service and to return w the harbour they, imagin be so near an abundant supply of fish
. . . With th � I "' probably, only when required. It is'esti-
I!- t,�'Ii I is'4exception the House and the I Legislature can bestow upon him. We I - �
�i '? � i . in�
,�- . ; - whole Republi- . still0seems good for many years to come. ing they had been drifting south and not be able to get anyi Mr.
�',, _i, - � i Senate, and indeed the open to our products it stands to reason -and-bye of - mated that bees will C-Onsume 20 lbs. of .
� '. - hope to have the pleasure by ed vigorously for the
� It has sound teeth yet, is as lively .as a stead of north, row Carriere is the Presbyterian min -
't -1 .
.: i A ��!,;, 4 � loan party, are pledged to the passage of 'n more than we honey to secrete I lb. bf wax, This is . .
'', .. . n ister at the Bend. He is a very
I -1, A ; ". ain that we would use it evi'e. congratulating our neighbors of South three-year-old, and can outwork horses north pole,whicb. was every mi ute tak- -
I _'�_ I ' - y
I _'I I . on
�Z, e reason,wh comb -honey is more ex- �
Z - amended tariff,and it is almost cert i
11 , � an
I ,Z .
� -
-_,i L -
�� �,� �, I- . __ Q = Ing t
� �.- , "
� C I . �1. that after a conference between the Sen-. do. Itis rigbt and pr'per, and will be Perth on the honor of having the younger than itself. . hem from home. They then steered -racted. enial man and very intelligent. _"
i :_ 41 a) pensive than ex, 9 '
, `77i I -j , W
I � I I,,,, !.,--Z; I
� lt,�: �. " ir .
Z , ".
. �, , ,� , fl, 'r ill will -become to our advantage to send all we oan . Mr. James T nmiQW, of Bluevale, south and after rowing till the wee sm He is very earnest and devoted in his '
. k � , 1 . . 9,te and the Rouse the B � I . S L a - - hours lauded on the beaqh, and gaining COMPOSITION.
�_ peaker of the Ontario 'Legislature a
, - ;� 4� 1� '' , who hao been on a trip t6zMa-nitoba, re work and seems to be much liked by hill
. i:7 � -V- - J, , - send profitably to the British market, Honey is a mixture of several kinds
) ;�'. 9_b.' ultl' law. I think it would be unsafe to rely
� I �",� L 4j� �'r " - I their representative. turned home last week much improved. the road walked to their place'of rest. I people, both French and English. About
; , 1.4 -Y �
4 `� !��n 1�,� anadian pro- . of sugar, i. e., cane sugar grape sugar,
, , I ; on the admission of C and the more the better. But IiE�v- 0
,?' � - C, , _. up �
-��...`�:!j�, - I orning of last week
f1'� _ ,� , L
" - ;
N - g 4 - 1-P, ducts at present rates of duty into the . . I r ., He says the crops are looking well and -On Thursday in e and taevalose or inverted sugar, water, three or four years ago a new station
� i ", �� "', I -3 Ing a market there, is , no reason* wis began at Corbett, half way between
1 , � -, -- 4 I THE Lo Advertiser remarks : everything in the West is in a flourish- an important event took place at th
' 1,
ri ��V �, - � -, �,i 1, United states after the -lot of September. � "ON . - . I wax, pollen from flowers, coloring &L nd Lkhil
, _M lA . Watson, Gode-
_7 �P. _- ;, _'i,
� W ing condition. residence of Mr. James here andlPar .1, where Mr. Carriere
I . �'. *Z- ,�Lj "'t . strongly of the that we ;hould not desirel to improve- A Conservative contemporary says the - odorons matters, etc., which latter are
�71 �,:_ �
��n. �- � ; - At the samp time I am - --A team belonging to Neil McDon- rich, it -being the ni,criage of his' third ches every Sabbath morning, and
N- .. .1_ - �� � rr; � I � - I .
�4� 1 .
" �"�- " - �� �,,-��, R: prob4bfy volatile, and hgnce,. will escape prea
, _ . ' � I 8,
I 'I, ��, � _�L ipf daughter, Mary,to NI , where there is now a neat brick church
� � opinion th�t in order to show the people our markets elsewhere'. If we have an Liberals do not like to see a good bar- ald, of the 9th concession of Morri r. _�Fohn ,1itraie6n
�1.�f .21� . 11 t � _V_ of Cana4a that there i no .
�m 1, m retaliation or if ,,nduly heated when lignifying. I
;.,;:J� ., 11. ., �- - .
, open and a profitable market for our pro - f th Graud
�'-!` % ,. R, t, I - i vest because it will benefit the farmers. while mowing hay came, in contact witb the popular ticket agent u 0 X . nearly out of debt. At Grand Ben4
� , 'X��i;! I .- USES. ,
,,:, � - , � �, . I ited States and That is a statement as Billy as it is im- from which they took Tru k Railway a I Go. lerich. Alarge Lium-
. ".., k.; h, '1% . �,�, I policy of pressure involved in this tariff, n tN . Sabbath School is held at 1.30 p. m.1
tl�ll - �,, _-�_ I or the Hitt ducts in both the Un a bee's nest, As a food honey developes vital force .
_ , ,� . , - J
R I � '. - � � either the Butterworth Bill , . � .
A . I - ;,Fiv udent. The Liberals rejoice ih good fright and ran away, breaking the berof friends of t1m bri(fe and groo in Wit- - the English service immediately after,,- �
� �� resol
" ,; if not simul- Great Britain, surely we would. be bet- P
. :: 1 1� t _� '1� ation is likely to pass, and energy. Let me in this connec-
�,.;: I , � � I -
" 4 , , �; - � .-rt i harvests. What they desire is to see the mower. nessed the ceremoriy,wliich wit.sp:trforni tion quote some pointed remarks from which is.followed, with only a few miu�-
, 1_,� ; k I �!� 1'4; ��_ taneously with the uew tariff Bill cer- y one. Because we -
I - . -
- ,
F_ _1%';'1 , ,�4 - ter off thiCb:with onl ot the -Mr. John Rogers, of Wingham, met ed by Rev. Dr ,�, 1). D., pai5tor of utes intermissil a service in French. .
, -
1,� .-� - tl -� - . I farmer and' every other, citizen g, - U, '
I LL;,� �� - -
- _ 11-11 .
" � tainly immediately after it. The Con- an Am -
- 4., �'�' �', t, I e ricim writer : " It is & common thy L
� 1 7 - , -1 Z i.. _, - _.; k. use and improve the British market, full benefit of a good harvest and every with a painful accident at the Union Knox church. Atter the cereniony al e
- , � .", ,
I , � I , e -4th of . . - This is to enable people to .get home
i i . - '� 1,',�-, --..��,t."��x gress does not expire till th I expre"ion that honey is a luxury, h&v- i L
- . - t R - that is'no reason why we should refuse other blessing, not a select few, as is de- furniture factory in that town on Friday partook of a sumptuous wedding break- ' in time for the r evening chores about .
�;�'! - �., , 51� �' C March, 1891, and ihose who watch nar I ing nothing to do with the life-giViLng
i: � -1 � �;_ eed by the policy of high- taxation. . I
�'�, - ..- f,- influence at work are or .of last week. ]E[t wafi assisting to re- fast. T�e prersents to the bride were the farm, milking cows. &c. Mr. Car, .
L' , ' I
I 'L
I ,��_, - ; - ._� r, rowly the existing to deal with the United States when the - principle. This is an error -honey' is .
,�. I - - � I , . I � . .
.1, , i� U I
I �1�-�-- i .
� I �11 1 � :+N_ sanguine that either one or other of these . move some furniture when a heavy din- numerous and usef ul, a d testifled to e's earnest work for the people hero-
' of people of that country want - our pro- . , food in one of its most concentrated Per I
' T i � I
, 4 - - � ! I
Z i � I the esteem in which she was held by a
- L: - gi. """. 't., - ing-table fell on' big eft foot badly is bearing good fruit. They Seem to
F �z J: �,`, g to
�._; _�;Fl� F l'. - � measures will pass. The whole trend ducts and are willin pay for them, News of the Week crushing the first to riends. The happy forms. 'True, it does not add so much take a good deal of interest in religious -
� _� , t" kk � e. I large circle of f
)1; � � 1:.��t,` 1,,� � Mli the liberal section of the Republican . I SALmoN FAILuP.E.-A telegram from to the growthlof the muscles as does beef. 1
,, �� train to I
I I � � ��i, �j � -1! e is in f avor The more markets we have �the better -Mr. Wm. Farquhar, of the 8th con- couple left by the 1:55 0. in. steak, but it does impart other proper- work. There is a Bible, Class in -con- 7
�__ � -1. . �1. I �? � . party, headed by Mr. Blain , _ - Ben Young, thesalmon king of Ladners, . � ; .
f.�'.�_ - -! �! I ", I ; - - Spend the honeymoon in Toronto, Buffalo, uection with the Sabbath School taught ? � I
-� Z_'�t � , , cession of Hullett, who has been in Da m
01, ,, - .. . � L,- I,,- i - , cpf reciprocity, and the demands of New Our restrictionist contemporary, how- British Columbia, states that'the'-Fraser ties no less necessary to health and I
�� " �, :;�,.:. - A , . � - kots for some time, has returned home. Rochester and other points East. . I- good ,
- �_ J - . � I , England in this respect canxiot be ignor-, k is almost & failure. ' vigorous physical and intellectual by one 'of the elders, and tb ere IS -
d I , i
;1l � _- " �, ever, wants to shut up the farmers of river Pat puntry, -What might have proved a fatal I
, � 1 �- -:. , I
I � , ,�!-, 1.1
- � ,'� 11 - ed with safety to the- party now in STRIKING BAKERS. -F if teen hundred He Speaks very highly of the c action. It gives'warmth to the system, attendance at Sabbath School at; well as I
�,;- i.!� 1. �. �, � 7 '_ Canada to one market for fear that if and we think the climate h&B'agreed accident happened in Henfryn, Tuesda at the services. The ladies have this
-i.- ,:�.i� t-;" ., . y -
1: ,V: � i�i . a .
'1'_�! � � , power." . journeymen bakers of Chicago have rouses nervous energy, and gives vigor
t .
ii, .,�_� :� .- -the-other is opened 'and used the f arm- I year
-1 �. � � !�� . . with him, for he is looking. h�le and morning' of last week. Mr. and Mrs.
� �
_1 li:� . .. ;, 4 ,, it is a good thing that there - - struck for two -hours less work on i to all the vital functions. To the labor- bought an organ ,for the church; I
A . hearty. Adam Turnbull, of the 10th con-.ession . . - I
- . I- I . ers will be tempted to buy where they Saturdays. . - * er it given strength ; to the business pat in a new pulpit and otherwise im- . -
I �' J a cloud so I I -
L', - j.: �� 11 t ,rf . 4I is seldom or never I -The Harriston Tribune sa�s:-It of Grey, were going into the village on -
I I i_� � : �:�. I , . �
� : ,,-:-- - REVENUE ROBBBRY.-Elevea thoua- nan, mental force. Its effects are not proved the church. Besides this the -
, . , __ � Sell, and its patrons' the manufacturers, I - , I
�_ . � 1", _., dark that it does not ha:v,e on it a 9 was estimated that over three thousand their way to Listowel just as the morn
, I I I -7i and dollars worth of stamps have been � like ordinary stimulants, such as spir contributions for the schemes of the -
t: I I -: �
t., I I I.. I wiil be shorn - of some of their profits. ice). people, from Howick and her villages, ing freight was passing. The horse be. ,its, . I
i� , , �, . I �
� -; f - -; e, church ar i So you see there
1 � , ere. We hop e increasing. q
"t � � il 1. ii - bright spot somewh stolen'f rom the revenue office in Mex l but it produce!3 a healthy action, .
� , - . �
� : . � uly celebration came frightened and Mr. Turab -
. - ,
1 .4 . 1;�V
, I , , f But, why should there be a Canadian tended the twelfth of J lull- turn-
, - I - I are evidences of rtie amongst the People.
� . � ,� ii I therefore, that the latter pr,rtion o CATTLE PLAGUE. -The Siberian cat- at it the results of which are pleasing and �
. - !t . ice Of in Harriston, and there jvst let us re- ed the horse into the commons till �
I z ; i� V� .
� � . �V a,: - I. surplus to dispose of at all ? What has tle p6gue is ravaging the Provir sweet disposition and a W �
� -1 �! .,-, P m Mr. Wyman's, statement is as lik mark, that it Would be hard to find a passed. When he was getting into the permanent -a . . I
! . br' ht intellect." - . I
- h�,� �,- �� ,I i �, become. of the N. P.9 Did not our con. Riazan, in Russia. - �
. � I 1, a the former. If it is, it like number from any municipality, as buggy again the horse started, his foot � I I
"it 1� - � � - realization a THE ExPELLED MISSIONARY. - Mr. Tor be practical, let me give you ex- Wingham. . .
I 1-
- ,,, 1. ;, . . I
; . - . �_ .I � I temporary and others of that ilk promise
r- -1 I e
� 1� I . , 1, on intelligent and prosperous looking as caught in the wheel, and he was thrown
: - , % L i� will certainly form the bright spot I Baker the Wesleyan missionary, who amples of a few of. its many applica-, ABOUT TowN.-Mr. Bickel, son -in- . �
. I
I �. - ��.' , I'll the Canadian farmers that if they would OM Tonga by the na ives, tions : law of Mr. Walter Rutherford on the
, :,� - - j"� � :q 1i commercial cloud which the passage Was expelled frc t these Howick farmers. over it and stunned. The horse at lib.
�, � � - t ,, 'i � the nurse and nurture the N. P. that they has arrived at Auckland, New Zealand. -Mr. Edward Campaign, of Gode- erty started for home, throwing -Mrs. For Co!ds,--Balsain, Of tolu two ,boundary, has rented his place to Chas. �
. � ", '. �!
- - . :, 11
,. - 4: � -, f .-
t' - * � " I . of the McKinley bill would cause to rich, met with a serious accident on the Turnbull out and injuring her shoulder.
- 11 1 - �
i,�� �
� I-"-. � � . JACK -THE - RIPPIR. -It is tablespoonfuls ; honey, two tab ' Reading and has left for the Old Coun'
� -
F �,'� . I i - _. would not have any surplus to die lose SUrrOSED lespoon- . -
I , ; ,._ I pass over Canada. - The Butterworth P Square in -that town the other day, by Mr. Turnbull's foot was hurt. He also
, !!_, - �. I
. - � 1� � . �
" �,.�: , � - �! rumored in London that Jack -the -Rip- fuls ; rectified spirits, one cupful. try on account of poor health. -A Very -
I,,,, - I I I ., of, but that their products would be all being thrown from his bicycle. He was appeared to be hurt internally. Mr. R.
A: � .
[�,_, � I -V t bill and the Hitt resolutions both . erhas been arrested on information Take a dessert- spoonful every four serious storm passed over this place last ,
1�: - --f '. -,- � �� . consumed P ' making faettime when something went McDonald started on horseback after -
j �. ",�t � IT I �:�, �A They . at home. Well, the farmers supplied by his sister, and that it turns hours. Friday afternoon. The lightning and
11- 'A . . amount to about the same thing. . wrong and caused the wheel to cease the runawa horse but it had been
I ,*,- .1 , . . - I .
, ., I . y
t - �t :i �� I . have been faithfully nursing the N. P. out he in an insane medical student. Honey, $ parts ; vinegar, 6 parts ; thunder were terrible, A ball of light-
, !;, ; 1� both, practically. offer to Canada com revolving, the consequence was a stopped by Mr. George Spearin about a
� ?!_� �f , � .1 I
p ,� 1� . ,,- I 1, .
� -,In 1 't , i -, for the asking. If, for a dozen years until it has attained - VALU"LE E2TAT.E. -W. K. Vander- 11 4 header." Mr. Campaign's nose was mile away. Only one of the wheels water,lpart. Take a teaspoonful every ningwen,t into the Union Furniture
9' �,_,� , . ; � . -1 Inertial reci-procity� . I . bilt has offered Governor Spragye, of 'three hours. ' Factory on a wire and ran right through
'... � , " , _i� V � i� McKinley bill were its full growth, and --still- there is a Rhode Island, $400,000 for his countr broken, end his face badly bruised by was beat out. It is to be hoped that Honey,one or two teaspoonfuls dis- the large pla ner and 8tunnedone of the
f_� � " ;� I- -, therefore, the � y .
I - . _1 I , I I ,. the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull's injuries are
" ; I a mag- -
I ; t, I . .
- �
� -
I- - .1 ., � ,4 allowed by either of these lat- larger surplus than ever to export. There estate, Canonchet. He wi I erect . solved in a glass of hot lemonade. Take men and scared others. It also set fire'
� I - I 4 ,1,1*1 passed, f . On Tuesday,'15th inst., the remi- not serious. ,
- * .
r - t- . . I I ter, it would be the first -long step to. must, surely, be something wrong some- nificent,hotel there if he buys the prop- - four times a day. to the building, but the fire was ex-
" � , . dence of Mr. George Peacock, lot con- -
. I . � , * f- . , . - For Thrush, or infants' . sore mouth, tinguished before any damage was done.
�� erty. - .
� � : , . u3tome wall where. Will our contemporary or some - 1,000 cession of Morris, was the scene of -John Mortimer, fifteen years old,
I - wards the removal -of the c GONE up IN FLAMES. -Nearly Db It which is caused by a parasitic fungus : The fluid also entered the Nank- of Ram -
I � P I
� _�. , � I - . eativities. The occasion was . the ran away from his employer, Jici .
� I of its friends point out.the Spot. great f
TV . 4 I . whichlias been reared between the two . tons of binder twine was burned in Min- .- Honey, two tablespoonfuls ; powdered ilton building, but did no serious -injury.
� � , ,) , , i - - . This will put marriage of his eldest daughter, Isabella Olmstead, of Ancaster, a few days ago, � . '
, � S 11. � 2 ... 1� - I borax, one teaspoonful ; "Grey Tobe " a is
; - h I .� - ith the McKinley bill in . neapolin on the 16th ult. chlorate of - rrived-- home -at h*
f� , � 1, `� ..' . I- � countries. W -
4 1 1 � .11 to Mr. John L' Patterson, of Virden, and said he did so because he was over
,� i I .. f Canadian -Cattle in England. up the price somewhat in Minnesota. potash, half a teaspoonful. Dry the stables here after winning races about
-;. I- �_ 4j no Canadian Government 0 Manitoba. A large number of friends worked. The case came before the
;� �. , - 11 operation, Ev-ICTION OF AN OLD TENANT -The child's mouth and apply a Small por- Port Hope and other places. Wingham
: Z � , I '
� , _� - I e boy
, .- I T �.
� - would darerefuse an offer from the ,,,,Mr. G. F. Frankland, the well known and relatives were present and a grand Hamilton magistrate, when th
. � , �. . .
i � ? L 11� I recent forcible eviction of Mr. Cameron tion; holds some fast horse$ at present. -
4 - 1. Attle dealer and exporter, writes from from the farm of Glaicmore, Ross-shi . I complained of doing too much work. -For Constipation, use honey freely. Brussels and
. _. � � : � 1 c time spent.
� �, � � I- I- 1� United States to negotiate for a reciproc- re, Wingharn lacrosse clubs
, " - ng hay Mr. Olmstead denied working him too
I . I ; � �', Y! a y his family .
� _� . - � Edinburgh, on Jul I-th, as follows : which had been occupieil b -The other day. while unloadi
- .- I .� 4 e I
� - � ; [ L, ity trea,ty. If they did they would be . ith a. hay fork, Mr. Alexand r Welsh, hard. The lad was taken from the -_ In Denmark and Hanover, chloroelis, played here last Thursday. Wingbam __
. . - f '
I t� : � 1 7 swept from short order. Pooket To -day in Ediub rgh I saw a pen of for 200 years, caused great excitement w
� "'i 9 asylum and bound by indenture an impoverished condition of the blood, came out ahead by two goals to I.-
� , i� of Goderich township, met with a pain- orphani
� I�L � " ,� I o � . Canadian steers that a farmer from in -the Black Isle. . I NS. ful accident. After a load 'had been to Mr. Olmstead, who was to pay -him is treated by sending the pale . girls of Alex. Dawson has CoMpleted a fine'bank - -
It ; . � I 'i
� ii: � 3-1 stranger influence than th� cities to the country to take exercise stable on his McKay property. -Friday,
-1 . . -1 has even a Ross -shire bought in Glasgow last No. SuMMER SNOW OINT THF, GRAMPIA '
� , . . - . �_ of lifted up by the L fork it failed to work $5 a year, board and clothe him. The
I � � L party, and let our farmers have to lose vember.. for :614 15s'. each, sold by the -The whole of the Grampian sange " and eat honey. the 25th, was Decoration Day here, and - -
j 1 _1 � � properly, and in trying to adjust it the case resulted irl the indentures being
. 1 !4 a & �'ons for ;E25 each. hills in Scotland was on the morning Of , mix honeW with the different societies marched to the
: jq � twenty dollars on every h6tse they'ihave firm of John Swa . - fork dropped, and struck Mr. Welsh on cancelled. When the parties got out-
� I � ,;r n every bushel of The Scotch farmer 'simply set to work the 8th July almost as white as at mid the chin. One tooth was knocked out side the o,ourt the boy offered to return flour and apply. � cemetery to place flowers on, the graves
" . ,
11 � I . to sell ;, twenty cents 0 in a Sensible 'manner', and did the wo, - rk winter, there -having been a consider- Honey is more wholesome and eco. of the dear departed ones -James A. I
L ,
; I and a deep gash cut in his face. It was to Mr. Olmstead for $4 a month, but I - .
:41 �, - ring the night on .
� � � . 11 barley ; five cents on every dozen of the Canadian farmer neglected to do, able fall of snow du . a wonder his jaw was not broken. the farmer offered him $5, and the boy nomical as a substitute for sugar in pre- Cline is �ble to be out again. He has .
- . . - d f! - hills. ,
� I � through the list, and viz.- finished an attened the animals, the higher serving fruits, It has twice the sweet- had a hard tack of it, but be is look"Irl -
: I . eggs, and so on went cheerfully along.
I . - -
I I 1. ny restrictionists aiid'reaped the profit. This plain truth, POV-11CRTY IN PARIS. Never before -On Monday of last week Mr. Doug- power of sugar, i. e., half a pound well. -The new marketbuilding is g T_
. � i I there would not be ma I trust, will teach a lessan to the f arm- has Paris been the scene of So much las McTavish, of Stanley, delivered to -Mrs. George Rymal, an Ancaster ening
. . . '
__ �� -------- �!T!TT��. ����� �_�l ��
!nT!!����� �.����f �_ �_������ I
__ ' ting along nicely, and the contractor, .
: . I I I 1, . " Mr. James Hearne, of Clinton,four head farmer's wife, bad rather an unplea
I I - I amongth6min six months' time. So � f' Canada. They should prepare penury and Starvation. ay Sant of honey will be equivalent to a pound Robert Patterson seems to under-
. - ers a tle weighing 5,380 pounds,oDe pair experience while driving to Hamilton of Sugar. If this fact was more widely Mr I
. � I . . me threat- and fatten and finish every animal that passes but some' desperate case crops Of cat *
, . . '. that, after all, what at one ti I . of steers were particularly good animals. the other morning with a load of butter known we would hear less .about sugar stand his business thoroughly. -There
� I I
�1� I - � . . ened to be grievous may yet turn out to crosses the Atlantic.� Rest assured th . e up. . out al trusts and combines. . is. some hay out yet, and the crop has
I` I q � le On Sq�turday, Mr. W. McLean shipped eggs and other products. She set t - .
- I li I �� anol the black cloud, may yet rich lands of Ontario can produce ani- No HONEY IN IOWA.-Imn IOWa ther rly hour in a light wagon - gain, Honey -Vinegar i o never been equalled in this Port. The
;: , � I be joyoue, Loney 100 head of cattle, 83 fed by himself, an ea and was A s superior t
- �* � � male fit to hold their'own in all and ev. will be a total failure of the 1, -
_14 I
! , I I -onve to have a very brigfit, silvery : : 9 D :& : l C -1 -1 4. h; "a r Thl-re is no honey in flo ere and weighed 105,250 pounds, or an aver. accompanied by her little son and all other kinds, white -wine included. wheat harvest is well on the way and a
. �
W.- -
I - �
� � .
� AI
I . A10
- I BF"
,vice in�
�� . ineetiA
� � JAInes.
. ,-the H�
Clegg I
I - ]ff,e .left
fork in
,jielcl fo
,barn, - I
- �. ,with th
� ,the h , 0 , I
I uking
__ -.and all
" : varrier
� ihe bar
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- —The i"i
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- :20tb ini
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Rev, J4
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. about a
lived he
.-mer ho
,.'rowin a
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f=ln er; i
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hodl stoi
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clown bi
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done. , .'
. . ,
_gram. i
� the fall
� Morris 1.
day for,
father ot
ed fron
-been -W40
Berry -1
There h
after Ai
from thi
August !
blo�jk, A
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gt'74e $6 n
4th proll
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The ne,A'
-a fine ot
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Ust we�
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from an,
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-ville AW
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ish Isle
Mr. Ro
-in List(
Rev. I
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'Are -to , �
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bath. �
-has jug
7ice PI
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. the Pei
� chant 7
-18 overl
'There i
L lor. ,I
_ Cronisa
R. P.- I
I I, ,
T 1,1 I
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lining. - - . �
ery compet, IL, on or r a n a oo L,ra e.
Mr. Ephraim Groff, Mr. R. W. Bass,
. J . I I
and the clover and buckwheat have thus
age of nearly 1,300 each, 18 be bought
Dale, Hullett,
daughter. While descending the moun-
' I
tain the the breed hiDg
t10 to make it : Honey, one- and. a-
half cupfuls water, one gallon. Assist
good crop tic is. In fact all neld crol.
are good at present, even,the apple crop
of youn
4 � I . � .1 .9.
i,' _�e
Mr. R; McMillan and my old friend'Mr.
far yielded nothing.
from Mr. George of and
.they weighed 23,640 pounds.
at steepest place
broke and the horse kicked up and ran
fermentation by the addition of a little
is very fair.—Mr. S. Gracey and Ifamily
� .
� i �
I -
THE Globe ta kes the gloss off a boast
I ohn Brown, of G&111t, were with me in
Edinburgh market � and they with me
Through a phonograph th7b other day
, —The corner stone of the new Metho -
away. At a turn in the street tjie
vinegar,- or better, vineg&T-mother.
Some like'& harvest-driak in
have'arrived home from their visit to
Detroit.—Mr. George Thompson sold
Oat h*, �
� . t
? ". I .
l_ � . ,
4 �, , -
of a restrictionist org an who tries to
saw over 800 Canadian cattle for sale to.
Mr. Glad.stone listened to remarks in
dist ch r in Bluevale was laid on
u z
Tuesday afternoon of last week. At
wagon upset and Mrs. .Rymal aud, the
children were thrown but. The woman
people I -
warm weather, whi h is made by taking
� .
v fi e ste a as sn
o er 80 head of n er I t week d ..
. 4r. du
__1TA In
- 11 i -
i I _1 . �
I !, �
14, . I
. of the Dominio
make a point in favor n
by what it has done -
morrow, and amongst this number not
one equal t o the worst one of the Scotch
ence -to himself from General
ref er assem-
man and- others, given at a recent
four o'clock, the hour appointed for the
. - � �
and little boy were stunned, and when
i it
honey, one teacupful ; vinegar, half a
teacupful ; ground giuger, one teaspoon-]
has more left.—Will Flate,y, son of Mr.
Flutey of the Advance, who went to
. I I
. ho6e, -
� �_
i'l ` �
. i;
. :,., i I.
Government relating
for the of the extension
Canadian fed bulloc ks I have mentioned.
blage in New York. Many promindnt
. Mr. Gladstone
commencement of the services, a large
crowd was present. The service was
they recovered consciousness, was
. . .
found that no serious injuries kad b een
ful ; water' half a gallon. Try it. I
British Columbia about 18 months &901
. Ila
� -
- , Ilea
� ;-: I -
�,`, ,
T , I
, �
trade by building and subsidizing rail-
One .of the salesmen took me- through a
consignmenti-from the Toronto cattle
persons were present.
was deeply interested. He said: "If
conducted by Rev. E. A. Chown, of
sustained by either, although the bo y
With a few individuals, honey pro- I
is home on a visit. The west seems to
agr ee well with him. .
� " __..
. -,. _21111t:hki
-1 � I
I � , � �
1- 10
. 6
of .
deep ening canals and so on. It
market. Amongst them were a number
anything .would lead me to question the
Elora, and Rev. A. Y. Hartley, Presby-] was cut on the head and limbs. The
varied and strikin symptoms.
. 9
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