The Huron Expositor, 1895-03-08, Page 44 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, IMARC11 81, 18950 AT 1411gin.—The C Dns4�rwativea of North Perth timate of $70,000. The amount received in a year she -h For over ad been troubled with The occasion was the general services in ed in 1884 by the importation of a few choice by their friends. Short speeches were - thert LABEL 'met in conven 4on' at' Milv'erto'n on Tiiesday, 1893 had been $45,507. The Province spent dypepsia, followed by stomach fever, Oleur- honor of the &4 Frederick K. Doualass. YOUR -Ito select a didae, Tl' last year. on charitable institutions $182, - isy and inflammation. She leaves females of the true Scotch type, from the made by Messrs. F. Anderson, R. Batty, Cal e names of sever - a husband About .1,5W negroes, me women and herds of William Duthie, Collynie, and W. J. a 6912, as against $167,000 in' the 'previous and three children. Roach, Dr. Carr, J. Beatty, A. Doupe temp T he Subscription price! of the E ient in politics in the hildren, were on the floo -Many meni- S. Marr, Uppermill, Aberdeenshire, and al,- d A. Dawson. Recitations were glven by _xposro al gentlemen prom year. The amount received from succession —Last week an Paid strictly in advance is ONE Riding were Mr.. James McFarlane, of c bers 7of the Legislature w4 called I. tit up, and after balloting for duties was applied on this account, and he Stanley, shipped .52 Shropshire ams and gether with two or three hill dred whites. ditions have been made of two nl�orted Sr, fsee hm DOILLAR. re present, to- o one bull from the former. Since that,. ad- r. Carr, W. Gilfillan and J.. O'Brien - e a a. I ngs were rendered i excellent style by If you do not renew an hour and a half, Mr. A. F. Maclaren, of fioped b *fore long that the two accounts ewes to different parts of the State within three; month A,ou ( equalize one another. ows, one from the Uppermill herd u one Mrs. R. Dawson, Mrs. J. Cameron Mrs. _ grmi de the unanimous nominee. Of the (late on your label the price will be Toronto was a —John Cameron, of Craubrook, has gone a News of the Week. from tile Lethenty herd of E. 'Ckuickshank. Gilfillan, and Messrs. 1). Dawson and ea -in of the public institutio to Rhinebeck, Iowa, to spend a month or ns, more $1.25 ; if you do not renew within six Mr. Maclaren was present, and accepted Lucky months Of th particularly of the insane asylums, and the so with friends. A RFTT7R-N- OF 00T-D.—Sev4re weather has They have mated these cows and-tbeir pro- Sb�merville, which brought the programme _e date on yotr'r label the price the nothinati Dn. — Besides receiving the ebst of the maintenance thereof, lie said —Mr. -. S. Hoggard intends returned to Britain and thei northern part geny with Fires of choice Scotch breeding and to a close. The tables were again set, nd, 'Will be $1.50. No paper will be sent longer nomination to contest South Oxford building a of the continent. of the very best individual merit. They atter another feast of oysters, salmon and thari,one year before being paid for. in the that the expense could not be reduced if the brick house on his nine acre plot South of dayd interests of tl e Probibitio i ts, Mr. W. W.. ptesent high efficiency was - to b -e kept up. Brussels. EPIDEMIC. —Influenza is e -,have shown very little at the large fairs, but the choicest of cakes, and a he rty b k -e f opis kdemic in Ber- v s a; o this W Send renewals directly to this office. In this cotinecti,3n he drew a olin, and the recent mild wea4her appears to with success when doing so. At the county the hands wilth Air. and Mrs. McCallum all. le gt.hy com- —At tile sale of John Anderson, in East V Buchanan, of tile Templar Hamilton, has parison between the cost of main have favored its spread. fair (and a food one it is) their herd has departed for their respective homes welt Money sent by registered letter, 'post"offi(m been nominated - I 9 ta* Wawanosh, recently, cows sold as higli'as money order, e a �pendent Temper- patients - in New Sti�te an (11 —King Oscar fi xpress money order or draft imnl $52 each. WELCOMMO TIFIFIR ICTN' I .8 ple ure. a an Ind York - never been )eaten, and although never spec- satis ed with the evenine as ;9 anee candidat a for that l city, and has -ac- in the institutions in Ontari6., show- - —Two rinks of on his return to Stock ially fitted has repeatedly %ron. over herds -site is at our riak. A pot -office order up to $4 curlers from Wingliamt holi i on aturday, fitted and successfully shown iit the larger RA wk)� cepted, on tie condition! that a sufficient hig that while the annual cost of main- played in Lucknow the other day, arinst' from Norway, was given at nost entbusias- [Greenay. 0 rih S, fea e oats nly two cents�. guarantee fund cin be raisle&,,to carry on a tenance per patient in the former was for twa Lucknow rinks, and were de t tie welcome. fairs. Those wishno, material for show pur- LoCAL9.—ReV.J.11. Chant preached L We Alrl tfiree years an,average of -$210, in Ontario —Councillor Leatherdale,; of Brussels, has Foi� DF Up tq this time one poses will find animaols worthy of a place in The change on vonr label will notify you vigorous th ORATION,— sermon to the young men in the Boston -again, e average cost for the same time was only erected: a large ice house, and will sup hundred thousand dollars has been prom- any show ring. Most of the'cows are fsvirl ply good milkers, but some are exceptional 'The $133, or a little more tban half. Y Methodis- church on Sunday last. His of our receipt of the m6nev. If not changed A com- the citizdns of that village i'vith ice during ised in response to the appeal. for $500,000 text was in Titils, 2nd chapteri and part of in three weeks drop us a card and L we will THE E. parison of 'the salaries paid to the - officials the -summer. for the decoration c ul's Cathedral, catalogue contains the pedigrees of upwards trace the inatter u, t the 7th verse, " In all things Show thyself P. of.the institution's gave a showing equall —Messrs. Seale & Hoover, of C London. of thirty first class animals. Y linton,bave a pattern of good works." The sermon was JY AN ON-LOOkER, favorable to Ontario. From these and other been awarded the contract 'for furnishing iis fi�rewell meeting _T k carefully Prepared and instructive to ol- CARX Address all letters and ulake all cheques Comr.-io BACK.—At I he Messrs. Seebacb, well -drillers, struc McLean Bros. e claimed that the fivan an abundant flow of water at the Revere and orders payable to The ,two pr licipal event facts submitted, h cut stone to be used in connection with the in New York, 0'eneral Booth said lie in- young. If the responsible phsitiois f House, Sebringville,having drilled only to a and -the Rol ng S in the Legisla- cial administration of Ahe Province of On- House of Refuge. tended to return to America next year, and our country were filled by the class of men O not fail i When- remittingL money d to give ture d-uri i tl ie past week 1were the excur- tario had been suAas to command and re- depth of sixty feet. post office uAdress. --wThere is anta Ration going on o have would continue to revisit tllLq country every The Avonbank Butter Factory is turnin cr portrayed I in this sermon., we would soott French tain the confidence of the people. He in tile post of i a to the J When notifying us of change,. of address Sion of memIN­rs to te Agricultural College tanced the rice Way remov6d to Sex4nith, year until he died. have prosperous times.—Mr. John 1J.12der- out ab6at a ton of the manufactured artide' other c, machinery of Government, and and the 'one at Rodgervilfe removed to CO-111ERCIAL U.q M.N. —T wood attended the funeral of the late and Experin enta-1 Farm _at� Guelph, and 8 heiChicago Times- per week just now. This amount will no do not fail to give both old and new post took for examples the Province of Quebec, Bethesda.' - -cocert J. Donaldson, of Ailsa Craig, who died'very Herald was consolidated thelother day,with doubt greatly increase as the season ad- .Mondai office address.. the delivery c f the Badgn Speech by Treas- the neighboring State of New York and the —On Monday and Tuesday, last %�eek, Mr, James W. Scott as edi r -in -chief and vances. & suddenly last Friday J. wilaon urer Harcoun, with the discussion which Dominion of Canada for each of which he people had to drive from Brussels to -Wrox. publisher., Company have fiisbed*sto Look at Your Label. followed. 9 hurriedly a few illustrations and coni-. eter to take the train, —J6seph McIntyre, Motherwell ; James ck taking,and are owing to the -snow A VLUABra,� Discovmy, — A valuable Nagle, St. Marys; Benjamin Franklin entering on their 24-th year in business in TIIE OOLLE(�E. parisons, taken mainly from the gre&t blockade. nting, representing the tPallas Athene, this village, which wa trust will be more I I a e be 'ednf Kastner, Seb -in ville IlaN v , aboi spending department of public works. eii app Oil N' sdav Lit seventy of the —The Patron lodge at Lake' . ointed let is increas- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. members of d le, He pointed out �that, although they had.. in A year ag F)yftatticelli, dated 1480, hao been discover- lcense commissioners for South Perth. prosperous than in thepast year. —A unier Legislature availed them- 9 o it had only a� membership ed in the Patti Palace, at FIbrence. tended Miss Sarah Pol- - of six or seven, now there are twenty-two o1NlNtJ-,fp y ey ning, an Sol increased the granfa year by year for educa of our citizens at' ves of tile invitaTion of the'Hon. Minister —John W. Eedly, for eight years the cor- MThe figure between the parenthesis after each of Agricliltu-Te -to visit the Auricultura tion, agriculture, hospitals and charities, - members. D.—President respondent -of the lklail at St. Thomas, has lock's concert last Frida C d were one denotes the page of highly pleased with the paper on which the and Dole, of the Hawaiian Rep��blic, has com- resigned the business management of the St. the entertainment�— advertisement *ill be found. College. Th(y left Toronto about 8:20, and spent as WAR large sums in the erection —Fire *as discovered in the stable, of muted to impri on �l ister, Mrs_ . The Hous on the eath sentences Thomas Daily Timesnd haa purebased the 1N11rS. W. J. Wilson and her al. heard iE filled two pmsenger coaches., e Alanson'sHotel, Clinton, one evening re passed upon the four leadin� rebels. Little visited friends at Gran Bend last of the Brockville Asylum, they were still a in t Latest Patterns-. W., W. Hoff aian. (5 able to reduce materially each yea the tot cold was well repr.-sented by all St. Marys Journal. Gre%t Bargains -J. F. Clark.. (b) pla-9ses. al cently, but' Monday. 09. The expen was extinguished before inuch TnE NF,wlRisn LA -ND B LL.—Mr. John —A gaine of hockey was played on Tues- Spfing, Gentle Spritig-Bright Br Miisterialist;, of course, were out in force diture.- Last' vear they had spent damage was (lone. Morley, Cl shipmen ouer price cash E -tore. -A. R. Pentecosit. (5) the Oppositio lists had a representa, un- $57,000 less for all pt;rposes than . they did .—The Lieutenant.-Gove nef Secretary r Ireland, on day evening last week,between the Listowel Auction Sale of Farm Stock -John Clark. (6) tion nior hag expressed Monday introduced in the House of Com- and Walkerton teams. The result of the colifined Corring�-Prof. Cha-mberlain- (i) der the leadershi of their genial whip, Dr. in 1890. Taking all the operations of what his willingness to be present at tile next fall nions, the iiew Irish Land B 11. match was that Walkerton was defeated to 7 .-Of a bw Willoughby ; and the Pttrons, beaded b soever kind during last Par'liament, they fair at Clinton, provided it does not conflict i We Welcome you -E- MaFaul Dry Goods Go. (1) lfriellf -Jack,on a Greig. (1,) am tile tune of 10 goals to one, been spq Y had the gratifying result that the totai re- with any other engaggement. Scovell Savory F. R. S., 91 John Andrew 'Street were tlten SptinK Hats A Fmtor Sr1t(.1;,oN DIF,.xi).-Sir Willi -is -of Mr their leade Ur. Haycock, attended in a To the Point-&. Willis. (6-,) irgeoii-14,'xtr%or- -The Emerald Trio lield series of very ceipts for the four years e.Nqeeded the .'total -Mr. George 6ordon has sold his resi- dinary tothe surprise on Successfutyear-Diell and Spexre. (5) e-Venditures by $373,389, and this - w' Quetii, and laite President of successful meetings in Listowel last week in y Fridav I t, on hearing turned h On arrivin at Guelph theipaxty were e Op n and Reay -E. McFaul Co. (.5) w the station in Clinton, to 'Mr. the Royal College of 9ureo' from Pleurisy more gr S, is dead. the interests of the ROYal Templars of Tem- Of I his sudden niet by Pre -ident .Mills ad others of tifying when it was remembere pellt a i lRooms to Herit--m-ro. S. W. Ci%d. (8) the d Thomas Judd, for tile sum of $650 the lot and inammation, after a brief illness is boy -h Presa. Opini()n�--Mar*8 Bros, (9) College staff, d were conveyed in sleigh, that during these four years they had heavy contains tw-o-fifths ot an acre. peratice. Theinusical services proved Fatate of Thom us Ryan -p. Holmested. Y three days. Mr. arl w -'(6-) 5 whicli were i waiting, to the flirm. special expenditures, such as,,',160,000 given attractive and drew large er6wds. 01 awl as a:ttending to, ;s' ps he� Auction. Sale of Ff.rni. Stock -Wm, liogaughton. Tgere -Tile uniforni promotion examinations Toronto Again S6orched. his duties at the mposing Pre Room& to Let-Thoinas Dalv. (a) was quite &n and it is ito assist in rebuilding Toronto University, for the public Schools of the county of Hu- -William Frier, the Trowbridge crpen- Exeter Salt -vreIls,on Sp"iat Attention -E. not of ten t. a icessio� $703,301 paid out to For the third time in I less than two ter, who fell from the roof of a barn in day prior to his deathand wils , in the best of fthe"b. pirits. He was of �6 quit disposition' McFaul Co. (8) the City of Hills has so niany -retire railway aid cer- ron will be held on Thursday and Friday, montlis,I Toronto has been v December, and broke his f A so badly s e pa-itty was re- _Isited by a de- e aild,%vm to theAi 11iisley Sbwwl Lost-Expo�itor Office. k8) distingauis ed visitors. Th tificates, and $981,464 spent' on the new March 28th and 29th. -gale of Vnn Stock.&c-Wm Kinianan. (5). awell- and favorably kn Notice -Duncan, & b uncan, ceived at the ollege by the stu(lenb�, hParliament buildings and the Brockville vastating confiagration. A out 12:30 Sun- recovering nicely and will be able to Wal own to the farmers in few sale A to -Two bags of niails were received at the day mbruing, fire broke out in tile large de- again in a few days. to this %voilla so New style of Ruber fortned a line on each a sylum. this vicillity. Previous driveway village to feside, lie re idd ide of tb6 Brussels -post office one day rece tily. The Partillental store of Robe 0007013f2-5. con- Itobert Abraham'w Looture. (s.,% nd as eael, sleigh load 'passed through, Ref to the in-meased expenditure snow blockades had allo-wed it to accumu- b i'llpson, South- -Tile .50 aere farm owned by the late ion 2, Usborne. He -vv -ead of legislation, the Treasurer late on the road, Coss -as a -valued men, House sid Lot for Sale_J_ Caninghan). (5) 'they were gr(eted with under the I' west comet, of Yonge and Queen streets, John White, of Brunner, was sold by public "Da cat En --land"-& A. Lecture. (8) cheers aiid waving. the fetl' rk ber of the James treet Methodist chuch Shar of hats. Thi; gave the visitors an excellent pointed out tat the business had been -Mr. D. Cameron, who was an -1 spread to adjoining �uildings, until aliction last, iveek, when it fell to the highest Rev� _Mes He I -eaves a wife to mourn his sud,den de- eho'ders.Reeting-G. Stephenson. (b) at onetime property to the amount of 8F65,000, within- bidder at.42,330, other cominoditiesat'sale assisted igr. Ronwiza-E. V. Fear. (5) 'V as mise. Tile funeral took place on Moliday Are yc u go in- Wetit-G. T, R. (i) opportunity f seeina the kind of� inen who rpidly growing, more reports were print- empl6yed ill A] CIntosh & MeTaggart's bank, surance of S,-)68 000 v des sold oil the low side. -week.-I educated' and we od a�d larcrer editions distributed. The Brussels, dropped dead the othe'D lrbyed. The fire afternoon last to the Exeter Union Cem.- go to the Col ege to be Special E. xerani Co. (s) i r day in it started in the rear of pson's, and the -The wedding of -Mr. A(lam Zilliax of Cudwee cost of printing bills during eaell an while conversing are Sure all i: kat have been mostl favorably aesz hotel in Soutli 1pton, Houge to: Rent-mrs. J. Tbompson�. (8) sion 11 ore Ma Forks and Slings -T. Brown. (6) ith their appearance, for a flanies spread with great rapidity. A gen- Palmerston,to I s 14tta -Richardson of Lis- etery, and was largely atteil&d. inipressed ad bpen in 7 asing. Ili 1894, 31,910 with nother gentleman, oral alarni was rua in at 12- 5, and the full towel took place on Monday evenin hist -.,Mr. J. A. Monroe, Son-in-law of Air- of I Eyes. testud free -J. S. Rol erts. (8) more robust ntelligent lookin lot of fe, more reports for tile departments than in -This winter, in 11 days, Mr. Thomas force of the fire briga. as soon oil tl k Win. Folland, Andrew Street, died at the- wee -, andwent off vvith great eclat.. Both be tlye previousi Year, and. 21,480 more for tile Maunders of Morris, delivered '901y cords of above named place oil Monday last after a %vill. be th MilLners Returnea-Wro. Pickard & Co. 9 ie IO,4h it wo, be diffidult to; find any- de Girl Wanpte.l-Lxpositor office. (s) par le Eggs Wantcd�g. I!. GiAnn. (5) where on tile American Continent;; and sure Legislative Assembly, the iticreased cost be- scene. By one o'clock -he flames bad ti a are highly respe-Aed and have many green wood t the Brussels Salt NV7-orks with spread to each of the four 6ruers, and. -tile friends whoe goo(..I wishes follow them. lingering illness of consu' t only (16 credit to imption, at the age nan -he In we are that t ey will no ing 5,782. Turning to the'question of as- one team. The distance f rom the liush. to fire threatened to Of bO Years and 3 days. The funeral tooi- the instititig sets and liabilities; Mr. Harcourt said the the s . engulf several blocks. The spelling niatch at.Monkton oil Fri o which they represent but in alt block is a good three miles. place to the Grand Trunk 'Railway station, pro,, The stem fire engine was in action, and 4Y evenincr,22nd ult., went off quietly ; no af ter years, aided by the truitdii� which t liabilities amounted to only $25,000, d late of (loerich township ave valuable aid. thence to Strathroy for intermen, n man riehl Tile -wa, er pressure %vas bones werebrokeii. The captains were Mrs. Thursday last. 'y they receive ere, will becoi and deducting the piesent liabilities from has rented the farin of Mr. Sutton, B line', good, but the firemen could not pretend to Robert Smith aiid Miss Annie cott. The -tie the leading and. 8tatesti-iien at the patiod list, of cash assets there was at Turnberr , 2� miles cast of II-Tinohain. d Agriculturists of the I y - It cope with the flnies a -t- the lop of the high words were chosen from the firs"t chapter of BRiErs.-Mr. W111. Dempsey is conf, ned to. The visitois were first driven t the end of last vear a comfortable 'surplus contains tnillnl:,� o the dairy 150 acres, and --is renteT of $5,269,840. liabilities, the pay- I for three �.ifter wall fell, Matthew and the victory was gained by -Mrs, his home, AnevAr -James -e in- I treet, throucril illness. years at a yearly rental of $275. and invrii 0 .1 department. Here they saw the entit -Sinipson. building. W'all and all seemed Lds of sparks �vere scattered over Smith' -Mr. George Heamen has SE'AFORTH, FRIDAY, arch th, 1895 stitution in f: I operation,' ment of whiali was spread over a period of -Wesley Snell, who sinee last sprin has an attack of ]a, -Our lau� the eaStern portion of tile cit,y. Tile cloth- -The pe. 9 gri -Mrs. Henry Francis is at presen the bi Stratford Herald has received t Cr ions of testi g mi resent liability. 'writing seriously Ric to take the nest intetes in the opera 40 years to come, ivere not treatea as a carried on a butchering business in E.Veter, in store of 11. iiiiniesoll, on tile north-west 110tification from a rural postniaster1ba bard AMan- mil silffer I Dominion Politics- Separating � tile milk He-poncluded his excel- and who has also been dealing extensively c t the from the ere In. and making 15AIi fent speech by an eloquent peroration, in in cattle, has assigned. 1.5 orner of Queen and Yonp e streets, was copy Of that paper addressed to -k— B— n,illg is very low at time of ,writin. and who as R cheese 91 Althougrb. the (,late of tile elections has and butter b�� the lae' which lie referred id gloing terms to the soon a total ruin with al tile contents. has not been taken out of Ili,,; office for file siight'hopes are entertdid for lier recov- on lier ni at and mosCapproved -Recently Mr�t Rattenbury, ery.-Mrs. Joh owin reasons - 9 aot:yet been atinouneed, the political pot is ery all, d methods. It is al inost in- brilliant prospects and' Of Clin- Sutcliffe & Sons, millinery mid dry goods, foll "Removed to King- -n V. Crocker is being Cared grand future which ton, received from Mr. Harding several i I for at the residence of Air. anA Mrs. ainiediately north of Janiieson's, on Yonge enitentiary. " That seems to be a very Daniel inontba, is teresting p e to visit, and show�l the great is Surely in store for th'i great Provinec of brace of sh partride pheasmits, rench William,g.treet._ boilinfuiouly and if the elections are Stoll P strides thxt ve been made in lato yeags Ontario, if its magnificent natural resources &c. hare, street, was gutted, with a total loss of valid reason for the discontinuance of the Mr. Abel Wall e' ity a was on a v engagei are judiciously handled. Berlin, visited friends here.lat W dairying ope -ations. The cow at" in isit-here some stock. G. McPherson, bc�ts and shoes, paper- eek. r. ulong del' ed 4 is feared the fire may 1,)ul a ding 4bles were time ago from Bedford,- England. next north, was half bu Arthur -Loadman has purchas h thirty! cowd are ed the b nifibi ous cami kept for furr replied to Mr. Harcourt. He busines lately carried on byMr.W 'Ite or Gat. Both parties are prosecuing a vigor- also -!Visited. where abo6t Mr. Marter, the leader of tl e Opposition, -Tile Bkrk-6*r farin,lot 16, concession 5, Grey, - SillpsoWs, oil Yonge streeti, Wanless, the tern Lecture on General Booth$ scheme, es. Snell, kied. South of -The Salvation Army gave aMagic Lan an t week V candidates. are being placed ill the field, a(l er las pai1r.1n. Conventions are being held, ishing milk or the reamery, made a good on which Air. Allan Lamont has been the je,weler, suffered severely, t te rear partof "Ili Darkest England'and the Way Out," ill and has taken Possession. -The creditors of d also for experilne�ntal purposes. These speech from his point of view, and, consid- tenant, will come into the hands of Mr. A. the promises being gutted, though the front i who inade an e the Presbyter an church, Atwood, on Wed- assignin. ent cows are inostly grades of fb' ing the very little room that was left him Mr. Wesley Snell various Bremn-r, now in Astoria, Oregon, who will wits not ,,In, pablic meetiingp are being, addressed in a11 breeds. Having thoroughly inspected the for fault-finding. cli damaged. Neoil to Mr. John Gill !or the -b I o e er, made a return during the coining season. C.. Love, nes ay evening last week, to a, fair audience. ellefit of his cred- various ope the sl@ghs - v druggist, next south, itors, took quarters. In fact, one of the fiercest and tions here, ere fatal admission in It 4 1pe remarks. He -Accordii�g to the report at the annual s0fered slightly. he lecture was very interesting and in- Place in Mr. B. V. 1,, law most bitter campaims ever -wagedinC It .4 ga 0 n said that he did not Over Jamieonli store, opp"site Simpson"s, structive and worthy of the heart Ort Office on Wednesdav an da I in 9 t int D operation a, d the party re- k io* until iwo days meeting of. Wil'lis Church' Clinton, - the re- Hall, of Y Supp I st.-Thre turned to tile Colle Id be nted to n as Ag icultural all Christian people. goodill will be,whea the ba, f the old and 'are frth, ad -sements $2 1,58. There are Art A so iation. 11, it weieta very valu- pioneers of Fullarton township baVing first e now setting irx, and what tile final result the Treasurer. as he expected that that and the disbui the"property of the Ontario Agriculture and -Mr. Henry E. Hanson, one o town in tlie flash Photograph line ago that he won w a what i know toaraphers from St. Mrys are doing th,� ge, wbere the several required to reply to ceipts for the year amou stock stables were visited L and �be Ptock -110tSL are Counted, it is I- t I duty would be - perfo aadoing a very extensiv trade inspected. Hon. Mr. D den L-med by some other Ill families and 256 com'monicants in the The Rev. J. -ble for any person,no matter how wise: the Tinister 4A,griculture; Jr anaed cattle pedi- 8 J. Cornish, Michigan, -counts w--' Professor ill ills: member, but as that c6 u Id not be art congregation. able collection of records of ettled in Fullarton in 1845, -Ahen there was a Latter Day Saint, t elf. to T,)redict with ail degree of probable cer be Principal, and Mr. Rannie, the Farm for, he had to occupy 'the breach hims' grees and other official Stock -breeding not another Settler within three miles of his preached in the Royal Templ�ars' hall o -tle -the Y -On the evening of the 20th records, which cannot be Sunday after Manager, were'unceasing in their attentions This showed that he did not have his forces' and Mrs. Henry Wightinan, of East Wa- replaced. All but on the 12th concession, but for nearly "Con and evening hast, to a.. -ofKarch, ta,inty. T be least that can now'be said is, to their guests, and took great pains in ex- well in band, and that there had been some wanosh, celebr4,ted their were a total loss with the building. Fur- eight Years past resiing in Sarnia, is hoine fair audience. -Mr. W.nl.. H. Perkins 'has uupaid U that pros�pectts, looke well for the Liberal plaining to them the detalsit in con- deficiency or friction between himself and Many handsome a olden wedding. ther west on the same side (f Queen street for it week -visiting his brothers William and Sold his hundred acre farm on the 5th con- gat Pacific itection with the particular follower who had been select nd useftif presents were was the Queen street front of -tiOIL' DI th& institution. Having made - received '-by -the venerable couple from Sutcliffe Thoma Hanson. cession of Usborne, to Air. %V, m. Moody of ed to ac� as financial critic for the occasion. Sons', which was gutted. PText came the -Thomas Satchell, of North Easthope, Farquhar for the thorough inpection of al.,th6various out- &andal election, have the popular wids friends and relatives. sun, of $6,000. Mr.. Per- T. at3n&C of have an auction sale of his farmt t great departmental eslablshment, which stock and implements, par- ducted to the Inain College building and no of indian 'Head, Nohliwest Territory, in. blown so strongly towards the Lieral door departnents, the guests were con- He showed, also. by his remarks, that he -J..H. You�g, formerly of Brussels, bu Queen street front ompany's died suddenly in Ingersoll the other day kin will fiad not thoroughly prepared himself, as he Mr. Satchell was one of the best known far on Tusda, the 19th T is ty, a -rid the feeling is growing in the cou;n- were given tl Le freedom did not bring 'forward a ws but little Jured. Across � Yonue mers in North E asthope*.and had only recent t. Mr. Tho of the place, the nything new or that ill writing to old friends, says that tile S e mas Cameron will wield the art- hanamer. tr that the Government are on the down class-roolils, had not been r tre t. the fire again did great damage. At farm in the 2nd con- Y Museum and 0 epeatp ly rented the Scholz ' -On Th tirsday afternoon last the ther� dep t�d 'Y produced either in thermometer took aa occasignal drop to 46 n 0 creek which runs east a ment were thoroughly inspected, and all the House or Oil e a the orth-east corner Sto d :the Henderson cession for a period of five years. He was nd west tfiroug.1-1 the SprIng W -..h- gra,de, and that Latirier and hs follow- 8 tamp. Mr. Marter degrees below zero. No. I hard wheat has block, occupied by J. Emitter, gents' fur- stout, active and healthy otith end of the village, was blocked with. Oats per 1-buld seeme -looking. He was ers will- occulpy the seati to tile right of a1r. see d highl, 7 pleased with what they had Nvas followed, by the leader of the Third sold from 38 cents to 50 cents pot busbel. nishings, and Miss M. R BhSla , milliner. 40 years of age, and leaves a wife and a large an,, Feasper britibi peaker irl tl n both (titside and inside, and. iere Party- -Whileclearing the track ontheLon- Y W,ad agreat many Cellars were filled ready for loor bug Mr. Haycock, as in his first speec Both were burned family. with yvater.-'Mr. Jake Best, Stratbroy., te next arliameli. The T out. Th -, C. F. Adams bill- don, Huron and Bruce Railway, during the Company came next north, and the roof of -Rev. Father Downie paid a visit to spent last Friday in the village. - M lowing nGtps of the week- will give som' anced very fairly, and kept well. oil the top storm last week, the engine attached to the 'r. 4ohn e 1) I N, En J-;gp per doz., idea, Of the progress that js I 'which was sewed it rail of the political fence. While compli- snow Ill this place was badly bufned, and their Chattelle in the Stratford jail the other day. Baker, Henfryn, spent the past week here Moor, per 100j, .)eing m ade Incr al; -i the large College Din- ow was derailed at Kippen. It was stock greatly injured by He found the prisoner quite resigned to his tives,-The roads have been irk Hayper toin ti electionwards: oufth Brarit Conserv, H 1, ad seemed to be greatly appre- menting the Treasurer on the ability dis- several hours, before- it could be got i water. At the visiting rela. tives played in hispeech, he complaned of the Of Yonge and Queen avery bad'condition ciated by all After dinner, felicitous ad ntO south-east corner fate, whatever it may be; he is not buildin Hidl* pfir 100 hape ain. the past -week, 'which (we nominated ex -Ma or Robert Henry, of y Professor Mills comp, 99 the Imperial g had a tendeneV to Injure our merchants %risons streets stood Bank building. up any hopefor himself ; but on the contrary r y dresses were leliveread b he had made, as he' thought a -M a. C. Wilson and her little daugliter' This escaped damage in the look forward to the worst and financially. -Air. E. D. Blackwell was in the opponent of N11r. Patter- and severa it: embers of the Legislature re- that ill comparing the cost of maintenance were returning home from clitirch at Zurich' F. J. Brown, with ower part, b is endeavor- presenting th of public institutions in New York with on Sunday, 24th ult., when they were, run a large -stock of fur. ing to make his peace with his God, His Friday last, buying horses. Salt oMr. Patterson has defeatea Mr. various different sections in the village on the House, . Is all crood things must come those of Ontario, be made' an unfair and into -by some boys -vvbo were racing. M rs. niture, upstairs, Was burned out. Millie & case will come up at ille Spring Assizes, W - H. Hutchins M p North Al-Add.le- Per 10 Henry beforeand he wil1l likely do it agait. to an end, so hd thfa, and the New York State -be- X, and Mr. W. Wood per card misleading comparison, Company, next South, stove merchants, which open in Stratford on March 26tb. se ' Wilson received slight it' Fridiiam", M. P South 4 A p g O_Y!e over 0,ver 0 over 0,ver g ijuries, but her were burned out. C. M. e Perth, Vent last Saturday in th-e village.- over X1r_ Huh J. acdonald says he has io conveyed to nelph, where they soon took so n nd we4thier than On- daughter was more seriously hurt. adjoining, lost everything. Dunfield Mr- J. C arke, me Mothy iuch larger a E uderson, next ,--The Atwood Bee of last week says : tario, it would nalturally cost & A vote by ballot will be taken by the mem- reliant, of this place. 8 out any qntoward event bav- h P-ork, pair 100 IN -1a rtin oclock witl � e Ce intention of Contesting Winnipeg at the ap- Uae train for Toronto, reaching there about more to main- -The. Seafortb stagre will arrive in Brus- Company, gents, furnishit gs, and t was 6hairmati,at tile 1 ntrala Roy I Teni- Mr. Jose -ph S� a Cl bers of the Atwood Presbyterian church next open me a 2allow, per -1 proachling !�lectiona. tain the institutions there, and thought he sels half an hour or e rlier ea i e ening Treihont House-hotel-furdier south, were unday 'and the Sunday following on the P"" eting on Friday night last.- ling occurred to mar the pleasure of tile should have taken Micbiga'n and compared frofn this date, -as -At does not wait for the about three-quarters burned out. Arou d The ballots P. lcLaren of Seaforth was in the will be the Liberal candidate a Oppositiona dic, by saying that altho ueen street east, again, the Pythian. will be opened by the members of the Sesi village on Friday evening last -,Nfr. R. spriv vbeat, ussels will be forwarded ion ly be elected. -At the South Perth Liberal Tb is visit v Al result in - good to the Col- ugh by that train for Br The mail on Q 9 Tolsom, 191 nd will like- d�ay. it with Ontario. He gave the leader of the afternoon train from Goderich. question of a change of pastor. M.J he had n eir be"fore bad the . pleasure of lis- Hall was somewhat damaged, but fortun- Only and.the result declared publicly in due Coll . ills, . barrister, ,district I'd at t. Marys last wee - lege. - Many of . the Legislators 'visited it Y Wingbain, reaching Brilssels at 7 o'clock deputy of the Fe", 1*lr bush Corxveh�fion, M ev b for the first t m e., and they were surprised tening to his speech, he had read it several ately escaped severe injury time. There is the disposition amo -per 1000"19.00s Mr. D. K. Erb, beptity-Reeve of the town- the following morning. The steeple ng certain Maonic order, in this district paid the on Knox church, justwest of Sinipson's, on members for a change 'how ma Y will re- Stratford lodge all 0 ial Uft per -begi ghip, of Downie, was given the nomination. at the maggaii. ade of th e institution and de- times during the last three years. -A petition has been in circulation in n be flic I Queen street, catigh on Friday to 251 � dreasm. ch I t fire and fell. Had it vealed b the vote. evening last. -Mrs. Brown, Orono is the lighted at the nieth6dical manner in wiji Mr. Matheson, of South Lanark ! followed Essex, praying that the Croverment take not been for the aid rendered the fire Y guest of her son, Mr. T. A. Bo- n The tiom ainaion was frst tendered to Hall. evcrything a, Mr. Haycock. Mr. -]Nlatheson _r *ms to be conducted. The meni is a new action in liberating young Bean, who was brigade7by thedrilled brigade of Eaton's -Mrs. George Hamilton, of Carlingford, Street. -Mr. and Mrs. Thom V, Andrew Dairy. DepaAment was a e ber, and this was his maliden effort in recently sent to . to died after a short illness, onFebruary 20th, its Brinima- andafterwards to Mr. source of th Kingston penitentiary employees, that large establishment would in her 70th year. She and hei hu 4 Them, as Robertson, but both tit entle- greatest interest to all, while many Nvere ese gre town of PeAll. Y ing. undue alao have succumbed to survives her, were among the pi' es 11 r tile Legislature. He is a lawyer ill the serve term of.five ears for tak sband, who oo, Stratford are visiting relativ e e atly.please I m Ilia' -9 the 4mes. Three art, ,ith the poultry depart- treeoh,,,wlen gathered liberties with a married woman named Mrs. M r. J. A. tew men declined and INIr. Erb became the for- oneers of of, the big bankrupt t too,ether as it spaper reports, INJount, in McGillivray township. tired by faling walls, but that section, and experienced many of the unable to attendo his (,Ill- men , whiall. has recently been Started P I s ii, firemen were inj stock, has been is su t.unate man, -Mr. Erb is a uccessful far- The neat - reads very w -611i but it' was not nearly a 'lot fatally. - The fire was not under difficulties of the early settlers. 'Mrs. Haniii- account of illness. - !. all con! d i tion in -wh i Gil til e got ties the past week on c to Se �for, L haveshis Board of the Ontariot' C9 -in- t Street INJethodist two-thirds of the I of Carlingford,and came to electric lights in tit pact and conw-olien maerial in good sha oss is cover�ed by instir- this country f roi� eir respective iner. Alr. Pridbam gain the variolusatables are kept, as well as the -Wnriected in deli�,ery. He did no o - -At a recerit meeting of tile. Quarterly control until after three o'clock. About ton Was a sister of I Ir. Abraham, Davidsot, merchants anci Others who have ben, . 'onserva- N Our tive Candidate is tile Call_ t rnanner in which they 'pauses be- church, Clinton, a motion was unat Bri Pe, and his using atu-een points were ometimes painfully pro- passed, placing on record the high ap, mprecia- and there- Y1 Ireland in 1847. 8 Places have been �colllpelled to use didate of the Patrons, so that if they � ;ill construct - e-,], 'were subjects for favorable li OUSIY ance. The ca,use of th'e fire 8 a inyster busies i! grave reason to I alieve it was Stratford aave a in il comment by practical while the tracted. He raked the Government fore tion of the cohgr a tion of the services of incendiary in character. -The Young Liberals of the lamps during the Past week., as sol)le Of stay iii, the field the're wbe a ree cor- notorious calf Avitli a coug and aft for their extravagance, and got in Rev. W. 8myth ea0satheir pastor, and bearin delightful at home to their friends Tuoe day gone wrong. -.Mr. obli. .grain traide, th to be. sou, �oh was no- e Sit ipson's build- the mach -i some bee S1 Y's timony to his ability as a, preacher. ed last summer. A portion ( f ' the car en Dpeiiin of'the new- club rooms. These are -ilered fig,lit.-West 11, -gia Conservatives al t and must, as the Oommis- hard hits. HI is to be Mr. Clance tea ing was a six Story one, and v aq only erect- night 26tli ult the occasion'being the formal Gouldt,Londoiv, was the guest of his pa,rents successor as financial critic for the 0 -sioner of Crown Lands expressed. it a few at- here the first of the 'week. and aIrs. tion. The debate for the night -was of I y located and most conve-nienti' ' * Snell an -d igs Alil,l- Alnerican rf nevety le way. The new President, D. J. O'Connor sts of -'vl r. and M per qur pec by 11r. Conmee, the hero of West Algoma. this life oil the evening of Friday, February The building was worth $125 000 andipty- defivered an able inau rs. Charles 1)inilcy, tWheaa- 1xiotion to let the coatest (ro ill to -a bill. lba'vis were the at Dutton Friday, to nomnill, te a mildi- (lays before in the Hause, " have develo I Voosed D. Sproul, of OAVest WaNvanosh, departed the floors *ere stocked and two e e a, c -Mrs. Margaret Sproul, relict of the late tot ing work was hardly finis� led. Foupr E the T1113 BUDGET. al looking the gural adress P ph cental. Bar it third o He is , short, thick -set, geiii 2nd, at her residence. She was aged 84 and in- On Sunday lst.-Mr. Wil.lian, by 7as lost, aboit The House coutractor, stock about $275,000 misura ce, $325,000. spiring speeches were also given by James cb, attended the �\Ia,,_ ,oats are Alum - The two other. heavie' ie- Grieve, istrate's-Cou�rt; here oil INIOnay. just, hrn Irishman. He wa a railway years. Her remains were literrod in Dun roud� Ot, of Goderi- delegates left tlie rooni, and the conv nd the gallerie,,t` were well -and made piles of money. His residence is at 108( a re P. Jam .P.,and Honorable Thomas Ballan- fo insurance $2 tyne- and and dearer, �lled on Thurs lay afternoon. This gannon cemetery on Monday,25th ult. a I 10 00 .,,r and ut- was coblisel for the' defen(--1atit in the case, 'Aras the iii Port Arthur. 11� is. a forcibl igorous ceased had been a resident �i West Wawan- cliffe'& Sons�: The Reformers of the township.of Dow- LOadnian vs. finell, oats broke up without taking any action --Two inae the opening tW. there De- ol,. 0, 0 pleadid catil-paign in; ce-titigs, were held at Speaker. He defei�ded the coe'v on stock, $95, insurance, It wits anything I ke a ripple nduct and 'Osh for a good number of years.- whiell took place in the le ast week, as 0 nts varying n mper- town hall, -Dr. Gardiner, of L01140n, was has fallen AX 9 from $1,000 to $40,000, with about tw�_' &nee hall Monday last week, when the fol in the village on Monday l,a t. lie attend ixpence da nenibers. The reason for tl stron plea for increased liberality to the J. Pickardl of'Porter's Hill, was driving $64,000. Theothers lostam, ie held their annual meeting in the te. S Listowel on 1�riday, ill the interest of Mr. a -long the i policy of the Government, and put in a -On Tuesday 6-ening, I Mr. P., the able representa- hwe attenda,11(c the increased interest minir g interests. Ile commended the libe� thirds of the losses covered by inurance. lowing officers were elected for the the funeral Of Ilia u was) of the Financial State- " Ong Ontario street, Clinton, a sudden 9 tive for North P�erth.. 'The speakers were ment I ensuin 11cle, Mr. Walter G'ardi_ al Richard Gartwrigift., ,vlr. J. m. Harcourt, the interests, but Murra, president; Al Grant, -Mr. Joseph Snell a -ad Mr. Jacob k -el - about to be delivered by All ality of the Grovernment to the Agricultural lurch caused the cross -bar of die cutter to year W. L ma ner. as )1(`Mul- rbviucial Treasurer. Air. Hareourt is Ist vice-presidedt ; John -Murray, 2nd vice lerman, Dash -wood, were in TOR -0 1) be thought that in this re- break, throwin" him out oil the snow, Perth Items. loll, M. P�, Dr. Macdonald, 12 a spdct the mining intei" C5 and thi�s place n 1. 11. , and Mr. University graduate.ad a well educated eats should be put, -at f reein* the horse from tile The horse Patrick Horner, a pioneer o' St. Afar president ; James Redford* BecretarY-treas- Monday Win. 8weet V. 8- and inan. He is t al com- family have moved to their for and -th cand Board of the Parons good ipeaker, uses the cats, as the one is of e liter residence' sleipvt -ith the gricultur inter-' rail off on its own behalf, and could not be died on February 28th. least on a par Ni s, urer. The following ae chairman of ifterent divisions: i. L after ail absence of three years at large rolls wi latter for Choicest language, Speaks with deliberati -qua importance with found dnv -where that night. .-Mr. L. M. Hayes, a teacher in itchell High r. J. Redford, A. NIoses, W. Taylor' ville, Illinois. We Welcome them. back to of Industry concluded its session ill Toronto ion mittees in the d the other. A dethiite platform w� easily followed, and can be - The debate -a chool,bas been obliged to r ig o accou t George lby! on Friday. - -Record says The es a n I and force, is The Clinton No% Kastne is ar- distinctly heard ill every part of the chani was resumed on Tuesday by other night, while Air. and Mrs. John Scar- of ill. health. Green. Exeter gain. -Mr. Edward Chri tie has vubs Nv�ere qu f ed the lvery business be fsorniedv ranged f Howland, one of the members for -Tor- lett were -returning fro -The Trinit church soci -Early oil Thursday morning last week, Purchas a Se for low .or the cotiing election, s, whicli is to ber. He had I is matter well in ]land and in Clinton to Lead- Y ills in 'INfitchell, ames Hincks, 14th concession, owned, from Mr. onto, but we have not space for furthe 18, r they had a rather trying experience; are reported highly successful. i The latest, Eltna, went be submitted tO the Association, he inde hi sub'ect both interestng and in- cotpulent this week, and will, tberef6re, Loadma andu n an( -in the I Ith. inst. The t t e outset be ref e se ve out, given by Mrs. jones, netted $21i took possessioil oil Tuda last.' 0 to "Ut fo which meets structive. SIUN the cutt r was broken, the hot� 9 to the barn,as was his custom, to feedstock, Y -Miss 210 plat- err6d to the have to leave the finishing of the debate for Urquhart, 0shaw 'file Stocks lit fact that the L,Tial receipts of the Province and the lady and gentleman were compelled -.fAr. C. H. Merryfield at n a, has resumed herposi- another issue. a barrel on the barn floor. A hen flew from furtu of the severid Provinces. is practically dilring 1894 had exceeded the estimated re- to walk a considerable distance,'and remain mill, at Monkt his a iw_ taki g with him a lantern which be set upon tion as milliner a tile same, with the exeeption of -aliltoa, cei.pts by $306,-. 0, Oil, last Frid% He Jias tthe big bankrul)t tore, riew and, ship arnounting as they did, at Harlock the rest of the night. the inow to the floor, knocking the Ian -tern and -Nfiss Davis, have had to I 600,000 feet of logs to saw up. nR. I ickard & whichincludesfeuiale allfirra(, to $3,453,162, hich sum did not include -.Nlr. and Alra.Thomas Odber of tra: ; eh- - over against the mower in her. flight. The on's store 0C Ad Prohibi. Huron Not6s. -Mrs. Adani Ferguson a former Huron- has returned after her )yacation_ inanil for tht cing es- ated i their ('Ol- stantly all was ablaze. He succeeded in get- day, February I 1 th. Deceased was born in den wedding on Wednesday Feb nary 277Tth. borrowj( The receipts frqfn tbd tablished ill Goderi6b. spent last Tuesda ite,, died at Wellwood, INIanitoba, ail street, Stratford, celebr 'y H- Holtzman and wife eilrediton tion.-N,orth Wterloo C.ollserviLtives have 111 eys �Paid bi municipaities on account There � is talk of a Cream@'T b oil M6n- fire came in contact with the straw and in- at of stit �i,s liom-inated Mr. Joseph E. ea in this place -' ij�, laid are scare t had been $1,057,5 0 n on sin'38. to 512, ex She Miss E. A. Cosens, of Land% Departme -The-IfNeter Turf Club will o Glasa '%v, '-icotland on April -5th, 181-t. id ti out thestock,but lost all his implements, and her I '% North Oxford, -Ir'D. W. Kara lie ceeding tile estin�ate b� ffer $1,000 ge, who fe 24th of there is a hit 8980,497 had Pol' Alay ood noul. ilily near Brussels, and re- with her brother Rev. T. W Cos�r:ts, has re- ft - . lime a a ert. the manufacturer of Wo!)dstook, has been ill prizes at their races oil the raised their fa . Adam Ferguson, had has been spending three months ILt Walton one, erected a short ti ild the Port Alb 8141,532. Of! tilis, husbinW l�eg: and seed grain. The bank barn was a inated by the Gonservatives. to oppo The second iportance wais the tween Cranbrook anct Brussels, o Portage la Prairie in 1876, and to turnefl. home. Oss will be aerious one to t.; iLl.inens. creasedo al it.e"elroni,,nw6ods and forests. �Teleplioneconuectionis talked of be- moved t ek NOTES I it se r. revenue from liceVlses, tholicf1i tli* Wellwood in 1880, tN. Ellertson 'and' little cheeseover t. ks where Mr, Ferguson died -At Mr. Philip Steinbach's Sate in North daughter, Marion, have left for their home 'far in 8t.Louis 1� James �ltherland, M. R. the LibeW whip. tirce -Tile brick for the House of Refuge is in 1.887. Easthope, on February 27th, the in con- .]Kirkto of reveue had b oually dee7ining arriving in Clinton in ca IoKdS. colore at 4 I.ece ark, Minnesota, after P. stay t: y -The quarterly meeting of the District taining 100 acres, was sold It or llothiw� that cluxii t yeal 8, the cause being the de- -'-Nlr. M. C. Cameron has returned h6ni to I.� Alarigz of A PLEAS.1 Of two m0litlis 'with her father, -11 r. Jame -Itisgiven Ou oil ood autborit n. Sonth Eatbope,for $6,000. Ron. J. Patterson will not ace crease in the umber of licenses e Lodge, No. 24, Independent Order of 0od T Ev­E_N1_\G.-A large numbeir Hawkins of this "Aces remain of friends and neighbors Place.-Thoinas Si,n '20C to *Zlc t<; ept the which from Florida, and is in excellent health. Tom lars, met in Birth on -Mr. Jak I athered at , 1p on, iness to Mr.Williaim Pushel- un to see him Wentworth and .'Nvorth Bruce are brought to the Mr. John MCC ilum, Ian hard, aro d again before long. -De We to Ise Conservative nomination ill West lit, ro.n. reduced fron .3,523 in 1890, to 3,276 in -The hiaterial for the erection of a new P Friday, l5th e Herr, of Brodhageni, has dis. residence of 9 the sr., is On the sick list. W'e he � 893, and f ron.i 6, 85 in 1873. The speaker church at -Dasliwood is being' ult., with District Templar J. (,',. Murdoch posed of his bus a B 8 ioLh t\plained the systTin by -which the Province ,round. in the chair. Out of tile 17 lodges in ti� berg, of Mitchell, -who takes po on Wednesday evening Of last week, the oc- as t�, a f orse bel ba Saturday e Itaemob er weathe d onging to Mr. J.' stoadv tleman'' open to him, that. is if the ssession about casion being a grand oyster supper tendere wous receiN ed. -i to Mr. and Mrs. McCallum on the eve of stone for the cribs, 'net with in drawing very iad issued br�wers' licenses, from vN-bieh ---Ales rs, Carter& 'McKenzie, of Myth, diAtrict, 9 were represented, with an attend- the middle '"f Alarch. Connors, w. ii h was employd presenttive.,j for , these constituencies ave 11 in future conduct their business on a ence of about 50, which was very good con- -111 r. Rooert Kink.9 de, of Stratfi)rd.father their departure for St. -nte. The _vIi-nister of ures for I an dat i!.1C- to taken inta tlli�- 8c t the Provincial expendi- cash basis. a Marys. Between which rnigb t have proved- fatal 'vVith regard sidering the state of the ro'da. There are of Mrs- James Pollard, of MitchellL died at seven and eight o'clock the tables were set load -11 Wbile un- e driver went too near icent, being loaded' the c1ril, and tile sleigh slid roun,,iiito tile, ,09 reported inembers of the district, with h home in Strtford on Tuesday" morning, and were really i agnif tile sleigh th -organ- last week. 81) 4 h e ompared briey the ex- . -The Blyth merchants now close their a,new lodge opened and another re is thing easy, alid has one eye on the Lieuten- the previous ye . On public buildin evening ze down with the choicest of viands for which Livi War, however, is on the look out for some- penditures int'lic N arious departments with places of business at eight o'clock in the i 4 d, representing about 50 meAibers more. -NIessrs Ballantyne and son, of'�Neidpath water taking the horses with it. gs 000 less had , een expended, -and tile The interest and- membership allows a de- end dispbsing help However, on much credit is due the ladies. After all the Liberals have imanittiously chose,, A Alarch 13th of their entire all cided improvenient since the last meetiu orthdrn herd M,_ drawn out before any great injuries 'were besD Ainericat ant-('(wernorsliip of '_Nlanito-b.-In Loildou, I Op I till ft rtber t . o reduce the anioui�t -Early Monday morning last week, Mrs. ftirm, near Stratford, int bad partaken of the bounteous repast , and the horses were Henry Watiner, ol Ethel, (I"parted this I life. x IZt le 9 William Beatty was chosen to Occupy the sustained. The next meeting will be held at Constance* Their reason for disposing of the herd is that' chair, and an address was read, expressing MONTREAL,.: this year. Educat on had increasei S-22,1�)() was not all unexpected event as she had - The Indepeildent, Order of Charles S. Hyman as their Standard bearer. and agriculture .%I o. -At the Liber er land for of A Avert as well as Shorthoms, but their farin is too all dun t, on will that WOU141 i the two, 4 ment i -n the 11A t all the young geople, and the less encourag ith the i0airy in- their new home. Mr- -McCallilni made a older ones as well wii ta art in this at- loc to 11C4 d in marriage to her in the Legislative halls of any capital, was dustry for the past 28 years, their-ptfcfei�ouce very suitable.reply, expressing his appreci- grand work 'Of tei�peran first ballot as the 'Reform candidate in �,ast receipts being i 54, as against an es- now bereft h sbaikd about I& owed efforts- It is to b., tehadbeenla ely exceeded, the actua.1 township, and Avas un& as born in Grey The largest negro gathering ever aAsenibled and having been connected wi en oF FitEDERI(,K Dol-J�LASS­ Small for the successful breeding of hood, and wishing them - all prosperity in hoped tha Monday, Dr. Wilson was selected n the tima 8 carry on las, n cession several days, Deceased was a daughter of Is HwNOR Mr. ana Mrs. McCallum from the `neighbor- their work with r � a al lbonventiol in St. Tholl Tur hia, to the question of sue -yrahires, the regret of all present at the departure of reived, and the members hovered very close to the bord they have been carrying a herd Good Templar Lodge of the village b 8 been dutie Nlr. Harcourt stated that the es- the late Henry (,reen - m 11 y ears ago. seen at Austin, Texas, last 'Friday night. is for the Aynfiire. The herd was esitablish- tio of the k dnes an h ce There was a lo n in onor shown them the lodge a success. , and t 1p to rrake Air. Daw e but there was. son, 'Of Kin_ ni, h i 0 n '00 (lord r ,d.. b a C' 'no t It t e( I le