The Huron Expositor, 1895-03-01, Page 4-4 THE HURON EXPOSITOR* MARCH 19 I aund in Clinton last week.—Mr. Willian-i
l& -tares the Opposition have one or two perior courts, also in cases'where jurors are overtook Deceaaed leaves- two sons and supported by George Walker, of Gorrie, his He was dressed in a busine;s suit and took h LU olis on the paper con'eerning it. The not unanimous, that ten jurors mav give a a daughter, the children of his first wife. brother and by V. R Augustine, brother of nothing with him that would indicate any Weatcott, of Sestorth, lealled on friends last
YO'UR LABEL, moti 0 ting of the share
verdict. Reference was also madi io the Douglass has been for half a century in the the bride. ()wing to the stormy weather intention of making a prolong&i absence: -week.—The annual inee
les -3 discussion of this kind there ip at the Getman -holders of the Kippen Hall 'Company was
Prohibition question. The Supreme Court front rank of the orators of his race. He and the blockade oil the railroads and other Detectives have learned from I %fro. The Subscription price of the EX-POSITOR, present time &tter'. 11 : ield last Friday evening. The meeting waa
of Canada having decided that the Province was born a slave in 'Maryland in 1817, and arteries of travel,& large number of invited that, while Mr. Lsmfrey was of'& cheerful I if paid strictly in advance, well attended and a good deal, of business
is , ONE has no power to prohibit th6 manufacture escaped from sla-%r4iry in' 1835. His mother guests from Toronto and various points in. disposition, he wold brood over trifles DOLLAR. done. The total receiptsfor the past year
Ouimet's. Idesof Honest 0ov- and sale of spirituoub liquors, the Gov .rn- was a negro slave and his father was a white the States were debarred- from being pres- and often seemed fond of solitude, pass- A If you do not renew within tfiiee. months ernment. merit have already taken steps to procure a. man. His lecturing tours in Europe in the ent on the festive and joyous occasion. ere 116.00 and 'the expenditure $84-4-0).
ing hours away from . other inmates of w
d ought, The following persons were leeted directorl;
of the date on your label the price will' be Hon..'Mr. Ouimet, the Minister. of Public ecision from the Privy Council. Measures interest of abolition e rned for him a world- —Mr. Robert Cleg , a prominent citizen the house, apparently in gloomy t] not r"fa that the da;y lie dis- for thecomi,gear viz: Mr.R.Mcl
$1-215;if you (10 also promised in reference to the Lieu-* wide reputation. ! 'He subsequently held im- of Falls City, Neb and 9, brother of It has been leartled, A, liam. Thompson,
with -in aii, were too M
Works, will be remembeted a the, man who
r. Joseph Clegg, of Morris, (lied on Feb- appeared he drew $200, which he gave to Mr. J. T. Me ay, A r. Wil ilionths of the date Oil your lael the price tenant -Governor's residence, and the ap- portant offices 6der the United. States M will be said the, public funds should be trieated. as a pointment and remuneration of oflicers such Government, and was the autbor'of several ruary 4th, at his home, He had been four Mr. McRae, an old family friend, who had Mr. R. Di le Mr. William Cooper. The
No paper will be sent longer z ' times Mayor *da J ng the place of T—Afelis.
than one- Y, ear, before being * paid for. legacy given to the Conservative Ministers as sheriffs, etc. This, in brief, is the sum popular books. of Falls City, and was promin- invested his savings. He had a diamond last two mentiS ned tak
and John McNevin. The company hope for
and substance of what the address codains. COUNT TOLSTOr TuE AUTHOR.—It is re- ent in the. councils of the Democratic party ring of a peculiar setting which lie always
Send renewals directly to this office. to divide among their friends. Here is in- d results this year. —2 fr. R. Mellis anti
It is more than probable, however, that ported in St.Petersburg that CountTolstoi, in his State. wore, and he carried several gold pocket o
Money sent by registered letter, post-ofli other saniple of his ideas OnL statesmanship, it is thought Viss Jennie Mellis, after an absence of three-
ce many other matters will crop up as time the Russian novelisb and social reformer, is —There died on the farm of James Walk- pieces, one a $20 coin,.which, nioney order, express money order or drat, tak-en from La, Presse, a French Cahadian rolls on. The the author of the Liberal manifeeto recently, inshaw, Hullett, a few days ago, a peacock, aggregated $50 in value.. These, it is sur- weeks, returned home on Tuesday morning.
sis. at our risk'- A post -office order u to $4 organ of the Government: spirits and doing p CONSIDERATIOf Or THE ADDRESS issued against the' Czar's'declaration that he which had pi oudly strutted about on that mised, may have induced robbery. No M't biseves..
be i Noth- . well, as a result of the o
osts only two cents. The )linister of Public Works explain- Was taken up on Friday afternoon. would uphold autocracy as earnestly as his farm for over 212 years, it being one of a pair cause for suicide can di covered. pera ion on Mr. George Taylor had. the misfortun ' to.
It was late father. presented to his father by the late Rob ing is known- of family antecedents which ed, to his friends that under the present cir- moved by Mr. John Craig, the newly elected ert His hae one of his fingers nipped in the graill
The change on your label will notify y6u GE'YERAL BOOTH i,_ z NE\\- Yovi --.--:General Henderson, Huron road, Tuckersmith. Its might throw light on this quest cumstance8 it would be extremily difficult- member for East Wellington. -Niy. Craig, Booth c6mmander-in-chief of the Salvation mate died in the same month, four years friends generally fear that he crusher while iemovin. .—Afew hbof our receipt of'the money. If not chanaed to obtain from the House the complete re- like the Speaker, is a newspyier man being g some straws
ago a number of young people
in three weeks drop us a card and we will dress of the grievances of he Catholics, be- the Editor of the Fergus Jews -Record, a Army, returned to New York aturday, ago. ed forhis valuables. They will continue evenings JalneS after his four moliths' tour of the United —Monday evening of I" -t week, an alarill their search, although devoid of much led the residence of Mr. oore
trace the matter 11L storit
cause the members from the English Prov- journal which he has conducted with con- sand a go States qnd Cairiada. He will leave for Eng- of fire was given in Brussels, owing to a hope. with full basket od prograiii,me-
Address,4& letters and make all cheques incea on the eve of presenting themselves siderable ability for many years. He, is of t
and orders payable to 'McLean Bros. again before the electors would not dare to portl form and pleasing presence and spoke land this week. Tuesday night there was skriall box, used as a cuspidor, in W. H. —On Wednesday of List , week, St. They spent a food time in be way of social a big farewell meoting in Camegie Hall. McCracken's grocery, having caught fire. George's church, Goderich, was the scene of enjoyntent,til a I -ate hour, when all retired,, vote in favor of the c6mplete remedial well. He has a lear, distinct voice, speakg. W. hen reinitting money do'not fail to give JOHN MORLry John Nlorle It is supposed a cigar stub was thrown into a very pleasing event, beinL- the well pleased.—Our mil yard is getting %%Tll
measures which ir Mackenzie Bowell in- easily and gracef ulIy and made an excellent Qhi ' Y7 0 - . Their is a better lot of lo -g-%
post office tends to pro -pose, wbile after the elections, . on the House. The seconder of , _A_f Secretixry for Ireland,is confined to his the box, which caused the fire. It was dia- Clara Agnes, only daughter of the- late Char- filed with logs veas.—The impression
When notifying us of change of address after the lued from the effects of a ebill. covered in good time, and the threatened les Slack, and Edward Lindsay .Elwood in - tliis season than for some members were elected *for five the address was Mr. Donald NicNiA, the Pastor
WANTS is stated that China is danger averted. barrister of Oxbow, Northwest Territory. busiesr, man In olir pkee is this % ao net fail to give both old ad new post years, it would probably be as easy to b tleman who redeerned West Elgin by de- CY-' -_ I 0 en n- at a There was a very large atten(fance', as the Re - 8 Acheson who in spite of the hrd
Office tain ample justice fq,Catholics. The Gov: felng Mr. McColl. He is atypical Scotch- now strongly desirous of Voiace with apan. —Walter H. Green, -while worki. is w- as'never 6pt so, busy in the we6dirg
7EEN'S 'IDITI.0 -.—A despatch saw in the -Standard Furniture factory in bride was a general The bride
y ,U 1 ernment has determined topresent itself be- man, ad.though nQt a cultivated speakei, , V 'tell boles snoAv
rorn ondon, Englad, on rebru r IV inglia in,- was unfortunate enough to aLLOW Wore & travelling costu e of brown, with nu, mur, fore the -people with a definiteprogrmme on his remarks e characterized by round wer
—Queen Victoria iaas been in see banks all have to be Surmounted to be on -
says U_Ln the doubled ond joint of the second fin hat and plumes to match, and carried a
this question. The programme will be' an- common sense. He is also a hard hiher and
—Mi s L zie Momteith,_ of Harlock,
the past week, according to the Court Cir- ger of hii left hand to come into contact bouquet of white roses,and looked beanfiful. hand. S iz
nounced in an order in Council, and if. the strikes right from the shoulder. He made ahomt. al-
-bridesmaid, Miss Elwood, was attired ent Sunday last at the PaTentf
otilar but if it had not been fo Y
r r he official with the sa-w, resulting in the bones be' The sp House elected at the next election% refuses several good pohits,which brought down the id NEW ADVERTISE ENTS. chronicler the inhabitants Of the metropolis split and the flesh considerably lacerated. in pale blue satin and carried pink roses. IEL teacher, di. like
so Mr. John Thompson,
to sanction it the present linistry, if re- House and established him a faorite at
would probably not have been aware of their Tbe-finger is doing well. T. Nlacdcrmot acted as groonisman. The wise. MTh.e figurer between. the parenthesis after each -tained in power, WoUlrd make it a question once. e has 11 strong vein of Scotch wit, e of the paper ou which the of life or death, as it would be bound to do whi-.b cuts keen when tinged with sarcasm. thein, for save —An enthusiastic meetino, of the farmers bride was given awayby.lier uncle,F. F. oner denotes the pag sovereign's presence aniong
*dvertisement %ill be found. for her drive to and from the railway station of Blyth district took placc at the Com- Lawrence. The, ushers were F. Lawrence, CromartV. in coArsequence of the order in Council pre- He is a farmer and lie, - no (ioub ,, secures b is Majr
McLaren, of
Neir Good+ arriving -Pickard &Co. (5) vious to the elections." th in 4is cons%uency more by his her esty hag only sli45wn herself in pub- inercial Hotel, on aturday afternoon, to jr., and Sidney Malcolnison. The best A GOOD' P1(-'.—A1r. Win. L.
streng Eye Specialist. Coming -Prof. Obawberlain, (1)7 lie once, and then she was inuffled up to tile discuss the building of a cheese factory, wishes of their many friends follow the- this place, has purchased from Mr. Win.
Pimanchial Statement -S. J. Shannon. b) Mr. Oniniet is ervidentlya of the rprobity and solid straigli't-forwardness than
politician eyes against the cold weather. On the which it was decided to do, the site selected young people to their new home. McAllister, the noted pig breeder of V arna,
j through superior 6 skill, ahbotigh Hard Vmes--Jack8on & Greig., (1) gineeri4
Im ost practicittl kind, nd his estimate of t e strength of that solitary peep courtly but being on the farm of Robert Marshall. Wa- Miss Etta Al urch, third dang,h ter of Alr.
Dispereien- Sale -T. BAllantv,3e7 &Son. (5) he is well gifted with toek_E hLOF fiatural cotch a very fine Berkshire sow, ten' montlis old,
mendacious reporters bwe ventured to de- warlosh. Directors -were appointed, and the William - Murcb, 'of Holmesville, died, on
honesty of the Conservative reresentativies caution. which took first prize -wherever shown ;it
ftrka Brothers Coming. (8) b 0
_scaintupon t e neen s ood health and live- work will be proceeded with at once. Friday morning. 15th ult., at the age' of 21 PNIr. McLare intends
from Ontario is rather startling. He thinks The third'speakqr oil the address was '11r. la t fall exhibitions. Parm, for Sale-Juhn Hen ry. (5) I (lyspirits. The fact is tTat she never looked —A fe-%v years ago Mr. Roger Allen was a years and 4 days. She sueciinibeti to that ke'seping her for breedin.z plurposes to im-
N2otice to Creditors --R. H. Collius. they wuldn't. dre def the people before farter- H6 is a fine looking man, with Figa. for Sale -T. Schoaeff. (5) y so ed and wan and worn as at present. humble resident of Colborne township little -dire disease, consumption. She was for r rov of the. is to
4nted-H. Edber. snowy white bair and whiskers, and is a e the stock ndeleCLion time, but after the election th She is less able thaji- ever to walk even the known beyond the fact, that he was a' local inany years a member of the Methodis F3 ated on his purchase.
TAders- for barn W
Dr.oring and Phlntim Miss Maore. ey, fluent, easy and graceful speaker, , but lie t e cougmtrul
can afford to and probably will snap -their seems cold and to lc shortestf Aistante without assistance, and reacher of ability in connection with the church, and for soiiie tinie it teacher 'n the A Robert has
Great. Bonanza -le. V. Fear- (5) k that sincerity of n.ts--H.. F. Ecl,wards. (8) she is bent almost Nevertheless t 11rIA lan c -ch. He went to Dako- .117
New Pri he tible 01 * t* hui Sabbath School, ready and willing to do this week received d' eat from '.NIr. J_ C.
aners in the face of the people. manner which inspires confidence-. He
She was Bretour, of Burford, ne of his improved
Farm torRent-Ferauson Bros, (5) renewed talk of hep. abdicating in favor of ta, wheff'his aility was recognized, and e anything in the M"ter*s service.
makes one feel that he talks because it is All Sensible People Travel -J. iS. Jackson. It is often- a good thing to get an inside the Prince of Wale's may be dismissed as drifted into politics, advancing from one po- loved by all -.vho knew her,as -was evidenced large B erkrsiiir,e boars. Air. Brethour bas 'he is Members to Mes-t-c.O.F. his place to do so, and not because- oninion, nd I -Ion. Mr. Ouimet is. re re in-vention,for if physically feeble Queen sition. to another, until the other day he by the large number who turned-otit to the earned for himself ran enviable reputation
t Prize Cattle for Sale -D. D. Wilson. (5) pil
sincere or believes in what he says. his ap- Vittoria is mentally a thoroughly sound was elected ("overnor of North Dakota in funeral on Monday, -to Pay their last tribute as a breeder of Yorkshire pigs. Not olil Y is Speciwt Meetings -Y. M C. A. (6) freshin ly cndid t times. y parent lack- of sincerit can scarcely fail to Tendera Wantvd-'ROL AlarshAll. tell against his strength as a. leader. Mr. woman, and she is said to retaily to the full- the Republican interest. of respect to their departed.friend by fol-, he all extensive breeder but lie s an exten- We seldom see expressed in plitill n
est d gree her inarvelously cle- peteeption —The other morning, Walter Coats, of lowing the remains to their last rekting
nner, having taken -no less tha
Xlater was followed by the Attorney-Gener- sive Prize w
Ir. Ouimet of tbd most intricate affairg of state. She Clinton, formerly of Brussels, had a close place. The family have the sympathy of F i(faaac such arrant knavery. _N 4 n n 1 - es
I elw. 1, " Ontario's. Grand Old 'MM11. -To* use a t-w-enty-one priz at the World7a I air. Thi dein a all. -eaveinellt- isa very promsing young pig, nd we boye evideatIv doe's not consider will start for the sontll'of France in bout lie was bout to light the fire with a tile neighborhood in their sad. bCL
0- somewha'tslang expression, lie is, clearlyzing newspap he may rove a success to his -owner.
ree eeks. Ula er, and the name caught on era -tic country. The people are'Imerely the thefatheroftheinall." Heis,evidently, " 0 p
a new cauton flannel iiighf robe he had on.. Morri
tools of the bosses. -in excellent trim, and seems to be renewin A NEw ENTEUPRI-SE.—IMr. J. D. Walker,
9 e- The fuzz or wool on the garment was like CoU__NciL Comicil inet pur- of this place, has called a meeting for INIarell
It is right that justice should be done the his youth. He did not speak long, but he The Bayft Id lq et Seizure. WPLFORTH, FRIDAY, Maruh Is 1895 made zood use of his time. He never DE kR EXPOKITOR :— UIOW ine space in tinder, and in a moment was in a flanie f roni suant to adjournment, the ineinbers all be- ist, with aview to starting a. cheese factory
Catholic minorit of Manitoba. They must foot to head, nd it was only by gleat pres- ing present. -'Alioved by Thomas Code, I' and making arrangements
Y missed a' point, and by the time he got in the vicinity, your valuable columns to correct a. mistake
Mr. Walker is
get their just rights withoat one jot or tittle through there - was not' inuch left of in an item published in last week's Clinton ence of mind that INIr. Coats' garment and seconded by George Kirkbv, thl; the peti- for the season*s operations.
The Donainion Electios' Mtbrter's speech that was not in tatters. body were rescued without serious results. tiop of Donald Kelly all(] others, sking to business man, an. wno a shrewd added or subtracted, but we venture to say News -Record, which stated thitt inspec or
The question as to whether -or not there It nitist not be forgotten that there are Briggs passedAbrough Clinton af ter buen —The z Brussel Roman Catholic church be,mrithdrawn from School ection No. 5, do well in his- new undrtakin if arrange -
that neidier the Catholics nor the Protest- lng was filled to the doors oil Monday morning nd attached to- chool Section No 3, be e hope that a,
bree parties in the Legislature. Mr- illegal nets b I cr to the fisherp-ten of
will be a es!i1oa of the Dominion Parlia:ment now t ongill, ments can be completed. YA ns of Canada wnt'any such trickery ein- of last week, on the occasion of the mar taken into consideration at next council keen interest will be taken -in the Ilatter,, elections take place is Nv 'the Editor of the
H o*, the genial leader of the Patron B%yfield. No News- of J. Roland, of ANIcKillop, to Miss eeting, and that the CIO& be instrnete(I as cil ' ',ug seem ploed in the settlement of the question. as contingent, seemed determined* not to let R cord knew better than that, for lie knew- aiyi s to bethe only pkvin
still ,the all bsobing t6pic of discussion- Zyt!en, .,of the same township. The cere- to notify &11 parties aecordingly. The bruich of bu--bandry. at the pre e t tini.
the fact be forotten either. While s Y
Hon. 11r. Ouirnet bas outlied. that they -*vere not illegal liets, and knew The ression becomes stronger every day M ar mony was performed by Rev. Father Ken- Auditor'; report was then preseked and N6TES.—_'1N1r. Robert Sinery has in his
Whitney, A r. M * ter7s Lieutenant, was about their seizure before they ere burned.
-.lot be a session, but the nedy, of ea,fortb. A very enjoyable time examined by the council, nd, on iliotin of possession two S'Ows wbieh seeni to be
there I collecting his ammunition and getting ready In regard to the seizure- of these nets; - since
THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. was spent by the guests after the nuptial William Isbister, seconded by (,'eorge Kirk- record breakers. They have in the past -11 to keply to the Attorney -General, lie was licenses were tirst issued, one license 11" knot was tied. at the home of the bride's by, the report was adopted. Tenaers for. ten months presented their owner with na
is also venerl that the electionswi
forestalled by the Ptron leader, who 90ti done for all Lake Huron ; but the _Nlinister
6t take place until early summer. But BY AN ON -LOOKER. the floor ahead of him. Mr. Haycock is of Marine and Fisheries. issued new laws for parents, near Waltoii. May success and the building of bridges were tben opened,- fewer than e pigs. These
9eventy-one littl
happiness be their portion. and the tender of Duff & Stewart, being the so ws a " across l3eiween a Chester White all -I liou- the Government can justlf y their course all ordinarily fluent speaker, and. says his this year, and failed to notify -the Bayfield r.e
The eic,lith Legislative Assenibly-of the —The other da a, Naltese eat, in Blvtli, lowest, was accepted. Their figures were Berkshire, -and bred to Berkshire pi,g.-
0 0 say in concise, matter of fact manner. ZD
in not. having a, session the elections fishermen to that effect. They went up -the
Province of Ontario was opened oil Tburs- 11;hadadifficultparttopla lld be did committed the acrobatic feat of jump'ing $863 for Clark -s bridge, and $674 for Forbes' frs. in Lamoud, jr. and A
are so long- delayed, it is impossible to pre- y lae last fall, unwvare of the change in the Adalcol day afternoon of lastweek. The -weather itwell. Itwasbisduty to balancefairly through a second storey window, turninfIr a bridge. Moved by James Bowman. secon(1- call McKellar, who hav lately been so seri- law, then were pounced upon as by a pack of
(-lict. There has not, as yetbeenny definite double somersault and alighting on the srde- ed by George Kirkby, that H. Nlo'oney be
between the two parties and not display 'wolves, and their nets and boats were seized. ously ill, are both, we are pleased to state,
though cold, was pleasant, nd the youth
walk unhurt. The performance took place appointed- inspector for Clark's bridge, and
official"announcenient. The only utterance too soft a side th either. He got through Chief Overseer, Captain Dunn, told us at getting better.—Mr. Thomas Bruce has
Y Aed by 'NIessrs. W. Isbister for Forbes' bridge, to supervise mi J,)I)-i
nd. beaut of the city were out - in great his task with flying colors, and distribut '-'d Bayfield in the summ . removed to his farm in Tuckers th. r at the building lately occu
of thisikind of any importance -was that made er that those licenses I
Heffron Brothers, and it is supposed that the same during construction. A number
Mr. Ives a few day-- go in an ad, num b.ers. In fa,,t, so great-w&s the attend- his praise nd blame very fairly-, and in were al right for tip the lake, and when wia be much -inissed in this vicinity, but-
y Hon. the poor brute had been a prisoner ever accounts were ordered to be paid and the
ance tha,t not only the galleries, but the such a manner as to show his liand. as little we were seized upon we spent two dollars in the people of Tuckersmith will find him a.
dress at Collingwood. He - sad From 1%1r. Haycock's -remarks, inde the building was vacated, and was e as possible. uncil adjourned, to meet acrain oil the jolly good fellow.
fledr of the House, was also crowded and wiring to hini, but he anade no reply. F3
forced to make a wild dash for liberty. 925th of March, at 10 o'clock- it. in.
"There will be niuntlis in which the friend the Patrons seem disposed, this session at "LVevertheless, he told the Government that
the fair occupants of the Legislative cham- —Mr. Parkinson, who hits been for some (The following w" intended for last %eelc.) of the Government will have an Grtunty all evehts, to. act the part of watchers, we.knew all about it, ; that is what the man Lakelet.
Opp time principal of Givins Street school, To-
iples, to ex lain ber at the opening cerem onies contrasted ratherthan legislators or dictators. They did who told us it would be all S. Love is very law at to proagate thei pr1ric right to go A PLEASANT EvF.-NT--A happy event
are not ronto, is recommended an increase to $1,5W. n any f roin this tMuT
-ern- up
theirpGl%icv and their idem to.tbe pe e of somewhat strangely with thosewho took inclined to embarrask the Go
0 - N the .1ake to fish with those licenses. He as alarge staff beneath him. It May shipattendedthe mass meeting at AN"ing- took place attlieresidence of Mr. and^_\11T,
this country. If any one fancies that all their places there a few hours afterwards., ment, inuell lese try, to get matters into When we came home we sent to Ottawa not be kirwn, but.such is the fact, that he Reading, oil Wednesday of last week. It
is going to take place until every their own. hands., But there*is little doubt a petition and affidavit, tAtkell before a is 8, ham- oil Thursday of last week.—'-%fr. John election What the attraction is on such an -occasion if the Government go counter to what they justice of the peace, stating our case; that Huron boy, having been born in the Cantelon died in Brussels on. 1-1 nday of was the marriage of their daughter A-Tiss"' man, waiiiiin allet has had an opor- -think is light, theywill have no liesit 0 $
tunity of knoNvin-what the (Zrit policy is, orwha,Wis that brings so many ont, it is ation we were not notified - of the chage - in the townshipof Usborne, and if we are not ml -9- this week. He had been ailing for some Hannah, to Mr. John Davis. The ceremony
-% - im possible. to say, unless it is to "see. and be in showing their teeth taken, his father ii a resident of xeter .1r. was performed byRev. Mr. Potter., of Clif-
and of knowin V"llat the Tory policy is be . 0 and will not even law. Still 'the Gbvernment ref used to hear time. Deceased was aged 19 years.—A
of een, as there is nothing specially instruct now. There are ;a number of Huronialis Pearce ventriloquist, will appear in the ford, after which about thirty friends sat
is exceedngly mistaken. If t -he P ople' c - liesitte to join ,orces with the 0 position. us, and they' told the Inspector to burn bur em oyed in Toronto schools, among them P , , o the evening of arch 8tb, down to a sumptuous wedding feast. The -
this country tura ot, the 0,6vernment Lt ive or exciting about, the'pro eedings. It is Had the Governhient been depensent upon nets, and that those instructions were final. Pi township hall n i
the next general election it will be because said the assemblage of visitors on this occa- them for suppor , they might in this way being theMisses kilwards and Miss Forrest, - -oung couple will move to _'Milmay, where
Inspector Briggs did not want to biirn our forinerlv at the school entertainment.—Mr. John they will commence their married life, aniiAl after Judging of the facts they have come to sion was larger and gayer than was that at have rov-ed a source of danger to it, but nets, as he kn 'kv wl-at an injustice. he was Kelly, 6th line, has urchaed. a Durham the best wishes of all their acquaintaiiiees,.
the opening of the previous session when the this (ranger has been v —The annual meeting of the Goderich bull calf two months old
the conclusion to do o. It, will not be a erted by the bye- inflicting bn respe table citizens, but what for which he paid
District Royal Scarlet Chapter was held in We have come to the conclusion that by
samp vect, and it will not be a verdict whicl aew buildings were form aly opened. elections, although the 6rovernment have better can we expect from a. corrupt Gov- a high figure.—The storni on Nlouday filled the Goveriinient will seek withqut giving tile The Lieutenanit-(.4overnor, of course, at- not too much to come and go on even yet. ernment. I think if we were to go into the the Orange hall, 1 Goderich, on February ry roads up again. Pitch holes 'spring there will not be -many young people
0 1 left in this neighborhoodas there have been eople.not- only ample tinie, but at a time of tended in state, its usual, and was, for the However, it is likely the a 'ritude of this heart of India we would find better Govern- 14th. After considerable business of im- are very bad and man a cutter has got
P y
tim e being, the obser'ved of al observers. third party will be more clearly defined be- portance to the order was transacted, th eleven young couples married this winter,
The year when the call devote theniselves ment for, its citizens than in Christian Ca e
y n_ wrecke ' in them. A good many people
following were dtily elected officers for. the and if you watch this colum n for the next nd conveniently and pleasantly ve frozen faces now. Jack Frost is no few vreeks you willee that there are more
comfortable a Ile is rather nice I )oking fellow, avith good fore the sessiqn is.over. ada. It is a shame we canot pick Qut men lia sai of
and agrecably to it, and the' presence and a ple. it voice, and -he got This concluded the debate on the address year: James Calwell, Sir Kt. Com. in Com- —Mrs. Lobb, Sun' v on't want efido,wed with common sense to govern our mand; M. 0. Johnston, Excellent Com. in respecter of persons. to follow. off his little piece very cl verly, ad seems and it was finally passedand the House ad- country. So thankingyou, Mr. Editor, folv shine, is very poorly at present.—Wood, their oercoats either."
the various ceremonies with journed until INIonday afternoon. Command; Thoma McKee, Chap.; Charles Lov -.Lrrms. The Patrons of Indstry ell -
This looks m if the elections -,%-ill not be Johnston, Scribe; James Cox, Sir Herald oyed an oyster supper at. the residence of to "6 the space.taken in your valuable paper, logs and bay are being Pset daily oil the due di;l1i'tv- The first business of a new Par- (ZENERAL NOTES. reinain yours, roads, owing to the bad pitch lieles.—Tbe lia held util lay, a any rate, an over- ment al;vays is, of course, Kt. at:Arms ; RicCrd Tichbourne, Inner Mr. C. Wright, after Which a fine pro -
The general impression now seems to be A FiRlIERAIAN.. township council meetingwas held at the gramine was rendered. 'those who Herald , Thomas Sowepby, Outer Herald took
eoot will certainly be required at, ny date that the session will not be a very long one BATFIFLD; February 25th, 1896. hall on XondaSr, l8th.—Mr. J. Cook and were - Messrs. T. Ricie, J. GowAly.
THE OF'A SPEA K Elt. —Monday forenbon of last week, about Mr. C. Michie are pushing the
but one can never tell the end from the be' -entertain- 10 o'clock, the spirt of'Jobn, second son of
I,mec:eding that, an(I perhitps later. It is not The choice this time fell upon _Nfr. W. D. ginnina. It isisaid that the Opposit, I ment for the 6th line. This will make the gallay, J.. Wood, D. Harkness, M.. Sc6tt,
ion, a -
Huron Notes. Mr. Samuel Cantion, of Morris,. took its
likely, eiter,that a Cabinet 1finister would Balfour, he member for South Essex. N Miss .M. Gregg, Miss J. Ritchie, Miss _'V1 fr. thougl few in Inumbers, %r 5th line hustle, as they are reported , do- - S
e full of fight, cott, flight. Deceased *a chopping in the 'bush niake & sttement of this kind unless there and already they have several notices on ing little or nothing at gettin, up the pro -
Balfour a compaativelY Young andlAr. A. W.Ralliday LakeleCs
A plate glass front atHar & Lee's, omedian, who almost
tger i
nian, being still on the 'snny side'of' a few weeks ago, and got wet from a shower brought the house
In, fi f tv, the paper wbich-promise to give iise to con- gramme.—Mr. Thomas Russe
as some foundation for it. We think, 61 oderich, has been cracked by 6 frost. jr., has got of rain. Cold wa4g'. contracted, resulting down by his new selection of song.—Mr.
III back from Perth County, accompanied by has been a member of the Legislature for siderable discussion. —Williarn Bright, manager of the Brus- kidney and lung trbuble, causing his death Rolson 1* -8 been engaged in moving his fnr-
theref ore, the people niay fairly twelve ye,tirs, and to show that - he wears There are - an 'unusual number of new sels Flax mill, has been quite ill with in his sister. A ivedding was the attr Lction at the early niture Artd stock
that there will not be a session of Parlia- is growing in favor with his con- age of .21' years. About two down on a farm near
for the above occasion. It is needless to members thissession, more it is said than flammation of the bowels, -but is improving years ago deceased was seriously ill, but lie '""roxefer.—Mr. Retand, from Blyth, has
ment before dissolution, wid that the elee- stituents,he was retuned'at the recent elee- there have been for niany years. nicely now. say the young folks enjoyed the trip, al -
regained his health, and appeared to be moved to a farm near our burL% which lie
tio*s will not b e leld until early suiranci-, tion with it inuch larger majority than he ranks of th%t Opposition are sadly depleted, % —A number of Clinton young people drov though slow driving :was neces,-ary both ever had before. , Aside from the me m bers and, numerically speaking, they make a *to Seaforth, on Wednesday of last week to hearty and strong. The relatives are syni- there aiid back. purchased from his,4aw, NIr.
TOssibly aboat, the first of June. $ 1 pathized with in their bereavement. Dalaiage.—OULr rain clioppers have cut the -
of t1le Government, lie is, possibly, one'of very sina11 allowing in the House. -they attend the carnival, but had to turn back the ablest men inL'- the House, but his unas- have still, however, some good men left,- —The Methodist people. of the Auburn price down to one-third f what it wa i. I'lltn'l, and bad a hard time getting home. y, Of circuit have been very enterprising during Gorrie. the fan, and people are taking ftd,vata-e (A
The and Now. ier, has made him a* fa- and,',%vith the Patrons as a sort of mehace —It is reported that Mr. - J. McK (Intended for last week) 11 the cheap On Friday vorite with both parties. He uyill make a the past year.. Donnybrook has built a rates. a nmbe'r of
to the Government and ballast to them- Clinton, was found in his room in Goderich (, rkTnFn-,(,s.—On Wednesday of loade were brought in from a distance of 1.t
popular 4peitker. He is, neiv§,paper man, selves, thqy may yet make a few lively sit closed shed costing about $300. Westeld n the X. 1. crne in,to existence it the other (lay, with his head and face badly last week & party of fifteen ladies and miles. We expect to.hear of some
beint, Editor of the Anihei
Nvas prornised thtt. if the people j-rould but C also built one about the same size, costing ID
i-stbin-i Echo, and cut gell- .001111:11'r
-om the ranks. In appearance lie Taken upon the whole, Ontxio's -legis- —The United States Government. has about the some amount, while Auburn builf it to ek the time -vote for it, the exedus be eliet-ked., has visen h and unable to explain hbw it occurred. tlemen from Gorrie and -vicinity, wet from Goderich this we . Now is
additions costing about $200, so that the Trow_bridge, to visit Mr. Code, of that place. to visit our burg, and then you is quite it contrast to the last Speaker, and lators ae a very fine, solid, sensible looking granted' to Kay, of Ddtroit, form
reciprocity would, be bron,lit bout, pros- physiclly speaking, he %vill not 11 fill the body of men. There i erly have shelter and comfort for nearly all thy A terrific storm. came on before they reached ith the rest of us,that I's It reminds you of
North- e s nothing-. of the of Clinton, tbb back pension due dn behalf tea to the several 4p oint- their destination, and continued until the Chicalo, during the Datrr(wll ments. There has also been -eavig this wee
lit-ritywo.ild blooni perennia,11y. The. uhlir "so well its _Nlr. Speaker Ballantyn flippant or foppish about them, and- all of her husban&j who was 6 sugeon in the ms that crowd following Friday. They were miable to inte S I k for Harriston,
did. He is dark, spre an(I delicate. but is look as if they ere bent oil business. army, &mounting to neady.$3,000, and also o spir- -0- Take ail ordinary County Council and you given her a monthly &Mwance. a rosperl.y, ne over wir spell a fpw da. 8 with
west was to be fillc(l up so tijLt, th, a(;tiN-eandii,itelligentlookiii" Hewaspi marks T 'll of Iands wauld not onl ;+ay for the All I -it for since last Ju reach Gorrie until Saturda evening, -when where she posed by the Prenlier, and se-*conded by INIn. have a, very firaniple: of the Legislature iiiel Walper, a former r forty Piave been received oil profession of they drove into town, singing " Th Old friends.—Mr. B. Potter has returneil to fr. Da esident of fath, while all over the circuit the p ople in F olks at Rome." Mr. William (4reer and Harriston, where he will resume his, 3tiiihs. fie would help largely A,%vrey,'nieniber for 8outh lVentworth. in personal appearace, -only on it. smaller Htillett township, and Mao has been home 'NAr. Jolin- McKaine, two of the party, —Miss Hillhouse, of Clifford, who wits.
to reduce the ntional debt. An artuy of In roposiiig Bid - four, Sir Oliver pad scale. There re fewer young men than for a few weeks, returns this week to St. every department have a mind to work. r taken down with typhoid foyer, isf slo-%vly t
worknicri-wit,. to. be- so litr,ge tha- "Pl"lle"t to the vatern member one would naturally expect to see. There Thomas, Dakota, w'here for twelve years, —One Saturday afternoon lately, two eached home on foot on Thursday-onight, for East Huron. Ife-said: "The member :are not inny on either side whose hair and he and a brother have been farming. They ung nienwent to Belden's livery after a very fatiguing walk. —11arties re recoverin&—A wedding'card. received by it
its luenibers would f urnial; , profitble rSouth Essex ws one of the oldest mem- stable, now the orMer of the day.—Miss Annie San- friend of ours, "ea(l as follows: " Mr. - whiskers are not more or less streaked with have 480 acres under cultivation. 107iugham, and hired a horse rnd cutter, derson, youngest, daughter of Mr. Isaac I am. in )e gi to I married to -Morrow; I)e
nd (
ket for the produee of Canadian farniers, bers in tle- House, lthough not the old- grey, and it is evident that niost of them —The dry -goods and grocery stock of stating that tli y were going out to Alr. 0
-4 ; W. 8andersoii,, of ths place, -Is very low at -sure me down; don't let rpur work while che watifacturett i rtivles Ir(julcl 1 )e es' , Tha, distinction, the Attorney-Gener- are crowding closely the half century of Mrs. H. Rogers, in Brusse1q, has been dis- Currie's, in Wa,%%anosh. They paid $1.50 resent.—Mr. Lennox is again home with 've o'Cloek ; be 'Buiv ali'l e forthe ri, and drove down street Stop You it is at fi no deitrq thaii if the-I'Ll Ll sai, ii joved 1 y-the nieniber'for R ast their -existence, while hot. few ae march- posed of to James Inviii, who will continue far a,
were no -L,LVilf Uld I Flis fitinily.—Mr. John Edgar of Tara is come! If you like you may brig the (.ibs'an.j who the fafher of ing close on the three score years. In pro- it in the same store. Rogers will con- the Qneen's hotel and left the horse in tlie 0 7 I - t -D
-tu, visiting friends in and itroud Gorrie —r. '%vith YOU, everi, illy even cheitper. Nova coal the House, and svhoila he -,votild style. portion to their numbers, there are more tinue. the'nifflinery and mantle business in shed for about two hours. Then -one of the -wxs Lo; take Lhe V, of Y Robert Toung, who has been visitin- in venerable, were it not that he. himself young men on the Opposition than on the the me building. young men went back to the livery to hire 0 i Rochester and New York, r turned to his
'the price would not be reter. It re;,(.J s was five years that gentleinan's senior in e 'vVroxeter.
0 Ministerial side. —Two lively green frogs,were found hop- another horse, having forgotten that he7had
oint of years. Outside of the member for home on Thursday night, 15th inst. He like it firy tale, doesin't it If Or like the shop P ping around on a snow bank- on Mr. David one out. He was ordered away, and Mr. (Intended for last week.)
'Eagt Huron mid some members of the Gov- has two sons in the forinei -1 d both' c i s arm, ast awanos , a ew ditys e en ei er wen or sell - some o Y to I t, t te-town booluer of the Western, ernment, -the re were in the House only three -News of the Week. are doing well at their tr%' e, bricklaying.
'.McKillop of Harriston, ig
ago. Mr. was, busy cleaning out an look for the horse, and found it sbiverin visiting at Reeve , drs'.' gen 9 Will is in New York City, and is receiving San :.--R. ;Grab ain v;L_
atlenien who had served in it longer than AiTERICAN CATTLE 11 0 H I 11TED.1 France old well, and it is u#posed that, the frogs with cold in the shed above mentioned, and a alry of $1,100. - This is good pay qon- Cates the Coniiercial hotel this week. Ile the ii-viceessors of the nien who spun the 111ember for South Essex—the member ])its decided to prohibit, the iniporiation of were thrown out of t e well alongwith to took it home. ..8 Grove.—The famil of Air -
he sidering the dull, times. These young
for South Went -worth (Mr. for America cattle. dirt men these yawns are gain,,- At the ripe age of 95 years, there 11 Cibson have taken Country, not y water. 0
ises East Petcrboro'(Mr. Blezard),and fororth esville young are-inade of the r - lit material to succeed. resi-
the electors of these pro, To Bri. TRILD FoR.Nl r FtnFit. —.Nl rs. Horace —One day lately as two Holm ed a,, ay another of the old settlers of thi dence in Toronto, wliere they -
Ltmrk (Dr. Preston.)" Uncle at tErn In tile neighborhood will remain. E. Pope anc i iam - russeau are ot i held men, J. Huller ai Holdsworth were coun , o eric * c elizte, or - years an
ear. Canadians oi the ri(,Iit to their faltilinent, but plead- The Opposition did not of $2,800 a d'uring the session of tlie Ontario Legkla_ Oppose r. Bal-_ for the murder of Dr. ()pe, husbnd of the passing crossing in Clinton oil their wa lionore and high y respected resident of z5 ture. g for a little ttiore timne and f y to con- our 8 cleetion , ill fact, Mr.- Marter, the former, in Detroit. fromeaforth, they were caught by a runk- Ashfield. Deceaed was born at Lochbroom, stamp will inake their mark wherever they leder, ,pokc very (,f the (;hoi(;e go.—Mr. T. H: McLalighlin attended the -St"'PER.—Wroxeter is, and has vince the peole that they are prosperous, lh .m).—Baron Aberdare, t one tinic Iin- way team and thrown from their cutter. Ross -shire, cotland, in the year 1800. From reason to be proud of her The Government luLd made, id --the election Luckily they were not seriously hurt. there be moved to Sutherlandshire, -and in meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient urling g!lub. IiL Order of United Workniclol, held ill Toronto ce we m entioncl sk! as conequently unaninious. dent of the council, is dead. - Hewas seve en cutter.' 1848, came ;to Canada nd live(I one their having one to London to compete f,(.) What a pitiful tm perial Home Secretary,knd later Lord Presi last weeks correspondne
nty- Nothing but a badly brok
We ym-pathize deeply with the ineii. %vbo pine years of age. —Sorne person entered T. E. Cor year in Puslinch township, county- of Wel- last week. The Gorrie lodge was well re- THE BILL OF nyn-s presented. — Miss Maggie Daile left for the Western` Tankad, where, thugh not- have come in -to. the of wof'_1 left, by FROZENZ TO DFAT11 i stable, in Witigham, one night lately, and, lington, when -he and family settled in Ash- The Speaker taken the chair, the casualties of last. w-eek's snow storm in field, remaining until 1882 ; since then lie Puccessful in. bearing borne the the promoters Gf the N. 1'. We admire the the Lieut unfastening the horse fro ln the manger (Ioderich lat week, where she is engaged
cua,ut 6overnor again . enter- the south. was the freezing to' death of a turned it around and tied it n where i' has been his daughter rs, as milliner. Aliss Dane will doubtless give prize, they made some"grand playing 1jav-
phicky sorne of'th eii re niLking Imt d the T e(,j..1at.iN.e Zn t defeated th t
chamber and delivered party of four hunters in the woods of the could have access to the oat The horse on, Hilron township, where ood satisfit(tion in the county towil.. e, Forest City Q%)
ag Kenneth Hen(icis 9 -trc box. onevertheless, to their wht is known its The Speech from the Alliance plantation about iiiiieteen miles be- ate a great "(luantity of oats, but seenied he died on January 26th last, after an illness clu s. The final ma&;ll was between Throne." This is and 'Wroxeter, and was won by the fornier
saddlingg. on the nation the-burklen of a _eucr;6llY supposed to, low New Orleans. 0 none tbeworse for it. of eight weeks. Deceased was E6 consistent IEC ippen. thus entitling them to the Tankard. utline the bu- iness of the Session, but it 1?,'NTFREDTiiEAw.iY. Honorable Winston e Pre
—,\Ir. James Wal-kinshw,of the 2nd con- member of th sbyterian church, and a Our village has been uict the fore the return of " the bo
-Hullett, has rented ilia farni of Reforme in po ti does not generally do so nd this one is not Churchill, eldest son it was sil,, which has enriched a fvored fvi% tile ex- f the late Lord Rau- cession of r h es last few days, owing to the storms gested and wished by many friends in tinva 0
likelf- to be any exception. to the general dolph Chur-,hill, has entered the army, re- 100 acres 6 his brother-in-law, '-\Ir. John —The Chicaga Herald says: Mysterys;till and the trains being -blocked.' -Rev.
rcaL bulk of 4 The addr;: -Al r. that the success of the club in thepast,
pense of the g rale. s refecred especialy to the ceiving, the appojutnient of lieutenant. in the -McKnight; foi- a term of five years, and will
surrounds the whereabouts or fate of Wil- Acheson delivered a very inteiestim?ser- should be publicly commet or t d &MI ub-
condition of the agricultural in- Fourth Hussars, one of the irack-cavalry take up his residence in Clinton. Mr. _\Ic- liam B. Larnfroy, formerly of Goderiell, a nion on Sabbath last, . both inorniii P) stantially celebra, n a e the ng to lowprices regiments. g and
te-r(!.-,ts foi past year, o Nvi Knight is a first-class farmer, very eareful VOung salesman who was employed by evening. — Revival meetings 11 -e ed in some popular mun-
if a% been ner. A grand. oyster supper -was decid _(r
( grain and stock, aso to the goorl work N TA -,*S D.kj-i 0
TiiF University difficulty liar' I;t:(-n and ove a good tenant. Slaishall Field & Co.,.and who dimppeared started in Kippen this week .'—Alrs. James oil, and the banqueting hull in the dope at the Agricultural Collerr Iliss Eily O'Connell, in religion Mother' —Tuesday of last week Zas the occasion on the night of January l5th. Ever since Moore is visiting friends in Zurich and the present, at. any rate, in so far its tile view of lielpill" to mitigate ay Be -lie gi v for the Sol, block was made read
nigna, t -aiii1daughter of a happy gathering at the re denve of L.
of Daniel then his friends have been constant in their Dashwood.—A very plea.sant event took being gaily (ijecoratd with banners mttoers,
%tudents are con,,-erned. A conirnittee frma this (listress. It. also referred to the open. O'Ciutiell, died,latelv in t;b(-- Ursuline Con- 13. Augustine, of Asohfield, to witness the seareli, and that so long a time has elapsed place at the home of Mr. James %I t ures, Jte., and the emblematie In,, up of the Rainy Lake district. sttLtilig vent at Waterford, freland. ore n pie
canferred with It coliallittee C, marriage cereniony of his eldest daughter, has given rise to dire forebodings. Now100 Friday evening last, when a part 0
t hat considerable tracts of arable land have Y of young- After the splendid repast, a few prelimin-
birdsliave been agrgi ', and J. H. Walker, liftb on of .1aQ. reward for information relative to the youn people dropped in unexpectedb, and en- ary remarks
from flue authorities of the K been found there, which, re attracti a driven t 'ngland by the cold winter. in 9 13 s; 11 fr calling the maii3, gue t tt
io R W Iker' of Dungannon., ome 0,venty-five mail is offered by Alexander Annan, depart- joyed. themselves to their bearts" 1-ontent a -t or4er, were i)iiade by Mr John as it result Of tllLt, vonference, th( .11ts ('011.1;idendyle nuniber of settlers. The pros- the Cambridgeshire 'ens lately specimen couples oPinvited guests were pt-eselit at ment manager of th house. Lainfrey games and music.—Tbe retired of e
in the right 13runnich's guilleniot and four little -auks the joyful event and partook of the wedding 111
returned to let -Lures, and btis pcss in this P"'t far -old inining 080, ill this SeeLion, is of r., and the right man
boarded for nearly a year with Mrs. Oet- this place are keeping'themselve.,; from r most en couragi i i - r Tb is will if be an an d- were capturecl. ust- was pat in the chair, in the person of Mr.
great seat of learning is oing an bout s feast, which, was sumptuous and abunant. man, 08 Washington boulevard. He &.4 now.—The many readers Robert 1%liller, who proceeded to announA.,tt ditiona,liii !vnk'tivce'to ettlement. The re,ds- The i-Aarriage rite was performed by Ray.R. credited with exemplary habits,. and ,whi,, of TjiE ExPOSITORin our neighborhoo(l bad the programme of the evening, which usual. 'Nio donlit there will be an investi- trtion (if Act, whiQh was in op -well-known. colored orator,- Fairbaim in a most solemn and impressive preferring the society of his. male friends, to retire to est
era- I)ougl&,,g, the
'fat, as possible and if it is found U011 iLt the 111-4 ele(,-tiou in the cities, has died sudilenl of beart dis-eae at his resid- manner, preci on Fridav evenin without leilgthy and varied. Among the ion as soon 9
worked so well, y sely at 7 o'clock. The bride was always courteous to the opposite sex, having a pqeip at their old friend, which did were Mr. Thomas Gibson, 'NI. 13. 1 #the stutlents have ha,1 any :f . itjs propbsed to extend it ence, in Anacostia, oppo te WashiDgton, on
ust grounds or i -,., looked beautiful in her elegant antl(.-ostly The night lie disappeared he left the im- not turn up till Saturday evening on acco
to the An act is also. promised to the night of Februr unt 8. G. Anderson, William M. their kick up, these will'be i ninved. The 4__ _y 2()tli. He was in the attire, and was attefided by her sister,Clra, pression at the kouse either. that hewould oftbe storms.—Special meetings arebeing President of the club, and others. lessen the number of appeiLis in the courts, highest ,zpirits and apparently in the of and Miss Mary Crosbie, of Belfast, -who call on a Miss Davis or on a friend on the held in theIlethodist. church. - r. Thomas intervals between the speeches, the 4 aiatter will, also, be ventihaetl in the Legis- and to the inoccedings in the 8u- he tlth, de,spite his -,8 cars, hen death were all becomin red. The ,rooni -%I-a.s north tide. He never reached either place. McKay attended the funeral of Mrs Pen- portion of the programme -was ably
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