The Huron Expositor, 1895-02-08, Page 2.11 ;_ THE SEAFORTH , Witt, I have always found It safe to trust . � . 1 F I . nt, a d I am try ng toa DUNCAN & DUNCANf , - - � n OOD FARM FOR 561E. -For sale, north hsH ea I be a or. I am a 7 ­ ' years, but In -all the crises of.my life--nnd what for my , �r * there bave been many of them -1- have preacher of the gospel and a delegate to - - 1�. i Musical - Instrument %ere@ good fenoes,-good orchard and never -falling ORTUNITY." felt the mighty boost of that lesson In the the general assembly." Seven years be-. C � I ; creek. Apply to PHILIP HOLT, Ooderich. 12n MON ON ,,OPP ALL SPECIAL ATTENTON TO THEIR . . . r , ; c . . Witt, I have always found foreontbat Hudson river sloopwas the I a 1: EMPORIUM- ARMS FOR SALF,-The undersigned ham twentv it safe to trust the Urd. " The fact was clergyman's opportunity. ill r F le in FmCfluron, the ban* The Cb&nce That NOTer Comes the Second * r this minute in the presence o . . ner County of the Province; all sizes, and prices to I wonder if they t I many heads of families. GREAT - CLEARING SALE .. I Time -Elements of -Commercial. Lf tera ry and he improved It. L . I suit. For full information, write or "W of Influ-� . i . I - Notroubleto show them. F. S. 8,;Q , 11ru.45 - and Political Success -The Greatest of This Is one reason why I am an enthu- all realize that the opportunity t . � P. 6. elastic friend of all Young Men's Chris- encing the household -for Christ and heaven IF- I I , All Opportunities. tian associations. They get hold of so is very brief and will soon be gone? For ntinued until the- . I - '. I GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -A itio acre form ity awhile the bouse Is full of the voices and' - I 11 , . Afor male, 3.3 nilies mouth of the village of Wroxe- NEWYORK, Feb 8.—Rev, Dr. Talmage many young men just arriving in the c i ; f children. You sometimes feel t., . . Owing to �' d time'' we have con- t,:r, being south parts of lots 9, 9 and 10, concession &gain found himself facing a vast audl- and while they are very impressionable, footsteps 0 � - A township of rurDberry. There are 140 acres clear the.Academy of Music this after- and It is the best opportunity. Wby, how that you can hardly stand the rae.ket. Yoll �, - 6' Do be quictl It seems as if my head . ; . cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at ;�. good bank barn, frame house, good orchard and Once at P 4 . For further particulam sp- noon, while thobsands surged around the big the horses looked to us as we first r,n- say: I 1 -4 two never failing wells. Ill And 0 - LL I ply on the premises. THOMAS POPE. 1414- entrances unable to gain admission. The tered the great city, and so many peoplel would splJt with all this noise - ENiD ' OF FEBRUARY C : �, 'i - 6 ­ Greatly Reduced Prices. . . Academy was crowded shortly after 8' It seemed some meeting must have just things get bioken and ruined, and It is: . ! . . I OPERTY FOR SALE. -For sale, cheap, a com- D'elock,and the preliminary service of song closed to fill t.be streets In that way, an I I I - "Who has been busy with my i . . fairtable frame house on South Main SLreet, Sea The house contaim was participated In by the throngs that then the big placards announcing all styles books?" . �_ orth, near the Railway station CO I a an and so many of them on playthings?" And it Is a-rushingtbis way - I - - - seven roon)s, wood 4hed and all necessary convent- filled the rr dor d by many of Ahose of amusements rand moth- I T, I _. - Organs at $25 and npWards, and ences, also two good lots - The house is on one of th at the doors on both I-rving place and Four- the same night and every night after our and a -rushing that until fathe VERY SPECIAL BAI�GAINS - � 1, � I . Iota and the property will be sold together or septr- - er are well nigh beside themselves. i- I . I -1 - . . - teeptli street as well. The distinguished boyhood had been spent In reglons whore ilshing bow much noise five . I I �_ - . I �_.' Pianos at Corresponding prices ately. Apply on the premises to RICHARD ROISIX ' 109 -ti divine took for his subject "Opportunity, " only once or t-svice in a whole year there It is astol - I- I I � I SON, Sealorth P. , 0. - . - n seboolbouse or six children can make and not half try. : WILL BE OFFERED IN - It . . . e text selected being Galatians vi, 10, had been an entertalnmenti . I I ARM FOR SALE. -For male, west halt 16t 11, con. "As we have therefore opportunity, let Us op church. That: Is the opportunity. Start But the years glide swiftly a -Way. After r.I ` I . SEE US BE:FORE PURCHASING. Feession 18, Grey, contgining i,o more@, all cleared . are not so many, and I - I . . f cultivation. Thereto a frame do good.' I . . that innocent young man In the right dl- awhile the voices - __ . I , - �� and jn a good state o ection. Six weeks after will be too late. those which stay are more sedate. First � : . barn and log how4e and good orchard.: Plenty of .At Denver ye8TS ago an audience had r - Mantle . water. It is C,JnLveniently situated Jov markets, this room gets quiet and then that room. Black Black Blankets) U]aderwear I ?_ . assembled- for divine worship. Tell me what such a young man does : ,. eohools &c. A ly on the Death takes some and marriage itakes. I ,� .1 ., -it will be sold Aeap. be ,great city, lesi Men's I ,. I remises or to Walton P. 0. ARCHIBAM DUNCAN. The pastor ,of the church for whom. I with his first six weeks In t bile the house is aw- ' 9in d 'and Mant I �, . ____ ... EON, Walton. 141118 was to preach that night, interested In the and I will tell you,what be will be throug,li- othcrs until after aw Furnishina ..�f 7 ic* : I _.___ .seating of .the'people, stood in the pulpit out his life on earth and where iie will , fully still. That man yonder would g1vo Colored Cojored Flannels, Cloths, 0 1 " i I - rt of Lot@ 29 and Opportunityl all be is worth to have that boy who is J ,� i -For Pale, pa looking from side to side, and wh,en -.no spend the ages of eternity. - I � I ARNI FOR SALE. containing 60 acres, gone away forever rush Into the room once Dress D �ss Skirtino,, Gloves, flandk'chfii I - F 30, Concession 1, McKillop, state of culti- More people could be crowded within the Opportunities That Were Seized. . I I . PAPSYS all cleared, well ieytced, and- in a good more with the shout that Was Once thought Fifts, etc. , I , ard and walls be iurned to me and said with star- - Silks Goods . Hosiery I ; - We all recognize that commerclal and : he too boisterous. That mother who was . ( �'_ plenty of water. This farm is within two lots of t tltng emphasis, "What an opportunityl" I 4 literary and political succosses depend ;_ . I corporation of Son forth. Itwill be sold cheap and Immediately that -word began to enlarge, upon 'takh)g adval3tagO Of opportuDity. once tried because her little girl, now gone I ... . , I on easv terms. Appiv on the premisep, or to Sea- forever, with careless scissors out lip some- I . � I . . and while a hymn was being sung at every I i BOOKSTORE forth P. 0. DAVID DOARANCA Proprietor. The grdat sur -cons, of England feared to 11 " thing roally valuable would like to have I of Seasonable goods at i,. I I . 34154 stanza the word "opportunity" swiftly touch the tumor of King George IV. Sir n every departwent will be found the great variety ff, � . ­ I the child come ))ack, willing to put in her very close , : . I and mightily unfolded, and while the open ch extremely low prices, and should be tiken advantage of by e, - I - ., - Astley Cooper looked a� it and said to the hands the most valuable wardrobe 0 I I .- . . ARM Fall SALE. -For sale. Lot 8, Conces.4on 8, -Ing prayer was being made the word piled king, ,,I will �ut your majesty as though this -re'at' sale ig only from now until the LAST OF - il I - Is tbe place to buy your Christmas Puckerswith, containing 100 acres, all cleared, as she pleases. Yesl Yesl The b.ouso buyer. Po -member, PD I , upIntoAlpsand Himal4yasof meaning . That was Sir FEBRUARY, as our sprin,y stock is commencing to arrive. - � , ar I s gift!� at right price,cz. well fencii 11 a Use. " noisy now will soon be still enough, I 1 I I I. and New Ye 0 barn with mtabling underneath. and a frame ho and spread out into other latitudes and Astloy's opportunity. Lord Glivo was his - - �. good orchard and a'never failit g well. It longitudes of significance untilit became warrant you, and as when you. began . `�j I We are showing the largest assort- There is father's dism-ay climbing! -church steeples I-- 14 withinafive miles of Seaforth and Is well situated hemispheric, and it still grow In altitude lng4& His father housekeeping there were just two of you 'in Seaforth. It will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply on and doing reckless th will be just two again. Ob, the he greatest chance the Seaforth,people ever had :1 I " ment ever ahown . m'ference until it encircled other ­%dras, India, as a clerk iU I GIBSON, Proprie,tor. - 1398x4 -t f. - worlds and swept out and on and around ' alarming brevity of Infancy and child- to buy good goods OHEAP. - I l` - , . the service of an Einglish officer. Clive boodl The opportunity Is glorious, but it . - i 4' until It was as big as eternity. Never watched his thne and when war 6roko out n ' asses. Parents may say at the close . T.- ! ; . OOD DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. -It is OPPO since have I read or heard that word with- came to be thechlef of the host that saved ; I % I f life, "What a pity we did not do more ; � I . WHY NOT Gfirst-class cheeae factory in the townshipof . 0 � � I llay, Lot 9,joncesolon 9, good bank barn; ood brick out -beiDg thrilled with its magnitude India for England. That was Lord Clivc,s -4. � - I . gool orchard, 'and momentum. Opportunityl Althougll opportuDity. Pauline Lucca, tho almost for the religious welfare of our children I - � #, . ho&c, I 0 roorns, 2 never failing wells,* mild an bile we had them with us!" But the r, 11 I . I - 10 acres good bush, schoolon next farm. Cattle in the text to some it may seem a matchless singer, was but little rocognized lamen tation will be Of DO avail. The op- I i Buy where you can save money, and to suit purchas- iti - ' I horsea, pigd and implements. Terms quiet note, in the great gospel harmony it i until in th-eabsence of the soldist ill the i . - t and er. Possession given Immediately. For further par. taccato passage.' It is one of the lovelics - portunity -bad wings, and it vanished. I & DUNCAN 71 I at The same tkne hav-e the larges ar-oly to JOHN D.'WILSON, Hensail P. 0. 86 German cboir she took her place and be ' -idle, let DTJNCAN I ! ; ticulars When your child gets out of the or, i - . 1408-4 ;. and awfulest words it) our languago o. - gan the oncliantment of the world. That . I I . more than 100,000 words of EDgliFI1 day was Lucca's opportunity. John Scott t I beautiful Christ. "Come thou and,all thy . 1, OR SALE. -Good farm for male, Lot I 6, Conces- Mary, "As we-bave opportunity, let s ,ame Lord Eldon, hac'i I - - - - - i . would do as above, you must go to who afterward ber CARDNO'S BLOCK - �� � b F tdon 12, in tbe township of Stanley, cortaininic bouse into the ark." J I I I ) i . I Frame bar'n, sheds and do good. " - stuml)led his way along In the practice of f I . 1(0 acres, 90 acres cleared. The Glorious Now.' - k, I rge orchard of What Is an'Qpportunity? The lexico,g- i'w uUti-I the case of Achroyd versus . 11 you it is a con- SJU ithson was to be trield, and his speech But there Is one opportunity so much --- ---,-- T , I splendid fruit. This farm will be sold on very 4308Y rapher would c-'olly te I � I . PAPST'S BOOKSTORE 'stable culn- C) that day opened all avenues of success, a I . � tem,.s as the proprietor wishes to retire. No en junction of favorable circumstances for ac- brighter than any other, so much nlor _, . . - brance, convenient to school and churches, and well complisbing a purpose, but words cannot ' iDviting aDd so superior to all others that . . - 1� -1 I 1. - watered. Apply on the premises to ROBERT That was Lord Eldon's opportunity. - � - - I 1386-tf tell what it is. Take a thousand years to T ; . q : SEAFORTH. . DELGAXY, or Box 14, Bayfield P.O. . William 11. Sewardwas given by his fa- there aro innumerable fingers pointlug to I . - - - . manufacture a definit on, wid you could tber a tbousand dollars to got a collegiate it, and it is baloed with a glory all its . I � - OpportuDityl - own. It is yoursl It is minel It is the I (S 9 r-"- IS "" 11T11 US [ I 's I . g�jp'We inviti.- inspection and cam- ANITOBA FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. not succeRsfully describe it. education. That money soon gone, his. fa 0 7 t � � L At West hall Eection24,-Township 2. Radge 14. The measuring rod with which the angel tber said, "Now you inust fight your own present hour. It is the now. We shall � . ; . I paris.on Of pices. fnereare 611 acres broke, 12 plowed and re.Ldy for of the Apocalypse meas�urcd heaven could way," and lie did, Until gubernatorial neverhavo Itagain. While Ispeak and I �j crop ; 200 acres more could be broke. The balance . - . I . I . I Is good hay and p3sture land. There is a frame not wca�ure this pivotal word of my text. chair aud United States -senatorial chair you listen the opportunity is restless as if And just berp, as -we stand on top of 1895, we wish to thank our numerons � ouse on the place Stand on the edge of the precipice of all were his, with a rl'ght to the presidential to be gone. You caDuot. chain it tomers of 1894. . - The Dr. flourk Treatment hPlenty of timber at Rock Lake, four miles dtatant. I time and let down'the fathoming line chair, if the meanness of American poli- You cannot imprison it. You cannot cus , Cartwright station is 6 miles away. Can be got for c' ­ � i n er hand and lower down ,and tics had not swindled him out of it. The inake it stay. All its pulses are throbbing . le.,ts than $4 per acre. Apply to JAMES A.FOWEXR, FURNITURE. -For 30 years we have been studying, wood, varnisb, oil .. . ( - I -FOR- I . 1415x3 -lower down and for a quintillion of years day whon his father told him to fight his with a haste that camiot be h z' . . . --- --- and -upholstery, and workmanship as applied to furDiture. It has taught us � .1 - ___ - -0 acre let it sink, and the lead will not strike owl] way was William ft. Seward's oppor- controlled., It is tho opportuilitY'of invi- - I .. t CATARRH, ASTHMA, ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, a good i, . . farm on Ba% field Road, ha f D, mile west of bottom. Opportunityl But while I do not tunity. John Henry Newman, becalmed tation on my part arsf acceptance on your how to buy; we buy cheap and sell cheap -that's all. I F a; 85 acres cleared, free frem stumps, and in a attempt to measure or define the word I part. The door of the palace of God's � I ; - . Yarn . a whole wqek in an orange boat in tho . UNDERTAKING.--Everythina bere that should be here. The goods, . . . I - CHRONIC RROKCHIT131 good state of cultivatiOli; all underdrained and ex. will, God, belping me, take the responsi- strait of Bonifacio, wrote his immortal mercy is wide open. Go in. Sit down 0 . . . :. 1. I our favor. . tr;% well fenced with cedar; iL brick hou:e and frawe - -in - the experience, the competency, with prices in y .r I � CUNSUML IL bility of telling you somobhing about op , liymu, "Lead, _Kindly Light. " That was and be 1, gs and queens unto God for I - : . . I ANID PT ON barn and sh,d. An extra good well at the' house, 1' . and muotbur sprint that gives water the year round ; John HeuTy -Ncwzuan's opportunity. YOU MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING. -Here we make you soine- I : I . � Is positively the most rational and MOST SU CCESS_ good bearing ore, ard. This is a gocd place, and It Never Comes Back., know Kirk White's immortal hynin, You tire ready. "Are you a sinner?" I It will be sold at a reasonable figure: ten miles from wan't to, be sav6d now thing new of any design, or repair you something C'IA w I , FUL treatruent ever deviqed for these troubleB. First, It is very swift in its motions. " When Marshaled on the Nightly Plain." " Y,es. " - " DO YOU 0 1 . . . consiats of combined local and constitutional trept- Seaforth, and the same distance from Clinton and . I It, . ANDREW DUN- Sometimes within one n1h1ute it start's He wrote it in a boat by i� lantorn on a and foreveri" "Yes." "Do you beliove on your pocket. . ment, which not only speedily relieves the local Hensall, all good market towns. ' * . I 'A I trouble, but thorouzbly eradicates the cause as well, KIN, Vat na. 1415-tt - from the throne of God, sweeps around stormy night as lie was sailing along a that Christ is able and willing to do the I I . , thus insuring a perfect and permanent cure, even in the earth and reasconds the throne from rocky coast. That was Kirk White's op- work?' ' I I Yes. " Then you are saved. You .. -1 . apparently hopeless cases. -A 150 acre farm for sale, Ji Z5 . . - I miles from the Villag. of Brussels, being Lot 3, which it started. Within less than 60 portunity. are InsMe the palace door of God's mercy . I ARM FOR SALE. nianship and prices are both right. I � ir YOU FEEL WEAK, WRETCHED, DESPOND. F ' I I and east half (4 Lot 2, Concupsion 12, townshfp seconds it fulfilled its mission. The Right Time. already. You look changed. You are f L ENT. it you have Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Lung I I - I - Trouble or any other chronic disease, and WANT TO Grey; 1.15 acres are cleared, 12 acres good hardwond In the secoud place opportunity never The importance of making the most of. changed. "Halleluiab, 'tis donel" Did - � I BE cured, call or write at once. busb. This farm is well fenced. well underdrained, comes 14ack. Perhaps an opportunity very opportuDitles as they present themselves is you ever see anything dono so quickly? ,. - � I I I I DR. ROURK is widely and favorably known and in a good 8tate of cultivation. On this farm are much like it may arrive, but that one acknowledAd in all ot ns. Why Invitation offered and accepted in less than Be ROBERTSON & SON, I I : two houses, two good orchards, two good wells, good herdirectio [_ . . throughout Canada, being a graduate of (Jueen's a minute by my watch or that clock. SIT I , I bank barn and other outbuildings. Will be sold to- never. iiaturalists tell us of insects which not In the niatter of usefulness? The dif- I University and of the A,cademy Terra Maria. Licen ,ratAy. For further particulars, apply Edward Cressy wrote a book called "The — .- -, tiate of the Royal College of Phy8iclans and Sur- gether or sepa McFAD- are born, fulfill their mission and expire ference of ustfulness, of good men and wom- Warerooms* Strong's Red Block, Main Street, I 1 geons, member of the College of Phy6ciaus and Stir- od the premises, or to JOHN or AARON our, but many opportunities die so * Fifteen, Decisive Bq,tles of the World, - 11 d geons, of Ontario and Quebec, LATE MEDICAL DF -N, Brussels P. O. 1411x4 In.an h en is not go much the difference In brain From Mai-athon to Waterloo." Butthe .. - - soon after they are born that their brevity SH] A :F0__arT=_. � - MPERINTENDEINT OF LONDON GENERAL - most decisive battle that you will ever . � HOSPITAL, etc. -The 200 acre of life Is Incalculable. What most amazes ment Of Christian common sense, to kDow . 11 . I 'Thirky years' practice. 200 farm, being lots 11 and 12, concession me is that opportunities do such over- just the time when to say the right word fight, and the greatest victory you will L Consultation free and confidential. Grey, is offered for Sale. 120 acres are cleared ana - - ii Call on or address : the-balan-ce is well timbered. Buildings first-class. shadowing, farreaching and, tremendous or do the right thing. Thore'are good peo- ever gain, is this moment when you con- - I I School house within 40 rods. quer flrst yourself and then all the hin- L it Orchard, wel;, &c. work In sucl) short earthly allowanco- plewho can always be depended on to say . I . L I it desired. The lots will dering myrinidons of perdition by sayingr r 6 0- DR. FRANCIS ROURK, Possession given at once You are a business maD of large oxperi- I . � Iv. For further Lord Jesus, here I am, undone and help- I , ��f -, be sold either together or separate once. The past 18 months have been,hard chant selling goods over the counter to a " I L 13847-52 DETROIT, 311CHIGAI. WALKEA, r1oseville P.O., or to NELs6LoPVyBRt01CMKENR', on business men. A wily customer who would like to get them less, to be saved by thee and thee alone." � : "I RAD& ,I - . . That makes a panic in bell. Th',at males . I . . I I on the farm. . 12Dg-tf h4s wits' end came into your offlee or your �t less than.' cost� a railroad conductor I MA183K � . I - house, and you said: "Times are bard 'While taking up the tickets from passcD- celebration in heaven. Opportunityl A Beautifut- Gown. Tim L I I HAND -M-ADE ARM IN McKILLOP FOR SALE. -For male the now, but better days will come. I have gers who want to work off a last year's On the 11tb o ' f January, 1866, a colller I - . RMISHED Ii. I I I eotith half of lots 1. and lot 2, concession 4. We- I F seen things as bad or worse, but we got brig ran into the rocks near Walmer It is a frequent experience with ladies that when the _ t I : . . free pass or get t1rough at half rate a, r ade with taste, some indefin- 0AR13 I L t . Killop, being 150 acres of very choice land mostly in beach, England. Simon Pitchard, stan , d- dress is bought with eue, and m ICH T ____ '� L Boots and ShoLes a good state of cultivation. There is a good'howL Out, and we will get out of this. The child fully grown, a housekeeper trying to HE.WaS L . I I' orchard and Ing on the beach, threw off his coat and able thing is lacking to give it the perfect touch of beauty. ! . L I and bank barn, a good young bear ng brightest days that this country ever Faw get the table ready.in tigie for guests, a)- WRAPPED;- I ,�. L . plenty of never falling water. A considerable aro yet to c9me." The young man Ao thougli the oven has faiNd to do its work, said, "Who will help me gave that creWY" It is the supplying of this that has made . i r1schooJ8 and good gravel roads in all directions. whom you said that was ready fur suicide and the grocer had naglectDd to fulfill the Twenty men shouted, "I wJlll'1 thouib - - , large number of Boots and Shoes 01 hit only F -even were Dobded. Through the PRIESTLEY'S DRESS FABRICS, - 7 Has on hand a Wi.'l be sold cheap. Apply to the proprietor on the or something worse -namely a fraudulent order !given bim-tbose are not opportu- . I � own xuake, best material and krerrilses, MESSRS. DENT & HODGE, Mitchell,, or at - nitles for religious address. Do not rush awful surf the boat dashed, and In 15 min- . - I office, Seaforth. JOHN turn to get out of his despairful position me Pritchard threw off his universally esteemed. Pkiestley's Black Dress Goods, made in Henriettas, Crape _ I I Your hopefulness inspired him for-, all up to a man in the busiest part of the day, I I I Warranted to give Satisfaction. im HURON ExPO81TOR Utes from the ti I . BRIEN, Pzoprietor. I 12D8-tf Cloths, etc., are such a cunning and effecrive blend of silk and wool that when the . you want your feet kept dry come and got a pair o. time, and 30 years after you are dead be and when a half dozen people are waiting coa . our boots, which will be sold OR SALE, VALUABLE FARAI AND VILLAGE Will be reaping -the advantage of your for �lm, and ask, "How Is your soul F" the land. Quicker work today. Half that dress is made it drapes in perfect gracefulness, giving to �ffie figure that charm W, I ­ I . # I I without which the costliest dress that Worth ever made is a mere di.stress. I OHEAP FOR CASH. F PROPERTY. -A good hundred acre farm in a optinfism. Your opportunity to do that ffuA there are plenty of fit occasions. It Is time more than necessary to got all this v , I fair state of cultivation, -being lot 15, in the 12th one thing for that young man was not Interesting to see the sportFman, gun in assemblage into the lifeboat of the gospel ------------- ­ ____ 5 1 . te oqsslon, of the township of Grey. A good Bri ind ashore, standing bqth feet on the rock - _­__ . half as long as the time I have taken to hand and pouch at side and accompanied . and Shoes wade to order. All parties who have not IYotel, in the Village of Cranbrook, in the said town- L . ear will please call and It ages. By the two 6trong oars of faith i . � paid their accounts for last y shal , 'known as "The Beek House", also a maw mill rehearse it. by the houDds yelping down the road, off ' " See that the goods you buy are stamped every five yards witli Priestley's name I I I gettl6 up. anX'a good frame store in said village. Anyone In yonder third gallery yon sit, a man on bunting expedition, but the best hunt- end prayer first pull for the wreck and No others are of their man ufa,cture." . L I -i do well to examine thlo I . 1162L' D. MoINTVRE. beaforth, thinking of inveating wout then pull for the shore. Opportunityl I . of, the world, but you wish everybody ers in this world are those who hunt for - , I - I . . I I propert3-,. which will be sold at a very reasonable - — - . weU. While the clerks are standing round opportunitle-c- to do good, and the game Is Over the city went the cry, I � rice, in one or more pwce a to suit purchasers - I I . Durther information will be fr. ely supplied to any- in youistore, or the men in your factory something to gladden earth and heaven. Jesus of Nasareth passeth byl I I . 1. are taking their noon speli, some one says, I will point out some of the opportunities. 0 1 11 I . 1370-tf "Have you heard that one of our men has `03 you i Wbcn a soul is in bereavement Is tl��Ib t Let the world go. It has abused st . - I been converted at the revival meeting in, . time to talk of gosNI consol I . ng' House, atiol aend enough, and cheated you enough, and lan- PLENDID. FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 26, Conceo- - While it is being heavenly reunion. When a man hn lost dered you enough, and. damaged youH piness - the Methodist church?" 4 : I SM3_A__F C:)TZr_V:E1:_ . S sion 6, Townohip of Morris, containing 160 acras talked over yon sa,y, " Well, I do not believe his property is the best,thno to tok to enough. Even tboso from wbom you ex- . � � - (in connection with the Biwk of Montreal.) suitable for crain or stock, situated two. and a half ' I - I . . miles from the thriving village of Brussels, a good in ,rcvivah� Those tbings do not last. him of heavenly inheritances that can pected better things turned out your as- - Should be universal at the 'festive season of the year. - , 7 . gravel road leading thereto ; 120, acres cleared and People got excited and join the church never be levied on. Wben,o.no Is sick Is sallants, as whan Napoleon In his last will r Z LOGAN & 00.p . ,; free front sturn-ps, 6 acres cedar and aoh and and are no better than they were before. I the best time to talk to him about the su- and testament loft 5, 000 francs to tbe-man Gentlemen will add greatly to their chances of happine-sa 7 , , I hardwood. Barn 5100 with straw and hay shed I I wish our men would keep away from those mrinatural latitude In which unbealth is who shot at Wellington In the streets of . � BANKERS Alil) FINANCIAL AGENT 40x70, Btone stabling underneath both. The house . 11 . . .)§ W- h at an impossibility. When the Holy ,�plrlt Is Paris. - is brick, 22x32 with kitchen 18x26, cellar underneath meetings Do you know, 0 man, � 0h,itisameanworldl Taketbe by wicaring - ` bothbuildings. Allarenew. There is a large young you did in that minute of depracia- moving on a community is- the best time gloriousLord for your companionship.- I ; � f : orchard. School on next lot. The land has a good . i - � To the Cowmercial. Hotel Building, Maln'Street natural drainage, and the farm isin good condition. tion? Tbere, wcre two youug men In that to tell a n)an lie ought to be saved. By a like what the good man said to one who - ! , � A General Ban'Ang Butnuess doue, draft@ lbtuu and Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply at Tim .Ex- group who that night would have gone to word, by a mnile, by a-.,-Qok, by a prayer, had everything but religion. The affloonf Bright's Clothtng. t I ca8hed. Interist allowed on deposits. P08TTOR OFFICE, or on the prewlses. WK. BARRIE, thosomectiDgs and boen saved for this w � ­ . I - � the work may be so th&�ouglily done that man boasted of hat lie owned and of his . I I world and the Dext, but you decided them all eternity cannot undo It. As the harp splendors of surroundings, putting Into - is to bu7 our goods. We have What you want, I - . on good notes or mortgageB. GOOD CHANCE -200 acre farm for sale, Lots not to go. They arc social natures. They was invented from bearing the twang insignificance, as be thought, the Cbris - ­ . A21 and 22, Concession R, Turnberry, 2k miles already drink morc than is good for them of a bowstring, as the la,w of gravitation tian's possessions. "Ah," said the Chris- and the price is always right. Drop in and have a talk ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGE11 from Wingham. This farm is in good shape to farm and are disposed to be wild- From the was suggested by the fall of an apple, as tian, "man, I have sometbiDg you baye I 1069 0 having .been nearly all in pa8ture for the past ten time they heard you say that theY ',Icml- - the ordorin India for the use of a greased I notl" "What is th�atl"' said the world- . . . . . � years. The greater part of it is well underctrained; about Clotbing, even if you don't want to buy. -1 _. : � . has first-class buildings and Rover failing stream of erated their steps oil the down*ard road. cartridge started the mutiny of 1857, IlDg. The answer was. "Peace[" And . - # : water rtin8 across the farm.- Also Lots 31, 33 and 34, �n ten yoars they will be through with which nppalled the nations, so something you may all have it -peace with God, * - , Conces-lon 12, Ttirnberry, containing 383 acres. 'This their dissipations and pass into the great insignificant inay open the door for great peace with the past� peace with the future, . I DONT DESPAIR � Yours for -yood clothes. � is mostly new land, well drained with Government beyond. That little talk of yours decided results. Be on the watch. It may be a a peace that all the aesaults of the world I Z3 - 4ft drains, which are nearly all paid for. A lot of valu. . .. . able timber on tbein. A splendid chance for a large their destiny for this world and the Dext. gladnesb; it may be a horror, but it will , and all the bombardments satanio cannot ; - I sto2k farm. The above land is all connected but will You bad -an opportunity that you misim- be an'opportunity. interfere with. 2 - be sold together or sQparately to suit purebager. Also I B R I G H ir-"U" BROS., I ..- . I a first -Ham saw mill on the 200 acre farm. A 8iding proved, and how will you feel when you A city missionary In the lower parts of A Scotch shepherd was dying and bad . I I of the railroad runs through the lutuber yard to the confront those two immortals in tbe last * the city found a young woman in wretch- I the pastor called In. The dying shepherd The Great Clothiers, Main Street� ... - I mill. It will b� sold with the farm or acparately. I . I I I Good and stifficient reasons for selling. Apply to judgment and tboy tell you of that unfor- edness and sin. Ile said, "Why do you said to his wife, "Mary, please to go Into - . I - GEORGE THUMPSON, Box 226, Wingham. 1406-4 tUnate talk. of yours tha b flung them over not go bome9" She said, "They would the next room, for I want to see the 111in- SEAFORTEL , I . the procipice? 0 man of the world, why not receive ino at home. " Ile sald, " Wbat ister alone." When the two were a]oDe, ----.-.---- ---------,-- - . did you not say in that noon spell of con- Is your father's name, and where does be the dying shepherd said, "I have known - , ,—,- ___ ___ __,___ ___ I . - - . . I I Grand Tru,uk ltaHway. versation- "Goodl 1 ain glad that man live?" Having obtained the address and the Bible all Yny life, but I am going, and AIMIRII§A"isigiixsroj6 s, as Z IS fit 2 C4.).. Trilno leave Seaforth and Clinton ffUtIoLo as has got religion. I wish I had it myself. written to the father, the city missionary I a'm 'afeered to dee. ' " Then the pastor ft I q 0 1 follows: SHAVORTH. CLIN'TON. Let us all go tonight. Come on; I wil.� got a reply, on the outside of the letter. . W. I I the word "Inimediate" underscored. It - flDrIaviolette's The ffitiest Remedy in t' -,c - . r llI Fasseuger... _. .. .. 9.06 P. m. 9.22 _i. m* You Lee, you would have taken them all was the heartiest possible invitation for GUAR- : Cure -s World for all Afi-c- - I I Mixed Train _ _. _. 9.80 A. V. tO.16A.m to beavon, and you would have got there the wanderer to come home. That was ". . I 'blixed Train ........ 6. 20 r. st. 7.05 P. m. yourself. Opportunity lostl . the city missionary's opportunity. And . : Z I I I �01NG EAST- The Lesson In the Farm Wagon. there are opportunities all about you, and . PIERCE CURE : Colds, ­ U of Lungs. . ft I Pa"e.ger _ -, _ - 2 53 P. m. 2.25 P. m on them writteu by the hand of the God is Returned. Coughs, - : . .1 , The da yI left our country home to look . . - 0 after myself we rode across the country, who will bless you and bless those whom . WeaKm, Capiah Co., Mfss. :: Grippe, Croup, -_ I WILL CURE YOU 'k and my father was driving. Of course I You help, In capitals of light, the word DR. R. V. PIERCE-: Dear Sir -My ftughte.r - Whoopincr Cough. u le - ne; . . 11 - I Wellington, Grey And Bruce. . 11-� ; We guarantee Dodd' n(,v Pills to cime any I said nothing that implied how I felt. But '- immed late. " has been sick all her life, and the older she - : case cof Bright's Disease DiA-U-S, 1.unibago, GoiNe NoiLTH-. Passenger. Mixed. grew, the worse she was un- . r Dropsy, KlieuniatisTyl, licart Disease, Female 'Pthel ........ - 3.00 P. X. 0.30 p.m. 9. rJo F. W- there are hundreds of men here who from A military offleer very prof.ine In his I til she was the picture of I Brus8elo ...... - 3.13 9.43 9.46 their own experieUce know; how I felt. At babits was going down i.Dto a mine at . I Troubles, Imptire Blood -or money refiin . death: the physicians could I Sold by all (lealers, in merticine. or by inai I on Bluevale.. _... - 8.27 9.b7 10.10 such a time a young inan may be� hopeful Cornwall, V,ngiaDd, with a Christian not do her any good. and even impatient to get into the battle minerj, for wmiy of those miners are Chris- I - I t Goixe SOUTH- - Passenger. Mixed 8 Prescription." for women. . JD�R. L. A. S,MITH & CO.-, Toronto. Wingharn.... - 6.26 A.m.11.20 A. M. 7.30 P.*x. of life for himself, but to leave tbo home- tian i. The offleer used profane language M and I gave her three botUm --#( : . -----,----- -------,- - . ____ Bluevale .. .. - 6.37 11.86 8.16 stead where everything has been done for while In the cage going down. As they T91 aad now she Js a perfectly It Pays to Attend the BeSto t �_ or brothers taking were coming up out of the mine the pro. I healthy girl. I �our part when you ere imposed on by fane officer said, "If it be so far down to ! great many suffemn from a I larger boys, and y ��Ur mother always your work, how much farther would it be - _ "female complaints," and I around, when you gothe cold, with mus- to the bottomless pitF" The Christian I It has cured them. . i .1 GOING NORT.6- Passenger. ' .W - - I I think it Ig the greatest ) . Planing Mill and . .� London, depart..._ - - - 8.16A.M. 4 4OF .V tard applications for the chest, or berb sea miner responded, "I do not know how fb.r __ - medicine in the *orld, and I. . , - . 1P I I . Exeter .................. - 9.22 600 to make you sweat off the fever, and sweet It is down to that place, but if this rope MIS9 LOYD, I have never found any- . Hun"ll.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _. 9.37 6.16 mixtures in the cup by the bed to stop t1w should break you would be there in a min- tiling to compare with It, . \ Sash and Door Factory, Kippen-- 9.44 6.20 Yours truly. Ma& X. J. LOYD. r_T112 Bruoefield ........ .. .... - 9.62 6.28 Clough, taking sometimes too much of, it ute.11 It was the Christian miner's oppor- SrT--R A rT__F1(DTt:D - 0 -r-q-, Clinton .... ........ - .. - 10.12 6 55 because it was pleasant to take, and then furlity. Many years ago a clergyman was , T7w Plan of SeUiW NedWne* I -r- 1 This old and well-known establishment Is atfIl Blvth.... .... .... .... _. _. 10.38 7.28 to go out, 'With no One to stand between on a sleep on our Hudson river, and hear- I . you an Ing a man utter a blasphemy the clergy- I ON TRIAL, running at full bla8t, and now has better facilities Belzrave .................. 10.52 7.37 d the world, gives one a choking . Education . is t ' I � than ever before to turn out a good article for a Wi�'gham arrive ....... 11.10 8.00 sensat'on at the throat aDd a boniesick- man said, "You have �pokaD'agalnst Wy he Corner Stone of a . moderate price. Sash and doors of all patterns al, GOING SOUTH- . Passenger 'best frieDa. JL . rs . PIERC-E 'F V1k 1! __ a P !P IPP titi tl_,;�Ljv ways on hand or made to order. ness before you have got three miles awny ,6us Chri�t,­ S.even yeq IS PECULIAR TO shorinoticeand in any way deaired. All kinds of Belgrave.... I. ........ i. - 6.50 7 Ctil from the old folks. There was on the day after this same clergyma , n was on his way __6 ___ Successful Career. . lumber for sale on reasonable terms. S),ingles kept Blytb.... .......__ - ' 7.03 4.08 I spoke of a i3ilence for a long while, and I to the general assein bly of the Presbyterian oonotantly on hand. EstirnateB for the furnishing Loodeaboro...... .. .. _. - 7.10 4.28 . then my father began to tell how good I cburch at'Philadelpbia, when a young , _J. 1). Blue, returning offiver at Dutton, of buildings in whole or in part given on application. chuton .............. - - 7.30 4 46 gave his casting vote in favor of A. J. Educated heads and skilled hands are always in demand. JNow is the Z, None but the be -at of ruatcri%l u8ed and workwan. Bruoefteld............- - 7 49 4'63 the UTd had been to him in sl(Akness and minister addressed him and asked bim if ; 11eitcb, Nvho raD a tie with Mr. Hollings- - ship: guaranteed. Patronage solicited. Rippen.. ........ .... __ 7.67 4*.680 " in he-#Zt.h, and when timm of hardship ; be was riot on a sloop on the Hudson river ,h w', I best time to enter. 1269 1 Hensall ....... _., - .. - 8.06 6.12 came how Providence bad alvgays provldcd � seven years before, The reply was in the head for the reeyeship. Mr. Leit fl. I PMrJN -D' '------- ' Exeter- ---'-'.-~~ == �~� ` �h�o�m0000yD�eDbuod�mrt�m�mo�a��ne+ ' mozrzou:mv� -xrmu�'' suxm�uo�noo� zoo� � therefore-^~ ^ ' ^ `^^~~~ ~ ~~~~~^/ ~ ^^^^~^x~�^, ��«m»�n� �� u_u�u�x��o x� �~��1������h��, - . - .. . � ` . ( - --_- . � -__'_ ' - � � �- � ' ` . ' ^ ' ` " ' - ' U . . � � x - ' .1,. -,-'---- - ^- '-----^-' . .`-_�---------�-----�-­ '�--'-------' ---_- _---- ________'___-_-__~----_-__-- �_-_- �~ '. ° ___