The Huron Expositor, 1895-01-11, Page 1r. I
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� . TWENTY-SEVENTIE1 YEAR. I � I . � - ' � ; McLEAN BROS., Publishers.
� I
. - . � . TARY 11, � 1895* � I :
1� NUMBEIR 1 41-3' 1 V . . . . � SEAFORTH, FRIDAY9 JANLL . ; � $1.00 a Year in Advance.
. I
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1. - � . - chair on a raised daislike platform alter- a bedizened row of old timef residences. mise . had caused considerable comment ,Line de Barritit sang several hymns in the recr,ive on accolint of the fruit being .. frozen. I bers of society, and lie Avarned them that if .
., . nately chewing sba ' ved plug and smoking Tbe'basement is occupied by Hope Lee ! In ng the f riends of the man. Owing to 8 h language during the evening. Judgment for defendants. I tbeye I ver caine before him again lie would
SOME J natural leaf tolyacco. He must have a and a troop of Celestials. On thd post of I a 0 �!Iiinll ' Wednesd hurs- eill- I
� ' , facts that came to light, later, Coronor Fraser Chatham, on uy and T —Owing to his having been tilade a in showilo leniency whatever.
right si�nart "pull" of some sor.t, oratleast - the high steps that lead to the house proper . ft ordered the body to be exhumed, and eni- day, last week, the pork deliveries number- ber of the Privy Council for Canada, Hollor- —'.\Tr. Fortime, V. IS , of Milverton, -(I,e-
. ,
I be in what in Chicago axid St. Louis is swings a signbroard. One- Ide bears an ancled a jury to investigate the affair. The ed'over 400 wagon loads,and the dressed bogs able Dr. Montague bits resigned his position horned a bull for Mr. W. T. Chalniers a few
� a . I
called ,the "push, " for,when during our-- impressionistic landscape, with a damsel in -tem held, averaged 200 pounds &piece, and 10 to 12 as one of the medical officers of the Graiid days ago. It took the third atta-ek before
I PEOPLE I Eody was taken up and a post moi in s perfoinied. 11is bull-
� - . ellat today a county official entered and springy attire outlined agahist an indigo but the result bas not yet been disclosed by bogs to the load. Fully 800,000 pounds of Trunk. . tlie operation wa
� pleaded for a fedtber duster for b1s'office sky. The other side of the sign parta - t e ply i
Wait until. af ter the be,ginning of the he's b I a cians. If the nian's death was title lCent pork was handled by local dealers d ar- —The grip is raging in New York. It is ship is liothing the worse for the -operation,
' in
- 5 : the custodian of the building consulted - of the winter's chill " a tailor made girl to poison as is suspected, it can readilj`be ing these two days. - of a deadly kind, and unless people gilard hilt very much quieter and inore enmily in, an -
new year before they buy ,their Outfit, ; certain memoranda before replying. Tbei'l Is bravimg. Abo�p, in weather beaten let- 7 �
� . ascertained) as the body had not bee� em- —Professor James, Deputy Minister of their health disastrous result-- may follow. age(] �
thinking they will be offered better I he said slowly. and impressively 'whi le be " tors, is the sign, "I#idles' Fashionable Tai- Agricultnre, attended the recent. poultry Four more deatlis were reported -on Wed- __ Miss Agnes Wilson, daughter of Jaines
. . , baluied. . . 0
I 'bargaina. In -a measure they are cor- carefully shaved off enough plug for a ]or."' A pretty Jewess opens the door and - , 'Wilson, J� P., of Atwood, -was one 'Of t le
� 0 .- . . - .0 � show at New Hamburg. There were 1,400 nesday. Hundreds of people in Jers�-T '
rect fo-.r the reason that merchants do 'i fresh quid: . I ushers the customer into the presence of entries, and the Professor characterizes the City and Hoboken are down with the'dis- vietinis of the Delevein hotel fire. at Albany,
Canada. � . - . '
7 I " You've had one-feathah dustab already the proprietor. He isa short, chubby mail, 'N otter than tlia:t shown et the ease. New York State, which occurred a few days
not like to: ca,rry goods Over seasons i this month, Mi9tah Jones. I can't spaili with an amiablo face. A skullci%p con- Minnie Blakeley has been arrested at class of fowls b She was an einployee in the hotel,
and prefer saciificing a I . ittle. I you no niol till next. inonth. You must �ccals a.6hul. Oil the fli,st finger of his left Belleville oil the charge of bigamy. World's Fair. He claims the collection to. —In accordance vvith a resolution adopted ago. .
I —The Ridgetown financial statement be probably the best thait. has ever been at the last General Conference of the Yletho- was about 22 years of age, a -lid bad vi--ited.
. I i iise the dusta-lis on youah boots in youali band lie wears a bugo'.0pal ring. His bow shows that town to have a debt of $85,000. - gathered together in America. dist Church 'of Canada, Ray. Dr. Carman, her bome at Atwood last suninier- .
We have a quantity of goods vhich ! office, Mistall Jones., the way you git away is courtly, his i anners winnin . is ill . —It is an old saying that misfortunes Rev. Dr. Shaw, Hon. Senator Stanford —Stratford Masoi,)s, to the inuliber of
In ,$ H -*a, ,.
. I —Lo the 6 -year-old son of Mr. J. W. ,
we must move out this month. Our i with them " v . , natty attire distills the odor of a question- - this seems to be the Rev. Dr. Ryckmau and others called upon about two huludred, attended I-'Xuox �cliurcll
, - , Thompson,'of Winnipeg, was killed by tile never come singly, and I
prices are away down in t1iie following , The o4ficla(bowed himself timidly out able Havana. The room is stuffy. A long fall of a, derrick. � case with Rev. J. H.- Hazelwood, of Inger- the Governor-General to present an address in that city oil the last Sabbath .of '94, -
- I 0 of the presence, and tile janitor explained line of gowns in various stages of -fashion- . oil. Just a few weeks ago he attended the of loyalty. when Rev. 'kr. Battisbv, of Chatbaill,
I —Tile Salvation Army have established a S ,
. 1. lines. - to nie that he ha(l four ' 'reel good grounds" Ing bang the length of the room. Through -shelter and soup kitchen in Winnipeg this funeral of his father at Clifford, and he .was ---J. B. Tyrrell, Dominion Government preached a sermoll to theorder. It was an
. ' 'eol r able discourse and ,was listened to with
- �', �1 . for anxiety. . . I a half opened door one may catch a allilipse, winter. . � again called away last week to the bedside G ogical Surveyor, ieached Winnipeg
"FnVworridd all the time about the.. of some 50 girls and boys operating as of his mother, and brother, who are dan- after an absence of six months oil a journey much interest by the large congregation. .
� Suitimm in. a.11 ma,terials, 20 per 1� . �Jos. Smith, aged 73, one of the oldest . ZD �tD
" I � way them officlals, In p'ticlah the youngah many machines. The air Is dense with gerously il(wi'th typhoid fever. � to the shores of Hudson Bay. 31r. Tyrrell --Ilies Ethel Allen, while skaiing Oil the
cent.. o,ff. � I I I - I -.residents and & well known lumberman of amp e. , ex-postmast r- able to locate several St. 'Xlarys rink oil 'New Year*s night had
I . � ones, u9cs up the e.punty supplies. I'm tobacco smoke and redolent, of garlic. A Ottawa, (lied on Fi4day. . -Daniel C b 11 e' at said that he had been . I
- Overcoa.ting of all kind at a dis- afraid - t ; be boys'll break the'- remaining portion of thefront TooAl facing tile street 1itewood , Canada, was arrested Friday tiniber areas and note the existence of man)- the�,misfortane to loseher urse. Tile purse
� � -The factory of the Canada Wire Mat- W I . I p i
- � t 11101-111-11g,
. is cut off 'by. 'a portiere, within which are rkight in Chi agoi on a charge of embezzling " interesting rockg." wM found in the building nex 1.
count of 20 per cent. dial.- I'm in doubt lest tbe.cou'n ty'll see fit trass Company, at Toronto Junction, was i) .
- to teab this grand old colthouse down and. - a mirror and a divan. . .1estroyed by fire last Sunday morning. funds from t I he Canadian Government. He . -The trial of the protest against Dr. but-fmir (1-ollars had been abstracted from -
. ( - is also held, on the, charge of* forgery and Willoughby, for East .'I�ortliuulberland, for the am.oant of illoney it originally coil-
! -Underclothing froin .50 cents, to PLI]k Up It great big steel frame modern The customer to be fitted Is the optical A site has' been select,ed for. rolling
7 `6 per suit at a sacrifice of 210 per cent. tbeft. of $300 of funds of the Whitewood the seat in tile Legislature was held at Co- tailied.
,- buiLitling, and I hate to see tile paintings victim of whoever chances to be within mills,in Guelph, and tile residents expect a �
� I
. in the doom go to ruination." tile inclosure. There seems to be a roll dall bio, Agricultural Society, of which he was The bourg on Wednesday, before ,Judges Oster -Mr. Charles 1, ry, & patron of Avon,dale
Caps inust (ro at any price. . industry. . .
I It should be explained that perhaps the of tile establishment when the old genile-. �Glen. Lew Wallace, the celebrated treasurer. and Street. No evidence %vas, offered and cheese faCtOL ry, says his net receipts for the �
I most interesting feature of the courthouse man steps behind the portiere, carrying a - author of 4' Ben Hurl" will lecture in To- -Robert Watt, son of Mr. L. Watt, of the petition wits (listilissed without costs. - six months he sent inilk to the .tor�y,
Boys' suits and overcoats are movitig is the inural decoration of the rotunda. bodice or coat to befitted. . The whole is' ronto on January 3l.. I I th concession of Huron, one of the oldest -Mr. G. Wills, of tile firm of Hall & Wills, amounted Lo .&539. 18, or all average of about
fL 'It " If you'll examine them theah paint- very Dickenesque. Chic damsels, with -London is iirjw'one of the best, lighted residents of Kincardine neighborhood, was Carriage buitite'rs, Harriston, met with a so- $38 a cow, for the season. The cows bad
astL , prices quoted in lasit veek's in s, sub, you'll observe that they were violin or guitar case� accompanied by their cities in the Dominion, 274 electric lamps of found dead in his father's barn on Friday rious. accident' last Tuesday, by which he Jittle or no �extrafeediug tilirin, g any part
. I
advertisem-ent. 4 : 9 I evening, about 6 o'clock. He had been at- lost the sight of one eye. 0;e of the black- of the season. - . L
. I once very fine. They cost a righ b . smart midds; bedrabbled variety actresses or 2 000 candle power each doing duty.
. , I g a bolt when -There ennie near being a large fire iii.
I ' i tending to the cattle, and was apparently smiths was engaged in cuttin ,
I heap of money, sub, when they was paint- chorus girls; fat, greasy Jewesges, well --.'-Mr.- HirainRobinson, who has served i le.,
Shirtat Ties, Vol ]'ars, Heavy Hose, ed. It was a German, gentleman that done groomed; fashionably attired women of or, the Ottawa Public School Board for about to return to the house when he was a portion of it flew off, striking -41r. Wills in the store of Mr. E. A. li:astner,Sebringvil
-Heavy Gloves -*Uit ts and Gaun tle�ts, 8,11 . them, sull. -I disricollect his name, but breeding and refinement, nursery maids, twenty -e- ight years, has resi ned. stricken. He was 32 years of age. the eye, totally destroying it. 1: the.other day. Tile junior elork let drop a
' - --�-Mr. F. Al. Bell -Smith, who went to -A mob of several hundred of the lowest stick of,wood which broke one -of the legs .1
- nt off. � . he was a reg'lab old mastab, though, as demimonde, the tag ends of creation, are -Charles MeNab, m- well-Nown commer-
ga at 25 per ce e you can see full yo'sel'. Now they are all , to be met within, the portiere's narrow' cial traveller, died in Londou the other da .. ; o so ne .1y set-
, y Halifax from Toronto to paint a _picture of elements of the city paraded the streets of of the stove, causing it t up t, i al
I:- - pecling off, sub, and the cli'loest works of I precincts. * . . of congestion of the lungs. He leaves. a large Sir John Thompson's funeral scene, was en- St. John Newfoundland, last Monday, car- ting fire to the place. It olig the store
'We are Leaders in Our Line. art in St. Louis- Is a -falling to the floor of The tailor had a pleasant word for each family. i 6 tertained by Lord and Lady Aberdeen. rying a flag,'on which was inscribed "Work, was filled with smoke, the fire was soon ex-
' r . 05 able 0
the doom In dust to be trampled undah as his deft fingers molded th6 cloth to the - --Twenty indictments are hanging over The vice -regal arty exp eased their great or bread." Thousands of more r pect tin auished. I
- -,-. the feet"of mep. " I wearer's form. In his world he is no less the Shantz Company, of Berlin, and Buffalo, satisfaction at tte work be has- undertaken, workingmen tacitly approve of tb. 6 .parade, -During the past few weeks ,Ur. A. (.�.
I , . Fortune, V. 'S Mi verten, has (lehornetl
I N The janitor Is right In what he says an autocrat, no less an artist, than Red- at'tlie latter place for violation of the alien and have given him an order for a picture though not participating in it. Tbeyadvise ., of I I
: about the pictures, for they were painted 'fern. He makes 50 gowns, a week. His - labor law. . of -the arrival of the Blenheim. waiting another week-, so as to give theGov- no fewer than 150 bead, of cattle. A-ulon
. Jackson & Creig, I
. - - by Carl Wlmas,wbose paintings of Indiana prices range from $10 to $13, Including -Attol-ney-General Sifton, of Manitoba, -Tile head of William Henry Hender- erninent another chance to provide for their the, numerous herils inight be mentionev
� �..
t . � have long been considered really great as findings. He rarely 'falls togI.Ve a perfect says the province will resent any interfer- shott, the victim of the Southwold tragedy, wants. Threats are being nimde to break those Of Mr. A. Robertson, township of
.1 '� - Wellesley, who had 30 head. dehorned ; Mr. -
yis- which has been preserved in alcohol, was on open the stores. -
THE LEADING CLOTIITERIE� works of art. X. I. DEXTEP. fit. This man makes the ordinary gowns of ence by the Dominion in their school leg ' . .
.. 1 %4 - . fastidious, w' en who furnish their own lation. . Monday last re-examined for the defence. -Win. Dawson, farmer, of lot 19, con- Donald Jack, of Newton, 41 head ; Air.
, ; - -. - om ck, of Rostock, ' 37 b ead. �'
. '3EAFOATH. —.- ... * ' . ---.---..-. materials. T . he woman of many engage- -Rev. Mr. Perei'val, pastor of the Rich- It is understood that none of the doctors cession 9, Dawn township, near Florence, Henry ANI -0 '
. THE MAN DRESSMAKER. will materially contradict the opinions ex- was killed last Tuesday, while felling trees. . -Forty yea -is ago on Saturday December
� - . -- � - ments preserves the gowns of the Second mond Hill and Thornhill Presbyterian . 0 , "
* ,
1: -,. .. � . . .. -- . . -- . avenue tailor for one set of acquaintance I a, churches, has received 'a call from the pressed by those who made the previous ex- A tree which he was foiling struck the un- 29tb� the first issue of the Stratford Beacon
; How a Gotham Belle Dreams a In 31ode
� ][t -UT 'lenwood Springs, Colorado. amination, that the wounds were probably fortunate man on the head. He never re- 'was published. The founder was Mr. Peter
I A* JU1111GOF T1 111 EPA P A S FT and ReepaWlthin Her Allowance. while another more appreciative feasts ou church at G . .
-1 tile Englishman's skill. . -Edward Albro died in Halifax a few days , paused by some blunt instrument. - gained consciousness, and died in a few Eby, with Me. WilliamINIo-wat, 'yet a resi-
I . - -tor an7i'lilanager.
- [Speciel Correspondence. I I LIDA Rotsic MCCAlkIL ag .. -The number of loaded railway freight minutes. Deceased was a bachelor and dent of Stratford, as edi.
. NF:w YoRic, Jan. S.-Mms. Mell�s, In , I - - - goin the 86th year of his age. Deceased ' - rs that crossed Detroit River between leaves three sisters and an aged mother to Row few alas, of those whose naines figured.
THE SUNDIAL BEFORE THE OLD . . was a, well known citizen, having been for 50 ca acon, .
I displaying her trousseau to a fashion writ- . ko-rth*D�akdta- ,ears qugaged in the hardware business. Canada and Michigan during 1893 was: mourn his loss. - in the first copy of tile Be survive to
COURTHOUSE AT ST. LOUIS. er, affirmed that the tailor made go,�vn has ' ' (Written -for T119 EXPOSITOR.) ' - I � I I see its fortieth anniversary.
I !� A . -Air. E.Liebner has resigned his position West bound, 183,618 ; E a8t bound, 121,323; -About a month ago Mrs. Hayes, of -A corresp dent says . ; Mr. James Dun-
. . disappeared from Paris, yet the man. dress- Another year has revolved and passed in- as science master of the Forest High School, total, 304,941. At the rate of fifteen tons Pablierston, while going into the cellar of . oil,,,
. - -
- . ' i's sub - --
Views of the Janitor -A Man Who Is w 1,11aker continues to ibultiply and grow to history,' and, taken on die. whole, has accepting the same position at Harriston at per car thesecould have carried 4,574,115 her home slipped oil the stairway and broke bar, one of Nfewtoi , arb fariners, ,gave
0 a`m. B u t . many of the:richest -1 -ospe.rous one for the people tons. The number crossing in 1894 is esti- her leg, from the effects of which she died the younI., people of that vitinity ,in hlvita�
jualut as the Dial Itself-Flne Paintings rich in Goth been a fait,ly pi a higher salary. airy mated to be much less, but the figures are two weeks afterwards. The deceased was tion tea louse-warnihig on Neiv YcaFs eve.
I ,
I That Cost a Right Smart Heap -The Past and most fashionable society women, w1th in this Stitte. Hail storms and other de- -Tile opening of the lUngston D 0 . . n her - I -h year, and the remains were P&rties like this one Wave infinitely more
14-nked to tho Present. the econoil0c ,,biewdiiess of their French structive natural phenomena were less fre- Saopl and Mini�g Laboratory, connectea not yet published. I i5- pleasure i -n them than the inore olaborate
. . I sisters, have loii cr since divided their allo. quent than some seasons, the greatest draw- witlPthe School of Mines, was celebrated the -Several times during the past three interredin the family plot at Nilestown, fetes, where cards tire issued a fortnight be-
1� (Special Corre-,pondence-1 I . giance between the imported and the bonle back to prosperity being ' the low prices. Be- other night by a banquet in Kingston. weeks the store of John McLean, general near London. foreband,and where the miests are too ex --
I . . . . ing favored- with a' mild season last winter, -The mysterious disapperance of Mr. A. merchant of Teeswater, has been broken in- -Mr. John Wilson, ' of Cedur Creek, ite ZD
, -Although this in- trained tailor. , . live stock ofall kinds came out of winter .M. Dalton, a partner in the banking firm of to during the night, and thefts conim itted. North Dumfries, a well known farmer of crticiatingly poll. an(17 dfimified to be
teresthig old ei,ty-is,�gi.�ad,uallyriddin,git- Redfern- tbu f -i mous English man dress- .
. I I quarters in good condition, and oil that ae- Harrison & Dalton, Neepawa, is causing An old overcoat, left by th6 thief in exchange tba.t district, passed away on December happy. May .Mr. and Mrs. Dimb-ar be -
� selt of niany Of the peciall'arities th, at have maker, occupies a :live story brownstone count the horse.5 ivere the better able to anxiety to his friends. They fear he has for a new one, caused sus icion to fall on one 99th, after a long illness. Deceased'ivas a sparetl many years to enjoy the comforts' of
I lietetoifore s,tam- ped it as more of an old front in close. proximity to Delmoulco's. stand the severe atrain of prairie farming. been made away with. . William Cousins, jr., ang he was arrested in a -on of the late Charles Wilson, wasin the their new home. The� music waa furnished .
thne southern t1lan a modern western I Emblazoned In letters of gold oil the high The sprifig, of 1894 was inclined to be wet -While skating on the bay at Hamilton, Wingham, charged- with the offences. He 44-th year of his age, and had resided oil, by the celebrated Stewart orchestra.
. .
. ' ,ps that lead to the. Fifth avenue on. 0 ' a short mail broke through the plead d uilty,and was comm itted to Walk- the farm on which be was born aild died, . -Some of the matrimonial events occur -
town, the transformation is still far frQm , at(, or�a few weeks, but after seeding. a on Friday, a young �l �
- t5l e' I
- trance is a legend Dot 'Without awe to On- season of drought oe6urred, which some- ice, but failed to con�ie up where the hole ertOn jaifto await trial. ' nearly his whole life. Mr. Wilson. -was ing in AlVallace during December, were as �
. cGlupletel and It Is this -very survival of an . .
I 1 traveled democracy,' "Court Dressmaker what checked vegetation.' The crops on was. A companion broke the ice away and -Judge P. L. Palmer, of Denver, Color- much and deservedly respected by all who follows. Mr. Suase, of Wallaceville, and.
.Occasional feature ot other days that ren- I t6 Her Majesty the Queen, H. R. H. I f . 1� - and Miss R. Aind,miller, oil Wednesday, l2th-
I - . I the wbole were abOut-an averag6, and -I pre- rescued him. Ado, passed through Chicago last week, says I knew him. He leaves a widow, one son
ders the place entertaining to the curious Prince of Wales, the Em press o �i -Russ'&-' sunie the yield in Pembina county, where I ,-The Lucknow Caledonian Society will the Canadian American, enroute to his old one daughter. �uft. ; Mr, William ]Nlasoli and Miss Lena
I . r legends, together with the English -tbro4il : . home, 'near Belleville, Oniario. The Judge . - - Barnsett, oil Wednesday, 19th ult, ; 'Mr.
v1sitor. . I 81mila was the,sumnier, would aggregat� celebrate thei twentieth annual ball and ---4
Standing within a,4 by 5 foot inclosure and Russian coat of arms, decorate the exi between four and five millions of bushels of supper in theirr ball on Jtpivary 250, the goes to visit his father and family and inei- Perth Items.' . Joseph Clialliney and. Miss Munroe, On.
- Christmas day; Air. Isaac H-ollman and
Of Iroa fence, near the white painted old terior walls of both the Fifth avenue and wheat alone, besides coarse grain.- The anniversary of the birth of Scotland's na- dentally, to get a rest from importunate - � I
courthouse, for Instan6e, Is tin Iran post, ' Broadway sides. A servant In livery,ppens present price of farm produce is low, with a, tional bard. Z office -seekers -wbo look upon him as a man Mr. Marshall Worth, of Chicago, spent Miss Lena Bender, on Wednesday, 26tb '
, �
topped with a broad, flat, circular plate. - the door, . * Mrs. Catharine Moore, relict of the late
. . few minor exceptiong, but -when we bear of -The Bank of Montreal has decided to of considerable " inflooence," since his elec- New Year's in Mitchell, visiting friends. -2
. lusing from the center of the plate is a It On entering the lofty celled salon, once entire failures of crops in parts of Kansas, establish a branch office in St. Johns, New- tion to the- District Judgeship by 12,000 -Mrs. Bowie, of Morden, Manitoba, is Jollu.Aaloore, sr., d. ied at her residence in.
triangular projection, and there Is an lron , famillar with the wit and beauty' Of . Nebraska and Soutli'Dakota, we feel we foundland. The mere announcerifelit of this (Republican) majority. . visitinc, in and around Burnside. Listowel, oil Tuesday of last week, aged '46 �
hii,iged cover attached, evidently intended - 1-�niokcrbocker days, a- young English have g eat cause for thankfulness. 'In fact, f ia.1 -Air. Emery Hamilton, who is residing -Ror. - Fred Nethercott, of Russeldale, years. Mrs. 'Aloore has been a resident of
. . . r act will infuse confidence in the commete I
I when the weather is -,-,,Oman mects the visitor with th"ues- 'I, I fill no C I.Astowel continuously since tile early days
to be closed bad. 1, � �1 I don't know of any place where people cominlinityOf tile island. - i. for his health in the neighborhood of Jack- has let the contract for a e w bri k i
D,ON%,a, tio . 'a il , Florida, says in a recent letter to ' ,,in
I Such a contrivalwe is a rare sight 11, "Bas madam an appointment?" should be more grateful than right here in - -Honorable Mr. Dryden announces tbafthe onv le house, to be built, next season. her late husband having built the irig at
days anyw-bere, but it would have been a Divinely tall, divinely fair, fier waist this State. This has been a, very fine win- Ontario Government propose to establish a his parents in London, that the accounts of -.Mr. J. McMarm, of Seafortli, has bouglit hotel :oil tile site of whi0i the' Collison.
u �-novrstands Deceased was a woman
poor -sort of town indeed'Ilve or � I was waspliko, bei bust 6 Ilogarth line- ter so far, and while we inay Mave it severe pioneerdairy farm. Alocationwillbedbosen the cold weather experieuced lately in Flor- quite a number of horses in the vicinity of 110 at- i �
ades. ago, especially in the sou,thwest, � A,thorou-bly groomed creature, she was enouall yet before spring, still one thing is C& a a fi Ra , ida, are not in the least exaggerated. The Bornholm durinor the past few weeks, very of very fine qualifies,and held t'lle respect
. y oil the line of the u di n'Paci c ilway 0 �
' T �;, t ice was nearly an inch thick - and the fruit . of all acquainted with her. 2
that was without one, and no one would good to ook upon, and restful'was her certain it can't'be of long duration. It was in Northwestern Ontario. che%sa ,,,, '
-voice. so mild on New Year's day tba,t men could -The Hon. Samuel L. Shannon, Judge of -ormer student of -A happy family re -union toot ,place 'On
bave been at a loss r(�garding its use. But low, resonant ' crop was not only ruined but a great num- _ en Coates, a f -residence of Mr -
ay inqV tivelvemon, th these She wore a black cloth -own. The front '%V 1, a ber of the trees killed. It 'will take years Stratford Collegiate Institutei bar, been en-: New Year's day, at the
there is not a d, i . 11 i Ik around on the treets. in slippers and Probate, died Monday in Halifax, aged . William Ross, of'Newton,-he being favored
inodern tinies, so tb do courthouse janitor, of the skirt and the bodled"were embrold- shirt sleeves, withouti experiencing any in- eiglity-eight. Dnring the past half century to recover from the loss. gaged as a tekeher in the,Port Hope High
told. me today, that son -le stranger does ! ered in tan colored braid, -while the train convenience from cold. The present price lie was & prominent figure in the politics of -The other morning, Mr. Anthony. �chool. � by a visit of his sons and daughters, vix -- . I
I � scemccl ft begin and end . Hundt, who lives on the 15th concession of . Mr. John Cook has sol,d his farm � in. Mrs. John and James Beatty, of Howard
not Inquire cmriously about the one in the Of black. velvet of wheat is about fifty cents pei- bushel, Nova Scotia. I . - &n(I City, Kansas - Maggie of'Stratford; George, -
.St. Louis courtyard. - nowhere, so gracefully did It. yield to ev- -which ive consider a -very good figure com- ,- -TheSichool Board of Winnipegr intends Carrick, went out to feed his cattle, taking Wallace, to Air. Jacob Ortb, 'for $4,500 1 0 " I
� . ,I- enient of the superblIgure, rpired with Ontatio and other eastern mar-, laking steps to establish a school for teach- � at of Traverse City, 'Mi6bigan-1 and Alexantl,4,
" B'I'lt of co*se, I I said he reflectively, Pill cry Mov . This I . I thelantern with him. After doing Some has bought Mr. George iioon's farin May lie still be
tng his -obin whigkcr and tur.1iling his quid f room is lined with shelves and cases,.with . kets. . ing boys of the criminal class, so that child. of the work he set the lantern on a box and Shipley. : of Brandon, Manitoba. x I
of shaved plu.- in his cheek, theab 's not �' mirrored doors. The shelves reach to the As I ani now located in Grand Forks, a ren of a better class will not be coutanlinat- went out, closinf the barn door after him. -- Samuel Forrest, of Atwood, while en- spared to sce'thein in another year .%round
I I , , * rd.
. undial i ceiling and are piled .The barn door b ew open, some young cattle isfortune his festal boa , .
xuany but what knows it's a s . with -buge, rolls of brief description of'tbe city may prove in- ed by them. � gaged chopping wood, had the in *
-%vlien they conies to. exan-Alle it. it's a I oloth of varied color and texture, prod- tereatincr to some of vour readers. Orrand -'-Nlr. H. P. Chapman, merchant, Ripley rusliedin and upsetting the lantern,- set the to eat his lift foot with an axe, inflicting all -Mr. aind Mrs. A. Burnet, of Mussel-
. 3 burg, entertained their children, graiid- .
tine dial, that. You see, It's running just ,ucts, for the -most part,,- of English looms. Forks 0 er, witli60 the sister city of itrrived home recently from a six weeks' place on &e. Not much wa . s saved so that ugly wound. . children and a numb er of friends to tea oil
prop (I
as good as - it did,wb(!n It was first vnt The establisliment has a large force of East Grand Forks, has -a population of about trip toDenver,where lie was engaged in win - the loss is a heavy on6. -A fire which broke out in. J� F. M -c- .
theall. And 1,11'any, , niodistes im- 8,000. It I is beautifu I Ily situated on the I -While working around the switchboard Garvy's grocery, St. Marys, I a soon ex. New Year'snight. No fewer than Jorty-
s tbe fine gentleman, saleswomen, designers and - inar tip the estate of his late uncle, He was 0 ' �
I at the electric light station at Orillia, one tinguislied, bat his goods W - - ]nearly 8.11 seven sat down to supper, and a very pleas -
with Ills kid gloves on, that steps up to , ported from England. Somo'bave long western bank of the Red River, and like so ,,chrliglited ,with Colorado. . . . ant time was spent , . in social conversation .
that theall old dial, suh, at noon and sets been apprenticed to Ptedfern, the older, many of the Valley towns; a little too near -Superintendent Whyte, of the Cana- night recently, Mr. John McLean�s hand ruined by -the w%ter.
bis gold watch by it. Theyall kiiow, sub, while Others are gathered yearly as the the river for the comfort of some of the in- than Pacific railway, says that owing to the slipped, and touching two pieces of the brass -William Gibb, Ar. .S., of St. I . rys, and Mid games till it was time for the little folk
tbat, potwithstanding, a sundial Is old I theatrical managers make tip aq opera habitants during seasons of high water. shriukdge in passenger , and freight traffic on the board he received a shock in his hand William Steele, V. S., of Str ford, have to be ,getting to bed, when all went home I
- -olts strength. to a o ntario Veter- I pleased with the 4pitertainment, and wishing-
fash ioped, they aln"t no goii,lg back on sun ehorUs* . Wb ile some parts of the city are low, the large reductions both in the number of men Of a thousand ,% The band been elected diree r , f the 0 , '
- * was �aralysed and the fingers burnt, but inary Association. I Mr. and - Mrs. Burnet many happy 'New
time, still. All the .saleswomen have the wasplike lnikjor portion is high, dry and airy with employed and the number of working hours - *
I . fortunately not being connected with the -Rev. John and Mrs. Kenner, of Staffs, Years to come.
. "Th.ey use to be two sundials to this : waists with which fashion plates have fa- excellent drainage. On Third street, which in the day have to be made. e he home of Mr. John RidAell, 'of
Lea-li co'thouse.. "�'ou kIn see the post; of ' miliarized us. Despite physical cultura is the principal thoroughfare, there are some -Dr. J. A. Rodler, of Montreal, has ground .in any way, Mr. McLean escaped and Rev. J. Ball, of Fullarton, attend d tile -T
� tepbens,
the othall one out tbeab on the otbah side ' authorities, however, these waists do not most magnificent brick blocks. and hotels, taken out actions against C". W. S serious injury. . New Year's tea me6ting in the INIethodist Mornington, .presented ,a luxurious anil
I happy ce on Wednesday evening
I of the But the dial paht is go ' ent them from handling the great several of which are five stories high, and M.P.P., and Pat Kennedy,M.P.P., for $10,- -An old gentleman in Toronto, named church, Mitchell. last w appearan
_ no prev J . . - r, -
forevah, sub. You see, they's a pow'ful rolls of cloth with the agility of "llght;4 are fitted out with elevators and all the 000 damages each on account of statements Win. Armstrong, was run over by a Cana- -Drs. Charleg and William Pugh, of Chi- eetc. It was theoccasion of the ma;
I . 1. � weights. 1, . latest modern conveniences and improve- made on -the floor of the Quebec Legislature dian Pacific Railway train, the other da.y. cago, Miss 1. Pugh, of Brantford col- riageofhi8datigh-ter, MisaRiddell, to'Mr.
"If tbey are laced-" says Redfern, ments. The city viewed from every stand- -According to a Montreal paper about and (lied in the hospital -from his injuries. lege, and Mr. George Pugh, of Toronto, Andrew Dowd, also of IvIornington. There
� I 0 1 - q - "could they,toss such r�lis of stuff?" ' point, has quite a metropolitan appearance, 2 It was found necessary at the hospital to spent Christmas under the Parental roof at -were. gathered in to witnesq. -the ceremony
I . . I It not laced, Is the mental reservation and does great credit to Americatf engineer- five months ago Sir John Tbornpson con- amputate both legs of the unfortunate man, Milverton. I performe(I by the Rev. ' M.t% Kay, over 80
1 1 � : 11 � * ing and enterprise. - Besides the common suited a Montreal physician, who told him -from the shock of relatives of bride ,and groom, After the
. � f the beholder, where does Redfern find that unless he abandoned the excitement of and, although be rallied -IN"illiam Lochhead has sold his property. I a were over as I
� f .. . women of this mold? I schools, which are an ornament to the place, public life lie did not think he could live more f -he eration for a time, it was soon seen near the Atwood saw mill, to AndreW Don- nil - . a �- .
, Z 09 Mr. Lochh d to an extensivel . ar and .
. . . Various wire forms bedecked In gowns there is a college of conlinerce and other in- that e could not recover. Armstrong was aldson. Ees'� living repast, �
� . I 1. 8 fa ,,but will the night was Merpwracrils spent in social
. .
: I - , �. and jackets were on every side, at table sat stitutions for the higher education of both seventy-tbree years of age,'and had a wife with bi son George on tbi
i .1 - n Wednesday, last week, four London I Taw",
than four months.
q F � I .., � a. The State University is also located - -0 and fainily. probably spend this winter in ood, enjoyment.
I ! .. 1 : I ! .* 11 two swagg&. girls examining- faslidon sexe
:; - :,*'/ H . * boys ikined Reginald Hutchinson, Win. -Last 8aturday while Mr. Win. Wright, -Rev. Dr. G. L. McKay and his Chinese
. -- -
.111 . 9- ; �, .11 here. * - . visited Fullart6n dur- I
: F - - -C. H. Merryfield
i 1 ! A GlasgowpThonlas Shillington and Walter of Westmeath, Renfrew county, was cross- student, spent Sabbazli, 3 -0th ult., in Tavis-
' I II, - 'k .1 plates, while a saleswoman in a gown of
. �
11- = Our Prohibition law is fairly well ell- � ing Christmasweek. He says his visit put
. , -.If = �..%,, 1. / blue Gloth rich In sable tail trimming in- � ' tock, the reverend doctor occupying the
.*�:; , - -'.� ) -e is liqu Barr skated on the Thames River from ing the Lower Allumttte Lake with an him in mind of the free ' a boy
. , -:i = ,. ". terposed now and then a professional : '.nox eburch 'that day. About
:::. . '. � - forced, and while it is said thei or d old days of hi
I .1 1 . . . sug Loudon to St. Marys. - They made the dis- empty sleigh, the horses, a valuable team, hood. He pulpit of. 1%
- I * I ,� :;
.. � I rs with was bo)rniiiFullarton in 1857,
.. . sold, still there are no open doo *
. . 11, ; 11 The gown of every employee be- tine hundred yQung teople, fifty of ,whoul. .
1� i ! r J gestion. tance in a little over 5I� hours. brOke through the ice and were drowned.
. .1. I � - li r speaks the house. After a dross has been frinies of intoxicants. inviting those '%%,lid - and has ever�y good wish for his birthplace.
��..; - IT u). v from Tavistoc, , attended the dinner
; � � .-; . . erred through strong drink to enter -The Rev. Dr. 1�ing, of Chatham; died A few. hours afterwards Arthur Lawless was
I . .- j copied 7t-%vo or three times It is donned by have I *r ng near the same spot with a load of -John Hardman, the man who Shot at givell blirlDr. G. L, McKay at the residente
. -f . - unnatural 'thirst. There there on S -nday, aged 83. He was a slave- crossi . I
�z , I - of the Albion Of 11 0 1 1.
. . and gratify theit i r pa -
. .- ! the'saleswonian best, adapted to display it r. f`3. Cameron, proprictoi .is I
. I
P -MF -,v —v � ! I a butset-ftee his nine- oats and without warning the tealp, sleiW.h A' ther, J. D. McKay. AftR
— re m _ I ' e hotel, Stratford, a couple of weeks ago, has -ing ofa, most sumptuous repa I -11 ,
11 . ::= � -k in the,upper rooms customer's a eas is also less temptation for minors here than' owner in Louisian , d isappeared through the ice tal. st9 whic
==== . I- :� - em. teen slaves and brought them to Canada, and load . �
.. - - V — I .... ured and fitted. A man measures for the under the license syst � . 0 g from his load on been committed to jAand his trial at the reflected - at credit o M ,
I---- .. .. , -t of the residence portion, commonly where he founded the Elgin settlement in barely had time to sprin � '
6 - - . - Pal . assizes, for shooting with intent to 're - 4
.1. z-.- pattern, a wonian adjusts the lining, slip next _. programme consistin-, of speech'an
. 1, - - known as " quality square," would do credit 1 1850, as a retreat and home for fugitive to firm ice. 5
W -. � .:,*. pillg* oil, if necessary, a series of pads . I kill. I song was given, to the entertaium ent :of all
G --.: -�. � to a Gi arger propoptions. There I slaves from the South. � . -')Nlr. F. J. McMillan, son of Mr. T. H. -
--,�-- - atrung together on rubber ribbons. It sug- ty of much I � --The New.Methodist church in Mitchell
<2> - - are numerous mansions c6sting away up in- Foreclosure proceedings oil a $4,588 Mc.'% I i Ilan, cashier of tile Western Bank,Osb- present. . "
�. der � . was dedicatied to divine service on.Sabb,atli, -Oil .Montlav night, - December 31st, as
�� r ),I- . - . gests an anatomical musenin. Pads un I - - taken by the North American awa, was in London this week. He is re- �
- — - - - - . to the five figure numbers with elevated mortgage were 30tb December, And tile tea inecting held -
.. the arms, pads in the hollows of shoulders the bells were ringing oult :the dylill year, .
lawns and gardens -which are really magg- I Life.Insurance Company against the trustees turning home, much improved in healtil, 10, a 9
-NDIAL. or nec!.—every spot nature has defrauded niticent. City lots can be purchased at all ; of, the Royce Avenue Baptist Church1l. Tor- after a'prolonged trip to foreign lands, in- oil New Year*s ni,lit was a grand success, Mr. W. J. Freelanul 411ed at his 11011le 01,
TrIl . E S:U -the man tailor redeems -svith cotton. - , . - the proceeds amounting to .Sl 75. The total ,Norman strect, 8tratford. Mn. Freclan'!
lot . ol boys heah in St. Louis that bain't I Dressmakers ackilowle,lge their indebt- )rices ranging from $100 to $1,000 a`nd up- onto. . Over $500 of the above amount re- eluding China, Japan, Australia and. Mexico. debt reinaining oil the church is',$5,200. ha:d been su5tring froni a fatal di,sease for
. I I � 'which was He was in China and Japan as late as Se - I
got no b�ttall b,uSinOSS nights and S11117 Nvards, according to -location, and the tell- presents interest on the loan, p - ' -togers, of Novas, Mus- soine tinie, and hi., death was therefore -ox-
0 . edness to*the ingenuity of the man tailor. dency of all grades is upwards, so that par- borrowed in August, 1891. tembcr, and says that though a stranger he P,,.�v. John'],,. 11
(.I,ly,q than to POUnd coltbouso dialsIvith -. The bodice I'astened oil the customer the � ' . I koka,, visited his-pareats and. other friends pe(!teil. With his, ,demise therl- I aiipetl �
� I ties desiring a safe- investment, for spare -Charles 'McQueen, of Galt, ,%vbo was was instantly struck by the immense superi- .).
rocl�s and things jCst to destroy thoin- ; , ma-il tailor returng to the sacred precinct M ' i I ' in Fullartonjast week. 'Mr.-JobnMitchell, away one of the finest gentlemen in IStrat -
funds could not easily do befter,thun invest trying 'to dupe some New Dundee young, ority oi the Japanese .in I n-te ligence and
- en tile otbah oile was toah down, ' and deftly takes in or lots out the appar- . -. . % . n . ' . for(l, awl one who was a favorite %vith all
Wh .. us to oi-anize a band, progressiveness. of Michigan, and Mr. John A, MeNaughton
I 1.1p, a,n.(..l kic1,-ed,..- Yes, I did. I told ently infinitessinial bits so essential to4the - in real estate iigbt here in Grand Forks. men, who were anxio 0 hich - did upt -Mr. Esten Williams, who has for twelve also visited Fullarton friends during the who kiliew bini. The Publieschool 1-hildren
6,111), , all tholfties th at if they wautea . perfootiou of the whole. . 8onie of your -'readers will doubtless remem- into purchasing. instrullients, w - holidays. anil teachers, with whoni �Mr- I`rceland
the county .3 ber that there was am epidemic of typhoid belong to him, was arrested at the instance years been employed as a clerk in the De ily, will greatly ini-,.,,-. 1.
y ";uDdial le , The chiefdocoration of these apartment as been -' - worked s
to have an ft at all t1ley'd haff . fever here last winter, caused- by an iin- of an Ayr tailor, just' in thile to spoil his partilient of Education at Toronto, h -W. I. and Mrs. 11ax,well. spent Cliri.�qt- o hari-nonious -
-abc1luiall h c"Rh nights and S- tin- i are signs, "Payment After First Fitting." nded, pending the- investigation of a mas at the home of the lattees parents, Mr. Min- He -was oiie of the mo,st faithful
to be aw pure -water- supply furnished by the city. little game. I suspe
see, tho dity p'lico is CA111OSS . "A.1 -a4, " sighed the proprietor, "a gown . against him of " making improper and Mrs. Cliarles Baird, 'of Motherwell. workers in v ninevtion. with Kno,c chur.01,
t days. You To prevent a recurrence of the placrue,reser- -Mrs. Wni. Beechy, of Teeswater, has charge (
inty prop'tv all(t they prob'ly- is often worn, out beforo we receive our I ters and pap r children who gatbered about the par- and bis lo -'s will be felt by illiv ornigrega- -
z1built CaL I voirs have been excavated and a Etter con- been committed for trial on a charge of ill- use of et ers that came into his Otbe . ��
wouldn't (10 i�otlling" to nobody, not if-; mollev. " , I I strilcted at a cost to the city of nearly .$50,- treating her two step -children, Leonard and possession." It is alleged that be had been ental board were William 11"aird, of Winni- tion- I
. 't est assured, *
tli,,,y evell Ca'li,a off the co bouso itself ' 1� ' ol�ly- women of unques- 000, which will effectively cl r the water Catbarine, who have found homes with kind in the babit of copying letters and papers peg, Thomas, of 'Montana, and .1. W. of To- --A v(-ry pleasant event ill t1le ft'l-ni 'of a *
hing a sun(lial oi'! ' tionable -%vealth ,,ire indulged to that ex- '' University. family g�therjng oevilrn.-d '-\-e,%v Yt-ar%,
Still, let. alone just Snla-�, . . . of microbes and all other.noxi9kiN aninialcula. people in Walkerton. Evidence was given belonging to the department, or having pho- ronto "
tw() iiiian licali after n ; twit bythe Enalish autocrat. tographs of them made, for .use in the po- 4r. and Mrs. Thomas 13ell and family, night, at the boille ofJohn Mori+s.on, jr,�) of
- I got the watel ' . 17 By actual experiment it has .been proved. showing that the children had been badly 0
1 jit slili, and, as you see, I'vo saved ! Ta --,to for a Itodfern gown is not unlilw J ewrv, Nv
ha'd fig ) that 9.8' per cent. of - injurious matter can be beaten and ill -fed. Uical campaign of last June, by the oppo- i of-Liddesdale, Scotland, who have been re- X " - Ilell the members of the 'XIorrison
iy watch- 1 t - . 0 -Ii St. Marys for the past year, have husbands, wiv,es anil -
diils. But I'le'a"(" hat for olives. If one has it not instinc the 6overnment. . si( ing in. family, -,%ith their
. () ofltlie � removed by the filtering process, ;o from -Brigadier de Barritt, of the Salvation nents of 0
. I
I I 11 011t mighty sha2p I ly. it ymst be cultivated. A gown of Ilencef to farmers oil the Thames roa.d,. sweethearts. gathered 1-01111d the 'festi've
nian, 'We has to Watc = 3 tive orth our -water supply may be con- Army lectured in the mission hall of the -A case of some interest purchased the farin irn '
plainest sTuIT costs $95, while a cloth may .. I -egat a Divi- I I ws spread vdtk the (4114cest -
reckon. " i sidered pure. . . R.,ib`ern Congi ional church, Toronto, having apples to sell was hear([ at tb known as the " -Moore farin, and intend board, -wbi�-i -*v Anume, th(,pc present froin
rrhisoeliglitfuI janitor'sDan"CisGriffin, 1 be had for $125, the lowest possiblefgure. . ,d the other (lay before taking tip their permanent residence in this holiday viawls-. I
- I I .
. . J.. F. LANDSBOROU('11. on Friday evening last, before the ilienibers sion Court in Watfoi 0 ( - �ns, Nvife and
nter (,,veii than the old dials. i -1te(Ifern's private exhibition rooins are A. War- countrv. a distalit-e �% -re: Charle.-3 thf-
and he is (ILU-1i . GRAM) FoaKs, January Uh, 1895. of tile Women's Mission Board in counce- Judge Wm. Elliott, of London.
es aur t7ncle Samuel I rarely ITithout artists making sketches of —0- . -ith the Church. Mr. de Barritt se- wick farmer named John RundI6,suedlDodds --.NLfeDouaId and Kehoe, of Stratford, the fallilly, and Robertly)rown, ,xvife and family
,iiibl 11 tion N% I . - �
In p(�rjon- lie ' 1) �y els, - I
nsfead of bein�,, thin .and angu- 1 14�s latest creations for fashion journals or I ion Work in &- Keller, apple %uvers, for the value, of a men arrested at St. 'Marys on suspicion of of Trowbridge ; J. Mvboin, of Brass ii,1141
I -10seph. ("las-q, a well-to-do tarnier, (lied- lected as his subject " Miss . .-
. savo that, I I " ' .11
110 is r.oull(i and stout and ruddy. 1 tho great (lailivs. . !)f , apples. Defendants being t lie parties who held up a mail named 1.). Morrista), of.Stony I,ake. The ev-eil"n
lar .at his lionie, in the outski'rts of Sarnia, on South America." He,said that out of the number of barrels i . -
. j c6, I -was ,01110st I When a -%voiban Ends it necessary to - . . -pent in gaine-;, music, an&
Nkhen I first Saw his fa . Decernber'22nd, under ratber suspicious cir- four hundred dlristia4 inissionaries who clainied apples were frozen in the orchard. Fulcher, have been liberated. In discharg- was pleasaDtIV � of the" gaid old. Scott -it
trousers WeTO 310t i economize after the extravagance of a laboring in that field, 56 were Salva- Plaintiffelaimed that the apples sbould I ing the prisonen Judge Woodsadministered. jiist a step or two
surprised I-wcaus,e his , !�, I cunistailees, bavinu been ill scarcel-v 24 -were .'
� . I'lls vest was I Redfern creation, she- patronizes 11 tailor . .1 son. 'Mr. it reprimand that should make them cautious- reel, after Ni hiell the ,ruesbi returne(I to
and v,viiite and � . hours. The cause otl his death was. given, tionists. Christianity -�vas slowly but stead- have ))eon packed earlier in the sea
striped red ' 0 I - the cvi-
11 I I thtir lioitit-s well phm,�e(l with the'evenilles
, .1 Second aven ue, the nei ghborboo - y be Patterson also sued to recover for apples (le- , as to future action. According to
I'lot bluo W11d, .. .tar Spangled. Ills oflice i � in upper . d and lie -was buried without any investigation ily makin& progress) and would one da
�).111 ill the basenien b, wl i e re 1, of grven groceries, Chinese laundries and fad- I livered, but which defendants refused to dence, hesaid they were dangerous illem- ellioviliQlat.
j havin-, been made, although the sudden de- the religio�' of that areat continent. '-N - � � .
ill a hig oare TO, . a thrODelik � 'Ies. Ile .may be found in o 0 . - .
he sits nl,ost of tbo U1110 Ill . 0 dirty hah one of . . . I �
',w,,a -
't. �
,ra f�
I . . . '�i �.
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7 .
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idou*, spent
father, h1r.
..mondville '
�iting rela- -
� � D Urqu-
w daye
'a t Witt,
ar, who re- -
T T*ing 87
11.1(1 who are
md spirits,
�r to spen(I
.. -
,tr fainily.--
ing of Car-
lew at the
a preseitted
ent in: keep. -
.6id officers
-rry-,. our en-
� shippqd a
* American.
home after' ,
� Christmas
J surround-
ameat aiven.
lblic School,
'the season-
; . dialogues-,
Med with a
-S Of finhilt
in Irvin- a, -
�re all per- -
VIDuld be R�i- f
i our local-' .I
. rice, one and .`
we desire to -
services ren-
-of Seaforth, -
,annat better
otinct,with a,
'ir John A.
� of Sir John
,ab,inet Min-
r spoke for -
; -
dered by the
� and hig,lily
, ,
, allowed to
� by Master �
- ,
and Messrs.- �
5s, the four
nous "Four
I N1r. John
hurt opmiin.g
�uakl vigorous
� developing
fien and de-
- '
�, Selicoeder,
,,."It "'i -11i '�
I -
ms Vic-ildtV.
:,a-vali�r, I)a.
rental roof.
I is at present,
14'e nn. - - 2-171 r s.
t4peiA SeVelld
� I . Scharfee,
It, f,e.—i'vIrs.
lichigan, ha,,-
� dps ill the
I . M , J Olin
--i�-111. �171
, - , - I - * , "I'
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