The Huron Expositor, 1894-12-28, Page 5er-st:Te ;77'4. • : , t annas aril% eel ett trial, mean - e and inge rt of t,,. tas took It., in eta. rtand 5 Per- , , v has ft the erson roan deal- ' buy - L the ticese week, Ilford was El ba- nned, Force, nache death mfor- and , Week, ; 10th . front !Tried inpIe- t 400 : wag `ertintI is in - I. It - some : were - Were nhell, 1:. was to: be rppar- ' The sinned o aliss le the y (Tis - eau of t suit inane id hies at of e In faring e, 16 sssels. ailina reath- If and all of th the Leffler, ber of -, office Erne of , e s. EI- rh not nation or the ,here- /eters, n the iption. eht be action a Mrs. Id hi$ vie bus- t that her in even ionday imam- te for nether before d to a. 'death t short in the inicad- er, CIL- ;re the . blan- rrance, d trout vas no itehen -:condi- re did am in e held Ilows : y inju- rasen" sl Fra - hence md his , - week, .• e ic,son, nit six (laugh - y, and reel to U ha$ him on nily of et is a; f age.' iota- easant. an in- Satur- ffliant on -in - Ie was rell for death ed his nter of a farm ,- mov- e He n the John two tome ; [ Mrs. a wa. ,..,0iiii- a-boi.g. 1- p.y, to r large urteen nes Mr. ititcd 19th. anti n the ount s the holson fitting meet - mente Jame. y Mr. ime to ie di - Iowa being Merry t Ater rte by home:4 being y DECEMBER 28 1894. wisiting aniong bb friends in RaIton county. -Mr. John MoMurra.y, who went to St. -Joseph's Island, is busy taking out two onillion railway ties up, there.-Reve Mr. Hays, of Toronto, preached in Knox church ithe last two Sabbaths. Next Sunday, Rev. Mr. Vert will preach morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Miller accepted a call to Norwich ana_November 26th, consequently the con- regations of Belgrave and Calvin were too ate, We hope they will be ready- soon again to make another ehoice.-Mr. David Rleming went to Owen Sound on Friday, to ,eat his Christmas dinner. East Wawanosh. PRESENTATION. -After the closing exer- -eises on Friday, December 21st, the pupils -of School Section No. 10, East Wawanosh, presented their teacher, Miss M. Watson, -with it handsome toilet set and photo hold - ear. These gifts were accompanied by an -address showing the high esteem in which Miss Watson is held by pupils and parents, .and the love she has won from her scholars dey her patience, kindness and thoroughness. 'The address was signed by three of the 'pupils on behalf of the aphool. IN HYMEN'S Bonns.-40n Christmas day, -at the hour of six o'clock p. In., one of those rhappy events which bring smiles and happy ilooks to every countenance, took place at the residence of Robert Johnston, .Esq., of thie township, it being the marriage of his souneest daughter Alice Maud, to Mr. R. .H. gown, a prosperous young farmer of -the township of Morris, near Blyth. The young bride was tastefully attired in cream satin, which well became her youthful ap- pearanc_e. She was; assisted by her sister Annie, and the groorn was supported by his twin brother. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. Mr. Baugh, a gentreman noted for such events. After the marriage all sat -down to a very sumptuous supper. The presents were both costly and numerous. The hours flew by with -social chat and plays, until the hands of the clock began to mix up with the "wee snea' hours ayont the twal," when all joined in a hearty good bye to the bride and groom, wishing them all the joys that =company Iife's long journey and none of its sorrows,and wondering when the next happy event will take place at Robert's house, as there is only one left, and certain- cly the best. THE MA.RKETS. ommoong.2 • Sumter, Dee. S7, UM. Fill Wheat per bushel.oew........... 0 00 50 0 57 Spring Wheat per bushel.new ... . .. 0 56 to 0 67 Ws per ....... 0 28 to 028 per .. 0 58 in 0.58 Barley per bushel . • 0 8610 0 441 Butter, No. 1. loose. . . 0 15 to 0 16, Butter, tub 0 16 to 0 1/ zue per doz.- . .•• • . 0 14 is 015 Flour, per 100 lbs. 1 60 10 185 Bay per ton new. f ..... 6 60 10 7 00 Hides per 100 !be 8 00 to 860 Lamb 60 20 0 69 0 75 400 200 0 57 600 200 6 (0 0 00 Potatoes per bag, Salt (retail) per barrel- .... ..... . 0 7660 Wood per oord (long).. . 8 60 to Woodper oord (short) .. 1 76 to • Apples per bag- 0 60 IS Clover :ftisd 5 75 to Timothy Seed I 75 to Pork, per 100 Ita . 4 50 to 0 06 to • • 21, Skins............00 to O 1810 O 5010 Brussels. Bninsee-Thomas Roe has sold his fifty acre farm on the Iitli concession of Grey, to Thomas Johnstone, for the sum of $1,700, a fair price, considering that there are no buildings on. it. -Richard Armstrong, who was before J. Beattie, J. P., Seaforth, at the instance of Mrs. Eizerman for fraud, was committed to jail for trial. - The offence arose over the payment of rent on a farm at Ethel, township of Grey. -Voters' List Courts for East Huron are: Blyth, January 16 ; Craubrook, January 17th., 9 a. m.; Brussels, January ..17th, 3 v. in. •' Ethel, -January I8th, g a. nn; Wingharn, January -22nd, 9 a. m.; Fordwieh, January 23rd, 0' a. rine Gerrie, January 24th, 9 a. in.; Wrox- eter, Jansiary 24th, '2. p. ne; Morris, Jan- uary 25th, g Turnberry, not yet fixed. -Win.. Cameron and W. Ainley have exchanged their dwellings on John- Street. - Election matters are still quiet in Brussels, .and the probabilities are that we may have another election. by acclamation this .year, In. Grey -things are getting warm. - It is said Milne and Hislop are in the field for Reeve, Strachan having dropped out. For ist Deputy the candidates will be Dames and Bryan; for 2nd Deputy, Turnbull and Innis, and, for- Couneillors, Wm. Brown, J. Lindsay, R. Livingstone, L. McNeil, E, Dickson and others. In Morris things are still quiet. -Dr. McDonald passed through • here yesterday to attend a tea -meeting •at WaIton.-E. L. Dickenson. was also in town yesterday visiting his frieinds and looking after the voters' list appeltis.-Business men eomplain that the Cheiatinas trade was not to she mark this year. .Every one is re- elizing that we have dull -times in Canada, the dullest in its history. -The Christmas _tree by St." John's church in the town hall, ' lase Friday evening, was a success. Tallow, per lb. InvertrooL, Dec. 27. ---Spring wheat, Os Od ; red winter, 4s 10d ; California, No. 1, 5402d ; peas, .4s 1O&&; poik, 60s 00d; cheese, 50s 06d. Towne, Deo. 27. -Fall wheat, 10.61 to *0.82; spring wheat, t0.00 to 10.00; oste, 820. to 33c; peas, per bush, 55c to 570 • barley, 48e Ite 47c ; hay; Per ton, 17.00 to f 9.e0 ; butter, 20u to ; pots. toes, per bag, 10 50 to *0.55; eggs, per eos., 24c to 250; dreamed hogs, per cwt., $5.00 to $5 26. Poultry Market: TORONTO, December 24. -The receipts to- day were small. There was n good demand and the market was higher. Turkeys sold at ge to 9e, geese at 7c, ducks at 50c to '75e, and chickens at 30e to 50e. . _Dairy Markets. TORONTO, December 24. -Butter -There is a fair demand for all- the best offering,and the market is firm at 16c -to 17c for choice packages. Low grade tubs sell at 10c toile. Large rolls are in demand, and sell at ,15c. Dairy pound rolls are steady at 15e to '16e. Creamery is in fair demand and steady at 22c to 23c for rolls and 18c to 19c for tubs. Eggs -There is a .god demand for fresh' gathered, and the market is firm- at 18c. Held fresh are quoted at 14e to 15c. Limed are steady at 12n4c to 13450. Live Stock Markets. BUFFALO, December 24. -Hogs -Market active and higher. Sales -Yorkers, good_ to choice, $4.30 to $4.35; pigs, $4.25 to $4.35; mixed packers, $4.35 to $4.40; good mediums, .$4.40 to $4.45; choice heavy, $4.45 to $4.55; roughs. $3.50 to 85;$3. stags, $3 to $3.50. Sheep and Lambs -Of- ferings to -day included those held over from Saturday, which were 109 cars, of which 23 cars were Canadas ; market active and closed strong at an advance: of 10e to 20e, and although the offerings were considerably above anticipations there was a good (clear- ance ; Canada lambs active at $4.20 to $4.30 for the best ; choice -sold at $4.10 to $4.25; Canada sheep, prime, $1. Local Notices. FOR• SALE. -A good second-hand two horse tread power; also a good .power Straw Cutter at 0. C. WILLSON'S, Seaforth. 1410 HOUSE TO RENT. -To rent the comfortable and pleasantly situated brick residence recently cc- eupied by,Mr. R S. Hays. Rent reasonable_ Apply to Jon or JAMES BEATTIE. 1407 -ti To all whom it nilr concern, -New Year's Greeting. -We now exte ,a1 to you a special invitation to call at our ware r ores, on Main street, and ex- amine our handsome lines of Parlor Suits, Bed room Suits, Sideboards, Exteneion Tables and a full line of Fancy Tables, Chairs and Ladies' Writing Desks, all suitable for New Year's presente, also our new line of Readinz Stands, which we are now introducing to the public for the first time and as we can guarantee them in every respect, we would like you to be sure and ask us to show them to you. Wlehing you the compliments of the season,we remaio as ever, yours truly, BROADFOOT, Box & Co. 140-2 ,Narmsreismemeessweemss .09 . Births. 1 Drysdale. WoOn BEE, -One day last week a num- ber of the boys of the neighborhood were conveyed by Mr. S. Pollock to Mr. Doer's bush, where they spent the day in cutting a large pile of wood for him. In the even- ing the crowd returned home, feeling none t; ill worse tor the day's work, and after par- taking of a wholesome repast the ladies gathered in, and the happy crowd tripped the light fantastic untilnhe wee hours of the morning, when they dispersed to their homes. DOTS. -Messrs. Peter and Louis Mousse, who have been residing in Dakota for the past two summers, have returned home to spend the winter under the parental roof. - Mrs. Kyle, of Watersville, Michigan, has come home to spend her Christmas and New Years with her parents. -Messrs. Robert Drysdale and Henry Durand. intend taking a course in the Business College during the coining term. -Miss Mary J. Howard, who was home visiting in the neighborhood, has returned to Seaforth.- Mr. George Howard has returned home ;from Goderich Model. School. Sonora, ExaMINATION.-Last Thursday afternoon a number of the people of the neighborhood gathered at the old school .house, Sauble Line, where a very pleasant nime was spent. The programme consisted .of recitations, songs, and some interesting addresses. The pupils by their answering 'seemed to be thoroughly drilled in their -work. This not only pleased the parents who were present, but was also very credit - .able to the painstaking teacher, Miss Kelly. -The next afternoon a number of the neighbors gathered at Drysdale public School, where a number of beautiful songs, recitations, etc., were rendered. tile pu- pils after heartily taking part in the pro- gramme, presented their teacher, Mr. Mitchell, with a beautiful album. Mr. Mitchell has given up teaching and intends taking a course in the Business College with the other boys. Mr. Mitchell has not only ;roved to be a good teacher, but a good athlete and an excellent dancer. He will be greatly missed in the vicinity for some time, The section join in wishing him the greatest of success in his new line of study. - THE HURON EXPOSITOR. ° IMPORTANT NOTICES. SALE, A. BARGAIN.--Sinall farm close to Seaforth, choice situstion and land. Terms easy. JOHN BEATTIE, Division Court0141. . 4104 EIARM FOR SALE. -For eels, West half lot 11, eon - JC cession 18, Grey, containing tO acres, all cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There is a 'frame barn and log house and geed orchard. Plenty of _water. It is couveniently situated for markets, schools, 64o. It will be *old aheap. Apply on the prendres or to Walton P. 0. ARCHIBALD DUNCAN- - SON, Walton. 1411x8 PROPERTY FOR SALE. -For sale, cheep, a corn - tenable frame house on South Main Street, Seat forth, near the Railway station. The house contains seven rooms, woodshed and all necessary conveni- ences, also two good Iota. The heugeeppne of the lote and the propertpwill be sold together or Raper- ately. Apply on the premises to RICHARD ROBIN - SON, Seaforth P. O. _ 1409-tf. _ 'DOR SALE.-Fartnondville mill site embracing r about 60 acres, is offered for gale oheap to close up the joint interest of the undersigned. The ice pnvilege will fully cover interest on the whole invest - latent, Easy terms. Apply to D. D. WILSON or W. M. GRAY. 1411.4 74(311ER WANTED. -Wanted for chool Section No. 1, Grey, male teacher, 2nd class certificate S preferred. Applicant to state salary expected. Ap- pficatione received until January 18th, either person- ally or in writing. THOS. CALDLR Secretary, Cranbrook P. 0. '1 1411.2 ED MONDS.-At the English ChurchRectery. Pres- ton, on December 15th, the wife of Rev. J.. Ed- mnnds, of a d tughter. HOBKIRK.-In Hibbert, on December 19th, the wife of Mr. George Hobkirk, of a daughter. IRVIN.-In Wingham, on December i5th, the wife of Mr. George H. Irvie, of a son. KEYS. -In Stanley, on December 18th, tbe wife of M. Nelson Keys, of 5805. EAMER.-In Brussels, on December 17th, the wife et Mr. J. Earner, of a daughter. DAMES. -In Cranbrook, on Denenteher 14th, the wife of Mr. Charles Dames, of it son! McGOWAN.-In East Wawanosh, on December 16th, the wife of Mr. G. R. McGowan, of a daughter. . BERRY. -In Mullett, on December llth, the wife of Mr. Jileeph Berry, of $ son. SNELL.--jn on December 185h, the %drool Mr. James Snell, of a son. KELLY. -In Blyth, on December 16th, the witted Mr. J. E. Kelly, of a son. • Marriages. , RATHWELL-REID.-At the reside ve of the' p, bride's fatheam lon December 19th, bre v. 1J. A. McDonald, Mr. John Bathwell, of °rich, to Miss Sarah Reid, daughter of Samue Reid, Esq., of Stanley. NICHOLSON-TOUCHBURN --At the residence of James Johnston, Esq., township of Stanley. on December 20th. by Rev. J. A. McDonald, God- frey Nicholson, Esq., of Hay, to Miss Elizabeth Tonchburn, of Gmlerich. BALFOUR-PHILLIP.-At the residen u John Phillip, Esq., Fullerton, Perth County, on De- cember 19th, by Rev. J. Ball, Mr. Zephanis Bal- four, of Mitobell. to Mies Elizabeth Phillip. SKELTON-HOWLETTJ-At the residence of the bride's father, Morris, on December 19th, by Rev. George Buggin, Mr. William Skelton, to Miss Latena, daughter of Mr. Charles Howlett, both of Morris township. BELL-GRA'WEY.-In Clinton'on December 19th, by Rev. A. dtewart, Mr. D. A. Bell, of Bruce - field. to Miss K. Grawey, of Walkerton. BEATTY-THOMPSON.-At the residence of the bride's father, Goderich township, on December 19th, by Rev. 4 W. Diehl, Mr. L. Beatty, of Varna, to Miss'Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Robert Thompsen. FRASER-TH1 NNE. -At St. Andrew's manse. Markham, on December 205h, by Rev.R. Thynne, brother of the bride, Mr. William Henry Fraser, to MiesJennie, daughter of the late Mr. John Thynne, all of the Township of Mortis. KENN EDY-MecKAY.-At the residence of Mrs Mac- key, Goderich Street, on December 26th, by Rev. Rural Dean" Hodgins, Mr. Laucblin Kennedy, of Clinton. to Mies Nellie Mackay, of Seaforth. BROWN-JOHNSTON.-At the • residence of the bride's father, East Wawanosh, on December 25th, by Rev. bfr. Baugh, Mr. R. H. Brown, of Morris, to Miss Alice Maud, youngest daughter of Robert Johnston, Esq. BOULTOS-LOCKHART.-At the residence of the bride's father, on December 26th, by Rev. P. Musgrave. Mr. Robert Aa -Boulton, of Moore - town, Ontario, to Miss Isabella F., youegest daughter ot Mr. George Lockhart, of the 5511 concession McKillop. JOHNSTONE-FAR QUHARSON.-At the residence of the bride's uncle, Robert McVety, Tucker smith. on i December 25th, by Rev. W. Smyth, Mr. Henry 11. Johnstone, of Grand Fork's, Da- kota, to Miss Annie Farquharson, Tuckersmith. SalITH-KEldP -At the residence of the bride's father, on December 25th, by Rev. J._Galloway, Mr. Wm. Smith. of Plympton, to Mise Martha Kemp, qf Seaforth. SUDDEN . McLENNAN At the residence of the bride's mother, on December 26th, by Rev. A. D. Maleonald, D. D., Mr. Robert James Sudden, of Dumfries, to Miss Margaret M. T. McLennan, of Seaforth. "DARE FOR SALE. -A 160 acre farm for sale, r miles from the Village of Brusseleabeing Lot 3, and east half of Lot 2, Concession 12, township of Grey ; 186 acres are cleared, 12 acres good hardwood bush. Thle farm, is well fenced, well underdrained, and in a good state of cultivation. On this farm are two houses, two good orchard's, two gond wells, good bank barn and other outbuildings. Will be sold to- gether or separately. For further particulars, apply od the premises. or•to JOHN, or AARON McFAD- DEN;Brussels P. 0. 1411x4 GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -For gale by tender, north halt of lot 27, conceselon 6, township of Morris, county of Huron, 100 acres ntore• or less, about 90 acres cleared, in good cultivation, nearly all in grass, 6 acres of fall wheat, good orchard, frame house, 24 by 36, frame bank barn, 56 by 81, part new and all new roofed, alto other outbuildings. Farm favorably situated 2 miles from Brussels. On the place is a profitable sand and gravel pit. Tendere will be received toe the undersigned, at Brussels P.O., up to January 10th, 1895. The lowest or any tender not necessarily aceepted. PO88088100 can be given ha Februery let, 1895, if deeired. Address JAMES MARTIN, or A. HUNTER, Brussele P. 0. 1411-2 • GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 16, Cott cession 8 McKillop, containing 100 acres, abou 80 acres cleared, free from stumps and well under - drained. There is • good frame house and bank barn, also 8 good bearing orchard and plenty of never fail- ing. water. There le a echool on the corner of the lot and it is also convenient to churches, post office,mills elre , and within seven miles of Seaforth. There are about 35 acres plowed and ready for crop, and 12 acres of fall wheat. Thie its one of the beet farms in the township and %till be sold cheap as the proprietor wishes to give alp farming. Apply on the premises or address, Winthrop P. 0. JAMES HORNEY. 1410x4 British Grain Trade. The Mark Lane Express, of London, -Eng- land, of the 24th inst., in its weekly review .of the grain traele, says: English wheats in the London market are down, 7d. In the country markets they have been little • 'hanged. - Foreign wheats have been steady. •Cargo, sales of California. wheats have been mane at 2.4s 9d, and of No. 2 red winter at '2.72s. Corn has been weak under the influ- ence of - the American new crop coroner in freely. Both flat and, round grain have 1.Teen r 6d, lower. Barley has been steady and oats depressed. To -day Eitglish wheats were weak; foreign wheats are firm. Flour is steady; with small sales, and corn, barley and oats are quiet. --The Governor-General and thei Countess -of Aberdeen are providing the pail to be used at tne funeral of the late Premier. Is is to be of white Irish poplin,- with en cross =covering the entire length, of solid gold. It is being worked by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. Her Excellency wffi sew on the Cross herself. -e-The farm house of James Brydon, on Portage Plains, Manitoba, was burned Fri- day, igniting While the parents were reading in the rooms- below and the children sleeping upstairs. Two children escaped, but a third, Rolland, aged -5 was burned to death. 'Mrs. Brydon was badly injured. The build- ing was a total loss. /Th 4 Xt.:TUTORS' -NOTICE.-Notice is hereby given jj that all parties having dein% against the estate of the late Henry Prang, in his life time. of the town- ship of Hay. in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 4th of September, 1893. must forward the same, properly attested, by registered letter, post paid, to the undersigned at Zurich Poet Office, on or before the fifteenth day of January, 1895, as the affairs of the said estate will then be wound up, and afrer which no claims will be recognized. JOHN PRANG, Executor. Zurich, December 19th,1894. 1410-4 CHOICE FARM LOT for SALE -Tenders will be received by the Executors of the late Charles Carter for the purchase of his farm -lot No. 34 of the first concession (Huron Road) Tuckersmithe The lot comprises 100 acres, except the portion occupied by She Grand Trunk Railway, all cleared but ecrht acres of good hardwood timber. Firet-clase soil, well watered, and quite unexhaueted, being almost all new land. Well suited for a grazing, fruit or grain farm. Outside fences good; no buildings. The lot is situ- ated on the main gravel road from Goderieh to Strat- ford, within two milee of Clinton, which hair an excel lent market, two railways, good sehoole. eto. Terme, one-half cash. balarce on time .to "suit purchaker. Tenders will.be reneived until January 15th, 1895. Address, R. RANSFORD, Executor, or 11 HALE, Agent, Clinton, Ont. • 1410.4 Deaths. rIARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -Composed of J' 100 acres half way between Clinton and Sea - forth. in the townehip of Mullett, two -and -a -half miles from Wilburn, itbout 40 rods from No. 1 'school house and one and a half miles from church. There is a good dwelling house, a barn 100 feet Jong, end other out buildings all in good repair. One well at the house and another at i he barn and five twee of good bearing orchard. There is five acres of fall wheat ons good suremer-fallow and looking well; there is 28 acres of fall ploeing done on the place and portion of feed enough to do any amount of stock. It is a fine roll ng farm, well drained and well adapted for crop'. Possession can be had at any time. For further particulars apply on premises. FRANCIS KETTLE, Seaforth P. 0. Ont. 1410 tf HENDERSON.-In Morrie, on December 18th, W it' Ilam Henderson', aged 71 years and 6 months. BRANT. -In East Wawanosh, on December 15th, Archibald Brant, aged 75 years. LINCOLN. -In Turnberry, on December 113th, John Lincoln, aged 65 years. HOCKEY. -In Stephen Townebip,on December 20511, at the residence of Mr. George Webber, Sr., (Devon) Henry Hockey, aged 91 years. BRICK AND TILE. Having begun the manufacture of brick and drain tile at Walton, I am prepared to supply the same, of tint class quality, to all requiring such. Cord- wood taken in exchange. 1411x4 ALLAN GEORGE. EIGHTEENTH .Annual Convention --OF- Dairymen's Association —OF— Western Ontario, at STRATFORD, ONT. ON n JAM,. 15th, 16th and 17th, 1895. UNRESERVF.D RALE OF FARM STOCK AND Ia1PLEMENTS.-James Jones has received in- strnotiene from Mr. Edward II. Hamiltote.to sell by Public Auction, on Lot 21, Concession 7. Township of Hibbert, on Wednesday, January 9th, 1895. the following: 1 aged mare, 1 span geldings, rising 4 years old heavy draught; 1 driver ; 3 COWS suppos- ed to be in calf to it thoroughbred bull, 1 farrow caw rising 4 years old, 2 fat cattle, 4 steers rising 2 years old, 4 spring calves; 8 well-bred ewes, 2 lambs,' rani, 9 hogeti nionthe old, 1;lertaxl row in, pig. 40 hene,e • Cotnei seeder and drill nearly new. 1 moWer with pea harvester attached, 1 Massey -Harris cultivator, new; 1 two -furrow gangplow nearly new, 2 walking plows 1 new, 1 set iron harrows, 1 grain crusher, 1 new wheelbarrow, 1 stoneboat. 1 Jump Seat buggy nearly new, 1 toad cart, 2 sets double harnese. 1 set single heroes's, 1 set bobsleighs nearly new, 1 smuttier, 1 (aroma saw, 2 hay knives, 1 sugar kettle, 2 sets of whiffietrees, 2 neokyokes, 1 grain cradle, 1 hay rack, I pick, 1 crowbar, 1 Htepladder, t farm bell and poet, 500 buehele of turnips, 100 bushels of mangolds, it quantity of hay, 1 dozen grain bags, 1 goat skin robe, a lot of spotted elephant potatoes, chains)forks shovels and other articles too numerous to mention; also a lot of household furniture, including 25 yards of carpet. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms. -All sums of S5 and under. cash; over that amount 11 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Six per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. As the subecriber bas rented his farm everything must be 'old. ED. H. HAMILTON, Proprietor, JAMES JONES, Auctioneer. 1411x2 Dr. McLellan, London, 234 Dundas Street, Specialist on the EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospltal, 18.89. Post Graduate Course at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital on the Eye, Era, Noee and Throat, 1892. Eyes Tested: FWI stock of Artifical Eyes, Spectacles and Lenses. Will be at the RATTENBURY HOUSE, CLINTON, ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1894. Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. rn. Chlrges Moderate. 1364x52 South Huron Agricultural Society. PRACTICAL ADDRESSES BY PRACTICAL MEN ON EVERY PHASE OF SUCJESSFUL • DAIRYING. For pamphlet programme, giving particulars, ad- dress J. W. WHEATON, Secretary, 861 RICHMOND STREET, - LONDON, ONT' 1411x3 SOUTH HURON Farmers' Institute. Meetinas of the South Huron. Farm- ers' InstitUte will be held as follows: BRUCEFIELD, DIXON'S HALL, TUESDAY, JAN. 8th. EXETER, TOWN HALL, Wednesday, JAN. 9. Each of the above ineetin„as -will com- mence at 10 o'clock a.m. These meetings will be addressed by the following among others :-Wm. Ronnie, Farm Manager, On- tario Acericultural College; A. McNeil, Windsor, an authority on fruit culture; Alfred Hunter, Harrow - smith, who repreeents the good Roads Assoolation of Ontario; D. A. Forester, Esq., Clinton ; M. Y. Mc- Lean, M. P. P.. South Huron, and others{ A cordial invitation is extended to all WI be present. An evening entertainment will be held at each place for which programmes will be issued by the - Local Contruittee. The armsl meeting of the members of the South Huron Agrieultural Society will be held in Dixon's Brucefield, on Wednesday, January 165h, 1895, at 1 o'clock p.m. A meeting of the Directors will be held on the same day and at the same place at 10 o'clock A.M. 1411-2 M. Y. McLEAN, Seeretary. Rodgerville - Cheese - Factory. A meeting of the Directors, Shareholders and Pa- trons of the Rodgerville Cheese Factory. will be held at the Factory on Wednesday, the 95h day of Janu- ary, 1896, meeting to commence at 11 o'clock a. m. All are specially requested to attend. 1111-2 JAMES MURRAY, Sec-Treas. 1411 R. Mc1VIORDIE, Secretary. XMAS PRISENTS. • LADIES who intend giving -their gentle- men friends a present at Christmas, will find some nice, new things in our stock of Furnishings. IN FURS -we have Caps, Collars and Cuffs, Mitts and Gloves in Seal, Otter. Beaver, Persian- Lamb, Nutria, Coon, and all the leading Furs. IN NECKWEAR -we have just received the very latest in Derby and Knot Ties, Scarfs in Silk and Cashmere at different prices and in a variety of shades and pat- terns. These were ordered specially for Christmas. • IN HANDKERCHIEFS -we have two sizes of those Japanese, hemstitched initial- ed ones; just the thing for a Christmas gift. 'Also a nice lot of plain white and fancy brocaded silks. IN SUSPENDERS -we have some beau- ties- in fancy silk and. satin, each pair in a separate box ready to mail to your friend. FOR OENTLEMEN - we will include With the above everything that is desirable in Underwear, Sox, Kid Mitts and Gloves lined or unlined, Dress Shirts open front or back, all styles and sizes of Collars and Cuffs, Flannel top shirts with or without collars, Umbrellas, Waterproof Coats ready- made or to order, Celluloid Collars in all sizes. SUITS AND OVERCOATS TO ORDER. Overcoatings in Beaver, Melton, Nap, Frieze and F,toffes Suitings in English, Irish and Scotch Worsteds, Serges and Tweeds, Canadian Serges, Worsteds and Tweeds in the newest shades and . patterns, Trouser- ings in all the fashionable shades and stripes. A few more pairs of those $4,50 ones left. You will always receive a welcome from DILL .& SPEARE, Seaforth. One Deor South of Expositor Office WOOD WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned, ad- dressed to Seaforth P. 0.! until February 255h. 1895. Von about 14 cords of 22 inch wood, to be delivered at the school in Section No. 2, McKillop. The wood to be green beeoh and maple, and to be deiivered before the end ot March, to be split into stove wood and piled. JOHN S. BROWN, Secretary. 1411x4 Patron Convention. A convention of the Patrons of Industry for the Riding of South Hu eon, will be held at Dixon's Hall; Brucefield, on Friday, January llth, 1895, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose Of selecting a candidate to represent the riding in the Dominion House of Commons. Each subordinate association to send three delegates. All patrons are cordially invited to be prevent., 1s111. J. GOVENLOCK, Secretary. Walton Union Cheese and Butter Factory Company. The annual meeting of the Shareholders and Pa- trons of the slow° Company will be held in Mr. Fish- er's Hall, Walton, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1895, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the transaction of general business. All are requested to attend. R. H. FERGUSON, Secretary. 1410 -td THOS. McFADZEN, President. Notice to Creditors. 4.4 e c. Stock -taking Sale AT WILLIAM PICKARD & CO.'S ON SA TURDA Y., DECEMBER 29th, We commence our Great Annual Stock -taking Sale, which will this time com- pletely out -do any previous attempt. We have had a good season's trade. Now the knife goes in deep, and we will place before the -public our immense stock of Tuckersmith Nominations. Notice is hereby given that l the anntial meeting for the nomination of oandi -fates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and Councillors for the town- ship of Tuckerismith, for the ensuing year, will be held at Dixcin's Hall; Brucefield, on Monday, Decem- ber 131s5, 1 94, at 12 o'clock, noon, end in case more than the neceseary number of candidates are pro- posed, and a poll demanded, polls will be opened on Monday, Janusry 75h, 1895, as follows: For Division No. 1 -at the residence of eatnuel McGeoch, in the village of Egmondville. Joseph Weber, Deputy Re- turning Officer. For Division No. 2 -at School House No 6; James Broadfoot, Deputy Returning Officer. For Division No. 3 -at School House No. 2; Alex. G. Smillie, Deputy Returning Officer. For Di- vision No. 4 -at Kyle's Hall; John Sinclair, Deputy Returning Officer, ALEN- G. SMILLIE, Returning Officer and Township Clerk. 1410-2 IN THE MATTER OF JOHN F. BULLARD, of the, VILLAGE OF WINTHROP, in the COUNTY of HURON, BLACKSMITH, DEBTOR. Notice is hereby -given that the said debtor has made an assignment of all his estate to me, the un- dersigned, John Common, the younger, in trust for the benefit of his creditors, under the provisions of Chapter 124 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario (1884) and amendments thereto. A meetieg of the Creditors et the said debtor will be hgld at the offioe of J. M. Best, Barrister, in the town of Seafortb, on Monday, December 24th, 1894,at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m.,for the purpoee of appoint - Inspectors and giving directions with reference to the disposal of the estate of the said debtor. JOHN COMMON, the younger, Becchwood P. 0., Trustee. J. X. Best, Seaforth, Solicitor for Trustee. Dated this 19511 day of December, 1894. 1410-2 •.7 Dry Goods and Clothing, Millinery and Fur Geods At such prices as will astonish everybody. Remember, this sale will last only until Stock -taking, which will soon be, and parties buying early will have a great choice. To any of our customers at a distance, we will mail samples of any line of goods. Just drop us a line for them, stating kind, WILLIS' SHOE STORE—ESSLISHED J881 CHRISTMAS BELLS—ma- Illen's and Ladies' Far Coats at Immense Discounts. Overcoats, 15 to 25 per cent. off. We have on hand about 200 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats in all sizes, in all kinds, itt all styles; all must go during this sale. Men's, Youth' and Boys' Suits, 15 to 25 per cent. off. Now in stock, over 6Q0 suits of splendid new goods in Men's, Youths' and Boys' sizes. Remember, every Suit will be sold at the above discounts dur- ing this sale. Ladies' Fur Goods, 25 per cent. off, All flit' goods, consisting of Muffs. Collareuees, Capes, Gloves and Mitts, Caps, -Boas, •Gau tlets, etc. All will be cleared at quarter off regular price. Will Soon be ringing merrily. What is more acceptable than something in the footwear line for a Xmas gift 'I Our store is filled with all the latest ideas in foot-, wear, suitable for the present sea- son. We are giving special bar - mins in all kinds of shoe wear to re celebrate Xmas week. Run your eye down this list, and come early too. Ladies' and Gents' Under- wear, 20 per cent. off. Ladies' Vests in all -wool and union, Ladies' Combination Suits, all wool; Ladies' Knitted Underskirts and. Cor- set Covers.; Men's Shirts and. Drawers in all -wool ancl union, ribbed OT plain knit, made in Canadian, English or Scotch lamb's wool—this lot will in- terest you; Ladies' and Gents' Winter Gloves, 15 per cent off. Ladies' Mantles, 30 per cent. off. Ladies' Mantles, Capes and Jackets, 30 per cent. off. .About two hundred garments remain in this department, Which we wish to clear out completely. Children's. and Misses' Long Coats and Ulsters in 'all sizes. About seven -tenths of these goods were bought at special - prices from manufacturers, and, as a consequence, you will get them at very low prices. Come in and look through. this department. Dress Goods, winter weights 25 per cent. off. Consisting of Heavy Diagonals, Cheviots, Serges, Tweeds, Box Cloths, Ladies' ClothMeltons. There is a rare snap in these goods, as the styles for Spring are of the Tweed. effect designs. Flannels, every kind, 20 per cent. off , CHRISTMAS Aismas-----GOODS AT Midsummer ' PRICES.— Santa Claus Buys most of his gifts from us. It draws trade—seel People come to buy presents, and are at once struck , with our large and well -assorted stock of useful gifts, suitable for house- holders, things -which the recipient e.annot eat and afterwards forget. This is our first and never to -be -for- gotten sale of Readyrnade Clothing, All -wool, union, Fancy Shirtings in scarlet, white, military. Canton in white and colors. Sheetings—home- made—grey and white. Druggets, etc., all at the above discount of 20 per cent. Millinery, 30 per cent. ,off. A large assortment yet to be found in this department. 411 lines of Woollen Hosiery 20 per cent. of. FANCY SLIPPERS FANCY MOCCASINS FELT SLIPPERS OVERSHOES OVERGAITERS OVERSTOCKINGS • CARPET SLIPPERS GERMAN SLIPPERS CARDIGAN OVERSHOES, etc., And a host of other things found in a first-class shoe store. Come with the crowd. cox, t‘oss =.? E--c--This Sale is genuine, and everything will be carried out to the very ietter that is here advertised. Men's Cloth Caps] 20 per cent. off. All Knitted Shawls 25 per cent. off. All Woollen Shawls 25 per cent. off. --CONSISTING OF— Men's and Youths' Suits, Overcoats, Odd Coat, Odd Pants, Odd Vests, Overalls, Smocks, Or anything in the Clothine line, at prices lowoffered er than any in the country. We proclaim this the most remarkable opportunity ever presented itt Seaforth. The sale of these pro- nounced bargains begine and 'ends in holiday season only. 112r SUITS MADE TO ORDER. McCOSH &JEFFERY, CARMICHAEL'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. DON'T you '<Novi It's only a couple of weeks to OHRISTMAS And you should know that there is nothing nicer for your friends than a Photo, and nothing cheaper, and you should know by this tirne there is no place in the country where you will. get tisl good satisfaction as at, the old Reliable Ground -Floor Gallery. I" also have a large ort - went of small easel frames for Cabinet photos and every kind of frames for all ef pictures. Call and see them. Pictures in steel;Arto- , type colored Engravings; Im- mitation pastel Chromos, etc, 10c and 121-c Prints for 61.c and 8c per yard. 300 pair of Meres Pants to be sold at $1 per pair. Mantle Clotit,Coat- ings and Ulsterings, 25 per cent. discount. Cheaper Inv Cheapest. We are better prepared than ever to make the public large family photos. Don't neglect to have a family group taken when all are home for Chris' tmas. All work made on the dullest days be- tween the hours of 9 it. m. and 4 p. The days are short, COIlle early. 1 ani sh*ng nice samples of Crayon Por- traits, see. them before ordering. I malre every kind of pietures known to the trade. 10. a u -s I a ugh s, THE RELIABLE PHOTOGRAPHER, sm.A.Poitausr,. All other lines throughout, our entire store, from cellar to garret, 10 Iper cent. off. The whole stock of over Forty Thousand D liars Worth of Goods Subject to re;ur Approval a WM. PIC KARD & 00.'S, CORNER MAIN AND MARKET STREETS. The Store that is always busy 1403 1\TOT THE CANADA BUSINESS cOLLECf • Chatham, Ont: Is still far in advance of its competitors in thorough work, and getting its students placed in choice- posi- tions.. A. E. Yates, from Washington, itichigen, graduate of Shorthand Department, has been placed by us as stenogrepher with Col. Hadley, New York -063a David Walker, graduate of Busineks Department, (a former teacher) has secured an excellent position with a firm in Defiance, Ohio. Fug pa- ticulare not yet to hand. One of these receives 430, and the other 865 per month. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. School will reopen after Christmas vacation on Wednesday, January 2nd. For further particulars and_catalogue, addrees D. McLACHLA.N, Chatham. 1408-2 For a Xmas Gift, Your Photo Is by far the most seceptoble thing you can give your friends, and one dozen of my extra holiday finiebed photos, at regular price, including a Handsome present In the shape of a beauMful " ARISTO-PLATLNO" Photo, (latest thivg in photography) -is the best in- vestment you ean snake. Call at THE STUDIO, SCOTT'S BLOCK, And see the above and many other photo novel- ties for the holidays. Wm. D. TROTT. A REALLY PRETTY PICTURE FRAME FOR 20 CENTS. Studio will be opened on Christmas and New Year days. THE ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Tuckerstnith Branch Agricultural Society, will be held at the Commercial, Hotel, on Thursday, January 10th, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m. 1410-2 THOS. E. HAYS, Searotary. • • •`1 2 1-1 ti